by Mythos
A tale of love or lechery between a fair princess and her voyeuristic fool in the lost lands of the thrice-tenth kingdom.
You must be 18 years or older to read this story. It contains strong to extreme sexual contentstrong to extreme sexual content, depending on your story choices, though no characters under the age of 18 are ever portrayed in sexual scenarios, regardless of how you play.
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Before continuing on, you return home and peruse your belongings.
Ambrosia, as supplied to you by the Simori temple for your help at the pillory.
Nimic Brooch, which you found sold in the cove. It once belonged to a Nimic nun.
Cane, that the old man in the vagrant town no longer needs after you cured him.
Potion of Charity, that Lanx made for you to use against the sorceress.
Failed Potion, stolen from the sorceress's lab. It's apparently only good for killing.
Pirate Cove Emblem, swiped from the old man on the beach. It's needed to enter the slaver's cove.
Box of Food, given generously to you by a Simori sister.
Alchemical fortifiers, which reinforce one's immune system. You're supposed to deliver this to Captain Bellamy aboard the Pincoy. He'll be docked at the cove wharf.
Questionable Hypno Powder, which you keep hidden on your person.but the vial is empty. ( doses)
Bottles, of which you have many. They're alchemically treated to preserve whatever they contain.
Jar of Akkoro Cum, which smells very salty.
Jar of Horse Cum, which is quite runny. Lanx wants this to perform alchemy.
Jewel of Zaratan, and with it, control of the Leviathan. Damien at the Siren's Bounty will take you home if you trade this to him.
Lilac Flower, a floral symbol of charity, forgiveness, and purity.
Lime Blossom, a floral symbol of lustiness.
Potion of Lust, which might be helpful against the sorceress.
Lyre, which Euna carries, because she's the only one with modicum of grace around here.
Mercury of Nezurite, a rare alchemical ingredient that can be used to transmute the mind.
Akkoro slime, all natural. Works well as a lubricant, if you don't mind the slight fishy smell.
Daywither Slime, no animal byproducts. Works as a lubricant, but has an odd sweet smell which attracts insects.
Runic Pestle, of polished wood and archaic etchings. It's blatantly phallic, and even has a crown and a ridge.
Shaving Razor, lent by Lanx. Alchemically treated so anything shaved by this doesn't grow back.
Geologist's Pick, lent by Lanx. Carves through stone and rock as though it were soft clay.
Agnodine, an alchemical muscle relaxant for cervical penetration.
Drunk Remedy, for sobering up and preventing hangovers, but puts the drunk right to sleep too.
Hemp Rope, taken from the skeleton of a mountain explorer.
Bottle of Rum, a gift from Shirina for entertaining the children. Perhaps it can be re-gifted.
Simori Holy Book, This comes with a free holy symbol.
Bottle of Red Rosemary, though who knows what it's for. Lanx and Fira wanted this.
Lissom Roborant, used by acrobats to improve flexibility for their acts, and by Euna for other reasons.
Apothecary Thimble, which Lanx lent you to collect measured samples of bodily fluids. Here's what you have so far.
- Blood Sample
- Cum Sample
- Milk Sample
- Female Ejaculate Sample
- Saliva Sample
- Urine Sample
- Feces Sample
- Vomit Sample
"Why not?" she says. "We haven't the mortar to go with it, but I'm sure we'll find some use for this thing. Hmm?" Euna gives you a suggestive glance as she takes it from you.
She stashes it into your pack. "Let's, get moving, shall we?"
"I agree," Euna says. "And I think I know just where to put it."
"Very well. If you think that's best. Allow me."
"Are you daft?" she asks. "Why would we keep such a horrid thing? It's a product of idol worshippers used in Lord-knows-what practices. And those runes speak of old magics. It could be dangerous."
"I hardly think so."
"Well, I hardly think it's worth risk keeping it around. Give it here. I know just where we should put it."
With her finger and thumb, she plucks it up by the ring as though holding smelly laundry.She takes it by the handle. At the south precipice of the camp site, she makes a wide underhanded toss and sends the tool soaring from the mountain. There come a few faint knocks as it bounces against stone, and then nothing.
She comes back wiping her hands. "There. Now let's get going."
"You're just saying that because you're a pervert."
"You still look good though. Your legs are too attractive to be hidden."
"To you, perhaps. But you're no stranger to showing your calfs... and other parts. However, I feel rather exposed."
"You shouldn't. You have lovely legs."
Your comment makes her blush. "I'm just doing this to be practical," she says, but then she gives a quick twirl. Her skirt fans out, and you get a glance of her thighs.
"That's what I was thinking. My petticoat was catching on every piece of bramble before. Not to mention the heat."
She takes a few more strides, testing how well she can walk now. It seems to satisfy her.
Sitting down, she put her calf-length boots on. They're plainly visible now.
Fully dressed, Euna looks herself over. Her attention comes to her billowy chemise sleeves which come down to her wrists. "These look a little strange now, don't they?" Taking up the stone, she tries to cut at the chemise by her shoulder. It's awkward work.
"Would you help me?"
"Sure." You take the stone. "Where do you want me to cut?"
"Right here." She points at a seem near her neck. You carefully carve away at the chemise, leaving only a thin strap of silk passing over her shoulder. You do the same to the other sleeve.
"There we go," she says, picking away loose threads. "I'm all set for the weather."
You look over her exposed arms and calves.
She smirks. "Watch your eyes, Fool."
"It's hard not to stare, Your Highness."
"Shame on you." She chides, then nods towards the fire pit. Food has been laid out. "I've made you breakfast. Eat, and we'll head out."
"No bath for you today?"
"I bathed before you got up, knave. You sleep so much. Now eat."
"There we go," she says, "I'm all set for the weather."
"Almost." You pick away loose threads long the straps. Your fingers run along her shoulders and close to her breasts. Euna's eyes are on you as you work.
"There," you say. "All set."
Euna looks herself over and nods in approval. "You missed your calling as a lady in waiting."
"I'm far too misbehaved for that."
"I wouldn't be so sure." She nods toward the fire pit. "I've put out breakfast. Eat, and then we'll head out."
"No bath for you today?"
"I bathed before you got up. You sleep so much. Now eat."
When you awake, Euna is already up and about. She's cleaning pots and pans, boiling linens, and hanging clothes out to dry. The site looks much improved.
She notices you as you approach.
"Life here is going to be so much better," she says. She removes a tarnished and dented kettle. "I can finally make some tea. Tonight we'll be able to eat with proper cutlery. So much of Lanx's junk is perfectly good. I wish we could go back for more."
"Right now?"
"No. I suppose not. We have enough for now, and we have much else to do." Setting down the kettle, she indicates to your breakfast. "Eat."
"Very well," you say.
You awake upon your bedding near the alcove. The pillows and reed-stuffed sheets are lumpy, and they have a funny smell, but they're certainly better than rock.
Euna is about further fixing up collected junk. When you approach, she puts her work down and points to a plate set by the fire pit. "Your breakfast is ready. There is no rush."
"Thank you."
"I'll finish later." Euna puts the book away. "I was only reading until you got up. Your breakfast is on the tableby the fire."
As usual, Euna is already bustling about when you awake. When you come over, she leans toward you for a kiss. You oblige.She acknowledges you with a nod.
In the morning, Euna is up before you and sweeping the apartment floor with a broom she must have borrowed from a neighbor. She's just now sweeping the last of the dust out the door.
In the morning, Euna is up before you and cleaning out the fire pit.
You awake just as Euna returns from the market with a basket of everyday supplies.
You awake to find Euna by the fire making minor repairs to her clothing.
Come morning, you wake to hear Euna chatting with someone in the hall. Sounds like a woman. By the time you're roused, she returns.
Come morning, Euna is bustling about fixing junk procured from Lanx and Fira.
"Good morning," she says.
"Good morning."
She motions to food sitting by the fire. "Enjoy your breakfast."
"Good morning," she says. "Your breakfast is on the table."
"Good morning," she says. "Your breakfast is by the fire pit."
"Sleep well?" she asks.
"Well enough."
"Good morning, Your Highness," you say.
"Your breakfast is there." she nods toward a plate with the remains of yesterday's dinner. While you eat, Euna makes simple chatter with you.
You awaken when something presses down upon your face. Euna smiling down at you, and she is entirely nude. Her crotchmuff is pressed against your mouth. By kneeling to either side of your head, she has locked you in place with her thighs.
"Good morning," she says in a sing-song voice. "You sleep so late, you know that? I've been up for nearly an hour. I rather got into a mood, and... well. It was time for you to wake up anyway."
She grinds against your lips. Her sex is damp. "Use your tongue," she says. You work your tongue and lips along her slit. She sighs contentedly. She props back on her arms and enjoys the attention. She grinds against your face, but mostly, she lets you do all the work.
"I've been thinking about the story you told me about my mother," she says, "about how she takes what she wants. I've decided to follow in my mother's footstep and become a true mistress who embraces her sexuality. I am a tsarivna after all."
She leans forward and caresses your hair. "This means that I will be taking on my proper roll in our relationship. After all, it is you who used to hide outside my bedroom for a chance to glimpse my beauty. It is you who are just a subject of my father's court—which may one day be my court. So it's time you showed proper obedience. But don't worry. It is my desire for you to continue broadening my horizons, so I will still follow your lead. Sexually, you are still the master and I am but your apprentice."
She leans forward and caresses your hair. "This means that I will be taking on my proper roll in our relationship. After all, it is you used to rifle through my clothes so that you might imitate me. It is you who served as a lustful little performer in my father's court—which may one day be my court. So it's time you showed proper obedience, but don't worry. I know that you are still my superior in one way: you are a more experienced harlot, so sexually, you will remain the mistress and I am but your apprentice."
Sitting up, Euna swivels around and sits her crotch back upon your mouth, except now she's facing down your body. "Luckily for you, it is also my desire to see you squirm with pleasure." With that, she tosses aside the sheets, bends over, and takes your hardening cock into her mouth.
Soon after, her thighs squeeze your head. Her muscles shudder, and she moans lustfully. At the height of her pleasure, she neglects your cock, but after coming down, she lifts herself off your mouth and focuses solely upon sucking you off while her drooling snatch is just inches above your face. Your climax follows soon, and she swallows every drop.
Sitting up, Euna swivels around and sits her crotch back upon your mouth, except now she's facing down your body. "Luckily for you, I plant to be a generous mistress." With that, she tosses aside the sheets, bends over, and buries her face in your snatch.
Her tongue works wonders, but soon her thighs squeeze your head. Her muscles shudder. And now it's all about her pleasure. She doesn't let you stop until your tongue causes her toes to curl and her chest to heave.
Afterward, she stands. One foot is on either side of your head, giving you an intimate view of her from beneath. Her eyes are on you. "Any questions?"
"No," you say.
"Good," she draws your attention to a dish of food she's left out. "Eat your breakfast."
You awake to the smell of breakfast. Euna is sitting just outside on the dock walkway, where early-risers are already getting to work. There's no one about right now, or they'd see herover by the edge of the camp facing the precipice overlooking the valley. She's nude, her legs spread in a "V" before her, and she's leaning forward, eyes closed and relaxing into the stretch.
You find the breakfast she laid out for you. "Morning stretches?"
"Morning stretches," she agrees. "Evening stretches. Maybe even afternoon stretches too. I'll have to make this a committed practice if I plan to become more supple. I can hardly touch my toes as it is right now." She shifts to stretch sideways toward one foot, and she breathes into the stretch.
"So you're taking Fira's tonic?"
"Started this morning. I don't suppose you'd like to take it too, would you?"
"I'm limber enough, thank you. Make sure you don't overdo it. There's no need to become a contortionist. That's a lot of work."
She switches legs. "Oh, don't worry. I haven't any illusions of joining the circus. My interests are simply to improve my own body and to be more versatile."
"Versatile at what?"
Her eyes dance. "Oh... This and that. Surely I engage in some activities where being limber is helpful. Please, enjoy your breakfast."
You start on your food. Euna finishes with her stretch and rolls to face you. This entire time, she's had the pestle and and a couple cooking spoons buried in her pussy all throughout her stretches. She slides everything out, feels the gape left behind, and then flexes her core to tighten back up.
"...Morning stretches?" you ask.
"Sticking around to clean wasn't the only thing Fira made me promise yesterday," Euna says. "She said she'd only give me her bottle of Lissom Roborant if I committed to a regiment of very peculiar exercises."
"And of course that promise is the only reason you're doing this," you say. "The thought of cramming bigger and bigger items into yourself never crossed your mind while you were watching those acrobats."
"Of course not." Euna bats her eyes innocently. "I'm a good girl."
"That's because unlike you, I'm responsible. Do you want to help me care for a wailing babe out here in Lord-knows-where?"
"Did you think you were persuading me last night?" she asks wryly. "That I hadn't made up my mind a while ago?"
"Of course not."
"Anyway, your breakfast is ready."
"One of us has to be responsible," Euna replies. "Quite frankly, I'm surprised you don't already have children to call your own."
"Who says I don't?" you ask. "I could have a dozen for all you know."
"Hmm, and I'm sure every one of them would be a delinquent hussies just like you. Anyway, your breakfast is ready."
"I have to be seeing as how I'm the one sleeping with men," Euna replies. "Perhaps you have the right idea staying away from them. Anyway, your breakfast is ready."
You awaken from vague sex dreams only to discover your blankets tossed aside. Euna is kneeling beside you, bobbing her mouth up and down upon your morning erection. Without pausing, she beams at you. She's completely naked, on her knees, with her bare ass sticking in the air.
"Er, good morning," you say.
Euna switches from using her mouth to using her hands. "Good morning. I hope you don't mind that I woke you."
You awaken from vague sex dreams only to find that your blanket has been tossed aside. Euna is curled up between your legs, completely naked, and gently lapping at your snatch like a kitten.
"This is a pleasant surprise," you say.
Euna nuzzles her face against your slit. "Good morning. I hope I'm not bothering you."
"Not at all."
"I've been thinking about the story you told about my mother. She was the beloved jewel of Ruthgar, yet behind closed doors, she would be on her knees performing whatever degrading acts my father ordered of her... It gets me bothered just thinking about it."
"A good kind of bothered?"
She nods.
"And why are you telling me this?"
"Ever since we got stranded here, you've taught me the carnal ways. You've been my master, and I your slave. It's a perversion of our roles, and... and I don't ever want it to stop! I love when you push my boundaries, and take control. It enflames me so. Have I taken leave of my senses?"
"No. It sounds like you're finally discovering what you want."
"And I want to take it further. Sexually, I mean. I want to follow in my mother's ways. Can you... I don't even know what I'm asking."
"Can I dominate you?"
"Can I treat you like a piece of property?"
"Can I treat you as a sex-slave meant only for my pleasure? To order as I please? To use however I wish? To think nothing of your satisfaction as I use your body as a piece of meat to satisfy my urges?"To debase you until you're just as much of a wanton harlot like me? No, until you're worse. Until you're nothing more than my personal hopeless slut?
"Then I will," you say. "From here on forth. You are my sexual property. Even if we should return home, and you take the throne, and I obey your rule as tsaritsa, you will still be mine in the bed."but I will always be your mistress in sex."
"I accept!"
"Then it's done."
"Then please tell me. What do you want to do with your property now?"
"I want it to finish what it started."
She refastens her lips about your tool and sucks renewed vigor. When you grow near, you guide her to sit down upon your cock. She's sopping wet. Euna bounces on you for less than a minute before you fill her with cum. Euna didn't come close to an orgasm for herself, but she's glowing with pleasure.
"Please me with your tongue."
Euna refocuses upon your slit, only now she bears down, alternating between tonguing your folds and teasing your clit. You fold your legs over her back and ride this experience until you're bucking. Just as you're becoming over-sensitive in your post-orgasmic bliss, she pulls away.
"Is there anything this sex-slave can do for you?" she asks. "Perhaps breakfast?"
"Yes. Breakfast."
She bounds off your cock and hurries to the table, bearing foods she must have picked up at the the firepit. She cooked quite a meal while you slept. Returning with a plate of food, she hands it over and kneels beside you until you've finished. "Have I pleased you?"
"I am quite pleased, yes."
She beams. "Good. Please take your time."
You wake up to find Euna has set out a breakfast for you, and she's outside on the deserted walkwayby the altar performing stretches in the sun. She performs stunts such as pulling one leg behind her back and over her shoulder, or performing a full split and stretching forward to press her belly to the ground, her rump jutting back. It's a teasing sight, especially given her utter lack of clothing.
You head over after eating. "You're coming along."
She lights up. "Aren't I, though? I swear I'm already as good an acrobat. I might even be more limber than you by now."
"Is that so?"
"Watch this." Euna rolls onto her belly. Reaching back, she snags her ankles, and struggling, she's able to fold at her back such that her legs come up like a scorpion's tail and eventually plant to either side of her head. Her back-bend has contorted her body to form a ring. She holds the pose a moment, then releases.
"Impressive, hmm?" She rolls over to look at you.
Meanwhile, you're hinged forward so much at the waist that your head is between your legs. Your arms are able to come clean through and hook around your knees, and you're turned around so you can peer at her from upside down.
Meanwhile, you have bent backwards so much you're practically rolled up like a scroll. You've not only managed to place your forearms on the ground, but you've coiled around enough so that your head is between your legs, and you're peering at her.
"I'm sorry, Your Highness," you say, "but I couldn't hear you with my thighs over my ears."
Euna sticks her tongue out. "Show-off."
You release your pose. "You're the one who made it a challenge."
"How are you still so much more flexible than I am? I've been stretching every day, and I'm still taking Lissom Roborant."
"I was in the circus as a child. I was taking Lissom Roborant before I even had tits my balls had dropped. Give it time."
She grumbles. "I have been, but I feel like I'm not improving anymore. I've been taking twice as much Lissom Roborant as Lanx suggested."
"Twice as much? Why are you so anxious to be more flexible?"
She chews her lip and looks away.
"Ah. This isn't about flexibility," you say. "It's about your pliability."
"I... yes."
"Maybe Lanx and Fira will have some alchemy that can help. If not, then I'll just start forcing your holes wider myself. I'll stretch you out past whatever limits you have."
Her eyes widen. "I don't know... That sounds like a little much."
"Oh, it will be," you agree. "I guarantee it. I've already decided that your womb is forfeit. It's just another hole to be abused and exhausted. I'm not going to stop until your body is a ruined sleeve.So let's hope we can get some strong alchemy so we can do this without ruining your womb, because I'm going to do this anyway.
"If that is your wish. I... I leave myself in your hands."
"I'll talk with Lanx and Fira soon. I'm sure they'll have something."
"Very well."
"You're already stretching out your own womb. Why go farther?"
"You really need me to say it?"
"Because I want to. Because there is nothing more delicious that filling myself with the biggest cocks I can find. To me, my body is nothing more than a sleeve to be filled, and I intend to fill it more and more."
"To no end?"
"To no end. I've decided my body is only fit for degenerate sex. That means my cunt, my ass, and my womb is meant to be violated and stuffed to the absolute extreme. It makes me wet just imagining ruining my possibility for motherhood for no sake other than for depravity."
"To no end. I want to experience the extremes of degenerate sex. So I will need alchemy if I'm going to go farther without ruining my womb."
"Maybe we can make bearing children a part of the depravity."
"Oh! Do you think that's possible? I love the idea of whoring myself on those docks with my belly swollen with child. I'll still be stretching my poor ass and pussy past its limit."
"I'm sure Lanx and Fira can help. I know the Warped Ones resorted to more extreme changes than just Lissom Roborant and Agnodine."
"Good, then yes, let's talk with the alchemists."
When you wake up. Euna is still gone. It's not until noon that numerous catcalls and whistles outside signal her return. She darts in the door completely naked. Her hair is a cum encrusted. Her pussy looks irritated. Hickies and dried-cum cover her breasts.
She collapses onto the bed, exhausted. "There were a lot more men than he led me to believe. And only us three girls."
"You three were the life of the party, huh?"
"No. I was the life of the party. Those girls hardly carried their weight. I really should have been paid a lot more for that. But alas, I'll just catch up on sleep tonight."
"At first, but then the other girls got tired and left, but they wouldn't let me leave..."
"You survived. You should get ready. We've wasted enough time today."
Come morning, Euna is still gone, so you get breakfast at the market. As you eat, whistles and catcalls signal outside her return. She stumbles in the door naked and disheveled. A dried run of cum lines the inside of her thighs.
"Busy night?" you asked.
"They kept waking me up for more."
"And did they pump you full like they promised?"
"Yes," she says. "They made me hold it in."
You hand her a bowl. "Well let's see how much?"
She fetches a bowl. "Let's see."
Euna squats over the bowl and pushes. Along with several belches of air—pumped into her over the night—her ass spews a torrent of brown-tinged cum. It's enough to make a pool in the bowl.
"And now," she says. "I'm going to enjoy my breakfast."
"And now you get breakfast," you say.
She gazes down at it and chews her lip. "I suppose I do."
To be extra perverted about it, Euna eats the mess of cum on her hands and knees, lapping like a dog for all the dock workers passing outside to see. She's thorough, even squeezing out a little more, but eventually she's licked her bowl clean. Breakfast is done.
"Satisfied?" she asks.
In the morning, the three men are still there.
Two chat at the table. The third is still plowing Euna's ass. Tits wobbling. Breath ragged. She hasn't moved, and there's a pool of cum on the mattress beneath her rump. Everyone is sweaty, especially her.
"All right, boys," she says. "He's up. It's time for you all to go now."
"All right, everyone," you say. "I think you've had your fills."
No one disagrees. The last man finishes up. Everyone dresses and leaves. Euna rolls over and tenderly prods her inflamed and cum-belching ass.
"They fucked your ass all night?"
"All night..." she mutters. "Oh Lord. And I was sore after the third time. Another night without sleep, I suppose."
Come morning, Euna is still not back. You search the hallway.
A man is in the communal privy. Breeches down, he's sitting on one of the two holes in the bench over the two pots.
...except the pots aren't under there. Euna is. And her mouth is situated right under the man, chewing and swallowing the sticky rope of shit slithering from his ass.
You approach after he's gone. Euna is chewing the last of it. Brown stains cover her lips and chin. She's lying such that her crotch is under the second hole. A thick mat of dried shit cakes her groin. Her equally shit-caked hand plays with her mud-pie pussy.
"Care to use the privy?" she asks. "My mouth is more popular."
"Is it finally dawn?" she asks.
"Yeah, but you've got one last customer."
You opt to use the second hole, so you can talk to her. After you push out your morning load, she mashes the mass against her sex, pressing it into herself.
"You were here all night?" you ask.
"You seemed disappointed in me last night. And then I saw that all the other whores' johns were coming out to use the pots. I thought I might make it up to you somehow."
"By doing this?"
"Are you pleased?"
"I am."
"Then it was worth it." She scoots out from under the bench. "Don't worry. I'll clean up quickly, and then we can go."
"I figured why should the other whores get all the tricks? All their johns would probably come out here after fucking them."
"This is a lot, even for you."
"I know." She scoots out from under and replaces the pots. "I won't be making a habit of it, but it was an interesting night. I'll clean up, and then we can go. I don't need breakfast."
When you wake up, Euna isn't there, but she's not hard to find.
She's at the corner of the two boardwalk avenues outside your house, and she's kneeling naked. Her hair is soaked and heavy. Her wet tits glisten in the morning light. As you watch, she shares words with a passing dockworker, who lowers his breeches, takes aim, and pisses in her mouth. Much of it spills down her tits.
You approach after he's gone. "You're still out here?"
"That man from the night before paid me extra to stay out here and be a piss pot until dawn."
"And you kept going after he left?"
"...because I'm a woman of my word." She hold her mouth open. "Care to be my last customer?"
"...because he said he'd be across the cove watching, and he'd come back if I stopped."
"Ah, then better put on a good show. Open up."
You fish out your dick and take aim. lift up your skirt and scooch your groin against her mouth. Euna lets your piss flow down her throat, until youtries her best to swallow, but much overflows down her front, and then you aim your stream about, soaking her face, her hair and her front. Euna relents and lets you bathe her.Euna basks under your shower, massaging your piss into her breasts and scrubbing it between her legs.
After, she flicks off what piss she can from her body and wrings out her hair. "Time to get our day started. I'll just get dressed."
When you wake, Euna is still in bed. She's sprawled above the covers nude, and her belly is obscenely stretched as though pregnant a dozen times over. Oddly, a pillow is crammed halfway into her pussy.
Though sleeping, a sheen of sweat covers her forehead. She wakes easily when you land on the floor.
"You're finally up." Her breath is labored.
"What's happening with your belly?"
"Let me show you. I've been holding it in all night for you." With her feet, Euna pinches the pillow and pulls it out of her gaping sex.
"They left me like this. Please. Unplug me."
You pull the pillow out of her gaping sex.
Then she bears down. A hard, brown, fibrous nut nearly the size of your head exudes out of her and rolls off the mattress. It glistens with her secretions.
"They left them?" you ask.
"I guess... they didn't want them back... Hrrgh." She bears down. Another rolls out.
"How many did they fit?"
"All of them," she breathes.
And all of them have to come out. In the end, Euna is the exhausted mother of fourteen "coconuts", plus two more she pushes out of her ass with great effort.
"I guess we can eat these for breakfast," you say.
"Enjoy them," she's gasping, "but I'm going to rest." She spends much of the morning in bed letting her hole and belly recuperate, until she finally has her strength back.
Euna still isn't back when you wake up, but it doesn't take long to find her. She's on the dock outside your building, impaled on the mooring pylon as thick as her thigh. Her belly and pelvis look deformed, and her pussy lips are stretched obscenely. She's drowsy, hardly aware of the gawking men.
You have to shake her awake. "Were you here all night?"
"I couldn't... get off." She gets her legs under her and pushes herself up. The pylon is too long to fully slide out of her. Exhausted, she sinks back down. It slides all the way back into her deformed pussy. "I need help..."
Squatting, you hook an arm under both her knees, and then squeeze her in a hug. She wraps her arms about you. Lifting with your legs, you lift her off the post, and she falls limp into your embrace. All around, sailors applaud.
You carry her inside and toss her on the bed. Her pussy is deflated mess. Her labia lifts like a tent flap, and you can reach deep inside. "Right into your womb, huh?"
She nods, exhausted. "He wanted me to fuck the post, and I let him pull me down with his weight. I should have... let him pull me off, but I wanted to see if I could climax."
"Did you?"
"Only after he'd left."
She nods, exhausted. "He made me fuck the post. And then he yanked me down upon it with all his weight."
"And then you were stuck..."
"...and he left."
It takes her a long nap to tighten back up and regains some strength.
When you awake, Euna is not in bed as usual. Instead, she's standing naked up against a post beneath the loft. Her hands are tied overhead to a support strut, and several nails are driven through her tits and into the post, leaving her fixed in place. One each pierce her nipples, but longer ones dig deep through the bulk of her tit flesh, leaving her globes deformed against the wood. Blood has run down the post to the floor below.
Euna is shivering in sweat and struggling to breathe. Every breath pulls at her fixed tits.
"Care to release me?" she whispers.
"Help. Please," she begs.
Getting the nails out takes a long while, and restarts much of the bleeding.
Afterward, she tends to her swollen and punctured breasts. "Lord, he was such a sadist," she mutters. "When he fucked me from behind afterward, I felt something tear."
"Take some ambrosia and walk it off. You'll be fine."
"Yes, of course,"
"Will you be all right?" you ask.
"I'll need to take some ambrosia, and we'll see. Ruined tits are part of a pain slut's life."
After treating herself, Euna gets food from the market and gets breakfast going.
When you awake, Euna is not present, though she left some food out for you, along with a few coins. It seems she's taken some funds. Shortly, she emerges from the apartment hall.
"You paid up the rent?" you ask.
"We are paid for another week." Euna sits with you for a while as you eat your breakfast.
"Hmm." Euna takes the razor and eyes it speculatively. "Are you suggesting I should shave my nest?"
"I am."
"...perhaps I will, though I have never shaved before in my life. I'm not sure what to do." She offers the razor to you. "But you do, don't you?"
"Of course I do." You take the razor.
"I've never shaved it before in my life. I'm not even sure what to do."
"I do, if you want me to show you."
Her eyebrows go up. "You?"
"You don't think a tramp like me is experienced with making her assets presentable? Just because I have a man's equipment doesn't mean I've never trimmed.
"Do you think I wore those scandalous leotards back home without shaving? My own bird's nest would have been sticking out the sides."
"Hmm. A good point."
She motions for you to come with her to the common washroom down the hall. No one is there today, giving you two some privacy. Euna strips down and sits demurely on the edge of a wooden washbasin.
She motions for you to come with her to the river. Once there, she strips down and sits demurely upon a rock in the river's middle.
When you kneel before her, she shyly spreads her legs. "You will be careful, won't you?"
Euna holds her breath as you slide the blade along her labia. With the utmost care, you trim down her pubic mound, taking away clumps of hair. The blade acts no differently than any well-sharpened razor, though as Lanx said, it needs only water to slide smoothly.
"Turn over," you say.
She does so, and bends to present herself to you. You shave away the little hairs lining her anus, and then scan around, nicking away any errant hairs.
You start with yourself. Stripping naked, you splash water on your own pubic mound. Even after months as prisoner aboard the ship, it's fairly modest bush. The blade acts no differently from any well-sharpened razor. As Lanx said, it needs only water to slide smoothly.
Soon, you're hairless from navel to rose. It's her turn now. When you kneel before her, she shyly spreads her legs. "You will be careful, won't you?"
Euna holds her breath as you slide the blade along her labia. With the utmost care, you trim down her pubic mound, taking away clumps of hair.
"Turn over," you say.
She does so, and bends to present herself. You shave away the little hairs lining her anus, just as you did for yourself, and then scan around, nicking away any errant hairs.
"All done."
Euna rubs the lips of her vagina. She splashes water on herself, then feels lower down along the cleft of her rear. She cranes to look.
"What do you think?" you ask.
"It feels very strange." She slides a finger into herself, then circles it along her vulva. "It will take getting use to, but I think I like it." She raises her arms above her head, showing the dainty tufts under her arms. "Might as well do everything. That seems to be the style around here."
You perform the same careful task for each of her underarms. Afterward, Euna bathes, and you two set out for the day.
You perform the same careful task for each of her underarms, and after, you do the same for yourself. Then once you've both bathed, you two set out for the day.
Euna surveys herself. "I'll go another day without bathing to prove I'm not a prude." She sits with you. "Honestly, I've been messier than this at the convent."
She rises. "Now if it's all right with you, I think I should bathe."
"It's not all right with me," you say. "You only bathe when I tell you to."
"And I'm happy to obey, but you've been pushing me to sleepflirt with other people. They will notice. You might enjoy my filthy wallowing, but you can hardly expect them to as well."
"All you really that filthy?"
She rises. "Now if you'll excuse me, I think for once I should bathe."
"Bathe? What happened to this newfound freedom from obsessive cleanliness you earned?"
"Worry not. I'm still a dirty trollop, and I embrace the grime for you, but now that I'm sleeping withbut I do occasionally flirt with other people, they will notice, and I can hardly expect them to indulge in this filthy fetish like you do."
"Surely you're not that filthy."
"Shall I tally off the ways my hygiene has become even more atrocious?"
"Please do."
"Now," Euna rises. "I think I must go bathe."
"I really must. I itch, and just look at me. It's all fine when it's just about you and me, but I'm sleeping with other people now. They will care."
"And you think you need to bathe for them?"
"Yes. Shall I recount just how much worse I've become since we last had this conversation?"
"Go ahead. I'd love to hear the ways you're filthy."
She rises. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to bathe."
"What happened to proving you didn't need baths."
"Surely I've demonstrated by now that I'm no longer obsessed with cleanliness. I reek. Thoroughly."
"Now would be the time you'd actually prove it. Keep going."
"I'm not bathing for my benefit, but for yours."
"Mine?" you ask.
"I'm an absolute mess. You don't want to be around me."
"You're fine just the way you are."
Euna hesitates. "I know I said I wouldn't bring the matter back up, but perhaps I go clean?"
"I didn't order you to."
"I know, and I'm happy to obey. I am your filth whore, and it's my place to be a toilet for whomever you want. My body is yours to pollute..."
"But the men you sell me to complain, and I'm lucky if I can get them to pay half of what they used to pay. As it is, I have to beg them to use me. ...Maybe if I bathed I could make you more money?"
"You want to bathe?"
"I don't want to. I am a filth whore. I enjoy being like this. Nothing gets me more wet than letting strangers pollute my body in the most depraved ways..."
"But the men do complain. I don't care what they think, but it's been a struggle to get them to pay even half of what they used to pay. Maybe I should put aside my degenerate wallowing so I can make us more money."
"Are you really that filthy?" you ask.
"I thought I wasn't to bathe anymore," she replies.
"No. Now you only bathe when I tell you to," you reply.
"Oh, of course. Shall I demonstrate to you how filthy my body is so you may decide?"
"Only if you really need to," you reply.
"You're the one who has to put up with me. Why don't I demonstrate to you how filthy my body is, and then we'll see."
"Then by all means."
She swipes her fingers along her crotch. "I have ants in my gussets," she says.
"Who doesn't?"
She strokes her chin and cheek. "My face is crusty with semen, and it reeks of a woman's scent."
She brushes her cheek. "My face is crusty from semen."
She wipes her hand along her chin. "My face reeks of a woman's scent."
"I wonder how that happened."
She sticks out her foot before you. "My feet are smelly and filthy from both walking around barefoot and cramming them in boots all day."smell from being crammed in my boots all day."are filthy from walking around barefoot all day."
"That happens."
"I haven't washed my hair in agesfor daystoday and it's got clumps of feces tangled in it."it reeks of urine."you can tell."
"And I love it that way," you say. "It's raw and sexual like that."
She spreads her legs. "I've not cleaned since I've had my pussy plundered right after my bottom, and that's left a particular reek behind." Her sex does have a foul odor, and looks enflamed.
"I like it this way."
She spreads her legs. "My pussyflower is a sodden mess of cum."
"Fitting," you say.
She turns around and spreads the cheeks of her ass. "Then there's my assrose, which encrusted and cum-filled."
"Sodomy does that."
"I've been shamelessly cavorting with the wretched, and of course I smell like an unwashed vagrant myself."
"That would make sense."
"I reek of sex. I can smell the perfumes and sweat of other men upon me."
"Makes sense," you reply.
"I reek of sweat from all this rowdiness and hiking about."
"So do I," you reply.
"I've never properly cleaned after smearing my body with shit, and believe me, it's obvious."
"I've been sleeping in urine. I've actually developed rashes from that."
"I never washed the urine off of my chest. I can smell it every time I get even slightly sweaty."
"My breasts are flaking still from when they were smeared with semen."
"Hardly a concern."
"Hardly noticeable too. You had to dig around to find them."
"I might as well have fleas."
"Fleas bite. Ants don't. I wouldn't worry about them."
"I see. I'm to wear on my face the markings of others so everyone will know how much of a harlot I am, and that I'll sleep with anyone."
"I care. What kind of woman walks around with cum on her face?"
"A truly wanton woman," you say, "who doesn't care one bit what people think of her sexual appetite."
"Hmm. So it's a matter of pride, is it? It's part of embracing being a strumpet."
"Exactly. Wear your stains with pride."
"You like that smell, do you? A smell that announces to all other women that I've had my face buried in another woman's flower?"
"Now they'll know what your face is good for."
"Yes. They'll know what brinks of pleasure you can bring them to."
"I suppose it is fitting in its own way," she says.
"I think so."
"Hmm. You like my feet like this, do you?" She withdraws her foot. "Good to know. Maybe I'll have you show them some worship later."
"I'd be my pleasure."
"But they're only going to get worse if I don't care for them," she says.
"Then let's see how bad they get. I want to see how much of a bouquet you can muster."
"Very well. I'll let them marinate more."
"Suits me? My hair is more fitting for a deranged deviant. shameless trollop.homeless woman."
"It's sexy. You look like a girl who likes to have fun."
"Hmm. I should adopt the feral look?" She studies her hair, sniffs it, then tosses it back and gives it a shake to make it more unkempt. "Very well. Wild hair for a wild mad woman."
"I see. So less maiden allure, more raw sexuality?"
"There you go."
"It might drive away johns who'd otherwise fuck me," she warns. "Honestly, who'd want to stick their cock in this?"
"Only the most depraved customers," you reply. "Keep it just like that."
"Very well, my cunt will remain a sewer, despite what it might cost me in johns."
"I'm sure you'll get them to fuck you anyway," you say.
"Maybe you'll just have to beg them to fuck you," you say.
"Everyone knows that scratching an itch only makes it worse."
"True," you say, "but doesn't it feel good when you're scratching it?"
"It does," she admits, "and Lord knows I want to scratch this itch, but I suppose you'd have me scratch this itch with cocks that have also been up my bottom," she says, "thus making the itch worse, and worse, and so that my poor flower will weep and crave relief all the more."
"That's the idea."
"If you really think so," she says, "then I will endeavor to try, though I will only grow more messy down there."
"It shows you like fucking."
"Oh? You'd prefer me like this? Reeking of unspeakable body odor of lowest kind?"
"Very well. Then I have no choice but to cultivate this. Might as well. I'm not sure this smell would even wash off if I did bathe."
"Good. Then we're agreed that this smell suits you."
"Oh? So not only have you made me a loose woman, but now you'll have me smell like one too?"
"You should build upon your bouquet."
"Oh? Bed more men and become and more of a dirty slag? Very well. If I must."
"I do think you must."
"Of course you'd say that," she replies. "You're a pervertshameless hussie."
"It doesn't make it any less true. You should be proud of your own scent. It's far more arousing than any flower."
She smells herself. "You may have a point. I will admit I do enjoy the smell of your sweat after a long day's walking. There's something alluring about it in a masculine way. It stands to reason that my own musk is an aphrodisiac."
"Of course it is."
"Fitting, hmm? A shit smell for a shit whore?"
"Might drive prospective customers away."
"But it'll attract all the ones you cravedeserve."
"As you wish. I will go the rest of my life smelling like a shit receptacle if that is your wish."
"It is."
"If you say so. I'm still worried it will cost me more than a few good fucks, but I guess it does serve to advertise what sort of woman I am."
"These rashes are, yes."
"Then you're fine."
"If you think so, but if I continue to flagrantly disregard hygiene and sleep in filth, I will always have blemishes like this, to say nothing of the way I will reek like a chamber pot."
"Good," you reply.
"So I did," she says.
"And it didn't bother you at all, did it?"
She tries not to grin. "I may have enjoyed behaving like a proud lady, all the while I'm bathed in urine."
"Think of all the nobles who'd kiss your hand."
"Or the commoners who'd lust after my skin..."
"Sounds like you've no need at all to wash then."
She tries not to grin. "I... might have enjoyed the thought of being marked by you."
"Like a dog's territory," you reply.
"To you maybe. I find it quite hard to forget that my breasts are covered in dried semen."
"You mean you find it quite hard to forget how you used your tits for sex?"
"Hmm... I suppose when you put it that way. This has been keeping sex on my mind more. I'm sure you like that idea."
"Of course I do."
"How about this?" She scoops her fingers into her own gash and fishes around. Bringing her fingers out, she shows you small black dots.
"What are those?" you ask.
"Ants," she replies. "Somehow I managed to get ants in myself. Probably while we were napping in the woods like vagabonds. Surely that puts you off."
"What about this?" Euna leans her face close. Her skin looks flaky. It's dried cum, but her face also has a strong musk.
"Not only do I have dried cum upon my cheeks, but my chin and lip smell of another woman's sex."
"What about this?" Euna leans her face close. There are encrusted flakes on Euna's cheek, nose, and chin. It's dried cum.
"You can't tell me that isn't noticeable," she says. "I certainly notice. My skin crinkles whenever I move a muscle in my face."
"And how about the fact that my face smells like the gusset of a woman's drawers?" she leans close so you smell. "Perhaps you've forgotten, but I've been on the receiving end of a female climax."
Her face does bear the unmistakable reek of a woman's essence.
"How about this?" Euna sits on the ground and sticks her leg out toward you so that her toes hover beneath your nose. "Witness what my feet are like after hiking around this hot and humid land."
Not only are her feet are both caked with dirt and grime from all her barefoot hiking, but they reek too from their time crammed inside her boots. Their smell is a particularly pungent combination of dirt and soggy feet.
Simply put, they're the feet of a savage woman, not a princess.
Her feet do indeed carry a pungent smell from being crammed in boots all day long. Her toes look clammy from sweat. A foot could certainly smell worse, but these smelly feet are certainly unbecoming of a princess.
The soles of her feet have hard calluses which are caked dark brown with earth and grime from hiking about barefoot all day. They even smell like dirt. Even the tops of her feet have dirt stains. They're certainly unbecoming of a princess.
Breathe in her foot's bouquet and give it a kiss."So you have filthy feet. So does everyone else."
"What about my hair?" she says.
"What about it?"
"It has been ages since I washed it, and it's gone a little feral."
You study her hair. It's not the wavy curtain of shimmering blonde it was before, but a gnarled and tangled mess. Now like the mane of a jungle cat.
"You look like a wild woman," you say.
"It's been days since I've washed it." She shows you. It's still its usual waterfall of shimmering blonde, but it does seem a little flatter and oily."
"Not everyone washes their hair every day like you're used to."
"Look closer," She points out hardend clumps hidden within her locks. "I have feces in my hair, as though I'm some kind of sick animal. I'm constantly getting whiffs of it."
"Smell it." She leans forward to drape her hair before you. It wafts a definite reek your way. "If you recall, I got urine in my hair that I never washed out. You want me to live with that?"
"I look like a vagabond," she says.
"Perhaps you'll feel differently about this." She hooks her gown aside.flips up her sash.lifts her skirt.
Her snatch is a disgusting swamp. Congealed vaginal discharge is tinged brown, and the stench of it all is rancid. The flesh of her labia seems enflamed and oozing. Dried brown rivulets stain her inner thighs.
"This is what happens when a woman allows her cunt to be polluted with waste," she says, "a revolting mess. It itches. It burns. It drips. Fecal matter is still oozing from it."
Her snatch is crusty with old congealed cum, but more than that, it seems to be puffy and red.
"Are you aroused right now?" you ask.
"No. I have an infection. I've been leaking smelly discharge for a while now. This is what happens when I let someone stick their rod inside me after it's been in my bottom. It's the height of hygenic folly."
"Is it serious?"
"I doubt it. It'll go away away eventually, but it's making my flower quite pungent, an it itches like you wouldn't believe. It would help a great deal if I were to wash it."
Her snatch an encrusted mess of congealed cum. The pungent vaginal smell is near overwhelming.
"Do you see all that mess? I haven't bathed since I last had sex. That includes the horses I laid with. My flower smells like a barn. What do you think of this?" She spreads her lips to show the inside pink. "I've been walking around filled with the cum of other men."
"Hardly anything you're not used to."
"Oh but there's also this." She spins, revealing her ass to you. It's puffy, and encrusted with cum. "Both my pussy and my flower are plundered. I've had seed running all down the inside of my thighs."
"How about this?" She spins, revealing her ass to you. It's puffy, and encrusted cum covers the rim. A line of it traces down her crack and to her thigh. "Perhaps you've forgotten my recent act of sodomy?"
"How about this?" Euna kneels close. "I have been cavorting with vagrants—people who's very smell can cause you to recoil. Now look at me. I not only smell like a degenerate vagabond, but I look like one too."
She points out the smears of dirt and grime all over her body. Dried runs of sweat have stained them. If not for her beauty, she really does look homeless, like someone who sleeps with trash. Then there's the odor. You can smell the fetid reek of the homeless on her.
"I've been embracing their unwashed bodies," she says. "I've been sucking their foul cocks, taking their filth into myself, nuzzling their grimy crevices with love."
"Now smell this." Euna kneels over you, and brings with her a warm smell of sweat and sex. Beads of sweat have marked her flank.
"So you're sweaty," you say. "That's hardly anything."
"It's not just sweat. I've been having sex with other men, and I can smell all of their stink and perfume upon myself. Surely you can too."
There is a smell of strange perfumes, and a mix of body odors more sour than her own.
"What about this?" Euna kneels over you, and brings with her a warm smell of sweat. "Have you truly sampled the ripeness beneath my arms?" She lifts her arm high and moves to put her armpit just inches from your nose. Beads of sweat have run down her sides. The smell is strong, but not a reek like she described.
"How about my chest?" She straddles you so you can examine her rack. Besides a lingering fetid odor, there are smears, especially along the underside of her boobs, where brown remain. "If you recall, I've smeared waste all over my chest which I only wiped away. I've had a reeking aura of excrement about me this whole time."
"How about my chest?" she straddles you so you can smell her breasts. There's a decided oder of stale urine. "At your insistence, I have been sleeping in a bed soaked with urine, and it's having predictable consequences." She shows you clusters of faded red dots along her flank and shoulders. "I'm getting a baby's rash. On my chest. As a grown woman."
"And I itch. And I'm covered in rashes. Does there need to be any more?"
"You may also have forgotten that I got doused in urine earlier, and contrary to what you assured me, it does not stop smelling after it's dried." She straddles your lap and presents her breasts for you to smell. There is a faint pungent odor.
"...and yet you wore that smell all day and nobody noticed."
"And what about this?" Euna splits her gown open to reveal her tits.peels her fishnet top up over her breasts.scoops her tits out from her bodice "Feel." Taking your hand she has you feel the valley of her tits. An invisible layer of crust flakes off. "That seed is still there. It hasn't gone away."
"Then it's settled," she sits. "I will not bathe."
"Just like that?"
"Like I said. It was for your sake that I would bathe. For me, I finding it quite liberating not to fret over cleanliness."
"You've come a long way from your Nimic belief that cleanliness is a virtue."
"Maybe that's part of the reason. All those years I used to scrub my skin pink and hide my scent as though it were my shame. If I'm truly going to explore my sexuality, then I must be willing to depart from all of those antiquated customs. Maybe one day, if I ever return home, I'll revert to being the clean, flower-scented lady that everyone expects of their tsarivna, but here, I'm... I'm going to live." She nods to herself. "Live like a free woman, unashamed of her body. In fact, I think I may indulge more. Sex is messy. By the Lord is it messy, but that's what makes it so carnal. The raw stink of fluids. The stickiness. The tastes. It's all a part of it. And I'm going to live it."
"Sounds like you'll never bathe again."
"I will. I must still interact with society, mustn't I? But if you say I have no need of cleaning, then I will listen. Now please, enjoy your breakfast. We've a long day ahead of us."
"Of course I will. I must still interact with society, mustn't I? But I think I may allow myself to indulge more. You, of course, will need to tolerate this."
"I will."
"I figured as much," she says. "Now eat your breakfast. We've a long day ahead of us."
She sits and waits for you to finish your breakfast. You both get ready to head out.
"Very well. I will continue with my slatternly ways. Are you ready to depart?"
"Then it's done," she says. "Even if it means I being a slut so disgusting I can only sell my body for coppers, I will suffer the shame and ridicule of the entire world, even if I become worthless to everyone, even you, I won't bathe unless you tell me to.I will wallow in filth with sheer degenerate pleasure. The rest of the world will just have to put up with me, because I will only ever bathe for you.
"Very well," she says. "If not even all of this is enough to warrant bathing, then consider this the last time I shall ever broach the topic. I will be your filthy slag, a disgusting slut with no no sense of self respect."no care at all for her own degeneracy."
"As you should be."
"All right then," she says. "I will continue to indulge in my own disgusting filth. Though I truly am amazed you enjoy how foul my body has become."
"Very well," she says. "I'll stop bathing. Frankly, I prefer not to these days."It makes no difference to me."We'll see how long I can go this time."
"You don't want me to bathe?" Euna asks.
"No. I don't care if you're a little messy."
"Well in that case, I certainly will skip my bath. To be honest, I was only doing it for you. Back home, I actually enjoyed going for stretches of time without bathing."
"I don't see the need to be absolutely clean all the time, or maybe it's just my dirty mind craving a dirty body. I'll forgo with my bathing from now on, but you will tell me if my reek becomes too much for you, yes?"
"I will."
"Good. Enjoy your breakfast. We should head out soon."
"Why? I'll only take a minute."
"So you're a little dirty. Who cares?"
"I reek."
"Hardly. That's just your royal nose. Not even nobles bathe every day."
"Hmm. Is this truly for my own good? Or is this a perverted desire of yours to see me wallowing in my own uncleanliness?"
"Maybe. ...or maybe it'll do you good to get comfortable with a little mess."
"Very well," she says. "I leave my hygene in your hands. I won't bathe whenever you tell me to."
"I have no problem at all," she says. "Let's make it a challenge. Why don't we see just how dirty I can become?"
"Then it's settled," you reply.
She sits. "Enjoy your breakfast while it's hot."
In time, you're both ready to head out.
She rises. "I must go bathe."
"You haven't already?" you ask.
"No. I got to preoccupied. Wait here." She heads off. "And behave yourself," she calls over her shoulder.
She rises to go bathe.
"I thought so. I guess I win our little game." Euna heads off toward the river. "I won't be long."
"Very well then. "I suppose it's best I be more presentable to my johns after all,"I'll do so for you, and I will resumed bathing." Euna rises. "I won't be long."
When you awake, Euna is already moving about the camp. She's dressed in the same outfit as yesterday: an embroidered silk gown made of a single long strip which she has spread wide at the waist cord to fully cover her from the waist obscenely revealing velvet sash which is too narrow to be a skirt, and a fishnet top that amply displays her breasts.a bodice and a skirt long enough to brush the leaves. Over that, she has a cloak draped about her shoulder, and beneath she wears a silk chemise with long, baggy sleeves. It's the only outfit she has.
You're dressed only in your tunic and breeches,tights, which seems more practical than her formal wear, but it's not as though she's left with any other choice., but at least it's something. She might as well be naked than dressed like a harlot, but you keep this thought to yourself.and you're already sweating. She must be sweltering, but she'd see any suggestion from you to dress lighter as a lecherous advance.
"Good morning," you say. You wash your face and neck at the river.
"it's about time you arose." She's collecting palm leaves and stacking them together onto a scaffold of branches in a rough tent shape.
"What are you doing?"
"If we're going to be here a while, we'll need shelter."
She stacks a few more fronds, and the structure collapses. She glares at the pile before trying again.
"You want some help?" you ask.
"No. I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Have you even built a shelter before?" she asks hotly.
"Have you?"
"No, but I'm better suited for this. I've studied architecture."
"Architecture? It's a shelter, not a palace."
"Fine." She tosses the fronds down. "You do this." She walks away.
"Where are you going?"
"I have not had a chance to properly refresh myself since we've drifted ashore."
"You mean you're going to go bathe?"
She glares at you. "Yes, bathe. Do not get any ideas."
"I won't. I promise."
"Do as you will. I wouldn't bother. This wreck will never be waterproof. We'll just have to try again tonight. I'm going to go clean up and refresh."
She levels her gaze at you. "Very cute, knave."Do you think I would ever trust you near my laundry after what you did? I will clean my clothes myself. Upriver. Alone."
She narrows her eyes reprovingly. "...and your deviant ways resurface," but to your surprise, she rests her hands on your shoulders, leans in, and plants a kiss on your forehead.
Her eyes widen. "A kiss?" She seems astonished by your request, but to your surprise, she resets her hands on your shoulders, leans in, and plants a kiss upon your cheek."
"Thank you, Your Highness."
"I've misjudged you," she says. "There's actually a good persondecent woman underneath all that debauchery."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"It was meant as one. I'm glad you're here with me. I would not have survived long without you."
"It's been an honor."
The two of you linger on the beach until the sun rises. Afterward, you cautiously return. Euna creeps along behind you, cowering close every time she hears a noise.
Ooze is on every surface: the ground, the trees, the rocks. Euna gingerly picks away slimy palm fronds from her demolished shelter.
Her clothes are intact, yet soaked in slime.
You both spend a while washing them, though once they're clean, Euna opts to remain in her chemise for now instead of donning her wet clothes.
She makes no remark when you help her wash her clothes at the river. Once they're clean, Euna opts to remain her chemise for now instead of donning her wet clothes.
You proceed upriver. At the waterfall, you navigate along the mountainside to the bramble bushes. After helping her through, you both head up the steps.
She peers around the altar. "This place is amazing. It was designed as a hideout. Look at this." She points out a small wall of stones circling the fire pit. "It's to hide the firelight at night. And these rocks." She points out the boulders you first climbed to find this place. "Someone piled them like this. I bet it's so no one can look up here and see us."
"So you like the place?"
You and Euna have just relocated to the altar site. She drops her armload of supplies and looks around.
"This place is perfect. We have shelter from the rain. We can see boats. That creature won't come up here." She looks into the cave. "Of course, we'll be sleeping on hard earth. We'll have to find something better."
"Of course," you reply.
"Actually, this whole place needs work. No matter. We have time. Right now, I must clean up."
You point. "The river is that way."
"Thank you. And of course—"
"I will wait at the altar until you return."
"I will leave your belongings alone."
"Good Fool." She gathers her clothes.
"That thing?" Euna fetches it and holds it out before her. "Not very fitting, don't you think?"
"You don't think you look beautiful in it?"
"Oh, it's not that." She presses the silk to her body. "I love the way I look in this silk, but it's... well... Here." She puts the gown on and ties the waist cord. The silk wraps snuggly about her body, but it leaves her breasts scandalously exposed, both because of it's deep-diving neckline, and her exposed flank. "It's not exactly practical travel wear, is it?"
"I disagree," you reply. "It's hardly more than a strip of cloth. You could hike through the mountains with that, and it won't hinder your movement at all."
"I suppose that's true, as long as I'm not concerned about my breasts slipping out from time to time, or occasionally exposing my flower." She bunches up the fabric along the waist cord. It's too thin to hide her pubic moundnest, and from the right angle, someone could see everything.
"Good thing you're not concerned about that."
"Good thing indeed." She widens the strips again, but only enough that they barely provide modesty. To test it, she strides about the campsite, and makes a few elegant twirls. "I'll look like a fairy maiden walking through the woods in this."
"A very alluring and sexual fairy," you say.
"But what about my boots?" Euna slips one of her feet into her worn traveling boots. "I can't wear the gown with these. Such elegance doesn't fit with rugged clodhoppers."
"Then don't wear your boots."
"And go barefoot through the city? Through the woods? The mountains?"
"I spent my childhood without shoes. As long as you're mindful of where you walk, you'll be fine."
"So long as I resign myself to having unbelievably filthy and callused feet." She tugs off her boots and studies her toes. "Well, more callused."
"Your feet are lovely," you say, "and a little tempering will only make them lovely."
"My lovely fairy feet..." She kicks aside her boots and points her toes out before her. "Very well. I will dress with elegance. I will step through the forest with grace, and if I ever get back home, I will pumice away all the callused edges from my lovely fairy feet."
"Very well. Why not? Today I'll dress as an elegant fairy queen." She fetches her gown. "I'll complement it by doing up my makeup with a royal touch. That should be suitable."
"That?" Euna fetches the clothes and holds them out. "This top is just a fishnet some horny fisherman made for his whore. This sash isn't even meant to be a skirt. The prostitutes only made me wear this to humiliate me."
"They made you wear it because it's slutty," you say. "Didn't it help you attract men?"
"I hate to tell you this, but I spent most of that night without any clothes at all."
"Well, you can't do that," you say. "You need to at least wear something."
"I think this is hardly any different than going nude," she replies.
"Nah," you say. "Nudity can be beautiful. It can be artistic. But fishnet-wrapped tits are just raunchy. That really lets people know you're a slut."
"Hmm, perhaps it does."
She dons the uniform. The fishnets hug tight to her tits. The sash has to sit low on her hips to provide any decency, and even then, because it tapers at the knot on the side of her hip, it's only decent from some angles.
"There," you say. "Now you look like a cheap whore. It'll get you more customers."
"Yes, but I don't think they'll pay as much for a cheap whore."
"A small trade off."
"It is, isn't it?" She grins. "I did feel quite naughty in this after the whores made me put it on. Perhaps I'll own it. It'll be my slut look."
She smiles. "If looking like a cheap whore is what makes you happy, then I'll do it for you gladly."
"There you go," you say.
"As you wish. Today I will look like a cheap slut. Hopefully I'll be treated like one too." She fetches the outfit. "I'll put my makeup on with a heavy hand, like any other cheap slut would."
"You think so?" She fetches her traveling outfit. "I would have said that this is too practical for me these days, but given all its modifications, it is quite a sexy outfit, isn't it?" She quickly pulls it on.
The petticoat is trimmed into a skirt which only reaches mid thigh. The bodice is unmodified, but it's intended to be worn with a chemise beneath it. Without, her cleavage shows through the center lacing straight down to her navel. And she has a wide stretch of midriff exposed.
"And here is the best part." You retie the lacing of the bodice, pulling it tighter. It pushes her breasts up until they're practically spilling out.
"Hmm. Very well. It does amplify some of my best features, doesn't it?" She gathers it up. "I'll wear my makeup as I did back home, with that 'fair maiden' look I always aimed for."
"And what would I do with that?" she asks, taking it.
"I thought you might like to shave."
"Shave what? My nest?"
"If you'd like."
"For what purpose? What reason would there be unless I intended to show it off? It would be a sin."
You shrug. "Hygiene?"
"I am fine without it, thank you." She hands it back.
When Euna returns some time later, she's fully dressed, though her long, golden hair is wet.
She gazes at you at while, then rises. "We'll see. But we won't get back if we sit around all day. Let us hunt for food."
"You're not going to bathe?"
"I bathed before you woke." Suspicion comes over her. "Why do you care?"
"Just wondering."
"Sure," she says. "Let's go."
"I bathed before you woke. Let's go."
A scream jolts you from your sleep. You shoot upright. The sun is not up. The predawn sky barely glows.
Another scream. Euna is scrambling from her shelter. Behind it, reaching in, is some thing. It's hardly visible in the dark, but its tentacles whip about like blind snakes. Several bump against her shelter. They coil about like whips and tear it to pieces. Euna is scrambling to her feet when a tentacle catches her leg. It coils about from ankle to knee. She kicks to no avail. More tentacles grope for her.
As usual, Euna is already bustling about when you awake.
"About time," she says. "I thought you were going to sleep the day away. Clean yourself up quickly. We should get exploring before we waste more of the day."
After waiting, you creep up river. You spot her near a collection of river rocks.
After waiting, you creep along the mountain trail to the river. You find her near the top of the waterfall.
Euna is reclined upon the river rocks with her legs spread wide. She's digging fingers deep into her gash. When she brings them out, she examines them, then sucks them clean. She then goes back to digging.
Euna is reclined upon the river rocks with her legs spread wide. She's digging three fingers deep into her gash. Then she brings her fingers before her face and inspects what she pulls out. After rinsing her fingers, she goes back to digging.
Euna is reclined upon the river rocks with her legs spread wide. Frowning, she's digging three fingers deep into her gash. Then she brings her fingers before her face and wrinkles her nose at whatever she sees. After rinsing her fingers, she goes back to digging.
It dawns on you. She's pulling out ants. And apparently they got deep. Euna is soon reaching four fingers into her gash, and then she's fisting herself up to her wrist. In and out. In and out, each time bringing out crushed ants until finally she's satisfied.
Next, she rolls onto her side and begins worming into her ass. Two fingers in and out. They're covered in her scum, but also, ants. She sighs and begins her scooping anew. Soon, she's soon working her fist up her own ass. Each time she withdraws, she examines her fingers and sucks them clean of any ants and scum. After each time, she tosses aside ants and mess.
After cleaning her hand, Euna begins to bathe in earnest. Show's over it seems.
You duck out of sight. After listening, she seems to dismiss the noise. Her hand creeps back under the water and she resumes. She's soon gasping again. Her free hand squeezes her breasts.
She pauses long enough to sit back on a river rock. Spreading her thighs, she alternates between rubbing her clit and stabbing her fingers up her snatch. And you can see everything.
She arches her back, her butt lifting from the rock. And she moans in sheer pleasure.
Afterward, she lies on the rock and enjoys the afterglow. Soon, she wades toward her clothes. That's your cue to depart back to camp.
You creep back to camp. Doing so makes a bit of noise, but hopefully she'll think it was some animal.
You find her at the river, close to where the water falls, and she has just begun.
She's standing nude by the river. Her skin is flawless. Her breasts are pert and large with stiff nipples. The flawless lips of her pussy are visible only in glances as she moves about.A wild patch of fur is between her legs, and smaller, barely visible patches under her arms.
Shivering, she wades into the river and washes her clothes by soaking them and flogging them against a flat rock. Her breasts jiggle delightfully as she does this. After laying them out to dry, she rinses her hair, then her underarms.
And then she becomes more sensual. She spoons handfuls of water over her breasts and caresses it in. Her eyes close. Her head rolls from side to side. Soon, her hands sneak under the water and between her legs. She gasps and arches her back.
Soon, she cries out in pleasure. She leans back against a rock. After her climax dies down. Euna finishes cleaning between her legs and emerges from the water. You hurry back to camp.
It looks as though she's just started. Euna has found a section of river near the bank where a tree branch juts over the water. Standing on the bank, she detaches her cloak and drapes it over the branch, creating a curtain between her and downriver. She must think that will hide her, but you're off to the side. The cloak doesn't obscure your vision at all.
She unfastens the silk waist cord of her gown and folds it up. Then, glancing around, she pulls the gown off.
She peels away her fishnet top over her head and tosses it aside. Her velvet sash falls away after she undoes the knot on the side of her hip..
She unfastens the laces along the front of her bodice and pulls it off. Next is her skirt.
She's only in a her silk chemise. It conservatively reaches mid calf, but she has spent all morning sweating. It clings to her body, outlining her curves. Her breasts are visible beneath the silk.
Glancing around one last time, Euna pulls the chemise over her head.
Her skin is like cream, with only a few beauty marks along her thighs and breasts. Between her legs she's utterly shaven. The cleft of her bald slit stands out between the gap of her legs. Her underarms are similarly hairless. It seems Nimic nuns make a practice of shaving themselves. Not at all what you would have a thick mane of dark, blond hair, wild and thick. The pits of her arms have similar, yet daintier tufts of blond hair. It seems Nimic nuns are not accustom to shaving.
Clutching herself, she steps into the water and shivers. Once adjusted, she kneels, submerging most of her body. She pulls her silk gownfishnet topsilk chemise into the water and soaks it through. At a large flat stone, she washes the garment, first by massaging it against the rock, then by slapping it down. Her breasts jiggle in the most delightful way as she does this.
With her clothes laid out to dry, she focuses on herself. First scrubbing the pits of her arms, and then rinsing her long golden hair. Finally, she focuses between her legs. A lusty wench might teasingly massage the water onto herself. Euna, however, cleans her intimates with as much sensuality of a chef cleaning a plucked chicken.
But in all the times you've spied on her, she's always been that way. A follower of Nim would see touching their genitals as an obligation for hygiene. Touching yourself for pleasure? Blasphemy.
But the show is still enjoyable. You got to see the famed golden maiden–virginal and pristine. It's a sight no other male eyes have seen.that leaves a girl like yourself a little envious.
Euna redresses. Her damp gownfishnetchemise hugs her body.
As much as you wish to keep watching, she'll head back soon, so you cautiously creep back to camp.
Euna is sunbathing upon her rock. She's traching her hand along her body, occasionally brushing her clit.
Today, Euna brought a cup with her. Sitting up, she scoops it in the river to collect water, and to drink it, she tilts her head back and pours into her upturned mouth. This causes her to bursts out coughing. Even stranger, she tries again, and again. Each time resulting in a coughing fit. And all the while, she plays with herself as though this were a turn on.
Finally she's able to pour the cup of water into her mouth without coughing, and it becomes clear what she's doing: she's not swallowing either. The water is pouring straight down her throat. Why she's doing this is still unclear.
But she does seem quite pleased with herself. Setting the cup aside, she wades into the water, and you skulk back to camp.
Euna is already fully naked upon a rock in the river, and she's stabbing fingers into herself and scrubbing her clit.
There is no subtlety to this masturbation. She's trying to cum as hard and fast as she can, as though she needs it. And when it strikes, she gasps and arches her back off the rock until only her heels and and head touch the stone. And she's done.
Or not. Her fingers never stop, even as she's gasping. And soon she's twitching and mewling all over again. Minutes later, another orgasm, just as desperate.
Minutes after that comes the next. She won't stop. No matter how many times she cums, or how wrung out her sex must be, her libido never abates, and eventually, you head back to camp where wait for a long time.
Euna is already fully naked and laying upon a rock in the river, and she's dry, basking in the morning sun and letting it warm her nude skin.
Her hand explores her body, rubbing her breasts, her thighs, her neck. Then she turns her attention to her snatch. At first, she teases herself, running her fingers up and down her bare slit.At first, she merely teases herself by raking her hands through her bush or brushing her clit. But that doesn't last for long. She splays her legs out indecently and feverishly stabs three fingers in and out her sex.
With her other hand, she rubs at her clit and brings herself to a quick climax. Her mewling reaches your ears even from your vantage point.
It's quite a sight to see her glistening snatch humping the empty air. After she's done, she gets up from the rock and wades into the river to bathe. Show's over. You head back to camp and wait.
Euna is by the river washing her clothes in the nude. Afterward, she cleans herself: armpits, face, hair, body, and finally her crotch. Her caress is sensual, as though every touch sends electric pleasure surging through her.
Glancing about, she sits down upon a rock and spreads her leg, putting her pussy on full display. There is no longer any pretense of bathing. She strums her clit while her toes curl. Her breath comes out in gasps.
After a bout of cries and trembles, she rinses herself and heads to her clothes.
You head back to the camp.
She's laid her clothes out to dry and has waded into the river, naked. Her skin is flawless, her nipples stiff from the cold. Her pubic mound is perfectly smooth.A wild patch of fur is between her legs, and smaller, barely visible tufts peek out from her armpits.
First, she cleans her underarms, and then she bends to soak her long blonde hair. Her attention turns finally to her crotch. As expected, she scrubs them clinically.
But then she keeps scrubbing. Her touch becomes a caress. Euna chews her lip, contemplating something. She sits upon a rock and spreads her legs. Her fingers zero in on her clit. Her hips gyrate almost of their own will.
Suddenly, she snaps her hand away as though realizing what's she's doing. She glances about.
Her cleaning resumes. After a few final splashes to rinse between her legs, she wades toward her clothes. You hurry back to camp.
Euna is at the same section of the river near the bank, and she's again using her cloak as a curtain.
She removes her clothes and cleans them. Nude, she's as beautiful as ever. Dipping into the water, she massages water onto her breasts, under her arms, and through her hair. At the end, she sits upon the rock and scrubs between her legs. It's not sensual, but it's still a delight to see.
When she redresses, you creep back to camp.
Euna has just finished bathing. She's sunbathing nude upon the sunbaked stone of a large flat rock in the river center.
She holds a large stirring spoon. It's one she commandeered from Lanx's trash pile. The head is stained and cracked, but Euna is more interested in its handle–a long shaft of smooth straight wood.
Leaning back, she plays the spoon up and down her slit for a minute, until her body starts to respond. Then she plays with herself with her other hand. Tilting her head back, she slides the handle of the spoon down her throat.
She quickly gags. After backing off, she tries again.
She's practicing.
Each time she inches the handle down her throat, it goes a little further before her torso contracts and she's forced to back off. While she struggles, she idly plays her other hand over her pussy. Her open palm strums its glistening bald lipsshe runs her fingers through her pubic bush. Her open palm strums her damp, furry lips.
After minutes of this, her progress is slow. Tears run down her cheeks. Strings of drool dribble down her chin. Setting the spoon aside, she rinses her face and wades through the water to her clothes. Shows done. You creep back.
She's practicing her deep-throating technique.
Her throat constricts again and again to dislodge it, yet she lasts nearly five whole seconds before pulling away and gasping. Thick saliva strings from the handle to her lips. The moment she has her composure, she's back at it.
Her determination is astonishing. Tears are in her eyes. Drool drips from her chin. At one point she actually vomits a little, but after rinsing her mouth in the river, she perseveres. And her fingers play her clit all the while.
The final time she tries it, she gets the spoon handle most of the way down her gullet–farther than your own membermost cocks could reach. For a time, her body doesn't spasm, but then it starts. A chain of nonstop retching signals the end of her practice.
She slides the saliva-drenched spoon into her slit and rubs herself to a quick, toe-curling orgasm–perhaps a reward for her progress. Afterward, she wades through the water toward her clothes while you skulk off back to camp.
Though she gags, she holds position until the reaction subsides. Fists clenched, she pushes it farther down her gullet.
A fit of retching overcomes her, yet she refuses to pull the handle from her throat, even as her body convulses. She forces the spoon down until only the head is outside her lips. The tip must be near her stomach. All the while she's strums her clit.
Euna withdraws it and gulps air. The spoon is drenched with saliva, and she coughs up more. Tears stream down her face, but her pride is clear. She shoves the spoon back down her gullet with only an echo of resistance. Up and down it goes, taking its full length. Her palm works franticly over her slit.
She rams the spoon fully down her throat and clamps the bowl with her teeth. She fingers her gash with one hand while squeezes her tits with the other. She climaxes—toes curling, body undulating, and her face skyward with a stirring spoon down her throat. Her body seizes—from pleasure, suffocation, and retching. A minute later, she yanks the spoon from her throat and gasps for air. Coughing and sputtering, she looks near to passing out.
Still, a sly smile is upon her tear-stained face. She's proud of herself. Once she starts rinsing herself in the water, you sneak back to camp.
Euna is already lying upon the flat rock in the river when you arrive. Her wet hair is fanned out to dry. She's warming in the morning sun, and goosebumps have broken out over her skin from the wind against her nude body. She caresses herself along her flank and along her legs. Then her hands drift to her pussy. She massages her clit, softly at first, but harder as her body is responding.
Though her eyes are open, as though considering something. Then grinning evilly, she spreads her legs wide and pulls her knees to her chest. While playing with herself, she starts peeing. The urine arcs upward in a hectic spray and cascades upon her belly and breasts. Some splatters her face. Her mouth opens a little.
On the verge of climax, Euna reaches presses her middle finger against her asshole. It slips in up to her first knuckle. She's bucking now as one hand furiously works her clit, and her urine rains upon her. A second finger slips in, and she bucks and cries. Her body flexes in rhythm.
When she calms, she pulls her fingers from her ass and lies back down. Her body glistens. The cool air causes her goosebumps to come out again. Then she props up on an elbow and scrutinizes the hand she used to penetrate her ass. Her ring and middle finger have streaks of brown. She sniffs them, wrinkles her nose, sniffs again. After contemplation, she pops both fingers into her mouth. After a second, she yanks her fingers free and gags.
Blushing, she laughs to herself, but then her expression changes back to morbid curiosity, and she pops the fingers back in her mouth. Despite gagging, she doesn't remove her fingers until they're clean.
As though that weren't enough, she lies back down, props up one knee, and stabs her fingers back into her anus. After several thrusts, she again sucks them clean. She does this again and again until one time a glob of poop comes out. She tries it and breaks into a gagging fit. Once her stomach settles, she laughs at herself again and gets off the rocks.
Show's over. She's cleaning herself now.
You find her at the river. Though it seems she's just finished her bath. She's emerging from the deep end of the river to a large flat rock surrounded by the water. Here, she lays herself out, fanning her wet hair upon the heated rock. It's as though she's a forest nymph that you stumbled upon. One loud noise and she'd dart into the woods never to be seen again.
As she lays there enjoying the warm sun against her damp and chilly body, she began to caress herself. Her fingers barely traced her skin. She squeezed her breasts and toyed with her nipples, then her hand crept down between her legs. At first she traces her fingers along her damp slit, At first she raked her fingers through her mane of pubic hair, then finally zeroed in on her clit.
She plays with herself for several minutes before pausing suddenly. She props herself up on one elbow to look down at her body, chewing her lip as she seemed to consider something. Whatever it is, a mischievous expression comes over her face.
Laying back down, she spreads her legs wide. From where you are, you have a perfect view of her snatch. She begins rubbing her clit vigorously, and she's soon twitching in pleasure again. Suddenly, urine arcs from her pussy. With her self-stimulation, the stream splatters about, sprinkling her legs.
Soon she's arching her back and crying out. She's still in the throes of pleasure when her urine stream finally dies away. Afterward, she sits up and inspects her hand. Her fingers glisten with piss. Tentatively, she sniffs it, then after hesitating, she licks her fingers.
Her final reaction: a shrug.
Euna slips into the river and washes herself off of any mess. She splashes her sunbathing rock off to wash away any remaining urine. As she reaches for her clothes, you realize it's time to get back to camp.
Euna is reclined on the rock in the river's center. She's sawing three fingers in her gash, but she stops and circles one digit over her clit., over her piss hole. Gently, she pushes her finger in. Her expression is tight, but she gets to the first knuckles easily. Back out, she wets her fingers in her gash and gets back to it. In this way, she slowly eases her pinky finger all the way into her piss hole.
But this was only her warm up. The pestle lies beside her, and after wetting it in her gash, she presses the tip to her piss hole. With both hands, she presses the phallus into herself. You can hear her grunting and see her teeth clenching. After each gain, she pulls out to rewet the tool in her pussy, then goes again, and she doesn't stop this torture until that phallus is deep into her bladder and only the pommel ring remains.
Lying back, she puts up with this violation buried inside her for as long as she can while sunbathing. The pain never seem so abate.
This is training. She's conditioning her urethra, maybe not even to be wider, but just to be able to tolerate the pain more.
Then she switches to a larger finger. She's stretching her urethra as training. Once she's got her middle finger buried, then comes a vigorous fingerbanging, but clearly more as an exercise than for fun seeing as how much it pains her.
Once she can tolerate it no more, she sucks her fingers clean and gets to cleaning. You sneak back.
Euna is on her usual perch in the river. Nude, she's lying on her back with her legs spread wide. Fingers of both her hands stab into her slit. Once she's wet, she takes the runic pestle, which had been lying beside her, and grinds it against her pussy.
It pops in easily. Euna grinds it in and out and works it side to side—exactly as though her canal were the mortar to go with that pestle. The lips of her pussy deform and stretch.
She's deliberately loosening herself up as though this were a morning stretch. It's meant as a self-prescribed regimen, not for pleasure.
For her next stretch, she pulls her legs to her chest and worms fingers into her ass. Then comes the pestle. Its bulbous head requires some levering, but it slips in soon enough. She pushes it deep, then withdraws fully to start again. From her expression, she might actually be enjoying her regimen.
After she's loose, she tests her results by pressing fingers into her ass. Four fit past the knuckles. This satisfies her.
After cleaning the pestle, she takes hold of its head, tilts her head back, and feeds the ringed, brass handle down her throat. She gags repeatedly, but doesn't stop until her teeth catch against the widening pestle's length.
Then she leaves it. Euna props back on her hands as though sunbathing, though with the pestle down her throat. Over the next minute, her gagging worsens. Her whole body contorts trying to eject the pestle, but it's not until she's red in the face and tear-streaked that she yanks the pestle from her throat and gasps for breath.
It seems deep-throating practice is part of her routine.
One last exercise. After regaining her breath, she works the pestle's head into her mouth. It's hard for her to get it past her teeth, but then, chin up, she tries to push it down her throat.
She fails.
Her coughing fit persist well after she wiggles the pestle out of her mouth. She clutches her throat in pain. Afterward, she chuckles, amused at her own bizarre antics.
Now that she's good and stretched, she rinses the pestle off and goes about her usual washing routine. You skulk back to camp.
Naked, Euna is splayed out nude upon the rocks in the river's center. The sun warms her skin. While basking in the morning sun, she's working fingers into her smoothfurred pussy.
Of course, her experienced slit easily takes her fist. In order to really plunder herself, she bends forward and pulls one leg behind her head. Twisting about, she's able to slide her entire forearm into herself. Then she works in her other fist. No trouble at all. It's a pecular position, but she's flexible enough for it.
Next, she moves on to her body stretches, and it seems she has surpassed you. With her chest on the ground, she's able to fold her back and plant her feet on either side of her head. She can perform splits easily, even bending her legs further. She's effectively a contortionist herself now thanks to this practice and her modified body.
Beside her sits a pile of smooth river rocks. Now she's limbered up, she takes a smooth rock with enough heft to be a bludgeon. It's almost too large for one hand to grip, yet she presses it into herself. Then another, and other. She kneels up and removes her hand. Three massive stones with considerable heft, but clenching tight, she's able to keep them inside her vagina against gravity, at least for a few seconds. This exercise is probably the reason her pussy is still a dainty slit and not stretched out like loose leather despite all her debauchery. Her pelvic floor must have titanic strength by now. Once she can hold them no more, she lets two stones out, but keeps one inside as she proceeds into the river to wash herself.
Next, she performs other kinds of stretches: back bends, forward bends, splits. These are all the stretches you taught her, and she's doing them as well as an experienced acrobat. She wasn't fisting herself for her enjoyment. This is all practice. She's stretching herself out in different ways.
Once she's limbered up, she turns to a pile a pile of smooth river rocks sitting beside her. She starts pressing plum-sized stones into herself, one after another, after getting five small stones deep, she kneels up and holds her hand beneath her quim. The stones don't slip out, because she's holding them in. She's strengthening her pelvic floor to keep herself tight. Probably why her vagina hasn't been loosening up despite all the fisting she's enduring these days.
While keeping two small stones clenched inside her, she wades into the river to clean herself.
Her fist slides into herself easily. She folds her legs up to her chest to give herself a better access, but at this angle, she's not able to get herself in much past her wrist. That doesn't stop her from working her fist in and out to loosen herself up. After a few thrusts, she pulls out and clenches her pelvic floor to tighten herself back up, only to push her hand back in.
Next, she performs other kinds of stretches: back bends, forward bends, leg stretches. These are the beginner stretches you taught her, and she's becoming quite limber. It seems all of this is part of a regiment she does in the morning. It's practice, not fun.
With some effort, she gets her fist inside of herself, but it's an awkward angle, but for a while she works her fist in and out. It doesn't seem like she's gaining any sort of momentum from this. Apart from a few shudders, she's being quite industrious about pumping her fist into herself. It's almost as though she's focused more on stretching herself out than on getting off, but that's not to say she doesn't get herself trembling and mewling. Eventually, she gives up and wades into the river.
As she gets underway bathing, you creep away.
Euna is sunbathing upon her sunbathing rock. Eyes closed, she traces her hand along her body, occasionally brushing her clit.
Suddenly, a stream of urine arcs from her pussy and into the water. She cups her hand over her snatch, causing the urine to spray back upon her crotch. The rock between her legs turns dark as the urine runs into the river water. She spoons handfuls of urine onto her legs and belly, and finally as she's short of breath, she massages urine onto her breasts.
It isn't enough for her. Euna plants her hands on either side of her and curls her legs up to her chest so she's propped on her shoulder. Her stream arcs through the air and down upon her. It drenches her face. Her mouth fills with puddles, which she swallows down again and again. Her hair saturates and darkens.
The stream dies down. The last trickles dribble down her slitthrough her pubic bush and pool between her breasts. She lies back down and rubs her body, making sure every bit of her is covered. And then she sunbathes like that, drenched in her own urine, her hand idly playing upon her clit.
Eventually she decides it's time to get moving. She rolls into the river, cleans herself, and splashes water over the rock to rinse it off. You hurry back to camp.
Suddenly, a stream of urine arcs from her pussy and into the water. She cups her hand over her snatch, causing the urine to spray back upon her crotch. The rock between her legs turns dark as the urine runs into the river water. She spoons handfuls of urine onto her legs and belly, and finally as she's short of breath, she massages urine onto her breasts.
After her stream dies down, she basks again the sun. From the breasts downward, her body is wet with pee. Her pubic bush is drenched. Sitting up, examines her hand. It's wet with pee. Tentatively, she licks it, then again. Her expression is curious. She rubs her hand along her piss-slick breasts and licks it once again. Still not satisfied, she cups her hand beneath her pussy and squirts out one final handful of pee. She holds it beneath her nose, sniffs it, then laps the puddle with her tongue.
Her reaction is hard to gauge. She simply splashes the handful upon her breasts, then wades back into the water to rinse herself off. As she's splashing the rocks to wash away the urine, you depart back to the camp.
She returns shortly afterward. "Ready to set off?"
You arrive at a great building with steps leading up to a pillared entrance. To the side is a training yard where uniformed guards spar against each other and fire arrows at target dummies. It's the city barracks.
Out front is a clearing, and in the center is a platform with a pillory.
You are at the barracks.
"Yes, yes..." She moves to roll up her mat, but you're still staring at her with a flat expression. Noticing this, the first flicker comes to her. "...No. This is a joke, yes? You didn't actually let men molest me while I slept. ...right?"
"As soon as you passed out, I invited those men near us to come over over."
"You... what?" Bolting to her feet, she gapes at you, "You... You... let strangers rape me?" She looks as though she'll storm off, but instead looks at the people around. Most have left. Those men are long gone. "Oh my Lord..." she mutters. "Oh my Lord..." She kneels back down, clutching herself, but she does bite her lip, and her eyebrows arch. "You absolute scoundrelnasty witch. I can't believe you would do that to me."
"You don't sound all that upset," you say.
"Upset? I should be, shouldn't I? I should be outraged. You had me raped. I honestly thought that wasn't posslble. I've become too loose of a woman to ever say no, but you went and found a way to violate me anyway. I should be livid."
"But it turns you on, doesn't it?"
"I know it shouldn't, but, oh Lord, yes it does. Let's face it, I would have let those men fuck me anyway, but you found a way to adulterate it. I had one piece of virtue left, and you tore it away. You pushed me right past my limit.This is exactly the reason why I gave my body to you to do with what you want. You've taken away my ability to consent to having my body violated. You truly have made me a sex slave." Once again, she begins rolling up her mat. "I suppose there's nothing left to do, is there? I've been molested, and it will never not be true. All I can do is go about my life." Her eyes glimmer, "and to think about how else you might take advantage of me in the future."
You doze lightly occasionally, but you never really sleep. By the time morning light warms and shines patterns through the reticulated wall, you are stiff, bleery eyed, and hungover.
Suddenly, daylight is streaming in through the wall's reticulated windows. People are up and about, and nuns are collecting mats. The men who had been camped near you must have already left.
You sit up, and remarkably, you feel as though you hadn't had a single drop of ale, apart from the taste in your mouth.
However, your tunic isn't quite sitting right on you, as though you'd donned it hastily. Looking underneath, you've got light blemishes over your breasts, and your nipples feel tender.
Euna eventually stirs. With a dainty yawn and stretch, she sits up and looks about, momentarily confused as to where she is. Others are about now. Many are leaving. The sisters have unlocked the door and three walk about collecting the mats.
Euna sees you awake. "My that was a uproarious night last night."
"Feeling well?" you ask.
"For how much ale I had, I don't deserve to be feeling as good as I do. That tonic was incredible." Sitting up, she stretches again, back arched and arms far above her head. There are red blemishes on her neck, and several dot her cleavage. Euna, however, does not notice them.
Euna smacks her lips and frowns. "Hmm. I taste cum. Did you let men violate my mouth while I slept?"
"Why not?" you say. "Your mouth a dump for men's seed? Isn't it?"
"It is if you say it is. Thank you for letting men rape my mouth."
You shrug.
She grunts and rolls her eyes. "Hmm. And to think. Not long ago I would have been absolutely horrified at the thought. What have you done to me?"
Frowning, Euna smacks her lips. "I have the most peculiar taste in my mouth this morning."
"Yes I..." Her brow furrows. "It was... I must confess I'm not perfectly sure I do. I remember us agreeing to come here. It must have been right here then. ...or near the church. Is that right?"
You feign offense. "I can't believe you'd forget, after the way you attacked me. You were ferocious."
She bats you. "Oh, be kind. I'm sure I loved it. I was certainly frisky enough. I just need to remember never to drink that much again."
"Don't say that. I like the drunk you."
"I'm sure you do." She's up and about. "Let's not be like the other ingrates here and leave a mess for the nuns. Help clean up."
She adjusts her clothes to make herself more seemly. As she's fussing with her silk waistcord,with her sash's knot,the lacing on her skirt, she chuckles.
"What is it?" you ask.
"I must have been truly blind drunk," she says. "I tied this knot all wrong last night." It takes a lot of poking to undo. "I don't even recall taking my gownsashskirt off. Actually, I don't recall a lot from last night. I only vaguely remember coming here." She finishes correcting her lacing. "What about you? I know you had as much."
"It's a little hazy for me too."
"I hope I wasn't too much of a bother," Euna says. "I know I got rather unreserved."
"You were delightful."
"I'm glad you think so." She's up and about. "Let's not be like the other ingrates here and leave a mess for the nuns. Help clean up."
"Oh." she seems relieved. "I suppose you didn't have nearly as much to drink as I did, after all. I hope I wasn't too much of a bother to take care of last night."
"Not at all. It was fun to see you like that."
"I'm glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. I'd hate it if you'd had to spend the evening taking care of me because of my silly overindulgance." She's up and about. "Let's not be like the other ingrates here and leave a mess for the nuns. Help clean up."
"Did you now?" Euna looks around. The men from last night are already gone.
"I did," you say. "You were passed out and defenseless, and the men here were like wolves."
She snorts. "And so you offered your virtues as a sacrifice. To protect me. If only it were true."
"But it is," you say.
"I'm sure." She plants a kiss on your cheek. "How selfless you are, to get drunk and bed numerous men so her love may sleep in peace. A true noble-born lady. Come now, let's show our appreciation for these sisters who so kindly watched over us. Help clean up."
"I must be sucking too many cocks these days. I don't remember fellating nearly enough men for breath like this."
"That's because you were asleep for most of it."
"Oh. I was, was I? You had men line up to fill my mouth with cum while I slept, and you coaxed it down my throat, no doubt."
"That's exactly right."
She snorts. "Sure. Let's not be like the other ingrates here and leave a mess for the nuns. Help clean up. Now why don't you make up for it by cleaning our placemats for the nuns."
She snorts. "Did I now? It was your cum, I hope."
"Mine and a few other men's. You were quite popular."
"I'm sure I was." She's up and about. "Let's not be like the other ingrates here and leave a mess for the nuns. Help clean up."
She snorts. "Did I now? And was I sucking off these men alone? Or were you by my side?"
"Oh, they all wanted to dump their loads in your mouth. I just watched."
"The star attraction, was I?" She's up and about. "Let's not be like the other ingrates here and leave a mess for the nuns. Help clean up."
"I was," she says, "It's nice to know we have a safe place we can come to. The nuns are kind to watch over us."
"The nuns, yes," you agree.
She carries on. "I can't imagine it will be long before we're in here again, the way you encourage me to drink so." She stands up. "Don't just sit around. These nuns did us a service. Be good and clean up."
She carries on. "I don't know if I'll be drinking that much again though. It's not exactly becoming of a tsarivna to behave like a slovenly drunk." She stands up. "Don't just sit around. These nuns did us a service. Be good and clean up."
"Perhaps," she says. "Or perhaps it's the gallons of ale I drank. Oh well." She's up and about. "Let's not be like the other ingrates here and leave a mess for the nuns. Help clean up."
She rolls her eyes. "Very amusing, knave. Don't tease me just because my memory is a little hazy."
"A little?"
"Fine. It's very hazy. I do remember intending to have my way with youlet you have your way with me the very moment we were alone. I just... don't recall anything after that." As she fixes her clothes, she shakes her head and chuckles. "My lord. Could you imagine if you actually had offered me up in my sleep?"
"There was a line of men," you say.
"A line of depraved perverts, you mean." She's up and about. "Let's not be like the other ingrates here and leave a mess for the nuns. Help clean up."
Wincing, Euna slides a hand into her gown totugs her sash down to her thighs so she canslides a hand under the hem of her skirt to inspect herself. "You let men molest me last night, didn't you?"
"Don't concern yourself about it," you say. "Your body is mine to give out. You don't need to know the details."
"Very well." She sucks her fingers clean. "I hope whoever they were enjoyed themselves."
"You're lucky I put up with your antics. Most women would be appalled to find out they'd been raped so casually in their sleep."
"You're not most women."
"No." Euna sucks her fingers clean. "I'm not. But I am going to insist you stick around and help the sisters clean up. It's the least you can do."
Frowning, Euna presses a hand to her crotch. "Did we have sexcouple last night?"
"Nah. I let some guys here have their way with you after you passed out."
"What?" she says.
"Some of the men nearby had their eyes on youus," you explain. "I kept an eye out through the night."
Euna glances about at all the men. "My Lord. I hadn't even considered that. I suppose I wouldn't have, drunk as I was." She adjusts her clothes as though to double check that she's decent. "My apologies. I never meant for you to have to stay up the entire night."
"I'll survive."
"Still." She leans over and plants a kiss upon your lips. "You truly are my noble protectoran honorable lady. I am blessed to have you by my side. Thank you." Another kiss. "But there will be no need for another nightly vigil. I shall not be getting so drunk ever again."
"I wouldn't say never."
"I would." She's up and about. "Let's not be like the other ingrates here and leave a mess for the nuns. I'd like to help clean up."
You roll up the mat and gather the pillows. The nuns thank you when you bring the bundle to them, but Euna insists on going further, and she has youthe two of you spend the morning folding and stowing linens. You're the only two to help.
Soon, you're both out on the street. Euna breathes deep the morning air.
Euna pins the girl's wrists to the bed. "Take it."
Clothes off, you climb on top of the nun and lift her knees to her chest. There is her wet and inviting sex, and below it her dry and tight asshole. As soon as you start forcing your cock through, the nun jolts, but Euna is holding her hands down, and you've got her legs pinned against her chest. There's nothing she can do.
You saw in and out of the girl's clenching hole. She whimpers and struggles.
"Shhh," Euna coos. When the girl cries out, Euna sits fully on her face, smothering her. "Shhhh," Euna coos. "Be a good girl and enjoy it." She takes hold of the girl's ankles and grinds herself against the girl's face.
With her hands free, the nun merely clenches the bed sheets.
"Good girl," Euna coos.
After you've filled the nun's bowels with cum and climbed off, Euna comforts the girl. "Didn't that feel nice?"
She sniffles and shakes her head.
"Good. Now let me kiss it and make it better." Euna bends forward over the nun. She spreads the nun's ass cheeks and bends to kiss her sore and enflamed hole. She shows it long and intimate love with plenty of worming tongue. The girl shudders.
"All better?" Euna asks.
The nun nods.
"Sure it did," Euna assures her. "Didn't you like feeling his hot cock filling you?"
The girl reluctantly nods.
"Now thank the kind man for ravaging your ass."
"Thank you, sirmy lady."
"And now get some sleep." Euna soon has the nun tucked in and resting. All that's left is to get dressed.
Euna motions for you to help yourself. You're quickly between the sister's legs. She jolts when your tongue first touch, but with Euna on her face, there's nothing she can do, and it takes hardly a brush of her clit to get the girl crying out into Euna's snatch. Euna however, is just getting warmed up.
"Here," Euna pulls you up to her. "Make love to me," she whispers. The sister becomes little more than an aide to that love. While you and Euna shower each other with kisses, the nun is sandwiched between your breasts, left to suckle and and caress. When you and Euna snuggle, the nun is between your legs, imposing her tongue and fingers upon your sex. Her mouth is upon your cock. When Euna brings you to a toe curling orgasm with her tongue, she's experiencing her own because of the sister's face she sits upon.
After, when you're both sated, the sister continues to roam. Her snuggling against your breasts cause pleasurable little aftershocks.
But soon it's time to go. Euna coaxes the girl to cuddle up under the sheet. By the time you're both dressed, the nun is dozing with secretions drying upon her face, and the stench of two women upon her.
Euna sits back on the pillow above the nun's head and lifts the girl up so she can sidle in behind her. Cradling the nun from behind, she motions for you to go right ahead. You're quickly on the bed and maneuvering the nun's legs wide. Her sex is indeed inviting to your cock. It squeezes, and the sister writhes in Euna's embrace.
All while you fuck the girl, Euna cuddles her and nibbles at her neck. The two of you together make love to this young woman until she mewls and trembles. </$else>
"Fill her," Euna whispers. "Impregnate this sweet sister of the cloth for me. Make her belly grow. Give her something to always remember us by."
You soon fill the nun's quim with your seed. While you dress, Euna enjoys the nun a little while longer before extricates herself. She tucks the nun into bed. "Sleep now," she says. "Get some rest."
The girl snuggles in to sleep with cum oozing from her quim.
"We shall." Euna extricates herself from the nun, much to the nun's whining disappointment. "Oh don't worry, you." She helps the nun get under the bed covers. The sister is already yawning. "Get some rest. Dream of me. And play with yourself." Euna places a sweet kiss upon the sister's lips. "I command you to."
With a sly smile, Euna leans to whisper in the nun's ear. The girl automatically looks at you, or rather to your crotch. She crawls toward you with a hungry, doped expression.
Your breechesleggings come down. Your cock springs free, and she hungrily sucks your cock as though desperate for it. It's as though you're not even there. It's just her and your cock.
Euna kneels behind the girl and pets her hair. "Good girl," she whispers. "Good good girl." Her other hand attacks the nun's sex. Fingers dig deep.
The nun keeps right on sucking even after you've climaxed. It's left up to you to disengage.
Your leggings come off and you crawl onto the bed on your knees. The nun rolls over like a good dog so you can scoot your sex over her with a knee on either side of her head. The nun digs in. Her tongue worms.
Crawling over her, Euna caresses a hand along the girl's neck and breasts. "Good girl," she whispers. "Good good girl." Her other hand attacks the nun's gash. Fingers dig deep.
The nun keeps right on tonguing long after she's brought you to a shuddering climax. It's left up to you to disengage.
Euna tucks her into bed and places a tender kiss on the nun's lips. The randy little nun immediately grows sleepy. Euna faces you. "And now it's time we slip away."
"Penance?" Euna asks. "What has she done wrong?"
"I don't know. Something probably. From what I've spied, it doesn't take much for these nuns to receive penance. Apparently it encourages good habits."
"What do you mean?"
You tell her, explaining everything you saw Janan doing to the nuns through the key hole, to the conversation you had with her later, to the line of nuns you first saw waiting outside her office. Long before you finish, the sister is snoring peacefully in Euna's bare lap, but Euna listens raptly to the very end.
"My Lord," she whispers. "It sounds as though the mother prefect has been using this ambrosia to hypnotize her own nuns into being obedient submissives."
"From how much these sisters clamber for their chance on the pillory, it must be effective."
"It must create a powerful hypnotic state. Fascinating."
You glance at the sleeping nun. "Do you want to try it?"
Euna chews her lip. "I've always wanted to try my hand at hypnotism." She nods toward a half-finished cup of milk on the bedside table. "Give that to me. Let us first have the girl finish her medicine."
"I don't think she does," Euna replies. "I'm really unsure if it was moral for us to do so the first time." She gets off the bed. "Come, we should leave the girl in peace."
You and Euna soon depart the church.
"You took a lot of punishment, today," you say.
"I got a little carried away and forgot I was supposed to be making it easier for the poor sister, so I redirected."
"That was quite a redirect. Most people would have been begging for mercy."
She holds her chin high. "I very much believe I should be able to take any punishment I deliver."
You nod. "Strange for the nun to call out in heaven's name like that. I didn't think the Simori believed in heaven."
"When you're in pain, you can get confused," Euna replies.
"I'm sure." You watch her closely. "So you didn't happen to have agreed upon a safety word with her, would you?"
"I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about." Her innocent expression is angelic.
"I noticed this nun called out to the heavens too," you say.
"Did she?" Euna replies. "I don't recall."
"I must say," she says. "I thoroughly enjoy this charity of ours. I could spend the rest of my life helping these nuns."
"If all charity was like this," you say, "so could I."
"Only time will tell," Euna replies. "I've never tried hypnotizing someone before. Most likely, this all had no effect."
You take that as permission to touch her slit. A single finger slides its length, down and up, and circling her clit. And again.
She bucks. She thrashes. She bites her lip to keep from moaning. There's no resistance anymore, so you tug off your own tights. Naked now from the waist down, you climb between her legs and sit with your butt right up toward hers.
Her eyes go wide. She tries to squeeze her legs shut. "No, no," she says. "You mustn't. It's... it's a sin."
"I'm the one sinning. Not you. Aren't I sweet for forcing this upon you?"
Her eyes go wide. She tenses.
"Relax," you pur. "I just want to show you how good it can feel." You intertwine legs with her to press your sex against her. She stares. Breath bated, eyes wide, body trembling. Then you grind yourself against her sex, and her reaction is voltaic. Her breath sucks in. Her head throws back.
You keep grinding. Your combined arousal smears about her smooth lips.Her pubic hair mashes damp with your combined arousal. Your lips run the length of her clit.
"Hmm," you moan. "Don't you like that?"
"Want me to stop?"
"Did your sisters in the convent ever do this?" You trail your thumb over her clit. "I bet they did."
She's hardly responsive.
"All this time you've been calling me a slut and a hussy, you've had your eyes on me. You've wanted a taste of me. Haven't you? And I'm not the first woman, either. Women have always caught your eye, haven't they?"
"Oh... Lord... Forgive me."
"Your Lord isn't here. I am, and I'm going to teach you all those naughty things women shouldn't do. All those things you've been dreaming about."
She seems on the verge, but then so are you. Her smooth wet lips are like velvet against your own.Her wetness and warmth feel so inviting to your womanhood, yet the bristle of her pubic hair abrades gently against your sensitive lips. As a result, your climax is thunderous, and your frantic grinding loses tempo. But she's already there too, grinding back with clumsy ferver. She continues writhing once you're done as though her mind hasn't caught up.
You inch her legs apart and roll over her to get between her spread legs.
When you bring your cock out, her eyes go wide, and she tries to squeeze her legs shut. "No, no," she says. "You mustn't."
"I think you want me to."
"I... I can't... I... my virtue."
When you bring your cock out, her eyes go wide. She tenses.
"I won't penetrate you. I promise," you say, "I just want to show you how good it can feel. Watch." You mount up to her and press the underside of your cock to her pussy so it's running along the length of her slit. Your head points out over her moundthrough her bush. She stares. Breath bated, eyes wide, body trembling. Then you thrust, grinding your length along her sex, and her reaction is voltaic. Her breath sucks in. Her head throws back.
You begin thrusting, grinding along her slit's length. Each thrust elicits shuddered gasps and bucking. It's like she's at war with herself.
"It feels good, doesn't it?" you say.
"You want more, don't you?"
"All this time in these lands, I've been looking after you. Keeping you safe, and you've been thinking about me."
"I have... oh..."
"You want to give your body to me and see how good I can make you feel, don't you?"
"Oh... Lord... Forgive me. I do."
She seems on the verge, but then so are you. Her smooth wet lips have made a most enveloping channel.Her wetness makes a smooth channel for your shaft while the bristle of her pubic hair abrades so gently against the underside of your cock's head. As a result, you peak faster than you expect, and fire ropes of pent-up cum over her bared belly and breasts. Even though you're done thrusting, she continues writhing as though her mind hasn't caught up.
You start by touching her slit. A single finger slides its length, down and up, and circling her clit. And again.
She bucks. She thrashes. She bites her lip to keep from moaning. There's no resistance anymore, so you inch her legs apart, climb down, and settle between her legs.
Her sex is baking with damp heat. The smell of her arousal is potent.
"No... please don't." She's trying to close her legs.
You press your hands to her thighs to keep her spread.
She's staring at you, eyes wide.
"Relax," you say. "It's going to feel good." And you taste her, one solid lick from bottom to top. She jolts and shudders a gasp. You don't bother focusing on her clit for now, but simply tease her with intermittent licks to lap up her flavor. From her whines, she's getting frustrated.
"You want more?" you ask.
"Then first admit it. You've been wanting to have sex with me since we've been here."
"But I can't..."
"I'm not asking that. I'm asking if you want to. And you do. So say it. Admit it."
"I want to. I want it."
"You want to what?"
"Have sex. With you. With anyone. Oh Lord... I've dreamed of it for years."
"There's the truth." And with that you burrow down and get to work. Your tongue runs along her folds. Your lips tease her clit. Her smooth lips ooze her arousal about your face.Her lips ooze, and the bristle of her bush scrubs your chin and nose raw. With all of your skill and attention, you have her trembling, and then bucking, and then crying out. You don't let up until the fight has gone out of her.
After she settles, she goes straight into a spent daze. Euna hardly seems aware.
You clean her up with a damp cloth.
You tug her chemise down.
You tuck her into bed.
She's already passed out.
Come morning, none of this will have happened.
Lanx better be right about the forgetfulness.
You pull the blanket over Euna. "Sleep well," you say. "You'll feel better in the morning."
"Thank you," she mutters. "For... for taking care of me. You're a... you're a good Foolnoble lady."
"I don't know about that," you say.
"You're looking after me."
"Yeah. I guess I care about you more than I thought. Goodnight, Your Highness." You rise to leave the alcove.
Her hand snags the hem of your tunic to keep you. You turn. She's still melted in bed, but her arm is latched to you like a leash. She wants to say something, but her sluggish mind works to form words. Finally, "I'm glad you're with me."
Prying away her latched hand, you place a princelysweet kiss upon its back. "I'm glad you're with me too. It would be lonely to face these strange lands alone."
Her reply is only to smile. It's as warm as it is drowsy.
You rest her arm down and tuck her in again. This time she snuggles into her bedding and rolls onto her side. You're pretty sure she's asleep before you've left the alcove.
"You're wet," you say. "You're turned on."
"Mmhmm." She revels under your touch.
"You'd like me to make love to you. Fill you with my seed, so that it leaks from you and drips down your thighs.Grind myself against your sex and mix our arousal together. You'd stink of me. Wouldn't you like that?" You saw your fingers into her.
"Hmm... please."
"That's what you like about it. The sweat. The cum. The stench. The messiness. In fact, when sex is clean and sterile, it's boring, right?"
"Don't stop..."
"You want to embrace filth, Euna. Imagine cum spilling onto your tits. Imagine how slick and sticky it would be on your skin. Imagine the smell. The taste. Revel in the heat and the sweat of sex." You keep playing with her until she's squirming.
After she settles down, you wipe your hands clean on her tits. "From now on, whenever you fantasize sex, imagine dirty, raunchy sex. It's not real if it's not filthy."
"Hmm." Seems like she's dozing more than listening now.
"Want to try something I know you'll like?" you ask.
After sliding your fingers into her a few times, you migrate your fingers lower between her legs to tease her anus.
She groans in displeasure and tries to close her legs.
"No, no. You want this. Trust me."
"tss dirty..." she mumbles.
"Yes it is," you agree. "And yet I know you've heard of people playing with their bottoms."
"That's right. It's taboo, but people do it anyway, and you're curious. Here. Keep your eyes closed and just focus on the sensation." You sneak your finger farther to circle her rim while your thumb keeps its focus on her clit. She slowly warms untils she's wet and writhing. "Not so bad, huh?"
"Hmm..." She shrugs sleepily.
You collect a little of her arousal on your middle finger and press into her hole. She gives an inward gasp. "Feels good, doesn't it?" You work both her holes now until you have her quaking with pleasure.
Despite her reluctance, she seems adaquetly pleased.
You pull away. "Now whenever you're having sex, I want you to imagine what it would be like to take it up the ass at the same time. Will you do that?"
She nods absently.
"My," you say. "You're already wet."
"I've been... wet... all day," she breathes.
"Then I bet you smell potent." You dip your fingers into her and smell them. "Your reek is intoxicating. It's making me hardwet too." You hold your fingers under her nose. "Breathe in your own arousal, Euna. Isn't it intoxicating?"
She breathes deep. Her chest swells.
"Taste yourself. Learn to love it." You press your fingers to her mouth, and she obediently sucks them. Her tongue worms between your digits. With your other hand you resume fingering her sex. Between tasting herself and your teasing, she's squirming.
You switch hands and give her fresh fingers to suck. "You're filthy, Euna. And it makes you so sexy. You should stop bathing. Let your natural stench take over. It'll drive men crazy, and you'll be so turned on by your own reek, you'll always want to fuck. Don't you want that?"
"Hmmmm." She hums around your fingers. It might have been assent. It might be that she's beginning to climax.
In the middle of her throes, you press a spare finger down into her asshole. It sends her to another toe-curling level. If she weren't sucking your fingers, she's be screaming out.
After she comes down, she sucks your other fingers clean too when offered, quite sleepily though. She didn't seem to notice that one of them had been in her ass. She's clearly done.
After she comes down, you let her rest. She's clearly done.
"You've been a dirty girl lately," you say. "You stink like a slut."
"Hmm... I do."
"It's not enough any more. I want you to stink more."
"A proper slut doesn't just reek of herself, but of all the men and women she's lays with. She covers herself with their stink. She fills herself with it. And you love acting like a dirty slut, don't you?"
"I'm a slut," she mutters.
"That's right." You tug off your breechestights. Crawling around, you squat over Euna's face so that your balls hangquim hovers before her. "Smell me, Euna. I haven't bathed all day."
She breathes deep.
"Doesn't the stench turn you on? You want to play with yourself."
Her fingers work frantically over her sex.
"Now taste me," you say. "Bathe yourself with me. Take on my stench."
Euna nuzzles your ballslips with her nose and forehead. And when she becomes desperates, she tongues them for their flavor—all the while bringing herself closer to a climax.
"Good," you say. "I stink so bad, don't I? You must be so turned on. You're going to cum doing this. That's how much you like polluting yourself. So do it. Cum."
Euna grows frantic, as though she needs your stench. Despite her mewling and bucking, she never stops bathing you with her tongue, not until she's spent. Afterward, she's practically nodding off.
"You've really become quite a dirty slut, haven't you, Euna?"
"I'm sorry," she mutters.
You stroke her sex. "Just like you love being abused up on that pillory, you love being polluted too. That makes you no better than a toilet. In fact, you're such a sick slut, I bet you'd love to stick your tongue up my ass right now, wouldn't you?"
"Hmm. I would."
Leggings down, you climb over her and present your butt. She works her tongue against your asshole while you keep touching her.
"That's what I like about you, Euna. You're so hungry for filth I bet I could shit in your mouth right now and it'd make you cum, wouldn't it?"
"Hmm!" Her tongue burrows harder.
"I thought so," you say. "Get ready, Euna. And make sure you cum for me when I do, or I'll think you didn't appreciate it enough." And you bear down, pushing out a log of dark shit. You don't see, but you feel heavy breath, and her lips and tongue coaxing the log out. She's hungry for it. Her hand shoots between her legs, and she strums a vibrant tune. She moans around the shit between her lips.
And obedient to the end, she climaxes. All the way through she's chewing, and swallowing, and tonguing for more.
"Good girl," you say. "Now show your appreciation and keep your tongue cleaning my ass until I'm done."
You enjoy your throne for nearly an hour before she starts to fidget. You move aside and see that awareness has returned to her eyes. She smacks her lips, and runs her tongue along her teeth. "I was... Did you... just use my mouth while I was recovering?"
She stops. "Wha...?"
"Keep tonguing me, Euna. Just listen."
She does.
"Too bad for you I don't have to shit right now," you say, "so instead, you're going to play with yourself while you imagine me pushing a fat log of steaming shit right into your mouth."
After she takes over, you take your hand away and just enjoy her tongue.
"Imagine all those johns you whore yourself to," you say. "Imagine them pissing and shitting upon your body, because you're lower than a toilet to them. You're even grateful that they would pollute you so. You love it. It gets you off. Imagine it, Euna."
Maybe she does, or maybe she's not listening, but she is squirming from her own touch, and her tongue never lets up.
You enjoy your throne for nearly an hour before her tongue hesitates. You move aside.
Awareness has returned to her eyes. "...Why am I tonguing your ass?"
"You asked," you reply.
"Did I?"
"You were quite insistent."
"Oh." She sits up, abashed. "It must have been the ambrosia. I guess it brings out my inner pervert. Thank you for putting up me."
"It's fine," you say. "Your inner pervert is the real you."
You slide two fingers into Euna. "Feels good, doesn't it?"
In response, the moans and squirms a little.
You slide a third finger into her, and she winces. "Too much?" you ask.
She nods.
You keep your fingers buried in her, no moving. "Just relax. You'll get used to it. Some men have cocks bigger than this. Women crave cocks like that."
"Hmm." Her vaginal walls clench your fingers.
"You have to be dying with curiosity. What's a big cock like? What's it feel like to feel so full."
"Well," you pull out your fingers, and she whines. "You'll just have to wonder then... unless you're willing to try."
Euna squirms a little in frustration. It's a while until she settles down.
You slip three fingers into Euna. "You're wet. You want something inside you."
"Yes... please..." She squirms under your touch.
"Imagine what it would feel like to take a fist."
"Too big..."
"No. You're just not relaxed enough, but you could do it. Women around the world enjoy taking fists in their quim. You know about the practice, don't you?"
"The sisters..." she breathes.
"Ah, the sisters. In the convent. They enjoyed a good fisting, did they? You must have been curious."
Squirming, she nods.
"Imagine it. Those chaste nuns were sneaking out of their dorms at night to visit each other. Their naked bodies press together beneath those plain white sheets. Their hands explore, and they press their fists into each other while stifling their moans of lust. Can you imagine it, Euna?"
"Yes..." She's getting close.
"Can you imagine their dripping quims stretching to accomodate their fellow sisters' hands? Can you see how much they squirm? How powerful the orgasms were?"
"Yes... Oh Lord... Yes..."
You withdraw your fingers. "No, you can't, Euna. You can only dream, because you've never taken a fist before. You weren't even there."
She whines, desperate for release. She reaches to touch herself, but you stop her. "No, Euna, just dream. Lie here and think about how much you need to try fisting. Then you'll feel those orgasms too."
Her breath remains short for a long while after.
You slip three fingers into Euna.
She spreads her legs. "More..."
Soon you're pressing your hand into her up to the webbing of your thumb.
"More." Legs go wider.
You tuck your thumb and press your pointed hand into her. It's a tight fit that makes her wince, but your hand slips in up to your wrist. "Feels good, huh?"
She replies with a contented moan.
You begin pulling your fist out and forcing it back into her again. More wincing. It doesn't get much easier. "Seems like you're barely able to handle my hand," you say. "a pity. I bet you'd love it if I could ram my fist in and out until your toes curl."
"Hmm... Yes..."
You stop entirely. "Too bad you're not there yet."
Euna whimpers. "Noo..." Her voice is small. "Please... don't stop..."
"I'm sorry, Euna, but you're too tight. If you want more, you're going to have to work for it. You'll need to train yourself. You'll need to find ways to push past your limit. Then you'll be able to take so much more, and you want that, right?"
"I need it..."
You give her a kiss on her forehead. "Then rest for now, and imagine training your hole to take more. Think about what goals you'll set for yourself. Got it?"
"Then close your eyes and start planning."
She does so, and you leave her be.
You tuck your thumb and press your fists easily into her wet gash. In response, she pulls her legs up and wide to give you access.
"Give me more..." she mutters, eyes lidded.
You crawl onto the bed between her knees. From this angle, you really get to work pistoning your fist in and out of her. It bounces her along the bed and jiggles her tits.
"You've been stretching yourself," you say. "No you're a loose slut. Say it."
"I'm a loose... ohh... a loose slut."
"Tell me how much you need this."
"I need it. I need to cum so badly."
"You'd love to split yourself open with gigantic cocks."
Your punches push your fist deeper until your pounding her cervix. She winces.
"Hmm," you say. "Seems I can't go deep enough," and you pull out.
"But... no..." she whines.
"Sorry, Euna, but if you're hole still isn't big enough. If you want to be properly penetrated, then you need to train your body to go farther."
"But it can't..." She pulls her legs wider to invite you. Her gash is flowered, and it drools for you.
You don't take the bait. "Find a way, Euna. You're already using tonics to stretch yourself. Maybe it's time to go farther. Maybe press into that womb of yours."
She groans in frustration. "I want to..."
"Then find a way. Rest now, and think about some day taking a fist right up to the elbow. Until then..." You pull her legs down and wipe your hand clean on her thigh. "No penetration will be enough for you." You kiss her, and pouting she settles down to rest.
You press your fist into Euna easily. She pulls her legs up by her head to give you ample access, and you situate before her sex and push deep, right to her cervix. No resistance.
"Does that feel good?" you ask.
"Hmm. Yes... Please, more."
You press deeper, caving her cervix inward. "Good, Euna. You've subjected your body to extreme and expensive operations just so you can take absurd insertions, and I'm proud of you."
"Hmm," she moans delightedly as you work your fist.
"Now that you're body exists for this abuse, I want to see to what extremes you can take it. You know what I want, don't you?"
"Yes... Ohh."
"But you know what it is I really want to see, don't you, Euna?"
"By belly... pregnant... swollen."
"That's right. I want more."
"I can't do anymore. Look." You pull out. Her pussy blossoms with wet inviting flesh, but when you push in, you don't get any deeper. "This is as much as you can take, and maybe you're happy with it..." You punch in and out of her, and she jolts. "It's not doing anything for me. I want more."
"I want to take you deeper too. The Agnodine... "
"Sure. Then I could push through past my elbow, I don't just want deeper. I want more."
You thrust your fist into her as you say it. And she squirms delightedly. You continue to speak, emphazising your points along with more thrusts.
"I want bigger. I want to force you open. I want your fuck hole to gape. To stretch you out. I want to ruin your womb, and I want to watch you cum so hard when I do it. Do you want it too?"
"I want bigger. I want to fill you up. I want to inflate your belly with cum. Make you pregnant in the most obscene ways possible. That will make you look so fucking sexy. Don't you want it too?"
"Ohh... Lord... Oh, yes!"
Her muscles contract around your arm and she shudders and jolts. You fist her right through her orgasm until she settles. Only then do you pull out your arm. "Good girl, Euna. Now you may play with yourself if you like."
Her hand goes between her legs, and she works her fist into herself.
"But don't cum again, Euna," you say. "This is only so you'll condition your mind more. So say the words as you fist yourself."
"Ohh... Lord, yes."
"Good. Then get there." You pull your fist out and crawl off the bed. She's left yearning. "I don't care what alchemy or what procedures you must undergo. I don't care how hard you have to push your body. Make it suit me, and only then will I be happy. You want to please me, don't you?"
"Yes... I'll do it.. But please... Use me." She's squirming on the bed.
"Not now," you say. "I'm not interested in your body until it can be a sleeve for the most perverted insertions possible. Until then, you may play with yourself."
Her hand shoots between her legs. She works her fist into herself.
"But don't you dare cum," you add. "You don't deserve it yet. And say the words each time you fist yourself."
"Words...?" She's breathless.
"Bigger. Force. Gape. Stretch. Ruin. Cum."
"Bigger," she breathes. "Force. Gape..."
"Bigger. Fill. Inflate. Pregnant. Obscene. Sexy."
"Bigger," she breathes. "Fill. Inflate..."
With each word, she punches her fist into herself. This continues until she's about to cum, and she back off and settle down... just to start over.
You relax nearby and watch her edge. Sunbeams creep along the floor. Eventually the mantra stops, and then the fisting. Her mental fog clears, and she looks around. "What am I doing?"
"Fisting yourself."
"And you've been watching. How long have I been doing this?"
"For a while now. Did you cum?"
"Not even close," she says. "As though my tiny fist alone can get me off. I need something far bigger these days."
"That's true," you say. "Now get dressed. I want to go."
"No." She frowns as though confused. "I think I was half asleep. You can't imagine what kind of fantasies I was just having."
"Maybe not. Get dressed. We've been here too long."
"You like this?" You trace her labia.
"Hmm," she moans in agreement.
"Do you know what also feels good? A little pain. It can be so stimulating. Would you like to try?"
"No... No... this... just do this."
"Some women enjoy being flogged. They crave mixing pain and pleasure. You've heard about it, haven't you?"
"Sado... Sadomasochism," she breathes.
"Ah, you know of it. I bet you've read about it in your books. Probably some dry medical account on mental illness, but you read those passages over and over. Cheeks blushed, loins tingling. You were curious, weren't you?"
"I... ohh... yes." She squirms.
"You think about it. Don't you?"
"I... yes... ohh Lord."
"You want to see for yourself what it's like. Admit it."
"I... I... oh, I'm..." Any farther words are lost to her moans. She trembles beneath your touch. After, she's limp, you get no more response from her, so you let her sleep.
"Does this feel good?" you ask.
She nods absently.
"How about this?" With your other hand, you fondle her bared tit.
"And this?" You pinch her nipple gently, enough to get a slight inward hiss.
"It was intense, wasn't it? Focus on it." You pinch her nipple again and get another wince from her. Her nipple has stiffened now. "Feel the way the pain shoots to your belly. Feel how it mixes with the pleasure to make something stronger. It makes you want to play with yourself."
Absently, she reaches down and takes over strumming her clit.
You pinch her harder. She squirms. Her other hand clamps over yours. It seems to be holding it in place. She plays with herself at a more feverish tempo. You take both her nipples and squeeze. The effect is electric. She cries out, strums herself, and begins bucking. You pinch and pull, rising her heights, until eventually she comes crashing down.
In the aftermath, you lay down beside her to sleep. She plays with herself idly as she dozes, one hand still twiddles her nipple.
"You're wet," you say. "You've been having naughty thoughts, haven't you?"
"Hmm," she moans. "I'm... I'm having naughty thoughts now."
"You've been having dirty desires since you were a young girl too. You were never an obedient Nimic girl."
"And to think," you say, "you used to be such a good Nimic girl. Now you're mind is plagued with dirty thoughts and desires."
"I'm... I'm not sorry...."
"No, you're not, are you? You like being a disobedient girl. Do you know what we do to disobedient girls?"
"I'm... I'm sorry..."
"Not yet you are. Do you know what we do to disobedient girls?"
"Hmm." She's only half listening.
You push her knees up to her chest and deliver a sharp resounding swat against her bum. She jolts. Her eyes snap open.
"They get punished," you say.
She gapes at you, startled and dazed.
"You know you deserve it," you say. "You're a bad girl. You deserve it so much, you want it. You want to play with yourself when you're punished." You move her hand to her crotch. "Do it."'
Obediently, her fingers get to work. Her eyes flutter closed.
"But you don't care," you say. "You get turned on by pain. It makes you want to be more disobedient. In fact, you want to play with yourself, don't you?"
Her hand migrates between her legs. "Hmm." Her eyes flutter closed. "Punish me..."
You deliver another sharp swat, and another. Her fingers don't stop, and after each, she squirms more, breathes harder. Her tempo and yours increase, until she's strumming herself while you rain angry swats upon her cheeks. You don't stop until she falls limp.
You bring her legs down and tuck her in. Though she's wincing, she's quick to fall into a well-earned slumber.
"You like this, huh?"
"Hmm..." she murmers.
You pinch her clit and make her squirm. "You've become quite a glutton for punishment."
"You taught me..."
"Yes, but you took to it too well. You spent a lot of time on your knees in the convent being flogged for your godlessness. Reverend Mother Margosha singled you out."
"And did you ever punish the other sisters?"
"She made me."
"But you enjoyed it. Didn't you? Habit pulled up, bare ass exposed. The humiliation. The begging. It made you wet." You guide Euna's hand between her legs, and she takes over playing for herself.
"Imagine you're back there now," you say. Margosha has left you to punish a fellow sister. She's naked before you, kneeling and ready. You bring the whip down upon her back over and over. Her back is a mess of scores. She takes it quietly at first, but soon tears stain the stones. She cries and begs, but every time you score her flesh, you feel it in your sex. You're dominating this woman. You're bringing her low, and it's making you dripping wet. And even as this girl begs and weeps, you can see between her legs that she's as dripping wet as you are."
"Imagine you're back there now," you say. Margosha has left another sister to punish you. You're naked before her, kneeling and ready. She brings the whip down upon your back over and over. The pain is seering. Your cheeks burn from the humiliation, but ever time that whip bites into you, you feel it in your sex. This woman is dominating you, and it's making you dripping wet. And this fellow sister comes around before you, you see that she's naked now too, and she's as dripping wet as you are. Her sex is radiating heat. You can smell her scent".
"Ohh..." Euna is getting close.
"Feel the crack of the flog, Euna. Every time it strikes, you come a little closer to the edge. And when the pain becomes too much to bear, that's when it happens. Cum for me, Euna. She's crying for mercy.Cry for mercy."
Euna's body squeezes enough that her butt lifts off the sheets. She squirms and whimpers and plays with herself until finally collapsing and panting. You help her under the sheets, but she's hardly aware. Euna is already falling asleep.
"You got hurt pretty badly today on the pillory," you say.
"Hmm," she moans. "Yes..."
"But you love the rush that comes from pain. Maybe I should give you to a sick sadist to torture you. Doesn't that make you want to play with yourself?"
As though cued, her hand goes between her legs.
"Not yet, Euna. First, imagine that sick sadist." You fetch a candle from a nearby sconce. "You're in his dungeon, lashed to a bed." You kneel between her legs and pin her thighs down with your knees. You hold the candle above her groin. Wax drips on her bare moundfurred labia causing her small jolts. "He orders you to stay still. You're obedient, aren't you, Euna?"
She nods. Her eyes are transfixed on the candle light.
"Then prove it." You lower the candle flame against her clitoris. She tenses, jolts, thrashes, and whimpers. Her eyes clench and her fists tighten, but she endures. Once you smell cooking flesh, you plunge the candle into her, extinguishing it.
"Very good, Euna." You get off her thighs. "Now you may play with yourself."
Her hands shoots between her legs. She strums her scorched clit and saws the candle stick in and out of herself. Though the seering pain has brought tears to her eyes, it seems to have made her insatiable. She's even twists and pulls at her clit to make herself hurt more.
Instead, she curls up and clutches her groin.
"Play with yourself, Euna," you order. "Embrace the pain."
While curled, her hand starts its telltale stroking.
"Harder, Euna. Make it hurt more. Punish yourself."
She does. Despite harsh breathing and tears in her eyes, she starts getting into it. She uses her other hand to work the candlestick in her.
"Keep going," you say. "Now close your eyes and listen. You're still in that dungeon. The sadist talks about other tortures he'll do. He'll roast your tits with hot irons. He'll grate your pussy to bloody shreds. He'll surgically remove your limbs so you're a helpless torso good only for fucking, and then he'll grind his boot upon your face. He'll torture you to death.He'll run hot skewers through your tits. Whip your pussy into a tenderized pulp. Break your toes and fingers. Choking the life out of you. Snuff your life. It terrifies you, but you're wet with anticipation. You don't care if he ruins your body, because you need to cum. So do it, Euna. Cum for me."
Euna feverishly strums herself for ages until she's finally trembling and wailing.
"Very good, Euna. You really are a broken slut." You climb off the bed. "I know the pain is already turning you on again, so you may keep playing with yourself."
She curls up and suffers instead, but eventually her fingers start diddling again. She fucks herself with the candlestick, building momentum until another orgasm overwhelms her.
You wait through several cycles of squirming pain and shuddering masturbation. Thanks to the ambrosia, her clit heals quickly, going from blistered to angry red to normal. It seems her interest in touching herself fades the more it heals. Or maybe she's just coming to. Sitting up, she massages her groin and slides out the candlestick. "Ohh. Ow."
"Are you all right?"
"I think so." She examines the candlestick. "Lord, that ambrosia stirs my head sometimes. I think I burned myself."
"Yes," you say. "You did it on purpose."
"Did I really?" She examines her clit. "Lord, I'm such a pain slut. Even this agony is turning me on."
"Did I really?" She examines her clit. "What I mess I am. I suppose I've grown too accustom pain."
"Then you just need more."
She smiles. "Maybe I do. I'll get dressed."
"You're horny, aren't you?" you whispers. "You've been wanting me to rut you all day."
She gives a fervent nod. "Yes... Please..."
Your fingers trace along her labia. Your thumb plays with her clit. "You've gone your whole life depriving yourself of sex for nothing. You need to catch up." You get her shuddering with little jolts. "Out here, so far from home, you can do that. You have a chance to enjoy sex as much as you want, and now is your chance to try all those dirty things you used to turn your nose up at. You're curious now, aren't you?"
"You're going to spend your time thinking about those dirty things, about playing with yourself, about having sex, and you'll get turned on."
"Yes. Ohh..." She mewls and squirm from your fingers until she's bucking. All throughout, you repeat the same things to her over and over, though she hardly seems to be listening.
Eventually, she's spent. Already, she's fading to into a deep sleep. It makes putting her chemise back on a true chore.
"Do you want to fuck?"
She nods absently. "Make love to me."
"No. What we do is fuck. We don't make love. It's dirty, and lewd, and that's why you love it. You want to fuck all day."
"Ohh..." She squirms under the touch of your fingers.
"You want to fuck everywhere too. In public. In front of a crowd. Anywhere. Because when people see your naked body, it makes you hot. You want to show off your body. Say it."
"I want... I want to show off my body."
"That's right. You enjoy being a wanton harlot like the kind you always looked down on. But you were always stifled. Now you want to play with yourself while others watch. Most of all, you want to fuck as much as you can. Say it."
"I want to fuck. Oh... Please, fuck me."
"I will. In public. Close your eyes and imagine it." You slip your fingers into her. "I'm fucking you in the center of the city square. There's a crowd around us. They point and murmer. You can feel their eyes on you, and it's goign to make you cum, isn't it?"
"It is... oh... it is... Ohhhh." She squirms and mewls. All the while, you tell her about the crowd watching her climax. Some sneer. Some cheer. Some ogle.
"Now keep your eyes closed," you say afterward, "because you're going to sleep now. In front of all those people. Completely naked. In fact, you don't think you'll ever put clothes on again."
"Never again..." she mutters. Euna is already falling asleep. So you tuck her in. This time, you don't put her chemise back on. You let her sleep naked. She'll think of that whatever she will come morning.
"You want something, don't you? Tell me."
Her groin lifts, searching for your toying fingers. "Fuck me... please."
"Good. You want to fuck instead of make love, like a slut. Close your eyes then."
You tug down your breechestights and roll onto Euna. In an instant, you're inside her. She squeezes you closer with her legs.
You shimmy out of your tights and crawl over Euna. Pushing her leg against her chest, you interlace your legs together and press your sex to hers. She grinds back.
"Imagine us fucking in public. A crowd is around us."
"Yes... oh..."
"You love this attention, and you're close to getting off, except you open your eyes, and it's not me."
She does open your eyes, but in the dark, she can hardly see you.
"AnotherA man has taken my place. You've never see him before, but you want him to fuck you, don't you? Imagine it."
Another woman has taken my place." You've never seen her before, but you want her to continue, don't you? Imagine it."
"Hmm," she whines.
"You're fucking a stranger now, like a slut. When they finish, another will take their place, and another, and I'm off to the side encouraging people to take turns with you. When you see me, I give you a smile. You're my slut, Euna, so make me happy and spread your legs for everyone."watching, but you don't care what I think. You're a tsarivna and a slut. You have the right to fuck the whole world if you want."
"Ohh..." She wraps her legs about you. Her clamps her eyes shut as she climaxes. She humps feverishly. It's enough that you can't hold off anymore either, and you pump her full of your cum.
After, you lay down beside her to sleep, leaving her naked and leaking. It'll be up to her to wonder who's cum it is, since she won't remember this.
"Ohh..." She grabs your hands and pulls you tighter against he. Eyes clamped, she climaxes. You try your best to keep grinding despite her discordant humping.
Afterward, you lay down with her, both of you naked.
"From now on, whenever you play with yourself," you say. "Imagine yourself fucking a stranger. Think about how hot that is."
"Hmm," she moans. She's already falling asleep.
"You're desperate for sex right now, aren't you?"
"Yes..." Her breath is heavy.
"You're a slut, Euna. You always need sex. You think about it constantly. It's why you give your body to strangers." You circle your fingers along her labia.
She's trembling now. Mewling.
"That's why you want to be a whore."
"It only makes sense that you should sell your body to strangers. You'll let them do whatever they want to you."
She squirms under your fingers. Maybe she's not listening.
"It gives you power over them," you say. "They pay you, and you take, in exchange for the fucking you would gladly do anyway. Doesn't the thought arouse you?"
"This is what you were born for," you say. "Trafficking your cunt. Making me money. Pleasing me. Doesn't the thought arouse you?"
She nods.
"Then cum," you say. "Cum imagining yourself as a cheap whore.queen of whores. Cum knowing it's your inevitable future."
And she does. She cums hard enough that despite her drugged state, she screams out and arches her back. You struggle to keep your fingers working until the end. Afterward, she's spent, hardly aware that you're even there.
"You really love being up on that scaffold, don't you?" you say.
"Hmm...for the sisters."
"No. You do it because you love being molested by a crowd. Maybe I should put you up there all day long so that everyone can take a turn with you. You'd like that."
She chews her lip and moans. Eyes remain closed.
"Imagine it. A whole line of men taking turns dumping their cum into you, each brings you closer to climaxing." Your fingers pick up their pace. "Do you want to climax?"
"I want it...."
"Then cum like a piece of slut meat who's only function in life is to be fucked. Cum for me, Euna. Cum."
As though obeying your command, she cries out and squirms. Eventually she slumps back down.
...but as soon as you take your hand away, hers takes its place. She's playing with herself despite having just orgasmed.
"What a slut you are, Euna," you say. "You still want more. You know why. Tell me."
"I'm addicted to sex," she cries.
"That's right," you say. "You're helpless. And with every orgasm, you'll want another. You're always thinking about sex Euna. So do it. Play with yourself."
...but you don't stop playing with her sex. Even when she cringes away, sensitive as she is post-orgasm.
"The men aren't done fucking you, Euna. Keep your legs spread." You play with her harder. She's wincing.
"It doesn't matter that you just came," you say. "You still want more, don't you? One orgasm isn't enough. It's never enough, because you're addicted to sex, Euna. Say it."
"...I'm addicted to sex."
"It's all you think about."
"It's all I think about."
You lift your hand away, and as expected, she pouts. "So play with yourself, Euna," you say. "Bring yourself to another orgasm."
Euna fervently strums her clit until she's bucking with pleasure. Afterward, she slows.
"And another, Euna. It's not enough."
Her fingers start up again. She soldiers through the discomfort and finds another orgasm minutes later, and then she does it again, without you telling her to. You slide off the bed and take a nearby seat. Each orgasm is a struggle, but she wants every one. Several orgasms later, she comes to her senses.
She slows, blinks, and realizes what she's doing. "Oh my Lord," she says. "I... I guess I was a little caught up with the ambrosia. How long have you been waiting?"
"An hour maybe."
"And I've been doing this all the while? I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."
"It's all right," you say, "It's who you are."
When you approach, Euna holds her arms open for you. It surprises her when you flip her over, lie on her body, and pin her hands to beside her head. Ignoring her warm inviting snatch, you press your cock to her tight, unlubricated asshole and force your way in.
Euna cries out in pain. She tries her best to relax for you, but you're not giving her enough time. What follows is a mindless, loveless fucking while she clutches the bedsheets and tries not to cry out. Despite the rough treatment, despite her tears, she's gasping lustily soon enough, even if some of those gasps are choked sobs.
You fill her and get off. Her asshole is red and and enflamed. Her breathes raggedly and sniffles.
You toss her clothes onto her. "Get dressed. We're leaving."
Knowing her place, Euna rushes to obey.
"Get dressed," you say. "I want to leave."
Euna pouts, yet she obeys. However, she's quite demure and inviting about dressing in front of you.
Euna holds her arms open for you, but rather than join her, you tug off your leggings, climb up on the bed, and squat down over her face. She's already lifting her head to stick her tongue up your snatch before you've even settled your weight upon her.
You grind against her face with abandon that she has to clutch the bedsheets, and her tits wobble. Even when you're scraping her lips and nose raw with your pussy, she seems to be getting more from this than you. Her body writhes and twitches. Her pelvis keeps lifting as though humping something.
Somehow, your loveless grinding causes her to climax, without a finger touching her cunt. She cries into your cunt. It comes out blubberly, because you never stop humping her mouth, because she's setting you off too. Your moans are nothing compared to hers.
Afterward, she's left gasping, red-faced and tear-streaked. While you dress, she watches you from the bed wiping spit and girl-cum from her face.
You toss her clothes onto her. "Get dressed."
Euna holds her arms open for you, but rather than join her, you orient her so her head hangs off the edge of the bed nearest you. Her mouth is already open to accept your hardening member.
You fuck her face with abandon while she clutches the bedsheets. Her tits wobble from your thrusts. Her body writhes and twitches. Her pelvis keeps lifting as though humping an invisible cock. Even as your balls slap her nose, her own pleasure builds as though she'sShe's getting more from this than you.
Somehow, your loveless fucking of her face causes her to climax, without a finger touching her cunt. Her spasms, and her moans make her throat vibrate against your cock. It sets you off. You bury deep and fire cum into her stomach until she's thrashing. Her orgasm only seems to grow stronger.
Afterward, she's left gasping, red-faced and tear-streaked. While you dress, she watches you from her upside down perch and licks spittle and cum from her lips.
You toss her clothes onto her. "Get dressed."
Stripping, you fall upon her, and her limbs entwine about you. Her sex takes you into herself with ease, and every inch of your invading cock causes her a spasm of pleasure.
All throughout sex, she clings to you feverishly. "Oh Lord I love you." She kisses and nibbles your neck and breasts with frantic mania. "Fuck me. Fill me. I want to be yours forever." She seems out of breath she's so overcome, and she holds you to her so tightly it nearly squeezes the air out of you.
When you climax, she feels your throbbing cock inside her, and it sets her off. She screams out in a moan so powerful that the whole church must hear. Her cunt is vice-like upon your shaft, as though to hold you forever. Tears stream from her eyes, and her moans turn to sobs even as she convulses.
You've long since spent your load by the time she finally comes down. She weeps silently to herself until she grows more lucid.
You fall upon her, but you've hardly a chance to touch her body before she attacks ferociously. Suddenly, she's on top, and she's fussing with your clothes to get at your flesh beneath.
All throughout sex, she kisses and nibbles with frantic mania. "Oh Lord, I love you," she mutters between kisses. No matter what her lips are doing, her sex grinds against you somewhere. When her lips suckle your neck and breasts, she grinds against your thigh. When her lips dine upon your own quim, she grinds against your face. When her lips moan because she's dangling her breasts over you to feel your mouth upon her, she grinds against your working finger. When your lips meet for an endless expression of love, her sex grinds against yours with such fevered desperation that she howls her pleasure for all the church to hear.
Long after you two finish, she cluches you and weeps.
"I'm sorry," she mutters. "It was just so... Everything about it was so beautiful. You've made me so happy." She sniffles. "Damn this ambrosia. It's so... overwhelming."
"Let's walk." You hand Euna her clothes. "It'll help you calm down."
Sometime later, you both emerge from the temple and onto the city streets.
"That was the most agonizing session I've ever suffered on the pillory," Euna says.
"Are you all right?"
"I am now, yes, but back on the pillory, I didn't know how I was going to survive. I was powerless. I wished so much for a safety word, something I could do to make it end." She bites her lip. "But then it wouldn't have been the same if there was."
"You enjoyed it?"
"I don't know if that's the right word. But there was something thrilling about truly being at their mercy. I think... I think... I might have climaxed."
"On the pillory?"
"I don't know. Maybe that's not what it was. But after going far past what I thought I could handle, there was a... a sort of high." She ponders. "I think my true limit is far beyond what I think it is. Who knows?"
"We shall." Euna stoops and gives the affectionate nun in her lap a kiss upon her head. Rising, she gives mother prefect Janan a hug. "If there is ever anything we can do for you, tell us."
"You are a good soul. Go in peace."
Outside the church, you and Euna walk together.
"That was quite an offer you just made," you say.
"They just handed us youth in a bottle because I tortured one of their sisters with less malice than they're accustom to. If there was ever a group of people who need help, it's them."
"I'm not sure how much two strangers to this land can do for that church."
"Those sisters are simply glad that somebody gives a damn about them, but we can help. We can always conduct the pillory crowds again. The sister I tormented today even told me what days are normally her turn."
"Really. She even told me I didn't need to go nearly as easy on her next time. Not once today did she use the safe word I gave her."
"Do you plan to go harder?"
"Without a doubt." Euna turns to you. "Today when I was standing on that platform stirring the audience, I swear to you, I cannot believe how aroused I was inflicting punishment on that sweet, innocent, willing young girl, and I wanted to go so much farther. I think being a mistress of pain is my true calling."
"And now that we have the ambrosia," you say, "you don't need to worry so much about maiming your prey."
"Exactly, which also means we can take our own games of sadism to greater extremes. I don't want you worrying about marring my body."
"Your body?"
"You are my teacher in all things sexual. It's through your torment that I learned how exquisite pain can be. So yes. My body. You will continue to inspire me, and I want you to go farther than before. Teach me with my body how to better torment others. So that I might become a master myself." Her eyes twinkle. "Just because I happen to enjoy your torment is entirely beside the point."
"Then I will step up my lessons."
"Good," she says. "In the meantime, I look forward to finding my own flock to put under my boot. And one day..." She taps your nose, "You will be a part of my flock. Now, where are we going?"
Euna finally stands still long enough for the nun to finish dressing her. Once that's done, she abruptly throws her arms around the mother prefect and molding her body against the woman. Her lips press to Janan's neck. "Thank you."
Janan reciprocates with a gentle, matronly hug. "You are a good child. Go in peace."
Euna is settling down by the time you're outside the temple.
"How are you feeling?" you ask.
"Better now with the fresh air," she replies. "Actually, unbelievably well. I could dance for ages. And eat a whole banquet. Or sleep for an eternity. Or..." She bites her lip and eyes you suggestively. "Whatever I do, I feel like it will be amazing! And my injuries. Look!" She shows you the faded blemishes where she'd bledhad welts earlier today. "That ambrosia is remarkable. All for an hour in the pillory."
"Do you think you'd do it again?"
"For those sisters, I would do anything. They may be the most honest and good people I've ever known, but I didn't do it for them." She sidles close. "I did it because you ordered me to, and I will always obey. So it's up to you if I do it again."
"Good answer."
She leans on you as you two walk. "But if you ever do make me do it again," she says. "You don't have to go so easy next time. Or ever."
"I don't?"
She shakes her head. "My biggest fear with these masochistic games of ours was that I might forever mar my body, but if we have ambrosia, that's not a worry anymore. Is it?"
"How far do you want to take it?"
"I want you to make me scream," she says. "Make me bleedbeg. Promise me, please. Promise me that you'll hurt me. I... want more."
"We'll see what happens."
"Now, where are we going, my mastermistress?"
You're standing before a temple—a large circular building with curving marble walls, and whose roof is a massive dome. Though the building is a marvel of engineering, its spartan and efficient design contrasts with the city around it.
The symbol above the double wooden doors shows the silhouette of a bird creature with its wings outstretched. From its waist down, it has the body of a lion, but upward, it has the features of a beautiful human female, its bare breasts prominent.
You're standing before the temple.
You are in the heart of the city along a major avenue, and a festival is occurring. Hundreds of people are crowded here, dancing and playing to minstrels sitting upon a stage in the center square. Everyone, from dancers to players, is young and attractive.
"My word," says Euna. "Look at how these people are dressed. That man is wearing nothing but a pair of tights. That woman's skirt is so short, you can see her... her buttocks."
"You can."
"And look at her." She points to a woman wearing a skirt that comes down to her ankles, but for a top, the woman has only a strip across her breasts.
"It's just a loop of fabric!" Euna says. "And this place reeks of drink. You'd think beer flowed through the streets. They're quite shameless. Aren't they?"
"Look at them." You point out nearby pair. A woman has her skirt pulled up about her waist. A man behind her has his breeches lowered. He's rutting her enthusiastically. Nobody around them minds.
Euna averts her gaze. "Shameless. What kind of city is this?"
You're again in the festival before the palace. Hundreds dance as minstrels perform. Many are drunk and in various states of undress. Lascivious behavior is everywhere.
Euna looks about at the minstrels. "Do you think perhaps we should put on a performance?"
"Again with climbing?" she asks. "Gown up,"Sash off,"Skirt off, I suppose."
"It's for the best."
She whisks away her skirt and stands before you exposed.
"Very well." She tucks her gown into her waist cord,spreads her legs a little. Her sash coverup skirt is so short that it's alreadyhikes up her skirt about her waist, exposing her bald slit.furry muff.
Euna sighs. "This again..." She holds up her gown,sash,skirt, but keeps it just low enough to remain descent.
"I think I'd actually prefer to work my wiles upon the guards instead," she says. "It works."
"Maybe, but today let's climb."
"Perhaps we'd have better luck getting past the guards," she says.
"Perhaps we'll try another day."
"What? Why?" she asks.
"It's getting in the way of the harness."
"So? It wasn't a problem last time."
"It was, actually. Don't you remember how awkward it was?"
"I managed. I don't want to be exposed to everyone."
"You already were. The first time the rope caught your fall, your gown bunched up against your waist cord.sash rode up about your waist.skirt rode up about your waist. It'll be safer and more comfortable if you just take it off.
After a moment of narrowed eyes, Euna unties her waist cord. Her gown no longer hugs against her body, and instead drapes down from her breasts like a curtain.unknots her velvet sash and lets it fall away.shimmies her skirt down to her ankles. Her bald pussy is exposed.Her furred pussy is exposed. "I will trust you, though I know I shouldn't. If you're just taking advantage ofplaying a prank on me, then shame on you."
"Are you serious. Why?"
"The rope isn't really secure that way."
"The gown doesn't get in the way of the ropes at all. How would this help?"
"These silly fishnet are hardly hindering anything at all. They're skin tight."
"The rope doesn't even pass over my bodice. How would it help?"
"It doesn't matter," you say. "I'm telling you to take it off."
"Oh! I see. As you wish."
"It's plenty secure. I don't see how it would make a difference." She regards you. "Just admit that you want me to take my gowntoptop off and I'll do it. There's no need for this charade."
"Okay then, I do."
"You do what? Ask nicely."
"Please, Your Highness. I would like you to remove your gowntoptop for me."
"Very well. That's all you had to say."
Euna pulls her gown over her shoulders.peels off her fishnet top.unfastens her bodice and tugs it off overhead. She is left nude.
You tie the rope runs down her ass and along her slit. Any weight will torture her there. Euna regards you demurely as you make sure it's nice and tight.
You wrap opposite lengths of rope around her waist and twirl them together behind her back. The combined length then runs between her legs, going down the valley of her ass and over her vulva. In the front, you tie the ropes into the knot from which you'll belay her.
"Interesting harness," Euna says dryly.
"It's not too tight, is it?"
"It will become very tight in a very uncomfortable place if I put my weight on the rope."
"Good. Maybe now you'll actually try climbing instead of letting me pull you up."
"You weren't pulling me up. I was climbing."
"Then this should be no problem then, right?"
Her eyes narrow. "Interesting... And if I should slip and fall onto this rope?"
"This will encourage you not to," you reply.
She bites her lip. "A harsh punishment. I see you believe in teaching with the stick."
"You'll thank me once you're an expert climber."
First, you climb up and then help her afterward. Puffing and sweaty, she glances over the other side to make sure no one is around before straddling the wall.
All the way up, her gown draped freely from her shoulders, and here at the top, her gown drapes off to one side of the wall, providing her no modesty.
If anyone were to look up, they'd see her here sitting in only a lewd fishnet top.
If anyone were to look up, they'd see her sitting here bottomless.
"This is exposed," she says. "I'm going to be mooning the town the entire way down the other side."
"So? Weren't you before? Anyone below could always seen a good show."
"This is different." She gestures to her naked lower half. "Maybe we should have you climb without pants so you can know what it's like. Now hurry. Get me down the other side before someone sees us."
You belay her down. The moment she's on the street, she reties her waist cord.reties her sash about her hips.takes cover behind a crate and dresses.
"That was interesting," she says after you come down. "Though far less necessary than you made it out to be. I feel like the whole city saw my intimates?"
"And if they did?"
She blushes. "Then I hope they like what they saw. Let's get moving."
First, you climb up. Next, you belay her. With the rope running over her slit, she's forced to actually climb, and any time she starts slowing down, you pull on the rope to encourage her along.
First, you climb up. Next, you belay her. With the rope running over her slit, she's forced to actually climb instead of relying on you to pull her weight. As a result, her progress is tedious.
First, you climb up. Next, you belay her. Though she climbs some, she relies heavily upon the rope. You're supporting much of her weight. The few times you leave her with a little slack, she refuses to move until you make the rope taught again.
Today, she actually makes it on her own, at a good clip too. After cresting the top, she takes a moment to breath and fan her sweaty brow, then inspects the damage between her legs. Hardly more than a red strip.
"Either I'm getting too good," she says. "Or you're going to easy on me. That was hardly a challenge."
You help her down the other side, and then you climb down yourself. On the other side, she lets you unfasten the rope from around her waist.
After she's over and down, you climb down after her.
Euna inspects her groin. The ropes have left her vaginal lips red and tender. "Not too bad," she says.
You take the slack out of the rope and pull.
"Ow, ow. Stop. What are you doing?"
"You're taking too long," you say.
"This is hard. Stop." Euna scrabbles up the wall as best she can. Every gain she makes only buys her seconds before you pull the slack out of the rope. The longer she delays, the harder you pull.
Two-thirds up. "Stop. I need to rest!"
"You're almost there. Keep going." You pull, but this time she doesn't move. You put your weight into it, still nothing.
"I give up," she says. "Can you pull me up?"
"It's going to hurt."
"I accept my punishment."
"If you really do, take your hands off the rope, and I'll pull you up."
A mischievous look comes over her. She forces herself to let go of the rope. At first, she squirms, but her eyes lock onto yours, and she stills.
Once you've hauled her to the top, she swings her leg over and inspects her crotch. The rope is biting into her slit. Her labia hugs the hemp. Her flesh is an angry red, and she winces at the slightest touch.
"Ready to go down the other side?" you say.
She steels herself and swings her leg over. "I'm ready. Am I to try climbing again? Or is my punishment to continue?"
"What do you think?"
The same look comes over her. She dangles her weight on the rope. It hurts even more now. Every jostle causes her to whimper. The moment she's on the ground, Euna sits and tends to her tortured groin.
She grasps the rope instead of the wall. Suddenly, you're having to supporting most of her weight. She stares up at you with a look of satisfaction, even as she grimaces.
"That must be painful," you say.
"Very. But if it's the price for a rest, then I accept my punishment. In fact, I think I'm done." Euna kicks away from the wall. "You can pull me up, because I'm not climbing any more."
"Or I could leave you dangling?" You shift the rope a little, causing her to jiggle. She winces, but remains firm.
"You can. How long can you hold me up? As long as I can take this pain? I bet not." Staring you in the eye, she lets go of the rope. "You better get pulling before your arms get tired."
You haul her up. By the time she's at the top, your arms and back are burning.
"You've outwitted me," you say.
"Of course." Euna inspects her crotch. The rope is biting into her slit. Her labia hugs the hemp. Her flesh is an angry red, and though she winces at the slightest touch, she seems unconcerned. "You're mistake was turning me on to pain. Now. I'll give you a minute to rest, and then you're lowering me down the other side."
"You want more?"
"I said I was done climbing, didn't I?" She swings over to the other sides and dangles, forcing you to lower her by rope. At the bottom, she waits patiently for you.
You climb down, which is a chore given how tired your arms are. Euna is dressed and out of the harness by the time you're on the ground. She's inspecting herself once again. A bright red welt runs between her tender pussy and ass. She will certainly be sore.
"Was it worth it?" you ask.
"What's a little pain for the rest of the day? Shall we go?"
You climb up and then help her afterward. At the top, she straddles the wall. She glistens with sweat, and her nude body is plain to see from many streets, yet she doesn't cover herself. Actually, she's rocking her hips back and forth, grinding her pussy against the marble. One hand traces her thighs and waist.
"Anyone could look up here," she says. "They'd see me sitting upon their wall completely nude. What do you think they'd say?"
"Now that's a beautiful view."
"Of course they would." Her hand trails and circles her breast.
"Maybe you should give them a show," you say.
She grins. "A tantalizing idea, though foolhardy for how treacherous this wall is. We should get down."
She swings her other leg over the wall and climbs down. By the time you catch up, she's already dressed. "That was interesting," she says. "But so absolutely unnecessary."
"Who cares about that?"
"You don't. Clearly. Shall we get moving?"
After climbing up, you belay her. Unlike before, she's not so quick to let you support her weight and actually climbs with her own two hands. As a result, she inches up the wall.
Many times when you pull up the slack, she snatches the rope to keep you from pulling too tight.
Part way up, she halts and just clings to the wall. "My arms are getting tired."
"You've got to finish."
"My grip is getting weak."
"You're almost there."
You feel tension in the rope. She's resting on the harness, despite what it's digging into.
"I can pull you up if you'd like," you pull a little.
She winces and catches the rope. "No. Ow. No."
"Then climb. The longer you take, the more tired you'll get."
Several painstaking minutes later, she crests the top, sweaty and exhausted. The moment she's straddling the marble, she clutches her exhausted arms, and then inspects the ropes. It's pressed into her gash. When she pulls it away, it reveals a red mark running over her ass and pussy. The flesh looks tender. "You're devious."
"But look. You climbed almost entirely without help."
"Almost." She rubs her tender slit. "Next time I'll do better."
"Next time?"
Her eyes twinkle. "You are right. I actually climbed. Looks like I just needed motivation. But I don't think I can take any more for now."
You unfasten the part of the rope between her legs. After belaying her, you climb down and join her. She already has the harness off and is massaging herself between her legs.
"Are you okay?" you ask.
"I'll be fine. Let's get moving."
She grins. "I like that idea."
"I figured you would. Shall we go?"
"We shall," she replies.
Her eyes narrow. "Interesting fantasy of yours..."
"You've hopelessly fallen for my roguish charms.seductive allure."
"Mmhmm. So we ran away together?"
"Your parents didn't approve of our love."
"I'm certain," she says, "and why should I go along with this story?"
"It works. It explains why you don't have any wealth with you, and why we're so far from home."
She mulls it over. "It does serve its purpose. I suppose that makes me the infatuated young maiden who's attracted to danger.who falls for the wrong sort of women. I'll see if I can play the part. Shall we?"
Together, you emerge from the alley way.
You arrive at a garden plaza surrounded by homes. Pleasant walking paths pass along bushes and trees and well-manicured flower beds. Pleasing smells fill the air, from lavender, to rose, to cinnamon. It's isolated here. No one is about, though there are the sounds of distant festivities.
"Oh my," Euna wanders around. She smells a few flowers. "It reminds me of the palace garden back home. It's beautiful here."
"It is," you agree.
"Where shall we go?"
You're in the garden plaza. Sculpted flora and enticing scents surround you.
You and Euna get in line. As soon as you reach the front, the guards give you a knowing grin and wave you both through. They're the same guards from earlier today.
You and Euna get in line. Soon, your turn is almost up.
"Don't worry. I'll get us in," Euna says. "But what do you think I should do?"
"What do you want me to do?" Euna asks.
"How are we getting in?" Euna asks.
"You're going to give the guards a show."
"I'll just suck the guards off."
"We're going to suck these guards off together."
"Do you want to try flirting our way inAre you up for flashing the guards again?"
"Maybe youwe could flirt with the guards."
"You're going to take the guards aside and convince them privately."
"What? No! You're not doing that," Euna says.
"Why not? It's nothing I haven't done before."
"I'm sure, but that's not the point. While you're with me, you'll maintain a level of dignity. Don't act like some common trollop."
"Isn't that what I am? Isn't that what you've called me many times before."
"Maybe you should strive to be something better," she says, exasperated. "You're not doing it, and that's final."
"Very well," she says. "I'd hate to deprive you of your fun."
It isn't very hard to convince the guards. Soon, you find yourself on your knees in their tiny gatehouse. The guard is leaned against the wall over you while you expertly suck his cock.
Euna watches from a nearby stool as you suck off the first, but when the second guard comes in for his turn, she's on her knees beside you to get a closer look.
The guard chuckles. "Heh. You want to take over?"
"I'm just watching," Euna replies. "Carry on."
You keep sucking and nibbling and bobbing down on his cock. Euna watches. Then her hand is on your shoulder. Her expression beckons you to let her have a turn. She takes the guard's stiff, wet member in her hands, and after a moment's hesitation, she takes him into her mouth.
And she sucks, and she bobs a little. Her hands don't do much, but she's giving it her all. The guard isn't thrilled with this performance, and with a grunt of disapproval, he steers her head away and points his cock back at you.
You finish sucking the guard off while Euna watches. She looks miffed.
She talks about it after you two are in the city. "Well, that was rude of him."
"You sucked his cock," you say. "Whatever brought that on?"
"I don't know. You made it seem so normal that I took leave of my senses, but you'd think he'd consider himself fortunate that I would debase myself by fellating him, but for him to spurn me?"
"Maybe he just prefers a more experienced mouth," you reply.
"What difference does it make?" Euna asks. "A mouth is a mouth. I was doing everything you were doing." She waves it off. "Ah, nevermind. We're in the city now."
"What? You'd really do that?" Euna asks.
"Why not? It's nothing I haven't done before," you say.
"I'm sure, but why? We already have other ways into the city."
"You mean going over the wall? The one that you hate climbing?"
"I'm not fond of it, but I can manage."
"Let me do this for you," you say. "It's no trouble for me."
"Very well. It's your dignity."
You both reach the guards. "Signets," they mutter.
"No signets." You lean close. "But if you take me somewhere private, I'll get on my knees and beg you to let us in."
Both guards look you up and down. They like what they see. "Yeah?" one says. "We've got a private place."
They lead you toward the gatehouse and motion Euna to passon through, but she lingers.
"You can go," they say. "We'll send your little friend along after he pays the toll."
She frets. "Actually, I'd like to stay with her. I'll just watch though."
They shrug, and Euna follows too.
The gatehouse is cramped, no wider than the wall it's built into, and it's only features are a few stools, a bench of supplies and waterskins, and a workshift chart on the wall.
The guard gets you pressed into the corner by a narrow barred window so he can keep an eye outside while you're squatted down sucking his cock. Euna sits on a bench and watches intently, both for this guard, and when the second guard comes in for his turn to get his pole polished. In the end, two guards return to their post with empty balls and content smiles, and you and Euna are shepherded on into the city.
"Thank you for your sacrifice," Euna says dryly. "I know how much your virtues mean to you."
"Did you enjoy the show," you ask, wiping away the cum lashed to your chin.
"It was interesting," Euna says. "I don't understand why you let them use you like a common trollop."
"First of all, I'm a one-of-a-kind trollop. And secondly, I used them. Their job is to keep riffraff out of the city, but I just enticed them into breaking the rules for us."
"But at what cost?"
"At no cost. I had fun sucking their cocks. You only think there was a cost because your old religion taught you to think of your chastity as something you can lose."
"What about your pride?"
"Pride is a sin, remember? A humble man is not ashamed to dirty his hands tilling a field. Why should he be ashamed to suck a cock?And a humble woman shouldn't be ashamed to suck a cock."
"Interesting way to look at it. Either way, thank you for getting us in. This was nicer than the alternative."
"It was my honor, Your Highness."
"Both of us?" she asks.
"Think of it as something we can do together."
She chews her lip. "Very well. Lord, this is naughty." She turns to you. "But you'll lead, won't you? I'm unsure how much I want to participate."
"Sure. More cock for me. So you're up for this?"
She eyes the guards nervously. "It would be an opportunity to practice, wouldn't it?"
After a little flirting, you get the guards to lead you both into the guardhouse built into the gate. Kneeling in the small room's corner, you start it off by tugging down the guard's breeches and taking his cock into your mouth while Euna watches from inches away. You get him fully erect and on his way, but now it's Euna's turn. Her skills today are admirable, and the guard groans appreciatively.
Back and forth you two go, until you're ministering to his cock together. She sucks his pole while you nurse his sack. Or you both nibble along his shaft, lips meeting and kissing occasionally. His cum fills your mouth while Euna has her mouth fixed over his nuts, but with a passionate locking of lips, you and Euna share the load back and forth until none is left.
The next guard is much the same, only Euna doesn't need time to shed her modesty. It ends with both your side-by-side faces upturned with mouths open—two targets for his cum. He spills upon both your faces, and it takes much licking and suckling for you two to clean each other.
"And to think," Euna says once you're both inside the city. "There must be women who get turned away by those guards simply because they're too proud to enjoy a little cock sucking."
"That was utterly obscene," Euna says after you're both in the city. "It was a sex act without an ounce of love. ...except between the two of us." Her eyes twinkle.
"Flirt with them?" She glances at the guard. "How?"
"Just smile. Act friendly. Compliment him. It should be easy."
"What if it doesn't work?" she asks.
"Then no harm done. Besides," you pull her close and whisper, "you could always show him a little. That would definitely work."
"Just follow my lead." You pull her close and whisper, "but we might have to show them a little."
"No!" she bats at you. "I couldn't possibly do that."
"Are you sure? It doesn't turn you on to know how much the guards would treasure the sight of your body?"
She grins. "That's all fun to fantasize about, but actually doing it...?"
"I dare you."
"...Fine. I'll flirt with him, but that's it."
"Then you just do the flirting. I'll do the showing."
"...Fine. I can do that."
You reach the guards. "Welcome to Cockaigne," one mutters. "Signets, please."
"Hello there," Euna says. My "useless slavelady-in-waiting here forgot to bring my signet when we left home."My friend and I only just now realized we left our signets at home. I don't suppose you could let us through. Surely you can see I'm nobility."
"Listen, lady," one guard says. "I hear that story a hundred times a day."
"I'll be grateful if you did. You'd be my favorite pair of guards."
"You'll have to do better than that."
"Maybe I could show you something in return." With quivering hands, she raises the hem of her dress a little.
He smile patiently. "Nobility or not. You don't have your signets."
She pulls you up beside her. "Perhaps my lady has brought something else you'd rather see?"
You tease your neckline down to reveal one of your breasts. You play with it innocently.
Both guards grin. "Huh. Not bad. I think I remember seeing her signet after all." Then he looks at Euna. "But what what about yours?"
Euna blanks. "Mine?"
"Yeh. Two women. Two signets."
"I... all right," she says.
The guards' eyebrow rise. He watches her.
Euna yanks her gown asidesash up,dress up, revealing her baldblond, furry pussy.
The first chuckles. "All right, little ladyladies. That gets you in today. Move along."
You both hurry through. Euna is breathless by the time you're through the gate. "Oh, my heavens. I can't believe I did that."
"That was amazing," you say.
"I feel like I'm going to pass out."
"But it worked. You were lovely. When I said show a little, I meant your breasts. You surprised me."You showed more than I did. I'm impressed."
"I panicked."had to show something more. I'm already very exposed thanks to these damned fishnets.can't very well show him my breasts while wearing this chemise, can I?" she says. "Did I go too far? I wonder what they think of me?"
"They probably think you're a beautiful womanwe're a pair of sexy women they were lucky enough to ogle, but who cares what they think? How do you feel?"
"I feel... I feel so naughty. It went against everything I've been taught."
"Would you do it again?"
"I might! Should I not? It was inappropriate. I certainly shouldn't have, but it was so exciting!"
"Don't worry. You'll get a chance to do it again. But later. We're inside now."
"Yes." She calms. "Where shall we go?"
Euna's eyes light. "I think so."
You and Euna approach.
"You two again," one guard says. "Don't suppose you remembered your signet this time."
"We forgot," you say, "but can't you see that my lady is nobleborn."
"Maybe." Both guards turn to her.
"We forgot," you say, "but can't you see we're both nobleborn? Just look at these." You pull your tunic up to reveal your tits.
Both guards turn to Euna. "What about you?"
Euna glances back at the others in line. She pulls the neckline of her gown down, Her breasts pop out,She squeezes her tits sensually through her fishnets,She unfastens her bodice and yanks the neckline of her chemise down, Her breasts spill out, and she hoists them to show their heft and suppleness.
"Surely these are nobleborn breasts, aren't they?" Euna's voice quivers.
The guards grin. "They sure are. All right, you two. Get on in."
You and Euna scamper by. She hastily tucks her breasts away. Inside the gate, she gasps. "Lord, that's so exhilarating!"
"I noticed you didn't show them your flower this time."
"No," she says firmly. "That was only that one time. Because I panicked. I might be enjoying this, but I do have my limits."
Euna's eyes light with mischief. "Oh Lord, yes!"
You and Euna approach.
"No signets?" one guard says.
"We forgot," you say, "but clearly my lady is nobleborn."
Euna reveals her tits.
"We forgot," you say, "but clearly you can see we're both nobleborn."
Both you and Euna expose your tits.
The guards smirk at one another. "I don't know..." one says. "I've seen good tits on plenty of wenches. I don't think those prove anything."
Euna blanks. "What? But it was good enough before."
"It's not today, so unless you've got some better way of proving you're nobleborn, step out of line so that others can get in."
You and Euna collect off to the side. "I guess that's not going to work anymore," Euna says. "The toll has gone up."
Euna presses her bottom against the guard's hand.
He squeezes her ass fiercely. "Aren't you a friendly noble. You like this?" Euna winces and presses her lips together. The guard moves down and presses two fingers into her. "Wet, huh? You really like this."
The other guard presses his finger into her anus. Euna wriggles her butt at the attention, encouraging them to push deeper. They take their time.
A loud cough comes from someone waiting farther down the line. The guards pull away.
"You're certainly a noble," the guards say. "Head on in."
The two of you scamper into the city.
"A wonderful show." you say.
"It was so delightfully sinful! Shame there were others in line." She glances at you. "You know, I would have gone farther."
Euna stiffens, but lets the guards squeeze her ass. It's as though they're inspecting a grade of meat. When one slides two fingers inside of her, she squeaks and recoils. "All right. Surely you've seen enough."
"Fair enough." The guards are grinning. "Go on through."
You and Euna head through the gate.
Inside, she turns to you. "I'm sorry. It was just... I got a little scared."
"Get used to it," you say. "You'll probably be doing it again soon."
She nods. "Very well. I'll try to be better next time."
"It's my fault. I shouldn't have let them touch you." you say.
"No, no. It's fine. I liked it. I just got scared. Please, don't stop pushing me."
You grin. "As you wish, Your Highness."
Euna flinches, but she holds position. The guards take turns sliding their fingers into her wet slit.
"Looks good," they say. "Head on in you two."
You both head into the town.
"How did I do?" she asks.
"Lovely. Did you enjoy yourself."
"I thought I was going to faint."
"I could tell."
"What shall we do now?"
"You mean show them something more?"
"Yes, I do. Your breasts aren't enough anymore."
"Then I suppose I'll have to, won't I?" Her eyes twinkle.
You approach the guards.
"So," they say. "Think you can convince us you're nobleborn after all?"
"A show? As in expose myself to them?" she asks.
"Have you ever considered that simply flirting with them might be enough?"
"It might be, but you're going to do more than that."
"I suppose I shall do it then. I did ask you to help broaden my horizons."
The guards wave you forward. "Signets."
"We haven't got them," Euna says.
"How do we know you're nobleborn then?"
"Perhaps this will convince you." Without pause, Euna yanks down the neckline of her gown.her fishnet top.her bodice. Her ample breasts spill free. "These are not some commoner bags. Look at how smooth my skin is." She tweaks and pulls her nipples until they stand out. "Look at how pink and tender these are. These, men, are noble breasts. Surely you can see this. And if my bosom isn't enough. This surely will be." Turning around, she hinges at the hip and flips her gown out of the way.without needing to lift her sash.and flips her skirt onto her back. "Surely this is not the buttocks of common rabble." She strokes the globes of her ass and slides two fingers down either side of her dainty pussy. "And this is certainly not a commoner's snatch. It is a fine flower. You must see that."
They scrutinize it. "I suppose you might be right. What do you think?" one asks the other.
The other shrugs. "Go on you two."
You both hurry along inside.
"You'll have to show that much every time now," you say.
"I guess I will, won't I? How unfortunate."
"Am I now?" she asks. "Maybe you'd like to help show me off?"
"I'd love to."
Soon, you're both before the guards. "Signets," they say.
"I'm afraid we don't have our signets," you say, "but surely if you'll inspect my lady, you'll see she's clearly of noble birth."
Euna turns and bends over.
You pull her gown asidefishnet top offskirt up to fully expose her. "See this?" You stroke a hand along her rear. "This is a noblewoman's ass. And this..." You spread Euna's thick, hanging labia. " well... the bountiful set of petals fit for a noble."
The guards scrutinize her. "Hmm. It's a fine looking snatch."
Suddenly the other man grabs Euna's ass. Euna startles.
"Yes, yes. Have a good feel. Make sure."
"None of that, sirs. She is a noblewoman, not a wenchWe are noblewomen, not wenches."
The guard stops. Euna relaxes.
"Oh, fine," they say. "She's noble enough. Go on, you two."
You both hurry through the gate.
"Those men certainly take liberties, don't they?" she says.
"I hope it wasn't too much."
"It's fine. Actually, I'm rather taken with the idea of men groping me simply because you want it. It's so lewd. Though I'm not sure I'd go through with it."
"Maybe you just need a push."
The guards stop. "Oh, fine," they say. "She's noble, sure enough. Go on."
You both hurry through the gate.
"You didn't have to stop him," she says. "Maybe they needed to get a good feel before they could be sure."
"That wouldn't be very gentlemanly of them."
"And I'm not much of a lady these days either."
"Privately?" Her eyes widen. "What do you expect me to do?"
"Whatever it takes," you say.
"But... is it even necessary? I could get us in for much less. A flash perhaps. Maybe a grope, and that would be enough, surely."
"I'm sure it would be, but what if today you did more?"
"Why not?"
"Ah," she says. "This has nothing to do with getting into the city, does it?"
"I mean, it will get us in."
She eyes the guards ahead. "I... What if they want me to sleep with them? I don't know if I could do that."
"Then don't. There are other ways to convince them."
"But surely it will be far more than just a grope." She still studies the guards ahead warily.
"If you don't want to do this, that's fine. You can just flash them."
"Privately?" Her eyes widen. "You're not coming with me?"
"You're good enough to handle them both by yourself, don't you think?"
"Sure, but I'd rather do it with you. Together, it's a naughty thing we do together. We have fun. If I'm alone in there, then it's just a loveless, crass act."
"I know."
"Ah," she says. "This has nothing to do with getting into the city, does it?"
"I mean, it will get us in."
"What if they get handsy?" she asks.
"Sometimes they do. It's no big deal, is it?"
"But what if they get the wrong idea. Maybe they'll try something. You won't be there to look after me."
"If you're really not comfortable with this, then I'll come with you and we'll do it together."
She's silent for a while. "No. No, I... I'll do it."
"Are you sure?"
"No. Yes. Yes, I am. Oh Lords, my heart is beating. I'm going to do this before lose my nerve."
Euna bites her lip. "You want me to suck their cocks, don't you?"
"I do."
"Then I'll do it."
Today, the guards stop you both as usual. "Signets."
"We don't have any signets," Euna says, "but if you'd like to take me aside, perhaps to somewhere private, I'll show you how badly we want to get in." Euna suggestively runs her finger along her chest.
The guards grin. "Private, huh?" One cups her chin and studies her features. He turns her this way and that, and feels her breasts. She puts up no resistance. "Yeah. Now that I think about it, I'm due for a break." To his partner, he says, "manage the line for a while." He guides Euna toward their guard tower built into the city gate.
"Don't be too long," the other guard replies. "I'll need convincing too."
Euna stiffens upon hearing this, but continues along with the guard. They disappear inside. You're left waiting. Several people have filtered into the city when the tower door opens and first guard returns. He nods to the second, who then enters the tower for his turn.
The guards grin. "Private, huh?" Cupping her chin, one guards turns her face this way and that. Suddenly, he gropes her breast, and she stiffens. His hands continue to roam, going low and groping her sex through her clothes while she tries not to cringe away. "Now that I think about it, I'm due for a break."
"Don't be too long," the other guard replies. "I'll need convincing too."
Meanwhile, they let you through. A while later, Euna follows.
"How was it?" you ask.
She runs up and hugs you. For a moment, she seems upset, but when she pulls away, she's shining. "Oh Lord, that was exhilarating. I was so scared, but I did it. Oh, I'm such a harlot."
"What did you do?"
"The first man told me to show my chest, so I did. I was afraid he'd force himself on me, but then he just started feeling my body. When I saw he got hard, I offered to pleasure him with my mouth. I think my voice quavered, because he laughed, but then I got on my knees and did the best I could. He even said I was an expert cocksucker." She beams.It took him a while though. He seemed impatient..." She frowns. "The next man came in afterward, but by then I wasn't afraid anymore. I let him grope me until he got hard, and then I pleased him same as the other."
"Are you glad you did it?"
"Yes. Lord, it was so wrong, but I've never felt so alive. Thank you for talking me into it."
She opens her mouth and shows you a pool of pearly cum cupped upon her tongue. Once you've looked, she swallows and smiles contentedly. "It was exhilarating. I was so scared, but once they got started, I was fine."
"What did they do?"
"The first man played with my breasts and pussy for a while, then I got down and sucked his cock.then he had me kneel and suck his cock. I was still on my knees when the second one came in. He didn't waste any time."
"Did you enjoy yourself."
"I know I shouldn't have, but it's just so naughty!"
She grins. "Very well. I accept the challenge.""If that is your wish."
Your turn with the guards comes. "Signets."
"We have none," Euna says, "but you will let us in regardless."
"We will, huh?"
"Yes, and once you do, I will show you how a noble lady fucks."
"We have none," you say, "but surely my lady can convince you to let us in. Take her somewhere private. Do with her whatever you wish."
Euna steps close and presses herself to the guard.
"As it just so happens, I am due for a break." He addresses the other guard. "Take over for a while." He escorts Euna toward the gate's guardhouse.
"Don't be long," the other guard replies. "I'm taking a turn." After they're gone, he nods you in. "Go ahead. We'll send her through once we're done with her."
Euna comes through later. She's thoroughly disheveled, pearled strands of cum are stuck in her hair, and she's hastily trying to clean herself up.
"So what happened?" you asked.
"While the first man was fucking me, another guard came in. He wanted a turn, so they had me get on a table so one could fuck me while I sucked the other off. Then the third guard showed up, but before he finished, a few more arrived, and of course they wanted a turn too. Apparently, there was a shift change. I think I fucked ten in total. I'm not sure though. They kept switching"
"And you didn't say no to a single one, did you?"
"I didn't think you'd want me to."
"That's my girlAnd you were right."
She smiles, reassured.
"Of course not. You're lucky it ended at all, you'd be waiting all night."
"The first one threw me on a table and nearly ripped my clothes off. Oh, how he was rough. The second man used my clothes to wipe away the seed from my pussy before he took me." Euna turns and shows you a cum stain smeared on the inside of her gownsashskirt. "They weren't good lovers," she says, "but I'm fine with that. After all, it was just a transaction. What shall we do now?""They didn't care one whit if I enjoyed it. I was like an object to them."
"That's what your body is good for."
"Hmm," she shivers.
"The first man fucked me, but then he decided to push his hand inside me and fist me for a while. The second man was angry because I was so loose, so he fucked my mouth instead, and then he fisted me too, but he was angry about it, so he kept trying to stretch me open more and more. He tried to make me cry, but I never did.He didn't stop until I cried.."
"They both took turns fucking me, and then they said I could go."
"Is that it?"
"Yes," she says. "But after they left, two more guards came in while I was dressing, and they fucked me both at the same time. And then they found two guards on patrol, and they fucked my assme. And then they invited two of their friends. I think eight people had a turn with me."
"...And only the first two were needed to get us in."
"Did I do wrong?"
"No. If men want to use your body, always let them. That's what a slut like you is good forus sluts live for. I hope you thanked them."
"I did."
"You turned me into a slut," she says. "I can't help myself."
"They took turns fucking me, and afterward, they made me tongue their asses."
"Is that it?"
"Then more guards showed up. They all wanted rim jobs."
"How many shit holes did you tongue in there?"
"Five, I think. I wasn't counting."
"Well. We're in now," you say. "Let's get moving."
"Anyway," you say. "You got us in."
"Of course I did. Where to now?"
You're before the front gate to the city. A grand banner is overhead the street, reading "Welcome to Cockaigne". All people entering the city pass beneath it down a grand avenue heading north into the city.
There's a massive stable here. Visitors to the city drop off their fine horses after coming through the gate.
You're before the front gate out of the city. Visitors stable their horses here.
"I suppose I can't while away the entire day soaking. Bring me that towel." Euna stands, towels herself off, and drops the towel beside the bath. "Shirina should be done cleaning my clothes by now."
Striding from room to room, Euna asks around for Shirina, paying no attention to the men gawking at her naked form.
"Then we will go." Euna steps out and towels herself off. "Shirina should be done cleaning my clothes by now."
You take the towel from her. "Then go find her. Leave the towel.""Then let's go find her."
Creeping from room to room, Euna asks around for Shirina while trying to ignore the men gawking at her naked form.
Shirina finds you two first. She holds a bundle of folded and laundered clothes. "Here are your belongings, Euna. Thank you so much for everything, and again, I'm so sorry for what you had to go through. I never thought the elders would go so far."
"It was my pleasure." Euna examines the top garment. "The blue gown?"
"With how beautiful you looked in it, I couldn't live with myself if you didn't take it."
"What about next season's festival?"
"I'll have more made, I always do. Seeing as how you performed this year, it's rightfully yours."
"I'll treasure it. Thank you." Euna takes it.
Shirina then hands Euna her old outfit. On top is a jar of Agnodine. "Take this too."
"An entire jar?" Euna asks.
"After what I saw last night, I have an idea that you'll find something to do with it," Shirina says.
"You told me I should abstain for a while."
Shirina shrugs. "That might be wise, but maybe not... You're already on your way to being a more accommodating host than I am. I'd hate for you not to reach your full potential."
"Well, thank you." Euna dresses. After goodbyes, you two depart.
You at the path leading into the estate of the palace. However the gates are closed, and guards are posted.
You're in a quiet street in the north east of the city, just against the mountain. Buildings line the streets, most of which are homes, but one appears to be a store. The building has a violin in a glass case above the door, and a sign that says, 'The Fiddler'.
You're standing in the street outside before 'the Fiddler'.
"I'm sure you will," she says. "Prove it, then." She pulls her legs to her chest to showcase her cum-drenched pussy. "Prove that you will be an obedient little boy and clean me."
You take up the cloth that the man had used to clean himself and crawl toward her.
She kicks you away before you can use it on her. "Don't touch me with that filthy rag. You know how I want you to clean me."
You crawl toward her upturned rump, her messy thighs, her slick belly,her matted nest, her cum-leaking asshole, and of course that creamy mess-caked pussy.
There must have been the seed of a hundred men oozing from her, and you swear you could taste every one of them.
You take up the rag that the man had used to clean himself and wipe her clean, from thighs to belly to ass to finally wiping down the creamy mess-caked onto her pussy. This treatment gets a few shudders from Euna.
Somewhere nearby, maybe a room away, there comes the tittering of women.
"Good boy," she whispers.
"Now can I fuck you?" you asked.
She shoves you away with a foot. "Later. I'm far too tired now from fucking everyone else. Get my clothes and help me dress. I want to leave."
"Maybe now that you're clean, I'll have a turn of my own..." you say.
She pushes you away with her foot. "Maybe later. Get my clothes and help me dress. It's time for us to leave."
"Then come." She spreads her legs wide. "Prove it to me now."
Her lips press tight. All she can do at first is nod. "You do?"
"It doesn't matter how much you traffic your body. I love you, Euna, and I will always desire you."
She spreads her legs. "Then, please," she whispers. "I need you."
She smiles sleepily. "You like me like this?"
"More than you know."
She spreads her legs. "Then come to me."
Her groin is a wet mess of cum and secretions. Her pussy, besides being a pie of congealed oozing mess, looks angry red from all the traffic it's seen.
And yet, when you climb on top of her and plow your rod into the loose, slick mess, she shudders as though it were the penetration she'd been anticipating all night.
Her arms and legs entwine about you to hug you closer, as though she never wants to let go, and with every one of your thrusts, she coos for more.
And yet, the stroke of your fingers upon her folds is electric to her, as though she'd been anticipating your touch all night.
Your bodies entwine. She hugs you with all her limbs and grinds her sex against you so much that all you're left to do is show your love with your lips. You shudder together.
"I love you," she whispers over and over. "Fuck me, please, harder. I'll do anything for you." Her voice becomes more ragged, until she's sobbing.becoming more breathless. Dispite a night of exhausting sex, she's already climaxing. "Thank you. Thank you," she mutters, nearly unintelligibly.
"How does it feel," she whispers, "futtering in a river of a hundred men?"
Though despite her strange words, this is tender. All the men tonight fucked her like a whore, but you're making love to her.
Somewhere though, maybe a room away, women are giggling.
After you're done enjoying her, it's time for her to dress and clean, as best she can anyway.
She swallows and nods. "I will. I promise. I'll be a slut for you. I love you."
"Good," you say. "That's all I need from you."
She spreads her legs. "Do you... do you want to fuck me?"
"No, I'm not going to fuck something that's just been fucked by a hundred men."
Her face crumples.
Her eyes go wide with astonishment. "What?"
"Listen, Euna," you say. "you are my perfect little slut, aren't you?"
"Yes. I am. I swear."
"Then you don't need my love. That's why I put you through all this even though we could have gone home already. I'm helping you realize how much of a slut you are, and sluts are happy just to be fucked and used." You worm two fingers inside of her. "And you are, aren't you?"
She shudders.
"You're wet," you continue, "because you're serving these men with your body, and that's all an obedient slut craves. You've learned your know being a slut is what I want from you. I love owning you. It makes me want to touch myself. And as long as you're a good whore, and you fuck whoever I tell you to, then that should make you happy."
She's trembling now. "Yes... oh yes... I will always serve you."
"Thank me then, for training you to be a hole for men to use."training you how to be a total slut."
"Yes. Thank you. Thank you, my master. I'm an obedient slut. I don't deserve love. I just need to be fucked. That's all I'm good for."
"Good," you say. "In the future, be more lively when I give you to others. I saw you with those men just now. You were lying there as though you were waiting for it to be over. Be grateful every time a man is willing to fuck you at all."That's not the way a slut should behave. You embarrassed me."
"I'm sorry, master." She sniffles a little.She gives a tired smile. "I won't disappoint you again. I'll be grateful every time someone fucks me, no matter how they treat me."
"Good. Now get dressed. It's time to go."
"Oh? Am I too sullied for you?"
"Have you seen yourself?"
"I didn't have to do any of this," she says. "We could have sailed home by now, but here we are, because you want to be here, and every man I fucked tonight, I did it for you."
"And I did it for you," you say. "This was tough, but deep down you enjoyed spending an entire night being fucked and used by countless men. You know I'm right."
She bites her lip. "So I should be thanking you, hmm? You've helped teach me what a trashy slut I am."
"You're welcome."
She snorts. "Too trashy for you to even touch though, I see."
"Maybe after you've cleaned up I'll hold you in my arms, after we get out of here."
Outside Euna blinks and shades her eyes from the late morning sun. "Oh Lord..." In the daylight, you can clearly see her bloodshot eyes and shadows. "II truly did go the entire night."
"Of course, but I might as well stay up now. I'll just soldier through."
"Good," you say, " because we've got a long day ahead."
"If you wish for me to resume selling my body, please do."
"No hesitation?"
"None," she says. "I love you, but I'm a slut. I accept that now. If giving you my body is all you ever want from me, then it's yours. And I promise you I will always fuck for you when you tell me to. I will never say no again. So please, let me serve you."
"A day of whoring?" she asks.
"You did just earn the right, didn't you?"
"I did, didn't I?" She breathes deep to wake up. "I'm exhausted, and I'm sore. You'd think after last night, I'd want a break."
"But you don't?"
She grins. "I can't think of a better way to wake myself up."
"You keep saying that," Bodice replies, "but we keep seeing you out here day after day."
"The couplegirls think they're going to make a life here, I think," Hosery adds.
"You keep doing this as long as you want," Scowl says, "but Lady Mitsu is going to keep taking her cut, and that cut is whatever she decides is fair, now pay up."
The girls exact a fee, and after a few biting remarks, depart.
Euna sighs. "This is really cutting into our earnings," she says.
"It's fine," you say. "We'll survive."
"We will," she agrees. "I'll just have to make more money, I suppose."
"It's fine," you say. "You'll just keep selling your body."
"I suppose I will..."
Bodice sneers. "Here that? They're poor lost travelers trying to find their way home. How sad."
Hosery looks Euna up an down. "This bitch has sure been pulling a lot of tricks just to book passage."
"The ships here are not cheap," Euna says. "We won't be here any longer than we have to be. You have our word on that."
"Passage isn't cheap," you say.
"Honestly," Euna adds. "We swear we're not trying to move in. We'll be gone as soon as we can."
Scowl grunts. "Yeah. Well, we've still got a problem. When you take tricks, you're taking money from us. So if you're going to keep working the boardwalk, you need to stay out of our way."
"Fine," you say.
"And you need pay the fee," Bodice adds. "No girl spreads her legs for coin around here without paying Lady Mitsu her cut. So show us some coin."
"And if we don't?" you askEuna asks.
"Then you, two will turn up floating in the river real soon."
"You'd kill us?"
"You'd be lucky if it's us," Scowl says. "We're not sadistic."
"Lady Mitsu is a Lord of this cove. There are a hundred men who'd leap to cut up the two of you if she gave the word. So let's see your coin."
You and Euna produce your pouch of savings. From those, the whores take what they decide is fair.
"That's too much," Euna wails. "We need that."
"You should be lucky we're not taking your teeth too," Hosery says.
"Keep whoring that ass, sweet girl," Scowl says, "and we'll be back soon." The whores strut away.
Euna glares after them. "This is just fantastic. Another expense we must deal with."
"I guess we need to find another way to earn coin now."
"Of course we don't," she replies. "I fully intend to keep selling my body as much as I want. A trio of jealous hags are not going to chase us away."
"I think there's more than just those three to answer to if we don't pay them."
"Then we pay a bit," she replies. "And I'll earn even more. Did you see them? Of course they're threatening me. How can whores like those compete with someone like me."
"I think we'd also best avoid them when we can," you say.
"Yes," she nods reluctantly. "That too. That was quite a cut to our earnings."
Euna looks on the verge of tears.
"It'll be okay," you say.
"Will it? We just lost so much of our money—money that I earned for us by whoring myself."
"It was always a matter of time," you say. "I should have told you when I saw the other girls working this boardwalk that there was a pecking order."
"What are we supposed to do now? They're going to keep taking our money."
"It's simple," you reply. "You're going to get back to whoring."
"If we're going to make any money, you'll need to earn a lot more coin now to make up for their fee."
"But, what? What else are we going to do? Selling your body is our best source of income, so you're going to keep doing it."
Her dismay is obvious, but she steels herself. "Very well."
She deflates and sighs. "I guess we don't have a choice, do we? Selling my body is still the best source of income we have."
"I always do."
She bites her lip. "Hmm. Very well. I'll make my cunt off limits. I will only allow my johns sodomize me."
"As you wish," she says. "I will not allow my pussy to feel any pleasure. Men are to only violate my ass."
Euna shivers. "Very well. If that is your wish. I'll make sure all my johns know to treat me like a toilet."
Her eyes light with mischief. "I'll be sure to advertise my specialty."
She bites her lip nervously. "You wish for them to violate my womb?"
"It's what it's good for." You get out the Agnodine. "Now spread your legs so I can get you ready for a really deep fucking."
"Hmm," she moans. "I doubt they'll fill me to my satisfaction, but we'll see." Euna gets out the Agnodine." Help me prepare for a properly deep penetration."
Euna spreads her legs for you. Kneeling before her, you work your fist up her sex to smear her cervical ring. Once it's loose, you pull out. "Enjoy yourself.""Now get out there."
"As you wish. I'll encourage my johns to push me to my limit" She places a dab of Agnodine on the tip of her finger and slides it up her slit.
"Of course," she says. "I'm sorry I got paid less."
"My thoughts exactly."
"Hmm, and this time I fuck the first person who comes by, right?"
She shivers. "Oh Lord. Here I go."
"Pull another trick? Now?"
"Yes. I've decided it's time to start whoring you out more."
"Very well."
Euna waits obediently while you look her over.
"Yes?" Euna asks.
"Let me get a look at you and see if you're ready."
She poses for you to take her in.
Despite everything Euna puts herself through, she's still a stunningly beautiful lady. There isn't a woman in this cove who could compare to her.
No doubt she's also sure to haggle for the highest price she can. She's a whore, and as much as she enjoys debasing herself, she probably enjoys squeezing her johns for as much money as she can.
And with her embroidered blue silk gown, she practically looks like royalty. No doubt men take her for a higher class of whore.
Her makeup further enhances that royal look. Its artful accenting combines well her ornate silk gown to give her the appearance of highborn courtly lady that johns should count themselves lucky they might afford.
She has her makeup done in a garish style to pair with her slutty outfit. Even though the rouge, stark eyeshadow and crimson red lips serve to make her look like a lowborn slut, they enhance her beauty with a carnal sexuality that will make johns want her all the more.
Her makeup only further enhances her beauty. The slight eyelash embellishment and gentle glow of her skin combine well with her bodice and petticoat to give her a fairytale beauty. Though with her petticoat scandalously shortened, and no chemise to hide her cleavage, this fairytale beauty has a distinct sexual appeal.
And after her beauty draws men in close, they'll detect the subtle teasing allure of the subtle fragrance upon her fresh, clean skin. There's no denying its erotic undertones.
That said, she might not be earning as much as possible. This is a cove full of cutthroat scoundrels, and Euna has a lot of competition up and down the dock.
Not to mention, Euna has developed a reputation on this cove. The whores at the Kitten's Den paraded her around as a cheap slut meant for public use, and that reputation has stuck. Not to mention the time the old man publicly shamed her. Men won't want to pay as much for such a heavily trafficked whore.
Not to mention, Men haven't been paying as much for her ever since that old man publicly shamed her. She's starting to get a reputation around here as a used whore.
The way she's dressed isn't helping either. Her fishnet top leaves her tits exposed, and her velvet sash is so narrow it's almost a joke. Sure, it's catching the eyes of johns and maybe getting her more business, but men don't want to pay as much for a whore that looks so trashy.
It also didn't help that you convinced Euna to sell herself for practically nothing once. Word must have gotten around, because ever since, johns have assumed she'll be selling her body for cheap.
Also, it's been some time since her last bath...
Also, Euna could certainly benefit from a bath. All the dirty sex she's been having as of late has left her decided unclean.
Her biggest problem is how dirty she is. Euna is probably pulling in half the price she could just because she looks like a dirty whore, and reeks like one too. She's clearly been having a lot of filthy sex, and hasn't bothered bathing since.
The biggest problem is how Euna smells like shit, and looks like it too. She's clearly a filth-whore who doesn't bathe, and she reeeks as though she'd just been polluted by a dozen men in foul ways.
Worst of all is the smell. Euna's body is absolutely foul from disgusting sex, and it's obvious she's treated like worthless property.and she clearly revels in her filth. Frankly, it's amazing she's able to convince men to put their dicks in her at all, since everything about her screams that she's a degenerate shit slut who's willing to do anything, no matter how revolting.
"I'm perfect, aren't I?" she asks.
"You're my kind of whore."
"Then time to go sell by body," she turns to go.
"Do I meet with your approval?" she asks.
"Good enough," you reply. "Get out there."
"Of course," she turns to go.
"As you wish. I will sell my slut body for a token amount. It belongs to men, to please them however they wishyou, to give away as you choose"
"What? Why?"
"Because it's you're place to serve men,'re a trash slut, Euna. Frankly, I think you should be free use for everyone, but a few coins makes sure they realize you're here to service them."
"So you'd have me become nothing more than a common receptacle for men, hardly worth the coins I'm bringing in." A shy grin comes over her. Her eyes glimmer. "Very well. If that is how you wish to use me, I will be your cheap whore."
"If that is your wish," Euna says. "But after so much time selling my body for nothing, I don't think anyone will want to pay a good price to fuck me anymore. Everyone knows I'm a cheap slut now."
"Just make what you can, and make sure to give it all to me. A slut doesn't need to concern herself with money."
"Of course," she replies. "I only need to fuck and obey."
"But why?" Euna asks. "We have the jewel. We can go home now. There's no reason any more for me to earn us any more money."
"Sure," you say. "We could go and try our luck with Damien and see if he'll keep his word. We can sail across the ocean, and you can take your throne."
"But why?" Euna asks. "I counted our funds, and we have enough to get home. There's not need to earn any more."
"Sure," you say. "We could go and hand it all over to a pirate, then spend months hoping they don't toss us overboard. You might take your throne."
"Then why don't we?"
"Because then you'll be a tsarivna again, which is your birthright, but isn't really what you are, is it?"
She chews her lip. Her cheeks are burning. "No, it isn't."
"Tell me what you are."
"...I'm your whore."
"That's right. You're my whore, Euna. And this cove is helping you to discover that, so for as long as we're here, I'm going to keep whoring out your body for men to fuck so you can earn me money. And as an obedient slut, you're going to obey, aren't you?"
"Yes. I will."
"And from now on, you're going to thank your johns for fucking a common slut like you. Got it?"
Her cheeks still burn, but a glimmer of a smile appears. "Of course."
"Yes," she says. "That would be the idea."
"Which means that you might never get a chance to whore out your body ever again. Never fuck another stranger for money."
She suppresses a smile. "I might find a way to do so in Ruthgar, if I so choose."
"A tsarivna taking coin for sex? It would hardly be the same. You know you'd miss it."
"Hmm," she ponders this, lips pressed tight mischievously. "I can't deny I would miss the thrill. I've grown a love for working these slums as the lowest kind of whore. I'm both shameless and desirable, able to satisfy any man's desires, no matter how depraved. I'm the queen whore of the docks. I letting men use my body how they want makes me so wet."
"So why not do it one more time," you say. "For old time's sake."
"And then we'll leave tomorrow? "
"Maybe. Or maybe the day after that."
Her eyes gleam. "Then I better make each one of these tricks count then. They might each be my last."
Euna walks down the dock to the mouth of an alley. In her beautiful blue silk gown, she's like the queen of the elegant courtesan.In her fishnet top and short coverup skirt, no one will mistake her for anything but a cheap whore.She adjusts her bodice so her breasts are nearly spilling out, and she poses seductively.
A man comes by, and the two talk. He follows her into the alley. You peek in to see Euna on her knees sucking the man off. Her head bobs back and forth.
She's not really doing much besides the bobbing though, and they take much longer than a blowjob normally should. Eventually the man storms out while fastening up his breeches. Euna is sitting in the alley nonplussed.
"What happened?" you ask.
"He said I was bad. Pretty whore but a rotten mouth." She frowns. "Quite rude."
She's quiet a long while after you two head away, then. "Forget him. What does he know?"
"At least you got paid," you say.
"Yes, though he says I wasn't worth it..."
Shortly, a man comes by. Euna gets his attention and leads him into the alley. You peek around the corner. Euna is bent over with both hands against an alley wall. The man is behind her, holding her hips and roughly fucking her ass. He hardly acknowledges the woman he's violating.
He whispers something to her. You can't tell what, but it seems that Euna is now bearing down. Then you see it. The man's cock is collecting smears of brown. She's trying to shit around his cock. Ribbons curl out. They clump up on his balls, and chunks fall onto the boardwalk. This goes on until a decent pile of her shit has collected, at which point, he pauses long enough to yank her back along the alley until the pile is beneath her. He resumes sodomizing her, but not before pressing her face into the pile as though punishing a dog. He orders her to clean her own mess.and Euna lowers down to start dining on her own shit. It's like she's not being fucked from behind. It's just her and her meal.
This goes on for ages. He ravages her ass, while she's made to wolf down her own feces. Maybe she claims she's letting this man do this to to her for the money, or duty, or out of some demented sense of sexual freedom,Maybe she's being forced. Maybe she's having to suffer this man treating her like trash, but from the look on her face, the way her eyelids flutter in ecstacy, you'd think she's in her own heaven.
You leave around the time he's making her suck his cock clean of all her filth, and you return to find her crawling around the boardwalk lapping up the remaining chunks of shit.
"You're still going?" you ask.
"I serve my clients in this alley," she says. "I have a responsibility to keep it clean."
"If you say so," you reply.
"He told me to clean up after myself," she says. "I'll stop if you want."
"No," you reply. "Finish."
The last thing she cleans are the smears of shit between her buttocks.
After he comes, he pulls out, but he keeps himself pressed against Euna's back. She whispers something to him andHolding her against the wall, he mutters an order to her, and she thrusts her rump out, hands against the wall. Still pressed to her, he reaches down and begins plying his fingers into her cum-leaking asshole. It's as though he's cavity searching her, except he goes much farther. He's worming four fingers in her, then his fist, then he kneels down so he can push into her ass half-way up his forearm. Euna is cooperating like a submissive captivepushing back against him. She clearly doesn't mind if he searched deeper.
He starts working his other hand up her sex as well until he's elbow deep. He keeps double-fisting her until Euna's legs are trembling. By then he's hard again, and he opts to fuck her in the ass one more time, while wiping clean his hands on her tits.
You slip away and return after he's gone. Euna is seated against the wall, legs wide, playing her own fingers in her ass.
"He seemed to think fisting my holes was punishing for me," she says. "I didn't have the heart to tell him I've taken far more up both my holes at once. He was having such fun."
"I let him do whatever he wanted to both of my holes until he was satisfied," she says. "I hope I've pleased you."
He's already growing hard again, and he murmers something in her ear. Euna hesitates, and then nods.
Euna murmurs something to him which makes him pause.
"Yeah, sure," he says. He's growing hard again.
Turning, Euna wraps her arms about his shoulders. He grabs her ass, and rams his brown-smeared stinking cock into her snatch. Now she's got her back pressed against the wall with her legs wrapped about him. He doesn't take long to unload inside her again.
You slip away and return later to find Euna reclined against the wall, breathing heavily. Cum runs down her thighs. "I do love it when they choose to sodomize me," she says. "That hole is such a source of naughty fun.""He was certainly no nonsense," she replies. "Not a word exchanged between us that wasn't business."
"Ooh!" She lights up. "That'd make me a particularly depraved whore, wouldn't it? I have all these men sodomize me when I have a perfectly good pussy."
"A truly dirty slut," you add.
"Hmm. I like it. Though I think next time I might prepare myself ahead of time with a dot of lubricant. You can help me with that."
"A specialty?" she asks.
"Yes. You would only traffic your ass. Men might like the idea of a whore who's only allowed to traffic her ass. You're such a lowly whore to be debasing yourself through such a dirty act. Maybe we'll even prepare you with a dot of lube so your ass is primed and ready for for violation. I bet men might like that."
She shivers.She presses her lips tight and tries not to smile. "If you wish to degrade me for money, then I will obey.""If that might attract men more, then so be it."
Euna finishes correcting her clothes and walks with you from the alley.
A thin, wiry man comes by pulling along a cart filled with crates. He puts it down to talk to her, and after a discussion, he follows her into the alley. You check in a minute later.
Euna is naked and lying on her back upon one of the crates. Her rump is right up to the edge with her legs wide, making her a pussy a prime target for the man. Breeches down, he's backed his ass up to her sex.
She wraps her legs about him to lock him close while she spreads her sex open. And when he squeezes out firm little rabbit clumps of shit, which she presses into herself with her fingers. Most get inside her. Some pile up on her crotch.
He finishes, and she presses what more she can into herself, until he abruptly turns and begins fucking her with his diamond-hard erection. The rabbit chunks mash deep. Clumps fall to the boardwalk. A mess is made, and he cums within seconds. Afterward, he comes around so she can suck his junk clean.
You slip away and return after he leaves. She's trying to scoop the mess out. The pebbles have all mashed together into an amorphous mass covered in her arousal.
"He wanted to use my flower like a chamber pot..." she says.
"It's what your cunt is good for. Now clean yourself out for the next person."
"Yes, my master."
Eventually, she's passable, though her sex still reeks.
"I wish I could keep his gift inside me," she says, "I love being polluted, but alas, I need to clean myself up so the man can pollute me.
Eventually, she's passable, though her sex still reeks. "That'll have to do."
Euna is reclined back on the edge of his cart while he fucks her earnestly. She moans and clutches crates to brace herself. She even accidently pulls the lid off one small crate. It seems like a standard trick, except that after they're done, Euna notices the crate's contents. She takes out a cannonball and whispers something to him.He takes a cannonball out from the crate she broke open, and tells her to do something. Euna rolls over onto her hands and knees and presents her dripping quim to him. He plunges the cannonball into her and fishes it in past her cervix. The cannonball is hand-sized, but it's solid iron. The weight already has her belly sagging. He gets another.She tells him to get another. The next one disappears easily too, as does the next few, but each one makes her belly drape more. They're causing her obvious discomfort. After a dozen, it's distended so low it's nearly touching on the cart's bed. Her sex gapes obscenely from the pull upon her belly.
When cannonballs start slipping out, he has her drop onto her elbows so that her rumps aims upward. A dozen more cannonballs go in. When they start slipping out again, he starts pressing them to her ass. Her bowels swallow the cannonballs one after another. In this way, he crams the entire crate of cannonballs into her. There must be the weight of an anvil in her belly, which now firmly rests on the cart's bed. Lumps are discernible on her flesh. Euna is in such pained stress that her forehead has beaded with sweat, yet her sex is dripping arousal down her thighs.
When he starts removing them, you leave them be and return later. Euna is curled up in the alley clutching her belly. The skin of her stomach looks stretched and wrinkled.
"That was a lot of iron," you say. "I couldn't even have lifted that much off the ground, much less held it inside of me."
"Ohh, I felt like I was going to tear open. Look at my belly. Is it ruined?"
"Ehh, not yet. It's already returning to normal. You're transmuted body can take more abuse than this."
"Oh... Good."
"It seemed like an adequate challenge for my alchemically enhanced body but ohh, it was so much. I felt like I was going to tear open. Look at my poor belly."
"I'm sure you'll return to normal soon. It's not ruined."
"Not yet, but I'm sure someday I'll find a challenge that will."
He has Euna naked and laid out on her back on top of a crate with her rump right at the edge, knees pulled to her chestlegs wide. With his breeches about his knees, he's sodomizing her roughly.jackhammering into her pussy. His thighs clap against her ass, and her tits jiggle about. Euna wraps her legs about his waist, pulling him closer. She's finding her own pleasure in this dispassionate fucking.Euna lies passively. She stares into his eyes, but he does not stare back. You leave them and enter after he's gone.
Euna is putting her clothes on. "He just wanted a quick fuck before he went on his way."
"Guess you meant nothing to him," you say. "You were just a woman he could dump his cum into and move on."
"Yes," she replies. "He said it's my place."
"I'm sure you were happy to oblige."
"I'm a whore," she replies. "I need men to dump their cum in my assholes. I'm meant to be fucked."
A half dozen men come staggering out of the Siren's Bounty and teeter along the docks. They circle around her. Euna is not intimidated by them. She even bares her breasts and asspussy for them to grope. All part of negotiating. As they talk, some harass her by grabbing for her breasts and asscrotch. She tolerates this. Eventually she leads them back into the alley. You wait a while before peeking.
They've had her strip and lie down on the boardwalk. The men stand around her, and they're all pissing on her at once. She writhes and massages their streams onto her breasts, into her hair, and between her legs.
Then, one by one, the men drop their breeches, squat over her, and unload their bowels. Some deposit a coiled pile of firm shit upon her tits. Others spill loose slop. Whatever they give her, Euna smears it over her body. Slick, sticky shit coats her tits, then her belly, her neck, and her sides.
The men watch her scrub their shit onto her clit and moan, but eventually they lose interest and leave her there as a mess.
When you come to her, Euna is cleaning herself and tossing handfuls into the bay. She smells like an overfilled latrine.
"I must be a sight," she says. "They just wanted to see if I'd enjoy myself, and I have to say, I quite did."
"You truly are a shameless shit whore," you reply.
"Look at you," you say. "Why didn't you have sex with them?"
"They said I was too sick to touch," she replies. "They just wanted to watch me degrade myself."
It takes Euna a long time to clean up and wipe herself down. She still reeks, and smears of brown speckle her hairline and along her neck, but she's visibly presentable by the time she dresses.
They've laid her down on her back upon a crate. Her legs are spread in a T, giving the men easy access to her holes. Her gownsashskirt is yanked up around her waist. One man pistons his fist in her snatch up to his elbow.
"I think I've got my hand in her womb," he says.
"Think she can take even more?" someone asks.
A second man approaches and presses his fist in beside the first's. Euna spreads herself wide to help him. The third man sidles beside the first two. He works his fist into her with some difficulty. The fourth has to lean in from the side because of the crowding. The others pry their arms wide so he slide his fist through the middle. Euna's labia looks as taut as stretched rubber.
The fifth reaches in from the other side. The men have to hold Euna down because of how much force it takes for him to push in. She's wailing out now, but she clutches her thighs and bears it. Her cunt is stretched wider than her thighs beside it.
The last is the challenge. The men work together to get his fist in her. No one cares that Euna cries and squirms. You return later once she's alone. She's still on the crate recovering. Legs still wide. Cum stripes her face.
"Did they get the sixth fist in?" you ask.
She nods. "Barely, but it was too crowded for them to fist fuck me together, so they went back to five fists while they took turns making me suck them off."so I suggested that they fist me five at a time, while sucked them each off in turn."
"Makes sense they'd want blowjobs rather than sex," you say. "Your cunt looks like a deflated tent."
"It's returning to normal." Euna feels her limp and deformed labia. "Isn't it beautiful. I should find crowds like that more often.""...I hope. One of these days, a crowd of men will leave me ruined."
They hadn't even bothered stripping her, though her gownfishnet topbodice is yanked down around her waist. They've lain her down on her belly upon a crate. One after another, the drunk men stumble up and sodomize her. The others stand about stroking their cocks. Each usually starts by wiping her asshole clean They've lain her down upon a crate. One after another, the sweaty men stumble up and fuck her. The others stand about stroking their cocks. Each usually starts by wiping her pussy clean with her own gownsashskirt, then they awkwardly mount her. It takes a while for all six men to finish.
Afterward, you come in to find Euna lying there. A river seeps from her .
Once they're gone, you come to her. "Had fun?"
She shrugs. "I didn't really do anything other than lie here. Though fine by me. I made sure they all paid."
"Did you do everything they asked," you say.
"Yes," she says, "though they didn't want me to do much besides lie here. I suppose for some men, that's all they want."
A gruff sailor comes by walking a Rottweiler. Euna talks with him. His grin shows crooked, yellow teeth, and he follows her into the alley. You peek in. Euna is lying on her back upon the boardwalk while the man directs his dog beside her.
"Piss now, boy. Go on. Piss on the bitch."
Eventually, the dog sticks out one leg. A stream of dog piss fires right onto Euna's face. It soaks her hair, and with a command from the man, she fastens her lips over the dog's cock and guzzles the rest. After that, he steers his dog around so it's rear is to Euna.
"Now shit, boy. Fill this bitch." The dog seems bemused by this, so the man prods Euna with his boot. She props up on her elbows and buries her tongue in the dog's asshole. She shows it all the love she would to a rescuing prince. Suddenly, the dog is squatting. She hastily lies back down and lets the dog fill her mouth with a mountain of steaming dog shit. Hungrily, she beginsShe retches, and again. It's a struggle to keep her stomach in check, but slowly, she starts chewing and swallowing.
"Yeh. Eat that slop, you sick bitch," he mutters.
The man leaves. When you enter, she's crawling around licking up fallen chunks of dog shit from the boardwalk. Then she cleans up as best she can, though her hair is still damp and smells of musty piss.
"That was horribly foul," she says. "I almost came."
"That was horrible..." she whispers.
"And yet you're still ate every chunk," you say, "even after he left."
Her cheeks burn red. "I know you would have wanted me to."
A man in a tailored outfit, a captain perhaps, strolls by walking the largest dog you've ever seen. It's like a shaggy mastiff, but it must be some part breed of mythical hound. It's head is nearly level with the man walking it. Euna catches his attention. Whatever she says makes him grin dubiously, as though he doubts what she's saying. He does follow her into the alley though.
When you peek in, Euna is by a crate, and she's knelt under the giant dog playing with its sheath while the dogs sniffs at her. Its glistening red cock emerges, and keeps coming. This can't be a natural dog breed. It's cock is as impressive as a horse's. Euna eyes it hungrily. Though she can't resist a taste of it,Euna sucks it dutifully until it's hard, then she's quick to turn around, brace against the barrel, and rub the cock along her sex. The hound instantly hops its forelegs up on the crate and ram its massive tool into Euna. The beast fucks like a dog though, with rapid careless thrusts that pound Euna while she struggles to brace against the barrel. Her feet are barely grazing the ground.
The dog cums within a minute. The knot at the base at the cock swells up. The man yells an order at her, and sheEuna sees this, and quickly thrusts back to force the growing knot into herself. Now she's stuck. Every time she moves, the beast growls in her ear. It tries to wonder off, and she dangles underneath, scrabbling to grab hold of something. The man finds this hilarious.
You return later to find Euna wiping clean a river of runny dog cum that had poured down her thighs.
"He was impressed," Euna says. "That dog was part hell-hound, but whenever he's had it rape women before, it's always killed them. I'm the only one his beast has ever let live."
"I guess you're such a slut that even animals know you're meant to be fucked."
"Yes," she agrees, "though it did help that I used some of the Artemic Philter."
A gruff sailor comes by walking a Rottweiler. Euna talks with him. His grin shows crooked, yellow teeth, and he follows her into the alley. You peek in. She's on her backShe's on her hands and knees with her gownsashskirt pulled up about her waist. Her legs are tucked into her chest and wide into a Vpoint up in a V, and the dog is between them, mounted to her and rutting her assfucking her cunt energetically.The dog is mounted on her, rutting her asshumping energetically. Euna groans and lowers her head between her arms.
"Yeh. Rut the bitch," the man growls at the dog. "Come on, you mutt."
But it's not a rut. Euna strokes the dog's fur and lets it lick her face. It's almost love. After it pumps her full of dog cum, it tries to pull out, but it's stuck to her. She cuddles it instead.
The dog growls in Euna's ear and pumps her full of dog cum. Afterward Euna tries to pull away, but she's stuck. The dog nips at her neck.
The old man chuckles. "Got yer knot in the bitch, heh boy?"
You slip away and return after he leaves. Euna is sitting on her ass, trying to wipe away the deluge of watery cum oozing from her red and enflamed asshole. messy cunt. She licks it off her hands.
"You fucked his dog?" you ask.
"It's what he ordered me to do," she said. "I think he wanted to see if I'd do it."
"Now he knows you're a lowly bitch who will breed yourself with animals."
"As long as you're happy with me," she replies.
"He wanted me to, and he paid money," she replies. "As long as I'm getting cock."
"Yes, of course." She gets up on wobbly legs and puts on her clothes. You two depart from the alley. It's late now, and the dock is emptying.
"I'm just getting started," Euna says, "but I suppose we'll have to resume another day."
"Everyone is gone." She bites her lip. Maybe... you'll bring me down here again tomorrow?"
On a lower tier, among a crew unloading a boat, is a creature with grotesquie muscularity as twice as tall as the nearby pirates. It's an ogre domesticated enough to work on a crew loading crates. Its clothes are makeshift, from its chain skirt armor to its cloth-wrap shoes. The mallet strapped to its back is a leather-wrapped pole ending with a giant carved rock. People keep their distance. Euna, however, scampers down and chat with the beast. Once it finishes, she leads it to her alley by the hand. It follows like a dumbstruck child with a hungry expression.
You peek in to find the ogre behind Euna holding her aloft by her torso, over his cock, and what a cock it is. That chain shirt had been hiding two balls like massive melons, and a shaft thicker than your arm, and possibly longer. He's yanking Euna up and down upon it, burying its full length up her ass while she wails and moans and tries to find anything to brace her legs upon, but ultimately she's got no control. Its setting the brutal pace.
You return later after the ogre wanders away to find Euna crumpled in the corner as though discarded. Her deformed asshole leaks a river of cum.
"You chased down an ogre just so it could wreck your ass for you?" you ask.
"I thought I could handle him, but it feels like he rearranged my insides." She sits up, winces. "I swear I'm going to have a ruined hole for an ass someday."
"Is that a promise or a prediction."
"Both. I have an addiction to wrecking my holes."
"It was too much." She sits up, winces. "It feels like he rearranged my insides, but I thought it would please you."
"It did. Make sure you offer your ass out to any other ogres too. A lowly slut like you deserves to have your asshole ruined."
"I will do so," she say. "I will let brutes break my body out of my love for you."
You peek in to find the ogre holding Euna bent forward so he can yank her body back and forth on his cock. He's fucking her like a sleeve, and her toes are hardly grazing the ground. The size of his cock is titanic. The knobbly thing is thicker than your arm and possibly longer. Given her wails and struggles, he's managed to force through into her womb despite no Agnodine.
Once he's buried as much as he can, he stops, drags Euna under him, squats his ass over her stretched pussy, and squeezes out a lumpy greasy shit nearly as thick and long and thick as his cock. Held upside down, Euna does her best to hold herself open and accept this gift. It slides in deep until only a small mound sits on her labia. The ogre then orients her around and resumes fucking her. Only now he's packing his own shit into her violated womb. Hardly any squeezes out, and her belly swells.
You leave them to it and return just as Euna has finished tongue-cleaning the ogre's cock. Once it's gone, Euna focuses on her own sex. It's smeared brown, and scooping her fingers inside hardly reaches the prodigious quantities of cum and shit buried deep inside her.
"Lord," she mutters. "I think that beast must only eat meat. Its waste is truly putrid."
"And yet you chased down an ogre just so it would use you as a toilet," you say.
"I know," she says. "There's something wrong with me. I don't know why I need this so badly."
"It's because you've become the worst kind of slut," you say.
Her eyes light mischievously. "I know. I'm the queen of the whores. Nothing is beneath me. Now come here and reach your fists inside me. It packed that huge log in my womb, and I need to get it out if I expect anyone else to fuck me today."
"As long as you're happy with me. Can you help me get this out. It packed that huge log into my womb, and I can't reach it."
"Hell no. I'm not touching that shit. Get it out yourself. You're the one who gets off on being a toilet."
Cleanup takes a long while. No matter how much comes out of her, there was always another handful to find. A scrub with dock water makes her superficially clean. Her womb is probably still a mess.
"But there's nothing to be done about that now," she says. "I'll clean up more later."
You peek in to find the ogre holding Euna aloft and ramming her down upon his cock—a mishappen thing thicker and longer than your arm. It's plundering deep into her womb, but a good portion isn't getting into her, and so the ogre starts pulling down on her with all his ogre strength, causing her to shriek. Inch by inch disappears into her. Her belly swells grotesquely, as though his cock might burst forth, and a bulge actually rises to the level of her breasts. She's thrashing, but his grip has her arms pinned. Her legs scrabble for purchase against his chest.
Only once every inch of him is inside her, and her ass rests on his massive balls, does he resumes fucking her, though by now she's limp and resigned. His cock keeps bottoming out and deforming her belly up toward her breasts. When he cums, a deluge poors from her and over his balls.
Pulling out, the ogre sets her down and examines her hole. It looks like a ruined purse, so he pushes his fist into her. This galvanizes fresh howls from Euna, and she struggles anew, but the ogre is too strong. He makes an even bigger bulge in her belly that reaches past her tits. Her pussy lips look obscene stretched taut around a bicep as thick as your leg. Euna's hole is surely wrecked. ...Then he begins sliding his other fist in next to the first.
Her screams are attracting attention, so you slip away. A crowd of horrified bystanders collect at the alley, though everyone scurries away later when the ogre lumbers out. You come in to find Euna half-unconscious. Her pussy looks like a wet flap of meat. Her belly still looks stretched out.
"I dared him... I dared him to stretch my flower out as much as he could."
"Regrets." She gives an exhausted smile. "It was the most exquisite kind of ecstacy. A true test... of my special body." And she passes out.
"I told him... I told him he could stretch my flower out as much as he wanted."
"You told an ogre that? You must have really wanted him to break you."
"Do you... think he did?"
"Almost. I'll have to whore you to him again some time to try again."
"I suppose... you'll have to..." And she passes out.
It's over an hour before she's able to stand on her wobbly legs, and her pussy hasn't quite recovered, but she can walk.
You peek in to find the ogre holding Euna aloft by her torso and yanking her down upon his knobbly cock. It's thicker and larger than your arm, and its plundering deep into her pussy. There's little she can do except moan and wail because his grip of her has her arms pinned behind her, and her legs pinned against her chest, legs by her head. He's fucking her as though she were just a sleeve or a sock to fit over his giant dick.
You return later after the ogre has wandered off. Euna is reclined against the alley wall as a river of stinking cum leaks from her distorted pussy.
"I saw him and I thought you'd want me to offer myself."
"You were right."
She winces and squeezes her thighs together. "Lord it was intense though. He would have split me apart if my body weren't made for this treatment."
"I'm the only whore he's ever had," she says. "Other whores avoid him."
"That breaks my heart," you say.
"Doesn't it?" Euna replies. "As the only woman who could possibly take him, I thought I had a moral duty to let him fuck me as hard as he wanted." She winces and squeezes her thighs together. "Lord it was intense though. He would have split me apart if my body weren't made for this treatment."
An enormous muscle-bound man comes by. He has a simian-like upper body. His arms are bulbous, as though fruits were beneath the skin. Veins press to the surface, and his fists are like mallet heads. Euna fawns over his arms and lets him sneak a hand between her legs. Of course he follows her into the alley.
You peek in to find Euna on her elbows and knees. Her rump is aimed back so that the muscular man behind her can better ram his fist up her ass. He keeps going deeper, until his elbow is passing and his inflated melon biceps are forced up against her poor ring. It's not for lack of trying that he can't get farther. Every bump he does shoves Euna along the boardwalk. Her tits drag. He's clearly trying to see just how deeply he can plunder her asshole rather than actually fist her for her pleasure.
Eventually he pulls out. Her asshole gapes like an open mouth. Dropping his breeches, he jacks himself off and fires his seed into her slack hole, all while Euna waits obediently, rump raised.
You return later. Euna is lying on her side tenderly prodding her stretched asshole. When she relaxes, it flowers open with a donut of glistening red.
"When I told him I was an anal whore, I didn't realize he wanted to fist me," she says. "I hope he didn't ruin my ass for any other customers."
"And if he did?"
"Then oh well. It was only a matter of time before it became a ruined wreck." She tightens her ass back up. It unflowers and returns to a small rosebud. "But I think I'm fine."
"That'll happen eventually," you say. "Sooner or later, this whoring will leave you with used-up, broken holes."
"I know." She tightens her ass back up. It unflowers and returns to a small rosebud. "But not today. My ass can still earn you money."
You peek in to find Euna laid out on the boardwalk. She's rolled up on her shoulders with her rump pointed upward and her legs spread wide. The man is standing over her working two giant fistshis giant fist deep inside Euna. Once her pussy gapes, he drops his breeches, swings a leg over Euna, and lines his ass up with her slack pussy. Euna spreads herself open with her fingers and accepts his log of steaming warm shit into herself when he bears down. It fills her cunt until a brown mound sits on her labia.
Then he resumes fisting her. This crams the brown mass deep, packing it against her cervix. He's clearly steering his knuckles to push more in until all that's left are brown stains on her labia and his messy knuckles. After wiping his hands on her thigh, he has her lick his knuckles clean.
When you arrive later, she's knelt down, struggling to squeeze shit out of her and into her hand.
With a shrug, she begins eating the mess from her fingers.
"You'd rather eat it than toss it away?"
"I treat my clients in this alley. I can't have it stinking. Besides, I'm already polluted."
"How should I dispose of this?" she asks.
"You're the only toilet here," you say. "How do you think?"
Nodding, she eats the mess from her fingers.
It takes a lot of scooping, eating, and scrubbing up with dock water before she's finally presentable again.
You peek in to find Euna standing with straight legs spread wide. She's hinged at the waist, and is braced up against the wall with her rump pushed back while the man hammers his beefy fist into her pussy. After she's loose, he clasps his hands together, interlacing fingers, and pushes his combined fists into her. It takes a lot of twisting and ramming, and Euna grimaced whining from Euna, but eventually he fits both fists into her up to the elbow. Then pumping resumes, punching straight through against her cervix. It seems like his goal here is to wreck her pussy.
Eventually, he turns his attention to his erection. After wiping his hands off on her thighs, he plunges his cock into her cunt. Loose as she is, it must feel a bit like fucking a waterskin full of loose meat, but he seems to be enjoying himself.
You return after he's gone to find Euna sitting on the crate tenderly feeling her stretched vaginal lips. She's leaking cum.
"Lord, that hurt, but no matter." She grins. "He wanted to fist me, and I'm just a whore. It's not my place to tell him no."and I could hardly call myself a whore if I didn't oblige."
A large man with a coal complexion saunters by. Euna beckons him close. As they whisper, her hand slips his breeches down to free his hardening cock, and it's enormous. Euna presses her body to his and whispers dirty words, all while stroking his cock. He follows her to the alley.
When you peak in, he's got Euna pushed over onto all fours, and he's already hammering her ass with his monster cock. It's not long before he cums, but rather than finish up, he starts working his fist up her battered ass. Euna wails and tries to pull away, but he holds her down until his fist pops inside. Then he works his fist in and out until he's damn well done with her.
When you return later, she's on her side feeling her poor abused asshole. "When I told him I was an anal whore, I didn't realize he was going to fist my ass. I feel like he split me open."
"Would you have turned him away if you knew?"
She bites her lip. "No. I suppose I wouldn't have. My asshole is meant for plundering."
"What difference would it have made? It's not your place to decide what men do to your asshole."
She bites her lip. "You're right. It doesn't matter if I don't want to. My asshole exists to be plundered."
You peek in to find Euna on her back, legs wide, while the man works his fist in and out of her pussy. After he's got her nice and loose, he drops his breeches, squats over her chest, and pushes out a solid thick log of dark brown shit. After, it falls flat on her belly, Euna gingerly picks it up, lines it up with her loosened pussy, and slides it into herself. All but the tip disappears, and for that, she mashes the brown mess against her labia and clit. As she plays with herself, he gets between her legs and forces his monster-sized cock up her ass. He sodomizes her roughly while she wraps her legs about him and plays with her stuffed sex.
You return later to find her still laying there, legs spread wide, asshole leaking cum and cunt oozing sludge. She's playing with her clit with filthy fingers.
"Stop playing with yourself," you say. "Your here to be a receptacle for men's wastemake me money, not wallow for your own pleasure."
She stops immediately. "I'm sorry, my master. I'll clean myself up now."
"You have no idea how divine it felt," she says, "to be penetrated by both that enormous cock of his and his filthy waste. But I suppose I should stop basking in the afterglow and clean up."
Clean up involves squatting and pushing the log out, then a bunch of pussy scrubbing using dock water, but eventually she's dressed and ready.
You peek in to find Euna on all fours, braced up against the wall with her rump pushed back while the man hammers her with long strokes from tip to base. The lips of her pussy clasp the shaft of his monster-sized cock.
He fills her with cum and pulls out. Rather than let her get up, he starts working his fingers into her sex. Euna obediently pushes back, and soon he's got his fist buried in her. His brutal hammering continues, only now with his fist. Euna moans and trembles all the more.
You return after he's gone to find Euna sitting lewdly and trying her best to wipe clean her creamed and loose pussy.
"The man thought I was such a slut for being able to take his fist like that," she says.
"He's right. Only sluts like you would let their cunt get that loose."
She blushes a little and corrects her clothes. "I do it because you want me to. I only want to please you."
"He's right."
She smiles wickedly and corrects her clothes. "More than he knows. I'm the kind of slut who trains her cunt to take fists and cocks like his."
A large man with a coal complexion saunters by. Euna beckons him close. As they whisper, her hand slips his breeches down to free his hardening cock, and it's enormous. Whether because of its girth and its inhuman length, Euna's eyes it hungrily. She presses her body to his and whispers dirty words, all while stroking his cock. He follows her to the alley.
When you peak in, he's got Euna pushed over onto all fours, and he's already hammering her ass with his monster cock. From the look on Euna's face, it's unclear whether this is causing her incredible discomfort or ecstasy. Maybe both.
You return later after he's gone to find Euna lying on her side in the alley inspecting her enflamed and cum-leaking asshole.
"My poor hole," she mutters. "His cock was so enormous, and he was not kind with it."
"Yet you loved feeling it stir your insides."
She shudders. "Oh Lord, yes."
You peek in to find Euna on her back, legs against her chest, while the man sodomizes her mercilessly with his monster-sized cock. After he's filled her bowels with his hot seed, he scoots around to present his cock for her. It's caked with her shit, especially around the head, but she sucks it clean lovingly, and once he's soften, he unleashes a long torrent of piss for her to drink, another thing she savors.
You return after he's gone. She's wiping clean her enflamed asshole of shit smears and licking her finger clean.
"He didn't need to defecate," she says, "but he stirred my gut so much with that giant cock that I had to clean my own filth off his rod."
You peek in to find Euna on all fours with her clothes hiked up. The man is fucking her roughly, pumping the full length of his monster-sized cock in and out of her pussy, whose lips cling to his shaft. Her tits wobble, and she moans like a true whore.
You leave them to it and return after he's gone. Euna has rolled onto her back to examine the cum leaking from her battered pussy. She seems to like the taste.
"After I saw that giant cock of his," she says, "I nearly offered to fuck him for free, just to feel that beastly thing inside me."
"Good thing you didn't."
"That's right. Can't let these lowly men think they can fuck me without paying first."
"I'm sorry," she says. "He made me beg for it. He saw how badly I needed to feel that giant cock inside me."
"But you did get paid, right?"
She nods. "I knew you'd be made if I didn't."
A hairy man comes by with a stocky build and a thick beard. Euna talks with him. He feels her up, from her chest to between her legs, as though inspecting livestock, and he agrees. After they're in the alley, you peek in.
Euna is laid out upon the boardwalk planks, nude and writhingwaiting, while the man squats over her, breeches down, and pushes out a long solid log of light tan shit upon her chest. She holds her tits together to keep any of his waste from falling off.
He fastens up and looks down at her. "Now rub it in."
She obeys, painting her tits and belly as though with a sponge. The shit is like thick paste and quickly becomes gritty. It clumps like a wad of clay.
"Piss on me," she tells him.
"Let me help you out there," he says.
The man aims his cock and splatters a stream right on her belly. The shit clay is wet now, and she spreads it more smoothly. It makes wet, sticky sounds. Her tits and belly are tan brown now. She licks her fingers clean.
"You sick bitch," he mutters.
After he leaves, you find Euna scraping the mess off her body.
"He wanted to make love," she says, "to pleasure me. Then I explained how I was a shit whore, and it disgusted him. He thought he was punishing me. Little did he know I enjoyed this more than I would have making love."
"He wanted to make love to me," she says, "but I told him how I was a shit whore. Then he thought I was too sick and disgusting to touch."
"Good," you say. "Sluts like you aren't supposed to be making love. Being a toilet is a more fitting use for you. Now clean up."
With some water form the bay, she gets most of the shit gone. She dresses and rejoins you.
You peek in to find Euna on all fours. The man is kneeling behind her working his fists up her gash. He's blown away that he can get as far as his bicep. Once he's bottomed out, he starts fucking her in long slow strokes.
That's not good enough for Euna. She grabs his arm and pulls her into him forcefully while humping back. Now he gets it. He fucks her hard and fast with his arm while she bucks back. She's moaning like a shameless whore now.
You return after he's gone to find Euna leaned against the wall, clothes already back on.
"Looked like you were making him do what you wanted to do," you say.
"Please forgive me," she says, "but he wasn't treating me roughly enough. He did fuck me afterward the way he wanted to."
"Had fun?" you ask.
"I needed to teach him how to properly fist a slut, but he got the hang of it. Then I tightened my cunt back up to squeeze his cock nice and tight. I think I'm his favorite whore now."
The man is on his back. Euna is astride him, taking him in her assriding his cock, gyrating back and forth, her body sinuous. It almost seems like they're actually making love. Euna is practically lost in the enjoyment of it, and hardly notices his clumsy pawing of her breast. When he tense up and fires, her cries echo down the boardwalk.
Euna is pressed to the boardwalk on her belly. The man is on her back, thrusting his hips. From his angle, he's clearly buried in her ass. Despite sodomizing her, he's showing her a lot of attention, kissing along her neck, smelling her hair, hugging close against her back. His every touch conjures moans out of Euna. When he picks up his pace, they both become feverish with passion, until he's buried deep and grunting, and she cries out in passion.
Euna is on her back. The man is on top of her, pumping away while running his tongue along her neck. For her part, Euna cradles him with arms and legs. It almost seems like love, until he comes. Then it's a dispassionate finish of rapid humps while Euna whines and whimpers.
After he's gone, you come in while Euna is dressing.
"He kept telling me he was a good lover," she says. "I think he wanted me to enjoy it."
"Then I hope you did. You're a whore. You will like it if they tell you to like it."
"I did. I was happy because I knew I was being a good whore for you."
"He thinks he's a good lover," she says.
"Was he?"
She snorts. "Sure he was. I'll scream out as many orgasms as he wants as long as he's paying."
An obese man comes by. He's bare-chested, showing greasy folds of flesh along his torso, and an apron of flesh hanging over his breeches. He drips with sweat. None of this deters Euna. She gets him to enter the alley with her. You peek in later.
He's standing, hands on hips, while Euna is kneeling naked, bathing him with her tongue like a mother cat.worshipping his body with her tongue. She laps up sweat and detrius beneath his fat folds and tongues away grime from his hairy armpits. After removing his boots, the smell of his damp clammy feet causes her to recoil, but she sucks his toes clean anyway. Then his breeches come down. Beneath his fat apron is his stiff cock poking out from a damp nest. She suckles his pundulous balls, bathes the creases, then licks his shaft and the accumulated smegma under his foreskin. After he's clean, he releases his bladder. Euna drinks as much of his pungent yellow broth as she can, but much spills down her front.
He turns and reveals an ass crack like a greasy swamp. Euna tongues the crack's length and sucking away brown clumps encrusted to the hairs. She finishes by rimming his brown puckered hole clean.
Next, he has her sit and prop back on her arms so he can back his freshly-cleaned ass over her upturned mouth and unleash a torrent of brown slop. Euna is gagging instantly. Much of the mess cascades over her tits and pools between her clasped legs. More deluge comes, and she does her best to swallow. Her front becomes a mess of lumpy brown, but he's not done. A colossal log of greasy crap creeps out of his hole. The end lodges into her mouth, and drapes out until breaking off along her chest. The other end sits in sewer pool at her groin, and the log thick enough that she can hardly clasp her hand around it.
Euna cradles the log and gets to work. Each bite requires chewing. She's gasping to control her stomach, but after ages, she consumes his entire gift. Her belly is left distended. Even then, he doesn't leave until she's lapped up every bit of loose slop on her body and the boardwalk.
When you come in, she's cradling her belly. The reek of rancid shit is powerful.
"Oh Lord..." she mutters. "He'd been saving all that for days, and he hadn't bathed in weeks. He just got into port and sought me out to use me as a toilet. It was... It was too much."
"I guess your reputation as a shit whore has already gotten around," you say.
"How has my life come to this...?"
Nude, Euna is kneeling before him, bent over so her ass points at him, and her tits rest on the boardwalk. Before her is a giant coiled pile of steaming shit, and she's dutifully eating it one bite at a time as though consuming a fruit. Meanwhile, she's making a show of fingering her own ass. Four fingers, knuckle deep, and she moans whorishly.
He's pumping his stiffening member. It's lost in a nest of hair. His balls drip with sweat, the worst is the head of his cock itself. Beneath his foreskin, the crown is packed with smegma. You swear you can smell it from here.
Euna crooks a finger at him to come and take her.Euna spreads her cheeks wide indicating she's ready for him.
He falls on her and rams his pudgy cock in her ass. For a fat man, he fucks like a rabbit, though he's practically got her flattened against the boardwalk with his obesity. He cums within a minute and clambers up.
You slink away and return after he's departed. Euna is still on her knees fingering her asshole for all the cum leaking out of her.
"You ate his shit?" you ask.
"I'm sorry. It was the only way I could convince him to sodomize me. He'd just come off a long voyage and he'd heard about my reputation. I hope that was all right."
"If agreeing to be a man's toilet is the only way you can convince him to fuck you, then I guess that's what you have to do."
She looks relieved. "Thank you. I think he really just wanted a woman to desecrate."
"He just came off a long voyage," she says, "and he really wanted to feed me his shit. So why not? I'll eat his disgusting dung so long as he ruts my ass, and so long as he pays."
"Ah, bargaining."
"I suppose this is what I must do now that I have a reputation as a sick whore. Truthfully, I think he just wanted a woman to descrate."
"He succeeded."
"More than you know. I can smell every stench of him on me, and all that mess on his cock is mixed up in my gut."
Euna is on her back while the enormous man drops his breeches and squats his corpulent ass over her head. A long log of greasy waste snakes out and coils up in her mouth. It leaves a mound, with a tail that flops over her nose and forehead. She gets to chewing, swallowing, and struggling not to retch. Meanwhile, he hunkers down between her legs and pushes her thighs to her chest. He starts first by sodomizing her, and after that works his fist inside her asshole until he's elbow deep. That's how you leave them. With him fisting her ass, and her hungrilydutifully consuming his waste, periodically plucking the lumps on her face and dropping them in her brown mouth. He doesn't leave for a long while, and when you enter, Euna is still lying exactly where she was, legs wide, asshole gaped, and brown flecking her features.
"He came here to shit in my belly," Euna mutters. "I had to beg him to fist me. He said I should be grateful."
"You should be grateful he let you eat his shit too," you say. "You are just a depraved whore after all."
She gropes out for your hand. "I'm grateful to you for treating me the way a whore like me deserves."
"Oh Lord," she mutters. "Here I am getting a stomach full of disgusting shit while a depraved pervert fists my ass..." She rubs her thighs together sensually. "And I'm getting paid for it. How ruined must I be that I would have done it for free?"
By now, he's fully hard. His foreskin has peeled back to reveal a mess of accumulation under his crown. He shoves her down, falls on top of her, and rams his filthy cock into her dripping cunt and ravages her quick and fiercely. She's practically buried under his obese body. All that accumulated smegma is getting mixed up inside her.
You leave, and come back to find Euna lying flat and gasping. Her cunt is a seeping mess.
"That looked disgusting," you say.
"He just got off boat from a months-long voyage, and he never bathed. He never wiped either. The man was vile, but he wanted a tongue bath, and then he wanted to defile me."
"I think he succeeded."
"He told me not to clean up. And so I must stay defiled." She gets up. "As an obedient whore. I will obey. I'm ready."
"I can't describe how absolutely disgusting I feel now, and how badly I want to cum. Instead, I'm just going to savor this."
A bare-chested man comes by. He's obese, and greasy, and he drips with sweat. Euna gets his attention, and they enter the alley together. You peek in later.
Nude, Euna is kneeling before him, bent over so her ass points at him, and her tits rest on the boardwalk. Breeches down, he's pumping his stiffening member. It's lost in a nest of hair. His balls drip with sweat, the worst is the head of his cock itself. Beneath his foreskin, the crown is packed with smegma. You swear you can smell it from here.
He falls on her and rams his pudgy cock in her ass. For a fat man, he fucks like a rabbit, though he's practically got her flattened against the boardwalk with his obesity. You leave them to it.
He's got her laid out on the boardwalk, and he's knelt over her head so his pendulous cock and balls hang in her face. They drip with sweat, and the worst is the head of his cock. Beneath it's foreskin, the crown is packed smegma, yet Euna is tonguing and sucking his package as though it were a treat. Meanwhile, he's got her hips pulled up against his sweaty chest so her sex is before him, and he's ramming his fist down her ass up to his elbow. He only stops when he cums. His copious semen paints her tits and runs up toward her neck. She suckles what cum leaks from his cock.
You leave and return after he's gone.
He's standing, hands on hips, while Euna is naked and kneeling before him, running her tongue along his fat torso. She lifts the flabs to lick the sweat and dead skin accumulated beneath. When she gets to his flank, he lifts each arm so she can tongue away the sweat and grime from his hairy pits. She tugs off his boots and damp socks to reveal clammy feet, the very whiff of which causes her to recoil, but she sucks his toes clean anyway. Then his breeches come down. His stiff cock pocks out from under his sagging belly from a bush of dense hair. She licks the shaft clean, then focuses on sucking each of his sweaty balls.
By now, he's fully hard. His foreskin has peeled back to reveal a mess of accumulation under his crown. He shoves her down, falls on top of her, and rams his filthy cock into her dripping cunt and ravages her quick and fiercely. She's practically buried under his obese body. All that accumulated smegma is getting mixed up inside her. You leave, and come back to find Euna lying flat and gasping. Her cunt is a seeping mess.
"That looked disgusting," you say.
"He just got off boat from a months-long voyage, and he never bathed. The man was vile, but he wanted a tongue bath, and then he wanted to defile me."
"I think he succeeded."
"He told me not to clean up. And so I must stay defiled." She gets up. "I am obedient, so unless you order me to clean up, I will do so."
"I can't describe how absolutely disgusting I feel now, and how badly I want to cum.
"Why don't you?"
"That would be to admit I'm taking pleasure from whoring myself to disgusting men. But I'm only doing this for money."
A bare-chested man comes by. His skin glistens with sweat, and is red with sunburn. Euna gets his attention with some remark. They enter the alley together.
When you peek in, the man is hunkered over Euna's head so that she can tongue his balls. He's got her body scooped up and pressed against his sweaty body such that her sex is before him and her legs wrapped about his chest. It's a vertical sixty-nine which shows off Euna's recently acquired flexibility and acrobatics. While she tongues away, he's working his fist down her asshole as though trying to scoop something out from the bottom. He's into her nearly up to the elbow.
When he cums his semen erupts over Euna's tits. The ropes of cum dribble up toward her neck. You slip away until after he's done.
When you peek in, the man has got Euna laid back on the boardwalk with her knees pressed to her chest. He's lying on top of her, breeches down, cock buried in her ass.boardwalk, and he's on top of her, breeches down, humping away. He's practically smothering Euna with his sweaty body, and he's entertaining himself from everything from sticking his tongue down her throat to slobbering over her tits. When he can't see her face, her nose is wrinkled.
The man abruptly pulls out, crawls up her body and sits his bare sweaty ass on her tits. With a few pumps of his cock, he spews a copious load of cum. Though some gets into her open and ready mouth, more splatters her face and neck. It drips into her eye and down her nose. That's how he leaves her.
When you come in, Euna is huddled in the alley's corner wiping herself clean. She glistens with the man's sweat, cum, and saliva. "He's been working all day," she says. "And Lord did he smell of it." She sniffs herself. "And now I do too. Oh well."
A bare-chested man comes by. Euna gets his attention with some remark, and they enter the alley together. You peek in later. He's got her bent over and bracing herself on a crate with her gown tucked aside.sash lifted about her waist.skirt bunched about her waist.
He's fucking her ass in earnest. You slip away and return afterward. She's got a thigh up on the crate so she can tenderly clean her violated asshole. The amount of cum dribbling down the inside of her thigh is impressive. "He was a virile man," she says. "He said he was going to fill my ass up, and I think he nearly did. So much cum."
"And you're complaining?"
"Of course not. I love having my ass pumped full."
Her eyes widen and she shakes her head. "No, no. My ass is meant to be pumped full of cum."
He's fucking her ass in earnest, and soon fills her with cum. When he pulls out, the seed leaking from her ass runs over her sex, which is already dripping with arousal. Gathering the mess in his fingers, he presses his fist into her ass. Euna moans and pushes back. Soon he's elbow deep in her bowels and hammering hard.
You slip away, and return later. Euna is still bent over on the crate catching her breath, her raw and messy ass is exposed to all.
"Fisting you seemed like an afterthought," you say.
"It almost was," she mutters. "I insisted he do so before he finished. I'm glad he complied. My ass needs abuse, not a tender fucking."
"It was," she mutters. "He decided I enjoyed being sodomized too much."
He's fucking her in earnest. Abruptly, he pulls out. His dick flops about, wet with her arousal. Then he presses to her rosebud and pushes in. Euna gasps and flinches away, but he holds her tight and murmers something to her. Once he bottoms out, he starts buggering her vigorously. Euna tries her best to tolerate this.
You slip away and return later. She's got a thigh up on the crate so she can tenderly wipe clean her violated asshole. "He surprised me," she says. "He never said anything about anal until he was telling me to 'shut up and take it.'"
"Nothing you're not used to," you say.
"True enough, and nothing I didn't enjoyit's not my place to say no."
Shortly, Euna catches the attention of a brutish man who seems enamored with her beauty and her shimmering blue gown. He feels the smooth silk between his fingers. Her own hand goes down his breeches and brings out his cock—an impressive specimen. Of course he follows her into the alley. You look in later.
Euna has shrugged off her gown so it's crumpled on the ground before her. Now she's naked, kneeling before the brute. He's working off his breeches. At her command, he squats and pushes out a long steaming log of shit right onto her silk gown while she idly plays with herself. Once he's done, she picks up the crumpled nest of silk cradling the shit pile, and she whispers an invitation to him.At his command, she takes up her crumpled gown and proffers it beneath him, while he squats and shits out a long steaming log into the silk nest. With that done, you hear him telling her what he's about to do. She nods.
He shuffles around and kneels behind her, and taking her hips, he works his cock in her ass. Soon, he's buggering her with the full length of his massive rod. Euna breathes in the fetid stench of his shit, tastes along its length, and hands the bundle back to him.He reaches around to take the silk bundle from her with the shit pile still cradled on top. Lowering it down, he presses the mass against her bare sex and smears her mound with a sticky brown layer.own blond nest and plasters her pubic hair with a sticky brown coat. Most of all, he grinds the mess into her clit. It leaves Euna shuddering. She rests her head back against his shoulder and mewls. But he doesn't care about getting her off. He startsReaching down, she guides his hand to start pressing the silk into her gash. The remaining fecal mass gets rammed into her, followed by her gown. All but a blue silk tail is draping out of her by the time he's cumming in her ass. It's still hanging from her when he makes her suck his fingers clean of shit.she lovingly sucks his fingers clean of shit. That's when you depart.
After he's gone, you return to find her extricating lengths of shitty silk from herself. Her entire groin is a painted brown mess.
"He was a simple-minded man," she says. "He didn't know how to treat me like a shit-whore. so I had to give him some ideas."
"Looked more like you conducted the show."
She shrugs. "I know how shit-whores like to be treated."
"He said I was beautiful, like an angel," she says. "He loved my silk dress."
"And then he shit on it?"
"I think he enjoyed spoiling something beautiful. He seemed simple-minded"
"At least he knew how to treat you like a proper shit-whore."
After she gets the worst of the mess out of her sex, she has to sneak down to the water to give her gown and her groin a quick scrubbing.
She's bent over with her hands braced against the alley wall while he fucks her from behind, except he never bothered taking her gown off, or moving it aside. He's pounding her through the back curtain of silk, which is causing the gown to cram into her a little more each thrust.
After he cums, he pulls out and notices what he's done. Half the back of her gown is crammed in her quim. He presses his fingers to her and works more silk in, and more, until he's fisting her, and that's when he finds out he can push his fist into her womb. Euna shrugs the gown off and wiggles her butt at him invitingly. "Ram it all in," she mutters.This excites him. He makes her shrug off her gown so he can bend her over and really get to work.
He's fisting her to the elbow now, cramming lengths of the gown deep into her. He's taking his time, so you slip away. When you return later. Euna is sitting on a crate waiting for you. She's nude, and her belly pooches.
"I wonder where your gown went," you say.
"I wonder where indeed." She spreads her legs to show her slackened gash. "Be a dear. Reach in and get it for me."
"He put it inside me," she says, "...and I can't reach it." Cheeks burning, she spreads her legs to show her slackened gash. "Can you get it for me?"
The man managed to get every bit of silk past her cervix, even the waist rope. It comes out as a wadded, slick mess covered in her arousal and his cum. Euna does her best to straighten it out and put it on. "That'll have to do."
He's got her on all fours, and he's fucking her ass from behind like a dog. However, from your angle, you can see between his legs. He never had her remove her gown, or bothered moving it aside. He's fucking Euna's ass through the back curtain of her gown, and with every thrust, his cock feeds more of the smooth silk into her bowels.
You leave and return after he's gone. Euna is laying on her belly, legs wide and gasping. Most of her gown is crammed up her ass. Only a few feet of its front curtain hang out. You grab the end and pull. Groaning, Euna raises her hips to help as length after length emerges like a magician's ribbon. The gown emerges, cum-stained and reeking.crumpled and cum-stained.
"Did he do it on purpose?" you ask.
She sits up and shakes her head. "He was a simpleton, I think. Good thing this silk resists staining." She fixes the gown as best she can, and puts it back on. "It's filthy," she says, "but nothing to be done about that right now."
He's on top of her, classic missionary, though she's got her legs wrapped around him. From your angle, you see up between their legs, and while his breeches are off, he never had her remove her gown, or bothered moving it aside. He's fucking Euna through the front curtain of her gown, and with every thrust, his cock crams more of the smooth silk into her sex, slowly feeding it into her.
You leave and return after he's gone. Euna is still on her back, legs wide, and recovering her breath. Her gown is crammed into her sex so tightly that the front squeezes tight against her chest like a leotard. The tip of the neckline plunges down passed her silk cord, passed her pubic moundnest, and disappears inside her. You grab the gown at her crotch and pull. Four feet of crumpled gown emerge along with a spill of semen, until finally the tail emerges. The silk is stained and wrinkled.
"Do you think he noticed?" you asked.
She shakes her head. "He was a simpleton, I think. Didn't know what he was doing." She fixes the gown as best she can. The front reeks of her arousal, but nothing to be done about that.
A man comes by in a hurry. Euna calls to him, and they talk. Euna consents to something, and she squats down right there, in the boardwalk's main avenue. Squatted, her paltry sash leaves her sex plain to see for anyone passing by.
The man takes out his cock and pisses into Euna's open mouth. She swallows dutifully. Some spills down her front, which she rubs into her fishnets. She uses her unique talent of opening her throat to allow his entire bladder to drain into her stomach without one swallow. After a good long stream, he pulls his breeches down more, turns around, and releases a thick sticky mass of shit into her mouth. She chews, swallows, and chews some more.
He's anxious to leave, but her services aren't done. Her mouth is too filthy to lick his ass clean, so she offers her own blond hair for him to wipe his ass. After he does so, he mutters a quick thanks and hurries off. She gives him a finger twiddle wave goodbye. The whole thing took less than two minutes.
Meanwhile, he uses a handful of her blond hair to wipe his ass, then he hurries to leave. Euna is too busy masticating to say goodbye. The whole thing didn't take more than two minutes.
You approach. "That was quick."
She swallows enough to talk. "He needed a toilet, and then he saw me."
"I guess you really do dress the part of a desperate shit-whore."
She wipes her face clean and hands over the money. It's light. "He said since he only needed to use me as a toilet, he shouldn't have to pay me as a whore. I hope that's all right."
"I wonder how he knew you were such a shameless shit-whore."
"From the way I'm dressed," she says. "Perhaps this outfit has its perks." She wipes her face clean and hands you the money. "I only charged him half since he didn't fuck me. He only needed me for my toilet services."
Within minutes, a broad-shouldered man comes by. He mutters something to Euna. In turn, she lifts one leg to her chest to give him a plain view of her smoothfurred dainty slit. She says something back.
Abruptly, he steps forward and presses his his fist to her quim right there in the boardwalk avenue where anyone can see. She drapes her raised leg over his shoulder while he hunches to lick her neck and suckle her tits through her fishnets, all while working his fist in up to the elbow. He whispers to her, and he pulls her hand down his breechesEuna holds his other shoulder with one hand for support. Her other hand sneaks down his breeches so that she free his cock and stroke him. Within a minute, his cum drizzles her belly. After that, he's on his way. The whole thing took less than two minutes.
You approach while she's sucking semen out her fishnet top. "That was quick."
"He said I was trashiest looking whore he'd ever seen. Probably had a cunt like a wineskin."
"So you let him fist you to find out?"
"I certainly couldn't let him leave thinking I was only as loose as a wineskin. I charged him half since we didn't actually have sex."
"He said I was trashiest looking whore he'd ever seen. Probably had a cunt like a wineskin."
"And you invited him to find out for sure. Good."
She gives you the money. It's less than usual. "He said since he wasn't fucking me, I didn't deserve to get paid as much."
"But you gave him a handjob."
"He... I... I know. I'm sorry. I got carried away, and he told me to."
Euna pulls her sash back down to rest on her hips. "I did that of my own accord."
A man comes by. He almost passes Euna, but thinks better of it. They talk for perhaps twenty seconds when the man abruptly spins Euna around and presses her against the wall. Fishing out his cock, he forces it into her ass and begins fucking her right there in the boardwalk's main avenue for anyone to see. A few passersby holler their approval.
Euna is pressed faced first into the boardwalk wall. All she can do is brace and accept this dry ravaging. She never moved from her perch, or even took off her clothes—her narrow sash skirt provided easy enough access. Once the man pumps her ass full of his cum, he tucks up and walks away, leaving her breathless.
You approach. "That was quick."
"He figured from how trashy I'm dressed that I wouldn't care who saw me getting sodomized whever everyone could see."
"But you do care, don't you?"
"Of course. I want as many people to see me as possible. Perhaps this outfit is attracting my kind of customers." She hands you money. It's less than usual. "I agreed to half my price as long as he was quick about it."
"He just wanted a quick cheap fuck," she replies. "He figured from how trashy I'm dressed that I wouldn't complain to being sodomized out where everyone can see." She hands you the money. "Sorry it's less than usual. He didn't think he should have to pay my full price since he was so quick."
She fixes her sash to make herself decent, though cum still dribbles down her inside thigh.
A man comes by. He almost passes Euna, but thinks better of it. They talk for perhaps twenty seconds when the man abruptly pushes Euna against the wall, fishes out his cock, and fucks her right there on the boardwalk's main avenue for anyone to see. A few passersby holler their approval.
Euna hooks one leg around him to pull him in tighter, and she embraces him while he ravages her and mauls her tits through their fishnets. Within two minutes, he cums, shudders in pause, then pulls out and continues on his way. Euna never took off her velvet sash. She didn't even move from her perch.
You approach. "That was quick."
"This outfit it makes it easy for a quick fuck." She adjusts her velvet sash back to her hip to better hide her dripping gash, then she hands you money.
"This is less than usual," you say.
"I agreed to half my price, as long as he took less than two minutes of my time."
"He just wanted a quick cheap fuck," she replies. "He figured I'd be fine with because of how cheaply I'm dressed."
"Guess it's a fitting outfit for you."
She adjusts her velvet sash back to her hip to hide her dripping gash, then she hands you money. "Sorry it's less than usual. He didn't think he should have to pay my full price since he was so quick."
The couple return—the attractive man and his gaudy girl—and from how the girl points Euna out to the man, they were looking for her. Euna hardly has to convince them to join her in the alley.
When you peek in, Euna are in a sixty-nine, both fervently eating each other out. The man has his breeches around his ankles, and he's pumping his hard manhood.
The girl scoots her ass forward over Euna's pillowy tits and releases both a stream of urine and a coil of earth-brown shit right ont Euna's tits. Euna watches with bated anticipation. The moment the woman has voided herself,Euna lies still obediently. Once the woman has voided herself, the man barks an order at her, and Euna massages the wet mess in, making sure to cover every inch of her tits, even underneath. With the remainder, she smears down her belly, along her thighs, and over her neck.
The woman watches with her nose is wrinkled, but the man hastily kneels and fires cum upon the mess for Euna to rub in.
You enter after they're gone. Euna is scraping shit off herself and sucking her fingers clean. "She just wanted to ride my face while he watched," Euna says, "but I'm a shit whore, not a normal whore. So I told them they'd have to pay extra if they didn't want my preferred services. She finally agreed."
At that point, they leave. You overhear the girl mutter something about "the disgusting whore," and how she couldn't believe he'd talked her into doing that.
When you enter, Euna is scraping as much shit off herself as she can. "He only wanted his girlfriend and I to play with each other while he watched," Euna says. "But I told them that I was only allowed to let them use me if they treated me like a toilet. So he got his woman to shit on me."
She gets most of the mess cleared until no visible stains remain. The stench lingers though.
When you peek in, the woman is on her back with Euna on her hands and knees overtop of her, and they're eating each other out. The man is knelt beside them, rubbing himself to the show.
The woman worms her hand into Euna's sex while keeping her lips fixed to Euna's clit. She slides in effortlessly. Both she and her boyfriend are amazed by this, and soon the woman is past her elbow deep groping the depths of Euna's womb. This is a common trick for Euna.
...but when Euna starts pushing her own fist into the woman's sex, it's a much tighter squeeze. At first the woman complains, but after a few encouraging words from Euna,but after the man eggs her on, she spreads her legs wide and let's Euna work her fist into her. The woman whines a lot, but once Euna's fists slips in, it's a different story. Soon, the woman is rocking back on Euna's penetration, wanting more. She and Euna are still fisting each other when you slip away. Later you return to find Euna waiting for you.
"He got so excited watching his girl fist me that he made me fist her in turn."
"Seemed like she liked that," you reply.
"I hope so," she says. "If her boyfriend has any say, my fist won't be the last one she takes."
"She was the customer today, not him. You should have heard how amazed she was when she reached into my womb."
"And then she had to be convinced to take your fist to?"
"Only for me to make her cum harder than any cock could make her. I'll make a convert over her yet."
When you peek in, Euna is naked and on her hands and knees. The man is knelt behind her, fucking her ass with slow solid strokes, each pulling all the way out, then to bottom out inside her.
His girlfriend is lying on her back beneath Euna, heads to groins, such that she's staring up at her boyfriend's anal rutting of Euna.
To the other two, it's like she's not there, but she's seems delighted enough just to watch the obscene act above her face. Sometimes she leans up and runs her tongue along his cock as it slides out. After he cums in Euna's ass, it's his girl who sucks his cock clean, just as it's his girl who sucks the cum dripping from Euna's slack asshole.
Later the two depart, arms over shoulders and mirthful as though continuing their romantic date.
Euna is the alley putting on her clothes.
"This time, it was she who wanted to watch. I didn't charge her. Seemed wrong since all she did was offer her mouth for cleaning services."
"This time, he wanted to fuck me while he made her watch. Apparently cleaning his cock after he's fucked a whore is part of her expected duties."
When you peek in, Euna are in a sixty-nine, both fervently eating each other out. The man has his breeches around his ankles, and he's pumping his hard manhood.
The woman is moaning, but she keeps her tongue in Euna's folds. The man loses it, and gooey strands of his semen splatter both girls. They lick and suck the cum off each others' bodies.
After they leave, you enter to find Euna dressing.
"The woman was the client. She just wanted her boy to watch us. Of course, he found his own way of participating. They're lucky I didn't make him pay, but I let it pass."
"The man wanted to watch his girlfriend and I fuck, so he decided he should only pay for her. Really though, he was the client. She was just obeying him like I was."
Relief comes over her. "Yes, it would. Then with your permission, I will let my johns know that it's something I won't do."
"Very well. Just make sure you offer to do something else which will entice them. When I whore you, I expect to get paid."
"Of course," she says. "I won't let it happen again."
"And here I thought your perversion has no end." She straightens up. "This is for the best. As much of a master at this craft as I aim to be, I couldn't stomach an act quite that disgusting."
"I'm sorry," she pleads. "Please, punish me however you wish."
"What I wish is for you to do whatever the client wants. You didn't get paid."
"Please. I didn't want to say no. I want to please you, but It was too much. I couldn't have done it even if I'd tried." Her blush deepens. "...Not with a stranger."
"What are you saying?"
"Perhaps if I practiced. If you were to train me. Then maybe in time I could."
"Maybe we'll have to," you say. "I can't have a whore who can't get paid."
"I didn't say I'd never do it, but an act that revolting is not one I think I can do today."
As Euna strolls past you toward the mouth of the alley, she runs her finger along your chest.sidles up and whispers in your ear while giving your ass a quick squeeze. "Maybe sometime I could train myself for such an harrowing act on someone with whom I'm more comfortable."
A small woman comes by. Her hair is tied back with a hair scarf, her skin is weathered and tanned, and she's carrying a basket of foods to take home after her days work. Eyes down, the woman almost bumps into Euna, and when she tries to get around, Euna stops her. Whatever they say, the woman blushes deeply. Euna strolls back into the alley, and after hesitating, the woman follows.
You peek in to find Euna standing, legs wide, and her gown cinched asidesash resting on her waistskirt hiked up about her waist to expose her ass. The woman has completely disrobed her working shawl. She's crouched behind Euna with her face buried between Euna's cheeks. She's tonguing away feverishly as though the taste of Euna's asshole is making her drunk with lust. She's stabbing her fingers into her own dripping sex as she dines away. Both girls are on the edge, but the shy woman climaxes first, moaning into Euna's ass. She tries to pull away, only for Euna to grab her head and hold it in place. "Not yet," Euna warns.
It goes on, so you slip away. Later, the woman comes scurrying out, red faced and desheveled.
In the alley, Euna is perched on a crate. She's as content as a cat.
"That girl was simply on her way home to make dinner for her children," Euna says. "When I told her I was an anal whore, you should have seen her blush with shame. I knew what she really wanted to eat."
"Your ass?"
"She wasted two days of wages to taste all the traffic of my bowels, and I'm sure I'll see her again."
A balding potbellied man comes by. He lingers upon seeing Euna and appraises her hungrily. After some talking, he leads her into the alley.
You peek in to find Euna face down on the boardwalk, but with her knees tucked up so her ass is in the air, and her gown cinched asidesash is resting about her waistskirt hiked up about her waist to expose her ass. The man has her by the hips, and he's got his face buried between her ass cheeks to dine hungrily on her asshole. You can hear his slurping, and strands of his drool run down over the clefts of her vulva and dripinto her pubic bush, and from there, they drip onto the boardwalk. Euna has a wrinkled look of disgust, but she obediently lets this pervert taste her.
You leave them to it and return after the man carries on his way. Euna is in the alley trying her best to wipe clean all the slobber from her ass and vagina. "He was a disgusting man," Euna says. "I think it turned him on to think about all the other men who've plundered my ass."
"That's part of being a whore," you say. "Sometimes you get creeps and perverts. Just let them do what they want with you like you would anyone else."
"I will. It's what I do."
A heavyset man comes by carrying a crate. Euna flirts with him. Whatever she offers get him to stop his labor and follow her down an alley.
When you sneak around. Euna is lying flat on her back. The man is sitting on her head with his breeches off. His fat ass is smothering her face. He's got his chubby cock resting on her bared breasts.
"Ready for your treat, bitch?" He lifts a little. His belly flexed. Small bouts of gas escape right in Euna's face, but then comes a moment of silence before the true payload. A log of shit slithers down, right into Euna's waiting mouth. She chews and swallows the fetid waste quickly. Log after log disappears into her belly, but after he finishes, he doesn't get off.
"Now clean me up," he orders, and Euna dutifully probes her tongue along his ass. This gets him excited, and he wraps her tits around his erection and begins humping. He must be smearing his asshole across her face, but she keeps up her effort until he fires a sticky mess down her belly.
You come after he leaves. Cum stains her gowntits and her fishnetsbodice. Her face glistens with ass-sweat. Her hair is plastered, and her mouth is still brown from her meal. "Oh Lord..." she breathes. "Just lie back, eat his waste, and let him use my body. I nearly came."
After catching her breath, she cleans herself up and fixes her clothes.
A passing potbellied man lingers upon seeing Euna and appraises her hungrily. After some talking, she leads himhe leads her into the alley.
When you sneak around, Euna is on her back, only she's folded up like a pretzel. The man has pushed her legs up against her chest so much that she was able to hook her knees behind her shoulders. The contortionist pose gives her a prime view of her own crotch while the man lies over her and fucks her asshole. After he cums and pulls out, he grabs the back of her neck and pulls her face toward her crotch as though trying to crush her into a ball.Euna hooks her arms around her rump and pulls it toward her, pulling herself into a tight ball. It turns out, she cannot rim herself, but she can get her tongue on her sex, though she doesn't seem able to breathe while doing it.
The man decides to straddle her folded form, putting his ass right in her face whil his dick rests on her sex. Seems she'll have to rim his asshole instead, while he works his fist into hers.
You return after he's gone. Euna has unraveled and is delicately stretching to relieve cramps.
"That was quite a forward bend," you say. "Most of the Warped Ones can't put their tongue on their own sex. It looked unnatural."
"My body is unnatural," she says. "Ever since Lanx and Fira transmuted it. And I'm still stretching daily."
"Maybe some day you will be able to tongue your own asshole."
"That's my hope. I look forward to tasting it for myself."
"Ever since Lanx's transmutation, it's amazing what I can do. Though I'm also still stretching daily."
"Keep stretching," you say. "I want to see you tongue your own asshole some day."
"Of course. I won't stop trying."
A large man comes by. Euna gets him to follow her into her alley. You sneak around. She's on her knees sucking him off. It seems like this is just a standard blowjob.
But after he fires down her throat, he turns around and works his breeches lower. He backs his ass up to Euna. She spreads his cheeks and tongues his hole for a couple seconds before pulling away to dry-heave. The man roars with laughter, but Euna dives right back in. This time, she goes on until he's satisfied. Despite how her chest convulses with retching. Once his breeches come up, you dart away.
Euna comes out later. "He didn't believe me when I told him he could do anything for my price."
"And all he wanted was a blow job and rim job?"
"It was worse than you think. He just got off the boat after a two month journey. He hasn't bathed since he was last in port."
"But still. If a whore told me I could do anything..."
"I agree. He didn't get his money's worth."
She gets the attention of the first man who passes, a wiry pirate who looks like trouble. He studies Euna with a sneer, but still agrees to join her in the alley. You peek in later.
She's on all fours, and he's behind her, fucking her like a dog. Before her is a thick steaming turd that the man must have defecated onto the boardwalk planks, and he's grinding her face into it as though punishing a disobedient pet who's made a mess. "Is that what you want, you sick bitch?" he yells.
For her part, she's doing her best to eat the mess while tolerating this violent rutting, but between his thrusts and his grip on her hair, the shit is searing over her face. You slip away. After the man leaves, you return to find her curled up by some crates. She trying her best to clean the shit off her face. Her hair is a mess, and cum is dripping from her sex.
She's on all fours, and he's fisting her from behind with mercilless thrusts, gripping her hair to yank her back upon his fist.
"What a loose slut," he growls. His arm is into her up to the elbow. "How many men do you spread your legs for? Huh? Do you like it when men stretch your cunt like this?" He fists her right up to the point that she's trembling, and he stops abruptly before her climax. "Well too bad. You don't get to cum. Now suck me off, bitch."
Euna crawls around, and paws at his breeches as though hungry for his cock. All while she sucks him, he grips her hair tightly. "What a desperate slut," he mutters.
You return after he's done with her. Euna is fixing her clothes.
She's on all fours, and he's sodomizingfucking her from behind like he's riding an angry bull. His reins are her hair, which he's yanking to pull her back on his cock.
"Do you like it, you litle slut?" he growls. "Do you like this?" He slaps her ass. The crack sounds out. "Take it. Let me hear you cry." He pulls harder on her hair and slaps, and she wails out. "Yeah, that's right. Here it comes." His pumping picks up, grows jerky, and then slows.
You leave before he spots you, and when you return later, she's fixing her clothes. Her breath is short.
"He was mean...rude."
"Sometimes they are. It's part of the job, but you're tough."Get used to it."
"Of course." She cleans herself up and stands. With a wince, she reaches back to cushion her ass,clutches her groin, but only for a moment. "I'm fine."
She gets the attention of the first man who passes, a wiry pirate who looks like trouble. He studies Euna with a sneer, but still agrees to join her in the alley. You peek in later.
Euna is half sprawled on the board walk, clothes half torn away. The man has her by the hips, and he's fucking her so roughtly it's as though he's trying to force her through the planks. She tries to move, and he lashes out with a slap across her face. "Don't move, shit slut."
After he cums, he steps over her. Yanking her around by her hair, he pisses on her face. She sputters and coughs, which only amuses him. After that, he steers her face into the crack of his ass. And just like that, he's defecating into her mouth. "Eat up, slut. This is what you asked for."
As awkward as her orientation is, she chews and swallows. Meanwhile, he amuses himself by squeezing her tits viciously to get a squeal from her, and then slapping her cum-soaked cunt to make her spasm.
You leave them to it and return after he's left to find Euna sniffling. Her eyes are red. And her mouth is still brown from what he forced her to eat. "He was a brute..."
"He wanted to hurt you as well as make you his toilet," you say. "Some men get off on hurting women."
He's ripped off her clothes and has her sprawled naked, back against the boardwalk. He's got her by the hips, and he's hammering his cock in her ass with punishing force. punching his fist elbow deep into her gash as though trying to batter her from the inside. fucking her so roughly it's as though he's trying to force her through the planks. When she tries to move, he slaps her across the face. "Don't move, cunt. Not until I'm done."
She starts to gasp, her breath short. He snags her hair and grinds her face against the planks. "Don't you fucking enjoy this. You're whore. Lets see some tears." More slaps across the face. He squeezes her tit fiercely, and she wails out. In pain? In pleasure? You leave them to it.
When you return later, Euna has crawled over to her clothes. She's sniffling and swallowing. "He was a brute..."
"He gets off on hurting women," you say. "Some men do."
With a final sniff, she starts to dress. "I suppose I should be used to this kind of treatment."
With a final sniff, she starts to dress. "Nothing I can't handle. I enjoyed myself more than he would have liked."
She gets the attention of the first man who passes, a wiry pirate who looks like trouble. He studies Euna with a sneer, but still agrees to join her in the alley. You peek in later.
He's stripped her naked and pinned her against the boardwalk while he sodomizesfucks her savagely. Sometimes, he slaps her across the face, pulls her head back up by her hair, and slaps her again. Without any doubt, this is a rape. She's crying and struggling. Tears streams. This only urges him more.Despite his viciousness, Euna is obviously enjoying this. She's biting her lips to keep quiet, but a moan still escapes. This only angers him, and he grows more violent.
After he pumps her full of cum, he pulls out. "Don't move, slut. I'm not done." He squats and squeezes out a long steaming turd onto her belly. After fastening up his breeches, he stomps on it, getting a grunt from Euna, and squishing the shit along her belly. He scrubs his boot around, leaving light brown smears on her tits and thighs. "Spread your legs, bitch," he mutters. Euna obliges, and he scrapes his boot against her cunt like a man scraping dogshit off on a stone step. Her smoothfurred vaginal lips are painted with smears.
He gets more shit on his boot and scrapes more, trying to punish her, but this scraping against her parts is having its effect. She's trembling now, close to climax.
"More," she mutters. "So close."
This angers him. So instead of more, he delivers one final swift kick to her polluted sex. She curls up, and he scrapes the rest of the mess off on her thigh.
The pain has her wailing, but he's not quite done. He presents his shitty boot to her. "Lick it clean, slut. Make it shine." Despite her pain, Euna shows his boot proper worship, licking away every last smear from tip to sole.
After the man is gone, you come back in to find her struggling to clean herself up.
After he cums inside her, he pulls out, gets up, and presses the tip of his boot to her pussy. "You said you like it big? Let's see how you like this."
He gets the toe of his boot in and kicks about. The hard leather and rough edges scrape. Euna tries to scoot away.
"Oh no. You're going to take it." He grabs her ankes and holds her legs wide, and pushing, he forces his boot into her, past the heel until his entire boot is in her. He keeps going, kicking and ramming, until he's in damn near to his knee. He must have his boot lodged deep in her womb. Then he begins yanking and shoving fiercely. It's not a fisting, but a kicking, and Euna is beside herself, sobbing and struggling. That only makes him angrier. He withdraws his boot entirely, then shoves it back in. And he's clearly only getting started.
You leave and return later. Euna is alone. She's still crying and clutching at her pussy. It's badly scraped up and swollen. Blood trickles.
He delivers a few swift punches into her side which send her into a coughing fit. "Yeah, that makes you squeeze up nice and tight." More punches. "Who the fuck do you think you are telling me I can do whatever I want. You're a whore. I don't need your permission." His thrusts become jerky. He grunts, and then tires out. Catching his breath, he pulls out of her battered ass. When Euna rolls over and crawls a little, he presses the heel of his boot to her gaping asshole, presses forward until her hips are against the boardwalk, and then he grinds as though stubbing out pipe ash.gets up. When Euna crawls a little, he delivers one final kick right on her abused sex. She screams out. "That's right," he mutters.
You come in afterward. She's curled up, clutching her groin. You collect her clothes for her.
"Come on," you say. "Let's get moving."
"He hurt me..."
"Sometimes men like to treat whores like punching bags," you say. "Get used to it."
She swallows and sits up. "I am trying." She's still crying as she sorts through her clothes, but she tries to compose herself when she notices you staring. "I'm all right. I'm a whore.She wipes her eyes. "For you. MenAnyone can treat me as poorly as they want."
"Are you all right?" you ask.
"I will be..." She steadies herself with a breath, sits up, winces. "I knew as soon as he walked near that he would be a bastard."
"You didn't say no?"
She smiles. "What kind of whore would I be? I can take some pain as well as I can cause it."
Moving tenderly, she dresses.
Two men walk by and linger. Euna hardly has to entice them to follow.
Soon, she's laid out naked on the boardwalk. One man fucks her while the other one shits down her throat. Then they switch. Soon, she's laid out naked on the boardwalk. The men are taking turns working their fists into her loose sex up to their elbows. Soon, she has her hands against the alley wall and her gownsashskirt bunch around her waist. The men take turns rutting her ass from behind. Soon, she's bent over at the waist and braced against the wall while the men work in pairs to ram their first into her gash deep into her womb. Soon, she's backed up against the alley wall with her gownsashskirt bunch around her waist. The men take turns fucking her while she embraces each like a lover. It's a standard trick, except they don't leave afterward. You peek around to see what's taking so long.
Euna is sitting on the boardwalk floor talking with the men. Whatever they're asking for, she keeps shaking her head, and then she glances toward you. The men follow her gaze. You duck away, but doesn't matter. The men emerge and walk right up to you.
"Hey," one says. "Are you her pimpfriend?"
"I am," you say. "How can I help you boys?"
"I am," you say. "What do you want?"
"We want to take your whorefriend back to our ship. We've got a bunch of mates stuck on ship duty who'd love a piece of her ass, but she keeps saying she has to get back to you, but what do you say? We'll pay you five times her rate."
"No. I don't part with my property.She's going to stay with me."
"Make it eight times her rate and you can have her until sunset."
They men are discussing with Euna. It's hard to hear what about, but they emerge from the alley together. Euna whispers something to the men and trots over to you. "These men have invited me back to their ship," she says. "They have some boys stuck on ship duty who they'd love for me to entertain."
"How many?"
"I'll find out. They're paying me eight times my rate, so how could I say no?"
"There could be more than eight men," you warn. "Much more."
"Ooh. I hope so," she replies. "No matter how many, I'll be back by sunset. I'm sure you can keep yourself entertained until then. Bye for now." She returns to the men.
"I know," she replies. "I'm probably crazy, but no matter how many, I'll be back by sunset. I'm sure you can keep yourself entertained until then. Bye for now." She returns to the men.
They grin. "All right. Sure."
You lead the men back to the alley, and you all stand before Euna.
"I've just rented you to these men for the rest of the day," you say.
"...What?" Euna goes pale.
"Go with them. Be an obedient slut and do whatever they want until sunset. I don't want to hear afterward that they were unhappy. Understood?"
"I... Yes. If that is your wish."
The men pull Euna to her feet and drag her along. But before leaving, one of the men sizes you up. "Hey, maybe you'd like to come. Join in the fun? The guys would love a piece of your ass too."
You gesture to Euna. "She'll take care of all you. You boys have fun now."
"Suit yourself."
The men pull Euna to her feet and drag her along.
"Have fun with her," you say.
"We'll give her back in one piece." they reply.
They lead her down the boardwalk steps to the docks. You follow from a distance to see where they take her, which is to a large galley where crewmembers work on repairs. They lead her up the gangplank, and that's the last you see of her for hours.
You pass time by perusing the markets, all while keeping that ship in view. The sun slips behind the mountains. Eventually, men emerge. They escort Euna down the gangplank and leave her. She teeters on unsure feet. You could meet her there, but she's already making her way toward the boardwalk stairs. So you dart up another set and return to the alley before she does. When she finds you, it's as though you never strayed from that alley. Trembling, she wobbles up and hugs you. Her clothes and hair are a mess, and she reeks of sex.
"So what happened?" you asked.
"They fucked me. All of them. There must have been a dozen pirates on that ship. And after the last one finished, the first ones started again. It never ended. And half of them made me to eat their shit right from their asses. And every one of them pushed their fists into my womb, even though the Agnodine wore off long ago. It hurt, but I let them anyway.they didn't care. And every one of them took me anally. My ass was on fire. And when they tired, they decided to see how many of their fists they could fit inside me. They got to six before I couldn't take it anymore. And they were so very rough. Then they got bored, so I started to do things and started making me do things."
"Like what? Tell me."
"Like crawl around and beg them to fuck me. Or dance for them. Lord, they were cruel."
"Were they satisfied?"
She sniffles. "I think so. Are you proud of me?"
"You did good." You feel between her legs. She winces at your touch, but among all the cum seeping from her, she's dripping wet. "Seems like you enjoyed yourself too."
She gives a tired smile. "This is what I'm good for. Isn't that right? I'm a slut for the enjoyment of men. And I'm yours to give away."
"Sounds like a hell of a gangbang," you say. "I could never have handled that many men myself, but you..." You feel between her legs. She winces at your touch, but among the cum seeping from her, she's dripping wet. "This gangbang was perfect for a true slut like you."
She gives a tired smile. "I do it for you. I'm your slut, right?"
"That's right."
You worm your fingers about inside her. "You should probably thank me for this opportunity."
Her smile turns playful despite her exhaustion. "Thank you, master for giving me away to those cruel men to use me the way I need."
"Your welcome. I'm happy too. In fact, I think you should do this more. "
Her eyes go wide. "What? Again?"
"Not tonight, of course, but you made me a lot of money today. I should whore you out to ships more often.but renting you out to whole crews was good for you. Don't you think so?"
She starts to tremble. "I... I'm not sure I can... That was just... It was so much."
"Fine, fine." You pull her close. "You're not ready. We won't for now."
Euna relaxes in your embrace. She sniffles a few times. "Thank you."
"But I want you to get ready, because sooner or later you will do this again. It makes me wet to let them use you like that."It's the best way for you to make me money."
"...If that is your wish, I will obey."
You continue. "We'll probaby have better luck looking for tricks like this at the Siren's Bounty rather than here. Come on."
She nods and follows along.
"Like dance for them. And play with myself. And suck my nipples until they grew hard and took me all over again."
"You'd wanted more, didn't you?"
"What's wrong with me? I'm shaking. I can barely stand, and you have no idea how rough they were, but feel this." Euna guides your hand between her legs. She winces at your touch, but among the cum seeping from her, she's dripping wet.
"You truly are a debased whore," you say.
"Yes," she replies. "I put myself through it all just for some coin, and I'm going to do it again."
"Not tonight, but those boys were telling me about how ship crews spend more time at the Siren's Bounty than wondering the boardwalk. I might find more crews to entice there. Then I can really start earning money with my body. Hmm. What do you think?"
"I think you're going to be the most used whore this cove has ever seen."
"Lord, yes I will."
"But you survived, didn't you?"
"Yes, I did, but barely. I'm shaking. I can barely stand, and you have no idea how rough they were. I don't think I'll be doing this again for a while, but feel this." Euna guides your hand between her legs. She winces at your touch, but among the cum seeping from her, she's dripping wet.
"Are you sure you don't want to do this again? I'm sure we could find you another crew."
"Oh, I know we can. The men were telling me about how crews hang out at the Siren's Bounty. But I'm done. Maybe some distant day when I'm ready for a crowd again, we can head to the Bounty, but not anytime soon."
"You could come too. We could all have a good time."
"We're not going."
"Eh, fine. Whatever," they say. "Let's go." The two men head off.
Euna is still sitting on the boardwalk. She seems relieved to see the men departing. "Sorry. They wouldn't stop trying to convince me to leave with them. I didn't mean for them to bother you."
"It's fine. I'm the one who makes decisions for you anyway.Either of us would have to be crazy to get on a pirate ship with a bunch of dangerous pirates. But you got myour money for the fucks they had, right?"
"Yes. Right here." She gets to her feet. "I was worried for a minute you might say yes to them. I'm not sure how I feel about getting on one of these pirate ships alone. What if they left while I was onboard?"
"You're not going anywhere without me," you reply. "You're my whore. No one elses.""Even a slut knows when to say no."
"Thank you." She hugs you.
She stops a stocky man who comes by carrying several bags. It takes Euna a lot of bargaining to get him to delay his parsel delivery and follow her into the alley. You peek in later.
The man is on his back, breeches down, and Euna is astride him, facing his feet and rocking about on his cock, taking him in her ass. While he enjoys the ride, he gropes her from behind. One hand squeezes and paws her tit. The other has snaked around her hip to clasp over her baldfurred sex and hook a finger into her gash, and judging from Euna's pinched face, this seems to be causing her discomfort.
...because he's inadvertantly hooked his finger into her piss hole, and he's using it as a point of leverage to set the tempo of Euna's humping. If that wasn't enough, he digs a second finger in. He's getting close. A third finger goes, and Euna cries out. He stabs his three fingers in her urethra while hammering his cock in her ass from below. Even if he were fingering the right hole, this double penetration would be rough for most women, but Euna bears it, tits wobbling and cries cresting. She clasps her hand over his to make sure he doesn't stop, to make sure he gets even rougher.
You slip away and return after he's gone. Euna is knelt over cradling her poor abused crotch while taking pained breaths. Her piss hole gapes unnaturally, and her ass leaks cum. "This is what I get for stretching my urethra out. FIngers can fit inside."
"And you didn't tell him he was pressing his fingers into the wrong hole?" you say.
She shakes her head. "He paid money. He gets to finger whatever holes of mine he wants. It's nothing I can't handle."
"I didn't think it was my place to correct him," Euna replies.
"You were right. It's up to men to decide how they abuse your body. Not you."
"I didn't think you'd want me to correct him," Euna says.
"You were right. It turns me on when you suffer for me."
Euna is on her back naked. The man squats over her and pushes out a pile of greasy shit onto her belly. After he's used her as a toilet, he barks an order at her.Euna suggests something to him that makes him pause, then nod. First, she reaches between her legs and crams one finger up her urethra. Once her piss hole is loose, she lathers the shit on her belly between her hands and massages a layer upon the man's rigid cock. Taking aim, he pushes his filthy stick into Euna's prepared urethra and forces his way to the base, cause her to hiss and tense. Regardless of her discomfort, he begins fucking her pisshole vigorously.
Frequently, Euna orders him to pull out.the man pulls out. He orders Euna to recoatShe methodically recoats his cock with his feces, and he plunges it back in and fucks her until most of the mess is inside her. For the remaining nuggets of shit, Euna presses themhe has Euna press them directly into her urethra herself so he can plunge them deep with his cock. Nearly all the mess is used up in this way. The last time, he fucks harder until filling her polluted bladder with cum.
Euna holds him tight so he can't pull out. "Fill me with your piss," she murmurs.
He remains buried in her. "Gotta take a leak," he mutters.
Euna waits patiently until he's softened enough to piss inside her. Afterward, he has her suck his cock and balls clean of shit so he can get dressed and leave.
When you enter, Euna is on her knees wiping brown from her streaked labiacaked muff.
"I can't believe he made me do that," Euna says. "It hurt so much, and it was so disgusting, and then he pissed directly into my bladder. I feel like I"m going to burst, but he said I deserved it for pulling him from his job."
"At least he knew how to treat your body like a sewer."
"You had him fuck his shit into your bladder?" you ask.
"He wanted to see if I'd actually let him," she replies. "I had to offer something special to pull him from his job. At least he obligingly urinated into my bladder when I ordered, so I might pass this mess."
Euna pees. A thick, lumpy sludge dripples from her piss hole and oozes between the cracks of the boardwalk.
"Oh Lord... I still have so much of his feces inside me." She sighs.
"Will you be all right?" you ask.
"Even with Lanx's fortifier, I'm certain to get an infection. Passing water will feel like passing razors. Even touching my urethra will hurt. It might even weep with puss." Her eyes twinkle mischievously. "I suppose this is the life I face for being a shit-whore with no limits. I'll piss the rest out later." She wipes her pussy as clean as she can and corrects her clothes.
"Oh Lord... I still have so much of his feces inside me," she frets.
"Forget about it," you say. "You can piss the rest out later.
"If I leave it up there, I'm sure to get an infection, even with Lanx's fortifier."
"Sounds like it'll become painfully enflamed," you say. "It'll weep pus. Not to mention how much agony it'll be when someone else decides to fuck your piss hole. But these are your problems. Don't waste my time with them. Clean your cunt up and lets go."
"Yes, my master." Fretfully, she wipes herself clean and corrects her clothes.
Euna is on her back while the man is knelt between her legs with his hard cock out. He unties one of his bags to reveal large chestnuts, all inside their hard shells. Intrigued, Euna spreads her legs and tells him to go ahead.He orders Euna to spread her legs, and she obediently does so. The man presses one chestnut, not to her slit, but to her urethra, and he pushes it in with his middle finger. Euna hisses in pain. It's slightly thicker than his cock, and certainly harder. Another chestnut goes in, and another, and another. Partway through he starts having fun by ramming them in with his cock instead of his finger. After about half a burlap satchel, each chestnut takes force to ram in. It's causing Euna to squirm and whine.
He presses on. The last few require him to ram them in with both thumbs and put his back into it. If they don't go in far enough, they pop right out, but once the last one is in, even Euna looks proud of herself, despite her shean of sweat. The satchel had been larger than your head.
The man celebrates by fucking her urethra. He can't bury his cock all the way with all the chestnuts crammed in her bladder. You return after he's gone to find Euna kneeling and trying her best to bear down. Squirts of piss come out, but no nuts.
"Trying to pass the chestnuts?" you ask.
"He crammed so many of them up there," she says. "I asked how I was supposed to get them out, but he said that was my problem."I must have been crazy to let him put them up there," she says. "I wasn't thinking about getting them out, just how aroused it made me feeling them get pushed in. My bladder feels like it's going to burst!"
"Gotten any out so far?"
"No." She holds out her hand. "Give me the pestle. I guess I just need to widen my urethra."
You fetch the pestle for her. "Widen your pisshole even more."
She looks dismayed at the thought, but takes the pestle from you.
Ramming the bulbous tool into her pisshole causes her immense discomfort. It takes real muscle to get it in, but once it's buried, she wiggles it around. You hear chestnuts grinding together inside her. When she removes it, two chestnuts squeeze out.
"I suppose I must keep at it," she says.
"Keep at it," you say.
For over an hour, she stretches her urethra with that oversized pestle, pausing intermittendly to piss more chestnuts. Over a hundred come out before her urethra is too raw to continue.
"By my count, I have a dozen left up there," she says, "but I'll get them out later. Maybe once I have water to pass again." She passes you the satchel of passed chestnuts. "For dinner later, perhaps."
Euna is on her back, legs spread nearly in a split. The man is laid on top of her, and fucking as fast as his stocky hips can thrust.
It looks like a rough fuck, but what's odd is how much Euna is struggling and crying out in pain. Tears stream, and he's having to pin her with his weight to keep her still. He may be pounding her roughly and brutally, but it's nothing she hasn't handle before, yet it seems like torture for her.
You slip away and return after he continues on his route, and when you find Euna lying dazed and sniffling, it all makes sense.
He had been fucking her piss hole the entire time. It's red and enflamed. Dribbles of cum and urine and blood leak from her.
"And so you let him fuck your piss hole. And that hard?"
"He thought my cunt was too loose for him, so I offered to let him fuck my urethra instead. Lord was he brutal."
"You loved it anyway, didn't you?"
She gives a tired smile. "I nearly came."
"He said my cunt was too loose for him. I told him he could fuck my urethra instead as long as he was gentle... but he wasn't. He told me I was a whore who should take whatever he gave me."
"He was right," you say. "Clean yourself up."
After she pulls herself together, she pisses out the cum he pumped into her bladder and wipes her abused urethra clean.
A tall, muscular man comes by. He does not seem the sort who'd be gentle with women, but Euna catches his attention anyway. He looks her over and grins, and they enter the alley together.
You peek in to find Euna naked and seated up against the wall, flat on her bum. The man has backed his bare ass up to Euna's face, and he's pushing out a log of firm shit into her mouth. She hastily chews and swallows and chews some more, but it backs up, and smears over her cheeks and chin. Finished, he fastens up and watches her masticate his disgusting waste. The chewing noises are wet and sloppy. "Nasty bitch," he mutters.
You wait until he leaves before entering. Euna is still struggling to swallow down her meal even though he's gone. Her chin and cheeks are a mess of smears. Tears are streaming down her face from gagging. "I'll need a little time," she says. Her mouth is a brown sewer, and she's panting to control herself, yet she finishes everything. Later, she cleans up her face, though her breath reeks.
The man has her naked up against the wall, and he's groping her tits and pussy. Euna writhes and moans. She sneaks a hand down his breeches, and her eyes widen. You see why when she pulls his breeches down.
He's either some half-breed giant, or he's been buying Lanx's alchemy, because his cock is unnaturally enormous. Four hands could clutch this thing at once, and his balls are like hanging fruits. Veins strain against the skin in meandering trails.
Euna guides this deformed tool to her slit as though she needs it, an with some initial maneuvering to angle it in, he slams into her to the base, causing her to shriek in pleasure. They fuck at his pace, then Euna wraps her arms and legs about him, hops into his arms, and takes over bouncing on his cock with frantic vigor.
You return later. Euna is leaned against the wall waiting for you. Cum has run down the inside of her thighs. "His cock was so huge," she says. "I'm afraid I got a little excited.""His cock felt amazing," she says, "and he said most women can't take him at all. For me, he wasn't big enough."
You peek in to find he's got her up against alley wall with her gown yanked asidesash crumpled aorund her feether skirt bunched around her waist. He's fucking her ass with remarkable force while also squeezing her in a bear hug. You can hardly tell Euna is there apart from her splayed legs and her whimpers.
The man pounds all through his climax, then pulls away so abruptly that Euna nearly crumples into a heap. She's left breathless. He fastens up and departs.
When you come in, Euna is standing up on wobbling legs. She corrects her clothes. "I told him to"I hope you're pleased," she says. "I let him fuck my ass instead of my pussy. It didn't matter to him, because do whatever he wanted to me, but he just wanted a hole to fuck," she says. "Tis the life of a whore."fuck."
The lord pirate Luciena struts by with her rapier at her waist. Her eyes light upon seeing Euna. Without a word, Euna crooks a finger at her and saunters into the alley. The woman follows.She saunters up, grabs Euna by the arm, and steers her into the alley without a word. You peek around to find the woman naked from the waist down. She's hinged at the waist with her feet firmly planted so that her butt sticks out. Euna sits between the woman's legs and props up on her arms so her upturned mouth is beneath the woman's ass.
What comes out of her is a stiff log which Euna struggles a little to let slide down her throat. After it's free, she has to use one finger to push the end in. Luciena watches without helping.
Afterward, while Euna is tongue cleaning her ass, she start talking. Whatever she asks, when she turns around, Euna nods in agreement. The woman pulls on her tights, grabs Euna's arm, and leads her from the alley.
You backskip away from the entrance, but Luciena still notices you, and she passes right by with Euna in tow. You'd speak up, but something about the way the pirate lord's hand hand rests on her rapier keeps you quiet.
"Don't worry," she calls. "I'll bring her back soon."
Euna gives you a reassuring nod.
Euna looks utterly bewildered.
"My crew would like to meet her again," she calls to you. "I'll send her back soon with her pay."
You follow them to the docks, where Luciena leads Euna onto a small galleon. There's not much you can do but wait. Eventually, two dangerous-looking women appear on deck and guide Euna to disembark. She's completely nude with her clothes bundled in her hands. Hickies cover her. Her hair is a mess. Her face glistens.
You approach while she's dressing. "What happened?"
"Luciena heard about how I've been selling myselfyou've been selling me to entire crews."
"Oh. So she..."
"...had me entertain her whole crew,""...gave me to her whole crew," Euna replies. "About twenty of them, and oddly, most of them were womenevery one of them was a woman."
"Female pirates?"
"Apparently most of them a Atajiri masters just like Luciena. All from the same academy. The rest are a few menladies that proved themselves worthy enough to join a crew of swordswomen."
"So what did these master swordswomen do to you?"
"They descended upon me like a pack of wolves. Every one of them was hungry to taste my flesh, and I was made to taste theirs too."
"Sounds like a lot of quim tasting?"
"Not just that. They had their toys. They thoroughly rutted all my holes."
"They sound like they do this a lot."
"You have no idea," she says. "They were turning their attentions upon each other as much as they were upon me. I'd never realized swordswomen could be such a lusty lot."
"At least it's done now. That took a long time for a single trick."
"I'm sorry. I just wasn't sure I could say no."
"It's fine. You'll just have to make earn the difference some other way."
"I got them to pay for the fun," Euna says. "Half price for each, but it's still quite a pull."
"Ah, you're thinking like a true whore. You never forget the pay."
"Of course not."
"Every member of her crew had their way with me again. I don't know what they teach at this Atajiri academy, but they are a hungry lot. Besides ravaging me, half of them wanted me to swallow their swords too."
"Did you?"
"Luciena wouldn't allow it. There were too many of them, and not enough time. ...But she did allow a select few to use my mouth as a reward for previous deeds. All the rest watched."
"I guess sword swallowing was a common art at their academy."
"Among this group it was anyway. Luciena paid me for every sword I swallowed."
"And all the other fucking they made you do?"
"They said I should be grateful they're willing to touch a shit-slut at all, even if I am a highborne one."
"I guess this is what you'd get to look forward to if I take Luciena up on her offer."
"Yes. Every day for months, maybe years." Euna shivers.
"And all the other fucking you did?"
"Complementary," Euna says. "I enjoy getting to know her crew. We might be traveling with them some day after all."
It takes a lot of straining before the woman is able to push anything out. What emerges is a thick, knobbly turd—dense and dark. It inches slowly into Euna's mouth and down her gullet. It swells her throat. More and more comes, one long unbroken log. It's size and girth outmatch any human cock, and it hardly bends or folds. When the end finally pops free of the woman's ass, Euna is left with the tip of it protruding just outside her lips. This shit cannot be swallowed without being chewed.
Luciena admires her work, but when Euna starts heaving from lack of air, she daintily pinches the exposed end and slides the log out of Euna's mouth until Euna gasps for breath. Then she pushes it right back down, and up, and down, slowly fucking Euna's throat with the knobbly poo. She's clearly enjoying herself, even going so far as to grasp the log fully with one hand so she can hammer it in and out. She's red in the face. Tears stream. Thick strings of brown saliva coat the shit cock and drip onto her cleavage.
Eventually, the log starts to disintegrate. Sections break off, and when the pirate woman rams them down, they don't come back up. Soon all that's left is the length she's clutching, so she rams that into Euna's mouth and rams her fingers in to shove it down her throat. Euna contorts from gagging, but then the log is gone.
While Euna coughs and gasps, the woman scoops out one of Euna's tits and wipes her hand on it, leaving browns smears. Then she's off.
Euna is clutching her chest when you arrive. She's swallowing over and over. "She just raped my mouth a piece of her waste like it was a cock. And what a cock it was."
"Looked like you were really suffering," you say.
"I was. She was impressed with how well I kept my composure. Most whore would have coughed up and ran off."
"But not you. You enjoyed a little choking, do you?"
She nods. "Lord, I think half of it is still backed up in my esophagus." More swallowing. "As long as you wish it, she can violate my mouth however she wants. Here's your money."
"A proper woman should always be suffering if they're giving good enough head. And Lord did I suffer. I think half of it is still backed up in my asophagus." She hefts her tit so she can lick away the smears and dribbled brown saliva. "She may be my favorite client."
A woman comes by. She struts as though she expects the world to get out of her way, but she lingers upon seeing Euna. As the two talk, you get a better look at her.
She's comely, but in a handsome, striking way rather than a beautiful way. This is clearly a woman of action, judging from her tight laced leggings, her lean figure, and her dark tanned skin. And a few scars along her cheek indicate her as a fighter, if the rapier fastened to her waist didn't already make that clear.
After talking with Euna, she leans close and whispers something. Euna nods obediently,Euna grins and whispers something back, and the two disappear down the alley together.
After waiting, you peek around to find that the woman has shimmied out of her leggings. She standing with legs set wide and on the tips of her toes. Euna is seated between the woman's legs reclined back on her elbows with her upturned mouth parked right beneath the woman's ass, and the woman is spreading the cheeks of her ass.
A thick log of dung snakes out and slides directly into Euna's mouth. Euna fixes her lips about it, but she doesn't bite or chew. Instead, using her deepthroating skills, she lets the log slide down her throat directly into her stomach, and it's no small log. This woman produces over a foot of solid waste which slides between Euna's lips.
The act is done. The two share words while the woman dresses. After she struts off, you enter to find Euna sitting in the alley wiping stains from her lips and face.
"That was different," you say.
"She called it sword swallowing," Euna replies. "Apparently she has a fancy for shitting straight down a pretty whore's throat. She likes the thought of her dung all coiled up in one solid piece in their stomach." She rubs her belly, "I expect I'll probably see her again. She's going to look for me. She says I'm the most beautiful whore she's ever met. And I expect she will be around since she's one of the lords of this pirate cove."
"Yes. She's the proud Lady Luciena, a master swordswoman. She earned her lordship here after besting each of the other pirate lords in duels."
"I believe it."
"Yes, and now she'll be seeking me out so she can pay me to indulge her disgusting fetish." She stands and hands you some rubles. "I bet you this relationship will pay off some day. Let's go."
"She looks the part, doesn't she? And she's decided I'm going to be the only whore she visits from now on. Assuming you'll whore me out to her again."
"Every time," you say.
"Then I will obey. I am your whore, after all. Here is your money."
"She looks the part, doesn't she? And to think, I'd happily dine on her shit for free." She hands you the rubles, "but she's paying me."
A sticky log of dung dung rushes out from the woman's ass. Euna scrambles to make sure it slides directly down her throat into her belly. After that come several wet clumps which build up in Euna's mouth. Euna has to reach a hand into her mouth in order to push the clumps down her throat without swallowing, but the woman seems impressed by this.
After this, Luciena hops down. Euna says something, to which the woman agrees. She turns and bends over again, spreading her cheeks so that Euna can dive her mouth in and tongue-clean the woman's asshole. Maybe this was just a tongue-cleaning, but the woman starts enjoying this, and she let's Euna work her tongue for ages until she's shuddering so much that her knees nearly buckle.
Afterward, the woman talk before the woman laughs and departs.
You enter to find Euna preening. "She touched me," she says. "She normally never touches a toilet whore. She thinks they're too disgusting."
"Did you show your appreciation?"
"I thanked her for feeding me her waste, and she believed me. My tongue is too eager, she says. She also said I'm too beautiful to be a whore out of desperation, and that the only reason I'd be down here eating strangers' shit is because I'm compelled by depraved inner cravings."
"She's right."
"She thinks I should be the one paying her."
"But she did pay you, right?"
"Of course. Here's your money."
"But not you?"
"She knows I'm not just some common whore. My tongue is too eager. My beauty is too great. She thinks I'm a nobleborne woman who whores herself out and eats strangers' shit because she craves it."
"And she's right, isn't she?"
"Of course."
You enter to find Euna preening. "She'd been prowling up and down this boardwalk looking for me," she says. "Must have passed a hundred whores."
"You're special to her."
"Special is putting it lightly. She even admitted she can't stop thinking about me, and she keeps wanting to know when we'll take her up on her offer."
"What did you tell her?"
"That if she wants me as much as she says, then she can wait. We'll leave this land once we're ready."
"Perhaps soon," you say. "If she wants you as much as she says, then she can wait. I'm not done with you yet."
"As you wish. The decision is yours."
What shoots out is not a solid log of dung, but a torrent of brown, fetid waste. It floods directly into Euna's mouth, but trained as she is, she keeps her throat open, and it flows right down into her stomach. This is truly a rancid diarrhitic slop. You can smell it even from where you are, but for a sick slut like Euna, she lives for this, and she perches her mouth closer to the woman's asshole to make sure the entire sloppy soup goes into her belly.Even for Euna, this is almost too much. Her chest heaves. This soup is nearly causing her to vomit, but she never lets her mouth close. Some, however, runs down her chin.
The initial deluge ends, but the woman remains squatted over Euna, occasionally releasing more slop into Euna, and sometimes letting loose rippling farts which splatter Euna with brown flecks from forehead to cleavage. Euna is patient. She seems content to stay under her ass all day.Even when liquid shit isn't flowing straight down her gullet, Euna is struggling to keep her stomach under control.
Eventually, nothing more comes. The woman allows Euna to lick the crack of her ass clean, and to run her tongue along the rivulets streaming down the inside of her thighs. After, Euna thanks her,they share words, and then she struts off.
When you enter, Euna is hefting her breasts so she can lick away the splattering marring her cleavage. She gives you a pleased smile.clutching her belly and taking deep breaths to quell her stomach. She gives you a queasy smile.
"Hardly a sword-swallowing," you say.
"Something she ate didn't agree with her," Euna says. "But then she had the idea of finding me. I think she wanted to push my limit," Euna says. "See how dedicated of a whore I really am."
"And never has she met a whore who stomach such a gut of sick mess like that. She was particularly impressed that I was able to stick to my word and not swallow. I just let the liquids drain down my throat. She sees now that I am the most disciplined and dedicated whore she's ever encountered."
"I guess your self-training was worth it then."
"She's always been passionate about sword swallowing," Euna says, "but thanks to me, she's developed a taste for spewing a gutful of sick, stinking mess right down a woman's throat, and I'm the only one she's ever met who can manage that."
"Now we know why she still lingers in port," you say. "She needs you."
She smiles at this. Suddenly she retches and curls over.
"Don't throw it up," you say. "You'll have to lick it back up then."
After some deep breaths, Euna nods. "I'll be fine."
"Are you going to throw up?"
After some deep breaths, she shakes her head. "What kind of shit whore would I be if I did that?"
A foot of thick, solid dung snakes from Luciena's ass which Euna lets slide down her throat. The finishing tip which flops over Euna's nose. Another short log falls over her cheek and forehead. With two fingers, the woman daintily grabs the tip sticking from Euna's lips and pushes it in. Next, she feeds Euna the small logs. She has to push her fingers deep into Euna's mouth to get it down her throat. Euna obediently sucks her fingers cleansensually suckles her fingers while looking in her eyes.
The job is done. She sits in Euna's lap. They whisper to each other while the woman tenderly kisses Euna's forehead and cheeks, and then she dresses and departs. As she exits, she walks right by you and gives you an amused grin.
You enter while Euna is cleaning her face.
"Did you tell her about me?"
"Yes. She wanted to talk for more, but I told her I had a manlady waiting patiently for us to finish."
"I'm sorry. She wanted to keep talking, but I told her I had to get back to you."
"What did you talk about?"
"She told me about herself," Euna says. "She's not a slaver like most of the pirates here. She thinks it's dishonorable."
"A pirate with honor?"
"It came from her mastery of Atajiri."
"What's that?"
"A school of swordsmanship in her home land. Her entire youth was spent at an academy. She surpassed her own swordmistress supposedly."
"She must be good," you say, "if she outmatched every pirate lord of this cove."
Euna rises and walks with you out of the alley. "Strange though," she says. "I would not have expected a pirate to be trained in a disciplined martial art like that. I wonder who she really is..."
The job is done. She sits in Euna's lap. They whisper to each other while Luciena tenderly kisses Euna's forehead and cheeks. This affection grows until both women are lying down on the dock, and they make love. The moans of their passion emenate from that alley for much longer than a normal trick should take, but finally, Luciena emerges.
She saunters up to you, trails a finger along your cheek, and plants a long and passionate kiss upon your lips, tongues entwining. "Thank you," she whispers, and she struts off.
You find Euna dressing in the alley.
"She thanked me," you say.
"Yes. We talked about you today. I told her about how I used to be a stuffy nun, and how you molded me to be what I am today, so she has you to thank for making me the wonderful slut she's thoroughly enjoyinggrown obsessed with."
"As long as you two don't run off together."
"Oh don't worry. When we run off together, we'll bring you with us."
"As long as she doesn't steal you away."
"Oh don't worry. If she wishes to own me, I told her it is with you she must barter with. I am your property after all."
"Of course." Euna dresses.
Her eyes widen. "What do you mean?"
"You let so many johns walk by without offering yourself. You were being selective, weren't you?"
"I'm sorry. I... Yes, but it's just—"
"Then you're not being an obedient whore. You're still doing this for your own pleasure, not for me, which is not what you promised to do when you gave yourself to me."
"I'm sorry." She crawls up to kneel before you. "Please don't be mad."
"Look up and down the dock. Do you see all those other whores? They're calling out to every person who passes by, because that's what whores do. They're here to earn money, not have fun. I've been patient with you because you're new to this, but you're wasting my time by not taking this seriously."
"I'm sorry. Please. I'll be better. I'll be a proper whore for you."
"You'll stop being selective?"
"Of course. I'll fuck everyone you tell me to, my master"
"Good. Maybe now you'll finally earn decent coin."
"Thank you. I won't fail you again."
"Yes, I was," she replies.
"Then can you really say you're not just doing this for you?"
"Do you think I'm here doing this for my own sexual gratification?"
"Aren't you?" you ask.
"You do realize there are some very unseemly people on this dock, who might make very unseemly demands. You think that I should be indulging them too?"
"That's what a real prostitute would do."
Euna bites her lip and ponders this. "I suppose you're right. I haven't really been committing to this. I'll make a point of offering sex to every man who passes, no matter who they are, or what they want to do." She shudders, her eyes alight. "Lord, I might end up doing some entirely unsavory things."
"Of course," she says. "Here is yourour coin. I enjoyed making his day."
"They only wanted to pay for one," she says, "so I only indulged one. The man was not allowed to touch me, though he still found his own way to participate. He's lucky I didn't make him pay afterward."
"It's not uncommon for couples to hire whores together."
"I'm sure they do, but I will be the final arbiter of who does and doesn't pay, and in the future, I think I will require payment for everyone who indulges me." Her eyes twinkle. "I think I may be starting to enjoy myself."
"No, sorry," she replies. "Only for one. They felt they should only pay for one since the man only wanted to watch."
"Fine," you say. "The important thing is that you convinced someone to fuck you. You should be glad you're getting customers."
"Of course. I'll do whatever it takes."
"Good," you say, "because I'm sure we'll be doing this more. Ready to go?"
"Sure." She dresses herself, and you both depart the alley.
"Yes, please." She glances back. A scattered crowd has followed you from the market. They're still watching. "I seem to have attracted a following."
But by the time you two have headed back up the stairs, the last of the lingering crowd has broken away, and you two are once again alone.
A drunk man wonders by. Euna catches his attention and leads him into the alley. After a minute, you glance in.
Euna is scooted against the wall with her shoulders on the boardwalk and her crotch aimed up. Her clothes are bunched up, and her legs are propped overhead to brace against the boardwalk. It's a peculiar position, showing off her flexibility. The reason for it is so the man can stand over her and force his fist downward into her pussy and plunder her womb.
...No, actually it's so he can piss into her, because after he's got her sex gaping, he drops his breeches, takes aim, and starts pissing a stream directly into her sex. The man just had to relieve himself. You leave.
But when you come back later, Euna is still in her inverted position, and a different man is pissing into her womb. Euna is resigned to this.Euna is yelling at him, but he's ignoring her.
After he's gone, you come in. She's still inverted. Her gaping sex is brimming with piss.
"What was that about?" you ask.
"Idiots," she mutters. "The first man needed to piss. I told him to piss into my womb. Which was fine, but then while he's urinating, a second man came up and started urinating in my womb too. Without paying. As though I'm public property."
"Why didn't you stop him?"
"I couldn't. Not without getting my clothes wet. Seemed simpler just to let him finish. Now help me down."
"I told the first man he could do whatever he wanted to my womb. He chose to piss in it. But then that second man came up and started pissing too before the first was done."
"Well, you are public property. Did he at least pay?"
"No. I couldn't stop him without spilling the piss all over my clothes. So I just... let him."
"Well, you are a piss slut, aren't you? Let's get you up."
Euna clenches her pussy closed while you help her slide onto her side. Despite the effort to be careful, piss ends up spilling up her belly and wetting her clothes anyway. Nothing to be done about that. Euna squats down and pushes two bladders worth of urine out of herself.
Euna is facing the wall, bent over with hands braced, while the drunkard roughly fucks her ass from behind and gropes her body. It's crude to watch. He's going at it with a dogged determination as though he only has one minute to finish. He succeeds. After he's cum inside her, he slumps over her back, catches his breath, and mutters something to Euna. She nods.
They stand still with his wilting cock in her ass while he seems to concentrate. Euna waits, hands against the wall. A few drops spill between their legs, and you realize what's happening.
He's pissing in her ass, and he does so for a good long while. When he pulls out, a splash of urine splatters the boardwalk, but she's quick to clench her ass up. The man stumbles off.
When you come in, Euna is hunkered down clutching her belly and wincing.
"He'd been drinking all day," she says, "and he needed to pee. Quite a bit actually."
"Good thing he found you," you say.
"Yes, it is, but now I need to relieve myself too, or I'll have his urine spilling down my legs."
She waddles down to the lower decks and sits at the juncture of a pier with her ass hanging over the edge. Long drizzling splashes of dumped water sound from below between pauses. Eventually, the pauses grow longer, and with a sigh, she gets up, and wipes herself clean. "That'll have to do."
Euna is squatted with her back against the wall while he's leaned over her, resting a hand against the building. She's works his breeches down and frees his cock.
Euna's back as against the alley wall, and he's molded up against her fucking her energetically. Drunk as he is, he's like a bear, no grace, all strength. When he's done, he practically slumps onto her. She's holding him up.
Then he whispers in her ear. She helps him prop against the building, and sinks down between him and the wall to sit before his wilting cock, while he rests his head on the wall.
He aims at her open mouth and pisses. Euna allows the stream to flow down her throat. Hardly a drop would be spilled if the man's aim wasn't dreadful. He aims at her open mouth and pisses. Euna swallows as best she can, but she can hardly keep up with his torrent. He aims and pisses on her. Urine drenches her face. It cascades between her breasts and down her belly, soaking the front of her gown. She pulls it aside so thesoaking into the hemp of her fishnet top. She unknots and yanks away her sash so that thesoaking the front of her bodice. She hastily pulls her skirt down her legs so the piss trickles over her bare shaved sexpubic bush instead. The man's just pissing like a drunk at a tree.
Once his stream dies, Euna chimes up and says something, and with a grunt, heHe mumbles something to her. She nods, so he turns to back his ass up to her. Backed against the wall, she can't escape it, but she doesn't try. Soon enough, he's defecating right in her open mouth. It's such a mass of voluminous mush that she has to catch the overflow in her cupped hands. Cheeks puffed and hands full.
The man fastens up and staggers away without a glance back. You come in while she's still struggling to swallow the goopy mess in her mouth, and once she recovers from a gagging fit, she laps up the soft shit in her cupped hands, and licks her fingers clean. Mouth, chin, and cleavage all have brown goop, but she eventually gets herself visibly clean. Then comes squeezing piss from her clothes.
"He'd been drinking all day," she says. "He had to void himself quite badly."
You slip away and return to find Euna squeezing piss from her clothes, and she's dressing back up. Her skin is still damp.
"He'd been drinking all day," she says. "He needed to pee."
You and Euna are at the deserted part of the market. It's on the lowest tier, and the smell of ocean salt is strong. Sailors work to load and unload ships. All around are women who linger about by the houses along the wharf. They're dressed in short skirts or fishnet blouses, leaving their breasts prominently displayed. One calls out to the sailors as they pass, offering a pleasurable rut for as little as thirty rubles. A man takes her up on the offer, and she leads him into a back alley.
This appears to be the part of the cove where sailors come for whoring.
To the north are the markets along the wharf.
On a higher terrace to the west is the beached vessel tavern, from which a crowd of drunken sailors work their way down here to enjoy the women.
You are in the red light district. All around, women wear short skirts or fishnet blouses to advertise themselves.
"Good." Damien tucks the emblem away. "I'll see to it that this gets back to its rightful owner."
"How are we supposed to come and go without it?"
"You may remain in my cove as a guest, not as a member of this cove. You will not cause any trouble, or I will have you thrown in the pts."
"Very well." You rise and bid them farewell.
Outside the tavern, Euna turns to you. "Do you think he would actually take us home?"
"I don't know."
"He gave his word as a gentleman and a lord."
"He's not much of a gentleman," you say, "and what kind of oath does a pirate lord make? He might, though, if we actually brought him that amulet, but they don't think Iwe can do it."
"Maybe we're better off earning money to buy our way back with Barsum. Lord knows what we'll have to do to get that money though."
"We won't have to break into an evil sorceress's castle."
"That is true," she admits.
"Do you think youwe can?"
The game can take up to five rounds. In each one, you make amateur moves, and the game is decided within three. The men all laugh. Damien leans back and grins.
"And here I thought you might have been a challenge," Damien says.
"What a pity." You glance at Euna. She stares dumbfounded at the dice, and then at you. You give her a resigned look, but there's something in your eye she sees. It dawns on her what you've done.
The sultry Euna comes out. She bites her lip in nervous excitement, then turns to Damien.
"It seems I owe you something," she says.
"Indeed you do."
Damien rises and holds out his hand. Euna takes it, and together they stride away like two ballroom dancers approaching the floor. Her fingers stroke along your shoulder as she passes. They leave through a door leading behind the tavern.
You're alone now with Damien's two cohorts. It's awkward to say the least.
"I'm going to wait at the bar," you say.
They grunt an affirmation, and you head to the bar. You're there for only a minute when the men turn their attention back to their own conversation, and so you slip out the front. Quickly, you dash around the side. In the dark, you find a vantage point to peek around the corner.
Damien has Euna bent over a barrel, and he's rutting her roughly from behind. From the look upon his face, it's as though he's punishing her. Euna has her eyes closed and she's biting her lower lip. It's hard to tell if she's enjoying this, or if she's just getting it over with.
Damien thrusts into her and holds. His body quivers.
When he pulls out, Euna starts to get up.
"Stay down," he barks. "I'm not done."
With a frightful look, Euna remains bent over the barrel with her gown yanked aside.sash high about her waist.skirt bunched around her waist. Damien takes out a smoking pipe, leans against the tavern, and smokes. His softening cock is still visible.
Euna opens her eyes. She's looking about, unsure what to do with herself. When her gaze is in your direction and Damien is occupied with his pipe, you shift. Not much, but it's enough to catch her eye.
She squints into the dark. When she makes you out, her face lights. With her eyes on you, she pulls and squeezes at her breasts. She gyrates her crotch against the barrel and moans.
Damien notices her. "You want more?" Dashing his pipe empty, he situates behind her, rubs himself to get hard. He thrusts into her, and Euna moans in pleasure.
"You may act like a lady but inside you're just a slut," he says, "a cheap, dirty slut who needs to be used, aren't you? You need cock to pound you into submission."
Euna's moans grow shrill.
Damien grunts and thrusts harder. "This is how you need to be treated. You crave this. You're just a piece of flesh for men to use. That's all you're good for. Just a slutty, obedient..." He trails off as he cums inside her. Euna cries out in orgasm. Her body quakes.
He catches his breath before pulling out, then wipes his cock on Euna's gownsashskirt. Euna is left gasping.
"I'll go tell your boygirlfriend that I'm done with you." Damien tucks his cock into his pants.
That's your cue. You race around the tavern and into the front. You're at the bar when Damien steps in. He's back to being a gentleman now, who sits among his fellow pirates. When he spots you at the bar, he has one of his men approach.
"Your lady is out back," the large sailor says. "Damien says you can try your luck another night, and your lady can show him her sweetness again." He grins at you lecherously before returning to Damien's table. You head out back.
Euna is sitting on the barrel now. Her gown is still crumpled asidesash is still about her waistskirt is still about her waist so her bare ass is against the wood. When you close, she snags you and pulls you in for a deep kiss.
"Oh heavens, that was amazing."
"You enjoyed that, did you?"
"Oh, yes. I think that was the most powerful orgasm I've ever had."
"It didn't look like you were having fun at first."
"He certainly was demanding, wasn't he? But when I saw you there and knew you were watching, it's as though something inside of me awakened. I just fucked anothera man in front of you. It was filthy, and loveless, and absolutely carnal."
"I know. I enjoyed the show."
She kisses you again. "Thank you."
"For offering you as a wager?"
"For helping me learn what I really am. Damien was right. I've always been a lady, but deep down I know now that I'm a slut, a whoring tramp who craves cock. I'm no longer going to concern myself with stuffy decency. I'm going to fuck whomever I desire, whenever I want. And you, my dear foolfellow tramp, have helped me to reach this point."
"No, I was, but when I saw you there and knew that you were watching, that you wanted that man to use my body. And oh my lord, it's like something inside me awakened." She kisses you again. "Thank you."
"You know I enjoyed the show."
"No. Thank you for showing me what I really am. Damien was right. I've always been a lady, but deep down I know now that I'm a slut. I need sex. I need to be used. And you, my dear foollove, have helped me to realize that."
"You're welcome."
After you both make yourselves decent, you come around the building.
Once again you put forth no actual strategy as you play, and the game is over within three rounds, the minimum.
"Maybe one day I'll tell you what you want to know," Damien says, "but that's not today. My lady? You will come with me."
"Of course," Euna takes his hand, and he guides her back behind the tavern.
You excuse yourself once again from the table. After an appropriate delay at the bar, you sneak outside and around to spy from the same vantage point.
Damien has Euna bent over the same barrels as before. Her gown has been yanked out of the waist cord,sash is about her waist,skirt is about her waist, and he's behind her, gripping her shoulders in order to yank her down upon his shaft. There is no intimacy or compassion. Her body is his tool and nothing more.
"You just needed to come back, huh?" he grunts. "You needed my cock again so you got your little boy to bring you back,"Your little lady friend isn't enough for you. You needed cock, because you're nothing but a slut. A wench. A hole for men to drain their balls."
He stops talking and focuses on hammering her. In a few short moments, he grunts and pounds her with a few particularly fierce thrusts. After filling her, he settles against her a moment before pulling away and fastening up his breeches. "Have your boy bring you back another day. You'll need my cock again soon enough."
You circle back around and get to the bar moments before Damien returns to the tavern. Once again, it's one of his men that inform you that Damien is through with your woman.
When you go back, Euna is seated on the terrace floor against the barrel. Her legs are spread, and she's wiping herself clean as best she can without a rag. She resorts to licking her fingers clean.
"One of these days," you say, "I might actually win that game."
"You do seem to be quite the poor player. You're lucky my body is yours to barter with however you please."I'm so willing to pay your debts." She stands, winces, straightens her clothes, and plants a quick kiss upon your lips. "We'll have to try again another day. Shall we get moving?"
You stand before the beached vessel in the docks. It's been converted into a tavern, with a door install in its hull leading inside. A sign above the door portrays a beautiful woman resting upon rocks. Draped seaweed covers her intimates. Faded words beneath it say, "The Siren's Bounty." Raucous noise comes from inside.
To the north is the highest terrace from where you started.
You're before The Siren's Bounty. Raucous noise comes from inside.
You're in the black marble hallway.
It goes north and south.
You're at the top landing of a long stairwell south of you which down deep into the earth.
A solid stone door is on this landing. You pull it open just enough using all of your strength, and you both slip through the sliver. You find yourselves in dark marble hallways of a castle keep.
Euna pokes you repeatedly. "This is the sorceress's keep! We're inside!" she whispers.
"Yes," you reply.
"We must be careful."
"Yes," you say again. "Stay close."
She steps close enough behind you that her breath would tickle your neck were she not holding it in. This is her first burglary. You recall being jittery your first time too.
You're in the black marble hallway.
It extends both east and west. A great stone door is against the south wall which leads back down to the dungeon.
A great stone door is against the south wall.
You're in the black marble hallway.
Here the hallway turns at a junction. It runs both south and east.
There's a door here. It's barred, but from this side.
The door leading to Slug's room is here.
You're in the black marble hallway.
It goes both east and west. Near the center, the south-facing side of this hall looks out upon a large foyer with a double set of staircases along each foyer side leading down the to the first floor. Guards in black uniforms patrol down there. None of them look up and spot you as you peek over the guard rail.
The south side overlooks a foyer guarded by uniformed men.
You're in the black marble hallway.
Here the hallway turns at a junction. It runs both north and east.
You're in the black marble hallway.
It goes both north and south.
You and Euna retreat back to the hall, making sure to leave everything as you found it.
You and Euna ascend the stone stairs, climbing higher and higher. Looking through arrow slits, it's clear that you're climbing the highest tower of the entire keep. The air is chillier. At the top is a steel-enforced door. You peek through the keyhole.
There is a disheveled man chained to a round table by his wrists and ankles such that he's spread eagle. He's whimpering miserably, though he doesn't seem hurt. Beyond him is a workbench of some kind where a woman with flowing black hair works among bottles and reagents. Her back is to you, though you can tell she's remarkably tall.
When you pull away, Euna takes a look. Afterward, you both head back down the stairwell a ways.
"That looks like the sorceress," she says.
"Looks like it."
"I don't know what she's doing to that poor man, but there's nothing we can do for him. I don't think we should go in there right now. There's no telling how dangerous she is."
"I agree. Perhaps we should come back when she's gone."
You both head back down the stairwell.
You're in the black marble hallway.
Here the hallway turns at a junction. It runs both north and west.
In the corner, a spiral staircase leads up into a castle turret.
Against the side of the rowhouses, an aged whore is sucking a man off by deep-throating his cock.
You step closer. This intersection, like many in the city, has an enormous fountain with an intricate statue in its center which spouts crystal-clear water into a basin large enough to fit many.
A woman sits in the water soaking her hair. When you two approach, she smiles and makes no attempt to cover herself. "Hello!"
"Isn't this water for drinking?" Euna asks.
"Of course." She reclines and floats upon her back. Her nude body is fully displayed. "Help yourself."
"I... no thank you." Euna drags you along. "This city..." she mutters.
Where you currently are, there's a grand fountain at an intersection. A woman is bathing, unconcerned about the people around.
You enjoy your bath with the woman and chat. As time goes by, Euna relaxes. She reclines back and rests her head and neck upon the marble lip. Her upper body is shown to the sky, though whenever townsfolk walk near, Euna is quick to cover herself again.
Eventually, "We should be moving along," Euna says.
"Yes," the woman agrees. "I too should get a move on." She stands abruptly and strides from the fountain. "Farewell you two. Perhaps I'll see you again." She dries her body with a towel, then wraps it about her hair. With that, she walks off down the street naked.
"I guess we know now why she didn't have any clothes around the fountain." You say. "She didn't bring any."
Euna scurries to don her clothes. "Let's get moving, shall we?"
Euna strides from the water same as the woman. She brushes water from herself, then dons her clothes. "Let's get moving, shall we?"
"Fair well then," the woman says. "I hope to see you around. Perhaps we'll bathe together some time."
"Perhaps." Euna pulls you onward. Privately, "I would think the proper thing to do would be to collect water and bathe elsewhere. Privately."
After you two move on, Euna speaks to you. "It must be nice having such wonderful fountains all around the city. I wish we had them back home. I'd use them."
"No one else would," you reply.
"I suppose not." She sighs. "Every day I see more of the detriment of our old stuffy lifestyle."
A young man is seated on a low stone wall. He has his tunic is unbuttoned draped open, with his manhood exposed. He's hard, and handling himself while watching the women pass.
"Hello sweet lady," he calls to Euna.ladies," he calls to you two. "You're making my pole hard. Suck it and make it better."
Euna's eyebrows rise. She looks at the masturbating man with intrigue.
"It's only right," he says. "Your body isbodies are making me hard. Only right you should make me soft too."
Before you can reply to his proposal, Euna saunters over to him. "I suppose it is only fair, isn't it?"
The man grins from ear to ear. He reclines back and lets his tunic fall open. His cock points straight up. "Get on with it then, sweet girl."
Euna kneels down between his legs. Her fingers trace up his thighs. Her nails tickle his hard shaft, and her lips are close enough that he must feel her breath. Sensually, her tongue teases the tip, and her hand circles about his sack.
And then it clamps down like a vice.
He cries out and doubles over. "Let go!"
"In a moment."
He tries to pull her hand off him, only for her to twist. "Stop! Ow! You crazy slag!"
"Now look at that. You're going soft." A few more seconds, and she releases him.
He curls up and clutches himself. "You evil slutsluts..."
"You asked meus to make you soft. Now you're soft. Ask pleasantly next time, and Iwe'll help you with your problem in a more pleasant way." With that, she takes your armwraps an arm about your waist and leads you along.
"It's kind of you to help a stranger like that," you say.
"It's only proper."
"Him?" She looks at the masturbating man.
"Help him with his problem."
"He wants us to help with his problem. You should do it."
"Of course." Euna saunters up to the man sitting on the wall.
The man grins from ear to ear. He reclines back and lets his tunic fall open. His cock points straight up. "Get on with it then, sweet girl."
Euna kneels between his legs. Her fingers trace up his thighs. Her nails tickle his hard shaft. She then runs her tongue from beneath his sack, all the way up his shaft to its tip. From there, she engulfs him.
Euna applies every trick she knows with this man, from tonguing the crown of his cock to working the shaft with her hands.does her best. It takes her a while. Next, she takes his cock deep down her throat until her lips press against his ballsack. Her throat convulses in reflex and squeezes his shaft. Her eyes water. Each time she pulls away, more viscous saliva coats his shaft. It dribbles down her cleavage. At one point, she pushes his knees up to his chest and fastens her lips about his puckered hole. Whatever her tongue does causes him to shudder. When he starts to climax, she engulfs his cock and guzzles down every drop he has to give.
Afterward, he pulls out and lets his cock wilt against her cheek. "You're a good little slut," he says.
"Thank you, sir."
"You're excused now."
She returns to you, and you head off.
On the lip of a fountain, two naked menwoman play a board back with carved marble pieces. One captures a piece and hands it to the other. Sighing, the other player leans and rams that piece up hisher own ass.
"Quite a high-stakes game," Euna remarks.
"How erudite of them," Euna mutters.
There's a man here, collapsed on his face before a bench as though he'd fallen forward while sitting.
With Euna's help, you roll the man over onto his back. The stench of wine and urine wafts from him. His tunic as stains up and down, nearly masking its white fabric. The belt has ridden up his belly, exposing his limp manhood. His eyes flutter, but don't focus.
"He's been having fun," you say.
Euna looks the man over.Euna averts her eyes from the man's exposure. "He's must have wandered here from the festival. Do you think he was on his way home?"
"We can't leave him here, can we?"
"Why not?" you reply. "This probably happens all the time around here."
Euna shakes the man. He comes through, though he's hardly lucid. With a quivering hand, he clutches his head.
"Do you need help?" Euna asks. "Would you like us to take you somewhere?"
"The church..."
Euna frowns. "You're going to the church?"
"The church... Help the... get the church help. The tonic."
"You want us to get the church?" but the man doesn't respond. After a pause, he lurches. Foul dark red vomit overflows from his mouth.
Euna recoils. You turn the man's head to the side. The vomit pours onto the path. The man coughs, splattering it about. He's unresponsive once he's breathing again.
Euna looks to you. "I think this man may be ill."
"He's drunk," you reply. "It's just wine he's spitting up."
"No, it's more than that. Look at him shake. Feel his hands. He's cold. He's had far too much. He's in danger."
"No," you assure her. "We've all been here before. Well... maybe not you. I have."
"He wants us to go to the church," she says. And get a tonic? Is it supposed to help him?"
You shrug. "He will be fine."
"Okay..." She rights the man and stands. "If you think he'll be okay. I'm still concerned."
You search out the bench where the drunk man had been. No one is here. All that remains is the wine-rich vomit
"What?" Euna says. "He didn't get up and walk away, did he?"
"Seems he wasn't that drunk after all."
"No. He was in a bad sorts. We should... No, wait. There he is!" She points.
Down an alley leading toward the festival avenue is indeed the man. You recognize him from his curly hair and stained clothes. More notably, he has a sea-ship stagger befitting a man of his inebriation. For every step forward, he takes a few steps sideways, and often a step back. Catching up to him is trivial.
"Excuse me, kind man." Euna nudges his shoulder.
He spins. His wide, blinking eyes struggle to focus on her.
"We have the remedy you asked for." She holds out the vial.
The man reacts as though she were handing him a snake. "No! Nooo!" He flails his arms. She ducts out of the way. "I'm not done," he shouts. "I'm okay. I'm... I can dance." He kicks his feet in a joyful little waltz which is surprisingly nimble for his condition. "I'm gonna... I'm gonna dance." Turning, he heads toward the festival music with his spry gait. Only occasionally does he stumble.
Euna is left in his wake. "I guess he doesn't want it."
"Second wind, it seems," you say. "The night is still young for him."
That same drunk from before is still here, collapsed face forward. Euna gives him a worried glance.
The drunk man is still here, passed out before the bench, basting in his own vomit. As you pass, Euna bends to check on him. "Not much better," she says. "He's shaking. I still think he may need help."
Down an alley, a girl is squatted down and urinating in the street gutter.
The girl wears a dress that's little more than a gauzy slip, which she has hiked up about her waist. Urine streams from her pussy and and hisses against the cobbled street. It streams along the gutter, even flowing around the girl's foot, but she doesn't care.
Euna pulls you along. "Obscene..." she mutters.
The girl spots you two. After the last few drops of urine dribble out, she wipes her hand over her bare pussy. Then she licks her hand clean while looking right at you two. With a sly grin, she trots off. The urine puddle still spreads along the gutter.
"She hasn't a shred of decency," Euna says. "And I think she may be happier for it."
"She'd be pilloried for that back home," Euna mentions. "These streets are for everyone."
You look around. "And yet they're so clean."
"I have no idea how with people like that running around."
In an alley nearby, a woman is sat against a wall with her legs spread and robe pulled aside. A man appears to be trying to press a long loaf of bread into her snatch while she diddles herself.
Euna watches with brief interest before continuing along with you.
Euna rolls her eyes.
From a balcony above the street, a matronly woman is rocking a child in a cradle. A group of drunks have gathered beneath. They're calling for her to give them a drink.
You and Euna continue on your way, leaving the drunken crowd and their bizarre milk shower behind you.
It seems the woman's stream is weakening anyway. She's massaging her milk onto her breasts and belly more than she's spraying the crowd. Many of the drunks are wandering off.
You and the menThe men lower Euna back to the ground, and you guide her away from the crowd. You guide Euna away from the crowd. At a nearby fountain, Euna rinses herselfYou rinse each other off.
"That was... interesting," Euna wipes her face. "And messy. That was most unbecoming of a mother," Euna says.
"The crowd hardly gave her a choice. She's doing it to keep them quiet."
"Yes," she replies dryly. "What won't a mother sacrifice for her babe?"
"That was an interesting experience," Euna wipes her face. "I'm thoroughly drenched. I expect we'll both smell of soured milk by day's end. A strange thing for a mother to do, isn't it?"
"The crowd hardly gave her a choice. She was doing it to keep them quiet."
"Yes," Euna replies. The sacrifices a mother must make. I wonder what other kinds of sacrifices mothers must make in this city..."
The girl doesn't notice you approach. She's young, hardly a woman at all, and she's dressed in a filthy loin cloth barely keeping her decent. Her body is caked with dirt, and her breasts dangle beneath her, swaying as she works. A bucket is beside her.
When you come around, you see she's mopping the floor, only instead of using a mop, she's swaying her head back and forth, dragging her long hair along the ground, working muddy soap water into the marble. Once upon a time, she may have had a beautiful head of hair, but now it's a cruddy, tangled mess. The filth is so thick, her blonde color is nearly indiscernible.
"Excuse me," Euna says.
The girl sits up and stares at both of you with wide eyes. Her hair drapes over her, dripping mud over her breasts, and belly. More cascades down her back, creating wavy patterns of grime. Her features are caked with dirt, but she's comely despite that. Welt marks score her back, breasts, and inner thighs. They look to be from repeated canings.
"Is the sorceress making you do this?" Euna asks.
No reply.
"Is there anything we can do to help?"
The girl returns to her work. She dunks her hair in the bucket, wrings it out, and resumes mopping the floor.
Euna watches with sorrow.
You pull her away. "I don't think there's anything we can do for her."
"We could sneak her out the way we came in."
"We're already taking risks ourselves just being seen. If we start trying to help everyone, the sorceress will find out."
Euna sighs. "Okay. You're right."
You two leave the girl to her mopping.
A girl is here on her hands and knees who seems to be scrubbing the floor.
She's seated on a cobble wall, with her legs crossed and her eyes closed. She plays as though she were the only one around for miles, as though her breasts aren't bared, and that her pubic bush isn't plainly visible. From the way her mussy hair cascades down her back, it's as though this woman awoke from bed, grabbed her flute, and strode outside to practice.
"She's wonderful," Euna whispers.
"With skill like that, I'm sure she must have got that instrument from The Fiddler."
"She does play up to that man's standards, doesn't she?"
You and Euna listen for a while. The woman's eyes open, she sees you, yet she continues to play unabashed. Her fingers flutters over the holes with lithe elegance. She cares little about any audience. She plays for herself, and will be well after you're gone.
A nude woman sits upon a nearby stone wall. She's playing a joyful tune on her flute.
A group is collected alongside the street, and it sounds like a fight is going on.
"Curious? To get punched in the stomach?"
"I knew a woman once who loved it when I did it to her. It causes a rush. Something about how our bodies react."
"I've done it before."
"You've let a man beat on you?"
You nod. "Just once or twice. It causes a rush. Something about how our bodies reacts."
"What? The coughing? The convulsions?"
"It's not that different from an idea of getting slapped or whipped for thrills."
"Hmm. Perhaps," she replies. "I won't condemn it since I've never tried it, but certainly wouldn't subject myself to it with a group of rowdy boys on the street."
"Not at first." Her eyes twinkle.
"Don't get me wrong. I'm getting to enjoy mixing pain and my pleasure, but I don't see any pleasure in that. I'll torture my victims erotically or I won't torture them at all."Make my torture erotic or don't torture me at all."
"Indeed. I understand those who like their sexual escapades a little rough, but that just seems vulgar."
"I'm glad we're in agreement. Let's avoid those people from now on. I suspect they're deranged."
In a nearby alley, a couple are having a quick romp. He has her pressed up against a building. Her skirt is about her waist. His breeches are about his ankles. His bare ass flexes as he ruts the girl.
"This town is a pit of depravity..." Euna mutters.
"Couldn't they have waited until they got home?" Euna asks.
"Apparently not," you reply.
Euna watches. "Do you suppose they're a couple who still feel spontaneous after years of love?" Her eyes twinkle. "Or do you suppose they just met?"
"Perhaps they don't even know each other's names," you reply.
"Yesss! It's so much better that way."
A teenaged lad stands by an alley, trying to get the attention of any passers by. He motions for you.
"I agree," Euna says. "It wasn't like I waswe were any easier on them."
"Oh, fine." The lad hops down and undoes his sisters' bindings.
"And you won't tell Father we were at the festival?"
"No," the boy says, "but you're still doing my chores for a week."
The older sighs and points to the younger sister. "She can do them."
"Why me," the younger whines.
"Because I said so. And because you're the reason he found out in the first place. You should be lucky I don't torment you too."
"That's not fair! Sneaking out was your idea."
The siblings are still bickering when you and Euna depart.
"Must be strange to grow up in that family," Euna whispers. "I get the sense that families like that aren't that outlandish around here."
Everyone looks at the brother. Though taken aback, he warms to the idea.
"Maybe I should." He hops down and works his breeches. His manhood is impressive for a lad of his age.
"Okay, but that's it," the older says. "Afterward you untie us. Okay?"
"We'll see." He presents his stiffening member between them, and both sisters latch on with their mouths—the older tongues the shaft while the younger suckles his balls. Unlike with the other men you've seen, they show no reluctance with him.
Once he's fully hard, he nudges his sisters onto their side and kneels by their rumps. He penetrates his younger sister first. She mewls and whimpers. The older sister holds her close. Their lips meet. After some time, the brother switches to the older sister, who shudders. She grinds against her brother. Both sisters pull tight to each other.
Euna leans close. "I think this isn't their first time."
"Or their second. Or their third," you whisper. "And it doesn't seem there are any hard feelings."
The brother murmurs to his sisters. After he pulls out, they scissor their legs and mash their slits together. The brother stabs his cock between them so it runs between each slit and points up to their bellies. A few more thrusts, and he's firing his cum upon their stomachs.
Finished, the three remain cuddled together in a pile of bodily fluids and ropes. You direct Euna away.
"That was a practiced move if I've ever seen one," Euna whispers. "Channeling his manhood between his sister's nethers like that. I might like to try that sometime."
"I'm sure your sister would be happy to," you reply.
She regards you. "I was thinking with some other woman."
"Oh," you say. "So not a sister act? I guess that might almost be as good."
She regards you. "I was thinking you and I would do it with a man."
"Oh," you say. "I'd be happy to, but it wouldn't be the same thing. We're not sisters."
Euna rolls her eyes, but as you emerge from the alley, she mutters one last thing. "A sister act does seem to be its best incarnation. Perhaps we'll see."
"Your loss," the youth says. "My sisters are going to get punished by somebody."
You and Euna hurry along.
"Another strange family," she mutters. "No city but this would you get an offer like that."
A gaggle of women pass by. They wear various skirts and pants, but all of them are topless, and none seem concerned about it. Euna averts her eyes.
There's a troupe of acrobats who've set up stage down the street from the dancing. Judging from their state of undress, their performance is likely to be risqué.
"Yes, I think I get the idea of it. Let's not stand around and gawk all day." Euna takes your arm. While the performance goes on, you two continue along your way.
On the steps before one house, two women are talking with a man seated between them with his pants down.
On the steps before same house, Nayar is there again with his pants down. Inna is there sucking him off while her mother watches.
Once again, Inna and her mother are on the steps outside their house, and there's Nayar.
Inna and her mother are outside on their step again for more training.
"Oh? Are you suggesting I should forbid my daughter from having sex? Her mouth should be the only hole that touches cock until she learns to appreciate it enough?"
"Well, I—"
"I think that's a marvelous idea." The mother turns to her daughter. "I know you were thinking about having your first time soon, but that will have to be postponed."
"What? No!" And Inna cheeks grow pink. "It's... that's my choice."
"Not anymore. You need to learn proper love for cock first, and I think the pent up frustration will help."
Inna rolls her eyes. "Fine. I'll postpone, Mother."
"Hmm," Euna studies the girl. "I don't get the sense she plans to listen her mother."
"Something tells me she's not planning on following that rule," you say.
"I suspect you're right." The mother thinks. "I'll just have to take her down to Clara."
"Who's Clara?" Euna asks.
"She's a talented artisan whose quite skilled at piercings. I'll have her pierce little rings along both of my daughter's labia—"
"...what?" Inna straightens.
"—and run a neat chain through them to lace her up.—"
"—and it will end with two lace piercings along both sides of her clitoral hood. Once we sew that up, it'll tuck away her clitoris, and then we'll link the two ends together. Then not only will it stop sex, but it will make it quite difficult for her to play with herself at all."
"But why?"
"Because I must. If you were an obedient daughter, I could trust you to retain your virginity of your own free will."
"You can't just sew up my pussy."
"It won't be forever, dear. Once you've developed a strong passion for sucking cock, we'll remove the chain. But not before then."
Inna sighs.
"Excellent," the mother replies. "Let's go by Clara's now, shall we?"
"Right now?" Inna asks.
"No time like the present. Come along." The mother ushers her long.
Nayar tags along. "I get to watch!"
And they're gone.
"My Lord," Euna says. "I can't believe that mother is actually going lace up her own daughter's flower."
"Are you horrified?" you ask.
"I'm more intrigued."
"Yes. I'm imagining what it would be like to have that sort of control over another, that I might decide to seal their sexuality away out of my own whim. Keep it for myself."
"Maybe if you ever get home, you should do that to Aileen. Keep her under control for once."
"Maybe," she says. "Or maybe I'll do it to you. I'll have that artisan craft a cage for your pole. I am the only woman it may penetrate."sew you up like that mother is doing to her daughter. Keep all those hungry men from sullying my property."
"That's no good. My sexuality is a gift to the world. Many enjoy it."
"Yes. It would be a pity if some queen were to conquer it and keep it for herself."
"Yes. I'm imagining what it would be like to have my own sexuality sealed away at the behest of another. It would an absolute forfeit of control over my own body."
"Sounds like you'd like me to do it to you."
"My body is yours to do with what you want, but let's be honest. You enjoy trafficking my cunt too much to everYou have much too much fun with my flower to seal it away."
She grins. "Hardly, but maybe the idea will fill some of my fantasies tonight. And let's be honest. You have much too much fun with my flower to seal it away."
"Maybe so, but I should remember the name of that artisan. What was her name?"
"Clara, right."
The mother's eyes light. "Oh, of course! I'm sure he'd be happy to help."
The girl's eyes go wide. "What? How?"
"By letting you practice on him, of course. From now on, you'll have the privilege of sucking your father off every morning instead of me. And he so enjoys waking to the feel of lips upon that massive morning monster of his."
"But I could practice on Nayar." She nudges her boyfriend. "Don't you want me to?"
He's got that dumb grin.
"Don't be upset dear," the mother says. "Your father has a fine cock. A rod of worthy size."
The boy's grin flickers.
The mother goes on. "If there's ever a pole that will show you the love of cock, it's his. It's a masterful rod. His cum is so delicious. Its aroma is so masculine." She sighs wistfully. "Have I made myself clear?"
The girls sighs. "Yes, Mother."
Her mother looks satisfied. "Then it's settled. Your father is inside. We can talk to him now and see if you can get started right away." She guides the girl into the house. "If you're on your best manners," she adds, "he might even let you please him throughout the day. His monstrous beast needs frequent taming."
They disappear inside. You're left with the boy, who seems ill at ease.
"What was that supposed to mean?" Nayar asks. "A rod of worthy size? This is worthy, isn't it?" He holds up his limp cock.
"Don't worry," Euna says. "You're size is daunting."
"Yeah," he says, though he's unconvinced. He glances to the house.
Euna pulls you along. Out of earshot, she bursts into giggles. "Poor little fool. He's just gone and handed his fancy to a man he could never compete with."
"You think the father is that much bigger?" you ask.
"I have no idea," she replies. "But I know that every girl's first love is her father."
"Was your father your first love?"
"Of course," she says. "Growing up, there is no one in the world I admired more. I idolize him." Then she leers at you. "Though it wasn't, as you're suggesting, an intimate love."
"You seem untroubled that the poor daughter is about to find such an intimate love with her father."
She shrugs. "I've learned not to judge? Perhaps if my father were the tsar of Cockaigne, my love of him would have been more intimate, but alas it is not the case."
And she's glaring again. "Yes, alas. For your disappointment. Your debauched fantasies will forever remain in your head."
"You sound like you speak from experience."
Euna's eyebrows rise. "Maybe I do. There is no one in the world I admired more than my father, and everyone back home knew of my father's impressive monument."
"Many women worshipped at its altar, I hear."
"Was your father your first love?"
"Of course," she says. "There is no one in the world I admired more than my father. Though I never paid homage to his manhood, as I'm sure you're suggesting."
"Would you now?"
"If I should ever get back home and see him again, the first thing I plan to do is show his monument the worship it deserves."
"With your mouth?"
"With any part of me he wishes, but especially with my mouth."
The mother leaps on that, "Yes! Exactly. Your father was saying the exact same thing."
"What do that mean?" Inna asks.
"Instead of simply adoring a man's cock, you need to know how to properly worship everything. His balls, his feet, his armpits. Everything. You need to make your mouth fully available to your man to properly please him. Only then could I even consider clipping that silver chain off."
"Whatever it is, fine. I'll do it."
"That's good to hear. I'll tell your father when he comes home, and we'll start tonight. You'll bathe his body with your tongue."
Nayar thinks about this hard. "Does this mean she'll do this for me too?"
"Once she's ready," the mother replies. "I wouldn't want you to suffer inadequate mouth worship from my daughter. The women of our family have a reputation to uphold."
"But perhaps he should have a demonstration?" Euna says.
He grins. "Yeah."
The mother considers this. "Hmm, maybe we do need a little appraisal to see where Inna stands. Very well. Inna, you may put your mouth upon your boyfriend this once. But only as I dictate, understood?"
Inna's eyes light up. She sinks to her knees before Nayar and drops her mouth onto his hardening cock.
"Ah ah. This isn't about a blowjob, dear. Just clean his balls for him for now."
Inna levers her boyfriend's hard dick aside and suckles his balls with adoring attention.
"Very good, dear. Put all your love into it. This is how you show your adoration to the men in your life."
"How far is this adoration going to go?" Euna asks.
"Absolute worship," the mother replies. "Move onto his armpits now, dear. Bathe them and revel in the taste."
Inna climbs up Nayar and lifts his arm. She hesitates at the sight of his sweaty armpit hair, then rasps her tongue along his pit.
"Ah, see? We've a ways to go," the mother says. "You'll have to ask your father very nicely to let you bathe him with your tongue. He prefers an ordinary bath, so you'll need to worship his body as best as you can. You'll need to crave his every drop of sweat, his every dank crevice, his every clammy toe. Once you love bathing him, he will love being bathed. Is that understood?"
"Yes, Mother." The daughter switches over to bathe Nayar's other pit. She's playing with herself again.
"If we're talking true body worship, then yes we are," the mother replies. "Nayar, you don't have to poo, do you?"
Inna stares at her mother in astonishment. Even Nayar seems taken aback. "Really?" he says.
"Yes. Really."
"I'll try." He turns his ass back toward Inna. She just stares.
"Go on, Inna," her mother says. "Be a good girlfriend and show your boyfriend how much you love him."
After a long hesitation, she again puts her mouth back against Nayar's hole. He strains, and strains. All the while she has a grimace on her face from anticipation. Finally, something must have passed between his ass and her mouth, because she recoils. Her face twists, and her mouth is open to show a small, hard, brown lump.
"I know it's tough, dear, but this is your opportunity to show him your love and adoration. So go on."
Inna closes her mouth, chews once, twice, gags, and swallows it down early. She gives a queasy smile.
"Do you have any more, Nayar?" the mother asks.
"No. Sorry."
The daughter slumps with relief.
"Probably for the best," the mother says. "I'm sure your father will help ease you into appreciating his waste, but what waste it is. He always produces big, potent logs of waste that stink up the water room. You'll learn to treasure it like a fine pâté. Then you can show your boyfriend the same adoration. Won't that be nice?"
Inna gives a queasy smile. "Of course, Mother." To her credit, she returns to rimming her boyfriend's asshole.
"She actually has some practice in that already," the mother says. "My husband has a penchant for such treatment, and occasionally he's been having Inna treat his hole. Nayar, turn around and let her show you how far she's already come in that regard."
He chuckles. "Heh. All right." He's stooped over the steps and exposes his dark, hairy ass.
Inna spreads his cheeks and closes in. Her tongue bathes his crack with long rasps from bottom to top. Her breath is even heavier now. One of her hands comes down to again stroke fruitlessly at her protected slit. Her tongue burrows against the hole."
"My!" Euna says. "She might already properly appreciate that."
"Maybe," the mother replies, "but repetition doesn't hurt. I'll make sure my husband makes this mandatory morning and night. Perhaps she can even get her father off with just her tongue upon his hole."
"You're not serious, are you?" Euna asks.
"I am. Will it?"
"I think it will," the mother replies. "Nayar, why don't you let her drink your piss now. Let's see how she handles it."
The boy pushes Inna away. She kneels back, poised, and chews her lip nervously, but when he positions his cock at the tip of her lips, she opens her mouth dutifully.
He pisses, and she drinks each mouthful as quickly as she can, though much spills down her tits and over her crotch, where she's still trying desperately to pleasure her tucked-away clit.
"You'd think she'd done this before," Euna says.
"She isn't half bad already," the mother admits.
After, Inna goes straight to sucking her boyfriend off.
"No, no, dear." the mother says. "Remember, you haven't earned the right to fellate him yet."
She reluctantly stops. "Yes, Mother."
"From now on, you'll make your mouth available to your father every time he needs to relieve himself, night or day. I don't care if you've just bathed, or if you're sound asleep. You will always be happy to. You must come to love his piss so much that you'll feel disappointed if you should learn he ever used a piss pot."
"...yes, mother."
"Will she learn to worship her men's assholes?"
Will she learn to appreciate her father's shit too?"
"It would seem she still has much training ahead of her," Euna says.
"It would seem so," the mother says, "but I'm sure her father will be patient with her. She is our daughter after all. Inna, you may stop now."
Inna pulls away and licks her lips clean. "May I suck him off now?"
"I think not. You'll stick with your father's cock until you know how to properly love every part of a man's body, but he's coming home soon, and you know how randy is his. Go clean yourself up for him."
"Yes, Mother." She hurries inside, not a single word of protest at being denied her boyfriend's cock yet again.
You and Euna depart afterward. "My Lord," Euna says once you're out of earshot. "I never realized that orgasm denial and teasing could lead to such... obedience."
"Something tells me that girl is going to have her pussy laced up for a long time yet."
"Clearly," Euna says. "Her mother is enjoying this far too much to let it end."
"I think I must," the mother says. "When I was her age, I had quite a reputation as a cocksucker. I don't recall ever saying no to a blowjob, and neither shall you."
"You mean with Nayar?" Inna asks.
"No, dear. I mean with anyone. You need to suck all manner of cocks to become a true connoisseur of them. That is the only way to develop a true appreciation."
"But what if I don't want to?"
"That would be the problem. Before I had you kids, your father and I used to host dinners, and I would suck off up to a dozen men in a night, half of whom I'd never met, and I looked forward to it every time. That will be your role now. I'll let all our family friends know. Nayar, I'm sure you're fine with this. It's for her education."
"Heh, yeah." he says.
"Good. Then tell all your male friends too."
"Uh... yeah. Sure."
The mother keeps going. "And perhaps when you're out with her, you'll ask passersby as well. We mustn't limit ourselves. Oh, this will be grand." She turns to her daughter. "And I don't want to hear from anyone that you've said no to them. Understood?"
Inna looks glum. "Yes, mother."
"A quick question," Euna says, "Does this young woman have any brothers?"
Inna's eyes snap open.
"Quite a few," the mother replies. "Why do you ask?"
"If she's going to be fellating her father, and variety is important to become a cock connoisseur, then perhaps her brothers might also help."
"Oh, that's a delightful idea. I'm sure my sons would be happy to." She turns to her daughter. "I think from now on, you will service each of your brothers along with everyone else."
"But mother—"
"And after every dinner, we'll see that you get seven creamy dollops of cream for dessert. Not to mention your father's."
"Seven? Goodness," Euna says.
"Yes. Three older, and four younger with the libidos of young men. Let's go tell them now, shall we? After they're done with you, you can help me with dinner."
She pulls her daughter inside. Nayar is left on the step, forgotten and unsure what to do.
You and Euna move along.
"If I may suggest," Euna says. "It strikes me that so long as her flower is laced up, you could find many more men for her. Instead of relying on friends and neighbors, you could send her out into public to pleasure strangers. There's no worry of them deflowering her."
"Oh! You're absolutely right." The mother faces her daughter. "I think I may start leaving you to the festival for public use."
"Please, Mother," Inna says. "Aren't I already doing enough?"
"We can always do more." The mother thinks. "Hmm. We'll need to tie you up though. Or else you'll just walk off, won't you? Should be safe around the men since you're sewn up neatly. Won't this be a treat? You'll get to explore cocks the way they were meant to be explored, with only your lips and tongue. You'll enjoy the touch and smell and taste. I can't think of a better way to learn true appreciation for manhood."
Inna turns to her boyfriend. "Nayar, you don't want me to do this, do you?"
"Uhh..." Nayar seems unsure.
"Head on home, Nayar," the mother replies. "Once I return my daughter to you, she will know how to properly worship your cock. Now come along, my daughter. I'm sure Clara will have some ropes we can borrow."
She leads the way. Nayar is left frowning after them.
You and Euna move along.
"Hold on," Euna says. "What about poor Nayar? His girl's flower will be sealed away, and her mouth is no good yet. What is he to do?"
"Yeah," Nayar says, "What about me?"
"You're quite right," the mother says. "We cannot expect you to tolerate substandard blowjobs. From now on, Nayar, if you want someone to suck you off, you can come to me. I will do it, day or night. Understood?"
"Mother!" Inna yells. "He's my boyfriend. I don't want him to see you behind my back."
"It won't be behind your back, dear. I expect you to be kneeling beside me observing every single time."
"You're going to make me watch you steal my boyfriend?"
"Perhaps a little jealousy will help you appreciate his cock when that day should come again. Once your father has decided your lips and tongue are worthy, you'll be allowed to suck off your boyfriend again. That's what we'll do."
Inna's face crumples.
You and Euna head off as the mother dictates more terms of her deprivation.
Down the road, you address Euna. "You surprised me."
"How so?"
"Normally it's me who brings up lewd ideas, but this time you did."
"Perhaps I've become invested in that girl's tuition," Euna says. "That girl obeys well, despite a little precociousness."
"That girl is a natural submissive, isn't she?"
"Yes. If she were my daughter," Euna says. "I'd whip that girl into shape to truly crave cock. Fortunately her mother seems up to the task."
"And to think you were once a reluctant student yourself."
"Indeed I was," Euna agrees. "Thanks to you, I now know my place."
"And that place is to server men with your body. Your mouth is a meant for a man's cock."
"That's right," she says. "And that girl should learn it too."
"I agree," you say. "It's such a burden on women like me and that mother to teach submissive little pets like you two the pleasures of sucking cock."
"That girl is lucky to have a mother like hers," Euna says. "And I'm lucky to have you. Thank you for showing me the proper ways of a slut. I know I must have been a difficult student."
"You just needed to be housebroken."
"I don't know how much more I can keep this going," the mother replies. "I can hardly say she's not showing enough enthusiasm anymore."
"I don't think it'll take much convincing," Euna says. "Look at her."
The mother does, and sighs. "She has become a monster of my own making." She walks back over to Inna. "I've decided that you're still not finished with your training."
Inna blinks. "...really?"
"Yes. Really. You can go farther, and you will. So your flower will remain laced away. Now head back out to those streets."
"Can I do it later? I've been up all night. I want to sleep."
"Ah. No. You see? This is what I mean. If you truly loved cock, you wouldn't be coming home to sleep. You'd be going home with other men so you can nuzzle their rods while until you doze away. Then you'd wake early just so you can suck out their cum for your breakfast. Clearly, you have months to go."
"Months?" Inna gapes at her mother. "But... you're not going to tie me back up for all that time, are you?"
"Of course I am. It's for your training, but don't worry. I'll take you down to the artisans now, and we'll get you a comfortable pair of leather cuffs."
"But how will I eat? I haven't eaten since yesterday."
Euna answers this. "With your mouth, of course, Dogs manage just fine. You will too."
"And if you must," the mother adds. "You could always offer a man a blowjob if he'll feed you."
Inna looks bewildered by all this. "...But haven't I been good?"
"Oh sweetie. This isn't a punishment. I know you'll come to enjoy every minute this training. That's the whole point. Haven't you been enjoying yourself already? You've been sucking cock all morning for your own pleasure, haven't you?"
Inna still looks dazed, but she nods. "Yes, Mother." Then with more courage. "Yes. All right. I'll do this. I'll... I'll live it until I love. I'm going to live to suck cock. You'll be proud of me."
"Yes, yes. Good for you, dear. Let's go get you those cuffs. And remember. No need to ever stop by home. Just keep training."
The mother marches off, pulling her naked and messy daughter along with her.
"Not sure how I feel about this," Euna says. "On one hand, we just watched a mother turn her daughter into an obedient sex slave who lives for the pleasure of others. I'm envious.I learned a lot. On the other hand, we just watched that mother discard her slave after Inna no longer amused her. Now that girl will spend the rest of her life with her hands behind her back and her flower laced up, always pleasing men, yet never any pleasure for herself."
"She'll be fine," you say. "I'm sure lots of men will adopt her."
"Like a daughter? Or like a pet?"
"What do you think? That girl will be traveling around like a neighborhood cat. She'll live in whatever house will open the door for her."
"Yes. A lifetime of sexual submission, and never a single orgasm. How delightfully frustrating."
"Oh, you're right," the mother says. "All this time I've been caught up training her, I forgot it was for a purpose. Now that I know she'll do the women of our family proud, it's time to marry her off."
Inna stops playing with herself. "What? Nayar and I are getting married?"
"More like I'm marrying you to his family, dear." She turns to Nayar. "Tell me. How many brothers do you have?"
He thinks. "Uh... six."
"Any other men in your family?"
"My father. Uhh, four uncles. Two grandfathers. Four cousins. Five nephews. No, wait. Six. No seven."
"You're immediate family, dear. Which of them live hear you? How many cocks would my Inna need to service?"
"They all do near me," he says. "We all live around a garden block in the shops district."
"Oh! Then that should be plenty." She turns to her daughter. "Are you ready to go service Nayar and his family?"
"Mother! That was over two dozen men!"
"I knew you'd be excited."
"But his family. They're not like my brothers. They're not going to keep themselves to... well... my mouth. I don't want to have their children."
"Oh, fair point. You'd want your first child to be with Nayar. Hmm. What to do about that?"
"You could get her pregnant now," Euna suggests.
The mother brightens. "Oh! That would be swell. And seeing as how your boyfriend is ready again, why not right now? Then your father can give you away tomorrow."
"But mother. I wanted my first time to be special. I've been... saving myself."
"This is special, dear. You're getting married. To a whole family. Nayar, go ahead and impregnate my daughter if you can. That should give you a head start on your family."
"Yeah, sure." With his breeches still down, Nayar scoots and hunkers over Inna.
"Spread your legs for him, dear," the mother says. "That's right. Good girl. Remember, you've earned this."
Nayar clumsily stabs into his girlfriend and takes her virginity. She seems shell shocked. Her first time isn't romantic, but a pragmatic breeding with an audience.
"Marvelous," the mother says.
Euna watches a while. "Aren't the men in your family going to be disappointed to lose their trainee?"
"My husband and I have been discussing that," the mother replies. "We've decided we're going to train Inna's younger sister, Finna the same way as her. Once she gets home tonight, I'll let her know what her new duties will be."
You all watch the newly engaged couple fuck for a while before continuing on your way. "Marriages always make me cry," you say.
"It will certainly be a strange one, won't it?" Euna says. "I think all this training has led that mother to see her daughter as nothing more than property."
"Do you think that's wrong?"
"Not when the girl is such a submissive. They're best told what to do. I only wish I could help that woman break in her next daughter too."
"Not when that girl will so clearly love her new life. I'm envious of her. To be owned by so many men. She'll never sleep!"
"I was wondering the same thing," Euna replies. "If I ever have a daughter, I fully intend to pass along whatever knowledge I have to her once she's of age. I'll teach her a lot more than how to suck a cock too..."
"I'll admit I was wondering the same thing," Euna replies. "It's such a strange land where that sort of relationship is acceptable."
"Think you'll ever teach your own daughters your trade?"
She regards you. "You'd find that hot too, wouldn't you?" You two walk on. "We'll see."
"It seemed wholly inappropriate to me," Euna says. "Back home, those women would have been considered aberrant."
"And yet we see here that it can be perfectly normal behavior. We just saw a mother dealing with a precocious daughter. They just happen to share their sex lives with one another too."
"You'd almost think it was normal," she replies dryly.
"Yeah!" Nayar says. "I'm getting tired of waiting."
"Ah yes. I forgot you were planning to take my daughter's virginity before I started training her." She thinks. "Very well. I'll just need to let you fuck me as well."
Inna eyes boggle. "What?"
"You can't expect him to be patient forever dear, can you? Maybe watching us together will provide you with even more motivation to properly love cock."
"But he's my boyfriend. He loves me?"
"And he still will, won't you, Nayar?"
"Yeah." He's got that dumb grin again.
"But... but... Mother!"
"I promise you our sex will be quite loveless... although I will of course demonstrate how to properly express my appreciation and lust for his cock."
Euna speaks. "Will your husband be all right with this?"
"Oh certainly," the mother replies. "Heavens knows how many of his friends I've had to sleep with because of his betting habits, and he does have Inna's mouth to sate him these days. Though I'll need to stick to certain stretches of the month. I only bear my husband's children. Is that alright, Nayar?"
"Yeah, sure," he says. "Can I fuck you now?"
"Ready again already? Goodness, the libido of the young. Yes, I suppose it would be safe. She pulls her robe open. Her tits are heavy with thick, chewed nipples. Her pussy has the dark heavy lips of a woman who's given birth over a dozen times. She scoots to the edge of her step and spreads her legs. "Enjoy yourself, dear."
Pants still lowered, Nayar shuffles close. The mother hugs him into an embrace and lets him stab into her. He fucks her like a rabbit.
She talks all the while. "Ohh. good. Just like that. Good boy. This is for your enjoyment, so don't worry one wit about my pleasure."
He's not.
"Ohh, yes. I want you to see this, Inna. Are you watching?"
She is.
"You're going to watch every time. Ohh. I'm liking this. Actually, Inna. Come here. Play with my breasts. Suck my nipple. That always gets me off."
She does, reluctantly.
"Ohh. Yes. This is quite nice. Don't stop. You have such an appetite, boy. You'll need sating all month long, won't you? Ohh. You know what we'll do? Inna's little sister, Finna, is coming of age in a few weeks. You can sate yourself on her as well. We'll start you two on her birthday. Inna will watch that too. Do you like that idea?"
He does.
"Ohh. But you need more than that, don't you? You should get to fuck all of Inna's friends too. It's not cheating as long as she's watching. Will you do that?"
Given his grin, he will.
"Good, boy. Make her find one of her friends for you tonight. Actually... Ohh... I just had an idea... We're never going to take that chain lacing out."
Inna tries to react, but her mother holds her head to her tit.
"Yes, your father and I are enjoying this too much. You're going to be his mouth forever. And Nayar's mouth too. You may suck his cock, but only after he's fucked me, or your sisters. or anyone. You're not going to be a girlfriend anymore, or a daughter. Just a pet. Promise me you'll treat my daughter like a pet. We'll put a leash on that chain. Ohh! Ohh my goodness. Fill me, Nayar. Fill me with your batter. Ohh... Yes!"
She trembles all the way through Nayar's clumsy orgasm. Afterward, they catch their breath in each other's embrace.
Inna looks from her boyfriend to her mother. "You didn't mean all that, did you?"
"I meant every word. Now suck his cum out of my quim quickly so we can go get a leash to attach to that lacing between your legs. You'll offer the lead to your father tonight."
You and Euna leave as Inna reluctantly gets to work. After you get some distance from them, Euna sidles close and whispers to you. "It seems like the veil dropped at the end there. I don't see becoming a sex pet for her boyfriend and father is good for her training."
"You'd almost think the mother has just been doing all this for her own enjoyment, wouldn't you?"
"Sisters?" The mother frowns, until she realizes what you mean. "Why yes. She has four sisters." She appraises her daughter. "Perhaps we should train your tongue for the fairer sex as well. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
The girl stops diddling herself. "What? With women?"
"Don't act like you're not interested. I know how Innara used to sneak into your room at night."
Inna's cheeks turns bright pink. "But... you knew about that."
"We all did. Goodness knows you two made enough noise, so come here. We'll start now." The mother sits down on the steps beside Nayar. She spreads her legs, pulls her robe aside, and scoots to the edge of the her perch. Her crotch has razor bumps along her labia and thighs, and the dark heavy lips of a woman who's given birth a dozen times. "I will hear no back talk, young lady." She taps her labia.
Hesitant, Inna shuffles over and brings her lips down, but not yet on her mother's sex, but on her thighs around it.
"Oh? Oh! Foreplay. Good girl. Your sister taught you some things already it seems. Now you'll practice on the rest of your sisters. Ohh! Yes. And now that I'm thinking about it. There are your grandparents too. Hmmm. I'm ready, girl. Attack my folds. Ohhhh. Yes. Just like that. Don't stop suckling, girl. I'm just thinking out loud. Ohh. And your five uncles, and your three aunts. Ohhh! Your father's sister is a lesbian, isn't she? I'm sure she can teach you a thing or two." She clutches her daughter's head close. "Oh goodness, girl. You're going to be tending to both your father and I each morning. Forget about Nayar. You'll be the pleasure of our whole family instead."
"...what?" says Nayar.
But neither women hear him. The mother is getting close, and Inna is scrubbing her own clit again. They're lost in pleasure. And Nayar, he's just there.
You and Euna move along and leave them to it. "I do enjoy happy endings," she says.
"Poor Nayar though," you say. "Seems like he's about to get dumped."
"Maybe he should train his own girlfriends in the future instead of leaving it to her family."
"Be proud of her?" she asks.
"Isn't this what you wanted? You told us before how the women of your family have a reputation to uphold. Before, she had been an embarrassment, now men are literally lining up around the block for her. She shows passion."
"Well, yes," the mother says. "But she's a little too passionate now."
"Excellent," Euna speaks loudly enough for Inna to hear. "Then she has surpassed you. You should be commended on your training."
"But she's so possessed with her hunger that her boyfriend broke up with her," the mother replies.
"I told you," Inna says. "I don't want to be with him anymore."
"Exactly," Euna replies. "Let's be frank. Nayar was a dullard. He was hardly worthy of her. She will attract herself a better man now—a man who will appreciate her new skills. Perhaps her appetite is ravenous, but only because she just discovered the pleasures of sucking cock. It will surely temper once she's older. Then she will make a good wife to a lucky husband, and she will keep him with her skill, the same way you keep your husband."
"Well... hmm." The mother considers this. "I hadn't considered that. And she has become so much more obedient. You're right." She beams at her daughter. "I'm proud of you, sweetie."
Inna beams back.
The mother turns back to you. "And you think I should train my other daughters the same?"
"Absolutely," Euna says. "Why should only Inna be trained? You said men came by your house looking for blowjobs, and your other daughters felt harassed? They should have been clamoring to take Inna's place. They should have the same passion as you and Inna. Don't wait for them to embarrass their elders with their first boyfriends."
"You're absolutely right," the mother says. "All of my daughters will be the pride of our family."
"Does this mean you'll tie them up and leave them at the festival too?" Inna asks.
"Yes. I'll leave them at the mercy of strangers. Though I'll have to get Clara to sew all their flowers first. Your training is now complete, though I expect you to help. You'll be on your knees beside Finna, helping her learn."
Inna squeals and hops up. "Yay! Does this mean you'll unseal my flower?"
"No. I think that should only be unsealed on your wedding day for whatever lucky man you choose. It will be the same for your sisters."
Inna considers this and shrugs. "Very well. What about Innara?"
"Oh right." The mother explains to Euna. "Innara is my eldest daughter. She's already married. But no, we'll do her too. Lace her up until she can make us proud. I know her husband. He'll go along with the idea. Come, Inna. Let's go take Inna to Clara. Go clean up and dress."
"May I stay like this?" Inna gestures at her naked body, dripped with semen. "I like it."
The mother sighs. "Fine. Can I at least trust you'll bathe on your wedding day? Whenever that may be?"
The two head inside together.
"Sounds like we've helped start a family tradition," you say.
"We have," Euna agrees. "Traditions hold a family together."
"In fact," The mother stands. "let's go knock on doors?"
Inna startles. "What?"
"I know a few neighbors who might like to know. Come along."
"Now, dear."
Reluctantly, she follows her mother down the street. You and Euna are left with Nayar, who seems to finally realize what he's agreed to.
"Should I go too?"
"Do you want to watch your lady fellate other men?" Euna asks.
"Do you want to watch her suck off other men?" you ask.
"Then don't." You both head off, leaving the boy behind. When you pass Inna and her mother farther up, they're talking with a shirtless man at the threshold of his home. He looks the daughter up and down, grins, and invites the two in.
"She's going to accrue quite a reputation," Euna says.
"But also a lot of practice," you reply.
"I'm not sure if you should have suggested what you did. The poor girl did not seem at all interested in these lessons."
"As the mother pointed out, that's the whole reason to do them. This is their upbringing. Just like your father had you study to become a ruler like himself. It didn't matter whether you wanted to read those books on history and heraldry. You just did it."
"Ah. A birthright. Maybe that is the way in this strange city."
"That's right."
She considers this. "I would have liked growing up here. All those times I was made to study heraldry, I was fantasizing about sucking cocks."
"Maybe you and she should have switched places."
"Or maybe sucking cocks should have been on my curriculum like it is on hers. I'd be a fair bit better by now."
She considers this. "Can you imagine where i would be if my education had included mandatory fellatio instead of dreary arts like the dulcimer?"
"You're already a whore. Where else could you be?"
"A whore all along. I wasted my youth over books when I could have been on my knees."
"You'll just have to suck all the more cock now to make up for lost time."
"I guess I'll have to."
She considers this. "If my education had included mandatory fellatio instead of dreary heraldry to follow in my father's steps, I might not have grown up to be so uptight."
"You know, your father may have been the tsar, but your mother was an infamous harlot."
"And I owe it to her to follow in her footsteps too, do I?"
"We can knock on some doors," you say. "Mandatory fellatio until you rival your mother."
"I'll take it on as a casual hobby, thank you."
"Yes, I'm sure you men would be thrilled with that," Euna says. "All of us women are trained to drop to our knees and please our dominant others."
"Is that a yes or a no?" you ask.
"I would be happy to serve," Euna says, "but I know many back home who wouldn't."
"I guess all the men will have to come to you then."
"A yes, but only if men in turn learn how to properly tongue our petals."
"You'd have all of us women on our knees servicing men?" Euna asks.
"Why not? I already do. As that mother pointed out, it is a most enjoyable hobby."
"Then perhaps I'll be on my knees next to you."
"Well, women like you would," you say. "You enjoy cock. My lessons will be in the art of petal licking. So while you're servicing men, I'll be servicing you."
"Hmm," she considers this, "That does sound appealing. We all have our proper place."
"Of course not. Let's keep moving."
There's a commotion going on down an alley. People laugh and jeer.
You awake to the sounds of foot traffic outside. It seems the cove wakes early. Of course, Euna is still up before you, and she's gone. In her place, a small plate of smoked fish sits by the bed which she must have bought at the market.
...and on it are two roaches.
You've faced worse. Waving them off, you get to eating. Eventually Euna returns from the shared hallway, dressed and ready.
"Ah. You're up," she says. "I was worried you'd never wake up."
"It's a good bed for sleeping."
"Isn't it? For all it's smells and lumps, I slept like the dead. The noises around her didn't even bother me. It's amazing how much living in the woods makes us appreciate having a roof over our heads."
"Where have you been?"
"I explored the morning market. There are food sellers in the morning. Good prices too. Then when you were still asleep, I explored our building and met our neighbors. A lot of men who come and go from here as frequently as the ships."
"Any whores?"
"A few. Apparently the trick is to leave our door open if I'm receptive to guests. But some nights can still be slow. It matters how much of a reputation I have."
"And what sort of reputation."
"That too. I also found a washroom in the building. Shared bathwater. It's good I'm comfortable getting naked around men these day, because it was all men when I peeked inside."
"What do the whores do?"
"They have their own washbasin."
"Ah. Well, we'll have no need for that."
"Very well," she replies. "I'll make do without it."
"Good. You've no need for modesty. Now let's get moving."
"Of course not," Euna replies. "That's for women with modesty. All in all, I think I will enjoy it here. But come. Get dressed. Let's not waste any more of the day."
"It doesn't matter. It'll be rescue."
You laugh. "Trust me, Your Highness. YouWe would rather be stuck on this island than on some of the boats out there. There are raiders, pirates, goblins... a whole lot of people who wouldn't care a copper that you're a princess, unless it meant ransom."
"A ransom would get us home," Euna replies.
"It might also get youus gangraped."
She shrugs. "Then Iwe get gangraped. I'll let a crew do whatever they want to me as long as it gets me home eventually."
"A ransom would get us home," Euna replies.
"It might also get youus raped, or worse."
"We have to risk it. What choice do we have?"
"We can't do nothing," she replies. "Please. We need to be near the shore."
"Then we'll be careful who we flag down," she growls.
"Fine," you say. "What now then?"
"We'll have to build a pyre that we can light on fire to catch their attention. But that will come later. We need to deal with our necessities in order. We already have fresh water. And now a shelter. The next step is food."
"Wait. Are you reciting all this from a book? Is this something you read about at the convent?"
"It doesn't make the knowledge any less valid."
"Sure, fine. Food then."
She rises. "We will search together. It is unwise to split up in unknown lands. You can lead the way."
She rises. "Come. We will search together. It is unwise to split up in unknown lands."
"Did you read this too?"
"Do you have any experience surviving in the wild?"
"Not in the wilds, but I have experience surviving."
"Well, I've studied this. So I know best. So come. I shall lead."
"Because I'm the one in charge." She stands tall. "We may be far from home, but I'm still the tsarivna. And I must get back for the sake of the tsardom. You are one of its inhabitants, a sad and derangedwicked and loathsome inhabitant, but an inhabitant nonetheless. You have an obligation to ensure my safety and well being."
"Except I'm an exile."
"Oh yes." Her nose turns up. "For your perversions.adulterous ways. Then you should be doubly interested in doing as I say and keeping me safe. Maybe then my father will pardon you for your crimes once we get back. But that will depend on what I say about you, and I don't think he'd like hearing about your recalcitrant behavior."
Your eyes narrow.
"So?" she said. "Are you going to do as you're told, or are you going to add contempt to your list of crimes?"
"Fine," you say. "Continue on."
You follow her as she departs from the estuary. Oddly, she heads back toward the beach a short ways, then turns ninety degrees and begins circling the camping spot. After twenty minutes of struggling through brush and bramble, you both end up right back where you started. Euna walks closer toward the beach, then turns ninety degrees again.
"Wait, wait," you say. "You're going to walk larger and larger circles around the camp until you find food?"
"That is the recommended strategy," she replies. "This is the best way to find the closest food sources as possible."
"Maybe that would work in a plain, or the forests back home. There's no food near here. And we're not going to make any progress forcing paths through this burr-ridden jungle. We need to explore."
"The book says—"
"The book was written by someone who never set foot in these lands. We need to follow our common sense."
"Fine!" she shouts. "If you're so clever, you lead. At least this way if we die, we'll know who to blame."
You return after sunup to find the wagon door open. Euna is sitting up in bed while Lanx and Fira tend to her. She smiles when you enter.
"It's done," she says.
"How do you feel?"
"Tired. A little strange. Different somehow, but not in a bad way."
"You are a little different," Fira says, "but you'll get used to it." She's unwrapping red-stained bandages about Euna's body and wiping the skin clean. It's slowly revealing Euna's nude form.
"At least I look the same." she says.
"Of course you do," Lanx replies. "You were never going to look different." He's inspecting Euna's body wherever Fira takes away bandages. The only hint of anything having happened are faint white lines along Euna's arms and neck, and especially along her belly. Euna studies them. "I'm amazed. I know you two cut into me, but there aren't even stitches."
Lanx scoffs. "Please. Sutures? As though we'd resort to something so primitive. Those scars will have faded by tomorrow. Can you stand?"
With Fira's help, Euna gets to her feet and checks herself over. All good.
"Well, thank you both for tinkering with my slave," you say.
"Thank you both for this," Euna says. "I know how special this was to you two."
Lanx waves it off. "Services render, but if you want to show your gratitude, then put her through someHave some absurd sexual encounters and then tell us about it. I want to know that it's being put to good use."
"She's fine to put her body to extremes?" you ask.
"It'll take a few weeks before everything has fully settled in, but don't let that stop you. Push some boundaries. Euna is now the size-queen King Shahryar always craved. Now get out of here, you two. Fira and I have hardly slept."
Euna doesn't bother dressing for your walk back. She's particularly chatty while investigating herself.
"I just noticed that I no longer have a click in my jaw." She experimentally opens and shuts her mouth. "That's a nice little benefit. Is my mouth opening wider? I can't tell."
Later, "I think they gave me Ambrosia. I feel giddy. That's probably how they healed their surgical cuts. Don't you think?""I don't know what they gave me, but I feel like I'm floating. I was so hungry this morning."
And later, "Do you think I'll have a bigger appetite now that my body is built for stuffing? I think I crave being filled, but maybe that's just what I think I want."
And even later. "I think my breasts are bigger. Here, feel them." She proffers them. They are indeed bigger. "Now they're so large they're actually wider than my rib cage. Do you think this is a side-effect, or a feature they forgot to mention?" She plays with them herself. "I suppose I'll have to live with this now. Fira did mention they should remain more firm now as I age. That's nice. I was never looking foward to their sagging."
And after that, "I think my hips are wider. Do they look wider to you?"
And finally, "Now that I've become the one and only size-queen, what kind of perverted things do you think I should do? You're the inventive one.
"I'm sure we'll find something," you reply.
And finally, "Now that you've had me changed, what kind of perverted things are you going to make me do? You are going to push boundaries, right?"
"You'll see," you reply.
She finishes her self-check, but there is one last thing she does once you're back. She folds backward until her hands plant onto the ground behind her. Walking them closer, she folds backward tighter and tighter. It's a struggle, but she manages to get her head between her legs, and looking up at you, she blows you a raspberry.
After that undignified moment, she dresses, and you're ready to start the day.
You're at the altar.
To the south is the waterfall and the footpath leading down to the jungle.
To the north, the river snakes through a ravine in the mountain range.
On your way back through the jungle, Euna gathers reeds.
"What are those for?" you ask.
"You'll see." By the time you get back, she has quite an armload.
You and Euna set to work cleaning the altar area up. You replace the missing stones in the firepit. Once you get a fire started, you retreat down the hill a short ways to see how visible it is from below. There is only the faintest glow, and you're still quite close.
Meanwhile, Euna cleans dead plant matter and loose stone out the alcove. Afterward, she tries to weave something out of the jungle reeds. After twenty minutes of effort, all she has to show is a pile of bent reeds.
"Damn," she mutters. "This is impossible."
"What is it supposed to be?"
"I'm trying to make curtains."
"For your sleeping privacy?"
"Yes, but for the life of me, these reeds will not weave together like they're supposed to."
"Supposed to? Is this from your survival book?"
This causes her pause. With a huff, she tosses them away. "That book was useless. If I had it now, it'd be more useful as kindling."
"Why are you starting with curtains?"
"What in heavens else am I supposed to make?"
You shrug. "Bedding, maybe? So we're not sleeping on rock?"
Blinking, she looks around at the solid rock floor encompassing the altar site, then slumps her head. "That would have been a better idea, wouldn't it? We're lost in a foreign land, and I'm here wasting my time with Nimic sensibilities again."
You laugh. "Don't worry. There's always tomorrow. Just use your cloak as a pillow for tonight. Won't be great, but it's something."
"What about you?"
"I'll live."
You both prepare dinner. Using small rock slabs as plates, you eat before the fire pit and talk about each others pasts. You tell a few anecdotes and make a few jokes from your old fool routines. Some are quite crude, but she laughs at them, even if some cause her to blush.
You arrive back at the camp.
While you start a fire and prepare dinner, Euna tries using reeds again to make furniture. What she has in her hands is coming apart the more she works with it.
"This is impossible!" she growls. She throws it to the ground and looks up. "I'm sorry. Another night upon rocks."
"It's all right," you say. "Food is ready."
You sit together and eat while enjoying the fire.
Euna heads off to bathe, and she's still gone once you've finished your breakfast. You're left wandering about the altar site. As you walk the perimeter, something catches your eye. Digging through the nearby underbrush, you uncover something.
It's a polished wooden tool covered in archaic etchings. One end is wide and ends in a blunt, rounded tip. It tapers slowly along its length to a handle. On the end of that handle is a carved-in ring perhaps used to hang it up, and just beneath that ring is a ornamental bronze band. It's tarnished green, but a little bit of luster remains.
It might be a pestle. However, the grinding end, though smooth, has a slit along its tip like a man's penis. And the tip is ridged, just like the crown of a dick. And its length has even a few "veins" texturing it right alongside the strange runic symbols.
You're still studying it when Euna returns.
"What's that?" she asks. Her hair is wet, her skin damp.
"I found it just in the earth there."
She scrutinizes it. "What is it? A pestle?"
"That's my guess."
"It must have belonged to whoever built this site," she says. "It's rather obsene, isn't it? Certainly the work of idol worshippers."
You awake to find Euna struggling through dry bramble along the incline below the camp site. She excricates herself just as you approach, and she has in her hand a wooden shaft.
"What have you got?" you ask.
"I'm not sure, but I saw it glimmering in the sun. I think it's some kind of pestle."
It's a polished wooden tool covered in archaic etchings. One end is wide and ends in a blunt, rounded tip. It tapers slowly along its length to a handle. On the end of that handle is a carved-in ring perhaps used to hang it up, and just beneath that ring is a ornamental bronze band. It's tarnished green, but a little bit of luster remains.
It might be a pestle. However, the grinding end, though smooth, has a slit along its tip like a man's penis. And the tip is ridged, just like the crown of a dick. And its length has even a few "veins" texturing it right alongside the strange runic symbols.
"It must have belonged to whoever built this site," she says. "Rather racy, don't you think?"
"Not sure," Euna replies. "Idol worshippers believed in shamanism and fetish worship. These might be runes of their old magics. Most likely just superstition, but some of those worshippers got into some dark arts."
"Ah, I see. A magic pestle."
"Silly. These markings are probably just a common blessing or warding. Still, it's best not to dabble in such things."
"Maybe..." she says. "It's a little big for that, don't you think?" She reaches to wrap her finger and thumb around the end. Though she can't quite bring herself to touch the thing, it's clear the end would be too wide for her to do so. She wraps her finger and thumb around the end. Her fingers don't quite touch. The blunt tip is as wide as a beer bottle. "I imagine it's just a pestle. Idol worshippers often added sexual imagery to many of their belongings. Weapons, statues, paintings... Everything, really."
"I don't know. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to use this as a toy," you say.
She rolls her eyes at your wordplay. "Perhaps it was dual purpose. Lord knows those people were sex-obsessed. Who's to say they didn't use their tools in such ways?"
You awake to the sound of tearing fabric. Euna is hunched over by the daylight streaming in the pit. You come around to find she's torn her skirt just above the knee. With a jagged rock, she slowly cuts it all the way around.
"What are you doing?" you ask.
"Dispensing with another of my aunt's silly customs. This jungle is no place for conservative wear. I could hardly escape that monster before because of my clothes." Once she cuts the length off, she stands and steps out of the loop of fabric. Her skirt now comes down to her knees, but her chemise still reaches her calfs.
"I suppose I need to shorten that as well." Sitting, she cuts her chemise. Her feet and calves come into view. With that strip removed, she stands, picks away errant threads, then tests the clothing by taking a few long strides.
"What do you think?" she asks.
The waterfall is nearly sixty feet tall, and the rocks around it are slick with damp moss, but nearby the terrain looks climbable. You step upon the rock face.
"Stop," Euna says. "Do you honestly think I can go climbing dressed like this?" She gestures to her gownsashskirt.
"Just hike it up."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you? No."Absolutely not. I'm not a shameless woman like you. I won't climb."
"Then wait here. I won't be long."
"Why go at all? Why should there be any food up there?"
"There might not be, but I'll be able to look around up there. Maybe we can get a lay of the land."
"Fine. Don't be long."
You scurry up the mountain. It's hard work, but climbing has always been a talent of yours, and after months of sitting idle aboard a prison ship, it feels good.
Soon, the cliffside plateaus. You're at the top of the waterfall now, putting you far above the tree line. There are several clefts to explore, and a ledge that's perfect for scouting.
You explore the mountain clefts. Many have streams which feed the river. Thorny bramble covers many rock faces, and small black berries grown among it. You pick one, smell it, and eat it. It tastes sweet and a little bitter. For safety, you only eat one for now and collect the rest. The thorns cut your hands, but soon you've filled your shirt.
You climb a boulder to fetch berries and spot a hidden clearing nestled along the mountain ledge. There's a strange obelisk here, with stones set around it. It tapers near the bottom. The top has a concave depression, as though it were a long, narrow bowl, or pestle.
The mountain wall here caves inward, creating a shallow overhang that a few people could fit under. This place used to be a camp.
Nearby, a set of rock steps lead downward. You follow them. They switchback down the mountain. At the bottom, it disappears into a dense pack of bramble, which you carefully crawl through.
Euna is at the waterfall, looking up the mountain. She doesn't see you approach.
"Hello," you say.
She startles. "Where did you come from?"
"There's a path over there which leads up." You point, but the walkway is completely invisible behind the bramble. In fact, there's no sign of the path at all. "...a well hidden path," you add.
"Hmm," she says.
"Did you?"
"Yes. Well hidden. There's some kind of obelisk there too."
"Was anyone there?"
"No. It doesn't look like anyone has been there in ages."
She stares dubiously at the pile in your shirt. "How do you know they're not poisonous?"
"I ate one a while ago, and I feel fine."
"That was dumb of you." Carefully, she picks one up, inspects it, then pops it in her mouth. "They taste like mulberries. I suppose they'll have to do. You've twiddled away the afternoon up there. We should get back."
To the east, the rocky mountain range continues to the shore. What looks like a flag pole is peeking out from behind the ridges where the mountains meets the ocean. Unfortunately you don't see how to get there.
Craning about, you try to peer higher up into the mountains above the white marble city.
Atop the tallest peak is a keep of black stone, far removed from the white-walled city below both in distance and in design. This keep is menacing and uninviting. It's spires end in sharp points. It's walls are defensible and nestled within the mountain as though avoiding public eye.
Whatever keep that is, you can't see how to reach it. The mountains around it are too steep to climb.
To the west, a city made of glimmering white marble is nestled against the mountain. A tall palace sits upon it's most northern point.
The place looks like it might be a good place to go, except that there's a massive marble wall surrounding the city on all sides not against the mountain. Getting in might be tricky.
"No," she says. "We should stay by the ocean in case a boat comes. Besides, what if that place isn't really deserted? It could belong to idol worshipers. That's the last thing we need."
Her arguments are nonsense, but there's no point in arguing. She's made up her mind.
"You want to go up there again?" she asks.
"There are plenty more berries."
"Very well. So long as we use this hidden path of yours."
You locate the brambles hiding the mountain path. Euna requires significant help getting through. Her silk gownHer fishnet topHer clothing restricts her legs, and her skirt and chemise sleeves constantly snags on thorns. Once through, it still takes her an exorbitantly long time to hike up the trail.
At the top, you work together to collect berries. Once again, however, her long skirt prevents her from scaling boulders, so you end up doing most of the picking while she carries the collection.
The walk back down the mountain takes longer since she's carrying berries in her bunched up skirt.
"That was exhausting," she says once you're both past the brambles.
It wasn't. It was just slow going because of her conservative attire, but you agree.
"Shall we head back?" you say.
"Might as well. It's getting late."
As you settle next to her, she caresses her body and peers at you enticingly. It seems she has the same idea. The fair maiden is laid out before you, waiting for you to take her.
Steep steps lead upward toward the peek of the tallest mountain. Though the ascent is not too bad, the sheer drop to either side makes this approach treacherous.
North, at the mountain's peek is a menacing keep of black granite with sharp spires and defensible walls.
South leads to the trails along the mountains.
This path goes down the path of sex with animals. It only has two tiers, the last of which involves willful copulation with beasts. However, it pairs with other fetishes for more extreme content, such as Size for larger animals, or Filth for dirty animals, and dirty practices with animals.
Reaching beast-curious
This is the 1st tier of Bestiality.
Like most first-level fetish tiers, this one is unlocked by the stories and conversations Euna is exposed to.
Accomplish at least 2 of the following experiences.
- From storytelling
- In The Vixens, talk about Volga and how she got her cock from her favorite stallion.
- In The Vixens, talk about how Volga or Bogdana would have sex with horses.
- In The Chicken Coop, mention how the boys brought out a hound, and how Aileen wasn't afraid.
- In The Traveling Widow, talk about the widow's need to stretch her ass. Later talk about her prowling of stables for large enough dicks to satisfy her.
To promote
First, Euna must be lewd.
She'll automatically promote one night after musing on the topic.
Next tier: beast-loving
Reaching beast-loving
This is the 2nd tier of Bestiality. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be beast-curious.
Once this tier is unlocked, Euna will have no hesitations about copulating with animals.
Accomplish at least 2 of the following experiences.
- Go to the stables in Cockaigne to collect samples from the horses.
- Lanx will ask for help on collecting animal salts. Agree, even after learning that animal salts means horse semen.
- After Euna and Fira have collected animal salts from one horse, agree with Lanx that they need to do another. Results in one extra point, and also a promiscuous point.
To promote
First, Euna must be promiscuous.
Assuming you have the bottles, go to Lanx and Fira, they'll be preparing an estrus tonic, and will invite Euna to help them make something better. This quest will require Euna to go to the stables in the city to collect animal salts. Once you return those samples, Euna will promote.
Grabbing Euna's arm, you tear off down the beach. The old man chases. Eventually, you glance back to see that he's just a speck on the horizon. He must have turned back long ago.
You both stop and regain your breath.
Euna stares back. "That was quite rude of him."
"Wasn't it though?"
"Where to now? she asks.
You're on the beach. It goes on at length in both directions. Far to the west, the estuary is just barely visible.
The broken shells, pebbles, and blade grass cover the coast. It makes walking quite uncomfortable and tiresome. Sand fleas bite at your calfs.
You're on a long stretch of empty beach. Sand fleas bite at your calfs.
The beach here is of vast white sand. The beach seems to extend for ages in both direction.
You bury your face into her cleavage. With squeal, Euna cringes away. When you emerge with the berry, she bears a flush, and she's biting her lip to hide her smile.
You bury your head in her cleavage. Euna pushes her chest forward, wedging your face deeper. The berry falls low though, and by the time you can hook it with your tongue, her breasts have slipped out of her gownglisten with your salivahave popped out of her bodice. Euna is all smile and fluster when you emerge.
Euna's eyes widen. She doesn't have time to react before Zahara dives low and buries her face in Euna's cleavage. Alarmed, Euna gapes at the woman, who takes much too long fetching the berry. Whatever she's doing causes Euna to shiver.
Soon, the girl comes up, triumphant, with the berry between her teeth.
Euna quickly corrects her gownfishnet topbodice and makes sure she's decent. Though red in the face, she still has a shy smile.
You offer the berry to Euna. She seems disinclined to take it at first, but eventually she does so, and pops it in her mouth.
She eats it.
Zahara crawls forward and brings her face inches from Euna. Their breath mixes. Euna teases her by pulling away the first few times.
Then their lips meet, and the berry is all but forgotten. Their long snog ends a while later, and both are breathless. It's not even clear who got the berry. It was only an afterthought.
Zahara leans towards Euna. Hesitant, Euna glances at you. The woman is undeterred however, and she crawls forward for the berry. It works, against Euna's best judgement.
Their lips meet. The berry disappears between their locking lips. It's impossible to see what's occurring, but what passes between them is more than a simple berry. Eventually, Zahara backs away with the berry between her lips. Her eyes are on Euna as she chews.
You motion for Zahara to go ahead. Euna recoils and shields herself with her hands. Zahara laughs.
Euna reddens and glares at you with mock anger. "You are a silly fool."
"And a fool's job is to make merry with his audience," you say. "And what's merrier than a good smooch?"
Euna smiles despite herself. "Keep your smooches to yourself."
You lean in and dart your tongue in her mouth enough to hook the berry. Your lips touch. She presses against you, and her tongue tries to steal the berry back, but you win the fight. Her lips linger upon yours before pulling away.
Euna eyes the fruit. "With my lips?" she asks.
"However you want," you say. Shirina leans close. Her eyes dance with mirth.
Euna smiles and reddens. "I... Then I choose this." With two fingers, she plucks the berry from Zahara's lips and eats it. "You said anyway I wanted."
Euna hooks your tunic and pulls you close to her. Your lips meet. She snatches the berry away with her tongue, but her lips linger. Her breath caresses. Her tongue teases. Then she pushes you away, chewing and grinning.
Euna watches you, and then she looks away. You're left holding a piece of fruit in your mouth, and no one cares. So you eat it.
"Of course," Shirina says. "Help yourself to whatever you see. The food is for everyone."
"Thank you." Euna bows graciously.
As you eat, no one bothers Shirina except for a pair of men who question her about the food available. They rope Shirina into a conversation which occupies her attention.
Meanwhile, a familiar face arrives, Zahara. After enjoying a few treats, she once again settles upon a fresh bowl of berries. When she sees you two, her expression lights up, and she comes and sits nearby.
"Hello, you two!" she says.
"Hello," Euna replies.
She begins to enjoy the berries for herself, but she has set the bowl were you two can easily reach them.
"Red rosemary?" Shirina says. "I might. Why do you ask?"
"We have a pair of friends who require some for a concoction they're making."
"Ah, I see."
As you converce, a woman approaches carrying a bowl of berries, and she sits by Shirina. Her skin is as dark as toffy.
Shirina smiles warmly to her. "It's wonderful to see you again, Zahara."
"And you," Zahara replies. "Care to eat some berries with me today?"
"I'd love to." Shirina takes a strawberry from the bowl and places it in Zahara's cleavage. She stoops and catches the berry with her teeth. The next berry goes in Shirina's cleavage. Zahara buries her face between Shirina's globes.
Shirina addresses you while this goes on. "These friends of yours wouldn't happen to be named Lanx and Fira, would they?"
"So you know them?" Euna asks.
Zahara places the next berry again between Shirina's breasts and wedges her face between Shirina's tits. Shirina holds the girl's head to her chest while addressing you. "Fira is always trading with me for this or that. If you'll watch the food displays for a minute, I can go fetch some for you." She stands. "Why don't you enjoy some berries with Zahara while I'm away. They're quite fresh today. Right from the garden."
You and Euna take her place on the perch. Zahara seems disappointed with Shirina's departure, but only momentarily. She happily shares the berries.
You attempt to place the berry in Euna's cleavage.
She bats your hand away. "Behave yourself."
You press your face to her cleavage. In a pretend effort to catch the berry, you push it farther down between her breasts.
"Easy now!" She yelps ticklishly. Your nose and tongue worm deep. It's not enough. You hook her gown and slide the silk out of the way, exposing her breasts.Your tongue works around the ropes of her fishnet top, covering both it and the valley of her breasts in slobber.Her bodice is in the way. You hook it with your finger and pull down. Her breasts spring free.
"Excuse me!" She tries to pull away.
You only dig deeper. The berry is threatening to fall down toward her naval, but just barely, you snag it with your tongue. Victorious, you emerge with the berry between your teeth.
Zahara applauds. Euna is red and flustered, and she quickly tucks her bared breasts away. Zahara didn't seem to have mind in the least. Realizing this, Euna settles down, but she still narrows her eyes at you. "Naughty..."
As you bend low, Euna seems poised to stop you at any moment, and you can feel her holding her breath as you bury your face between her boobs. Your tongue licks along the cleavage to scoop the berry, and she squeals.
When you emerge, she's red in the face and hastily wiping away your saliva. Zahara cheers at her bravery, which makes Euna redden all the more.
"That was naughty," she says.
"I know it was," you reply. "I can't believe you'd let someone do that to you. How unbecoming!"
"Oh, you know what I mean, you silly buffoon."
Euna flinches and bats your hand away. "Stop that," she says. "Just sit quietly."
So you do.
"A losing game, it sounds like," she says. "You'd have me forever doing lewd acts for you."
"Would that be so bad?"
She tries not to grin. "It might."
"Good," she says. "Make sure I don't have cause to doubt that."
As you bring the fruit to her lips, she regards you coolly, but there is a hint of amusement about her. Ultimately, she opens and lets you pop the berry in her mouth.
Zahara takes a turn. She places a mulberry between her lips and looks to you two with inviting eyes.
However, before you have a chance to steal the berry from her like last time, Euna hurries forward and tries to snag the berry for herself. Zahara darts her head away, forcing Euna to crawl over her. Their mouths meet, ever so briefly, and Euna comes away with the berry.
Euna is proud of herself, while Zahara is left flustered. Her eyes are for Euna, but Euna is ignorant of this. "Thank you, Zahara. That was most enjoyable. I think we're finished playing for now."
"Oh." Zahara's disappointment is clear. "Of course. If you ever want to share berries again. I'll be around." And she scoots away.
"Maybe I should be jealous," you say.
"If I take the berries for you, then it keeps you out of trouble."
"Is that so? What else can I get you to do in my place?"
"Whatever I must. Maybe you should be careful what I have to do, or I'm apt to have my own affairs."
"Careful," you say. "I might call you on that bluff."
"And you'll have no one to blame but yourself when Zahara and I run off without you."
For the rest of the time, Zahara eats in peace.
You place the berry in Euna's cleavage. She eyes you, waiting to see what you'll do.
You place the berry in Euna's cleavage. She rolls her eyes as you do so, but she doesn't stop you.
Euna takes the berry and places it in her cleavage. She waits to see what you do about it.
However, it seems you're now out of time.
You do so. Rather than eating it, she holds it between her teeth. Her eyes dare you to do something about it.
Euna takes the berry and places it between her teeth. She watches you with come-hither eyes.
You take a blackberrymulberrystrawberrybilberry from the bowl.
Euna watches to see what you do. There's a playful air about her.
Euna watches with interest.
You lean to catch the berry for yourself. Zahara pulls away, and so you must lean closer. And that's when Zahara locks lips with you. Your tongue hooks the fruit, and her's fights to keep it back. After much sensual sparring, you win the berry.
From the look in Zahara's eye, she would very much like to spar again.
Euna, however, is not amused at all. Snagging your arm, she pulls you close. "Thank you so much," she says to Zahara, "but I think we're done playing now."
"Of course. I understand." Zahara takes the bowl into her lap and scoots away.
"You don't need to worry," you say to Euna.
"Don't I?" she asks. "Sometimes I forget what a philandering foolfilly you are."
"Rest easy. This philandering foolfilly belongs to only you."
"Then you'll just have to find ways to keep my attention all to you."
As you're peeling off your shirt, Euna stops you. "Why? We're not going in the cave, are we?"
"I thought we would," you reply.
"But there's no point. We already have the jewel. I don't think we were welcome to return to the keep."
"Who says we're going to the keep? You don't want to visit our slithering friends in the cave?"
"Oh, sure. As much as I'd love to get violated again by dangerous subterranean beasts, I don't think we should take unnecessary risks. There are other ways to get off."
"Very well, then." You put your shirt back on.
You and Euna are on a beach which ends against an ocean bluff. Waves gently rush against rocky crags. The steep stone wall rises up to a summit which looks over the ocean.
"Impressive," Euna says. "I suppose this is as far as the beach goes"
"We can keep going," you reply, "if we just climb around the bluff."
"Up to you," she says. "So long as we're not swimming around it."
Investigate the bluff for a cave entrance.Enter the water caverns.
You and Euna retire to the alcove. Euna strips nude and lies down upon the bedding. When you join her, she nuzzles against you.
You and Euna retire to the alcove. She adjusts her gown modestlyslips off her fishnet topstrips down to her chemise and lays down upon the bed. When you join her, she cuddles up to you.
After cleaning up, you both turn in.
"Goodnight." She lays down beside you and gives you a long kiss before resting her head on your shoulder.She gives you a long kiss before you two curl up together.
You both prepare to sleep.
"I shall take the cave," Euna says.
"Of course you will."
"You..." She looks around, "can sleep anywhere else you choose."
"How gracious of you. Am I allowed to stay in view?"
She considers. "You may. I would prefer it. For my safety. I think I've had enough of the Nimic necessity to sleep in private."
"Your Highness!"
"It's simple foolishness here with such monsters running about." She arches an eyebrow at you. "You will behave yourself."
"On my honor." You nod solemnly.
She retires to the cave. You locate a patch of earth nearby and lay down beneath the open sky.
"I shall take the back of the cave," Euna says, "and you can sleep here, near the entrance."
"I'm allowed to sleep near you, am I?"
"Yes. We've only one shelter. I think I've had enough of the Nimic necessity to sleep in private."
"Your Highness!"
"It's simple foolishness not to. We've only one shelter." She arches an eyebrow at you. "But we lie down together as Nimic sisters would. Understood?"
"On my honor." You nod solemnly.
You both retire for the night.
You both prepare for bed. Euna retires to the cave while you find a comfortable patch of earth to sleep upon.
You both prepare for bed. Euna takes the bedding deeper within the alcove, leaving you nearer to the entrance.
You lift up.
Euna breaths deep, and then licks her lips delectably. Her breath tickles against your hole. It digs right in when you sit back down.
She's left gasping. Her face is red, and her thighs are rubbing together. There's hardly any
She curls over and gulps for air.. Her face is red. "I was starting to think you weren't going to let up." A few deep breaths. "I was starting to panic." Once she's regained her composure, she lies back down.
Euna heaves for breath. She curls onto her side and coughs. Her face is tinged a little blue.
"Oh my Lord..." More breaths. "That was intense. I honestly thought I was going to pass out."
"But you made it," you say. "And was that your tongue I felt start back up?"
She nods, still gasping. "I realized there wasn't any point to fighting. If you were going to suffocate me, I might as well keep up my duty... like a good little whore." She recovers a minute longer. "It was almost liberating actually."
"You could have killed me. There was nothing I could do about it. So I stopped worrying about it and just trust in you. I realized my life was in your hands, and I accepted that." She rolles back onto back. "Maybe it was just the suffocation talking. But... God that was intense."
She shakes her head. "One life-changing near-death experience is enough for tonight. But this has left me rather bothered."
She lies back down. "Up to you."
She hasn't even fully recovered by the time she straightens back out, eyes tearing and nose running. Her body still writhes as though deprived. From the look in her eyes, she may be craving something more than oxygen. She clutches the rope binding her hands and eyes you suggestively.
She straightens back out soon enough. Her eyes are tearing, and her lips are blue. Her body must still be low on air—she's certainly gasping enough—but otherwise she seems to have taken your suffocation in stride. This seems almost rote to her.
Euna doesn't immediately gasp for air. She doesn't even seem aware of anything, much less that you've lifted. Then comes a ragged, sobbing gasp. Her eyes are unfocused. All she does is gulp air as the blue tint fades from her face. Eventually, her eyes focus.
"What in the world were you thinking?" she snaps. "You could have killed me."
"Not without a few more minutes."
"Well, don't you think maybe you should have stopped after I went limp? How could you think I'd enjoy that?"
"Maybe I pushed it a little too far," you say.
"My head hurts now, and my ears are rushing."
"You'll be better in a minute."
She nods. "I don't think I can keep going anymore. My head hurts too much."
"You think?" She winces. "My head hurts. My ears won't stop rushing."
She winces her eyes. "Sure you are. I think we're quite done now. I'm in no more mood."
"Did I... just pass out?"
"No, I think you just blanked for a moment."
"Lord..." She winces. "My head is hammering."
"You'll be fine."
"How dare you." Euna smiles coyly. Her thighs rub together as they often do when her hands cannot reach her own sex. "You actually choked me out... your own tsarivna." She streches out her body as though waking. "Lord, that was a rush. My head is still spinning."
"Does her majesty crave another rush?"
"It spoils it if you have to ask," she says. "Surprise me."
"Oh, I know..." She bites her lips. Her thighs rub together as they often do when her hands cannot reach her own sex. "You actually choked me out... for your own gratification... It's like I'm nothing more than a seat for you. No thought for my own wellbeing."
"I think I might retake my seat," you say.
"My face is yours to use as you wish," she replies.
Before she's fully recovered, she's already lying back down. Her eyes are red and teary, her breath is still ragged, but she's ready for whatever you do next.
Euna does not take in a deep breath. In fact, she doesn't breath at all, and she's blue in the face.
Quickly, you try to breath life into her, but it seems your suffocation game went on just a little longer than it should have. And now you're facing a future without her. It might be harder, but it also might be easier without having to look out for her all the time.
Whatever that future is, it won't involve going home, not without her to pardon you.
Euna is as dead as you'd expect. Her face is blue, she's a little cold already, and her eyes are vacant. No point in even checking; there's no question.
The real question is: what are you going to do now?
"Oh, never mind that," Euna says.
"No, no. Why would a convent of chaste nuns be discussing how to fellate a man?"
"They weren't discussing how, just times that they had."
"Times before coming to the convent?"
"You of all people should know that a group of young women won't completely forget about their urges."
"Do share."
"Another time perhaps. I shall not divulge all of the secrets of the convent at once."
"But I will remember this," you say.
Pushing her legs up to her chest, you up the pace until you're hammering into her. Flipping Euna over onto her hands and knees, you press back into her ass and begin hammering. Euna's face pinches in pain. She seems about to complain; her hands work against her binds, but a word never quite leaves her lips.She seems about to stop you, but her hand hovers. It redirects to her jiggling breasts and squeezes.
The grotesque sounds of slapping flesh are punctuated by her gasps. She chews her lip, face contorted as though this is a punishment she's enduring, but soon come the first whimpers. They build until suddenly her thrusts against you become irregular. Then she feels your cock throb and fill her with cum, and that sets her off. She's all spasms now, muscles clenching in delightful ways.
Afterward, she curls up close. "Angry with me perhaps?"
"Not angry, no."
"Are you sure? You punished me so, and I'll be sore. Reminds me of the discipline I suffered back at the convent." She snuggles close. "Of course if it were always so enjoyable. I would have been a much naughtier girl."
With one hand buried in Euna's wombsnatch, you begin poking fingers into her ass.
With one hand still buried in Euna's ass, you slide three fingers inside her.
A sly smile comes over Euna. She rolls onto her side and hugs one leg to her chest. This lines you up perfectly for what you both have in mind.
Her ass is dry, but the hand buried in her pussy is slick. So you switch hands. Your slick hand disappears up her ass with minimal effort, but now to work your other hand into her gash.
Four fingers go in. She's dripping wet. However, pushing in your thumb takes force due to the hand already lodged in her ass. You jolt your fist against her pussy. Each time Euna's body rocks. She's wincing in pain. "Don't stop..." she mutters. "Rip me open if you have to."
So you pry both her holes this way and that in order to make room. She cries in pain, but it works. Your fist slips inside her.
"Oh, Lord." Euna looks down at her stretched holes.Euna reaches down and feels your wrists. "That is obscene. Two fists. I'm such a loose harlot. Can you remember when I was afraid to take a simple cock inside me?"
"It wasn't long ago."
"No, it wasn't." Euna hugs her knee to her chest. "And now I need nothing more than for you to punish my loose holes. Please have your way with me.""I hope you're not planning to just let your hands sit there."
You push in with the fist in her ass while you pull back from her womb.vagina. Your knuckles slip free of her deformed slit while your other hand explores her bowels. Then you reverse. Your knuckles squeeze free of her anal ring while you punch your fist past her abused cervix.punch up against her vaginal floor. Euna whimpers each time you piston into her with alternating fists. The skin about her holes deforms wildly. Her slit pushes in while her ass distends out, and then the other way around.
Euna is beside herself. Her body quakes. After only a few minutes of this brutal stuffing, she loses control. It's as though she's seizing with how much tremors rock through her. Her toes curl, and her holes clench your fists with amazing strength, and her pussy oozes juices onto your arm.
You don't slow down until she goes limp, and then you leave your arms buried in her while she seems to take a quick nap.
A few long breaths later, her limp holes start clenching again. "That was intense," she whispers. "I'm not even sure if it was pain or pleasure I felt. It was amazing."
"This? This was amazing?" You start alternating your fists.
She smiles, and gestures for you to stop. "No. I can't anymore."
"Can't what? Do this?" You pump even more. Her holes clench again. Her breaths picks up, as does her body's quaking.
"No, no. Enough." She clamps her thighs around your arms. "You'll have many more days to wear out my poor holes. Please, sit with me while I recover."
You pull out. Each emerging fist causes her to shudder, but she's too drained to get back into it. The moment you lie down beside her, she snuggles up against you.
"What have you turned me into?" she mutters.
There are lumps of mushed shit in her bowels. You collect them as you thrust. When you pull out, it's like you clutched a handful of mud.
"Don't stop now. Please." Euna clutches the ropes tethering her arms overhead.slips two fingers from either hand into her filthy cunt to spread it open. Shit oozes over those fingers. She either doesn't notice or doesn't care. "I'm so close."
You feed the dripping handful into her polluted snatch. Her lips grip your wrist.
With your other fist in her ass, you work her hard until she's screaming. From her legs, her hips, and her hands all work in unison to pull you closer—deeper into herself.
And then it's done.
Finally she notices. Her pussy is painted brown. "Oh Lord..." When she bears down, shit oozes from her slit. "Oh my Lord." She yanks desperately on the ropes until you get her free, and she immediately covers herself, only for the mess to ooze between her fingers.slaps a hand over herself, only to find her fingers are already messy. "Oh my heavens! You didn't stop?"
"You told me to keep going."
"This is... Oh Lord... I've got shit in my womb."I've got waste in me."
"You knew you were getting messy, didn't you?"
"Yes, but not like this." She gets up. "I've got to clean up."
Hand pressed to her crotch, Euna scampers off naked.
She's gone a long time, and returns dripping wet. She lies down beside you.
"Clean?" you ask.
"I'm not sure I'll ever be truly clean again. You were quite liberal."
"You knew perfectly well how liberal I was being," you whisper. "And you know you loved it."
"Maybe. Maybe not. But we shouldn't get quite so messy again. It's unhealthy."
"Never again?"
She's quiet for a good while. "Maybe not never."
Finally she notices. Her pussy is painted brown. "Oh my..." When she bears down, shit oozes from her slit. "Oh my. You've once again polluted my womb."left me a mess."
"You told me to keep going."
"Oh, I know, but I should clean up now."
She bears down and pushes the worst of the mess into her palm, then crawling over, she deposits the mess in a nearby pot. A few more pushes and dumps, and she comes crawling back to you and snuggles up close. She still reeks of shit.
"You call that cleaning up?"
"I know I'm not allowed to bathe without your permission," she says. "If you would like me to clean more thoroughly..."
"No. Not now."
"As you wish, my master."
"Just like that? no complaint?"
"I can take a bathe tomorrow morning if I feel like it," she replies, "but I got the worst of it out."
"If you say so."
"I'm a shit whore," she replies. "My cunt doesn't deserve to be clean." She plants a kiss upon you. "Thank you for treating my cunt the way it's meant to be."
"Do you think you're finally ready to try a carnal sin?"
"Hmm." She strokes your hair. "You and your strange fixation of my rose."
Your eyebrows dance.You bite your lip mischevously. "Well?"
"Do you want to try something new?" you ask.
"Hmm." She pulls her ass away from your face and scrutinizes you. She looks down at you between her legs. Holding you tight against her with her sex squeezing, she scrutinizes you. She scrutinizes you. "You are suggesting the carnal sin of anal sodomy, yes?"
"I love it when you talk dirty."
Your response is to peck her with a sweet kiss.
"What else is there for two women to do besides what you've already been doing?" she asks. "We can't exactly engage in the act of sodomy. That sin requires men."
"Women can sin just fine on their own. We just need a cock of our own to work with."
"If you have a cock we can use, then I will humor you."
"I just might." You fetch the ropes and the pestle. With a few neat binds about your pelvis, you've got the pestled fastened between your legs such that it sticks up like a rigid cock."
Euna eyes it warily. "I see..."
"You did say you'd humor me."
"Very well, you pervertlittle hussy." She rolls over. "As long as we go slow. I've heard it's important for the first time."
"Did you hear that from Fira?"
"Is she wrong?"
"No, she's not."
"Then we go slow. And we use that." She looks to the lubricant you brought out. "And"Then we go slow. And we stop as soon as I say no. And if it gets... messy. That will be your fault, since this is your idea." She's blushing a little as she says the last part.
Euna pulls her knees to her chest.
After coating your fingers in akkoro slime, you spread it about her anus. And you push a few fingers into her. She flinches; her hole tightens.
After coating your fingers in daywither slime, you spread it about her anus. And you push a few fingers into her. She flinches; her hole tightens.
You resume a slow, steady penetration of her ass using your finger. You try to introduce a second. She flinches; her hole tightens.
"Sorry," she says.
"It's just a reflex." You work your fingers work in and out until her asshole remains slack.
"Slowly now," she warns.
"Of course." You position your cockthe pestle at her ass. Gently, you push, pausing when she clenches, until you're bottomed out. Withdrawing is another bout of stop and go, but when you reenter again, she hardly tenses at all. Eventually, you have a slow pace of thrusting in and out.
"This is very strange," she says. Her hips start humping in time with your thrusts. Her expression is that of someone trying an exotic food for the first time. The pestle still buried in her snatch. You work it in and out in rhythm while fucking her ass.She works it back and forth as though grinding spices. It deforms and stretches her pussy, and tightens her anal passage. The double penetration sends her to another level of pleasure. Her hand moves to her clit and begins tracing small circles about it.
"Enjoying yourself?" you ask.
"I might be." She's sounds short on breath. "Go faster."
You speed up. Your thighs slap against her ass. Moans escape her lips. Her ass humps against you. This sex is no longer a tentative trial. Her moans turn to ragged whines that reach a crescendo.
"Come with me..." she mutters. "Come with me."
Her hand works frantically at her snatch. Her moans turn to ragged whines. Her body spasms, and her ass clutches your shaft like a vice. Bottomed out, you fire cum deep into her bowels.the pestle like a vice.
You're wilting by the time she comes down. Breathless, she goes limp and rests her eyes. You remain draped up on her, holding her against your chest.gently laying kisses along her neck and down between her breasts.
"I've just committed the carnal sin of sodomy," she whispers. "A unclean act practiced only by lustful sinners.""And with a woman no less. Nimel would not be pleased."
"Was it worth it?"
She twists around to look you in the eyes. Her smile is warm and content. "What do you think?"
You start pushing in. This time, when she resists, you don't stop, not at first. You go a little deeper into her bowels. With the next thrust, you go deeper still. Her anal ring grows tighter the farther up your arm you go.
Hissing, Euna pulls away. "Too much."
"Just relax." You push harder. "Or this will hurt more."
More resisting. "Ah! Too much! I don't think I can do this."
"I guess we'll find out."
Hissing, Euna pulls away. "I said go gently."
"I am," you reply. "I'm gently going deeper."
"Is this safe?"
"Perfectly safe," you say, although you actually have no idea.
Euna bites her lips. "Very well. Plunder deep, but use your common sense."
You plunder her hole more aggressively. Reaching, you take hold of her shoulder for leverage and begin forcing your fist deeper.
Her bowels are warm, like a sleeve about your arm. You jab farther with little jerks. With each, it's as though Euna hiccups, but you gain bit by bit. Deep inside her, you feel a curve in her intestines. You can just hook your fingers around it, but at that depth, her anal ring it too tight about your forearm to go any further.You're almost up to your elbow by the time you stop making progress.
Euna is whimpering as you jab for more progress, but there is none to be had. "You're splitting me open," she moans.
So you pull out, until her anal ring is about the widest part of your knuckles, and then back in. Full deep thrusts with penetration deeper than she's ever had before, and every time you try to force your arm farther. Tears form in Euna's eyes. Her fingers play over her clit.
And then she cries out. It's a powerful orgasm that takes her minutes to come down from. Her ass is like a vice around your arm all through it, refusing to let go until she's done. By then, Euna is limp. You extract your arm. Juices coat its length.
"Oh my Lord," she mutters. "It feels like you stirred my insides. Now I'm all mixed up." She sighs. "I don't think I could handle that very often."
"Well, I plan to do it whenever I want," you say. "So from now on, you're going to start training your ass to take bigger insertions the same you train your cunt. Is that understood?""So you better start training your ass to take bigger insertions the same as you train your cunt, or I'm going to end up splitting you apart."
Exhausted, she nods. "Yes, my master. I will begin training. My ass is yours to do with what you will."
"Good. Make sure it's just as accomodating as your cunt."
"Oh my Lord," she mutters. "It feels like you stirred my insides. Now I'm all mixed up." She sighs. "I see I'm going to have to start training my ass to take fistings just like I train my cunt."
"You're going to give yourself even more daily stretching exercises?"
"After an orgasm like that, I'm certain I won't ever be satisfied with an anal fisting again unless it's elbow deep and merciless." She gives a tired grin. "You've ruined me just a little more."
She doesn't turn when she feels your saliva on her hole, but she does when you smear it about and start working fingers into her.
"That is not sufficient," she says. "You'll tear me apart."
"If you say so." You spit several more times. Your saliva runs rivulets along her thigh.
"You don't honestly believe your spittle is enough, do you?"
"Maybe it'll sting a little, but we already know your ass can take my fist, right?"
"Hmm." Euna pulls her legs up to give you better access. You worm two fingers into her ass. It's not easy. Your spit isn't quite doing the trick. The skin of her anal ring drags against your fingers. Nonetheless, tucking your thumb, you push and prod. It takes incredible amounts of back and forth. Euna is trying her best not to cry out, but this is far from a smooth entry, but through force, you make her ring expand to take your fist.
"See?" you say.
"It hurts..."
"I'm sure, but I'm still going to wreck your ass, so get used to it."
"As you wish." She settles back. "Please, don't concern yourself with my suffering."
"I wasn't planning to."
"That was not nearly as comfortable," she says.
"But so much more sexy," you say. "You can take a fist in your ass without any help."
"I suppose it is impressive in its own right. Very well. Kindly get to work sodomizing me with your fist. Ignore any whimpers."
"Of course, Your Highness."
You work your fist in and out. Her anal ring collapses inward with each shove, and tents outward with each withdrawal. Small smears of blood appear on your arm.
Euna is in tears. Her wrists strain against their binds. Her fists clench the sheets. She's braced back on her elbows. But she's keeping her legs stay spread for you, trying her best to endure the pain of such a dry violation.
After doing it long enough, however, her sobbing cries rise in pitch, until she becomes a tense, convulsing mess.
Long after sex has concluded, her breathing is still labored, and she's tenderly feeling her damaged hole. Each touch causes her to wince. "I think it's torn."
"You'll be fine," you say. "We'll just leave it alone for a while."
She nods and curls up to you. Her sniffling eventually subsides. "It's okay if you don't want to," she finally says. "If you want to fist my ass again..."
You kiss her. "We'll let it heal for now."
She relaxes. "Thank you."
"Will you be all right?" you ask.
She nods and curls up to you. "I'll just need to leave it alone a while, but Lord, was that intense."
She stares at you. "You're asking me to defecate more?"
"I'm not asking," you say. "I'm ordering."
"As you wish."
"It won't be an accident if you do it on purpose."
"Your perversions have no limits," she says, "but if you want to see it..."
Euna faces forward again. She hardly strains at all before pulverized waste oozes freely from her hole. It falls between her legs. She glances back and gives you a sly look. Suddenly, she kneels back and presses her ass against the growing pile. Her hips grind, spreading the mess around. Filth still pours from her hole. She's merely mashing it into the pile, creating a larger mound to sit upon. Though in the end, she's sitting on a mountainous crater of filth, and her ass is an absolute mess.
"And finished," she says. "Enjoyed the show?"
"I did."
"Good to know. Now, I desperately need to get cleaned."
"I suppose you're right," she says. "We just sodomized in filth, and I'm worried about a small droplet. Let's go."
Her eyes go wide realizing what you're demanding. Your wilting cock has brown smears along its length, and a small accumulation under the crown.The pestle dangling between your legs. It has brown smears along its length, and a small accululation packed under the ropes binding it.
She nods. "I will try."
"Are you serious?" she asks.
"It's your mess, isn't it?"
You sit back.
Euna gasps when she feels the wetness of your tongue running up the crack of her ass. She whips her head around to look.
A film of sludge overwhelms your senses. The grimy texture coats your mouth with foul flavors. The first few swipes scoop a tongue-full which you struggle to swallow down. Her smooth hole flexes and winks as your tongue caresses over it.Her hole flexes as your tongue clean it and suck each hair about the rim.
Euna arches her back and pushes her ass out. Your tongue causes her to shiver.
"I don't know what has come over you," she says. "but since you're at it. Make sure to do a thorough job. I won't be going to that ice-cold river tonight. You can though, after I'm clean."
Once the worst is done, you focus on all remaining smears, wherever they may be on her skin. Some come within a narrow width of her pussy.
Eventually, she's clean of any visible mess.
"Now." She reaches back and spreads her ass wide. "Give it a good kiss. Show grace for the pleasure my hole has given you."
You do so. Afterward, Euna rolls over and sits. There's still a small pile at the foot of the bedding, but her eyes fall first on your wilting cock. It has brown smears along its length, and a small accumulation under the crown.
After some thought, she says, "Sit back."
"What happened to cleaning at the river?"
She pushes you onto your ass.
"Thank you." Euna rolls over. Her eyes settle on your wilting cock. "May I please clean you too?"
You sit back.
"Thank you." Euna rolls over. Her eyes settle on your wilting cock. "Maybe I could clean you too?"
"Are you sure?" you ask.
She nods. So you sit back.
Euna rolls over and sits. There's still a small pile at the foot of the bedding, but her eyes fall first on your wilting cock. It has brown smears along its length, and a small accumulation under the crown.the pestle dangling between your legs. It has brown smears along its length, and a small accululation packed under the ropes binding it.
Euna kneels by your cock.before you. The smell has hesitate at first, but she begins. Whether to get it over with, or out of boldness, she takes your wilting cock into her mouth and sucks. Her tongue whirls about your shaft.the pestle into her mouth and sucks. Then she suckles along its length. Though she gags, she recovers quickly.
With your shaft mostly clean, she tongues your balls. Without her hands to help, your dick flops against her face.
Another gag. This time, she has to pull away and rest. Her breath is heavy, and her stomach is revolting. Yet when she sees you watching her, she opens her mouth. Brown stains her tongue and marks her lips. She smiles, swallows, and returns to work. Its impressive commitment, especially since you never told her she needed to use her mouth to clean you.
With the worst gone, she works quickly now. Her tongue runs along your crown.Her tongue runs along the ropes looping its base. Soon, the only mess that remains is on her face as she beams at you.
"Satisfactory?" she asks.
"For me, yes. You're still quite the mess." You point.
"How was that?"
You point. "You've got a little."
She swipes her tongue along her lips to catch any residue, except the mess extends along her cheeks. Euna gets that sense from the look in your eyes.
"Maybe we should both go by the river," she says.
You two dispose of all the mess and hurry down to the river, where you both wash yourselves, the ropes, and the pestle thoroughly. Back in bed, you both lie down together.
"Was it worth it?" you ask.
"You mean did I enjoy the most debased sodomy of my life?" she asks. "I don't know. The smell was horrendous, and it was quite a mess. Yet..." She bites her lip. "Maybe it was the sensation of getting ravaged with my gut still full. Or maybe it was the sheer wrongness of it, but already I can feel myself warming up just smelling the stench in here. I think you've broken something inside of me."
She cuddles close. "And now we hold each other tenderly after filthy sodomy. What a romantic couple we make."
Euna's shapely ass is beautiful and pristine. Not a blemish covers it. Between her chicks is her anus. It's flowered outward somewhat and red from it's recent plundering.Between her cheeks is a sweet little puckered hole of the neatest shade of pink.
It twitches as you brush your fingers over it.
When your tongue tickles her perineum, Euna realizes what you're about to do and pulls away. She makes several muffled noises as though trying to speak. You pull her gag out.She pulls the gag from her mouth. "Don't do that."
"Why not?"
"Why would you want to? I'm..." She blushes. "It's unclean."
"Maybe that's why."
She gives you a perplexed look. "You are a strange little mannasty young lady."
"Don't worry. I know what I'm getting into. Just try to enjoy it."
She seems reluctant, but ultimately rests back. "Okay then. If you insist, but don't say I didn't warn you. You've no one to blame but yourself for what you experience."
You replace her gag. "Just relax."
You spread the cheeks of her ass and play your tongue along her rim.
"Hmm," she moans. "This is nice. You might regret doing this. I might make you do this more often now." "Get in there. Taste me." She pushes rump against your mouth.Reaching back, she spreads the cheeks of her ass.
Small flecks cling to the fur lining her hole. They come loose, filling your mouth with pungent, bitter flavor, but only for a moment.Pungent flavors fill your mouth for the first several seconds of tonguing her, but it soon passes. You run your tongue along her rim where it's stretched around the pestle. It squeezes the tool invaded her as though suckling the pestle.Your tongue cleans her rim, then you press in. She clenches and squeezes you out. You try again, this time, she relaxes. Your tongue stabs into her rear channel.
You writh and squirm as Euna pleasures you. Your thighs squeeze about her head. Your fist curls through her hair.
With a strong grip, you force her deeper into your sex. She whimpers. Her face buries deep in your folds. She can only keep licking while you maintain your firm grip with her hair.
With a strong grip, you press her face against your sex. She yelps and tries to pull away, but your fist clenches. Your thighs hug her skull. Only when she resumes tonguing you do you loosen.
As Euna sucks your cock, you rest your hand upon the back of her hand, winding your fingers through her hair. Then your grip tightens.
She whimpers. Her eyes meet yours momentarily, but with your fist's firm grip, she obediently keeps sucking you off. This is just your way of steering her rhythm.
She gives a muffled cry of surprise and tries to pull away, but your clenched fist keeps her in place. Her alarmed eyes meet yours, but seeing your dispassion, she slowly resumes sucking you off, while your hand controls her pace.
You pause fucking her just long enough to get her on all fours facing away from you. She gladly takes the pose and rocks herself back upon your hardwooden cock. She doesn't notice your hand taking a fistful of her long, golden hair.
Your first tug elicits a shrill cry. She tries to look back at you, but your grip doesn't allow, and using her hair as a handle, you yank her back upon your cock again and again.
She has no choice but to comply. Her ass clutches your shaft. Her body slaps against your pelvis. Euna's back is arched and her head is pulled back from your yanking. Animalistic grunts escape her throat, mixed with whimpers.
You curl your fist in her hair as she bobs on your cock. She doesn't react until you yank hard. She cries out shrilly. Her face is left upturned, staring up at you. Your cock rests upon her face, and she fishes for it with her mouth like a dog straining her leash, but your grip holds her steady.
Then you steer her head back down upon your cock, leaving her no control at all. She sucks as much as she's allowed until you yank her off again to prostrate her before you. Each time, she's left gasping.
As you're having sex, you bring your fist down on Euna's stomach. She tenses. Her pussy squeezes your cock. Yet she eases back and gives you an assenting look.
More punches, each causing a squeeze and sharp breath, each a little harder, until one hard strike causes her flinch. Hands bound, she can only squirm.Breath heavy, Euna brings a hand to her clit and rubs fervently. However, this does block you from further strikes.
You punch Euna in the stomach, lightly. She flinches. Sex stops.
"...did you just punch me?" Euna says.
"Like all those silly girls in town?"
"They must find something they like about it."
Euna bites her lip in contemplation. She scoots further up the bed and props herself against the pillows. "Enjoy yourself.""Do it again." She says, "but carefully."
You situate yourself over her. The first punch is hardly a tap. The second and third cause her to flinch. By the fourth and fifth, she's tensing her abdomen against the punches, so for your next punch, you freeze just a second before striking her flesh, and then you strike. Hard.
Euna curls up. "Oohh, you devil!" She clutches her stomach and takes deep controlling breaths. There's pain, clearly, but something is happening inside her, as evident from her slow writhing and the gentle gyration.
"So?" you ask.
"I think..." She rubs her thighs together to create pleasant friction. "...that I'm done experimenting for now. But this was illuminating." Sensually, she stretches out and arches her back, putting her body on full display. "Please return to battering my body in your more conventional manner."
You oblige, and soon you're once again astride Euna and buried deep inside her.
As you're having sex, you bring your fist down on Euna's belly. It nearly doubles her over, even as you're fucking her. For the next punches, Euna bites her lips to keep from crying out, but enough hard swift blows and she's contorting. Her hands are desperate to defend herself, but tethered as they are over her head, she's helpless.but she keeps them over your shoulder, out to the side, over her head, or anywhere to keep them out of the way. Her pussy squeezes your member with each strike.
Your last punch is with most of your strength. She bursts out coughing.
"Oh Lord, enough!" She curls up.She clutches her belly. Despite her twisted mask of pain, she cradles you with her legs to welcome you to fuck her deeper.
You lightly punch Euna in the stomach. She flinches, and sex slows.
"Punching me, are you?" Euna says. "Like those silly girls in town?"
"They must find something they like about it."
Euna stretches back without letting you slip out of her. "Go on then, those girls were getting punched a might bit harder than that. Do better.Treat me properly."
You deliver punch after punch to her abdomen, feeling her pussy tighten around your cock.
"Harder," she says. "Please."
Your next punch causes a rippling slap to sound out. "Augh!" She pulls the rope tethering her arms taught, unable to guard her belly, but then, "Just like that. Yes." She relaxes.cradles her belly, but then, "Just like that. Yes." Her hands move away.
Another punch, another cry. Another cradling. She struggles to keep still.herself from putting her hands in the way. Each blow knocks the wind out of her. Your next punch lands with nearly all your strength. "Oh, Lord. Augh. Enough!" This time she curls over. You slip out.
"I think I'm going to bruise..." She focuses on her breath. "It's like a jolt to my entire womb, but... I don't know why. It just causes such a stirring."
"It's a shock to your system," you say.
She nods, eyes closed. Rolling back over, she tenderly straightens out. "No more, but Lord in heaven, please fuck me now."
And you're inside her again. She holds you close and stares intently into your eyes with an expression muddled with pain and desire.
Without breaking stride, you bring your hand down upon her ass with a loud crack.
Her eyes snap open. Her pumping slows. She looks at you with an arched eyebrow. You continue on as though nothing were amiss. Little by little, she resumes humping against you. When you bring your hand down upon her ass again, she flinches, but doesn't slow.
Euna yelps. She glances at you. Her eyes twinkle with mischief.
So you slap her again, and again. With each slap, she shudders. The cheeks of her ass glow red.
You roll up so you're hunkered over Euna's face looking down her body. While she licks, you take a firm grip of both her nipples and pinch. She jerks and cries out into your sex. Instead of letting up, As you fuck her, While you hump her cleavage, you squeeze both of her bound tits viciously. Choked as they are, the pain is amplified, and Euna cries out in response.Euna hisses in response. You twist and squeeze, as kneading dough, By now, you've got firm grips on both her globes, like handholds to better fuck her with. It twists and pulls her flesh, You stretch them around your member with no concern for the pain your tit fucking is causing her, yet even as she writhes, Euna arches her back, jutting her chest outward as though desperate for this abuse.
As you pleasure her clit with your tongue, As you hammer into her, While your tongue tickles along her rim, As you work digits in and out of her snatch, your fingers trace along her rim. Euna, though lost in pleasure, widens her eyes. Her body trembles at the touch.
You press the tip of your finger in. It resists a little; she tightens up. So you resume circling the rim as you tongue her clit. as you fuck her. as your tongue teases about. as your other fingers work her pussy. Soon, you try again, and her hole slowly yields. Euna bucks. She grinds her sex against your face. Her sex squeezes your cock. Your finger works deep and pries her open for your tongue to delve. Your fingers are buried now in both her ass and her squeezing quim. Second knuckle. Third knuckle. Her ass easily allows you to slip in and out without resistance.
Then you get to work sucking and tonguing. You stab deep into her hole and feel her rim squeeze you out. It's having its effect. Her legs tremble and squeeze.
Almost as quickly as though you'd been working her clit, she's crying out and bucking purely from your stimulation to her anal rim.
And just like that, she's left gasping and spent.
"Ohh," she moans. "That was... oddly incredible."
"Sounds like you have a new favorite hole."
"Sounds like you do," she says. "I still don't see why you'd ever want to put your mouth there, but if it suits you..." She wraps her legs about you in an embrace. "Just don't expect me to kiss you."
You plant a kiss upon her navel. "In time, Your Highness."
Euna watches you, waiting to see what you'll do. Her eyes are pale crystal blue. She's washed off all her makeup, yet her natural features are still unmatched in their beauty.Her makeup provides her a sculpted beauty like a nymph. Her lips are luscious red.
Sit your ass on her face.Get yourself off sitting on her face.
Stroking her face, you bring your cock tantalizingly close to her lips. She pulls away.
"No," she says.
"A woman's mouth is not a receptacle. It is a sin for a man to lay seed anywhere but upon the womb."
"I don't have to lay my seed there."
"It's still a sin."
"So is everything fun."
She grins. "Are you trying to tempt me, Fool?"
"If you don't want to..."
"No no, it's..." Frowning, she studies at your cock. "I've already bedded with you. And you have done this very thing for me. I suppose it's proper that I reciprocate..."
"Only fair," you say.
Euna ponders the act a while longer. She makes up her mind and leans to tentatively licks the tip of your cock. The taste leaves her puzzled, but she tries again, this time sucking its entire head. Growing more experimental, she takes more of the shaft in her mouth. Though her focus is on getting used to your cock more than it is on pleasuring you. Which is fine. You let her take her time. Her curiosity is amusing.
Eventually she gets down to business, bobbing back and forth upon your cocks, taking as much of it as she can, which isn't much. This is not the best head you've ever received. In fact, it's close to the worst. She does go at it with spirit though.
It takes a long time before you feel yourself getting close. You groan and pump your hips, but when the time finally comes for you to erupt, it catches her off guard. The first shot of cum fills her mouth, and she snaps her head back. Your cock spurts dribbles of cum which run down your shaft.
It was the worst orgasm you've had in ages.
Having watched your cock erupt, Euna spits out the cum in her mouth.
"Normally," you reply. "The woman continues her efforts until the man has finished climaxing."
She realizes what she's just done. "Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't... I just." She bursts out laughing and pulls you in to a tight hug. "Please forgive me. It was my first time. It was unexpected."
"If you didn't expect me to peak, then what did you expect?"
She bats you playfully. "You know what I mean. I got caught up concentrating on pleasuring you. It just startled me." She shimmies down your body until her head is level with your cock. Delicately, she kisses it along its shaft. "Will you forgive me?" she asks. "I promise to do better next time."
"Nothing to forgive," you say. "It was a memorable experience."
"I suppose that it was."
You start first by kissing Euna. Her kisses migrate down your chin, to your neck, and your breasts. She's content to enjoy those, when you start guiding her down your belly.
She lingers once her kisses are upon your navel, and your nudging doesn't get her farther.
"A little bit lower," you whisper.
"I know what you're aiming for," she whispers. "I'm just... unsure."
"If you're not ready..."
"No, no. I've already bedded with you, haven't I. So it's not really not much more of a sin. And you've done so for me."
"I have," you say. "So will you kiss me back?"
Euna chews her lip in thought. She goes back to kissing your belly.
Slowly, her lips work lower, playing first upon your dick, but continuing onover your barefurred mound, to just outside the lips of your sex. She lingers, as though still torn. Her breath is both warm, yet it cools the slick wetness. She's taking in your aroma.
It starts with a kiss, on one lip, and then the other. They wander away, down your thighs, only to find their way back. This isn't reluctance anymore. It's teasing. Her breath tickles more than her lips. She leaves a trail up and down your lips, and a few right upon your button. Those kisses cause little jolts.
At first it's hard to distinguish her tongue. It taps as lightly as her lips, but then comes the first rasp. She's tasting you now. Her traces your folds, both in and out as though exploring—growing acquanted with a flower she'll come to love. And finally her tongue parts your lips and presses inside.
All coyness is gone now. Her tongue traces and tickles and circles. You're having trouble keeping still now. A well of tension is building inside you, which she seems to sense. For her lips focus upon your small nub. A final shockwave seizes you and sends you past a point of no return.
You can't help yourself. You tremble. You mewl. You writhe. And then you're done.
Euna rests her chin upon your belly and grins up at you. "How was that for a kiss, my love?"
Afterward, you two snuggle together. Though peaceful, her kisses upon your face and neck continue. Even resting, she can't stop from showing her love.
"A little more," you whisper, indicating your fingers.
A third finger slips inside you. After some pumping, then comes a fourth. Four fingers saw in and out with ease, and then she pauses, and there's the thumb. She's looking up at you inquisitively. You nod, so she tucks her thumb and pushes.
"A little more," you whisper, indicating three fingers.
She slips a third finger into you beside the first two. Her lips keep nuzzling your clit.
She does so hesitantly. It's starting to feel tight, but this isn't your limit.
"Euna," you whisper, and when she looks, you indicate your whole fist.
Her eyes go wide with bewilderment. "You can't be serious."
"Do it."
She does not return to sucking your clit, but focuses rather on sawing her four finger into you past her knuckles. You are still pliable, so after steeling herself, she tucks her thumb and pushes.
It's been a while. You focus on relaxing yourself, and even so its tight work, but you hump back against her, and soon her lips swallow her hand all the way to your lips. That wonderful full feeling is worth a little hurt.
"I wasn't sure if you could take my fist," Euna says. "I figure yes, but it's fun to find out."
Euna is flabbergasted. "My Lord." She works her fist in and out. "Doesn't this hurt?"
"Hmm, no." You're savoring the feeling. "Keep going..."
Her fist works timidly at first, as though afraid she might hurt you, but the harder you hump back against her, the more bold she becomes, until she's pistoning her hand into you well past her wrist. It brings both pain and pleasure, and it builds inside you until it's too much, and it all bleeds out of you at once.
Then comes the cramp. Her fist is big, and your muscles are tight.
With a little push from you, Euna extracts her hand. "What have you been doing with your life that you can take a fist like that?"
"I've been having fun while you were keeping your virtues up in that convent."
Euna traces her slick fingers along your thighs. "Apparently so."
"Would you like to learn more tricks about giving head?" you ask.
Euna stops her efforts and looks at you, her head by your crotch. "Of course."
"Want to learn a new trick?" you ask.
Euna stops her efforts and looks at you, her head by your crotch. "Such as?"
You whisper secrets into her ear.
A wide grin comes over her. "That's a bold request to make anyone, much less a tsarivna."
"I know," you say. "And what a scandal it would be if a tsarivna were versed in such a technique."
"The tsardom would be aghast at what a filthy harlot their heir was. Just the thought of someone of such royalty doing something so raunchy..." She chews her lip. "You should probably untie me if I'm to do a good job of it, at least for this time." Once you do so, Euna guides you onto your back and pushes your thighs up to your chest, leaving you fully exposed to her.
It starts with her tongue strumming your sex, just beneath your cock. It strums up and down its folds until extending past the bottom. perineum—the stretch of skin between your balls and your sphincter. It tickles every crevice.
Then she dives upon your puckered hole. After a few wet swipes of her tongue the rim, your hole would be no dirtier than her mouth. With that, her lips fasten around the hole, and her tongue burrows in. Her eyes lock onto yours, even with her nose buried under your ballsackin your sex. Her hands work your shaftcaress along your thighs as her tongue worms about your insides.
The sensations prove too much, and you erupt into the air. Ropes of cum splatter her face. Softer spurts ooze out over her working hands. Only once the last spurt has emerged does she stop her stimulating. Euna reverses course, tonguing her way up to your cock, licking away your seed. Finally, she sits back on her heels and beams with pride.
"Did I perform the trick properly?" she asks. Strings of cum mark her face and hair.
"You performed masterfully," you reply.
"As a tsarivna should." Euna snuggles her head against your chest.
"Are you not going to clean this away?" You motion toward the cum still smearing her.
She shrugs without opening her eyes. "Perhaps I enjoy your stain upon me. I'll get it later."
You hug her close. "It suits you."
The pleasure build inside of you different than if she were working your sex, and you're unsure you're going to get off at all, but after slow building, she stabs her tongue deep, and your climax just happens. This fount of pleasure spreads through you, making your toes curl and your breath shudder. Her fingers suddenly upon your clit causes you to scream out. You're left breathless.
She's sitting on her heels beaming with pride. "Did I perform the trick properly?" she asks.
"Couldn't have done it better myself," you reply.
"And men enjoy this too?"
"They like it more."
"Seems like it must be clumsier to do. Their rod and jewels must be in the way."
"You will get your nose buried in their sack," you agree. "Just use your hands, if they're free. Work their rod and their rose, and you'll have them signing songs about you."
"Songs of that shameless strumpet they once met." She snuggles up against you. "I don't know if I'll be plying this trick on men, but it's a good trick to know in case I ever decide. Thank you for teaching me."
"Of course," you say. "Anything to help you become a shameless strumpet."
You can feel her smile against your chest.
You relax your anus. Euna is worming her tongue past your ring, but then she feels the mass moving out.
Her tongue withdraws, and she struggles, but you keep right on pushing. When your log pushes through past her lips, she squeals in disgust. Her wrists strain against her ropes, but she doesn't throw you off.Her hands are poised, ready to push you off, yet she doesn't.
Then, her hands go flat at her side. No more resistance.
She tenses. The mass retreats. Euna remains poised, as though unsure whether to push you off. Then her hands where you can see,as though ready to thrash and throw you off. Then her bound hands relax, and she beckons. Go ahead, her hands say. Her lips fix about your rim.
You let your shit freely flow. It hits the back of her throat and backs up instantly, and like that, Euna is retching. She throws you off and sits partway up. It seems she's about to run to vomit, but no. She holds, half risen, with her cheeks puffed and a tip of shit sticking from her lips. The retching comes in bouts, but she's slowly winning control.
Her eyes find yours, and she begins to chew. It's difficult with so much in her mouth, and clumps fall onto her breasts. Her hands writhe about in their binding, as though filled with pensive energy.Her hand shoots between her legs and strums frantically. Her body contorts as much from heaving fits as it does from trembling pleasure, and she's heaving breaths, yet she persists in this disgusting self-torment.
With micro-swallows, she makes headway. The shit turns to sludge, which trickles into her belly. Eventually, she's able to pop the clumps on her breasts into her mouth. And once her tongue is mostly clean, she hefts her tits up and licks away the smears.
Euna looks queasy, but proud of herself.
"If you have any more," she says, "you can finish using my mouth."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"I'd like to please you," she says.
"I don't care. I could shit in the woods just as happily as I could in your mouth. I did this to help you become a proper shit whore so you don't embarrass yourself the next time a client wants it."
Euna chews her lip. "Is that what I am to you? A shit whore?"
"Yes. One who badly needs training. You should be thanking me for helping you."
A timid smile plays on her face. "Thank you."
"Thank you for what?"
"Thank you for helping me become a better shit whore," Euna says.
"Do you want me to finish shitting in your mouth?"
"Yes, please. I do."
"Then beg for it."
"Please, my master. Please shit in my mouth. Let me swallow your waste right into my sewer of a stomach. Let me gorge myself on your dung. Make me the best shit whore you could ever want. Help me make my mouth the perfect receptacle, because it's what you want. It's... it's what I deserve." She rolls over before you, making her mouth available to you.
"That wasn't nearly as horrible as I thought it'd be," she says.
"If you thought that, why'd you do it?"
"Because it might be the most intimate thing I've ever done. I took your shit into my sacred body. It sits in my stomach, and it will become a part of me. It's like we're bound together now."
"You make it sound romantic."
"It is. Eating your shit is the most profound declaration of love I've ever shown you, or anyone. I've polluted myself for you."
"I'm honored."
"Don't be too honored." She rests back. "I also did this for practice. The next time a john wants to shit in my mouth, I don't plan to back down again. Now come over here, squat over my mouth, and help me practice with whatever you've got left."
"As you command, your Highness."
You get into position over her. Her lips seal against your hole. And when you void, they stay put. Your crap slithers into her mouth. She chews and swallows rapidly. And after the last is gone, her tongue rasps your hole until you lift up. Euna is left licking her lips.
"Thank you," she says.
"For what?"
"For feeding me your shit."
"You're welcome. Make sure you always thank me," you say. "Or anyone else who's gracious enough to use your mouth."
"Yes, my master. I will."
"It's already getting easier," she says.
"Ready for other people?"
"I don't know. I ate your waste out of love. But if I take another person's shit into my body, it will be a loveless act. Nothing more than depravity."
"You'll be a shit whore pulling a trick."
"That's right." She shivers. Her wrists tug against the ropes. Her thighs rub together.Her finger play her clit. "I'm going to cum just thinking about it. Lord, I can't wait to take someone else's shit into me, for money. I'll be... oh Lord... I'll be the most depraved whore of them all. Hmm!" She's trembling now.
"You still have a ways to go," you say. "Are you ready to eat any stranger'sa man's shit? Countless johns? All filling your stomach, or your cunt? Smearing you in waste? You must be prepared for the most disgusting and degrading acts that will pollute your once-sacred body in vile ways."
"Oh Lord! I will! I'll torture my stomach! I live to wallow." Euna roils in ecstasy. "I'll be the shit whore you've made me!"
"You'll be a filth queen."
"Yesss! Oh, ohhh," and she's lost for a moment, body trembling. It's quite a moment of passion considering she was never able to touch herself.Her hand scrub between her legs until she's too sensitive for her own touch.
You kneel down above Euna's head such that your pestle cock is dangling right before her face. She looks at you inquisitively.
"Want to try something new?" you ask.
"Want to learn a new trick for giving men head?" you ask.
"Always," she replies.
"Then I'm going to fuck your face."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean instead of you sucking cock for me, I'm going to use your mouth for myself."
"It sounds like you want to... sodomize my mouth, for lack of a better word."
You nod. "I'm going to fuck it like it's just another hole to fuck."
She grins wickedly. "Sounds punishing." She lays down by your strapped-on manhood. "Then do so. Violate my face."
Lifting her head up by her chin, you push yourthe cock into her mouth. Once at the back of her throat, she gags. You keep on going until every inch of youthe tool is in her mouth. She has hardly a moment to adjust before you clutch her head and begin to fuck.
As you hammer her throat, she thrashes, though her head is fixed in place. She clutches your hips as though trying fruitlessly to control your rhythm. Her throat spasms around your shaft, only adding to your pleasure.Her throat swells each time the bulbous pestle hammers down her gullet.
You pull away for a second. She gasps for air. Saliva and mucus dribbles from yourthe cock, and drips onto her face. As flustered as she is, she keeps her mouth wide open, ready for reentry, and you slam back down her throat.
More retching and more struggling, but you ignore it and have your way with her. Each time you pull away, she's more desperate for breath than before, but her mouth never shuts.
After one particularly long run of face-fucking, your climax comes. You power right through it, firing seed down her throat. For the last few spurts, you bury yourself deep and hold. Euna's thrashing is dying down by the time you pull off.
This goes on for far longer than necessary for teaching her the trick. You rape her face until she's flopping about like a fish in need of air, and then you fuck her a few minutes longer. To finish, you bury the pestle deep and hold. Euna's thrashing is dying down by the time you pull off.
She gasps, coughs, sputters. Her face is a mess. Her eyes are bloodshot and tears stream down her face. Yet after she recovers, she seems unfazed.
"How very carnal." she coughs, "I nearly passed out."
"I saw."
"And yet you kept right on. How devilish of you." She cleans up her face. As she snuggles up close, she whisper on last thing. "I think I like carnal.""I look forward to letting men rape my mouth too."
You position yourself behind Euna and line your strapped on cock up with her asshole. When you press forward, her experience ass easily accept you all the way to the hilt with no resistance.Pressing forward, there's a little resistance at first, but then you slide in to the hilt. Euna lets out a shuddering moan of pleasure.
You slide nearly entirely out, then hammer back in. Back and forth, you build up a rhythm. Euna humps back against you. The ring of her ass milks your memberthe tool.
You warm her up first by gently pressing your fingers into her anus. Euna winces. She tries her best to relax, and bit by bit, her hole stops clenching. You situate yourself, hoist up her legs, and press your cockphallus in.
She tenses. "Take it slow," she says.
You do so, pushing gently and allowing her back passage to accept your memberthe tool. After bottoming out, you pull back until just the head is buried, then thrust back in. Soon, you building up a rhythm until you're fucking away at her ass.
With one slow stroke, you push all the way in until your pelvis presses against her ass. Her back arches. Her body shudders. You pull out until only the head of your cock is in her, only to plunge inside with force. This time, she cries out. Soon,Her fingers are instantly upon her clit, rubbing furiously as you hammer into her with full, powerful strokes.
The pestle in her snatch leaves her pussy stretched. ItAs you fuck her ass, she grasps the pestle still buried in her snatch and works it back and forth as though grinding spices. It deforms and stretches her pussy, and tightens her anal passage. The double penetration sends her to another level of pleasure.
Your climax builds.It's not long before she's trembling and mewling. With a few sharp slaps to her ass, you Gripping her long hair, you yank her back. She wails, and her ass squeezes tight, but you don't let her stop. Her ass slaps against your thighs as you You slam yourthe cock deep into her rectum. Your seed fills her bowels. She cries out in ecstasy.
Afterward, her asshole gapes a little. Cum bubbles from her still-open hole. "Ohh, that was intense." Hands bound overhead, she undulates in residual pleasure.She runs her fingers along her own hole, smearing cum, sliding inside a few times. "I shouldn't enjoy this," she whispers. "But maybe that's why I do."
You go to switch your arms. There are stains your knuckles. Euna hesitates.
"No?" you ask.
"I don't think so."
"You're already messy."
"I'm tainted, yes," she replies, "but that's... too much, I think. I'll already have a miserable time cleaning myself out. So keep those fists to their proper holes."So let's not. Please?"
"Very well." You aim your filthy fist as her ass and punch back in. She gasps in surprise, and after you've worked your other fist back into her wombcanal, you're back to pistoning her with both fists while she trembles and writhes.
You go to switch your arms. There are stains your knuckles. Euna clamps her thights together.
"No?" you ask.
"As fun as it was last time, I'd rather not spend half the night cleaning myself out again. I'm already tainted enough."
"Very well." You press your filthy fist back into her ass, then other back into her wombcanal. You're soon back into a rhythm.
You pull both fists from her holes.
"Don't stop," she pleads.
"Roll over."
Her eyes widen with realization, and she looks at your fists. One is covered in her vaginal secretions, and the other has light smears of scum running down your wrist. "Oh, that is depraved. You're going to sully me." She rolls over and pulls her other leg to her chest.
Her gaping ass easily takes your nectar-covered fingers. Your other fist lines up with her sex. Brown lines your fingernails, and it's packed between your fingers.
"It's so wrong," Euna mutters. "You're polluting me."
Her sex envelopes your hand up to your wrist. You press through her cervix. The filthiness of such an adulterated fisting has her quaking. With only a few thrusts, she's wailing. She tries to pull away one moment. The next she's humping against you as though trying to force your dirty fist deeper inside her.
Soon, she comes down, but you keep thrusting. She enjoys it while recovering her breath.
You switch arms and line your fist up with her yawning vaginal canal. Brown stains your knuckles. Euna looks at it apprehensively, then obediently rolls onto her other side, lining her holes up with your fists.rolls to her other side, lining her holes up with your fists and giving you unspoken permission. You press deep into her pussy and push through her cervix.You press back in. Those clumps are now dissolving in her already-tainted vagina.
She doesn't care. Euna rests back and basks as you press your other hand into her gaped anus.
You withdraw your fists again. It seems you're stirring the sludge in her bowels, because more is caking your fist this time. Euna whimpers in frustration and turns to align her holes with your switch.
"Don't stop," she mutters.
You press into her. She doesn't seem to care about the shit your fist took with it.
Once again, you withdraw. Euna rolls over automatically. Her eyes are closed, so she doesn't see the reservoir of shit caked over your fingernails. She must smell it though. You certainly can.
You push that fist deep into her womb. Brown juices leak from her lips.into her cunt. It's tinging brown.
Euna trembles in pleasure all the same as you work both her holes.
You pull out of her ass. Brown is caked between your fingers like mortar. She rolls without looking. "Put it in," she mutters.
You press that fist into her womb.snatch. Some clumps cling to her vaginal lips. Her slack ass is oozing shit when you press your other hand to it. It seeps between your fingers.
This time, when you pull out, you keep your fist loose. Your fingers scrape up sludge, leaving you with a small reservoir in your palm.
Euna rolls over and pulls one leg to her chest, leaving her split open. She's awaiting your fists. You oblige. That reservoir is lost deep inside her.
When you withdraw, you run your fingers along the sludge oozing from her asshole. It's a handful. You're careful reaching into her cunt and past her cervix to make sure that sludge stays in your palm. With your hand deep inside, you squeeze, and the sludge squirts out between your fingers.
She must feel the grimy sludge running from her stretched vagina, but must be too close to orgasm to care. She won't be lost to it much longer.
Leaving your fist buried in her womb,snatch, you begin working fingers into her tight asshole.
She's tight, and dry, but it only takes a few more dollops of daywither slime. Soon you're working four fingers into her ass. With one fierce push, you're in her up to the wrist with both hands.
She's tight, and dry, but it only takes a few more dollops of akkoro slime. Soon you're working four fingers into her ass. With one fierce push, you're in her up to the wrist with both hands.
She's tight, and dry, but your other fist is completely coated in her vaginal juices. You pull it out and work that hand into her ass instead. It still takes some work but soon it's up to your wrist in her ass.
Then you focus back on her drooling slit with your other hand. A few hard thrusts, and that wrist too is buried inside her.
Leaving your fist buried in her ass, you work your other hand into her sex.
Euna lets out a whimpered sigh. Then a series of gasped yelps as you start alternately sawing your fists in and out of her womb and the deep bowels of her colon.her hole. Within minutes, she's convulsing and whimpering. Her holes squeezes your arms.
You fetch the bottle of akkoro slime from the pack.
"Oh, that?"
"I've heard people use it for sex."
"I know. I think heard that from me, and I might regret telling you that."
"Why not? It's safe, isn't it?"
She sniffs the bottle. "It is, but... Oh very well. We can use that, if you want."
You fetch the bottle of lubricant.
"Where did you get that?" Euna asks.
"I have no idea," you reply.
You fetch the bottle of daywither syrup.
"I had a feeling you were talking about that," she says.
"It'll work, won't it?"
"It will." She eyes the jar. "Very well. We'll use it."
You slip a finger into Euna's anus. It slides in easily to the base. Euna's butt squeezes it.
A second finger slides in beside the first. Then comes a third. This one meets resistance, but you get the fingers all the way in. Experimentally, you splay your fingers, stretching her rim.
Euna hisses. "Gently," she warns.
"But keep going?"
She regards you coolly. "I see what you're doing."
"What am I doing?"
"You're looking to fit as much as you can. You weren't satisfied fitting your fist inside my nethers. Now you must abuse my poor bottom too."
"We don't have to do this."
"No. Go ahead, you deviant. I know you won't be satisfied until you've done so. But I must insist that you use oil."
Two fingers fit into her ass easy enough, but the third meets with friction.
"If you want to keep going," she says, "you need oil."
After slathering your fist, you After coating your fist with slime, you After lubing up with your mystery lubricant, you You collect some of Euna's vaginal discharge about your hand, and with what's left, you spit on her hole. It's hardly anything. Even pushing a few fingers into her is rough, and it causes her to hiss. You still work four fingers into her hole.
Euna feels around and slides a finger inside. "Hmm, seems like there's still room," she says.
"You're as curious as I am," you reply.
She shrugs. "Maybe I am. Maybe I've experimented a little myself."
"Perhaps I was getting myself ready for you. So go ahead, but please be careful."
"Wouldn't you like to know. Go on now. But be careful."
You're up to your knuckles now. Only your thumb remains, which you tuck and push. And push, and twist, and push, and jab, and twist. Try as you might though, you just can't quite get through the final knuckle of your thumb through.
Euna is relaxing as much as she can, but each jab causes her pain. "I'm not sure it's going to fit after all," she says.
"I've almost got it..." You push hard and don't relent. Her ass caves inward.
"Ahh, stop!" she squeals. "It's too much!"
But your knuckles slip through.
Breathless, Euna clamps her thighs around your arm.Breathless, Euna reaches and feels only your wrist. "My Lord. It's actually in!" She holds your arm in place. Your fingers are clamped together inside her by her enveloping rectum. Her anal ring squeezes your wrist. "Very slowly," she warns.
You're up to your knuckles now. Only your thumb remains, which you tuck and push. And push, and twist, and jab. Euna struggles through this as best she can,and soon your fist slips inside."and takes real force to work your hand into that dry hole, but you manage."
Her anal ring now clenches your wrist.
"Hmm," Euna pulls her leg closer toward her chest.
With each thrust you make, her ass relaxes a little more, you delve a little deeper. Soon her anal ring is clenching your arm up close to your elbow. Her bowels hug your arm like a warm sleeve, and your fingers feel the turn deep in her bowels.
You begin pushing in deeper, despite her clamping ring. Once you're half way to your elbow, you begin to pump harder and faster, plundering deep into her bowels.You push. She winces, and her anal ring clamps down. You're hardly able to gain an extra inch, but by working your fist about, you do manage a gentle rhythm even if your never dive deeper than your wrist. With your other hand, youShe reaches down to grind the pestle deep in her pussy.strums her clit. Her cries reach a crescendo, and suddenly, she pushes back on your invading arm, impaling herself.Soon, she comes to a moaning orgasm. Her ring squeezes. Her sex oozes over your wrist.
Afterward, her ass reluctantly gives up your fist with a small pop.
"Ooh, that was intense." Euna rubs her poor abused hole. "I hope you're satisfied. You've wrecked my poor bottom. I don't think I'll be walking right tomorrow."
"Then you'll be thinking about that orgasm with every step you take," you reply.
"Don't stop. Don't stop," she whines.
You press on until she's convulsing. Only then do her thighs clamp around your arm, holding your fist in place.does she reach down and grab your elbowwrist. "No more," she whimpers, but she does savor the slow pull as your fists emerge from her womb and the bowels of her ass fists emerge from her holes fist emerges from her ass with a pop.
"Oh Lord." Euna feels her abused groin. "My body really wasn't made for this. I'm going to be in pain for a while."
As she continues fellating you, you concentrate on her body. Her breasts dangle beneath her in the most wonderful way. Both so large and smooth. You reach for a handful and play with her nipples. From there, you run your hands along her body. Her skin is like alabaster—smooth and perfect. And to think that such a beautiful creature is pleasuring you with her mouth. It's truly erotic all on its own even if her performance is mediocre. Eventually, you manage to climax.
She keeps her mouth on you until you've finish. Pulling away, she scurries from the alcove to the edge of the camp. It's hard to see her in the dark, but she's most likely spitting your seed out over the ledge. Pulling away, she scurries out the hallway door. You hear her spitting up the mess in the head room down the hall. Pulling away, she scurries around the tree. You hear her spitting out your seed.
When she returns, she's smiling broadly, so proud of herself. It might be worth giving her some pointers at some point, but it's too late to do it tonight,At this early stage of her sexual exploration, it may be a bad idea to ruin her accomplishment, so you smile in return.
The moment you feel your orgasm approaching, you pull away. Sensing your desire, Euna settles back and strokes youryou take full control. Guiding her head back, you pump your own cock right before her face. She opens her mouth wide, but your seed splatters across her cheek, her nose, and her chin. Only after the last drop has dotted her forehead does she you let her move.
Euna sits back. "That was... unexpected. I would have gladly swallowed it."
"I'm sure you would have. I wanted to do something different."
"I see. Something messy."
"Don't like it?"
"I'd rather drink your seed, but I'll let you fire it wherever you wish." With her hands still bound overhead, she licks her lips clean of whatever she can.She wipes what she can off her face and licks her fingers clean. "I like it when you surprise me."
Euna licks her lips for what she can.wipes away the mess. "Thank you for blessing my face with your wonderful cum.""I think I'll keep your stain upon me." She curls close. "I enjoy it too much."
You present Euna with your cock.
Euna pulls away, nose wrinkled. "You do remember you just had sex with my bottom, don't you?"
"I remember." You keep your cock poised.
"And you want me to put it in my mouth?"
"I do."
"Hmm." She bites her lip in thought. "It is such a filthy thing, isn't it? Cleaning it would be such a vile act."
She makes up her mind. Her mouth envelops the head of your filthy cock. She sucks for a moment, then gags.
"Ugh, it's potent."
"I figured it would be. Do you want to stop?"
Instead of answering, she starts again. This time taking your cock half way into her mouth. Her tongue works along the shaft. Again she gags, but she doesn't back away. Soon, your cock is clean and glistening.
"And you thought I wouldn't, didn't you?" she says.
"Actually, I knew you would."
She grins and takes your cock back in her mouth. She gives it tender care with her tongue and lips, taking it far down her throat. Any hesitation she had is gone.
You present Euna your cock, fresh from her ass and smeared with streaks. Without hesitation, she lovingly takes it into her mouth.She hesitates at first, then tentatively takes it into her mouth. Immediately she gags, but this doesn't deter her. She's right back at it. After sucking the shaft, she licks at the base your shaft.
Only once your cock is fully cleansed does she focus on pleasuring you with her mouth. She bobs up and down your shaft while massaging your balls with her hands.
Moving up towards her head, you take a firm grip of her hair and put your cock to her lips. Euna dutifully takes you into her mouth and shows your member true tenderness. She alternates between teasing its head, to wrapping her lips about your shaft and taking it down her throat until her lips press against your pelvis. Each time, she chokes upon your cock. Thick saliva coats your shaft, which she gathers with her tongue and incorporate into the experience. Much of it dribbles down her chin. to taking you into her mouth, putting her lips partway down your shaft.
Wetting one finger, she sneaks it down under your sack, circles it around your rim, and pushes it into your rectum. Your pleasure amplifies when she massages that particular spot inside you, just behind your testicles.
As you get closer, she maneuvers your legs up. She kisses down your shaft, She suckles your balls, She tastes your pussy.She nibbles your perineum. Finally, she fastens her lips to your ass and burrows her tongue into your rectumas though she hungers for what might be within. Her hands work your cock all the while.
You erupt over your belly, but it doesn't matter. Euna's lips trace a trail up, and she licks the mess off of you.
When you feel the moment come, you yank her back by her hair, illiciting a gasping moan. Her face is held upturned, and when you rest your cock's head upon her lips and work yourself, she opens to accept your impending offering. Pumping your own cock, you fire your cum into her upturned mouth. She remains still until your offering sits pooled upon her tongue.
When she feels your grip tightens on her hair, she fastens her mouth about your cock and guzzles your cum.
Sensing you're approaching orgasm, she takes every inch of you down her throat, causing her to choke. Her throat squeezes your cock's head as you fire seed directly to her stomach.
When she sense you tense, she fastens her mouth about your cock. You fire cum into the back of her throat. She swallows again and again, sending it straight to her stomach. Her fingers massage your ballspump your shaft to milk them for every last drop.
Moments before you erupt, Euna backs off and jacks off your saliva-wet shaft while aiming your cock at her face. Your cum splatters over her cheeks, nose, and forehead, and she relishes every last drop.
Afterward, she gives you a satisfied grin. While you're gathering your breath, she licks up drops of cum welling from your cock as though savoring the remnants of a fine meal.
With every tingling jolt Euna's tongue causes, you squirm a little more. The urge to take over and push yourself over the edge becomes too much, and pressing a hand to the back of her head, you pull Euna's face against you.
And you're in charge now. Humping and grinding, you smear your sex across Euna's lips and nose until you careen over the edge. Crying out, you fuck her face with abandon. The wet slick of your arousal smears over her face.
After you've come down, you look between your legs to find Euna nonplussed. Her face, from chin to forehead, glistens with your secretions. She sits back "That was... unexpected."
"I just couldn't quite get over the edge," you say. "I needed to take over."
"It's quite all right" Euna tries to prop herself up as best she can with her hands bound.Euna sits up. "But my that got messy."
"I guess so,I'm sorry," you say.
"You've left me a stained with your scent, but that's fine." She wipes her face against her arm.She wipes her face of the worst of it. "I'm coming to learn that sex is simply meant to be messy."
While kissing Euna, you slowly nudge her downward. She works her own way down, nibbling your breasts, your belly and finally hovering over your sex.After kissing Euna, you crawl up her bound body, first draping your breasts before her to suckle, and then stopping with knees on either side of her with your sex just before her mouth. Her tongue teases and tickles. Sometimes she licks and deep inside of you as she can as though trying to drink from your fount. Other times she nuzzles your clit, sending jolts of pleasure through you. Soon she's four fingers deep in your slitSoon she's working two of her fingers in and out of your slit.
Her tongue upon your clit causes small jolts inside of you which lingers. It echos about your belly pulling you tighter and tighter. You grind your sex over Euna's face, smearing your juices. Euna relishes in this, all while homing in on your clit. You can hardly stay still, and sensing this, Euna homes in on your clit. Taking a firm grip of her hair, you pull her into your sex. You grip her tits like a vice. Despite her squirms of pain, you only squeeze harder to brace for the coming release. The intensity spikes hard. One final caress of her lips, and the knot snaps. Spasms take control.
Humping and grinding, you smear your sex across Euna's lips and nose until you careen over the edge. Crying out, you fuck her face with abandon. The wet slick of your arousal smears over her face.
But in time subsides, and you're left exhausted, and Euna's face glistens from chin to nose with your arousal. She curls close without cleaning her face. "Thank you for marking me with your wonderful scent.""Lord, how I love having your stench upon my face."
But in time subsides, and you're left exhausted. Euna stares up from between your legs. Her eyes hold a smile like a cat.
"Don't swallow," you say. Crouching over her head, you tilt her head back and line your dickyour strapped-on cock with her shit-packed lips. Thrusting in, you ram a mass of shit down her throat into her belly. She gags and thrashes. Shit squeezes out between her lips and your cockthe pestle. After a few thrusts, you pull out and spoon some of it back in with your tip, only to hammer it down her throat again.
Taking hold of Euna's head with both hands, you begin forcing her head upon your strap-on cock. She gags, but you push on through until you're lodged down her throat. Euna struggles, but tied up as she is, she can onlyEuna clutches your hips to brace herself for the impending throat rape.
You hammer her throat repeatedly. Her neck visibly expands to accommodate your member.the pestle. Once in a while, you pull out, and she struggles to catch her breath. Each time you slam back in before she's fully recovered.
Spit spills over her chin and cleavage. Her eyes stream tears. Her face is red, yet she always has her mouth open, ready to be violated again.
You yank her head down upon your cock to its base, and you hold. After some concentration, you release your bladder. Your urine mixes with the shit mass in her mouth into a swampy sludge. Some spills down her cheeks.Your urine shoots straight into her stomach. Euna stops moving when she realizes what you're doing. She focuses on swallowing, but soon the lack of air has her thrashing. As you near the end of your stream. She's chocking for air. Urine sprays out her nose.
Finished, you pull back. She gasps and coughs. After only a few gulps of air, you ram your cock back down her throat and resume fucking her mouth. She has no choice but to oblige as her mouth is once again raped.
After a while, all that remains in her mouth is some brown sludge. That's when you ram her head down on your cock and hold as you fire your cum. She thrashes like a dying fish. Semen spews out her nose. Most goes directly into her stomach. Only once the last of your cum has drained do you release her. She falls back and gulps air, nearly blue in the face and eyes streaming tears. After catching her breath, Euna licks up cum and shit stains her lips.
"I hope my mouth was a pleasurable enough hole for you to rape.""I'm pleased that you know how to properly use my mouth." She wraps her legs about you and holds close.
You guide Euna to lie back. However, the moment you move to squat over her, she squirms away.
"What are you doing?" she asks.
"What's it look like?" you reply.
"It looks like you're about to smother me with your assbottom while I'm tied up and helpless. Which I am not comfortable with."
"Why not?"
She shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I know I'm yours, but I just don't feel safe doing that. ...not tonight."
"I think not. I just don't see myself enjoying something like that. Not tonight anyway."
You guide Euna to lie back. However, the moment you move to squat over her, she squirms away.
"You were about to smother me while I'm tied up," she says.
"Yes? And?"
"What if I need air? I wouldn't be able to do anything. I'd panic"
"Maybe that's the idea," you say.
She nibbles her lip. "Very well. If that's what you want to do, but please go easy on me."
"Hmm. So a little fear and trust play?" She ponders this. "Why not? A little fear. Do not go overboard."
You sit over her face. Her tongue worms up your hole.
You guide Euna to lie back. She does so, her bound hands stretched overhead by the tethering ropes. Squatting over her, you settle down until your asshole is right over her mouth. Her tongue goes to work. It slurps along your rim and stabs through to the bowels within.
Her hands caress your thighs lovingly, as though embracing a lover.
You situate your pussy over mouth and release your bladder. The first of the stream runs down her cheeks and into her hair before she realizes what you're doing and fixes her lips over your urethra. From then, she gulps down every drop of piss you give her.
When you finish, you lift and peer down. Her chest is heaving as she gulps air. She licks her lips of your urine and regards you. She's ready for more, and so you sit your self back down on her face.
As she tongues you, you rock about, grinding your you squeeze her tits about your member and hump frantically, grinding your you work your own cock and grind your pussy and asshole over her mouth, chin, and nose.
Your climax comes. Globs of semen splatter Euna's belly.
When your climax comes, you sit your full weight upon her face.
By the time you lift off, she's left gasping.
Both of her tits are swollen and tender from the ropes binding them. Their flesh is dark red.Her breasts are two massive handfuls, unblemished by any flaw, and their skin is milk white. Though right now both are damp with piss. Her nipples are dainty pink nubs. A ring of bumps cover her areola.
You straddle Euna's chest and line your cock between her breasts. It brings it close to her face.
Her nose wrinkles. "Have you forgotten we've just engaged in sodomy?"
"We did." Your thumbs play over her nipples. "Now we're going to engage in something I once heard called a grease slide."
"Not a very appealing name." Euna doesn't stop you from humping the valley between her constricted and tender breasts. Your dick is leaving a trail. "Aptly named, I see."
"Isn't it?" You keep thrusting.
It's not as though she can stop you with her hands tied.As though resigned, Euna squeezes her own tits together, enveloping your cock. "Why not?" she mutters.
You're free to grind away. Your cock hardly peaks out from her mountainous cleavage. Though there is a stench in the air.
You sit on her belly and squeeze her clammy constricted breasts around your sullied member. Her ample tits easily envelop you. Soon you're thrusting away, half humping her breasts, half jerking her breasts around your cock like a sleeve. Her piss-wet skin is slick against your member.
She struggles to keep still. With her boobs bound and tender, this humping is excruciating for her, yetYou hump away, and she's no choice but to endure, hands tied as they are.she squeeze her chest around your cock. Her tongue teases its head when it darts close. The fact that it had recently been in her ass doesn't stop her in the least.However, one quick taste of your cock, and she makes a face. Instead she focuses on enveloping your cock with her tits.
A few thrusts later, your climax overtakes you. Globs of semen splash Euna's chin and chest. Each splatter makes her shiver with pleasure.
You gather your breath and lift away. Precum coats the valley between her breasts. Her chest is crisscrossed with dripping cum.
Euna rakes her fingers through the semen and grease.mess. She mixes it into the drying piss uponpaints it along her globes. "You leave me all messy." But rather than clean herself, she snuggles against you with cum still lashing her front.She scrapes cum off her skin and licks her fingers clean.She fetches a rag to clean herself.
Euna looks down at the mess upon her chest. Tied up as she is, there's nothing she can do about it but snuggle up to you. "You leave me all messy," she whispers.
You caress her body, brushing her skin lightly, almost tickling. The lightest brush over her nipple incites a shudder. A caress along her thigh causes a twitch. Your fingers conduct upon her skin until her breath grows shallow and her sex flowers. Only then do you stray below. Her legs spread for you.
Your fingers run circles around her clit. Euna presses her crotch against your hand, wanting more. Two of your fingers slip inside of her. Another presses into her rose. You alternate between that and teasing her nub.
As your thumb works her clit, you bunch three fingers together and slide them inside her. It's a tight fit; Euna winces. You try to add your pinky.
Euna pulls away. "You're going to stretch me out." Her eyes narrow. "But that's what you want, isn't it? To stretch me out until I'm as cavernous as those girls from your stories."
"Yes, it is. Now settle back and brace yourself."
Euna does so.
"I'll stop if you'd like."
She chews her lips. "No. Go ahead, but stop if I tell you."
It takes force, but you mostly get your four fingers inside. Her lips aren't quite stretching about the base of your knuckles.
Euna's pants from exertion, yet she pushes herself down on your fingers.
She pauses to look at you. "I think perhaps it's time to try for more."
You keep sawing in and out of her. "And what could more mean?"
Her eyes twinkle.
When you move your thumb into position, Euna cringes away. "No more. Four fingers is enough for tonight."
"No more?" You inch your fingers in and out.
Her juices ooze over your hand, and she shudders. "No more fingers," she says, "but yes. More."
Euna hugs close. Her leg drapes over your thigh.You drape your leg over hers and squeeze her closer still. Her forehead presses to yours now, and she shudders the more your bunched fingers burrow deep.fingers tease her. The finger in her ass ventures farther. Intimate now, you can hear her shallow whimpering, and just as your working fingers push over into a moment of trembling ecstasy, her lips find yours and she squeezes you tight.
Even once she's done, her grip doesn't loosen. Your two intertwined bodies relax together while she gently smothers you with light kisses.
You line your brown-streaked cockthe brown-streaked phallus up with her slit. She tenses, knowing how it had just been in her ass, but looking right at you, she nods her assent.
Mounting her, you thrust into her enflamed pussy.
You line your cockthe pestle up with her slit.
She tenses. "Wait."
She examines your cock.the pestle pointing out from your crotch. "You want to put that inside me?"
"Where else would I put it?"
"In my bottom, where it just was. Remember? It's sullied."
"So it is."
"And now you want to sully me, do you?" Then, "As you wish.""Do it."
You penetrate her. In minutes you two are hammering together without a care, except that she's getting close.
"It's so wrong," she mutters. "You're polluting me. Oh Lord..."
Her muscles squeeze. Her thrusts become erratic. This climax came on quickly, and yet she hammers right through it.
She easily accepts you into herself and pulls you close until you're buried up to the hilt. With her arms and legs, she traps you in her embrace as her vaginal walls squeeze. Her piss-soaked body feels clammy against yours. Soon, you're thrusting away as she whimpers with pleasure. Soon, your hammering her hard while slapping her ass raw. Soon, you're gripping her tits from behind and using them to yank her back onto your tool. Her whines take on a feverish pitch as you rut her. Her toes curl. She quakes beneath you. Whimpers escape her lips. Her pussy is particularly tight with the pestle buried in her ass, and when you reach around and work the pestle in and out in rhythm with your cock, it leave her mewling, with each thrust.
After a few more thrusts,Once she's mewling right at the edge of her climax, you deliver several stinging slaps to her ass pinch her nipples, digging your nails into the flesh. She cries out, but you just twist harder grab her hips and hammer deep in her snatch. Your cum fires against her cervix. Her vaginal walls squeeze your cock for every last drop. At the last moment, you press a finger against her asshole.
This sets her over the edge. Her back arches. Screaming into her gag,Screaming, she humps desperately against you as her body undulates. It's nearly a minute before she settles back down.
You gather your breath, then pull your cockthe pestle from her pussy. It glistens with her vaginal nectar. White cum dribbles from her slit.
You slide your bunched fingers into Euna. There's a slight resistance, but she seems loose enough that you might try your thumb.
Euna seems to read your mind. "If you're going to try that again, I think it's best you bring out our oils."
"We've done without before."
"I was much wetter then than I am now. Perhaps if the first thing to enter my flower shouldn't be your fist."
"Maybe you don't need them."
"Don't need them? I might entertain that thought if my flower were even slightly loosened up, but if you plan to fist me without any sort of preamble, oils."
Fetch the the bottle of akkoro slime.
Fetch the the bottle of daywither syrup.
"You're wet. I bet you can take my fist without them."The blue tinge of the slick daywither syrup is hardly noticeable when spread out over your hand.
The slight fishy smell of the slime worsens as you smear it over your hand, but it will make little difference to the bouquet already emanating from Euna's excited sex.
You start first with caressing Euna's body, delivering kisses from her thighs to her navel until her sex flowers of it's own accord, and your breath causes shivers. By then, she's dripping with her own arousal, and no oil is needed.
You worm two fingers into Euna's snatch. Four fingers enter just as easily, and Euna spreads her thighs invitingly, so you tuck your thumb and push forward. It takes some twisting and pushing and twisting; Euna winces and whimpers, even as she pushes back against you, but eventually your knuckles slip inside. Her vaginal lips clutch your wrist.
Taking hold of her hip to better leverage, you force your fist into her wet and ready snatch. Euna cries out just as her lips engulf your hand. Her walls squeeze.
You pump into her, slowly picking up your pace, until Euna's body jiggles with each thrust. She grinds herself against your fist. Wet sounds fill the air, and her juices drip along her thigh. Next comes your other fist. With some effort, you slide it in next to the first, and now you're alternately pumping into her like pistons.
"Oh, I can, can I?"
"Easily, I'm sure." Your fingers tease her lips and circle her clit. She's already flowered open.
"Interesting that you should make a wager that I must fulfill."
"Are you saying you're not even curious?" You slip three fingers into her. She winces, but you recognize the telltale tremors that ripple through her body. Her pussy is already leaving your fist slick.
Lips tight, she scrutinizes you. "Very well, but tread slowly."
After plenty of foreplay, slipping fingers into her still proves more resistance than with an oil, but whenever that happens, you simply return to circling clit, or caressing her thighs, or doing anything that gets a tremble out of her. It works, and with enough twisting and pushing. Her lips expand around your knuckles, and now hug your wrist.
Euna gasps. She squeezes your arm with her thighs and looks down between her legs. "Ohh, is that your fist inside me?" She feels your wrist. "You just couldn't resist, could you?"
"We already knew you could do it."
"Easy for you to say. You don't feel like your intimates are about to split at the seam."
"Oh. So you don't like it?" You pull your fist from her gaping hole. "No more of this?" You push back inside her.
She bucks. "Ohh, Lord..."
You pull your fist from her again, and then push deep until she has no more room to give. "I should stop, right?"
"Don't... you dare..."
The more you pump her yearning sex, the more easily she takes you into herself. Her arousal strings from your knuckles to her lips. When you push back in, Euna spasms as though electrified. Her cries rise up until reaching a peak. Her stretched hole grips your arm.
Only when she comes down do you slow down your abuse of her pussy. At the end, she deflates. You withdraw, and Euna slips her own fingers inside of her.
"So loose..." she mutters.
"And not a drop of oil," you say.
What a wanton woman I've become." After you've untied her, sheShe slides her own fist inside of herself. The angle is awkward; she doesn't go much past the knuckles. When she withdraws, her pussy gapes open enough for you to see inside her. "I'll have to focus on my exercises though unless I want to become a loose bag."
"Or maybe not," you say. "Your flower looks sexy like this."
She pulls you onto her into an embrace. "I'm sure you'd think so, you knavehussy. I'm not as perverted as you. Yet."
You fetch the bottle of the pungent ointment and dab your fingers in.
"Ah," Euna says. "I was wondering when we'd get around to using that in our games."
"Do you think you've had enough time to recover since the feast?"
"Whether I have or haven't..." She spreads her legs. "'re not putting it away now."
"I think you've had enough time to recover since the feast."
"If you say so." She spreads her legs.
Euna spreads her legs. "Enjoy plundering me, my master""Don't use too much. I only need a fingerful."
Your hand slide into her easily. Your fingers find the plump little ring of her cervical entrance, and already it's softening. With every finger you slip in and smear Agnodine, another can soon join it.
"Hmm. Oh Lord this is indescribable," she says. "I think I'm ready. Now push."I think I'm ready now."
Your knuckles meet resistance, but you don't let that stop you. With a twisting shove, and a grunt from Euna, your hand pops into the tight confines of Euna's womb. It feels different in here, and tighter. The cervical hole is longer than her vaginal lips. It's like a sleeve upon your wrist. Inside, the walls are smoother, yet slick and warm. Her pulse emanates through the membrane. The end widens into a space which narrows to two small dimples on either side. Those would lead to her ovaries. You prod one, but your pinky is too thick.
Euna hisses and jolts. "Enjoying yourself?"
"I'm exploring," you reply. "I've never felt up here before?"
"Really? Not even with the Warped Ones?"
"They did amazing things with their wombs, but I was never a part of their acts, and it's hardly like any women would let me do this."
"Now that I have, what are you going to do to me?"
"I'm going to punish you by pummeling your womb."
Euna spreads her legs to a near split and rests back. "Then please abuse me."
"Well, you've had enough exploring. It's time you plunder my precious womb. Get to it."
You pull back until your fingers slip from her slack pussy lips, and in you go. Her cervix takes fresh prodding, but each time it takes less. You're getting a rhythm.
"Harder," she grunts. "Get me off."Euna whines. "It hurts. I don't think I can get off like this."
"Then I guess I'll have to go harder."
No more exploring. You're forcing your fist. No longer is her cervix having time to yield. You're violating it. Euna grunts and whimpers. You only go harder. Soon you're pistoning, from the tips of your knuckles to your elbow. This pace has her crying out, and every inch of her inside clenches tight, from lips to womb.
And then she's limp.
You withdraw your arm. Euna is left curling up.clutching her belly. "Oh Lord," she whispers. "The peek started deep inside me, and it spread to every corner of my body. I've never felt an climax like that."
"Want more?"
"Oh yes," she breathes. "My womb now exists for yourmy pleasure, but no more tonight."
Your hand slide into her easily, and you smear the Agnodine over her cervical ring. It's grown accustom to violation, and soon your fist slips deep into her womb, and piston your hand in and out.
She's whimpering now and can barely lie still as you force both your fistsyour fist into her womb again and again.deep inside her. "Don't stop..." she mutters. "Don't... ohhh." And her back arches. Her vaginal walls squeeze so tight it's as though to keep you forever inside her wombit never wants to let you go.
And then she collapes. Your fists comefist comes out with a wet pop. Her hole is left gaping.
First, you caress Euna's body, from her thighs to her breasts to her belly, before finally finding your way between her legs. Your fingers comb through her bush, finding her damp sex beneath.Her slit is wet with anticipation. It's crusty with dried cum from prior sex.
Scooting down between her legs, you start first by teasing your tongue along the outside of her vaginal lips. Euna twitches with each touch. Then you lap your tongue along her slit where the pestle is invading her from the bottom all the way up, until you flick your tongue off of her clit. The taste of her is absolutely rancid. Just the smell nearly makes you gag. Euna has had shit inside her sex, and she hasn't cleaned since.Dried discharge and flakes of dried cum come loose. Their flavor explodes on your tongue.
"Hmmm." She moans into her gag and writhes her hips.
"Hmm," she moans. "Yes. Clean me out. Taste my diseased sewer cunt. Tongue it dry." She grinds her rancid sex against your lips.
"Hmm," she moans. "That's it. Taste of my plundered flower. Swallow the seed." She grinds her encrusted sex against your lips.
"Oh yes. Just like that. Don't stop." She writhes her hips.
You work the pestle in and out of her whileshow her sex good attention. Your tongue plays along her folds or you suckle her clit between your lips.
Past her stained lips is a lingering scum that has mixed with her own discharge, all of which she has left to stew inside of her.
Past the dried cum encrusting her lips, is the cum you fired into her earlier.from her earlier fucking with others. It smells is powerfully of the virile horse cum she accepted into herself.
Fastening your lips about her sex, you worm your tongue inside of her suck. Feeling what you're doing, Euna bears down. Her wet pussy flowers into your mouth, and soon a wet mass of slick fecal dischargecongealed wad of slimy cum slowly seeps onto your tongue. The pungent taste invades your senses.
You swallow the load down and get back to tonguing Euna's folds.
She's trembling now. Her walls squeeze your tongue every time you dip inside her, and her thighs squeeze your head. Her juices ooze.
"Yes... yes..." she mutters. "Almost..."
You zero in on her clit and press a finger into her ass while working the pestle about, and that starts her off. Bucking, she mewls like a kitten and tenses up. Her butt lifts off the bedding, and her squeezing thighs pull you along. It's a long, tumultuous orgasm that ends with ragged breaths.
You crawl up beside her. Tied as she is, she slithers herself against you.Her hand pushes you away, too sensitive for more. You crawl up beside her. She hugs you fiercely like a stuffed toy. "Hmm," she moans. "That was an orgasm. I nearly passed out." "I think you know what you're doing down there better than I do." "I owe you twenty orgasms for that one." "I've decided to keep you." "You are the best master a slave could ever want."
After smearing your fingers with oil, you press your pinky to her piss hole. She tenses, but her legs spread. She has her eyes on you. "I knew sooner or later you'd decide that hole was for you to play."
"All of your holes are for me to play," you say.
"You know you been curious," you say.
"Won't this... cause damage? I'd hate to become incontinent."
"Some girls, and guys, love this sort of play. Some performers in the Lilins had fun with this hole. Not to mention you've been taking the Lissom Roborant."
"That helps make muscles stretch more, but my urethra is not meant to stretch at all. And what if you reach through to my bladder? What then?"
"It's just a little play," you say. "All you have to do is tell me if it hurts too much."
"I'm worried that by then it would be too late," but after some hesitationsteady scrutinizing from her, she relaxes. "So long as you're sure this is safe."
It's probably not, but you press your pinky onward anyway. It meets resistance quick, and with a hiss, Euna tenses. Her hole squeezes your finger. Every time she relaxes, you delve farther. First knuckle. Second knuckles. Euna struggles to keep still. Her urethral muscles clench your finger more fiercely, but enough of that. You push forward anyway. Euna tries to kick away from you, but you hold her tight until the webbing of your finger is against her clit. Inside, your finger pushed through some kind of tight resistance, and now nothing is squeezing the tip.
"There," you say. "I'm in. How's it feel?"
"It's all pain." Her breath is tight. "This hole is not meant for playing."
"Want me to stop?" you ask
"Did I say stop?"
"Very well."
"That's why it's so fun to play with."
You pull your finger out until only one knuckle is buried, and then push right back in to the base. A fresh new convulsion courses through her. Out and in. She's whimpering. Out and in. She's fighting with herself to keep her legs apart.
"Oh my Lord..." she mutters.
"Faster..." she mutters.
You go faster. She cries out with each thrust. Her urethra isn't clenching like it was. Her hips are starting to grind back. It's making your thrusts sloppy. Your finger bends and distorts the little hole. Then it slips out. A gust of urine sprays forth. She's left humping nothing. Her piss hole gapes, so you jab your middle finger this time, to the hilt, all at once. Something gives way, and Euna shrieks out. Her butt lifts off the ground, and she nearly yanks away, but you move forward with her and get right back to violating that poor hole, right up until she's screaming.
"Harder. Harder. Oh Lord."
It's hard to keep your finger pumping through that agonized climax, but you manage. In the aftermath, she melts, and reaches down to pull your hand away. Another burst of urine emerges until she sqeezes tight. She presses her fingers over her poor urethra as though it was a bleeding wound.
"Ohh. That was..."
Exhausted, she manages a half-chuckle.
"I think I'm going to enjoy playing with that hole in the future," you add.
"Start training that hole. I want it ready to fuck."
She shudders. "As you wish, but please, for tonight, no more."
"Then... then I will train it and make it ready for you," she replies breathlessly, "maybe some day... I might even have you fuck it, but for tonight, no more."
Smearing your fingers with the oil, you press your pinky to her piss hole. Euna spreads her legs, and though it causes her obvious discomfort, she hardly flinches as you twist and pry your finger up to the base, until your pinky and penetrated through to her bladder. Then you finger-bang her piss hole, slowly at first, as her muscles keep clenching tight, but you pick up a good rhythm.
Euna gasps and trembles. "Hurt me more," she mutters.
Tears mark her cheeks, but she obediently keeps her legs spread wide for you.
You ram your middle finger in deep, getting a yelp, and you fuck her piss hole with rapid stabs, no care for her discomfort, until she's spasming and moaningcrying.
Once is all is done, she sucks your fingers clean. "Thank you for abusing me. I'm glad my body provides you entertainment.""Lord that is torture, but it's the most intense kind of climax."
"If you like it so much, maybe I should justyou should let me fuck it instead."
She shudders. "I don't know if I could possibly tolerate that pain. It'd be too much."
"...Too much for now," you say.
She shudders. "You're already stretching it to its absolute limit. I don't think it can accomodate a cock."
"Way you're going, maybe someday," you say.
You oil up your cockwooden cock and position yourself over her, but aiming your tip for her urethra. After hesitating, she nods. "Very well. Do it.""As you wish."
It is as hard as ever to force your way through that tiny hole, and from her immediate cries and the way she cringes away, it's every bit as painful for her.
But you don't stop. You tear and stretch and work that little hole until you're pushed through to the base, with half your cock in her bladder, and then you don't stop fucking her until fired off.she's nearly hysterical from the intensity.
All in all, she handles it better than the first time, even if it was still as excrutiating for her. Afterward, she curls up in a ball to recover.
"Thank you," she says.
"For what?"
"For hurting me. I'm a slut who doesn't deserve the pleasure of being fucked properly."
"It's only because your whore cunt is so loose it can't be properly fucked anymore."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay," you say, "as long as you have holes I can fuck, I'm satisfied."
"The things I let you do to me," she mutters.
"But you do let me," you reply.
"Yes. If my cunt hole wasn't so loose, I wouldn't need to let menyou fuck my urethra, but it is, so I must tolerate this excrutiating torture."
"Oh what a pity."
"What a pity indeed."
Euna's hands are still bound. She watches, waiting to see if you're going to do more to her.
After a moment of relaxing, Euna tests the ropes binding her. "Now," she says. "If you'll untie me. Or am I still at your mercy...?"
Euna's hands are still bound. She looks at you expectantly.
After a moment of relaxing, Euna tests the ropes binding her. "That was wonderful," she says. "Now if you'll undo my bindings..."
You untie the ropes about her wrists.
Euna pushes you to lie down. After a long kiss, she swings her leg over your face and folds over your body. Her sex presses to your mouth, just as her lips are upon you. Her tongue explores more than it focuses on getting you off. Your cock still wilts, but that doesn't stop her from showing it affection. She nibbles along your dick and runs her tongue over the crown. Her tongue travels low, and she suckles each of your balls. Then she explores the folds of your pussy as though to explore the taste for herself.
It's an intimate moment with your bodies locked together as one loop, end to end, limbs encircling the other.
Ecstasy comes of its own accord, first to Euna. She shudders atop of you. Then your arousal returns, and you finish next. goes right back to her exploring. Eventually you two simply rest together as one—head upon thigh, chests to one another.
Euna rolls over onto all fours and crawls down between your legs. "Settle back now," she nudges you to lie down. "I'm going to reward you now.""Let me please you."
She takes your hard member into her mouth and begins plying her skills. It as though she's doing this just as much for her own practice as it is to please you.
As you get closer, she maneuvers your legs up. She kisses down your shaft, She suckles your balls, She tastes your pussy.She nibbles your perineum. Finally, she fastens her lips to your ass and burrows her tongue into your rectumas though she hungers for what might be within. Her hands work your cock all the while.
You erupt over your belly, but it doesn't matter. Euna's lips trace a trail up, and she licks the mess off of you.
When you feel the moment come, you yank her back by her hair, illiciting a gasping moan. Her face is held upturned, and when you rest your cock's head upon her lips and work yourself, she opens to accept your impending offering. Pumping your own cock, you fire your cum into her upturned mouth. She remains still until your offering sits pooled upon her tongue.
When she feels your grip tightens on her hair, she fastens her mouth about your cock and guzzles your cum.
Sensing you're approaching orgasm, she takes every inch of you down her throat, causing her to choke. Her throat squeezes your cock's head as you fire seed directly to her stomach.
When she sense you tense, she fastens her mouth about your cock. You fire cum into the back of her throat. She swallows again and again, sending it straight to her stomach. Her fingers massage your ballspump your shaft to milk them for every last drop.
Moments before you erupt, Euna backs off and jacks off your saliva-wet shaft while aiming your cock at her face. Your cum splatters over her cheeks, nose, and forehead, and she relishes every last drop.
Afterward, she gives you a satisfied grin. While you're gathering your breath, she licks up drops of cum welling from your cock as though savoring the remnants of a fine meal.
"As you wish," she says.
Suddenly, Euna shovesGently, Euna nudges you onto your back. She swings a leg over you and kneels over your face. "Time now to return the favor," she says. Her sex asshole hovers above your mouth.
You oblige. All the while, she strokes your face and stares into your eyes. Her thighs clutch your head,strokes your hair and looks lovingly down at your eyes, until your tongue starts to have its effect. Her legs tremble. She strums her own clit and moans. Your tongue is buried up her chute when she climaxes. Her sphincter squeezes your tongue.Her eyes close and she rests her head back. When the time comes, she rides your face, and her juices seep.
Afterward, she nuzzles up beside you. "You have amazing skill with that tongue," she whispers.
Sitting up, Euna scoots aside and turns to face you. "Now..." she pushes you with her foot until you're reclined back. "Allow me."
Her toes trace down your chest, alongalong your breasts, down your belly, to your crotch. Her feet clutch around your shaft. The ball of her other foot kneads your balls like a nursing kitten. She doesn't pump, but wiggles her toes and lets them explore from crown to base. It's slow and exploratory. This is for her enjoyment, not yours, but eventually her stroking toes prove enough.
Ropes of your cum land upon her feet, others upon your belly. With the balls of her feet, she smears them into your skin. All that's left is the mess upon her own feet, and lift her foot toward your face, toes on pointe like a ballerina. "Clean your mess," she says.
With your tongue, you scoop your own leavings from her foot, and then the other, but she lets each foot linger, giving you time to show proper appreciation and suck each toe individually until she's good an satisfied.
"Good foolgirl," she says, and she twists around to lie down beside you.
Euna feels the gape between her legs. Scooting about, she gets her gaping ass just before your member. Reaching down, she grasps your hard shaft. "Will you please give your slave the honor of filling her ruined hole with your seed?""Now sit back and let my ruined hole return the favor."
You lean back and let her work. She works your cock with her hands remarkably well, but once you start getting close, she incorporates her gaping asshole by scooting just a little farther down. Between her hands, her gyrating hips, and her squeezing asshole, she puts on a remarkable display of skill which soon has you firing a load, which fires into her yawning hole, but also a few lashes upon her thighs and slitbush.
Later, she's snuggled up to you. "Thank you," she whispers.
You two curl up together afterward, until Euna starts tenderly kissing her way down your body, from breasts to navel before finally snuggling up to you and closing her eyes.settling between your legs and nursing your sex for a long bout of gentle passion which doesn't end until your toes curl from an orgasm.
In the aftermath, Euna is left squirming and unsatisfied, but with a frustrated whine, she settles down. She knows this sex was for your gratification.
Euna curls up between your legs and nuzzles your soft cock. She showers it with kisses and tongues the tip. Her tongue curls about each of your balls. She doesn't stop until her tender love brings life back into it.
She straddles your waist and lowers herself onto you. Your penetration is so complete and effortless. Her inner walls squeeze tightly. She lies upon you and cuddles close. Gently, she rides.
Her legs intertwine with yours. Her breasts press to you. Her fingers find their way between your legs.
"Now..." she whispers. "Let me show my love for you."
It's slow. It's timeless. And even when the moment comes, and you feel yourself tighten, she keeps her intimate pace, and she never stops exploring your neck, your chin, and your lips. Through to its end, you both hold each other.
Afterward, she snuggles close. Your love trickles along her thighs. "Thank you," she says. "After all the fucking I do, it's "After all these silly perversions you push me into, it's "It's nice just to make love."
Euna pulls the pestle from her ass and fetches slides the pestle from her pussy and fetches fetches the pestle and the rope. She expertly fastens them about her waist to create a harness. The phallus lines up along her slit and juts proudly from her pubic mound.nestShe fusses with the two until finally managing to create a harness. The phallus now dangles between her legs.
"Now," she says. "It's my turn."
She pushes you to lie back and climbs between your legs. Aiming her cock toward your sex, she presses her body to yours and slides in. Her strapped-on cock fills you.
Then begins her fucking. She's slow, but forceful. Her body pins you down even as she kisses along your neck. Once your climax builds, she clutches you tightly and hammers you all the way through. Even as your dick erupts cum between you two. It's hot and sticky between your bellies.every muscle inside your belly ties up with intense energy, making you squirm.
She rolls you over onto your stomach. You can't see what she's doing, but something wet smears onto your asshole. She's lubricating it, but with what you're not sure, and then comes the tip of the phallus. It presses in slowly until her tits and belly press against your back.
Then she begins plowing your ass slowly but forcefully. Her body presses yours down even as she kisses along your shoulders. Her groin presses to your ass with every thrust. Just as the intensity of her cock plundering inside you brings you to climax, she sneaks a hand around to stroke your cock. Some of your cum fires into the . Some spills into her hand, and she smears it over your shaft.caress your smooth vaginal lipsrake through your dainty pubic bush and bury three fingers into you. The double penetration leaves you squirm. She only squeezes you tighter."
Afterward, while you're both sweaty and breathless, Euna unfastens the cock from herself and then snuggles close.
You push her to lie back and straddle her chest. Your cock rests between her voluminous breasts.
"Er, what are you doing?" she asks.
"Something new. Interested?"
"I'm not sure how I feel about your rod pointing at me like that, but I'll see where this is going."
"I'll see where this is going."
You squeeze both her breasts about your shaft and work your cock back and forth. The tip peeks out of her cleavage. Euna only watches at first, but as you knead her breasts, her breath picks up a little more each time your thumbs circle her nipples. She grasps your hands and squeezes them harder against her tits.She works her wrists against her binds. Her chest undulates in time with your thrusts.
Your first rope of cum lashes her neck, and its effect on her is electric. Each spurt causes her to jolt. When you're done, your seed marks her neck and chest like calligraphy.
You roll off of her.
She's left gasping. Her finger trails through the cum on her chest. "Oh my..."
"You look like you got more out of that then you were expecting," you say.
"It reminds me of the antics my sisters at the convent used to talk about. Sex without penetration. Rubbing against one another. Many didn't see it as a sin, but I thought so at the time. It was nothing but a cheap mockery of intercourse, but I dare say that was much more intimate than anything my sisters ever described."
"Your sisters needed a fool like me."
"You would have been a fox in the henhouse amongst them." Euna fetches a rag from the pack to wipe off her chest.
"No?" she asks.
"No. Because I would skulk into her chambers at night, and no one else would know. And she wouldn't tell anyone, because if she ever did, I would tell the world about how she secretly craved it."
"And how would you know?"
"I know, because..." You grab her legs and pull them up toward her chest. This turns her pussy skyward. "I've seen her urinating upon herself when she thought no one was about."
"Hmm," Euna says. "Like this?" Urine shoots up from her pussy. It arcs through the air and sprinkles down upon her face and chest. While you hold her in place, she basks in her own stream.
"So night after night," you continue, "she is forced to endure this nightly ritual, always submitting to my desires."
You direct her thighs so her stream lands directly on her face.
"And he makes her drink," you say.
Obediently, she opens her mouth and accepts the stream.
"Every night," you continue, "he fills her belly with warm piss. His and hers. She may be a tsarivna but to him, she is little more than a urine pot."
Euna drinks mouthful after mouthful for as long as you hold her. Her eyes are sealed because of the urine pooled over them.
Her stream reduces to a trickle. Rivulets run over her bald slitthrough her pubic bush and up her belly to the valley of her breasts.
"And he makes her spread herself open," you say. "So that he may ravage her to his content.""And sometimes," she says, "this scoundrelshe-devil wants more than just to sully her. He'd force himself on the poor tsarivna.""And she makes her spread herself open," you say, "So that she may dine on the tsarivna's petals."And sometimes," she says, "this she-devil wants more than just to sully her tsarivna. She'd dine upon her tsarivna's petals. Euna reaches around her upturned legs and spreads the lips of her pussy.
You straddle her upturned rump and angle your cock into her quim. The sex is quick and powerful, albiet a little awkward from this position.You bury your tongue in the folds of her snatch. It hardly takes any work to get Euna bucking and moaning. Euna struggles to steady herself by clutching the rope binding her hands.Euna alternates between rubbing urine into her breasts and pressing her arms into the earth on either side for support.
"Come on me," she breaths as you get close. "Splatter me with your mess." The sternness in her voice brooks no discussion.
When you climax, you pull out and fire your seed over her body. Ropes of cum splatter her breasts and face. Each splash incites a shudder in her, as though delivering a jolt of pleasure. The last droplets fall upon her snatch.
"Straddle me," she breaths. "Press yourself to me." The sternness in her voice brooks no discussion.
You swing on leg over her upturned rump so that your sex presses to hers, and you grind. Almost immediately, Euna is crying out. Every time your clits touch together, she jolts. It takes her ages for her to settle down afterward.
But then Euna hooks you with your legs and pulls you down so that you're lying beside her. Her hands are still bound and tethered, but she manages to roll about so she's sittingShe sits on your chestbreasts. Her piss-soaked hair drips upon you. "...but there's one last twist to the story."
She unleashes a stream of unspent urine. "She'd get her revenge!"
She cackles as her piss drenches your face. You struggle against her, but she sits firmly. Your hair soaks. Plenty gets in your mouth, and more up your nose, causing you to sputter. She doesn't stop until she's peed every last drop. Only then does she allow you to push her off. Your head and chest are just as as soaked as hers.
Euna is beside herself with laughter. She sees your expression and leans in to kiss you. No hard feelings.
She holds a hand over her own belly. "I can't believe I just drank my own urine. That was most depraved." She turns to you. "If we should ever get back, do you think you'd ever invade my chambers for real?"
"Every single night."
She stares at her belly and ponders this. "Then I'd best get used to it."
"It wouldn't be the stockades for you." Euna indicates her tethered hands so you'll untie her. Freed, she pushes you down and straddles your body. "No, I'd have you locked up in my garderobe." Urine erupts from her snatch and splashes your chestbreasts. It hisses against you for several seconds before she cuts the stream. "For one hundred and one days, you would be my urine pot."
She repositions over your crotch and unleashes a stream upon your hard cock. With a hand, she lathers it in her urine,wet pussy. With a hand, she lathers it into the folds of your labia, then cuts the stream.
"I think that's fair," you reply.
"It doesn't matter what you think." She scoots until her crotch is above your face. "I'm the one who decides your punishment. You've only to obey." Her stream erupts again. Urine covers your face and douses your hair. It runs up your nose, leaving you sputtering. Even with your eyes sealed, it stings.
"Open your mouth," she orders.
You do so. Urine fills your mouth to the brim. You taste pungent salt.
She cuts the stream. "Swallow."
You've no choice. Three times she does this to you before shifting back over your crotch.
"But I would not be cruel to my pot. I might even grow attached to him." She crouches and rubs her cheek along your piss-soaked dick.nuzzles her cheek along the folds of your pussy. "Late at night, I'd take pity, and I'd show my appreciation for every time I used him." She take you into her mouth.She gets her tongue working deep withing your folds. With one hand, she works her own pussy until she trembles and mewls, and she looses the rest of her bladder. The stream splatters between her frantic fingers.
You fill her mouth with your cum long after her stream dies off. After, she nuzzles your cock.She gets you shuddering in pleasure long after her stream has died off. After, she nuzzles her sex. "I'd come to realize how much I craved my pot," she says. "Before those one hundred and one nights were up, I might end up releasing my poor prisoner. Some nights, perhaps it would be me strapped down in the garderobe."
"You'd become a slave to your own urine pot?"
"I'm worried I would."
"I think, as you'd be my property, I'd use you for my other desires as well." With that, she sinks down upon your piss-soaked cock. Her pussy is sopping wet and offers no resistance.she straddles your legs and grinds her pussy against yours. She's sopping wet, and your juices blend. Your hands explore each other's piss-soaked bodies. As she rides you until she screams, at which point releases the last of her bladder. It spatters between your crotches and runs down into the earth below.
Her pussy clutches your cock. You fill her with your cum. She collapsed upon you, and you hold each other.
"That was most deliciously depraved," she says. "If we should ever get back, I think I will make you my urine pot for real."
"If that is your will," you say, "I must obey."
"That's right," she purrs.
You kneel and aim your cock.straddle her and spread your labia.
"Stop!" she says. "Don't do that here."
"Why not? I want you to wallow in the stink of my piss all night."
She regards you. "...And I love it when you douse me in your piss, but I willplease let me scoot aside so we can spare the bedding."
"If you really enjoy wallowing in filth, then the thought of sleeping in a piss-soaked bed should turn you on."
"Maybe it does right now," she agrees, "but be practical. How will we feel an hour from now when the piss has cooled, and we're clammy and shivering. How about tomorrow, when I have to wash this mat and hang it to dry?"
"Don't bother."
"You'd have us sleep indefinitely upon our urine-soaked mattress, even as it stinks of mildew."
"You're right. Maybe I'll sleep somewhere else. This is your bed now, and my piss pot. How does that sound?"
She mulls this over. "I think if you want me forever sleeping in ever increasing amounts of filth, then that's what I must do. Pollute me, my master."
"And that would be our bed forever more. We'd fuck on it. Sweat on it. Piss on it. And then sleep in our own fluids. What do you think about that?"
She mulls it over. "I think... You're going to pollute my body now, and then you're going to join me in this bed filth."
"Very well." You begin. The moment piss splatters her tits, she gasps and archs her back upward, as though drawn to your stream. The urine cascades down her sides and onto the mat. You aim higher, splattering her face. Her eyes close and her mouth opens. She swallows some, but most soaks into her hair and into the pillow beneath.
She pulls her legs to her chest to make her sex a prime target.and begins strumming her sex. "Here. Please." She's nearly breathless.
You aim the last of your stream directly onto her labia. The effective is voltaic. Her hands yank against her binds.Her strumming becomes frantic. It splatters your piss about. As your stream finishes, her own stream erupts. It arcs up upon her own thighs and body. You kneel and push on her lower back, raising her rump higher and arcing her stream onto her face. Her mewling reach a peek when you do this.
Her streams dies after she comes down from her high. She stretches out on the now soaked bedding.
You lie beside her, and she snuggles close. "I thought you wouldn't join your filthy slave in her filthy bed."
You shrug. "There isn't another bed to sleep in. Maybe next time I'll make you sleep in the dirt while I keep the bed."
"Hmm," she moans. "Then thank you for holding me, master. I know I'm hardly deserving of it, sick tramp that I am."
She holds out her hand for you. "Now join me in filth."
You lie beside her, and she snuggles close. "I have become such a depraved slut," she mutters. "Maybe there'll come a day when I only sleep in filth. With every bed I find, I'll need someone to defile me upon it. I'm glad you'll be around. Not many others would indulge such sick tastes."
In the dark, you hold her tight. Her wet skin is clammy against yours. Cooling piss pools in the indentation your bodies make in the mat. The stench permeates the cave, and through the night, it marinates into your skin.
With one fist buried inside her snatch, you work the fingers of your other hand in alongside your wrist.
Euna rolls her head back and smiles ruefully. "I knew this day would come."
"Waiting for it?" you ask.
"Expecting it." She spreads her legs wider and pulls her knees to her chest. "You might be surprised at how easy this is."
"Ah, so you've been practicing."
"All the better to serve my master."
"Maybe. Well go on. Don't stop until I'm screaming."
You resume pushing your fingers in. She was right. It's a tight fit, but your fingers are eking in anyway. Sliding your other hand next to your first feels like putting on a glove that's too small. Her breath keeps catching, and she jolts with every nudge, but soon your fists are equal. You give her time to adjust.
She nods. "I'm ready."
Thus begins the slow pumping. Her lips are so taut about your fists that your hardly able to move... at first, but once she's wet enough, you stop being so tender. She's mewling out with every pump, but it's when you start alternately thrusting your fists like pistons that she screams out. Her vaginal walls clamp hard, but you piston right through until she's thrashing and begging.
When all is done, you pull your fists out. her labia is so slack its folds rest on the beddingearth.
She squirms about, her wrists working at her binds.She feels her slack hole. "And yet another feat I've accomplished.already my body accepts your fists graciously. Were you surprised?"
"Not at all," you say. "You've got a hunger. You'll never be full enough."
You begin by scooping up a fingerful of the daywither syrup from the bottle nearby. It's cool and slick against your arm. Its blue tinge is hardly noticeable when spread out over your hand.
You begin first by scooping up a fingerful of the akkoro slime. The slight fishy smell worsens as you smear it over your hand. It will make little difference to the bouquet already emanating from Euna's excited sex.
Four of your fingers meet with tightness inside her, yet slick as they are, you still slide in easily.
"Are you ready?" you ask.
"I won't become forever loose?"
"Not from a fist."
"Then I'm ready," she says, "but slowly."
Thumb tucked, you wedge your base knuckles against her taut lips.
You push once again. You're not quite able to slip in your knuckles. Though undeterred, you grab hold of Euna's hip and begin twisting and shoving.
Euna bites her lip in pain. She spreads her legs as best she can and breaths deep to relax. With one final thrust, your hand slips in past the knuckles. She shrieks out.
Her pussy now hugs your wrist. You can't quite make a fist inside of her, but you start pushing farther.
"Hold it. Wait wait." She snags your wrist. "Just give me a moment."
You do. Slowly she starts pulling and pushing on your wrist as though using your arm as a dildo upon herself. Each pull causes her to wince.
But her pace picks up, and soon her hips start humping in rhythm with her own self penetration. Finally, she lets go of your wrist, and you take over. With a hand still on her hip, you pump your fist inside of her at a slow, steady pace for minutes.
Euna's mewls reach a crescendo. Her thighs slap together, locking your arm in place inside her, but her hips keep spastically humping your arm.
After she's spent and you extricate yourself from her, the lips of her sex are flowered outward in a way you've never seen before. Her juices have mixed with the lubricant all over your arm. Slickness is everywhere.
"That was... oh my," she says.
"Enjoyed it?"
She nods. "I think... I think I'm done. I'm sorry." Wincing, she pulls her thighs together. "That was amazing, but I'm going to need time to recover."
After a quick cleanup, you lie down together. She's careful about how she wraps her legs about yours. "Maybe next time you do that to me, I won't need such a recovery."
"Next time?" you ask.
"Many next times," she replies.
Laying tender kisses upon her belly, you move trace a path downward along her thighs. Bit by bit, you move toward her snatch. You feel the heat of her smooth pussy upon your cheeks when she stops you.Your lips are grazing her pubic hair when she stops you.
"What are you doing?"
"Let me show you," you reply.
"That's considered sinful under the eyes of my Lord."
"So is sex out of marriage."
"So are two women lying together."
"That doesn't mean we should compound our sins."
"It's up to you. It's quite pleasurable."
"I know. I've... had a man kiss me this way before in my youth."
"Then what's the problem?"
"That was before I joined the church."
"And now is different?"
"I guess I..." She bites her lip and contemplates. She looks guilty even considering it. "Fine," she says. "But... maybe I should go to the river and freshen up first. It'll just be—"
"Shh," you shush her. "Just try to relax."
Apprehensive, she lays back. You return to kissing a trail toward her snatch. This time she doesn't stop you once your lips tease the skin beside her vulva. Her body even shivers as your breath brushes her snatch. Delicately, you run the tip of your tongue along her slit.
"Ohh," Euna says. "Yes. I remember now. I..." She gasps. "I think... ah... yes. Keep going."
You work your tongue over her clit while working the pestle in and out of her.
You dive your tongue into her hole, lapping away her cream.
"Yes... Hmm!" She whines. "Don't stop."
Her body responds more, until she's bucking and mewling. Her thighs clutch your head.
As her tremors subside, Euna pushes you away, too tender for more. She lies recovering in the aftershock. "Oh goodness! That was quite something." Reaching down, Euna slides the pestle out of her and pulls you up so you're laying on her belly. She strokes your hair. "You can kiss me like that whenever you want."
Suddenly, she yanks the pestle out and pulls you on top of her. "In me. I want you in me."
You waste no time thrusting into her wet and inviting pussy. Already, it's clutching your shaft rhythmically as an orgasm rips through her. You thrust hard. She humps back harder. It's only moments before this intensity sends you over the edge, and you fire your cum inside her, setting her off onto another level of pleasure.
By the end of it, you're both spent like used rags. You lie beside her, gasping for breath. She's still gasping for breath when she turns and wraps herself about you. Skin is damp with sweat against yours. Your cum leaks from her and onto your thigh. "You can do that to me... whenever you want."
Getting down between her legs, you move to taste of her when she scurries away suddenly.
"I don't think you want to do that," she says. "I've not had a chance to clean since we've last had sex."
"I know," you say.
"And it's... noticeable."
"That's fine with me."
Hesitantly, Euna turns onto her back, but propped up on both elbows. She opens her legs and reveals herself.
She is unclean. The seed you filled her with from before encrusts the skin about her hole. Much has flaked off. Her slit itself has a congealed whitish cream about it left-over from all her arousal. Her lips are so coated, folds of her labia have glued together, effectively sealing her slit. Her pubic hair is damp with sweat, and much has clumped together with the same cream.
As you move closer, the smell hits you. It radiates from her along with her baking heat. But it's nothing compared to the moment you first swipe your tongue along her folds. The pungent taste fills your mouth. Each stab into her recesses brings out more accumulation, all of it dissolving in your mouth.
Euna's thighs clutch your face. Her legs hook so her calfs are pulling your head into her. It seems she's decided you no longer have a choice about tonguing her.
Euna shivers from your touch. She still has her eyes on you, timid of how you'll react, yet she spreads her legs wider, inviting you to do as you please.
"Don't stop," she whispers. The taste of her pussy has faded to a benign flavor now that you've swallowed away the worst of the mess.
That's when she puts her weight on her arms and pulls her legs to her chest. Her asshole is now against your tongue. It's an entirely new hole for you to clean, complete with with pungent flavors. You oblige as she takes over stimulating her clit.
Her body quakes. Moans escape her lips. She grinds herself against your face and cries out in pleasure as her body tenses rhythmically. After a minute, she comes settles down and releases your head from her clutches.flattens out upon the bedding.
"That was good." She breathes for a moment. "Now that I know how much you like the taste of a ravaged sex, perhaps I'll make you taste of it more often."
"It's up to you," you say.
"It certainly is."
"That was good." She breathes for a moment. "Maybe I should be unclean for you more often? Would you like that?"
"Maybe I would."
"If figured you might."
You withdraw your finger. Euna almost seems relieved, until you slather your cockthe pestle with oil.
"No..." she mutters.
"Yes," you reply.
"It can't possibly fit."
"I think it will," you reply. "You've been training your piss hole, right."
"But not for this."
"Relax. We can use some Agnodine."
"That won't work," she wails. "That's for loosening muscles for motherhood. That won't do a thing for my urethra."
"Oh, then we can skip it."
"But... but... oh Lord. Please. This could do such damage."
"You know Iyou don't care." You position yourself between her legs and line up your cock.the pestle with her tiny hole.
She's apprehensive, but that familiar gleam comes over her. She spreads her legs wide. "If you give me your word that this won't do damage..."
"It won't. I'm sure."
"Then do it, and don't you dare stop."
"Ohh," she whines fearfully, and she clutches at her ropes.spreads her urethra as wide as she can.
You press, no penetration. You only push Euna along. It's not until you really ram forward when her piss hole caves, and the tip of your cockthe pestle slips in all at once. You're immediately rewarded with a shriek of pain. Euna clambers to pull away, but you lie on top of herlean on her hips to hold her in place. Her urethra isn't meant to stretch any more than one's nostril is meant to, but that doesn't stop you. The pain must be exquisite; she's already weeping. The squeeze is so tight, pushing in tugs painfully at the skin of your cock,it takes all your strength to push the pestle farther, despite the lubricating oil, but bit by bit, you force your way forward. The final stretch is particularly tight, but after tearing past that, your cock's head reaches a point it no longer feels squeezed.the resistance drops off. You've reached her bladder. Euna wails as though being flayed.
Then comes the fucking. Her urethra never ceases to clutch tight, and she struggles and weeps through it all. Your cum shoots right into her bladder. Without a particular goal, you keep fucking her until your arm starts to get tired. You pull out and leave Euna to deal with the aftermath. A burst of urine follows. Even the act of sqeezing her urinary muscles to stop the flow sends her into a rictus of pain. Euna clutches her groin. She notices blood on her fingers. Your dickThe pestle likewise has a red smearing.
"Make sure you train your pee hole," you say. "So that your johnsI can fuck it, but don't do it so much that it doesn't hurt. Your cunt is too loose now, and your pee hole should stay nice and tight."
She gulps and shudders. "As you wish, my master. I'll try."
"That was a terrible idea..." she mutters.
"You're in pain tonight," you say, "but you know you'll want to do it again."
"Hmm..." She seems only half lucid. "I'm sure you like to imagine I'll be offering my urethra for men to fuck. My pain, their pleasure.""I'm sure you'd like to fuck my urethra whenever you please, wouldn't you? My pain, your pleasure."
"Your cunt has gotten a bit loose. Might be a nice tight hole."
"You're insane..." she mutters. "It will need so much more training. Gentle training."
"So you'll do it again?"
"How about I heal first? I don't want to think about it tonight."
"That was... interesting, by the way," she says later.
"What you did you with your finger."
"Oh, and where I stuck it?"
She rests a hand on her rump and tries not to grin. "It came as quite a surprise, but I suppose I shouldn't be. It was only a matter of time before a pervertharlot like you turned your attention to my assbottom. It was most inappropriate."
"Shall I restrain myself in the future?"
She bites her lip. "Hmm. I wouldn't go that far. It was inappropriate... but like I said. It was interesting."
A while later, Euna rubs her belly while relaxing. "Once again, you make me drink your piss. I should accept that I will forever be your receptacle.It's a skill I should probably master then.
A while later, Euna rubs her belly while relaxing. "You really do enjoy filling my stomach with your urine, don't you?"
"Hmm." She licks her lips and presses them tight. "Pity then that I can't swallow as fast as you can urinate."
"I guess so. Why do you ask?"
"Just thinking..."
A while passes in silence as you two relax. Then she speaks again.
"I'm realizing that you like to be... rough."
"What do you mean?"
"The hair yanking, and the spanking. Those things. Do you enjoy hurting me even as you please me?"
"I wouldn't say I'm hurting you. Just a little pain. To experiment."
"But you do so without consulting me, I see."
"It's only light pain. And I wouldn't do it if I didn't know you wanted it."
She props up onto an elbow and looks at you. "Oh I do, do I?"
"You told me yourself that you'd like me to flog and ravage you until I've had my way."
"If I recall, that was as opposed to putting up with one of Margosha's penances. I didn't mean it as an invitation."
"I know, but I took it as one."
"Hmm. It sounds as though my torment has only just begun."
You kiss her lightly. "Don't worry. I wouldn't do anything more than a few harmless pinches and slaps without a proper invitation."
"Good." She rests her head back upon your shoulder.
You two lay silently together.
Then she speaks. "But consider yourself now properly invited." She hesitates. "...but not too much more."
"Understood, Your Highness."
Afterward, Euna watches you curiously as you unfasten the rope and pestle from about your waist. "I'm beginning to think that pestle was designed for women like us," she says. "That godless tool lends itself to our love quite well."
A while later, Euna is still toying with the pestled buried in her pussyass. "That was interesting," she says. "Being penetrated in two ways. I haven't felt quite so full like that before. Being so full has a degree of satisfaction about it."
"So the pestle is growing on you, is it?"
"Hmm." She examines it. "I suppose it's not a wholy evil tool." And she sets it aside.
You two rest together, but after some time, Euna shifts around. She's groping between her legs.
The pestle was still buried in her asssnatch, and she's only now pulling it out.
"Enjoying that thing are you?"
"It gives a wonderful sensation of being full. I admit I am a little reluctant to pull it out."
"Then why do it?"
"Because I'm starting to cramp."
"Then leave it in. Maybe once you get more used to it, you won't cramp anymore."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Yet the pestle goes back in. She snuggles with you for a good while longer, but eventually she does snake a hand back down between her legs. She grimaces when she pulls it out. "Enough for now."
By now, Euna's tits are dark red. They've swollen and tight like overripe fruit. She begins untying the bow to loose the ropes constricting them.
The ropes come away to reveal deep angry imprints of the ropes line the flesh of her boobs. Euna kneeds her tits to return circulation to them. She winces and whimpers all the while.
"Oh, this hurts." She says. "They tingle. Ohhh. They're going to ache so much."
"Well suffer in silence," you reply. "It's time for bed."
"As you wish." She obediently lies down beside you. Her breasts are hot against your skin.
"Was it too much?" you ask.
"Maybe, maybe not," she says, "but what's the point of having breasts like mine if no one is going to abuse them?"
By now, Euna's tits are deep purple. Angry veins stand out, and even the lightest touch causes her to wince, but it's nothing compared to when she removes the ropes. They don't return to their ordinary shape—not right away. And there are cuts along her flesh where the ropes bit, leaving blood and open gashesangry welts where the rope bit along the sides and beneath.
Within a minute, circulation returns. Euna doubles over into a fetal position. Despite her experience with pain, she seems on the verge of crying. All she can do is massage her breasts until the pain subsides.
She still sniffling in the dark by the time you fall asleep.
After dark, you and Euna shut the door outside—no visitors tonight—and retire to the bed together. She peels off her clothes, and pulls your off as well. You cuddle together, bodies intermingling.
You twist Euna so her back is to you. Dropping your pants, you line your cock up with her asshole and push. She relaxes herself as best she can, yet it still takes many slow in out movements before you're buried inside her ass.
Then, it's time to fuck her. Hooking your arms behind her knees, you pull her legs up to her chest and hold them in place by hugging her from behind. Her full weight is fully upon her wrists and her ass upon your member. Your thrusts make her whine in pain. There's little she can do to resist, or even to hump back, as you hammer her ass like a piece of meat.
"Harder... Harder," she pleads. "Punish me. Hurt me..." Her pussy drools long strands which waggle and break free because of your energetic thrusts. Her screams reach a peak. Her body writhes and flexes in your arms. Her asshole clutches at your cock as though trying to lock it in place as you erupt. Your cum fills her bowels.
After coming down, you remain buried in her for a while. In curiosity, you swipe your hand over her untouched snatch. She's sopping wet, and the mere touch causes her to shiver.
You pull from her ass and release her legs. She dangles limply. Small shivers of pleasure occasionally course through her. Eventually, her ragged breathing returns to normal.
Turning Euna to face you, you grab her knees and pull her legs about your waist. The moment your cock touches her, her legs hook around your back and pull you in. Just like that, you're deep inside her with the lips of her pussy clamped the very base of your shaft.
Already, her body trembles in ecstasy. You thrust into her fiercely while she desperately humps back at an irregular tempo. She's screaming out. Her body writhes. When you fire cum deep inside her, it sends her to yet another level.
After you come down, you hold her tightly for a while. Eventually, her legs unwrap from around you, allowing you to pull away. She dangles limply from the rope. Your seed and her juices run rivulets down the inside of her thigh. Her breath is slowly returning to normal.
You slap her ass. She gasps in surprise. You bring your hand down again and again upon her cheeks, one after another. Each strike sounds out, flesh against flesh. Euna takes the punishment for the first few dozen spanks, but soon she's squirming to avoid your palm.
Both of her cheeks glow red. They're warm to the touch.
You spin Euna around; Her feet stagger for support, and you bring the rope whip down upon her breasts without pause.
Blindfolded as she is, she had no way of seeing it coming, andShe sees what you're about to do and flinches away. The moment you strike, a scream escapes her lips. She whines and cowers as you strike her breasts one after another until they too turn a bright red.
Reaching around Euna, you cup each of her breasts. Just as she starts relaxing, you pinch both of her nipples, and she jolts.
You twist. You pull. You tweak. Soon, each nipples juts from her chest. When you squeeze them, a shudder passes through her.
You deliver a swift punch to her stomach. She grunts in pain and would have doubled over if not for the ropes. Another swift punch leaves her coughing and sputtering. Blinded as she is, each blow comes as a complete surprise. She can only cringe endlesslyShe tries to tense herself as you deliver blow after blow to her poor stomach. It leaves her convulsing in pain.
From behind her, you hook one of her legs with an arm and pull it up and to the side. This leaves her slit exposed and vulnerable.
"No..." Euna mumbles. She senses what you're doing.
And then you bring the lash up in and underhanded swing. The rope slaps against her pussy.
Euna squeals. Her body convulses. You bring the lash up again and again against her delicate flower. She struggles free her leg from your grip, but to no avail.
"No, no, no, please," she begs.
Your lashes are not as strong as they were on her ass, but as sensitive as her slit is, it's all that's needed. After nearly a dozen, she's thrashing.
"Stop begging," you tell her. "You wanted to be punished, because you know you deserve it."
"Please..." she says.
You talk over her. "You've become a little slut. You've given up all your virtues, and now you spread your legs freely. You beg for sex. You itch between your legs."
"I know," she breaths. "I'm sorry. I am a trollop. I–"
You slap her. It shuts her up.
"I didn't say a trollop. I said slut. Your delicate little flower is now a fuck hole, only good for cocks. You need to be hurt because you know you're a sinful slut."
"Yes!" she cries. Euna rubs her thighs together. "Yes. It's true. Hurt me. Please. I deserve it."
You slap her again. "You tramp. Your ass is a loose hole that begs to be used. Your mouth is good for sucking cocks. You love to show your body off like it's a piece of meat. And then you whore yourself to strange men just so you can slake that lust inside you. You're so slutty, you're getting off on being punished."
You pick up a tail of the unused rope. Bundling it together, you create a makeshift lash—a coiled rope handle with a half-dozen loops of rope dangling from one end. A whip like this will be good for her. A nice sting, but no welting.
"What are you doing?" Euna turns her blindfolded head this way and that as though she might see you.Euna scurries her feet to turn around and see. You ignore her. Returning, you immediately whip the rope across her ass. She yelps. Her body jolts. You bring it down repeatedly. Sometimes against her cheeks, sometimes her thighs or back. The strikes are leaving her body striped with red.
Already, Euna's breath has grown short. She pants from exertion. Her chest heaves.
"Stop!" Euna writhes as she tries to squirm away. But Margosha's name goes unspoken. Her breath comes out in gasps. She's gripping the rope she dangles from to keep her weight off her wrists.
"Oh Lord. Please, more gently." Euna undulates. "I can't take this." Tears stain her blindfold.Tears run down her cheeks. Whimpers escape her lips. Between her legs, her pussy glistens. Its lips have unfolded.
Euna cries out. Her body twists and turns. Her chest heaves.
"Oh, Lord," she breaths. "Enough. Take me. Please. Ravage me." Her hips gyrate as though trying to hump the air. Her pussy is a wet mess.
"No, please. No more. I need you." Euna is whining. Her hips still gyrate. "Fuck me, fuck me. I need it."
A strand of her juices drips from between her legs. Her pussy radiates baking heat. It needs filling.
Euna's screams grow frantic. "Oh, Lord. I can't believe... I'm actually... uugghh." Her body convulses. Her core flexes rhythmically as a long shrill cry escapes her. Her thighs squeeze tight together and rub, and her curled toes scrape the earth.
Until finally she goes limp. She dangles from the rope. Her breath is ragged. A long silence passes.
"Oh, my Lord," she breaths. "That was incredible."
"So you enjoy a little punishment, do you?"
"I think I see what everyone else is getting from it. It was just so... intense. I couldn't think. A part of me wanted you to stop so badly. It kept screaming at me to yell out Margosha's name, but it just wouldn't come. I always wanted just a little bit more."
You undo the rope stringing her up and slip the binds from her arms. After rubbing her wrists, she removes her blindfold and wipes tears from her eyes. She studies all the red marks scoring her body, tracing some with her finger. "I think I always knew I'd enjoy this."
"How come?"
"Remember when I said I used to hate it when Reverend Mother Margosha used to flog me?"
"That wasn't entirely true. I'd cry, sure. I'd wail. I'd feel terribly humiliated, but afterwards, I think I... I savored the experience. I used to look in the mirror at night and trace my welts, just like this. At the time, I always imagined I was reflecting on my lesson, that I was somehow becoming more pure. But looking back, I don't think my intent was as pure as I believed."
"Doesn't sound like it."
"Margosha used to call me a slut too, you know. I'd confess sinful thoughts I'd had, and she'd tell me what a wanton whore I was, and that I was filled with sin."
"Should I not have called you those things?"
"Why shouldn't you have?" she asks. "They're true. They were true then too, I just didn't know it yet. She used to fill me with shame. But when you say it, it fills me with something much different. Maybe because I've accepted it's true now. And I enjoy a little discipline to keep me sharpAnd that I deserve my beatings."
Euna finishes her self-inspection and turns to you with a radiant smile. She clasps you in a great hug. Her naked body presses against yours. "Thank you for educating me in proper discipline. It was most enlightening."punishing me. It's the least I deserved." Her lips meet yours.
Returning home, you prepare dinner while Euna cleans and fixes. Soon, the food is ready, and it's time to enjoy dinner.
Before she comes over to eat, you have a moment alone with her food.
Questionable Hypno Powder used ( remaining)As you and Euna finish preparing the food, you take her water cup and pour a measured sample of the hypnotic powder in. She sees it all and tenses when you hand it to her
And yet despite that, she drinks it without hesitation in several long gulps. "I hope whatever you plan to do to me will bring you pleasure," she says. "What would you like me to do now?"
Hesitantly, she takes the cup. "If you want me to drink this..."
"I do. Drink it."
"You don't have to use this. I will obey any order you give to me."
"And I'm ordering you to drink it."
"Very well. I'll obey." She sighs. "I love you." And with that, she drinks the water in one long gulp. "What now?"
"Now we go about our evening. Forget about this."
"As you wish."
Questionable Hypno Powder used ( remaining)"Oh," she says. "Understandable. It is a filthy habit after all, and only an experiment. I doubt I was going to do it again anyway." She shrugs. Stares into the fire. As casual as she's behaving, there's still a creep of flush in her cheeks.
"Somehow I knew you would." Euna grins. "Perhaps that's why I did it. Something about knowing you might be out there watching me makes me want to do the wildest things."
"Did you enjoy it?"
"I think I might have. Does that makes me a disgusting person?"
"No. It means you're just discovering pleasures that plenty of other people already enjoy. Besides, if you're a disgusting personwoman, than so am I."
She laughs. "That's not reassuring. I already know you're a disgusting personwoman. It was your naughty stories that put the idea in my head. If you keep telling me those, who knows how disgusting I'll become?"
"I guess we'll find out." You kiss her.
"You can't be serious," Euna says.
"I think your sister's reaction was much the same, but the men were adamant. Even when Aileen offered to fuck all of them as much as they want, for the whole three days, they didn't bend. Their deal was the horses.
"As they rode farther and farther away from the festival, your sister's resolve crumbled, and she finally agreed. The men had to see proof though, so they pulled over the wagons and told her to go at it. Aileen crawled underneath one of the wagon's horses. Carefully, she touched its cock. The horse whinnied, but the men helped keep it calm. The horse's cock came out of its sheath, and it kept growing and growing, reaching inhuman proportions. Aileen's hands worked up and down the shaft. Her fingers played with its massive balls.
"Then this is where Aileen surprised the boys. They thought she would just give the horse a handjob until it shot upon the ground, but when she started playing her tongue along the shafts length, licking up all the old smeg and scum, they didn't say anything. Nor did they say anything when she enveloped the tip of the cock with her mouth. She licked and sucked until the horse rocked back and forth.
"With one final snort, the horse came. Cum overflowed her mouth and streamed down her front. It flowed down the neckline of her summer dress, between her breasts and squatted legs. From the back, it looked as though the torrent flowed from her own pussy. Only from the front could one see how thoroughly drenched she was.
"Aileen licked her lips and stood. 'Satisfied?' she'd asked.
"The boys merely reminded her that they had two horses pulling their wagon. Without a word, Aileen climbed under the other and performed again. More cum flowed down her body. Her dress was soaked through.
"So the deal was made. When the boys made Aileen pleasure the horses again and again, as well as the horses of any other merchants. Her front was a mess of cum. Her belly practically swelled from all she'd swallowed. On the final day, the men advertised a special show for all to come. Once they got a crowd gathered, the boys announced how Aileen would have sex with the horses.
"This came as a surprise to her. She argued, but they made it clear that if she embarrassed them, she'd have to walk back to the festival. And so Aileen performed. First, she got a horse hard using her hands. Then she bent over, hiked up her dress, and guided the cock to her pussy. It was a hard fit. Many times the cock bent and fell to the side. Finally, the boys 'helped' by holding her firm and pulling her back while another held the cock steady. They forced her down on the cock. Oh, how she screamed.
"For a while, she just stayed there, impaled. It was only when the crowd grew impatient that they boys ordered her to start fucking. And so she did. Rocking back and forth, she worked its length in and out, though only half of it could fit inside her. The horse eventually finished. Cum squirted out from the edges of her stretched-tight pussy. When she pulled off, a deluge flowed down her legs. Her snatch gaped.
"And then the boys brought forward their second horse, and the performance was repeated all over again. That crowd certainly got their money's worth."
Euna gasped. "The boys charged money?"
"I assume my sister didn't see a chilling of that."
"Nope, but they did take her home the next day as they promised. But before they got back to the festival, they demanded she pleasure their horses one last time. She climbed under the horses, got it hard, and to the boys delight, she turned around and rocked back, sinking the cock into her pussy. There was no doubt she was enjoying herself. In the end, she returned to the festival with horse cum flowing from her stretched cunt."
"At least it was over," Euna says.
"The boys got it started by taking a few nearby pebbles and pushing them into her muddy vagina. Aileen winced as their sharp edges scraped her inner walls. Others got the idea after that, and people gathered around. Everyone from men, women, and children came up and pushed more stones inside of her. Some pushed clumps of grass. Other simply ground handfuls of earth against her folds. When people couldn't fit any more in, one of the boys would come up with a club and use it as a ramrod to push the earth further inside her."
"How could that possibly work without hurting her?"
"It probably did hurt."
"Right, but rocks and dirt aren't a fluid. They don't pack."
"From what I heard, Aileen was providing plenty of fluid herself. Despite all the punishment, her pussy was gushing with her juices. It turned the dirt into slimy mud, and the earth inside of her became a soup. It shoved well enough, even if she did cry out as they did it. Afterward, there was more room. More people came forward to push stones into her. This went on and on, fill and pack, fill and pack, until her belly swelled, and her pussy gaped. It couldn't even close around the mass inside her."
"But they weren't done, were they?"
"They just started on her ass. Same process. Fill and pack. I can only imagine how bloated her rectum must have been. They put enough mud and rock inside her ass to fill a full sized bucket. Her belly made her look three months pregnant."
"For three days they left her plugged up like that. Whenever her flesh adjusted, they'd pack more. If she managed to expel any, they'd just push it back inside her with more to come. Though it did finally come time to leave. They finally let her stand and empty herself out, before a crowd of course. A slimy mass of earth slid from her pussy, followed by many muddy streams of her own juices which had built up. She had a harder time expelling from her ass. One of the boys had to force his fist inside of her to pull handfuls out. It was caked together, along with her own filth."
"He just... put his hand in her ass? It fit?"
"It was easy from what they said. It slid right in, but after all the stretching she'd taken those past few days, it's not too much of a surprise. It was the same when another boy reached in her cunt. His hand slipped right in, so the boys fisted both her holes, scooping out handfuls after handfuls of earth. It sent your sister over the edge, After three days of torment without cumming once, Aileen had one of the loudest, most powerful orgasms of her life, Right there before everyone. She even dropped to her knees. The boys kept right on scraping her insides clean. In total, they pulled two full buckets worth of earth out of her. Her holes gaped."
"Were they at least done?" Euna asks.
"It wound down. They cleaned her up. On the return trip, they let her ride in the wagon, though she was made to suck each of the boys off repeatedly. In the end, she thanked them for agreeing to take her back."
"Honestly?" Euna says.
"They wrote several other things over her body too, such as 'harlot' and 'whore', or little arrows pointing out her breasts and holes, indicating where she was to be hurt. At first, people didn't come. She was so covered with mud and bruises already it was probably a turn off. So the boys advertised her by explaining to the crowd that she was an adulterer in need of punishing. You know what people think of adulterous women in the heart of our nation, don't you?"
"I'm well aware. How rough were they?"
"Very. Especially after the boys wrote 'adulterer' right over her breasts. It started with a few men coming forward. They spit on her and pulled her hair. Light stuff at first, but it grew. A few religious women in the crowd kicked her, sometimes right between the legs. Your sister was bawling at this point, but no one would take pity on an unfaithful woman. Some men even raped her, but not many. Most used her mouth, but some were brave enough to fuck her pussy, though it was caked in grime, it abraded their cocks. So they slapped her around and blamed her for having such a dirty pussy. Even as they said it, they would grind handfuls of dirt against her snatch."
"A bit hypocritical, I think," Euna says.
"It's a bit hypocritical for a man to rape a woman because she had sex out of wedlock."
"I suppose you're right. What else did they do to her?"
"They only got rougher from there. Some men kicked her pussy so many times their boots started to slip in, which encouraged a group of men to take turns foot fucking her while wearing whatever hard leather boots they had. She bled a lot from that. A few merchant women used their horse's riding crops to beat Aileen's breasts until she bled from a score of fresh cuts. Some women struck her exposed pussy. Children smeared her body with mud and pebbles until every inch of her body was covered in earth, even her face and hair."
You continue. "For three days this went on. I think your sister ran out of tears . At the end of the market, the boys untied her. They gave her some food and water until she was feeling better. They say she was actually laughing and smilling, despite being covered in mud and covered in countless dirt-clod cuts, and her pussy was so raw and beaten she could hardly walk. But do you know what she said when they suggested strapping her back under the carriage for the return trip?"
"'If that's what you want.'"
"Really? She wasn't done? Even after all that?"
"Your sister did say they could do whatever they wanted those three days. You can't fault her for being committed to her word."
"I guess I can't."
"So they strapped her underneath again. And again her pussy faced forward so all the rocks and pebbles would strike her already bruised and bleeding pussy. They got back to the festival after hours. They unstrapped her from the undercarriage and left her just as she was: naked, filthy, bruised and beaten, and so exhausted she could hardly walk."
"And no one in the festival took exception to this?"
"They might have, but as soon as they saw the words 'adulterer' scrawled on her chest. Their attitudes changed to contempt. The boys didn't stick around, but it looked like another group of men and women were circling her. Her ordeal wasn't done."
"I can't believe she had to deal with that," Euna said. "I didn't think I'd ever say this, but perhaps our nation looks upon adulterers far more harshly than they deserve."
"Oh most certainly."
"At least she survived the ordeal."
"For two copper!?" Euna says.
"Yes, for less then the cost of a flagon of ale."
"Surely my sister could sell herself for much more than that."
"Fascinating that that detail is what bothers you, not that your sister was being made to whore herself."
"I've heard enough about my sister to not be surprised by that, but that price seems... insulting."
"She did not set the price. The boys set it that low to better encourage customers, and that they did. They didn't have to spend more than a few minutes offering her body to the traders. After that, she spent nearly every waking minute of those three days on her knees or pressed up against the back of a cart.
"Once the boys finished their trading, they found her in a stranger's cart. A man was forcing his cock down her throat while his two sons were beneath and behind her, rutting both her holes. Her clothes were in tatters. Her breasts were bruised from so much squeezing. Cum matted her body and hair, and more yet oozed from her holes. She was so lost in the sex that when she saw the smithy boys, she didn't recognize them. She thought they were just another group of men who'd heard about the cheap whore taking everyone and she spread her legs and invited them to use her body.
"Once they got her back to their cart, they each took another turn with her, though her pussy was stretched and messy. Afterward, they made good on their promise and took her back to the festival, but not before making her please every merchant they passed on the road.
"All and all, I heard she made them a hundred copper. If you think that's not much, it's because many people weren't paying her, and many others were taking from her pouch while she was busy pleasing other men."
"So everyone took advantage of her," Euna says.
"But there's more. Before they dropped Aileen off, she begged them not to tell anyone about what happened, or at least to leave her name out of it. They agreed, but only on the condition that she return to the metal market next year and let them do it all over again to her."
"They blackmailed her?"
"They did, and the most ironic part is that when they showed her on a map where the metal market was, it turned out to be in Calem's pass."
"That's... but that's just—"
"...just a few miles from the palace. If she'd found out where she was, she could have just walked home. But it certainly made returning to the metal market next year simple for her."
"She actually went back?"
"Yep. And they used and degraded her all over again, and at the end, they told her to return the next year or they'd tell people about this year. And the next year they did it again. It's been three years now, and I have no reason to think your sister won't return for a fourth."
"But... why? Surely there must be some other course of action my sister could take."
"Oh, of course. She could tell the royal guard about them. and they'd make sure those blacksmith boys never saw the light of day again. She wouldn't even have to tell the guards what they did. Or she could just not go and deny the rumors the boys spread. It would be her word against theirs, and no one would believe a royal princess would debase herself like that?"
"So why does she go back?"
"Why do you think?"
Euna grins. "You're going to say because she secretly enjoys what those boys do to her."
"Your sister did agree to their terms in the first place. She could have easily gotten out and walked, or found any other merchant to take her back. Tell me, Your Highness. If those men had made that offer to you, what would you have done?"
"Well, I would have let them, yes, because I know you would want those men to use me. But Aileen has not given herself completely to a depraved fool such as yourself."
"But suppose I wasn't there. Would you do it just for your own sake?"
She considers it. Her hand creeps down and idly plays with her clit through her clothes. She bites her lip.
"I worry more whether three days of such debasement would be enough for me. I might beg them to take me away and use me eternally. I might convince them they should do worse."
"Maybe I should give you to them," you say.
She shivers. "Maybe you should. I'd be sad to see you go, but trading me away like a piece of flesh is such a wicked idea. I love it."
"Perhaps one day," you say.
"Heavens, it'd be such a depraved thing to do, but I think I just might."
"Maybe one day you will," you say.
She thinks, then smiles devilishly. "I suppose the idea has a certain... carnal appeal, the idea of submitting yourself over to those men to do as they please. But to go through with it? I don't think I ever could."
"Your sister is a fair bit more adventurous than you, though."
"I envy her bravery."
"Maybe one day you'll be brave enough too."
"Maybe one day." She trails off in thought.
"I would have told them to burn in hellfire," she says. "And then I would sic the royal guards upon them as soon as I got home."
"There isn't the slightest part of you that would even consider it? Letting all those men have their way with you? Even the fantasy of the idea has no appeal?"
"No. To do so would be utter madness."
"But in fantasy? In the corners of your mind? You might day dream about what would be."
She is trying not to grin. "A proper lady does not have such sordid desires."
"They're not supposed to," you say, "but who can ever know what goes on in their minds."
"You'll never know." She sticks her tongue out at you.
"Shall we head to bed?"
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Euna says. "There are others, but they can wait for another night." "Perhaps I'll read it to you again sometime. Though I'm sure it will be exactly the same. I am reading from a book after all."
"That's it? Then how about you? Now that you've told me of the ways a woman can be a Vixen, will you tell me now how you came to be one?"
"Sure, but isn't it obvious? Clearly I'm..."
" Bogdana. She grew my staff with her alchemy."
" Volga. I had this manhood grafted to me."
" Mira. I was born with my manhood, but I'm a woman through alchemy."
"I see," She ponders. "It's very strange to think that there are women with their own poles. And to think that they might become a common sight one day."It seems like such a bizarre conflict with nature."
"I know from experience that they're good people."
"I'm sure. I'd quite like to meet one some day..."
"What? Truly?" she asks.
"Truly. I was among the first. That is why I have the full works, both for a man and woman."
"But I thought you said you joined the Lilins. If she's your mother, then... oh."
"Right. She leaves her progeny behind when she moves on. It was only years later after I encountered the Lilins that I realized who my true mother—or father—was. I was one of her birds who returned to the nest."
"Did you forgive her for abandoning you?"
"I was angry with her at first, particularly since she treated more like her creation than her daughter, but she is who she is, and she was the one who convinced me to join the Lilins so she could get to know me better."
"So you did get to have a relationship with your mother. I'm glad."
"As a friend and a colleague, yes, but Bogdana was never a mother figure to me. Good thing too. She has an academic obsession with my sex life, and my equipment."
"Have you two ever..."
You grin. "Wouldn't you like to know?"
"I would. You're not going to tell me?"
"That would be a different story, if there is one to tell. Tonight was about how I came to be, and there you have it."
"...wait," Euna says. "Does this mean you don't always have a pole?"
"It does."
She looks baffled. "How did I not notice that?"
"You've only ever seen me naked when we're about to sleep together, but a time like now..." You tug down the front of your leggings to reveal a perfectly normal looking pussy. You even spread your smooth lips to reveal your clit.You even part your bush to reveal your clit. It's a little predominant, but it's by no means a cock.
"My Lord." Euna reaches and holds it between her thumb and index finger. It begins swelling. "Amazing. I feel better now about having never noticed this back home. I knew there wasn't a bulge beneath those skintight leotards of yours."
"There wasn't, but sometimes when my performances got a little racy, I'd have to think very hard of mundane things, lest my pole slip out and steal the show."
"How did Bogdana do it?"
"And you were fine with her changing you permanently?"
"If you knew how much I love sleeping with women, you'd understand."
"I think I have an idea. How did Bogdana do it?"
"She injected some powerful alchemy directly into my ovaries."
Euna's eyes go wide. "That doesn't sound fun."
"It wasn't. It involved long needles and strange glowing chemicals. And the whole process was experimental. Apparently being a lab rat for true alchemy is incredibly foolhardy."
"And you agreed to this?"
"If I'd known any of this beforehand, I never would have. I only learned about it after I was strapped to her table and she was cackling maniacly. Bogdana was an enthusiastic alchemist, and I've since learned that they sometimes trick people into being test subjects."
"But it worked out?"
"It did. My transmuted ovaries secrete her tonic for themselves. It flows through my veins whenever I become aroused.It's always flowing in my veins."
"That is amazing," Euna says.
"She thought so too. Funny thing is, she never expected it to work out, and she hardly kept notes on what she did. Since then she's never been able to reproduce the effect, much to her frustration."
"How is that possible?" she asks.
"One night, after some particularly heavy drinking and debauchery, I went to the Warped Ones and demanded they give me a cock so that I may fuck women. And they did."
"Where did they get it?"
"The alchemists didn't know. They trade in family jewels. Sometimes a man will part with his own to pay a debt, and some woman might buy it for herself. Usually though, the Warped Ones replenished their stock with the mortally wounded. The cock that I got had been bottled away and preserved at the bottom of their chests for so long that none could remember whose it was, or even acquiring it. It had even gained a reputation in the troupe. Some thought a fay trickster had snuck it in among their stock. Others thought it was cursed. Or it came from a famous adventurer. No woman ever bought it, because who would want an infamous, mystery cock?"
"You, apparently."
"Yes. Me, when I'm incredibly drunk and randy. It matched my hair and skin well enough, so they gave it to me."
"The next morning, of course, but I've grown to love my mystery cock. It's never failed me, it bounces back quickly after sex, and I've been so much hornier ever since I got it, but maybe that's just because of how much I love romping women with it. It's mine now."
"You are bizarre. I wonder if the children it'd sire would be cursed or blessed."
"Maybe one day I'll learn."
"How? Who was he?"
"He's the grand duke of Volkhov."
"Volkhov? I know of that duchy. I know of that man. He's your father?" She gapes at you. "My Lord. I think I see it."
"Please don't tell me I look like him. I'd rather look like a swine."
"You don't like him?"
"I only learned that he was my father after years of hunting clues from my childhood. My mother was a serving maid who worked in his estate. He took liberties with her behind his wife's back. I don't know if my mother even wanted to, but either way, when she became pregnant, he dealt with this by denouncing my mother as a thief and a liar, and having her banished from his land. He took everything from her. By the time I was born, she was whoring herself to survive. I think she gave me up because since she could hardly afford to care for herself, much less a child. She was dead by the time I finally found her."
"That's horrible," Euna says. "I'm so sorry."
"I got my justice. One night, during one of the grand duke's balls, there was one particularly flirty little trollop that caught his eye."
You nod. "Seducing him was almost too easy. He took me to his chambers, where I let him do as he pleased with me."
"You slept with your own father?"
"I don't care. It was for my plan. He didn't drink the spiked vodka I'd brought along until after he'd filled me thrice with his cum, but after he passed out, I went to work. That night, I snuck out of his manor with his tackle bottled away."
You nod. "Seducing him was almost too easy. He took me to his chambers, and we shared a night cap from some spiked vodka I brought. He was out before he ever got a chance to grope me. Then I went to work. That night, I snuck out of his manor with his tackle bottled away."
"You chopped it off?"
"No. It was a delicate procedure using all sorts of alchemy. I spent weeks with the Warped Ones learning how. It's quite neat actually. He slept through it."
"But then you gave it to yourself?"
"The way I see it, I'm a better keeper of the family jewels than he ever was. I don't ruin lives with it."
"Incredible," she says. "There are a lot of revelations here. Now I know why the grand duke never produced an heir with his later wives."
"He's got a clean little scar where his pride and joy should be."
"...and you. You're nobility."
You scoff. "Please. I'm a common hussy born out of wedlock, and I'm proud of it."
"What? Why would anyone do that to an unborn child?"
"In some parts, if a boyar's serving girl becomes pregnant, that child would be a peasant who'll one day serve him, but he might prefer having only women working under his roof. So if a healer determines the child will be born a boy, he might have alchemists apply their art upon the serving girl so that the child will be born a woman instead. Such transmutations are not complete, but apart from what's between my legs, I am a woman in every way."
"And your mother went along with this?" Euna asks.
"I don't think she had a choice."
"That doesn't seem right. Women should not be forced to do such a thing. Have you considered changing back?"
"Back? I am a woman. I always have been, and I'm perfectly happy with that. Nobody has a choice about what they're born as."
"I suppose that's true. As long as you're happy with what you are, then so am I."
You curtsie. "Thank you."
"Really? How?"
"I was a young scamp who roamed with a pack of boys. One day the Lilins visited my village. There was this merchant in a garish carnival wagon who was selling all sorts of amazing alchemy, strange potions and powders. My friends were interested in silly things like popping nuts or burping tonics, but the merchant showed us this elixir he kept in this locked glass cabinet. It would transmute someone into a woman forevermore. Never in my life had I ever wanted anything so badly. And while my friends roamed the circus, I'd sneak away to oggle that elixir, which I knew I could never afford."
"What did you do?" Euna asks.
"When the merchant stepped away, I jimmied the lock."
"And you drank it?"
"Right away before anyone could take it from me, but nothing changed. I thought for a long time that it hadn't worked, but then my friends and I grew up. Their voices deepened. Their shoulders broadened."
"And you developed differently, didn't you?"
You gesture at your body, from your feminine hips to your breasts. "Apart from the secret between my legs, it's as though I was a woman all along. Not even my friends knew. They all thought I'd been a tomboy who had dressed like them to fit in. And then their attentions toward me started to change..."
"I see," Euna says. "Surely they must have realized then."
"Maybe a few learned for themselves," you say suggestively. "Even as a teen I was never terribly virtuous."
"Do you ever imagine what your life would have been like if you hadn't stolen that elixir?"
"Not once. Besides, after I joined the Lilins years later, I learned that the merchant meant for me to steal it. He shows off those elixirs to children everywhere he goes, because once in a while a child like me will come skulking back to press their face to that cabinet's glass."
"Now I understand why you held off about explaining your staff earlier," Euna says. "Your peculiarity has quite an story behind it. Thank you for sharing."
"Of course."
"Though I have one remaining question. From the way you describe the other Vixens, I'm surprised that your own manhood is so..."
"That's because I never made a spectacle of my uniqueness the way the Vixens in the Warped Ones did. I'm simply a lady who proudly owns her own cock."
"And what a delight it is," Euna adds.
"It was about time they did," Euna says. "Those boys certainly had their fun."
"They did. And they saw no reason to stick around."
"What did she do?"
"First, she fetched the hound they left out. Before returning it to the kennel, she smothered its snout with kisses. It gave her a fair share of friendly face-licks too. I don't know if she had made a new friend, or if there was already a relationship there that I didn't know about, but it honed in on her crotch even as she led it back to its cage."
"It was probably just the smell," Euna says.
"And after that?"
"Aileen had to figure out how to get back to her room. She found that her clothes were ruined. The boys had torn them to shreds when they'd whipped her, and they were soaking in a puddle of urine, so she dumped them in the coop. That left her naked, and her body was striped with welts. She was soaked in piss. Her clothes were dripping, so she discarded them inside the coop. That left her naked, her hair drenched, and her body stinking. She was in no state to be seen by anyone, so to get back, she had to stalk through the palace halls. Twice she had to hide from the watchmen. It took nearly an hour for her to reach her private quarters."
"How do you know this?"
"I followed her."
"Of course you did." Euna shakes her head. "I can't believe she allowed those boys to take advantage of her like that. I suppose if she enjoyed herself..."
"I think she did."
"Of course you would." She sets her plate aside. "An illuminating story. I see there's much I never knew about my sister."
"It was my pleasure to enlighten you."
"I'm sure."
"Of course. I couldn't go easy on her. I caned her. Five strikes upon her breasts. Five strikes upon her rump. Five to her belly. And three well-deserved strikes to that overused flower between her legs."
"I wanted to make sure she thought of me every time she every time she took another man between her legs. The pain would remind her."
"Very. She fetched a cane. Five strikes upon my breasts. Five strikes upon my rump. Five to my belly. And three particularly vicious strikes to my womanhood."
"That was mean of her."
"Very, but don't worry. She kissed all my welts to make them better, and I forgave her." She smiles. "I forgave her many times, in all sorts of ways."
"Unbelievably so," Euna says. "I had the maids fetch milk from the stables. Then I had Aileen get on her knees and elbows so her rump was pointed up. I placed a funnel in her rear and pour the milk into her."
"How much?"
"Four pails. Her belly swelled as though she were nine-months heavy with a child, and the funnel wasn't enough. I needed a syringe to get it all inside her. She wailed in pain. The sight of her rubbing her distended belly pleased me so."
"Two pails. Her belly swelled up. The cramps had her curled in pain. Dribbles of milk kept squirting out and running over her womanhood."
"An entire pail of milk. Oh, how she whimpered."
"How devious of you. Did you make her hold it?"
"Of course. I made her dance too. The Barynya."
"Unbelievably so," Euna says. "She had the maids fetch milk from the stables. Then she had me get on my knees and elbows so my rump was pointed up. And she jammed a funnel in my rear so she could pour milk into me."
"How much?"
"Four pails. My belly swelled as though I were nine-months heavy with child, and the funnel wasn't enough. Aileen used a syringe to force it all inside me. My poor distended belly was grotesque. And the cramps... I thought I was going to burst."
"Two pails. My belly swelled up. The cramps had me curled over in pain. I kept squirting out dribbles of milk, which ran over my womanhood."
"An entire pail of milk. Oh, how I cramped."
"How devious of her. Did she make you hold it?"
"Of course. She made me dance too. The Barynya."
"Ooh. How unsexy!"
"It's an elegant dance! The woman's part anyway. I'm the one telling the story. Am I not?"
"I'm sorry. Go on."
"Thank you. And you must concede how torturous it would be to dance with a gut full of milk."
"That would be torturous."
"Yes. Every twirl and kick made her suffer. Her gut sloshed about. Every time she doubled over in pain, I'd make her start over. I also warned her that she would have to lap up any milk she spilled."
"How did she do?"
"Horribly. Brown-tainted milk coated her legs. She had quite a puddle to lap up afterward, and even a few lumps. I don't think they were curds."
"Fairly well. Some milk squirted from her as she twirled. I had her lap it up like a kitten."
"And she was still naked?"
"Of course. My father's seed still dripped from her. He found this dance uproariously entertaining. Oh how he laughed. I've never seen Aileen so humiliated."
"Of course. And all the maids and guards clapped along as she danced. It was such fun. I've never seen Aileen so humiliated."
"How'd it end?"
"I had her lie down so I could sit on her belly. I bounced up and down upon her swollen gut. She cried in pain, but I made her hold it as long as possible. She held up admirably, but eventually she released, and milk sprayed from her in a torrent."
"How'd it end?"
"I had her lie down so I could sit on her belly until she could stand it no more. It was like a dam breaking. Oh, what a mess."
"Yes, it was. My gut sloshed with every kick and twirl. Every time I doubled over in pain, she'd make me start over. She also said I would have to lap up any milk I spilled."
"How did you do?"
"Horribly. Brown-tainted milk coated my legs by the end. I had quite a puddle to lap up, and even a few lumps. I can tell you for sure they were not curds."
"Fairly well. Some milk squirted as I twirled. She made me lap it up like a kitten."
"All of this was in the nude, I imagine."
"Of course. My father's seed still dripped from me. He found this dance uproariously entertaining. Oh how he laughed. I'd never been humiliated in my life."
"Of course. And all the maids and guards clapped along as I danced. It was humiliating."
"How'd it end?"
"She had me lie down so she could sit upon my swollen belly and bounce up and down. I tried to hold it in, but each bounce was excruciating. I could take so much. Milk sprayed from me in a torrent. My insides felt ruined."
"How'd it end?"
"She had me lie down so she could sit on my swollen belly until I could stand it no more. It was like a dam breaking. Oh, what a mess."
"Of course it was," Euna says. "I administered ten lashes with a switch. Five upon her back, another five upon her breasts."
"Painful," you reply.
"She needed to know her place," Euna replies.
"Of course it was," Euna says. "She administered ten lashes with a switch. Five upon my back, another five upon my breasts."
"Painful," you reply.
"It was torture to wear clothes for weeks. Yet I had to hide it, and pretend to be an innocent princess."
"Absolutely," Euna says. "I decided to make sure she knew she was beneath me. I am the tsarivna, heir to the throne, and she is little more than a trollop. So I took her to a brothel in the capital."
"And how did you know about a brothel?"
"I didn't. My father knew."
"Oh. Uh, that actually may be true."
"Come now," she says. "I just bested my sister at being the best harlot. You think I've never moonlighted before?"
"Oh, of course. I should have guessed."
"Yes, well. I decided to put my sister to work there. Two nights every week, Aileen was to go down to the brothel disguised as any other tramp, and she would take whatever johns the madame sent to her, and I instructed the madame to send my sister the worst—the fat, the old, the ugly. My sister saw them all."
"And how long did she have to do this?"
"What makes you think she ever stopped?" Euna says. "My father enforced my order. Aileen should still be moonlighting that brothel to this day."
"She had to go one night for every man I fucked in that challenge."
"How many nights is that?"
"Forty? Fifty? I'm not sure. I never really counted, and I haven't really been keeping track of how many brothel nights she's done. Aileen was still selling her body when I left."
"Absolutely," Euna says. "Aileen decided it was time for me to loosen up. Literally, I might add. She took me to a brothel in the capital and put me to work."
"And you went along with this?"
"My father loved the idea. He ordered me to obey, and I am nothing if not dutiful."
"The guards made. And I told no one because I couldn't stand the idea of my father finding out how sullied his daughter had become."
"I see."
"Aileen would make me go several nights a week to sell my body. Each time I'd have to dress up and paint my face like a whore so no one recognized me. Aileen was close friends with the madame, and she made sure I got the worst johns—the fat, the old, the ugly. I've done them all."
"How long did you have to do this?"
"Who says I ever stopped? Maybe I ran away because I was tired of being my sister's whore?"
"Was it?"
"No. Secretly, my life as a whore is what I miss the most about home."
"I love it," you say. "Now that is a good story about your sister."
"It was rather provocative, wasn't it?" Euna says.
"And to think those ideas all came from your mind, about your sister. I suspect if we should ever get back home, you might gain a few more stories like that, and maybe they won't be fantasies."
"I doubt it," Euna replies.
"Why not?"
"Regardless of whatever inclination I may have, making such advances on my sister would never be acceptable."
"You might find your sister is more receptive than you think."
"It would be improper."
"Of course it would," you say. "It would be downright sinful."
"Hmm. Yes, it would." Euna bites her lip. "Perhaps if we should ever get back home... we'll see." She sets her plate aside. "Let's clean up."
"Well, I see the Lilins deserve their reputation. They are far more bizarre than I ever realized. To think that people would make shows out of such acts..."
"There are a lot of strange practices in the world you've spent your life dismissing," you say. "Just keep an open mind. Let others do as they will."
"I will try to remember that. You've certainly given me a lot to think about." She sets the remains of her dinner aside. "I think it's time to turn in now."
Story settings
Incest: yesno
Blood: yesno
Rape: yesno
Urine: yesno
Scat: yesno
Vixens: yesno
Fool: vixencis woman
Fool's orientation: bisexualwomen only
"Of course," Euna says. "Just look at my grandmother. Tsaritsa of the land and one of the most desirable women of her time. But Militsa is just a servant. It's not her place to force her will upon my sister."
"True. Most handmaidens wouldn't do that. They're usually meek small women who scurry to follow orders and grovel at your feet. Maybe that's why Aileen has kept Militsa as a lady-in-waiting to this day. There aren't any other boyarinas like her."
"As it should be. It's decorum."
"I know a great many men and women who'd love to hand themselves over to someone like Militsa."
"My sister included it seems."
"Your sister craves having someone in her life to boss her around. Maybe she got that from being around a certain sister of hers..."
"Me? I suppose I am rather bossy at times. I have to be. I was in line for the throne."
"I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Didn't I just mention how many people would love to submit to a bossy woman such as yourself?"
"Well, submitting to me would be within the natural order of things. I am royalty."
"Indeed you are," you reply.
"Comforting?" she asks.
"Imagine if you could put your life in the hands of someone you trust and simply obey. You don't have to worry about any decisions or obligations. All of your attention is simply on pleasing the one you love."
"I suppose I understand that," she says. "There is joy in pleasing others. And simplicity in following orders. It might even be relaxing, I'd think. Emotionally."
"It can," you say.
"Though her own lady-in-waiting? I could never submit to Militsa."
"Of course not. You don't know her like your sister does, but could you ever imagine yourself submitting to anyone?"
She considers it. "Maybe. I don't know. It would have to be a controlled setting, and certainly not for my entire life. Only at times."
"At least you're keeping an open mind about it."
Euna is thoughtful for a time. "Is there any more to tell?"
"No. That's it."
So she sets her plate aside. "Thank you for sharing it. It was quite an illuminating story about my sister."
"Truly?" Euna asks.
"Oh, yes. Maybe the men started out slowly for the sake of their women, but as they kept neck and neck, they kept picking up the pace. By the end, they were racing to the finish, and those girls were rocking wildly under those horses. Their pussies got battered by those horse cocks. Their wrists and ankles bled. And they needed weeks to recover. Neither woman ever had children again."
"And they never called for mercy?"
"Of course not. Yelena wanted your father to win as much as he did. In fact, your mother ordered the servants to gag her beforehand so that she would not betray her conviction, and she told your father to win at all costs."
"Even at the cost of her life?"
"As your mother had said then, she had already provided Ruthgar with two heirs. It was her duty to offer up her life and body for the tsardom as well. And she meant it. Several time throughout the race, your father saw how badly Yelena was getting battered, and he tried to slow down, only for Yelena to spur the horse on with a squeeze of her thighs. By the end, your mother was the one racing and steering that horse. Your father was just a hapless rider."
"I see, and was Kalin's daughter equally convicted."
"It was her honor, and from what I hear, after she'd recovered enough to speak, she bid her father to choose her again should there ever be a rematch, and this time he was to ride her to death."
"Were those men really not concerned about their women?"
"Sure they did, but they also wanted to win. As far as your father was concerned, your mother had already provided him with two heirs. Her wifely duties were to serve her husband however he needed, even if that meant giving up her life. After all, Vislav could always get another wife, but if he lost that race, it would have cost the tsardom a lot."
"And Kalin considered his daughter's life equally forfeit?"
"He had many daughters to spare, and those daughters were loyal to their father."
"My Lord," she says. "Well, no one can ever say us Ruthgan women are not strong willed."
"My Lord," she says. "Well, no one can ever say us Ruthgan women aren't loyal to our tsardoms."
"No they can't," you agree.
"Next time?" Euna asks. "I thought the debate over that highway was resolved in perpetuity."
"It was. Kalin hadn't the heart to put his daughter through it again. Part way through the race, she had wepted that she couldn't take it anymore and begged for mercy. Kalin took pity on her and forfeited."
"Poor girl," Euna says. "I suppose my mother was more conditioned for it."
"More than you think. There was no need for your father to continue then, but your mother yelled up from beneath the horse that the race would not be won until someone crossed the finish line, so that's what he did."
"She really was convicted."
"Or she enjoyed herself too much. While they never raced Kalin again, your mother had your father race alone along deserted forest roads, while your mother assumed her new favorite position beneath the horse."
"I don't know about that. Your mother begged plenty, but your father made it very clear. 'The race isn't won until someone crosses the finish line,' and that's exactly what he did, despite her plight."
"He must have been committed."
"Or he discovered that he enjoyed putting your mother through the abuse and humiliation. While he never raced Kalin again, he did race horses on his own along deserted forest roads, after lashing your mother beneath his horse.
"And these rides were more extreme?"
"Always. Your mother father was always on the hunt for larger horses, with larger cocks to better batter her womb with. She He used alchemy to make sure those cocks could penetrate deep into her womb. Several of those races had the horse's cock buried deep in your mother's ass instead. Once your father went for a marathon ride over a day long. He had to keep swapping out horses as they spent themselves in your mother. I heard she went through five horses that way, and when she finally stood upright at the end, a river poured from her.
"What a bizarre past time," Euna says.
"All couples have their hobbies."
"Interesting theory..." she says.
"Did it work?" you ask.
"I've been a prostitute since I was a teenager. So it certainly did."
"Maybe you should be glad. You know how much you love whoring your body."
"I behave like a wanton harlot. I love showing off my body. So maybe."
"Maybe? You mean certainly. Most women would not be so brazen as you, especially after so much time in a convent."
"I spent most of my life as a chaste nun."
"Not by choice. Look at how far you've come in just a short while. You enjoy showing off your body, don't you?"
"A fair point. Perhaps there is a hunger lurking within me. A final gift from my mother. Though I wonder why she would want that."
"Maybe she hoped some day to have a daughter that craved her husband's shit as much as she did. You and she could share it together. Or maybe she wanted a good daughter who'd kneel at her mother's ass and accept her mother's brown gifts into her belly. Or maybe she hoped one day to be kneeling beneath her wanton daughter's ass, accepting her daughter's offering right into her belly.
"Maybe she hoped some day you would share her perverted passion with her. Mother and daughter, bathing each other in each other's piss, revelling in each other's passion. Sleeping in each others arms."
"Maybe she hoped some day you two would be on your knees, sucking cocks together. Maybe she wanted a good daughter to suck the cum from her quim. Maybe she hoped to have a slutty daughter who would make her suck cum from her quim.
"You're probably right," Euna says. "My mother did try encouraging AIleen and I to indulge in such depraved behavior. She had us help her debase herself many times. Maybe if we'd had more time together, I could have indulged her wishes more."
"I'm sure your mother would be happy as long as you're indulging such pleasures with somebody."
"I think you're right," Euna says. "My mother always knew Aileen and I spied on her. Sometimes it seemed like she indulged in her filthy games because of that. I wonder what sort of family we'd be now if she were still around."
"Maybe you should honor her by emulating her."
"I could."
"You should."
"I don't know if I would have ever done any of that," Euna says, "but it does sound as though I'm destined to become an utterly vile and disgusting woman."
"Your hand was dealt before you were born."
She thinks. "Now that you mention it. I do have early memories of her with a swollen belly. Why was she having so many children?"
"What? Surely not. I'd have noticed."
"You were very young, but I've heard that she was getting knocked up until you were nearly eight years old. Don't you ever remember seeing your mother with a swollen belly?"
"I... I don't know. She always wore those robes. Maybe I do. Why was she doing it?"
"Yelena was constantly having affairs, not only with dignataries, but with commoners. Any time she took even a slight fancy to a man, she'd take his loads in her quim until her womb quickend. It's an obsession."
"And my father?"
"You father hardly had any control of your mother. In fact, I think she bragged to him about all the men she fucked, about how she was making her womb available to common strangers rather than to him him. He would rage and punish her, but was he really angry?"
"He did have a two-way mirror to her bedroom," Euna says.
"Exactly. I think he enjoyed her pregnancies as much as she did. He loved her swollen belly, and her heavy tits. They certainly made a sport of it after she'd give birth."
"Because your father enjoyed ordering her to sleep with other men, not only with dignataries, but with commoners too. He'd give her to other men until her womb had quickened."
"I understand my father enjoyed watching, but why would he want my mother giving birth to other men's children?"
"Because she'd given him enough heirs already, but he always wanted Yelena pregnant. He loved the way her belly swelled, how heavy her tits got, and he always had the most fun when she gave birth."
"How so?"
"From the moment Yelena would go into labor, the perversion would start. The pain of Yelena's childbirth aroused her your father to no end. Your father and the healers might fist her as she dilated, or she'd suck them off. Her handmaid often rode her face to stifle her screams. It was twisted. And then after the child was born, they'd start a train on her before she'd even nursed."
"After birth? Surely she was exhausted."
"It was your mother who orchestrated it. She loved it all, and it was just matter of weeks before she'd get herself pregnant again."
"But your father would still be excited. He'd probably already have somebody lined up to fill her womb before her pussy had even recovered."
"Good Lord. Sounds like it hardly had anything at all to do with politics."
"Sometimes not, but your parents did secure many deals and treaties this way. Maybe you should do the same."
"Interesting notion. I would use my womb as a way of growing my power. I could seduce my adversaries, and eventually become a lover and mother to all the rulers in the lands. I'd unite the continent through blood."
"Interesting notion. I would allow myself to become a breeding sow for all the rulers in the world. Or maybe I'd just let whoever wished to fill my womb. I would be constantly bred."
"And it would be sexy as hell to see your belly swollen like that."
"Too bad it won't happen."
"Why not?"
"My womb exists for degenerate sex, not for the miracle of life. Though perhaps Aileen might be a breeding sow instead."
"There's a good idea," you say.
"Where was this?"
"The place was this dingy back-alley whorehouse in the seedy part of the capital. She'd arranged with the brothel's madame to give her a basement room all to herself, and to send men to her. In exchange, the madame could keep whatever the men paid."
"My mother worked for free?"
"Yelena didn't need the money. At first, she used to only sneak down there for the occasional night, but her cravings grew. In those last few months of pregnancy, when her belly was heavy and her tits leaked, she was there almost constantly."
"The place was this dingy back-alley whorehouse in the seedy part of the capital. Your father arranged for her to be kept in a basement room, and when the house madame sent johns in to her, she was to service them, no questions asked. At first, your father only sent her there a few days a week, but in those last few months when her belly was most heavy, and her tits were leaking, she was kept there nearly constantly."
"How was it no one recognized her?"
"She wore a mask, of course. The madame advertised her as the Hungry Mother. You could fuck her any way you wanted, as long as you gave her your load of fresh shit afterward. And from what I hear, she loved it. It didn't mather whether you shit right in her mouth, had her eat it off the floor, or if you shit on her and made her coat herself. She loved massaging it onto her swollen belly and her leaking tits. It's a good thing no one recognized her, because everyone was talking about that pregnant slut with the desperate need to feed her unborn infant with men's waste. She was popular."
"She wore a mask, of course. The madame advertised her as the Thirsty Mother. You could fuck her however you wanted, as long as you annointed her with your golden piss afterward. And from what I hear, she loved it. It didn't matter whether you had her guzzle down your entire bladder of urine, or if you showered her in your stream, or if you pissed up her ass. However you gave it to her would put her near orgasm. It's a good thing no one recognized her, because everyone was talking about that pregnant slut so desperate for cum and piss. She was popular."
"She wore a mask, of course. The madame advertised her as the Shameless Mother. She would let anyone fuck her, as long as they fed her their delicious cum. And from what I hear, she needed it. If you didn't let her suck the cum from your cock, she'd push it out of whatever hole of hers you pumped it into and lick it off the floor. Even spraying your load on her tits seemed to electrify her. It's a good thing no one recognized your mother, because everyone was talking about that desperate pregnant slut. She was popular."
"My Lord," Euna stares off. "I think I've heard about her."
"During your time at the brothel?"
She nods. "She was a legend. I must have worked at the same brothel she did. I used to work in the same basement. Maybe even the same mat."
"Why do you think that? Could you smell her upon it?"
"I could smell something. That mat was disgusting. I was always amazed men would deign to fuck me upon it, but I guess if they were used to my mother, they were used to filth."
"She did build her audience."
"My Lord," Euna stares off. "I didn't even know our capital had brothels, much less that my mother worked in one."
"Just because they're illegal, doesn't mean they don't exist. They were an open secret."
"Apparently, so was my mother."
"Yes. She certainly built herself an audience."
"It's true. It turns out that for the entire trial, she'd had to resort to letting that horse sodomize her multiple times a day. She had no choice. Horses don't cooperate, and everything they do is big."
"You need to explain that more."
"She had two problems. The horse passed plenty of dung for her, but it was as dry as clay, and whenever that horse pissed, it came out as a gushing torrent. She could never drink it fast enough, and the earth drank it up instead. After a week of desperation, she tried bending over a fallen log and letting the horse sodomize her. After it came, she stayed mounted until the horse released its torrent of piss into her bowels."
"She could retain it then?"
"Exactly. But then came the problem with the dry dung. Without a bowl to mix it with the urine, she took to cramming all the dry dung she could up her ass before letting the horse sodomize her. After it peed, she'd fuck the horse to mix it all together and add its cum. Then later she could shit out lumps of horse porridge into her palm and eat."
"This seems elaborate..." Euna says. "And unnecessarily perverted. She couldn't fashion a bowl?"
"Maybe she didn't see the need. Maybe she came to enjoy packing all the horse's dung into her and getting sodomize many times a day."
"That horse pissed whenever it want, and even when Yelena managed to be beneath it in time, it fired such a torrent that she couldn't swallow fast enough. All that piss soaked into the dry earth. After a week of desperation, she tried draping over a log and letting the horse sodomize her. After it came, she stay mounted until that horse relieved itself in her bowels."
"She could retain it then?"
"Exactly. With her belly sloshing, she'd crouch over a depression lined with leaves and push out the flood a bit at a time. Then she could lap up her horse soup. It worked, but this meant spending much of her day with that horse up her ass."
"She could get that stallion to cum easily enough, but the horse would jerk about, and it would fire off such a copious load that she couldn't get very much in her mouth. Most would spill into the dirt. Same problem letting it fuck her pussy. It'd all spill down her thighs. But if she had that horse sodomize her, then she could bend forward and clench herself tight after it came."
"I see, and then she could hold onto it all?"
"Exactly. Then she'd create a depression in hard clay into which she'd push out the entire load and lap it up. It worked, but this required her to let that horse sodomize her many times a day."
"And hence how she loosened herself up so much."
"She came back from that trial as a filthy wild woman, reeking like a stable, and with an ass like a cavern. Sure, she cleaned herself up and went on to become our most august tsaritsa, but she always had that cavernous ass from then on."
"At least now I know where she got it," Euna says. "I can assure you, she could fit much more than a horse's cock in that ass by the time I was spying on her."
"Good to know she never stopped stretching it out."
"Knowing how these stories go, I'm sure it was put to good use."
"Not a week went by your mother wasn't in the royal stables stretching her ass to the limit with horse cocks."
"Your father was in love with it. Not a week went by he didn't drag her down to the stables to make her stretch her ass to its limits with horse cocks."
"What sort of alchemy?" Euna asks.
"Your father would be the one to ask. He originally acquired it for your mother. All I know is that it would cause her lust to flame, and so would her hunger for filth. Jaroslav was to slip only a single drop of this in his wife's wine each day, and over time, for It was potent, and the changes were permanent."
"Did he go slow?"
"He did at first, for months, but nothing changed, and he grew impatient. He started slipping her two drops. And then three."
"Oh dear..."
"Oh dear indeed. Because what he hadn't considered was that Lidiya might be resisting her growing urges quietly. She was a saintly woman after all, but all that while, she had a growing storm of lustful hunger growing inside her, which she suppressed as best as she could... until she couldn't."
"What did she do?"
"She took a stroll to town one day, and didn't come back. After many days, Jaroslav's guards finally found her with a band of travelers. They were pimping her out all day to countless men, and she was already notorious."
"How so?"
"She was a filth whore, and there aren't many of those. Everything dirty turned her on, from getting ass-fucked, to tongue-cleaning the filthy unwashed travelers, especially their cocks and their asses. She begged men to piss on her, but most of all, she was desperate for men to defile her with their shit. It was shameless, and everyone treating her like a toilet. The travelers themselves enjoyed making her eat their collective shit off the dirt like a dog. They thought it was hilarious how she'd climax from that alone."
"She was the filthiest slut the travelers had ever met. She loved getting fucked in the ass. She loved guzzling men's cum, getting their stink on her. At the end of every day, the travelers would piss on her. She'd play with herself while trying to gulp what she could of their streams. Then they'd leave her to sleep on the dirt, naked and stinking.
"They knew her as the slut who was desperate to get anally fucked. She'd suck anyone's cock just to bathe in their cum. The travelers would make her tongue bathe them, from crotches to pits, and she'd do it, playing with herself all the while. The more somebody stank, the more desperate she got. Though no one stank as badly as she did."
"Too much of the elixir, it seems," Euna says.
"And she'd run away to live as a whore in order to hide her shame, but Jaroslav got her back. He convinced her that he would accept her as she was. Secretly, he got the filthy slut he'd always wanted."
"I suppose he was happy then."
"Not quite. He couldn't keep up with Lidiya anymore, and she cheated on him constantly. People knew him as a cuckold—the man whose wife plays with herself at the dinner table, whose children are probably not his own, and whose own guards visit his wife's chambers more than he does, to do things to her they wouldn't even do to a whore. He became a laughing stock."
"Good, he deserves it," Euna pauses. "Hold on. You said my father got that elixir for my mother. Did she take it?"
"Oh yes."
"Unlike Jaroslav's wife, your mother was proud to be a wanton slut. She was happy to take some to please your father, or just to indulge for herself, even if it meant warping her own mind."
"Maybe. She lived to please your father. I wouldn't put it past her to take an elixir just because your father ordered her to. Or maybe he slipped it in her drink without her ever knowing it existed."
"My Lord... How much do you suppose she took?"
"The better question is: How much do you think your parents slipped you?"
"Me? You jest."
"Think about it. Think about all the men you fuck, and the ungodly things you let them do to you."
"That's true. I suppose I'm not much different from her." She frowns. "You don't suppose they actually did, do you?"
"Am I? You're a pretty lusty woman for someone who spent years in a convent."
"I guess I am. I've never considered that these desires of mine might not be natural." She frowns. "You don't suppose they actually did, do you?"
"Probably, but maybe not. Maybe you've had a drop or two. All this time, you've been fighting dirty urges, just like Jaroslav's wife."
"Oh? And someday I'll give in to temptation? You don't really think my parents would do that to their own child." She frowns. "...Would they?"
"There's no way to ever know for sure."
"You mean to make her situation even worse?"
"Absolutely. Your mother father only checked in on her debasement once a month or so. You should be in those stables humiliating her daily. Double the amount of horses she fucks. Make her pleasure you. Tie her up in your bedroom and ride her face all night, feeling her tongue upon your assclit. Tie her and her mother, Nadiya, together so they're made to pleasure each other. Or maybe have her fuck horses before the entire court so that everyone knows how low and pathetic she is. Make sure that girl never sees herself as anything other than a sex object."
"Why? Why not show her mercy?"
"Your parents already showed the girl mercy by letting her live. Most regents would have had her drowned as a baby. But remember who is better to rule the tsardom. You? who has spent her life studying court and history? Or Ilya, an illiterate girl with questionable heritage who only knows how to pleasure horses?"
She considers this. "You may be right, but I will not be cruel to my own sister just to protect my throne. Instead, I will see to it that she is happy."
"You're not going to elevate her, are you?"
"Absolutely not. She will continue to be a sleeve for horses, only now she will also be my own sex object as well. She'll serve me in my bed to know her proper place."
"And this will make her happier?"
"I can be a kind mistress. I promise in time she will adore me. I'll have her addicted to the taste of my flower, and she'll gladly fuck those horses because she'll know it makes me happy."
"Oh, I never said that. She'll still be a sex object, maybe even still for horses. But I will be a kind mistress to her."
"You're actually going to seduce your own sister?"
"Seduce? No. But I must take an active part in her sexual exploitation. If the safest way to reward her is to bring her into my own bedroom, then so be it. It will give me more opportunity to breed obedience into her."
"I don't think so. I only mean mercy. Even a pet can be happy with its master. I will reward her for her services in my stables. I will show her love that she deserves. But I will see to her continued debasement and obedience. You are right that she mustn't learn her heritage."
"Your mother father would be proud."
"I think that idea makes more sense in your mind than anyone else's," Euna says.
"I'm serious. The only reason you're the tsarivna and she's a cocksleeve for animals is because your parents decided it so. She's royal blood too, and she deserves to know the truth."
"But how would I ever make amends for her lifetime of servitude? Life was not fair to her."
"That's why you let her take her greivances out on you. You will still be the tsaritsa. You're older, and your better prepared. She learned about pleasuring horse cock rather than negotiating politics, so the most she'll ever be is a court lady. But in private, she is allowed to abuse and humiliate you however you want. If she wants to watch you fuck horses like she was made to, fine. If she wants to tie you up and feel your tongue upon her assholeflower all night, that's her right. If she wants to paddle your ass until you beg for mercy, good for her. I think if she gets to be above you sometimes, she might be satisfied with her place in your court."
"And what do I get out of this?"
"You get a sister who reminds you every night that your throne is a privilege, not a right, and that you are no better than any of the subjects you rule. The humility will make you a better leader."
"It's an interesting idea," she says. "I would occupy both the highest and the lowest station in the tsardom."
"So you'll do it?"
"I very well might. I like the idea of having another sister to molest me for her own sexual gratification. Whether she actually dominates me will be up to her."
"That's true. I hope she does."
"I'll consider it. I won't leave my own flesh and blood to suffer in misery. However, allowing my own sister to molest me as her personal sex object seems a little much, but if that is the only way to make amends..."
"It's only fair," you say.
"I doubt it. We both know you really only want this because it's a fantasy of yours."
"Just think about it," you reply.
"I should?"
"Yes. That poor girl has been doing it for her entire life. It's the only love she gets. She's never even known the pleasure of a real man. By now her pussy is probably as loose as a wineskin, so I think it's your turn to be in those stables, and as your mother's daughter, I expect you to go even farther than Ilya. Learn to take those horses two at a time. Tie yourself down and force yourself to take them all night. Take those horses in your ass. Take them in your womb. Take them down your throat. You know... break records."
"And what is to happen to Ilya in turn?"
"You can send her off to a convent. Keep her out of the way."
"I would sooner leave her condemned to a life with the horses than a convent. The convent is a miserable fate."
"But a life pleasuring horses doesn't?"
"The convent is worse, trust me."
"Then send her to a brothel instead."
"Ah, see? At least then she'll know the pleasure of human men. Though realistically I'd just have her become one of my chambermaids." She pauses. "If you wanted me to send her away, then what would be the point of my pleasuring the horses?"
"I think you'd enjoy yourself. After all, it's better than a convent."
"She gets to be the tsaritsa instead."
"I hardly think she's qualified."
"But wouldn't that be fair?" you ask. "That's how the fairytales go. She's the poor abused daughter, and you're the spoiled princess. It's only fair that you get your comupance while she becomes the beloved tsarivna of the land."
"Ah, so I deserve to spend my life being ravaged by stallions?"
"Maybe you do. You are a sluttly little princess after all. You spread your legs for everyone. Hardly becoming of a tsarivna."
"Maybe you do. You ran away with the court fool rather than marry the man you were supposed to."
"Maybe you do. You were quite wicked back home. You judged everyone. Berated servants. Never had fun."
"That's true. And I did derelict from my duties." She shrugs. "Very well. If we should return, I'll accept what I deserve and submit myself to a life as a lowly breeding mare. I'm sure everyone would go along with this."
"I would."
"To my brother?"
"Half brother," you say, "and he's a handsome young man. He has his mother's beauty."
"Oh my Lord. My parents were trying to pair us. They used to encourage us to play together as children. They were trying to pair us."
"Makes sense."
"And I've fucked him."
You blink. "You have?"
"Yes. From before my time in the convent. My parents sent me to spend a month with his family. My mother all but told me I should spread my legs for that boy."
"Knowing you, you were quite happy to."
"Of course. I did it many times. For Alexi and his friends. Their keep out in the middle of no where. There was nothing else to do."
"His friends too?"
"His friends. His gardeners. His younger brothers. The bricklayers repairing the keep. I was a hundred leagues from the capital, so I spent that trip on my back as much as possible while there was no one around who recognized me. But I always slept with him first and last."
"Two of his boyhood friends. The four of us tried all sorts of things together. I learned a lot that trip, like what it feels like to fuck three men at once. But most of all, I always made sure to sleep with him first and last."
"Because he demanded it. He acted like he owned me that entire trip. He told me who to spread my legs for, and... I liked it. I think that was when I first learned I was like to be dominated."
"Because I had him wrapped around my finger. Whenever I fucked the other men, I made him watch. I think... I enjoyed bossing him around. And rewarding him. That trip is when I started enjoying the control I had over others."
"Because he was special to me, of course. He was more than just another cock to ride. I used to write him dirty letters."
"Is it any different just because you now know he's related to you?"
"And I... I've had sex with him."
You blink. "You have?"
"Yes. From before my time in the convent. His family would visit the palace once a year."
"Did you do it more than once?"
"It was an affair. We were young. We slept together nearly every time we could." She stares off, "and he's my brother."
"Is it really any different now?"
"I... I fawned over him. We flirted. I used to fantasize about him bedding me."
"I think I'm fantasizing about that now too."
"You'd want to see that?"
"You've imagined fucking him before and liked the thought. Is it really that different now?"
Euna's eyebrow arches. "It makes everything we did much more naughty now, doesn't it?"
"Yes, it does."
"But you haven't heard the best part yet."
You lean close. "And what's that?"
"I shared Alexi with Aileen." Euna grins. "At the same time."
"A threesome?"
"I told you Aileen and I used to share men. Aileen and I put on shows together for him. Sometimes we would lie side by side, and he's take turns with us. My favorite times when she and I would cuddle and kiss, and he was knelt between our legs, dipping into us one after the other."
"You are full of surprises, Your Highness."
"If we ever get home, we're going to have another threesome, I think. And then afterward, AIleen and I will tell him."
"Well, yes. I... I've had sex with my brother. I enjoyed it. He was... talented. I'm not sure how to take this."
"As a sign that some brotherly and sisterly affection is perfectly fine."
"I'm sure you'd think that." She sighs, "but I suppose I might as well. What's done is done."
"And honestly you don't sound that bothered."
"I guess I'm not. ...but I wonder if Aileen will be."
Euna grins. "I told you Aileen and I used to share men, didn't I?"
"She slept with him too?"
"She couldn't wait to poach him from my chambers. She even bragged about letting him do dirtier things to her than I let him do." Euna giggles. "I can't wait to go home and tell her."
"I hope I get to be there when you do."
"Yes. It's different because it's wrong."
"It's taboo, is what you mean. It's raunchy, and perverted."
"No. It's wrong. I can't believe I... oh Lord."
"You'll be fine. You didn't know. Nothing came of it, and no harm was done."
"I'm sure you'd think that. The idea probably appeals you. You like everything taboo."
"I do," you say. "The best part is I don't think he knew either. It's why he flirted with you. He'd certainly fuck you if you let him. You're the tsarivna, and none are more beautiful than you. Would you let him?"
"I couldn't. The children would be weak-blooded."
"No problem. Just take him in the ass then."suck him off then."
"Oh sure. Of course." She shakes her head. "Lord. I'll try and process this later, but I'm going to be thinking about this all night."
"I know I'll be thinking about it all night."
"They had fun?"
"Yes. Rumors spread about a mavka in the mountains. Hunters would find this beautiful nude forest faerie alone with her horse, but for a faerie, she was most depraved."
"And you're sure it was my mother?"
"It fits. They say they spied this fairy woman crouched beneath a magnificient stallion guzzling its piss and its cum right from the source, but that was only the start. She crawled around behind the horse and showed its asshole devotion with her tongue until the horse released a load of dung. She crouched to eat from the pile from the dirt, then tongued the horse's ass clean as though giving thanks."
"It fits. They say they spied on this fairy maiden basking like a nymph beneath a magnificient stallion, but then the horse began to piss on her, and she clambered to fix her mouth upon it cock and guzzle every drop as though dying of thirst. Then, dripping with potent horse piss, she showed that cock love with her tongue until if gifted her hot cum to drink as well."
"It fits. They say they spied on this fairy woman crouched beneath a magnificient stallion, showing love to its cock with her hands and mouth. And when the horse came, she let its hot pungent cum spill into her upturned mouth, and whatever spilled upon her face and chest, she rubbed in like lotion."
"Perhaps that was my mother," Euna says. "Did she know they were there?"
"The entire time. After her strange meal, she called them to her. As repulsed as they were by this strange forest maiden, they weren't repulsed enough to resist her charms. She had them gangbang her. Many times. They say she was insatiable."
"She really does sound like a mavka. She took advantage of those poor, poor hunters."
"Not at first. They caught her after her dinner though. As repulsed as they might have been by her depraved behavior, it didn't stop them from raping her.accepting her invitation to fuck her if they'd let her go. Everyone had a turn."
"My Lord. They did let her go though, yes?"
"She certainly had her way. After she was done, she wouldn't let them leave until they let her Eventually, but not until after they forced her to drink all of their piss, and then eat their shit right from their asses, just as she had for her stallion."kneel so they could all piss on her. She drank what she could, but mostly they just doused her."suck their cocks for all the cum they could give her to drink."
"Wouldn't that mean she cheated at her trial?"
"Fortunately, for your mother, and fortunately for those men, I don't think your father ever heard those rumors. Countless hunters and trappers went in search of her, and many got their own tales to tell, but no one ever recognized your mother. Who would ever have thought that wild, dirty mavka was actually their future tsaritsa?"
"As in permanently?"
"Possibly, if Jaroslav needed it."
"What about his wife?" Euna asks. "Surely Lidiya would have a problem with this."
"She surely did. Jaroslav came home with this filthy-mouthed harlot who flirted with her husband openly. To make matters worse, this woman was the tsaritsa. Lidiya could hardly say no to your mother, even if she could overcome her sense of obligation to a guest, which meant standing by while Yelena strutted about her home dressed in skimpy robes and speaking openly of who's mouths she'd like to she enjoyed bathing in piss .her passion for getting cummed upon. Every night was a little dance as poor Lidiya artfully steered Yelena away from her husband, while he took more and more kindly to your mother's advances. After a month, she'd had enough. She cornered Yelena alone and called her every name she could muster—a doxy, a harpy, a trollop."
"Oh my," Euna says dryly.
"I know. I mutter dirtier words in my sleep, but from this woman, they were scathing. She demanded your mother leave their home that night, or she would be forced to do something untoward. Your mother responded simply. 'Why are you telling me this. It is your husband who welcomes me here. Punish him. I assure you. He will take well to discipline.' And while Lidiya sputtered, Yelena summoned Jaroslav into the room. 'Your wife is angry with you,' she told him, but he didn't care. He said he was only interested in Yelena now."
"He said that in front of his wife?"
"And she was aghast, but it was Yelena who slapped him. How dare he presume that she, his tsaritsa, might ever be interested in him. He was confused, but when Yelena ordered him onto his knees, and to smother his wife's feet with kisses and beg for forgiveness, he did comply. The two women sat and drank wine together. I'm sure Lidiya felt awkward, but Yelena explained all. Keeping a man from straying meant keeping them leashed. That night, Yelena gave her a task. 'Make him worship your feet until sunrise, and only your feet. We'll see in time if he earns back the privilege of the rest of your body.'"
"Hmm. I like it," Euna says. "Sounds like my mother taught her how to stand up for herself."
"She surely did. Jaroslav came home with this replacement wife who behaved like a pet. She did everything he tells her to and never complained when he groped a feel. Lidiya tells him that she wants this woman gone, but he says no. She's a gift from the tsar."
"Didn't Lidiya recognize my mother?"
"No. She'd never been to Ruthgar. As far as she knew, this woman was a lowly, albeit beautiful, maid. After putting up with this maid in her house for weeks, slowly seething, she concocted plans to get your mother banished, such as blaming her for destroying clothes, or ruining meals, but instead Jaroslav whipped your mother, and punished her with humiliating chores, like climbing down the latrine hole to clean the chute.licking the pisspot clean.drinking his bathwater. So Lidiya changes tactics. She started punishing Yelena in secret. For every infraction: 'Clean my feet,' 'Bare your back so I may whip you.' 'Open your mouth so I may spit in it.' The problem was, Yelena not only accepted her punishments, but seemed to relish in them. And Lidiya found that she relished dolling them out. Slowly, the punishments changed. 'Bare your breasts for flogging.' 'Suck my toes until I fall asleep.' poo;'Open your mouth so I may piss in it.''bathe my pits with your tongue.' And finally, 'Lick my flower until my toes curl.' That was the one Jaroslav walked in on."
"Oh my. He didn't know about all this?"
"He pretended not to. Lidiya needed to get there on her own, but imagine her surprise when he told her that she was not some maid, but the tsaritsa."
"How'd she take it?"
"Shock. Mortification. She hid away in her chambers all night, until Yelena coaxed her into letting her in."
"They reconciled?"
"They reconciled for hours. The whole staff could hear their moans of reconciliation."
"Seems my mother broke the woman of her prudishness."
"She did. The following months were much different. Yelena taught Lidiya many things: how to control submissives through their wants, when to give and when to take, and how your pleasure should be their reward. She also taught Lidiya how to take pride in her body, and her body's odor."
"Seems like the lessons got dirtier and dirtier."
"More than you'd expect. It turned out Lidiya was a dominatrix that just needed to awaken. Eventually, your mother wasn't needed anymore."
"So did Jaroslav finally have the wife he wanted."
"He did. The next time he came to visit the palace, Lidiya came along. When they dined together, she was every bit the courtly lady she used to be, dressed like a flower, and refined like a swan. But after dinner, your parents took the couple to a private room, and Lidiya got to catch up with your mother the way she wanted, by stripping down and coiling together with your mother in a sixty-nine."
"While Jaroslav watched."
"She ordered him to watch. 'The time for chatting is over,' she said. She needed to get dirty."
"Lessons in obedience?" Euna asks. "What sort of lessons would those be?"
"Strict ones. Jaroslav had Lidiya travel to the palace after he got home. She stayed for four months."
"I don't remember this."
"That's because the moment she arrived, the guards dragged her to the palace dungeon, tore off her clothes, and toss her in a cell."
"To begin her training. From that day on, your mother was down there with her every day."
"Doing what?"
"Seeing to Lidiya's sexual training. For the first month alone, your mother was strict and demanding. She kept Lidiya without clothes, and every meal had to be earned through pleasing your mother. After Lidiya stopped resisting, Yelena began with the mind games. Some days she would torment Lidiya endlessly. Other days, she'd give her cuddles and kisses. One day she might make Lidiya tongue her asshole while threatening to feed her.One day she might piss all over Lidiya in anger.One day she might make Lidiya bathe her with her tongue. Other days she'd bathe the woman herself while sympathizing with her. Of course, what made your mother treat her well was usually obedience. And over the months, Yelena retrained her."
"To begin her training. What you might remember was the four months your mother took a long trip, because guess who was imprisoned in the very same cell as Lidiya. Your mother. They were fellow prisoners."
"Lidiya believed that?"
"She'd never met your mother before, but imprisoned together, they became close friends. Then your father started their training. He subjected them both to months of sexual training and harsh punishments."
"My mother too?"
"Yes. Whenever Lidiya disobeyed, Yelena was punished. If Yelena disobeyed, Lidiya would be punished, but Yelena never did."
"So they manipulated her through guilt. She started to obey because she couldn't stand to see her friend punished for her. It was psychological."
"Sure," you say. "I don't know everything they did to her. It was months of different stages, but eventually they retrained her."
"You mean broke her down."
"Maybe she broke, or maybe there was a submissive inside her waiting all that time to come out. Most people would escape when they could, but Lidiya started to obey quite readily. By the end, she was wearing clothes and eating at tables, but she was also eager to make her mouth available when told. She loved to be touched, and she loved to cum, though she only did so when given permission."
"So the training worked?"
"When Jaroslav returned, Yelena presented to him his wife at a grand dinner. The woman was back to being a pristine courtly lady, dressed like a flower, and refined like a swan. But after dinner, your parents took the couple to a private room. There, Lidiya stripped when she was told, knelt when she was told, and played with herself when she was told. She apologized to her husband for ever being a shrew, expressed her gratitude to him for marrying her, and promised to always make her body available to be used, impregnated, or sullied however he wanted. Afterward, she and your mother played with each other in a sixty-nine for the men's viewing pleasure."
"Quite a change," Euna says.
"Yes, this woman who'd once been so devout made a show of shitting on your mother and smearing their bodies together. Then when your mother suggested that she might let the men use her mouth to relieve themselves, she thought it was a wonderful idea. Everyone ended that night with empty bladders and bowels, and Jaroslav's wife had a very full stomach."
"Yes, this woman who'd once been so devout, was now eating your mother out while the men pissed on both of the women. She spent the rest of the evening exchanging piss with Yelena, that is when she wasn't making her mouth available for a rough face fuck.
"Yes, this woman who'd indulged in cleanliness before now indulged in letting Yelena grind her wet sex over her face, and after the men came on her face, she smeared it in and left their stain upon herself for the rest of the trip."
"It seems my mother was such a dominant woman, she could bring it out in other women as well. Good. Seems like that's where women belong."
"All women?"
"It's strange how submissive my mother was. So much so that she awakened the dominance that lurks inside women."
"It's in all women?"
"Not all. But myself of course. I think my parents would agree with that. Some command, and others obey. It's a natural order."
"Interesting that that is the lesson you take away from this story."
"I never realized my mother was capable of breaking a woman down so completely. I don't know if I'm horrified, or if I envy poor Lidiya."
"Envy her?"
"She was put through an ordeal, but it sounded like she found her place and was happier for it, as though she found that serving her master was always meant to be her place."
"She sounds like she was broken," Euna says. "Or maybe she found her proper place and was happier for it. Sounds like my mother was pleased to be a piece of property, and she loved my father. Maybe that's just the proper place for wives."
"Maybe that's your place as well," you say, "exist only to serve. To have your body belong to someone else to use as they want."
"Maybe it is," Euna says. "Maybe I've just been waiting for someone to break me too."
Euna returns your plate of food to you. "Thank you for telling me about my mother's past. You may eat now."
"Hold on," you say. "It's your turn to tell me a story."
"But I've finished my dinner, and you need to eat yours before it gets any colder. You spent so much time telling me your stories that there's no more time tonight."
"But you said you'd tell me something I don't know."
"And I did. I told you one thing, then you chose to volunteer another story and use up the rest of story time."
You grunt. "That hardly in the spirit of our deal."
You pout. "That's not fair."
"Take it as a lesson that perhaps you should talk less and listen more." She pats your cheek. "Don't worry. I'm sure I will share all with you, but some other night. It is my mother, after all. There are too many stories to share them all before a single fire."
After you finish your food, Euna takes your plate for you. "There isn't any more?"
"Do you know anymore?"
Euna chews her lip. "My mother always told me never to speak of what went on in our family. I feel I've said too much already."
"She's gone."
"But I will always honor her order."
Euna chews her lip. "I don't know if I should share. Everything I know I learned from spying on my mother. I shouldn't betray her like this."
"Then we're done," you say. "Some night, if you decide to share all your stories, then maybe I'll share the rest of what I know."
"I'm sure there are many more."
Euna returns your plate of food to you. "I'd heard rumors about my mother, but I had no idea she was such a sultry matron. She knew how to take what she wanted," Euna says. "Was there more?"
"A little. You want to hear it?"
She ponders. "Hmm. Not tonight. You've given me enough to dwell on for now. Your food has grown cold enough." Euna gets off your lap and returns your plate of food. "You'll tell me the rest another day. I enjoy hearing about her debauchery."
"Understood, Your Highness."
After you finish your food, Euna takes your plate for you. "There isn't any more?"
"Maybe, but I think we're done for tonight. You should eat your dinner before it gets cold."
Euna pouts. "Very well, but you will tell me more some day. I've always heard rumors about my mother, but I had no idea."
"She was quite a woman."
"A legend," Euna says. "and a true mistress, with a whole lifetime of sexual exploits it seems." "and unfailingly obedient to the point of masochism."
"I would have liked to have met her," you say. "Alas, I've only these stories."
"Maybe one day I'll have stories comparable to hers."
"You are becoming the very image of her," you reply. She beams a smile.
"Natasha called Selia into her chambers one day and pointed to her chamberpot. There was a large, brown smear along the bottom. She had Selia on her hands and knees licking that mess up.
"Then came the day when Natasha called her in to point out a full log sitting in the pot. Natasha had said, 'If I must endure the shame of this unclean mess, then so must you,' and she ordered Selia to take the log and stick it into the back of her drawers, where it was to remain for the rest of the evening.
"She did so, and for the rest of the day, she carried out her duties with that mess against her butt as though she had soiled herself. Everyone noticed. I think she could have died from embarrassment, but later that night, she was sitting before her mirror, wriggling her butt around, spearing the mess about as she played with herself.
"It continued from there. Sometimes Natasha would have Selia put a mess in her drawers. Other times Natasha would make her unfasten her corset and smear the log against her bared breasts. Either way, she'd have to resume her chores just like that.
"Any time Marko would come to his room and find piss still in his pot, he would humiliate her with it somehow. Sometimes she would have to drink it up like sipping broth from a bowl, and sometimes he would pour the mess upon her and she would have to go about her chores for that day drenched.
"It happened more and more often. I was never sure if this was because Marko would cheat and use the bowl after her cleaning, or if Selia purposefully left a little mess. Around the other girls, Selia always blamed him, but I have my doubts.
"It escalated too. What started as small squirts of piss soon became full bowls of urine. Someone was certainly cheating."
"And she liked this?" Euna asks.
"I lived with her in her quarters," you say. "I can tell you she did. Once after her duties, I caught her kneeling upon her bed, feverishly rubbing herself while pressing her piss-wet skirt to her nose.
"Of course, everyone knew what was going on, including to Marko's eldest daughter, a lovely young lady named Natasha. Unfortunately, she'd developed her father's same cruel streak toward servants, and when she saw the game going on between her father and Selia, she joined too.
"Natasha and Marko played off of each other in humiliating Selia. Though Natasha was always the one to push it further.
"It was she who first made Selia eat waste instead of merely licking away remnants. Natasha had Selia kneel down and eat an entire log out of the chamberpot like a dog.
"Marco, of course, loved the idea, and so human waste became a large part of Selia's diet, and yet it seemed every day after this treatment, with her stomach full of shit, or her skin defiled, she needed to retreat to her quarter afterward to relieve her lust.
"It was her who first made Selia get on all fours and lap away the urine like a kitten. Marko followed suit. Drinking both of their messes became a habit for her.
"Then Natasha took it to the next step."
"What else could there be?" Euna asks.
"She decided there was no reason she should have to tolerate a messy chamberpot in her room at all. So she had it removed. Selia would be her chamberpot now."She decided not to bother using the piss pot at all for her water. From that day on, when Natasha needed to relieve herself, she would call Selia in and have her lie down next to Natasha's bed. Natasha would hike up her dress and sit upon Selia's mouth. Her waste would slide directly down Selia's throat and into her chamberpot stomach.She wouldn't limit her stream at all, and Selia would struggle to swallow as much as she could. What she couldn't would run down her face and soak her hair. Natasha would make her lap up any urine left upon the floor.
"I left shortly afterward, so I don't know how else it evolved. I'm sure Marko started doing the same though. He and his daughter were of like minds when it came to degrading servants."
"At least it couldn't get any worse," Euna says.
"It certainly could."
"How? I can't think of anything. Tell me."
"No. Actually, perhaps you shouldn't."
"I agree. I think it's better if you think of them on your own."
"Perhaps I will," she says. "You've certainly polluted my mind enough already."
"I hope to hear what you think up."
"You're hilarious," she says dryly. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I won't. I'm not as sick and perverted as you are."
"That's true."
"There was a large, wet, brown smear along the bottom of the pan. Marko didn't let Selia leave until she had licked away every last trace, no matter how much she gagged.
"Marko had stepped up his humiliation of her, and so she stepped up her prank. That very day, the chefs were making a meatloaf. Selia stormed into the kitchen. She climbed onto the kitchen table and squatted over the mixing bowl, no simple task wearing those heeled shoes, but it was a hell of a sight, and I don't need to tell you what she left coiled on top of the meat.
"She glared down at the chef. 'Mix it in,' she ordered. The chef could see what a dark mood Selia was in and knew not to disobey.
"She mixed and cooked the meatloaf. There was a particular smell to it, but it was masked by the meat and spice. They served it to the Lord. His reaction was curious. It seemed at first he would send it back, but after a few tentative bites, he decided he liked it."
"No," Euna says.
"Yes," you reply.
"He must have tasted the waste."
"He certainly tasted something. I'm sure if he knew it was shit, he would have spit it out and lashed the chef to death, but he didn't. All he knew is that it tasted different, and he liked it. So did his daughters."
"Am I to assume it became a regular ingredient?"
"You assume correctly. More and more foods included Selia's waste: meatloaf, cookies, dark breads, porridges... All sorts of food. Every day she'd climb up on to the kitchen table and add her own contribution to whatever the chef was making. Afterward, she'd tower over the chef until that meek little woman had mixed in the waste."
"She decided to play tit-for-tat. On the day Marko had forced her to drink her urine, she had stormed down to the kitchens, where the chefs were preparing soup for the upstairs. She climbed onto the counter, hiked up her dress, pulled her knickers to one side, and pissed right into the pot.
"The chef cried out. Selia ordered her to be silent. 'You will served this soup to the Lord,' she snapped. The chef was a meek little woman. And so she complied.
"We all figured Marko and his daughters wouldn't notice. After all, it was only a little urine in a big pot. Perhaps they might say it was a little salty. That's it.
"What we didn't expect was for Marko to send down his compliments, telling the chef to record the recipe as a success. He rarely did that.
"Another day came. Marko was hard on Selia, and so once again she stormed down and pissed in the cooking pot. This time, she emptied her full bladder. Once again, compliments to the chef.
"It continued on. It reached a point where Selia no longer need provoking. She pissed in the lord's food every day. And since Marko abused all his staff, no one ever intervened. He and his daughters ate it all."
"And Lord Marko never complained." you add. "It even reached a point he would complain about dishes that didn't include Selia's secret ingredient. The chef needed Selia now. She'd bring the bowl to Selia and ask for her contribution. Selia would have the chef to place the bowl on the ground, and then she'd squat down and add her ingredient.
"Then came the day when we found out the chef was eating the food herself. Some scullery maids had walked in on her gorging on leftover cookies.savoring some left over broth. She admitted that she'd grown curious about what Lord Marko found in it, so she tried some. She'd loved it, and from that day on, she saved the leftovers for herself.
"The chef could have died from embarrassment, but it caused a wave of curiosity. Many of the downstairs staff tried the cookiessoup. Many couldn't tolerate the taste, simply because they knew what was in it, but others were like the chef. They liked the change.
"And so word spread. Selia would make the chef cook up her own wasteurine, then she'd sell it to those who interested. She became well known in the town's seedier communities."
"Did the chef make any money?" Euna asks.
"No. Just getting to keep some of the food for herself was enough. She'd grown more and more hooked on Selia's special ingredient. She diluted it less and less for her own food until she was eating Selia's waste raw with only a touch of garnish, or sipping Selia's urine like fine champaigne."
"Surely there's no way it tasted good," Euna says.
"At that point, I think it was more sexual for them. I lived in Selia's quarters, and frequently walked in on those two. The chef would be kneeling with her face buried between Selia's buttocks. She grew to worship Selia's asshole, and Selia enjoyed dominating the young woman.with her mouth upturned. Selia would be relieving herself, and the chef would drink every drop. I left years later, but I like to think they're still together, selling their special food to those with special tastes."
"What of Lord Marko? Did they keep serving him the food?"
"Of course, but Selia could only produce so much of her ingredient, and they were busy selling that. So they agreed that the chef would start relieving herself in the lord's food instead. I remember her once saying to the chef, 'he can still have my waste, but only after you've enjoyed it first.'"water, but only after you drink it first.'"
Euna snorts. "I suppose that's one way to look at it. I still can't fathom how such food could even be palatable."
"Neither could anyone else, not until they tried it. You might change your mind."
"Perhaps one day I'll get to meet her. I'd be curious to find out."
"I can get you special ingredients much sooner than that if you'd like..."
"I think I'll save myself for the chef's work," she says dryly. "I doubt just anyone can make such a sordid ingredient work."
She gives you a withering smirk. "Don't even hint."
"Very well, Your Highness."
"One day, an alchemist traveled through town. Many people came to marvel at his stock and see his strange performances, but only the very rich could afford his merchandise.
"The staff at the manor visited him in groups, though like all, we couldn't afford anything. Myself, Selia, and several maids were perusing one day when Selia noticed an alchemical vial called 'Drops of Lust.'"
"A love potion?" Euna asks.
"No. Despite what everyone believes, love potions are just tonics. They're cheap, temporary tricks. You may bewitch the girl you fancy, but a week later, she'll come to her senses, and then you're in trouble."
"I suppose you know from experience. Don't you?"
"I've never used one myself. But the Prowling Lilins sold plenty. They're cheap, and since everyone thinks they're permanent, customers will pay through the nose. By the time they find out, we've moved on."
"Explain to me again how the Prowling Lilins aren't a pack of thieves."
You chuckle. "Anyway, this was not a cheap tonic. Drops of Lust were true alchemy. Permanent, yet subtle. You consume a drop of this, and then consummate with another. When you accept their seed into you, or you shoot your seed into them, the Drop will cause both of you to crave each other more, but just a little, and permanently. Over time, you won't be able to resist each other."
"So it's just a better love potion," Euna says, "and for lust?"
"Not really. This alchemy is a two way road. Both are affected, except that it has no effect on someone if they didn't want to have sex in the first place. The most common customers for this are couples looking to reinvigorate their love life.
"Selia saw the possibilities. Marko was raping her almost every day. He wanted her. She didn't. Unfortunately, she couldn't afford it.
"Since the other maids knew what Marko was doing to her, they all decided to pitch in, though it was still far too little. Selia haggled with the alchemist, and they settled on a price. She would not only pay what she could, but she would stay with him for the remaining three days he was in town, and she would pay off her debt however he wanted.
"Everyone at the manor covered for her while she was away. For the first two nights, the alchemist fucked her in every conceivable way. On the third, he decided to make money off her by whoring her to whoever he could. By the time she came staggering back on the fourth morning, she was a cum-soaked mess, but she had the Drops of Lust.
"Of course, Marko had noticed she was missing. He was furious. She'd barely finished cleaning up when he called her to his room. She drank a single drop, and answered his summons.
"He kept her for hours. After stripping her naked, he spread her legs and spanked her ass and pussy with a paddle. With clips, he dangled weights from her nipples. Then he sodomized her with a sporting bat. Finally, he jammed his cock down her throat and came. She nearly passed out from air loss, but he did release his seed inside of her. The Drop worked.
"For months he raped and abused her. She tolerated it every time, but we could see the Drops take their hold. Before, he would come for her only in his dark moods. But soon, he would prowl the manor looking for her. It was becoming an obsession.
"Then came the day she resigned. We all overheard.
"'You have no where to go,' he'd yelled. 'I know this.'
"'It matters not,' she replied. 'Living on the streets would be better than working here.'
"'You can't. You work for me. I... I forbid you from leaving.'
"'You cannot forbid me anything. I am not your slave, and I work for you no longer.'
"Selia had always been a proud woman, even as he molested her, but still, this was a side of her he'd never seen. 'If you leave,' he threatened, 'I will see to it that you never get another job in your life. You will be destitute... a whore... less than a whore... a piece of street filth no one should dare touch.'
"'Then that's what I shall be. Street filth. Street filth that lives far from here where you will never see me again.'
"He was a cornered animal, desperate and addicted. And he lashed out, as she knew he would. First, he tried to strike her, but as much as he was a mountain of anger, he was an aging and complacent man. She, on the other hand, had the strength of hard laborer. She caught his hand easily. It angered him all the more, and grabbed her and dragged her toward the stairs, intent on taking her to his bedroom, tying her down, and beating obedience into her.
"But she resisted. Easily. He fell onto his back, and she was upon him, straddling his ample stomach. Her face was within an inch of his.
"'Get off of me, woman,' he growled.
"'I am not your woman. You have forced me for the last time. So this,' she took his hand and pressed it to her breast, 'and this,' she guided his other hand between her legs to feel her wet lips, 'you will never see again.'
"I could see from where I hid that he was already hard. His next words came out as a grumble. 'I will double your pay.'
"'I will... treat you better.'
"'You will not force me ever again, because I am leaving.'
"'I won't force you again. I swear it. Stay.'
"She pondered this, as though it were not her plan all along. 'If I stay, it will not be as your servant, but as your resident.'
"'I will manage the household staff as I have, but I will do so as a Lady, not a housemaid.'
"'I will eat at your table. I will sleep in a bedchamber, not in the servant quarters. I will delegate the household work as I see fit, and I will manage the staff pay.'
"'You ask too much!'
"'I am not asking. You will do these things if you ever wish these pleasures of me again.' She squeezed his hand over her breast. Her other hand toyed with his cock through his breeches. 'Or shall I leave forever?'
"His response was long coming. 'Then I will take you as I please.'
"'You may take me as roughly as you wish, but on my terms. You will never force me again.'
"'Fine. Then have it, My Lady.'
"She freed his hard cock from his breeches and shifted to sink upon it, for she had no knickers. As she rode him wildly, he tore open her traveling dress and abused her exposed breasts. He twisted her nipples fiercely.
"Overcome, he pulled her over until he was on top and hammered into her. He slapped her face and pulled her hair. She took it and screamed in pleasure, for she had won. Right there, at the base of the atrium stairs where all the staff could see and hear, another Drop took affect."
"So she became the Lady of the house?" Euna asks.
"She did. And let me tell you, she was a much better master than he ever was, particularly since she wouldn't let he treat the servants poorly anymore. Though since he continued to grow more and more addicted to her honey, he lost all interest in anyone else anyway."
"Good for her. Though I'm amazed she could stand to be near him, much less let him keep using her like that. I pray that he grew less rough with her in time."
"I don't know about that. Her screams could still be heard throughout the manor. Ropes, whips, and canes were common sights in her bedchamber. And while she dined at supper and tea like a proper lady, I distinctly recall her naked or scantily clad several times. Marko's idea of course. That certainly made his daughters squirm."
Euna frowns. "And yet she was the dominant one?"
"Yes. It all happened only with her permission."
"How does that work in a relationship?"
"Well, that wasn't a healthy relationship. Selia didn't enjoy the sex. It was her way of controlling him, but there are those who do enjoy being punished or humiliated, even if they're the ones in charge. They tell their partners what they want."
"Fascinating. Do you think Selia ever came to enjoy it, or maybe love him?"
"I doubt it, but maybe. If not, she at least enjoyed the benefits. A year later she forced him into marrying her. She bore him a few children, and when he died years afterward, she inherited everything."
"Even his title."
"What about his daughters?"
"I don't know. I left long before Marko died. I think she was a fair mother to his youngest, Masha. I doubt that's so with his eldest, Natasha. They hated each other. Natasha probably saw Selia as a wicked stepmother who beguiled her father and stole her birthright. To us common folk, Selia was a folk hero."
"I'm glad that story had a happy ending," Euna says. "Though I hope she treated Masha well. The child was innocent."
"I'm sure she did," you say. "She was a kindhearted person. After all, she took me in."
"She did. Thank you for sharing about her."
"You're quite welcome, Your Highness."
"For a long time, none of the other staff even knew Lord Marko was doing this to Selia. She never told anyone. They thought it was just yelling, since that was all they heard echoing through the manor.
"It wasn't until a day months later when a chambermaid was passing by Marko's bedroom and saw the door cracked open. She peeked in.
"There was Selia, upon her knees, bent over with her face pressed upon the floor. Lord Marko was viciously whipping her with a cane. Welts scored her ass. Blood dripped down her thighs. Tears streamed down her face, yet she was moaning like a whore.
"Lord Marko cast his cane aside. Disrobing, he knelt and forced his cock into Selia's dripping cunt. She screamed and writhed. This only incited Marko. Pulling out, he pushed into her ass and sodomized her.
"After he came, he grabbed a handful of her hair and forced her head around to shove his cock down her throat. She hungrily swallowed it down.
"The chambermaid left hurriedly, and of course after that, the rumors spread. No one spoke to Selia about this affair, but everyone saw the signs now. Especially me. Since I lived on a mattress in the corner of her quarters, I would frequently catch her coming back late at night, sniffling and wiping her eyes. She'd strip out of her disheveled clothes and stand before her mirror. Welts and cuts covered her body. Bruises marred her wrists, and sometimes her neck. Yet she'd stand there and trace each cut and bruise with her fingers. It was as though she treasured each blemish. Her breath would grow heavy. Her body would quiver. Inevitably, she'd drop to her knees and feverishly rub her cunt until shuddering in a powerful orgasm.
"It went this way for months. Soon, Marko stopped caring about the other staff finding out. One day after he tore open her corset, he forbid her from changing or lacing it back up, so she went about her duties that day with her tits bared to all. Everyone saw the welt and bruises. She even had bite marks around her nipples.
"That was when Marko's eldest daughter, Lady Natasha, took an interest in Selia. She was an even more cruel person than her father, and more creative. The day came when she called Selia into her room over some grievance. It was hours later when Selia finally returned to her quarters, sobbing and bleeding.quarters sobbing. Her face glistened of Natasha's honey. She practically threw herself onto her bed and started stabbing her fingers into her sex. Within seconds, her back was arching. Her toes were curling.
"From then on, Selia had two cruel masters. Some days, she might leave Marko's bedroom after hours of punishment, only to have Natasha catch her in the hall and drag Selia to her room. And Natasha was much more open about abusing Selia. She'd whip her with the bedroom door wide open, or she'd sit fully upon Selia's face while taking her tea in the parlor.
"The most memorable torment Natasha did was when she called Selia into the Solar where she and her father were having afternoon refreshments. They'd been conversing about the proper way to punish a rebellious servant like Selia.
"Natasha ordered Selia to strip naked before them while they ate their biscuits. Then after Natasha made her lay upon a sofa, she rose, reached under her dress, and removed her panties. She climbed onto the couch and sat upon Selia's face.
"'You see father,' she said. 'When you punish them, you must be creative and vary your punishment, or else they'll get complacent.' She produced a sewing cushion filled with pins. One by one, she pushed pins into Selia's breasts. Selia yelped as she licked Natasha's pussy. 'Now she cannot grow used to my discipline, because she won't know what to expect.'
"'She's getting blood on the fabric,' Marko said.
"'Is she? So she is. That will be another mess of hers she must clean. And another punishment she deserved.' She stuck a pin directly into Selia's nipple and pressed it deep into her breast flesh.
"Marko grew quite aroused watching Natasha torment poor Selia. He rubbed himself through his breeches.
"'Oh father,' Natasha said, 'We mustn't concern ourselves with modesty when disciplining others. She's already forced us to punishing her. If we hold ourselves back by concerning ourselves with decency, she'll never learn.'
"'You're quite right, my dear.' Marko pulled cock from his breeches and climbed onto the couch. He forced his cock into Selia's ass while Natasha continued skewering Selia. He paused at one point to try a pin himself. He pressed it into the folds of Selia's labia. Her scream was bloodcurdling.
"'Very good, father. Now you're getting it.'
"They tormented her for the rest of lunch. Afterward, they ordered her back to work, but they did not let her redress. She carried out her chores naked, with dozens of pins in her breasts and half a dozen lining her slit. Blood was dried against her belly and thighs."Dried tears stained her face."
"And you're sure she enjoyed this?" Euna asks. "I don't see how."
"Some people enjoy being controlled and humiliated."
"I understand that, but the pain."
"Pain can be releasing. It can cause a rush of incomparable pleasure. And some people just enjoy punishment."
"Hmm," she says. "I suppose. What became of Selia?"
"She got fired?"
"Fired? They got rid of her?"
"Oh no. They just decided she was too ornery and rebellious to be the head housemaid. So they fired her and took her on as their live-in chambermaid, at least until they could teach her proper respect."
"Oh, I see..."
"Yes. Marko and Natasha enjoyed their little team up so much, that they decided to work together in disciplining her. Marko had a door installed, connecting his wardrobe to his daughters bed chamber. They cleared the adjoining room and converted it into Selia's new quarters. It was spartan, and contained little of her possessions, but many of the Lord and Lady's tools for punishing her. Any time, day or night, Marko or Natasha could come in there and educate her. Whatever time she had when they weren't using her, she tended to their bedrooms. People only saw her when she came out for food or to collect fresh bed linens. She may have welts or bruises, but she was always content."
Euna sighs. "I guess if she's happy, that's all that matters."
"Exactly," you reply.
"And this is the woman who raised you?"
"She looked after me for years, yes. By the time they moved her to her live-in closet, I was taking care of myself. I wasn't there much longer though. I like to imagine she's still living in that closet, admiring her welts in privacy and diddling herself to powerful climaxes."
Euna grins. "Who wouldn't wish that for the woman he raised them?"
"I can't imagine."
She lowers her feet from your lap.She sets her food aside. "Congratulations by the way."
"For what?"
"I asked you to tell me about your childhood, about the woman who raised you, and you still managed to turn it into a story of debauchery."
"That's my life,"
"So it seems."
"That's quite an amazing tale," Euna says. Throughout the story, she's been idly caressing between her legs. "Is it common for someone to fixate on their bottoms like she did?"
"Like her? No. She was something special."
"I don't suppose it's a coincidence that you're telling me this story after your little attempt to fit your fist up my bottom, is it?"
"It might be related."
"And now that I've heard tales of a true anal queen, I will endeavor to outperform her. Is that your plan?"
"If it is, is it working?"
"It has certainly put ideas in my head," she admits. "Come. Let us retire for the night."
Tell her about how you saw her playing with her urine down by the river.
Ask about the stories in the Simori holy book.
[Questionable Hypno Powder]: Portion out Euna's food while she's not looking.
[Questionable Hypno Powder]: Spike her food, while she's watching.
"You saw that, did you?" Euna blushes. "I wondered if you had. I don't know what came over me. It just... You've told all these stories about people who find pleasure in such depraved wallowing, and... and I was curious what they saw in it. That's all." She looks at you. "It was just an experiment, a spur of the moment whim. I won't do it again..." She gives you a sideways glance, "...unless you liked what you saw."
Tonight, Euna is preoccupied as she readies for bed.
You join her as she fixes the bedding. "You seem lost in thought."
"I've been thinking about some of your stories. You've described how women will lay with beasts."
"Is it always women?"
"Not always. But more often than not it is. That's the coupling people like to see."
"So this is a common practice then."
"In some places. Obviously not so in others."
"Why? Surely people don't actually have a physical attraction toward animals, do they?"
"They can," you say. "I knew a woman once who married her dog. But usually it's about carnal sex."
"Ah. So it's simple perversion." Euna says this as though she has it figured out.
"Just us sodomites and our ways..."
"Oh, don't get me wrong," she continues. "I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I'm just trying to understand it. If people want to engage in wanton perversion, that's their business."
"Some might say you've engaged in some wanton perversion lately."
"Certainly. That's why I'm not one to judge."
"Or you're curious."
"I am not curious."
You shrug. "I'm not one to judge either."
"No. You're the one who gets judged. I think those brands on your rump are testament to that. I'm not surprised at all that you've seen sexual congress with animals."
The two of you prepare the bedding together.
"But what is it like?" she asks. "Surely it's filthier isn't it? Or do most people clean the animal's genitals before hand."
"Is it even enjoyable? What few times I've seen animals copulate, it seemed quick and perfunctory."
"These are a lot of questions for someone who's not curious."
She catches herself. "You're right. I don't know why I'm asking."
"I'm more than happy to answer."
"No. Let's drop it," she replies. "I don't want to know, because I'm absolutely not curious about sex with beasts."
Euna doesn't rise from dinner when you do. She seems lost in thought.
"Anything troubling you?" you ask.
"I'm just reflecting upon the stories you've been telling me. You've told a few tales now about filthy sexual endeavors, like playing with bodily fluids or wallowing in filth..."
"I have," you admit.
"How could people derive pleasure from such behavior?"
"All sex is dirty. It's filled with so many fluids, sweat, saliva, semen, juices, and even urine and... others. For some people, that dirtiness is what makes it arousing. They revel in it. It becomes intoxicating. Most of all though, just like sex, it's taboo, and people love taboos. Knowing something is naughty makes it all the raunchier."
"Such as sodomy?"
"Sodomy is one such thrill, yes."
"Hmm," she dwells on this. "But it's... I mean it's unclean, and unhealthy."
"It's not for everyone. I've seen many people wrinkle their noses at our dirtier performances back in the Lilins, but more people indulge than you'd think."
She doesn't look convinced.
"Many people also engage in sodomy simply for the pleasure of it. For many women, they enjoy having their roses penetrated just as much as their flowers."
"Does it really feel good? I always figured it would hurt."
"It can if you're not used to it."
"But why bother in the first place? It just seems so dirty. And raunchy."
"Exactly. It comes back to the taboo nature of it," you say. "Being filthy is something we avoid so much. It's wrong, we're told. Sodomy is filthy. So is all sex. If you can give in and enjoy the dirtiness of it all without shame, it can be so much better. So embrace it. Wallow in it."
"Very strange," she says. "Yet I suppose I... I can understand the appeal. Abstractly."
"Maybe you shouldn't judge it if you've never tried it."
Her eyebrows arches. "What are you suggesting?"
You laugh. "Nothing, Your Highness."
After dinner, you and Euna clean up. She's preoccupied all the while.
"What's troubling you?" you ask.
"Thinking about things."
"Culture. Religion. Taboos. I always assumed everyone was against bedding their own blood, but it seems so much of the world missed the message that it's a sin."
"Sex with your family, you mean?"
"It comes up in your stories, and it seems all the people of Cockaigne consider it perfectly normal."
"Maybe it's you that missed the message that it's all right."
"It seems I have," Euna replies. "Is Nim the only religion that condemns it?"
"No. Many do, just as some religions condemn drinking. But there are many that don't. I've met some very forward thinking kingdoms where incest was not only acceptable, but encouraged. It fosters family unity."
"But incest produces abominations."
"They're not abominations, but they do have weak blood. Either way, it's easy to avoid quickening a woman's womb. And there is alchemy that can prevent such weak blood."
She shudders. "But just the very thought of lying with my sister feels wrong to me."
"But does it bother you to think of two other sisters lying together? They're not hurting anyone."
"No. It doesn't, actually." Her own answer seems to surprise her. "Odd, considering how long I've thought of it as taboo."
"It's better because it's taboo," you say.
"You're being silly."
"Imagine you're having sex with a man and a woman."
She regards you coolly.
You continue. "Now imagine that they're brother and sister. Tell me that doesn't make it a little more erotic for you. Knowing this three-way sex is just a little more naughty."
"You're are endlessly depraved," she says, "but maybe."
"I know your sister sought such couples out."
"I'm not surprised," Euna replies.
"And I bet that the thought of bedding with you would not feel wrong to her."
"I'm sure you'd love to see that," she says. "Me and Aileen together in one bed, both beckoning you to join us. How often have you touched yourself to that thought?"
"Too often to count," you reply.
After dinner, Euna sits with you at the table.before the fire. "So," she says. "How do you suck a cock then?"
"Excuse me?"
"I wouldn't have thought there wasn't much to it, but it seems like I'm wrong."
"It's a skill," you say, "something that takes practice."
"So I am doing it poorly, is what you're saying?"
"I can't believe my ears," you say. "A princess and a devote worshiper of Nim wants to be better at sucking cock."
She sits up. "Well if you're going to put it like that..."
"I'm only playing with you," you say.
"Hmm." She glowers.
"If you'd like, I can teach you a few tricks. I've sucked a few cocks in my time."
"Exactly how experienced are you?"
"Experienced enough that I know more than you. Do you want me to tell you?"
"If you'd like, I might help. I'm no expert in pole pleasuring myself, but I can show you what I've seen other girls do."
"What they've done to you?"
"It's how I know they were good at it. Do you want me to tell you?"
"I shouldn't learn a harlot's skill."
"Ignorance is a sin. You told me that."
She eyes you. "You're going to use that phrase against me for ages to come, aren't you?"
"Well?" You wait for her answer.
She considers it. "Very well. Teach me these sultry secrets. How do I suck a cock like a true harlot?" She sidles close. "What do I do?"
You go over everything from how to include her hands, the sensitive parts of the shaft, how and when to give attention to the balls, recognizing signals from the man's body, tongue tricks, precum, smearing, to eye contact.
"Have you got all that?" you ask.
"I think so. I didn't realize there was so much to it. The other girls at the convent made it sound so simple."
"Anyone can adequately pleasure a man," you say, "but to expertly do so, like a harlot, requires skill and practice. Isn't that what you wanted?"
With a sly grin, Euna pulls the table away to make room to kneel before you.pushes you onto your back. She fishes out your cock and licks it from its base, along the underside, to the the very tip beneath the crown, and finishes by engulfing it. Her tongue envelops the head. Her hand works what part of your shaft is outside her mouth. Occasionally, she nibbles the crown, or tongues along the ridge. She also pays attention to your sack, kissing and licking and squeezing with her lips. Euna is still experimenting, but when your cock starts twitching, she recognizes the signs and focuses solely on sucking your shaft, and she doesn't miss a beat when your seed fills her mouth.
Afterward, she sits up and opens her mouth, revealing that she's already swallowed your cum. "Better?"
"You're a quick study."
"I aim to excel at everything I do."
"I might have thought you were professional if I didn't know better."
She snuggles close and sits with you, her head against your shoulder. "Are you likening me to a prostitute?"
"Only in the most positive light."
"Then I'll take it as a compliment."
"I'm simply indulging my own curiosity."
"I see," you say. "So this has nothing to do with your pride?"
"My pride?"
"I saw how miffed you were when that man did not fancy your mouth."
"I wasn't miffed. I don't even care. I wish only to be that which pleases you the most."
"As though I should care," she says. "I am a tsarivna. I shouldn't even be learning such base skills."
"And yet here you are."
"Only because I aim to excel at everything I set my mind to."
"And have you set your mind to being a prostitute?"
"Way my life has been heading," she says. "I might as well be prepared."
After dinner, you take care of the dinnerware while Euna tidies up. When you return, you find she's dawdling. In her hands, she's wrapping her hands around the wooden leg of the table as though hefting its width.holds a charred logs which she's examining curiously. It's a little thicker than your wrist, though bulbous knobs give it an uneven thickness down its length.
"What is it?" you ask.
Her gaze remains upon it. "Oh, nothing. I was just thinking."
"It's nothing. I was just..." She pauses. "In your stories, you've described women who could take large phalluses within themselves, even fists." She lines up her fist with the end of the log, then she cones her fingers together and compares that. "I suppose you've known women who could easily take something as thick as this timber, couldn't they?"
"They could, though most would prefer carved and polished wood than that splintery log."
"Of course." Next, she compares the width of the timber against her belly, as though imagining it inside of herself. "And they could probably take it a fair bit deeper than I could."
"Some of them, yes."
"I must admit," she says, "it's a fascinating idea, though I can't stop imagining that it must hurt. A log like this would tear me in half, I would think."
"You build up to it." You sit beside her. "And there is discomfort, but for some, that's part of the fun. They like feeling stretched."
"They must. If I could take a shaft such as this, I'd be as loose as a leather glove."
"Not at all," you say. "A newborns head is much wider than that timber. Women's flowers recover just from that."
"...Not always."
"There are exercises that help keep you tight."
"And what exercises are these?"
You grin. "Do you think you'll be needing them soon?"
"Maybe. Maybe not. I'd like to know them all the same."
She stops with her idle measuring, as though realize what she's doing. "No. I'm simply curious."
"Do you know the muscle you pull to stop yourself when you're urinating?"
"Oh," she says. "I know those exercises. The elder sisters would practice them at the convent to manage their incontinence. Flex for a time, relax, repeat. Those?"
"Those are the ones."
"Hmm." She ponders. "To be able to take such girth, and yet still be as tight as a maiden..." She shakes the idea away. "Enough of this. Let us finish cleaning."
You and Euna clean up after dinner, though she's preoccupied. As she stares off, you ask, "Something on your mind?"
"In so many of your stories, there are people who enjoy hurting themselves for sexual gratification. Masochists, yes?"
"But why? Pain. It... Well, it hurts."
"Pain and pleasure can blend together. Have you never heard of a girl enjoying a rough romp, or perhaps a slap on the ass. It can bring a rush of pleasure. Maybe you've fantasized about such things yourself."
"Of course not. I'd never engage in such such things. The most pain I've ever felt is when I was flogged by Reverend Mother Margosha, and there was never a rush of pleasure."
"Why were you flogged?"
"Oh. This and that. It hardly took much provocation for her to flog the sisters. In fact, some suspected that she actually enjoyed it for its own sake, but I hated being flogged."
"It's all about context," you say. "Even a masochist hates it when they accidentally strike a hammer upon their own fingernail. But if their lover spanks them until they weep, and then ravages them without mercy, it's a different story."
"If you say so..."
"Would you rather have Margosha flog you as penance? Or would you rather I rip off your clothes, flog you twice as much, then pin you down and ravage you until I've finished having my way with you?"then flog and grope you mercilessly until I've had my fun?"
"Well when you put it like that... Though what if it became too much?"
"That's part of the trust. If it does, you'd say so, and I'd stop. You would enjoy pain on your own terms. ...unless you're one of those rare masochists who wouldn't want the ability to make it stop no matter how much they begged."
"I am not one of those masochists," she says.
"I figured you weren't."
"...But I do wonder about that rush of pleasure. Is it worth the pain?"
"I can help you find out."
She smirks. "I'll consider it, but pain for pleasure is quite an alien idea to me."
"Sounds like it wasn't that alien an idea to Margosha."
"She only did it to punish us. It wasn't sexual for her."
"No? Tell me. Did she flog your backs, as they do to men in stockades? Or did she flog your bare bottoms?"
Euna flusters. "I... it wasn't..."
"I thought as much."
"Oh, you perverted little foolshameless tart." She bats you. "Come, enough of this."
Euna still has the pestle buried in her asspussy. After working it in and out a bit, she rolls over to you. "I'd like to keep this in tonight. Seems like it wouldn't bother me much. Can you help me with the harness?"
You two rest together, but after some time, Euna shifts around. She's groping between her legs.
The pestle is still buried in her asssnatch. And she's pushing it deeper.
"Still enjoying that thing?" you ask.
"It's growing on me," she replies. "I've been able to keep it in longer and longer before I cramp, but the problem now is that it keeps slipping out. See?" She spreads her legs. The pestle oozes from her asspussy and pops out onto the bedding. She levers the pestle back in her hole. "How am I supposed to grow accustom to its girth if it keeps doing that?"
"Don't worry about it. You'll grow accustom with time."
She peers at you. "Really? I'd have thought you would have loved the idea of stretching myself open."
"But there's no need to stress yourself over it."
"Very well, then. I was starting to cramp already." She pulls the pestle from herself and sets it beside the bedding. "Good night."
She peers at you. "What are you suggesting?"
"A harness." You finger the ring on the end of the pestle. "We can fasten it in place."
"Very well. Let's do it."
You fetch rope. With deft hands, you prepare a few knots and loops.
Euna casually works her embedded pestle as she watches. "You've done this before."
"I know my way around a rope." You put a hoop over Euna's neck. She gets up and kneels so you can loop the rope around her body moving downward. It knots together down the front to hold it in place. When you loop the rope between her legs, you make sure to run the ends through the pestle's ring. The rope then comes up between her bottom and runs back around her waist, crisscrossing a few more times up her belly.
Once it's secure, you inspect your work. The ropes crisscross up and down Euna's torso and frame her breasts. It hugs tight to her body like an article of clothing. Euna runs her hands along her body. "I like it." She feels between her legs. The pestle's handle juts out of her asssnatch, leaving inches exposed. She gives it an experimental tug, but the ropes don't have enough slack for her to remove it. "But how am I supposed to take it out?"
"The whole point was to keep it in."
"For just a while. I'm already cramping a little."
"Hmm." You frown. "Sounds like you're not as committed to this as I thought."
"Fine. I'll sleep like this." Lunging, she grabs you and pulls you back down to bed. Her back snuggles up against your chest.Her legs entwine about your waist. As you snuggle together, she slowly grinds against you, churning the pestle inside her. It must not be cramping her that badly.
Fetching some cloth and rope, you quickly help fasten a harness about Euna's waist which keeps the pestle buried inside her. She squirms her butt a little and revels in the feeling. "Thank you," she says, and you two settle down for bed.
Long after having gone to sleep, you're lying in bed, turning occasionally to get comfortable. When you turn onto your side toward Euna, you see that she too is still awake.
In the dark, you two stare at each other. A curious look comes over her.
"You're still awake?" she whispers.
You nod.
"Can I ask you something?"
Another nod.
"I just want to know. Were you spying on me when I was by the river?"
"No? Are you being honest? I won't be angry if you were."
"I wasn't," you say.
"Oh. I see." She frowns. "I could have sworn... oh, never mind. We should try and sleep."
"Maybe I knew it was you," she says, biting her lip.
"Did that make it better? Thinking someone was watching you?"
She bites her lips and contemplates this with a mischevious look. "I don't know."
You reach down and lightly caress her clit. "Did it make it better thinking that somebody could see your naked and sexy body. That you were giving a naughty little show?"
"Hmm," she says again, still pretending to contemplate.
You slide down her body and ease your hardening cock into her.
"Oh, heavens." She gasps. Her back arches.
You pull her gownfishnetschemise "Would it excite you if you knew someone were watching you right now, somebody out there in the dark? They've snuck all this way just for a chance to see you, and here you are, naked and fucking." You roll over so she's on top of you. "What would you do?"
She lays on you, grinding her pussy against your cock. "I would make sure they had a better view." She sits up into cowgirl position. Squeezing her breasts together, she glances toward the dark, as though she might actually see someone. She throws her head back and rocks up and down, moaning lustfully.
"There's no telling how many people might be out there." you say, "You might have an audience of men, all rubbing their cocks at the sight of your body."
Her moaning grows louder.
"Every one of them desires you. You're filling their minds with sultry thoughts. Every move you make, every moan you utter, it embroils their lust."
Euna starts crying out. Her body spasms.
"They will spill their seed upon the rocks at your ecstasy. But you'll bring them pleasure long after that. They'll go to their homes. And as they fuck their wives and their girls, they'll think of you. You will forever be a sexual fantasy for them."
Her pussy clenches your cock. Her thrusts become jerky. It becomes too much for you and you fire off inside her for the second time tonight. Her passion done, she leans back and props herself on her arms, making her breasts prominent. She slides her hand between to her pussy, where your cock is still buried inside her, then trails dripping cum along her belly. She lifts, crawls around so her ass points directly at the cave entrance. With her face before your cock, she licks it clean of cum, all while her legs are spread and her fingers idly play with her clit. For anyone watching, they would see her cum-soaked pussy and ass on full display.
When your cock is clean, she nestles up against you. You pull her close and toss the blanket over your bodies.
She closes her eyes and nuzzles your neck. "Maybe I enjoy it a little."
"Maybe I knew it was only you," she says, biting her lip.
"Or maybe you like the idea of being the star of a sultry show."
She bites her lip and contemplates with a mischevious look. "Maybe."
You reach down and lightly caress her clit. "Did it make it better thinking that somebody could see your naked and sexy body. That they might spread rumors of your sultry ways?"
"Hmm," she says again, still pretending to contemplate.
Your fingers slip inside.
"Oh, heavens," she gasps. Her back arches.
You pull her gownsash and fishnetschemise off of her. "Would it excite you if you knew someone were watching you right now? Somebody out there in the dark? They came all the way out here to see for themselves. And here you are with another woman. What would you do?"
"I would make sure they had a better view." Euna rolls so she's more facing the alcove's entrance, but you push her farther until she's kneeling—openly facing the dark night with her body bared.
You kneel right behind her pressing your body against her back. Her hands are reached around, exploring her sex and cupping her breasts.
"What a scandal this will cause," you whisper. "The rumors will spread like fire. The tsarivna is a wanton woman. She flaunts her body." You nibble along her neck. "Think of all the men who will rub their cocks to those salacious stories."
Euna whimpers.
"Everyone in the land will fantasize about you. They'll dream of bedding you. Maybe one day they'll go down to that seedy tavern and the harlot who comes out on stage will be you."
Euna starts crying out. Her body spasms.
"You've been sneaking out at night to strip your clothes for crowds of men for nothing more than a few coin. Most don't even realize you're the real thing, but they remember your stunning beauty and perfect body. They'll go home and fuck their women, and they'll think of you. You will forever be a sexual fantasy for them."
Her pussy squeezes your fingers. She trembles so hard she'd crumble if you weren't holding her. And if anyone was in the dark forest tonight, they heard her cries. All pretense of modesty was gone for that brief minute.
Once her passion has passed, she leans back against you and rests her head on your shoulder. Idly, her hands cup her own breasts—lifting and squeezing. It's not for her, but a small encore for those who might be watching.
In time, you both lie back down, and she snuggles against you. "I hope they liked the show."
"Flatter me?"
"The sight of you bathing would give a man a memory they'd cherish for a lifetime. The thought of you pleasuring yourself would harden their manhoods. They would spill their seed over you."
"You make it sound like it should be exciting."
"Many women would find it so. They'd yearn to have a body as beautiful as yours. They long to have men look at them the way they all look at you. You're a breathtakingly beautiful woman."
She thinks about this. "I suppose you'll tell me I should enjoy it when I'm spied upon.""I suppose you'll tell me I should be grateful that the commonfolk spread smut about me."
"What do you mean?" she asks.
"Aileen has the boys wrapped around her finger with her beauty. They'd follow her and compliment her and curry for her favor, all in hopes that your sister might lift her frock for just a moment. She would play the part of an innocent lady, shocked that they might ask such a thing of her, but she would always do it in the end. I think she got as much a thrill from it as the boys."
"From what you tell me, my sister was just as likely to romp with them as she was lift her dress for them."
"I'm sure she got a thrill from that too," you say.
"She's a more wild woman than I am."
"Aileen is not the maiden of the tsardom like you are, but she has her crowd of admirers. She knows perfectly well that she's the subject of seedy plays, or that rumors go around about her, and it doesn't bother her in the slightest. I think she gets a thrill hearing the rumors for herself."
"From what you tell me of my sisters. Half those salacious rumors are actually true."
She's silent for a long while. "No," she says finally. "I don't mind. Though you are one strange little pervert."
She's silent a long while. "No," she says finally. "I wouldn't want to interfere with your livelihood. Though you will no longer take my clothes without permission."
"Permission? Does this mean you'll give them to me if I ask?"
She scoffs. "For your strip shows? I'll let you guess."
She sits up and bats you. "I knew it. I knew you were there."
"Am I in trouble?"
"No." She smiles, bemused. "But why? Are you not free to look upon me now?"
"A treat stolen is so much sweeter than a treat given."
"Words you live by, I presume. You are such a knave, you know that?"
"But a knave who will risk his freedom just for a chance to see beauty in its truest form."
"Admit it," she says. "You were never owl watching that day outside my chamber window, were you?"
"Your Highness, I have never in my life cared one whit about owls."
She slaps you playfully. "You... scoundrel! And tell me, that was not the only time, was it?"
"A week after you returned from the convent. I had passed through the courtyard outside your window and I happened to glance as you were bathing. I have seen many naked women in my life, but never had I witnessed such a beautiful sight as I had at that moment. I knew I should have kept walking, but couldn't. I stopped and watched like the fool I am. Every day afterward, I would make sure to pass through that courtyard for a chance to glimpse you again. I was addicted."
"So every night for two years?"
"I didn't see you most nights. Only once every so often. Every time was a treasure. And yes, for two years. I could do it for a hundred and never grow tired of it."
Her face grows flush, but she tries her best to stay indignant. "So can I never trust that I have privacy again?"
"You never could. I am not the only one who might risk their hide to see you."
"Oh. Others too? Next you'll tell me I had a crowd outside my windows."
"So you admit to invading my privacy then. Well, since I've finally gotten an honest confession out of you, tell me. When you were caught stripping in that tavern, you were pretending to be me, weren't you?"
"Who else would I be?"
"I knew it! And you knew those were my clothes you stole from the wash-house, didn't you?"
"Your Highness, I took those clothes straight from your wardrobe."
She bats you again. "You... harlot! Why? Of all the people you could impersonate, why is it my virtue you mock?"
"Of all the dances and teases I've ever given, never have I gotten so much coin than when I pretended to be you. You are the chaste princess, both beautiful beyond imagination, and forbidden. People would crowd those seedy taverns to watch a common hussy like me imitate you, just so they could squint their eyes and dream their fantasies."
"I see. So thanks to you, the men in the capital stroke themselves thinking of me."
"Not just me. Strumpets across the tsardom roleplay as you for their men. Minstrels sing tales about your sexual escapades. There are drawings of you that would make you blush. Ever since you came home from that convent a beautiful maiden, you've become the most desired woman in all of Ruthgar."
Her face grows flush, but she's trying her best to stay indignant. "So I am the target of constant mockery?"
"Your sister knew the pleasures of enticing men."
"You seemed to enjoy yourself when you thought I was watching you at the river."
Once everything is cleaned up and the sun has set, you and Euna chat together at the table with only the lantern for light.before the camp fire embers. Eventually, she lapses into silence.
"How are you feeling?" you ask.
Euna looks at you with dull eyes. Her head sways somewhat, and her blinks are slow and ponderous. Her pupils are enormous. "I feel... I feel strange."
"You're probably tired. I'll help you to bed."
"Yes... I... Very well." Euna tries to rise, gropes for you, and staggers. You catch her and help her to bed. There, she plops down.
"Let's get you ready for bed." You work at the laces of her bodice.
"No..." she mutters. "Don't. I can... I'll do it." Her hands lazily try to take over for yours over, but ineffectually. She gives up.
Peeling off her bodice and petticoat is like trying to undress a sack of flour. You get her down to her chemise, and she lies out along the bedding. In the dark, her face is hard to distinguish, but you can tell she's watching you. She seems half-melted, and most of all, she's helpless.
Slack jawed, she stares at your working fingers as though confused by them, but after you loosen it, she lifts her arms so it can slide off. From there, she tries to assist you in getting her petticoat and chemise off, though her attempts are clumsy, almost childish. You peel her chemise off over her head, she's left naked, hair rustled and wild. She flops back on the bed and lays out in an attempt at being provocative. Chewing her lip, she waits to see what you'll do with her next.
When you look over, she's playing with herself idly, as she's not even aware she's doing it.
She's rubbing her legs together sensually. Her breathing is shallow.
"How are you feeling?" you ask.
Euna looks at you, eyes half closed and pupils dilated. Her head sways somewhat, and her blinks are slow and ponderous.
Her words are sluggish. "I... I am drugged now. Am I... ready... for you?"
Her words are sluggish. "Do you want... to fuck me?"
She drapes onto you. "I think... I want you to... to fuck me."
"Sure. Let's get you to bed." You help her up. She's stripping off her clothes and dumps them aside as she walks to the bed, staggering about. Several times you have to catch her. Naked, she plops down and goes limp. Through lidded eyes, she watches you with a come-hither look that invites you to her.
Mitsu finishes her brandy and holds out her glass for the trio of whores. When Scowl takes it, Mitsu addresses her without glancing. "Catalina," she says, "All of the money she makes for me, I will divide half among you and the girls. Do with her as you wish."
Catalina, the whore that you had known as the Scowler, now wears an evil grin. "Of course, Lady Mitsu."
With that, Mitsu departs deeper into the brothel.
Catalina turns to the other whores. "Hear that, ladies? We've got an upstart bitch to break."
The girls circle her.
"I know just the men for her," Corset says. "They'll treat her right."
"We're going to make a cheap slut out of her," Hosery says. "Let's start with how she's dressed."
"Oh, you're right," Catalina replies. "That won't do at all."
"Take off your clothes, bitch."
"Very well." Euna deftly strips away her clothes and tosses them to you. She stands naked, but no less proud. The few men in the lounge perk up. Everyone is watching now.
Timidly, Euna peels off her clothes. She's naked now before all the whores and patrons, and she can clearly feel their eyes, given how she tries to cover herself.
Reluctantly, Euna peels off her clothes. Though she's now naked now before all the whores and patrons, she tries to stand with dignity.
The women feel her heavy tits and tweak her nippes. Catalina palms a hand over Euna's bald sexrakes her fingers through Euna's bush and grunts.
If this prodding is meant to embarrass Euna, it's working. She cringes from their touch and holds herself tighter, which only encourages the women to prod her more.
"Get used to it, whore," Catalina says. "Everyone is going to have a piece of you tonight. Girls, let's find her some more suitable clothes."
If this prodding is meant to embarrass Euna, it's not working. She keeps her posture tall and meets their gazes without flinching to their touch.
"We'll get that attitude fucked out of you," Catalina says. "Girls, let's find her some more suitable clothes."
The girls scatter, including several other women in the room who had no clients to tend to. You take a seat on a couch and observe as girls fetch garish clothes and accessories from their rooms and lay them out for the trio to sort through. There's all manner of petticoats and corsets and skirts.
Euna presses her lips tight. Your words seem to bolster her, and she lets the women lead her away.
"I won't need it," she says. "Now be a good boy and behave yourself. I'll be back in the morning."
Her stricken eyes are the last thing you see of her before the whores shove her out the door.
"Am I detecting a hint of jealousy?" She gives you a quick kiss. "Don't worry. Just because I'm going to enjoy fucking other men all night doesn't mean I won't still love you. Now be a good boy and behave yourself. I'll be back in the morning."
"Worried for my safety?" She gives you a quick kiss. "Maybe you should have thought about that before volunteering me for this. I'll be back in the morning."
And they're gone.
You're left alone in the mingling room among a few daylight patrons and the women coaxing coin from them. No one is paying attention to you anymore,
Except for Lady Mitsu. She's been seated all this while, legs crossed, pipe dangling from her fingers. And she's been studying you. With her girls off having their fun, she speaks again. "What makes you special?"
"What do you mean?" you ask.
"She is such a proud woman. Sexual. Beautiful. Powerful. Self-assured. And yet she looks to you for guidance. You must be very precious to her."
"Perhaps so."
Mitsu motions for you to approach. When you come stand before her, she looks you over. "I wonder what she sees in you. You are fair. You must be loyal. Perhaps... she even loves you." She stops in front of you and gives you a look over top to bottom. "And now she has left alone in my domain. What will you do now?"
"I should get home. Euna would not want me lingering here without her."
"You are just a little boy. Cute, yes, but why has a woman so lovely and vibrant given herself so fully to you?"
"I have the tongue of a poet. Let me whisper sonnets to your snatch, and I'll melt your heart too."
No laugh. "That sweet girl knew nothing of the world when you found her. You made her trust you. Now in her blind love, she does not see how you use her." She nods as though she approves. "Now that you have lent your property to me, how will you enjoy your night to yourself?"
"She is not a whore for the reasons other girls are whores. It is not because she must, but because she chooses to."
"She does it because she's making me money," you say.
"Yes," Euna agrees. "It's my calling. I offer more than other whores ever could. I offer passion."
"Yes, but it is more than that."
"Then go on."
Lady Mitsu studies Euna over. "You were raised in a sheltered life, perhaps religious. They taught you obedience. You were told that any sexual desires you had were shameful and wrong, and that you should be punished for feeling them. Now you are on you own, no one can stop you from indulging in sex as much as you like, and so you do."
"I'm resorting to this because I have to," Euna says. "We need to earn us money."
"That is what you tell yourself, but at heart you still feel that shame and obedience. It has fixed together with your desires. One does not come without the other. Now you tell yourself you deserve to be a whore because you should be punished and shamed for the cravings you feel, but that only stirs your craving more. You let this boy humiliate and abuse you, because you need it."
Euna is blushing deeply under the scrutiny. Her eyes are downcast.
"Maybe," you say. "I think she may also just be a natural born slut. Most women who like to be dominated still have limits, but there's no humiliation she won't put herself if I tell her to. This life calls to her."
"And is that you're entire analysis?" Euna asks. "Hardly divining. My language betrays my education, and you can see I choose to work this boardwalk because I'm indulging in my hedonistic desires."
"That is what you tell yourself, yes, but at heart you are just a rebelling child. You seek ways to disgrace yourself thinking of how angry your superiors would be. Whoring is just an outlet for your tantrum. You cannot let yourself stop anymore, for if you did, you would be left to reflect and see what you've let yourself become to spite them."
"What utter tripe." Euna says. "I am perfectly well aware of what I've become. I'm a slut. I'm not ashamed of it, and even if I gave it up some day, I would have no regrets."
"If you say so."
The woman says nothing, only waits for you to go on.
Euna starts. "Your women are interfering with my trade. They work for you, and that's fine. I will keep my distance from your establishment, but I work for myself. And I have every right to sell my body to whomever I choose. I will, however, respect whatever boundaries you wish to make, but I must respectfully decline to make payments for my own work."
"Euna is my whore," you say, "and I'm not going to stop whoring her out,"Euna is her own woman," you say. "She has every right to sell her body, but this is your boardwalk. You want a cut. Fine. Let's agree to something, and then we can stop with the shakedowns."
One of the listening whores scoffs. Lady Mitsu is unmoved. She speaks only after a long scrutinizing stare.
One of the listening whores scoffs. Lady Mitsu is unmoved. Nor does she speak.
You're about to reply when Euna rests a hand on your arm. "We have presented our case. Lady Mitsu is merely engaging in negotiation tactic. She is not speaking so that we will fill the silence and weaken our hand." Euna peers at Lady Mitsu. "...Except that it is her turn now to reply."
Mitsu takes a drag of her pipe. Afterward, however, she does speak.
"I was one of the first to come here. My husband had been one of the founding lords of this cove. Try to imagine what it must have taken for a handful of marauders to work together long enough to turn this hidden cove into a safe haven for their own kind. They are not the sort to follow rules."
"I can imagine," Euna says.
"They usually aren't," you say.
"The Lords kept order with the point of their swords, and yet there was not a morning when the waters were not stained red from those who'd died in the night. The boardwalk stank of corpses. But the worst was suffered by the women. Us few found ourselves among thieves and murderer and rapists. Even when we spread our legs for them, we were met with cruelty. It was I who brought us together. I would see to it that those who hurt us would be met with worse cruelty. In time, order arose. The women here whore under my protection, but safety comes at a price."
You shuffle around behind her to witness the two firm globes of her ass, smooth and flawless. The muscles beneath them are as firm as an acrobat's. You show both her cheeks your adoration.
Then she reaches back and spreads those cheeks. There, in the center is a hole both pink and wrinkled. Fixing your lips over it, you press your tongue in and worm deep. For such a lurid spot, her taste is both faint and arousing. It's a point of beauty, and she lets you worship it until drool runs down her legs and drips from your chin.
For your efforts, you're rewarded with one shudder.
With a parting kiss, you move on.
Catalina steps back to admire her work. "Yes, she is."
Euna's attire are those simple two articles: the red velvet sash and the skin-tight fishnet top. The idea that this outfit is in any way decent is a joke. She looks more obscene than if she were simply naked, and Euna is trying not to squirm under the gaze of all the whores and patrons in the brothel.everyone knows it. Not only do the whores seem pleased with their work, but all the patrons in the brothel are appreciating the view.
"Now it's time to find her some customers," Catalina says.
One of the old men on the couch with a woman on his lap speaks up. "I'll take a piece of that ass."
"Here that, bitch?" Corset says. "A first customer already."
"No," Catalina replies. "Not yet. Let's take her for a walk first. All around the boardwalk. Make sure everyone knows we've got a new girl."
"We should take her to the warehouses," one whore says.
"We should let the slavers at the pits have a turn," another.
"No. We should take her to the Moors. Offer the rat catchers a deal."
"My good ladies," Euna says. "The night is young. I'm sure I'll have time to visit all the places you want."
"Hmm. Still being brave, are we?" Catalina says.
"Nothing I can't handle. Shall we?" Euna heads toward the entry curtain, and the whores follow. She passed by you.
"Ladies, ladies," Catalina says. "The night is young. We'll trick this slut over the whole cove. Come along now, girl. Let's get this night started."
As the whores pull Euna along, she looks over her shoulder to give you a desperate pleading look.
"I see this is going to be a long night," Euna mutters. "Let's get this started."
"Let's," Catalina says. "We're going to trick you out over the whole cove. Come along now."
As the whores pull Euna along, she passes by you.
"I'll be here for you in the morning. Good luck."
"Don't disappoint me. Or I may just leave you with these whores for good."
"I should come with you. I don't like the idea of you fucking all those men without me around."
"With what money he had left over from what I gave him, he booked passage home. I say good riddance. He was good for nothing. It is a pity that Melka was too naive not to see that sooner, but then she would never have come to me. For that, I'm sure she is grateful. Aren't you, dear?"
Melka smiles and nods. Her fingers play through your hair.
You explore up her belly, from her navel to her firm breasts, clasping her torso tight to you. Curiously, there's a long, faded scar that runs across her left nipple. Stitch marks show how it had to be sutured. It could have come from a fight, or perhaps from a sadistic paramour.
It serves as a sign of how she wasn't always on top. A woman who lived among scoundrels of the sea would have had to claw her way to the top, and suffer for it. Now though, it's a badge upon her breast, and when your mouth fixes to her nipple, she rolls her head back and basks. With your lips and tongue alone, you make her breath shallow.
"Yes," Euna says. "I think that's exactly what we could use. You think I'm a spoiled girl who has no idea what it's like to be a whore. I say you're wrong."
"And how do you intend on proving that?" Mitsu asks.
Euna thinks. "Let your women show me what it means to whore to live, and I will show them what it means to live to whore. I will be one of your women for the day. I will fuck whomever you want me to, as much as you want me to. I will obey any instruction that you would expect your women to follow, and I will handle all with grace."
Lady Mitsu sips her brandy and considers. "You would bed any man I tell you to? You will perform whatever act I say?"
"For the rest of the day," Euna says.
"No. Until dawn. A whore works at night."
This gives Euna pause. As dark and timeless as it is in here, the sun is still up outside. Dawn is a long ways away.
But Euna's resolve takes over. "Does this mean you accept?"
"When you fail and beg for it to end, as you will, you will never whore on this boardwalk again unless you are working for me."
"And if I do make it, then you will let me whore freely."
"Without my protection. And I will keep all of the money you make me tonight."
"Half," Euna corrects. "A whore does not work for free."
"But you claim to do this only for the thrill, so prove it, if the money means so little to you. Take this challenge and accept none of the money."
Euna considers. "Fine."
"We will see how thrilling you find it come morning," Mitsu says.
"You may stay," Mitsu says, "but as she said, you must be a good boy. Come with me." Rising, she takes your arm and pulls you deeper into the brothel.
A back door to the outside connects to a narrow solitary boardwalk leading to an adjoining house nestled into the cove's surrounding mountains. It's unseen and unreachable from all the cove apart from the brothel. Inside is a one-room boudoir lavishly decorated with tapestries and silk curtains, and hand-woven carpets layer the floor so densely they overlap.
Curiously, they're covering walls and floors made of roughly hewn stone. This building is more of a cave disguised as a home by its front-facing architecture, yet it's finer than all the rooms in the brothel. The furniture—from the dresser to the chairs to the massive bed—is an masterwork mixture of high-end styles from around the world.
Lady Mitsu stops in the center of the room. She undoes her silk dress and lets it crumple at her feet, and like that, she's utterly naked.
From her stories and her dominion in this cove, you surmised that Lady Mitsu must be lady of many years, at least in her forties, and yet her beauty seems untouched by her time.
There she stands naked, waiting to see what you'll do.
"Oh that?" Catalina asks. "She hasn't worn that since we brought her back here and put her on her back. It' over in the corner there, I think. Do you still have her old clothes with you?"
"I do," you say.
"Pity. I was hoping she'd have to walk out dressed in that slut wear. It suits her."
"You'd let her have it?"
"A threadbare sash and a ratty fishnet blouse?" She snorts. "As though anyone around here would want that back. Give it to her. It'll be a little reminder of what we turned her into."
Beside you, Euna gives a sharp intake of breath.
"For today?" Lady Mitsu's eyebrows shoot up.
"Yes. She will be your property until sundown, and you can use her however you want. If you want her for yourself, fine. If you want to whore her out to others, fine, and you can keep all the money she makes you."
Lady Mitsu sips her brandy and considers. "Hmm. She would bed any man I tell her to? Perform whatever act I say?"
"For the entire day."
"No. Until dawn. We work in the dark of night."
The trio of whores who've been listening all cackle at this.
"Oh, poor little bitch," Catalina says. "Your man is giving you away."
"Do it, my Lady," Corset says to Lady Mitsu. "Let us ruin her."
Euna clutches close to you. "This isn't a good idea."
"You have to," you say. "We need to respect the rules of this cove, and you have been whoring on her ground. You owe her this."
"But I don't think I can," she says. "It's not even nighttime yet. Dawn... it's so far away."
"So that should earn back our debt."
She chews her lip, and finally sighs. "Very well. I'll do it. And I'll see it through, but I'm not going to enjoy sleeping with untold men."
"Please..." Her eyes are peading. "Please don't make me do this. Please don't give me to them."
"But..." She chews her lip. "I've never done anything like this before."
"You have to," you say. "It's only for one night." You turn to Lady Mitsu. "So we have a deal?"
"...You're giving me to her?" Euna's eyes are wide.
"Yes," you say. "It's only for one night, and you owe her."
"I... But..." She gropes for words, then finally. "Very well. I'll do it."
She sighs. "That will be a lot of whoring, even for me, but all right. For you."
You turn to Lady Mitsu. "So we have a deal?"
"It does not sound like she has the fortitude," Mitsu replies.
"She does," you say. "Just be sure to use a firm hand with her.""Euna is a natural born whore."
Lady Mitsu considers. "Then I accept. If your girl survives what I will put her through, then you will be free to whore her afterward."
"You only believe that because you already enjoy it. Those are thieves and murderers and rapists you're lady is selling her body to. It is their nature to take what they want from you, and they only pay you because they believe they would have to answer to me. Thus, you are benefiting from my protection without owing your share to me."
"Then the solution is obvious," Euna says. "From henceforth, I will tell people that I am not one of your girls, and you can tell them the same."
"They will kill you."
"I think they won't," Euna replies. "They will pay me, because they will want to come back for more."
The trio of whores titter at this.
Lady Mitsu silences them with a glance. "No, little flower, they will take what they want and leave nothing. There are a hundred other women in this cove for them to taste."
"No," Euna replies. "There are no other whores like me."
"You think that because you are beautiful?"
"I am, of course, but what makes me special—the reason men return to me—is my love of my craft. Men know I'll not only let them fuck me however they want, but that I want them to."
Lady Mitsu snorts. "I think not. You think yourself a whore, but I know exactly what kind of girl you are, and it is a game to you. You have no idea what it means to fuck for your life. You would not make it. Accept my protection before a man teaches you that whoring is not for your own pleasure."
"So?" you say.
"It means every time you whore your girl, you owe me something. This debt cannot go unpaid."
"Euna is to work for me now," Lady Mitsu says.
"Absolutely not." Euna replies. "I work for no one."
Corset snaps a reply. "Don't you dare speak to Lady Mitsu like that, you slut."
Lady Mitsu holds up a silencing finger. Corset lapses into silence.
Mitsu continues. "You will work for me, or you will not work at all."
"We will find another way," Euna replies.
"There is not other way. You need my protection."
Lady Mitsu ponders while appraising Euna. "Ordinarily, women who come to this boardwalk come to work for me because they are desperate. They need my help, and I treat them generously. In turn, they live for me. But I can see what sort of woman this girl of yours is. She would no do as one of my girls."
"No," you agree, "She's mine,"She's not a possession, and we come and go from the cove from time to time. We have business elsewhere."
"And yet, I will not allow her to work this boardwalk unless she shows me tribute. It is the price for my protection."
"What sort of girl do you think Euna is?"
"We do not need your protection."
"What sort of tribute do you want?"
"So it's agreed. Euna is yours for the night."
When you wake up, the sun is already high. It may even be later than when you usually wake. Whoops. You hurry down to the cove and search out the brothel. The mingling room is dark and humid as before, and still reeks of sweat and smoke.
By the time you stir, the sun is streaming in through Lady Mitsu's boudoir windows. It's long past dawn. Whoops.
It takes nearly an hour to find the will to leave her snuggly, toasty bed, but dressed and cleaned, you cross the narrow boardwalk back to the brothel and find your way to the mingling room.
When you wake up in Melka's bed, the sun is streaming through her single bedroom window. It's well past dawn. Whoops.
Too late now. Before getting ready, you avail yourself of Melka's breads and cheeses, and then you avail yourself of Melka herself, seeing as how she's already served upon the table.waking her up for a quick, rough fuck, and she mewls for your pleasure. After dumping your cum in her,After ravaging her in all the ways you please, you leave her tied uphave her help you dress and you hurry through the brothel to the mingling room.
No one is there, and you wait. Catalina arrives from the back. "Look who finally decided to show up," she says. "I was starting to think you were leaving Euna with us, not that we'd complain."
"An agreement, huh?" Scowl looks Euna over. "How about it, girl? You want to be one of Lady Mitsu's girls? Because she'll work you over good. You'll be working this boardwalk. Every day. For her."
Euna chews her lip and looks to you
"She's my whore," you say, "and I'm going to keep pimping her out, but maybe I can work something out with this Lady."
"You want to deal with the pirate lord?" Scowl scoffs. "Fine by us. We'll take you to her."
Euna straightens. "I work for no one but myself, but I will meet this Lady Mitsu face to face."
"Yeah?" Scowl replies, "and what are you going to tell her."
"I will negotiate."
"With what?"
"We will see when we get there, won't we? Take us to her."
Scowl grunts. "Fine. You twogirls want to meet the pirate lord, fine by us. Come along now."
The trio of whores lead the way.
Euna pales. She shakes her head.
"Hold on," you say. "She's my whore, and that won't change, but maybe I can work something out with this Lady Mitsu."
"...What?" Euna says. "I don't know if I'm okay with that."
"I do," you reply. "If you're going to keep selling your body around, then I'm going to have to come to some kind of deal."
"You want to deal with the pirate lord?" Scowl scoffs. "Fine by us. We'll take you to her."
Euna straightens. "I work for no one but myself, but I will meet this Lady Mitsu face to face."
"Yeah?" Scowl replies, "and what are you going to tell her."
"I will negotiate."
"With what?"
"We will see when we get there, won't we? Take us to her."
Scowl grunts. "Fine. You twogirls want to meet the pirate lord, fine by us. Come along now."
The trio of whores lead the way.
Euna pales. She shakes her head frantically. "No, no. I can't do that."
The trio burst out laughing. "I didn't think so," Scowl said.
"Euna," you say. "Who gets to decide what you do?"
"Please," she begs. "I can't be someone else's whore. I can be your whore. Please don't make me do that."
Euna straightens. "I will do no such thing."
"Maybe we don't have to work for her. We can work something out."
"I will not be whoring my body for anyone but myself," Euna says. "I just... I won't."
" doesn't need a simpering whelp like you anyway." Scowl says. She looks at you. "But do you really think you can keep pimping her out without our say so?"
"We only need enough money to get home, and then we'll be gone.""I would have to check my books," Mitsu says. "It was such a sizeable debt, and there are all the expenses I afford taking care of her—her food, her room, her safety. It adds up. But even if she does pay off her debt someday, I don't see why it matters. She has no where else to go. That boy abandoned her. Her family would never endure the shame of taking back a whore. Other men would take advantage of her if she were on her own. She has only me, but she is like a daughter to me, and I will always take care of her."
"That's none of your business," Catalina says, "but needless to say, enough. And that's even considering that we had to start selling her for cheap later in the night."
"Men don't like plowing in the mess of other men. We had her clean herself with rags between men, but we had to stop that." She leans in. "We ran out of rags."
"We ran out of rags," one of the girls says.
"It is." Mitsu holds a hand out toward one of two girls who are curled up with a well-dressed old man in the mingling room's corner. The girl excuses herself and comes over. She takes Mitsu's hand and plants a kiss upon it.
"Melka," Mitsu says, "come greet our guest."
Melka sits beside you and snuggles close just as she had been for the old man. The scent of her flower perfume envelops you. "Good day, my lordlady."
She has the look of a blushing daughter a father would dote over, the kind who loves horses, and ties ribbons in her mane of brown curls, and whose freckled face blushes pretty pink whenever suitors flirt with her. But she's in a whorehouse. Her corset shoves out her cleavage. Her garish makeup paints a lurid, red-lipped veneer.
"This is Melka," Mitsu says. "The youngest of three daughters to a powerful khan. She fell in love with a handsome boy from a rivaling family, and he convinced her to elope with him across the ocean where their families could not keep them apart. They tried to make a humble life for themselves, but this handsome boy had more passion for gambling than for honest labor. He soon owed debts.
"Melka loved him so much that she agreed to sleep with other men to help pay these debts, but he would only accrue more. Eventually debtors came to collect, and he had not enough, so he offered them Melka to keep. She is lucky I learned of this. I agreed to buy his debts, and now I look after her while she pays off her debt to me."
"Is Melka close to paying off her debt yet?"
"Where is this handsome boy now?"
"Maybe there's someplace more private where I can get to know Melka."
You strip off your clothes until you're as naked as she is.
"Get in the bed," she says.
You do so. The layers of cool silk sheets envelope you. She steps close, traces a finger along your chestnape of your neck. "So. It is her love for you after all." Abruptly she shoves you onto your back and crawls over you. "Then you will never dare tell her."
Perhaps Euna might win her wager tonight, but Mitsu will have this victory over her. She will enjoy the man Euna loves for herself.
You step close and feel the soft fabric. It's no wonder it was on the hand-me-down pile. The velvet is so worn in places that the pile has thinned down to the thread. Errant strands dangle from the tail ends hanging from the knot.
The sash certainly wasn't meant as a cover-up skirt. It's hardly wide enough to provide Euna with any decency, and that's with it sitting on her hips and not her waist where a sash ordinarily belongs. It sits so low that the swell of her pubic mound starts above the sash.It sits so low that the start of her nest is visible above the sash. Even worse, it narrows as it nears the knot on her right hip, so it rises enough to give everyone on that side of her a scandalous glimpse of the cleft of her slit. And no amount of Euna's adjusting of the hem makes a difference.
Euna sees what you're checking, and she spreads her legs a little. "Like the view?"
"Spread your legs a little," you say.
Blushing, Euna does so.
Sure enough, the skirt rides up with the simplest motion. From where you sit behind her, you can see the cusps of her ass, and just the tip of her vaginal lips.
The other women are suitably pleased. "Yes," Catalina says. "I think that will do just fine."
Your kisses trace down her legs—each as smooth as the silk kimono crumpled about her—until arriving at her feet. When you cherish them with your kisses, she allows you to lift her leg to better suck her toes. Each toenail is painted like a scarlet orchid.
Her feet seem so small and delicate, yet your grip feels tense muscles in her calfs, and your lips find hidden callluses on her soles.
"Enjoy the show." Catalina leaves you and the other girls to watch.
Once the man finishes with Euna, He uses a rag on the bed to wipe himself clean, then he fetches his breeches from the floor. He's out the door before he's even done fastening them.
Euna, meanwhile, curls up on the bed and clutches the pillow to her.sprawls nude along the bed and rests her eyes.
The girls show you around to the door of the room. The room reeks of sex, body odor, and fluids. Euna doesn't open her eyes when she feels you sit on the bed. Instead she rolls onto her back and spreads her legs. "Hmm, one more?" she says sleepily. "Very well, but only if you fuck me hard and wake me up."legs wordlessly, ready to be mounted again.
You couldn't see as well from the spy room what a mess she is. Cum is encrusted in her hair. Her ass and pussy arepussy is puffy from use, and there's so much cum seeping from her bare slit, it looks like sea brine.plastered into her bush, it looks like a marsh.
When she finally opens her eyes and sees you, some life comes back to her. "You're back."
"I'm back."
"Does that mean it's over?"
You nod. "The girls are done with you. The debt is paid. You made it." You use the rag on the bed to start wiping her clean. "So, you were fucked by a lot of men last night. From sundown to sunup."
She nods, trembles, looks away. "I'm sorry."
She smiles sadly. "I'm sorry."
"What for?" you say.
"Just... That I've come to this. I was a tsarivna once. I was a woman. I had virtues. Now I'm just this used-up slut. I... I love you, but I understand if you don't want me anymore."
You shush her. "Euna, it's all right," you say.
"...I'll always want you. I want you right now."
"...I'll always want you, as long as you keep fucking who I tell you to."
Her eyes lazily open. When she recognizes you, she smiles dreamily. "So you're finally back."
"Sorry I'm late."
"Hmm, I made do." She stretches and yawns. "Did you enjoy the show from the little hiding room?"
"You know about that?"
"The girls aren't as quiet as they think. I'm glad to know you got to watch me fuck those men just now. To think, I was once a maiden ready to commit my virtues to you, and only you. Now I think I prefer it when you watch me fuck strangers instead of letting you fuck me yourself. Hmm? What do you think of that?"
"I will always love to watch..." you say.
"...but I'll never stop fucking you."
"...but please don't stop letting me fuck you too. I'll be a good boy."
Her eyes lazily open. when she recognizes you, she smiles dreamily. "So I'm finally done."
"Sorry I'm late."
"I hope we're finally allowed to leave."
"Whenever we want."
"Good." Euna pulls her legs to her chest. "Now, come here and help me clean up."
There aren't many about, but Euna keeps at it. Other disreputable-looking women linger on the boardwalk, but without men about, they idle together. Some point in Euna's direction. They give sneers and eye-rolls.
Soon, three meander over. They're whores, down to gaudy dresses, the spilling cleavages, and painted makeup. Euna doesn't realize the trouble she's in. It looks like she's even offers her services when they near, which is met with snide laughter.
The talking gets heated. The whores circle her. One gives her a shove, and Euna shies away.gets right back in her face, standing tall.
You hurry over. "Hello, ladies.""Hey! Stop that."
"Oh look," one says—a husky woman in a bodice trying its best to turn her rolls into curves. Her tits spill over the top like ungainly lumps of dough. "It's her little pimpgirlfriend."
"The one that always watches like a creepy little brothersister," says another. Her makeup is slathered on to hide wrinkles. Her fishnet hosery almost hides the liver spots along her legs.
You move to get beside Euna. "Have you got a problem with us?"
"Yeah, we do." This comes from the apparent ringleader, and the most attractive of the three. Her blouse is transparent to show her best assets. Though she's hardly got apples. She's scrawny, and angular, and frankly looks mean. Maybe that's just her scowl. "You two think you can just move in and start pulling tricks?"
"Oh, I see," Euna says. "I'm costing you business."
"Ah," you say. "We're barging in on your business."
"This is Lady Mitsu's boardwalk. Only her girls work the boardwalk." She pokes at Euna. "We don't need some milk-skinned cunt running her own side business. You two need to scamper off before you get yourselves hurt."
"Oh, we're not giving her anything nice," Hosery says. "Scraps. Hand-me-downs. Cheap clothes for a cheap whore."
"That's right," Corset says. "We're finding the ugliest, sluttiest clothes we can for this girl, stuff none of us would ever wear."
"Besides, I think it's fine to give her a few scraps," Catalina says. "Seeing as how much money we're going to make selling that sweet cunt of hers. It pays to invest in presentation, and we're making an outfit that will let every man in these docks know she's ready to spread her legs."
You shuffle over on your knees and clutch her about her waist, hugging your face to her belly.
Her lithe body tells a story, not only in its lithe beauty, but with the muscles you feel under her amber skin. She has been a fighter, a survivor, a mistress, and a whore. Her age and experience has created body that is a work of art.
It deserves worship.
"Then go," Mitsu says. "Be back here in the morning, or I may just keep her."
Slipping outside, you head off to the Siren's Bounty where you enjoy a few drinks and gamble a bit of coin. Drunk, you stumble back home to sleep it off, making a mental note that you need to get up early and return to the brothel by dawn. Euna should be waiting.
"Of course." Mitsu addresses the girl. "Take him to your room and tend to his needs tonight. Do not charge him any money. I would not have a guest pay for my hospitality."
With a smile, Melka rises and pulls you along.
"Go with her," Mitsu tells you. "Enjoy her. Do not mark her."
Melka's room is a small one-room home buried deeper within the brothel. The best feature is a small postered bed crammed into the corner, though its sheets look stained. Centered is a two-person dining table before a hearth. The only decore are a few lewd paintings and ratty rug beneath the table. It's a hovel dressed up to hide that it's a hovel, but Melka is quick to make up for it. She prepares a small feast of bread, stew, and wine, using the only set of utensils she has.
After serving you, she stands by the far wall to let you eat in peace, though where she stands allows you to admire her. Whenever your wine cup empties, she's there to refill it.
Obediently, she comes forward and hinges over the table at her waist. Her tits press flat against the wood. You come around behind her, shove her forward, and take her from behind with such force that the remains of the dinner are knocked to the floor, a mess she'll no doubt have to clean later.
Her wet snatch squeezes your shaft delightfully,tastes so sweet, and her moans of passion are quite convincing.
Many times that evening she treats you with her hospitality. You leave her no choice. When you tie her spread-eagle on her back to the table using the bed's tassled ropes, she's left helpless and exposed.
She drops to her knees and climbs under the table. You feel your breechestights pulled down to your ankles, and then her lips on your hardening cock.quim. She knows to take her time and let you eat, and it becomes a long, slow servicing. Of course when the time comes, you cram her face against your groin when you get off. Not a peep of complain comes from her.
Many times that evening you enjoy her hospitality, and it seems to have no bounds.
When you later make her tongue your assholeworship your feet with her tongue for hours, she behaves as though the very taste is addicting.
When you sodomize herfuck her roughly on that tableher bed, she mewls and begs for more.
When you force your fist inside her ass,snatch, she cries as though it were the greatest lover she'd ever felt.
When you orient her head to the edge of the table so you canmake her kneel by the bed so you can stand over her and and ram your cock down her throat,ride her face until she's thrashing for air, her choked tears are like tears of joy.
All while you use her, she smiles kindly, but you can see the truth in her eyes.
There's no one there. She's only a toy that only serves and submits.
There's only meek submission. She actually craves this treatment.
It's clear why Lady Mitsu gave Melka for you to enjoy tonight. This girl is Euna, or rather what Euna will become. Mitsu is showing off her own conquest, forged with just the right amounts of giving and witholding of love. There is no will or self-respect or hope in the girl anymore, only sex and obedience. Melka is Mitsu's whore now, and that's all she'll ever been.
After you retire to her bed and leave her tied to the table, her quiet whimpers lull you to sleep.between your legs to treat you with her mouth all night, she does. She's still suckling when you fall asleep. All in all, it's a pleasant night. For you, anyway.
"Keep them here," Scowl disappears past another curtain leading deeper into the brothel. When she returns, a woman enters behind her carries herself like a noble. She reclines upon a couch that no one else had dared take despite its prominence. The whores bring her dark red brandy to sip, and a pipe to smoke. Her coal black hair is done up in a tidy formal bun, and she's dressed like a noblewoman—in a silk kimono with with wide, draping sleeve, and embroidered with a blue and red floral pattern. But the sexuality is there. The way she reclines back is as though waiting for her lover. The cross of her legs spills open her kimono along its split to show smooth thighs and a hint of more if the eyes were to wander.
Finally, she studies you two. She is of a unique kind here—dark eyes like narrow ovals, a bun of hair as black as raven, and agless skin. You've seen those like her before, from foreign lands far to the east. Her accent only emphazises how far her journey has brought her.
"So you are the two," she says. "Here to negotiate, hmm?"
"A whorehouse," Corset looks at you as though you're stupid.
"I mean does it have a name?"
"The Kitten's Den," Corset replies. She gestures up toward a simple mural along the far wall. It depicts a cat, stretching with its forepaws out front and its hind quarters lifted high. It's tail is aimed up.
"A yawning cat?" Euna asks.
"It's not yawning," you reply.
"...Oh. Right."
The whores lead you to a boardwalk tier where the houses are packed in rows. It overlooks much of the cove. One large multistory townhouse is nestled into a nook of the surrounding mountains. The front would make it look like a dormitory, if not for disreputable-looking women loitering out front. They pause their chatting to watch the trio lead you two in. Eyes are curious. A double doorway is framed by lanterns encased in mottled red glass giving a sultry air.
Past the front pair of double doors is a drapery of velvet and beads hidding the interior, their jingle announces your arrival.
Inside, your eyes need a moment adjust. Tanterns encased in mottled red glass cast a sultry dark red hue over the place, and a haze of smoke obscures as well. The place reeks of sweat and perfume. All about are small nooks with velvet couches and velvet curtains, plates of drink, and tall-necked waterpipes with opiate smoke trails drizzling from their crowns.
And of course, there are the women—bodies of all shapes, skins of all colors, and clothes as sensual as they are teasing. At this daylight hour, there are only a handful of men lounged upon the couches. They're lost in their own tiny worlds of drink and smoke and whores who sit with them with their bared tits and legs pressed close.
When your lips reach her chin, she pulls away. It seems her lips are off limits to you, and worship is over.
"Strip," she says. "Get in the bed."
You do so. Cool silk sheets envelope you. Mitsu steps before you and shoves you onto your back with her foot. "So she keeps you for your obedience," She crawls over you. "Very well. I will see for myself. Tonight, you serve me."
Kneeling before her, you come to eye level with her sex. HerBeneath a neat nest of raven black hair, her flower has dew upon its petals. It emenates a sweet, pungent scent. Your worship is making her ready for you.
However, she does not spread her legs. It seems you don't yet have her blessing, so after placing a kiss upon her mound, you move on.
Next, Catalina studies Euna's bust. "What about her chest? We should have something suitably shameless."
"I might have just the thing." Hosery hurries off and returns with a fishing net.
...Well, no. It's a top made from a fishing net.
Catalina tosses it to Euna. "Put it on."
Euna does so. It leaves her middrift exposed and covers only her chest and sleeves, but to say it covers her at all is a farce. The hemp rope's knit is as wide as coin. Euna's net-wrapped tits are plainly visible as though she were topless. Her pink nipples aren't obscured at all.
"Oh, that's perfect for our little whore, isn't it?" Catalina says.
The whores from before come strolling up the boardwalk as though on a patrol. Their eyes fall on Euna. As before, they saunter over and surround her. You hurry over.
"Look, girls," one is saying. "The primp bitch still hasn't learned that this is our boardwalk yet."
"You're still out here tricking out that primped cunt of yours, huh?" Scowl says.
"So I am," Euna says.
"So we are," you say.
"You don't get to work these docks unless you're one of Lady Mitsu's girls."
They press clothes against Euna to compare.
"What about this?"
"No, that's far to nice for her."
"We could put her in this."
"No. That covers her up. We want something skimpy."
"What about these? Only a slut would wear these."
"Those are mine! Don't give her those."
They go back and forth until Catalina dismisses it all with flap of her hand. "None of this will do. We need something truly shameless, something no self-respecting woman would wear on the streets."
"Hmm." Corset taps her chin. She strides past the displayed outfits to a pile of scrap clothes other girls brought out. Among them is a maroon velvet strip as wide as a scarf. "What about this?"
"A sash?" Catalina asks.
"Not a sash," Corset says. "A skirt. Look." She wraps it about Euna's hips and knots at the side of her hip. It's hardly provides her with any decency.
"Yes." Catalina says. "That will work."
"A perverted old fisherman made it for me," Hosery says. "He had a thing for the 'fish in a net' look."
"I don't remember you ever wearing such a thing," Catalina replies.
"That's because I have dignity, but they're perfect for her." She gives Euna's hefty breasts a squeeze. "This girl has some curves though. Looks like her tits are about to burst free." The fishnets do hug her torso and breasts snugly.
"It's as though it was meant for her," Catalina says. "I can't wait to see the men chewing those lush little nipples through the netting."
"Are you ladies giving her these clothes?"
Catalina sighs. "She won. At least Lady Mitsu has decided so. Euna is free to whore herself on this boardwalk as much as she wants, but Mitsu made sure that every man who came here tonight knows that Euna is not one of her girls. That means no more protection."
"Fine," you say. "Euna can handle herself."
"Let's hope so. I think I like her now. I'd hate for her to get robbed and killed." Catalina pauses. "Not that I think she could be raped. She'd probably just spread her legs and enjoy it."
"Yes," Catalina says. "Mitsu will allow you to pimp out your girl as much as you want around here. For now."
"I don't think she's the same woman anymore." Catalina nudges the other girls. "Tell him about it."
"After parading her around the cove," one girl says, "we had a good dozen men pay to fuck her in some back alley. The warehouse boys got a turn with her after that."
"She was in bad shape," says the other, "but nightfall hadn't even come yet."
"That's when we brought her back and put in there," the first continues. "A lot of men came back with us. We started sending them in to see her two or three at a time for hours."
"She was really struggling by then. We could tell she was aching pretty badly. She hadn't been enjoying it for hours, and the night was still young."
"I was so sure we were going to break her. Then Lady Mitsu came in and told Euna that she already proved herself, and she could quit then. Mitsu would let her work the boardwalk all she wanted. All Euna had to do was go out to the mingling room and tell all the men we'd brought that she couldn't take anymore, and that they should leave."
"Well, she went out there, and there must have been forty hungry men ready to eat her alive. But when she saw them, you know what she said?"
"'Boys, it's going to take me all night, but I want every single one of you to have a turn with me. So none of you dare leave.'"
"After that, it was like she was possessed. Every person who fucked her only seemed to make her hunger for more. She's been like this ever since."
"Then she started to cry. She kept calling for you and begging us to stop."
"We told her that you told us to keep going, and that you weren't coming back until dawn, and that she needed to shut up and get back to fucking."
"Good thing we had some men like it when women cry, because she wept right through about half a dozen men."
"And that's when something inside her snapped. No more tears. No more complaints. Now she fucks every man we've sent her since, but you can see it in her eyes. Something inside her has gone out."
"That's when she started struggling. She begged us for a break."
"She called it a reprieve."
"We told her whores like her don't get breaks, and made her get back to work."
"And she did. After another dozen men, that's when something inside her snapped. No more whining. No dragging her feet. Suddenly, she's fucking every man we send her like she needs it."
"And that hungry look in her eyes... It's like she's an animal."
"Hope you don't mind that we broke your girl," Catalina says. "I don't know if she's good for anything besides fucking anymore."
Three times she takes you.
The first: she sits astride you and rides your cock to her own enjoyment. Her hips grind to her own satisfaction.
The first: she sits astride your face and enjoys your tongue upon her folds. Her eyes peer into yours all the while as though appraising you.
The second: she enjoys sucking you off with an incredible amount of skill and talent.tongues your sex until your toes curl. She may be the master of this brothel, but it seems she has a mastery in bed as well, and a hunger to taste which she doesn't deny.
The third: she fetches a leather cock to strap to her pelvis. At first she enjoys kneeling on the bed and having you "fellate" her, but in time she shoves you down and fucks your flower raw.flips you onto your hands and knees and fucks you with her saliva-coated cock until your third shot of cum dribbles onto her silk sheets.
The third: she has you sit up in bed while she cradles you from behind in a way both doting and constricting. Her hand is reached around to work your cockplay with your sex with increasing intensity while her breath tickles your ear and her breasts press into your back. It's as though she's listening carefully to the building rhythm of your body, and she doesn't stop until your cock fires into the air and rains cum upon her silk're trembling and writhing within her vice-like hold.
All the while, it's as though you're looking into the future when you gaze upon her mature visage.
She is Euna, or who Euna will be some day—a lord over both of people and sex. Even when her later years come, she will always be a commanding force—an erotic being who's hunger has no limits, and who sates her hunger using all those she holds dominion over.
Afterward, Mitsu slips on her dress. "Stay," She nods toward a decanter of brandy. "Drink. Sleep."
You relax in her bedroom for the evening. Later, a girl brings you bread, stew, and more drink. However, Lady Mitsu never returns. She must be busy elsewhere.
"You didn't show up," Catalina says. "We figured we keep her at work."
"You should have seen that crumpled little look on her face," says one of the watching girls. "She was so sure she'd be done once dawn came. So defeated."
"We told her you sold her to us," says the other. "I think she actually believed us."
"And yet she's still spreading her legs."
"When can I take her back?" you ask.
"Those are the last two men," Catalina says. "You can reclaim her after them."
"You didn't show up," Catalina says. "She said to keep sending in men until you got here."
"You didn't show up," Catalina says. "We kept sending in men. I don't think she realizes the sun rose a while ago."
"When will she be done?" you ask.
"She'll be done after those two," Catalina sighs. "There aren't any other men left after them."
"She went through every man we sent her," one of the watching girls says. "I've never met a girl so stubborn."
"Or insatiable," says the other. "I wouldn't want to put anything near my cooch for a month if I slept with as many men as she did. I think she's still enjoying herself."
"Nah," says the first. "She's just trying to prove a point."
"No. Look at her. She's enjoying every minute of this. There's something wrong with her."
"Oh, I'm sure they will," Cataliina says. "Everyone in this cove will know her as the slut that gave everyone a cheap ride. You'll be lucky if you get half of what she was making before. But that's not our problem."
"She's... well... why don't you see for yourself." Catalina motions you to follow, and she leads you down narrow halls, past vacant rooms clearly meant for entertaining "guests" in the evenings. Where she finally takes you is a shared boudoir for the whores. It's cluttered with wardrobes of outfits, racks of wigs, to mirrors where the girls can primp themselves. The smell of perfume is nearly choking in here. Several girls here in states of undress watch you pass. Catalina holds a fingure to her lips and leads leads you to a rack of garish dresses in the back, which she pulls aside to reveal a hidden recess inside. Two girls are already there in gauzy shifts who are watching through a hole in the wall. They make space for you.
It peers through glass into another such entertainment room. It looks depressing. No windows. A few old nets hanging on the walls as decorations. Hanging oil lanterns provide just enough light to see. In the center is a wool-stuffed mat.
And there's Euna, astride a knobbly-muscled sailor with tattoes covering his arms and torso. Her hips ride like the sinuous flutter of a flag. He's groping her tits, while she braces one hand against his belly to maintain her fervent pace.
Her mouth is busy with another man standing beside the bed. He's got a gut, and hairy body, but that doesn't seem to bother Euna. She's fellating him with dutiful gusto, her free hand pumping his shaft.
You can't see her face with it buried in a man's groin, but she does not seem like someone who was up all night forced to have sex. She is a professional conducting a performance. Her upper and lower half are staging seperate acts, both masterfully done, and it's obviously a show of passion.
It's not long before she's swallowing the man's cum. While he dresses and leaves, she turns her attention on the man she's riding, and she bends over him so her tits drape in his face for him to suckle. Her head rolls to the side, as though lost in the passion of his teeth squeezing her nipples.
And there's Euna, on her back, getting fucked by a a knobbly-muscled sailor with tattoos covering his arms and chest. He's got her legs held up against his chest to give him better access to hammer his cock into her.
There's not much life to Euna. She lies there staring up at the ceiling with her arms spread wide to brace herself on the grimy mat. When the man finishes, he climbs off, and another man comes into frame. He's hairier, and he has a gut, and while the first man buttons up and leaves, this man flips Euna around roughly and fucks her like a dog from behind. Euna accept this. She moans and rocks back against him, even as he presses the side of her face against a straw pillow.
This allows you to see her bloodshothalf-lidded eyes, but she doesn't see you. This window must be a mirror from her side. You can see a table of wine and drinks just below the window, which makes this a vanity mirror, and you're in a spy room behind it.
"Once they're done with her," Catalina whispers, "you can have her back."
"It's after dawn. Why is she still fucking?"
"Where's that slutty outfit you gave her?"
"How much money did she make for you all?"
"So did Euna win?So are we even? Will Lady Mitsu let her work the boardwalk?"
"Aren't people around the cove going to see her as used goods now?"
Without hesitation, she shrugs off the straps of her bodice and let's it slip to the floor. Her corset is tight, but after shimmying out of it, it's clear she needed it more to push up her modests breasts more than to hide her curves. She's skinny, almost a waif.
Her freckles extend along her belly and breasts as well. Her body has an inticing "cherished maiden" appearance, but you will not be the first to sate yourself with her. Her mound is shaved smooth, ready for presentation. Her vaginal lips are tinged dark, as one often sees on mothers. And despite Mitsu's order to "not mark her", others have. Faint lines crisscross her tits. Similar strips score her buttocks.
Naked, she stands by just as she had been and waits for you to finish.
You push through the door enough for you both to slip through. Beyond it is a long stone staircase leading down and down, deep into the bowels of the earth. You follow until it finally reaches a cave.
You arrive at a masoned wall within the cave tunnel. Along the wall at intervals are lanterns which glow with green flames. There's a gap in the masoned wall which leads to a treacherous staircase going up as far as you can see.
You're in the underground corridor by the deep stairwell going up. Green-lit lanterns sit in sconces along the wall. Damp black moss fills the wall's crevices.
To the south is the watery nest of akkoro.
South leads into the dark unhewn bowels of the cavern. The walls are wet.
"This seems like the place," you say.
"I don't see any cave," Euna replies. "I hope it's not underwater."
"Only one way to find out. Wait here." You take off your clothes and wade into the water.
"It's a beautiful view from here, isn't it?" Euna is staring at your bare ass.
Euna averts her gaze. "You were certainly quick to strip down."
"You'll be stripping soon enough if the cave is there," you say, "unless you plan to swim in that gownsashskirt." You swim out along the bluff, carefully avoiding the sharp rocks. Though the water deepens, your feet are always in reach of the ocean sand. Farther down, the cliff face curves inward into an inlet. In there, hidden from view, there's a hollow leading into dark shadows. It must be the cave entrance Fira talked about. Though the pitch black depths ahead are ominous.
You return to Euna. "It's there. Good thing you got a lantern from Lanx and Fira's trash pile."
"Do we have to dive underwater?"
"Doesn't look like it. Looks like solid ground farther in."
She eyes the surf. "Is there anyway to get there that doesn't require me to swim?"
"Do you not know how?"
"I can," she says. "I just..."
"...Don't want to get naked in front of me?"
"I must maintain my decency."
"Here. I'll face this way." You turn to face the bluff, your back to her. "I'll stay this way until we're inside."
"Maybe I could just swim in my shift..."
"It's not like you've never been naked before. You're naked when you bathe, right?"
"Surely you've stripped before other women before."
"Yes, my fellow sisters at the convent, and my handmaidens, but you are neither. You are a wanton harlot."
"If it makes you more comfortable, this wanton harlot will turn around until you're submerged in the water."
"Oh very well. But do not look back until I say so."
You hear the rustle of fabric behind you. A long pause, and then the splash of water as she comes up behind you. "Lead on," she says.
With your bundled clothes held overhead, you wade around the bluff to the cave. Inside, the water shallows out. The ocean water has churned into a froth in here. The brine and seaweed rot stings your nose.
Once you're on dryish rock, Euna speaks. "Wait." Fabric rustles once again. Soon, "there. You can turn around now."
Euna is fully clothed now, and just letting down her hair from a bun. She turns her gaze from you. "You can get dressed now too, you know."
"Oh, right."
After you're dressed, you're both ready to venture farther in.
"Good." She glances about nervously, then strips naked.She casually strips naked. Finding a stick, she does her hair up in a bun.
You both wade into the water together, holding clothes and gear above your heads. Shortly, you're in the cave, and the water shallows out. The ocean water has churned into a froth in here. The brine and seaweed rot stings your nose.
Euna lets her hair down, and you both redress. She hugs close, waiting for you to set forth.
After stripping, you both wade along the bluff. Once again, Euna makes you wade out in the water and face away before she removes any clothing. At the water cave entrance, the smell of brine and seaweed rot fills the air.
You're at the inlet of an ocean cave hidden among the bluffs.
To the north is the akkoro nest.a dark tunnel leading into the earth.
Venturing along the cave, the smell of rotten fish becomes stronger. Soon, you're both wading in ankle deep water, which is oddly viscous. Slime covers the walls.
Euna squeaks and clutches your arm. "Did you see that?"
"See what?"
"Up ahead. It was there a second ago. Some slimy thing just slipped out of view."
You look and see no such thing.
"I think it was an akkoro," she says. "We're walking into an akkoro nest."
"Are you sure? Last we met one of those, it chased us to the beach."
"That one was hunting," she replies. "They don't normally attack unless they're hungry... or if something invades their nest."
"Ah, would have been nice if Damien could have mentioned this part."
"Are we expected to go on? We'll get eaten," Euna says. "What are we supposed to do?"
The akkoro nest is here. Slime covers walls and the stench is potent, but you still have the repellent on, and the akkoro seem to be avoiding you.
To the north comes a strange glow.
To the south comes faint daylight and the smell of salt.
From the slime covered walls and the stench, the akkoro nest is up ahead. You and Euna apply Lanx's repellent to yourselves. It's as potent as always.
Now safe, you both continue forward until the nest comes into view. The writhing masses of akkoro linger just beyond the reach of your lantern.
"What now?" Euna asks.
As Euna tolerates this molestation, you reach over her body to her rear end, which is still held high. Placing both hands on her ass cheeks, you spread them wide, exposing the small puckered hole between.
"Hey! What are you doing?" Euna cranes to see.
"You looked like you were having so much fun. I thought I'd add to it." Wetting two fingers with akkoro slime, you slide them into her anus.
"Hey! Sto— augh!" She moans as a finger-like tentacle zeros in on the hole you've revealed. Immediately, a couple more join it, and then comes a thick one from the wagon-sized akkoro violating her pussy. It's tentacles are wrist thick.
"Ow. You had to go and do that," she says, but involunarily, she pushes back against this new invader. The biggest akkoro is alternately pistoning its tentacles in and out of her pussy and anus. "Ohh," she whimpers.
"Feel good?" you ask.
"You imp," she says, but she's in too much pleasure to be angry for more than a moment. "Ooh, it keeps going deeper."
You look to see what she means. Every time the akkoro pulls out of her ass, it does so only a little. When it pushes in, more disappears than before. It's worming its way through her gut, flexing and undulating. Feet upon feet disappear inside her. With it's width, and the other finger-like tentacles buried right alongside it, her poor ring is stretched to its limit.
With every thrust, Euna winces. "Ohh, Lord. It's going to disappear inside of me... Ohh..." It's hard to tell if she's in pain or in pleasure, but she must endure regardless.
"Very good," she says. "It was rather harebrained. And idea concocted by your other head." She glances down at your crotch.
"Maybe. That head does a lot of my thinking."
"I'm very aware."
"Very good," she says. "I know where you were going with that. I'm glad you've dispelled such lusty thoughts."
"After I trek through their nest and get violated again, you mean?"
"It got us through last time," you say.
She surveys all the akkoro. Their eyes all seem to be on her, almost as though waiting for her. "I think they may be as excited about this as you are," she says.
"Maybe. You really want to disappoint them?"
She sighs. "Let's hope they behave themselves this time, but somehow I doubt it." Taking out the philter, she places a drop upon her tongue.
"Good luck," you say.
"That would make them see me as a mate."
"Better than them seeing you as food."
"Uh huh. And how about you?"
"I'll sneak by while you distract them."
"And what if this doesn't work? Actually, for that matter, what if it does?"
"Do your best."
"I can't imagine they'll do what you have in mind, they don't mate the way you think. One leaves eggs. Another leaves seed. No penetration."
"Then the worst they'll do is give you some eggs to take along with us.
She chews her lip. "All right, but if they start to get untoward, we run. Even if they see me as a mate, I'm liable to get killed."
"Of course. This is just to get through."
Euna takes out the small perfume bottle. With the dropper, she places a single drop on her tongue, and after a thought, she puts another.
"Two?" you ask.
"I'd rather this work than it doesn't. Let's go now, before I lose my nerve."
The next turn down the tunnel leads into a large catacomb ankle deep in water. The place teems with akkoro of all different sizes which slither over each other. The squirming endless tentacles are like a pit of snakes. Hundreds of gelatin eyes on the tips of stalks watch you warily. The walls, floor, and even the ceiling are thick with mucus. Half packed within this film are countless bones of various creatures. A few are as large as an elephant. Most are the size of horses. The water at your feet seethes with tiny rodent skeletons.
Beyond this nest lies another corridor leading farther along the cave.
You point this out. "Maybe we can just walk through. Slowly."
"After you."
You take a few cautious steps forward. The akkoro slither closer as though forming a crowd. A few steps later, and they start to investigate you. Tentacles lick upon your boots. One caresses your leg as though feeling you out. This isn't that aggressive at all.
"Uh..." says Euna. Euna has her own share of tentacles. In fact, many, many more. Several baby akkoro are climbing her legs. As a swarm, they're impeding her progress. "I need help."
You grab her arm and help pull her along, but the closer into the nest you get, the more assertive they become. They climb faster than she can pluck them off. Some tentacles slip up her gownsash. She yelps and dances away to the edge of the nest. "This isn't working!"
"Looked liked it was."
"What I mean is I don't think I was going to get through. One of them just tried to slip inside me." She corrects her gownsash. "That philter might be keeping them from attacking us, but I don't think I'll get through unmolested. They think I might be a good place to lay their eggs."
"Would that kill you?"
"I... I don't know. I wouldn't think so, but who knows what they'll actually do to me."
"Okay, then. Forget the idea."
"What's the harm if they do mate with you. It'll be fun."
"I'm sure you can make it across without trouble. I believe in you."
You unfasten the silk cord of her gown.knot of her velvet sash.lace of her bodice.
"What... are you doing?" she asks, her voice breathless.
"Taking your clothes off."
"Why?" she asks,
"To keep your clothes clean."
"A little late... for that," she replies.
"Do you want your clothes to be more slimy?"
"You just want me naked," yet she lets you slide her gown over her head anyway. Several akkoro fight you over it, but you unwrap them in time and tuck the gown away. Euna is left utterly naked. The akkoro now have solid grips about her bare torso.
"You just want me naked," yet she lets you whisk away her sash and slip her fishnet top over her head anyway. Several tiny akkoro get tangled up in it, but you have time to get them out. Euna, however, is left utterly naked. The large akkoro now have a solid grip about her bare torso.
"You just want me naked," yet she hold her arms overhead so you can pull her bodice off. A few akkoro cling to it which you pluck off. Next, you unfasten her skirt. That proves harder to pull given it's vicinity to her penetration. Several akkoro fight you over it, including a few larger ones. You unwrap them over time and pull the skirt away.
All the while, Euna's violation continues, in and out, only now she's naked apart from her boots. Tentacles are still holding her legs off the ground. Reaching, you snag one, and then the other. The akkoro seem uninterested in wrestling for those. Instead, they immediately coil about her exposed feet. Tentacles inch between her toes.
You stash her clothes and crouch before her again. The akkoro now have solid grips about her bare torso.
She eyes you sardonically. "A better... view for you now?" And then she whimpers as tentacles find her breasts. They squeeze them as though they were utters.
Taking out the jar, you hold the lip against Euna's ravaged sex and lightly push upon her belly. You have to wrestle with some of the smaller creatures to keep the bottle in place. But a deluge of salty cum slowly fills the bottle.
Euna watches, too exhausted to resists. "Is that... what all this was about? ...collecting their seed?"
"It's a nice added benefit," you say.
Euna struggles onto all fours. Taking the jar from you, she holds it between her legs and squeezes. Cum pours out of both her sex and anus.of her sex. It oozes into the bottle, and over it, and over her hands, and down her thighs. The creamy substance gets everywhere, but enough of it gets in the jar to fill it to the brim. She hands it back, and you stopper it and stow it away.
"Satisfied?" she asks.
"To you maybe." She grabs your ass.She rests a hand just above your pubic mound."You've got a nice warm cavity too. Why don't you let them have their way with you?"
"Maybe I would, but you're the one with the philter. It only works for you. Besides..." You sidle close, "Look at those tentacles. What do you think they'll feel like? How easily do you think they'll slide in inside you?"
She eyes the swarming akkoro. "And if they leave something inside me?"
"Then I'll have to reach in and get it out."
"Then you'll have to squeeze it out."
She contemplates this. "Fine. I'll do it, but you must save me if they get violent, agreed?"
While Euna is preocuppied with being ravaged, you smear a fingerful of Agnodine into the slime of the wrist-thick tentacle surging in and out of her abused sex.
It's hard to tell whether it's working until Euna's breath tightens. "Oh, oh. Oh no. Oh Lord. Oh Lord. Augh!" And suddenly the tentacle is surging into her far deeper than before.
She cranes about and sees the bottle in your hands. "Why?"
You shrug innocentlymischievously.
"You imp! You– Aurgh." The tentacle surges deeper now that its penetrated her cervix. After every thrust out, it surges in another forearm's length. It's curling up inside her womb. Smaller okkoro slither their tentacles deeper as well. Her abdomen swells. The skin of her belly writhes and roils.
She's helpless to stop them from stretching her past her old limit and can only whimper in pain.
The tentacles continue to violate her. The ones inside her try pressing further. Other akkoro slather her body while feeling for an entrance. Euna, despite her predicament, moans from the attention. Slime drips from her body in dollops.
The wrist-thick tentacle in her pussy stops thrusting and starts tensing. Bulges work their way down its length from the massive akkoro's core. The tentacle muscles squeeze them along in rhythmic pumps. They disappear inside Euna. The tentacle in her ass begins pumping the same odd lumps as well.
"Oh!" she says. "It's... It's filling me with something! Ohh." She tries to clutch her belly. Tentacles hold her arms away. The injection continues for minutes, and her belly starts to swell. They don't stop until she looks several months pregnant,she's moaning, her belly noticeably distended, then the large tentacle pulls out of her snatch.
"Oh, ow!" She tries to clutch her belly, but the tentacles hold her arms away. The injections back up. There just isn't much room inside her, and rubbery gray eggs begin slipping out of her. Eventually, the tentacle withdraws.
Euna relaxes, only for two smaller tentacles from other akkoros to immediately invade her hole. Both slide into her easily. They burrow deep into her, clearly into her womb, and they thrust like pistons—one pushes forward as the other pulls out.
"Oh. Ohh. Now this is more like it!" Euna gets into this, rocking back against them. The tentacle in her ass finishes its deposit. It's withdrawal extracts several feet of tentacle which cause Euna to cry out. Once it's out, several thinner ones take its place, forcing their way into her rectum. She grunts with each thrust deeper into her intestines. Tentacles continue molesting her body. Her grunts soon turn to cries of pleasure.
The appendages inside her tense, then throb. Pulse after pulse. Euna cries out. Her belly swells more. A shot of creamy white liquid sprays from between her pussy lips and the invading tentacle. It shoots across the cavern several feet. More and more squeezes out in spurts until its running out in a deluge.
The tentacles come out, one after another. When the ones from her ass emerge, a river of this white cum floods out of her gaping anus. The large akkoro pull away, leaving Euna collapsed in the shallow water.
Some smaller, dog-sized akkoro still play with her body, they tease her gapingloose holessex. Otherwise, she is ignored. The akkoro are satisfied.
You take it out and draw the blade. The metal shimmers in the lantern light.
"Didn't Lanx say only to use it for shaving?" she asks.
"He also said anything cut with it wouldn't grow back."
"That might actually do the trick,""Hmm. You might actually have had a clever thought," she replies. "They do have powerful regeneration. This could prevent that."
"Thank you. Shall we?"
"This still seems foolhardy, but I will trust you."
The next turn down the tunnel leads into a large catacomb ankle deep in water. The place teems with akkoro of all different sizes which slither over each other. The squirming endless tentacles are like a pit of snakes. Hundreds of gelatin eyes on the tips of stalks watch you warily. The walls, floor, and even the ceiling are thick with mucus. Half packed within this film are countless bones of various creatures. A few are as large as an elephant. Most are the size of horses. The water at your feet seethes with tiny rodent skeletons.
Beyond this nest lies another corridor leading farther along the cave.
You point this out. "Maybe we can just walk through. Slowly."
"After you."
At first, the akkoro keep their distance. It seems as though you'll be able to pass through without a challenge.
Then it all changes. Several of the slimy creatures slip forward, and lashing like a whip, one such beast twice your size has both you and Euna groped around the waist. You slash at its entangling tentacles with the razor and lop one off.
The reaction is immediate. With a shudder, the akkoro yanks away its limbs. The severed tentacle flails about. The other creatures seem equally perturbed. As a whole, they withdraw, giving you and Euna a wide berth.
"It worked," she says.
"I think I actually hurt one. It didn't like that."
"I hope you didn't hurt it too badly," Euna says.
"You feel bad for it?"
"This is their home. We're the invaders, and they weren't hurting us."
"They tried to eat us once."
"Because it was hungry. Hopefully you won't have to cut them on our way out."
Taking out the razor, you lead Euna through the akkoro nest. They swarm and fondle once again, but it takes hardly a nick upon their flesh before they snap away.
You two are free to splash through the nest.
You help her to her feet. "Are you okay?" you ask, pulling away the akkoro. They're too small to resist.
"Oh... I ache. I'm so full. I'm just... They are aggressive, aren't they?" The white cum streams down her legs. Her body is streaked with smelly, salty ooze.
"Yes, we should probably move while they're ignoring us."
"Yes..." On wobbly legs, Euna follows you to the other side. She kneels in the water. "I need to get these out of me." Straining, she presses on her belly. Translucent, rubbery eggs spill out of her pussy and ass along with dripping slime and pearly white semen. "Ugh." She works a few fingers inside of herself. "I think that's all of them."
"Yes..." On wobbly legs, Euna follows you to the other side. She kneels in the water. "I need to get these out of me." Straining, she presses on her swollen belly. Translucent, rubbery eggs spill out of her pussy and ass along with dripping slime and pearly white semen. Push after push brings more out of her. Her belly slowly deflate. "Help me. It's your fault they're in there."
"Lay back," you say.
She does so. Your hand slides easily inside slack, oozing pussy without resistance. Euna gasps inwardly and arches her back.
"I see you're really distraught over this," you say.
"Mmmm. Maybe I'm just making the best of the situation. Get on with it."
You do so. "You enjoyed being impregnated, didn't you?"
"It was... quite indescribable?" she says. "Could you imagine if we'd left them? They'd grow. They'd hatch. And they'd wiggle about inside me looking for a way out."
"I can leave some in..."
"No. No, please get the all out."
You reach your hand through her cervix. Her womb is packed with eggs. They feel like oversized skinned grapes. You pull them out by the handfuls and toss them aside until you think you've got them all.
You gently scrape along the walls of her vagina, bringing out scoops of white creamy cum and eggs which look like oversized skinned grapes. Soon, you've got all the eggs you can find.
"And my ass," Euna hooks her legs and pulls them up to her chest.
Her rear hole easily takes your hand. You reach into her colon nearly to your elbow and pull out handfuls of eggs. You even follow the curve of her rectum somewhat, but there are many just beyond your reach.
With slight effort, her rear hole takes your fist. You scoop out semen and eggs by the handfuls. More are deeper within, but she winces when you try to push your arm farther. Her rim is already stretched taut about your forearm.
"I think they're some a little too deep in there."
"Hmm." She sits up. "I hope I'll pass them before they hatch."
"Are you in any danger?"
"No, but I don't fancy having those little beasts crawling about inside me."
"I think you're okay now," you say.
Her belly is back down to its normal size. She scrubs slime off herself with the shallow cave water.
After a while, she's clean enough that the remaining slime on her is drying. She's finally able to don her clothes. They're not too messy.
"I suppose I am grateful for your taking my clothes," she says.
"Told you."
Her clothes are another matter. She sloughs off what slime she can, but they're soaked through and translucent. Annoyed, she frowns at them.
"They'll dry," you say.
"I hope so," she replies. "These are my only clothes after all."
She dresses and dries herself, and achieves some level of decency. "Finally," she says, "I think my nethers will be dripping ooze all day. There's nothing to be done about that. Shall we proceed?"
Trekking forward, you grab hold of Euna. She clutches you as though for life while you unwind the worst of the tentacles grappling her legs.
"Hold tight," you say.
She does. The constant strain slowly extricates her from the others tentacles until she finally pops free. Together, you forge through the nest until reaching the other side.
Euna yanks away the last of the smaller beasts still clinging to her. She's covered in slime. "That was interesting."
"Are you okay?"
"I've just been thoroughly molested by those creatures." She swipes layers of goo off her legs. She pauses long enough to eye you, "but that was your plan all along, wasn't it? I knew you were hoping they would do that."
"Yet you went anyway." you say.
She shrugs, flashes a grin. "We had to get to the other side somehow, didn't we?"
After a quite a while cleaning herself, she's gotten most of the slime off of her. The rest is drying. Afterward, she's ready to continue.
"Oh, I'm sure," she says dryly.
"Lanx said they won't have a thought in their heads about hurting us."
"Because they'll be too busy trying to mate with me. If you're so sure, why don't you go first? They weren't bothering you nearly as much."
"Because you're the one with the philter. Don't worry. I'll be right behind you, and I'll help you through if you get into trouble."
"And if they molest me?"
"Then you'll have a hell of a story to tell."
She narrows her eyes at you. "You will be right behind me, yes?"
"I will."
Euna stalks toward the nest of akkoro. Already, baby akkoros are pulling themselves up her boots. Larger ones get curious. Tentacles reach out and stroke her arms and legs. She bats them away as she sidesteps around the creatures toward the passageway beyond.
A tentacle lifts the back of her gown.her velvet sash.her skirt. She slaps it back down. Another coils about her arm. She wrests it away. Their groping impedes her, yet she still makes progress.
She's nearly to the other side when the beasts' finally becomes assertive. One wagon-sized akkoro snags her about the waist. She yelps as it drags her back toward the others. She's knocked onto her hands and knees. They slip tentacles under the side slits of her gown.They tangle in her fishnet blouse.They lift her skirt.
"Get off!" Euna struggles. Smaller akkoros latch on to her, catching her arms and thighs. They sneak their slimy appendages down her bodice.
"Ugh," Euna says. "Not again!"
"Ugh," Euna says. "They're so slimy." She struggles more.
"Are you okay?"
"I can't... move. Oh!" A large akkoro licks a wrist-thick tentacle right between her legs, from her pubic mound to the back. "Ohhh. Oh my." She shudders from the stimulation. When it lifts away, ropes of ooze span between it and her crotch.
"Oh..." She wriggles her rump toward her invader and spreads her legs wider. "Looks like I might just have to let them have their way." The tentacle lashes across her sex again, inciting another shudder. "Oh well."
"This is... getting... out of control!" she says.
"Yes. Yes, we do." Euna rummages through her pack and produced a tarnished chef's knife. The blade is long and hefty. "But do you really expect to fend them off with this? There might be scores of them ahead, and they're infamous for their regenerative ability."
"We have to get through. And I'm good with knives."
"If you say so. I'll be behind you."
The next turn down the tunnel leads into a large catacomb ankle deep in water. The place teems with akkoro of all different sizes which slither over each other. The squirming endless tentacles are like a pit of snakes. Hundreds of gelatin eyes on the tips of stalks watch you warily. The walls, floor, and even the ceiling are thick with mucus. Half packed within this film are countless bones of various creatures. A few are as large as an elephant. Most are the size of horses. The water at your feet seethes with tiny rodent skeletons.
Beyond this nest lies another corridor leading farther along the cave.
You point this out. "Maybe we can just walk through. Slowly."
"After you."
At first, the akkoro keep their distance. It seems as though you'll be able to pass through without a challenge.
Then it changes. Several of the slimy creatures slip forward, and lashing like a whip, one beast twice your size snags you and Euna around the waist. You slash at its entangling tentacles, which come off cleanly, but the akkoro doesn't seem bothered at all, and you can clearly see why. The tentacles you sundered are already growing back.
Euna is screaming as more tentacles find her. Smaller beasts snag your arms, hindering you from cutting. The monsters drag you both into their nest, where the ooze is waist deep, and they fight over you, yanking and squeezing. Tentacles about your neck choke the air from you. And your head grows heavy. Then a beast the size of a house takes hold. Your bones crunch. Everything is going dark. Euna's cries cut short.
You've one last errant thought before everything fades away. What threat could you possibly have posed if every limb you sliced off could grow back so swiftly. If not for that, maybe this plan might have worked.
"Relax... That's easy for you to say. You just want to watch them— Agh!"
The same tentacle dives in. Euna cries out as it burrows into her snatch. Its slippery ooze makes it slide in effortlessly. It snakes deeper until bottoming out inside her vaginal canal. Smaller tentacles from other akkoro have slithered under her clothes. They coil about her breasts, squeezing and rubbing. They smear the alchemical jelly on her chest around, mixing it with their own ooze and covering her torso. More focus between her legs.
"Oh... oh my," she says.
"Are you okay?"
"Just... splendid! Would you..." She reaches for you. You step closer and kneel by her. The akkoro don't bother you. She gropes, and you take her hand. So many tentacles are coiled about her legs and waist that they're supporting her weight. They lift her hind higher until her legs leave the ground, but her head is still near to you.
With firm grips on her legs, the wrist-thick tentacles settles into a rhythm of thrusting in and out of her stretched snatch. Dozens of small feelers writhe about along her labial folds and her clit. The thickest tentacle flexes and squirms. Ooze drips from her pussy. Her pubic hair is matted down with the stuff.
Euna is convulsing. Her breath is ragged. "Oh my Lord," she murmurs. "They're actually... Oh... This is going to do it for me."
Guide the akkoro toward her ass.
[Agnodine]: Smear ointment along the tentacles.
"Try to relax. I think they're holding you tighter the more you struggle."
"After you.""What if we used the Artemic Philter?"
"Do we have a knife in the pack? Maybe we can cut our way through."
[Shaving Razor]: "What if we cut them with lanx's shaving razor?""Time to use the razor."
"We can try," she says.
You both shoulder to the front of the crowd. Unfortunately, the blood on the platform is too little to collect.
"Maybe you could get up there and get some?" You have to yell over the crowd.
"Me? Why me?"
You hand her the thimble. "Because you're a pretty girl. They'll let you on the stage before they let me up there."
You hand her the thimble. "Because you've got bigger tits than I do. You can distract the crowd with those."
"I think they're only letting people up there to torment her, and I'm certainly not going to do that."
The guard stops the man currently whipping the nun and looks for a new punisher. People clamber and plead, but his eyes fall on Euna. He pulls her to the platform. Everyone cheers. The guard thrusts the leather lash into her hand.
Euna couldn't look more bewildered. She looks at the poor nun, and then to you. The crowd is loud, but you could mouth words to her.
A sly look comes over her and she faces the nun. When she undoes the cord of her gown,peels her fishnet top off,knot of her bodice, the audience perks up. Her tits fall free. Everyone hoots. She struts around the nun tracing the lash along the girl's flank, all while giving the audience enticing come-hither looks and sashaying so that her swaying gown keeps allowing glimpses beneath.and coyly teasing loose the knot of her velvet sash.and works her bodice looser and looser.
It's a striptease, and the audience is loving it. As a result, the nun has a reprieve from their attention.
Swaying her hips, she bends low, thrusting her ass toward the audience, and she murmurs to the nun while holding the girl's chin up with the lash's handle. Her burlesque show is expert enough that no one realizes that she's intermingling a private conversation with the nun.
She swipes the front of her gown aside,lets her untied sash flutter away,snakes out of her skirt, baring her shaved pussy to appreciative hoots and hollers. The audience loves it, but she can't ignore the nun any longer.
Euna hikes one leg over the pillory and presses her pussymuff to the nun's face.
"Let me feel your tongue deep, sister," Euna commands. "Or feel the lash."
The nun tongue's her folds. Euna playfully slides her fingers along the nun's back as though to play with the blood, but you can see that she's collecting it into the thimble. Blood coats her arm, and she licks it off with vampirish delight. She squeezes her own tits in pleasure, leaving dark red smears.
Euna starts entertaining herself by flicking the lash along the nun's body. "Tongue harder, sister. I will wail in ecstasy, or you will wail in pain." She aims some lashings around the side to whip the nun's hanging tits. The lash cracks, but the strikes aren't nearly has hard as they sound. The red streaks left on the nun's breasts are from the blood already on the lash.
After minutes of showy moans and salacious writhing, Euna clutches the nun's head and grinds against her face while screaming out. It's so theatrical you doubt she's actually climaxing at all, but the audience frenzies all the same.
Afterward, guard decides the show is over. He takes back the lash and escorts Euna off the platform.
She runs her tongue and hands along the nun's tortured body, licking and smearing. What people don't see is that she's also collecting. The thimble is hidden in her palm. Next, she fondles the nun's sex. The crowd laughs when the nun cringes away.
With one last coy glance to her audience, Euna spreads the girl's ass and buries her tongue in the woman's gash. The nun wails and cringes away helplessly. Euna comes up for air occasionally and gives the nun a slap on the ass, leaving bloody hand prints, but then she gets right back to dining.
The crowd cheers, but some chant. "Make her bleed. Make her bleed."
This isn't enough. Euna brandishes the whip, and with a crack, she brings it down ...on her own ass.
And again, and again, leaving bright red lines. She then offers the whip to a man in the crowd and goes back to dining. The man gets it. He takes over whipping Euna while Euna laps at the nun's pussy. Red welts score Euna's rump, but she seems determined to finish what she's started.
The nun reaches a trembling orgasm. The girl wails both in shame and ecstasy, and the audience frenzies. The guard decides Euna has done enough. He escorts her off the stage and finds someone else.
A distance away, Euna cleans herself up and you stow the sample.
"Quite a performance," you say. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you enjoyed molesting that woman."
"I consulted her first about everything I did to her," Euna replies. "And she consented. The rest was acting."
"So naturally you weren't actually enjoy yourself at all."
"Not a single little bit."
"She was only pretending to hate it so the audience would think I was humiliating her."
"I knew I saw you two talking. You have a knack for working a crowd."
"I only did it to give the poor woman a moment of mercy. It was all for her."
"And getting someone to whip you?"
She squeezes her welted rump. "The crowded needed someone to whip. That's all."
Euna looks at you incredulously. She seems to consider the idea, but soon hands the lash back to the guard.
Euna swipes the thimble along the nun's legs to scoop up rivulets of blood. The audience has no idea what to make of this. Fortunately, Euna finishes before they grow impatient. She whispers something in the nun's ears and hops off the stage.
You two escape the crowd while the guard picks someone else. The nun, despite her plight, watches Euna curiously, even once another person starts lashing her.
Today, a crowd is gathered around the central pillory. The nun you saw earlier today giving food to vagrants is locked in it, bent over with her hands and neck secured in place. She's been stripped of her habit, leaving only her wimple covering her head. Her bare ass is exposed to the crowd. Her breasts drape beneath her.
The crowd jeers. They pelt the woman with fruits. A man is behind her with a leather lash. He's flogging her ass with hard, fast strokes. The lash cracks against her skin. Blood lines drip down from crisscrossing welts onto the platform.
The man moves to her side and starts bringing the lash down on her back. With each strike, the nun winces. Tears stain her face.
"And this is what she gets for feeding the poor?" Euna says. "This is wrong."
"I don't know," you say. "You're saying the crack of that lash isn't making you wet?"
She rolls her eyes. "This shouldn't be forced on someone who doesn't enjoy rough play."
The man whipping the nun gets carried away. He makes wild overhead swings which leave deep gashes. A supervising guard catches his hand and orders him off the platform.
The nun is left with blood running down her back,badly wounded, but already people are trying to climb up to continue her punishment. The guard stops all but one, a woman. She has a bucketful of mud, which she upturns over the nun's head. The mud cakes the nun's face under a wash of brown. The crowd cheers.
"I wish there was something we could do for her," Euna says.
"I know you have, and I'm dreadfully sorry, but we must keep our doors closed to all unless they have an immediate need or us."
You enter the double wooden doors. The inside vestibule is cool and dark. Light comes from lit candles within alcoves. Tapestries line the walls, muffling sound and making the small room cozy. Though they depict many stories, their main theme centers around the same topless bird creature shown on the crest outside.
Sitting on counters lining the walls are vases filled with vibrant bouquets of lilacs. A nun of the church is watering them and replacing olds ones with fresh flowers from a basket she carries. A wimple covers her hair and neck, and a white cloth robe hides her body, though its material is thin–nearly gauzy. It's cinched tightly to her body, revealing curves.
She smiles at you both and continues her work.
A doorway leads farther into the church.
"Unfortunately, members of our community misused our inner chambers. They would come in drunk, requesting shelter, but when we'd let them in, they would harass my fellow sisters, and they'd cause messes."
"Disrespectful..." Euna says.
The girl nods. "We tolerated it as best we could, but one night a crowd of men held a celebration of their own in our nave, and they got deliberately destructive. They soiled all of our prayer mats, defaced our altar, and destroyed everything they could. After they grew tired, they took over our dormitory for themselves and raped several sisters."
"That's awful!" Euna replies.
"It was. To deface our altar was an intolerable affront to our religion. We decided we must close the church to all but ourselves and the needy."
"An alcohol remedy?" the nun asks.
"Probably," you say. "Does that sober a man up?"
"It does. And it refreshes. Those who take it will have all the liquid spirit within them transmuted. They'll sober in minutes, and it prevents sickness the coming morning. We don't hand the remedy out anymore, ever since the townsfolk started abusing it, but if you bring the man to us, we will treat him."
"I don't think we could get him here," Euna says. "He couldn't stand. He vomited even as we spoke to him."
"Oh dear," the nun replies. "And he asked for the alcohol remedy?"
"Yes. He's in terrible shape."
"He must be if he's asking for it. Normally when the drunk are brought to us, they fight with all their might to keep us from giving them the remedy."
"Why?" you ask. "It sounds amazing. I could have used such a remedy myself many times in my life."
"It is a marvelous remedy. It works by transmuting the alcohol inside the body into a sleep-inducing substance. The drunker they are, the more deeply they'll sleep. And though they'll wake refreshed, those who choose to drink themselves to such a state are reluctant to end a night of indulgence."
"Seems like a reasonable way to end a night of drinking to me," Euna says.
"Perhaps," the nun replies. "but we had to stop handing it out. Many were abusing its sleep-inducing effect by mixing it with alcohol. They would lie and say it was for an emergency, but they would do so again and again until we had none left for those who needed it."
"So you won't give it to us?"
The nun considers. "I will. If the vomit on your arms is any indication, you are truthful. Wait here."
She departs into the inner part of the church and returns with a small vial of clear liquid. "Simply have him drink this. Once it's in his blood, it will begin its work."
"Thank you," Euna says.
"Of course. My prayers to you and your drunken friend."
The nun narrows her eyes at you. "I already gave you one today."
"Oh right," you reply.
As you reach for the door, the sister tending the lilacs calls out. "You mustn't enter there. I'm afraid you aren't allowed."
You back away from the door. She returns to her flowers.
"Thank you!" She smiles. "They're Lilacs from our garden. I grow them myself."
Euna smells one. "They're lovely."
"White Lilacs are flowers around the tree of the great Simorg's nest. They represent Charity, Forgiveness, and Purity. It's everything we sisters strive for."
The nun turns and smiles at you inquiringly.
As you depart, the sister bows. "Good day to you." She resumes tending to the bouquets. You return to the street outside.
"I'm afraid not," she says. "Once our doors were open to the public, but we have since had to restrict our inner chambers to the sisters, except for public services. Only those who are in need of help or healing are taken farther in. I'm sorry."
"Of course." The sister hands you a lilac from her basket.
"Thank you," Euna says.
"You stand in the entry hall of the church of Simori, sanctuary for the sisters of Charity who follow in the ways of the great Simorg."
"A drunk man told us to get a tonic from here."
"Those are beautiful flowers."
"Why did the church close off the public?"
"Here? As in dance?"
"Why not?"
She looks around. Two minstrels play on a stage. People twirl about. They laugh and prance. It's far different than the balls back home. "I've never danced like that before," she says. "It's rather unrefined."
"It's fun. Come." You pull her toward the streetside, where people draw ale from rows of wooden casks. You fill two mugs. "Perhaps a little liquid encouragement."
"It does seem we'd stand out if we were sober," she notes.
You throw an arm about her shoulder and take healthy swigs of ale.You take healthy swigs. Some ale dribbles off your chin. Euna sips hers and eyes the crowd. As the songs change verses, people trade off dancing partners.
A pair of drunken dancers nearly collides with you two. Euna ducks back. "I'm not sure I'm ready to dance with these drunken louts."
"If you'd like," you say. "We will dance with only each other."
Euna relaxes. "I would like that. At least at first." She drains her mug. "Shall we?"
"I don't see many women dancing together," she says. "Are we allowed?"
"Sure we are. Look over there." You point out two intoxicated women spinning about each other with arms linked. "And over there." Two women in an alley grope and kiss each other. "No one will mind if we dance together."
"Good," Euna says. "I'm not sure I'm quite ready to dance with these sweaty men." She drains her mug. "Shall we?"
With each dance, she smiles more and laughs louder. Her reserved steps become more wild until she's skipping and twirling like everyone else.
The sky grows dark, and the festival becomes more crowded. The drunk and raucous outnumber the tipsy. Couples kiss passionately against the street-side houses. Many dancers remove some clothes. Men reveal bare, hairy chests. Women bare their legs and busts.
After each dance, Euna catches her breath and draws herself more ale. Much of it escapes down her cleavage, which she wipes up absently. The moment the minstrels start playing again, she stashes her mug and drags you out to the dance floor.
"You might want to slow down," you say.
"But itsa quick step!" She says. "Dance with me, my lovely Fool!"
"That would be lovely," she says, "but I shall not be getting nearly as inebriated as last time."
"But you had such fun."
She grins. "Yet I can hardly remember it. Come. The song is starting."
You two dance for hours. You occasionally stop for a drink, but Euna remains adamant about having any more than a single ale.
"That would be grand," she says. "Come. We'll have a quick drink before the next song."
The two of you dance for hours, stopping only occasionally for another drink. Many times you both stumble into others. Euna laughs every time.
As the sky grows dark, the festival becomes more crowded. The drunk and raucous outnumber the tipsy. Couples kiss passionately against the street-side houses. Many dancers have removed some clothes. Men reveal bare, hairy chests. Women bare their legs and busts.
You pass her off to another dancer. Both of you go round and round with strangers, occasionally matching back up for a refrain.
Several times, dancers change partners. Several men try to step in to dance with Euna. She declines them all, choosing to dance solely with you.
"It's getting rather untamed here," she says.
"You could say that." You slide a hand between her legs and slip a finger inside her.
She hugs close as you two twirl about. The people about grin knowingly at you two. "Oh my Lord..." she mutters.
"Yes." You slide a hand up her thigh to cup her ass. "Yes, it is."
She makes no move to stop you.Turning crimson, she bats your hand away. "Naughty foolgirl," she whispers.
She gives you a quick kiss. "Good indeed, but you'll be the one quenching my fires tonight." With that, she scampers off for the next song. Those two dance together many more times, but despite all his whispers, she's always shaking her head no.
When the current dance ends, you pull Euna along to the casks along the side. While she fans herself, you fetch two mugs of ale.
"Another night of drunken tomfoolery for you, I see," Euna says.
"And for you." You pass her the second mug.
"For shame. You know how poorly I handle my drink." She takes a swig.
"I'll watch over you. And if you get too drunk, the sister's tonic will help."
"Those tonics may be evil in disguise," Euna mutters. "Hangovers are the Lord's way of reminding us we're being gluttonous. There shouldn't a simple trick to forgo them."
"Then let us remind ourselves." You hold up your drink. "To gluttony."
"To the Lord. May he not judge us too harshly." She toasts and drinks. When the next dance starts, she drains her mug and pulls you along. She does the same the next several times you pull her aside for drinks.
Euna takes hers. "I trust you will watch over me if I should become too inebriated."
"Of course I will."
"Good." When the next dance starts, she drains her mug and pulls you along. She does the same the next several times you pull her aside for drinks. As the festival goes on, she's dancing gaily, and frequently stumbles into other dances.
Euna comes right along with you and takes the first mug. She's already taken several swallows before you have yours. "For love and passion. And all the other aspects of life I never knew back home." She holds her mug high.
"For sex and pleasure," you toast with her.
"Those too." Her eyes gleam as she drinks deep. When the next dance starts, she tosses aside her empty mug and pulls you along.
Many times through the night, you both return for more ale, sweaty and breathless. She always has another drink, which she frequently carries out with her into the crowd. Her ale sloshes as she dances.
You press your fingers into her vagina. She gasps. For several turns of the song, you two spin about. Several people glance.
Shy, Euna buries her face against your shoulder. "This is scandalous," she murmurs. "Are you trying to make sure everyone sees my intimates?"
"Everyone," To underline your point, you pull her gown aside.velvet sash higher.skirt up even higher.
Her gown is tucked into her waist cord by her hip now,sash sits above her waist now,skirt is up about her waist now, and people ogle her bared ass.
Euna's face is red, yet she stifles a grinEuna quivers as you worm fingers inside her. She presses her lips to yours, and when she breaks away, it's only because a moan must escape her lips.
"Enough." She pushes your hand away. "If you keep doing that, I'm going to start making noises."
"Why not?" you ask.
She grins. "Have you no sense of decency?"
"None at all."
You slide your hand up her thigh to cup her ass.
She reaches back and pulls your hand away. "Naughty little deviantgirl." She smiles at you. "There's time for that later."
"I don't think anyone here cares." You nod toward a woman kneeling beside a food stand sucking the cock of a man with his leggings about his knees.with her face under the frock of another woman straddling her.
She studies them as you two go round and round. Her eyes gleam with mischief. "I suppose people don't, do they?" This time, she doesn't stop you when your hand explores.
Her gown slips farther and farther asidesash rides higherdress rides higher and higher until her bare ass is exposed.
She hastily pulls the strips of her gown back in placetugs the sash downpats her skirt down and waggles a finger at you. "Somebody might see."
"Somebody did," you say. "Right behind you." She looks. A dancing couple are glancing over. The man and the women are smiling coyly.
"Oh heavens!" She turns back. Her cheeks are flush.
Euna glances around and notices several dancers eyeing you two with a knowing gleam in their eye. "Oh Lord," she mutters. Her face reddens, but she doesn't stop you.
After a while, the minstrels pack it in. Festival goers wander home.
You two depart, giddy and sweaty. She walks barefoot, carrying her boots in arm, and she leans on you.
"I dun think I can walk home tonight," she says. "To the temple?"
"I think we have to," you reply.
"Wait," she pulls you toward a city fountain. Sitting on the rim, she splashes handfuls of water on her face, and then slumps down onto the cobbles beside it. Her eyes start to close.
"No, no," you say. "Don't pass out here. Let's get to the temple first."
"My feet hurt..."
"I'm not surprised. You danced a lot."
You two depart, giddy and sweaty. You're drunk, but Euna is stumbling and slurring. She supports herself on you as you guide her toward the city exit.
"We'rr goin home now?" she asks.
"The music is over. The sun is gone."
"Wait. I've got to... I've got to sit." Euna drags you toward a large fountain. She tries to sit upon its lip, but ends up crumpling onto the cobbles beside it instead. "My feet. Ohhh." With great effort, she tugs her boots off. Small blisters have formed along her heels and and ankles. After an examination, she sprawls her feet out before her on the cool stone. Her head rests back, and her eyes close. "We danced soo much."
"We did." You slump onto the fountain lip beside her. "Come on. We'll take care of those blisters at home."
"Hmmm," she pouts. "I don't want t'walk. Carry me."
"I can't carry you all that way."
"I'll make it up to you if you do. I'll let you do things to me."
"I still can't, but I'll help you walk."
She doesn't reply. She's fast passing out.
"Euna. Come along. We can't sleep out here." You try to pull her up.
She bats your hands away. "Hmm... sleepy."
While you're wrestling with her, another drunken couple stop by the fountain. The woman sits and splashes her face and arms with water. The man watches you two with amusement.
"Too much ale?" he asks.
"I dun wanna walk home." Euna mumbles.
"Looks like you'll be taking her to the temple," he says.
"The temple?" you ask.
He points toward a large dome structure seen from over the nearby buildings. "You should let the Simori take her in tonight or she will be in no shape tomorrow morning."
"Ooh, the temple," Euna says. "Letz do that. Nuns are good. Thank you, noble sir."
The woman finishes refreshing herself and looks Euna over. "Just make sure you watch over her there," she says to you,"If you ladies do go, stick close," she warns, and the two depart.
Euna holds her hands up to you. "I command you t'carry me."
"You must carry me." Euna mutters.
"Must I?" you ask. "What do I get out of it?"
Euna holds her hands up to you. "Carry me."
You scoop Euna by her knees and shoulder, and you really do try to carry her, but there are certain truths working against you.
You are a fit woman with an acrobatics muscles, but you have a small, lithe body compared to Euna's voluptuous figure.
You are a small man.
Euna is as limp as a dead cat.
You are also very drunk.
"This isn't going to work," you say. "You'll have to walk."
"Hmm! My feet." Pouting, she lies down on the cobbles and sticks her leg straight upward. Her gown slips asidesash skirt slips up to where an actual sash would sit,skirt and chemiseride up, leaving her exposed. Her toes point toward your face. "Kiss my feet and make 'em better."
After a while, the minstrels pack it in. The dancing winds down. Festival goers wander home. You and Euna stagger off, tipsy and sweaty.
She bounds up and wraps her arms and legs about you. You carry her from the festival.snags you from behind. Her chest is sweaty against your back. "That was absolutely lovely. I could live in this town every night, dancing my life away."
"Good heavens, did I have fun." She clutches you for support. "I'm beginning to like this strange land. Shall we be getting back?"
"I think so," you say. The sun is low in the horizon.
You two leave out the front gate. After a long walk, you arrive back at the camp.
You clasp her feet and kiss the bottom. She shudders and reaches her foot even higher, and so your lips explore. You suck each toe, nibble her soles, and plant delicate kisses on each of her blisters. Her other foots comes up beside the first, and you switch. She seems beside herself, half-conscious, and now with one hand between her legs. She's pleasuring herself for anyone to see.
Except she's also falling asleep. Her hand is dead on her clit, and her mouth hangs open.
There's one handsome young lad whom Euna dances with more than the others, and he's more sensual with her. As they sway together, his hand embraces her neck, and then travels down her body, between her breasts to her belly. When they hug close, he whispers in her ear, and his lips tickle along the edge of her jaw. It leaves her lost and breathless. Eyes closed, she has her head leaned thrown back to make herself more open to him.
During a rest between dances, you catch up with her by the ale casks. "Who is this paramourcute boy you've found?"
Euna grins, blushes, and drinks from her stein. "Oh him?" she asks innocently. "That young man knows what he's doing on the dance floor. I'm a little short on breath, and not from exertion." She leans close. "You should hear the dirty things he keeps whispering to me. He keeps trying to get me to agree to have a romp with him. If I weren't so madly in love with you, you might have something to worry about."
"Good thing then you're in love with me."
Her eyes go wide. "Are you serious?"
"A mancute boy is throwing himself at you, and you fancy him. Why shouldn't you indulge yourself?"
"And this wouldn't bother you?"
"It's not like I haven't enjoyed my share of menwomen in my time. And how are you supposed explore your sexuality if I keep you all for myself. And if he's a good dancer..."
She studies the young man, who is across the street chatting with others. "I don't know. I'm having fun, but to actually sleep with him? I don't think I have the nerve."
"It's up to you."
"Why not?"
"You'd have me spread my legs for that boy like some common tart?"
"I think your inner nun is coming out. Do you still keep your virtues under lock and key like your aunt wants of you?"
"Certainly not, but he's a stranger."
"That didn't bother you while you were letting him work his charms on you. It's only fair that you let the boy have what he wants after leading him on all night."
"Well, if you don't, I might take him for myself. After you've gotten him so enticed, it seems the least I can do."
"And it really wouldn't bother you if I did?"
"It would bother me if you didn't. Consider this an ordera dare. Prove you're not that stuffy old nun anymore."
She studies the man across the street, where he's chatting and laughing with others. "I don't know..."
The minstrels start up again, and people return to dancing in the street. Soon enough she's once again in the young lad's arms, and while others prance, they move together sensually. He whispers his words again.
You lose sight of them. After the minstrels pack it in a while later, you search around the dispersing crowd.
And there they are. Down one of the dark city streets, on the lip of a large fountain, two figures joined together.
Euna is sitting astride the young man, gyrating about to her own rhythm. Her hands rest on his bare belly, and her head is thrown back as though this moment is hers to savor all for herself. The fact that there's a man beneath her having his own fun groping her bared breasts means nothing to her, nor do the crowd of passers by who stop to leer. She might as well be alone. When she moans out, it's without shame, and when he fills her, she folds over and cradles his head to her breasts until she decides it's time to uncouple.
While the young lad scampers to don his clothes while Euna lies back on the fountains lip and savors her post orgasmic repose. He departs with a quick word and a peck on her cheek. She hardly raises a hand to acknowledge his leaving.
Euna is on her back with her clothes bunched about her waist. The young lad is rutting her. His suave demeanor has slipped, and he ruts her with dispassonate urgency. She allows him to suckle her breasts when he wants, and reciprocating his kisses, even when he's crudely jamming his tongue down her throat. People glance on their way by, but the man doesn't care.
He clutches tight when he fires into her, and afterward he remains slumped upon her until catching his breath, whereupon he hurredly dresses and runs off as though he has somewhere to be. His kiss and goodbye seem like an afterthought. She's left lying on the fountain's lip, ruffled, breathless, and exposed.
You approach.
"You've found me," she says, "with a stranger's leavings dripping from me."
"How was it?" you ask.
"I've just had sex with a man for the very first time,I've just had sex with an utter stranger, solely because he was a good dancer. And I did it in public no less. Now I doubt I'll never see him again." She sighs, and for a moment she seems forlorn. "I suppose I truly have lost all my virtues."
You kneel and place a hand on her shoulder.You sit on your feet beside her and give her a tight hug. "Don't worry, Your Highness. You still have plenty of virtues left to lose."
She chuckles wryly. "And I'm sure you won't rest until I've lost every last one, will you?"
"That's right. They're mine to give away, aren't they?"
"Yes, my corrupting master. They are yours to tear apart piece by piece until they are worthless scraps."
"That's my girl.Good, because I'm going to ruin them all. Now let's go home."
"If that's your wish."
"Might as well be. They have served me no purpose. Let us cast them to the wind together. Now help me up. I'm sobering, and I wish to go home."
"I'm sure any one of these men would be happy to donate," Euna says. "Let us join in the dance. I'll find someone."
You first dance together and then with separate partners. Euna enjoys herself simply for the sake of dancing. She gets affectionate with each partner. Soon enough, she's whispering in the ear of a sweaty and drunken young man. They disappear around a corner. When you peek, Euna is kneeling before him. His tights are about his knees, and he's hardening quickly.
"You can't be serious" she asks. "As much as I enjoy dancing, this isn't a dance, it's an orgy."
"Well, some people are having an orgy, but most are dancing."
"And I will not dare partake in this. I'd be molested within a minute."
"Very well, Your Highness."
"More than willing, I suspect," Euna says. "And I'm sure they'll expect me to work for it."
"I expect you too as well."
"Oh I see. This isn't just about collecting ingredients, it's about debasing myself like a wanton harlot."
"Yes. Now go find a man and beg him for his cum."
"Maybe you should charge money."
She eyes you. "I'm not a prostitute. It's bad enough I'm about to solicit a stranger for such a thing."
"If you don't want to do this..."
She eyes you. "I'm not a prostitute like you. Frankly, this seems like something you should be doing."
"If you don't want to do this, I'd be happy to."
"I never said that. Perhaps it will be unbecoming of a tsarivna, but it is you who faces humiliation, since you'll be waiting here like a fool while I'm off dallying with another man.submissive little pet while I dally with a man. And just so you know, I will be enjoying myself. Now wait here."
She soon finds a passing dock worker. After talking, they enter an alley. You peek around to find her on her knees. His breeches are by his ankles, and his cock points right at her.
"Hmm. No doubt," Euna looks around. "I don't suppose we could go anywhere else for this task, could we?"
"I think here is fine."
"I'm sure you do, because let's not fool ourselves. I'll be the one doing the dirty work."
"Very dirty work." You hug her from behind. "Who in their right mind would ever want to touch these people, much less touch their filthy, grimy cocks?" Your hands squeeze her breasts.
Euna snuggles against you. "The things you make me do..."
Euna snuggles against you. "Fine. You've intrigued me, but you'll only have yourself to blame when I run off with a pack of filthy vagrants one day."
She approaches a scruffy vagrant sitting alone. After a talk, he nods enthusiastically, and they travel into the nearby woods. Once you found a vantage point, she's already worked his grimy pants down. His unwashed cock is already hardening.
She scoops out her tits and envelops his manhood with them. Undulating her body, she works his cock deep within the fathoms of her cleavage, but she never so much as kisses the little cock-head which peeps out.
His seed erupts over her neck and chest. Euna milks his cock until the last spurt, then sits back as though relaxing, though really she's keeping the cum from dribbling down her cleavage.
The man thanks her and departs.
When you catch up, she's collecting the cum on her tits into the thimble.
"That was simple," Euna says. "I avoided using my mouth because I didn't want to contaminate his donation."
"Good thing your tits are perfect for milking men."
"Good thing indeed."
She bobs her head on his cock a long while, but she doesn't really do much else. The man seems to be getting impatient with her, but eventually he does start to cum.
Euna backs off and aims his cock at the thimble. Most of his semen spills over her hands. Much drips on the ground, but one good spurt fills it up.
The man grunts and leaves.
When you catch up, she's wiping off her hands.
"That looked awkward," you say.
"It was," she replies. "He didn't seem very pleased either."
"Maybe it had something to do with how you stopped right as he came and had him spurt into a tiny cup."
"Maybe, but he wasn't very pleased before that too. I could tell." She waves it off. "No matter. We have our sample."
"A performance?" Her eyes go wide. "But what would we even do? We don't have an act."
"You can play a few chords on your lyre," you say," while I tell a few ribald stories."
She looks around. "I think this crowd is more interested in shanties."music and dancing."
"We won't know until we try."
"As compelling as your suggestion is, no. We're trying to find a way to get home, not start lives as a troupe of entertainers."
"You have an instrument," you say, and I have a few burlesque dances that I'm sure would draw some eyes."
Euna regards you. "Oh, so you'd do one of your strip teases while I play you a jaunty little tune on my lyre?"
"Sounds perfect."
"Cute. But no. Besides, I think this crowd is a little too lowbrow for my tastes.more interested in dancing to music than watching others. I'd rather put on a more refined performance with an instrument, but we have none."
"I would love to put on a performance with you.""How about we put on a performance together?"
[Apothecary Thimble]: "Do you think we could get seed from one of these dancers?"
You descend on her, groping her boob and cramming three fingers into her slit. Euna grinds against you and gives pitiful tired moans. Her hand absently latches onto your pantsleggings in a feeble attempt to bring out your cockpull you onto her face.
Except it fails. She's stopped grinding. Her eyes are closed, and her hand is limp. Euna is falling asleep.
A crowd goes walking by. They give you askew glances. Some linger, clearly concerned.
Euna flops over and rolls onto her back. Half-conscious, she scoops one of her tits out of her slips her gown's front aside to expose her tit, and shecaresses her fishnet-bound tit andscoops one of her tits out of her bodice and squeezes it sensually. "You, sir, are a villaindear lady, are a villainess, but I am drunk and helpless." Her legs spread provacatively. "Have your way with me."
"Hmm, you villain." Her face scrunches. Her eyes are still closed. "Said you'd watch over me. And here you are, taking advantage me." She dangles a silencing finger. "I will let you do horrible things to me... once I'm sober." And the hand drops.
Her eyes are closed, and she's clearly half asleep.
"Come along now. Get up," you say.
The amount of effort and whining it takes simply to get Euna to stand makes it clear that you two are not hiking through the woods in the dark. You carry her boots and help her through the streets.
The shop is filled with instruments of all sorts. There's everything from violas to fiddles to flutes. All are of exquisite quality, laid out for display as though this were an art exhibit.
A silk veil separates this room from a backroom. Through it, a man is hunched over an old and abused dulcimer which he's painstakingly restoring. He spares a glance toward you two.
"What do you want?" he asks. "I already gave you as many instruments as I plan to give you."
"Can I help you?" His tone is impatient.
The man nods curtly and returns to his work. You return to the street.
"Absolutely not," the man says. "She is the only one here I'll allow to make noise."
"I think he could," Euna replies.
"I will bear in mind that you're unfamiliar with this instrument," he says. "Proceed."
Frowning, Euna takes the lyre. "I'll see. This is certainly different." Like you, she takes a minute to familiarize herself. Then gradually, her strumming becomes a song. The transition is so subtle that her practice seemed more as a prelude. The music is indescribable. Both mournful and cheerful. Both peaceful and forceful. She plays as though no one else is there, not even her. There is only the music, playing out in solitude.
Her song ends. She opens her eyes. Both you and the shop owner are in rapt silence.
"How did I do?" she asks.
The man's response is long coming. "The lyre is yours. Treat it well."
"Thank you," she curtsies.
"No. I thank you. The plight of my work is that there are so few capable of wielding my creations. It would be my honor if you would brighten this world with my instrument."
"I will," she says.
The man bows and retreats to his backroom as though there's nothing more to say. You and Euna leave.
"Well how about that?" she says, examining her new lyre.
"You're a master musician," you say. "Though I don't know if that's saying much coming from me. Apparently, I'm a ten-thumbed lute molester."
She laughs and plants a kiss on your cheek. "Oh, don't let him get to you. He was a snob." She hoists the lyre over her shoulder by its strap. "Let's get moving."
"Between your playing and my dancing, we could put on show now," you say.
"Or you could sing along with my music," she suggests.
"The beauty of your music should not mix with my tomcat mowling."
She laughs and plants a kiss on your cheek. "Oh, I'm sure you sound beautiful. One day you will sing for me." She hoists the lyre over her shoulder by its strap. "Let's get moving."
"This is my home. I call it the Fiddler for those who need a name to refer to it by."
"What?" he frowns. "What are you talking about? Of course they're not for sale. Why would they be?"
"It's just that they are on display," you say.
"Yes, because they're for the people."
"To just... take?"
"I'm sorry. Who are you?" He looks you up and down, taking in your attire.
Euna speaks. "I am Lady Euna. This is my manservantlady-in-waiting. This is my first time visiting the city.And he's with me, and we've just traveled here together from far away. Please forgive our ignorance."
"Hmm. I see. Then you should know that there is no such thing as buying or selling in the city of Cockaigne. We spend our lives not in pursuit of financial gains or to serve another master, but instead in the pursuit of beauty and art. I run this display so that I can pursue my own passion, the creation of music. I give my instruments freely to those who are worthy of them."
The man looks you over with distain. "Please. I do not simply hand these out. I only give them only to those who deserve them—those who can use my instruments to bring beauty into this world. Nothing brings me greater pleasure."
"So, people who can play them?" Euna asks.
"Not just play them, but captivate with them. Enthrall with them."
"I can enthrall with an instrument," you say.
"I was once a renown entertainer. I traveled the world sharing songs and stories."
"It's true," Euna agrees. "I've seen his performances. They're unforgettable."
The man considers a long while. "I suppose I'll let you try. What instrument do you play?"
"I'm skilled with a lute."
"Hmm. Of course you are." From a wall display, he takes down an old, beat up string instrument. The soundboard is larger than you're used to. The neck is wide, and it has half a dozen more strings than you're used to. "I haven't got any instruments as uncouth as a lute, but perhaps you can impress me with this mandolin."
"We'll see." Sitting upon a stool, you familiarizing yourself with the strings. Satisfied, you strum out a favorite shanty of yours. You're a little rocky at first, but you straighten it up. You mostly ignore the strings you're unused to. By the time you end of the song, you're fully back in the swing of things. The tune flows from your fingers.
Finishing, you look up. Euna applauds with reserved delight.
The man's nose is scrunched in disgust. "Is that what you play? Folk nonsense?"
"Well... yes."
"Your form is sloppy. Your talent is no better than a common street side performer. And of all the music you could make, you make folk music?"
"So you're not thrilled," you say.
He takes back the mandolin. "You do not bring beauty into this world. You bring rabble. If you've no talent, then you have no place in my home."
Euna steps forward. "What about me? I can play."
"Can you?" he asks doubtfully.
"Can't you play an instruments?" Euna asks you.
"Not really. If I ever make noise, it's with my voice."
Euna's face lights up. "I didn't know you can sing! I would love to hear?"
You shake your head. "If I sing, it's because I'm drunk. Imagine a cat in heat howling for a tom to come rut her. That's how I sound, and most of the time, it's why I'm singing too."
"Pleasant..." the man replies.
"I really am more of a dancer." You turn to Euna. "But you play instruments though, don't you?"
"That's true," she says. "I'm play quite well, actually."
"Do you?" the man asks doubtfully.
"Yes. Of course I can," she says. "I played a gusli in my convent days."
"A gusli?" He looks her over as he did you, though with more intrigue than skepticism. "I have something like a gusli. Wait here." He fetches from the backroom a string instrument shaped like a trapezoidal horseshoe. It's an old instrument, but still in good shape. "This is called a lyre. Perhaps you can make something of it."
"Oh, um... I'm not sure," Euna says. "I've never seen something like this before."
"Go ahead. I'm sure you'll do great."
"I doubt he could hardly judge you worse than he did me."
"If I sang, you could be sure you can't possibly make worse noise."
You reach for the bottle.
She yanks it away. "Oh no. I'll stopper this one, thank you." Getting up, she corks the bottle and tucks it safely away. Then comes clean up. Sticky white drips between her legs.Her front is plastered with sticky white. She mops it up as best she can. Then comes dressing. The stable boy watches all the while with his mouth agape.
"I think we're done with the horse," Euna say.
"Oh, right." He leads it away.
"You had sex with a horse," you say.
"So I did."I tried anyway. I'm still sure I took leave of my senses."
"You arms were tired. Made sense, didn't it?"
"Sure it did."
You press the bottle the end of the horse's cock, and numerous thick spurts of milky semen. It nearly fills the bottle half-way. Some spills onto Euna's shoulder, but she doesn't relent until the cock stops throbbing.
Afterward, she examines the bottle while wiping herself off. "That took some hard work," she says. "But we got quite a bit of it, didn't we? Surely that's enough."
You work the cap back into the jar and stow it. Euna gets out from under the horse and cradles her arms. "Ohh. My arms ache." She doesn't seem concerned at all about the spill of milky cum on her cleavage. Though after she notices it, she's quite nonchalant about fetching a rag to wipe it off.
"Well, that was quite unseemly," she says, "and Lord did it taste potent."
"The cock or the cum?"
"Both, but now we have what we came for."
The stableboy leads the horse away. He returns to guide you both back to the street. "Come back any time." His goofy grin is back. "I'll let you play with the horses whenever you want."
"Hear that, Euna?" you say. "Maybe we should come back later and play."
"It wasn't play," she replies. "It was for a job."
"Yes, but you did enjoy yourself, didn't you?"
"Did I now?"
"You know you're not going to stop thinking about that huge cock. The feel of it. The copious cum. The smell. Admit it."
"Only in your wildest fantasies," she says. "I do not cavort with animals for the sheer pleasure of it. We will collect the reagents for Lanx, and then that's it."
"If you say so."
"I do. Shall we move along?"
You and Euna step away from the stables, and the young lad runs back to join the other stablehands.
Euna stops the boy. "I agreed to play with only one horse."
"But since we're here..." you say.
Grinning, she shakes her head. "No. We're done. If I don't put my foot down, you'd have me here all day."
"And would that be so bad?"
"As much as you enjoy these shows, they are rather exhausting for me. Count yourself blessed that I'm willing to entertain such perverse practices for you already. All right?"
"All right, then."
After Euna cleans up and dresses, the stableboy leads you two back out to the street and bids you goodbye.
"I walked in there having set a limit of one horse," Euna says, "and yet somehow, I emerge having fooled around with every stallion that boy had to offer."
"Couldn't help yourself, could you?" you say.
"I have a randysultry devil on my shoulder." She nudges you with her arm. "I'm becoming a breeding mare. I certainly smell like one."
She does. Euna thoroughly reeks of horses, cum, and sex.
"It fits you," you reply.
"I'm glad you think so. I expect this is a stench I'll frequently carry. I'll be quite the equestrian if I should ever get back home."
Euna sidles close to you as you both head off. She reeks of horses and sex.
Euna takes your arm as you continue on your way. The stench of the stables lingers with her.
Euna runs her hands along 's sheath until a thick rubbery pink flesh swells out, expanding out like a long tube. It's covered in glistening slimy smegma. The reek is pungent, even from where you stand, and it makes wet sounds as Euna runs her hands along its length. The mess webs between her fingers.
Euna turns, bends, and positions her rump before the rubbery cock, but not before rubbing smegma on her anal rim, getting it nice and lubricated enough for four fingers to slip in. Then she aims the cock for her asshole and pushes back. The cock's head caves it inward at first, until suddenly she ingulfs it all at once, and it buries deep.
Without anything to rear up on, the horse hardly rocks about, so Euna does the work. She grabs 's forelegs and sways back and forth, taking the horse deep into her bowels until it finally erupts. She shudders with every pulse of horse cum that fills her, and when she pulls off, a gush of it escapes, but she's quick to squeeze herself shut to keep as much lovely cum inside her bowels as she can.
Euna caresses the rim of her asshole while the horse trots off. "Now that was a proper sodomizing." she says.
Euna first calms by petting his back, flank, and finally his belly. As she massages his pendulous balls and sheath, his cock emerges.
Sitting before the cock, she takes it into her mouth and fellates it for as long as it fits. Once it's too large, she suckes the mushroomed head and strokes with her hands. Periodically, she runs her tongue along the ridge. Precum smears over her face.
The first shot of cum lashes across her cheek. She perches her upturned face just below the firing cock and strokes through it's orgasm. Ropes of cum splatter over her features. Both her eyes are forced closed by pools over her lids. Much of it gets in her mouth, but much more runs into her hair, along her neck.
When the beast finishes, she sits back beneath the wilting cock and plays her hand between her legs. Her tongue swipes over her lips to collect what cum she can. For the rest, she scrapes her fingers over her face to rake cum into her mouth.
Soon, she's clean enough. She uses a rag for the rest, but her hair will have sticky tangles all day. She reluctantly stops playing with herself, as though intentionally keeping herself on edge.
Euna squats down right in the firing lane of 's cock and begins stroking the meat while running her tongue along the ridge. His cock is long, though still rubbery. She's having to hold it up.
snorts, shuffles, and stills. Suddenly, a powerful stream of pungent urine erupts from it's dick and sprays Euna's face.
She startles, but doesn't drop the cock. Instead, she closes her eyes and lets the stream beat upon her face. The piss cascades down her front. It drips between her legs and runs down her thighs.
Now thoroughly drenched, Euna clamps her mouth over the horse's peehole. Her throat is open, and the piss flows down straight into her belly as simply as filling a ewer. Not a single further drop escapes her lips. Her throat doesn't swallow, but her belly swells. All the while, her hands stroke the shaft.
Now thoroughly drenched, Euna clamps her mouth over the horse's peehole and begins gulping. Some escapes her lips, but she's guzzled much into her belly by the time the stream ends. Her hands stroke the shaft all the while.
Once the stream has ceased, she clamps her mouth back over the cock's end and resumes her stroking.
It's hard to tell when the horse starts climaxing, only that snorts and rocks more, and Euna once again lets it all flow down her open throat. Not a single dribble escapes her swallowing again and again. Only a dribble escapes her lips. Afterward, she cleans the horse's cock head well enough that not a drop of semen is left.
Euna pets 's mane and whispers in his ear. She pets and kisses her way along his flank until arriving at his rump. His massive hanging balls dangle. Groping around them, she manages to reach his emerging cock, which she pleasures with long, deep strokes.
This position has brought her face to face with his ass. And every time she strokes toward the end of the shaft, her face is forced within inches of it. Most would cringe away, but Euna rests her cheek against the horses rump. His wrinkled anus is just before her. She eyes it as though working up the nerve.
And then, her tongue reaches out. The tip runs along the puffy ring of flesh. Brown flecks come away, which she swallows down. Round and round her tongue goes, getting closer to the hole, until finally she fastens her mouth over the hole and digs in with her tongue.
shuffles. Between the rimming, and Euna's awkward stroking, he reaches climax. His seed fires out onto the ground in several long spurts.
Once he's finished, Euna backs away from the breathless, as though the rim job were a long passionate kiss. Licking her lips, she looks at the wasted seed upon the ground. "A trade off I suppose. My mouth can only be in so many places."
Euna kneels beside and gets to work rubbing the horse's sheath and testicles. The thick shaft of veined cock emerges and grows. She bends it to the side, and brings it to her face. She kisses the tip. Her tongue runs along the edge, and then she engulfs the mushroomed head as best she can and works the shaft frantically.
She seems almost desperate to get the cum out of the horse where she can taste it. And soon enough, the horse snorts, rocks, and its cock pulsates. Euna slows her stroking and concentrates on the cum filling her mouth.
She gulps quickly, but some still escapes. It dribbles down her chin and drips on her breasts. Most however goes straight to her stomach. She pulls away, gasps, and wipes her mouth. "So much..." she mutters. "I could swallow it all if it didn't come so quickly."
You find a rag for her, and she wipes up the worst of the mess. The valley of her breasts are still sticky to the touch, but she seems satisfied.
"Hmm, very well." Kneeling under , Euna cups her palm over his sheath and strokes until his cock emerges. She licks its length and sucks it in her mouth. By the time it's too large for her to fellate, it's dangling by her breasts. Leaning forward, she mashes each of her tits about the cock and rocks back and forth. Her globes just barely encompass its girth. Precum leaks. The valley of her breasts becomes slick.
gets into this and starts rocking forward. Euna need only lean back and let him thrust between her breasts. She covers it with tender suckles each time it reaches up to her chin.
The horse's climax comes without warning. Semen splashes against Euna's chin. She doesn't stop stroking, and lets blasts of cum fill the crevice of her breasts. Her chest, her belly, and the horse's cock all become drizzled in sticky cum, yet Euna lets keep fucking her tits until finally losing interest and stepping away.
Her entire chest is a mess. Cum runs down her belly and mingles into the dampness of her bald slit.drips from her pubic nest.
Euna rubs her hands over her naked belly and breasts. The pungent smell of animal semen fill the air. She licks some off her fingers. "I suppose I should have seen this mess coming."
"Hmm." Euna already is. "And I'm supposed to go the rest of the day coated in a stallion's seed?"
"No one will notice once it dries."
"I'll reek of horse."
"You already will."
"Fair point."
Euna runs her hands along her neck, down her arms, and along her thighs. Her hands pass over her crotch many times. Her loose, vaginal lips glimmer with both the horse's and her own juices.Her pubic hair becomes a matted down and sticky mess. Soon the semen thins. Its slick texture is replaced with a stickiness that makes noise as her hands rub over it.
"There," she says. "That should dry soon. But Lord do I stink." She smells her hands. "So musky."
You bring out the bottle Agnodine.
Euna puts a dot of the oily tonic on the tip of the horse's cock and smears it about. "That should do it. A perfect applicator."
"You want the horse to penetrate into my womb?" she asks
"They hardly get any cock in you otherwise."
"As you wish."Very well," Euna says. "Should be interesting." She hinges at the hip to bend over so much that her elbows are on the ground, yet her knees are straight. It puts her rump aimed straight up, and her pussy in clear view.
You approach with the bottle.
"Actually," Euna turns her rump toward the stable boy. "I want him to do it."
"Me?" The boy tears his gaze from her crotch. "Do what?"
"Reach inside me and smear that ointment on my cervix."
"Yes, really. He will show you want to do."
You instruct the young man, and soon, he's enthusiastically ramming his fist into Euna's pussy. He keeps forgetting to do the job though, and as a result, he wastes a good dollop of the ointment, and time. But then Euna winces, and his face lights up. "Holy... I just shoved my fist in that ring."
"Then you're in her womb now," you say.
"And I'm ready," Euna adds. "Thank you for your help."
He reluctantly withdraws his hand and steps aside.
Your fist fits easily into her gash. Finding her ring, you smear a small fingerful about and feel as it immediately softens to your touch. Within a minute, it's wide enough that you're able to work your fist past it and into her womb.
"Oh, I certainly felt that," she says.
"Seems like you're ready." You withdraw your fist and back away.
She bends over beneath the horse and presents her rump. Legs straight, her pussy is barely level with 's hardening erection. She props one hand against the ground and uses the other to guide the horse into her.
The horse shifts forward. The cock crams against her overworked pussy, and she rocks back, and after some shoving, it rams down her pussy and gets to fucking. Crying out, Euna does her best to rock back against the animal. With one hard push and a whining grunt, she gets the cock to slip past her cervix so the horse can really get some depth into her.The horse fucks her of its own accord, but it bottoms out its cock fairly quickly. Its humps ram her forward. Euna grips the beast's legs to support herself and rides it out as it ravages her. Finally, it whinnies and grows clumsy. Cum oozes out between Euna's stretched pussy lips.
It dismounts from her and wanders away. Euna is left used and discarded with a river of cum flowing down her thighs. She seems spent. "That was forceful," she mutters.
As the horse trots away, Euna clamps her legs tight to stop the flow. "Lord..." she mutters. "I've let a horse violate the womb the Lord gave me, and now it's full of the beast's cum. Such an utter perversion."
"How do you feel about that?" you ask.
"Like I want bigger. Like I want to inflate myself with horse cum. Or for you to find even bigger beasts." She shakes her head. "Ever since that feast, ordinary penetration seems so unfulfilling. I should have never agreed to it."
"But you have. And now you're going to spend the rest of your life stretching yourself out more and more, aren't you?"
"Lord, yes."
"I don't know if I can," she says.
"Believe in yourself," you reply. "We'll never know if you don't try."
Smirking, she strips off her clothes and kneels beneath .
She tongues the horse's massive balls before showing his emerging cock attention. When she does, her mouth is upon his slick, pink shaft just as it was on his sack. She sucks with all her skill, but it grows and grows, and soon is too much to fit in her mouth. It's drooping before her breasts.
A wicked look comes over her. Tugging off her gownsashskirt, she spins to face forward and bends at the waist to present her rump. Hoisting the horse's manhood, she rubs the end over her slit. A shiver passes through her. Up and down she rubs. Slick precum spreads.
thrusts forward.
Whimpering, Euna grips the horse's foreleg to brace herself, and she pushes back against the invader while holding it in place with her hand. After much work and fiddling, her pussy stretches about the member.
"Oh my Lord," she cries. "Oh Lord. It's inside me. It's... my heavens. It hurts."
's cock pushes nearly eight inches into her. Euna struggles to keep her feet beneath her. Each thrust pistons several inches in and out of her, but mostly, the horse is dragging Euna around.
In time, Euna regains some control. She tries to push back in time with the horse, but only so much disappears inside her, and her position is ungainly.
After minutes of this, is actually getting soft. It seems the lack of deep penetration coupled with the awkward control is not enough for him. Sensing this, Euna pulls herself off his cock. She kneels and returns to pleasuring the horse with her hand and mouth. Her other hand is between her legs.
Unfortunately for , there's no way a cock that size will fit in Euna. Each thrusts staggers her forward, yet she maintains a grip on the cock and rubs herself against it. Her pussy becomes a frothy mess of precum and her own juices. Her breath grows shallow. Yet as she nears orgasm, the horse's manhood is softening. This isn't doing enough for him. Sensing this, Euna forfeits her own needs and spins back around. She returns to pleasuring the horse with her hand and mouth. Her other hand is now between her legs.
She peaks first. Body undulating, she whimpers in climax. The first spurt of horse cum splatters her neck and breasts. She fastens her mouth over the tip to capture the rest of the load. Cum dribbles from her mouth, over her breasts, and down her belly. When it reaches her gash, she feverishly stabs her fingers into herself to get the cum inside.
When she finally comes down, her front is slick. Her pussy is a frothy mess rubbed with horse semen. She swallows what's left in her mouth and looks at both of you. "A good show?"
The stableboy merely nods. He's hiding his erection behind a stall gate.
Cleaning up takes Euna a while. She licks what she can off her fingers. The stableboy lends her a cloth for the rest.
Cleaning up takes Euna a while. She licks what she can off her fingers and uses a rag from your pack to clean the rest.
"You looked like you enjoyed that as much as ," you say.
"I let myself get carried away," she says. "It was so carnal."
"I hope you don't regret it."
"My only regret is that he could not fill me with his seed directly."
"I'm sure we can figure something out," you say. "Maybe it's just a matter of finding a way to brace yourself."
"Or I can work to increase my depth," she replies.
"That too."
"That would have been quite a squeeze," you say.
"I know. But, Lord, did I need him inside me."
Euna bends over beneath the horse and presents her rump. Legs straight, her pussy is barely level with 's hardening erection. She props one hand against the ground and uses the other to guide the horse into her.
The horse shifts forward. The cock crams against her overworked pussy, and she rocks back, and after some shoving, it rams down her pussy and gets to fucking. Crying out, Euna does her best to rock back against the animal. With one hard push and a whining grunt, she gets the cock to slip past her cervix so the horse can really get some depth into her.The horse fucks her of its own accord, but it bottoms out its cock fairly quickly. Its humps ram her forward. Euna grips the beast's legs to support herself and rides it out as it ravages her. Finally, it whinnies and grows clumsy. Cum oozes out between Euna's stretched pussy lips.
It dismounts from her and wanders away. Euna is left used and discarded with a river of cum flowing down her thighs. She seems spent. "That was forceful," she mutters.
Euna bends over for you, and you coat her rose liberally with daywither syrup, coat her rose liberally with akkoro slime, lubricate her asshole, making sure to work your fingers in slowly so she has time to relax. Soon, you can force your fist past her anal ring. "Should be good enough," you say.
"I'm not sure I'm warmed up enough yet..." she says.
"Sure you are. I'll help you out. Go get the horse hard."
"Very well."
"Hardly a warmup," she says, " but very well. I'll get the beast hard, then you will assist me."
Euna strokes and suckles 's cock until it juts out erect.
"Now..." She looks around and spots a haybale nearby. "Move that over here."
You and the stableboy do so.
"Now go lie down on that hay bale." You point a nearby one out.
Euna lies down upon the bale on her belly such that her legs are planted on the ground. Reaching back, she hooks fingers into her hole and spreads herself wide. "Now bring the horse to me."
You guide up behind her and prop his hardened cock up to Euna's spread hole.
"Please go slowly," she says.
"Now ease the horse forward gently," she orders.
"What?" You slap 's rump. The horse lurches forward, and his cock rams into Euna's spread hole. Wailing out, she scrabbles to escape, but there's no means for her to pull away, and now that the horse feels a hole to fuck, it rears up onto the hay bale and rams forward. You make sure its aim remains true, and quickly buries half his cock inside Euna.
Euna clutches the hay bale. The horse is violating her ass as roughly as he would any mare, but she is only human, and this is not the intended hole. No amount of wailing or grimacing or relaxing makes this any easier, and this rape goes on until the horse finally snorts and fills her bowels with cum. When it trots off, cock dangling, cum seeps from her abused hole.
The stableboy is stunned speechless. He has one hand down his breeches.
"Looks like you can after all." you say.
Exhausted, Euna feels her abused asshole. She sinks fingers into herself and shudders.
"Would you ever do it again?"
"If you wished me to."
"Right answer."
Exhausted, Euna glares at you. "Next time. Go slower."
"Already looking forward to the next time, are you?"
She feels her tender asshole and plays her fingers through the cum. A coy smile is betraying her glare. "I'll guide the horse from now on."
For this horse, Euna braces herself against a nearby wooden beamthe oak tree and reaches back to guide the horse into her. The horse needs no further encouragement, and soon it's thrusting away into her. Braced as she is, she's able to hold her ground, and this becomes a particularly deep and forceful fucking. penetrates through into her womb, and batters right against the end of it, ramming himself painfully deepbatters right up against her cervix as though trying trying to punch through which leaves Euna moaning in pain, but she never gives up any ground. It's as though she craves the horse's full penetration just as much as the horse does.
Soon he fills her with a flood of cum, which runs down her leg as the horse trots away.
After coaxing , Euna kneels beneath him and buries her tongue into the opening of his sheath while her hands massage the dangling balls behind it. She fellates the horse's emerging penis. As it grows, her mouth remains fastened on its end end right up until she's backed up against the hay bale.
She lies on her back upon it and lets the cock drag down her body. She plays the tip over her drenched pussy and squeezes the shaft with her thighs. Finally, it's stiff enough for penetration, and she does just that.
Euna moans as the cock disappears into her snatch. rocks forward. He bottoms out against the recesses of her pussy. From there, Euna let's the horse do most of the work while she strokes his flank.
His cock is still quite rubbery, and at the moment of climax, he hops his forelegs onto the bale, which causes his cock to slip out of Euna and flop onto her belly. There is no stopping him now, so Euna hugs the shaft against herself until he erupts. Watery cum drenches the valley of her tits. It spills up her neck. In the horses clumsiness, it stumbles back, dragging its cock along her torso, spraying cum all the way. In the last moments, Euna is able to press the cock head against her crotch to drench her slit, but that's all. The horse is done, and she's been covered like a pastry.
"You silly horse, ," she breaths. "I wanted your seed inside me." Euna rubs her hands over her naked belly and breasts. The pungent smell of animal semen fill the air. She licks some off her fingers. "Look at the mess you made."
Euna pets 's flank and whispers in his ear. She works her way along its flank, petting and stroking all the while, until arriving behind the horse. Between its hind legs, she runs her hands over its pendulous, furry balls. She nestles her face between them.
Then, she nuzzles her way upward to its ass. She runs her tongue over the wrinkled flesh of its anus. Brown flecks come away, which she swallows down. She then fastens her lips over the anus and works her tongue against the hole.
Meanwhile, her hands snake between the legs to stroke the emerging shaft. Even after it's fully hard, she takes her time tongue-cleaning its wrinkled hole to her satisfaction.nuzzling and tonguing its balls until she's showed them thorough attention. Now it's time to fuck.
She situates herself beneath the cock and guides the rubbery pillar of meat until the tip is against her sex. Up and down she rubs it. Wet, sticky sounds emerge. She's already loose from the previous fucking, so when the horse pushes forward, her pussy engulfs the cock with little resistance.
The horse fucks her. She mewls and humps back. Reaching between her legs, she strokes the the remainder of the shaft. Most of it, however, is battering down into the depth of her womb.bulk of the shaft which can't fit inside her. It soon brings the horse to climax. Euna trembles and gasps as it fills her with cum. It pulls out, and deluge runs out of her and down the block.
"Such a good horse..." she whispers breathlessly.
Marion sighs. "Fine."
Arriving at the beach, you use the mirror to reflect sunlight at the boat until a flash comes from them. They're lowering a rowboat from the deck to come over.
"I'm not going to be a very good nun," Marion says. "I'm just going to misbehave as much as I can. I'm going to offer myself to everybody. I don't care who they are or how old or ugly they might be."
"It sounds like you're going to be the best nun," Euna says. "I wish I was more like you when I went into the convent. I might have enjoyed myself."
"They're probably going to kick me out though."
"Maybe not. Religions believe in saving people. They'll punish you, and flog you, and torture you until you repent, but they won't give up on you."
Marion grins. "How far do you think I can push it?"
"I think you're going to find out."
"Do try not to get kicked out," Euna says.
"I was thinking of running away once I get there."
"The world is a harsh place, but the church will take care of you. They may punish you or scold you, but they will always make sure you're safe."
"Maybe I don't want to be safe."
"Just give it a chance. Don't buy into their purity nonsense and you might find a life you crave there."
Marion grumbles.
The rowboat arrives on shore. Two sailors work the oars. A third steps out onto shore. "Marion?"
She steps forward.
"The captain has a schedule he'd like to keep. So let's get moving."
Marion approaches. The man grabs her, eliciting a yelp. He carries her over the water and dumps her in the rowboat. She staggers for balance. Both oarsmen hold onto her to stabilize her.
"Thank you," she mutters.
Their hands linger. One is clutching her ass and thigh, the other has his hands under her arms, tantalizingly close to her breasts.
Marion doesn't mind. "Where should I sit?"
"How 'bout right here." They scoot apart. There is barely enough space between them, but to their delight, Marion squeezes in. It puts her in physical contact with both.
One puts his arm around her. His hand brushes her breast. "Welcome aboard, Missy."
"Thank you." She smiles up at him. Her thigh subtly rubs against his.
The man who carried her aboard glances back at you two. Without knowing who you are, or caring to learn, he merely nods before pushing the rowboat into the water. Once they're off, Marion waves. "Farewell." You and Euna wave back.
As you turn your horses back toward land, Euna canters close.
She grins mischievously. "Those sailors were certainly friendly."
You nod. "And that's a long sea voyage she has ahead of her."
"Something tells me she'll be just fine."
Her eyes are wide. "Those sailors were..."
She nods.
"And that's a long sea voyage she has ahead of her too," you say.
"She's probably happy about that."
"Such a strange girl."
"Did you see what those sailors were doing?" she says, aghast.
"I did."
"Is she going to be okay on that boat? She'll be at sea for months."
"I think so. Either way, it's out of our hands."
Euna glances back several times as you guide the horses.
"She'll be fine," you say.
"Heavens, I hope so."
The two of you head back toward the road. After a silent ride, Euna turns her attention to her horse. She strokes its mane.
Marion's eyes go wide. "Do you mean it?"
You gesture to the open road. "It's yours."
Giddy, Marion climbs off your horse. Her legs wobble as she takes her first few steps toward her new life. She turns. "Thank you."
"Wait." Euna dismounts. "Before you go, I want one last thing from you."
"What is it?" Marion asks.
Euna shoves Marion onto her rear. She hikes up her dress, slings one leg over Marion's shoulder, and presses her sex to Marion's mouth. Marion gives a muffled yelp of surprise, but when Euna doesn't relent, Marion begins tonguing her slit.
Euna revels in pleasure. "Get used to this, Marion. From now on, no one is ever going to give you anything without expecting something in return, so I don't see why we should either. It'll help teach you how you'll need to behave from now on."
Marion can only keep licking as Euna grinds her pussy against her face. Minutes pass until Euna is gasping in pleasure. Her body shudders, and her legs go weak. Afterward, Marion pulls away, gasping.
But before she can recover, Euna grabs a fistful of her hair and yanks her head back until her face is pointed straight up. Perching over her, Euna releases a stream of urine onto the girl's face. Marion sputters as it stings her eyes and fills her mouth. Most of it cascades down her front, soaking her head wrap and robes, though Marion inadvertently swallows some.
Euna steps off and looks down at the poor girl. Marion is still reeling when Euna slaps her across the face, creating a resounding crack. It sends the girl sprawling upon the ground.spits upon her face and shoves her to the ground. "Get used to people treating you like trash as well, because they will. They all will."
Euna returns to her horse, leaving Marion laying upon the dirt road—stunned, humiliated, urine-soaked, and heaving for breath. Marion peers longingly after Euna.
Euna remounts her horse. "Let's go."
"Yes, My Lady," you reply. Together, you ride off, leaving Marion to face her new life alone. Neither of you look back.
"Here." Euna moves to dismount. "Take my horse."
"No, no," Marion replies. "I don't want anything except the clothes on my back."
"Are you sure?"
Marion chewing her lip, then nods. "Yes, I think... yes! I am. My word, this is exciting!" She takes a shaky breath, then strides off down the road.
You and Euna watch. Far off, Marion turns back one last time and waves goodbye. Euna waves back, and then the two of you head back.
"I do hope she finds what she wants," Euna says.
"A defenseless woman on the road alone? I guarantee it."
Euna grins. "I mean I hope she'll be happy with what she gets."
"I'm sure she'll be scared at times, but it's what she craves."
"I hope so. I wish her well."
You ride for a while before Euna sidles up to you.
He bows to you once again. "She will. I haven't spent this much on a single slave in years. I intend to get my money's worth out of her."
He turns his attention back to the auction. You and Euna head off with your newfound wealth.
"Constant rape," Euna says. "Day in and day out, at the hands of common soldiers. In times of war, they can be particularly brutal."
"Are you glad you asked?"
"I'm not sure. It sounds like a hard life, but it could have been a lot worse. I just hope she doesn't wake up tomorrow and wish she could take it back."
"I'm sure she'll have regrets occasionally, but she's a true masochist. Her desire will win out I think."
"I hope so."
It's a quick walk back to the camp. The horses are still tethered by the river. Euna strokes her horse's mane.
"These are fine horses, aren't they?" she says. "Their names are Savior and Crusader. It was on the writ." Hers is a black stallion with an unusually long, sleek mane and tale. Silky hair on its lower legs hides its hooves. "You're a fine horse. Aren't you, Savior?" she whispers. "It's a pity we must return them."
"What if we didn't?"
"Out of the question," she replies. "We are not horse thieves. Besides, we have trouble enough feeding ourselves, much less a pair of horses."
Together you ride the horses back to the city. The guards recognize Euna and the horses from earlier and simply wave you through.
Euna speaks briefly with the stable owners while you hand the horses off to a hand. She returns to you when she finishes. "That's done with. Where shall we go from here?"
You're before the city gates.
After a while, the minstrels pack it in. The dancing winds down. The festival goers, drunk and wild, wander home. You and Euna depart and find a nearby fountain to rest.
"Heavens, this night was amazing," she says. "And to think I spent so long avoiding such lurid behavior." She kisses you quickly and bends to wash sweat from her face and arms with fountain water. A carriage pulls up before a luxurious street house. Three men and two women get out. All are dressed well. Servants come out of the mansion and carry luggage from the carriage into the house while the travellers stretch their legs. One man glances over, then draws the attention of the others beside him. Both watch as Euna cleans herself. You realize from the way she's sitting, they can probably see under her silk gown.her sex clear as day from under her velvet sash.up her shortened petticoat.
"You've got some admirers," you murmur.
Euna glances over and grins. She makes no effort to turn her legs away.
"Yes..." she says. "I suppose."
"I bet her entire family groans when they hear she's coming for a visit," you say. "A nasty woman like that likes to take out her own bitterness on—"
She grins. "As you wish."
You head off. As Euna walks, cum runs down her thighs to her knees, but she makes no move to wipe it away. You pass several people along the way.
Though hardly anyone glances, her eyes twinkle. A devilish expression is upon her face. "This is so naughty," she whispers.
The guards at the gate have their eyes upon her face and breasts, not her legs. The vagrants in the slums stare as well, but by then it's too dark to see between her legs. Either way, she's practically giddy by the time you pass.
Beyond the view of everyone, she inspects herself. A rivulet has run all the way down her leg and disappeared down her boot. Her slit still glistens. "May I clean myself now?"
You give her the go ahead, and she takes a minute to wipe away what she can.
"Your Lady?" the woman says. "More like your mistress. You two will burn for your sins."
The woman scoffs. "You gloat in your vile ways. You two will burn for your sins."
The woman sneers. "You will not walk away from me when I am addressing you. I am your elder."
"Aunti Eloise." The girl says. "Come inside, please. Leave them be." She, and a man who looks to be her brother guide the old woman away. Eloise continues ranting into the house.
Euna's shoulders are tucked in. She's holding herself. You put your arm around her, and she leans into you.
One of the men wonders back. "Excuse me."
"I'm sorry," Euna mumbles. "We'll go."
"No, no." He waves his hand dismissively. "We're the ones who owe you an apology. Our aunt is... how do I say this? Old fashioned. She grew up in a convent, you see?"
Euna looks up. "What?"
"Yes. She's a Sevic nun. They're a conservative lot. Painfully out of touch. They think if anything is fun, it's probably evil."
"I... I know of religions like that."
"Please, don't let her get to you." He grins. "You were brilliant. After a long carriage ride with our Aunt, that was exactly the kind of show we needed."
"Er... you're welcome," Euna replies.
The man winks and heads back toward the others. Euna is left holding her arms about herself.
"Yes." she glances at the twilight sky. "You're right. Let's go." She takes a few steps, pauses, looks at the chemise in her hands, and then tosses it into the alley. It crumples onto a dirty puddles and soaks through instantly. It seems a waste of perfectly good silk, but why ruin such a symbolic moment of throwing the chemise away?
As you head off, Euna speaks. "If only my aunt could see me now. She'd die from shock."
"We can only hope."
"Don't wish such things. She might be right. I have lost my mind."
"Your sister wouldn't think so. I don't. I don't think your father would either, given the things I know about him. He'd probably congratulate you."
"What do you mean?" she asks. "Do you know stories about my father?"
"A few. Most are second hand. I've heard more about your mother."
"Dirty stories? Tell me."
"Another night. We need to get going if we don't want to be in the woods at night."
You leave through the front gate. The vagabonds in the shanty leer and whistle. They don't seem to bother her anymore. In fact, just as you two get to the edge of the town, Euna glances back, then flips up her petticoat, giving the homeless a quick glance of her ass. They hoot and cheer.
By the time you get back, the sun has set and both of you are quite tired.
"Oh, you will, will you?" Her eyebrow arches. "Then go ahead."
You kneel before her. Rivulets of your cum are trickling down her thigh. Her slit is a creamed mess, both slippery and sticky. Her hand is on the back of your head, guiding you in. Her thighs surround you. Her warm, wet sex becomes your sole awareness. Her mound of damp fur covers your face. You run your tongue along her smooth folds and collect all the goo and wet. You taste of her, yet another taste is beneath that—a tangy flavor that leaves a burn in the back of your throat.
She drapes one leg over your shoulder and holds you firmly in place. You've no choice but to continue. After the pungent flavors are gone, you stab your tongue inside of her to collect what you can. It leaves her shuddering.
When she finally lets you pull away, her breath is heavy. "Good. I think that should suffice. Now we can go."
You pull her toward the mouth of an alley and press her up against a wall.
She shivers. "Here? Right now? Anybody can see us."
"I know." You pull out your growing cock and lift her leg against your body.
"Do it," she breathes.
With that, you thrust into her dripping snatch.
"Yes," she cries. "Fuck me. Oh, heavens. Oh Lord." Her body quakes.
You turn her around and stab back into her. She presses her hands against the wall and pushes her ass against you.
"Use me," she says. She moans again and again.
"I know." You yank her bodice down.
"Do it," she breathes.
With that, you shove her up against the wall. mauling her breasts and tasting her nipples. You work lower down and bunch her gown by her hiprip off her velvet sashyank her skirt to her ankles. Her snatch is dripping wet.
She cries out the moment your tongue touches her clit. "Ohh. Lord, yes." Her leg hitches over your shoulder. Her body trembles. "Eat me," she moans.
A pair of men passing in the street linger to watch. They call out to Euna. In response, she slips a shoulder of her gown overhead. Her entire gown is left draping from the waist cord by her hip.peels her fishnet top off overhead.pulls her bodice off overhead. Her breasts hang free, wobbling in time with your thrusts.Breasts bared, her chest heaves with her every breath. She squeezes one tit while staring at the men. They cheer.
You shoot cum deep inside her. As you slow to a stop, she stands straight and presses her back against you. Your hands sneak around. Grasping her bare breasts, you hug her close and kiss her neck.
An audience has gathered, but she's past caring. You feel her body convulsing around you, and her screams ring out. You grab both cheeks of her ass and lock her onto your mouth until every last shriek has escaped her lips.
She's nearly limp by the time you sit back.
The men applaud. On a whim, Euna tosses her chemise to them. The men take it, examine what it is, then cheer again, holding it above their heads. Euna blows them a kiss, and they continue on their way. Her chemise is forever gone.
"Oh, my heavens. That was amazing," she says. "You don't suppose I've gone crazy, do you?"
"I think you've finally come to your senses."
"I'm serious. Do you think I'm overreacting just because of that old woman? I never in my life thought I'd do something like this."
"Are you feeling guilty?"
She thinks. "No. No, I'm not. But I know I should." She fastens her bodice back up.
"Your aunt would certainly think you should feel guilty," you say. "Your sister wouldn't. I wouldn't. I don't think your father would either. From what I know of him, he'd probably congratulate you."
"You have stories about him?"
"A few. Most are second hand. I've heard more about your mother."
"Dirty stories? Tell me."
"Perhaps another night. It's late. We need to get going if we don't want to be in the woods at night."
"Oh, bore," she says. "I wish there was a place we could stay here."
"Too bad we can't. Shall we go?"
She nods. "Hold. I'm leaking, just let me clean up."
She nods.
"Come," you say. "When these things happen, it's best to move along." You two head down the street. "Whenever these things happen to me, I always let it—"
"That could have been me?"
"Her. That old woman. That could have been me years from now. It was me. Last year, I caught one of the court guards and the service maids fondling each other in the buttery. I scolded them for their indecency. I even brought it up with the steward, and he scolded them too, but I knew he was just humoring me. I actually wanted to have him replaced. Just because a pair of servants fondled each other."
She walks further. "All my old friends and my sister have grown strange to me, and why wouldn't they? I'd become... like that, this crone who judges others over harmless antics. Years from now, my nieces and nephews would have been apologizing on my behalf. She grew up in a convent, you see?" She turns to you. "Admit it. I was impossible to be around. Wasn't I?"
"Some of us may have learned to stay out of your way."
"That convent would have turned me into a bitter old crone, but I'm not going to be that anymore, and I have you to thank for it."
"Yes. These past few days have been the best of my life. And it's because of you. You've shown me how to enjoy life."
"You're welcome. You've become a wonderful person to be around."
"I want more," she says. "You've seen and done so much, and I have so much catching up to do. Guide me. Help me make stories of my own."
"Stories like the ones I tell you? Those are some sultry stories."
"Good. I want to live like that." She looked down at herself. "I think the first thing I'll do is stop dressing so conservatively. I'm so damn hot in this." She adjusts the silk flaps of her gown along her waistcord so that instead of curtaining around her legs like a dress, it's bunched up as two strips: one hiding her groin, the other hiding her ass. Her hips are fully bared.
"There," she says. "Maybe in this weather, this is how this gown is supposed to be worn. How do I look?" She swirls. The strips part away, giving a brief glimps between her legs.
"Good. I want to live like that." She looked down at herself. "I guess in some ways I already am."
"Good. I want to live like that." She looked down at herself. "The first thing I'll do is stop dressing so conservatively. I'm so hot in this." She pulls out the shoulder straps of her chemise and works her arms through them. Then she tugs her chemise down her body underneath her other clothes. Finished, she steps out of her chemise and holds it up. It's damp with sweat.
"Silk. It's far too warm for this weather." She turns to you and poses. "How do I look?"
All she's wearing on her upper body is her bodice. Her ample cleavage is practically spilling out of its low-cut neckline. The bodice also laces up the front. Between the crisscrossing, you can see her skin all the way from neck to navel. Her bodice and her petticoat don't quite meet, showing off a strip of her midriff, and her petticoat, shortened as it is, stops mid-thigh, revealing bare legs down to her boots.
"You look beautiful," you say.
"I was already beautiful."
"Well, now you look sexy too."
"That's more what I was hoping for. Do you desire me?" she asks. "Are you fantasizing about what you'll do to me once we get back?"
"No. I'm fantasizing about what I'm going to do to you right now."
"Yes, but we must hurry if we're to get back before nightfall."
You lean in and kiss Euna. While doing so, your hand slides in the side of her silk gown.gropes her tits through her fishnets.slides down the front of her bodice. Euna squeals, but doesn't stop you, even when you squeeze her flesh.
All the men are watching now.
You dive back into her gown to free the other breast. Eunat notices the others watching. After hesitating, she shrugs the shoulder strips of her gown off and heaves her chest forward.
You pull up the waistline of her fishnet top. Eunat notices the others watching. After hesitating, she lets you peel her top off.
You dive back into her bodice to free the other breast. Euna notices the others watching. After hesitating, she unfastens the lace on her bodice and heaves her chest forward.
At this point, even the girls have looked over. They grin and shake their heads. This encourages Euna. She kisses you again. Taking your hand, she lowers it down her body and under the waist cord or her squeeze the narrow strip of velvet providing her only her hem of her petticoat. Your hand barely brushes the lips of her pussy when someone yells.Her hand slides down your leggings, but it barely brushes the lips of your pussy when someone yells.
"Oh, my word!"
Unseen by both of you, an elderly woman had emerged from the carriage. She's dressed in a conservative gown. Her gray hair is pulled back in a tight bun. She scowls at both of you. The watching men and women roll their eyes and turn their gaze.
Euna pulls away and hastily corrects her gownsashbodice as the old woman storms over.
Euna stares at the men mischievously. "Why not?" She spreads her legs and waggles them about. Another man glances over. They watch and grin, murmuring to each other. Euna squeezes her breasts together through her clothes. She rubs her hands sensually along her body.
At this point, even the girls have glanced over. A few even continue to watch.
Encouraged, Euna slides her hands down the inside of her thighs, then reverses, pulling the hem of her petticoat up, revealing her damp sex. Her fingers slide along either side of her sex,comb through her pubic hair, then caresses along her legs. Euna rests her head back and closes her eyes, which is why she doesn't noticed when an elderly woman daintily climbs out of the carriage. The woman is dress in a conservative gown. She has a tight bun of gray hair pulled back and a frown seemingly fixed to her face with wrinkles. Noticing the others staring, she follows their gaze to Euna and gasps in horror.
"Uh, Euna," you say. "Maybe you should—"
"Oh, my word!" The old woman shouts. The watching men and women roll their eyes and turn away.
Euna's eyes snap open. Her legs clamp closed. The old woman glares at her traveling companions, then storms toward Euna.
Some of the men and women hurry after her. "Aunti, please."
The old woman marches right up. "Have you no shame, you... you harlot?"
"I'm sorry." Euna looks away.
"Where do you get off spreading your filth and temptation to others? You're a sinner and a whore, and you will stay away from my family."
The old woman imarches right up. "Have you no shame, you... you harlots?"
"We're sorry." Euna looks away.
"Where do you get off spreading your filth and temptation to others? You whores will stay away from my family."
"Eloise..." One of the women tries to steer her away. "Please, just let it go."
"I will not. I've told you again and again that this city is a haven of sin. We're not here for more than one minute when this filthy whore starts tempting us with herthese filthy whores start tempting us with their devilish ways."
Euna wilts. Her down-turned face is burning red.
You and Euna walk to the palace grounds. The gates are open, and beyond them in a plaza before the palace doors, a crowd has gathered. It seems you've arrived just before a presentation or an announcement. You gather close, pressing into the throng of people.
Before the crowd is a dais with a row of three men and two women beyond it. Like everyone else in the city, they're young and attractive, though they're different from the townsfolk. Each wear a sheer white robes cinched about the waist as though it were a uniform.
One of the women steps before the dais. She holds her hands high for silence. "Everyone. Everyone. It is wonderful of you all to come out here to show your appreciation to our Hana. This season's festival is in her honor, and yet we still owe her more thanks than we could ever give her. We gather here now to show how grateful we are one final time during her Sending."
She turns toward the palace. A girl emerges dressed in robes which actually conceal her body. Two guards grip her arms. They guide her onto the dais.
"Thank you, Hana," the speaker says, "for upholding the traditions of our fair city. All of our hopes and wishes go with you."
The girl tries to smile.
A convoy of horse riders come forward. The guards help her mount a horse. With a nod from the speaker, the convoy gets moving, following a path which leads around the palace and toward the mountains behind the city. The gathered crowd applaud and hoot as they depart.
After the convoy is out of sight, the speaker addresses the crowd. "This marks the start of our Shrovetide festival—another season until our next Sending. As I'm sure many of you already know, our next Appointed has already been decided. If you should happen upon our sweet Marion, I hope you will all treat her with the respect and gratitude she deserves. Thank you all for coming."
She steps off the dais. The crowd disperses. The robed men and women retire into the palace.
"What do you suppose that was all about?" Euna asks.
"I'm not sure," you reply. "That girl didn't look very happy to be part of the Sending. I get the feeling she won't be coming back."
"Where do you think she's going?"
"No idea."
"Maybe we should ask someone," Euna suggests.
"I'm not sure we should. I think this Sending was what this entire festival was about. Asking might reveal us as outsiders."
"Hmm." She frowns at the audience. "I suppose you're right. Shall we move along?"
You and Euna approach the entryway to the city stables. Half a dozen young stablehands loiter outside the entrance. Most are young lads. A few are girls. All are dressed in tunics of different cuts and styles, and two bear sigils of the same house.
One young lad in a tight tunic leans against the stable wall, looking glum. When he sees you, he springs up. His short stature, tousled blonde hair, and freckled face betray the serious demeanor he's trying to put off.
"Something I can do for you?"
You and Euna approach the city stables.
The same young, blond-haired lad intercepts you. "Something I can do for you?"
Her eyes widen. "Him?" She glances the stableboy over. "Just to get us inside?"
"You've already shown your lips can open doors for us."
"Why not?"
"Because it's so unnecessary. We could just bribe him. With anything. You're only suggesting this because you want to see if I'll do it."
"And you're saying you don't want to?" you ask. "Look at that young lad. He's hardly a man. He will be floating among the clouds if you do this for him. Wouldn't you want to do it just for that alone? To hold his pleasure in your hands? And of course, what do you think his cock will feel like between your lips?"
Her eyes light with mischief. "Okay! I'll do it, but let me do the talking." Euna struts toward the boy. "Hello again."
"Yeah? Hi."
"We are going to go into that stable," she says, "and not only are you going to let us, you're going to help us in there. Do you want to know why?"
She leans and whispers in his ear. When she pulls away, he simply nods, stupified.
"Then come along," she says.
Her eyes light with mischief. "Yes, of course. If you wish to offer me to that boy, then I will obey."
You return to the stable boy. "We really need to get into that stable," you say. "So how about if you take my ladyfriend here around back so she can suck you off. Will that get us in?"
Eyes wide, the stableboy looks Euna up and down. He nods.
"Very good." You nudge her toward the lad.
Then her eyes light. "Yes. Let's do it."
You return to the stable boy. "How about this. Will you let us in if she sucks you off?"
Eyes wide, he studies Euna up and down.
She peers back at him with a sultry look. "It'll be worth your while," she says.
He simply nods.
His eyes pop. He looks Euna over. "You? You want to..."
Euna steps close to him. "To suck your cock." She takes his hand and presses it to her belly. She guides him up, giving him a feel of her breasts, her neck, and when his fingers brush her lips, she sucks on one of his digits. "Just say yes, and come with me. I will suck every last drop of your cum."
"Good boy. Come along then."
His eyes pop. He looks Euna over. "You? Really?"
"Sure, she will," you reply. "Isn't that right, Euna?"
"Of course," she replies. "I'll suck whatever cock you tell me to."
"There you go," you say to the stable boy. "So do we have a deal?"
His eyes pop. He looks Euna over. "You? Really?"
"I promise you'll enjoy it." Euna says.
Euna takes his hand, and together they head around to the alley behind the stables.
You peek around. The stable boy is backed up against the wall. His riding breaches are about his ankles. Euna is squatted before him with her legs wide, and she's guzzling his erection with abandon. She takes it deep down her throat until gagging about his cock, then pulls out and nibbles the head. Thick spittle runs from her chinPeriodically, she pulls out and plays her tongue about its head or licks along his shaft.
Soon, the stableboy groans. From the way he tenses up and clutches the back of her head, he's filling her mouth with cum. She sucks every last drop out of him.
She and the stable boy return shortly. The lad has the dumbest smile on his face as he waves you two to follow him past the other stablehands.
The lad's eyes widen. "Collect their cum? What for?"
"We have our reasons," you say.
"But how?"
"Manually," Euna replies. "Unless you know of a better way."
He stares at her, bewildered. "I... I don't think I should. Not without my master's permission. I'm sure you'd get the same answer from the others too." He glances at the other stablehands.
[Aside]: "Euna, how would you feel about sucking him off to get us inside?"
"What if my ladyfriend here sucks you off?"
"What if we gave you this bottle of rum?"
You show him the bottle.
"It's rare rum too," Euna adds. "It's not normally available to the city folk."
The lad glances around and nods. "Okay, fine. Let's be quick about this."
He stash the bottle under his tunic and leads you onward.
His eyes go wide. "Really?"
In answer you lead him away. "We'll be right back," you say to Euna.
"I'll be here," Euna replies.
Euna seems rather bemused. "I... okay. I'll wait."
Around the stable, you quickly have the stable boy's breeches around his ankles and his manhood hardening in your hands. It's a decent size, and fits nicely in your mouth. He groans and shudders, which is amusing, but in your talented hands, they always do. His cum makes a nice salty pool upon your tongue, and leaves a tingle in your throat.
He's still weak in the knees when you return to Euna.
"I see he had fun," she says.
"My," Euna says. "You had quite an affect on him."
As you're passing the other stablehands, a young man calls out from the group. "Hey. Who are they?"
"They work for my lord," your guide says. "They're inspecting the horses."
This satisfies the stablehands, and they return to their conversation.
The stables smell of straw and faint manure, though it's remarkably clean as stables go. The lad leads you down an aisle lined with stalls. Horses occupy many of them. Some eat from feed baskets. Others watch you pass. Most are well-kept.
"My lord has three stallions," he says. "You can take from them, but no others. All the other horses belong to other lords." He comes to one—a handsome gray horse with a peppering of white in his coat.
"This is Cala." He strokes the horse's nose. "He's a Percheron destrier." He opens the stall door and leads him to a private open area in the back.
The horse shuffles uneasily when Euna approaches. She introduces herself to the animal with slow movement and calm words. "Beautiful horse," she whispers. "You have a lovely coat. I've never seen a coloring like this before. My father would have loved you."
Cala settles down.
The stablehand glances around. "Be quick about it."
"Well, Euna?" You motion to the horse.
As you try to put the cork back on the bottle, it "slips" out of your hands. It juggles about as you try to snatch it, and you catch it just before it strikes the floor, but too bad. All of the horse cum splatters out.
"Ohh." Euna sags. "Did you really drop that?"
"I really did. You don't think we can..." You eye the splattered sample and sigh. "No. It's gone. Good thing there's one horse left."
"You did that on purpose," she says.
"I beg your pardon."
"That was practically identical to one of your foolish comedy scenes."
"You expect me to believe a graceful acrobat like you is lard-fingered dunce?"
"Everyone makes mistakes."
"Two in a row?"
"The first one was more your fault than mine. Fortunately, there's one horse left, isn't there?"
"Yes," the stable boy says. "I'll go fetch him." He leads the other horse away.
"I don't think I can do it again. Why don't you do it?"
"Fira said it was important you get the reagents."
"But my arms are so tired."
"Well, maybe..." You think. "What if you just had sex with it?"
"It'd be a lot less work," you say. "We can just capture the seed as it pours out of you."
"I don't think it would even fit, that's if I were even will to consider such a notion."
"But you'd have me engage in bestiality?"
"It's not like you couldn't manage it. You could fit a cock like that."
"That's beside the point."
The stable boy comes out with the third stallion. It's a bay horse with leather brown coat of short hair and a glimmering mane permed, flowing hair. "This is Hutan." the boy says.
"Bring him here." Euna says, and he does so.
Her eyes widen. "You want me to do this?"
Her expression is flat and unamused. "Of course it falls to me."
"You're the experienced one."
"Fine." She digs through your pack and brings out the Estrus Mellago and a jar with a neck wide enough for the collection. She shoves it in your hands. "But you be ready to collect."She passes it to you. "But I'll need you to collect." With that, Euna begins the ritual of rubbing her hands along Cala's flank to give him time to adjust, and inticing him with the scent of the estrus. As Euna rubs his belly, penile sheath, and his dangling testicles, his cock slowly emerges. The horse is uneasy again. You stand by his head and keep him calm.
It takes her a long while. Knelt as she is beside the horse, she's having to reach awkwardly beneath Cala while keeping her head leaned back out of the way of the horse's side. Several times, she sighs and readjusts, rubbing her hands along the length. She even moves under the horse with the cock pointed right at her.
The stableboy grins at this, but even he eventually bores when this goes on.
Her arms get tired. She actually rests the end of the cock on her shoulder, putting her cheek right next to the meat. "Ohh, it smells powerful," she mutters. "Be ready with the bottle. I think he's close."
Sure enough, the cock swells more. "It's coming!" She strokes the beast faster. "Quick. The jar."
You fumble about with trying to get the cork off the jar, even though Euna just did it a minute ago. The cock erupts. Spurts of semen arc onto the straw-covered floor. "Hurry!" Euna says. You do so, but in your haste, you bump her, the cock rolls off her shoulder, and the tip bounces about. Cum gets everywhere except the bottle, and by the time you get it in place, hardly a dribble comes out.
Dismayed, Euna looks at the wet mess soaking into the straw. "You didn't catch any of it?"
"You weren't holding the cock still enough."
"I was trying my best."
"Well isn't that just great," Euna says. "You didn't catch any of it?"
"The dick was moving around," you reply. "You were jerking on it too much."
"I was holding it very still, and you know it."
You shrug. "Well... what's done is done." To the stableboy. "Didn't you say you had another horse?"
"Yeah. Let me get him." The boy leads the horse away.
"You're going to make me do this again?" Euna whispers. "It took ages."
"Maybe this time you should use your mouth."
"My mouth..."
"Tongue it. Suck it. Might go faster. Then when the horse comes, you can hold the load in your mouth and then spit it out into a bottle. Fira did say it's all right if some of your own fluids ends up in the concoction."
"I'm not worried about getting saliva in the sample. I'm worried about getting horse's semen in my mouth."
"It's nothing Fira wouldn't do."
Before she can reply, the stableboy returns with a second horse, with a shimmering solid black coat. "This is Burkan," he says. "My lord got him from the desert, and he's a powerful horse. Probably lots of cum for you."
Euna sighs. "Bring him here."
He does so. Euna again goes through the process of earning the horse's trust, petting its flank, wiping its nose with estrus. Her hands travel south, to its sheath and she plays with it until Burkan's cock emerges. It's mottled black and pink, and it glistens with slick.
Euna kneels under the horse with the cock pointed at her face. Her hands travel it's slimy length as it grows, coaxing it out. Once it's at full size, the head is right before her face while she strokes the horse. After contemplation, she suckles and nibbles the tip, and licks along the crown.
Despite the extra attention, it's still a long process. She keeps repositioning as her arms get tired, but she never stops. Eventually, Burkan begins rocking. His cock swells. Euna fixes her lips over the tip and strokes hard and quickly. The cock throbs, and Euna is scrunching up her face. Near the end, squirts of cum spray out and down her chin, but after the horse is done, she does indeed have an entire mouthful.
She signals you, and you handle the bottle to her. It's a copious amount she spits up. It fills half the jar. "Oh Lord," she mutters. "I swallowed some of it."
"Clearly plenty left."
"At least it's done. My arms are exhausted." She hands you the jar.
Euna goes through the effort of getting the horse familiar with her, and provides it with a whif of Estrus Mellago. She's quite practiced at getting the horse's solid pink shaft to emerge from its sheath. She's even quick to lick and tongue the end, but her arms are quick to tire, and with a sigh, she looks around and spots a hay bale. "Can we move the horse over there?" she says.
The lad complies, but he stops and gapes when Euna strips off her clothes. "Can you get him to hop up?"
"Oh, uh. Sure." With some tugging, he does get the horse to prop up. "Are you going to..."
"We'll see." Euna tugs on the horse's cock, but only enough until its hard. "I'm only doing this for the job." Maneuvering, she lies back on the bale beneath the horse and rubs the tip about her bald slitfurred snatch.
The horse's instincts kick in. He humps forward. It bumps Euna along the bale, but with each thrust, the flat head caves in her lips until the column suddenly slides into her. With a gasp, Euna braces herself and squeezes her upturned legs about the horse's flank. He does the work now. Every thrust goes a little deeper until she's filled. It's not much contact for the horse, and it takes ages to finish. So long, in fact, that Euna is starting to get short-breathed.
Actually, she's clearly getting a lot from this, and by the time the horse's cock starts throbbing, she's mewling. Yet as breathless as she is, she's still able to reach down and hold the cock still while a deluge of horse cum fills her. Some sprays out her lips, but not much. When the horse withdraws, she's quick to get the bottle beneath her, so the river of cum pours right into the bottle.
The horse's instincts kick in, but every thrust he makes only nudges Euna along the bale. It's not going in. Euna redirects the cock to slide up along her belly until the head is nestled between her tits. Folding her legs to her chest, she squeezes the cock with her thighs. The horse has a lot of contact now, he's thrusting away, leaving slimy trails along her body.
The horse's cock, however, is still rubbing over her clit, and it's having it's effect. By the way she's trembling, it's as though she really is getting fucked. By the time the cock throbs, she's mewling. Yet as breathless as she is, she's cogent enough to hold the bottle at the nape of her neck. A deluge of sperm spurts into the bottle. Much of it fills the valley between her breasts, but enough gets in. The horse gets off of his own accord. It's done.
Euna rests back, exhausted. She can hardly catch her breathe.
"Did you climax?" you ask.
"So close... but no."
"Good. We could hardly say you were just doing a job if you were getting off on this, could we?"
"Of course not... Strictly... business..."
"With one horse," Euna amends.
The stableboy cracks a smile. He's seen what Euna does for fun.
But he makes his smile vanish. "I'm not sure..." he says, even while his eyes gleam. "I shouldn't be letting just anyone in there."
"I'm sorry, sirladies," he says, "but unless you have a horse to stable, we can't let you in?"
"Not even a peek?"
"It's our job to keep the horses safe. We can't be letting nobody in just to sightsee."
He glances about. "Who says we don't? We're all in the same lot, aren't we? Some of us will watch another's horses while they sneak off to steal some drink or futter some lass. Then they'll watch our horses for us the next night. Got to be careful though."
"Why's that?" Euna asks.
"The watch knows us. If we get caught, word gets back to our lords. But if we slip away for a bit, no one notices."
"I'm just posted here, m'lordlady," the boy says. "My master is visiting the city, and he left me in charge of watching his horses."
"And the others?" Euna glances toward all the other young men and women lingering inside the stable.
"It's the same story for all of us, m'lady. All of us have our own lords or ladies, and we're all stuck here until they decide it's time to go home."
"That sounds dull," Euna says.
"It's utter tripe." The boy spits on the ground. "Our lords trollop about the grandest city in the world while they stick us to watch the horses. Just down that road, there's a festival with free drink and people who fuck for show, but do we get to see any of that? No. We're stuck here cleaning manure. I've been here for over a month now, longer than all the other hands here. They come and go, but here I am."
"I commiserate," Euna replies. "It must be awful."
"We'd like to see the horses."
"We need to collect some of the horse's cum."
"With one horse," Euna amends.
The stableboy cracks a smile. "Uh, sure. But only if I get to watch."
The inside is as you remember it. Rows of stalls. Most clean, and most occupied with fine, healthy horses of all kinds.
"Here they are." The stablehand shows you the same three horses from before, one gray, one black, and one chestnut brown. "Do whatever you want. I get to watch though." He reddens. " make sure you don't do anything bad with the horses."
"Of course," you say.
"What horse would you like to start with?" he asks.
The stableboy fetches Burkan. The stallion's short black coat shimmers, highlighting his muscular physique.
"And what shall I do with this beautiful strapping horse?" Euna asks.
The stablehand fetches Hutan. The horse had been poking his head out of his stall to watch. His body is sleek brown, like tanned leather, except for his black feet. His mane is combed down. It creates a curtain over his eyes.
He readily comes up to Euna. She strokes his mane and plants a kiss on his nose. "And what shall I do with you?"
The stablehand hurries off and returns with Cala. The towering stallion's gray coat is peppered with white.
"What shall I do with you..." Euna asks the horse.
"I agreed to only play with one horse," Euna says.
"You did," you reply, "and now here's another horse."
She regards you, then rolls her eyes and approaches the horse. "You and your constant pushing..."
The stableboy returns the horse to his stall. "What now?" he asks.
Soon you're both before the merchant from before. The brooch is still there on display. "We still need to know where he got this brooch," she whispers.
The rotund merchant notices you two again and approached. "Back again, I see. The brooch is still waiting for you, dear. It is destiny that you should wear it."
"All we need is to know where you got it," she replies.
His smile doesn't waver. "And as I said before, I could not deign to surrender such information, except perhaps to its new owner. If you buy the brooch, I may tell you. Was I not clear before?"
"Yes, you were, sir..." you say.
"Oh, my." The merchant leers at her.
"One moment." Euna pulls you by your arm out of earshot of the man. "What exactly are you expecting me to do with him?"
"Encourage him to talk."
"By doing what? Sleeping with him? He's repulsive."
"You could probably just suck him off."
She gapes. "You're being serious. You actually want me, the tsarivna of Ruthgar, to debase myself with this man? Couldn't we just bribe him or some such?"you do it?"
"He's had his eyes on you since he's seen us," you say. "He wants you. And be honest with yourself, isn't there part of you that wants to do it yourself? You said you wanted sultry stories of your own, didn't you?"
A nervous grin comes over her. "This has nothing to do with the information, does it?"
"It's an added bonus."
Euna bites her lower lip. Her eyes are alight with nervousness, and she nods.
You both return to the merchant. Euna is trembling like a leaf.
"Do we have a deal?" you ask the man.
"If the young lady would care to," he says. "I'm sure we can reach an understanding."
"I think we can," Euna says.
"Then come with me, my deardears." He heads back toward a nearby alley between two row houses. You follow, which he allows, most likely because he doesn't want to leave you near his wares.
He scoops her breasts out of the neckline of her gown and lowers to suck a nipple.
He stoops to suck one of her nipples through her fishnet top.
He fondles both of her breasts through her bodice. She loosens it and scoops one tit out for him, and he lowers to suck a nipple.
Euna rolls her head back and basks in this, when the man's hand slips aside her gown toslips up her sash tosnakes the waist of her skirt and find her sex. Tensing, she keeps an eye on him now.
"Hmm. For a name?" He takes the money, and the brooch. "Damien De Castilla. There's your name. Search the Siren's Bounty for him if you're looking to get yourselves killed. Now off."
"Oh Lord. Please?"
"No. I gave you to that man so that we could get information."
She looks at you with utter yearning.
"No," you say sternly. "You are my properties. Learn to behave yourself. If I give you to people to fuck, then I expect you to fuck them without being needy. You are my property, are you not?"
"I am. I'm sorry, my master."
"You're such a cruel man," she says, grinning. "but if that is your will. What now?" she asks.
"You'd get yourself off if you were me."
"Maybe," you say. "But I'm not as big a harlot as you. So no touching."
"You're a cruel mistress..." she says.
Still fully aroused, she complies. After fixing her clothes, you two head back. Her sex still drips with anticipation.
Euna's eyes boggle. She gapes at you when he's not looking.
"Yes," the merchant says. "I'm sure I'll recall the name by then." He looks to Euna expectantly. "Well, little bird?"
Euna is slow to react, but a calm to come over her. "Very well."but she nods obediently.
She works the waistband of his breeches down to expose his engorged cock buried in a nest of curly, damp hair. Hugging close, she slips the front of her gown aside,hikes her sash up,shimmies her skirt up, and works works his hard member up and down her own damp sexsnatch a few times before sinking herself upon him. It's an awkward fuck, especially with his sweaty potbelly in the way, but her grinding soon has him bucking his own hips like an excited dog. He's close.
"Do you remember who sold it to you now?" you ask.
Euna pulls off and stand simply before him. His hard cock, wet with her slick and throbbing from near completion, points at her as though in accusation.
"Oh, blast you two." He snaps. "Damien sold it to me. Will you finish?"
"Where can we find him?"
"Find him?" he says histerically. "Damien De Castilla. How can you be here and not know him? He one of the lords of the cove."
"But where is he?"
"Bah! You can find him in the Siren on any night, playing his damn dice games, I'm sure. Now it's time to finish this."
"Of course." Euna once again hooks her leg about him and sinks upon his shaft. Her tits squeezes against his sweaty chest. When his grunts become like that of an animal, he grabs her by the ass, and she swings her other leg up to grapple him with all four limbs while he hammers her down upon his rod. With his face buried against her neck, he fills her. Only after the last spurt does Euna climb down.
He grapples Euna and presses her face first against the back of the market stall. Behind her he takes full charge of ramming his cock back where he wants, and between his strength and weight, she has no recourse but to let this rut her and paw at her bouncing tits from behind. With his face buried in her hair, he fills her. Only after the last spurt does he finally let her go.
"Well then," the man says. He tosses you the broach. "I suppose our business is concluded." He heads back to his market stall.
Euna cleans up the dripping mess running down her inner thighs. She corrects her clothes.
"I'm sorry," she says.
"For what?"
"I thought when you suggested I treat the man, that I only fellate him. I didn't realize you'd expected me to have sex, and I hesitated."
"Next time don't. I wanted to get that name. We had to offer him something."
"I won't next time. I promise."
"I am certain I could have gotten away with simply fellating him," she says.
"Oh, is that what you thought I meant?"
"Of course I did. Did you think I wanted to fuck that man?"
"Well, it worked, didn't it? We have the name we needed."
After she's cleaned up, you return to the main alley of the cove market.
"Lord, I can't believe I just did that."
"What? fuck a stranger? I make you do that all the time."
"I know, but you just gave me to him for a name. You treated me like a piece of meat not even worth a price or a thought, and I've never been so sure that you're right." She bends over the market stall, revealing her drooling sex. "Lord I'm wet. Please master. Let my slut cunt treat you as well. I need to cum."
"What? fuck a stranger? You do that all the time."
"I know, but something about doing it to ply information out of him. I played him with my sex." She places her hands against the wall and bends over to reveal her drooling sex. "Look at how it has left me."
"Your fire is not yet sated, I see."
"Yes," she agrees. "I insist you sort this problem out for me."
"Yes," she agrees. "I've debased myself for you. I need you to help me cum."
"Then I'll rut you like the tramp you are."
"No. This wasn't for your pleasure."
"Then kneel here and present your face for me to sit upon."
"Oh! I like that. Very well. Come and get me off."
You kneel where she points. And she turns and backs her dripping sex upon your mouth. You try to tongue the cum from her wet folds while she smears it about your face. It doesn't take her long before her knees tremble and moans escape her. Euna grips your head to grind to a quick and loud orgasm.
"You know your place well, my little foolpet." She strokes your face. "I fuck whoever I want, as much as I want, and you will always be here to serve me afterward, won't you?" She corrects her clothes. "Let's get going."
"I could get used to this sort of treatment," she says. "I am your tsarivna after all. It is right that you should be here to serve me. Shall we get moving?"
After she's cleaned up and you've cleaned your face, you're both back out on the boardwalk.
"Do it," she demands.
"Yes. Lord, please," she begs.
With just a quick unfastening of your breeches,tugging down of your leggings, you grab Euna's hips and stab into her with no resistance. She cries out and humps back against you urgently. Neither of you pay any attention to the people on the boardwalk who glance in the alley.
Euna's sex clutches your cock. She spasms and moans—lost in her own world. You bury into her and fire your seed deep inside.
When you pull out, your breechesleggings are stained with her secretions. Rivulets of her arousal dribble down her thighs. Your cum is bubbling out of her.
"Oh, I..." She's gasping. "I needed that." Leaning, she juts her wet cunt toward you as though needing more, but she eventually calms down. Standing, she rights her gown.sash.skirt and refastens her bodice.
She presses her thighs together. "I'm a mess."
"That's what happens when you fuck in an alley."
"Oh I'm not complaining. I like the feel of seed running down my thighs. I will leave it." She glances around. "Shall we go find the Blue Finch?"
"Yes," the merchant says. "I think I might remember then."
Euna smiles and sinks to her knees, kissing his sweating, fat-laden torso the whole way down.
"Go ahead now, sweet bird," he says.
Euna She tugs his breeches down, revealing a large, engorged cock in a forest of curly, damp hair. She plays with the cock in her hands. It lurches to its full size. She rubs the end along her breasts, smearing precum, until finally reaching her mouth. She sucks on the end and slowly takes its length down her throat.
"Oh, my dear lady," the man mutters.
Euna does the best she can with his potbelly in her way. The merchant gets excited and begins thrusting his pelvis. He's close.
"Do you remember who sold it to you now?" you ask.
Euna slows until she's merely toying with his cock. She looks at him inquisitively.
"Oh, blast you two." He snaps. "Damien sold it to me. Will you finish?"
"Where can we find him?"
"Find him?" he says histerically. "Damien De Castilla. How can you be here and not know him? He one of the lords of the cove."
"But where is he?"
"Bah! You can find him in the Siren on any night, playing his damn dice games, I'm sure. Now, my dear, kindly finish what you've started."
Euna looks to you. You nod.
She sucks his cock with vigor. Within a minute, he spews a load of cum. She pulls back and lets his cum spill upon her tits. After milking him dry, she tugs his breeches back up.
"Well then," the merchant says. "Our business is concluded. Good day." He heads back to his kiosk. Euna is correcting her gown.straightening her fishnet top.lacing up her bodice. Cum runs down between her breasts.
"Well, that was easy," she says. "Shall we find this Damien De Castilla?"
"I can't believe I just did that," she says.
"It worked, didn't it?"
"It worked, yes. I fellated a corpulent man to a peak, all for a name. If we ever get back home, I can never forget that I've committed such an act."
"Don't make a big deal about it," you reply. "I've committed acts like this for much less than a name."Lot's of women have done more for less.
"I suppose you're right that I shouldn't make a big deal of it. It wasn't that bad after all. And as you said, it worked. Shall we find this Damien De Castilla?"
"Let's get moving, anyway. I don't think the man wants us lingering back here."
"Hmm." He studies the bottle. "This is from that freak city, isn't it?"
"It might be," you reply.
"They have good swill there. Fine. Damien De Castilla. There's your name. Check the Siren's Bounty."
"Thank you," Euna says.
"Egh, don't thank me. You go up there, and I'll be seeing you next face down in the bay."
You and Euna leave.
"Well that worked," she says. "I wish would could have gotten the brooch. I may not exactly be a good daughter of Nimel anymore, but it bothers me to think of some greasy merchants passing that around."
You nod. "Wait here."
"Where are you going?" she asks, but you're already scamperingslinking back toward the merchant. He's busy again, talking with another merchant.
It's hardly a challenge for you. Only someone who was watching closely would have seen anything at all, but when you return to Euna, you slide her the brooch. "A present, Your Highness."
Her eyes widen and she hurriedly tucks it out of view. "What if he catches you?"
"He hasn't. Let's keep moving."
You scurry away together.
She spins back around and looks at you both with apprehension. "Random men? Just to fuck me?"
Her lust takes over. "Then do it. Bring me some men to entertain me." She squats down obscenely and toys with her clit. "I'll be waiting."
She nods and begins to play with herself. "As you wish."
"Stop that," you say. "I'm not bringing men for your pleasure. I'm finding them to help teach you that you are a slut meant for fucking. You don't cum unless you cum pleasuring men."True sluts only cum from doing that. Got it?"
She snaps her hand away and supresses a grin. "Oh, that's evil."
You venture out to find a few willing men. It takes longer than expected. Apparently, pirates are skittish about following a man into a dark alley under the promise of a wanting woman,There's some misunderstanding at first. They think you want to take them into an alley for yourself, but eventually you get three sailors to come.
Euna is in the alley fussing with her appearance. Her eyes alight when she sees the strong sailors following you.
"Here she is, men. If you could please help this poor woman satisfy her need for cock."
"I'll be damned," one says. "She's actually here."
"She's a hot piece, isn't she?" says another.
Euna hooks a finger at the men. "Come here."
The men obey.
The men forget about you as they circle her. Euna drops to her knees and smiles up at them.
They chuckle. "You're hungry for us, aren't you, girl?"
As Euna slips off her gown,unknots her sash,pulls off her skirt, one man undoes the cord at his waist. His hard cock springs free. Pinning her against the wall, he fucks her hard and quickly while pressing a hand over her mouth to quiet her moans.
After he fires into her, the next man gets the same treatment, he too cums shortly. The third man takes the longest. Her sex is seeping so much that he barely gets enough friction. It's during him that Euna starts crying out so loudly that he must cover her mouth.
"Finally some friction," he brags. "Her cunt is squeezing me like a vice. The slut is cumming." The others laugh. The man fucks, and Euna takes itgrinds back, moaning and trembling until the end.
After, he fastens up his breeches. "You're a wench who knows how to have a good time."
"Any time you need our help again," another says, "just find us."
"Perhaps I will." Euna idly smears theur cum over her pussy's folds.
"Your wench knows how to have a good time," he says to you.
"Any time you need our help again," another says, "just find us." The men leave, and Euna is left smearing their cum over her pussy's folds.
"Satisfied?" you ask.
"Thank you, master."
"Clean up. We've wasted too much time back here. I want to get moving."
She jumps to it, and soon you're back along the boardwalk stretch.
"I am," She lets out a tired sigh. "I'm finding it's better when I cum from fucking someone than from playing myself. I should thank you for fetching me men to sate my cravings. Now let's get moving. I really didn't expect us to be behind this stall for so long."
She cleans herself, and soon you're back among the boardwalk stretch.
"No, it..." Her face blanks. "That never occured to me. Of course you would notice that."
"So what's your point?"
"My point is that this is here. Do you know what that means? One of these pirates robbed a daughter of Nim."
"Or abducted her into slavery."
"Er, yes, but look at this." She shows you the back where the pin is. Etched in the silver is a small crescent moon with a line passing vertically through it. "That's the symbol of the monastery in Volkha. I've been there. Someone here must have been to Ruthgar. They might know how we could get home."
A merchant approaches. He's an overweight man with a shaved head. Like many here, he wears nothing but a pair of baggy breaches, leaving his glistening, flabby upper body visible. "I see you have good taste, m'dear." He says. "It is a fine piece. I sell my wares at wholesale, but I would part with that for a beautiful woman such as yourself."
"Where did you get it?" she asks.
"It came from a renowned countess in a faraway land. Her beauty and splendor brought great glory to her lands. This brooch was her crowning jewel. You, my dear, would be a worthy woman to wear such a majestic piece. I would ordinarily sell this for near a thousand rubles, but for you, I will sell it for its material costs. Say... three hundred. I hardly make any profit with that, but it would pain me to see some other ordinary woman wear such exquisiteness."
"I don't want to buy it. I want to know where you got it," Euna says.
"I told you, my dear—"
"No. I know it didn't come from a countess. It came from a nun, but from where? Who sold this to you?"
The man's generous smile lessens. "Dear, my dealings are done in private. I could not possibly hand out names of suppliers like that, not to anyone but its new owner..."
"But all I need is a name," she says urgently.
You step in. "Ah. Sir, I know you keep your dealings private..." you say
"But perhaps five rubles would be enough for a simple name."
The whore keeps burying the man's shaft down her throat until her lips press to his pelvis. Her throat bulges. She heaves repeatedly, and her throat contracts around his cock. She pulls away gasping. Thick ropes of saliva string between his cock and her lips. Before it can drip, she catches it with her tongue and dives back upon his cock.
"Why is she putting herself through that?" Euna asks. "That looks thoroughly miserable."
"For her john."
"And this makes it feel better for him?" Euna watches the pair.
The whore buries the man's cock down her throat again. This time, the man holds her head down on his crotch. She gags, and squirms, and thrashes, but the man is climaxing. He doesn't let up until he's finished. Then she falls back gasping and coughing. Ample saliva coats her chin. It drips onto her cleavage. The show is done.
"Shall we keep moving?" you say.
As though entranced, Euna approaches the whore. Up close, you can see her age is more advanced than it first seemed. Wrinkles are about her eyes, and gray peppers her hair. Her makeup creates a feeble illusion of vitality, and bloodshot eyes and tearstained cheeks aren't helping.
"Excuse me," Euna says. "My name is Euna."
The whore looks her over. "I'm Gisèle. You looking for fun? I don't normally do women, but I know a few tongue tricks."
"Actually, I wanted to ask. Why were you choking upon his staff like that?"
"That's my signature deepthroating, sweetheart." The whore wipes drool off her chest.
"And men like that?"
"They don't come to me for my looks. Not these days. I take cocks to their base, no matter their size. Then I let my throat do the work."
"How do you it?" Euna asks earnestly.
"Want my secret, huh? For five rubles, I'll show you a trick or two on your man." She winks at you.I'll show you girls a trick or two."
"I was just hoping you could share a word of wisdom," Euna replies.
"I think not," Euna replies. "I just curious for a word of your wisdom."
The woman laughs. "My wisdom? I suck cocks, sweetheart, and if you don't have coin, then piss off. I've got work to do." Gisèle saunters away.
Euna watches her go.
"You really want to know her tricks, don't you?" you ask.
"I would have liked to learn more," Euna replies. "Oh well."
"As you wish." She nuzzles yourthe lad's cock and teases it with her tongue. "But I think I need to finish this the old fashioned way."
"Absolutely not," she says. "If a common prostitute can do this, then so can I. I am a tsarivna. I strive to excel at everything I do, no matter how lurid. ...Or torturous."
"There's the Euna I know."
"You'll see. I will punish my throat until it learns to behave, and then I will pleasure youmen better than any rude prostitute can." She's regained her breath.She faces the young man. "Until then, you'll just have to make do with this..."
Euna resumes sucking youthe boy off. She's not deepthroating youhim, not at first. But it seems a change of heart comes over her, and she has some drive left after all, because suddenly her lips are crawling down yourthe boy's cock until she gags, and then she keeps right on going.
This time, despite her gagging, she doesn't stop until her lips are pressed against your groin.buried in the thicket of the lad's pubic hair. He gives an appreciative groan.
Then a fit of retching forces her to back off.
"Found a second wind, have you?" you ask.
"I'm not about to fail where that common strumpet would succeed." She takes youthe boy down her gullet once again, every last inch. Her spasming throat squeezes yourhis shaft. Up and down she goes while her hands knead yourhis balls. She sounds as though she were being strangled, and when she backs off yourhis member again, she looks like it too. Tears stream down her cheeks.
But for all her suffering, it feels incredible. Your climax comes. She forces herself down on your cock so your seed fires directly down her throat. She doesn't let herself up until the very last spurt has fired.
But for all her suffering, it works. The boy curls up around her as though she were sucking the life out of him through his dick. And with a few sputtered gasps, he finally goes limp. She sucked something out of him.
Then Euna collapses back unto her butt, gasping and coughing. She's a mess. Her eyes are wet and bloodshot. Her nose is running. Even her hair is mussed. "So, was that a proper job?"
"Yeah," the boy says. "It was good." He seems like he'll never be the same again. "If you uh... If you ladies need me again, I'll be at my stall, but I've got to get back." He fumbles with his breeches and scampers from the alley.
Euna turns to you, red-faced, heaving, and proud as a cat. "Well?"
"You're well on your way to becoming a master."
She wipes away tears. "I strive for excellence. I just hope I can get a bit more... graceful about it."
"I'm sure we could," Euna says, "but I'm also sure she'd want to be paid her usual fee, and we can't afford her five rubles at the moment.
"I suppose she's as good as any," Euna says.
"She is, and while I'm enjoying her blowjob, you'll sneak a thimble of her spit. You can manage that, can't you?"
"I won't fail."
"And I suppose it would be too simple to just ask her for a dollop of saliva," Euna says.
"Lanx said we shouldn't tell people why we're collecting fluids. Who better than Gisèle? If we do it right, she won't even know we collected any at all."
"Ah, because I'll be collecting while you enjoy her ministrations, is that it?" She hums in thought. "Oh very well. Why not?"
Gisèle is at her usual haunt by the stairs. "I don't have anything else to teach you, sweetheart."
"No lessons," Euna says. "Today, I'm buying a blowjob for my manservant here as a reward for his good behavior as of latelove here as a gift."
"Actually, I'd just like a blowjob today," you say.
"Is that so? And what about her?" Gisèle nods toward Euna.
"She's just going to watch."
"Is that so? Come along then."
"She'd be a good pick," Euna says. "We should find that boy again."
"We could just ask her for a wad of spit," you reply.
"We could, but Lanx says we shouldn't tell people why we're collecting fluids, so we should collect her spit when she's blowing someone. Don't worry. I'll take care of it."
The lad is easy to find again, and easy to convince, though he's less enthusiastic once you all find Gisèle and he realizes the whore is going to give him the blowjob.
"We're paying for it," Euna assures him.
Gisèle doesn't care either way. "It's your money."
Gisèle takes you to her usual back alley. She kneels before you and takes out your cock. Just like that, she takes your cock in her mouth.pulls down your leggings. She suckles your clit to coax it larger. As you harden, it inches down her throat, and then the blowjob begins.
Every part of her mouth squeezes and massages your shaft like a climaxing pussy. Her spit drips from her lips and squelches about your cock to create a perfect sensation of warmth and wetness.
Gisèle takes the lot of you to her usual back alley, and the lad's breeches come down. She plays with his cock while you and Euna kneel by her. Once the lad's dick is inches down her throat, she gets busy.
Her throat flexes and contorts around the cock down her gullet. Every time she backs off, more spit coats his dick. It strings from her lips to his cock.
Euna catches a drop falling from Gisèle's chin and stashes it. From then on, she watches. Euna may know Gisèle's tricks, but the whore has a polished mastery that only comes from thousands of blowjobs.
"Once you finish," Euna murmurs, "I want the cum."
You're quickly approaching orgasm. Gisèle pulls away so that your cock's head is nested on her tongue, and your cum fires into the lake of spit welled in her mouth.
When the boy climaxes, he does his usual show of contorting. Gisèle pulls away so that his cock's head is nested on her tongue, and his cum floods the lake of spit welled in her mouth.
Finished, Gisèle startles Euna by snagging her head and tilting her face upward. She hovers her mouth over Euna's and motions for Euna to open up. Euna reluctantly obeys. Gisèle dribbles her entire mouthful of thick drool and semen into Euna's upturned mouth. She hocks her throat and spits last few globs. Most get in Euna's mouth. Some land on her face.
"Go ahead and drink it down now, sweetheart," Gisèle says. "That's a good girl."
Euna seems on the verge of vomiting.
Finished, she turns to Euna, who upturns her face and opens her mouth. Gisèle dribbles out her entire mouthful of thick drool and semen. Euna accepts it all. Gisèle hocks her throat to spit the rest, but Euna pulls Gisèle down for a kiss. Their tongues explore, and Euna sucks away the last globs greedily. No spitting necessary.
"It's been grand," Gisèle says. "You know where to find me." And she wanders off.
"I'm going to go too." The boy is fussing with his breeches to leave quickly. As usual, he's weird about it.
"This would have been worth it for the blowjob aloneThis was worth it just for making that boy's day," you say to Euna, "but watching a whore humiliate you like that was an extra treat."
Euna manages a queazy smile.
"I realize we could have gotten saliva from anyone else," Euna says, "but I don't think we would have had nearly as much fun."
Next time she pulls away to breathe, you pullthe boy pulls her head back and aim over her face. She poises herself to accept yourhis offering. Ropes of cum stain her nose and cheeks. Much dribbles into her mouth, but rather than swallow it, she closes her lips and lets the lake of spit and cum inside overflow. A fountain of mess spills over her upturned face. It courses over her eyes and along her ears, and runs down the sides of her neck.
"That's a good whore," Gisèle says. "Wallow in the mess. Be shameless."
Euna nuzzles yourhis cock, smearing sticky cum and drool all about as though it were an aphrodisiac. She paints her forehead, her hairline, her cheeks. Gisèle licks much of the mess from Euna's face. Euna keeps suckling and nuzzling yourhis manhood and accepts the cleaning like a kitten accepting her mother's grooming.
In the end, Euna gazes up at you with yourthe boy with his cock and balls resting upon her face, and she flashes a self-contented smile.
He nods frantically, and so off go your leggings. Most people might be able to interpose themselves between a man and a woman giving him head, but you're a master acrobat. You lift one leg straight up in a standing split. Draping that leg up his torso and propping it on the wall over his shoulder, you hinge your crotch close to where Euna is sucking his cock.
Frantically, he hugs you and your upward leg, redirects his cock, and plunges into you. You were wet and ready, but you weren't nearly as dripping wet as his cock was. Three thrusts. That's all it takes, and he's squeezing you tight and filling you up. Then he slips out.
Euna stares up at you with bewilderment.
"Oh," Euna looks miffed. "I didn't realize you wanted his cum."
"Excuse me," Euna says. "I was going to have his cum, thank you."
"You just had sex with him," she says.
"I couldn't help myself," you reply. "Sorry."
She looks a little miffed. "You just had sex with a man. In front of me." She huffs. "And I... I wanted his cum."
"It's still yours," you say. "You just have to get it."
Her eyes go from you, down to your dripping snatch, spread wide open from your standing split. Semen and drool are dribbling down the inside of your thigh. And like that, her annoyance is gone. There's only hunger.
She runs her tongue up the inside of your thigh, gathering all the mess to swallow down. Then her mouth fixes over your sex, and she sucks.
The lad shimmies out from between you and the wall. He and Gisèle watch as Euna dines on your sex as though you and her are alone.
You thrust forward and ram your cock down her throat.
Hearing this, the lad lets out a groan and yanks Euna's head down on his cock. Her throat bulges.
"Soon, girl." Gisèle says. "Don't you dare pull away until you've been given every last drop of cum."
Not that Euna can move anyway, so she focues on squeezing yourhis cock with her throat, which sets off a chain of gagging, but she holds, even as her body squeezes, and drool spits up.
"Now swallow that cock!" Gisèle snaps. "Keep swallowing like you're trying to get that cock into your stomach."
You can feeling her trying between her gags. It causes rhythmic massaging on your cock. Without any thrusting at all, your climax comes slowly, but it makes it all the more powerful, and leaves her contorting as her lungs scream.
You can see her trying between her gags. Looking at her throat, it looks almost like she's gulping water. Without any thrusting at all, the boy's climax comes slowly, but it's all the more powerful when it comes. It's not often that a man cries out like that, and he curls up around her like burning parchment. Meanwhile, Euna contorts in spasms trying to resist her screaming lungs.
Only once you'vehe's filled her belly with cum is she able to pull off and gulp air. Her face is red, and a mess of spit and snot. Her eyes run tears.
"Not bad," Gisèle starts to wander off. "Just always remember, the messier, the better. Men love it."
The lad has recovered from his orgasmic bliss and is left with a sodden lap. "I uh... I need to get back to my stand." He hobbles away while working up his breeches. "I'll see you."
Euna waves after him. "I like that boy," she says to you. "He's... earnest."
Soon you and Euna are back on the docks. She's wiped herself clean, though her breasts glisten, and a dark stain marks her gownand drips of cum hang the holes of her fishnetsand a dark stain marks her bodice down to her belly. "Another skill in my repertoire," she says. "I'll be the best sex-slave you could ever ask forcocksucker someday. You'll see."
Leaving the house, you and Euna head up the steps to the higher tiers of the red light district, where the avenues are widest, and the smell is less, and women call offers to passing men.
"Since that last trick happened so quickly, you might as well get right back to work."
"Euna, time to get to work..."
[Apothecary Thimble]: "I bet you could find a man who'd be quite willing to give you his seed."
[-5 rubles]: "How about if we pay Gisèle's price so you can learn deep-throating."
[-5 rubles]: "Want to find Gisèle again for your next lesson?"
[Apothecary Thimble]: "We could probably get saliva from Gisèle."
"Euna, now it's time you earn mehow about you earn us some money..."
With the emblem tucked safely under your shirt, you follow the steep mountain trail down to the cove. Euna clutches you for support. After coming up behind a row of wooden houses, you casually step out onto the boardwalk. Within moments, a gruff voice calls out.
Cautiously, you sneak down the mountain trail and come up behind some rowhouses. When no one is watching, you step around from behind the building and walk along the terrace as though you had somewhere to be.
"See?" you say to Euna. "You just have to act like you—"
"Hey you, soft skins. Stop where you are."
Two muscular brutes storm toward you. Both are dressed only in loose breeches and boots. Their dull gray skin has a rough pebbled texture, as though made of unhewn stone. If they stood still, one might mistake them for statues, though their craggy faces make them more like horned demons than humans.
The taller, smoother of the two grabs Euna.
"Hey!" she yells.
The more jagged one grabs you. His arm is like a rough granite boulder—nearly sharp enough to cut. His palm feels like a pumice stone. His face seems as though a sculptor never got around to chiseling away the excess rock. Two dark blue orbs glare at you from behind craggy eyebrows.
"Where did you come from?"
You feign offense. "What do you think you're doing? Unhand me now, you brute."
The one holding you snarls. Its sound like stones grinding together. "Show us your emblem."
Sighing, you dig it out from the lanyard about your neck and show it. The one holding you scrutinizes it in his rough hands. They exchange skeptical glances, but they do let you go.
"How did you get here?" The tall one asks.
"How do you think? On a ship."
"I see everyone that comes on and off those docks," the smoother one says. "I've never seen you before."
"If you missed me, that's your problem."
"Hmm." They both eye you. "Fine. Get out of here, but we've got our eyes on you."
You and Euna depart. You try not to look back, but you know they're still there watching.
"Oread..." Euna says. "I never thought I'd see one."
"My emblem. Right." You feel around your clothes as though looking for one. They're not buying it.
"I must left it behind today," you say.
"Yeah, right." The men grab you and Euna by the back of your necks. She squeals. "We've got a couple of natives here. I thought you people knew better by now." One turns to the other. "What do you think we should do with them?"
The other grins. "Same as always."
The other chuckles.
"Hold on now," you say, but they don't listen. The rock men drag you down the terraces toward the slave pits.
"Wait, hold on!" Euna says. "We're not natives!"
They split you and Euna up. They shove her into a slave pit full of women. She screams and tumbles out of view. You never see her again, or learn of her fate, though it's almost certainly unpleasant.
They shove you into a different pit. Dozens of beaten men are sitting around you. Looking around, escape seems impossible. Even if you could climb the pit wall, guards patrol the rim. Your fate won't be much better.
They shove you both into a slave pit full of women. Dozens of beaten and worn women sit around you. Looking around, escape seems impossible. Even if you could climb the pit wall, guards patrol the rim.
You and Euna stay close together for days, until one day the slavers come down the ramp and take Euna along with others. You try to go with her, but they shove you back. In the distance, you hear the auction block announcer.
You never see her again, or learn of her fate, though it's almost certainly unpleasant. Your fate won't be much better.
"Looks like it," Euna says. "What shall we do now?"
"Explore," you say, looking about.
To the south along the terrace is the beached vessel. It's been converted into a tavern which is thriving with activity.
The east would head down the terraces to the docks. It looks like there's a market by the wharf. It's alive with merchants and sailors going about business.
Farther west are the mountains from which you came.
"You are not suggesting I let another woman fellate you, are you?"
"I wouldn't dream of it," you reply. "I mean for you to suck me off."
"...In front of a prostitute? And I'd agree to this?"
"I just thought you wanted to improve. I guess not."
"Cute," she says. "But I won't be goaded so easily." You two walk along the boardwalk. But then, "It would be educational. Wouldn't it?"
"Whores are the best at their trade. Who better to learn from?"
"Fine. We'll do this," she says. "But she is not to lay a finger on you."
"I assume you mean for her to critique me while I fellate you, and not for her to pleasure you herself, right?"
"Sure. That's what I meant."
"Very well. If it might help me become a better cocksucker for you, then of course."
"Very well. I would like to know her tricks." Euna eyes you. "But we're doing this for my education, so don't get too excited."
"Can't you teach me how to do it?" she asks. "The woman said she wouldn't teach me unless we got a man to practice on."
"I don't know how."
"I thought you were an expert at cock sucking."
"I'm experienced maybe, but I'm no expert."
"I've only ever blown men out of necessity. I'm no expert."
"Then how about we get you a lesson instead. I'll just watch."
"You're the one who wants to learn."
"And I will, by watching you. I've no desire to suck a stranger's pole if I don't have to."
"We'll have to find a man to practice on."
"I'm sure we can find someone."
It doesn't take to find a young man tending a fruit stall. He's a scrawny lad wearing baggy breeches and no shirt—hardly a chest hair on him—and he readily leaves his wares unattended after you and Euna propose using him for practice.
You two find the Gisèle lingering at the corner of the boardwalk steps.
"Is this the man you want me to teach you with?"
The young lad waves. "Hi."
"Yes," Euna says. "But you're going to teach my friend instead of me. I'm just going to watch."
"We would like to pay for your services," Euna says.
Gisèle raises an eyebrow. "Is that so?"
"Yes, but I will be doing the fellating. I wish for you only to advise me on technique. Is this acceptable?"
Gisèle notices you. "Interested?"
"I am, but for something a little different. My lady wants to improve. If she sucks me off, will you coach her on technique?"
She shrugs. "As long as I get paid."
The woman leads you two down an alley between rowhouses. Euna casts nervous glances toward the boardwalk before she kneels down and pulls your breechesleggings low. Your cock springs out half-hard.Your clit is already swelling into a cock.
Gisèle seems taken aback at first. "Haven't seen a woman sporting a pole in a long while," she says, but her professionalism takes over, and she kneels beside Euna. "Get him hard, sweetheart. That's a good girl."
Euna tongues and suckles until you're rigid.
"Now, take him down your throat."
The woman leads you three down an alley between the rowhouses. You start the lesson off by kneeling before the scrawny lad and tugging his breeches down for him. For a young bony lad, his cock isn't bad.
Gisèle kneels down beside you. "Get him hard, sweetheart. That's a good girl." You work him with your hands, and then your mouth, until the boy rises to the occasion. Euna kneels down on your other side to watch.
"Now, take him deeper," Gisèle says.
You do so. When his cock hits the back of your mouth, your stomach lurches, but this isn't the hard part. That comes when you pushing down your throat. Your retching can't dislodge the cock. Your stomach squeezes into a tight knot, and your eyes water. It's taking great effort to keep your stomach clenched, yet your persevere, and now your lips are up against the boy's pelvis.
"Not bad, girl," the whore says. "You could use some practice."
"Hey!" Euna says. "That can't be it. All you did was tell her to take it down her throat."
"How else is she supposed to get it there?"
"You said you'd tell us the trick to it."
"There isn't a trick, sweetheart. It's just practice, and you ain't going to learn anything just by watching."
Euna has her mouth set in a stubborn scowl. She looks from you, to Gisèle to the boy, to his cock. "Fine! I'll try it. Move aside."
You do, and Euna kneels before the boy. She takes his cock into her mouth, and bobs a few times.
"Now, take him down your throat."
Euna tries. She gags immediately.
She tries a few more times. Each time ends quickly in gagging. Her retching has left drool coating yourthe boy's dick. Gisèle is right by her face. "Again. And this time hold it."
When Euna tries, Gisèle grabs her head and holds it down. Euna heaves uncontrollably. She frantically fights Gisèle off.
"Don't quit!" Gisèle says. "The gagging is what makes it feel good. Your throat squeezes the cock."
But Euna does fight back. Her eyes are tearing up. "How can you possibly stand this? I'm on the verge of vomiting."
"If you're not willing to suffer, then you'll never be an expert cocksucker like me."
"I'm not sure that's true."
Gisèle glares at her. "I've sucked cocks in four kingdoms across three continents. I have been sucking them since before you were born, girl. Since I've had my baby teeth. Now try again. This time, clench your fist while you're throating it and focus on that. It'll make it easier."
Euna takes youthe boy deep again. Her fists clench. She holds it a while longer, but then enters a chain of retching which leaves her coughing and sputtering.
Gisèle cackles. "Keep at it, sweetheart. That's all there is to it. Practice. Practice and suffering." She heads off. "Come find me when you're ready for your next lesson."
Tears run from Euna's bloodshot eyes. Her face is red. "I don't think I can finish," she says.
"What?" the boy says. "No. You can't just stop like that. You've got to finish."
"I cannot," Euna replies.
"She did say she had another lesson to teach me, didn't she?"
You find Gisèle at her usual perch near the boardwalk stairs. "You two again."
"Will you teach me more?" Euna asks.
"I would like you to teach me more," Euna says. "Same deal. I fellate. You instruct. Can you do that?"
"Depends. Did you learn how to keep a cock down your throat?"
"I did," Euna replies. "Mostly."
"Good enough."
Soon you're all behind crates down an alley. Euna pulls your pantsleggings down and gets right to work getting you hard with her mouth.
Soon you're all behind crates down an alley. Euna pulls your leggings down and gets right to work suckling your clit so it will engorge into your cock.
That same young lad is tending the same stall down by the dock. The moment he sees you two, he springs to his feet. It doesn't take much convincing. Soon all four of you are behind some crates down an alley. Euna pulls the boy's breeches down and gets right to work getting him hard with her mouth.
"Aren't you the eager one." Gisèle kneels by her. "Now take that dick down your gullet as long as you can."
Euna swallows youhim down until her lips are against yourhis pelvis. She gags once, twice, then pulls away to breathe. She wipes thick drool from her lips.
"Now do it again," Gisèle says, "but this time don't wipe away your spit. Let it build up."
"What for?"
"You're using your mouth like a pussy, aren't you? And a john wants a wet pussy. Now do it."
Euna swallows your cock again. Her muscles squeeze your shaft. When she pulls away, thick slaver is coating your dick.
Euna swallows his cock again. Her throat convulses. The lad spasms and grunts. When she pulls away, thick slaver is coating the lad's dick.
"More. Get messy, like a dripping pussy."
Euna does so. Spit drips from yourhis cock, and runs down her chin. She catches it before it drips.
"No, no!" Gisèle says. "You're being too dignified about it. Get messy."
"This is already messy."
"What? Why?" Euna asks.
"You'll see." You gather spit, and the wad lands onto Euna's forehead.
She cringes back. "And why did you do that?"
"Because..." You hock another wad of sputum onto her face. "If you're already messy, you won't be afraid of a mess anymore." You smear your spit around your face.
"I don't know about this..." Euna has her eyes squeezed shut.
"Actually, it's not a bad idea," Gisèle says. "Tilt your head up, girl."
You and Gisèle spit up wad after wad of watery, stringy drool onto Euna's upturned face. Gisèle takes over smearing it around. Once Euna's face is covered, the whore smears the remaining spit down Euna's neck and cleavage until her tits have a glistening sheen.
"Now..." Gisèle says. "You won't care about a little dribble, will you."
"No," Euna replies. "Not compared to that."
"Good. Then get to sucking, but this time get as messy as you can. Smear it. Gargle it. Let it flow over you.""
Euna motions for Gisèle to go ahead. Gisèle takes your wet cock down her gullet. She retches. Her throat squeezes your cock, when she pulls away, drool coats your cock. It streams down Gisèle's chin and onto her breasts.
"What?" Euna says. "Her? Fallate you?"
"Yes." Gisèle shoos her aside. "Move, sweetheart. Let me show you how it's done."
"Very well." Euna does so. "But only for a moment. This is my lessons, and he is my manlove."
"Whatever you say." Gisèle takes your wet cock down her gullet. Her throat squeezes your cock, when she pulls away, drool coats your cock. It streams down Gisèle's chin and onto her breasts.
Before Euna can react, Gisèle takes your wet cock down her gullet. Her throat squeezes your cock.
Euna looks as though she wants to protest, but when Gisèle pulls away, copeous drool coats your cock. It streams down Gisèle's chin and onto her breasts. Astonished, Euna simply watches.
Each thrust of your cock down her throat squelches, and the sensation is incredible. When she pulls away, long ropes of drool drip from your cock, but she dives low and catches ropes with her tongue before sinking your cock down her throat with another wet slurp.
She pulls away and looks to Euna. "Your turn."
Euna eyes your cock reluctantly. It's dripping with viscous saliva.
"Don't just stare at it! Take it!"
"Do it again," Gisèle says. "but this time get as messy as you can. Smear it. Gargle it. Let it flow over you."
"I'll try..."
Euna takes yourthe lad's wet cock down her gullet. She chokes on it for long lengths at a time before pulling away to breathe. Each choking accumulates spit. This time, she swallows none, but embraces the mess. It dribbles onto her breasts. It coats her cheeks.
Gisèle is right by her face. "That's better. Let it build up. Play with it a bit. That's a good cocksucker."
Her mouth is a pool of warm wet flesh, and her throat squeezes your cock. This blowjob has you fast approaching your orgasm.
The lad is beside himself. Every time Euna dives back down on his cock, there's squelch wetter than the most desperate pussy. And he's trembling all over as he fast approaches his end. That's when you lean close and whisper in his ear...
Bury your cock down her throat as you cum."Choke the bitch with your cock."
You return to the ornate box. It's still there, waiting to be sold.
"You want to get this makeup kit?" Euna asks. "For me?"
"No. For me," you reply. "I've always thought I'd benefit from a touch of rouge."
"Are you being sarcastic? I can never be sure with you."
"Of course I am. I'm getting this for you."
"Well, not for me," you reply. "My makeup kits were always a stick of charcoal and a touch of rosewater. I wouldn't know what to do with half of these."
"Don't get this for me," she says. "It's too expensive. Get a cheaper one."
"You know how to use this, right?"
"Well, yes. I had a kit much like this back home, but why would you want to buy this for me?"
"I want you to look your prettiest. It will please me."
"Then of course I will."
"Because you deserve it. You're too beautiful not to let the world admire your perfection."
"My! Then I accept this gift."
"Also, doing yourself up should help you whore yourself for more money."
"Enough to make up for the expense for a box this expensive?"
"It better. I'm making this investment to get more returns out of you. I expect you to use this kit well."
"I will do my best for you."
"Maybe, but it will make men desire you all the more."
She raises an eyebrow. "Good point. Perhaps this kit is an investment."
"Because I think you deserve to look as beautiful as you can."
"But... aren't I already attractive enough for you?"
"You are the most lovely woman I know, even if you covered your face with mud, but back home, you outshone every woman with your peerless beauty. All men desired you. I want to give that back to you."
"You want other men to covet me?"
"It doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you. Make your beauty a legend in these lands too."
"I want to show you off, and let the other menall the men see what I've got and they don't."
"Well, if you put it that way, very well. I'll let you buy this for me."
You're in the center of the cove. Market stalls sell all manner of goods.
This place is buzzing with activity. Merchants behind kiosks sell everything from fine dresses to ornate jewelry. It's all most certainly stolen from some pirate raid or another.
Other merchants hock goods from larger stalls. Their wares are more geared toward staples: food and supplies for ships to restock.
The market extends north and south.
Your opportunity to slip away comes when Euna becomes engrossed in a market stall selling stolen jewels.
The man Lanx talked about isn't hard to find. He's under an overhang of a higher tier, reclined on a setup of barrels, crowd watching with arms folded and eyes narrow. He's as bald as Lanx had said, and you see what Lanx meant about the pockmarks. Cheeks and scalp scarred, probably from some plague decades ago. And there's the medicine chest, resting under his elbow.
You approach and hold out the empty vial. "A friend of mine told me to talk to you about getting a refill on this."
He pats you down with his eyes. "Does this friend of yours live in a wagon?"
"With his big-breasted business partner."
"Whose it for?"
You turn and look back at Euna, and he follows your gaze. Euna is pressing various necklaces to her chest while studying herself in a propped up mirror.
The man grins lecherously. Yellow, spotty teeth. "Not bad. Not bad at all. You want to make that girl into a slut, huh? Or are you just using for some nighttime fun?"
"Same thing, aren't they?"
The man grins lecherously. Yellow, spotty teeth. "Whispering dirt in her ear? Nice. Trying to bring your hot friend down a notch to put her in her place? Or are you trying to make her look past the men for love, maybe at her cute trusted friend?"
"Can't it be both?"
"I guess your right. Yeah, I keep a vial on me, just in case. It's yours for fifty rubles."
Euna glances over and motions you over.
"Just bring the money." He goes back to people watching.
You head back.
"Look at the craftsmanship of this piece." She shows you a necklace made of bronze leafing. "Some master metalworker probably spent years perfecting the skills to make this. They made it with love, and some pirate probably ripped it from a woman's neck without a second thought."
"A true pity if there ever was one," you say.
"All of this is a pity," she replies. "Who was that you were talking to?"
"Just some lech making a crude comment about what he'd like to do to youthe both of us
"Oh? I hope you thanked him for the compliment."
"No, but you're welcome to go over there and thank him personally if you want."
She sneers. "I hope you told him off."
"No, but you're welcome to go over there and scold him yourself."
She rolls her eyes. "Another time." She returns to perusing.
After searching around a while, you depart the market without purchasing anything.
You wait until Euna is distracted with other wares, and you approach the man. Coin slips hands, as does a vial. Business is done.
"That lady has become a real slut," he mutters, "from what I hear..."
The bald man gives that lecher grin again. "Yeah. I'd like a taste of that ass."
You wave to get Euna's attention. She stops her perusing and comes over. "Yes?"
"This man wants to see what a slut you've become. Show him."
Without hesitating, she faces him. "What would you like of me, sir?"
He looks her over. "Let me see your goods."
"Of course, sir." Euna promptly unfastens her gown and lets it crumple about her feet.unknots her sash, and while it falls away, she peels up her fishnet top.tugs her skirt down to her ankles and peels up her bodice. She's exposed to him—tits and pussy—and he enjoys the pleasure of sliding his fingers into her and squeezing her tits.
"Now suck my cock, you little pet-slut."
Euna kneels and unfastens his breeches. His cock and balls are as bald as his head. She sucks him off dutifully while he guides her with a hand on her hair, and soon she's swallowing his cum.
"Euna, meet this man. He and I were just talking about you."
"Oh?" she says. "Good things, I hope."
"I was telling him about how much of a slut you are," you say.
"Did you now?" Euna steps close to him. She offers her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
The man takes her hand and plants a kiss as he looks her up and down. "A pleasure, missy."
"No." Euna says. "It will be mine." She snags his offered hand and pulls it between her legs, through her gown,tugs off her sash,under her skirt, and presses his fingers into herself. "Any acquantance of my companionmanservantlady-in-waiting is a friend of mine."
Once he's fingering her without her guidance, she presses close and gives him a deep kiss while unfastening his breeches. His cock and balls are as bald as his head. She pumps him until he's hard and straddles one leg over him to take him into her. She fucks him with rhythmic gyration of her hips. "I hope you don't mind my being so forward," she says, "but I insist on being hospitable to my friends."
He's letting her do all the work. "No problem at all, missy."
"Good. Now be a good guest and help yourself to my tits."
He does so. Yanking them free, he suckles and chews her nipples until she senses him getting close. Getting off, she kneels and sucks him for those last few seconds so she swallow all his cum.
"You can fasten yourself up," she says while correcting her clothes after. "We really must be going."
"Hope to see you again soon," he calls after.
Euna drags you back to perusing.
"Nice little slut," he says. "You know what you're good for."
"What do you say, Euna?" you ask.
"Thank you," Euna replies, "for touching my slut body and for letting me suck your cum. And thank you for the complement. A good slut is the best I can aspire to be."
You bid her to dress and return to perusing while you finish talking to the man.
"You've been putting that hypno powder to good work," he says once she's gone. "Hats off to you."
You catch up with Euna later.
"Are you going to tell me who that lecherous old man was?" she asks.
"Just some random lech who wanted a taste of your ass."
"All right. if you don't want to tell me, then I will not pry," she replies.
"Fine. Keep your secrets, but don't think I don't know you're up to something with him."
"Do you want to know who that creepy old man was?" you ask her.
"If you wish to tell me."
"That was the dealer who's been supplying me with more hypnotic powder," you say. "The stuff I've been using to brainwash you into the perfect slut whore."
"Then I'm grateful you gave me a chance to thank him," she replies. "I earned you more powder to pollute my mind with?"
"Oh." She seems taken aback by this. "I... I see. Then I just fellated him so you could get more powder to use on me?"
"No. I let you suck him because you should be sucking cock. I got the powder with the money you earned me."
"Oh. I see."
"I'm not a fool, you know," she says while examining jewelry.
"What do you mean?" you ask.
"You're buying that awful hypnotic powder from him. Is that who Lanx sells it to?"
"I don't know what you mean," you reply innocently.
"Mmhmm. I won't dig through your pockets looking for the vial, but from here on, I forbid you to trade with that man. I am a natural born slut. I do not need brainwashing from some mind-rot powder. If you want to pervert me, then convince me. We both know I don't take much convincing. Now thank me for not being angry with you."
"Thank you," you reply.
After bidding farewell, you guide Euna away from the man.
Euna protests. "But we need to know."
"I know we do," you say, "but he won't tell us for free, and we have nothing to offer him."
"I... fine. We'll leave," she says, "but we must come back as soon as we have something to trade. This could be our way home."
You fetch the bottle of perfume.
"Are you sure you want to buy that?" Euna asks.
"Why not treat ourselves," you say, "though this is a lot of ruples for a tiny bottle."
"Quality costs money," Euna replies. "There's no point in buying cheap perfume."
"Then put it back," Euna replies. "Honestly, there's no reason to waste our money for me."
"Maybe I want you to wear it for me."
"Then..." She chews her lip. "If you want to, this would be the one to get. There's no point in buying cheap perfume."
"Half the women I've ever bedded used cheap perfume."
"I used to use inexpensive perfumes all the time..."
"I'm sure. To cover the smell of sweat and sex. Proper perfume is not a mask, but a light touch that adds a note of flourish to the body's natural odor. It should be subtle and alluring. Not overpowering."
"I hate to tell you this," you say, "but you partake in a lot of sweating and sex yourself these days."
"Oh, I know," she replies."Hardly." Her cheeks turn crimson. "Well, maybe," she admits. "I expect this perfume will only be effective until I engage in such lurid behavior, but at least I'll start the morning smelling more appealing to you.of a scent fitting for my beauty. From now on, I'll put it on whenever I bathe."
The piling is central to many of the stalls, and as such, has become a bulletin of sorts. Euna reads several for you.
Vessels are looking for more crew. Someone's weasel has gone missing and they're offering a reward. A wooden sign warns that any market thieves "will be feeding the gulls." Under it, twenty-seven tally marks mar the wood.
"I suspect they're not referring to community service," Euna adds. Then reads another.
"Room for rent," she says. "Two hundred blunt per week. See Oswold. Lots of traffic. Piss off, savages, gobs, grunts," She frowns. "The rest are just slurs. His spelling is terrible."
"Oh, a room. No more sleeping under the stars for us."
"Yes, for only two hundred blunt, which I assume means rubles, we'd get to lease with a racist brute. Not sure why he's advertising traffic. That just makes it worse."
"Not if you're a whore," you say.
"Ah. I see."
"Hardly. I feel safer sleeping in the jungle than here. Especially if this is meant for prostitutes."
"I'm sure youwe don't have to whore."
"I'm sure Iwe won't. Let's move along."
She chews her lip. "If you wish to."
She shrugs. "I'll leave it up to you."
It's a small stall set up on planks laid across old barrels. Thin delicates bottles and intricately carved boxes clutter the top. Perfume smells and spices permeate the air around the stall.
A wiry pre-teen girl in a flat dress sits on a barrel behind the table, waggling her legs against the wood.
"Look around," she says. "It's all stuff for women. If you steal steal or break anything, I'll stab you."
"We won't," Euna says.
"Wouldn't dream of it," you say.
The girl goes back staring off. Likely, she's left to sell as much of these feminine curios as she can at the behest of the pirates who took it and couldn't be bothered.
Euna peruses. This stall seems to stir out a girlish curiosity in her. Every bottle gets sniffed and sampled. Every box gets examined. Several times, she samples some perfume on her wrists and waves them under your nose. Floral oils. Subtle cinnamons. Sharp citruses. Classics like myrrh.
Euna forms opinions on all of them. She's at home shopping here as though at a spice market in Ruthgar rather than a cutthroat pirate bay.
"Anything catch your eye?" you ask.
"I think this perfume is the best." She indicates a delicate yet vibrant bottle lined with a nice trim, which neatly mirrors the smell—floral on a bed of spice that causes a stir in your loin. "The pirates must have taken this from a faraway land. I've never smelled something quite like it."
"Seems expensive," you say.
"Good perfume always is, but it's nothing compared to this." She points out an ornate box.
"Good perfume always is." She puts it back. "Fortunately we won't be buying it."
"You don't want it?"
"Of course I do, but we're trying to get home, remember? There's no reason for me to wear fragrance while we're trecking around the jungle." She longingly examines an ornate box. "There's certainly no justification to get this either."
It's hand-carved with patterned designs along its surfaces. Inside in velvet trim are small vials of fine powders, colored salves, and rows of silver makeup brushes.
"No doubt this was some poor noble woman's prized makeup kit, before some pirate looted it from her." Euna closes it. "Oh well."
"Oh well?"
"We can't possibly justify an expense like that for myself."
The two of you return to perusing the market.
You and Euna wonder the market.
"Does anything catch your eye?" you ask.
"There's a lot," Euna says. "I always wondered what ever happens to all those keepsake heirlooms pirates take. Now I know. Although who buys all this? Pirates buy from pirates?"
"No. Not all of these people are pirates. Some are merchants. They'll buy from the pirates, then resell the loot in other countries. They're the ones who make the real money." You nod toward a kiosk, where a seller is exchanging coin with a another man while sailors cart barrels toward the boats. "They also bring food and supplies for the pirates to resupply. And I bet the pirates never touch those merchants on the high seas."
"You certainly know much about pirate economics." She regards you narrowly.
"I'm a traveled man."
"So you are. Do you think any of these merchants trade in Ruthgar? Maybe a merchant would let us ride with them back home. They'd be a safer crew than the pirates or the slavers, wouldn't you think?"
"Many of these merchants are slavers. Everyone here is dangerous. They won't help us unless we give them something in return. And we have no money."
"My father has money. My family would pay anyone who brought me home."
"Sure, sure," you say. "If you can prove to them you're a princess. Can you?"
She deflates a little. "...No."
"Probably for the best. If people here knew who you were, we'd get the wrong kind of attention."
But Euna is no longer beside you. She's veered off to a merchant's kiosk where she's examining a piece of jewelry—an ornately etched silver piece shaped like an open hand with a sapphire in the palm.
"Look at this brooch," she whispers. "It's the open palm of Nimel. Daughters of Nim pin this on the inside of their habits to hold them closed. It's a representation of Nimel's continual contact with us."
"It's supposed to be his hand?"
"Wouldn't that mean he's always got a hand on your breasts?"
Merchants are selling everything from fine dresses to ornate jewelry behind adhoc stalls made of piled crates and covered with sailing tarps. It's all most certainly stolen from some pirate raid or another. You and Euna stroll along looking at the wares.
[-500 rubles]: The makeup kit[-500 rubles]: The makeup kit
[-200 rubles]: The perfume[-200 rubles]: The perfume
[-50 rubles]: hypno powder[-50 rubles]: hypno powder
[-200 rubles]: The rental posting[-200 rubles]: The rental posting
Find the dealer Lanx was told you about.
Check out the postings nailed to a dock piling.
Examine a stall selling perfumes and spices.
"Which one of these is her boat?" you ask.
"So we are going to accept her offer after all," Euna says. "You do remember her price, don't you?"
"It might get us home, won't it?"
"Very well. Her vessel is this one here." She leads you to a galley smaller than any other in the cove, though it's craftsmanship is no simple affair, and despite it's obvious age, its condition is near spotless.
Men and womenWomen are working on deck when you embark. Two lithe young women dart forward to cut you off. Their hands rest on rapiers sheathed at their side. "Wrong boat," they growl.
"We're here to ask Lady Luciena for passage," Euna say.
They nearly reply when a voice calls from the quarter deck. "Relax, ladies. I know these two." Luciena saunters down the steps. "I knew sooner or later I would see you two." She looks you up and down. "You seem like an able sort. Are you ready to carry your weight on my deck?"
"I'm a nimble little fellowlady," you say. "I'm sure I can find something I can do."
"Good. I like nimble." She faces Euna. "And you? Are you sure you're ready to pay my price?"
Meekly, Euna nods.
"Then say it out loud. So my crew knows what they're getting. Tell them exactly what you've promised to do."
"I..." She speaks up. "I will be the ship's whore."
"Oh, but she's a special type of whore," Luciena calls. "Tell them what you're doing especially for me."
"You can use my... my mouth. I will swallow your waste whenever you want for as long as I'm your guest onboard."
"Once I step foot safely in my palace, you have my word you will be a proud noble of my court, with all the land and wealth that entails."
"And my other price?"
Euna leans close. "Every day for the rest of our lives, I will swallow your sword whenever you so desire."
"Including every day of our voyage?"
"I'm counting on it, Captain."
A day later, after the ship has disembarked, Euna is already making good on her promise. While you're busy going about your new chores, the captain and her top crew of swordswomen have Euna in the officer's deck, enjoying her every charm. Only the captain is supposed to be enjoying Euna's sword swallowing, but you suspect all of those women are filling her belly with shit. Euna would emerge cradling her bloated stomach, but later she would never confirm or deny your suspicions.
Afterward, Luciena gives her to the rest of the crew like a lion leaving scraps for the hyenas. Every day after sunset and chores, Euna is down in the berth on her hands and knees, fucking and sucking the crew.
Over the months, the captain's appetite settles down, as does Euna's. When she isn't debasing herself with the captain's inner circle, she's every bit the royal passenger. She reads from the captain's library or strolls about the deck with a parasole enjoying the weather and flirting with the working crew. Sometimes she'd pull one of the women away to have her way with them below deck. Every crew member on that ship grows familiar with the tastes of a royal's ass and pussy, and some of her waste.
Soon enough, she's commanding as much respect from the crew as the captain herself, but at nights, she'll be singing shanties with everyone, even if she has some hapless crewmember between her legs.
Over the months, she becomes less of a novelty and settles into a routine. When the crew isn't molesting her, she's cleaning the head or deck, sometimes with her tongue, or she's helping to cook meals for the crew, some of whom may feed her after they're done digesting it. But at nights, she'll be singing shanties with everyone, unless her tongue is busy between a crewmember's legs.
Along the journey, the ship makes several stops to resupply. They pull into the ports of strange lands, with even stranger people and cultures that neither you nor Euna have ever heard of. Euna is left with little to do on deck while the crew enjoys some leave.
"You know," she says on the second day of the first stop, "once I've returned home, my whoring days might be behind me."
"Perhaps so," you say. "It wouldn't be fitting for a tsarivna to take coin in exchange for loveless, depraved sex."
"Not at all..." Euna muses.
"We're in port for three days," you say. "How much money do you think you can make?"
She grins. "I'm going to find out."
But as fond of her as the crew grows, she's still the ship's whore. Nothing underscores that more than the first time the ship pulls into port in strange a land. Luciena gives her specific orders.
"You're a shit-whore, aren't you? While the ship is at port, why don't you get out there and earn some spending money for the crewus gals."
Euna hastily changes into the cheapest, sluttiest clothes the crew could find for her, and she walks the streets of that foreign city. Her alabaster beauty, exquisive form, and her pleadingshameless promise to be anyone's toilet earned her johns for every waking hour the ship was in port. From then on, with every city they stop at, Euna would be out on those streets debasing herself for johns. She'd come back to ship exhausted, desheveled, and reeking of shit.
You both become unquestionably part of the crew. Beside seamanship, you're not half bad with a rapier these days—something you picked up from traveling with so many master swordswomen. Meanwhile, Euna is simply more practiced at being a loose and depraved slut. She hardly even asks anymore when they might someday reach Ruthgar, which is why it comes to a surprise when one day over a year later, Luciena brings you both on deck and points to a distant land.
"Here's your home, dear lady. I told you we'd reach it."
"That's Ruthgar?" Euna asks.
"It's been a pleasure having you onboard. You can change into your old clothes." Luciena tosses Euna her old bodice and and skirt. "Can't go home looking like a ship slave. You have my leave to use my own tub to clean up, if you decide to leave."
"If I decide?"
"You can stay with us if you want, but know this..." She comes close to Euna. "All this time you've been our whore in return for passage, but if you stay now, it's only because we're letting you be our whore. The whole crew will get to do whatever they want to you from now on. That means all of us can use your mouth to shit. And all of us can abuse you however we want. And when we make port, no matter in what land, you will always whore yourself on leave, because you now have to pay for the privilege of being our ship toilet, and it won't be cheap. You'll have to get the lowliest, most depraved clients possible to make enough money in time. So make your choice carefully. If you're still on this ship once we disembark, you will never have another chance to go home. You will belong to us."
She marches off, leaving you alone with Euna as she stares at the distant lands chewing her lip.
"After all this time," she says. "Here we are."
"Here we are," you agree.
"I will miss the time I spent with this crew, but it's time now that I leave. I must reclaim my birthright. ...Right?"
"Whatever you decide," you say, "I will stay with you. However...
...I can't go home unless you do. I need you to pardon my crimes."
Months into the journey, you and Euna are as much a part of the crew as anyone, whoring and fraternizing with all. You have a good amount of seamanship under your belt, and Euna is the ship's darling, but all too soon the coast of Ruthgar appears. There is the capital itself, and poking up from the heart of the great city is the palace.
"I told you I would deliver you home, Your Highness," Captain Luciena says.
Euna bathes below deck to wash the stench of sex and filth from her. She changes into her most conservative attire. Once the ship has docked, she emerges on deck, once again a prim and proper princess, sweet smelling and radiant. One would never know how dirty of a whore she really was.
She holds an elbow out to you and Luciena. "Come, loves. Escort me to my palace."
End your journey."Oh, right." She smiles distantly. "I forgot all about that. To think you were charged for such a simple crime as a sexual advance, after all we've been through."
"That's right."
"This land is so lost in its propriety. After the life I've lived, I can hardly imagine living like I used to now."
"Who says you would," you says. "Maybe it's high time someone brings a different way of life to these people."
"Someone like a certain tsaritsa?"
With one long final sigh, and she holds out her hand. "Then let us go. We must save this tsardom from itself."
All the women on board hoot and holler their goodbyes as you two depart. They yell how much they'll miss having such a lovely fuck, and such a lovely mouth to defile. Euna blushes, looks about to see who's watching, and gives the crew one final wave goodbye.
End your journey.Euna frets all the way to port. And while the crew unload crates and take leave, she's there on the deck, dressed up and ready to go home, but she never quite disembarks. You work with the others the rest of the day with haggling for supplies and then enjoy a night in the taverns, despite the risk of being discovered. Come morning when the ship sets sail, Euna isn't on the deck anymore.
She's in the galley lashed to a beam. Her old clothes are torn apart, leaving her nude, and the crew are taking turns fucking her, and fisting her, and whipping her, and violating her with their strapon cocks.
"We're going to fuck her until she begs us to stop," one girls says to you. "Then we're going to rape her until she weeps."
"Then," another girl says, "if she begs us real nice, we'll let her eat all our shit from a bowl like a dog."
"Wanna join us?" the first lady says.
"Sure," you say. Tormenting Euna has always been the crew's favorite pasttimes. Looks like Euna has finally accepted that it's hers too.
Maybe all she needed to do was see her home one last time to realize it wasn't her future anymore. It was still there. It was still standing. It didn't need her like she'd always worried, and it's for the best anyway. Euna is hardly fit to be a tsaritsa. She's a shit-whore, and it's all she'll ever be.
Now she'll travel with this crew as Lady Luciena's swift ship reaches every corner of the world, and in each of those corners, Euna will be out on those city streets begging strangers to fill her holes with cum and her belly with shit just so she can bring a few coins back for her beloved captain and crew.
"Yes," Euna says. "I've studied them. They're a wilding species. Jagged rock grows along their entire body. It never stops growing I understand. You can tell how old the wild ones are by how much rock they carry about, that's if you see them. When they stay perfectly still, it's nearly impossible to tell them apart from any other boulder. That's how they hunt."
She gestures back. "Those must have grown up among men. They'll regularly pumice their skin to retain their human form. I imagine it's a lot like shaving. An unkempt man grows a long beard. A wild oread becomes a craggy, shambling boulder.
"It does, actually," she says soberly. "Though it's not spiky like the rocks on their back. Their cocks form bumps and ridges, same with the backs of their hands."
"And how exactly do you know this?"
"It was in my studies. Back when the early explorers first came to the thrice-tenth kingdom, they used to hunt the oread. They'd take their cocks as trophies for their wives. Apparently their ridges and bumps make them quite pleasurable."
"...Women would use severed cocks for sex?"
"They'd have to file them down quite a bit, but yes. Even then I understand that they're only for women who enjoy a bit of pain. A wild oread cock is very rough, very textured."
"This is quite an odd thing for a nun to study."
She shrugs innocently. "It was in the books."
"But you read it?"
"Ignorance is a sin."
"Is that what you told yourself?"
She grins. "Maybe. I might have read that passage a few more times than I needed."
"As a toy? Hmm." She bites her lips as she contemplates. "You'd like to see that, wouldn't you?"
"Maybe I would."
"If I had one, I wouldn't say no. Though I think once it touches the lips of my womanhood, I might change my mind."
"Or you might not."
"Or I might not. Perhaps I'd ride it wildly, and rub the tender walls of my nethers raw. I guess we wouldn't know until I try."
"I hardly think so," she replies.
"No? Not even once for curiosity's sake?"
"No. Such practices are for more lascivious women than me. I would not engage in such a perversion."
"You should be ashamed of yourself for even asking such a question."
"Oh, quite well," she says. "It takes many men to bring the wild ones down. Their rock outcroppings are like spikes. A swing of their arm can tear your flesh apart. Even if the oread is filed down like the ones we just met, their skin is tough as stone. They have the strength of many men."
"It's no wonder they're guarding the pits then."
She nods. "The slaves could not hope to overpower them."
Her eyes widen. "You must be mad. Only a true masochist would even consider such a thing. I'd shred to pieces."
"Maybe oread like those we just met pumice their cocks."
"Perhaps, but their strength alone would make it a violent affair."
"I see."
You two walk on a bit.
"Is that something you'd want to see?" she asks. "Me with... a savage species."
You shrug. "I don't know. It might be fun."
"Is that something you'd ever try?" she asks. "Copulate with a savage species."
"It might be fun," you say. "It'd be more fun to watch you do it."
"More fun for you maybe."
"It doesn't grow over their entire body," she explains. "not under their arms or the back of their legs, or at any joint for that matter. The rock grows mostly from their flat or hard surfaces, like from their skulls, or their backs, or the tops of their forearms."
"Oh, so it grows in more like armor plating."
"Yes, but don't be fooled. If you saw a wild one, especially an older wild one. You'd hardly see the human inside of all the jagged rock. And yet they move just fine."
"They're one of the wild species," Euna says. "Until men came along, they were little more than beasts, sleeping out in the open like any other boulder. They didn't even have a concept of clothes until men took some in."
"Surely they had some kind of culture. They seem very human."
"Maybe some wilding species had a tribal culture, but the oread in particular were very much solitary beasts. If you encountered a wild one, don't expect it to talk with you. You'd have to run or fight as though it were any other natural beast."
"Do you suppose rock grows on their cocks?"
"Would you ever use an oread cock?"
"How do you suppose they fare in a fight?"
"If they let the rock keep growing over them like that, how could they move?"
You travel up and down the wharf. Neither of you know exactly what you're looking for until Euna tugs your tunic urgently. She's pointing out a small ship with a painted blueberry blue trim, or it had once. Most of its paint has chipped away. The ship seems little more than a bundle of splinters held together by loose nails.
"That's a royal kosh," Euna says. "They're from my grandmother's reign, and they were meant as messenger ships."
On the highest mass is a black flag with three red skulls in a row.
"This crew must have been to Ruthgar, right?" she asks. "Do you think they'd take us home?"
The crew seem absent except for a few on scrubbing duty under the watchful eye of a broad man with skin as cracked and worn as the ship itself. His hair runs down his back in greasy dreadlocks. His beard is similarly braided, with more care and only slightly less grease. Over that, a nose ring glitters sunlight.
He moves to block your boarding and rests a hand on a dagger tucked into his sash. "And who are you girls?"
"We're looking to travel," you say. "We'd speak with the captain of this ship."
"You already are. Barsum, captain of the Blue Finch. What's your port?"
"A land across the Sapphire Ocean," you reply. "You ever sail out that way?"
He grunts. "Maybe."
"This ship used to be a naval vessal out that way, didn't it?"
"Once, but that was a long time ago. Old crew got tired of taking orders from shit stain boyar's boy who called himself our captain."
"So you served under the Ruthgar navy?" Euna asks.
His eyes narrow. "Hardly anyone at this cove even know about that snow and mud kingdom, but you two would, wouldn't you? Skin so pale I can see your blood."
"We're looking to get back home," you say. "Do you ever head out that way?"
"Sometimes. Rich ships and good slaves, if you know how to dodge the navy. Hell of a trip though."
"Need two more on your crew? We can clean. Scrub. I know my way about a ship."
"And I can cook," Euna adds.
"Cook, eh?" He looks you both over.her over He seems to like what he sees. "Five thousand rubles for the both of you," he says. "Get me that, and I'll get you to Ruthgar after a couple stops along the way."
"Five thousand?" Euna says. "That's absurd!"
"You want me to take you across the ocean. That's what you pay. You're welcome to look for any other captains in this dock to take you, but you won't find any."
"Damn right you'll work. You'll be under my command, and if you slack off, you'll both be swimming the rest of the way. But neither of you are coming on my ship until you pay five thousand for the trip. It's my food you'll be eating, and my berth where you'll be sleeping."
Barsum spits on the deck. "Are you questioning my honor, boy?"
"We are all pirates here," you reply.
"Yeh, and all members of this cove. The Lords would have my balls in a jar if they found out I was breaking the lords' rules. Pirates here don't cheat other pirates."
"But alone out at sea, who would know what might happen."
"You think I trust every one of the scabs on my crew to keep quiet?" He snorts. "You pay me the money, you'll get where you're going. On my honor."
Beside you, Euna tenses.
He looks Euna over again. "A Ruthgan whore, huh?you both over again. "A pair of Ruthgan whores, huh? Now I've seen everything. I though that cold hell only made uptight bitches."
"So how about it?"
"How about she paysyou pay me for the pleasure of a good fuck. I take my payments in money. HerYour charms might be something my crew and I would take anyway after we're off. If you want to cross the sea. I want five thousand rubles."
"Why do we have to pay? We said we'll work."
"Maybe my lady'sour charms might make up for that price."
"How do we know you won't just keep our money and kick us off the boat?"
The Blue Finch is in the same berth as before. A shirtless man with a sun-burnt back is smearing the deck with black pitch, but he agrees to fetch Barsum for you.
He returns with the captain and three other brawny men. The captain snorts with amusement. "Found the money, did you?"
"Five thousand." You show him your collected coin. "Are you still sailing by Ruthgar."
"Let's count your coins, boy."
"You're free to count it once we're out to sea," you say.
"I'm free to toss you overboard too."
"That too."
You and he stare each other down, until he erupts with laughter. "You have grit for such a little man. Very well." He calls to his crew. "Boys, let's tally up the deck. Get the boys. Looks like we'll be setting off a few days early."
Crewmembers are fetched from the cove. Last minute supplies are bought, and the ship finally embarks in the late evening. For several leagues, you and Euna stand about while the crew hustles. No one asks anything of you, but the crew keep giving each other knowing glances. The sun falls, and supper comes.
Everyone crowds into the mess below deck, and the captain invites you along. "We'll be counting them coins now."
People eat salted barrel meats and dry biscuits while watching the captain and his top mates tally up every one of your five thousand rubles. Euna's bookkeeping was spot on.
"Looks like we won't be throwing you two overboard after all," Barsum says, "but as we agreed, that coin is only half your bargain."
"Yes," Euna replies. "We're to join the crew. We're quite happy to do our share of work."
The men all chuckle. They all know something you don't.
"About that," Barsum says. "There's been a change of plan. We know what sort of work you were doing in the cove. Other crews tell us about how you let entire crews fuck you. They say you're the hungriest whore they've ever met. That's why as long as you're on this boat, you're going to fuck anyone who wants it, whenever they want it. Some of my boys have seen you whoring your cunt on the docks. You bare that ass down at the Siren's Bounty. Fine show. Good and raunchy. That's the kind of work you'll be doing for us,we'd have you doing, not cooking or scrubbing."
"That wasn't the deal. WeShe'll do no such thing."
"Sounds like the right kind of work for you, Euna. Do it.You know you'd have more fun."
"I'll be here. I'm not leaving port till I've got somewhere to be."
You and Euna had back up the pier.
"Five thousand rubles?" Euna says. "How in the Lord's name are we supposed to earn that much?"
"We can always give the Jewel to Damien."
"We could," she admits. "Though if there's a way to avoid giving that awful man such a powerful item, I'd prefer it, but it's such a staggering amount of money..."
"There's always Damien's offer," you say.
She scoffs. "Ah yes. Stealing from a powerful sorceress. An impossible task if I've ever heard one. Earning coin would at least be possible. But such a staggering amount..."
"We'll find a way," you reply.
"How?" she asks.
"Maybe you'll have to whore yourself out."
She nods. "I suppose I'll have to. This will be a new experience for me."
"Maybe I'll have to whore you out."
She sighs. "I will of course obey. This will be a new experience for me."
"No. Doing it because we need the money. Before, it was always something I did for the thrill. I wonder if it will take the fun out of it."
"You'll find out."
"I suppose I will."
"We can perform."
"What kind of performances?"
"Music maybe. Or maybe something more risque..."
"You'd have me bare myself for money?"
"You did say you wanted to be part of more sultry stories."
She sighs. "But not like that. That seems degrading."
"We can look for other jobs too," you say, "but we've got to earn that money somehow."
"I know..."
"Maybe there will be jobs we can find if we can explore around, or maybe we could put on performances."
"In exchange for the odd coin? Could we really earn enough money that way?" she asks.
"We can try."
"I suppose we'll have to."
"We'll get home some day," you say. "And then all this will be a story you can tell."
"Funny you should say that," he replies. "Damien would like to meet you two. Boys? Take em."
"Certainly not. The navy would never allow a ship to enter such disrepair, but they still must have come from home, or at least know of it." She turns to you. "What do we do? We can't just ask for passage, can we?"
"No, and they must never learn who you are either. How do you feel about joining a pirate crew?"
"Join them? Pirates?"
"You think pirates take passengers? This is how a lot of people travel the seas. You do crew work aboard whatever vessel will take you until they make port where you're going."
"And this works with pirates?"
"Even pirates needs their decks swabbed."
"What if they make us raid ships?" Euna asks. "I don't know if I can do that."
"Maybe they'll slap a saber in my hand. Not you.I don't think they'll make ladies like us take up sabers. But how do you feel about taking up a scrub brush?"
"Whatever it takes," she says. "Though I might rather let the crew fuck me every night instead."
"YouWe might have to do that too."
"Months as a deckhand? I'll look like a scullery maid by the end."
"This might be the only way."
"I'll do whatever it takes to get us home. Do you think they'll take us?"
"If that's the only way home, then I will labor. And you think they'd take us home if we do?"
"I warned you not to lie to me again, thief." Damien comes at you swiftly. You try to dodge, but his men push you back. You're face to face with him, and he spares no time in slashing his sword across your throat. As you crumble, Euna screams. Men pull her away.
The world fades to nothing.
"I warned you not to lie to me again, bitch. Men, take these girls to the pits."
You try to dodge, but his men swarm both of you. Euna screams and frets, but it makes no difference. Twelve men carry you across the cove to the slave pits, which is where the two of you end up spending the next few days together.
...until someone buys Euna. You hear the bidding from the pit. She went for quite a lot. Maybe you'll go for as much.
"Well, seeing as how we're in the middle of the ocean," he says. "I don't see that you have a choice. Now, girl," He turns to Euna. "Get up on the table and give the boys a show or I'll throw your boy here overboard, and you won't ever see the shores of your dreary home again."
Two dozen eyes watch to see what Euna does. She's paralized.
The captain hitches his thumb at you. "Send him for a dip, boys."
Several men grab you. They drag you half way out the door when Euna calls out. "Wait!"
Everyone freezes and looks back. Steeling herself, Euna climbs onto the table, and the dinner party begins.
"That's right," Euna says. "We'll do what we agreed. Nothing more."
"You might come to regret that," Barsum says. "because the work you'll be doing is drudgery. You'll be working hard under my watch, and I won't have either of you slacking off."
"Doesn't matter," Euna says. "We can do it."
And so you do. You both get a single berth with the rest of the crew. They're near the stairwell, which seem desirable at first, until you realize it means neither of you have any privacyThey give you a cramped bunk in the back, while Euna gets a spacious one right by the stairs, which seems preferable until she discovers it means she'll have no privacy from the men's leery eyes as they come and go.
During the days, you work as a deckhand with everything from managing the sails to swabbing the deck. Euna spends her life in the skullery, cleaning and preparing meals the for the men as they come and go from the shifts. The work is drudgery for both of you, and it goes on for months.
"We're just trying to get home, sir," Euna adds.
"No doubt you are. You stand out so much here, my fair lady. Skin like snow. And for what price were you prepared to pay for this passage?"
"Five thousand rubles," she replies.
"Really?" Keeping his eyes on her, Damien motions with a hand. With deflated resignation, Barsum hands the coins over, and Damien hefts the pouch.
"Hmm, quite a lot of coin. Stolen, no doubt. Thank you, Barsum for bringing this to my attention." Pocketing the coins, he motions to his men. "Take these troublemakers to the slave pits."
Four men spring up and apprehend both of you. Euna cries out. "No, no. Please. We just want to go home."
As they drag you out the door, Barsum speaks with Damien. "Err, sir. What about the medallion they stole?"
"Oh yes. Give it here."
You're out the door, and you don't see the exchange, but seconds later Damien's voice call out loud and clear. "Hold. Bring them back."
The pirates drag you back inside. Damien holds up the medallion. "Whom did you steal this from?"
"No one," you say.
In a flash, Damien is on his feet and around the table. His sword points at your chest. Euna cowers close.
"You will not lie to me again, mouselittle cat. This is no ordinary emblem. You not old, strong, or fierce enough to have it, which means you have plundered it fromharpies swindled it from someone far greater than you. You will tell me who that is or you will suffer for your lie."
"I swear that I earned it. Just from different lord than you."
"We took it from an old man living on a beach not far from here."
"What?" she says. "For... for the entire trip?"
"For the entire trip," you confirm.
She bites her lip and looks around at all the pirates. They eye her hungrily. "If... if that is what you wish. I will of course obey."
"She'll do it," you tell Barsum.
"Sure," she says, "but to do so for the entire trip?"
"One day at a time," you reply, "better than scrubbing the deck, isn't it?"
"A fair point." She turns to Barsum. "Very well. I am to be the ship's entertainment."
Barsum grins. "Glad you agree, for we weren't exactly going to give you a choice in the matter. Now"Good. Now, How about we get a little dinner entertainment with our meal. Huh boys?"
This gets a rousing cheer from everyone.
"Very well, boys," Euna says. "Make room."
"As you wish. I am here for your entertainment."
Euna climbs up onto the table, and everyone hoots and hollers. The dinner party begins.
The men sing shanties, and she dances a striptease. Its not her best performance—she'd had no time to prepare—but she does an adequate job at being erotic, and the men are just happy to see her naked. It's finish with her legs crudely wide while she rubs herself to a moaning orgasm.
After dinner, the men show you two to your berth below deck. You get a cramped corner in the back. She gets a spaceous bunk right by the stairwell.You and Euna get a spaceous bunk right by the stairwell. It might have been a nice gesture if someone hadn't stolen Euna's clothes at dinner. She struggles to sleep under an inadequate blanket as men come and go. They all get a good eyeful of her naked form.
"Now," Barsum says. "It's time for the guestslady to retire, and high time for the captain to claim his right."
He yanks Euna off the table and drags her staggering toward the door. His size is impossible to resist. It seems you are coming too, as his other giant fist clamps around your arm and drags you along. "We're going to have a hell of a night," he roars.
He holds out his hand to help Euna down from the table, and he leads her from the room as though leading his belle to the dance, despite her nudity. You, it seems, are coming too, since he snags your arm as he passes.
The captain's quarters might have been a dignified officer's quarters once, but the place reeks of Barsum, especially his bed. He starts with Euna first, maybe because she was already naked. He rapesfucks her every which way he can, making a three-course meal of her holes.making use of her mouth whenever he tires of her cunt. Every attempt she makes to fight back is met with a vicious slap across the face. After, the giant man starts on you next. He gets you pinned beneath his massive weight and hammers youyour ass while Euna is curled up at the edge of the bed snifflingrecovering. It's a long night for both of you.
The crew turns in. You get a cramped corner of the berth. While all the crew are settling down, sounds of Barsum rapingfucking Euna emenate from the captain's quarters above. It sounds like he has her every which way he can imagine. Every sounds of struggle from her are met with a resounding slap. You fall asleep before it ends.
In the morning, the men put you to work as a deck hand. Euna gets the luxury of remaining in the scullery and helping however little she wants. Her job comes at night when she once again debases herself before the men, and afterward You bothShe join Barsum in his cabin to see to his needs.she sleeps in the nude in the berth with all the other men.
In the morning, the men put you both to work. Euna cooks and cleans in the skullery while you act as a deck hand. Come dinner, Euna is once again made to parade herself before the men. They pinch and grope at her as she degrades herself on the tables, and after, Barsum drags you bothher to his cabin to satisfy himself.she's made to sleep in the nude in the berth with all the other men.
But with every passing day, the crew are more aggressive. At dinners they, pinch and grab at Euna. While the captain satisfies himself, their frustration grows. Everyone can see this.
So it comes as little surprise when after dinner one day, the captain gestures his men toward Euna, who's been dancing nude on the tables. "She's all yours tonight, boys. See how she dances on her back."
The men descend like wolves. Euna hardly has time to cry out before they drag her away.
"Captain," you say after dinner one night. "Maybe tonight, Euna might entertain your crew instead. She can put on quite a show in bed."
Barsum looks around at his men. "Agreed. Men, she's all yours tonight."
The men descend on her like wolves. She would have walked to the berth with them, but they carry her instead.
"Captain," Euna says. She's reclined on a table in the nude. "You'll have to make do without me tonight. I think I might join the boys in the berth."
Barsum looks around at his men and nods. "Entertain them well."
The men descend on her like wolves. She would have walked to the berth with them, but they carry her instead.
You see no more of her that night, because Barsum drags you off to his cabin. It seems that while he's decided to share Euna with the crew, he has a thing for small, lithe mengirls. Without Euna, your fucking is more mutual. You enjoy each other long into the night with many rowdy romps.He fucks you senseless long after dark with brutal force. All the while, cheers and hollers come from somewhere below deck, which continue long after you're asleep.
They take her to a cramped room off the berth which they quickly empty out and replace with a filthy, stained mat, upon which they toss Euna. One by one, the men enter and fuck her. When she fights back, others hold her down until she behaves. You are shoved to the back to where you can hardly see her. With no way to interfere, you're left to go to your own bunk and try to sleep. Cheers and hollers keep you awake long into the night. By morning, some men are still at it.
The next day, many crewmembers are exhausted at their post, but none like Euna herself. She shuffles about the scullery with hollow, blinking eyes. She hardly smiles when you ask if she's all right. "I'll endure," she replies. "I have to."Her smile is tired when you check on her wellbeing. "This is going to be a tiring trip home," she replies.
That becomes the routine. During the day, she works and cleans. In the evenings, she puts on a smile and strips for their entertainment, which gets their libidos going for another nightly gang rapebang. She's the crew's toy. Meanwhile, you gethave to spend the journey as the captain's personal cabin boymistress.
Seasons pass. Many times, the ship chases down and relieve other vessels of their cargo, to later pull into the dock of some coastal town to sell their loot.
Each time, Captain Barsum does the same thing. He has his crew tie you down inside the hold, and he gives Euna the same ultimatum. "You're going into town, and you're going to earn me enough money whoring your body to save your boyfriend. If you don't come back, we'll kill him."
Euna would disappear into town, and return as a disheveled mess just as the Blue Finch was embarking. She'd have bruises all over, often one eye swollen shut and a bleedingcut lip. She'd reek of shit and piss, and her belly would be swollen by all the johns' waste. And her cunt would be a stretched out, ruined wreck. According to Barsum, she'd have barely enough to spare your life, but not enough to avoid being punished by the crew in cruel and creative ways.
On those stops, you and Euna are able to stretch your legs on dry land for a few days. You and she pullShe pulls a few tricks with the locals to earn some local money to spend. Sometimes you're able to get a night at an inn and enjoy each other away from the crew. Thoughts of Ruthgar become distant.
Neither you nor Euna are allowed off during these stops, and it's becoming increasingly clear that you're less crewmembers and more slaves. Hardly anyone mentions Ruthgar anymore, and nothing flares the captain's temper like mentioning it yourself.
Then one day, there's home.
"You thought I wouldn't keep my word, didn't you?" Barsum says. "I said I would, after a while. Now you ladies getget that lady off my boat. This whole trip has been a reminder why it's bad luck to have women aboard. I've never had a more distracted crew."
Below deck in the scullery pantry, you find Euna nude apart from her hair scarf. Two men, who should be working, have her on her hands and knees. One fucks her like a dog while the other fucks her mouth. You were aware such things were happening during the day. It seems Euna couldn't help herself despite refusing to be entertainment.Sometimes crewmembers decide to have fun with her despite how the skullery is supposed to be her refuge during the day. Once they're gone, you slip into the pantry while Euna is recuperating.
Below deck in the scullery pantry, you find Euna on her knees blowing one of the crew. Her tits are out, and her frazzled hair has escaped her hair scarf. The man glares at you when you peek in. You've known such things were happening, even though the captain declared her to be off limits. Once he leaves, you come in while Euna is correcting her hair scarf.
You find Euna below deck in the scullery flirting with two men who are supposed to be working.
You find Euna below deck in the scullery. These seasons have had their effect on her. Her time below deck has left her paler. Her curves have sunken in, and a hair scarf holds back her frazzled blonde hair, yet there is still a vibrant beauty about her, even as she scrubs the floor.
"Look outside," you say. "We're home."
She scampers to the porthole and see the coast of Ruthgar. Her face lights up, and instantly she's pulled you into a fierce hug. "We're home," she cries.
She scampers to the porthole and see the coast of Ruthgar. At first, she's overjoyed, but a stricken look comes over her. "Will they let us leave?"
"They're already making port," you say. "The captain wants us off his boat."
Little by little, the news settles into her, and her face crumples. Tears come, and she pulls you into a fierce hug. "We're home," she sobs.
"I don't spare honor for liars." He looks over the medallion. "I don't know if this is fake or stolen, but there's never been a a Ruthgan couplea pair of Ruthgan women captaining a ship in this cove. Boys? Take em."
The men drag you both through the cove to the beached galleon known as the Siren's Bounty. There aren't many patrons at this time of day. A few day-drunk sailors are slouched at the bar. A crowd at a table near the back talk over dice, and its to them the pirates drag you.
It's clear which one of them is Damien. He's the one in the seat which gives him a view over the tavern. He wears a loose silk blouse which shows much of his oiled chest. Both his wavy hair and thin mustache must have taken him considerable time in the morning to get just right, but the saber at his side is like an afterthought.
Barsum waits at a distance until Damien motions him closer. "And what's this?"
"It's those two I was telling you about, sir," Barsum says, "the Ruthgans."
"Well well," he looks you both over, especially Euna. "You two are not at all what I expected when I heard we had sneaks in our cove. You, my lady, are clearly of noble blood. Anyone can see that. Breeding beauty. And here..." He looks at you. "We have a common breed. A mut.Candy for the eyes, but a wild mut."
"Of course. I should introduce myself, seeing as how you two are clearly outsiders." He holds out his hands in presentation. "I am Damien De Castilla, one of the five lords of this pirate cove. I am the one who maintains order in this den of chaos. And it is my duty to deal with troublemakers such as the pair before me."
You are at the highest terrace overlooking the slaver's cove.
"That's it, heh?" Bellamy says. "I suppose that makes an adequate tonic. For slaves."
He looks Euna over. She still seated on the deck. Her front is an utter mess of fluids staining her face, breasts, and clothes. Despite her mess, he eyes her with a hungry look.
"You've seen the product demonstrated," you say. "It's time for us to go."
"So soon?"
"Next time you buy from Lanx," you say, "I'll be sure to deliver, and I'll bring her along for another long and thorough demonstration."
Euna corrects her clothes and comes over and takes your arm. "You enjoyed the show," she says. "Maybe next time you do business with Lanx, I'll deliver again. We'll have another demonstration."
He grins. "I'll insist upon it."
Euna slumps in relief.You feel Euna's grip on you loosen. She realizes the same as you what those words mean: He's going to let you two go.
As you two disembark, the slavers give Euna numerous catcalls and wolf whistles. She smiles back and holds your arm like a proper lady with her gentleman.
"You performed well back there," you say.
"You were pleased?"
"Yes. You served those men just as I wanted"
"You enjoyed having those men humiliate me in every degrading way imaginable?"
Farther up the wharf, she whispers, "I thought we would never get away."
"I was a little unsure myself," you reply.
"That is the last time we make a delivery for Lanx and Fira. They are going to hear about this."
"Oh come now, you handled yourself quite well."
"Yes, all I had to do was every degrading act imaginable. I just debased myself before an entire crowd of despicable men. I never imagined I'd do such disgusting things."
"But you did," you say, "and I think you enjoyed it."
"Did I now?"
You drape an arm over her shoulder. With your other hand, you slip past her gownreach under her sashreach under her skirt to grope her pussy. She's dripping wet.
"It seems you did too," you say.
Her face turns crimson.
You worm two fingers inside of her. "Admit it."
"Yes. I admit it. I loved it."
"You're becoming a filthy slut who needs to be used and defiled in the worst ways imaginable."
"I do. Lord, yes. I do."
You pinch her clit. "Tell me what you are."
"I'm a dirty slut who needs filth. I'm your slave. Use me however you want. I live for your satisfaction only."
"That's right you do." You withdraw your hand, leaving her yearning for more.
"Yes, you did," you say.
She bats your hand away. "Maybe it was a little exciting."
"A little?"
"Fine. A lot. I don't know why such disgusting depravity enflames me so much, but it does. Lord, it makes me hot. It's so utterly wrong. I love it."
"Maybe we'll do more of it later."
"I know we will." Her eyes twinkle. "Though let's try to keep it on our terms in the future. I've no wish to be at the mercy of pirates again."
"Done then, hmm?" Bellamy eyes Euna hungrily. "Then in that case, I think your lady will be coming with me."
"Lanx is expecting us," you reply.
"You'll go soon, but not before I've had a taste of that sweet cunt. I need to teach this pissy slut how to behave."
"Captain, she—"
"It's quite all right," Euna says to you. "I'm sure I can make time for the captain, but it will have to wait until the demonstration is over."
The captain eyes her. "Your boy here just said there were no more fluids."
"Quite right," Euna says, "but I've yet to perform the grand finale." She unties her gownsashskirt, though she stops just before revealing herself. "...unless your crew doesn't want to see it."
The crew erupts with hoots and wolf whistles. Their cheering becomes a chant. "Do it! Do it!"
Bellamy concedes. "A finale then." The crew cheers. He silences them. "But you won't be leaving this ship until the captain is satisfied."
"I wouldn't dream of it." She whisks her clothes off. Cheers become hoots. She strolls to the ugliest slave on the deck—a deformed oar-rower with a body so hulking and disproportioned, he might be part ogre. His matted hair looks like dead seaweed. A slash scars his face, which took his right eye, part of his nose, and the corner of his lip, leaving his permanently snarling.
When Euna sits before him, his one eye goes wide. She tugs his grotty shawl down. His cock is like a club, already at half mast. She holds it aside and gets her tongue to work giving his grotesque balls possibly the first wash of their life.
The monster smiles like an idiot. His cock fully hardens. The skin peels back revealing smegma caked all along the crown. Euna makes sure everyone sees the cock's disgusting state before hooking one leg around the brute and sinking that cock deep into her pussy.
The two fuck obscenely. The brute's scarred lips hangs open, and thick drool dribbles onto her hair and breasts. It runs rivers down her belly. The spit smells more rancid than the vomit she was made to swallow, strange then that she seems to relish licking the drool off his chin while they fuck. He stoops and engulfs her tits as though trying to fit them in his mouth. The soiled state of her tits seems not to bother him. When he cums, he hollers like an animal. Thick semen pours from Euna's stretched lips.
The brute's cock doesn't soften. Euna has him lie down so she can straddle him and take his cock up her ass. This time she rides. Her breasts bounce wildly. As she goes up and down, she reaches back and scrapes her fingers along the crack of the brute's ass. It's absolutely caked with shit, and her fingers come away with dried sludge. She strokes the filth into her own pussy. It's not long before she's crying out in a thunderous orgasm. The brute fills her bowels with another load of his seed.
Coming down, she gives a long, sweet kiss upon the brutes lips. His tongue worms in her mouth like an eel. When she leaves him, she gives a small dainty wave over her shoulder. The brute grins and waves back like a giant dopy child.
"Now the demonstration is over."
This gets one final cheer from the crowd.
"Now, captain. Shall my friend and I return to Lanx now? Or do you still want a taste of this sweet cunt?" She squats and spreads herself. Her holes drip runny cum, her pussy is tainted brown with shit, and the giants copious smegma is congealed against her labia.
The captain eyes her pussy with a sneer. "Get off my ship."
Euna ends up having to dress on the wharf, but afterward she walks with dignity back to the docks.
"I'm impressed," you say. "You outwitted the captain, not a single slaver got to lay a hand on you."
"It was all about keeping control."
"Was it worth it, though? You might have just gotten away with giving the captain a simple blow job in the beginning."
"I would rather debase myself with a hundred slaves than lay a finger on such a repugnant man."
"I'm starting to think you'd debase yourself with a hundred slaves just for the fun of it."
She grins devilishly. "Lord! I just might! That was so disgusting. Every time I saw the envy in those slaver's eyes, I just wanted to do more. I want to do more."
"Oh, I'm sure you will. Something tells me this has opened up a new chapter in your sex life."
"I can't wait."
"Finished, eh?" He motions for Euna to come close. She crawls over, and he holds her face up by her chin. "One last thing to do. You've still got to make it up to me for being such a stuck-up bitch earlier. Turn around, slut. Show me your cunt."
Apprehensive, Euna glances at you.
"Go on, Euna. He's not satisfied yet.You're not done."
Euna turns and slips her gown aside.twists her sash so the knot is in back, and her rear is revealed.hikes up her skirt. Bellamy admires her ass and pussy. "Even with the tonic, you'll probably die from the pox soon. But that cunt, yeh, that's still clean for now. I'd like a feel for it."
"Do whatever you like," you say. "Compliments of Lanx."Euna says. "I'm at your disposal."
Bellamy is already unfastening is breaches. He's rock hard, and he yanks Euna back onto his cock, spearing her pussy. She cries out and struggles to balance. All around, the crew cheers and yells insults at Euna. Her eyes squeeze closed. Her cheeks burn crimson.
The captain pulls out and aims his cock to her ass. She wails at such a rough and sudden entry. He cares little and simply pistons his cock to his content. Ages later, he buries deep and holds, filling her with his second load of cum.
When he pulls out, his dick is a mess. "I'd make you suck my cock clean," he says, "but your cess pit mouth is more tainted than your ass." He wipes his cock clean on her embroidered silk gown,red velvet sash,skirt, then shoves her away. "All right, men. You've seen her demonstration! Make that mouth the worst sewer you can!"
What follows is a reprise of her demonstration. The crew members take turns forcing her to tongue clean their genitals. She's hardly finished with one before someone yanks her by the hair to someone else. Many fuck her mouth. Some peel back the skins of their cocks and have her lick up any accumulation. Some dicks are far worse than others. Euna only wretches the first few times.
Some men joke that they'll never wash their genitals again except to have a whore like her lick them clean.
Some slavers have her open her mouth so they can hock in a mouthful of snot. The cabin boy gets sick a few more times too. All he manages are a few spits of bile, which she's made to lick off the deck. Some present her with their asses, dirty from months at sea. Each time she's finished tonguing clean one, someone yanks her around and presents her with another. Some press her face into their asses and unleash farts. None seem to care just how nauseous she looks. Bonnie enjoys Euna's mouth once again. Then she too gets her own ass cleaning.
For a finale, the men gather around and piss on her. She swallows some at their command, but most dose her body and make a mess on the deck. After this, most men lose interest.
The captain steps in. "I think that's enough, boys." He looks at Euna, who's an absolute mess of fluids. Her hair is sticky. "So, little slut, you've convinced me that the tonics works just fine. Pass my compliments on to Lanx. I'll make sure you deliver his products next time so you demonstrate again for the crew."Lanx." He looks at you. "Maybe now that she's all used up, we'll have you demonstrate next time you deliver his products."
Later, you help Euna back onto the wharf. The men jeer and catcall. Euna's gasps in shuddered breaths. She sniffles.
A far distance from the ship, you set her down on a crate. Her lip trembles, and tears run down her cheeks.
"So," you say. "Did you enjoy yourself?"
Her eyes go wide. She's seems about to yell no, but ultimately she lets out a deep breath. "Lord... It was so humiliating. He... he raped me. They polluted me. It was horrible..."
"I don't know. When that captain told me to deliver any more of Lanx's packages, I thought about how all of that would happen all over again, how or it might even be worse, and, I swear to you, I nearly climaxed. What is wrong with me?"
"I don't know. When that captain told me that you would demonstrate next time because I was all used up, I was..."
She buries her face in her hands. "I was already thinking about next time. How it might happen all over again, how or it might even be worse. Just the thought of it makes me so... oh Lord. What is wrong with me?"
"What's wrong with you is that you've had to go through your life without answering your true calling: a shameless filth slut."
Euna gives a shuddered sob hearing that. She's trembling.
"We're going to see if Lanx has any other deliveries to make to cruel and disgusting people, and you're going to demonstrate for all of them.
"Oh... Oh Lord."
"And if not, then I'll find people myself to pollute you the way a filth slut like you deserves."
"Oh. Ohhh." She leans heavily against you and trembles all over. "Promise me... promise me..."
"I promise to treat you like the piece of sewer trash that you are."
"Hmm!" She bites her lips to keep from moaning. You're having to hold her up as you move along. Al the while, her hand rubs at her crotch.
"I suppose you may be right. We could have been in the slave pits by now. But Lord has this been a miserable turn of events." She sighs. "Let's get moving. We have an amulet to pilfer, and money to earn."
You're on the northern terrace. Along the wharf, sailors load and unload ships.
This entire section is one long wharf where massive vessels are moored. Sailors in all manner of wear and uniform work to load and unload supplies. Everyone is busy with industry here.
The dock extend west up steps to the top terrace.
Look for a boat to take you home.
[-5,000 rubles]: Find the Blue Finch to go home.
Reaching dominant
This is the 1st tier of Dominance. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be .
At this level of dominance, she will find pleasure in taking control during sex. This results in some new options being available, but more often, it results in Euna taking the lead and engaging in lewd behavior without giving you a choice in the matter. That's the price of having a dominant partner.
She'll still defer to you on many matters sexual, especially when engaging in activities new to her.
Accomplish at least 3 more dominant experiences than submissive experiences. There are many occasions to do so throughout the game which you'll encounter naturally.
- get Euna to take her clothes off for a while.
To promote
First, Euna must be lewd.
Tell her the campfire story about her mother (which unlocks once she's near to having enough experience), she'll promote during an automatic morning event.
She will also promote one way or another during the masochistic promotion if she hasn't already.
Reaching strict
This is the 2nd tier of Dominance. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be dominant.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
To promote
You awaken to the gentle stir of turning pages. Sitting up, you find Euna seated cross-legged on the bed. She's nude, and in her lap is the Simori holy book. It seems she's nearly read all of it.
"Oh, good morning," she says. "I found this in the pack. Did one of the sisters give it to you?"
"She insisted," you reply.
"She would have." Euna flips a page. "It seems it is their custom to give their books to anyone who shows even the slightest interest. It's their way of converting."
"Does it say anything good?"
"It's actually quite remarkable. Look at this." She pinches three pages at the beginning of the book. "These are their commandments. The rest of this book are just stories. After being raised in a religion built upon centuries of gospel dictating exactly how to live—pray twice a day, never eat this, no sex before marriage—it's strange to find a religion so... simple. And their ideas are so alien to Nim's ways."
"How so?"
"The Simori do not speak of a divine paradise after death. In fact, their teachings are very clear that you won't be rewarded for being good, in life or death. But they believe that through enough unrelenting selflessness, we can create a divine paradise here in our world."
"Better? I'm not sure. It's certainly—I think—more honest."
"Both religions preach charity and humility, right?"
"But look at this." Euna rifles through your pack and brings out two items. One is the wooden Simori holy pendant the sister gave you along with the book. The other is the silver Hand of Nim you acquired at the pirate bay. "Look at these two and tell me which religion truly believes in selfless humility?"
"But look at this." Euna rifles through your pack and brings out the wooden Simori holy pendant the sister gave you along with the book. "The symbol us Nimic sisters carry is a pure silver brooch representing the hand of Nimel. Which of the two religions truly practices selfless humility?"
"The silver does seem a little flashy," you admit.
"It's not just that," Euna says. "Nim preaches forgiveness, yet it condemns so many based on their lifestyle. The Simori also preach forgiveness, but they mean it. Half the stories in this book are about never judging others and giving second chances, even in the face of heinous acts of depravity. They don't condemn anyone."
"I don't know about that," Euna says, "but if I ever were to return to religion, I would certainly consider it. The ways of the Simurgh are about helping people, not exerting influence and expanding their domain."
"So it wouldn't be in the spirit of Simori to make it the official religion of Ruthgar?"
"No. That would be forcing it on people, but if I were to openly worship the Simurgh as the tsaritsa of Ruthgar, that might sway the masses. However, the Nimic church would bear its fangs if I did that."
"The gospel doesn't mention sex or marriage," Euna says.
"It has nothing? That's unlike any religion I know of."
"Not in the gospel, but the stories that follow do." Euna leafs through the book. "Sex comes up quite a bit actually. Judging from these parables, it's safe to say that they certainly don't condemn sex. Some of these are quite saucy."
"Ohh let's see," Euna flips through. "There's Inna the Humble. Ooh! And there's Kseniya the Charitable. Men certainly had their way with her. And I haven't even finished the book yet."
"Well go on," you say. "Let's hear them."
"Oh, you will," she says. "But not right now. Maybe for once I'll be the one with a sultry dinnertime story. Right now I just wanted to share how extraordinary this religion is."
"Not at all," Euna replies. "They're not naive. They accept that most people will take advantage of their generosity, but that does not mean that the Simori will blindly allow others to exploit them. Take the Simori temple here. They help the people of Cockaigne, even though they hardly deserve it, but after the city folk ransacked their temple, they no longer allow anyone to enter without good cause."
"...but they still help the city."
"Yes. They don't judge who deserves help, but they help only on their own terms."
"Sounds like you're thinking of converting."
"What are their views on sex?"
"Is their religion better than Nim?"
"Tell me about these sultry stories in the book."
You wake to find Euna cleaning up the apartment.tending to the firepit.
"Good morning," she says.
"Good morning," you reply. "How are you feeling?"
"Quite well, thank you."
"I mean about yesterday with that man."
"I'm well," she looks at you. "Are you all right with it?"
"I am, but I was thinking we should stop by Lanx's today."
"Certainly, but why?"
"Unless you want to bear a stranger's child, we should probably see if Lanx has anything to prevent that."
Euna grins. "I know they do. Last time we were there, I asked Fira if she had anything for just that reason."
"You asked?"
"The way you've been leading me, I figured it was only a matter of time. I've already taken something."
You wake to find Euna cleaning up the apartment.tending to the firepit.
"Good morning," she sings.
"Good morning," you reply. "How are you feeling?"
"Quite well, thank you."
"I mean about last night," you clarify.
"Quite well," she replies. "Why do you ask?"
"I thought we might stop by Lanx's today."
"Sure, but why?" she asks.
"I'm not sure we should risk a child while we're lost from home. Lanx could probably help us with that."
She grins. "I know they can. Fira gave me a potion when we visited them."
"She did?"
"Yes. From her own stash. I think she saw this coming the moment she met us."
You wake to find Euna isn't around. You spend the some of the morning by yourself when she returns, slightly sweaty as though she'd been on a long hike.
"Good morning," she sings.
"Good morning," you reply. "Went for a walk?"
"I went to visit Lanx and Fira. I'd hoped I'd have returned before you rose."
"Any occasion for the visit?" you ask.
"Yes. These." She holds up a vial. "I don't believe it would behoove us if I were to become pregnant while we're trying to survive out here. You are capable of quickening a womb, aren't you?"
"I believe I am."
"That's what I figured, so after your surprise last night, I decided I should take precautions. Fira tells me I've come to her quickly enough that I should be in the clear.
"She says it will keep usme safe for a month, then we'll need more, but don't worry. I have a few squirreled away. And she says she'll always give me more."
Euna eyes the daywithers. "To eat? Sure, but if you're thinking of taking these to play perverted games, then unfortunately no."
"Once they're picked, they grow to their full size and stay that way, daylight or not. And if they're anything like the daywithers back in Ruthgar, it won't take them long before they wilt. Then they'll be no good for anything."
"Too bad," you say.
"Perhaps, but how exactly did you envision packing them up? Even a few would be an utter encumberance once they're grown."
"We could strap them to the outside of our pack. Daylight would keep them small."
"Interesting," she nods ponderously. "And when nighttime comes before we're back to camp? Or we step into the shade?"
"We move fast before they inflate."
"Ah. A sound plan. And you used to make fun of me for my silly survival ideas."
You bring out the bottle of Agnodine.
"You want me to force a daywither into my womb?" Euna asks.
"I do. Lie down. I'll get you ready."
Euna grins. "I was wondering if you were thinking the same thing. You'll need to warm me up though."
Euna lies down, legs spread, and whisks her gown aside.her velvet sash providing no concealment.and pulls her skirt up about her waist.
It's not long before you're buried wrist deep inside her, and after a few smears of the ointment, her cervical ring relaxes. With much fingering and prodding, you squeeze your hand into her womb. It's a tight fit, but she's ready.
"Now..." She gets up and scans around. "This one right here will do splendidly." She straddles it.
"Now..." You scan around. "This one is perfect."
"As you wish." Euna straddles it.
The selected mushroom is half an arm's length and as thick as her wrist. It's not the biggest here, but it's got a bulbous head the size and shape of a pear. When Euna smears her slit along its tapered tip, blue syrup drips from the under the ridge.
She squats, taking it into herself. Blue syrup oozes. With the cap covered, it's already growing. "Quickly... Quickly..." she mutters. She wiggles about until slipping deeper upon the shaft. The cap has pushed past her cervix.
Her bare ass is upon the ground. "It's in." She says. "It's still growing. Oh, it feels... ohhh." Her breath catches, and she trails off. Her belly swells, and she writhes about in the sensation.
But it keeps going. She clutches her abdomen. The growing stalk lifts her butt from the earth. It's as thick as her thigh now, but spongy, and it tapers going into her taut pussy. "Oh Lord." She winces. "Now it's too much."
"Want me to take it out?"
She shakes her head. "It's almost done, I think. I'll see if I can get used to it."
"You'll survive," you say.
You chat with her a while. The sun moves across the sky. Eventually, she can't stop squirming and clenching.
"The Agnodine is wearing off," she says. "My cervix is trying to close, and it's cramping up."
"Then that's probably good enough," you say. "You can get off."
"I've had enough," she says. "The Agnodine is wearing off, and my cervix is trying to close. It's cramping up like you wouldn't believe."
Euna gets her feet beneath her and pushes up. The mushroom stalk inches out with a gush of blue. Suddenly, she gasps. "Oh no."
She lifts the rest of the way off. There's the mushroom. The bulbous cap is missing. Euna's belly is still swollen. "Oh no. Oh no. It's still in my womb."
You kneel before her and slide your arm up her syrup-drenched pussy. The Agnodine has indeed worn off. You can hardly fit one finger through her cervical ring, and past that is the spongy mushroom cap.
"You can't get it out, can you?" she asks.
"Not without more Agnodine. Does it still hurt?"
"Well, not so much, now that my cervix has closed." Her eyes dance. "Maybe... we don't have to get it out right away."
"You want to keep it?"
She rubs her swollen belly. "It's up to you, but there's no reason to bother on my account.""Why not? It's deliciously filling, and you know how much I like to stretch."
"Then let's go."
"I'm sure you'd love it if I did that," she says. "Fill myself up, stretch my poor flower to its very limit until I'm as loose as"Is that your idea of fun?" she asks. "You'd fill yourself up, stretching your poor flower to its very limit until you're as loose as a wineskin."
"Maybe," you reply. "I dare you to do it."
Euna looks around at the daywithers. By the time she looks back, her eyes gleam. "Very well, but I pick." She settles on a solitary mushroom the size and shape of an ordinary cock.
"It's quite average," you say.
"Looks are deceiving with these." Euna whisks aside the strips of her gown and tucks them into the waist cord along her thigh.twists her velvet sash about so the knot is in the front to give you a better view.doffs her skirt, leaving her in only her bodice and boots. Squatting, she presses her vagina to the tip of the daywither and rocks herself so its head rubs along her slit. The mushroom is in her shadow, and already growing, as though aroused like her.
Her expression turns serious. "Could I hurt myself doing this?"
"Nah. I used to do this all the time back in the circus."
"I'm sure you'll be fine. You felt how spongy they get when they're bigger."
"If you say so." She plunges herself down until her snatch touches the rocky ground. "Ooh, oh my." She clutches her belly. "It's growing now. Quickly. It's... hmm"
She grinds herself against the earth. "It's excited now, isn't it?"
Its growth lifts her up. Blue-tinted vaginal juice oozes down the stalk.
Euna bites her lips. "Oh. Ow. It's getting tight in there. No room to grow." She braces herself on her arms and pushes herself up a little. The stalk is as thick as your forearm. Her taut lips hug the shaft. She sinks back down. And up. She rides the cock erected from the earth.
Until it snaps off.
"Oops." She stands and catches the daywither when it plops out of her. It shrinks back down to its daytime size.
Euna feels between her legs. Among the slimy mess, her lips gape. Four of her fingers slide in easily. "I think I like these."
"Again?" she asks.
"Admit it. You enjoyed it."
She looks around the mushrooms and picks a solitary on out that's the size of an impressive cock. "Fine. This one," she says.
"Not much larger than the last one you took," you remark.
"Do you think I'm made of rubber?" Euna whisks aside the strips of her gown and tucks them into the waist cord along her thigh.twists her sash about so the knot is in the front.doffs her skirt, leaving her in only her bodice and boots.
At first, she strokes the daywither as though readying a man for sex. Its ooze squeezes out and smears over the shaft. Her other hand is between her legs, toying with her slit.
Looking you in the eye, she straddles the mushroom and squats down upon it, all the way until her lips touch the earth. She gasps inwardly as it immediately grows inside her. Its new unseen length lifts her off the ground. The visible base is wrist thick.
Delicately, Euna slides up and down untils she's quivering. In time, she dismounts. "Happy?"
You circle around behind Euna as she watches keenly.
"What are you up to," she asks.
Her asshole is squeezed flat by the massive intrusion happening right beside it. You finger the hole. With effort and some slime, one finger enters. It's an incredibly tight fit.
"Whatever you're thinking, I don't think there's anymore room," Euna says, yet she leans forward as much as she can. It helps. Her hand still works her clit.
Two fingers now. In and out. Euna winces, bites her lip. "Ooh. It feels different... being so full already. I like it."
But when you put the tip of a mushroom to her asshole, her eyes go wide. "You're mad! There isn't room!"
"We'll see. Try to relax." You push and prod. Euna hums with frustration as it fruitlessly strains against her tiny sphincter. The mushroom slips from your hand like a bar of soap and splats on the ground.
"I guess not," you say.
Biting her lip, Euna glances at you guiltily. "Try again? I didn't relax much. And maybe... a little more force?"
"As you wish." Again you force the mushroom upon her ass. Euna resumes stroking herself. Her asshole puckers out as she relaxes as best she can. With a hard push, her ring caves, and finally relents. Euna screams orgasmically, but her screams become distressed as it's already inflating. It lodges in place, half in, half out, its thick stalk squeezed by her anus. It doesn't matter that it can't move, she climaxes hard.
After her fun, Euna is drained. She pulls the smaller mushroom from her ass with a pop and holds her arms out for you. "Help me up, will you?"
You step so your crotch is before her. "You'll need to earn my help, I think."
"You villain." She pulls down your breechesleggings. Your ridged cock springs free. She alternates suckling the tip and rubbing the head about her face, smearing your precum. Soon she gets serious and takes you down her throat. One of her hands rubs her clit with abandon. From her shuddering moans about her cock, she may be getting more pleasure from this than you.
By the time you're cumming down her throat, she's riding up and down the stalk. Her tortured lips warp in and out with each bounce.
Once she comes down, she nurses your cock for any remaining seed, tucks up your pants, and looks at you with tired, sultry eyes. "Have I earned my freedom now?"
"Hey. What are you doing?" she asks as you take hold of both of her ankles. "No, wait. Stop!" but you lift her legs straight out before her.
Euna cries out as her full weight is taken upon the mushroom. "No no. Stop. Ugh. No. Don't stop. Oh, it hurts." Her hands work her clit as though trying to scrub out a stain. In seconds she's screaming ecstatically. Her pussy milks the shaft. She seems to sink down another few finger-widths.
This goes on for some time. When she finally settles, you lay her legs down, yet she keeps them splayed before her, making no effort to support her own weight. Eyes winced, she pants in exhaustion.
"Naughty foolgirl," she mutters. "That was a wicked thing to do. Ohh, I'm cramping up now. Will you help me up now?"
Hugging her, you lift her off the mushroom. Her legs wobble, and a deluge of blue slime drips from her. She feels her pussy—hole gaping, lips hanging.
"Is this it now? Have I ruined my hole?"
"It'll return to normal soon."
"Perhaps, but I'm going to regret this tomorrow morning. I will not fall for that trick again."
You toss the mushroom aside. "Nevermind that. A cock this small would never satisfy you."
"A cock of a cock's size hardly enough for me these days," she replies.
"Then what good would this do you?" You flick the mushroom away down the mountain drop, and afterward Euna cleans up.
You pluck the mushroom, spread the lips of her pussy, and press the tip of the growing mushroom to that tiny hole beneath her clit.
"I don't think that belongs there," Euna says.
"I think it's exactly where it goes."
Blue syrup drops oozing from beneath the cap help you slide the mushroom nearly halfway in, where you hold it. It grows until the base is as thick as your pinky finger. It tapers into her little hole.
"Hmm." She winces and shuffles. "What a strange sensation. Is this another perversion from your history? Playing with a hole which is most certainly not meant to be played with?"
"All your holes belong to me, so they're all for play." You toy with the stalk some more. It's wedged tightly in her, but with work, you pop it out. Her urethra gapes slightly.
"Now find me a daywither as big as my pinky," you say.
Euna glances around. Plucking one, she offers it to you. "Do as you wish to my body."
"Maybe it is now."
"You're such a pervert." Euna toys with the stock for herself. It's wedged tightly in her, but with work, it she pops it out. Her urethra gapes slightly. "Now," she says. "Find a bigger mushroom."
"Yes, Your Highness." You pluck the size of your pinky finger.
You press it in and shove before it has a chance to grow. Its in deeper than your finger was, and just to be sure, you hold it in so it can only expand inward.
Euna hisses inwardly. "Oh, this one is a little too tight. Ohh, it's still growing." She clutches your wrist. "This hurts!"
"Yet here we are?"
"Remove it. Quickly."
"Please, take it out."
You try. It's wedged in deep. "It won't budge," you say.
"Well, it has to come out." She tries for herself. No better.
"Let's just leave it in."
"For now. Once you've loosed up a bit, maybe it'll come out."
"This isn't like a my vaginal hole," she says. "It's not a muscle. It won't relax."
"But it might stretch. Let's give it time anyway."
She has no choice. You two sit together staring out at the valley and talk. All the while, she toys with the mushroom buried in her urethra. Pulling. Twisting. Wiggling. Maybe pushing too. During a lapse in the conversation, you hear her breath has picked up a little. This mushroom is bothering her more ways than one. But then suddenly, it pops out.
"Oh," she says, almost as though disappointed.
"There," you say. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"
She examines the mushroom. It's almost as thick as a cock now. "It could have been stuck up there a long while. Must you stick things where they don't belong?"
"Sticking things where they don't belong is my reason to live," you reply soberly.
"I live to break rules," you reply.
"Oh very well, have it your way." Euna corrects her clothes. "It is another hole for your amusement. I'm sure you'll be wanting to play with it some night."
"I look forward to it."
"But you will not touch it without first bringing out the oils."
"As you wish."
"If you do, I only ask that you bring out the oils first."
"I'm sure," she says, "but I'm not sure I'm a glutton for the sort of pain such amusements would cause."
"Pain can be half the fun."
"Not for me. This was a fun little diversion, but I don't think I can make a habit of it."
You're at a cliff edge overlooking the jungle south of the mountain range. Nests of bone-white mushrooms grow among the rocks.
There are hundreds, ranging from ones sized like your finger to ones a foot in length. Each has a stiff fibrous stalks. The caps dome downwards back over the stalks, creating bulbous heads. Blue liquid drips down the stalks from beneath the crowns like sap.
"Rather phallic, aren't they?" you say
"I was waiting for you to say that," Euna replies. "I think I know what these are." Kneeling, she plucks a small one. Its flesh yields lightly to her pinch. She encloses it within her hands and peeks inside. "Yes. These are daywithers. They grow in the mountains far to the south of Ruthgar. They shrivel when exposed to daylight. Look."
She shows you the one in her palm. The mushroom is larger than it was, but already it shrivels like a dry worm, returning to its old size.
"Even more phallic than you thought, hmm?" she says.
You're at the terrace where hundreds of white daywithers grow.
A path returns north into the mountain trails.
"Not the mushroom, but this part might be." She squeezes the head. Dark blue ooze seeps down along the stem from under the cap. "It's sweet. Here, try it."
You swipe your finger along a rivulet. The substance is slick. The flavor is like earthy syrup.
"It's an acquired taste I understand," she says. "It's probably safe to eat."
"Probably? You just had me try it."
She grins. "Yes, my royal taste tester. You instead of me. Though you should be just fine. Insects eat it all the time."
"Insects eat this?"
"They love it." Euna points out a nearby crevice populated with smaller daywithers. Tiny beetles crawl about inside the forest of mushroom stalks where blue slime has dripped. Ants circle around drops and feed. "It's part of their cycle. Insects eat it. Get spores on themselves, and carry them off to other parts of the mountain. Much like bees and flowers that way. I've read that people use it to bait ants. They mix it with poison."
"Simple way to find out." Euna cups her hand over a miniscule mushroom. After a second, it starts swelling. "It's the cap that's sensitive to light."
After its growth peters out, Euna measures it. "Nearly thrice as long, I'd say, and thrice the diameter. My, these change much more than the ones in Ruthgar. Some of these taller ones must get to waist-height at night."
"Go on," you say. "A little more."
She continues to grunt and strain. Her belly clenches. The stalk slowly slowly oozes past her lips. She reaches down to grab it.
You stop her. "Keep pushing."
"Don't be silly."
"You can do this. Deliver this mushroom."
She pouts, but resigns herself to more pushing. The mushroom is thicker than any man's cock, and it keeps coming. Near the end, it picks up speed and plops out at your feet.
"There you go," you say.
"That was..." Euna feels her gaping slit. "...strenuous." She works her fingers about and wiggles her hips.
"It was hardly anything," you say. "Look at it." You hold up the mushroom. It has nearly returned to its finger-sized length.
"Maybe you should try it next time." She straightens her clothes. "No more demonstrations. I think you get the point."
It's nearly a third of the way out when you push it in with your palm. It takes some force.
"Stop!" Euna bats your hand away.
"Okay. Sorry."
She pushes again. This time it emerges with more speed.
You push it in again.
"Stop it!" More batting, but she's grinning despite herself. Next time she pushes it out, she snags the end before you can and slides the mushroom out. In the light, it withers. "Enough silliness."
"Yes, Your Highness."
Euna eyes you with scrutiny as she rubs the mushroom's cap along her slit. Once it's little more than a stiff nub, she tosses it aside and stands. "You've had two demonstrations now. I think you get the point."
"Why don't you try one?"
"I've done this before," you say, "back in the circus. it's your turn to try."
"You're the expert," you say.
"Maybe so, but I've no desire to stretch myself for your amusement," she replies. "I am not one of your Warped Ones."
Maybe you're not quite grasping this," she says. "They grow once they're enclosed. And these ones are quite the growers."
"I guess I don't get it," you reply. "I think you need to show me."
"You're are an awful person," but thoughtful, she peers around. "Fine. A quick demonstration.... here." She kneels by a solitary daywither no larger than a pinky finger. A squeeze reveals it to be stiff like cork. "Small and harmless, right?"
Euna glances about as though someone might notice you two. Then she moves her gownsashskirt aside and sits down delicately. Her ass presses flat to the ground, and she's regards you matter-of-factly.
"Well?" you say.
"It's growing," she says. "Oh! Oh yes, it's growing." She squirms. "Hmm. I think it's about done now. Regard." Folding aside her gown,lifting her sash,Lifting her skirt, she pulls her knees to her chest to lift into a squat. A dick-sized daywither slides out of her.
...And slides a little back in when she settles back down, and out, and in. "I think I see why people like these." She stands up. The daywither shrivels back down to a nub.
"What for?" she asks.
"If it's edible, it could be food, right?"
"Hmm. A good idea."
"Did you notice how slippery it is?"
"...And you were asking about oils earlier, weren't you?"
"Why not?"
"It's... Oh go ahead. We can always use it for cooking."
Selecting a long, narrow jar, you squeeze the tops of various daywithers. Each head is pregnant with blue slime. Many drip like honeycomb, leaving a ring of blue droplets beneath the crown's ridge. Collecting it into the lip of a bottle proves to be a chore. By the end, most larger mushrooms are milked, and the jar is mostly full.
"Not surprised your mind would turn to that. You're not the first."
"No," she says flatly, "but others are as depraved as you."
"What do you mean?" you ask.
"I've read that in the southern mountains, they used these for sexual practices. Women would collect these as... toys. And some men would too."
"This time, try sitting on a larger one."
[Agnodine]: "Let's get a really big one."
"How much do they grow in the dark?"
"Try impaling yourself on one as thick as a cock."
"So what happens if you sit on one?"
You and Euna proceed through the mountain ravine.
It's a simple hike for you, but Euna is less surefooted. She frequently stumbles. You offer an arm to help stabilize her, which she latches to.
"Thank you," she says.
"You're welcome"
Enough tricky spots cause her to hold on to you so much that she soon stops letting go.
To the north, the ravine empties into a valley against the mountain range. The grass there is waist high. A few cattle and wild horses are scattered about. In the center of the valley is an old, covered caravan cart.
To the north, the ravine empties into a valley with the caravan cart.
A goat trail heads east, toward the slaver's cove.beyond which is the tip of a wooden pole—perhaps a flag pole.
The trail also goes west, going higher into the mountains along a treacherous narrow path.
To the south is the altar.
But behind you, Euna drops to her knees and clutches her swollen belly. Sweat beads her forehead.
"What's wrong?" you ask.
"I'm fine," she says. "It's the Daywither. I'm just cramping. I can make it back home." She gets up, walks two more paces, and crumples again with a groan. "Or maybe not. It wants out."
She tries to get up again and collapses. Her belly spasms. "Yes. Now. Help me."
She falls onto her back and folds her gown aside.pulls her velvet sash up.hikes her skirt up about her waist. Her pussy drips with blue syrup.
You work your fist inside her gash. Her cervix is fully closed, but it's heavily distended. Something is pushing on it. The moment you apply a dollop of Agnodine, it flowers, but not enough. You try pushing your fist into her womb, but the chunk of mushroom is so greased with its own syrup that you can't grip it. You only push it deeper. The best thing for her to do would be to push it out on her own.
"Looks like you need to push it out on your own."
You tug and tug. Euna wails. Her womb blossoms out as a big red mass.
"Stop." She catches your fists. "Look what you've done!"
You take your fists out. "Oops."
"Oops?" She clutches her prolapsed uterus tenderly. "You pulled my womb out of my body. Augh, that hurt." She begins pushing the mass of flesh back into herself.
"Don't do that now," you say. "It'll be easier to get it out now."
"I'd rather handle this myself."
"Well, I'm ordering you to lie back."
"And I will get it out."
"Please, Your Highness. Let me do this for you." You stroke her prolapsed flesh and caress her clit. "Just try to relax."
She's glaring, yet a shiver passes through her all the same when your fingers caress her clit. "Lord, I don't know why I let you do these things to me."
Against her better judgement, Euna relinquishes her prolapsed womb and lies back down. She's eyeing you closely.
You grope the veiny flesh of her prolapse to get a good sense of the mushroom cap inside her. It's much larger than her cervix, even in its abused state, but not for long. You smear a little more Agnodine to get her good and dilated. Hooking both fists into her cervix, you stretch, ignoring all the pained whines coming from her. She's trying her best to relax, which pushes her cervix out farther. It helps. You stretch her poor cervical ring to its maximum and slide the flesh ever the cap until it plops right now.
Her uterus is distended and deformed, but already it's slipping back inside her. She eases it in with her palm, and with a few flexes of her pelvic floor and a minute to rest, she's in good enough shape to sit up.
"And now you're just fine," you say.
"I'll never be fine again," she breathes. "I could have just pushed the mushroom out, yet you had to go and abuse my poor womb." She cradles her slack pussy and slips fingers inside herself. "I can feel it. It's lower down now."
"Easier to have fun with, hmm?"
"Of course you'd think that. It's not your womb that will slip out of you more often now." She looks around. "Where is the mushroom cap?"
You fetch it and bring it into view.
"No, I'll just push it out." She tries to get up.
You ease her back down. "I can get it."
"You're going to put two hands past my cervix and then pull it out?"
"It's fine." Both of your hands slide into her slick pussy with only slight resistance. One of your fists even works past her cervix with only a slight fight. Your second fist, though, takes considerable twisting and shoving.
She's thrashing about. "Stop! It's never going to work. You're going to cause damage."
"So?" you say. "Your womb is made for abuse and debauchery, isn't it?"
She chews her lip, then rests her hands aside.
"Just relax," you say.
She tries her best, and you do get your other hand up there. By now, you've pushed the mushroom cap deep inside, and you bury in her snatch past your elbows trying to fish for it. Now you've got it in both hands. It's time to pull out.
The process leaves her wailing and squirming. Both fists and the cap simply will not fit, and in all your effort, you end up tugging her cervix down her canal instead. If you keep at this, it will come too.
"Stop," she wails. "You're pulling me apart. Please let me do this."
"So?" you say.
"So? I'd rather not cost myself my fertility. Now let me do this."
"No, no, don't— augh!" She grunts as you plop your rear onto her stomach.
"Now push harder," you say.
Despite your weight, she concentrates on pushing the fungi out of herself.
You start jiggling up and down. "Push, push, push."
Euna grunts with each bounce. "Stop! Stop!" she says, breathless. "You're clearly just enjoying tormenting me."
"Nonsense. I'm helping."
She can't help but grin. "This is no time for your sadistic games. I need to get this out of me."
"In that case..."
"That just seems painful," she mutters, but she lifts her clothes to expose her belly, "but if you think it will help..."
Kneeling between her legs, you feel both hands along her belly. There's the mushroom cap behind her abdomen. "Now push," you say, and when she bears down, you press.
"That's not helping," she grunts. "It just hurts."
"Really?" you say. "Then..."
"Ow, stop." She bats your hands away. "You're not helping."
"No, but I'm having fun."
"Silly fool. Always tormenting me. I'll do this."
"Are you insane?" she cries.
You stand beside her and rest your foot over her swollen belly. "On three."
"I don't think this is a good idea." She clutches your ankle. "You're not even going to take your boots off?"
Euna stares down at your boot. Her eyes are wild.
Steeling herself, she moves her hands out of the way and gets ready.
"Three." You stomp on Euna's belly. She screams out, and reflexively clutches your leg again. Her body curls to protect itself.
Then she moves her hands away. "Again," she says.
"Let go," you say.
Euna moves her hands away and unfolds.
You stomp again, this time without warning, and again, and again. Each time you pound the wind out of Euna. She's coughing and struggling, yet she's keeping her legs spreads, and she's pushing. Or maybe just flexing her abs to protect herself. Either way, the lump is moving.
You stomp harder and faster, grinding your heel as though killing a rodent. Each pound gets a crying grunt from her and convulses her body. She clutches her head to keep her arms away and tries to endure this beating.
Her pussy flowers outward, then with one final stomp, the mushroom cap launches out. You fetch it while Euna is left heaving and weaping. It's a long while before she's recovered enough to talk.
"Oh Lord..." she mutters. "That was awful..."
"Get used to it," you say. "I'm sure we'll hae to do it again next time I ram something inside you."
"Yes, master." She rules toward you. "Where did the mushroom go?"
"Will you be okay?" you ask.
"I will be fine." She rolls toward you. "Where did the mushroom go?"
You hold it up.
"No!" She rolls out of the way. "Not on three. As much as I entertain your debauchery, I thought we both agreed that I would still have children some day. I'll get this out of me."
Euna gets up into a crude squat, propped back on her arms. With a deep breath, she bears down and gives a long sustained grunt.
You hold your hands beneath her, ready to catch. "Push," you say. "Push," using your best impression of a midwife that you can muster.
She groans and growls and pushes. Little by little, the bump of her belly shifts. Her pussy flowers outward. The mushroom cap crowns, and it plops out into your hands with a flood of blue-tinged juices. It's a little larger than an infant's head.
"Congratulations," you say. "What will you name it?"
"A bad idea."
"Oh come now. You enjoyed this little experiment."
"To start, but this experiment has been a lesson in pain and cramps. It seems my womb objects to having foreign objects crammed into it. Imagine that."
"Maybe you just need practice."
She sits up. "Easy for you to say. You didn't just go into labor with a piece of fungi." She eyes the mushroom chunk. "Big though, isn't it?"
"A healthy weight."
She feels her own gash. It's still a flowered mess. Her labia are drooped and puffy. She toys with it anyway. "Pity. I rather enjoyed having it in me."
After she's had some time to recover, she's up, and you two are ready to set out again.
"Was the last demonstration not clear enough?" she asks.
"Not really. You picked such a small one."
"Well then. Perhaps this one will make it more clear." She singles out a mushroom the size of an index finger.
"That's hardly a step up," you say.
"It's large enough." Euna sits down upon it like before. Her hips gyrate. "Hmm. This suits me," she says. "Ooh. Quite a tighter fight though. Now pay attention this time." She pulls her legs in close to squat up when a snap sounds out. Her eyes go wide. "Ohhh, no!"
"It broke off. Oh no." Kneeling, she reaches under her gownsashskirt and attempts to excricate the mushroom. When this doesn't work, she rolls onto her back. Her vaginal lips have nearly close around the daywither, leaving only a glimmer of bluish white. Again she fishes for it to no avail. "Help?"
You kneel between her legs and work a finger and thumb in beside the daywither, but it's slippery.
"It's really in there," you say. "I think you just need to push."
"Go on."
She bears down. Her lips swell outward, but no progress. "Lord, it's large." She presses again with a grunt. It's slow work, but her lips slowly yield a small stump of the mushroom's stalk.
"What for?" she asks.
"You'll see."
"You're up to your hijinks again. Very well."
You hunt around until finding a mushroom as thin as a feather quill and as long as your finger.
"You'll see. Just find one."
She hunts around until finding a mushroom as thin as a feather quill and as long as your finger.
Obediently,"Go on then." Euna sits back and spreads her legs wide for you, though she has no idea what you're planning. Her loose sex is on display, and this tiny daywither would do nothing for her.
"Now?" She looks at you, bewildered, but her cool returns. "Point one out."
"How about this one?" This mushroom is already the size of your forearm, and it's still shriveled.
She eyes it. "And you're sure I can't hurt myself?"
"I'm sure," you say, though really you have no idea.
"That last one felt like it might," but she's already straddling the daywither.
"Perhaps this one." She singles out a forearm-sized mushroom. "But if I get stuck again, you'll help me up this time?"
"Sure," you say.
"Do you promise?"
"Yes. I promise."
After rubbing her messy pussy on its head, she sinks down, or tries. The head is a too large for her lips. "It already doesn't fit," she says as she grasps the stalk and bears more weight upon it. But after much forcing, her pussy caves inward and the head pops inside her. Her hugging lips squeezed the cap, causing blue slime to run rivulets down the stalk, which her lips then smear when she pushes herself down the shaft quickly before the mushroom expands.
She hisses in pain. "Ohh. This was a bad idea. Oh Lord." The stalk is inflating, becoming as thick as Euna's leg. But her snatch apparently can't expand that much. It tapers right before entering her, squeezed like a sponge. Though her pussy is obscenely stretched, lips nearly white, stretched to their absolute limit.
Euna is lifting up the shaft, not of her choice, but rather the growing mushroom is pressing against her cervix. She supports her weight with her legs. The swelling stops. Euna moans and feels her stomach. An indentation on her belly travels up past her silk waist cord.past the hem of her fishnet blouse.under her bodice. She tries lifting up with her feet and sinking down. The attempt is pitiful.
She gives up. "Well, here I am. I lived. Not sure I can ride this one properly though."
"I probably shouldn't have done this. I think I'm stuck, and I'll surely be sore tomorrow, but what's done is done." Her fingers circle her clit. It's squeezed right up against the shaft. "Oh, this is not comfortable at all. But I did it. I... oh... I'm so full." Her breath is heavy from her own stimulation. "Are you going to help me up?"
"Well, I did it." She gives up and holds her arms out for you to lift her.
Get behind her and work the smaller daywither into her ass.
Present her your cock for sucking.
Lift her legs, making her take her full weight on the mushroom.
You are at the estuary, where you've set up your the remains of your old camp.
Akkoro slime covers trees and foliage alike.
The beach is to your south, judging from the sun's location. The river extends north. The beach also extends both to the east and west.
"You need to shelter the kindling from the wind," you say. "It helps to steeple them together. I'm not sure what you're book said but—"
"Don't bother," Euna says. "If you're such an expert, then you do make the fire however you want." And she marches off.
You soon have a fire growing nice and healthy. Euna's lips press tight at the sight of it, but she says nothing.
"You're the one who keeps asking!"
"Yes," she says. "They have tentacles for... delivering seed."
"Oh. Penis tentacles."
"Yes, if you must call them that. And ovarian tentacles."
You frown. "Ovarian tentacles?"
"Yes, or ovipositors," she says matter-of-factly, although she's blushing. "They reproduce externally, so they'll grow some tentacles that spray seed, and others that lay eggs."
"They'll grow both?"
"They produce both male and female parts. Like flowers. Sometimes they'll reproduce on their own. Sometimes with others. They'll come together, and their tentacles will... do their thing, and they'll fertilize eggs and deposit them somewhere."
"The tentacles will do what thing?"
She's growing exasperated. "Oh. You know very well what I mean." She makes awkward thrusting gestures. "Penetration. To stimulate release."
"Ugh." She wipes more of it off. "Sexual lubrication of all things."
"No. It shouldn't be. It just lubricates their movement and helps them stay moist. There's actually a market for it, though I don't know who in their right mind would ever bother collecting this wretched stuff."
"They don't. Like I said, they're external reproducers. The tentacles penetrate something else, like a food source, or sometimes another animal. The ovarian tentacles lay a bed of eggs, then the spermatic tentacles fertilize them."
"...Another animal?"
"The akkoro look for an enclosed place that's warm and wet. Live animals are good for that, but dead animals work too since decomposition warms them up."
You both sprint into the forest. Behind you, branches snap and trees creak as the thing pulls itself through the woods toward you. You might be able to get away, but Euna is falling behind. She's clutching the hem of her chemise up to her knees, but it's still slowing her down.
You grab her arm. "This way!"
You lead her toward the ocean. The forest gives way to the tidal plane. You both sprint through razor grass toward the sand. You glance behind to see the monster at the border of the woods. It's not following. After a moment, it recedes into the dark.
"Stop," you shout. "We're safe. Stop."
Euna keeps running until you finally catch up and grab her arm. With a yelp, she blindly lashes at you.
"St— Ow. Stop!" you say. "We're safe. It's gone."
Wild eyed, she scans around. "Where did it go?"
"It stopped following us at the tree line. I don't think it can move in open terrain."
She looks around again, then gasps for breath.
"Are you okay?" you ask.
"I think so. I just... I heard this rustling, and then the tentacles were suddenly everywhere. Oh, good lord. That thing was terrifying." Panting, she rests on her knees. Slimy goo covers her calf. "Ugh." She tries to wipe it off, only for it to smear on her hands. "It's so... slippery." When she spreads her fingers. The ooze webs between them. It smells salty, and a little like fish. She tries to wipe her hand in the sand, only for sand to stick to the goo.
"I want to wash this off," she says. "Come with me to the ocean."
"I'm not sure we should be relaxing yet."
"No, it's fine," she says. "You were right. It won't follow us out here. Come." Tucking the hem of her gown into her waist cord,Hiking up her chemise, Euna wades into the ocean up to her knees. In the water, she scrubs vigorously at her legs.
"Do you know what that was?"
She nods. "It was an akkoro. I read about them in my studies of the thrice-tenth kingdom. Never thought I'd see one, much less get attacked by one."
"Sometimes they'll come up if they're short on food," She gestures around. "...Or if it rains heavily, like it did last night. But when they do, they'll always stay in dense woods, because they move by pulling themselves along."
She shakes her head. "I knew this too. I should have known to run to the beach. You, on the other hand, have never even heard of an akkoro before, but you inferred what to do. All my knowledge, and I'm useless out here."
"Don't be hard on yourself," you say. "There's a world of difference between reading about something in a book and facing it in real life."
"You are kind," she says, unconvinced.
"Possibly," she says. "I've never heard of Akkoro being anywhere else. We're either in the thrice-tenth-kingdom, or we're close to it."
"The Ruthgar colonies are in the thrice-tenth kingdom too. Does this mean we're closer to them than we thought?"
"Not necessarily. The thrice-tenth kingdom is enormous, many times the size of our own tsardom. Our scouts have only seen a small part. Most of our knowledge about these monsters comes from locals."
"So it tells us nothing," you say.
"Only that we're far away from home."
"That was an akkoro. They're deadly creatures—nothing but a mass of tentacles connected to a small body and a carapace. Fascinating though. They can grow and lose tentacles to fit their needs. They normally live in dark, wet places, like water caverns or underground rivers."
"For instance. If they're in a dark cave, they'll grow more feelers with sensitive touch so they can feel their way around. If they're in the light, they'll cannibalize their feelers and grow more eyestalks. When it's breeding season for them, they'll grow tentacles for breeding. Also, if food is scarce, they'll reduce their tentacles to save energy, whereas if they're feeling threatened, they'll grow extra for combat. They're amazingly versatile creatures."
"You certainly know a lot about their sexual habits."
"What was that about breeding? They have tentacles for that?"
"How are tentacles supposed to penetrate each other?"
"What was it doing up here if they normally live in caves?"
"You said thrice-tenth kingdom. Is that where we are?"
"I agree," she says. "It should retreat come dawn, but I don't think we should stay there anymore. I could never sleep knowing that could return. We'll need to relocate."
"How about that altar in the mountains? I think we can still see the ocean from there."
Euna considers it. "Might be safer too. Not enough trees for an akkoro to move around with, but we'll need to get my clothes first." She finishes cleaning away the slime and emerges from the ocean. Her gownvelvet sashHer chemise clings to her legs.
She pauses before you. "I owe you my thanks. You acted heroicallylike a true heroine and saved my life."
Steeling yourself, you face the beast. One good strike upon its... center part... somewhere, and it will surely fall. Taking up sturdy stick, you storm forward, knocking aside tentacles.
...But then it strikes back. Several appendages lash out at once. They knock you down, cast away your stick, and lift you in the air by your leg. As you thrash, more tentacles coil about your limbs and torso. They squeeze. They twist. They pull.
Your bones are popping. The pain is unimaginable. Euna wails in horror, though her voice is distant, as you're already losing consciousness.
The tentacles give one final twist, and your body is rent to pieces. Thankfully, your mind fades moments later. The pain is no more.
That's because you're dead. You pushed your luck too far.
Quickly, you snatch up a hefty branch from the broken shelter. You beat at the tentacle gripping Euna's leg. Your blows bounce off its rubbery flesh. Euna fights, but it pulls her closer into the shadows where the beast lurks. Other tentacles lunge at you. You dodge nimbly. This time, you try stabbing the appendage ensnaring Euna. The branch repeatedly slips off target because of a slimy goo covering the tentacle, but you succeed on the fourth stab.
The branch hardly breaks its skin, but the monster reacts. The tentacle loosens as four others strike out. One nearly snags your arm. The other three get your branch. After wrestling over it, you let the beast have it and go for Euna.
Grabbing her arms, you pull her up and run with her toward the river. The monster follows. When it slithers from the shadows, it's horrible form becomes visible.
It has a carapace like a beetle, only instead of six legs coming out the bottom, it has a writhing mass of tentacles, like a swarm of worms. All of them grope and feel. They pull on trees to move the monster along while others flail upon the ground. Some tentacles are more focused. They're constantly peeling open at the end to reveal gelatinous orbs which are trained on you. They're eyes, you realize. Dozens of them. Constantly blinking.
Euna reaches out to you and screams for help, but you merely watch. More tentacles find her. Wrapping about her arms and legs, they lift her high.
Her screams raise in pitch—from terror to pain. You realize too late that the tentacles are pulling her apart. Like a wishbone, her legs split, bones snapping. They rip from her body. Her arms tear off in a shower of blood.
The monster emerges from the shadow. The writhing swarm of tentacles part to reveal a gelatinous form capped by a solid carapace. From its underbelly opens a massive maw. The tentacles deftly cram Euna's limbs inside.
Euna's lifeless torso is the last piece it consumes. You're alone now, though not for long. The monster turns to you, and you realize that by standing around, you've just waited for your turn to die.
What did you think was going to happen?
You select a fat bottle and begin scraping the slime from tree branches and rocks. It drools into the bottle like snot. The stuff is everywhere, and by the time you've got most of it, the bottle is full to the brim.
Bits of dirt, grass, and tiny twigs are suspended within.
"Why are you collecting it?" Euna asks.
"It might be useful," you say.
"How? The only thing I've ever heard of people wanting this foul stuff for is as sexual lubricant."
You eye her.
"No." she says.
"Well, I've already collected it. Maybe it might come in handy some other way."
"I doubt it."
"Remember when we were in dire need of sexual oils?"
"It'll work."
"It would, but ugh. Are you sure?"
"It's not that bad." You sniff your fingers. They smell faintly like old fish, but it's not terribly strong. "See?"
She dips a finger in and smells it. "Hmm. We'll see."
"Did you actually think she'd do it?"
"Of course not," you say. "Your father has far too many horses."
She rolls her eyes. "You know that's not what I meant. It is considered an abomination in our book to lay with beasts."
"I know. I said it to shock her."
"I hope to the Lord you were joking."
"Maybe," you tease, "I've had many perverts who wanted to see me do that very thing."
"And you think she would be one of those perverts?"
"Of course not. I said it to shock her."
"But is that something you've indulged in before? Fornicating with animals."
"I've seen it. Some people will pay money for a show of it."
"And you say that like it's normal."
"For some people, it is."
Euna sneers. "And that was supposed to be a joke?"
"Not at all," you say. "I was offering to do her a favor. It's a true tragedy that she has never know the love of a good sodomizing."
"I see... And no doubt you would have then offered to be the one sodomizing her."
"It would have been my honor," you say.
"I see... And I assume you know the pleasures of sodomy?"
"Your Highness, my little rose is a fount of endless joy, as it is for many women, and men. I explained this to her as well."
"Did you honestly expect her to laugh?"
"I only said it to get a reaction out of her. I just didn't expect that much of a reaction."
"Is that something you would enjoy doing?" she asks archly.
"To her? Yes. She made my life difficult."
"but excluding her. Do you enjoy punishing people for sexual gratification."
"Is that something you would have enjoyed?" she asked archly.
"Very much so if she were the one to do it. I know how dirty it would make her feel."
"but excluding her. Do you enjoy punishment as a form of sexual gratification."
"I've done it before. I punish them. They punish me. It's not as uncommon as you might think."
"I know. The world is full of debauchery."
"Like you couldn't imagine, Your Highness."
"I am done with this conversation. It is late." She heads toward a cleared sleeping space. "This is my spot. I've cleared a space for you over there." She points to the opposite bank of the river.
"I'm supposed to cross the river!? Now? I just got dry."
"I will not have you sleeping near me. I don't trust you."
"Why not? What do you think I'm going to do?"
"Need I remind you what my guards caught you doing?"
"I said that was a misunderstanding!"
"Sure it was. You will sleep there nonetheless."
"Maybe you should cross the river."
"Don't be daft. You're the deviantharlot, and I am royalty. I decide who sleeps where. Now, off you go."
"Unbelievable." You storm across the river. The water is freezing. On the other side, you dry yourself as best you can and lay down to sleep. In the dark, you can make out only Euna's silhouette. That was probably her intent.
Tired, you close your eyes and listen to the crashing waves.
"Just so you know," she calls, "If you had made that remark to me, I would have had you sent to the stockades."
A pause.
"...But I would not have had you exiled."
You grin. "Good night, Your Highness."
"If we don't, we don't. I know my sister will rule the tsardom well. My aunt has no sway over her as she did me."
"If she does, then so be it," Euna says.
"Really? You'd be okay with that?"
"I would accept it. I have already accepted that I would produce an heir and soil my body. I would accept excommunication too if it were the right thing for my people. But all of this is moot. I am here. Not there. I have learned my lesson too late. I let my aunt drive me away."
She shakes her head and grins. "Is that all you're worried about?"
"I worry about other things too," you say. "That just happens to concern me."
"Yes, Fool. I will overturn your exile. Whether you'll still have your job is another story." Her smile fades. "But again, it doesn't matter if we never get back."
"It disagrees with my aunt's teachings," she says. "I have accepted that her faith will not be mine. Her way would put Dmitri in power, and revive the inquisition. I must seek Nimel's will on my own."
Euna wakes before you as usual. She bustles around the camp, preparing breakfast with what little food is left over. She's not wearing her traveling cloak today, though she still has on her gown donned as conservatively as she can. The silk is damp and clingy.velvet sash and fishnet top.skirt and bodice. It's still warm; her chemise is damp.
You cross the river to meet her. "I'm sorry about last night. I was butting into your life and giving you my opinion when you never asked for it."
"It's fine." She doesn't pause in her work. "They were just words. I should not have lost my composure as I did. It was unbecoming."
"I don't care that I saw you cry. I care that I hurt you. I didn't mean to."
"You did not hurt me. Your words were not easy to hear, but as you said, to close our ears would be a sin of ignorance. And it's not as though your suspicions have never occurred to me before."
She works for a while. "For as long as I've been at the convent, Margosha taught me that her way of worship was the only true way. That I was to trust in her authority above all else, and I accepted it. I suppose deep down I've always known my aunt favored me above all others because of my birthright, but I liked to believe that it was more than that—that maybe she saw in me something special. I chose not to see ulterior motives. After all, it afforded me the opportunity to find my faith."
"And now?"
"And now I accept that my education was to serve her greater purpose. It does not invalidate what I have learned, nor does it mean that I regret my time at the convent. But the time has come for me to divorce myself from my aunt's influence and do as I believe is right. Should I ever return home, I will take my rightful place on the throne and further the ways of Nim, but I shall do it on my own. I will reject my aunt's marriage arrangements... if I ever get back."
"Might your aunt excommunicate you over this?"
"Does this mean you'll overturn my exile?"
"Turning against your aunt. Doesn't this disagree with your faith?"
"I will be blaspheming my own body for the sake of duty," she says. "That will not be enjoyable."
"So it's just going to be a matter of duty? You and the lucky man will do the deed as quickly and unemotionally as possible?"
She nods. "And then I will retire to my private quarters. I will do this however few times it takes for my womb to quicken, and then no more."
"It's not up to me."
"What if he wants a second heir?"
"Then I will perform my duty again."
"I rather think everyone else is not taking it seriously enough. My faith is no more zealous than any of my fellow sisters at the convent."
"Then how come you left the church? I thought becoming a Daughter of Nimel was a lifetime deal."
"It is, normally. I, unfortunately, could not make the commitment. A sister must be able to fully dedicate their spirit and chastity to our Lord Father Nimel. As the tsarivna, I will have the obligation to my tsardom to produce an heir."
"You make it sound so horrible."
"What if you want a second heir?"
"Since you have to, what's wrong with letting yourself enjoy it?"
"Are you suggesting that I should enjoy sinning?"
You make a helpless gesture. "Look at it this way. Once you've done the deed even once, you are considered sullied, right? You're already damned in the eyes of your lord. You will never reach holy union."
"It is a sacrifice I make for my people."
"Right. So after you've done it once, there's no longer any harm in doing it again, or as much as you please. It's not like you can get more sullied, right?"
"Of course I can," she says. "Just because I will fail to preserve my body for Nimel does not mean I should continue to fail him."
"Why is it failing? You were born to a tsar. You had this obligation before you even drew breath. If Nimel truly steers us all, then doesn't that mean he put you on this path? He wants you to have heirs."
"That doesn't mean he wants me to sully my body wantonly."
"But he does want you to feel intimacy. At least once anyway. Just as he wishes for all mothers and fathers. We wouldn't be here if not for them. Would it be wrong then to enjoy performing this service for him?"
Her eyes narrow. "Are you trying to tempt me into sin?"
"No, no. I'm just saying maybe you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. If all I've accomplished with this talk is to make it so you don't feel miserable when you finally do what you're already going to do, then I'm happy."
She stares into the fire a while. "I suppose there is reason to your words. Although I must be taking leave of my senses if I am listening to you."
You chuckle. "There is no harm in listening. If we were to close our ears, we'd be guilty of ignorance. If I remember, that's a Nimic sin."
She remains quiet.
"I'll leave you to your thoughts," you say. "I have a river to cross, and I'd like to give my legs time to dry before I lie beneath the open sky. Sleep well, Your Highness. May your carnal visage stay hidden during your slumber."
"Do not mock my practice, Foolfoolish woman," she says, though she smirks at your remark.
You and Euna return to camp by the estuary and drop off the food.
"Another successful day," she says. "Let's try again at a shelter."
Together, you work to construct a tent near the fire pit. You create a scaffolding out of sticks, then help her layer palm fronds over the top of it. It's hard work in this jungle heat, but by the time the sun is setting, you have something serviceable. The results aren't bad, though there's hardly enough room inside to sit up, and you're not sure how weather proofed it is.
Euna, however, is delighted. "Excellent," she says. "Now you can start dinner."
Starting a fire is easier; you've had practice. Euna watches as you cook a meal for you both. You serve her dinner on a plate-sized leaf before preparing a plate for yourself.
"So," you say. "You think it'll last?"
She glances toward the tent. "It will do for now. If we are to be stuck on this purgatory much longer, then we will need to readdress the issue."
You glance toward your sleeping spot across the river. "I suppose I'll have to build my own shelter then... unless your shelter is for both of us..."or shall we bunk together like Nimic sisters?"
She gives you a withering look. "We will build you a shelter tomorrow, knave. There was no more time today."I won't share a bed with the likes of you. You'll have to make do for the night. This tent is mine. You are not to go near it."
"Sure. Royalty first."
"I do not take the first out of selfishness. It is a matter of decency. I am a proper Nimic lady. It is improper for others to see me while I sleep, especially a deviant like you."
You and Euna return.
She stows the food. "We have some time left. Now we'll get to work making your shelter."
"All right then."
"On your side of the river."
"Of course."
The shelter comes out better than the one built yesterday. It looks like she might make you switch with her. Ultimately, she shrugs.
"We should get dinner started," she says.
"I'm starting the fire again?" you ask.
"Of course."
By now you're quite the outdoorsmanoutdoorswoman. It takes only a few minutes to light a fire. Once dinner is prepared, you sit on opposite sides of the fire and eat quietly.
"Your Highness," you say. "I've been thinking about you've said before."
"You say you have a responsibility to your tsardom to produce an heir, right?"
"And you are the rightful heir to the throne. So why were you on that boat? The journey from Ruthgar to the colonies is perilous. And that's to say nothing of the colonies themselves. I know you've told me it's none of my business before, but what was so important that you'd risk you life and birthright to travel across the world?"
Euna stares into the fire. "Because I'm a fool, just like you."
"What do you mean?"
"I... When you asked before whether I'm running away, you were right. I am. It was stupid. I regretted doing so a within a day of leaving port, but by then it was too late."
"But why?"
"Because... I didn't know what else to do. My father... he's dying. The alchemists are doing everything they can, but it's not enough. He grows worse with every passing day."
You and Euna get back and drop off the food.
"What are we doing today, Your Highness?"
She looks at the two shelters on opposite sides of the river. "I'd like to remake my shelter. Now that we have the knack of it, we can make something worthwhile now."
"As you wish." You move to tear down her old shelter.
"Wait," she says.
Euna chews her lip. "I think... I think you should take my old one. If we have time, we'll fix it up."
"You want me sleeping on your side of the river? I'm honored."
"It's for my protection. I think it's wiser if you were to sleep nearer to me. And perhaps so you don't have to wade through water." She looks at you pointedly. "Do not take this as an invitation. I have not forgotten about your peeping ways. You will not spy on me when I'm indecent."
"It seems unnecessary to make you wade through the water." She looks at you pointedly. "But you will behave yourself. Do not take this as an invitation to go through my belongings, or do anything else unbecoming."
She hesitates. "I will pray for Lord Father Nimel's understanding, but I must accept that I may not be able to uphold all my customs on this land. Come now, while we have daylight."
"Good. Then let's work."
The work is faster going since you're able to cannibalize pieces from your old shelter. The results come out quite nicely, plenty of privacy, plenty of rain cover. You two even have time to patch up your inherited shelter.
Afterward, you prepare dinner and serve her food upon a leaf. She accepts graciously.
After eating a while, you speak. "Earlier you said that since you've left, the throne will pass to your sister, Aileen, right?"
"I was thinking. What's to stop your aunt from forcing the marriage on her?"
"She can't. My sister might be a follower of Nim, but she doesn't adhere to the codes. Dmitri does, which means it is forbidden for him to marry her."
"Ah, because she's not virtuous enough?"
"What if your aunt doesn't care? She might bend to rules in her favor."
"It wouldn't work. My sister does not respect Margosha like I did. After all, she was one of the first to point out Dmitri's evil ways to me. If my aunt tried to marry her anyway, she'd need for my sister to undergo the test of Virtue. Aileen would never agree to that."
You chuckle. "She'd never pass either."
Euna frowns. "What do you mean?"
"I, uh... I'm just assuming your sister wouldn't, right?"
"You know something, don't you? Tell me."
"No. Not really. I just... I know your sister has shown interest in boys. She's had a few fancies. That's all."
"Oh," she says. "I knew about that. She and I both had our innocent trysts when we were girls. It was harmless though. A simple penance would cleanse her. The test of virtue is about her maidenhead."
You keep your face as neutral as possible as you stare into the fire.
"...her maidenhead is intact, is it not?"
You hesitate. "Yes. Of course. A few lusty kisses. Wandering hands. That's all that I know of."
She recognizes your dodging for what it is. "What do you know?"
"No. You must tell me." Her eyes were alight. "What has Aileen done?"
"I swear! I know nothing."
"I am ordering you to tell me what you know."
"I will tell you, but only if you tell me about these 'innocent trysts' of yours."
It doesn't take you long to fix the fire and do everything. Though after the fire is going, Euna seems quite proud of herself.
Once dinner is prepared, you eat. The crickets chirr and the nearby waves crash.
"This is actually the best meal I've had in months," you say. "It's not much, but it beats prisoner's gruel."
"You must be delighted about all of this," Euna replies. "You no longer have to serve your sentence in the colonies"
"I'm not sure how much better this is."
"It's better. The conscripts are treated without mercy. They're worked to the bone, fed nothing but scraps, and made to sleep in overcrowded longhouses with hardly an inch of space to themselves. If they step out of line, they are whipped before the others and put back to work. Some are made to fight the unimaginable monstrosities plaguing those lands. They're the lucky ones since they find escape in death."The women, I hear, have it worse. They're stranded alone with the worst kind of men you can imagine."
"Sounds swell."
She regards you. "It is only for the worst of society. Murderers, traitors, rapists."
"Except I am none of those."
"No. You're a sexual deviant and a sodomite."a godless adulteress."
"I can't argue that, but did I really deserve to be on that boat? All I did was make an indecent propositionrisqué suggestion to your aunt. Anyone else would have laughed it off, but nooo, she had to make a fuss about it."
"Reverend Mother Margosha Romanovna is the abbess of the Church of Nim. We seek to cleanse ourselves of all earthly desires to live in spiritual and physical purity. We have all taken vows of chastity. She's the last person you should have made your proposalsgiven advice to."
"That's why it was funny," you say. "Everyone else laughed."
"That was not your only crime, knave. Need I remind you that my royal guards found you spying on me from the tree outside my window?"
"That was a complete misunderstanding. I just happened to have been near your window. I didn't even know you were in there."
"They say you had a spy glass."
"I was birdwatching."
"At night?"
"Owls. Majestic beasts."
"That was not your only crime. Need I remind you that my guards dragged you out of that abominable tavern where you were performing one of your godless stripteases?"
"It was just a performance I held in town to earn a little more coin."
"You were impersonating me. The princess's sultry secret. Isn't that what you called it?"
"A princess. Not you specifically."
"You were wearing my clothes."
"I didn't know that. I just took a gown I found in the wash-house. I swear it was all a misunderstanding."
"Are you to claim that all your crimes have been misunderstandings? How many times have I seen you locked in the penance box, or the stockades down at the square? How many adultereradulteress's brands do you have on your rump?"
"Enough that they're overlapping, but I never hurt anyone." You hesitate. "...On purpose. ...Without their consent. ...Usually. But I was not a blight on society. I just knew how to live life."
"You spread debauchery and sin."You're a debauched harlot. If half the things I've heard about you are true, then you deserved every bit to be on that boat."
"Nobody cared. I'm only exiled because your Aunt pulled strings to get rid of me. Even your father was against it. He liked my jokesacts more than anyone. You should have seen him laugh when he heard what I told her."
"My father suffers from an unrefined sense of taste."
"Then so does the rest of the court. I was popular."
"Face it, Your Highness. You're wound so tight, even your father is worried about you."
You both return to camp. After dropping off the food, you and Euna work together to maintain the shelters, clean the firepit, and perform other campsite maintenance. Afterward, Euna spends some time looking out over the ocean. The chances of a boat showing are slim, if not nonexistent, but you say nothing. She's probably already aware of this.
At dinner, you and Euna talk at length about each other. She shares some anecdotes about her time at the convent, but mostly you dominate the conversation with entertaining stories and rowdy jokes. Back in the tsardom, she would have glared at you for telling jokes like these at court. Today she laughs.
At a pause, she changes topics. "When you were up on the mountain, did you get a good look at the surrounding lands?"
"I did. Say what you will about this place, the view was amazing."
"Did you see anything interesting?"
"A few things. There's something in the mountains far to the east, just up against the coast. It looks like a flag pole, but I'm not sure."
"A flag pole? An outpost perhaps?"
"Maybe. I'm not sure how to get there. That'll be a challenge for another day."
You both talk longer, when the sky rumbles. Fat drops of water start falling, and in seconds it becomes a downpour.
"Oh swell," Euna says. "We're going to get soaked again. I guess dinner is over. Goodnight. See you in the morning."
"Goodnight, Your Highness."
You both retire to your respective tents. The patter of rain against the roof of your shelter lulls you to sleep.
At a pause, she changes topics. "Would you think we have a good feel for the surrounding lands yet?"
"We're getting there," you say.
"Perhaps if we reached higher ground, we might find a good vantage point."
"We could follow the river up the mountains."
"I'm not sure how much food we'd find," she says, "but it might be worth doing once."
After dinner. You both turn in for the night.
"It is not an illness of the body, but of the mind. At first, it was hardly noticeable. He talked slower. He'd trail off during conversations. That was it. Nowadays, he'll wake up in his bed and have no idea where he is. He'll forget my mother is dead and call out for her. These last few months, his advisers have taken over his duties. He can't even be trusted to dress himself anymore, much less run a tsardom."
"Your Highness, I am truly, deeply, sorry to hear this. I knew your father well. I've entertained in his court for years." You look into the fire. "He's done great things for our tsardom. It's because of him that we're now at peace with the Velesians. I hate to hear that this is the end he has come to." You look back at her. "But what does this have to do with your running away?"
You and Euna return to the estuary and set down your collected food.
"There," you say. "And you thought I'd get us killed."
She gives you a withering look.
You shrug. "I don't mean it as a brag. I'm just glad we get to eat."
"I suppose you might not be completely useless."
You bowcurtsy "Thank you! What was next in that survival book?"
"We start a fire. For camp, and for a pyre."
She prepares the site while you gather firewood. Afterward, you join up to collect dried palm leaves on the beach to make a pyre.
By the time the sun is setting, it's all coming together.
"There." She admires the results. "Tomorrow I'll make a shelter. For now, you can start a fire and prepare dinner."
You eye her fire pit. Twigs are heaped together with no concern for creating a hollow space within where kindling will have shelter from the wind. Her book smarts have their limits.
"Which only goes to show what a bad influence you are."
"With the men, yes. They'd watch you with lust in their eyes."
"Or maybe you just spent so much time at that convent that you lost your sense of fun."
"Don't be an idiot. Of course I know how to have fun."
"Really? What do you do?"
"I..." She frowns. "I read. I enjoy learning the histories of our Nimic heritage, and I take pleasure in my royal studies, as any monarch should. Oh. And I enjoy singing hymns, and the gusli."
"The convent made you do those, didn't they?"
"I still enjoy them," she says. "And... oh yes! The tournaments. I enjoy those, the jousting, the performances. Not your performances, of course."
"Oh right. The tournaments. The ones where you sat stock still by your father and watched as though overseeing an execution."
"Just because I didn't emote my enjoyment doesn't mean I wasn't having fun."
"Face it, Your Highness. You're wound so tight, even your father is worried about you.""If I ruled alone, of course I would, but it is my duty first to produce an heir."
"Okay then do that," you say. "Your grandmother managed."
"Yes. She did produce an heir. Out of wedlock. It was a scandal."
"So? The people didn't care. Your grandmother is still considered one of the tsardom's finest rulers."
"Regardless, my aunt believes it is more proper for me to marry so that I can focus on my duties of producing an heir while Dmitri manages the tsardom."
"Who cares what your aunt wants? Do what you want."
"It is not my place to disobey the superiors of the Nim Order. They represent the will of Nimel."
"And I'm sure you learned that from your aunt."
"It does not mean it's not true. Childbirth out of wedlock is a sin. I must marry."
"I have met him on many occasions," she says. "He behaves like a gentlemen in court. But like his father, he too was a member of the inquisition before it was disbanded. He spoke about it so fondly, as though it were a passion. He'd talk about the screams of wildings as though it were fine music. He brags of those he'd broken as though they were trophies. I would overlook this except there are also the rumors I've heard from my handmaidens. They say he still practices his inquisition ways.
She continues. "On some nights, his maids can hear shrieks from the bowels of his keep. I don't know how much truth there is to those rumors but I can see something awful in his eyes. He talks of heretics and infidels as though they were beasts in peasant clothes, to be exterminated, not guided to see the proper way. He speaks with so much hatred, and he treats those who serve him with such contempt.
Euna sighs. "I would marry a husband. I would produce an heir. But not with him."
Euna laughs ruefully. "Easier said than done. My aunt is Mother Superior of the Nim Order. To say no to her is to say no to our Lord Father Nimel. She was already moving ahead with marriage arrangements."
"Of course I have," she says, "but to what good? My father doesn't even remember my name most days, much less know anything of Dmitri. And it's my aunt who has brought Dmitri to me as a suitor. I've told her what I fear, and she tells me my accusations are baseless. She was the one who arranged our marriage in the first place."
"No." She hesitates. "I... It doesn't matter how he'll treat me. That is not my concern."
"It seems like you're the first person it should concern."
"It doesn't. As a wife, it would be my duty to mold my life to his. I will serve him in whatever manner he desires. My wishes are not important. What does matter is that if I marry him, he will gain the throne, and I do not believe the he will bring the will of Lord Father Nimel to the land. Nimel preaches compassion and peace. The grand duke does not."
"Why can't you rule alone? Your grandmother did. Wouldn't you bring back traditional Nimic values?"
"Can't you find another suitor and tell your Aunt to piss off?"
"Have you told anyone about Dmitri? Your father perhaps?"
You awake from drizzling rain falling on your face. Fortunately it is already dawn. You take cover under a tree and wait. The rain grows heavier. Your clothes soak through.
Euna stirs.
You grin. Her shelter didn't protect her. Her gownskirt-sashchemise has soaked through. She fishes around in her tent, giving you a beautiful view of her shapely ass. Only after she's dressed and wrapped in her traveling cloak does she notice you.
You rise and cross the river.
She notices how her wet gown is matted against her butt, leaving little to the imagination. She peels it away. "You were staring, weren't you?"
"I've seen other people's rear ends before, Your Highness."
"You were staring at my ass, weren't you?"
"Who wouldn't? Your little excuse for a skirt doesn't even come close to hiding it."
"You were staring at me in my chemise? Weren't you?"
"I have seen chemises before, Your Highness."
"Shame on you," she says, but she make no more issue of it. She looks at your wet clothes. "We'll build your shelter today, for what good it will do. Mine certainly failed. I'm a muddy mess."
She considers, then opens her cloak to show you her gown. It's mud-stained and soaked, and it clings to her skin, outlining her shapely legs and breasts.skimpy outfit. Her fishnets cling to her skin, and droplets hang from the errant threads of her velvet sash.bodice and skirt. They are brown with mud and soaked against her skin. The skirt outlines her shapely legs, and her chemise, visible above her bodice, clings to her skin.
After you've glanced, she snaps the cloak closed.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you, knave?"
"Might be more practical," you reply. "You're not exactly dressed for tromping through the jungle."
"And what do you suggest I do? Run about in my shift? Don't be daft."
"Oh? Perhaps I should dress like you, a common harlot."
You look down at your tunic and tights. "I hardly think this is provocative."
"A woman should not be wearing leggings."
"They were part of my acrobatic garb. And don't you think they're far more practical for hiking through the jungle than your petticoat?"
Euna scrutinizes your tights. She seems to relent. "It doesn't matter. I don't have any leggings, and I'm certainly not running about in my shift."
"Yes," she says. "And so I ran. "I felt cornered. I couldn't bring myself to marry the man and put him on the throne. At least if I'm not there, then my sister is next in line. I know she never wanted the responsibility, but she will rule better than Dmitri would."
"Then why do you say you regret running?"
"Because it was a coward's move. I've passed the obligation on to my sister because I couldn't handle it. Just because I couldn't convince my aunt of Dmitri's nature."
"It sounds to me like your aunt is perfectly well aware of what kind of man Dmitri is, she just doesn't care. From how you describe it, anyone who spends time with him will know what he's like. And your aunt knows him well enough to bid him for your hand in marriage? Perhaps she even agrees with his ways."
She shakes her head. "Not possible. I have known her my entire life. What I know is what she's taught me. She and I have the same beliefs."
"And yet she would put that man on the throne. You know if your father could, he'd have put an end to all of this."
"Yes, he would."
"Have you ever wondered if maybe this was your aunt's goal all along?"
"What are you saying?"
"Your aunt raised you to believe the ways of Nim. Chastity, Purity, Obedience. Now that your father is too infirm to stand up to her, she's making you marry a vicious man and bear his children. If you were always going to marry, why did she bother teaching you at all?"
"Because of the Velesian war. She took me into safety."
"Why didn't she take your sister? She was alive then."
"Because it was my life at risk. Not hers."
"But then she kept you at that convent for six more years after the uprising was quelled. She bestowed in you virtues she knew you couldn't keep. Why? It can't be for your well being. If she cared about that, she wouldn't be marrying you to a monster."
Euna stares into the coals. The fire has all but gone out.
"I'm sorry," you say, "but she's using you. She taught you the Nimic way so she could control you once you took the throne. I don't take any pleasure in saying that. And I don't mean to disrespect your—"
"Just stop talking. That's enough." Her voice is raw. She turns to hide her tears.
"I'm sorry, Your Highness. I didn't mean—"
"Not another word. You will leave me now!"
You hastily put aside your food and depart. At the river bank you turn back to say one last thing, but she's already retreated into her shelter. With a sigh, you cross the river and lay down to sleep.
"With my father soon to pass, the royal family has turned to the next in line: me. I would be honored to rule our tsardom, except my family wishes for me to marry, and they have chosen a suitor for me. Grand Duke Dmitri Vasilyevich. I am to marry him, share my throne, and produce for him heirs."
"I've never heard of him."
"He's a devote follower of Nim. My grandmother gave his father land for his service in the inquisition. My aunt believes he will help me bring back traditional Nimic values to the world. I just... I can't bring myself to marry him. He is a horrible man."
"Maybe that was so, but there is no more to tell after that, so come now. Tell me about my sister. What has she done?"
"This was during the summer festival two years ago," you say. "There must have been two dozen performances over three days. One such performance had been a team of acrobats from the Nebenor Isles. You know the troupe, right? You must have seen them last year. They wore vibrant purple. They posed by balancing atop each other."
"I remember them," Euna says. "Indecently clad. And they oiled their skin. The way they touched each other during their feats was downright scandalous."
"Those are the ones. That year, for their performance, they took volunteers from the crowd. Your sister was one. They threw her around and caught her in nets. The men all got good handfuls of your sister as they lofted her about."
"How did she react?"
"Like she was having the time of her life. One rather strapping acrobat had his hands on her much more than the others. For one pose, He held her close while he climbed atop a pyramid of his friend. He had a firm grip on her buttocks. And she certainly had her hands all over him. By the time they were done, your sister glistened with as much oil as the performers."
"You're not suggesting she eloped with an acrobat, are you? That all sounds inappropriate, but it's hardly proof she's lost her virtue."
"I'm not done. Later, I was in the staging ground with the other performers when Aileen showed up. She told the guard she wanted to thank the acrobats for such an exhilarating time, and she was in their tent for quite a while."
"That doesn't mean anything. She may have thanked the man with a kiss."
"Except that later, I entered their tent so I could borrow some rope for my upcoming performance. There your sister was, in the back, laying upon a bedroll. That acrobat was on top of her. This time, they were both having the time of their lives."
Euna is aghast. "No. You must have seen wrong. My sister would not give her maidenhood to a common street performer."
" Secondly, I'm pretty sure your sister was not giving him her maidenhood. She was not behaving like a maiden."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"A maiden's first time is a delicate and timid affair. They're shy and unsure of themselves. There was nothing shy about your sister."
Euna's lips press tight. She seems at war with herself on whether to hear more or not. "What was she like?"
"Her bodice was off. Her skirt was hiked up around her waist, and her legs were wrapped about him. She was raking his back with her nails as he took her. And how she moaned. Does that sound like a maiden to you?"
"You're making this up!"
"I give you my word I'm not."
Euna stares into the distance. "An acrobat!? She'd never seen him before that day, had she?"
"I don't think so. Don't think she saw him again either."
"What if she conceived a child?"
"There are tonics to prevent that."
"But there's no love there at all! Just... unadulterated lust."
"Sometimes it's easier that way. Love is complicated. Sex is something we can do to enjoy each other."
"But it's a sin!"
"For a Nimic woman who grew up in a convent, yes. For the rest of us? It's part of life."
"And you're sure that wasn't her first time."
"I'm certain." You lean in close. "That's not the only story I have about your sister."
Euna's gasp was comical. "What else do you know!?"
"Now, now, Your Highness. Let's not spill all of your sister's secrets. Not tonight anyway. I wouldn't want to overload your Nimic sensibilities. But I'll tell you one last detail about this story, the best part actually."
"After I finished my performance. I went back to return the ropes. Your sister was still there, riding top now," you say, "but she was astride a different acrobat."
"After I finished my performance. I went back to return the ropes. Your sister was still there," you say, "only now she was entangled with one of the female acrobats."
"No! Now I know you're making this up. Aileen would never do such a thing!"
"You went away to a convent for six years. The Aileen you knew was a twelve year old girl who flirted with kisses. She grew up."
"But she would have told me. She shares everything with me!"
"Maybe she used to. Do you think she would have told you about this since you've come back? How would you have reacted?"
"I..." She sighs. "I suppose I would have scolded her." She finishes her dinner and sets her leaf-plate aside. "I would like to turn in now."
"Now? It's still early."
"It is, but I'd like time to pray."
"For your sister?"
Rising, she grins. "No, though I probably should. I don't know what I'm praying for, I just want time alone. You will leave me now."
"Yes, Your Highness." You rise. "Goodnight."
You both settle into your respective shelters. As you lay down, she calls out.
"You'll tell me the other stories later, won't you?"
"Of course," you reply.
As you lie in your tent, the sky rumbles. Heavy drops fall from the sky in a downpour. You drift to sleep to the pattering on your shelter...
"That was unavoidable," she says, "but yes, I have prayed for Lord Nimel's forgiveness."
"Even though you had no power over that whatsoever?"
"Even so," she says. "A sin is not acceptable just because we were forced to do it, but I believe Nimel understands. We are not perfect. We simply strive to do best we can."
"You haven't any."
"I do too."
Euna scoffs. "You think baring yourself is an acceptable excuse for a dinner performance."
"I dress scantily sometimes for my shows. It doesn't mean I don't deserve privacy when I sleep. I am still a lady."
"A lady? No. A lady never passes out topless in the royal gardens."
"What? When did that ever happen?"
"During the solstice festival last year."
"...Oh. Right."
"Seeing as how you're no stranger to sleeping under the stars, I'm sure you'll survive one more night of that."
"She did," Euna says, "but only to preach Nim without the sullying of outside influence. She's adhering to the original teachings of the prime synod."
"That was the one that led all those holy wars, isn't it?"
"They cleansed the land of the wilding species, yes, in order to unify the tsardom. They endeavored to keep ourselves safe of wicked ways. Part of that was to conceal our sleeping selves. It was only the later synods, which adopted practices from idol religions, that relaxed proper etiquettes."
"So even though all other Nimic worshippers follow those ways..."
"Doesn't mean they're right."
"In a proper Nimic marriage, the wife has separate quarters. After she has tended to her husband, she retires to sleep in privacy."
"Sounds romantic."
"It is a necessity to hide our carnal selves," she replies.
"All of us. We sleep separately, away from other eyes."
"We are never at our most composed when we sleep. Our carnal selves can slip to the surface when our guard is down and tempt others. Only the most spiritually and physically pure can truly suppress our physical halves."
She looks at you, aghast. "You have lain with Nimic women? Why should I be surprised?"
"There are other ways to see someone sleeping,""It wasn't sexual," you say. "When I first came to Ruthgar, I traveled with a Nimic woman and a few others. We all slept in the carriage. She didn't have a problem sleeping in front of us."I traveled with a Nimic woman and many men. She and I slept apart from them, and she didn't have a problem sharing a bed with me.
"Not all Nimic women are as devout. Some practice a more lenient interpretation of the book."
"Some? How about most."
"The teachings of Nim have grown impure. People have bastardized it to suit their own needs, to make it more convenient for them. It is a symptom of the loss of values our tsardom is suffering."
"I saw you passed out on the beach yesterday. Does this mean you have to repent?"
"What if you had a husband? Could he see you sleep?"
"What?" she asks. "You should not inquire into a ladysomeone's personal life."
"And neither should you, Your Highness. You can't expect me to reveal your sister's secrets if you won't reveal your own. Come now. Tell me about these trysts."
Exasperated, she says, "There's nothing to tell. I was young and foolish. I had a fancy for a few boys."
"A few? You had several boys chasing you?"
"Not at the same time."
"How far did you go?"
"I kissed a few, and..." her face flushes. "wandering hands, like you said. Nothing beneath the clothes."
"Very well done, Your Highness! And here I thought you knew nothing of romance. I take it this adventurous side of you died when you left for the convent?"
Her eyes turn down. "Shortly after, yes."
"Did something happen at the convent?"
"There was a... courier lad, a little older than me. He brought up milk and bread from the town. He and I would... spend time together in the store house. It didn't last long. Aunt Margosha caught us one day. She put an end to it."
"There was a... another sister, a little older than me. She was the first friend I made at the convent. We grew close, and we had moments together. It didn't last long though. Aunt Margosha caught us one day. She put an end to it."
"No. They'd be scolded, but that's it."No. Sisters would occasionally get caught together, but normally they were just separated and made to give penance. My aunt had higher expectations for me than she did for the others."
"This innocent fun leads to sin."No. Sisters should not behave together the way we were. Nimel is clear on that. The fact that so many sects are okay with this is only testament to how Nim has lost its way. My aunt was right to punish me."
"She laid her birch upon my backside two score times. I spent the next month getting up before dawn to pray for penance, and I wasn't allowed to leave the convent for the rest of my first year. I don't know what she did with the boy. I never saw him again."and my dorm was moved next to hers. The other sister was moved to another convent. I never heard from her again."
You frown. "That seems harsh."
"I was breaking my sacred oath to Nimel. I didn't know any better."
"Most worshippers of Nim would not frown on some innocent fun."
"Don't dare presume to know what my father is thinking."
"I don't have to. I lived in the court. I heard things."
She glowers. "What things?"
"I've heard your father and Reverend Mother Margosha argue many times. He thinks she brainwashed you at the convent."
"He blames her for insisting the family send you away during the Velesian war, that you were never at any risk, and that Margosha just wanted to make you a puppet of the church in order to push the church's agenda once you're in power."
"What utter tripe. Where do you come up with this?"
"Like I said, from your father."
"Well, it's nonsense."
"Is it? Has your aunt ever talked to you about making Nim the official religion of the tsardom? Maybe restarting the inquisition?"
"Of course she has, but she's not manipulating me. And I happen to agree with her. Temptation has sown across our tsardom long enough. Our lands are full of sinners and harlots. False religions are everywhere. You can't walk down any street without seeing debauchery: brothels, lascivious fashion..."
"Oh, my!"
"Of course you're okay with it. You're the worst of the lot.You've probably worked out of those brothels once. It's because of peoplewomen like you that Lord Nimel is forsaking us."
"If you say so." By now, you've finished your dinner. You set the remains aside and stare into the fire.
"What did you tell my aunt anyway?" she asks.
"Why should I tell you? You'll just think less of me."
"It's not possible for me to think any less of you."
"You'd be surprised, Your Highness. There is a lot about the sinner's world you don't know."
She ponders this. "You will still tell me."
"Is that an order?"
"Very well. I offered to pay her a dozen rubles if she would...
" me pleasure all the horses in the royal stable."
"...allow me to kiss her asshole in order to break its curse of being too tight to fuck."
You both return to the posting.
"You want to get the room?" Euna asks.
"Yes. You'll be able to whore yourself through the night now too."
"But, I thought that was our time together."
"It's more important that you bring us in more money, so we'll have to make sacrifices."
"If that is your wish."
"It'll put us closer to the docks," you say.
"And put me in a place where I can spend even more of my day selling my body. Is that the idea?"
"Want to?"
She chews her lip. "Yes. I think it makes sense. We'll probably get less time together, but I'll make more money this way, and we'll have less of a hike."
"Great. Then where do we go?"
"There are instructions here," Euna says. "Follow me."
She leads you from the market and down into the docks. Off the main boardwalk, there's a stairway down to a stretch of dock built over the water. This spot is right at the border of the shipyard, and men walk about hefting supplies and parts.
"Well, it's ocean-side," Euna says. "Normally quite a selling point, if it weren't for the smell."
She's not wrong. There is a general stench in the air. The ocean here seems to be the outlet for refuse around here, and the lapping of waves can be heard beneath your feet. This whole section of the dock seems more ramshackle than the rest. Planks are swollen and splintered.
"This is the place." Euna says. "Oswold lives here." She knocks on the door.
You knock on the door.
A hollering comes from deep within. Moments later, the door swings up, and a giant man glares down at you two. This man would have made a better ogre. He's got both the fat and muscle for it, and nothing but a pair of breeches about as grotty as an ogre's loincloth. He's got a hand down those breeches, scratching absently. He's got a squinted scowl, but it fades upon getting an eyeful of Euna. "Yehh?"
"You have a room to rent?" you ask. "You two? Huh. All right." He fiddles around
"Is the room still available?" Euna asks.
And so you two become a pirate queen and lord.
This alternate ending will be filled out much more in the final draft. I recommend backing up and choosing the other option.
"Oh, you're right!" Her eyes alight with wonder. "My! That would be months where the only sexual release I can get besides from you is from those animals. I accept that challenge." She thinks. "Do you suppose I should have the dogs brought into my private chamber for me to enjoy?"
"No one would get to see their debauched ruler if you did that."
"No," she says, "but there might be a certain fool watching me from behind my bedroom mirrors."
"I'm sure there will be, and perhaps a servant or two, but I also like the idea of you on your hands and knees in those filthy kennels."
"Ooh," she says. "The kennel masters would bring dog after dog in to mount me."
"Until your knees are bruised and your cunt is raw."
She shivers. "Yess!And my ass."
"How about the horses?" you ask. "I don't think you can ever have them brought to your chambers."
"No." She bites her lip in thought. "I'll come to them in the stables. I think I'll have a carpenter build me a rack to better enjoy them—just something that I can lay upon so that the horses can easily mount to penetrate me. It will be adjustable, and comfortable, and safe of course."
"Sounds like quite a set up for just a few months."
She grins. "As though I'll stop once my child is born. Even if it were for just a few months, I'm going to be in there for hours at a time. My father has two dozen horses. I'd like to see if I have the stamina to take them all in one sitting."
"Two dozen? You'll pass out before that many horses could fuck you."
"Then all the more reason to have a rack to lay upon."
"Oh, I will, will I?" she asks.
"Yes. The father will be a complete mystery. This is the only way a wanton whore like yourself should have a child."
"You're right," she says. "I shouldn't have it any other way. I'll talk with the royal messengers. We'll have an announcement throughout the tsardom to let them know when their tsaritsa is in heat. Anyone at all may show up to spill their cum inside me."
"That may bring thousands," you warn.
"Certainly, but I'll have no way of knowing exactly when Fira's tonic will wear off, and who will know when my womb quickens? I may take many weeks before I show signs. So I'll have time to treat anyone who comes." She thinks about it. "That will be day after day with me laying upon my back in the great hall. A line of people will coming into the palace. One after another, I'll know them all. Sophie will have to wipe my cunt clean between every few men."
"You're taking this quite seriously," you say.
"If I am to be the Tsaritsa of Whores, I must accomplish great whorish feats. I will be a legend. Thank you for giving me this idea. It is obviously what I'll do." She turns toward the door to wait for the coronation. "I wonder... Shall I stop the fucking at night to rest, or should I never stop the fucking and just take a tonic so I can sleep through it?"
"As many as possible," you remind her.
"Of course. Your right. The men can violate my unconscious body."
"You will be a legend."
"And I have you to thank for showing me this way." She leans over and kisses you upon the lips. You embrace one another.
"You wish to secure my flower with lock and key?"
"Yes," you say. "An easy slut like you needs to be controlled, so until you're belly swells with my child, your cunt and ass arecunt is off limits to everyone except me. You can use your mouth all you want though."
"But I won't even be able to play with myself."
"That's right. No orgasms unless I say so, no matter how badly you need it."
"Oh Lord..." Euna says. "This is going to be torture, but if this is your wish, I will of course obey. Will you be keeping the belt on after I've have a child?"
"Maybe. We'll see. Maybe I'll just own your cunt forever now. You'll obey with whatever I decide."
She lowers her head. "Yes, my lovemistress."
She regards you. "Are you suggesting I let you lock away my flower and give you the key?"
"Look at it as a challenge," you say. "You can engage in whatever sex you want with whomever you want, but no vaginal sex."
"I won't be able to play with myself either."
"That's right. No orgasms for you until you're belly is growing with my baby."
"Very well. I accept," Euna says. "But you will also wear a belt."
"I will?"
"Yes. Your cock and every drop of it lovely seed will be mine alone. Same with your flower. You will fuck no one but me until I have my baby. That should encourage you."
"Yes. Your flower will belong to me alone until I've had my baby. The only orgasms you'll be having is with your alchemical cock buried deep in my cunt."
"Let's not be hasty here..."
"I have already decided."
You sigh. "As you wish, Your Highness."
"Your Majesty," she corrects. "Might as well get use to it."
"Very well, I accept," Euna says. "This is going to be quite a frustrating challenge."
"Oh my," Euna says. "I don't know if she'll go along with this."
"Maybe not at first, but be honest," you sidle closer to Euna. "Doesn't it make you hot to imagine your sister in bed, belly swollen, with babes suckling at her milk-laden tits. Men would come to her room at all hours of the day to fuck her like a cheap whore. She wouldn't know them. They wouldn't speak to her. She'd just lie on her back and spread her legs until they were done with her."
Euna's eyes twinkles mischeivously. "And this would go on for years. After every birth, we'd send men to swell her belly again. No respite. She'll spend the rest of her life being bred to make our children."
"We'll tell Aileen her new role in life after the coronation."
"And if she doesn't cooperate, then I'll have my guards tie her to the bed when the time comes to breed her."
"Don't worry. Knowing Aileen, she won't resist. The idea of being bred like a sow will turn her on to no end."
"Pity," Euna replies. "I think I'll have my guards tie her down anyway."
"Yesss," Euna shudders. "Lord, I only wish I could be bred too. All those men treating me like a breeding sow... All those births wearing out my body... but alas. I've got a kingdom to run. Aileen doesn't know how lucky she is."
She hugs you fiercely. It seems an eternity before she finally pulls back, only to kiss you with equal ferocity.
"Thank you," she says. "I was hoping you'd agree."
"Of course I would. Though I hope you don't expect me to take any of your power in ruling the tsardom. I know sod all about politics."
"I will still rule as the tsaritsa," she says, "but my responsibilities will be so much easier to bear having you by my side... and sharing my bed at nights. I love you so much."
"And I love you."
"But I'll still need to produce an heir..." she says.
"A tournament?" Her eyebrows rise.
"Yes. A grand tournament that will test men's strength, guile, and prowess."
"That is... an amazing idea," she says, nodding. "The father would be an excellent specimen to father the tsardom's future heir. We'll send an announcement far and wide, so that the best champions and bogatyrs from all the realm will attend."
"The contests will be the most difficult," you add. "The tournament will last for weeks. Only the best of the best will succeed."
"Yes. And the winner will share my bed for a month, or until my womb quickens.He may take me whenever and however he wishes in that time." Her eyes alight. "This is absolutely what I'm going to do. The strongest seed should continue the line of rulership. Thank you. Your council is most wise."
"You're welcome, Your Majesty. It's why I'm here."
"Though I wonder," she says. "What if the tournament ends with a tie, and more than one man makes it through."
"That's easy. One final contest. A race to your womb. All winners will share your bed. They will all take you whenever and however they want until your womb quickens. The man with the most virile seed will win."
She grins. "But of course. It would be a most vigorous competition. You're just filled with good ideas."
She pulls you close, and you kiss deeply, your bodies entwining.
"...I beg your pardon?"
"Do you recall my story about how I came to have my cock?"
"You took from your father," she say.
"That's right. Surely the idea intrigued you."
"Do you remember the story of Volga and the cock she grafted to herself. You were intrigued by the idea."
"Intrigued yes, but to actually have my own father's cock—the cock that sired me—dangling between my legs..." She trails off. "It would be a great cock to have, wouldn't it?"
"It would be the only cock in the land worthy of you."
"How would it happen?" she asks.
"The Prowling Lilins aren't far, a day's ride a most. We could invite them for an extended stay in the capital so that the alchemists would be here when your father passes."
"And then they would make his manhood mine? Jewels and all? Forever onward?"
"As though you'd been born with it."
"And then I could put a child in your belly," she muses. "A child of royal blood."
"Just as I could put one in yours, Your Highness."
"Two heirs? Mine and yours... sowed by the other."
"Why not?"
"Yes you could, Your Highness."
"I think I like this idea," she says. "I've seen his cock. It's an impressive specimen. I will enjoy being able to play with it forever more, and"It seems a little incestuous at first, but... well, it is incestuous, but this will also be the most remarkable way to remember my father. A part of him will always be with me."
"Such an honor."
"I'm going to have a tackle of my own soon," she sings, "and I'm going to dominate every woman I can with it. I'll have a harem of women who worship my lovely cock.and then I'm going to fuck you every single night. You'll grow to worship my cock.and I will plunder every woman I can with it to honor him.and it will be yours too, my love, to ride and to fuck whenever you want."
"I'll send a courier to the Prowling Lilins today," you say.
"I guess we'll find out," she says. "I may do awful things to you to keep from getting bored"
"Anything you wish is my command."
"You say that," she says, "but I am much more imaginative these days."
"You may have to do awful things to me to keep me from getting bored."
"Things you can't possibly imagine."
You pull her close. Her leg curls about your hip, and you lose yourselves in a timeless kiss.
She blanks. "My father? You can't be serious. That would be incest."
"I didn't think that would bother you, seeing as how you've been warming your father's bed every night... and sometimes right after lunch."
"Yes, out of love, but ever since I've stopped taking Fira's tonic, I've only let him spill his seed down my throat, or in my bowels, or sometimes upon my breasts. Never in my flower. Such a child would be weak of blood."
"Not with the right alchemy. I've heard the Prowling Lilins are just a day's ride away. Their alchemists know how to ensure that such children are born just fine."
"Oh! If that's the case. I... I could. It would be so utterly wrong. It'd be depraved." She bites her lip. The idea intrigues her. "But I also can't think of a greater act of love for my father than to bear him a child."
"He does create beautiful, brilliant children," you say.
"He does... Oh Lord. I can't believe I'm going to do this! I'm going to let my own father impregnate me." She clutches your hands. "Get the Lilins here as soon as you can. I want to start immediately."
"You're really moving quickly with this."
"I must. My father won't live much longer. If I am to produce an heir with him, I must start as soon as possible, and I must share his bed until my belly swells with his love."
"I will send a courier today," you promise.
"Why not? She is royalty. Any child of hers would be the legitimate heir if you never have one."
Euna ponders this. "That might work. She has no wish to rule, so providing us an heir would give her a way to contribute to our family heritage, but with whom?"
"I'm sure your sister will have no trouble finding a man to love."
"With many, many men. We're going to turn your sister into a breeding sow."
"And knowing your sister, she'll have no trouble finding a man to take to bed."
Euna chuckles. "If even half of what you've told me about her is true, I'm surprised she hasn't produced an heir already, butEuna regards you coolly. "Insinuations about her wanting virtues aside, she may have qualms about marrying such a man. She was spurning suitors long before I left for the convent."
"You mean the noble boyars who vied for her hand so they could increase their own station? I'm not surprised. Aileen is the sort of girl who'd marry for love, and only for love."
"You're right. She would. When she so decides, she may marry any man she loves, and that is how the royal line will continue." She nods. "I think this is a responsibility she'll happily bear. I will talk to her about it tonight."
"You'd be fine with that?" she asks.
"What kind of harlot would you be if there wasn't some question as to your children's true father?"
"I suppose you're right," she grins. "Though I will try my best to control myself. I really do want your child."
"Then we'll see what happens." You pull her close for a kiss. Your bodies entwine.
"Decide for her?" Euna arches her eyebrows. "Maybe you don't my sister as well as I thought. She was rejecting suitors my parents arranged for her long before I left for the convent."
"That's because your parents were picking men for her to marry, they weren't picking men for her to fuck. I know your sister, and if youIwe send a man to her room and order her to let him rut her like a cheap tart, she'll be more than happy to obey."
"She would, wouldn't she? As long as she doesn't have to marry." Euna muses on this. "Very well. We'll talk to her after the coronation and let her know what youwe've decided for her."
"Something tells me she'll whine and complain, and then rub herself raw after we've left."
"But why are you deciding this?" she asks. "Shouldn't I?"
"Because I'm the one who decides who you fuck. So it makes sense that I'll decide for Aileen too."
"You're going to be both of ours mistress, are you?" Euna sidles close. Her body presses against yours. "If that is your wish."
She moans, pleasured at the idea. "How large of a phallus?"
"A very large phallus."
"Until my lips are stretched to their limit?"
"Thicker. I plan to stick a post inside you, thicker than your leg."
"Oh, my!"
"And the straps to hold it in will be at its base, so you'll have to take its full length."
"How large will it be?"
"I'm thinking at least a foot and a half. Maybe two feet."
Her eyes widen. "That'll have it jutting out of my stomach."
"With a cunt like yours, it's the only way to be safe."
"And these straps holding it in?" she says. "They'll be locked in place about my hips?"
"You'll have to wear it night and day. Only I'll have the key. And I'll take it off only to fill you with more of my seed. Then it goes right back in."
"You must realize my cunt will be a cavern when you sleep with me. Your cock won't even reach the walls."
"Your cunt will be a prolapsed mess, I'm sure. Perhaps I'll have you rest on your shoulders and stick your crotch the air. I'll pull your snatch wide and masturbate myself into your cavern."
"You could reach in with your arms and massage your seed along my womb."
"Yes. I think I'll do that, and then I'll ram the phallus right back inside you. It's to stay in at all other times."
"Ooh," she says, smiling. "Night and Day... That will make public appearances most uncomfortable if I have that beneath my dress. I wonder just how many months it will take before I conceive."
"We'll find out," you say.
"And I suppose I don't conceive immediately?" she asks. "If I need you to fill me again?"
"I'll cut the stitches and fuck you, then the surgeon will sew you back up."
"Oh my! It's certainly not a half-measure, is it?"
"It's the only way to keep you safe from yourself."
"You're right. It's the only way. I'm liable to let any man fuck me otherwise. It will become so painful though."
"Yes, it will, and perhaps to be safe. We should keep your stitches in even after you conceive?"
"Why?" she asks. "No one could risk my conception then."
"No reason. Maybe I just want to see you nine months pregnant with your cunt stitched closed. Or maybe we just won't want to bother cutting the stitches. I'm sure they'll come out somehow while you're giving birth."
Her eyes widen. "Are you saying I should burst the stitches by pushing the child through them? That might tear my vagina apart."
"Maybe it will. We'll see."
She bites her lip, enticed. "Mmm. Then I will do just that." She shivers. "I can only imagine the agony. There will be so much blood. Maybe I'll even die."
"Maybe, but I'm ordering you to do it anyway."
"Then of course I will. I love you."
"Maybe. Do you want to do it?"
"Of course I do. I love you."
"And I love you."
You both embrace.
"It might take months before I conceive. Are you suggesting I spend all that time with waste packed inside me?"
"It's the only way to be sure no one gets any bright ideas."
"Hmm," she thinks about it. "That will get truly messy. Night and day... Even if I wear a cloth, it will begin to seep out of me."
"So it'll have to be replaced often."
"I suppose it will," she agrees. "And if filling me with your cum once doesn't do the trick?"
"Then you'll have to empty yourself out as best you can so I can fill you with more."
"And then you'll stuff me back up?"
"There will be no other way."
"Apart from just trusting me not to fuck any men?"
"Do you even trust yourself?"
She grins. "No, I guess I don't. A debased slut like myself is liable to lose her self control around men. Stuffing my cunt with waste is the only way."
"And just to be extra sure," you say. "We should make sure that the waste is as disgusting as possible—to discourage even the perverts. The waste should be old, nasty sludge, preferably filled with maggots."
"You're right. It should. I'm sure we'll find a suitable sample laying around in the palace cess pit."
"And I think," you add, "that even after you conceive, you should go ahead and keep your cunt stuffed all through the pregnancy."
"Yes, right through to the birth," Euna says. "I'll push our child through my sewer cunt. It will be born into shit." She shivers.
"I can only imagine how disgusting your snatch will become by the end of this."
"We'll find out," she says. "I'm sure it will itch, and weep, and ooze."
"It will be truly disgusting."
"Yes it will," she says. "Lord, am I sick."
"And I hope you never change."
You both embrace.
Euna embraces you dearly. "Good. I was hoping you would say yes." She pulls away. "It delights me to think that some day, the ruler of this tsardom will be the child of a fool."
"Remember," you warn, "the seed from my loin comes from Bogdana's sorcery. If I sire any children–"
"They will be a woman," Euna finishes. "Or a hermaphrodite just like you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. In fact, I rather hope she will be a hermaphrodite. A princess like that would be wonderful for shaking tsardom's closeminded ways."
"But remember," you say. "These loins I carry were not originally my own."
"I remember. They are your father's. That will mean you will be a sister to our child as well as a parent. A cozy little family."
"Yes. You and your mysterious tackle. We will see what comes of your seed."
"Might be a blessed fay child or a cursed gremlin."
"Whoever they are, they will be ours," she replies. "And something tells me they will be a blessing, a wonderful tool like that could only produce a remarkable child."
"When do you plan to have the child?"
"Soon. I've stopped taking Fira's tonic, but it will still be many weeks before it wears off, soBut we may have to try for a while before I conceive."
Euna gasps. "I do! We could use that alchemy to create a child together. Do you think she'd be willing to help us do that?"
"Knowing Bogdana, she would be absolutely tickled knowing her alchemy helped create the heir to the tsardom. Remember, our child would either be a female..."
"Or a female with a manhood of her own," Euna finishes. "We must do this! It would be so good for the tsardom if the heir were to be a hermaphrodite. I will host the Prowling Lilins in the capital."
"I'll reach out to them," you say. "I heard they're actually close by, so they'll be here soon."
Euna muses. "The question is which of us will be the 'father'. Nothing would please me more than to have a strong cock of my own to ravage you with, but it has always been my dream to carry my child."
"There's no reason you can't have both, Your Highness. After you're pregnant, it will be your turn with Bogdana's alchemy."
"Oh I like that thought," Euna says. "Me, heavy with child, riding you with abandon." She nuzzles against you. Her hand rubs your belly. "Maybe there will be two heirs."
"It would be my privilege," you reply.
"I hope Bogdana can stay a while," Euna says. "I've stopped taking Fira's tonic, but it will still be many weeks before it wears off."
"The Lilins will stay as long as they're welcome."
"Good. I just hope the city can survive them. "It may take some time before I conceive."
"But what a fun stretch of time that will be," you say.
"Indeed," she pulls you close. "Night after night. The court fool will sneak into my room so he can invade my bed. How scandalous." She kisses you.
"It will be," she replies, "but I'll have to avoid sleeping with other men in the meantime, which means I'll actually be faithful to you.How will I'll survive with a single sex partner."
"Surely I can keep you sated for a few months."
"There are many virile animals on the palace grounds for you."
"Have as many partners as you want, just blow them instead."
"Nonsense. Everyone else will simply get the pleasure of your ass."
"Ehem." The cough comes from the palace chaplain, who stands nearby. Having your attentions, he bows. "They're ready to begin, Your Highness."
"Thank you," Euna replies. "Let's get this underway then."
She sets off to stand before the people of her tsardom.
You have reached the end. Thank you for reading FoolsQuest from start to finish. I hope you'll return after I've added more content. (You can return to camp to explore any new or undiscovered content if you wish. This link resets your progress toward drugging the sorceress as though you never entered the keep. You'll need to recollect some items to drug her again.)
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A woman sits in the water soaking her hair. She hooks a leg over the rim of the basin and scrubs her intimates. When you two approach, she smiles and makes no attempt to cover herself. "Hello!"
"Hello," Euna replies. "Isn't this water for drinking?"
"Of course." She lies back and floats on the water. Her nude body is fully on display. "Help yourself."
A woman sits in the water soaking her hair. She hooks a leg over the rim of the basin and scrubs her intimates. When you two approach, she smiles and makes no attempt to cover herself. "Hello!"
"Hello." Euna sits on the rim and splashes water on her face and arms to rinse off sweat.
The woman lies back and floats on the water. Her nude body is fully on display. One hand idly caresses between her legs. "You should join me."
The woman frowns in confusion. "Why wouldn't I? We're all clean in Cockaigne. I shouldn't think I'm polluting the water somehow. I certainly don't mind when I collect my own drink from these fountains, and many bathe in them."
"But isn't the entire point of a bath to wash the filth upon our bodies into the water?" Euna asks.
She laughs. "If it really concerns you so, the water is always fresh from here." She splashes her hands under the stream coming from the statue.
"Of course you may," the woman says. "I'd be delighted."
You peel off your clothes.
Euna steps close to you. "We have a perfectly good river at home for bath. A private river."
"I don't think anyone cares here. Didn't you used to bathe naked with your fellow sisters?"
"I did..." Euna glances at the main street a block over. "Fine, but only for a bit." She removes her clothes. Unlike you, she folds them neatly. Naked, she quickly sinks into the pool enough to cover her chest.
You peel off your clothes, Euna does the same. While you toss yours into a pile and jump in, Euna carefully folds her clothes and sets them in a pile. Nude, she steps into the water and sidles down until her shoulders rest against the fountain lip.
"There," the woman says. "Isn't it refreshing."
"It's nice," Euna admits.
"Of course." The woman shifts closer and grins at you two. "I would gladly drink both of your bath waters. What's a little essence shared between strangerswomen?"
"We must decline," Euna replies.
"We've both been hiking for quite a spell," Euna says. "You would regret that."
"Try me."
"It flows fresh from the mountains and drains to the ocean."
"Strange," Euna says. "I've seen no aqueducts or channels in the city."
"What do you think those are?" She points beyond to an archway connecting two buildings on opposite sides of the street. "The water flows inside those, to these fountains, and then under the street in our sewers."
"Truly? That is amazing architecture. Who built this city?"
"Built?" The woman giggles. "You're not from around here, are you? "No one built Cockaigne. It always was."
"Surely not. Who repairs it?"
"What sort of perpetual city would Cockaigne be if someone had to repair it?"
"Huh," Euna says. "I can't argue with that."
The woman wears a robe, and she's rocking a cradle which evidently houses a sleeping infant. She has the look of a mother about her, from her round face, rosy cheeks, to her long flowing hair.
The woman tries shushing the crowd, but they won't be appeased.
Rolling her eyes, she shrugs her robe off her shoulders. It crumples about her waist, revealing her belly and tits, both swollen from pregnancy. The men cheer, but this time when she bids them quiet, they hush.
She leans over the banister and squeezes one tit. Milk sprays from her nipple. It sprinkles upon the men below. They hop to catch the streams as though catching snowflakes upon their tongue, but the milk mostly splatters their faces.
"That's... curious," Euna says.
You lean close and whisper the idea to her.
She gives you perplexed look. "Why?"
"Why not? I know you used to take milk baths back home."
"That was cow's milk. And I took those baths in private." Her eyes narrow. "But then I suppose you saw them anyway, didn't you?"
"But don't you miss those? How wonderful did it make your skin feel?"
She glances around, smiles, and playfully pushes you away. "Your perversion knows no bounds." And she returns to catching droplets on her tongue.
But now her hands wander. They run up and down her neck, rubbing milk into her skin. She covers her face and dips her hands low into her cleavage. The men around her have taken notice.
She glances around, smiles, and pulls you closer. "Have it your way, but only if you join me."
Easy enough. You're under the stream now. Milk rains on your head. It dribbles down your neck and into your tunic. You massage it into your skin. Tugging your tunic off, you free your breasts to better massage them with milk. Euna is doing the same now. Her hands explore along her neck, painting herself. Her hands dip low down to coat her breasts. Men are taking notice.
However, her eyes are closed. She slides her hands down her the neckline of her gown and brings out each of her breasts.over her fishnet-clad breasts.down her bodice and brings out each of her breasts. Her hands spread the thin sprinkling of milk over them. She squeezes as though to milk herself. Men ogle her.
But she's not done. Euna shrugs the top of her gown off.peels her fishnet top off.slips her bodice off. Her hands explore her body. The woman above notices and directs her stream onto heryou two. Euna bathes as though alone beneath a waterfall. Every bit of her upper half is coated. Her skin glistens. Only then does she open her eyes.
When she realizes she's the center of attention, she goes further yet. Her gownsashskirt drops to the ground. She rubs milk over her thighs and butt, and then between her sex. Once she's thoroughly anointed, she returns to capturing milk droplets on her tongue. Everyone does the same, but the men crowd Euna. Accidental hands brush against her naked body.
When she realizes you two are the center of attention, she waves bashfully, but not you. You tug off your leggings and kick them aside. Nude, you bathe before everyone. Your hands explore from head to toe.
Euna follows suit. She pulls off her gowntugs off her sashkicks off her skirt and rubs milk over her thighs and butt, and then onto her sex. Once you're both thoroughly anointed, you return to capturing droplets on your tongues. Everyone does the same, but the men have crowded around you both. Accidental hands keep brushing against your naked bodies.
When Euna realizes eyes are upon heryou two, she smiles sheepishly. The men are thrilled, but Euna is too self aware. Her bath ends. She returns to trying to catch drops on her tongue.
You lead Euna her into the crowd. She resists only a little. Already, milk sprinkles upon your head. You join the others in trying to catch some of the woman's droplets in your mouth. Euna just seems perplexed as milk splatters her hair.
The mother's milk is seemingly endless, and it flows stronger the more she squeezes her tit. Eventually, she switches breasts. To do so, and to keep rocking her child's cradle, she straddles the balcony. Swinging her leg over causes her robe to fall off. It drapes over the banister, and she's left fully nude. Twisting toward the crowd, she sprays her milk while rocking her child with her other hand.
The woman's hips dry-hump the banister in rhythm with the cradle. Judging from her sinuous motion and her heaving breath, she's not as inconvenienced by this lewd act as she first acted. Her own milk runs down her swollen belly and legs. It drips from her hanging toes.
"Very strange..." Euna says, but then she too joins everyone else in trying to capture drops upon her tongue, even if she's modest about it. She giggles when more droplets find her eyes than her mouth.
You sidle close to Euna and bend to hook her leg with your arm. Startled, Euna looks at you, but you're getting the attention of the man next to her to get him to do the same. He's more than happy to help. Euna squeals when both of you hoist her legs.
You whisper in the ear of the man beside you. He grins. Aproaching Euna, he hooks her legs to lift her. Startled, Euna looks at you, but you're whispering to the next man to get her other leg. Together, the men hoist Euna up.
Men join in. Hands are upon her, holding her steady. They fondle her back, her bottom, and her legs. There's nothing she can do but grope for supports as she goes higher.She spreads her legs and let's the crowd have their way as she goes higher. Soon, she's sitting upon the shoulders of you and your accomplice.Soon, she's sitting upon the shoulders of strangers. She's close enough to the woman that nearly all the sprinkling milk lands upon her.
The woman above is enticed. She sprays from both of her tits to anoint her ascended gatherer. Euna catches what she can with her mouth. The men have taken over bathing her. A dozen hands massage her lower body. You can't see who, but someone has their hand clasped between her legs and is working his fingers into her slit. Other hands fondle her ass.
You do so until the droplets falling from the woman's toes are now splashing upon Euna. These are the drops that have coursed over the mother's pregnant belly, down her thighs, and finally along her feet until dripping from each of her toes.
Euna is half blinded by the milk in her eyes, and you're not certain she realizes what milk droplets she's catching in her mouth. But because they drip instead of spray, she catches much more.
She swallows some and laughs. "This is absurd," she yells.
Lifted close to the woman, Euna is inches from the foot dripping milk upon her. She braces her feet against the hands supporting her and lifts. Her lips close over the foot, eliciting a cheer from everyone. Her tongue runs between the toes, collecting milk.
The mother on the balcony deliberately cups her hands over her nipples so the milk cascades down her body rather than spray out. More runs down her body to her feet, where Euna laps it up.
Encourage Euna to bathe in the milk.
Get the men to lift her up closer.
Euna considers this, then nods. Slug's eyes widen.
Suddenly, she stamps her boot down upon his balls, crushing them against the thin straw mat and the marble underneath. Slug howls in pain. Again and again, Euna brings her boot down viciously. Each time, his balls deform under her boot, and she doesn't let up until they're swelling. Slug cries hysterically.
She fiercely kicks him squarely between the legs. It connnect directly on his swollen balls. He cries out and sobs, trying to close his legs to no avail. Another swift kick comes, and he bursts out crying.
She rests the toe of her boot upon one of his enlarged testicles. Leaning, she put more weight upon it. Slug squirmed and whimpered. Pull as he might, he couldn't dislodge himself from under her boot.
"Next time," Euna says. "You will not be so demanding. Understood?"
"Y-yes," he sputters.
Euna strides back to the hall. You follow. When the door is closed, she turns to you. "Was that too much?"
"It certainly looked painful," you say, "but don't worry. The sorceress will restore him."
"Okay," she says, looking relieved. "You're right."
'Farewell, Slug," Euna says.
Slug watches forlornly as you and Euna leave. You shut the door. You're now back in the hall.
You set foot on the first step down when Euna catches your arm. She pulls you back.
"I don't think we should go down there," she whispers. "The guards will see us."
"So we're stuck in the north wing..."
"Seems like it," she replies.
You and Euna return to the wagon. Lanx and Fira are around back.
It seems they're once again hard at work creating something. Fira notices you two first.
"Hello," Fira says. "What can we do for you? I hope you're here to stay for a while."
You and Euna return to the wagon. Lanx and Fira are around back.
You and Euna return to the wagon. Lanx and Fira are around back. They're stooped over their cauldron. Fira pours in chemicals. Lanx nods and stirs.
Fira looks up as you approach. "Oh. Hello, you two. Please, join us."
Euna pulls up a stool. She recoils back and wrinkles her nose. "Ohh. What are you making?"
"It's a simple Estrus Mellago," Fira says.
"Estrus? As in mating?"
"It sells. Many of our clients need help with breeding their animals."
"If you see any of the horses in the field come ambling over, let us know. It's a sign that it's working, and that we need to keep them from knocking over the pot. They get randy."
"We'll keep our eyes out," Euna says.
Euna sits with them. "Still working on the same thing?"
"The Estrus Mellago, yes. It takes time to ferment."
"Okay then," Fira says.
"We'll think about it," Euna corrects.
"You mean I'll do it," Euna corrects.
"Excellent." Lanx spoons out a sample of the Estrus Mellago. "This should help you out."
Euna takes it. "I thought you said this was for wealthy clients who want to lay with their animals."
"It works for this too." "Now, was there anything else we can help you with?"
"Oh very well," Lanx says. "You would have gotten a powerful bit of alchemy out of it though, and a fun time."
"For you, I'm sure," Euna says.
"Sit down, Fira. We'll do it later. Is there anything else you two wanted?"
"...We will?" Euna says.
"Oh, we will, will we?" Euna says.
"I'm sure," you reply. "True alchemy like this, who wouldn't want to use it?"
"A rational person wouldn't."
"But you're not. Tell me you're not interested to see how those horses will react once you've taken a drop of that. Will it work? Will those horses want to mate with you? You're curious, aren't you?"
A blush comes over her. She glances toward Lanx and Fira. "We will... we will keep it. It is after all, true alchemy."
"And good alchemy at that," Lanx adds. "Enjoy it. And when you do, you'll thank us then."
"Now," Fira says. "Was there anything else?"
"Excellent!" Lanx hands the crate over.
With that, business is concluded. They put away the remaining supplies.
"We already gave you the fortifier," Lanx says.
"Yes, and we see now how much that was worth," Euna says. "Half."
"Half. Of what Bellamy paid us?"
"We've done all the legwork," Euna says, "and now we're about to make the delivery too. It's only fair."
"You don't even know what Bellamy is paying us. And need I point out that your legwork would have left you with a bottle of sick if you didn't have to of the most esteemed alchemists in the land to transform it into something remarkable. Our expertise is our value. We could have hired simpletons to get the fluids."
"Then hire simpletons to deliver it," Euna turns away as though the matter is finished.
He grumbles.
"A hundred rubles," Fira says.
Lanx sputters. "A hundred—!"
"That's a fair cut for your work," Fira interrupts, "if you couldn't tell from Lanx's reaction. Will you do this for us please?"
"We would be happy to," Euna says. "We're quite amenable when we're treated fairly."
Lanx sullenly watches Euna take the crate and the money, but his mood lifts after business has passed.
"Which was hardly a hundredth of what you made," you reply.
"So? It's not worthless" he says. "I'll tell you what, I'll give you twenty rubles. I think that's fair for a simple delivery."
You glance to Euna.
She shrugs. "Twenty seems fair."
"Fine," you say. "Twenty."
"Then it's settled." Lanx hands over the crate and a few coin.
"While you're here," Fira says, "is there anything else you needed?"
"Oh, come now." Fira says. "You're not going turn your nose up at alchemy just because of a little mess."
"If it's not so bad, why not do it yourself?" you ask.
"Because we..." Fira hooks the waist of your breeches and pulls you close.Fira hooks the neckline of your tunic and pulls you close. "...don't have..." Her lips are next to yours. "...her." Her eyes turn to Euna.
"What about her?"
"She's told me about the dirty things you make her do, you know."
From what I hear, you'v talked her into doing dirtier things that neither of us would dream of doing."
"Has she?"
"She has." Fira faces you again. Her breath tickles your lips. "So I know you only have order her to collect those fluids for us, and she will do all the work." She peering at Euna. "Won't you?"
Euna nods furtively. "...I would."
"Good. Then have her do this for us, and then I want you to tell me about everything you made her do while we watch her blush with shame." She plants lingering kiss on your lips. Her tongue lashes yours just once, and then she's away.She plants a kiss upon your neck, and another upon your jawline, and then your lower lip. "Will you do this for me?"
Euna is trying not to react to watching you two, but she's not quite hiding her jealousy.
"What do you think, Euna?" you ask.
"I... I don't know. It's up to you."
You look back to Fira. "Maybe we will."
"If it's mess you're worried about, then I'll do the dirty work," Euna says. "We could both benefit from having boosted constitutions. Living in the wilds as we have, I'm surprised we both haven't died from the ague already. Especially given how avant-garde we've been with regards to our personal lives."
"Are you talking about all the dirty sex?" you ask.
Her lips tighten. "Yes. So it would behoove us to protect ourselves." She turns to Lanx. "We'll do it."
"Excellent!" Lanx says.
"I'm glad you're not afraid to get your hands dirty," Fira replies.
"Oh, I won't," you say. "Euna will do the messy part. Isn't that right, Euna?"
"...Yes. If you wish."
Lanx chuckles. "I bet she'll get plenty messy."
"You do have to tell me all about what you make her do," Fira adds. "I'd love to hear about it."
"I'll make sure to," you reply.
Euna rolls her eyes. "Somehow I suspect I'll be the one doing the dirty work."
Lanx brings out a small jar and a cup no larger than the end of your thumb.
"What's that?" Euna asks.
"It's an apothecary thimble. Use it to dose the fluids. We don't need any more than that of each one."
"Oh. That doesn't seem so bad," she replies.
"That's the spirit. Do try to be quick about it. My customers want their order soon." He shoves the items into your hands.
"Now that that's done," Fira says, "what brought you two here today?"
"Red rosemary. Not ordinary rosemary. We're not some commonplace scullions."
"Of course."
Lanx and Fira return to their organization efforts.
"Yes. Many thanks," Euna adds. "I'm certain we'll find good use for them." She collects several bottles ranging from long, narrow teardrop bottles to squat jars with corks as wide as your palm.
You and Euna return to the wagon. Lanx and Fira are around back.
You and Euna approach. Lanx and Fira are by the wagon today, and they're rummaging through dusty crates of various bottles. Or rather Fira is rummaging. Lanx sits nearby with a quill and parchment.
He nods. "Hello, you two."
"What are you doing?" Euna asks.
"Taking inventory."
You return to the wagon. Lanx and Fira are still hard at work sorting through all their bottles and jars.
You pick up the small geologist's pick. It's a solid tool with a head that juts out into a curved, gauging point.
"Ah yes. My geologist's pick. Or I should say the academy's. I borrowed it before I left and neglected to ever return it. This will be our secret then, will it? Because they'd certainly want it back. It's quite the effective tool."
"How so?"
"It's enchanted, of course. All those pedestrian geologists out there hammering rocks to get their minerals only wish they had a pick like this. It'll carve through stone and metal as though it were hot cheese, but look..." He takes the pick and scrapes the point along your arm. It leaves a faded white line like any point would, but that's all. "No effect on anything else. Makes it great for getting those rare reagents without damaging them."
"And you'd let me take this?"
"Borrow it? Sure. I'm not going spelunking any time soon, but you make damn sure you bring this back."
You pocket the pick. "I'll be sure to."
It's an ornate straight razor of obvious quality. Picking it up, you unfold it. The blade glimmers with an odd hue for a metal.
"Oh that? Ehh." Lanx feels his thick beard. "I suppose I'm not using it, but you make damn sure you treat that thing well, you hear?but you make sure you only use that for eh..." He gestures toward your lower half. "for hair, all right? It's a quality blade. I've treated it with an alchemical soak. Anything you shave with this won't grow back for months." He waggles a finger. "You bring that back when you're done with it. Clean. And be careful. I botched shaving with it once. My goatee didn't grow right for over a year."
"Got it." You pocket the blade.
You both head outside. Euna and Fira are deep in conversation. They hush when you two approach.
"That didn't take long," Euna says. "What are we doing now?"
"You two are welcome to stay," Fira adds.
"We'd love to," Euna says. "What are you two working on?"
"I'd like to borrow something."
"Sure, we'll stay. What are you working on?"
"We've brought you the animal salts you wanted."
"We have enough bodily fluids now."
"We have one thousand rubles. We'll buy the suite of alchemy you made for King Shahryar."
"What a coincidence. Euna was just asking the other day what it's like to sex with beasts."
Stop and watch the prostitute.
"That man just gave you an order, Euna."
Watch the woman on the balcony.
Investigate the three on the steps.
Approach the family on the steps again.
In the middle of the crowd, two people hold a topless girl by the arms while a man delivers a swift punch right to the woman's stomach. She doubles over, and the crowd cheers. Before she's hardly recovered, the man delivers another swift punch. Tears run down her face.
"They're hurting her!" Euna whispers.
You step up. "What is going on here?"
They let the girl go. She collapses. Euna kneels and cradles her.
"I asked what's going on here," you say again.
"Stop all this at once," Euna says. "Let her go!"
They let the girl go. She collapses. Euna kneels and cradles her. "What in the world is going on here?" Euna demands.
"Nothing," the puncher replies.
"Nothing?" Euna says. "You're beating on this poor woman."
"She wants us to."
"Yeh," another says.
"It's for fun," says a woman in the crowd. "We all do it."
Euna suddenly realizes that the young girl she's cradling has moved one hand from rubbing her stomach to rubbing beneath her skirt.
"But why?" Euna asks.
Another girl speaks. "It's... You've got to try it to understand."
"But it's my turn next." Another girl storms forward and stands herself between the two men who had held the first. She pulls her dress off over her shoulders and stands naked.
The men hold her. The puncher throws a light jab into her belly.
The girl flinches, but barely. "Harder. Don't hold back."
"You asked for it." The next punch doubles her over. She heaves for breath, but even as her eyes tear up, she bites her lip, as though the convulsions she felt were those of pleasure.
You and Euna leave them to it. Behind you comes another thud of knuckles on skin, followed by a cheer.
"What an utterly depraved town this is," Euna mutters.
"What a very strange town this is," Euna muses. "I can't imagine how it's possibly a thrill to be punched in the stomach."
You slow as you pass by him.
"Hello, helloladies," the lad grins widely. "Just a moment of your time, if you'll please. How would you like to punish two misbehaved girls?"
"What manner of offer is this?" Euna asks.
"It is a request for help!" he says. "My sisters snuck out of the house to go to the festival when they were supposed to be doing their chores. Now I need people to help me discipline them."
"And let me guess," Euna says, "this punishment is sexual, isn't it?"
"If you want," the lad says. "You can do whatever you want to them, just as long as you don't leave any marks on their body that our parents could see."
"Ah, yes," she replies. "Sexual indeed."
"Awesome! Come with me." He leads you down the narrow alley. "Remember. Whatever you want, just leave no marks. Oh, and don't listen to their complaining either. That's all they're good for."
The alley opens into a small, hidden courtyard between the buildings on this block. In the center, sitting upon the cobble, are two naked young girls. They're clearly related—same eyes, face, skin, and hair, though one is older. The boy is the youngest of the three.
They're bound by ropes so that they sit hugging with arms bound behind the others' back. Each has one arm passing over the other's shoulder such that they're entangled like chain links.
Four men stand around the girls with their tunics lifted and their cocks out. One is forcing the younger girl to suck him off. Another has a handful of the older one's hair, which he's using to stroke himself. The other two work their own dicks and aim at their faces. From the lashes of sticky white scoring the girls' face and hair, other men have already made contributions.
The older girl looks up as her brother approaches. She's looks you and Euna over with resignation. "Come on," she says. "No more. Haven't we done enough?"
"I said a dozen men, and I meant it." The boy hops up on a nearby stone wall beside a pile of rope.
The man using the older's hair splatters her scalp with his offering. The one in the other's mouth pulls out and shoots cum down between their sandwiched breasts. The other two finish shortly and lash the girls' faces with fresh, dripping cum. They all depart.
"It seems it's our turn now," Euna says.
You tip the girls over onto their side. Both of their gashes are dripping wet with juices pooled on the tiles. You press your fingers into the older one's slit, tuck your thumb, and twist and shove until your hand disappears inside the girl.
The girl's elasticity is quite remarkable. But now it's the younger sister's turn. You work the fingers of your other hand into her pussy until she's loosened, and then you press. She's much tighter than her older sister, and you're only able to get four fingers inside. No matter. The older sister is taking you half way to your elbow, and she's whimpering like a dog.
You pump your fist in an out. Both girls are building up to a release, but just as their bodies quiver, you pull out, wipe your hands on their thighs, and set them upright. Both are heaving with frustrated lust.
You take out your erection. Grabbing the older girl's head, you pull her face toward your crotch. Reluctant as she is, she lets you violate her mouth. A few good rams down her throat, and she's coughing up thick saliva over your cock.
Now it's the younger sister's turn. Taking a handful of her hair, you force her to fellate you just as her sister did. She takes your cock all the way down your throat, but oddly, it wasn't you who forced her to do this. Her retching gets saliva running down her chin.
Two heads now. You keep your dick between them and press their faces to either side. They suck and nipple along its length. Their lips and tongues keep meeting. The mess of saliva mixes and drips.
When you fire, it's before both their faces. Tongues out, they try their best to make proper targets, but you let most of your semen spill upon their foreheads and cheeks.
"A good job," the boy says. "I hope my sisters were fun."
Taking out your cock, you stand beside both girls. The moment your urine arcs out,Tugging off your leggings, you stand over them with your legs wide. With two fingers on either side of your lips, you let loose your stream, and they squeal and recoil.
You soak their hair and bodies. They're keeping their faces away, so you grab the older one's hair and force her to look upward. Her eyes and mouth clamp, but at least she's soaked through. The younger one responds the same way when you give her the same treatment.
Soon your stream trickles to an end. The girls are left sitting in a pool of cooling urine. Much of the cum on them has washed off, but some still tangles their hair.
The brother is delighted. "Now that is a mess."
"That was disgusting!" the older one says.
"This is what happens when you don't clean the scullery!"
"You were supposed to do that."
You fetch a rope from the brother's remaining pile. There's not too much you can do when the sisters are already tied as they are, but there is something simple.
You wrap the rope around the older sister's breasts until they're squeezed tight. She whines in pain. You can't do the same with the younger sister. Her chest is too flat. Instead, you lead the rope down her belly, and between the younger sister's legs. The rough hemp runs right between her labia and up the crack of her ass.
And that's when you pull. The rope lifts her up. It grins against her gash. In turn, her weight pulls down upon the older sister's breasts. They turn purple. The rope bites her flesh.
Both girls wail and squirm.
"Ow ow ow," the younger cries.
"Stop. Please!" says the older.
Your arms grow tired. So you wrap the rope over the younger sister's shoulder, loop it through the breast binding, and tie it off.
"Not too tight," the brother warns. "I can't have our father finding bruises."
It's too late for that. The older sister's breasts will both have a ring of abrasion, but the siblings can deal with the consequences later.
"My turn." Euna tucks her gown asidehikes up her sashkicks off her skirt and straddles the two girls by swinging one leg over their heads. She stands now with her bared crotch between them. Placing a hand on the back of both girls' heads, she guides them in. The older sister is forced into tonguing Euna's bald sexfurry muff while the younger must tongue her ass.
Euna moans and grinds her crotch. There's nothing but the slurping wet noises until Euna cries out. Squeezing the girls' faces against herself, she shudders in climax.
After a breath, she steps away. The older girl's face glistens with Euna's secretions. Both look tired.
"That's it for me," Euna says. "We can't spend all day here."
"Thank you for helping," the brother replies.
"Will you untie us now?" the older sister asks. "That was twelve."
"That was only eleventen," the brother replies.
"Twelve. I've been counting."
"So have I. Twelve men. She doesn't count." The lad points to Euna.
"So have I. Twelve men. They don't count." The lad points to you two.
"Come on," the younger says. "Father's coming home soon. We need to get home."
"Hmm." This does concern the lad.
Euna casts you a devilish glance and shrugs.
"I confess I do." Euna keeps watching. "They're hardly telling a story here, but its carnal nature certainly is captivating. Are they as lewd as the Prowling Lilins?"
"Hardly," you reply. "These people are amateurs to us."
"Were your acrobats as limber?"
"Of course. Even I was that limber back in my circus days. Our contortionists had acts more impressive and more lewd than this lot."
"Are you that limber too?"
"Of course, if I warm up. When I was an acrobat, I had many contortionist acts which were more impressive and more lewd than this lot."
"I can only imagine..." She watches on.
"Look at them," she says. "How sexual and alluring they are. Being that flexible must open up an entire realm of possibilities. And I am your sex slave. Wouldn't you like it if you could make me do such...I can only imagine what I'd do if I could perform such... acrobatic feats."
You lead Euna toward the acrobatic performance. Together, you shoulder through the crowd to see.
The performers are two muscular young men and two lithe young women. They seem at first to be wearing full-body leotards, but it's only paint covering their nude bodies making them as colorful as any court jester.
One woman dances between the two men. One man catches her, and she wraps her legs about him and sinks down upon his erection. She folds backward onto her hands without breaking her connection. Then by bracing her feet on his shoulders, she pushes off into a handstand. The second man catches her from behind. He pulls her legs into a wide split and buries his tongue into her gash. With him holding her waist, she's able to arch her back and grab his legs. As she climbs up his body, her back bends more and more, yet his tongue never leaves her gash. Soon, she's face to face with his erection, and she engulfs it down to the base. They're in a standing sixty-nine, with him standing, and her turned the wrong way around.
Euna's attention is fixed upon them.
The second woman has been hanging from a curtain-like ribbon suspended by an arch spanning over the stage. It's coiled about her body, but she uncoils like a top until she's close enough to the first woman to slide both her fists into the woman's pussy. She's met with hardly any resistance. The first woman wraps her legs about her arms and neck, and they coil back up the rope as one. Suspended above, they're entwined together in the ribbon. Their fists are buried inside each other's sexes. It's hard to tell which limb belongs to whom.
"That's amazing," Euna whispers. "I wish I was half as flexible as they are."
"You could be, if you're willing to put in the hard work."
"But I would never be like that. Surely only those who start as a child get to be that flexible."
"Not at all," you say. "Most acrobats in the Lilins joined as young men and women."I didn't start in my childhood," you say. "I started my training only after joining the Lilins as a young woman. The same is true for most of our acrobats. Our secret was in alchemy. We took tonics. Then we could train ourselves to be flexible as though we'd been training since childhood."
"Interesting." Her eyes never turn away from the lewd performance.
One man stands below the girls, and girl helps lower the other onto the man crotch-first. Her sex presses to his bald head, and slowly it engulfs him. His head disappears into her stretched vagina until her thighs rest on his shoulders. Her belly is bloated. Both his and her limbs wave sinuously about, as though she were a vibrant and obscene eight-limbed goddess.
"Oh my," Euna whispers. "Limber, aren't they?" Euna leans toward you. "You don't suppose Lanx and Fira would have such a tonic, do you?"
"I'm sure they could help. It was a simple tonic."
"Good to know."
The second man takes position center stage, and the other woman lowers herself upon him in the same way first did. Now two women sit balanced upon men with the men's heads buried in their obscenely distorted pussies. The two goddess face each other. Lips meet. Limbs entwine. And both women play with each other's clits to work each other to moaning orgasms as fast as possible while the men hold their breath. This act gets the loudest applause from the audience.
"Exactly what part of their flexibility are you talking about?"
Filth and Waste
This includes all nasty or disgusting practices. At low levels, this includes anal play of various sorts, poor hygiene. Higher levels lead to watersports. This will be expanded in later releases to include even filthier practices. See specific levels for details.
Reaching dirt-curious
This is the 1st tier of Filth and Waste.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- From storytelling, In The Prowling Lilins, tell Euna about the Royal Farces. Explain that they're at least perverted enough to do anal.
- During sex, Try for anal. Female fools needs rope-and-pestle strapon.
To promote
First, Euna must be amorous.
Next tier: kinky
Reaching kinky
This is the 2nd tier of Filth and Waste. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be dirt-curious.
At this level, Euna will engage in anal play. She'll also be willing to experiment with dirty sexual practices like watersports, rimming, and other mild forms.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- From storytelling, In The Vixens, talk about Mira's voluminous loads.
- During sex
- After anal play, go down on Euna and try rimming her.
- Cum on Euna's face after she goes down on you, or grind against her face if female.
- Try some light anal play.
- Go down on Euna after she's had sex during the day and hasn't had a chance to bathe.
To promote
First, Euna must be adventurous.
Have anal sex with Euna. You'll first need to warm her up by either fingering her butt or rimming her.
Next tier: dirty
Reaching dirty
This is the 3rd tier of Filth and Waste. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be kinky.
At this level, Euna enjoys getting messy. The idea of tasting and consuming filth is starting to appeal to her.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- From storytelling, In Selia and the Master, mention how she was forced to clean chamber pots.
- During sex
- Have Euna give you head, then recommend she try rimming you. You must have already taught her proper fellatio technique.
- Have Euna give you a tit job after anal sex.
- Suck cum out of Euna's vagina and dribble it in her mouth. She must have had sex with you or someone earlier that day (without bathing in the meantime).
- At the Siren's Bounty
- Have the wench whitecap Euna. Euna must be lewd.
- At the Siren's Bounty, order the whitecapped plate. Euna must be adventurous before she'll try it.
- Urinate on Euna in the glade. This requires her to be lewd, and you must take her clothes off and have sex with her first.
To promote
First, Euna must be lewd.
Get Euna to indulge in uncleanliness. Once you have enough experience, you can instruct Euna not to bathe in the mornings. After that, you must get her filthy enough that it pushes her resolve. This involves getting her dirty in at least three ways.
- Cum on her face as a male, or grind yourself on her face as a female.
- Euna's feet will either smell or get dirty depending on what outfit she's wearing. This is automatic.
- Euna can be messy from vaginal or anal sex with either you or someone else.
- Get Euna sweaty. There are many ways to do this, but the simplest is to have her climb the wall or dance at the festival.
If you have her dirty enough, she'll promote next morning you tell her not to take a bath. Otherwise, she'll keep her current progress and you can keep trying.
Next tier: filthy
Reaching filthy
This is the 4th tier of Filth and Waste. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be dirty.
At this level, Euna enjoys performing disgusting or perverse acts simply for the sake of it. She enjoys wallowing in filth.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- From storytelling
- In The Vixens, talk about how Volga or Mira never cleaned her cock.
- In Selia and the Master, talk about cleaning chamberpots, then suggest that Selia was forced to deal with solid waste.
- In The Traveling Widow, keep her separated from her sons, later talk about her broken ass, and about her incontinence.
- During sex, After anal, pull out and have her give you head.
- At the slums, Once Euna is whorish, have her have sex with Blind and Bearded, then have her tongue clean them. You may need her to interact with them a few times before "Slum" sexual encounters are available.
- After anal with cock or fist, attempt vaginal penetration.
To promote
First, Euna must be promiscuous.
Lanx and Fira will have a job for you to collect bodily fluids from various strangers. There are 8 in total. You need 4.
- Blood Sample: Observe the Simori nun in the slums and wait to see what happens. After she's arrested, go to the barracks that same day and collect the blood.
- Cum Sample: This can be collected at the festival, the slums, or the red-light disctrict in the docks.
- Feces Sample: Find Blind and Bearded at the slum. Offer to empty Blind's pot for him. Wait on Bearded as well.
- Female Ejaculate Sample: Get a Whitecapped Special at the Siren's Bounty. You need to have gotten it at least once already before the option to collect it comes up. If you don't have enough money, perform at the Bounty to earn coin.
- Milk Sample: Ask Shirina after you've seen her use her own milk to make Boza. If you haven't, just visit her day after day until she does.
- Saliva Sample: Obtained from Gisèle in the red-light district at the Cove, but first, you'll have to have followed her lessons. Deepthroating requires a lesson followed by days of Euna practicing alone, then you can take her spit-play lesson. Each lesson, including collecting spit, requires 5 rubles.
- Urine Sample: Find Blind and Bearded at the slum. Offer to empty Blind's pot for him.
- Vomit Sample: This can be collected at the temple. Get drunk at the festival and collect some before passing out in the drunk hall.
Once you have enough, take them back to Lanx and Fira. Deliver the resulting tonic to the the Pincoy, a ship in the Cove's wharf. Euna will promote as a result of that event.
Afterward, you can talk with Lanx and Fira about the outcome for a short followup event.
Reaching depraved
This is the 5th tier of Filth and Waste. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be filthy.
At this level, Euna will engage in heavy scat play.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- During sex, Have anal sex with Euna. She'll warn that her bowels are full, and it will get messy. Do it anyway.
- At the slums
- When emptying the pot, have Euna lick the seat clean before peeing.
- Once Euna is whorish, have her have sex with vagrants, and select the most disgusting one around.
To promote
First, Euna must be whorish.
You come to a great plaza square. The sounds of festivities are close. To the east, street performances can be glimpsed.
Here, a large stone platform is built into the center of the street intersection. Unimaginable bounties of food adorn the platform, everything from fruits, breads, cheeses, to every type of meat roast you know of, and some you don't. The smells are mouthwatering. Both you and Euna look upon the food hungrily.
Other people are about. Half naked festival goers come and go from the east. They laugh and talk as they feely take food and depart back to the festivities.
Along the sides of this village square are outdoor kitchens where dozens of young boys and girls, both young and adolescent, are preparing more savory foods. They're the only people around doing actual work.
On the central platform, a comely woman is reclined amid the bounty like a dragon on top of her hoard. Her brown hair is done up on a greek bun, and she wears a red gown cut low enough in the front to show her matronly cleavage.
As others pilfer food, she corrects the displays.
You're at the great banquet. Children work. Shirina is reclined on her perch in the center, indulging feasters as they come and go.The same woman is reclined in the center of all the food.
Together, you and Euna gather food and find a nearby bench. Other people come and go from the banquet platform.
A girl trots up with a young man in tow. She has curves despite her young age, and she has a great mane of curly black hair that bounces with each step. She has no interest in the food, and gathers instead at the edge of a fruit display and grins at Shirina.
"Hello," the girl says.
Shirina smiles wearily in return. "Hello, Miray. I see you've brought a friend."
Miray nods. "I told him about what you did last time. He wants to see for himself."
"It's been a busy day, Miray. And I've done this so many times already..."
"Please? My father says you're the champion at the council's feasts. What kind of champion are you if you won't accept a challenge?"
"Oh, very well. But we must be quick about it." Shirina sits on the platform facing them with her legs spread. She drapes the front flap of her dress over one leg to reveal herself to the two. She holds her hand out to them expectantly. Miray snatches an apple from the fruit display and kneels between Shirina's legs.
But when she moves the fruit to her snatch, Shirina stops her. "Ah ah. I'll do it." She takes the apple and rubs it up and down her slit. Her trim, bristled pubic hairs rasp against the apple's flesh. Her juices spread. And then she pushes. The dark, thick lips of her pussy engulf the fruit. With her index finger, she pushes it deep within herself, and when she withdraws, her lips close, and it's as though nothing were inserted at all.
The young man marvels. "Father above..."
"See?" Miray says. "I told you. And she hasn't even started." She fetches another apple and holds it up. "Can I put in the next one, please?"
"If you must."
Miray puts the apple to Shirina's snatch, and with an open palm, shoves it in.
Shirina recoils. "Gently," she says, but Miray keeps pushing until it too is engulfed. Two of her fingers burrow past Shirina's lips, depositing the apple deep.
The young man hands Miray the next, and Miray immediately pushes it in after the others. Shirina braces the platform rim.
Then comes the fourth apple. Miray has to put some force into this one. Open palm, elbow out, she shoves hard.
Shirina winces. "Careful..." but Miray doesn't let up. She even grabs Shirina's hip to keep her sliding back. Eventually the apple disappears, but barely. When Miray takes her hand away, Shirina's pussy flowers outward, the apple emerges. Only by leaving her hand pressed to Shirina's pussy can she keep it in.
But then Miray reaches for a fifth apple.
"No, dear. It's not going to fit," Shirina says.
"My father says you took much more at the council's feast."
"That takes preparation. I'm afraid four must satisfy you today."
"But it doesn't."
"Can you fit four apples in your nest?"
"Oh fine." Miray turns to her friend. "But you see? She's got a cavern between her legs."
His eyes are fixed upon Shirina's pussy.
"Come on." Miray leads him away. She waves over her shoulder. "Bye, Shirina."
"You take these apples!" Shirina tenses her abdomen. Apples pop out, which she waves at the two.
"No thanks!" The two dart around the corner.
Shirina sighs. She squeezes out the remaining three apples. After wiping her vaginal juices off them, she glances about, then replaces three onto the stack with the other fruit. When she spots you two watching, she casts a guilty expressions as though to say, "this will be our little secret."
She bites into the last apple as she retakes her perch atop the food platform.
"Oh, and we do have a wonderful selection of apples again today," Shirina nods toward a basket of neatly stacked shiny red apples. She looks at you two meaningfully. "Take a few. I insist."
"Of course." Euna turns to you. "Gather a few apples for us."
"I think we will," you say.
You gather a handful of apples in your tunictunic, and Euna selects her own foods. The two of you find a nearby spot on the marble platform to eat your food together.
You hold up one of the apples.
While chewing, Euna slips her gown aside.twists her sash out of the waytugs her skirt up. and spreads her legs. She grinds the apple against her slit to spread her arousal over it enough to press it into herself. Her lips swallow it whole. Now she's upright and eating as though nothing were amiss.
You hold up a second apple.
She takes it, leans back, and presses it into herself with a little more difficulty, but she's back to eating. Nothing unusual.
She takes it with a nod. When she reclines back to expose herself, her quim glistens with arousal now. Wetting the apple is easy, but pressing it in takes force. She barely gets her glistening smoothdamp furry lips to close around it. Upright, she resumes eating, only now she's pressing her bare sexmuff against the marble bench, grinding slowly. Her shallow breaths betray her calm exterior.
"I think I'm full," she says.
"It's our last one. Surely you can make room."
"We'll see."
"It's the last one. Make room."
"If you insist."
Carefully, she leans back and presses a hand to herself to keep the other apples from sliding out. Taking yours, she grinds it around her dripping gash, and then presses. With ample force, she's able to get it half way, but no farther. Tenderly, Euna sits straight again so that she's sitting on the apple. She winces. Her full weight is pusing all four apples into herself. Her lips don't quite close around the last apple.
"There," she says. "Now I can't possibly have another."
You both finish eating. Euna catches the half-engulfed apple as she gets up. Once she stands, a second slides out.
Shirina nods as Euna approaches. "Did you enjoy the apples today?"
"They were quite good," Euna replies.
"How many did you eat?"
"Three and a half."
"You must have been hungry," Shirina says with a grin.
"What can I say?" Euna replies. "I have quite an appetite these days."
As you two head off, Euna bites into the apple which was half submerged. She's walking stiffly, and two apples are still missing.
"Storing some apples for later, are you?" you ask.
"I'm sure I'll slip them out shortly, when no one is looking. They're starting to make me cramp. Just... not yet."
Euna snaps her legs together.
Shirina steps down from her perch and tiptoes by the food platters to where you two are. "Why? What were you able to do?" she asks.
Euna's face is flushed red. "N–Nothing."
You speak. "We were motivated by the show you just put on. Guess what she has inside of her right now."
Shirina lights up. "Oh! Apples? Aren't they fun?"
"Err... I suppose," Euna says.
"How many did you fit?"
"... just one." Euna's eyes are downcast. Her face is burning red.
"I... He wanted to see if I could fit an apple too."
Shirina lights up. "Oh, that's wonderful! How many did you fit?"
Euna is red with embarrassment. "Just one. I was just entertaining his little desire."
"He asked to see if I could fit an apple inside myself," Euna says.
"Oh, how wonderful!" Shirina replies. "And did you? Just one?"
"Just one. Yes. And I didn't expect him to call an audience like that."
Shirina laughs and throws an arm over Euna's shoulder. "Oh don't be embarrassed. I'm the last person to judge. I can't even look at a fruit without imaging how many I can fit inside me, but apples are the best. I'm always glad to find another who understands."
Euna is still clutching the silk of her gownher velvet sashthe hem of her skirt down to cover herself, but she seems to relax a little.
"It has its appeal," Euna admits. Her blush is fading.
"You're only saying that because you're hoping I'll do it, aren't you?" Euna says.
"Sure, but aren't you even curious?"
"Maybe. Can you?"
"Easily." Taking your apple, you tug your leggings down your thighs, rise up, and press the apple to your snatch. It takes some work. You weren't warmed up, but eventually the apple slides inside you, and you're able to sit down. "See?"
"Impressive," she says flatly.
"You squeeze the apple out of you and hold it up for her. "Now it's your turn."
"I think I probably could, with some effort."
You hold up an apple you collected for yourself earlier. "Then let's find out."
Euna glances toward Shirina. "Right here? In public?"
"No one's watching us. Why not?"
"There could be. People are coming and going. Shirina would need only to turn around."
"It's a risk, isn't it? But do you really think anyone would care, especially after the show Shirina just put on for all to see?"
First, Euna hesitates, turning the apple over in her hands, but then she pulls aside the back of her gown soher velvet sash is already so short thatbut then she pulls the back of her skirt so her bare ass is on the platform. Turning so that only you have a view between her legs, she darts the apple beneath her and sits upon it.
Euna rocks her baldfurry slit back and forth over the apple. It takes her more effort than it took Shirina. She grunts and winces and clutches the platform. Her vaginal lips cave, and the apple pops in.
"Ooh." Euna clutches her crotch. "Satisfied?"
"I suppose we could do that too,""Yes. That makes more sense," Euna says. "Together, we shall make short work of those dishes."
"Oh, thank you so much," Shirina replies.
But it's not exactly short work. Plates after plates come. They pile high. You and Euna are scrubbing dishes in a tub of suds for hours.
"Maybe the apples weren't such a bad idea," you say.
"This is honest work," she replies. "It does us both good."
Eventually, you work through the entire pile. The children cart them off, and with wrinkled fingers and tired arms, you both enjoy a meal.
"Cleaning might take a while," Shirina says. "It's best not to leave them in for too long. She'll tighten back up."
"She'll be fine," you reply. "Isn't that right, Euna?"
Euna nods meekly. "I will hold them as long as you order me to."
"Nonetheless, I wil do it," Euna reply. "I can handle this sort of challenge."
"I think I can hold them a while longer," though Euna is perspiring.
Shirina shrugs. "If you wish."
The cleaning takes much longer than expected. Plates keep coming. They pile high, and of the dozen people who pushed an apple into Euna, only a few are really working. You and Euna both enjoy a meal of your own. All the while, Euna caresses her bloated belly affectionately. She hardly even grimaces.Over time, her breath becomes labored. She clutches her belly and squirms.
Once the last dish is carried off, everyone gathers for the closing show.
"It's time to get them out." Shirina squeezes her hand into Euna's gash and feels about. Euna jolts in pain, and Shirina frowns. "You've closed up too tight. I can't reach in there. Can you push them out?"
"I'll try."
She bears down. With some grunting and one long groan, her pussy swells and belches out a single apple. It rolls across the platform. One man snatches it and bites into it. She has eleven more apples to birth, and eleven people waiting to reclaim them.
Despite the struggle, Euna industriously gives birth to eleven more apples with only a slight dotting of sweat upon her forehead
Each following apple is that much harder. She's sweating and red in the face by the end, but eventually, everyone is served, and Euna looks ready to pass out from exhaustion.
"More?" Shirina looks at you quizzically.
Euna spreads her legs, and spreads her wet sex with her hands. "More."
"Yes. She'll take more," you say.
Shirina looks to Euna, who spreads her legs obediently.
"As you wish." Shirina beckons the mob to continue.
More apples go into Euna. For each one, man or woman, they drive the apple deep into Euna's gash. They have to put their shoulder into it to force it into her crowded womb, but good sport Euna is, she pushes back against them to help, holding back a moan each time another apples crams into her.and Euna grunts with each one. She clutches Shirina's hand.
On the other hand, cleaning moves at a fast clip. Two more wash buckets come out, and though more dishes arrive for cleaning, the crowd quickly deals with them.
It's hardly no time at all before Shirina proudly announces, "All done!" just as a burly armed man has been struggling to grind one final apple into Euna, despite her squirming. Six dozen in total. Her corpulent, lumpy belly is so engorged, as though pregnent with triplets. She's not even able to sit up.Two dozen in total. She's looks many months pregnant.
Shirina empties Euna out herself, bringing out apple after apple and passing them out to all the hard workers.
"I'm so glad you could help." Shirina says.
Tired as she looks, Euna gives her a warm smile. "My body is built for this. I'm just glad to put it to use the way it's meant to be."
After she dress, she's ready to go.
Euna gives her a tired smile. She takes a while to recooperate, but soon she's dressed and ready to go.
As you two gather food, a crowd approaches from the festival carrying trays of food scraps and steins of dregs. They drop their burdens unceremoniously near to the cooking stations. It's a quick mess, but they're already departing.
A few linger. "Are we cleaning dishes for you today?" one man asks.
"I can't," Shirina replies.
The crowd groans. They begin dispersing, but Shirina gestures them to stay. "Hold on, hold on." She signals you two to come close. "Euna, it's good that you're here. Could you help me with something?"
"What is it?" Euna asks.
"The crowd is bringing back trays from the afternoon festival, but it's an enormous mess for the children. Sometimes I can entice these people to clean the trays themselves, but I can't because I'm pregnant still, but you're not."
Euna's eyes narrow. "What does pregnancy have to do with it?"
"I let each person press one apple inside of me if they help until the end."
"Oh my. And you want me to take your place?" Euna looks over the crowd. Enticed, she bites her lip. "I might be able to help.""That's a lot of people. I don't think I possibly could."
"They're good for this sport," Shirina replies. "No mess. A good size. I started with apples, but that's really because my family grew an orchard, so there were plenty about. I would sneak off and hide behind an apple tree in the far corner of the orchard, and I'd cram myself full of fallen apples. I was always so terrified that my brothers and sisters might find me. Or heaven forbid my father should find out. Here, I can be proud of my interest, even if it does make me a spectacle for people like Miray."
"Oh, would you?" Shirina says. "I'd love to see."
Euna is still beet red. After glancing about, she spreads her legs and inches the flap of her gown aside.her velvet sash aside.the hem of her dress up. When she rises up, the apple pops out on its own. She snatches it and snaps her legs shut.
"That was marvelous! Have you tried a second?"
"No. I..." She glances about and laughs out of nervousness.
"Don't worry. I won't pressure you into trying, but you must keep me up to date on your progress."
"I suppose I can." Euna's blush isn't as bad. She even smiles slightly.
"Very well." Euna spreads her legs and pulls her gown aside.sash skirt aside.skirt high. When she lifts, the platform surface no longer holds the apple in her snatch, and it pops out.
"Impressive," Shirina takes the apple and brings it back toward Euna's crotch.
Without pause, Euna spreads her legs wide.
Euna flinches away.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Shirina says. "May I please? I'd like to get a sense how easily you take it."
"I... go ahead." Euna spreads herself wider.
Shirina presses the apple against Euna's loosened slit. It takes some working, but Euna swallows it back up.
"Not bad." Shirina lets it slide out. She pushes it back. In and out it goes. Then she pushes it deep using two fingers. Euna shudders. Shirina keeps her palm fully against Euna's pussy to keep it in. "It doesn't want to stay in though."
"I'm still new at this." Euna's breath is shallow.
"Want to feel what an accepting flower feels like?"
Euna nods, so Shirina lets the apple slip from her. It glistens with Euna's juices. She pulls her robe's front aside to reveal her own trimmed pussy with its dark lips, and she guides Euna's hand to press the apple against her gash. Euna pushes. Shirina engulfs the apple with ease. Euna doesn't stop until she has four fingers and half her palm buried inside.
"Impressive," Euna says.
"Keep working on yourself," Shirina. "I hope some day you can take an apple just as easily as I can. Maybe more..." She flexes and pops the apple out onto Euna's hand.
"Perhaps. We'll see," Euna replies.
"Of course," Shirina says. "I'll let you two eat. Enjoy yourselves." She returns to her perch.
The moment she has her back turned, Euna lifts up and bring out the apple, now glistening with her juices.
Euna turns narrowed eyes upon you. "You knavetramp. That was a mean trick you pulled, calling her over like that."
"And yet you showed her anyway," you say.
She blushes all over again. "Well, she... she asked nicely."
"She did. It looks like you've found a kinship."
"But look at how happy you made her," you say.
Euna smirks despite her efforts. "Sometimes I marvel at what a gentlemanlady you can be underneath all that foolery." She regards you. "But other times, it's painfully obvious why you always seemed to spend half your life in the pillory." She hands you the slippery apple. "Now, don't waste your food."
The apple tastes of female essence.
"It's certainly not the sort of thing you'd see back home," Euna mutters to you, "and to replace the apples like that?"
"It's be a waste of food otherwise."
"One might suggest not shoving food up your nethers if you were concerned about waste."
Euna rises up, and the apple pops from her snatch. She passes it to you. "Now don't waste your food."
The slick apple smells of her, but you gladly eat it.
You both finish your food. Shirina gets your attention as you're getting up. "I hope you two enjoyed your meal."
"It was splendid, thank you," Euna replies.
"For the children, of course," Euna says. "I will happily make this sacrifice."
"I... Very well," Euna says. "I suppose it's not like I haven't done something like this before."
"Oh, thank you!" Shirina addresses everyone else. "Euna will take my place for the apple stuffing. Euna, why don't you undress?"
Euna shrugs off her clothes. After the crowd get a good look at her, their disappointment evaporates. Several clamber for the apple baskets—three in total, each holding several dozen. Apples get passed around.
"Are they... going to put the apples inside me themselves?" Euna asks.
"Of course. That's half the fun."
"I see..."
Shirina scoots and pats beside her on her high platform. "Come. I'll get you ready."
Warily, Euna climbs up. Shirina guides her to lie back, and using her own bottle of Agnodine, she slides fingers into Euna's sex to dilate her cervix.
"I thought you told me I should give my womb time to heal," Euna says.
"Oh, what's a few apples?" Shirina replies. "I do this all the time. When I'm not pregnant, that is."
Once she's up to her elbow into Euna, she faces the crowd. "Anyone who fits an apple into her agrees to stay and help until all dishes are done. The faster you work, the faster you can return to the festival. Who's first?"
One grinning man steps up. He leers at her lax pussy. Euna spreads her legs, and he presses his fist into her, apple in hand. Elbow deep, he ruts around. Euna gasps inwardly, and the man withdraws empty-handed.
"Now be a good lad and fill the tub," Shirina tells him.
Men and women sink apples into Euna. After each, Shirina gives them a task and soon a dozen people work around a wooden wash tub. They're industriously working through the wooden plates. Euna is caressinggroaning and clutching her swollen belly.
"That should be enough," Shirina says. "Thank you, Euna. You can push them out now."
"Euna should keep them in until the last dish is clean."
"Nonsense. Euna can fit many more apples. It'll make cleaning go faster."
As you eat, Euna watches you curiously. "Did you actually get those apples for eating?"
"That's what they're for," you say.
"I don't think that's why Shirina wanted us to have them, but very well."
Afterward, you and Euna get up to depart. She slides the apple out of herself.
"An entertaining lunch," she says. "Come along.""Shall we keep moving?"
Afterward, you and Euna get up to depart. She slides the apples out of herself.
"I'll enjoy these later," she says. "Come along.""Shall we keep moving?"
Afterward, Euna rises, and the apples practically fall from her. They drip with her arousal.
"I did enjoy these apples after all," she says. "Come along.""Shall we keep moving?"
The girl finishes and leaves the bowl of berries for you two. Meanwhile, Shirina is now free from her conversation.
Together, you and Euna gather food and find a nearby bench. Other people come and go from the banquet platform.
Soon, a man and a woman with arms over each other's shoulder. Judging from their gait, both are tipsy.
Shirina brightens when they near. "Oh, hello you two!"
"Hello, Shirina," the woman smiles.
"We were in the mood for something sweet," the man adds.
"Of course." Shirina gestures toward the fruits, puddings, chocolates, cakes, and pies. The couple inspect the selection.
"I feel like chocolate," the woman stops before a bowl of chocolate sauce kept liquid by a candle beneath it.
"A good choice. I'll join you." Shirina undoes her sash and strips off her gown. It crumples in a heap, and she's left nude, brazenly displaying her matronly breasts and trimmed mound. She tiptoes over the other food arrangments and sits on the edge of the platform beside them. "Try it with these fruits." She offers a bowl of berries and chopped stone fruits.
As the couple pick through the bowl, Shirina scoops chocolate sauce with a goblet and carries it, dripping, over herself and pours a thin stream into the valley between her breasts. It runs down along her belly. Some drips down her sides. Most runs toward her sex. The couple intercept the stream with berries and enjoy their chocolate-covered delights.
They eat many fruits this way. Some chocolate reaches Shirina's slit despite their efforts, so the man rubs a strawberry up and down Shirina's plump vaginal lips, smearing chocolate about.
Their feast grows more heated. The woman caresses a sprig of elderberries from Shirina's pubic mound up to her breasts, mopping up chocolate. After, she leans and runs her tongue along the same path to clean the smears. Shirina spreads her legs wide and pours chocolate upon her pubic mound. The woman buries her face in Shirina's chocolate-matted bush and laps at her slit.
Shirina spoons another helping of chocolate upon her tits, and the man licks and sucks every trace away.
Shirina revels in the pleasure of their tongues until the goblet is empty. Then the couples' attention turns to each other. The man's hands slide under the girl's dress to her sexual core. Her hands explore under his shirt. Both are a mess of chocolate. Clothes come off. They fall to the floor, and they have slow sensual sex before everyone. Chocolate stains cover their bodies.
Afterward, they collect. "That was lovely," the woman says to Shirina.
"The pleasure was mine. You two are my favorite guests."
The nude and messy couple depart. Shirina cleans herself with a rag. After donning her gown, she retakes her perch at the platform's center. Her hand sneaks through the side-slit of her gown, and she's idly playing with herself when you and Euna approach.
"That was quite the show," Euna says. "I'm glad that couple were at least respectful toward you."
"My word," Euna says. "That was quite... sexual. At least that couple was more respectful toward you."
"Of course they are," Shirina says. "Those two are old friends. I've known them for decades."
"Of course," Shirina says. "Help yourself to whatever you see. The food is for everyone."
"Thank you." Euna bows graciously.
Together, you and Euna gather food and find a nearby bench. Other people come and go from the banquet platform.
Periodically, nuns in white habits arrive carrying crates that they give to the children cooking. Inside are raw ingredients. The little chefs occasionally finish food and carry it out to the display. Shirina helps them set up.
Then two rowdy drunks come over from the festival. They help themselves to more wine from casks along the edge, spilling much and giggling about.
Next comes food. After circling the banquet platform like vultures, they pillage. One man picks what he wants from a greasy stack of ribs and tosses the others over his shoulder. Another jabs his hand into a bowl of figs, eats a handful, sneers, and upends the bowl onto the platform. Figs scatter everywhere.
"Now now," Shirina says, "Mind your manners."
"Pah!" one shouts. "The food is for us."
"It's for all of you. Let's not ruin the food for everyone."
"We will eat how we want," the other man says. "If you don't want us serving ourselves, then you serve us."
"I will if you behave yourselves. Agreed?"
One man hands a stuffed meat roll pastry to her. She dangles the roll above him as though toying with a cat. He bites and tears off a chunk. She smiles patiently as he eats.
The next man presents her with a bowl of dumplings. As she takes it, he hooks the front of her gown and pulls, baring a nipple of her weighty breasts. "I want something to eat off of."
Shirina bats his hand away. "I will do that." She shrugs the shoulders of her robe off, so the top half crumbles about her waist, and she wedges a dumpling into her cleavage.
The man buries his face between her boobs and eats heartily while she cradles his head as though breastfeeding. When he finishes, she wedges in another for him. Rivulets of grease run down her belly and soak into her gold sash.
Meanwhile, the other man has finished the meat roll and is licking grease from her fingers, her hand, and then moving down her forearm. Passing her armpits, he too comes to her cleavage. While the other man eats his dumpling, he busies suckles Shirina's nipple. When she wedges in another dumpling, they nudge each other's heads out of the way in a fight over it. She smiles through all of this.
The men have had their fill. They reclaim their wine goblets and amble back toward the festival without so much as thanking her.
One of the young chefs approaches with a rag, and Shirina wipes the grease off her chest. After sliding her robe back in place, she corrects the food displays the men ruined.
"My Lord, that was awful." Euna strides to Shirina. "Are you okay?"
"Me? Oh yes, I'm fine."
"How can they get away with that behavior?"
Shirina flaps a hand. "They weren't that bad. When rowdy lots like that come, it's best just to indulge them and get them on their way."
"And you let them molest you like that?"
"It's a bother, yes, but better to let them take their rowdiness out on me than have them wreck the displays, or bother my young chefs."
"Well, we will be respectful," Euna says.
Shirina smiles. "I appreciate that. I hope you enjoyed your food."
"It was delectable. Please pass our compliments on to the chefs."
"I'd be delighted to." She steps away to speak with the children.
"What a strange town this is," Euna whispers.
"Yes," you reply. "You wouldn't see that back home."
She nods. "Such lewdness must be common here, and she said those men weren't that bad. I wonder what the bad ones are like..."
Shirina returns. "They are simply tickled by your compliment." She waves back at them. Many smile and wave back. "You two are always welcome here."
"Thank you," Euna says.
"Exactly," Euna says.
"Who the hell are you?" the man asks.
"I'm the woman who's going to rip your ear off if you don't get to it."
"That's not fair."
"What's not fair is that I'm making you pick up only your mess, when I should be making you pick up everything." Euna looks to you, "but we will pick up the rest, so that a pregnant woman is not left to do it all for herself. Is that clear?"
It is. Sulking, the man goes about picking up. He's still long gone by the time you and Euna finish cleaning up all the rest of the mess about the banquet.
"Oh, I couldn't ask you to do that," Shirina replies. "It isn't your mess. I'll pick up after the sun goes down."
"Please, let me serve you.No, I want to." Euna is already picking up rinds and food scraps.
"No really." Shirina tries to rise to pitch in. It's a hustle for her to stand with her pregnant belly. "I can't ask you to do this. It's such a mess."
"Relax," you say. "Let her clean."
"Oh... all right."
It takes Euna a while, but by the time you're done eating, the place is clean once again.
"Sit down," Euna says. "It won't take us but a moment." Then she glares at you. "And it will go even faster if we both help."
"All right, I'm coming," you say.
It takes a lot longer than a moment, but soon the place is clean once again.
"Thank you," Shirina says. Despite her earlier embarrassment, she's clearly relieved. She clasps Euna's hands. "I really do appreciate it. Bending over has already become a pain."
"Think nothing of it," Euna replies.
"Yes," Shirina says, "and I will assist."
"I agree." Euna tries to sit up, grimaces, and lies back down. "Somehow."
"I insist you allow me to help you," Shirina says .
"I think you'll have to," Euna replies.
The pregnant hostess looks about and settles her eyes one of the large marble pillars forming the overhanging pavilion the cooks work under. "Let's hang you up. We'll use the melon's weight to our advantage."
With your help, she gets Euna to waddle over to the pillar. She's ungainly, and her pussy is already blossoming outward from the weight pushing down inside it. At the pillar, Shirina uses the strap of her robe to tie Euna's wrists to an overhead arch.
The pregnant hostess again reaches deep into Euna while Euna spreads herself with her hands. Her quim squelches. Watermelon juice has been leaking all the while. Shirina brings out a chunk of red pulp. "Oh dear. It seems to have been pulverized. This might get messy." She slips off her robe and tosses it aside
Of course, this leaves Shirina exposed. Her tits are heavy. Her nipples are large and dark with pregnancy, as are her labia, thick enough to drape loose.drape out from her trimmed bush.
"Now..." She kicks Euna's leg's wide so that Euna is in an obscene squat. "Brace yourself on your legs and hold onto the rope, and when I say, bear down as hard as you can and never stop." Shirina hugs her arms tight around Euna's neck and hooks a leg around Euna's torso.
"Now push," she yells, and she hooks her other leg around Euna and sits her rump on Euna's belly bulge. It's a reverse piggy-back ride, and she's hugging Euna's face to her heavy tits. Euna's pussy flowers more, but not enough. Euna's pelvis warped to get that melon in. "Push," Shirina yells. She bounces her groin against Euna's belly, up and down, while Euna screams out with each shove.
One bit at a time, Shirina wedges that bump farther down. The green of the watermelon is peeking out, but that doesn't seem to concern her. She's grinding her crotch against Euna's tummy, and she's moaning out in time with each thrust just like Euna is. The louder she gets, the harder and more rapid she bounces, until the two women scream together.
The watermelon strikes the cobbles and cracks open. Shirina's grinding slows for a while, and finally ends. She uncoils her legs from Euna, but keeps her in an embrace, even while Euna hangs limply from her restraints. She looks at the mess at her feet.
She sidles closer and hoists Euna thighs up onto her own. Again she reaches into Euna and extracts handfuls after handfuls of rind and pulpy mess. Of course, close as she is, much of this mess is now piling up before her own sex.
"Oh Euna," she mutters. Her hands caress over Euna's thighs, spreading mess. "Push for me. Let it all out."
Euna does. The inner mass moves somewhat. Shirina helps by scooping out the mess from inside. A mound of lumpy, pulverized mass is squished between their swollen bellies. In fact, that seems to be the point. She's hardly helping now. When more watermelon mixed with vaginal juices emerge, she bathes herself in it—her breasts, her heavy belly, and of course her sexnest. And when she's not bathing herself, she's covering Euna from the chest down. She only helps when a particularly large chunk of rind requires her to reach in and grab it, but the more Euna gets out of her, the more easily she's able to push it out herself. Shirina scrubs herself until she reaches a crying, trembling peek just as the last of the mess comes out.
After she comes down, she seems to become self aware again. She's naked, entwined with Euna, and covered in mounds of sticky watermelon. Everyone looking at them.
"Children," she calls. "Come help me collect this. We're going to make some watermelon sherbet."
It turns out to be delicious. Euna enjoys her share while recovering. You and the children enjoy it while Euna regains enough strength to clean the place up. Euna and the children enjoy it while you clean up. Afterward, though her legs still wobble when she stands, and her labia still looks like a deflated flap, she's able to walk.
"Thank you for your help," Shirina says. "That was most delightful."
"Of course," Euna replies. "It was nothing."
Euna eyes Shirina's leaking tits. "Oh very well. A little I suppose."
Shirina hoists her tit over Euna's cup. With a squeeze, milk sprays from the pores of her nipple. It swirls into the drink, mixing dark, stout-brown brew with pale clouds.
"Thank you." Euna sips, weighs the flavor, and nods. "It is good."
Shirina does the same for your drink. "Enjoy, you two!"
You and Euna sip your drinks in privacy while Shirina serves others. Euna seems lost in thought.
"Do you actually like it," you ask.
"I do. Though I wonder if it's really better than mare or goat milk. I think most people here pester Shirina for her breastmilk because they're perverts." Euna notices a splatter of milk upon her wrist. She licks it up. "Hmm. Maybe it is better. Perhaps if we return home, I could have a nursemaid tend to my guests and me during supper." She frowns. "But then I wouldn't want to do to a nursemaid what this town does to Shirina."
"What if you supplied the milk yourself?"
"Now there's a thought. Every supper, I'd expose my breasts and squeeze out my own cream for nobles and boyars alike. How appalled they'd be."
"Now who's the pervert?" you ask.
She sips her drink and wiggles her hips mischievously.
Shirina is wiping her breasts clean when you two return.
"The Boza was lovely," Euna says. "Thank you."
Many eyebrows go up. They're intrigued.
Euna murmurs to you. "I would gladly do so simply because you told me so, but don't you think you should have asked Shirina first?"
"Actually," Shirina says. "Your help would be lovely. A suckling pair of lips never fails to get me flowing."
"Then of course I will help."
Euna gapes at you. "I'll do what?"
"You'll give them a show. That'll calm them down."
"In front of all these people?"
"Actually," Shirina says. "That would help me immensely. A suckling pair of lips never fails to get me flowing."
Euna looks over the crowd with trepidation. "I... very well then. If you want me to do it, then of course will."
"And make a show of it," you whisper.
"Actually, that would help," Shirina says.
Euna sighs. "Then of course I will." She glowers at you, "Though we could have done without the announcement."
Euna climbs onto the platform and straddles Shirina's lap. Shirina reclines back and proffers one tit. Euna closes her lips about the nipple, and she suckles. Eyes gather on them.
Shirina cradles Euna's head close. Euna sits more comfortably in her lap. When she lifts away and tweaks Shirina's nipple, a dribble of milk appears. She licks it away and suckles more, but her hands continue squeezing Shirina's other tit.
Shirina shudders. She presses her hands overtop of Euna's, encouraging her to squeeze more, touch more.
Euna pulls away, breathy. The tit she's been suckling now sprays milk with each squeeze. It runs down Euna's hand. Their eyes meet. Shirina pulls her close, and the two kiss passionately as though they had no audience. But then someone approaches with a mug and clears his throat.
Euna glares, but Shirina is more accommodating.
"Hold it close," Shirina says. The man does, and she squeezes milk into his drink. Euna turns her attention to suckling Shirina's other tit. She grinds her crotch against Shirina's leg.
Shirina pets Euna's hair affectionately, but now she's more focused on serving the crowd. Euna gets the other tit producing. She enjoys it for herself by squeezing it so milk sprays from the nipple. It splatters Euna's face and neck, and then she licks the drops from the nipple.
But the line of patrons grows. Shirina is committed to her duty, so she serves people from both tits, and Euna climbs off.
"Thank you so very much," Shirina says.
In reply, Euna gives her one last lingering kiss before climbing down off the platform. Droplets of milk dot her cleavage. "There. Now I'm done.""I hope I performed to your satisfaction.""I got a little carried away."
"Milk?" Shirina asks.
"Not much. Just a thimble's worth," Euna says. "We'd be most grateful."
"A thimble? Oh! This is for Lanx and Fira, isn't it?"
"...they told us not to tell anyone."
"Those two and their secret projects... Every month Fira is smuggling herself into the city to ask my help with another project of theirs. Though they were right about not discussing it. Alchemy attracts the wrong sorts of attention, and so do those two. Milk this time, is it?" She pulls aside her dress to expose a boob and hooks a finger at Euna. "You may have your thimble, but you must take it yourself."
"Very well," Euna climbs up and straddles Shirina. She fastens her lips to her nipple and kneads with her hands. Shirina twitches and groans.
Every time Euna pulls away, the nipple leaks more. Once it sprays easily, Euna wipes away her saliva and fills the thimble. The moment the chore is done, Shirina pulls Euna into a deep kiss. Their tits press together. Milk leaks down Euna's gownfish netsbodice.
You've long ago stowed the milk by the time the two break away. Both are breathless and flustered.
"You want me to milk you?" Euna asks. "Whatever for?"
"Consider it my price."
"You want me to milk you?" Euna asks. "Why not her?" She points to you.
"Because I want you to do it."
"Very well," Euna climbs onto the platform and takes Shirina's tit into her hands. She squeezes and massages and tweaks.
"It would go faster if you used your mouth," Shirina says.
"I'm sure it would." Euna tweaks onward, but after several fruitless minutes, she relents and sucks upon the nipple. Droplets appear quickly. Euna readies the thimble, but it takes nearly five more minutes—and a lot of swallowed milk—before the tit flows enough from simple kneading. Much sprays over Euna's hands, but she gets her thimble's worth.
Afterward, Euna licks droplets off her hand. "Thank you, Shirina. You are quite gracious."
Shirina tucks her tit away. A dark stain appears on her dress overtop her nipple. "You will pass along my regards to those two tinkerers, won't you?"
"Of course."
"Quite all right by me," Shirina says. "There's more boza left, and everyone will want my milk. I'll be wrung dry by the end."
"Maybe they should learn to make do with animal milk and leave you in peace," Euna says.
"Then I doubt anyone would drink the children's boza at all." Shirina's diverts her attention to nurse herself into the next man's drink.
You and Euna take your drinks back to your seats. "It's a town of entitled perverts," she says. "I don't mind the perversion, but they shouldn't demand so much from her."
Shirina is wiping her breasts clean when you return.
"The Boza was lovely," Euna says. "Thank you."
Today, the children bring out another jug of boza. As Shirina removes the wax lid, she looks around and spots Euna. "I don't suppose I could bother you," she says.
"Of course you may." Euna sets aside her food and climbs up to her. Shirina draws her dress aside to reveal her breasts, and Euna straddles her lap and takes a nipple into her mouth.
As Euna suckles, she kneads Shirina's tits. Her hands also exploring along the woman's flank, and her belly, and her legs. Shirina cradles Euna's head to her chest. Her breath quivers.
Euna pulls away. Droplets appear at Shirina's nipple, which Euna laps up. She switches to the other breast. With enough suckling, the other nipple becomes more receptive, as do both women. Euna is grinding her sex against Shirina's leg while Shirina clutches her close.
Their eyes meet. Their gazes linger. Their lips lock, and their bodies press together. Euna's hands work Shirina's breasts. Milk spills over her hands and down Shirina's belly.
The two could be lost in each other's passion forever, except a man approaches with a mug of boza. Shirina reluctantly pulls Euna away to squeeze milk into his drink. Others wait in line.
However, Shirina isn't finished with Euna. She pushes Euna down her body until Euna's head is between her legs. She spreads herself and drapes her dress to one side, revealing her damp sex. Euna obediently buries her tongue among its folds.
However, Euna is not fished. While Shirina works, Euna slithers down her body to between her legs. She drapes Shirina's dress to the side and buries her tongue into the folds of Shirina's damp sex.
The affect on Shirina is electric. She trembles and whimpers while serving people. In between cups of boza, she squeezes her tits so milk runs down her belly and over her labia for Euna to lap up.
The pleasure mounts. Shirina groans and squeezes Euna's head between her thighs. In her orgasm, her body quakes, and her tits leak.
After recovering, she returns to her duty. The two share one final lasting kiss. They whisper in each other's ear, and then part.
Euna steps off the platform.
"Aren't you the helpful one," you say.
"That woman needs all the help she can get," Euna replies.
By the time you both finish your meals, Shirina has finished tending to the crowd.
One by one, the crowd pour their drinks back into the pot. Some leave. Most choose to enjoy other foods in the meantime.
"I'm grateful to you." Shirina still kneads her tits. "It shouldn't take me too much longer."
"Take all the time you need." Euna sidles close and plants a kiss on your cheek. "And thank you."
Minutes later, milk finally dribbles from her nipples. People collect mugs of Boza once again, and Shirina serves them. Soon, she has a flock of thirsty customers, and her tit milk flows freely. She's served everyone by the time you two are done eating.
Nothing particularly interesting happens, and after you've had your fill, you return to Shirina.
"I hope you two enjoyed yourselves," she says.
"We did," Euna replies. "It was lovely. Our thanks to the little chefs."
"I'll pass it along."
"You want me to watch the food?" Euna whispers. "You know what these drunks do..."
"She's been so kind to us," you reply. "Maybe we should return the gesture."
Shirina speaks. "Actually, that would be marvelous. I'd be so grateful if you could. Some of the other children need help too." She motions to the children along the plaza wall who are busy cooking all manner of foods. "But only if you're up for it. Some of the patrons can be a little entitled."
"I... I suppose I could help," Euna says. "What do you need me to do?"
"Just take my place here. And if any patrons come around, try to persuade them to behave."
"What if they don't listen?"
"Just use your charms." Shirina climbs down from the platform. "I promise it will only be for a few minutes. Azra shouldn't take long. Oh, and Zehra needed help with her mince pie."
"Then of course. Just... Yes, I'll do it."
"Thank you." Shirina hurries off to help Azra truss the fowl.
Euna climbs upon the platform. "I know what you're up to," she says to you. "You're hoping I'll need to entertain some drunken louts to keep them civil."
"I just thought we could help."
"Sure. Fortunately, there's hardly anyone here at all, much less any rambunctious drunks."
"You mean like them?" You point.
Two drunken men laugh and stagger as they approach. While perusing, one finds a bowl of rolls. He juggles them poorly. They scatter about the floor. The other laughs, and so the first chucks a roll at him. The other retaliates with an apple. It misses and crashes into a food displays.
Euna looks toward the cooking stations. Shirina is showing a young girl how to pluck a duck of its feathers. She's not looking this way.
"Please respect the food the children made for you," Euna calls.
"Sorry." They collect food responsibly, but a snicker here, and a challenge there, and soon they're sword fighting with bread loafs.
"Enough," Euna says. "Respect what has been so kindly prepared for you by the children. Cease your antics, pick something to eat, and... and I will join you for your dining."
"Yes, my Lady." They both snap to it now. Euna climbs down to a clear corner of the platform. She casts you a scrutinizing glare, knowing that you've gotten your way.
The lads bound to Euna with their selected treats: two cups of bread custard. Euna strips, lies back, and upends the pudding cups upon herself—one beneath her breasts, the other beneath her naval. "Enjoy yourselves."
The men dig in. One smears custard over her tits with each spoonful. The other scrapes food along her mound. Pudding cakes into her pubic hair. The dessert spreads along her torso, but Euna indulges them.
Soon, all that remains is the mess, but they're not done. One man licks the underside of her breast. The other laps at her belly. He delves his tongue into her naval, then rakes his tongue through her pubic bush, spreading the messcleans her smooth mound, coming closer toward her slit. To finish, he clamps his mouth over her snatch. Euna is shuddering, maybe because of him, Or maybe because of the other man whose lips are fastened about her nipple. Euna arches her back, but just as she nears a crescendo, the men pull away, smiles broad.
The one between her legs wipes his mouth. "You should serve more often. You're the sweetest treat on the table."
The other addresses his friend. "Reminds me of that one girl last season. Remember her? Bet herself in the dice game?"
"Oh, right." They fill goblets at a wine cask. "I'd never seen you so sloshed. Too drunk to perform, and after such an amazing win. Pity."
"I could have. I just didn't want to. Was I supposed to stick my rod in such a frothy mess? I had my fun though."
"I know. Those were some Godless things you made her do. In front of everyone too."
They reminisce off down the street, leaving Euna breathless.
"Enjoyed the show?" she asks you.
"Seems you did too?"
"This was for the children. If I were in charge of this wanton town, I wouldn't give the folk exactly what they want when they misbehave, I'd put them in the stockades until they learned proper respect and gratitude, then I'd let them eat custard off my belly. And when they did, they wouldn't dare finish too soon like that again."
"It is a town of entitlement."
"Decidedly so. The children act like adults, and the adults act like children."
"Not quite," she says. "Those boys didn't care one bit about me."
"It was for the children."
"Oh I'm not complaining. Surrendering my body for molestation is a small price to pay for them. I'd do this all my life."
When Shirina returns, Euna is still sprawled out nude. "Seems you did just fine. Thank you."
"Of course." Propping her legs wide and positioning her vagina right at the edge of the cutting board, Shirina engages her core. The cut of sausage slithers forth. It bonks against the board and drags along. "Take what you wish," she says.
You cut a few slices off the end. The taste of her essence is subtle compared to the heavy spices of the meat.
Shirina looks to Euna. "And you?"
Euna hesitates before finally coming forward. She cuts a sliver off, being careful not to touch Shirina vaginal lips. She scrutinizes the piece, sniffs it, and finally pops it in her mouth.
"And?" Shirina asks.
"It was good," she says. "I don't mean anything by this, but I think I'd prefer my sausage ungarnished."
Euna eyes the sausage. A black pubic hair clings to its end. "I'll pass, thank you."
Shirina laughs. "Yes, I understand. This is a treat more usually appreciated by the men." She presses the sausage back within herself. "Though tell me. How was the rest of your meal?"
"Sure." Euna cuts a few slivers off the end. After a quick sniff, she pops it in her mouth.
"And?" Shirina asks.
"Quite good. Your nectar makes a wonderful, and subtle, addition. It could be a fine garnish to any food."
"Oh, quite a few foods have been flavored by my nectar. The men love it."
"I can see why," Euna says. "It's the naughtiness of it that makes it so delectable. I would love to try it on more foods had I not just eaten."
Shirina pushes the sausage back within herself. "Oh, and how was your meal?"
"I too will pass," Euna says. "Isn't this unsanitary?"
"This will take a fair bit of cleanup later," she admits. "How was your meal?"
"It was wonderful as always."
Shirina smiles. "I'm glad." She gets up and begins correcting the food displays. Other customers wonder in from the festival down the street and peruse the food selections. Shirina waves them over. "Excuse me, but I have a special treat here if you're interested."
The people surround her. You and Euna step away and watch as Shirina's sex flowers outward, revealing the cut sausage. It bonks against the cutting board and drags along. The people are interested, and so Shirina reaches between her legs to cut slivers of pussy-creamed sausage for them.
"Such a strange practice," Euna mutters. "She seems to enjoy it though."
"You think you'd ever try it?" you ask.
She looks bewildered. "I've never even thought of such a thing. I doubt it, but it was impressive nonetheless."
After the crowd have moved along, Shirina pushes the remaining sausage into herself again with a pleasurable shudder. She smiles at you when she notices you two are still here.
"Perhaps we should," Euna says. "It's about to get greasy."
As Shirina continues her lewd performance, you and Euna keep your distance until its complete. By then, you're both done eating.
"Oh, that would be lovely," Shirina says. "Azra just needs someone to hold the duck legs together. Her hands are rather too small for that."
"Of course." Setting aside her food, Euna hurries off after the child.
After a brief discourse, Euna helps Azra in binding the duck. A small word from her has the child laughing. They have fun with it as they prepare the fowl for cooking, and by the time they're sliding it in the oven, Azra is beaming. Euna comes back over.
"Thank you," Shirina says.
"It was no trouble at all," Euna replies. "Azra is a fantastic chef. I could spend my entire day helping these children."
"Aren't they lovely?" Shirina asks.
Together, you and Euna gather food and find a nearby bench. Other people come and go from the banquet platform.
One of the young chefs scamper over to Shirina. Bouncing on his heels, the boy pleads with her and points back at the pot he was working with which is now boiling over.
Getting up, Shirina looks for Euna. "Would you mind watching the food for a minute?"
"Of course not." Euna takes Shirina's place while Shirina hurries off to help the young boy with his culinary emergency.
People come and go. No one causes trouble, except for two boys who crowd the wine casks. They drink. They talk. They laugh. The group was already rowdy, but they're getting louder. After muttering amongst themselves, they walk up to the wall behind some casks and lower their breeches. It's clear they're about to urinate.
"Excuse me," Euna gets their attention. "This is where people eat and drink."
"So?" one says.
"So? We can't have it smelling like a latrine."
"What are you going to do about it?" asks the other.
"I'm asking you nicely."
"Not good enough." The boys turn back to the wall.
"Wait! At least use a receptacle."
"Yeah? Like what?" The boys meander over. Euna looks for a bowl or a pot, but all of them are filled with foods.
"How about that cute mouth of yours?" The boys snickered.
"Just hold on," she replies.
"What about this one?" a boy indicates pot filled with custard.
"No, just wait." Euna searches frantically.
"What about this?" the other boy takes a bowl currants and hovers his cock above it. "I think this will work just fine."
"Don't ruin the food!"
"You're the one who wanted us to use receptacles. You've no one to blame but yourself." Holding his dick poised, he started to relax.
"Okay, fine. My mouth."
The boy shrugs. "I think I'm happy with this bowl."
"The children worked hard to make this food," Euna replies.
"Hmm, maybe with a please, I might change my mind."
"Okay, please."
"Please what?"
Euna sighs. "Please use my mouth as your urine receptacle."
They pretend to mull it over. "Sure, but you have to drink all of our piss. If you spill even a drop, we'll use the bowls for the rest."
"Fine." Euna climbs down from her perch and sits on her butt before the boys.
The boys startle. "Are you serious?"
"If this is the only way to keep you from acting like children, then fine." Euna climbs down from her perch. She sits on the ground before the boys. "You will do so slowly, so as not to spill, and afterward, you will behave yourselves. If not, I'll swat you all until you're flat on your backs. Understood?"
The boys nod eagerly. "We understand."
"And you will thank me for this privilege."
"Thank you," they say in chorus.
The first steps up to her. She leans forward and fixes her lips about the end of his cock. It takes a moment for him to relax, especially since he's half-hard, but soon he's relieving himself, and Euna gulps every drop.
The next boy steps up. Euna dutifully switches to him and gulps away. He's nearly hard by the time he's done. He thrusts into Euna's mouth. She tolerates this a while, but eventually pulls away.
Two full bladders' worth of urine sit in Euna's belly.
"I can't believe you actually did that," one boy says.
"Will you behave yourselves now? And respect the food the chefs worked so hard to make?"
"Sure, sure. Whatever." They head back to the wine casks and refill their steins. They frequently glance Euna's way and snicker. She returns to her perch and pays them no heed.
Eventually Shirina returns. "Thank you so much for watching the displays. I hope it wasn't much trouble."
"No trouble at all," Euna says.
"But we still have to take a piss," the boy says.
"Then go find some place else. She told you she can drink no more, and we won't risk defiling the food."
Muttering, the boys depart. Some still complain that they never got a turn, but none put up an argument.
Holding her belly, Euna cimbs up to the perch. "Thank you for helping me fend them off." She sits. "But I would have done it, you know."
"I know, but it really might have gotten messy. And around the food?"
"You're right. I let myself get carried away."
Shirina returns shortly. "Any trouble."
"Nothing we couldn't handle," Euna replies.
You search the street she disappeared down and find her around the block.
What you see is a peculiar sight.
Euna is knelt down along the side of the street, right over a grate. Her gownsashskirt is discarded next to her. However, behind her is a Simori nun in full habit whose crouched down with her face buried between Euna's ass cheeks, cleaning with her tongue. Euna holds her head in place with a hand atop the girl's wimple.
She spots you. "I thought I told you to watch the stands."
"Shirina took over. What's happening here?"
"This kind sister came upon me while I was using this sewer grate. I explained what I'd let the boys do in order to spare the food displays, and she asked if there was any way she could help, though I don't imagine this is what she had in mind." She frowns. Her belly grumbles. "Hold on."
She steers the nun's face away, lowers her ass to the grate, and spews a quick gush of brownish urine from her ass. Most splatters deep below, but rivulets now run along her ass and thighs. A few are running down alongside her labia.
The nun is dismayed to see all her progress undone.
Euna guides her face back into her crack. "I shouldn't be much longer." Yet two more times she has another torrent to push out, and both times require the nun to start over, but eventually she lets the nun go. "Thank you, sister. You've been most helpful." She kisses her and licks clean a wet rivulet upon the sister's chin.
The sister favors her with a queasy smile and hurries off.
Euna dresses quickly, and you two head back to the feast.
Shirina has everything under control. "Thank you!" she says.
"My pleasure," Euna replies.
What you see is a peculiar sight.
Euna is knelt down along the side of the street, right over a grate. Her gownsashskirt is discarded next to her. However, a man is standing before her with his tunic pulled open, and she's sucking his dick.
After a while of sucking his shaft, she pulls away and takes over with her hands. She does this in order to lower her ass to the grate and spew a gush of brownish urine from her ass. Some splatters her ass and thighs.
"Got distracted?" you say.
"I won't be much longer," she replies. "This man offered to help me."
"I won't if you don't do your job." He steers Euna's mouth back to his crotch. Euna returns to fellating him for all she's worth. It pays off. He floods her mouth with cum. She keeps licking and nuzzling until he's gone soft.
"All right," he says. "Ready?"
"One moment." Euna squats over the grate and pushes out one last torrent of messy waste. A few clumps escape. Then she sits, lies back, and pulls her legs wide and to her chest to reveal her messy thighs and ass.
The man takes aim with his dick. A stream of urine fires out and splashes Euna's thighs.
Euna flinches. "Shouldn't you get closer so it splatters less?"
"It's fine." He directs his stream along the messy parts of her thighs. Brown rivulets wash away. He focuses on the crack of her ass, and she spreads her cheeks with her hands. The filth soaking her hole cleans. Then he douses her pussy. Only a little mess existed there, which quickly washes away, but he doesn't stop. He aims higher, wetting her smooth skin up to her navel.saturating her pubic bush with his urine.
"You're aiming too high," she says.
"I'll clean where I want," he replies. "I didn't have to help, you know."
Urine cascades up her belly and spills along her flank. It soaks into her fishnets.She's quick to lift her bodice to keep it dry. His stream ends, and Euna climbs up to lick the last drop off his dick. Afterward, he walks off without another word.
Euna swipes off as much urine off as she can and dresses.
"That's how you decided to clean up?" you ask.
"Eh, well no. It was his idea."
"And you had to suck him off first?"
"He couldn't relieve himself because of his erection, which he got from looking at me, so he argued..." She pauses. "I just let a complete stranger take advantage of me. I guess there's nothing more to it."
"You did. And it was perfect," you say.
"Somehow I knew you'd approve."
Back at the food layout, Shirina has everything under control. "Thank you!" she says to Euna.
"My pleasure," Euna replies.
Together, you and Euna gather food and find a nearby bench. Other people come and go from the banquet platform.
One of the young chefs scamper over to Shirina. Bouncing on his heels, the boy pleads with her and points back at the pot he was working with which is now boiling over.
Getting up, Shirina looks for Euna. "Would you mind watching the food for a minute?"
"Of course not." Euna takes Shirina's place while Shirina hurries off to help the young boy with his culinary emergency.
People come and go. No one causes trouble, except for two boys who crowd the wine casks. They drink. They talk. They laugh. The group was already rowdy, but they're getting louder. After muttering amongst themselves, they walk up to the wall behind some casks and lower their breeches. It's clear they're about to urinate.
"Excuse me!" Euna yells. "This is where people eat and drink."
"So?" one says.
"So? We shall not have it smelling like a latrine."
"What are you going to do about it?" asks another.
Euna rises. "I will come over there and swat you. Now go."
The men mutter among themselves. Breeches come up, and they wander off.
No more trouble comes about before Shirina returns.
"Thank you," Shirina says. "Any trouble?"
"Nothing I couldn't handle."
"Now there's a neat idea," the ringleader says.
"My gut?"
"Yeah," the boy says. "You've got plenty of room in there, don't you?"
Resigned, Euna gets up.
The boys all cheer. "Yeah! Bend over and show us that ass," one yells.
"I do, don't I?" Euna says, intrigued. "An interesting solution."
"...Huh?" says one of the boys.
"The rest of you will relieve yourselves in my ass," Euna explains. "Is that clear enough for you?"
All the boys nod.
She turns and slips her gown aside.slips her sash around so the knot is in the back.hikes her skirt up. With her legs shoulder length apart, she bends at her waist, revealing her ass and pussy to the men. They leer.
After sliding her fingers along her damp slit, Euna works them into her ass. In and out, she loosens herself up until she's able to fit two fingers on each hand and pull wide to create an opening.
The next boy bounds forward and grabs her hips. He sinks the head of his cock against Euna's ass. Removing her fingers, Euna supports herself with her hands on the street. Her hair drapes along the cobbles. It takes the boy a moment, since he's half hard, but soon he sighs with relief. Euna shudders as urine flows into her intestines.
The next boy approaches. Taking Euna's hips, he first runs the tip of his cock up and down her wet slit. "Gotta get nice and lubed first," he mutters. With that, he buries himself in Euna's snatch and fucks her rampantly for several seconds. Euna struggles to keep her awkward position.
Eventually he pulls out, lines up with her ass, and buries himself to the hilt, but then he's thrusting.
"What are you doing?" another boy asks.
"I can't piss when I'm hard." He sodomizes Euna's upturned ass. Soon enough, he grunts and fires his seed. He remains buried in her for a minute until finally able to relieve himself. Everyone can tell, because Euna groans in discomfort. Her gut swells even more.
After the man backs up, a small spurt of urine escapes her ass before she can clench tight. Then comes the last boy. Encouraged by his predecessor, he too first fucks Euna's pussy, then sodomizes her ass to completion. Her belly sloshes. Urine dribbles down her thighs.
And then he relieves himself. Euna groans as yet another bladder of urine fills her. He pulls out abruptly. A squirt of piss escapes, and she slaps her hand over her stretched hole. The boys don't seem to care.
She stands and holds her belly. "Now that we're quite through, you boys will behave?"
They grin. "Deals a deal."
"Good." Euna turns to you. "Please watch the food stands until I return." She winces and doubles over.
"Are you okay?" you ask.
"I will be, but I must find somewhere to do something rather private." With three fingers pressed over her anus, Euna waddles off. You take watch.
Shirina returns before Euna does. "Where did she go?"
"She'll return," you say.
"Ah, well thank you to both of you. I hope it wasn't too much trouble."
"She enjoyed herself," you reply.
Euna returns after a few more minutes. Her hands rest on her abdomen, which is considerably less swollen.
"I found a sewer grate to use," Euna says. "It was a mere block away. You'd think the boys could have used that."
Shirina speaks. "Thank you for watching the displays," Shirina says "I hope it wasn't too much of a bother."
"No bother at all," Euna replies. "I'm glad that I can help the children however I can."
"It does look good," Euna admits, "but what if they realize we don't belong here?"
"Only someone who doesn't belong here would be afraid to take the food," you say.
"Fair point. Very well."
You both collect food.
The woman lounged atop the food notices. "Hello."
"Hello," you reply.
"Please, try these." She gestures to a stack of jam pastries. "My youngest chef has worked so hard on the recipe. She thinks she's finally got it."
"Of course," Euna takes one. She bites into it and savors the flavor. "It's splendid."
"Any way it could be better?"
"I could not possibly think of how."
The woman calls to one of the cooks working in the street-side bakery. "Did you hear that, young one? She believes you may already have perfected the tarts."
A girl, no older than twelve, blushes and returns to furiously kneading dough.
"Thank you," the woman says. "My name is Shirina. It's a pleasure to meet you."
You and Euna introduce yourselves. Her as Lady Euna, and you as her loyal servantmaid. as her love. as her good friend.
"You two don't look as though you're from around here," Shirina says.
"Indeed. We've traveled here from a faraway land called Ruthgar. Have you heard of it?"
"I'm afraid I have not, but I do hope you enjoy your stay in our splendid town."
"Thank you. We have."
"I host," Shirina says simply. "The food is for everyone, yet a true presentation should have someone to offer the food. If it were simply left here for anyone to pick at, we'd all be vultures cleaning a carcass. Of course, the food is courtesy of the Simori sisters, and it's prepared by all my little hands. They are my real reason for being here." She looks over at the children. It seems one girl was waiting for the woman to look over. She scurries over from her cooking station. Her clothes and hair are dusted with flour, and in her hands is a wooden bowl filled with a creamy batter.
Taking the bowl, Shirina inspects the contents. "My hope is to teach these children the joy of craft. It's something everyone should know."
"I agree," Euna says. "One cannot grow except through mastery."
"Ah," the woman's eyes light. "A fellow artisan. We're so rare in this city. Most here have given themselves to indulgence. They've forgotten that the true reward of life is accomplishment, except for the Simori, of course." She addresses the girl. "It will be fine. You just need to whip the utter heavens out of it until it peaks. If it doesn't happen, try one more egg, but beat that egg first just as thoroughly."
Nodding, the girl takes the bowl and races back to her cooking station.
Shirina watches the girl go. "It's a challenge getting the children to study here when so many festivities are just down the street. It takes strong convincing. For many of them, not even their parents care enough to encourage them. They frolic like all the rest."
"I'm glad you manage," Euna says. "It is noble to teach them. You're making them better people for this.
"Yes. I only wish the rest of the city were as understanding. I sometimes wish they might bring the festival here once in a while so the children might enjoy it too, but ah well."
"Oh, it certainly is." Shirina looks down countless spills upon her red gown. Effort was made to clean the deep-set stains, but faded marks remain. "It seems to be half the fun for them to make messes. Just an hour up here, and I'll stink of a dozen foods."
"My condolences," Euna says.
"There's no need for that. It's a small price to pay to keep some semblance of order around here. It just gets tiring sometimes. And heavens knows how many gowns I go through." She indicates her garb. It's little more than a long, narrow bolt of cloth draped over her with a split in the middle for her head and cleavage. Her sash is a length of simple yellow cloth cinched in the front and holds it against her body, but a considerable amount of her body and breasts are visible along the sides. "I find simple designs are easier to replace."
Euna nods. "You're attire is quite fetching. It's artful in its simplicity."
Shirina smiles. "Thank you. I do make some effort despite this town's efforts to ruin my clothes."
"I'd love to." Euna faces Shirina. "Would you like us to play again?"
"They've been hoping you would," Shirina replies. "I'll clear a space.
Euna plays joyful lilting tunes while you regale the children with silly tales. Your antics involve slapstick comedy of errors such as scrambling to catch falling fruit, bumping your head on the platform, and falling on your ass. The children make the easiest crowd. They're left doubled over and rolling about with laughter with such contagious joy that even Euna struggles to keep herself composed.
Euna plays an eerie tune while you contort your body in impossible ways. You have the childrens' rapt attention. Every time you twist your back to peer at them with your silly smile, they gasp with fresh wonder. Your final act is a dance in which you pull a little boy to your stage, and then another, until all the children spin about together without rhyme or reason, until all collapsing together in a pile of giggles.
Shirina applauds. "Thank you! Oh, thank you. That was delightful." She fetche another bottle of tucked-away rum. "Please take this as reward."
"I'd love to." Euna faces Shirina. "Assuming that would be okay."
"The children would be delighted. Let me clear a place."
Shirina moves dishes about to create an open space on the platform facing the outdoor kitchen. Euna perches on the edge and warms up on her lyre with a few flourishes upon the strings. The children pause in curiosity.
Euna opens with a joyful piece, yet the strings of the lyre make it serene. The children resume cooking, yet all listen.
The song becomes energetic. It's your cue. You somersault onto the stage. The children gasp. From there, your entertainment is mostly acrobatics, as most of your jokes are too ribald for an audience such as this.since most dances you know are too erotic for this audience.
Hand stands, balancing acts, and silly jigs accompany Euna's more playful songs. You also incorporate the presentation, from juggling bread rolls to balancing spinning plates upon your limbs.from eating fruit with your feet to rolling an apple about your shoulders and chest.
Euna's next song simply begs to be danced to. You pull Shirina from her perch and dance with her. She laughs and dances along, much to the children's amusement. Though most continue their work, a few between cooking tasks join in the dance—spinning each other around as they shriek with joy. When it ends, the children cheer.
Euna's next song is slow and melodic. Antics aside, you perform a contortionist's dance. These feats marvel the children the most, such bending back like a scorpion to rest your feet on your head while balancing on one hand, or lifting one leg up in a standing split and folding it behind your neck. For the final act, you balance on your forearms and splay your legs wide in a handstand split. You pinwheel your legs about with the mesmerizing sways of a snake charmer. The children ooh and ah throughout.
Shirina applauds. "Thank you! Oh, thank you. That was delightful."
"It was a pleasure," Euna replies.
The woman steps by the cooking stations and fetches a bottle of rum from some tucked-away crates. "This is from our limited stock. The supply would dry up in a moment if I put them out on the banquet table, so I keep them aside. But here, I want you to have it."
Euna accepts it. "Thank you."
The woman retakes her lounged perch upon the banquet platform. "If you ever want more. The children would love to see you again."
When you two are alone, Euna murmurs to you. "I didn't think you knew how to perform an act suitable for children."
"I'm full of surprises," you reply.
"Apparently so."
Shirina returns with a bottle filled with dark red leaves shaped like needles. "Here you go."
"Thank you," Euna says.
"And remind Fira that I'm only giving them the spice because they agreed to bring me some of their goose. I'm still waiting."
"Their goose?"
"Yes. The spices are for their goose recipe, isn't it?"
Euna frowns.
"Yes, that's right," you say. "Thank you."
"Of course." Shirina rejoins Zahara in her berry feast. They take turns feeding each other in sensual ways.
"Goose?" Euna mutters to you.
"Maybe that's just what they told her," you say.
"It's a relaxant. I'm really sorry about putting this on you, but I'm hosting a certain celebration soon, and I need more of this beforehand."
"Of course we'll get it," Euna replies.
"Thank you so much," Shirina replies. "I will be in your debt for this."
Then one of the child chefs scampers over to Shirina. He's no older than eight, and she frowns in frustration.
"What's wrong, Azra?" Shirina asks.
"I need help."
"With what?"
"I can't." Azra points back to the station where he was just working, where a plucked duck lies center. A mess of twine is tangled about its splayed limbs from a misshapen attempt to truss the fowl.
"Pinch the legs with one hand," Shirina says. "And wind the string round and round."
"I tried. I can't. Please come show me again?"
"I have to watch the food, dear."
Azra pleads with her eyes, but as sympathetic as Shirina is, she doesn't relent. With a sigh, Azra heads back.
"Poor child," Euna says. "It's an utter shame that this town has no respect for the effort these children go to. They molest the food. And to think, Shirina has to be here simply so they'll molest her instead."
"It's a shame," you agree.
"I think we should do something."
"Very well," you say. So you call out to Shirina...
The guests coming from the festival aren't that bad today, until one man comes by who must not have eaten all day. He collects an enormous amount of food and he eats like a pig, and he leaves a mess of mugs, rinds, and scraps. Then he goes to leave.
"Excuse me," Shirina says. "Would you kindly clean up?"
"You do it," he mutters.
"This feast is for everyone, by everyone. We all do our part to maintain."
"Yeah?" He gestures around. He's right. There are messes like his everywhere. "Looks like I'm not the only one."
"Please don't be like everyone else. All I'm asking is that you clean your mess."
"And what about your part? You're supposed to entertain, aren't you? You just sit there these days. How about you shove some fruit up your twat?"
"I can't. I'm pregnant." Shirina shows her own belly. It has a rotund swell to it. "But if you'd like to eat from my cleavage..."
"Peh." He waves her off and turns to leave. "I could eat off the cleavage of a dozen girls in the festival. I think I'll go do that now."
Fretful, Shirina watches him leave.
But Euna storms after after the man. Snagging him by the ear, she drags him back.
"Ow!" he yells. "Let go of me, wench."
"You are not going to leave a pregnant woman to clean up your mess."
"It's all right, Euna." Shirina glances about. "He can go."
"No, it is not all right," Euna looks to you. "Don't you agree?"
"I certainly do," you say.
Of course, this exchange is troubling. GentlemanLady that you are, you must intercede.
"This man should pick up after himself.""Don't worry, Shirina. EunaWe will clean this all up."
"Since he clearly needs some entertainment, I should think that would suffice." Euna pulls the man around by the ear to look him in the eye. "But then you will get cleaning."
He's trying to escape her clutch. "Why should I?"
"Because you were rude and disrespectful." She lets go. "Be glad you'll get any show at all."
He backs away, rubs his ear, looks her over. "Fine, but I get to pick the fruit."
Euna tenses. She looks to you, eyes wide.
He turns around and looks Euna over. "Her? All right, but I get to pick the fruit."
"Fine," you reply, "but if she succeeds, you have to pick up everything around here. Not just just your own mess."
"And if she fails?"
"Then she'll pick everything up instead."
Euna squares her shoulders. "Very well. Pick quickly, but after I've done so, you will pick up this entire place. Not just your own mess."
"And if you can't get it in you?" he asks.
"Then you can leave, and we will pick up."
"Fine. Deal." Grinning, he wonders off to search around.
Shirina leans close. "I don't know if this is a good idea. We have some large fruit here."
"Euna will be fine," you reply.
A minute later, the man returns holding a smooth fruit with mottled green stripes running along its length. He needs both arms to carry it. It's nearly as wide as Euna's waist, and the idea that it could fit into anyone, even resorting to surgery, is laughable.
Euna's eyes boggle. "What is that?"
Shirina sighs. "It's a watermelon. And the largest one we have I'd guess. I'm sorry, Euna."
"So," the man has a smug grin. "Ready to ram this up your twat? Or am I free to leave?"
"We're not giving up," you say. "She'll do it."
Euna looks pale. "I... all right."
The man blanks. "Really?"
"She can handle it. Can't you Euna?"
Euna gulps.
"You can't mean it," Shirina says. "She'll split open first."
"We'll see. Will you help her get ready?"
A look of stubborn determination comes over her. "Give it to me."
The man blanks. "Really?"
"Surely you can't mean it," Shirina says. "There's no way that will fit inside you."
"I do. Will you help me get ready?"
Baffled, Shirina gets Euna on her back. After several dollops of Agnodine, she gets both her arms deep into Euna. She does seem taken aback by how easy it is. "Well, you might actually be pliable enough, but I don't see how this will fit past your pelvis. Please don't hurt yourself."
"Thank you." Euna motions for the giant fruit. She sits cross-legged with it on her lap, and she holds it against her belly, as though imagining what she'll look like once it's inside of her. Her eyes are full out doubts.
"All right, Euna..." you say.
"Let's shove this fruit inside you."
"Let's break this thing into chunks and get the pieces inside you."
Shirina looks at you astonished. "What?"
"It's true," Euna says. You both tell her about Lanx's suite of alchemical changes. All the while, Shirina never stops caressing Euna's bulging belly. "Oh, Euna," she says. "Oh Euna. What I wouldn't give to have you at next year's Feast. The things I'd have you do..." Her eyes are transfixed on Euna's mountainous belly.
It just might be possible there's a reason Shirina tolerates all the stuffing games and messy play that this outdoor banquet entails.
Euna suddenly galvanizes. "We most certainly will not." She props up on her elbows and spots the man wandering off. "Get him back here now," she growls.
You chase after him and pull him back.
"You made a deal," Euna snaps. "You will now clean up this entire place. Do I make myself clear." Her authority brooks no argument, despite a mountainous bulge of her belly keeping her prone.
He finally shrugs. "All right. All right." The man gets to cleaning.
"Wha...?" She props up on her elbows and looks around. The man is already gone. Everything she'd just gone through accomplished nothing. "It's all right," she says. "I'll clean up after this. Just... I need some time before we get it out."
Her eyes alight. "Yes! Of course. That's what we'll do."
"Hey," the man says. "That's not fair. You're supposed to shove it in you whole."
"You never said that," you reply. "Euna, get your legs open."
"You should have clarified," Euna says. "It's a perfectly valid strategy." She turns to you. "Let's do it."
Euna lies back on the platform and spreads her legs wide. You hold the watermelon aloft and let it drop on the platform's marble surface. It cracks into several glistening red pieces. They're smaller, but still nothing any normal woman could fathom shoving inside themselves.
"That's still a lot of watermelon," Shirina says.
"She can handle it." You kneel beside Euna. Starting with the biggest piece, you wedge it against Euna's loosened hole. She helps by hooking her fingers into herself and spreading herself open, but even so, juicy watermelon flesh crushes within her canal. Sugary juices mix with her secretions. Pushing the piece past her cervix only causes more crushing.
"Let me help you." Shirina kneels between Euna's legs. "Break the pieces into smaller chunks and hand them to me."
You do so, while Shirina plunges her arms into Euna to deposit hand-sized chunks. Euna's lower half becomes increasingly sticky, and Shirina gets sticky up to the shoulders.
It's getting tougher to fit pieces in. Euna's belly is like a mountain now, and each piece Shirina crams in causes Euna to groan. Red pulp oozes out of her sex. Those last few pieces take some real cramming, but eventually all but some remaining juices are stuffed into Euna's womb. She looks fifteen months pregnant, except her belly is mishappen from all the chunks of rind jutting under her skin.
"And we're done!" Shirina says.
The man, who'd watched all of this with a frown, flaps his hand in annoyance and wanders off. "Whatever," he mutters. "You all cheated."
"Yes, lets," she says—a mask of confidence. She perches on the watermelon and wiggles to spread her vaginal lips over the top. None of it disappears into her. "Come here and push me down upon it."
You sidle up behind Euna hug her tightly.
She turns and gives you a quick kiss. "Push hard, and don't you dare let up until it's in, no matter how much I scream."
"Are you sure?" you ask.
"I am not losing this."
"As you wish."
She looks down at the watermelon. "I don't know if it will fit."
"Sure it will. Start by sitting on it."
Euna perches on top of the melon like a chicken upon an egg. When you grab hold of her from behind and hug tightly, Euna trying to spread the lips of her pussy over the top of the watermelon. None is disappearing into her. "Maybe this isn't a good idea."
You turn her head and plant a kiss on her lipsnose. "Your body is made for this. Now prepare yourself, because I'm not going to stop until we get this thing inside you."
With that, you bear down hard on her shoulders. She cries out and cluches your arms. The watermelon slides into her partially, but she's not even close to the widest part. Repositioning, you hook your legs around her torso and jostle up and down. Euna pants and grunts. It's not enough.
"Shirina," you say, "will you hold her steady?"
"I don't know about this," but Shirina crawls over and straddles Euna's lap and holds her tightly. "Hug me back," she whispers. Euna does.
Meanwhile, you dig one foot into Euna's side and settle your weight onto her hip bone. Hopping up, you dig your other foot into her other side so that you're standing on her hips as though perched on stilts. Gripping her shoulders for balance, you jolt your weight up and down. Euna's constant wail is clipped by each jolt. Everyone nearby has circled to watch. Euna sinks a little lower with each shove. Any normal woman's pelvis would have snapped by now, but you can feel her hip bone shifting wider beneath your feet. The widest part is ahead. Euna is screaming out like a woman in labor.
Then with the next jolt, Euna shifts down the entire rest of the way. Her shriek is piercing. You stumble off. Her butt is flat against the platform surface.
"...Is it really in there?" Shirina climbs off Euna and beckons her to lie back. Her belly juts up like an absurd mountain. Euna lies gasping and dazed as though near dead, but everyone else is looking at her pussy. Her labia is stretched open, and her cervix is pressed up right behind it with its opening as wide as a mouth. Beyond it is the mottled green of the watermelon. Shirina flicks Euna's clit, and she reflexively clenches her pelvic floor. Her lips close enough to hide away the green watermelon. "Oh my heavens," Shirina says. "You actually did it..." She feels Euna's mountainous belly. "Oh my..."
Everyone applauds. The man, who's just lost the bet, turns and staggers off in a befuddled haze as though this spectacle has now shattered his worldview of what's possible.
"Hey! Come back here. You lost. Now you clean up."
"Oh well. Looks like youwe'll have to do the cleanup afterall."
You chase after him and catch him by the arm. He yanks away and stands tall. "And what if I don't?"
You lean in so no one can hear. "Then you'll never be able to make another challenge again, because no one will believe you."
His eyes narrow.
You continue. "Think about it. She just shoved a watermelon into herself because you agreed to spend a few minutes cleaning up. Don't you want to see what else you can talk her into doing the next time she's here?"
A sly grin comes over him. "All right. Fine. I'll clean up, but next time, I decide the challenge." He gets to work.
Shirina is still sitting with Euna. She's rubbing her hands along Euna's stomach. "You don't look terribly comfortable," she says. "Let me sit with you."
"I'd like that." Euna takes her hand, and they interlace their fingers.
The two women remain together, holding and caressing, while the man cleans up the area. He doesn't do a great job, but the place is better. He wanders off.
The two women remain together, holding and caressing. Shirina seems content to caress Euna all day, but eventually Euna recovers from the insertion.
"Oh Euna..." she says. "Oh... I want to feel this belly all day. I don't know how you were ever able to fit this much, but it's so beautiful."
Together, you and Euna gather food and find a nearby bench. Other people come and go from the banquet platform.
The children bring out another pot of Boza. Shirina removes the wax seal and breaths deep the vapors. People congregate.
The very first customer brings his mug to Shirina for milk. She drapes open her dress and kneads her breasts. More people collect mugs of Boza. The crowd grows, yet no milk dribbles from her nipples.
"Get on with it," one man says.
"One moment." Shirina works her breasts.
"My Boza is getting cold," says a woman.
More complaints come. Shirina placates as best she can. Then someone pours their drink onto the floor and tosses away their cup. He leaves.
"Have patience, please."
More cups spill.
Euna has had enough. She storms up. "Behave yourselves. She's already doing what she can."
"She's taking too long." a man shouts.
"So she is. Pour your drinks back into the pot and wait. I'm sure it can be reheated. Do not act like spoiled infants and waste the drink the children made for you."
The man holds his drink out and makes a show of pouring it on the tiles.
Euna delivers a slap squarely across his face. The man stumbles to the ground. Silence follows.
He gapes at her. "You hit me."
Euna addresses everyone. "Pour your drinks back into the pot and wait. I will not tell you again."
One by one, they do so. A few leave. Most wait patiently. The man Euna struck scurries off.
"Thank you." Shirina still massages her tits fervently. "You've got a stronger will than I. I could never be so firm with them."
"Then it's a blessing I'm here," Euna replies. "It's dreadful how they treat you."
"Oh, they're not all bad. They're just..." She trails off. Her concentration is on her breasts.
"Can I help?" Euna asks.
"Actually, what I really need is a good suckling upon my breasts. That always gets my milk flowing."
"Hmm." Euna shrugs. "Very well." She turns to you. "Make yourself comfortable. We're staying a while longer."
This is too much for Euna. She runs up to the crowd. "Stop. Please. She's already doing everything she can."
"She's taking too long." a man shouts.
"I won't drink it without milk," a woman says.
You step beside Euna. "But it seems Shirina's tits are disobeying her today, but worry not, everyone. Shirina is punishing them as we speak."
Some people snicker. Shirina is mauling her tits fiercely.
"I, for one, will not be happy until I have my milk," you add, "which is why I won't draw my cup until her tits drip like the quim of a princess maiden kidnapped by ruffians."
More chuckles. The tension is breaking.
"So let us all pour our drinks back in the pot and...
...enjoy the show as my fair lady sucks the milk from Shirina's teats."
Together, you and Euna gather food and find a nearby bench. Other people come and go from the banquet platform.
Two little chefs carry over a giant clay pot. Shirina lifts the lid, and steam curls up. She scoops out a dark brown draft with a frothy head, tries it, and nods in satisfaction.
Smells of mulled cinnamon and honey attracts people. One man scoops up a mug and turns to Shirina. "Any milk today?"
"Let's see," Shirina says. "Give me a minute."
Her dress is split along the flanks from the armholes down. It's held to her only by a cloth sash about her waist. She pulls open the splits to expose her front, and squeezes her tits. A growing crowd of men and women wait for Shirina. Some look impatient.
Finally, milk dribbles. It's hardly anything, but the first man thrusts his mug before her. Hovering her nipple over it, she mauls her tit. Milk drips into his drink.
The next steps up. She milks her other tit into their drink. Her dribbles turn to leaks, which turn to sprays. By the last few drinkers, her tits leak readily.
Euna finishes her meal and approaches. "Mind if I ask? What strange drink is this that these people flavor with your own breastmilk?"
"It's boza. The children brew it themselves. You absolutely must try it." Shirina gathers two mugs from what remains.
Euna accepts. "It smells wonderful. Reminds me of Sbiten, a drink from back home. Though we mixed it with mare's milk. We would never dream of using a woman's breastmilk."
"It's custom here," Shirina says, "ever since my breasts grew heavy after my first child." She cups her leaking tits. Rivulets of dried milk trail from the nipple. "I have some left in me, if you wish."
"Thank you, but I'll have it straight."
"Come on, Euna. We should enjoy it in the proper Cockaigne tradition."
As you two eat, two couples show up, each a man and a woman. Like many, they refill their wine and circle the banquet. They put various foods on their plates, but they play with the food too. One man bends his female companion back and puts a dollop of pudding in her cleavage, which he sucks off noisily. The other man takes large flat bread and balances it on his head. He stacks items on the bread until it topples, making a mess about the floor and platform. They all laugh. Shirina watches them closely.
Then one of them finds a sausage. It's the length of his arm and twice as thick as his wrist. Snickering, he stuffs the end of the sausage down the front of his pants as though it were his erection, and he ambles around the platform pretending to be a confused old man. Every time he turns, his sausage "cock" knocks over bowls and stacked foods. This gets a laugh from his friend, but the ladies roll their eyes.
Afterward, he tries to put the sausage back.
Shirina intervenes. "Let's not return food that's been down our breeches, shall we?"
"But I don't want it," the man replies. "It touched my wood."
"I've seen you eat food off of many other body parts. And I recall last week when you used your own staff as a stirring stick for a cream batter, and you and your lady ate all of that."
The guests snicker in recollection.
The other man pipes up. "Hey. You're the woman who serves food at the elders' dinner. They say you have a disappearing act."
"I do," Shirina replies.
"We want to see it."
"If I do this, you'll eat what you've taken and stop playing with the food?"
Shirina clears a spot on the platform edge while the others gather around. She squeezes the sausage along its length to bring out its oils, then parts her gown and slips the sausage underneath. Though it's out of your view, she's clearly holding it vertically between her legs.
Slowly, she squats down.
"No," Euna whispers. "Is she actually doing what I think?"
"But that sausage was twice as thick as my wrist," Euna replies. "How could it fit?"
"We'll see."
Shirina squats deeper. Her gown starts coiling upon upon the platform. Her shapely legs emerge from the slits on both sides of it. When her crotch is now as close to the floor as the sausage is long, she gasps inwardly. Her descent pauses momentarily as she seems to wriggle back and forth. Her gown acts as a curtain, hiding whatever is happening between her legs. As soon as she starts descending again, her audience hoots and cheers.
Although unseen, she's clearly sinking down upon the sausage. Lower she goes into a deep squat. Her breath is short. She's biting her lip in a mix of pain and pleasure. Her crotch is only inches from the platform surface when she pauses. She rises slightly, lowers, rises again, lowers. Her audience loves this.
With a final shudder, her crotch touches down upon the stage. Her audience cheers.
Stiffly, Shirina rocks back from her squat to lying on her back with her splayed crotch pointed toward them. She hooks the side of her gown at the waist and pulls it aside. She has a long gash for a pussy with thick, dark lips lined with trimmed black fur. Her slit is startlingly wet and oozing. Much of it is sausage grease, but there is no sign of the sausage.
"And it's gone," Shirina says. More cheers from the others. "Now..." She fetches a nearby cutting board and sets it between her legs. She strains, and her pussy blossoms open. The sausage emerges and oozes partway out onto the board. It's dripping with mixed oil and vaginal juices. "Who would like to partake?"
The men eagerly cut slices off the sausage's end. Their female companions take a little coaxing before they partake. As they eat, Shirina pushes and more slides out from within her. After the guests have had their fun, they head off. One of the women waves goodbye to Shirina, but otherwise, they don't acknowledge her.
"Good Lord." Euna says. "I can't believe she did that." She approaches. "That was... a most interesting performance. I've never seen such an act. And that awful way they behaved."
"Oh. Don't worry about them," Shirina replies.
"But to demand such an act from you?"
"This act is something of my specialty," Shirina answers. "Though I ordinarily only perform it at the council's banquet. Some of us girls who serve at that have a competition as to who can 'serve' the most food at once. I've been the proud champion for many years now. It's something of a guilty pleasure of mine. In fact, since I'm already messy..." She slowly presses the remaining sausage back into herself and hisses with pleasure. It disappears once again. "I think I'll have a special offer for today. Would either of you two like to partake?"
The next man refuses to eat like that, so the matron kneels at the edge of the platform and places the next meat roll upon her cleavage. He yanks her dress open to expose her breasts. You hear the ripping fabric from here. The man buries his face between her cleavage and eats heartily while she cradles his head as though breastfeeding. Rivulets of grease run down her belly and soak into her gold sash.
The next man wants more yet, so the matron lays on her back and pulls the skirt of her dress to one side. She places a meat roll upon her well trimmed bush and lays back. The man buries his head into her crotch and feasts noisily. She rests her hand upon his head as though enjoying the pleasures of his tongue, but her expression is that of a patient mother.
The man finishes, but he does not move his head, He pushes her legs apart revealing her grease-soaked pussy, which he feasts upon. She accepts this philosophically. Seeing what his friend is getting away with, another man climbs onto the platform and sucks on her greasy breasts. The other climbs to her head, pulls aside his kilt, and pushes his cock into her mouth. She fellates him dutifully.
The man between her legs sees this. He spreads her legs further, stands, and sinks his cock into her pussy. The men are working her at both ends, when the man sucking her breasts whines about being left out. So the men rearrange themselves. One lays upon the stage while the others lower the matron onto him. His cock sinks into her asshole, which was slick with food grease. The next lays on top of her and sinks into her pussy, while the last stand above and forces his cock down her throat.
They ride her hard for many minutes. The one buried in her pussy grabs nearby food and smears it over her chest, which he then licks off. Her and her clothes become a mess of sweet pudding and mashed fruits.
Soon, the men all climax. Their interest in her fades immediately as they climb off the platform. The one beneath her rolls her off and bounds away. They take another few handfuls of food before running off.
The woman is a mess. Her body is covered in grease and sweet pudding. Her gown is torn and messy. Cum leaks from all her holes. She merely gets up, adjust her clothes as best she can, then cleans up the worst of the mess on the platform. She once again reclines on her side to monitor people coming for food, though she's a fair bit more disheveled now.
"That was awful," Euna says. "They practically raped her."
"I don't think she minded."
"But... but they treated her like just another food for them to indulge."
"Presumptuous lads, weren't they?"
Euna gets up and strides to the matron. You chase after, but Euna is then too close for you to remind her not to blow cover.
"Why did you let them do that to you?" Euna asks.
"Oh them?" The matron flaps a dismissive hand. "They're Gelderman's lads, a group of asses. It's best just to let them get their end off, and they'll leave you be."
"And you just let them have sex with you like that?"
"The sooner they have their fun, the sooner they leave. I'd rather they do this than wreck the entire display. It's a bother, yes, but I'd rather they take their boyhood energies out on me than bother my children." She gestures to the young cooks about. "Besides, rough as they are, a mid day romp certainly passes the time."
"Huh." Euna is bemused, but before she can ask anything further, other townsfolk arrive, and the matron helps them select foods and bragging about what's best.
You lead Euna away.
"This is such a strange town," she mutters.
"Isn't it though," you reply. "Shall we keep moving?"
She nods.
One of the young chefs scampers to Shirina. It seems he needs help with whatever he's working on.
Shirina looks to Euna.
Euna nods. "Go ahead. I'll watch the display."
She takes the perch, and you sit on the platform near her to keep her company. Then a familiar group of boys arrive. Two are the ones who used Euna's mouth as a urine receptacle, only now they have three other boys with them. Gathered about the wine casks, they drink, talk, and cast glances toward Euna. The original two are clearly sharing with the others about their previous encounter.
"These boys again..." Euna mutters.
"You know what they'll want," you say.
"I know..."
Soon they approach. "We need to take a piss," one says.
"All of you?" Euna asks.
"Yeah, and we're going to piss wherever we damn well please. ...unless someone begs us nicely to do something else."
Euna glances toward Shirina, who's still preoccupied.
Then, "Please use my mouth instead." Euna gets down from the perch and sits before the boys.
"Not convincing." The ringleader takes a pot of berries and pulls out his dick.
He's poised to use it when Euna tries again. "I'm begging you. Urinate in my mouth. Fill my belly with your hot piss. Let me savor every drop. Give it to me, please. I want it." She eyes them suggestively. Most of the lads seem dumbfounded by how sincere she seems.
But not the ringleader. "Hmm. I guess since you've asked so nicely." He puts down the pot and stands over Euna. "But only if you drink every drop."
"Yes, sir."
They all nod.
Euna mulls it over. "Fine, but only if you promise to behave yourselves. If you disrespect the work the children have put into this, you will know pain. Understood?" She gets down from the perch and sits before the boys.
Most are dumbfounded that she simply assumed that they would use her mouth. However, the ringleader steps over Euna.
His dick upon her lips, he relieves himself. Euna suckles every drop. Then comes the next boy. She struggles to swallow down his offering. Groaning, she rubs her piss-swollen belly. When the third man approaches, Euna stops him.
"No more," she says. "There is no chance I can drink three more."
"If you don't finish, we'll piss all over this food," the ringleader starts moving toward some bowls.
"No, wait. I..." Frantic, Euna looks to you.
"But I have to pee," one of the remaining boys says.
"That's bound to get messy. I think you boys should run along."
"No!" Tara yells. "Don't kill her! You can't."
"Why?" Euna asks. "She's horrible to you. You and everyone else here are her prisoners."
"She's my aunt/stepmother. I know what she's like, but she loves me. I know she does."
"She tortures you," Euna says. "No one tortures the ones they love."
"She shows me love. She tells me how dear I am to her. Sometimes she holds me and takes me places. She just keeps me here because she doesn't want me to leave her, because sometimes... she gets into these moods. But she always heals me. Every time, and sometimes she's even sorry. She always tells me how happy I make her when I put up with her when she's at her worst. Please don't hurt her. No one will ever love me like she does. Please!"
"We need to get that jewel," you say.
"Please don't hurt her. You could anything else. You could bribe her, or use Nezurite to change her mind, or just find another way home. But you can't kill her. I swear I'll tell her if you try."
Euna motions for Tara to calm down. "Okay. We won't." She looks at you. "I think we may have a another potion, yes?"
"It's a rare mineral," she says. "My aunt/stepmother is always looking for more because its the base ingredient for alchemy that transmutes a person's personality."
"Their personality?" Euna asks. "In what way?"
"I think it depends on the primer ingredient and the essence. Different ones causes different changes. She mostly uses it to make her slaves more depraved."
"You think we could use this on the sorceress?" Euna asks.
"I... I don't know. Maybe? I know it can be used for other ways. I just don't want to poison her. I won't help you do that."
"What?" Tara asks. "I couldn't dare plot against my aunt/stepmother. Do you know what she'd do to me?"
"It's okay," Euna says. "We've thought of that. Your aunt/stepmother should not trouble you if you help us."
"With the hope of getting that jewel," Euna says. "We just want to go home."
"What do you want to give her?"
[Lime-Lust]: "A potion which will fill her heart with never ending lust."
[Poison]: "We could poison her. Her own recipe. She won't bother anyone anymore."
[Poison]: "We have a potion that will... uh... make her forget about the gem."
You and Euna quickly locate them in them in the sorceress's laboratory. You peek through the ajar door. Samirah is sitting on the floor in the corner. With her arms on her knees, and her forehead resting on her arms, she doesn't see you approach. Her body convulses from sobs.
Tara is sitting next to her aunt/stepmother, cradling her. She's still naked, and Samirah's robes are still undone. Both are fully exposed, but it's unimportant to them.
Tara sees you. Her eyes are red too. She shakes her head. Don't approach.
You and Euna descend the laboratory tower.
"What do we do?" she asks.
"We'll have to wait."
"We can't wait around here, can we?"
Behind you, Tara scampers to catch up.
You're both in that room for nearly an hour before someone finally comes. Tara peeks her head in the door. She's alone.
"You're still here," she says.
"We still need that gem," you reply.
Euna bats you. "Not now. We'll talk about that later. How is your aunt/stepmother doing?"
"She'll be okay. I think. Just... I I think she needs time. You could wait in the guest chambers until I come for you." She takes you through the keep to a room along the top floor. The chambers are modest compared to the master bedroom, but still far more lavish than anywhere you've ever stayed. Tara leaves you at the door. "You'll be safe here. I must get back to her. I'll make sure you're taken care of until she's ready." She departs.
Euna sits on the bed, feels the sheets. "Do you think we're safe here?"
"We can always escape," you say.
"No. We'll wait. And pray that potion has made her forgiving."
Tara doesn't come for you that day. But come evening, a timid young girl dressed in a simple loin cloth brings two trays of food. When night comes, you both sleep.
Shortly after dawn, Tara arrives at your room.
"Is everything going to be okay?" Euna asks.
Lips tight, Tara nods. "The sorceress will see you now. Please follow me."
She leads you downstairs toward the front end of the keep where guards reside, but they make no move upon seeing you two. The central chamber in this part of the keep is a vast throne room whose arched ceilings tower stories above. No guards are here.
The sorceress is at the head, seated upon a plain wooden throne. Tara returns to her and sits on the floor curled up against her aunt/stepmother's leg with her head resting upon her thigh.
The venom in Samirah's glare gives you both pause. Stress lines her face, yet it takes little from her striking beauty. She waits until you're before her before speaking. "And here you two are. Intruders in my own home." Her lips press. "I should kill you both for what you've done to me."
"We're sorry, my lady." Euna curtsies.
"I should do worse," Samirah continues. "I should have my guards take you both to my dungeon. Let them turn you into their playthings. I should strap you both down force my horses upon you. Tear open your holes until you're bleeding to death, and then heal you and repeat until exhaustion takes you."
Euna speaks. "We only did what we—"
The sorceress interrupts. "I know your reasons. Don't waste my time." She scrutinizes both of you. "I'm going to let you leave here with your lives, which is more than you deserve for the happiness you have now taken from me."
Tara squeezes her leg and looks up at her earnestly. The sorceress pats her to calm her down. Begrudgingly, she motions Tara forward, who hands you a flat glimmering blue gem the size of a peach pit. It's flawless with hundreds of facets, and it's encased in a silver frame. Attached to the frame is a thin silver chain which you recognize. Tara flashes you both a shy smile.
"Take it," the sorceress says. "The beast is yours. And know that I give this to you not out of favor to you, but to my niece/stepdaughter. And why I grant her this boon is between her and me. You two will leave now, and you will never return. And from this day forward, you will pray. pray every single day, that I never return to my old ways. For if I do, there is no ocean in the world large enough, and no beast fearsome enough, to keep me from you. Now go."
Euna curtsies again. "Thank you, my—"
You snatch the jewelstash the jewel down your tunic, and you both make a hasty retreat. Beyond the throne room doors, large pig-men soldiers wait for you. One silently leads you to the keep's front gate, and from there, you're outside.
A little distance away, Euna breaths a sigh. "For a moment, I didn't think we'd survive."
"It hardly seems like it. I suppose the old sorceress would never have shown us mercy, but a good person wouldn't have threatened us so starkly."
"Maybe she has old habits she'll need to break."
"I hope she does," Euna replies.
"What?" Tara asks. "No you don't. Where would you get such a thing?"
"But we do," Euna insists. "We stole some nezurite powder from her lab. We used it to make a potion from white lilac. It's the flower of charity."
"You... really?"
You hold out the potion. Tara stares at it in wonder.
Euna speaks. "Help us give it to her. It'll make her a better person. She'll be nicer to you."
"Do you know what she does to people who trick her?"
"The change is supposed to be dramatic," you say. "Do you really think it's a bad idea to give your aunt/stepmother a conscience?"
Tara eyes the potion. There's a sense of longing behind them. Before she can reply, footsteps sound from the steps outside the bedroom.
"A memory potion?" Tarak asks. "You really do?
"That's right. A memory potion."
"Where did you get it?"
"We took it from your aunt/stepmother's laboratory." You hold the failed experimental potion out.
Euna's eyes widen at the sight of it. She seems ready to remark, but she bites back what words come to her.
Tara doesn't notice her. "And if we give this to my aunt/stepmother, she'll forget about the jewel?"
"She'll forget about anything we tell her to forget," you add. "She won't be angry about anything lost."
"Could I... whisper things to her too?"
"Of course."
Tara eyes the potion. Before she can reply, footsteps sound from the steps outside the bedroom.
"We made it from lime blossom," Euna tells her.
"Lime blossom?" Tara frowns. "And Nezurite? I've seen her use a potion like that before. It turned a proud prince into an lustful animal. My aunt/stepmother would make him earn sex by degrading himself in horrible ways that she'd devise, and he'd beg for more. She shackled me to him for a night once. He ravaged me until daybreak, but... there was no malice. He just couldn't help himself." She looks back at you two. "You truly have that potion?"
You present it to Tara.
"Why would you give it to my aunt/stepmother?"
"Because what need would a sex-craved tramp have for a leviathan," you say.
"And isn't it time your aunt/stepmother be the one at the mercy of sex?" Euna adds. "There'd be no room in her mind for her wicked ways."
"Or maybe she'd become more cruel than ever before," Tara says. "She's most wicked when she's horny."
"But you said yourself that the proud prince had no malice in his lust. He hardly had room for hate." Euna replies. "From what we understand, that's expected for this potion."
Tara eyes the vial. Before she replies, footsteps sound from outside the bedroom.
"Hide!" Tara snatches the potion from you.
No sooner do you and Euna hide inside the wardrobe does the bedroom door open. Samirah strides in wearing a sheer silk robe, her nude form visible beneath it. A thin chain dangles between her legs. It drapes from her clit and disappears between her vaginal lips.from the nest of black fur between her legs.
She tosses herself on the bed. Her hair fans out. Her robe billows. "Well, girl, today was a day."
"You had a break through?" Tara asks.
"I think I just might have. My subject still died, but the boy didn't die simply. He thrashed and screamed for nearly a minute."
Tara falls silent.
"I know what you must think. How is that a breakthrough? It is because he survived the potion's transition effect. So if that isn't what's killing him, a subject might survive the transition of my ambrosia formula."
"I'm happy to hear that."
"But I still have many more tests to do, and I'm short on subjects. I should send the cafres out on more kidnapping raids again. I haven't scoured for farmer whelps in a while." She sighs. "Spirit. Now."
Tara scurries to the sorceress's decanter of thick red liqueur. Her back occludes what she's doing. When she turns back with a glass, her hands are quivering. However, Samirah's eyes are closed, and she's rubbing her temples. She takes the glass, sniffs, and sips.
Tara stands with hands clasped behind her back.
"Take off your clothes," Samirah says.
Tara shrugs her silk shawl off and stands naked. Samirah studies her. She runs a hand up and down the girls body and feels between her legs. "How about we have some fun?"
"If you wish, auntymum. I would love for you to do whatever you want to me."
"I want to hurt you."
"Then please hurt me."
"If you insist." The sorceress swallows more of her drink and sets it aside. She strides to her cupboard. "Lay on the bed today. Legs in the air. I'm going to tie you up by your feet. Or... hmm. We haven't played with pins in a while, but do I really want bloody sheets again?" Pause. "No. In fact, I'm not in the mood to hurt you that much after all. Perhaps a light whipping. Ooh. We haven't used the riding crop in a while."
She takes out a long thin riding crop, a bundle of rope, and a knobbly double-ended phallus of monstrous girth. With her armload of toys, she turns and studies Tara, who's lying on the bed with her legs sticking up, ready to be trussed.
But the sorceress doesn't move. Longer and longer, Samirah just stands there, rope in hand.
Finally. "Put your feet down. I don't want to bother tying you up today. Just present your back and we'll make do with a quick thrashing before I rape you."
Tara is quick to comply, kneeling on the bed, facing away. The sorceress drops the rope and takes position behind her niece/stepdaughter. A round up with the whip, and smack. Tara whimpers in pain, but keeps her position.
Another thrash, another whimper. Two stark red lines cover the girl's back. Both ooze blood.
The sorceress hesitates again. She stares at the whip's handle. "I'm done."
"That's it?" Tara asks. Her voice was quavery from pain. "Are you sure you don't want to tear apart my back? Perhaps my breasts? You haven't ruined them in a while. I can—"
"Stop. I said I'm not going to whip you." She begins unstrapping the phallus about her waist.
"Would you like to rape me then?"
"No. Stop. You don't— Stop pretending that you want it."
"But if it makes you happy, then—"
"I said stop." Tears are in Samirah's eyes. A sob surfaces, and another. She's breaking down quickly, and she realizes this. Dropping everything, she flees the room. The door slams.
Tara leaps from the bed as though to go after her, but catches herself. She turns to the wardrobe where you're hidden. "What did you make me do?"
You and Euna come out.
"You gave her the potion?" Euna asks.
"You didn't say it would upset her!"
"Its her conscience is catching up with her," you say. "She's seeing everything she's ever done in a new light."
"That will ruin her."
"She'll have a hard time of it," you admit.
"Go after her," Euna says. "Help her. She needs you now more than she ever has."
Tara hesitates. "I'm not allowed to leave."
"That doesn't matter anymore." Euna shoos her off. "Go. Hurry."
Stark naked, Tara races after her aunt/stepmother, leaving you two alone.
"What now?" Euna asks. "Should we follow?"
"That's putting it lightly," Euna says. "She has a one track mind now. Lanx did warn us that it could leave little room in her head for thought, but I hope we didn't make her into a complete simpleton."
"Perhaps it's justice that she's at the mercy of her niece/stepdaughter now," you reply. "Tara will be a far better owner of Samirah than Samirah was of her."
"True. Though it sounds like Tara will be subjecting her aunt/stepmother to every debased sexual practice Samirah inflicted on her. I regret only that we won't be there to witness this treatment... and maybe participate in it. Ah well."
"She certainly did", Euna replies. "I wonder what will become of her. It sounds like she'll be more focused on becoming the greatest harlot in all the realm."
"Sounds like someone I know," you say.
She sticks her tongue out at you. "I like to excel at everything I do, which happens to include sex. She, however, sounds quite happy to give up all her power for mindless, raunchy sex, but then maybe her new limitations will end her reign of terror over these lands."
You get yourself a glass of liqueur and settlecurl into a nearby chair to observe.
"I was thinking the same thing.""I suppose we can stay a while and see what happens." Euna pours you a glass of liqueur and settles down in your lap, arm about your shoulder.pulls you into her lap, her arms entwines about your waist.
The room is packed now. Tara is getting passed around to suck cocks, but otherwise, all eyes are on Samirah. The men treat her as little more than a doll they orient to access her holescunt and mouth. Every time someone finishes violating her, she whines until someone else takes their place. It must be painful; after an hour she's mostly wincing and whimpering.
"Hell. I think she's broken," says one guard fucking her mouth. "Did your alchemy go wrong on you? Are you just a broken slut now?"
"Please..." she breathes. "I'll do anything you men want, just don't stop fucking me."
The men laugh. "Don't worry, my queen," another says. "We're never going to stop. You're a fuck toy now."
She's already back to sucking cock.
The room is packed now. Tara is getting passed around to suck cocks, but otherwise, all eyes are on Samirah. She's in the bed's center now, surrounded, and expertly taking each man into her holescunt and mouth. Her holes have long since grown raw, but with every man who fills her, she commands another to take his place.
The room is packed now. Tara is getting passed around to suck cocks, but otherwise, all eyes are on the two stars. Euna and Samirah are in the bed's center now, surrounded, and expertly taking men in all three holes. sucking and fucking men. Rivers of cum flow between their legs. Eventually, Euna climbs over Samirahthe sorceress climbes over Euna and so their faces are between each other's legs. The fucking continues like this, but now the girls can suck each other clean between each man.
Someone finds the discarded ropes.
"Let's tie this bitch up," they say, and everyone cheers. They tie her hands behind her back, and then make a noose which goes around her neck and loops over ther rafters above. She has barely her toes upon the ground, and even so the rope chokes her.
Men take turns fucking her. She wraps her legs about them to get the weight off her neck, but sometimes they grab hold and pull, choking her out for seconds at a time. Others take her from behind, violating her raw asshole. Gurgling, she rolls her eyes in ecstasy.
Samirah sees this. "Yes. Truss me up. I command you."
They tie the rope about her wrists and loop it over a rafter. She's dangling with barely her toes upon the ground. "Now do not let me go until everyone has had their turn, no matter how much I beg."
Men take turns fucking her, and she wraps her legs about them. Others take her from behind, violating her raw asshole. She moans like a whore all the same.
Then someone discovers the riding crop. The men takes turns whipping their mistress, winding up their strikes to leave deep red welts, but it's not enough. They dig through her cupboards for paddles, canes, and a bull whip. Soon, they're raining blows down upon her breasts, her belly, her back, her ass, leaving deep cuts and nasty bruises. Blood drips.welts and nasty bruises. She screams and thrashes, but her hands are tied. The men are following her orders, and there are thirty men interested in showing off their whipping arm.
The sorceress convulses with pain. She's hardly lucid, but none can deny the drippings flowing between her legs. It's as though she's lost in an endless orgasm.
However, none can deny that the sorceress writhes in pleasure even as she convulses in pain.
"Ohh." Euna sits up on Samirah. "Yes. I think it's time we tie you up, don't you think?" Samirah gets no choice. The men eagerly bind her wrists."Yess," the sorceress hisses. "Tie this harlot up for me," and before Euna can react, the men bind her wrists. They toss a rope over a rafter, and hoist her up by her arms. She left barely on her toes, her weight on her wrists.
"Perfect," Euna says. "If you plan to win over the pirates with your body, then a little rape and torture should be no trouble. Don't you think?"
The sorceress regards her. "Do your worst."
"Now," the sorceress says. Let's have some real fun. I'm going to have my men rape you, and whip you, and flog you, until you're shrieking. Are you ready?"
Euna looks back with unadulterated lust and nods.
The men get canes and bull whipsflogs and paddles out of the the cupboard. When the men fuck SamirahEuna in her strung up form, she wraps her legs about them to pull them deeper, even as their whipping bites into her back. Sometimes they spin her about and fuck her assfrom behind while others tear into her tits and belly. She weeps and wails and moans.
EunaSamirah watches this all from the bed where she's riding men of her own, but the sight of such torment is too tempting, and she strides up to SamirahEuna, right before her, breath mingling. "Now tie me up too. I can't let you have all the fun."
Both girls are bound by the wrists. Their toes struggle for purchase, their tits press to one another, and they stare into each others eyes as guards sodomize rape them from behind.
You hand Euna the half-empty glass of spiked liqueur. Her eyes go wide the moment she realizes what it is.
"What are you doing?" Euna asks.
"I'm giving you a drink with which to toast to new lives."
"Give me a fresh drink." Her voice is a shrill whisper. "I can't drink this."
The sorceress has gotten bored and has latched her lips to Euna's nipple. Her fingers toy between Euna's legs. "Just take the drink," she mutters between suckles.
Frantic, Euna directs Samirah down to suckle at her sex instead, and she clasps her thighs about the sorceress's ears. "Are you mad?" she whispers. "Do you know what will happen to me if I drink that?"
"Imagine it," you say. "You'll become a wanton slut just like her. You'll live for sex."
Euna can't help but shiver. Samirah's tongue is having its effect, but she keeps her expression severe. "This is a permanent change. You would have me become sex-crazed forever more?"
"No. You would have yourself become that by drinking it yourself. Deep down, you know you want this. Ever since you've come to this land, you've become more and more sexually liberated, and you've never been happier. You live for sex, Euna. Now it's time for you to embrace it."
The sorceress lifts up from between her legs. She worms a finger into Euna and scratches that magical spot just behind Euna's belly, illiciting a squirm. "Just drink it already," Samirah growls. She has no idea what the conversation is about, but her finger is doing its work. "Drink it with me. And then we will fuck together. Do it."
Euna is trembling now. She eyes the glass and chews her lip, but then, "No. This is insanity. It's..." Her breath is heavy. "...idiotic. I'm already sex-obsessed these days. If I drank this, I'd be forever distracted by lewd thoughts all the time."
For a moment, it looks like she's actually considering it, but with a chuckle, she shakes her head. "No, you fool. I may have delved head-first the path of perversity, but I'm not so lost that I'd willfully change my mind."
'Pity," you say. It seems she was not quite ready to do this.
Suddenly, she crumbles into a heap.
Tara rolls over and crawls to her aunt/stepmother. "Are you okay? Samirah? Are you okay?"
You and Euna emerge from the wardrobe as Tara gets off the bed to kneel by the sorceress.
Tara shakes her. She glances at you. "Is this supposed to happen?" When she looks back, she finally registered Samirah's lifeless gaze. "What? No. no, no no. Wake up. Wake up. Please." She looks at you. "Is she dead? Did I just kill her?!"
"We're sorry," Euna says.
Tara looks at her, and then at the sorceress. She shrieks. "No. Oh, Lord. What have I done? What did you make me do?" She shakes her aunt/stepmother. "Please wake up. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please. Let me take it back. Please."
Euna kneels to hug the girl, but Tara shoves her away.
"No," Tara's wail breaks down into a choking sob. She cradles her head.
You and Euna stand awkwardly by as the girl weeps. Carefully, you crouch in and pull the silver chain, extricating the jewel from within the sorceress's vagina, and stash it awaydown your cleavage. Tara looks up at what your doing. She doesn't try to stop you. She merely watches with wretched misery.
"I'm sorry..." she whimpers. "I'm sorry... Please, come back..."
Even after you've snapped the chain and pocketed the jewel, Tara is still whispering apologies to her dead aunt/stepmother.
You motion to leave, but Euna remains.
She tries again with the girl. "Are you going to be okay?"
Tara doesn't reply.
"Come with us," Euna says. "We're going back to our home, far away. I'll take care of you, I promise."
"Please," Tara says, "just go away." She doesn't turn away from her aunt/stepmother.
"I promise you, life will get better if you come with us. Much better."
"Go!" Tara shrieks. "Or I'll call the guard. I should have done it when you first came here. You killed my aunt/stepmother! You made me kill her. I hope you both die! Leave me alone."
Euna allows you to guide her from the room. You two head back the way you came.
"I feel absolutely wretched," she says.
"We should have found another way," Euna says. "There must have been another way."
"Every season, the sorceress would torture an innocent life brought to her by the city. Not to mention all the other misery she brought into this world. This was hard because we saw the only person in the world who will actually miss the sorceress."
"I know." she says. "It doesn't make it easier. I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself for what we did today. The wails of that poor girl... I wish she would have come with us. I would have treated her as my own sister."
"Her mind was made. There's nothing more we can do."
The two of you walk in silence a while along the mountain trails.
The double-ended phallus is nearly as thick as your wrist and as long as your forearm. It's made of leather-wrapped wood. The bumps are brass studs hammered in the wood beneath the leather.
"Yesss," Samirah hisses. "Fill me with that. Pack me full. Do it."
Euna takes the dildo from you first. "Hmm, I like this." Rolling onto her side, she presses it into herself. Her pussy caves in, and its bumps rub along her lips.runs its length along her slit, letting the bumps rub her clit and lips. "I like this very much."
"Turn it on me, you harlot." The sorceress lifts her hips so her yearning sex rises up.
"As you wish." Euna straddles Samirah's chest, facing down her body. She pulls the thin silver chain draping from the sorceress's slit, and a glimmering blue gem the size of a peach pit pops out onto the bedspread. It's rimmed within a silver casing.
With that out of the way, Euna rams the phallus up into Samiraha's dripping sex. The effect on the sorceress is electric. The harder Euna works the cock in and out, the more the sorceress spasms, until Euna leans her rump back toward the sorceress, and Samirah immediately attacks her sex with her lips and mouth. With her distracted, Euna looks at you meaningfully and glances toward the sorceress's groin.
"I'd be... I'd be insatiable." Her voice is trembling. She's trying hard not to succumb to Samirah's finger.
"Do it," you say. "You know it's what you want."
"No. I won't. I won't drink this for myself... but I will drink this for you if you order me to. Because what I want is unimportant. You are my master, and if you want me to be a helplessly desperate, sex-crazed slut, then... ohh... that is what I will gladly become. Order me... order me to toast with this drink."
"I order you. Drink it."
"Then let us toast."
"You want this," you say. "You said you want to be the greatest harlot of them all, then this is what you need to do."
"Yes," she whispers. "Yes... I need to do it." She so close to orgasm. "Just as I once committed myself to my old lord Nimel... I now commit myself to lust. I will transform my mind... pervert it. Henceforth, no matter where my life leads me, I will be a mistress of sex and debauchery and pleasure."
You fetch the jewel from your pocketcleavage.
"Do you feel the power within?" she asks.
You heft it, clutch it, hold the chain. "Nothing."
As you gaze into it, there's a pressure deep inside your mind, like a reverberating thrum, but hidden far behind is something softer, like a chime or a song, but utterly silent. You try to focus on it, and you get this forboding sense as though staring into a dark canyon, or an abyss. Something is there. You can't see it, but all at once you realize that it can see you.
With a start, you snap your attention back to yourself.
"What?" Euna asks. "Did you feel something?"
"I think so. I have no idea what I was feeling though."
"Let me see."
You pass the gem to Euna. Her eyes alight the moment it touches her skin. "Oh my!"
"You feel something?"
"Do you feel it too?" you say.
"Oh yes!" Her eyes get a faraway look. "There's... It's there. In the dark. If I didn't already know, I'd have no idea..." She laughs. "I think it's curious."
"The leviathan? Can you control it?"
"I... I don't know. I think I'll need time. May I hold onto it?I shall hold onto it."
"By all means," you say. "So Tara wasn't wrong, only a woman's hold."
"Apparently so." Using the chain that once attached the jewel to the sorceress's clit, Euna fastens it about her neck. The jewel sits neatly in the notch of her sternum. "Fetching?"
"By all means," you say. "I can't make any sense of it. Maybe there's more to it than just being a woman."
"Tara didn't mention anything else. Maybe all my years of prayer and study have given me an advantage." Using the chain that once attached the jewel to the sorceress's clit, Euna fastens it about her neck. The jewel sits neatly in the notch of her sternum. "Fetching?"
"Quite. But maybe you shouldn't show it off so, We're sure to get robbed."
"A good point, but not for tonight. I am... also curious about this connection, just like he is."
"I think so."
The trek back to the altar ends long after nightfall. You make a quick dinner. There are no stories tonight, or discussion. Euna sits at the edge of the campsite and stares over the jungle at the ocean beyond. It's there she stays long after you turn in. You awake in the night when she sidles in beside you.
"So strange..." she mutters.
But they're getting bored. Her slavering cunt swallows them too easily, so the next man rams the discarded phallus into her cunt so her ass is all the tighter to fuck.and works it as hard as he can.
Then somebody asks, "How many fists do you think we can fit inside her?"
But their cocks aren't enough for her. Her slavering cunt swallows each man too easily, so the next man rams the discarded phallus into her cunt so he can better fuck her ass,and works it deep, but soon even that is too little for her.
"Your fists, you imbeciles," she says between sucking cocks.
The next man rams his hand into her dripping gash nearly to his elbows and pumps until his arm tires. Then comes the next man, and the next. Then the fists work up her ass. She's guzzling all the cum the men spurt, since her mouth is all that's unoccupied. Two men line up behind Samirah, and both begin working a fist side by side into her overstretched gash. She pushes right back.
Once she's too stretched and worn for that to be fun, the men search around for items: clubs, broom handles, candles, boots, gauntlets, and of course Samirah's entire collection of dildos in the cupboard. Samirah has long since been weeping in agony and shame, but the men don't stop. The more they force into her, the more she moans.Samirah pulls her ready ass wide to accept it all.
However, both of the women are so aroused that their slavering cunts swallow their cocks too easily. So one of the guards works his hand up SamirahEuna's sex, and it fits nearly to his elbow.
Euna sees this. "Oh Lord, yes. Fill your mistress. Fill us. Stretch us both until we're nothing but loose whores."
Samirah sees this. "Yess. Stretch this whore out. Stretch us both. Give me your fists too!"
The men oblige. They gather on either side of the entwined women and take turns forcing their fists deep. Some then work their slick fingers into their assholes, and soon both women have fists pistoning in their pussies and ass. The sorceress squirms and whines, but Euna holds her down, determined that this wicked women accept this abuse alongside her.Euna squirms and whines, but the sorceress is running this show. She's decides that Euna will be just as much a spectacle as she is.
Dozens of men have the pleasure of sinking their fists into the girls, but EunaSamirah wants more. The men look for toys. First comes the discarded phallus. That disappears up Euna too easily, so then the men search around for items: clubs, broom handles, candles, boots, gauntlets, and of course Samirah's entire collection of dildos in the cupboard. Euna makes the sorceressSamirah has Euna get on her knees with her face pressed to the bedding so the men can ram the objects inside her, often many at once. EunaSamirah get so turned on by the sight that she bends over right beside SamirahEuna to get her own fill. As both girls have their holescunts trafficked, men have them suck them off, which they gladly do.
This party is just getting started, but you're already exhausted after your relatively meager number of fucks. After donning your clothes,it's been ages already, so you slink away and find a nice window nook in the hallway to tuck into and nod off.curl up into and get a quick cat nap. When you wake, the sun is low and red, and you amble back to the master bedroom.
Most men have left. Some lounge about and drink. Tara sits naked in one of their laps. Another man is fucking Samirah on the bed, who seems hardly lucid. She's covered in deep gashes, and she's sodden with cum. Her hands are bound behind her back, and ropes tightly bind her swollen tits.
Then there's Euna, still strung up by her wrists. She's covered in bleeding gashes. Her tits drip blood, and her back is a mess of welts.She's purpled over entire body, particularly her breasts and ass. A man is sodomizing fucking her from behind while yanking her hair. Once he dumps his load, he shoves her away so she's left swinging.
Euna rubs her thighs together and looks around to see who's left when she sees you. She blinks, tries to clear her head. A river of cum flows down from her matted sex.
Most men have left. Some lounge about and drink. Tara sits naked in one of their laps. Another man is on the bed fucking Samirah's face. Someone has stripped the bed, and at first you don't notice until you notice the tail of cloth dangling from Samirah's assgash. The phallus was used to ram it in there, and then left half-buried.
Then there's Euna. Her body is a mess of cum and spit. The men somehow lifted her up and lowered her onto one of the bed's posts. It's embedded deep in her sex, and she's having to support herself with her flexed legs, yet she idly plays with her clit.
Seeing you, she gives a tired smile.
"Are you ready to go?" you ask.
She nods.
It takes some work, but you get her down, and she nearly collapses. You have to help her dress, and her legs wobble when she walks. She clutches her groin and winces.
"This... I don't know what's come over me," she whispers. "I just... I needed it."
Euna leans close. "This little ploy of ours has gotten decidedly out of control."
"Do you want to stay?" you ask.
"I'm about ready to collapse." Euna says. "Perhaps it's time we make our timely exit now that we've had our fun. Let's leave the sorceress enjoy her new life."
You carry two drinks over, one for Euna, and the spiked one for the Samirah. Tara's eyes go wide. The sorceress nearly grasps hers when Euna snatches it first.
"Perhaps our host would like a fresh glass," Euna says pointedly.
"That one will do." The sorceress reaches.
"Have mine instead, my lady," Euna says. "You deserve a fresh glass." She glares at you. "Especially considering what you have so generously given us already."
"I think the sorceress was enjoying the drink she had," you say. "It's loosened her up. Wouldn't it be nice to get even looser?"
"Any drink. I care not." Samirah rests back on Euna and guides Euna's hand between her legs. Euna pleasures her while you and she have an argument with your eyes. Tara watches the exchange.
"Don't you think she'll like it?" your eyes say. "Look at how much fun she's having now."
"We have what we want," her eyes reply. "and she might already lose everything because of her new urges."
"So?" your eyes reply. "She's the evil sorceress."
Euna dwells on this. "Well..." her eyes say.
"Aren't you curious?" your eyes add.
Then her eyebrows communicate, "Why not? Perhaps it is for the best." And she speaks out loud. "Here is your drink, my lady."
After pouring the alchemy-laced liqueur into a new glass, you top it off so it's indistinguishable from the other fresh glass you made for the sorceress.
Once the women have their drinks, they untangle from each other. The sorceress holds her glass aloft. "To my new challenge. I will maintain my station through sex and guile alone, or I will die as a worthless piece of fuckmeat."
"And now it seems I will share the same fate at as you," Euna says. "To a life of sex and guile, or rape and abuse. We shall see." She clinks glasses with the sorceress and drains her glass.
You, Euna, and Tara exchange glances as she drains her glass.
"Amen." Euna clinks glasses with her and drains her glass.
The sorceress rests back against Euna and leans her head on Euna's shoulder. Their lips meet for a long kiss—a kiss which Euna is getting more passionate about the longer it goes on. Her hands explore Samirah's breasts and slit more frantically. Her breath grows shallow. When they break away, Euna is breathless. She seems helpless with pent up need.
"A powerful aphrodisiac indeed, isn't it?" the sorceress says.
"Yes... Oh Lord... Ohhh." Euna is rubbing her own clit. "I feel so... Ohh!"
Samirah's eyes come alive. She snatches Euna's hand away. "No! Do not self pleasure. Not when there are people to fuck." She kisses Euna again, pushing her back on the bed. Euna's fingers find their way to Samirah's groin once again. Euna can't get enough. Neither, it seems, can the sorceress.
After Samirah downs her own, she rests back against Euna and leans her head on Euna's shoulder. Their lips meet for a long passionate kiss, all while Euna cuddles her from behind, fingers in her sex and hands massaging her breasts.
Samirah's eyes are glazing over. She's gasping now as though submerged in cold water. Trembling with pent up energy, she involuntarily grinds her crotch against Euna's hand. "I want to fuck," she mutters. "Tara. Get me people to fuck. Get me men."
Samirah's moment of lucidity is passing, and she's squirming again already. The sorceress breaks away from the kiss, breathless and frantic. "Tara, my dear. We must celebrate. Go, get men. Bring them here for me."
"What men?"
"I don't care." Samirah snaps. "The guards. The houndssteeds. The slaves. Whoever. I need cock. I want to taste every man and woman and beast in the realm. Oh God. I need it, Tara. Help me."I want to be filled with cock until the sun falls." She glares when Tara doesn't move. "Now."
Tara scampers from the room. You and Euna do yourEuna does her best to fuck and suck the sorceress to her satisfaction, but she's like an animal now. Euna has a thirst of her own which seems only to grow stronger. Euna can hardly keep pace. Her tongue upon Samirah's sex only makes the woman whine for penetration. She's desperate to taste Euna. Her dripping cunt squeezes your cock with need. No matter how much she gets, she always wants more. Your tongues on her sex only makes her whine for penetration.
Tara returns, seemingly alone, but that's only because the guards are hiding behind the door. They peek inside. Samirah beckons for them, breath shallow with anticipation. Five guards approach cautiously. They peer around the room which they're clearly not usually allowed to enter.
"All of you," she says. "Serve your queen and fuck my cunt. My ass. My mouth. Bathe me in your cum. Use me like a piece of meat. Hurt me. Abuse me, and discard me.Fill me so much that I split open. I need it. Make me your slut."
"Approach," Samirah bellows. "You will each fill me with your cum at least three times before the sun sets," Samirah says. "or you will all find a place in my dungeon chamber."
Clothes hastily come off. They climb onto the bed, and thus the orgy begins. The first man climbs onto Samirah. The other men crowd around.
Euna still in their midst. After some enticing, she's finally convinced to strip and lie down next to Samirah so that a second man can fuck her too. She's finally convinced to participate, by sucking one of the men off.
Only three guards remain. They won't be enough, and Tara sees this too. She ducks out. You follow and catch up with her outside the bedroom. The sounds of orgy continue from within.
"Where are you going?" you ask.
"I'm going to get a few more men for my aunt/stepmother," Tara said.
"Is that all? She needs sex now."
"What would you have me do?"
Euna sidles over to you. "I think perhaps it's time for us to make our exit," she says. "Let's let the sorceress enjoy her new life."
You get yourself a glass of liqueur and settlecurl into a nearby chair to observe.
The hounds finally disengage from both women. While Samirah is still panting and exhausted, Euna crawls over and feels her sopping cunt. "Retie her so her hands are bound behind her back," Euna says, and as the guards hurry to comply, she murmers to the sorceress. "Your trial isn't over yet. Let us see if you have the endurance to suffer."
"Try me," the sorceress replies.
Euna flips her over and straddles her face. While the guards get the last dog to fuck the sorceress, Euna makes her eat her out and clean all of the leavings left by the hounds.
The hounds finally disengage from both women. While Euna is still panting and exhausted, the sorceress addresses her guards. "Undo my bindings," and after they're done, she has them snag Euna. "Tie har hands behind her back. Make sure she's secure." To Euna, "I think we'll have some fun together now. What do you think?" She flips Euna back on her back.
In a haze, Euna nods.
The sorceress straddles Euna's face. While the guards get the last dog to fuck her, Samirah makes her eat her out and clean all of the leavings left by the hounds.
After that hound finishes, it seems like the show would be over, until guards show up with another set of four hounds. "Lord yes," Euna motions for them. "Bring them here.""Yess," the sorcerss motions for them to come on the bed.
This time EunaSamirah decides to enjoy a hound for herself while overtop of her trussed captive. She aims the hound's cock for her asshole for a good anal savaging. All the drippings fall down onto SamirahEuna's face. Each hound following is fucked in a different way. For one, Euna makes the sorceressthe sorceress makes Euna suffer through the hound fucking their mouth. EunaSamirah rolls another on its back and sucks off, and then she make SamirahEuna suck the last off by gripping her hair and ramming her mouth down on the dog's pole. She takes particular pleasure in forcing SamirahEuna to tongue the dog's asshole. These acts get many groans of revulsion from the guards, but SamirahEuna obeys.
More dogs come in, and EunaSamira decides it's time for a true test of endurance: hound after hound. This party is just getting started, and so you slink away and find a nice window nook in the hallway to tuck into and nod off,curl up into and get a quick cat nap, though you're a little disturbed by the frequent sounds of guards shuttling hounds through the halls. When you wake, the sun is low and red, and you return to the master bedroom.
The room smells like a kennel. You suspect it always will from here on. Most men have left. A few sit around chatting while they make Tara crawl from man to man sucking them off. Euna and the sorceress are on the bed, and it seems both girls suffered equally. Their torsos are covered in scratches. Their tits, shoulders, and neck have several bleeding bite wounds. They're both drenched in cum, and their assholes and pussies are raw, seeping messes.
Samirah is still hand-tied. She's passed out snuggled up with a dog, and her head rests on a pillow which must have been propped under the girl's asses while copulating with hounds, because it's seeped through with semen, and consequently so is Samirah's hair. Euna has her own dog she's snuggled up with—an enormous docile mastiff. While working dog's shaft with her hands,With her hands still tied, she's tenderly suckling the dog's assholethe tip of its cock as though she's in love with the taste.
Her eyes spot you, but she doesn't stop.
"Ready to go?" Without breaking away, she nods.
It takes some work, but you get her moving. She's so exhausted that you have to help her dress, and her legs wobble. She clutches her groin and winces.
"This... I don't know what's come over me," she whispers. "I just... I lost control."
"I was thinking the same thing.""I suppose we can stay a while and see what happens." Euna fetches you both a glass of liqueur and settles into your lap.
Soon, the last of the four hounds has cum inside Samirah. It's left knotted to her while she's left panting and exhausted. Her back is a maze of scratches. Teeth marks mar her neck and shoulders. The show would be over, except some guards had slipped away, and just as her current aggressor pops out, they return with four more hounds. She sees this and wails. The men just laugh.lover pops out, they return with four more hounds. She sees them, and her eyes blaze. Fresh energy fills her, and she's ready for the next wave.
This time, the men decide this round of dogs will anally ravage her. It falls to Tara to make sure the hound's prodding members finds Samirah's asshole. The first penetration gets some particularly loud shrieks out of Samirah. By the third hound, it's clear that the guards have lost all respect for their former mistress. They talk openly over her about what degrading abuse they can put her through next, and when they get to the third wave of hounds, they start putting their ideas into action, and despite Samirah's despairing pleas, she always ends up going along.
They have one hound roll on its back by her head so it's cock sticks up before her. Arms still splayed, she's forced to suck it off while the men jeer. She drinks its watery semen down thirstily. After, one man grabs her hair and presses her face to the dog's asshole until she works her tongue up its bowels. This gets several groans of disgust from the others.
It's during this act when Euna hooks a leg over the arm of the chair. She idly plays with herself while sipping her drink and relaxing in your lap.
After that comes double penetration. Samirah is made to straddle one dog rolled on its back while another mounts her from behind and fucks her ass. Once both dogs knot her, they growl and snap at each other while she's stuck between them. Their claws and teeth scrape her up badly.
"Please," she mutters. "Enough hounds. I need your cocks. Fuck me yourselves. I'll do whatever you want."
"And stick our dicks in a breeding bitch?" one asks.
"No, mistress," says another. "We've all decided you're going to fuck all the hounds."
"And from here on, you'll only ever be fucking hounds. You're a breeding bitch now. You'll be living in the kennel from now on."
She wilts, but after the dogs dismount, they untie her and give her a choice. Dog cock or no cock. Weeping quietly, she obediently lies down on her back and spreads her legs.
From then on, it's endurance. Two dogs are upon her at all times. One fucks her cunt or ass. The other rapes her mouth. After two waves, her entire front is scratched up. Her tits have several bite wounds, and there's a lot of blood. The men don't care. They have an entire kennel to get through, and despite Samirah's initial despair, there's no denying how loudly she's screaming. After every climax, she welcomes the next dogs with open legs. She's coming to accept her new roll.
This time, she decides to take this new wave of dogs anally. Her moans reach a higher crescendo altogether feeling those dogs hammer her asshole. By the third hound, she tries something new. The sorceress has the hound roll over onto its back so that she can fellate it like a lover. She drinks its watery semen down thirstily. She even goes so far as to rim the dog while pumping its shaft with her hand. This gets several groans of disgust from the others.
"Do not act as though you don't like what you see," she snaps. "I see those bulges of yours." She points out a guard. "Come here." He does, and she yanks down his tights so his erection bobs out. "See? Typical." But now there's a cock before her, and she can't help but have a taste. "I've just decided," she says taking her mouth off his cock. "Until such time as I leave on my quest, I will sleep in the kennels. It will prepare my body for the worst. Now, who's next?"
From then on, she's on her back taking whatever cocks come. A man or dog would fuck her cunt or ass. Another would rape her mouth. After two waves, her entire front is scratched. Her tits have several bite wounds, and there's a lot of blood. She doesn't care.
Euna leans back to whisper to you. "Seems like they're going to be busy all night. Perhaps it's time we leave while we're still able.
"Worried you'll jump in there?" you ask.
"I'm worried they'll make meus." She nods toward the growing crowd of guards who watch the obscene show hungrily.
"Maybe you'd have fun.""Hmm. Might be fun."
She rolls her eyes. "I'm sure, but no. Let's go."
"Agreed," Euna mutters. "And quickly."
"That's probably for the best," Euna mutters.
You get near Euna, but you don't dare try to remove the large hound until it's good and done with her.
The dog pops out eventually, and hops off the bed. Euna's left with her face glistening with drool, her tits scraped up to hell, and her sex gushing with runny dog cum.
You whisper in her ear. "We should leave while we can?"
"No more? Oh. Very well." She's in a daze, but you get her to her feet. She pulls her clothes on right over her scratched torso, and she doesn't bother with the river of cum running down the inside of her thighs.
When the guards realize she's leaving, they boo, but their attentions soon turn to getting the next hound to mount their own mistress.
You have to wait in line to get to Euna, but after three men have a turn, you finally get up to her.
You whisper in her ear. "Glad you're having fun," you say, "but we should leave while we can."
"Oh. Okay." She's in a daze, but you get her to her feet. She pulls her clothes on right over the cum painting her skin. The guards boo when they realize she's leaving, but their attentions soon turn to their own mistress. More for her.
Tara shows you through the keep.
In the hall, Euna speaks first. "I knew the potion's effect would be pronounced, but I had no idea. She's mindless now—just a vapid fuck toy."She's going to build her whole life around sex now."
"Don't worry," Tara replies. "I'll watch over her. She'll be happy. I'll make sure of it."
"My," Euna says. "She hardly deserves you."
The remark seems to unsettle Tara a little. Outside the keep's gate, she leaves you. "Can you find your way out of the mountain?"
"We'll manage," Euna says. "Are you going to be okay?"
"I think so. I must get back to her," and Tara scampers back inside. You and Euna are left standing outside the keep.
"Yes. That's probably it. She did say it was a powerful aphrodisiac. I guess she wasn't fooling around."
"I know. I still can't believe I actually drank that elixir. I must have been mad. I turned into an animal in there."
"How do you feel now?"
"Better. I feel like myself, but thinking back on all those nasty things I just did makes me..."
"Yes, I did...I sorry. I don't know what came over me. At first I was just going along with it as part of our ruse, but then... Lord, even thinking about what I've done makes me..."
"Hot! Lord, I want more. So much more. I behaved like such a degenerate slut, and I'm not even ashamed of it." She clutches her head. "What was I thinking drinking that."
She buries her face in her hands. "I just took part in an orgy with beasts. And I watched, and all I could think about was..."
"Joining in?"
"Lord, yes. What kind of pervert does that make me?"
She buries her face in her hands. "I had sex with an absolute stranger like a shameless harlot. And a random guard. In front of you. I'm so sorry. I just got so caught up in the moment, and I—"
"It's fine," you say. "We all had a little fun in there, didn't we?""So you had a little fun in there. Don't worry."
"But I had a fair bit more than just fun. I hope you'll forgive me."
"I did. I know. I acted like a little slut. I only did what I thought you'd want me to."
"Is that what you're telling yourself?"
"We both did. Don't pretend you didn't have just as much fun as I did."
"I think you had more fun than me though."
"It was for the sake of our mission, and you know how shameless I am when it comes to sex." She hesitates. "...But yes, I did go a little above and beyond, didn't I?"
"I seem to recall you getting just as carried away as I did. We did what was necessary for the mission," but she looks to you. "Are you bothered by what happened?"
"No. We've got a good story out of it, didn't we?"
"That's true," she says. "We're a couple in love sharing in sexy adventures.""We're a pair of adventuring ladies seducing our adversaries with our feminine ways."
"Yes... I'm sorry. I thought I was just doing what was necessary for the sake of our mission, but... I don't know." Her cheeks burn. "Are you upset with me?"
"No. We've got a good story out of it, didn't we?"
She smiles despite her flush. "I suppose we did. The Fool and his sinful princess."
"Do you really think so? That might be true, right? The elixir was made with my own leavings after all, maybe that made me immune, but then why was I acting like that? The things I did in there were ungodly. I was shameless."
"Maybe that's just it," you say. "No shame. You just needed to believe for a minute that how you were behaving wasn't your fault, and then you indulged the way you've always wanted to. That elixir was just your excuse."
"Then all these lewd thoughts of mine, and the lascivious way I've been behaving...?"
"That's who you really are. Deep down, you're a horny slut who's just needed an excuse to be who she wants to be."
"Oh Lord..." She buries her face in her hands. "What have I done to myself. I let my own impulsive lusts carry me away."
"Yeah. That was pretty dumb of you."
"But You told me to."
"I didn't think you'd actually drink it. You just polluted your own mind. Now you'll always be a prisoner of your own lusts, but there's nothing you can do now but accept it. Besides, you did choose to drink it. This is what you wanted." You step behind her and embrace her from behind. "It's what you were meant to be. Not a nun. Not a tsarivna, but a slut. Now you will always be, first and foremost."
She's silent a while. "Yes. Yes I am. You're right. I'm a slut. I've always been a slut. I just didn't know it until now. All those years in the convent were simply repressing what I truly am." She stands straighter. "The last shred of chastity I had is dead now thanks to that elixer, and I'm glad."
"You're embracing it?"
"Yes. Lord yes. Ever since I met you, I fantasize all the time about what you'll push me to do next. I dream every night about sex. Even now, after what I just suffered through, all I can think about is the next fuck I'll get. It's time I accept what I am and submit to my fatelive without shame."
"So say it again."
"I'm a slut—the lowliest, most depraved slut imaginable who has no point in life if she's not being exploited and abused. I am not worthy of being anything better."
"I'm a slut—the greatest slut. And if I'm not, then I swear to my name that I will become so. There will be no greater whore who walked this world than me."
"Good," you say. "It's taken a long time, but you've finally learned what you're good for. Now let's get walking."
"It will be nice to get home," she says. "My fuck hole aches. I must rest so that I may fill it again tomorrow."
"Maybe I am. Lord know I love cock. Now I have to make up for lost time after all those years repressed as a good little nun."
A little while later, she continues, "In fact, I think from now on, I'm going to fuck who I want, when I want. I'm no longer going to concern myself with silly things like decency."
A little while later, she continues, "Actually, I should thank you. This was always what I needed: to be fucked and used and abused. You, my dear foollove have helped me to realize that."
"Good to hear," you say. "You're much more fun now than you ever were before."
"That's only because you're a pervert. A slut like me is a perfect canvass for your depraved imagination. Let's get moving."
"Of course you'd think that. You're a harlot yourself. And sinners love company. Shall we get moving?"
The two of you walk along.
Her cheeks glow. "No. I'm just... I've become more promiscuous."
"But you're enjoying yourself, aren't you?"
"If you must know, yes. Of course I am. I enjoyed every minute back there, and maybe I'm ashamed, but we both know I'd do it again. Let's drop the matter."
"The sorceress certainly did change, didn't she?"
"You really got carried away in there."
"At least we got what we came for."Tara nods. "The guard dogs, but they are vicious beasts. They've been trained for fighting." She bites her lip and looks down. "...but also to fuck on command. She'll toss slaves into the kennel so the dogs will use them as their own bitch."
"Sounds like exactly what the sorceress needs right now."
She leads you to a kennel attached to the keep. The hounds truly are ferocious hounds—large snarling curs that pace and howl and slam against their iron cages to get at you. Slaver drips from their jowls, and the stench of dog is overpowering.
Tara makes a sharp hand gesture and yells a clipped word. The hounds sit on their haunches. Low growls still emenate, but their discipline holds them. It's terrifying when Tara opens the cages, but she assures you they'll obey as long as you're confident. She leashes four great beasts.
"All of them?" Tara asks. "There are nearly thirty guards working in this keep."
"Then the sorceress will have thirty men to slake her desire, won't she?"ladies will have thirty men to slake their desire, won't they?"
Tara scampers off down the halls.
You return to the bedroom to find the last man with stamina fucking the sorceress with her facing down on the bed. He's pressing her face into the pillow.the sorceress fucking the last man with stamina. She sits astride him and gyrates her hips. Euna is lying naked beside them on the bed, writhing about, frigging with her cum-leaking cunt feverishly and squeezing her own tits. She seems lost in her own sexual haze, and keeps casting come-hither glances at the other guards. idlying playing with her cum-leaking pussy while watching the two with envy. sipping a fresh glass of liqueur and idly watching the two with interest.
Euna sees the hounds first, and her eyes light with mischief. Fetching the discarded ropes, she motions to the guards to gather around and bring the hounds.
When the man plowing the sorceress finshes and climbs off, Euna snags her arm. The guards do the same with her other limbs, and then the ropes get passed around. They tie her up so she's spread eagle face down.
Samirah's haze of lust lifts. "What? What are you doing?"
"You said you wanted cock," Euna says. "So we're going to give you all the cock you can take." She pats the bed, and one muscular beast hops up. Its lips are curled back in a low growl, and smelling her sex, its glistening red member is already exposed. "Ready to get ravaged by your own hounds before your subjects?"
"No... No, wait. Please." The sorceress spins her head about wildly to see, but she's pinned. Euna yanks her hips up so her rump is in the air, and she gives it a good slap.
One of the guards starts them off. "Shabaq!"
While the sorceress fucks the man beneath her, Euna slides her hands around her to embrace her from behind. "Just imagine," she says. "If you're going to use your body to gain control over the pirates, you'll have to fuck some of the most vicious and and ugly men you can imagine."
"Yess." She picks up her riding pace.
Euna brings the ropes around and rubs the rough hemp against Samirah's chest. "They may tie you down and rape you. Are you sure you can handle it?"
"I look forward to it."
"If you think you're ready to be ravaged by foul, vicious beasts, then prove it." Euna turns her chin so she sees the hounds around the bed.
Samirah's eyes blaze. She folds over the man she's fucking to show her rump. "Do it. I'll fuck them all." She doesn't even resist when Euna ties her hands to the bed posts. The man she's fucking finishes quickly and crawls away just as the others bring on the first hound—a massive snarling short-haired cur bound in muscle and covered in scars. "Shabaq!" she yells.
The guards burst out laughing when they see the dogs. "Yes," they cheer. "Let the hounds have a turn." The moment the last man climbs off her, the others grab hold of her limbs. Using the ropes, they tie her to the bed. She frantically looks about, but upon seeing the dogs, her eyes go wide. "Ohh... not the hounds."
"Yes, the hounds." Someone leads the first dog onto the bed. It's massive snarling short-haired cur bound in muscle and covered in scars. Samirah looks back with fear, but then she sees that glistening red cock beneath the dog, and her eyes light. When someone yanks up her waist, she's left with her rump in the air, her arms tied wide, and her tits pressed into the bed.
A guard slaps the sorceress's ass. "Shabaq!" he yells.
When the sorceress sees the dogs, her eyes widen. "The hounds?" She sneers, but as she continues fucking the guard beneath her, her eyes slowly begin to blaze. "Bring them here." She hops off the guard and shoves him off the bed, leaving him unspent. "A perfect challenge for my endurance. Men, you will breed me with my vicious hounds until the sun sets. You will not stop no matter how I plead." Her eyes settle on the ropes. "Tie me down."
The men secure each of her wrists to opposite ends of the headboard, leaving her arms wide, and her tits are pressed to the bed. The first hound on the bed is a massive snarling short-haired cur bound in muscle and covered in scars. Samirah cranes to look at it, and upon seeing the glistening red cock beneath the dog, she lifts her rump in the air and yells. "Shabaq!"
The hound immediately mounts Samirah. Its red cock stabs furiously ahead, poking her rump, until Euna reaches under and guides itit eventually plunges into Samirah's wet sex, and the dog hammers her. Already red scratches mar her side.
As sex-obsessed as Samirah has become, this is rape. The dog cares nothing for her cries of pain, and when she tries to move, the beast snaps and leaves a bleeding bite on her shoulder.
The men laugh when the dog knots her.
They jeer when the dog clamps a mouthful of her hair to hold her in place until his knot settles down.
They point when they see that Samirah is weeping.
They cheer when she begs for the next dog anyway.
"Fu.... Fuck... Fuck me. Fill me with your mongrel seed." Samirah humps back as fiercely as the dog fucks her. Her grunts are animalistic. When the dog cums, its knot slips inside her. With its teeth, it clamps down on her hair to immobilize her, which sets Samirah over the edge. She wails out. Her men are taken aback.
The dog pops free and hops off the bed. Cum pours from the sorceress's upturned cunt. She rolls to face her men. "Stop standing around and get the next."
While the guards are getting the next dog to to mount their mistress, Euna slips off the bed, snags her discarded clothes, and sits in a nearby leather chair to dress. You join her.
"This has become quite a show, hasn't it?" Euna whispers. "I have to admit, I'm a little enflamed seeing the sorceress copulating with beasts."
Euna has been lying beside the sorceress playing with herself, but she's tired of just watching. The moment the guards have a second hound fucking the sorceress, Euna points out the guards, and then to a third canine. "Get that beast up here. I'm having a turn."
The men enthusiastically lead an enormous shepherd dog onto the other side of the bed while Euna props a pillow beneath her ass. The moment the giant beast is between her legs, Euna spreads her thigh, pats her belly, and yells, "Shabaq."
The hound lunges onto Euna. Its weight knocks the wind out of her, but she's not deterred. Reaching down, she helps guide the dog's probing cock to her sex. The moment the dog finds home, the glistening red member hammers deep into Euna without any preamble. She wraps her legs about the beast to pull it in closer, and for minutes, everyone watches the two women's grotesque show until the dogs knot both their respective bitches and fill them with cum. They're both locked in place.
Euna has been lying beside the sorceress playing with herself. She's so captivated by the obscene copulation beside her that she doesn't notice the guards whispering among each other. They come around the bed., and all at once, several snag her limbs.
"Hey!" Euna yells. A hound hops on the bed—an enormous shepherd dog. It's red glistening cock is already out of its sheath. "No! No!" Euna struggles.
The men pin her arms above her head and pull her legs wide. Another shoves a pillow under her ass to raise her groin up to a heigh the dog can mount. "Sabaq!" one yells.
The hound lunges onto Euna. Its weight knocks the wind out of her. Its humping cock quickly finds its mark and the glistening red member plunges deep into Euna. Pinned by men and buried under a hound, Euna can only squeal and squirm. But despite this monstrous rape, her breath soon grows shallow. She can't resist the feel of a cock inside her, even if it's from a mangy hound. When the men release her legs, she wraps them about the hound to pull it closer, and for minutes, everyone watches the grotesque show of two women being bred with dirty mongrels until the dogs knot both their respective bitches and fill their cunts with cum. They're both locked in place.
Samirah rests her face against the pillow to catch her breath while her dog pants and gazes off. Meanwhile, Euna is on her back, face-to-face with her vicious canine ravager. The hound snarls inches from her face. Trembling, she holds still and keeps her head turned, being as submissive and docile as she can. Drool falls on her face.
For Samirah, her dog snarls at her with every attempt she makes to move. Meanwhile, Euna is on her back, facing her dog, and the hound latched to her is licking her face as though giving her kisses. Giggling, Euna pets it's sides and lets her mouth stay open so that the hound's tongue may lap her own.
However, the moment, the dog's cock pops out of her, it scampers off the bed. The guards are busy watching their mistress, so Euna slips away, snatches her clothes, and sits in a nearby leather chair where she begins dressing despite the mess seeping between her legs. Her face is wet, and her tits are scraped up. Some scratches are bleeding.
You come over. "Got a little carried away, did you?"
"Yes, I know. I just copulated with a mangy cur. I never imagined I'd cross that line." She shrugs guiltily. "She just made it look so fun."
You come over. "Are you okay?"
"I was just raped by a vicious hound." She shudders. "I have been sullied by an animal. I can never take that back."
"You don't seem all that bothered."
"We broke into the keep of a depraved sorceress. We both knew I'd probably have to submit myself to a rape for this endeavor. I'm just serving my purpose.She considers this. "No, I suppose I'm not. There was a time I would have been devastated, but let's be honest. Given all the depravity I get up to these days, I've gotten used to these things happening to me. Besides." Her eyes glimmer. "Maybe it wasn't the most tender sex I've ever had, but hounds do make powerful lovers."
She looks over to Samirah, who is now being fucked by a third hound while she weeps openly, except she's pushing her rump back against the hound's invading member.alternatively moans like a whore and yells obsceneties. "I'm feeling a stir inside me just watching her."
Dropping your breeches,Tugging off your leggings, you climb between Samirah's legs and plunge your cock into her. Her hips rise to meet your clamber between Samirah's legs and taste of her sex. Her hips rise to meet your tongue.
Astonished, Euna gapes at you. She straddles Samirah's face and enjoys her eager mouth. While the sorceress is distracted, she leans forward and whispers in your ear. "I was pointing you toward the jewel."
"She ordered us both to fuck her," you whisper back.
"You're such a shameless navehussy," and she delivers you a quick kiss. "If we weren't on a mission right now..."
And so you both carry out your orders.
Euna climbs over the sorceress's face and enjoys her eager mouth. She takes up the riding crop and teases it along Samirah's tits. The first swat causes Samirah to jolt. Her pussy squeezes. Euna rains down more strikes, a strange change of pace for a submissive like her, but these are the sorceress's orders.Euna rains down more strikes to encourage more enthusiastic licking.
Tara tries to join in by sucking her aunt/stepmother's nipples, but Euna pulls the girl up so her lips are on her own tits instead. The two are soon kissing passionately, but Euna never stops whipping the sorceress.
While Tara suckles, Euna pulls her over so she's straddling her aunt/stepmother's belly, bent over so her butt aims at you. Euna points with the crop: two sexes and two asses right before you.
You alternate from fucking the two pussies, enjoying the wetness and squeeze of both.You alternately taste one pussy and then the other, sampling the subtle differences of such closely related women. After your fill of that, you move on to enjoying those two puckered little holes. Meanwhile, Euna resumes her whipping. Usually along the sorceress's flank, but occasionally a few lashes fall on Tara's lithe back.
You finish in sorceress's hungry quim. Euna folds over her to lap clean the leaking mess,Your tonguing effortlessly brings the sorceress to a long, shuddering climax. Her cries are muffled under Euna's muffsnatch. After, Euna folds over the woman to enjoy the sorceress herself, but not before giving you a meaningful expression. "If you're quite finished..." it says, and she stabs her tongue into the woman's folds.
Dropping your breeches,Tugging off your leggings, You interlace your legs with the sorceress's and line the phallus's other end up with your sex. Your quim swallows the hard leather cock—each bump caressing your lips—until your lips press against Samira's, and then you begin fucking. Your hard cock points straight climb on the bed, pull the phallus out, and plunge your cock into her. Samirah's quim quim squeezes your shaft greedily, and her legs wrap about you.
Astonished, Euna gapes at you. She leans forward, which gives Samirah an opportunity to work her fistfour fingers deep into Euna's gash, but also gives Euna an opportunity to whisper to you. "I was pointing you toward the jewel."
"She ordered us both to fuck her," you whisper back.
"You're such a shameless navehussy," and she delivers you a quick kiss. "If we weren't on a mission right now..."
And so you both carry out your orders.
Euna encourages the sorceress to push a fist deep inside her,dive her tongue deep into her sex, but she wants more, and seeing Tara sitting on the bedside watching, she pulls the girl in to suckle her tits. With two women tending to her needs, she reclines back and basks in pleasure.
Then Euna pulls Tara atop of the sorceress so her mouth is over where you're fucking the the sorceress. Her tongue teases her aunt/stepmother's clit, but Euna's true reason for this change was so she could attack the girl's sweet pussy. Despite Tara's squirms and mewls, she buries her fist deep into her modest little quim.
But once Euna's hand is slick, she starts on the girl's ass. Soon, she's working two fists inside the girl, one in the ass, the other in her pussy. Tara can hardly concentrate on tonguing her aunt/stepmother's hammered sex. She's just a trembling mass of mewling pleasure.
The dildo's textured bumps drive both you and Samirah to a shuddering climax. Your quims slap together repeatedly. Her legs squeeze you. Your cock erupts. Ropes of your cum splatter both your bodies.The intensity is extreme, but not for her. She pulls you against her for minutes, until her orgasm's raw, tender finish. Spent, you pull off of the phallus. The sorceress is still trembling though, and Euna gladly takes over hammering it in and out of her,The sorceress's hungry quim proves too much. You fill her with your cum while she squeezes you close with her legs to ensure every drop gets deep inside. The sorceress is still climaxing when you pull out, so Euna rams the phallus back inside of her and batters the woman's pussy, but not before giving you a meaningful glance. "If you're quite finished..." it says, and she continues distracting the sorceress.
Her breath is heavier. Her eyes gleam. Dropping her toys, she crawls onto the bed. "I don't think I can wait." She yanks Tara down the bed, crawls over, and kneels her sex over Tara's mouth. Tara suckles as best she can, but Samirah is desperate. She grinds against Tara's face, hardly giving the girl a chance, and she only grows more desperate. Rolling over, she pulls Tara on top of her into a sixty-nine. They attack each other with fingers, lips, and tongue.
Beneath you, Euna watches attentively.
Tara and Samirah exhaust themselves. Sweat has soaked the sorceress's shear robe, yet her hips gyrate against the air. Her hands roam her own body. "I want more..."
Tara obediently climbs back between her legs.
"No. More than this. I don't know what's gotten into me. I just... oh hell. I want... I want to fuck." She pushes Tara off her. "Find me people, my sweet, people to fuck me."
While her aunt/stepmother writhes, Tara scampers toward the door, but she stops to eye the wardrobe. It's clear what she's thinking, but there's no way to stop her. She opens the door and motions you two out. With little choice, you both emerge. The sorceress is oblivious in her own self-pleasuring until Tara leads you beside the bed.
Samirah's eyes widen. "Intruders? Who are you?"
Neither of you know how to reply. The sorceress scrutinizes you both. Euna in particular gets her attention. She drapes her robe open. "I will have you both thrown in my dungeon if you do not fuck me now."
"How, uh... my lady?" Euna asks.
"I don't care! Just get on with it!"
"...As you wish," Euna peels off her clothes and climbs onto the bed. Her lips fasten to the sorceress's nipple. Her fingers caress down the sorceress's belly to find the mound between her leg.
Before you climb on the bed, you notice the toys she discarded earlier, particularly...
Euna hands the glass back to you. "Don't you worry, foolyoung lady. I've already got what it takes to be the greatest harlot this world has ever seen, and I have no need to warp my mind to ge there. This I swear."
"My apologies, but I'll hold you to that oath."
"Please do."
Euna hands the glass back to you. "Don't worry, master. You've turned me into such a degenerate sex-slave already. I know you can break me into the perfect little slut you want without having to warp my mind. I just need your guidance."
"Fine. If you want to be my perfect little slut all naturally, I'm going to have to push you even harder."
"Then I'll try harder. Please, break me down until you've ruined me."
You turn back to the table of drinks. You still have half a glass of spiked drink, and Euna and Samirah have turned their attentions back to each other.
You snatch them up and climb onto the bed.
"Yesss," Samirah hisses. "Do it. Tie me up. Torment me."
Euna takes rope from you and passes some to Tara. "Let's tie her up." Under her direction, you and Tara fastenThe three of you tie the sorceress's arms and legs to the bedposts, leaving her spread eagle.
"Now no more delays," the sorceress said. "Get to fucking me. Now."
"As you wish." Euna explores the sorceress's body, first pausing between her legs where the chain pierces to her clit. Like a kitten lapping water, Euna runs her tongue along the glistening and raw slit. She plays with its prominent folds, eliciting shudders. Next, her lips work up, from navel to breasts. Subtly, she reaches down and pulls on the chain until a glimmering blue gem the size of a peach pit pops out onto the bedspread. It's rimmed within a silver casing. Her fingers keep the sorceress's sex spread, and she looks at you meaningfully.
You search her cupboard for something to clip the chain. There is pair of iron pincers whose purpose in this bedroom must be more macabre than their usual blacksmithing use. The sorceress is still distracted, but Tara watches as you cleave the silver chain right before the clit piercing and pocket the jewel.stash the jewel down your cleavage.
Samirah senses it immediately. Her head jerks up. Her arms strain against the ropes binding her.While Samirah tongues Euna hungrily, her hand drifts down to rub her clit. When her fingers feel the severed chain, she scrambles up. "My jewel."
"It was getting in the way of sex," Euna says.
"Give it back now."
Euna lies beside Samirah and runs her hands along the sorceress's body, teasing her breasts and stroking her cheek.Euna's arms circle around to play with Samirah's breasts from behind. Her lips trace Samirah's neck. "Why do you need it?"
"Because it's mine." The sorceress's breath is shallow. She's trying not to be distracted. "I will torture... I will torture you both endlessly if you don't return it now." She shudders when Euna's hand finds her crotch.
"And then you can go back to controlling the pirates with that great beast?"
"What... what is it to you?"
"Without it," Euna whispers, "you'd have to find some other way to control them. Perhaps if you offered them your body."
"They would... Oh my word... don't stop. They would rape me. All of them. It would never work."
"But it would be challenge, wouldn't it?" Euna asks. "You either bend them all to your will with your sexual wiles..."
"I know of spells..." Samirah breathes the words.
"...or you lose everything, and become nothing more than a sex slave forced to fuck every brute and pirate there is."
"...and I'd have to find some way to rise again."
"...through sex," Euna finishes.
"through fucking," the sorceress hisses.
"Do you really want your jewel back? It's left you complacent, and alone, and unchallenged up here. Or do you want to subject yourself to a life of depraved, desperate sex that forces you to grow. You'll become a more powerful sorceress, or a truly debased whore. ...Maybe both."
"Take my jewel away," she commands. "Let it tempt me no longer. I proclaim it so." Her eyes settle on you. "Boy, pour us drinks so that I may toast my new life."
You hurry to her decanter.
"You will join me for a drink," Samirah says to Euna. "It is a honey and nectar liqueur fortified with the sexual drippings of pixies—a most uplifting aphrodisiac."
"I'd be delighted," Euna replies, "but until then..." She orients Samirah and herself so they're on their hands and knees away from each other. The phallus goes between them.The sorceress is orienting Euna so she's on her knees with her tits pressed to the bed. She works the phallus into Euna. "I... I would love to," Euna says, but she's distracted by the girth being worked inside her. Samirah turns and lines the phallus's other end up with herself. It disappears up both of their snatches, and their asses slap together as they fuck back against one another.
"I'd be delighted." Euna undoes Samirah's bindings. "But until then..." She gets the sorceress back between her legs. Uses stinging blows from the crop to encourage the woman to work hard with her tongue.
"Of course, my lady." Euna undoes Samirah's bindings, only for the woman to pull Euna down. Their rolls reverse. Samirah has Euna between her legs licking away while she whips Euna's ass for encouragement.
Neither pay you any mind, and as you're preparing glasses, you notice the sorceress's glass of spiked liqueur. Half of it is left.
Half a dozen men arrive. The guards here cheer upon seeing more comrades. When the man fucking Samirah finishes, there's a fresh man to take his place.
Half a dozen men arrive.
"Yesss," Samirah finishes with the man she was riding and rolls onto her back with legs spread wide. "Welcome, boys. Your fellow guards have proven incapable of satisfying us. Come here."
Euna is not spared. A man climbs onto her. She welcomes him with open arms and open legs.She startles and withdraws, but when the man is persistent about spreading her legs, she reluctantly does so. An absolute stranger ruts her, and as bewildered as she seems, her legs wrap about him.
Meanwhile, the sorceress is on her second man. "Harder," she mumbles. "Please... Harder."
"Hey mistress," says a guard. "How about you keep that mouth busy?" He kneels by her head and slaps her face with his cock. With a whimper, she gratefully takes the proffered tool into her mouth, and the men all laugh.
After the next man finishes with Samirah, she takes the opportunity to flip over onto her hands and knees. "Men, you'll need to do better than that. Collaborate."
The next man mounts her from behind and rides her hard by yanking on her hips. Another comes before her so that the sorceress may let him fuck her mouth.
Another guard grows impatient and kneels on the bedding by Euna's head. "And how about you?"
With a man on top of her rutting away, she's hardly in a position to resist, and so she takes this new cock into her mouth. He tries to guide her head, but she needs no guiding. Her skills take over.
Other men in line come around to Euna's face. "You too, girl," And taking hold of her head, he forces his cock in Euna's mouth. She obediently sucks him off while other men use her body.
Euna beckons the nearest waiting man. Soon, she's upon her hands and knees, taking two men at once.
You have your own fun with the guards too. At first you just help a few get hard with your mouth, but now that there is a line waiting for Euna and Samirah, you decide to start your own line. Each man gives you a quick fuck on the foot of the bed. Each is a quick, loveless humping, but the rush of their cum filling you makes it worth it.
You manage to sneak in another turn with the sorceress after the next man. Her body is a mess of sweat and stick. Her cunt is a swampy river, and she's too busy with a man violating her mouth to even realize it's you.
More men keep trickling into the bedroom. This party is just getting started. However, Euna is quick to disentangle herself after the two men using her have had their turn. She crawls off the bed, gathers her discarded clothes, and sits at a chair by the drinks where she can watch. After you've gotten your own fill, you separate away andYou join her.
You flag first. After fucking a couple more guards,After you finish fucking the sorceress, youYou loungecurl up in a chair by the drinks and watch the guards do their duty to their mistress and yoursto Euna.
Euna enjoys herself another four or five men, and then pulls away to sit in your lap. Her sodden snatch drips cum on your thigh.
Pull Euna away to leave."We should probably slip away."
Wait for the women wear themselves out."Shall we watch for a while?"
Ignore it. Make fresh drinks for the ladies.
Offer the sorceress the rest of her spiked drink.
You pull down the rental posting.
"You want to get the room?" Euna asks.
"Yes. Then you'll be able to whore yourself through the night too. More johns. More money."
"But we'd have to spend money on the room."
"You'll just have to make up the difference. Either way, I'm tired of living in the woods. Where does it say to go?"
"It'll put us closer to the docks," you say. "Less traveling."
"Yes, and then I'll be selling my body around the clock, hmm? Not just whoring to live, but living to whore." She considers its. "I'm happy to, as long as you're fine with losing what time we have to ourselves."
"A sacrifice I'll endure to have you whore yourself more."
"Then follow me." She takes the posting. "There are instructions on here."
Euna leads you from the market and south along the boardwalk toward the warehouse district. Off a main avenue, a stairway leads down to the lowest tier built right by the water. Here men walk about unloading supplies and parts for storage.
"Well, it's ocean-side," Euna says. "Normally quite a selling point, if it weren't for the stench."
She's not wrong. The water must be an outlet for waste, and the lapping waves are right beneath your feet. This whole section of the docks seems more ramshackle than the rest. Planks are swollen and splintered.
"This is the place." Euna says. "Oswold lives here." She knocks on the door.
You knock on the door.
A hollering comes from within. Moments later, a giant man swings the door open. For all his muscle, and with chest so portly and hairy, he could very well have ogre in his bloodline, complete with breeches as grotty as an ogre's loincloth. He's got a hand down those breeches now, scratching absently as he squints at you both. "Yehh?"
"You've got a room for rent?" you ask.
Euna holds up the posting. "Is the room still available?"
"You two, huh?" His gaze explores Euna. He lingers on her breasts. "You a whore?"the both of you, but especially Euna. Her breasts in particular. "You whores?"
"Does it matter?"
"I like whores. Less trouble. So are you?"
"Yes," you say. "She's my whore."
"What does that matter?"
"I like whores. Less trouble. So are you?"
"Yes, I am," Euna replies. "If that truly is a prerequisite."
"Fine lookin' whore," he mutters. "All right. Come along. I'll show you the room." He throws on a tunic, bolts his door, and leads you two along the terrace to a door at the corner of the docks and a boardwalk avenue.
Inside is a high-roofed single room which was certainly a part of a dock warehouse in a previous era, until someone partitioned up the inside. In the rafters, there's even still a loft space filled with old rotten crates and boat equipment. The only furniture is a single canvas sleeping mattress in the corner deep-set with stained linen sheets, and a splintery wooden dining table and stools, all of which wobble at a touch.
"Furnished," Oswold says. "Got everything you need." He fluffs the lumpy pillows on the mattress. Two cockroaches dart out, and he makes a wild lunge to stomp them. Miss. They slip under the floorboards. Earth and dead seaweed are visible through the cracks.
"I see..." Euna says. "Toiletries?"
He opens a second door leading into the back. It's so warped in its frame that it takes him several heaves to open it. "There's a head at the end of this hall. Don't take too long on the shitter. All the other rooms in the building share it, includin' mine. Rent is two hundred every week. Up front. Any questions?"
Late evening, an elder woman comes by. She's clearly a deck hand. The sun has leathered her skin. Her work has hardened her muscles. Her short-cut hair is tucked under a sweat-stained cloth bandana. "Hey." She points a callused hand at Euna. "You take women?"
"She does," you say.
"Of course," Euna replies.
This woman is not shy. The moment payment is done, she tosses Euna onto the mattress. You leave them be and head up to the loft, peeking over once before going to sleep.
The women are naked, and this butch pirate is sitting on Euna's face while tasting of her flower herself. When she climaxes, she sounds like a bovine.
The night passes without any men coming in the door. You both accept that there will be no johns tonight. As Euna readies the bed, you head into the hall to use the communal chamber pots.
When you return, two gruff sailors are on your bed naked. They've got Euna laid out between them. One is sitting his bare ass on her pillow, guiding her head as she sucks his hard dick. The other man is behind her, holding her hips and hammering his cock in her ass without mercy.
Apparently there will be johns tonight. You sneak around them and climb up to the loft.
Tonight, it's from the back door that a woman appears, dolled up with lip paint and blush. She's wearing a corset that pushes up her tits, and nothing else. Her pubic bush is plain to see, and she looks quite ruffled.
"Hello, Hazal," Euna says. "Are you well?"
"I've got three johns who just fucked me up the ass," she says, "and now they want to see me shit the mess out into another whore's mouth."
"Sure," you say. "Euna, you can always help a neighbor, can't you?"
"Err... very well." Euna rises.
"Yeah, come on." Hazal motions her to follow. "I'll even give you a small cut of their coin."
Euna hops up. "I'm happy to help a neighbor, though I expect a small cut."
"Yeah, sure. Come on."
The girls head off down the hall. They speak as they go. "I've got a load up my ass they've been stirring up, so it's going to get messy, but I'm sure you're fine with that."
You go to sleep alone. Euna creeps in later and snuggles into bed. Given the stench of her breath, she ate a lot more from Hazal's ass than just cum.
Before turning in, a john shows up for Euna. "I've had a shit day," he says. "I want to take it out on a whore."
"As long as you pay first," Euna says.
"Pay me first," you say. "Then you can do what you want with her."
He must have been angry. After you retire in the loft, you hear him fucking her brutally for a long time, all the while come the strikes of flesh. Punches, not slaps.
Euna is left sobbing by the time he's headed out the door. Her face is swollen, her body bruised.
Bruised and beaten, Euna is left a bleeding mess, face swollen, yet she's playing with herself as the man fastens up to leave.
Then another person comes in right after the first.
"Next," Euna says.
"She's all yours," the first says.
More fucking. More wailing. More beating.
It's a quiet night for you two, but not for the neighboring whores. Sounds like people are fucking behind doors all up and down the hallway.
"I guess you're the only whore nobody wants tonight," you say.
"I'm sorry."
"Just close the door. Time for sleep."
Lantern out, you and Euna strip down and get into bed together. The noises of sex continue.
"I'll be back," she whispers and heads into the hall.
Euna grows increasingly irritable listening to them without fun of her own. "Enough of this. Get the bed ready."
You and Euna strip and get in the sheets, but the noises continue. In a huff, she tosses aside the sheets and heads naked into the hall. Presumably to use the communal pots.
Except she doesn't return that night.
A man comes in while you two are still seated at the table. "I'm looking for a quick blow-job."
"Euna?" you say.
"Of course." She rises. "Come in. I'm happy to serve."
"Then come in," Euna rises. "I'm happy to tend to you."
She brings her stool over so he can sit by the bed while she kneels on the mattress and works his breeches down. They're behind you while you finish your dinner. All you hear are the sloppy noises of her mouth upon his cock.
You also don't glance when that man leaves, and another man comes in behind him wanting the same thing. Euna knows what she's doing.
You retire to the loft and leave them to it.
Right as you finish dinner, two men come by, laughing and cajoling. They let themselves in.
"Yeah, this is her." One points Euna out. "You can foot fuck her right into her womb." He turns to her. "Right?"
"...yes," Euna replies.
"For the right coin, yes," she replies.
That night, you lie in the loft and listen. They say some strange things.
"Ah hell! I just lost my boot inside her."
"Use your other foot."
Then later.
"Damn. Lost my other boot too."
"I suppose," comes Euna's strained voice, "it's his turn then. My womb is hungry for his boots too."
"I guess it's my turn then. I bet this bitch can take two more boots in that baby maker."
From their later cheers, they succeed.
It's after dark when a crowd of loud, drunken pirates come down the dock. They crowd your door, all grinning lecherously at Euna. "We've got a bet going up at the Siren," says one. "How many of our fists can we fit up that whore with the giant cunt."
"You'll have to find out," you say. Euna pales.
You stick around after negotiating a cut of the betting pool, then it comes time for Euna to strip. She does so to their hoots and cheers, then the show starts. Getting eight men between her legs is no easy task. But after manhandling Euna about like a doll, people get her positioned to make it work.
"We'll have to find out," Euna says, "but I will run this show, or it will be a madhouse."
You stay around to watch this time. Euna negotiates a cut of the betting pool and performs a strip tease to their hoots and cheers. Then she gets on the bed and directs the show. Getting eight men between her legs is no easy tasks, but she keeps it orderly.
In the end, the answer is twelve, but two fists went up her ass, and there was much arguing about whether those two should count.but some people pushed fists past her cervix, and they argued it should count for more.
You turn in while the men argue it over.
It gets dark out. No one has come to the door. Before you mark tonight up as a slow night, a group of men stumble by, laughing and joking, all drunk from the Siren's Bounty. Euna waits to see who stops.
But they all pass by.
"I guess they're not interested," you say.
"Honestly?" Euna says. "We'll see about that." She springs up and hurries out the door after the crowd.
"Not one of them was interested in you," you say.
"Sorry," Euna replies.
"Maybe you should chase after them."
"...and convince them to sleep with me?"
"Beg if you need to. Go."
"All right, I'll do it!" Euna takes off through the door.
After she's gone, you blow out the lantern and go to sleep. Later, Euna slips inside and creeps into bed. She stinks of sex.
"Did you convince any of them?" you whisper.
"Yes," she says, "several, but they didn't really pay much. They thought I was just a desperate slut, and I had to do extra things just to convince them to pay me what they did."
"As long as you got paid something."
"I had to offer myself for less," she whispers, "and I had to do some extra kinky things, but yes. We had an enjoyable little gang-bang in the street."
Later that night, a man comes in from the night—one of her regulars from the boardwalk.
"Hey, bitch," he says. "I want to fuck the shit out of your ass."
"Then come in," you say. "Her ass is yours for the fucking."
"Welcome back," Euna starts stripping down. "Make sure you get me good a messy."
You climb up to the loft and leave the two alone. For a long while, you listen to the slap of thigh-on-ass as he sodomizes her, but that's only the prelude.
"Look at the mess you made on my cock," he says. "Push it all out. Right on my dick."
Then, "Yeah, just like that. Now massage it in. Coat my dick."
Then, "Now lie flat. I'm going to fuck that cunt now."
The wet slopping sounds go on for ages, pausing periodically when Euna would make do so. "Hold on," she'd say. "Let me put another coat on your cock."for him to give her the same order. "Coat my dick again."
While the evening is young, two young pirates come knocking at the door. They see Euna, and one grins to the other. "Yeah, that's her." The other has a large burlap sack.
"Do you gentlemen wish for my company tonight?" Euna asks.
"You guysboys want Euna for the night?"
"Yeah, we do," they say.
After payment, you leave them. It's a standard trick. Both men take turns fucking and fisting Euna on the bed. You hear them finish from the loft.
"You boys have been lovely," Euna says.
"Oh, but we're just getting started."
You hear the sack moves. "See these? We got them from a faraway land. They're called coconuts. And we've got a whole sack of them..."
The rest of the night is filled with grunts and groans, that continue long after you're asleep.
"Good," he says. "Pay your first week now."
"Of course." Euna passes over a handful of coins, undoubtedly exact to the amount.
You pass him the money. You checked beforehand that it was the right amount.
Not that it matters. He counts it in front of you two—much finger tallying and frowning, especially for the larger coins—but eventually he grunts, satisfied. "Every seven days, one of you two better be at my door with the next week's rent, or you're out." He leaves through the back door into the hall. After trying to close the warped door behind him, he gives up and leaves it open. You two are alone.
"He never even got our names," Euna says.
"Something tells me he didn't care," you reply. "People probably come and go from here all the time."
"I'm sure we won't be here for too long either, but we might as well fetch some belongings from the campsite. This place is hardly furnished."
She sighs. "I hope we don't end up staying here for too long, but we should probably fetch some belongings from the campsite. This place isn't exactly furnished."
"It's got a table," you say. "Stools. A lantern. And a big bed. What more do we need?"
"It has a ratty and stained mattress that no doubt a hundred others have had sex on, and who knows how many insects inside it."
"Get used to it. You'll be treating johns there."
"I suppose I will. Shall we go?"
You head out to the altar site and collect some belongings. Nothing more than you can carry in one trip, extra bedding and remaining food supplies mostly. By the time you get back to the docks, the sun has nearly set.
Then comes settling into your new home. You struggle with the back door before you both decide to just leave it open. Euna prepares the remaining food, and you both settle down for supper. "I will say it's nice to finally have a roof over our heads. Despite the noise." She glances toward the door. All while you two worked, sailors and drunks passed outside. And somewhere in the building, a woman is having rowdy sex.
"It hardly evokes arousal, does it?" She looks around. "A bug infestation. The bare minimum of furniture. Our single little lantern. I've seen dungeon cells more accommodating."
"I'm sure plenty of men would happily fuck you in a dungeon cell."
"I'm sure, but it might be worth sprucing up the place, and dealing with these bugs. It might fetch us a better price, but on the other hand, I don't know how much we should invest in this place. I hardly see us growing old here."
"I'm not sure," Euna says. "I don't suppose I just go and wait outside my door, do I? I'd hate to have to do that all night. I don't recall seeing any other girls doing that."
"Maybe you should start telling all your johns that you're local now."
"Maybe." She pauses and listens to the moans and thumps coming from the walls. "Maybe someone else in this building more knowledgeable than I am."
"Do you think this home is a good place to pull tricks?"
Later in the evening, while you're both sitting at the table, a pirate comes to the door—a hulking man with tattoos over his head head. "I've heard stories about the whore here," he says. "Cunt like a cavern?"
"She's right here." You point Euna out.
"And here I am," Euna says.
Immediately after payment, he grabs her hips and hoists Euna onto the table. It seems you need to take the rest of your supper up in the loft. Peeking down, you see he's already punching two fist elbow-deep in Euna while she grunts and endures. She clutches the tables edge to keep him from sliding her off, but his force still scoots the table along the floor.
Both fists in, he pries his elbows apart, levering her open. Oh, how Euna groans. Now he's... trying to climb into her?
He gets his head into her deformed pussy up, but his shoulders clearly aren't going to happen. After you roll over to sleep, he keeps at it, stretching her out like an ill-fitting glove. If Euna were anyone else, this would surely ruin her hole.
Maybe it still will.
Late that night, a young man comes from the door to the hall. He's a good looking lad, wavy hair, rugged features.
"Hello," he says. "I don't mean to presume, but do either of you take coin for companionship?"
"My lady Euna would be happy to keep you company," you say.
Euna stands and smiles demurely. "I don't remember seeing you around the building."
Euna rises. "I do. I don't remember seeing you around here."
"I'm only staying until I find another ship to continue my voyage."
"Oh? Tell me about it." Euna takes his arm and leads him back into the hall.
"I'm on a journey to save my family's fortune, but it has been a lonely trip." He talks on, but they're too far to hear.
Later that night. You hear the cries of a woman in passion. It sounds like Euna. His room must not be far.
Euna got to bed a charming adventurer for once. You got the bed to yourself.
Shortly after opening the door for a night, a gnarled man in a long coat arrives. He lingers and eyes Euna. "Yeh," he mutters. "I heard ye look like a real high-class tart. And ye' eat shit?"
"She will," you say. "For the right price."
"I will," Euna replies. "For paying customers."
"Good, cause I want to see a noble twat brought low. I want to see you grovel."
"I will not grovel," Euna replies, "but if you want a noble to wallow like a shit slut, then I am your girl."
After payment, the man demands privacy, but he loudly barks throughout the night.
"Strip naked, like all those prim sluts do behind closed doors."
"Now give me that plate and cup. I'm going to push out a hot meal for you."
"Sit at the table. Eat it with a knife and fork, yeh. Nice proper manners. Drink that piss like wine too."
"Ye're getting into it now, yeh. Play with yourself. Lick that plate clean."
"You loved that fine dining, didn't yeh? Bet ye have to shit now too."
"As a matter of fact," Euna replies. "I do."
"Then squat up on that table and shit and piss yourself another dinner. We're only getting started."
After payment, the man demands privacy, but he loudly barks throughout the night.
"Strip naked, like all those prim sluts do behind closed doors."
"Now crawl around like a bitch. You want to eat shit so bad, ye'll beg for it."
"Good little bitch. Get that bowl. I'm going to piss and shit out your dinner."
"Eat that slop like a dog. Yeh. Get that rump in the air. Getting bothered, aren't you? All wet."
"Ready to get mounted, ye primped bitch? I'm going to sodomize ye. You just be a good girl and finish your meal."
"Look at that. Shit on my dick. Looks like I've stirred up another meal for ye. Squat over the bowl and shit and piss yourself another dinner."
"Heh. I didn't even have to tell you to chow down. Ye stuck up nobles are all the same."
No men come in the open door tonight, but a woman does come knocking at the hallway door. She's one of the whores in the building.
"Hey, Euna."
"Good evening, Hazal," Euna replies. "Are you having better luck finding men tonight?"
"I am." She holds up a hard leather phallus as long as her arm, and double-ended. "I've got a couple boys who want to watch a pair of anal sluts ram this up both their own asses at once."
"And you want me?" Euna ask.
"Yes, girl. Get moving. The boys are waiting."
Euna looks to you.
"Have fun, Euna," you say. "Be a good girl."
"Oh! Then let's not keep them waiting."
Euna hurries off with Hazal. The whore speaks as they go.
"After we fuck each other raw bumping asses together, we should try pushing it into each other? You know, like we're taking a dump? Then maybe we should link hands and pull our asses together. See if we can make it disappear."
"Of course we will," Euna says. "I don't care if those boys have left by then."
"As you wish," Euna says.
After a stop by the market, you return to your rented room. Its musty smells have concentrated from the heat baking on the building, the inside has become sweltering.
Euna fans herself. "Ah, so another benefit of this room is it gets direct sunlight being on the corner, not to mention the infestation, or the foot traffic, or the stench of the cove. I'm starting to see why this room was available."
"Still used to your royal chambers?"
"I'm used to sleeping outside by the altar. At least there we had fresh air." She waves it off. "I am griping. We just need to circulate the air in here." She opens wide the door to the docks and enjoys the cool breeze that wafts in. "Hmm." Euna shrugs off her clothing and closes her eyes. Goosebumps break over her sweat-glistening skin. Outside, some dock workers passing by glance and grin.
"You're getting seen," you say
"Consider it advertising," she says. "Let the cove see a whore lives here again. Let the men see what they'd be buying. After all, an open door is an Invitation. We'll see if my honey attracts any flies. Now come. Let's eat."
"I was used to sleeping outside, which had fresh air."
"A simple solution." You open wide the door to the docks. A cool breeze wafts in. Euna comes to enjoy it beside you.
"Why don't you take off your clothes?" you say.
"What?" Euna glances at the men passing outside.
"We need to show the cove there's a whore living here again. Advertise yourself. Take off your clothes."
Reluctantly, she strips naked in the door frame and stands. A few passersby hoot. She resists covering herself and smiles at them.
"Good," you say. "Now we'll leave the door open. That is an invitation for whoring, after all. Get dinner started."
"Hmm. Advertise myself? Why not?" Euna strips off her clothes and stands naked in the door frame. A few passersby hoot and cheer. She waves demurely. "Now we'll leave the door open tonight and see if my honey attracts any flies. I'll get dinner started."
You and Euna prepare what food you bought—mostly fish and a few wilted vegetables. By the time she's done setting food out, the evening has grown dark. And your little lantern is the only light you have, apart from the lamps across the cove, like twinkling stars above the water.
But you've hardly sat down to eat when you notice a man leaning in the door frame. Crooked, gnarled, and weathered, the man could be thirty or sixty. He grins at Euna with yellow teeth. "Just taking in the view." His voice is gravel. "Didn't know someone else had moved into this little shit hole."
Euna turns to regard him, no effort to hide herself. "If you have the coin, you may do much more than just stare."
"She's for sale," you say. "Have your fill of her before heading home tonight." You turn to Euna. "Show yourself off."
Euna swivels on her stool to show him her front, legs open and breasts uncovered.
He nods his approval. "Nice body. Never fucked a bitch with skin that pale."
"Then come in," you say. "Fuck her however you want."
"Oh, I'll fuck the wench good and proper." He closes the door behind him.
Euna has hardly touched her stew before you two settle on a price. Coins change hands.
"I'll give you two some privacy." You take your stew.
"Then come in," Euna says. "We'll talk payment while I finish my stew, and then I look forward to seeing in what ways you'll rut me."
"Oh, I'll rut you good and proper, wench," and he closes the door behind him.
She turns to you. "You will give us some privacy."
There isn't anywhere else to go in this small dorm except to the loft above. You slide your stew up on the ledge and monkey your way up there. It's cramped up here among the broken crates, but you find a rolled up sleeping mat meant for berthing decks. It's not bad either. Hunkered down, you eat in peace.
Down below come grunts and rustles. You peek over the edge. He's laid on top of her, rutting her good and hard like he promised. She can hardly move beneath his weight, but accepts his crude fucking with dignity. He's quick to cum inside her, and he slumps over. You'd think he was done, but after a few minutes, he flips Euna onto her belly and works himself hard once again. He wants his money's worth, so you turn in.
Good thing there's a mat up here. You get the feeling you may be sleeping up here a lot.
It's late evening when a woman knocks from the back door leading into the hall. She's got her face done up in makeup, and she's wearing a short dress and cleavage-spilling bodice that only a whore would wear. "Hey, girl." She looks Euna over.
Euna smiles. "Hello, Hazal. How are you?"
"I've got a group of boys in my room who want to see two women together. Interested in splitting a trick with me?"
Euna rises, but then she looks to you. "Is that all right?"
"Go," you say.
Euna hurries to follow Hazal.
Euna springs up. "Let's give them a show to remember."
As the girls head down the hall, they go over ground rules.
"If anyone does any dominating, it will be me," Euna says. "And I'll fuck the men if they want me."
"Fine, but you don't get any extra for that."
"Of course not."
"This is my show," Hazal says. "You'll do what I say. And if they want to fuck you, you let them fuck you."
"Yes, ma'am," Euna replies.
You go to bed. You're asleep before Euna returns.
A twitchy old man comes by just before dark. "Is this where the shit whore lives?"
"Euna?" you ask
Euna gets up. "Yes. That's me."
"I'm right here," Euna says.
After payment, he gets her naked on the bed while you head to the loft. From his orders, he's just going to watch. You do too.
At his command, Euna kneels over her own pillow, and she's playing with herself and squeezing her own tits. The man watches with his own cock in hand. When she gets close to orgasm, she unloads, pissing onto her pillow and releasing a steaming coil of shit.
"Now," he says. "Get yourself off again by humping your pillow."
Clutching the sodden pillow between her legs, she presses her sex against the sticky brown mash and grinds, uncaring of the complete mess she's making of the pillow, her thighs, and especially her sex. She rides it like a young lover.
The stench fills the room. It'll be hell to clean up later, but for now, her cries go well into the night.
Once it's dark out, Euna goes to close the door, only for someone to catch it. He's a tall man with a waxed beard. "I hear you take it up the ass," he says to her.
Euna glances at you, unsure.
"Of course she does," you say. "Come in."
Normal women would scream if some stopped their door and said this, but not Euna. "I do. Care to come in?"
Once coins change hands, they get naked on the bed while you retreat to the loft. He gets her on all fours and takes her from behind. His grip of choice is her hair, which he yanks until filling her bowels, then uses his grip to steer her around to suck him clean. Then he begins plowing her ass again as soon as he's hard. Good stamina. You go to sleep long before he's done.
After dark, three sailors come in the door. "You're that slut who loves anal, aren't you?" they ask.
Euna blushes. "I... well..."
"Yes, she is," you say. "As long as you pay, she'll love anything."
"I'm that whore who loves anal," Euna relies. "You pay for the privilege."
"Right, sure. We want to fuck that ass all night, and we want a group discount."
After negotiation, a bargain is struck. Not long after, they've got Euna naked on the bed, on her knees with her front pressed forward so her face presses to her pillow, and her tits drag on the mattress. One after another, they rut her upturned ass like breeding animals. They leave Euna's gaped asshole belching.
"Let's take her back to our room at the tavern," one sailor says. "I want a few more goes at that ass."
"That's fine," Euna says, "but any other men have to pay."
The others agree. Euna doesn't get a vote.
They get her up and guide Euna out the door, stark naked.
"Don't spill a drop of cum from your ass," one of them says. "We're going to pump you full tonight."
After you and Euna go to bed, a neighboring man appears at the hallway door, lantern in hand.
"You're the whore who eats shit, right? I've got a job for you."
"Hmm, I'm intrigued." Euna sits up.
"Euna?" you push her out of bed. Tired, she gets up.
"Good." He pays up. "Both pots in the hall are full. I want you to clean them so I can use one before bed."
Euna groans. "Is that really what I'm to do?"
"I just need one," he replies.
"Don't listen to her," you say. "She'll do both. She's a toilet slut after all. Right, Euna?"
She sighs. "Right."
Euna hesitates. "I'm a whore, not a chambermaid."
"But I paid you to clean them."
"Fine, but unless you plan to stick around and watch. I'll just empty them into the cove."
"Alright, fine. I'll watch."
She returns much later that night. You feel her slide. She reeks.
"Did you do it?" you ask.
"Yes." She sniffles. "Both pots are clean now. They... they were a soup of sludge. So many flies. It was so vile. And he left me alone in the dark after I cleaned the first."
"Yes. Both bowls. They were a soup of sludge. So many flies. So vile. And after I emptied the first, he used it and left."
You roll over and feel between her legs. Wet. "And yet you stayed and finished the second. In the dark, on your hands and knees, slurping fetid shit-slop like a dog."
"You have no idea how hard I came," she whispers.
"Oh Lord," she whispers. "What have I become?"
Just before blowing out the lantern to sleep, a man comes peering through the door. "Are you that pain mistress people are talking about?"
"I am," Euna says. "Come in. Close the door. We'll talk."
You leave them be and head up to the loft. From the sounds of it, Euna bosses him around first with the pay, then sexually.
Later, his screams wake you. You peer over to find him tied naked to the loft post, sitting with his legs spread. Euna stands over him, stomping the ball of her foot against his balls while he wails at her to stop.
You'd think he wouldn't pay for this, but the man is rock hard. Before nodding off, you hear Euna's later commands. "How dare you climax before I gave you leave. Lick your disgusting cum off of my feet or you won't be leaving tonight."
Just before blowing out the lantern to sleep, a scarred and pockmarked man arrives. "I wanna fuck you, whore."
Euna sighs, clearly tired. "Very well. Come in."
You go up to the loft to sleep, and to listen.
"Now that I've paid you, I get to hurt you as much as I want, right?"
A long pause before she replies. "...yes."
Her noises keep waking you up through the night. You can't see what he's doing in the dark, but he's making her sob.
A scruffy, bearded man comes in from the dark just before bedtime. "I've got coin," he says, "but I should warn ye'. I've got a nasty streak."
"That's fine," you say. "My whore will do anything."
"Hmm?" Euna seems intrigued. "Let's find out if I can handle it."
He pays, and you retire to the loft, but just before you nod off, banging wakes you. The man is beneath the loft with Euna, and it sounds like he's hammering nails against the support posts. You can't see them, but you can hear Euna's ragged gasps of pain.
After that comes the fucking. Right up against the post, shaking the whole loft. You don't get much sleep.
You two are nearly done cleaning when a man comes knocking on the door. "Are you that that shit whore who'll do anything?"
"I am," Euna says. "Come in."
"She is," you say. "Pay me first."
You head to the loft to give them privacy. He starts simple, fucking each of her holes, including her mouth. Then he has her lie flat on the bed while he squats over her and defecates a coil of ropy shit, which he starts smearing over her tits using her pillow as a brush. From tits, he covers neck, and belly, and thighs. Then she rolls over for ass and back.
"Now I will go," he says. "Go to sleep now. Just like this."
After he's gone. You peek over. Euna is still in bed, caked in shit from her knees to her neck.
She's stroking her filthy sex. "Might as well stay up there," she says. "You heard the man. I'm going to sleep like this."
"If you want to." You crawl back to your bed.
"Don't worry," she says. "I'll have this all cleaned up by the time you're up."
She's staring up at you. "Do you want me to get cleaned up?"
"No," you say. "You heard the man. Enjoy your mess."
"Very well. I will."
You crawl back to bed. "But make sure it's all cleaned up before I'm up."
"Of course, my master."
As you try to sleep, her shuddered gasps punctuate the dark. She's playing with herself under the sheets.
At the end of the night, Euna strips naked for bed and gets ready to put out the lantern when voices approach. A man in a silk shirt passes the door with a woman under each arm. He's already found prostitutes, but he pauses at the door to appraise Euna.
"Hey girl," he says. "I just got into port and I'm throwing a party for myself. I've got coin for a third girl."
"Then she's yours," you say. "Euna. Looks like you've got a busy night after all."
"Oh. All right." She reaches for her clothes.
"No," he says. "Leave them off. You don't need them for the kind of party we're having."
After he pays you. He throws an arm over Euna and leaves the with the group.
"Are party with you all?" She eyes him up and down. "I'd love to." After payment, she reaches for her clothes.
"Oh, you won't need those," he says. "Not for the kind of party we're having."
"Very well." Stark naked, Euna departs with the group into the night.
You shut the door and blow out the lantern.
Later, as you two are about to turn in for the night, an unkempt sailor comes in from the night. "You whoring?"
"Yes, I'm whoring," Euna replies. "Come in."
"She is, yes," you say.
You head up to the loft to sleep. After they fuck, Euna keeps whininggroaning, and the man grunts with effort. You peek to find Euna sprawled on the bed, legs wide, hands clutching the mattress. The man fisting the bedsheet into her pussy, going up to the elbow to cram it into her womb. He's only just started, so why does her belly look so bloated already?
Ah, the pillows are missing.
As you two are cleaning up after dinner, a drunken sod stumbled into the door. "I gotta take a shit," he says. "You that toilet slut?"
Euna's shoulder's slump.
"Looks like you have company," you say. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."
Euna turns to you. "Leave us. I'll see you tomorrow morning."
You retire to the loft and leave her to deal with the man. Before turning in, you peek down. Euna is laid out on the wood floor. The man has his breeches off, and he's squatted over her mouth. She has to hold his ass to help him keep his balance. The stench of the brown slop he ejects into her mouth fills the apartment. It makes you gag from up here, but Euna struggles through it, despite her own retching and writhing.
After, the drunk wipes his ass with her pillow, and then decides to fuck her too. His warthog grunts keep you up a while.
Long after dark, Euna closes the door, and you both lie down to sleep, when someone knocks. Nude, Euna answer to find a man peering in. "I'm not too late, am I?"
"No, it's fine," you say from the bed. "Just take her outside so I can sleep."
"All right," he replies. "I just wanted a chance to rip that pussy of hers open." He pulls Euna outside. She glances back, apprehensive, as though she wants to protest.
"I suppose I can see you," Euna say, "but I'll tend to you outside so my manfriend may sleep."
"That's fine," he replies. "I just wanted a chance to rip that pussy of yours open."
"Oh my," Euna steps outside with him. "What exactly do you have in mind?"
But then he closes the door, and you don't hear any further. You're asleep before she returns.
You and Euna turn in for the night, lights out. But just as you two are tucking into bed, a light knock comes at the door.
Euna stumbles through the dark and answers. You hear hushed voices, and she steps outside. Door closes.
You've almost nodded off when she comes back inside. She snuggles up against you, hot and sweaty, and stinking of a man. When she wraps her legs about you, you can feel the sticky mess on the inside of her thighs.
Before dusk, a sailor comes by lugging a giant coil of hemp mooring rope. "I'm lookin' for the whore," he says. "Gotta job for her."
"What sort of job?" Euna ask.
He describes it. Not exactly what whores do, but she is well suited for it.
First, she strips and lies on the bed. The man feeds the rope into her sex, fisting it past her cervix into her womb.
Euna hisses. It's a thick rope, scratchy, and saturated in sea salt. That's the problem.
It takes him all evening to pack all twenty yards into her womb. It takes some real packing by the end, and she looks bloated beyond pregnancy.
Next, Euna rolls up on her shoulders so he can pour a pitcher of water inside her. Then she crosses her legs together to seal it all in, He rolls her over and begins fucking Euna's ass while massaging her distended belly, just to agitate the rope.
After, he'll carry her out to the pier and have her empty herself into the water, and to pull out twenty yards of freshly de-salted rope like a magician pulling a ribbon from his sleeve, but you don't stay up for that part.
Late into the night, you and Euna are settling down for bed. She's about to peel off her clothes when a rambunctious group of four men stop by the door. "Hey. We've all gotta take a piss. Is the toilet slut free?"
"She's right here," you say. "Euna? Go tend to these men."
"She is," Euna says, "but we will take this outside."
She departs with them. They take her down the pier outside your house. Once she kneels, and the first man starts pissing in her mouth, you shut the door and turn in.
Later, Euna slips in the door. It's dark, but you hear her strip—soaked clothes splat on the floor—and feel her flop onto bed next to you over the covers. Besides the stench of piss, she smells fecal.
"More than piss?" you whisper.
"Oh Lord, yes. Afterward, I asked if anyone needed to shit. They all did, and it was all loose and runny. My stomach is so full." In the dark, she guides your hand to feel her belly. It's bloated, and besides being clammy from piss, rancid muck has dribbled down her front.
"And you did it anyway?"
"Of course I did." She sucks your fingers clean, all the while playing with herself. "I'm a full-service toilet slut, after all."
"They all decided to use me to shit too. Oh Lord, it was all so loose and runny. My stomach is so full."
You feel her belly. It's bloated and clammy from piss, and chunks of wet, rancid muck have dribbled down her front.
"But you were right to let them," you say, as you make her suck your fingers clean. "You are a full-service toilet, after all."
"I know..."
A man arrives shortly after dark. "Is this where the size-queen lives?" he asks. "I want to fist her ass."
"She's right there," you point her out.
"I'm right here," Euna says.
When you leave them to retire to the loft, Euna is naked on her back upon the bed, knees to chest, while he works his fingers into her ass.
"Oh shit," you hear him say below. "Your ass is squeezing my wrist."
After some wet plopping noises of fisting, Euna speaks. "Now go deeper."
After some wet plopping noises of fisting. "Can I go deeper?"
"Yes," she replies.
Later, "Holy mother," he says. "I can feel the bend in your gut. I'm up to my bicep here."
"Go deeper," Euna says.
After some more fisting, "But can I go deeper?"
Last time you glance, he's up to his shoulder inside Euna's ass, and she's trembling from the stimulation. Then he gets to fisting her.
A big man comes lingering by the door after nightfall.
"Don't be shy," Euna tells him. "Sit with us."
"Come on in," you say. "Join us."
He sits at a stool. Euna serves him some leftover food, and though he hardly talks, he does keep looking her over.
Euna gets assertive.
You get things moving. "Euna, why don't you show the man's cock some worship."
Dropping to her knees before the man, she fishes his cock out and sucks it hard, then nuzzles it lovingly.
"I love your cock," she says. "Will you please fuck me with it?"
"Now," she says, "do you want to take me to bed and fuck me properly with this massive cock of yours?"
After payment, you retire to the loft while they fuck. Her moans go on a long while.
No soon have you two readied for bed than a well-dressed gentleman comes calling. "I've got coin," he says.
"Then this whore is yours," you say.
"Then I'm yours for the night," Euna replies.
You head up to the loft to sleep, but the loft keeps rocking. Peeking over, Euna on her knees, bracing herself against a support post while he's fist fucking her with both fists, sleeves rolled up. It's as though he's trying to tenderize her womb.
Then, "Ah damn," a newcomer at the door. "She's busy?"
"Oh, don't leave, boy," the man says. "See if you can work your other fists in beside mine."
More rocking, but you eventually fall asleep.
After a long day, you and Euna relax at the table, when a large, pot-bellied man walks in the door.
Without a word, he grabs Euna by the waists and bends her over the table, knocking dinnerware to the floor. He pulls her clothes aside to expose her rump, and taking his hard cock out, he pushes against her asshole.
Euna grips the table and pushes back. This portly stranger sodomizes Euna without a word exchanged. And he fills her bowels with cum unceremoniously.
"Did you enjoy yourself?" Euna asks archly.
"Please," you say. "Help yourself."
"I did." The man's voice is gruff, "but stay on the table. I'm going to give that ass another plowing."
"By all means," you say, "but let's talk payment first this time."
"Of course," Euna says, "but after you pay for the privilege."
He pays for the next bout, and you retire to the loft. As you sleep, you occasionally hear more dinnerware clatter to the floor.
The night grows late and no men come by the door. "Might as well turn in." Euna says. She peels off her clothes and heads into the hall to use the pot before bed.
Then a large burly man shows up and looks around. "Where's the anal whore? I want to fuck her ass good and rough."
"She'll be back," you say. "Come in."
You settle payment, and when you explain what she's doing, he grins with yellowed teeth. "Good. I want to surprise her."
When Euna steps in, he catches her from behind. She squeals in alarm. He throws her face-first upon the bed, pins her hands overhead within his giant fist, slaps a hand over her mouth, and forces his cock into her ass.
Euna stops struggling, but she casts you a baleful glance from the bed, and then rolls her eyes.
Euna struggles and cries out, but his strength surpasses hers. This stranger she hasn't even seen is going to have his way with her.
Euna stops struggling after a while. Her eyes roll back in ecstasy. This may be a ravaging, but slut that she is, she can't help but enjoy it.
Not that it really matters whether she wanted to or not. She's your whore, and she will let whomever you want ravage her ass. She'll know better than to complain in the morning.
Maybe she'll be cross with you in the morning, but ultimately, she knows she's a slut. Her ass is meant to be ravaged.
You head up to the loft and leave the man to sodomize her for as long as he wants.
As you're tidying up for bed, there comes a knock. A man leaning in the door frame leers at Euna.
"Do you want to fuck her?" you ask him.
"Hell yes," he replies.
"Then come in. She's available." To her, you say, "See you in the morning."
"Hello," Euna says, "are you here for me?"
"Hell yes," he replies.
"Then come in." She turns to you. "See you tomorrow."
Before you're even in the loft, he's got Euna bent over the table, fucking her hard from behind, grunting obscenely.
Once he's finished, there's another man waiting at the door for his turn. Euna won't be going to sleep anytime soon, but you will.
It seems like a quiet night, until a small woman peeks in the door. "Hello." She's not young, and not terribly pretty, but there's something cute about the way she chews her lip. "Are one of you the woman that all the men have anal sex with?"
Euna rises. "That would be me."
"I would like to... er... pay for you tonight."
This woman especially needs privacy, so you retire quickly, but you do glance down once they're going.
The girls are naked on the bed. The woman is lying flat on her back while Euna kneels over her head to let the woman dine on her asshole.
The girls are naked on the bed. Euna is on her belly, but with her legs tucked so her rump aims up. The woman is behind her, dining on her asshole.
"You've let men dump their cum in you lately," the woman says. "I can taste them."
"Now would you like to know how many loads of cum I have up my ass?" Euna asks. "Or can you tell that for yourself?"
You haven't had the door open for long before a man shows up. "Is this the place with the whore with the asshole that squeezes nice and tight."
"Find out for yourself," you say. "Euna. Get on the bed."
She obliges.
"Is that what they're saying about me?" Euna says. "It seems I have a reputation to uphold."
Payment doesn't take long. Shortly, he has Euna on her back with her knees to her chest, and he's sodomizing her hard enough to make her tits wobble, and her breath ragged.
One minute into their fucking, another man shows up. "Is the place?" And another man shows up after him. It seems people have been talking tonight down at the Siren.
"Boys," Euna says, mid-fucking. "You'll all get a turn."
"GentlemenBoys," you say, "you'll just have to take turns."
Euna may be up all night, but you go to sleep in the loft.
After dark, just as Euna strips naked and gets in bed, a man comes by and knocks on the open door. "This is where the piss-drinking whore lives, right?"
"She's right there," you motion to Euna. "Do you need to use her mouth?"
Euna sits up obediently.
Euna sits up. "Yes, that's right. Care to use my mouth?"
"Yeah. Outside though."
Euna climbs out of bed and leaves with the man. She doesn't come back that night.
Throughout the evening, no men come through the open door. You two get ready for bed. She strips her clothes off and departs down the hall to use the communal pots, but when she doesn't return, you investigate.
There's a man seated on the bench over the pots, breeches around his ankles. And there's Euna, sitting on his lap, reclining against him, and bouncing on his cock with wild abandon.
He's got her by the hips, and he's yanking her down hard enough to make her tits bounce. She's mewling like a kitten.
You leave them be. Euna returns after you'd gone to bed, and she nestles into the sheets.
"Were you paid for that?" you ask.
She sighs. "No. Sorry, but he wouldn't let me go until he was satisfied."
"I guess the pots aren't the only thing that are communal around here," you reply.
"I guess not."
"No," she says. "That was just one of the hazards of using communal pots in an apartment full of gruff sailors."
"Especially when you're naked."
"Especially when I'm naked," she agrees.
A greasy sailor with dreads comes in near dark. "Hey," he says. "I hear a real anal slut lives here."
You point Euna out. "She's right here."
"And here I am," Euna says.
You give them privacy the moment they're naked on the bed. He gets her face into the pillow and ruts her ass from behind hard enough to shift the mattress along the floor.
Afterward, you hear him talking. "Shit, girl. You've got one loose ass. Think you could fit my fist in there?"
"Only one way to find out," Euna replies.
"I think I can," Euna replies.
"I'm going to find out..."
"What do you care?" Oswold says. "Just stomp them when you see them."
"It's not exactly clean," Euna says.
"What do you expect? You got people living under a roof. They're bringing in food and living in beds. Find some place else in the cove that doesn't have a roach or two if it matters to you."
"Huh?" Oswold squints at you.
"You know. Good schools. Low crime? Friendly neighbors?"
He stares at you a good long while, and then he laughs. And you laugh. And he laughs harder, belly-shaking.
Euna doesn't laugh. "It's a fair question. What sort of neighbors do we have?"
"Your neighbors are whores like you. Or drifters. You got ships coming every day with men whose balls need draining. You got the Siren's Bounty just up the boardwalk. It's everything a whore could want. If you want to raise a good little family, then ye' got no business being in a slaver's cove."
"Some drifter whore," Oswold says. "Came on a boat. Lived here two weeks."
"What became of her?" Euna asks.
"They found her face-down in the cove."
"She drowned?"
"What about the people before her?"
"How should I know?" he bellows. "People come and go. They sail in. They stay. And they leave. Or they don't. I don't nose in on other people's business. Pay your rent and I won't nose in on yours either."
"Might as well," she says. "It doesn't seem like I'll have any home-callers tonight."
After cleaning up, Euna does her best to prepare the bedding. It's a stuffed canvass mattress stuffed with clumped feathers, and considerably larger than the mats at the Altar. "This might have been a nice mattress once," she says. "Probably belonged to a noble before some pirate looted it."
"That would have been ages ago," you say.
"Indeed. Look at the stains. How many countless women have bred upon this mattress in the last decade?" She sniffs the pillow, shakes out tiny droppings. "Not to mention the cockroaches and mice."
"Too good for a commoner's mattress?"
She sniffs the linen sheets and the mattress. Her nose wrinkles. "I'm not sure this mattress is fit for even commoners anymore."
"You'll get used to it. Come. Join me."
"I'm not sure this mattress is fit for even commoners anymore, only whores, but I wasn't complaining. Come. Join me."
After blowing out the lantern, you strip down and lie together. The bed does indeed have a deep saturated smell that you can only really appreciate once it surrounds you, and some parts of the canvass are stiff and crusty. It is, however, softer than the mats, maybe lumpier.
In the dark, Euna snuggles close. Chests together and legs entwined, you hold each other. Somewhere outside, passing drunks laugh raucously. Two people down the dock alley yell slurs at each other. The mystery woman in the building resumes fucking loudly, or maybe it's someone else this time. The whole building creaks from the wind, and the lagoon laps at the dock pylons. Something beneath the floorboards skitters.
"A home to lay our heads..." Euna mutters.
As you settle next to her on the canvass mattress. She lies above the covers naked. Despite no men having come by for her to service, she seems quite in the mood, if you are.
Bellamy smiles. "Is that so? Let's see about that." He nods to his men, and they swarm both of you. Euna screams.
Two men hold your arms, and another two hold Euna. The captain strolls up and lays a single finger upon her breast. "Look at that. It looks like I can lay a finger on her after all."
He tears open the neckline of her gown and fondles her tits at his leisure. Next, he rips her gown off,tears off her fishnet top to better fondle her tits. Next, he yanks off her velvet sash,tears open her bodice. Her tits spill out. He fondles them at his leisure. Next, he yanks down her skirt, exposing her, and he worms fingers into her snatch. Euna squirms.
"Are you liking this, lass? Good." He unfastens his breeches. His hairy cock springs out. "Because you're getting a hell of a lot more." He spears her cunt. She screams out.
You struggle against the men. Bellamy glances over in annoyance as he hammers her. "Take him under. Get some shackles on him."
As the men drag you below deck, you hear the captain ramble on while he rapes her. "After I'm satisfied, you're going to demonstrate for all my mates. Make sure we're good and happy."
You struggle against the men. Bellamy glances over as he hammers her. "Go on, boys. Have your own fun."
The men tear your clothes off. With all your limbs spread wide, you can hardly resist as the crew members rape you. You're able to peer past your captors to see Euna suffering a similar fate. After the captain finishes with her, he passes her off to the crew like he did you. Six men take a turn with you. It's hard to tell, but it looks like Euna has more circling around her.
She's their favorite, which is probably why they keep her on deck while they drag you below after a while and lock you up with the rest of the women.
For hours you can hear them up on deck. Euna screams out in misery occasionally, but less so in time.
A slave's life, it turns out, is dull. You spend your time packed in with other menwomen who care little to interact with you. The ship sets sail the next day. The slavers never do lock Euna up with the other female slaves,bring her down to join you, but over days, you hear news through the other slaver's gloating.
"I don't think that wench has had a single hour without a cock in her. Wonder when she'll sleep."
"You should try her ass," one would tell another. "It's tighter. And it doesn't pour cum like a river."
Sometimes they gloat to you. "You should have seen her. Danced naked on the table for the whole crew during mess. A lovely smile, hers. I can't wait to fuck that hole after the captain's done with her."
Gossip slows over weeks.
Sometimes they take you back up deck. Usually you don't see her while the men pass you around, but once at mess, you see her dancing naked on a table for the whole crew. She never sees you, drunk as she is. Bruises cover her, and she looks tired. Yet she has a smile plastered on her face.
Over weeks, they stop taking you out of the slave deck, but rumors still trickle down.
"She doesn't fight anymore. I think she likes it now."
"She spreads her legs for all of us. We don't have have to order her anymore."
Then comes the day that she visits you. She's wearing a gauzy silk slip like a noble's bride might wear to bed. Her hair is cut shorter, and she looks tired.
"Are you well?" she asks.
"Did you sneak down here?"
"No. They're letting me see you. But I don't have long. Tomorrow they're making port, and they're going to set you free."
"...but not you?"
"I'm going to stay with them. I've agreed to be their plaything in exchange for your freedom."
"For the rest of your life?"
"Or until they sell me."
"Euna, it's not worth it."
"I want you to be free. The land we're going to is strange, but it's not bad, they say."
She shushes you. "I love you. I always will, but it's done."
She kisses you, long and passionately. She guides your hands up her slip so you may fondle her one last time. Her cunt and ass drip with men's cum.
The next day, the slavers unlock you and guide you to the dock of a strange town. The captain is there to see you off. "Farewell, ladgirl. Best of luck to you."
He's got his breeches about his ankles as he fucks Euna hard. She's nude, and splayed out on crates wrapped in a cargo net. Another slaver stands to the other side and rapes her throat. For her part, Euna couldn't be more enthusiastic. She's squeezing the captain to her with her legs while hugging the other slaver's waste. She's far too caught up to notice you leaving.
And that's your last image of her, as the fuck toy for an entire crew of brutal slavers. And she's loving it.
Then comes the day the ship makes port again. The slavers drag the lot of you out to be examined by a crowd of robed men in turbans.
You're made to strip naked for their appraisal. They feel your breasts and tweak your nipples. Some finger your pussy. A few admire your cock and feel its length.A few give your clit a sharp pinch. A couple give your testicles a good squeeze. One leering man with piercings along his eyebrow buys you. He says he'll enjoy you a while before gifting you to his son.
Some check your teeth and body. And then one man buys a bulk of slaves, including you.
When you're led off the boat later that day, you look back to see Euna one last time.
She's on the top deck, splayed out on crates wrapped in a cargo net. The captain is fucking her from behind while she sucks off another before her. Bellamy gives you a smug wave. Euna never notices you. She's too busy fucking, and she's acting like she's enjoying herself. Maybe she is.
Good for her. Because that is her lot in life now. You need to worry about yours.
"Sir," you yell. "We mean you no harm." You hold your hands out in a non-threatening gesture.
He keeps charging. You stumble back.
His rapier plunges through your chest.
Pain lances through you. Distantly, you hear Euna scream, but already your mind is fading. The old man struck your heart it seems. You collapse. Everything fades to black.
It turns out drunken old hermits aren't much for diplomacy.
"I warned you not to lie to me again, thief." Damien comes around the table at you swiftly. You try to dodge, but his men push you back. You're face to face with him, and he spares no time in slashing his sword across your throat. As you crumble, Euna screams. Men pull her away.
The world fades to nothing.
"I warned you not to lie to me again, bitch. Men, take these girls to the pits."
You try to dodge, but his men swarm both of you. Euna screams and frets, but it makes no difference. Twelve men carry you across the cove to the slave pits, which is where the two of you end up spending the next few days together.
...until someone buys Euna. You hear the bidding from the pit. She went for quite a lot. Maybe you'll go for as much.
Dead end
Use the back button on your browser to go back and try again.
The overhanging canopy of the trees gives away to a glade. Here, the warm sun shines upon wildflowers and tall grass. In the very center upon a knoll is a solitary grand oak.
"It's beautiful here," Euna says. "Have you ever seen anything like it?"
"Not like this."
"I can't believe such a meadow is hidden within this nasty jungle." She sprints through the grass and twirls. Laughing, she turns to you.She looks about and smiles. "It's lovely, like out of a novel, where two lovesick souls would come to share secrets and gaze into one another's eyes."
"They'd come here to do something."
"Or something, yes."
She regards you. "Must you ruin everything? Not everyone is as obsessed with sex as you are."
"I apologize, Your Highness."
Wading through the grass, you move up the hill toward the oak, where you have a clear view of the surroundings.
To the south, the ocean is just visible over the tree line. Mountains are to the north.
You're in the glade. The sun shines on wildflowers. The solitary oak sits upon the center knoll.
"Why don't we relax here for a time," you say.
Euna smiles. "I don't see how I can say no to that."
You two lie together beneath the great oak tree. Her urine-damp skin is wet against yours. Her wet hair drapes along your chest. You speak of idle nothings and stare at the sky side by side.
You feel her shudder and glance over to see that she has a hand between her legs, fingers working.
"Playing with yourself?" you say.
She stops and sighs. "Even in a quiet peaceful moment like this, my mind drifts to sex. All I can think about is what degrading things you might make me do tonight.what depravity I might push myself to do next. I've become an insatiable slut. My life is for fucking now."
"Sometimes I wonder if I would be better off never returning home."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because I'm just your whore now. I can hardly be a tsarivna and serve you too."
You give her a kiss. "Don't worry. You will always be my whore, whether you're a tsaritsa or a dockside tramp."
"Because I'm a whore now. A chaste land like Ruthgar would never accept a whore for a tsaritsa."
You give her a kiss. "Then make them accept you. You are their tsaritsa and their mistress. Don't let the tsardom disobey."
She smiles. "You're right. I'll always be a whore now, no matter what I do."
"Can you believe that I was once a chaste nun?" she says. "I coveted my virtues like a miser and his gold."
"You've learned to be more generous."
"You mean promiscuous. I have daliances with whoever I please these days. I'm as much of a scamp as my sister."
"I'm not so sure about that."
"No? Well, with how far I've come, I'm sure it's only a matter of time."
"Goodness," she says. "These lands have certainly changed me, haven't they? When I came to these lands, I wouldn't let you see me sleeping. Now I find a thrill in exposing myself to strangers."
"You've become a downright tease."
"Yes. You've turned me into a lewd woman." She pauses. "No. I've let myself become a lewd woman. I can't lay it all at your feet."
"I still wish to go home, but I'm coming to peace with being lost in these lands with you. Thanks to you, this adventure has been my sexual awakening."
"That adventure has only just begun."
"I know," she regards you. "I know there's so much left for me to try."
"Growing up, I always dreamed of my true love," she says, "I spent my life saving myself for the day I would meet them."
"And here I am," you reply.
She smiles. "No. You are the farmboyfarmgirl a princess brings home to anger her father. You are my rebellion."
"You believe there is no love here?"
"A first love, perhaps, but I'm not fooling myself. You trot through life from one bed to the next. I am another naive girl who's virtues you stolen away."
"You're more than that to me."
"I hope so. You will always mean something to me, after all. You'll forever have my virtue."
"I prefer to think that I have given you your liberation."
"You certainly have been expanding my horizons. Sex is such a novel world to me."
"Why don't we relax here for a time," you say.
"And do what? Nap?" Euna asks. "We're supposed to be finding food."
"I think it's also important we don't stress ourselves out too much either."
"I'll stress less once I know we'll eat tonight. Let's keep moving."
"Why don't we relax here for a time," you say.
"All right. But we mustn't lose the day again." You both lie down together beneath the tree. You stare at the clouds until realizing that she's been watching you. When you meet her gaze, your eyes lock, and you can see what she's waiting for.
Leaning in, you kiss. Your bodies become one. Then, breathless, she breaks away for a while to rest her head on your shoulder. The rest of the world passes along, but this moment beneath the tree is left behind.
You must have nodded off, because the next thing you know, she's nudging you awake. "Come now. I think we've lingered long enough."
"Why don't we relax here for a time," you say.
"Why not?" she says, "It certainly is a pleasant day."
You sit and enjoy each other's company, basking in the warm sun and listening to the chirping birds. From here, Euna can look out at the ocean. It's soothing, though you know she watches in the hope that a boat might appear.
"In all this worry about being lost," she says, "it's easy to forget that we must still take time for ourselves."
"If nothing else," you say, "it was nice to get off my feet."
"Oh, I know." She whimpers and massages her calfs. "We do so much walking. My feet have never known such pain. But alas, we'll waste away the day here if we linger too long." She turns to look at you. "Don't you think it's time we got a move on?"
"It's strange," she replies, "but I won't judge, even if it seems dirty, and degrading, and probably quite difficult."
"You're no stranger to an animal's cock."
"Yes, thanks to you, but those were all for duty. Laying with an animal for the sheer pleasure of it is... well..." She ponders. "Not something I'm sure I'll ever do."
"I'll fuck whatever you want me to, no matter what species. I am yours to debase."
"Beasts hardly make fine lovers," she says, "but there's something about the sheer raunchiness of it that I can't resist."
"Striving?" she asks. "I am a dominatrix. Just not always. I am still quite naive in sex compared to the likes of you., and I happen to enjoy the way you push me. One day, I will stand above all in sex. I will hold the whip, and all will obey."
"I am yours to do with as you please," she replies. "Sex compells me, and you are a master of sex. That is why I have given myself to you, my master, fully and completely."
"What an odd question. I would think I would be. I am the tsarivna after all."
"When it comes to sex, I am a naive little girl that you have been taking advantage of. The problem is, I'm starting to like it when you do."
"Very well. What shall we do next?"
"My opinion is worthless. My body is yours to pollute in whatever disgusting, foul ways you want. Fill me with rancid shit. Infect me with diseases. Desecrate me in every awful way you can, because my body is a sewer."
"I am the queen of filth," she replies. "I live to pollute my body in the most disgusting, foul, and perverted ways imaginable. Whether it's with rancid shit or disease. I don't care if I get sick. In fact, the very thought turns me on. I know it's depraved, but I don't care."
"It doesn't matter whether I like it," she replies. "You have decided to make me your shit-whore, so that's what I am, a receptacle for waste, yours and others."
"What do you think?" she says. "I'm a shit-whore, and I'm the worst kind too. I chose to be a shit whore. Lord, I know it's sick, but I revel in it."
"Now that I've improved my hardiness with Lanx's fortifier, it feels like I need to challenge my constitution however I can, and now filth has become an obsession of mine. I can hardly get off anymore if the sex isn't filthy and depraved."
"I certainly have no problem with dirty sex. I even bathe less thanks to your goading, and now that I'm getting used to the grime on my body, I might be developing a taste for it."
"You've shown me the pleasures of anal sex. That's filthy, isn't it?"
"I've come to accept that sex is dirty by its very nature. Perhaps I'm curious to explore in what ways it can be dirty."
"This again?" she says. "I've made clear that I will no longer judge others if they lay with their own kin. I might even be inclined to indulge with them, but your daydreams of seeing my sister and me in bed together are just that: dreams."
"My thoughts are that my sister had better watch out when I get home. After all the naughty things you've told me she's done, I'll have no choice but to dominate her. She'll need to become my sex slave. Maybe then I can tame her feral ways. Or just use her for my own entertainment. We'll see."
"From my neglect, my sister has become little more than a strumpet who lets people take advantage of her. As her big sister, I have failed her. It's my responsibility to take her place and suffer for her. I will serve my sister in whatever way she wishes. That will be my penance."
"I expect my sister and I will become much closer should I ever get back. All these years she's been suffering sexual misadventures. As her sister, I should have been there for her, suffering those sexual misadventures with her."
"I still practice, but at this point I know my body is more pliable than any acrobats. I'm practically inhuman at this point with all the alchemy Lanx and Fira applied to me. Still, I wonder what my limits are..."
"I stretch twice a day, morning and night, and I'm still taking my Lissom Roborant religiously. And of course my cervix is now among the muscles I stretch. Shirina would tell me to give my poor abused pussy a break,"
"Quite well." Euna straightens out her legs and folds forward. Her forehead touches her knees and her hands extend past her feet. "Between my diligent daily stretches and Lanx's Lissom Roborant, I'm limbering up quickly."
"...And your other stretches?"
"Those are coming along as well. Though I approach those more conservatively. As much as I love to feel fists press inside me, I'd like my flower to remain tight when I'm not playing with it. I don't want it to permanently become a stretched out bag."
"It's intense. Every time you push your fist inside me, I'm reminded that that is not where fists are meant to go."
"I think the idea still scares me, but I do find my mind wandering sometimes. What would it be like?" Her eyes twinkle. "Maybe some day."
"I think it's safe to say that I enjoy being up on that pillory. Disciplining others comes naturally to me, but I still enjoy a bit of pain for myself from time to time. Thanks to the ambrosia, I don't have to worry about scarring my beautiful body, or my victims'."
"I think it's safe to say that I enjoy being up on that pillory. I get wet thinking about going up there again and suffering in front of all those people, and thanks to ambrosia, I don't have to worry about scarring. It means I can be made to suffer all the more."
"I had you tie me down and torment me. Clearly I've come around to it. Though I think I may prefer to be the one holding the whip.Though please don't be too rough with me. I don't want to do anything that would leave a mark, or else I might become a mess of scars."
"I'm certainly coming to enjoy rough sex. A little spanking and a hair pull adds a thrill, but I still doubt I'd be interested in any real sadomasochism."
"It's an intriguing idea, though I'm still skeptical that pain can somehow be pleasurable.
"I think I can handle myself," she says. "I know everything that you've taught me."
"Have you learned anything else?"
"I can deep-throat a man's pole now," she says, "thanks to that bizarre lesson that foreign prostitute gave me, but it came down to practice and hard work to master it."
"Not many people would practice the way you do."
"That wasn't all I learned from Gisèle," she adds. "She helped me realize what should have been apparent all along. Good fellatio should be wet and messy. I don't shy away from getting my drool all over myself."
"A good blowjob doesn't let dignity get in the way," you say.
"But unlike Gisèle, I've learned to let you set yourmen set their own pace with my mouth. My mouth is a just another hole for men to fuck. It doesn't matter how rough they are to me."I rather like having my throat fucked like it's just another hole, and it's my little way of being better than Gisèle. "
"I don't even think that old whore would let men do that to her."
"Thanks to Fira, I've also learned how to incorporate my tits into a blowjob. It's all about increasing physical contact."
"Your tits alone aremust be a delight to fuck," you reply.
"And of course you showed me the secret joys a man feels when I play along the rim of their ass."
"I usually just use my finger. I like that you always use your tongue."
"And you always go above and beyond by using your tongue."
"I've also mastered my own personal trick where I open my throat to allow someone to urinate directly into my stomach."
"And you're strangely proud of that too."
"That's all I know," she says, "but I'm always looking to learn more."
"How are your stretches coming along?""What do you think about fisting?"
"How do you feel about sadomasochism?"
"What do you think about sex with animals?"
"What are your thoughts on incest?"
You pull Euna down to rest beneath the tree, and you explore her body. When you pull her clothes away, she hesitates only slightly.
Once naked, she presses legs together, and crosses her arms to maintain modesty. "Well, it's your turn.""If I am to be naked under the sun, I think it's only fair that you be too."
You strip away your own clothes and relax back. Together, you gazed upon one another, her coiled and reserved, and you unashamed. You sidle close and pull her face to yours. She responds to your kiss with passion. Her arms remain wrapped, but as you caress and explore, she slowly unfolds. Her hands find their way to your body.
When she feels your arousal, it finally rouses her. She lies upon the grass. One legs hooks around your waist and pulls you on top, and like that, you're inside of her. Your bodies move in rhythm. Her arms and legs coil about you and pull you deeper within herself.
The vast world around you is forgotten as your joined passion rises to a peak.
When she feels your wetness, it finally rouses her. She unfolds and crawls upon you. Her legs straddle your chest. Her breasts hang heavy over you as her lips explore. Her breath tickles. You push her back so she's sitting in your lap, and she props back on on her arms and turns rests her back to face the sky. It's this moment of intimacy, with your lips upon her breasts that causes the rest of the world to disappear for her.
Your fingers upon her sex makes her breath shallow, and her cries reach the far ends of the glade.
Afterward, Euna basks in the afterglow, unconcerned about her nudity. Your cum leaks between her legs. "That was delictable," she says. "And to think that anyone could have seen us."
"Would you have liked it if someone had?" you ask.
"I don't know, but just the thought that someone might... It stirred me. My heart was racing."
"It aroused you, did it?"
She bats you. "Enough. I've already been naughty enough. Wait here. I'm going to freshen myself at the river." Naked, she strolls to the river for a quick rinse before you two move along.She reaches for her gownsashchemise.
"Hmm." She pretends to think about it. "I think I'd like that."
"Do you want me to tell you what it is? Or shall I surprise you."
"Surprise, of course."
"Then sit back down and close your eyes."
She does so and relaxes back. A small grin is upon her face.
You kneel over her and aim your dick.straddle her and spread the lips of your pussy. Your stream strikes her body.
Euna laughs. "You filthy little mandoxy..." She opens her eyes and watches as you move the stream along her body.
As you douse her breasts, she rubs her hands over them to massage your urine in. You cover her belly. When you aim at her crotch, she spreads her legs. Your stream upon her bare slit causes her to shudder. Moving on, you leave its lips glistening.Your stream upon her quim causes her to shudder. You move on once her pubic bush is matted with urine, with little droplets clinging to the hairs.
Once your stream dwindles, she lies back on the grass and scrutinizes you with narrowed eyes. "I am thoroughly soiled now, thank you."
"You're welcome."
"I suppose I should have foreseen that your surprise would be such a dirty one."
"I think you did."
"I may have had my suspicions." She moves to get up.
You two relax beneath the oak tree.
"That was lovely," Euna says. "I can't believe I'd ever let myself be convinced that this was a sin."
"I needed that," Euna says. "I feel like I need more, honestly, but we can't be here all day, can we?"
"Why not?"
"Don't be silly."
"We could..."
"Ohh," she sighs. "That was exhilarating." She roles over and plants kisses along your collar bone.
For just a while longer, you hold her tight.
Euna dozes for a time, nestled in the crook of your arm.her head resting on your breasts. When she wakes, she stretches sinuously and arches her back.
"Sleep well?" you ask.
The traffic grows until they're crowded so dense upon her vulva and rimrimvulva that there is more ant than flesh to be seen. Euna's breath has turned to short shuddering breaths. Her chest heaves. Though her sex is flowered in arousal, it's slowly sealing back up, as is her ass.However, her ass has been slowly recovering and eventually closes.Though her sex is flowered in arousal, it's been recovering its normal shape since its penetration. This traps many ants within her. Some manage to squeeze through her lips, but not nearly enough. Some, you see, are stuck in her secretions—a likely fate for the ones still inside her.
Euna's holes must be nearly depleted of syrup,The slime along her rim must be nearly cleaned up,Euna's oozing pussy has cleaned itself of the syrup, because the next time you check, most ants are gone.
Finally, Euna stirs. She stretches long and gazes at you with sultry eyes.
"Sleep well?" you ask.
"Hmm. I had the most enjoyable dream."
"What of?"
"Oh, how you'd love to know. Did I sleep long?"
"A while, but who cares?"
"We shouldn't waste the day here." Euna sits up and quickly notices the few remaining ants. She brushes them away. "It must be the daywither syrup. If I'd been here much longer, they might have swarmed all over me."
"Good thing you woke when you did," you reply.
Lightly, you brush the intrepid ants away. For a few right along her sex, you must pinch, but you get all that you can find.
Euna wakes some time later. She stretches from her hands above her head to her toes. "How long did I sleep?"
"Not long."
"It's time I bathed and got dressed," she says.
"No bathing," you remind her.
"Oh right," she says. "So I learn not to be so obsessed with cleanliness?"
"And because I've ordered you not to."
"As you wish."
"It's time we got dressed and on our way," she says. "And to prove that I'm not obsessed with cleanliness, I will not bathe."
"Taking my challenge seriously, I see."
"Of course. Though I hope you will tell me if my stench should become too much for you."
[Golden shower]: "Before you go, do you want to try something new?"
"Hey!" She lunges for it, but you dart away. "Give that back."
"I will," you say, "after you've come back from the river."
She latches on to you. Your naked bodies entwine as she gropes for her gownsashchemise. You keep it just out of her reach.
"Give it here. This isn't funny," she says, but when you don't she pulls away and fixes you with a stare. "You imp."
"It's yours as soon as you come back."
"...After I've walked through this glade fully nude?"
"Is it any different than being fully nude under this tree?"
"It's... I don't know. Flaunting."
"Yes," you grin. "It is."
With a lunge, she tries once more for her gownsashchemise, but you're too quick. "Very well, I'll walk this field." As she heads toward the river, she scoops up your pantstunic and leggings, and she tosses them into the oak tree. "And you get to enjoy climbing. Bare-bottomed."
Fair enough, but first you watch her stride through the tall grass. Her ivory skin is like a beacon under the sunlight. She sees you watching her, and with a grin, she slows to a stroll.
Her hand brushes along the grass tops. She twirls like a ballerina, for your pleasure and that of all the unknown eyes that may be upon her. Swaying her hips, she walks so that the feathered tips of the tall grass funnel between her legs and stroke sensually along her wet sex. Her head rolls back. Her hands caress along her belly, her breasts, her neck, and finally through her hair, which she fans and shakes wild, embodying the sexual essence of a forest nymph.
Her casual criss-crossing takes her past the forest line and out of view. You easily climb the tree for your clothes, and are doing up the lacestugging up your leggings when Euna comes back. She's just as sensual in her return—nude and utterly unashamed.
She ponders while putting her gownfishnetschemise on. "At the start of the world, there was a time when mankind walked as bare as the animals."
"So I've heard."
"I wonder why we all decided to wear clothes." She's lost in thought. "This is how the Lord Father made us. Perhaps we were wrong to don clothes. "
"You can be the first to stop," you say. "Toss aside your clothes and be nude forever more."
"You'd certainly love that." She cinches gown's silk cord.She ties her velvet sash around her waist.She tightens the laces on her bodice "No. I will not bare myself to everyone. For I must reserve my nudity. Only then can it be a treasure for those who I let gaze upon my body."
"I hope that doesn't mean you'll hide your nudity from me."
"Of course not," she says.
She pauses. "And why on earth would I ever do that?"
"They don't bite. They don't sting. All they want..." You slide a finger along her slit. " to bring some sweet nectar back for their queen."
"A few ants is one thing, but they'll soon bring their friends."
"I'm counting on it."
"Your strange fancies continue to be a source of amusement." She lets her legs fall open. An ant crawls along her vulva. More join it. Her legs twitch.
"Enjoying this?" you ask.
"They tickle."
The ants come and go. Eventually, over a dozen dot her thighs and groin. "I think that's about enough of that," she says.
"But they're just getting started."
"And yet I'm finished." She stands, brushes a few off. "Perhaps we'll indulge this weird desire of yours another time. I'm going to wash them off."
She does not take long.
"You and your strange antics. Very well." Euna lies back and leaves her legs spread. "This isn't exactly relaxing though. I can feel them."
Yet she tries her best. The two of you lie together beneath the oak tree. Ants come and go. Dozens dot her body, particularly her thighs and sex, but when one starts climbing up her neck, she's had enough.
"And enough of that," she brushes them away. "Amusing as this is, I think it's time we got a move on. I'll just be a moment at the river."
She returns shortly.
Between both of you, you soon have all the ants off of her.
"You handled that well," you say.
"You know very well I've handled worse."
"With all the debauchery I've gotten up to with you, this is hardly anything at all."
"I've done my share of gardening at the convent," she replies. "A few ants are always about. I should go clean the syrup from my nethers."
With one final check, she's clean of ants.
"They would swarm me!" she says.
"That's what I'm hoping."
After a pause, a devilish look comes over her. "Then I will obey.""This has been a rather disappointing experiment hasn't it?"
Euna sits with the anthill between her legs. Ants come and go from its top. Scooting forward, she rams her crotch against the hill. It collapses, and ants pour out. Euna is tense as though it's taking all her nerves to keep still.
Thousands swarm onto her. She takes a shuddering breath as though sinking into cold water, then she scoots down to make sure her crotch is in direct contact with the hill. The ants cover her pussy and ass, but the wave is spreading up her belly and down her legs.
"They're going everywhere," she says. "Hand me the syrup."
You do so. Euna scoops out a fingerful and slides two fingers into herself. Her pussy is now saturated with daywither ooze. "That should keep them focused." She wipes her fingers clean on her breasts, and after a thought, she makes sure to apply some to her nipples. "Now we relax."
"I can't believe I'm doing this," she mutters. "They're getting everywhere..."
"Then let's keep them focused." Scooping your fingers in the jar, you slide them into her pussy and make sure it gapes. The ants investigate. You wipe your fingers clean on her breasts, making sure to get some on her nipples. "Now just relax."
Euna lies back gingerly. Her breath is shallow. The ants keep coming until her crotch is a seething mass. It's as though she has a dense pubic bush again made of glittering, crawling insects.A carpet of shiny black bodies seeth within her pubic bush. A thick stream pour into her fisted holesfisted assstretched pussy.
"I want to slap them away so badly."
"Don't you dare," you say. "They're finding their way inside you now."
She shivers. "I can feel them..."
"Why don't you try getting some sleep."
She shuts her eyes.
"It tingles so much. It's taking a lot of discipline not to leap up and run away. They're getting inside me now, aren't they?"
"They are."
"I think I'm going to sleep."
"I'm going to try. It'll give them time. Come. Lie with me. Let them crawl over you as well."
You lie down and relax with her. Some ants have reached her breasts. Some scribble about her neck and disappear into her hair. She keeps her eyes closed., but breath is quickening. The stimulation of thousands of tiny feet upon and inside her erogenous zones builds her arousal.
You're dozing when she suddenly cries out. Her back arches. Her butt lifts off the ant hill. Her fingers dig into the seething mass of ants covering her sex, and she strums her clit.
And then she collapses.
"May I go get cleaned up?" she asks.
"Yes. Our experiment is concluded."
"I think that concludes our experiment. Don't you think?" she says.
"I think so."
Standing, Euna steps over you to head toward the river, but she pauses with one leg on either side of your chest.
...And she drops to her knees over top of you. Her groin teems with ants, and it's right by your face. A few ants drop onto your bodytits.
"I'm thinking I might sit on you," she says. "Right upon your face. I won't rise until you've buried your tongue in my flower and gotten me off. What would you think of that?"
"I'm not sure. I know I'd try."
She flicks her hand along her belly and splatters you with a dozen ants. You flinch.
"Hmm." She appraises you, even as ants crawl along her chin. "I think not. You wouldn't last."
"No. I'm tougher than you. I am the insect queen now." She gets off of you.
"Queen of ants, more like," you say. "There are other insects out there. Scarier ones. Will you be the queen of them all?"
"Perhaps I will."
She kneels over the anthill and brushes the carpet of ants off of her crotch. They rain down. "Go home now, little soldiers. Feeding is over." She's fastidious in disembarking as many as she can before making a quick trip to the river.
"How amusing you are." She flicks one of the ants onto you.
"They're harmless."
"Perhaps we should invite their queen for dinner then." Euna stands and cranes to check herself. I'm going to make a quick stop to the river to clean any I missed. Be ready to leave once I return.Let me stop by the river to wash off any I missed.
She departs and returns shortly.
You nudge her. "Euna. Euna. Wake up."
She stirs, stretches, frowns. Sitting up, she notices the ants swarming her body. "My my," she says. "My little friends are at it again." She lies back. "That would explain my dreams."
"What dreams were those?"
"Pleasant dreams." She slowly undulates her hips.
She seems to doze again. Her body twitches occasionally as the ants gather and explore her both inside and out. Eventually, the swarm subsides.
Once the swarm subsides, Euna gently brushes the rest off.
She stirs, stretches, frowns. Suddenly, she bolts upright. "Yah!" She slaps at the ants and clambers away.
"It's okay," you say. "They don't bite."
"They're everywhere." Stark naked, she jumps to her feet and bolts toward the river.
It's a while before she returns. When she does, it's clear she's taken a full bath. Her hair and skin is wet. Her thighs and nethers look scrubbed raw. "That was decidedly unpleasant."
"They were harmless."
"I'd like to see you be so calm when you've got a colony of ants crawling inside you."
"Those ants have good taste," you say. "There isn't a sweeter nectar in the world."
"A cute sentiment, but it was the daywither syrup they were after." She gathers her clothes.
She tosses on her clothes and walks to the river. You relax until she returns, when you both dress and get ready to depart.
Hold her gaze with yours, you lean in. Her eyes close before your lips even touch, and as your tongues entwine. Her taste, her smell, her warmth all envelope you. Even after you break away, you're so close that you feel her breath upon your cheek. Her eyes search yours, and occasionally she keep darting in for another kiss.
She's hardly had any experience with this, and it shows. With the passion tempered, her kisses seem furtive, as though each is stolen, like a candy that she can't resist taking one more piece. For ages you two lie together beneath the tree in silence, fances inches from each other, listening to each other breathe and staring into one another's eyes.
Finally she speaks. "I am troubled."
"I think," she replies slowly, "I'm starting to be happy."
"And that's a bad thing?"
"It is. We are lost in a strange land and living like hermits. This is not a life for me, and yet here I am, thinking not of my future." She pecks you with another kiss. "It's you, you know."
"Yes. You and your charms and your stories. You're tricking me into growing fond of you, and you should be ashamed of yourself."
"But I don't have any shame."
"Exactly." She grins. This close, you can see every way her eyes crinkle with mirth. "If I knew what was good for me, I would slip away one night and return."
"You wouldn't last a day without me," you reply.
She studies you, then gives one last kiss before nuzzling close. "No, I wouldn't. What a predicament I've put myself in. But come. We've wasted the whole day with fancy, and the light is fading. We really must be going now."
She rises this time. No more kisses.
"Of course they would. Many have tried, you included.but I am not one to indulge men so easily, unlike you.
"You have the finest body in all the land. Don't be afraid to show it off."
"Why don't you get naked. We'll see how you feel."
You peel off your shirt. Your shoes and breeches comes next. Naked, you lie beside her. "Simple. Care to join me?"
You yank off your tunic, exposing your tits. Your boots and leggings come next. Naked, you lie beside her. "Simple. Care to join me?"
"Am I your property now?" she asks.
"More like my trophy."
Her eyebrow arches. "Explain yourself."
"You are the chaste maiden. The beautiful princess. The most devout of nuns. Yet I have swayed you to my shameless ways."
"I see. Of all the men in all the land, you're the one who stole my virtue, and now you want all the other men to see."
"I have tamed the shrew."
"I see. You are the succubus who has tempted me to your sinful ways so you can claim my soul."
"Hmm." You bite your lip. "I like the sound of that. Keep letting me whisper in your ear, and maybe I will own you one day."
"Keep dreaming."
"So you won't do it?"
Glancing about, she unfastens her waist cord. "This is most inappropriate..." Next comes her gown.unknots her velvet sash and lets it fall away. "This is most inappropriate..." Next comes her fishnet top.unfastens her bodice. "This is most inappropriate..." Her chemise remains. She pulls it over head, leaving her nude. Immediately, she curls her legs to her chest and wraps her arms about herself. "Happy?"
"You're hiding yourself."
"Of course I am, and I'm not going to stop."
"As you wish, Your Highness." You sit next to her and recline back, unashamed, and you enjoy the feel of the sun on your skin.
"Fine, but let's see how long you can stay like that." You relax back.
Euna remains folded up, blushing and glancing about. Her lips are pressed tight to hide her smirk. Eventually she reaches her limit and pulls on her clothes. "That was naughty."
"I'm glad you were adventurous enough to try," you say.
She's still trying not to grin. "As though you would have left me alone if I hadn't. Now would you kindly get dressed?"
"Not very long," you say, "but we'll work on that."
She's still trying not to grin. "Why I let you talk me into these things, I'll never understand."
Relaxed beneath the tree, you pull her close. As your lips meet, you peel away her clothes until she's naked. Her leg wraps about your waist and pulls you close.
You two relax beneath the oak tree. Eventually, Euna's breaths turn to gentle dozing snores. At some point, she rolls off of you and flat on her back. In her sleep, she looks like an innocent nymph.
Motion catches your eye. There are ants on her thighs. They seem particularly interested in the the frothed mess about her worked ass and pussy.mess along the rim of her loosened ass.wetness of Euna's flowered gash. It still has a blue tinge from the daywither slime you used on her earlier.
The ants are tiny. You're certain they're harmless sugar ants. These scouts meander along the cleft of her labianavigate through the thicket of her pubic hair and investigate her vaginal secretions. These are just the scouts. Many more are sure to follow.
You two relax beneath the oak tree. After a while, Euna squirms. She sits up and examines her lap.
You sit up with her. "What's wrong?"
"Your ants are back."
A few have found their way onto Euna's thighs and are inspecting her loosened holestender assflowered sex. The anthill they're emerging from is only a pace away, and they're clearly attracted to the daywither syrup dripping from her crotch.
"So they are," you say. "Don't worry. They're harmless."
"I know they are. Doesn't mean I want them on me."
You dip your finger in the daywither jar and slide them along Euna's slit.
She regards you with a flat look. "This again?"
"They only want a little syrup."
"Is that so? And I suppose it would be too simple to put a few drops on their anthill?"
"I always could" You circle a finger around her clit, then slide it deep within her.
She shudders so slightly to your touch. "You are such a perverted little mangirl. Who would even think of something like this?"
"You're thinking of it now, aren't you?"
"Maybe..." she replies.
"Doesn't matter. Because I'm ordering you to lie back. I want to see what happens."
A sly grin comes over her. Obediently, she lies back. "Yes, my master."
Another level stare. And finally, she lies back. "I'll play your game for now. We'll let them do as they will."
You two relax, neither checking between her legs. Though she squirms. "They're getting inside me."
"What's it feel like?"
"It tickles. But not much. I can hardly feel them."
You both sit up. There must be near to a hundred ants swarming over her. They dot her pubic mound like specs of coal.Deep in her pubic nest they move. Hardly a coin could be placed upon her labia which wouldn't crush an ant, and occasionally, one will dart into her ass or sexasssex.
"I thought there'd be more," you say.
"It seems not, and I think we played this bizarre little experiment to its end."
After a few nudges, she rouses. "Hmm?"
"You've got a few ants on you."
She sits up and examines them. "Hmm. so I do. They must be attracted to the daywither syrup." She brushes them off. "Help me, will you?"
Ants drink the nectar and then meander home. You rest beneath the shade of the oak and doze a while for yourself.
When you wake, the sun has moved along the sky, and Euna still sleeps. You check in between her legs.
They're swarming.
Countless ants scribble about her thighs and belly, but they're most dense over her sex and along her asshole.anal There's hardly a spot to poke your finger without touching them. They drink of Euna's vaginal nectar and carry globules back for their queen.
More than that, Euna's pussy and ass still gapeass still gapespussy still gapes slightly from her recent fisting, and the ants have found their way inside. Lines of them disappear inside of her.
Euna twitches in her sleep from the tickling. Her legs tremble as though in arousal. In fact, it seems her sex has grown more damp over time.
You run your hand along her leg toward her inner thigh, raking her gown open to reveal her thigh, and then her buttocks. She corrects herself, only for you to hook the edge of her gown by her breasts and pull it aside.
You run your hans up her thigh. Her velvet sash skirt leaves her sex exposed, free for you to trace your finger aling her slit. She corrects herself, only for you to squeeze her tits through her fishnet top.
You run your hand along her thigh and rake her skirt, exposing her thigh, and then her buttocks. She corrects herself, only fo you to run your hand along her belly to the laces of her bodice. When you undo the tie, Euna catches your hand.
"What are you doing?" she asks.
"Enjoying the afternoon," you reply.
"Are you trying to undress me here?"
"There's no one around."
"Yes, but..." She looks around at the open plains and the broad blue sky. "It's so exposed."
"How is this any different from the altar? We weren't behind closed doors then either."
"The altar was hidden, and dark. Here, there could be a hundred eyes watching from beyond the forest. And what if anyone should happen by?"
"Then you'll be seen."
She narrows her eyes. "And why are you so bent on having me expose myself?"
"Maybe I like to show you off."
"Because you should be proud. Others should be lucky to gaze upon your form."
"Do you think you can get through to him?" she asks.
"We'll see." You sit by the bed.
"Good manKind lady," Vislav says. "I ordered you to leave."
"I will," you say, "but I have a tale I must tell you about one of your emissaries: a good man named Ivan."
"Yes? What of this man?"
"He traveled to a far away land to broker trade between your tsardom and theirs. He met with their tsar, and also with his wife, the tsaritsa, who was a beautiful woman with the most voluptuous body."
Vislav perks up. "Hmm?"
"When Ivan saw her, he knew right then that he needed to taste of her sweet honey. He cared little about the consequences. As it happens, during his stay in the palace, he had reason to visit the royal physician, and he mentioned to the man how he absolutely must sate his desires with the tsaritsa. The physician made him a proposal. For one thousand rubles, he could get Ivan what he wanted. Of course Ivan agreed, and so the next day, the physician snuck into the servant quarter and poured powerful itching powder into the tsaritsa's drawers. She soon came down with a terrible case of the itches, and the tsar sent for the physician. The physician examined her, and then proclaimed that her itching could only be cured through prolonged exposure to saliva of a man from your tsardom. Of course, the only man who fit that description was Ivan."
Vislav has a far away look. "I... I know this story..."
You keep going. "The tsar summoned Ivan for aid, who declared that he would of course help the tsar in any way he could. The tsar ordered Ivan to help his wife by sucking upon the tsaritsa's sweet flower. Of course, Ivan did, and her itching abated, because the physician had given Ivan herbs to chew on beforehand which acted as the antidote. After hours of treating the tsaritsa, Ivan was satisfied. The next day, the physician came to Ivan and demanded the money he was owed, but Ivan didn't care anymore. He already got what he wanted. So the next day, the physician once again snuck into the servant quarters and—"
"and he poured itching powder in the tsar's underwear!" Vislav laughs heartily. "And the tsar summoned Ivan for another task! I remember this story. When did I hear this?"
"It was at the Summer's Eve Celebration years ago. The banquet was set up in the palace gardens. The table was lined with stuffed ducks and toasted figs."
"Yes! Yes!"
"I performed before the court that day. Afterward, you had invited me to join you and your daughters for bread wine."
"I remember, you old fool. You had your cap and your bells. Your face was painted red and white."
"It was. I told you that story then. You laughed so hard you spilled your wine all over yourself."
"I performed a play of this story with a few of my fellow performers."
"That's right. I remember. And you, you scamp, you were dressed like a man."
"I was playing Ivan."
"And you tongued that voluptuous dame until she was shrieking, right in front of the whole court!"
"Everyone was hooting and laughing, you most of all. You spilled your wine all over yourself."
"...And Euna stormed off."
Vislav sobers. "Ah, yes. She did, didn't she? That girl is as beautiful as her mother, but she lost her humor to those sorts of stories. It was my fault. I should never have let my wife's sister take her away. That woman molded my little girl for her own devices. That may be my greatest regret."
"Oh, but Euna has changed, sire."
"She has?"
"Yes. You can ask yourself."
Euna wipes her eyes and smiles at him. "Hello, Father."
"Euna! My girl."
"Yes. It's me. And I have changed. I've seen through Aunt Margosha's manipulations, and I've banished her from the palace."
"Have you? Good for you, my child. Good for you. I always hoped you would come through."
"Thank you, Father."
He pauses and looks around, searching. "Your mother..."
"She's not here, Father."
His searching stops, and realization comes to him. "No. She's not, is she?" He looks around his bedroom, at himself, at his hands, and then at Euna." Through his sorrow, he smiles. "You're as beautiful as she ever was, you know that?"
Euna hugs her father.
"The tsardom will prosper in your hands," Vislav says. "I know this. Your reign will be as splendorous and remarkable as you are, my sweet child."
Euna clutches him tightly. "Thank you, Father."
Not to be cheated of a good show, you peer through the keyhole into the bed chamber. It has a perfect view of the bed.
Euna is kissing her father. Straddling him, she allows him to pull the hem of her royal gown up, revealing her knees, thighs, and finally her snatch. Vislav explores his daughter, feeling her legs and ass, sneaking fingers along her vaginal folds. Euna shudders.
"Such a lovely body..." He pulls his bedsheets down and pulls up his nightgown, revealing his stiff member pointing straight up from a dense cloud of gray hair. " Sit upon me, my wife. I must be inside you."
"Of course, my husband." Euna sinks down upon him. Both convulse with pleasure. Cradling her arms about his head, Euna rides up and down. Vislav hugs her close. He whispers in her ear as he kisses her neck.
It's touching in it's own perverted way, but only at first. Vislav grows excited. He tears open the bust of Euna's gown. Her breasts spill out, and he greedily sucks them. Grabbing her hips, he takes over by yanking her down upon his cock, hard and swift, while grunting like an animal.
With a final growl, Vislav forces his full length inside his daughter and shudders. Euna cries out and clutches him.
Afterward, Euna climbs off. Vislav whispers something to her, and takes his cock into her mouth and cleans him thoroughly. She corrects her gown, excuses herself, and exits the chamber to find you sitting patiently at a sofa.
You sit and wait. Noises come from the other room. Minutes later, everything goes quiet, and Euna emerges, looking ruffled.
She sits with you. Her gown is torn in the front, exposing her breasts. Bite marks surround her nipples.
"I've never known my father in this way," she says. "He's a whole different person, and it seems your stories about my mother were not exaggerated."
"What do you mean?"
"He told me of the things he wanted to do to me, or rather to my mother. They were decidedly improper requests. I've gained much insight into my mother's sexuality." Grinning, she bites her lip. "For whatever time my father has left, I think I'm going to grant as many of those requests as I can. Who knows what else I'll learn?"
Euna's coronation comes one morning three months later. The streets bustle with activity. The ceremony is to take place in the fields before the palace, where thousands have come from across the tsardom to witness their new tsaritsa—one they've heard so much about recently—and to see if the rumors are true about her, that she's a Godless slut who satiates her lusts with every man and woman to come through the palace. a shameless whore who quenched her appetite with her own royal guards. a sultry woman unashamed of her sexuality, who enjoyed dressing provocatively, and has many casual dalliances. a woman unashamed of her sexuality, as she made no effort to hide her relationship with you, her most trusted advisorfemale companion. a humored and cheerful womon, who seemed unbothered by rumors about her and you, her most trusted advisorfemale companion. a down to earth woman with open-minded views toward other religions and cultures. a chaste, godly tsarivna who has grown accepting of all peoples and culture.
The palace is no less hectic. Handmaidens decorate. Royal guards work to secure the palace grounds. Chefs prepare banquets. In the midst of it all, a guard informs you that the tsarivna requests your presence in the royal chambers.
It is there you find Euna before her mirror dressed in an ornate gown of exquisitely patterned silk. She glows with flawless, pristine beauty, her eyes lined black, her lips vermillion red. Her lady-in-waiting tends to her like a buzzing bee. She adjusts Euna's makeup, her hair, and makes corrections to her gown. Euna is left standing with her arms out while her lady-in-waiting decorates her.
"Oh, Sophie?" Euna regards the girl who fusses over her. Her hair is raven black. Light freckles dot her face.
"She came here from one of the court's noble houses." Euna says. "I don't think her family knew what they were getting their daughter into when they sent her to be my lady-in-waiting. They think I'm still a Godly woman who'd teach their daughter Godly ways. I've been teaching her, but quite rather the opposite. Poor girl." Euna strokes the busy girl's hair. "To think she was a chaste maiden when she started just weeks ago. I've already brought her along so far."It's quite an honor for her, even if I haven't been teaching her the chaste and traditional values they're expecting me to."
"She'll do fine," Aileen says. "I can tell she loves this job."
"I should hope so." Euna smiles at Sophie. The girl returns it as best she can.
Euna does not face her mirror, but rather stands so she may watch her bed, where her sister, Aileen, is currently copulating with two royal guards.
Her sister is on her hands and knees, and she's nude apart for her glittering jewelry and her makeup. One guard was behind her with a firm grip on her hips, and he roughly yanked her back upon his erect manhood. He's spearing her ass. The other guard kneels before her. He's got a handful of her hair, which he's using to force her mouth down upon his cock. Smears of Aileen's vermillion lip paint line his shaft. Her choked tears have created streaks in the white powder upon her face. Euna's austere persona is in contrast to the scene on the bed.
"This is quite a scene to walk in on," you say.
Euna replies. "Yes. I so badly need a proper rutting. Yet..." She gestures to all her finery. "All morning I've been getting ready. And I won't be free until after the coronation, so I've had to enjoy my sex vicariously by ordering my guards to molest my dear sister."
One after another, the guards finish. One pumps her asssex full of seed. The other holds her head down on his cock while he fires off down her throat. They shove her aside and do up their breeches.
"Thank you, Your Highness," they say to Euna. "It was most generous of you. Your sister is quite a treat."
"Of course," Euna replies. "You and all the guard have put in such effort for the coronation. In fact, if all goes well, take Aileen to the barracks tonight. All the guards deserve a reward."
The men grin and leer at Aileen, who's eyes are wide.
After the guards leave, Aileen sits up and wipes her mouth. Her cosmetics are mess. Her hair, which had been done up in a bun, is ruffled with errant strands about. She smiles upon seeing you.
The guards have Aileen pressed between them. They're fucking her ass and pussyher, both cocks crammed in her pussy in unison. Her face is done up in paint and powder just like Euna, but her frolicking has caused it to mess.
You near Euna. "This is quite a scene to walk in on."
"Yes," she agrees. "I've gone all day without a proper rutting. Yet..." She gestures to herself. "I can't do anything in all this finery. So my sister has decided to torment me by enjoying herself on my bed where I watch. It's frustrating."
The guards finish. Each fill her holespussy. Aileen keeps rocking on their cocks until they lose interest and shove her away. They fasten their breeches. "A good fuck as always," one grunts.
Aileen sits her bare ass down on Euna's pillow and eyes the men. She's still hungry and feisty. "If you see any other guards about, send them this way."
"There's no time," the guard says. "I just remembered why we came in here." To Euna, "Your Highness. The coronation is ready to begin. We await your word."
"Thank you," Euna replies. The guards leave.
"Awe," Aileen pouts. "And I was just getting started." She makes do with squeezing Euna's pillow between her legs and dry humping it with her messy crotch.
"Amazing," Euna says. "You managed to prevent even a single drop from landing on my bed. I'm impressed, Aileen."
Aileen smiles, though her expression is wane. She seems queazy.
Euna cups the cheek of her lady-in-waiting, who's been trying to ignore all this while adjusting the lace on Euna's gown.
"All these past weeks, I've been grooming Sophie here to be my chamberpot, and it seems Aileen is already leagues ahead of her."
Sophie blushes deeply and stares at the ground.
"Maybe you should be my chamberpot, Aileen. You seem to appreciate it more, unlike Sophie this morning." Euna glares at her handmaiden. "Perhaps Sophie can be yours," she says to you. "...and maybe Aileen's, and father's, and anyone's until she learns to be grateful for my royal dungurine." To Sophie, "My guests need cleaning."
The timid girl scurries over to Aileen, and after steeling herself, she licks the sludge off of Aileen's cheeks. Their tongues dance together. Then she works her way down to the brown droplets on her breasts. Once she's clean, Sophie begins the arduous task of tongue-cleaning your manhood. Aileen joins her in this. Your hard again by the time you're passable,matted sex. First she starts by licking clean your thighs, then tongues all the filth lost between the folds of your labia and inside your pussy. It's a most pleasurable cleaning which you could ride to another peak, but Sophie has her orders. She comes around behind you. Her tongue rasps along the streaked mess along your crack. Her job is quick and thorough, and soon she's back to making adjustments to Euna's gown.
The timid girl scurries over to Aileen, and after steeling herself, she licks Aileen's chin clean of urine. Their tongues dance together. Then Sophie works its way down to the rivulets on her breasts. Her tongue lingers on Aileen's nipples.
Once she's clean, Sophie turns to you. She tongue-cleans your manhood of all residual piss. Aileen joins her in this. Your hard again by the time you're passable,Her tongue runs up the inside of your thighs, scooping up rivulets of piss. She licks your slit from back to front. Her tongue stabs inside you several times, enough to get you worked up. If she kept this up, you could easily peak again, but Sophie has her orders. She returns to adjusting Euna's gown.
Aileen looks to Euna. "Did you enjoy the show? My belly is full of your lover's shit." She tilts her ass toward Euna. "Maybe you'd like it tonight once I'm done with it?"piss." She tilts her pelvis toward Euna. "Maybe you'd like your own drink after you're crowned?"
"...yes," Euna looks to you. "If that's what you wish."
"I do wish," Aileen say. "Maybe after you're crowned. we'll all bring you back here and fill your belly with our dungpiss. It'll help keep things in perspective for our new tsaritsa."
"Very well," Euna says, "but please, Aileen, you must get ready. You're both a mess.'
"Fine then." Aileen snatches Euna's pillow and uses it to wipe her face and breasts. The fine silk stains brown. Cleaned up, she's better able to attend to your messy ass and crotch. By the time she's done sucking matted clumps of shit from the base of your shaft, you're hard again. She sucks you off for a few seconds,After she's wiped the worst away from the folds of your thighs and sex, she dives in to run her tongue along your folds to clean the remnants. Her tongue focuses a little too long on your clit. Once you're shuddering, she gives you a sly grin, and returns to cleaning you with her mouth. You both should bathe, but no visible stains remain.
Aileen examines the brown smeared pillow. After a thought, she places it back at the head of the bed, straddles it, and strains. Her own log of shit slides out and coils upon the pillow. It creates a large, ripe pile. "A little present for afterward," she says.
"Fine then." Aileen uses Euna's cum-stained pillow to wipe the urine off your manhood, and then her face and chest. The fine silk spots with stains. She then resumes sitting on the pillow. Her legs squeeze it tight. Her gyrating hips grind her slit against it.
A dark stain grows on the silk. Aileen is releasing her bladder. Hips grinding, crotch rubbing, she's breathless with pleasure by the time she's empty. The pillow is soaked through. "Ooh, that's better," she says.
Euna watches, dismayed.
You address Euna's lady-in-waiting. "Don't clean that pillow. Euna is going to be sleeping with it just as it is. Understand?"
The blushing young girl nods.
Euna's eyes widen. "Are you now? Very well. I did say you could do anything. Though in the future I will be more specific. My sister is meant to be fucked, not loved. So do it. Treat her well, because after today, you will only treat her as a cheap slut who exists only for your gratification."
"Yes!" Aileen says. "Come here." She presses up against you.
"Aileen!" Euna admonishes her sister.
"What?" Aileen replies. "You said we would share everything from now on. You're not going to share the man you love with me? How's that fair?"
"I..." Euna stops. "Very well. Enjoy yourselves."
Aileen looks up at you. "Do it. Make love to me like you do to her."
You pull Aileen into your arms. Her lips meet yours. You fall onto the bed on top of her, and like that, you're inside her. The smallest mewl escapes her lips. Her limbs entangle around you, and you become like one body.
You fall upon Aileen. Her lips meet yours. Your limbs entangle. Her hands explore your body, caress your breasts, and yours slip inside of her. The smallest mewl escapes her lips.
She is her sister in so many ways—her hair, her smell, her skin, the feel of her body against yours. Yet she's different in such inviting ways. She's playful where Euna is mature—even in Euna's lust. She's adorable, relative to Euna's air of radiant beauty. But they share one crucial quality. Despite all the many lover's each have embraced, something more exists right here between you and her.
You both look to see Euna watching you with yearning envy.
It becomes clear why Euna plans for you to only treat Aileen as a cheap fuck. You will fuckhave sex with her sister many times to come, just as Euna will fuck so many others. In fact, together, you and Euna may rape, abuse, and humiliate Aileen in every conceivable way, but you won't ever love Aileen the way you love Euna.
...At least not when Euna can see.
Aileen flutters her tongue at Euna and pulls you closer. Euna's cheeks burn with humiliation. She can only stand there. Her own lady-in-waiting is a witness to this cuckoldingpassionate affair.
Yet Euna does nothing, for she still belongs to you. Aileen doesn't know it yet, but she will become your next conquest, and despite Euna's jealousy, she will help you bring Aileen into your fold of subservience, regardless of how she feels. Tsaritsa she may become, but in love and lust, she serves you.
It's that thought that brings you to climax. Aileen embraces you as her womanhood embraces your shaft. Breath, scent, and sweat mix together. After all is done, you find yourself reluctant to part from Aileen. Her eyes lost in yours, you see she has the same reluctance, but this moment cannot last forever. You leave her, breathless and sated, and fasten your breeches.tug up your leggings.
It's with that thought—along with Aileen's fingers inside you, her lips upon your breasts, and her legs coiled about you—that your peasure reaches a peak. Breath, scent, and sweat mix together. After all is done, you find yourself reluctant to leave Aileen's embrace. Her eyes are lost in yours, and you see she has the same reluctance, but this moment cannot last forever. You entangle from her and pull your clothes back on.
Aileen pales.
"Enjoy yourself," Euna says. "Feel free to use what's in my bedside drawer."
Aileen perches eagerly before you. "Hurt me! Don't hold back!""Yes! Do it! Use Euna's toy from the bedside."
The drawer contains several books, a few cloth handkerchiefs, and a large, fiersome leather cock that would put most men to shame. With it's many straps, you've soon got it dangling between your legs as though it were your own fearsome member.
You shove Aileen flat on the bed and fall on her before she can move. Gripping her hair bun, you press her face to the bed.
You force her legs open and spear into her cunt. Her cries are muffled by the sheet. This rape would hurt her much more if she weren't dripping wet. Her snatch squeezes your shaft as you grind her against the bed.The dildo is longer than her canal. You ram it against her cervix again and again, each time causing her to jolt.
You glance at Euna. Hungry lust is in her eyes as you violate her sister. Her lady-in-waiting ignores you as best she can. It's only a matter of time before that maid is made victim to acts like this. You'll make sure of it if Euna hasn't already.
Aileen humps back. She's enjoying this now. So pulling out, you redirect your cockthe dildo against Aileen's asshole and stab. Despite her being lubricated by the guards' cum, the penetration is still dry and painful. Aileen screams. She squirms but you pin her down. She can only clutch the sheets and endure. At the peak of her cries, you unfasten the phallus from its straps and ram it deep inside her until her ass swallows it whole.
After you've filled her with your seed, youNow that she's sobbing and begging, you remove the straps and leave Aileen just as she is: ravaged and exhausted. Yet in the aftermath of such ugliness, she's writhing her pelvis against the sheets, even as she sniffles.
"Quite good," Euna says. "Now leave Aileen be. She needs to get dressed. Don't you Aileen?"
"Yes, Your Highness," Aileen says, out of breath.
"Your Majesty," Euna corrects. "You might as well start getting used to it."
"Are you two quite finished?" Euna asks. "We haven't much time left, and I haven't even addressed the reason I called you in here."
Aileen lies back. "Okay. okay... He's all yours now."
"About time!" Euna says. "You need to get ready."
"Oh, relax, dear sister. All eyes are going to be on you today, not me. While you're giving toasts at the feast tonight, I'll be out-of-sight and out-of-mind... probably with a few lads."
Aileen musters the will to get up. She has a beautiful silk gown which was left crumpled beside the bed. Stepping into it, she pulls it up her body. It hugs tight to her form to just above her breasts. It's wrinkled. Her jewelry is crooked. In a mirror, she makes a half-hearted effort to correct her smeared face paint and mussed blonde hair, but it's a lost cause. The end result makes her seem young, almost childish, but absolutely adorable.
Amused, Euna appraises her. "That look suits you. Royal, but wild. I'm sure that gown will be torn and soiled by nightfall."
Aileen beams a smile.
Nearby, plopped on her bed, Aileen sits waiting. She too is dressed for the ceremony in a luxurious gown and makeup, though neither are nearly as intricate as Euna's. She's already done and just waiting on the tsaritsa to be. And she waves at you frantically when you enter.
"Keep your mouth open," you say. She does. You drop your breeches and turn your ass to her.
At first, nothing, and then her hands spread your cheeks, and her tongue runs up your crack. Reaching back, you grab hold of her hair bun and press her face in. Her tongue worms inside you.
You strain. A thick column of shit emerges. It slides between Aileen's lips. She tries to pull away, but you hold her in place. Though she chews and swallows, you fill her too quickly, and the column mashes and compacts in her mouth. Some drops into her cupped hands. Even when she retches, you keep pushing.
Finished, you turn to find the young girl's cheeks puffed out by your waste. A broken column of shit sticks out like a candle. You and Euna watch this slow mastication to the sounds of meaty squelching. The shit in her mouth mixes with saliva to become a brown sludge. Some dribbles down her chin and onto her breasts. Once most is swallowed, she bites up the slop lying in her cupped hands and begins consuming the final mouthful.
"Don't swallow," you tell her.
Aileen sense exactly what you want. She proffers her open mouth to you. It's filled with brown sludge, and the stench is nauseating.
Grabbing the back of her head, you press into her mouth. Your cock rams clumps of half-masticated shit down her throat. Sludge overflows down her chin and dribbles onto her breasts.
She's unconcerned. After a few of your pumps, she takes over and demonstrates her expert skill. She takes you deep down her gullet and tongues the base of your cock. Her gagging throat clenches your shaft. Her vermillion lip paint has completely disappeared under a coat of brown. Pulling out, she nuzzles your dick. It smears brown along her cheeks. Her eyes peer into yours.
Soon, you're filling her sewer mouth with your seed. She opens up to show the sludge river capped with white cream before swallowing it all down. In time, she eats most of the shit, though she still looks as though she ate a chocolate cake like a dog, and the smell of shit will linger in the chamber all day.
Aileen obliges. With her face aimed high, she lets the last pool of urine sit in her mouth, nearly to the brim. Like that, she waits, unable to move.
Taking hold of her head, you steer your cock down her gullet. Urine spills over her chin and streaks down her chest. She rubs it in before it can drip off her body.
She seals her lips around your shaft and begins to fellate you with expert skill. She alternates taking you down her throat and nuzzling the tip along her cheek. The urine smears her powdered face. Her vermillion lipstick stains your shaft. Her eyes gaze into yours.
You fill her mouth with your seed. She opens to show pearly ropes on her tongue. They float on a small puddle of urine which still remains unswallowed. Then she sends it all to her stomach and grins up at you.
"Certainly. Use her however you wish. I only insist that you let me watch."
"Me?" Aileen says.
"Of course," Euna keeps her head high as her lady-in-waiting powders her face. "And he is special to me, so you will do whatever he wants and make sure he's pleased. Understood?"
Aileen nods and kneels before you on the bed.
Euna addresses you. "This is the first time you'll be using my sister, isn't it?"
"It is," you agree.
"Then this will be a treat. One of many to come. What do you think you'll do for your first time?"
You drop your breeches.You peel off your clothes. "I think I'm going to..."
"Yesss!" Aileen rolls down the bed and presents her messy rump to you.Aileen snags your hand and pulls you into the bed with her.
"Right now?" Euna flusters. "Aileen, you must get dressed. We don't have time."
You drop your breeches.You peel off your clothes. "You're the tsaritsa, aren't you? You can make time. Just command the world to wait while I have fun with your sister."
"I'm not the tsaritsa yet."
"Oh, then I guess you can't order me to stop then." You direct Aileen to your cock. She licks and snuggles it to fill it with life.You direct Aileen to your sex. She licks and snuggles your clit until it grows into a cock.You crawl on top of Aileen. Your hands explore up and down. Her fingers caress your thighs inches from your sex.
"Are you really going to have sex with my sister? Right here before me?"
Aileen pouts. "You've told me so much about the fun you've had with him. It's my turn!"
"And you're going to watch," you say. "Don't touch yourself. We wouldn't want you ruining your finery. You'll have to go out before your countrymen all hot and bothered."
"You're evil." Euna whispers. She remains stock still as her lady-in-waiting works, but her eyes are alight with frustrated lust. "What are you going to do to her?"
"I'm going to..."
"...fuck her like a piece of meat.punish her with a brutal fucking.
Aileen stops shorts. Her eyes boggle.
"Interesting choice," Euna says. "Proceed, though do be careful not to make a mess of her. She is attending my coronation."
"Of course, Your Highness." You guide Aileen closer to your dick.You tug your leggings off. "I'll make sure she drinks it all."
"Oh, that's so dirty," Aileen says. "Do it!" She sits on her haunches before you, tilts her head back, and opens her mouth. She's ready to be your receptacle.
"Please be careful!" Euna says. "That's my bed. And Aileen, you're going to a coronation in a few minutes."
"Oh, good point," Aileen replies. "Let's make sure it all goes in my belly then. Fill me with your piss!"
You rest your cock against her lower lip. Her eyes gaze into yours. Her tongue tickles your tip.You hike one leg over Aileen's shoulder and press your sex to her mouth. Her eyes gaze into yours. Her tongue tickles along your slit. Your golden stream fills her mouth. She swallows, and you repeat. One loose trickle spills down her chin. It streaks her bare chest until she stops it by rubbing it into her flesh. Her hands explore downward to between her legs, and soon she's sawing her fingers inside of herself as she swallows mouthful after mouthful.
Soon your stream reduces to a trickle.
"Oh yes," She revolves toward you. "First, how do I look?"
Her dress reaches the floor, but it leaves her back and shoulders bare, and it dives down her front so much that her navel is nearly exposed. Her breasts seem they might spill out with one wrong move. The fabric itself clings to her body, showing off every curve and crevice.
Her dress is fit for a regent, though the neck dives down her front, showing ample cleavage. It's scandalous compared to her old wardrobe.
Her dress is as any regent would wear. Its fine silk reaches to the floor, but it's tight enough to accentuate her curves, and it shows her shoulders. Her lips are painted vermillion red, not something royalty would normally do, especially royalty with a Nimic background.
"You look beautiful."
She twirls. "This is the traditional outfit worn by tsarivnas during their coronation, but I've made some alterations. You don't think it's too much, do you?"
"It's perfect. Thousands have come from across the realm today to celebrate their new tsaritsa. They should see what kind of ruler they're getting."
"Yes, they should." She turns to the mirror and smiles, but only briefly. "This all feels wrong though. I shouldn't be getting coronated yet. My father lives yet. He lies in his bed while I'm here clambering for the throne."
"Everyone has agreed that your ascending the throne now is best for the tsardom," you say. "Your father cannot rule anymore."
"I know..." she says.
"Even Father agreed," Aileen says.
"But he knows not what he says."
"Which is all the more reason why you should take the throne now," you reply. "Allow him to spend his last days in peace. You've already been running this tsardom for months. The only difference between yesterday and tomorrow is you'll finally be able to issue edicts."
"Very well. You are right." She faces you. "Speaking of decrees, I've been putting a lot of thought into what sort of reign I plan to have."
"And what have you decided, Your Highness?"
You enter Euna's chambers only to find that Euna is not is getting ready at all. She's laying upon her bed. Her coronation dress—a beautiful white gown—is bunched up around her waist. A royal guard is between her legs, hammering his cock into her cunt. Another guard is behind him, waiting while slowly rubbing his hard cock.
She doesn't see that you've entered the room, because her sister, Aileen, is squatted over her head. Her dress is bunched up as well, and she has her snatch pressed to Euna's mouth. Euna has her arms wrapped about her sister's thighs, pulling her down on her face. Her legs are wrapped about the guard, pulling him in.
Nearby is Euna's Lady-in-waiting, Sophie—a young woman with raven black hair. Hands clasped, she waits by her mistress patiently, though she watches Euna with furtive interest.
The guard groans and slumps over Euna. After catching his breath, he backs away, and the other guard steps on and take over fucking Euna.
Aileen notices you. "Oh, hello!"
"Hello," you say.
"We'll be done... soon," she says breathlessly.
"Take your time."
Aileen hardly hears you. She focuses on riding her sister's face. She grows more excited and grinds herself against her sister. With a shudder, she mewls in pleasure, then falls back and sits her bare ass on Euna's pillows.
The second guard shudders and fires his load into Euna. He stumbles back and refastens his breeches. Euna lays panting on the bed.
"Aren't you supposed to be getting ready?" you ask.
"I needed something to calm my nerves," Euna sits up and addresses the guards. "Thank you, kind men. I needed that."
They grin. "Always here to serve, Your Highness."
"Run along now," Euna says. "Perhaps after the ceremony, I'll come down to the barracks, and the rest of you can help calm my nerves as well."
"Oh!" Aileen pipes in. "I'd like to come!"
"And her too," Euna says.
"We aim to please." The guards bow and depart.
Sophie steps forward with a rag and tries to clean Euna's cum-soaked snatch. Euna bats her away and stands.
"But Your Highness," Sophie pleads. "You'll stain your dress. The coronation is in a few minutes."
"It's fine." Euna corrects her gown. It's made of transparent silk which shows Euna's lovely body beneath as well as her lack of any underwear. "I should be crowned with seed running down my thighs. It's fitting."
"Yes, Your Highness." Though this doesn't stop Sophie from correcting Euna's hair and wiping away the glistening juice covering her face.
"Enough of that," Euna bats her away again. "Go inform the guard that I'll be down momentarily."
"Yes," Sophie hurries from the room.
The opulence of the royal chambers are unlike any you've enjoyed before. Now that Euna has granted you peerage before the court, it violates no customs when Euna brings you along with her to visit her father.
Tsar Vislav is a sad sight since you've last saw him. He lies upon his massive bed, propped up by pillows, dressed in a nightgown instead of his usual splendor. He seems older than you ever remember. His hair which last had remnants of his old blonde, is now completely white. His beard is long and unkempt, and his skin pallid.
"Who's there?" he calls as you and Euna enter. "Is it supper already?"
Euna comes around the bed and sits beside him. "No, Father. It's me." She hugs him quickly and kisses his cheek.
Though confused, he looks upon her and smiles. "Oh, my Lord. It has been so long since I've seen you so beautiful. I've been calling for you for ages. Wherever have you been?"
"I've been on a fantastic journey, Father. I ran away from home because I was afraid of my responsibilities, but I've returned, and I'm ready. I've learned so much about the world."
"That sounds wonderful, Dear. You should take me with you next time you go. I've hardly been outside apart from the gardens. We'll take the horses, yes? A nice long sojourn. The tsardom can survive without me for a week, don't you think?"
"That would be lovely."
"And we should take Euna with us. You know how much she loves the horses."
Euna's smile falters.
Her father continues. "I thought perhaps I might gift her one of my prize stallions. She's old enough now that I think she could handle the responsibility. I hope Sweet Aileen doesn't grow jealous. Maybe it's time we have Mirco give her lessons? It will give the girls something to do together."
Euna looks upon her father sadly. She motions you closer. "He thinks I'm my mother," she says.
"Who is Mirco?" you reply.
"He was a soldier of my father's court, and a good friend. He'd retired to help care for the royal horses. It was he who taught me how to ride, but he passed nearly ten years ago." She sighs. "My sister warned me of this. He's grown much worse since I've been gone. He calls for my mother every day, and each time his heart breaks when she doesn't come. I should have been here."
"No," you say. "You would not be the woman you are today if you had not taken your journey. You'd still be Margosha's pawn. What do you think your father would have wanted?"
Euna looks upon her father. The poor man is hardly aware of this exchange before him, save for seeing the sad smile upon Euna's face.
"What's wrong, Dear?" he asks.
"Nothing is wrong," Euna replies. "I'm just happy to see you again. I've missed you."
"Come here." He holds his hands wide, and Euna embraces her father. He holds her warmly. "I'm always happy to see you too, Yelena." His hand slips down to rest on her bum, and he looks at you. "Leave us. I wish time with my wife."
Smiling patiently, Euna pulls his hand up to rest on her back. "Father, it's me, Euna. Your daughter."
He frowns, hurt. "Are you angry with me, Yelena? Please don't be. It's seems ages since I last saw you. I was worried I'd never find you again."
"No, Father. I..." She sighs, turns to you, dismayed.
"He is lost in his world," you say.
"I should stop. This is upsetting him. I only wish for him to be happy."
"I did, didn't I?" Euna leans and kisses him deeply. His hands explore her body.
Vislav spots you again. "Leave!" he bellows.
You bowcurtsie and hurry away.
Euna grins at you before you shut the chamber door.
You're in the solar—a sitting room which is still part of the royal chambers. As such, no one else is here. Through the door, you can hear muffled noises.
"Perhaps you're right," she says. She looks back upon her father and smiles. "Don't worry. I'm not angry with you."
"Good," her father replies. "Because it would break my heart if you were. You'll never know the true depth of my love for you."
"I love you too." Euna embraces him closely again.
Vislav's hands again creep down Euna's back to rest on her ass. He grins at her suggestively. "How long has it been since we've showed our love for each other, hmm? It feels like much too long to me. Join me in bed, my dear." He squeezes her ass.
Euna startles. "I think this role-play might get a little intimate if I keep this up."
Euna startles and pulls away. "This isn't working," she says.
"Then we should stop. Maybe I can help him see the truth."
"Then it gets intimate. You did say you wanted to make him happy."
Damien's men are already nearly done loading the boat by the time you both return the next day. His crew show you to your cabin. After, Euna returns top deck to watch as the men load the ship.
"I think I'll miss this place," she says.
"The cove?"
"This land. I learned a lot about myself here. I shudder to think about who I was before. I worry that I'll go back to being that person once we're back home."
"You won't. You're you now."
"And what if Ruthgar doesn't accept the person I've become? Maybe I don't belong there anymore. Maybe I'm meant to stay here, the place of my awakening. I've been happier here than I ever have been in my life."
"Are you having second thoughts?"
"I am. I couldn't be the person I am here back home."
"Why not?"
"Because it's a different world. This place is free and accepting of the sexual being I've become. Back home though, women are bound by their propriety."
"But you'll be the tsaritsa. You're the one who decides what is and isn't proper."
"I guess we'll see," she says.
The men finish loading. Damian comes aboard and nods to each of you. "And if you'll open the gate, we'll be off."
Euna turns to look to the mouth of the cove where the great leviathan floats. Eventually, the ponderous beast stirs. Its mass disappears beneath the surface.
In the morning, Euna is already up and about. She's collecting everything together in preparation for the trip home.
"Good morning," she beams a smile at you. "Your breakfast is ready. Eat quickly, I want to get a move on soon."
You eat while she packs. In time she finishes.
"I think I'll miss this place," she says.
"You will?"
She nods. "I learned a lot about myself here. I shudder to think about who I was before. I hope I never go back to being that person. A part of me is worried I will once we're back home."
"You won't. You're you now."
"And what if Ruthgar doesn't accept the person I've become? It's such a proper world. Maybe I don't belong there anymore. Maybe I was meant to stay here, the place of my awakening. I've been happier here than I ever have been in my entire life."
"Are you having second thoughts?"
"I am," she says. "I couldn't be the person I am here back home."
"Why not?"
"Because it's a different world. This place is free and accepting of who I've become, and I love who I am now. Back home though, I won't belong. They won't accept who I've become."
"But you'll be the tsaritsa. You're the one who decides what is and isn't acceptable."
"I guess we'll see," she says.
It's a short walk to the cove. Everything is business is usual today. The leviathan is gone, though Euna promises it's lurking just beyond the cove. Damien is at the docks. His men are packing a galley for a trip. He waves you two over.
Others are with him. A weathered old man dressed in finery leans against a walking cane. He studies you two with interest as you approach. A stout woman dressed in a tight-fitting tunic stands by with hands on her hips. Both of these people are pirates, and likely captains from their fine attire.
"And the clever two arrive," Damien says.
"Are we ready to leave?" Euna asks.
"We are. Full crew. Supplies for a trip there and back, with a little left over for some high seas fun once we're there."
"Hmm. Piracy in Ruthgar?"
"Ruthgar's trader ships are quite worth an extended stay if I recall. It is a three month journey each way. It'd be waste just to turn around once we got there."
Euna's eyes narrow. "Very well. Then we shall be off." She moves to board the ship. He intervenes.
"Hold on," he says, barring her way. The old man and the woman approach.
"Is something wrong?" Euna's hand moves to the jewel about her neck.
He sees this and grins. "There's no need for that, dear lady. I said I would take you there, and I will... if you still wish. But first I have a proposition." He gestures to the two behind him. "I'd like you to meet Rose and Klaus. Of the five pirate lords of the cove, they are the only other two who are present, besides me. However, only three are need to accept others into our fold. Rose? If you'd please."
The stout woman steps forward and presents an ornate box. She opens it to reveal two emblems upon a bed of velvet.
"You... want us to become pirates?" Euna asks.
"Stealing from the sorceress is not an easy feat," Damien says. "There isn't another pirate on this cove would could dare that. It was an act of thievery that I doubt anyone else here could manage."
"Not to mention that was quite a show you put on last night," says the old man, presumably Klaus.
"We've welcomed others into our cove for far less," Damien continues. "We'd be remiss if we didn't welcome you in. So how about it? Will you be the master of the leviathan and help take this cove to greater power? And you," he turns to you. "a true master thief. I can already tell you have the makes of a pirate lord. And you a pirate queen," he says to her.
"Oh my..."
"Come on, girl," says Rose. "There aren't enough women here. From what I've heard, you know how to handle these pirates the way they like to be handled." She leans close. "Think of all those men. All for you."
Enticed, Euna bites her lip.
Euna stares at the woman, bewildered.
"Think about it," Damien says. "A pirate queen with hundreds at her command, to do whatever you wish. That is your future."
Euna ponders this a moment before looking to you. "What do you think? We've come so far to get home, but..." She bites her lip. "Maybe we were meant to stay. I'm happy in this world. Accepted."
"Then we shall stay. And you will become the sultry queen of the pirates."
"I'm not going to rest until this tsardom is just as sexually liberated as I am. It's time for stuffy religions like Nim to fade away, and for people to love each other instead of some hypocrical Lord who judges us for our own desires. Our people will be free to seek whatever carnal pleasure they wish. No taboo will be frowned upon."
"Oh, my," Aileen says. "You make it sound like you're going to turn the tsardom into one giant orgy."
"Maybe I will," Euna says.
"That's amazing!"
"I've decided to encourage the people of our tsardom to stop being ashamed of themselves. Nim religion has had too much to say about our lives. We must stop being so repressed!"
"I love it!" Aileen says. "It's just what I hoped you'd say."
"I will not spread the word of Nim as my aunt taught it, through hate and intolerance. Instead, I will encourage the older ways of Nim, the ones that are accepting of others. Women will no longer be forced into marriages. Non-human species will no longer be hunted just for being who they are. I will make Ruthgar a tsardom of acceptance.
"Father would be so proud," Aileen says.
You step up beside her. "Perhaps it's time."
"Very well," Euna takes one final look in the mirror. "I suppose we should head down now." You and Aileen follow her through the palace to the great hall before the ceremony field. An announcer declares her presence, and the countless nobles applaud her coming.
Last minute preparations take place. During this time, all nobles, including Aileen head out to sit in their proper place before the ceremony begins. You move to do the same, but Euna catches you.
"Stay with me. For now." She glances out the great hall doors to the seething masses beyond, all here to witness her.
"A little. Silly, I know. All I need to do is repeat the vows and accept the crown."
"It's not silly," you say. "This is no small thing, but you'll do fine. The people did not come here to judge you. They came to witness their beautiful new tsaritsa."
She smiles briefly. "It's strange. For the longest time I knew this day would come, but I always thought it would be different."
"How so?"
"I thought Margosha would be by my side."
"I'm glad that's not true."
"Me too, but there are other things. I thought this day would come much later, and that my father would rule for longer. I had hoped my mother would still be here as well."
"I know that wherever she is, she's proud of you."
"I hope so." She grabs your hand and squeezes. "I hope they're okay with the changes I plan."
Her hand stays in yours. You're both alone apart from a few guards in the far corners.
"I'm glad you're here though," she says, "by my side. I hope you always will be."
"Forever, Your Highess."
She pulls you close and kisses you passionately. Your breath intermingles. Your bodies press together. When she pulls away, she's slightly breathless, though she keeps her lips just inches from yours.
But her smile fades. She turns to face you fully.
"There's something I wanted to talk to you about," she says.
"Right now?"
"It's been on my mind. I've been thinking about this ever since we got back."
"What is it?"
"I could be an unwed tsaritsa, but I don't have to be. I still have a responsibility to my people."
"An heir..."
She grins. "Someone must be the lucky man."
"I've thought about whether I should break convention like my grandmother and be an unwed tsaritsa, but there's another way I might break convention."
"By marrying a woman?"
Her grin widens.
"You would have me be your consort?" you ask. "Why?"
"Because I love you, of course."
"But I am just a court fool."
"As though I care about that," she says. "I will marry whom I please."
"You are not a fool any longer. You are a dvoriane of my court, and it would be perfectly acceptable. What do you say, sirfair lady? Will you join me as I rule this tsardom?"
"Months of nothing but anal sex," she ponders.
"Except from me," you say.
"Hmm, might be risky. All it would take is one foolish lad to disobey my order and plunge his rod into my flower for me to conceive to the wrong man. Or perhaps I'll lose myself in a moment of ecstasy."
"You're saying that I should spend the next several months sucking off every cock I see instead of taking them into my cunt?"
"Yes, because that's what I'm ordering you to do."
"Then I will make my mouth available to everyone, but what if some man decides my mouth is not enough, and he rapes me. Of course I'm a cheap slut who deserve to be raped, but I'd be disobeying your orders."
"Don't deny it. You love sucking cocks."
"Oh, I very much enjoy a nice thick cock between my lips," she says, "but each cock will only enflame my passion, not douse it. Sooner or later, I'm bound to slip up and let some lad rut me in a moment of weakness."
"Then we'll fit you with a chastity belt."
"If that happens, then it will be up to chance. We'll never be sure of the child's father."
"Then perhaps we should strap a large phallus into your cunt to keep anyone from getting any ideas."
"Perhaps we should have the royal surgeon sew your cunt closed after I fuck you."
"Then I'll just stuff your cunt with waste after I fill you with cum. That'll deter them."
She looks at you, confused. "No? Why?"
"Because it would only get in the way of your fuckingsleeping with whomever you wish."
"A fair point, but I hope you'll always be there for me."
"Of course I will. Someone needs to be the devil on your shoulder."
"You should rule uncontested, just as your grandmother did. Marriage is a Nimic custom which you shouldn't feel obligated to follow. Besides, it's not like we won't be having sex anyway."
"That's a fair point, but I want you to promise to always be by my side."
"Of course I will. I will protect and serve you until my death."
A mischievous grin comes over her. "Maybe... I will give you my father's room. "
"Your father's? Won't that be your room after today?"
"No. I'll be moving into my mother's old room. It is more appropriate for a woman. My father's chambers make sense for you. It's closest, so you can best protect me.They're just as fitting for a ruler as my father's chambers. And I want you close to me."
"Then I will."
"...and didn't you once tell me about a certain secret passage?"
"Oh yes," you say. "The one your father used to spy on your mother."
"Of course, you are forbidden to use such a thing to spy on your tsaritsa, even if I'd have no way of ever knowing, and despite all the sordid acts I may perform within my chambers."
"Of course not. You have my word."
"Your words as a noble?"
You think. "How about my word as a fool?"
You lift onto your toes to whisper in her ear. "I promise nothing."
"Good." She grows serious again. "But even if I'm going to be a tsaritsa that never marries, I must still produce an heir..."
She looks at you, confused. "No? Why?"
"So no one will ever question who is the ruler of the tsardom. There will only be you, and your reign. Just as it was with your grandmother."
"But I still must produce an heir. Do you suggest I do so out of wedlock?"
"You will have to."
"I may be adopting a more tolerant view of Nimel's will, but that is still rather improper, and it sets a bad example."
"Your path of royalty has always meant that you would need to stray from Nimic custom. And so long as you stand alone upon the throne, you can exert Nimel's will unchallenged by any consort or politics."
"This is quite something to think about," she says, but her sly grin returns, "but if—if—I choose to do this, I would still need to produce an heir..."
"And I will happily be the father ofsire that heir."
"Remember when I told you about Bogdana and how she impregnated women with her alchemical dick?"
"You should graft your father's cock onto yourself."
"So you will host a tournament. The winner will get to be the father of that heir."
"And you will fuck as many strangers as possible when you're fertile."
"That's not a bad idea at all. And I think Luciena will like it as well. She speaks so fondly of her old academy. Now she'll be the swordmistress of her very own."
"Don't forget her crew," you say. "Most of those girls are Atajiri swordswomen too."
"It would be a place of their own to teach their own values." She ponders. "Across Ruthgar, young girls of nobles and commoners alike could go to this academy to receive education and discipline. Oh, I do look forward to seeing all those talented fit ladies in clean, crisp uniforms, standing with posture and poise. They'll make such amazing officers in my military."
"And with Luciena as their swordmistress, I suspect those elegant duelists might be as talented with swallowing swords as they will be with brandishing them."
Euna's eyes light. "Hmm. Wouldn't that be something? Though I'm sure it won't be many of them."
"Are you sure?" you say. "If Luciena's crew of swordswomen are any indication, I think damn near all of those girls will gain a highly developed sense of lust to go along with all that honor."
"It's going to be an academy, not a brothel. Do remember that Luciena's crew of swordswomen were only those loyal enough to her to join her in exile. They were particularly close. I imagine many of the women who come out of that academy will still have chastity and modesty among their virtues."
"And I imagine many more of them won't."
She grins. "I certainly hope so. I'd like to make an honor guard of Luciena's graduates, and I'll insist that the ones she selects for the duty are trained in the swallowing arts."
"Trained to swallow your sword? Or you to swallow theirs?"
Euna shrugs mischievously. "We'll see. I'll speak with Luciena after her investiture about funding such an academy. Do you have council for any other matters I have written there?"
"Good," she says. "I thought so too, though I was worried you might not think I was doing enough. I'll put in motion the change in laws as soon as I can. Do you have any other council for me?"
"I think so too." Euna turns to you. "is there anything else on that sheet you wish to council me on?"
"I could," Euna says. "A Harlot's Day. A day when everyone must pay their respects to the women who give company to the lonely, and pleasure to anyone who wishes. Everyone will be encouraged to pay for a whore."
"Ooh, no!" Aileen says. "I have a better idea. It's a day when everyone is a whore!"
You both look at her, confused.
"What do you mean?" Euna says.
"If anyone offers you money on Harlot's Day, you have to have sex with them. What better way to make people understand what whores go through?"
"Even wives and mothers would have to participate?"
Euna thinks about it. "I like it. But it would be a challenge to make it catch on. I'm sure many people will refuse to play along, and we certainly can't punish them for that."
"Why not?"
"There'd be an outcry," Euna replies.
"All someone has to do is pick a high price," Aileen explains, "because deep down, everyone has a price. Even prudes would sleep with someone for a million rubles. This holiday would just help them realize that about themselves."
"Hmm. You're right. Everyone has a price. If they don't, they're lying to themselves."
"Hmm, perhaps. I still can't imagine locking people in stockades because they didn't want to participate."
"Will you and I be a part of this?" you ask.
"Of course," Euna replies, "I can't expect anyone else to adopt the holiday if weI don't play along. You will too, Aileen."
"Sure," Aileen says, "but you'll get a lot more customers. Everyone will want to fuck the tsaritsa. Do you think you'll set your price high?"
"Everyone will want to fuck the tsaritsa," you say. "Do you think you'll set your price high?"
Euna considers it. "No, I'll set my price low. It'll help the holiday catch on."
"Then you'll have people lining up out the palace door and through the town. People will come from across the tsardom."
"Then I'll have a very busy day."
Euna considers it. "Yes, I'll have to. Or else this palace will become a madhouse of people on that day. I'm sure I'll still get quite a few nobles who wish to enjoy my wiles."
"Yes, you will," you say.
Euna turns to you. "Is there anything else on that list you wish to council me on?"
"You're saying let prostitutes walk freely in the streets?"
"Why not? Just like adultery, laws against prostitution were started by Nim because they didn't agree with that behavior. You'll keep struggling women from being treated like outcasts."
"Perhaps you're right," Euna says. "It is not our place to judge what two other people exchange coin over. Though removing the adultery law is the first step. I'll wait a spell before legalizing prostitution to give the people time to adjust. Do you have anymore council for me?"
"Why not?" you say. "You've whored before."
"Oh, it will be great!" Aileen says. "You'll be the Tsaritsa of Whores."
Enticed, Euna bites her lip. "I like the sound of that. Very well. I will be the first whore queen."
"I don't think you'll be the first," you say. "But you will be the most prolific. You'll entertain any petitioner who walks in, and we won't hide it from anyone. Who could ever denounce a harlot when their own tsaritsa is one?"
Euna looks to you. "You sound as though you're already my pimpmadam."
"I was always going to be," you reply. "I'll find your johns for you. Tsaritsa you may be, but when it comes to your second profession, you'll do as I sayI will be your mistress."
"What will this be like, I wonder?" Aileen says. "During the day, petitioners come to you to discuss livestock and militia, and at night, they come to fuck you like a sow. I hope I get to watch."
"...I was hoping you'd do more than watch," Euna says.
Aileen's face lights. "I get to be your partner in whoredom? Oh, this is going to be so great. I can't wait to make you suck a man's seed out of my muff. Maybe we'll get tied together. We'll have men take turns using us." She looks to you. "Will you pimp me too?be my mistress too?"
"Obviously I will. You never had a choice."
"And you'll put me with Euna? Together?"
"That will be up to me and your paying customers," you reply, "but probably."
"Yess," Aileen hisses.
"You'll have to charge quite a lot though," Euna adds, "or else I'll never get any ruling done."
"Then you'll need to make sure they get their money's worth," you say. "Let them do whatever they want, no matter how depraved."
She nods. "As you desire."
"Really?" Aileen asks. "You're going to let people do extreme stuff to usher."
"Yes," you say. "You'll endure truly disgusting, torturous, degradingsoul-withering treatment. And you'll make sure they're a satisfied customer."
"It's what I deserve." Euna faces you. "Are there any other items on the list you think I need council on?"
"But that will come in time," Euna says. "I must focus on now, which is why I summoned you here." She indicates a parchment on her desk. "I plan to start making changes as soon as I'm coronated. This is a list of some items coming up soon. As my most trusted advisor, do you have any council on these matters?"
You look the points over. Your tutoring hasn't been for long, but you're able to sound out the words.
"You're holding an investiture for Lady Luciena tomorrow?"
"Yes. As I promised her, I would reward her title and land the very first day I could. She's already returned from her visit of the territory she'll soon be governing."
"Oh? She's back?"
"This morning. She was just in here an hour ago to share with me just how pleased she is."
"That wasn't all she came in here to share," Aileen teases. "I got to watch. Euna was all dressed up so pretty, just like she is now. Luciena had her sit on the floor while she stood over her and dropped a nice long poop right down her—""They made me leave, but I know about Euna's promise. Can you just imagine it? Euna was dressed up so pretty, just like she is now. She must have been sitting on the floor while Luciena stood over her and pushed out a nice long—"
"Settle down, Aileen," Euna says, "but yes. It delights Luciena to no end knowing I'll be going through my coronation with her little gift coiled up in my stomach.""You shouldn't concern yourself with my more sordid affairs." She turns back to you, "but as I was saying, come tomorrow, Lady Luciena will be Her Serene Highness Luciena."
"My! You're making her a countess?"
"She is fit for such nobility. Her tutelage in her school of Atajiri made her master of much more than swordsmanship. She has a breadth of education that rivals our best academies. It also instilled in her duty and honor, grace and poise."
"Not to mention a fetish for shitting down women's throats."
Euna tries not to grin. "Perhaps the old Atajiri swordmistress instilled in her students a few dirty habits too, but even if I hadn't given her my word, I would be a fool not to secure her fealty to the throne."
"She'll quite an asset."
"Yes. Though I haven't quite decided how yet. As much as I've been thoroughly enjoying her company in the palace, particularly her regular visit to my chambers, she'd be wasted here, same with her crew, but I haven't any idea what to do with any of them."
"You should make her a captain in your navy."
"You should have her open an Atajiri academy here in Ruthgar."
"Yes. I'm abolishing the laws against adultery. Every man and woman should be free to copulate with whomever they wish. If a couple wishes to commit to one another, that's their choice. Though frankly I find it covetous to demand your loved ones love only you.I won't stop a religion from passing judgement on whatever they wish, but the law will no longer help them punish women for what they see as sexual transgressions.
"And prostitution?" you ask.
"I was thinking of abolishing those laws as well. I've grown a soft spot for prostitutes, seeing as how I was one. Those women should not be shunned.
"I was thinking of reducing the penalties on prostitutes. They should no longer be stone or branded. Those archaic laws were put in place by people like my aunt."
"I see."
She turns to you. "What do you think I should do?"
"I think you're already doing the right thing."
"You should abolish prostitution laws too. Let that be between a person and their church also."
"You should go further. Prostitutes should be respected and honored. You were one after all."
"Interesting idea," Euna says. "I'll be the mistress watching over a menagerie of royal courtesans. I will sell them to whomever I please, or give them to emissaries and dignitaries as rewards." She nods. "I like that."
"We'll have to find some women first," you say.
"Hmm." Euna thinks. "And they can't just be any women..."
"Recruit from the boyars and princes?" Euna muses over this. "Not a bad idea."
"Do you think they'll go for it?" Aileen asks.
"It may take me years of maneuvering, but they will. All the noble houses are already required to send a representative to the palace court. I'll just have them send a daughter or sister instead. That'll encourage them to hold whores in high esteem. Their attitudes will spread to the people."
"That's brilliant," Aileen says.
"Yes, it is," Euna agrees. "And it will help keep them in check when I control the fate of one of their own."
"My lady-in-waiting?" Euna taps a finger to her chin and scrutinizes Sophie, who has gone as still as a deer.
"Yes," Euna says. "I think Sophie will be my first whore." She cups Sophie's chin and has the girl look her in the eyes. "What do you think of that?"
Sophie is trembling. "If it pleases you, Your Highness."
"It pleases me very much. I think this will be good for you, though there is much I'll have to teach you before you're ready."
"Oh!" Aileen says, "May I teach her too?"
"Yes. You're certainly experienced." Euna points to both you and Aileen. "If either of these two ladies decide to impart their sexual wisdom upon you, you will be a good pupil and do as they say."
"I could also teach her a thing or two," you say.
"Yes. You certainly know your whores.""I'm hoping you will. After all, you did spend years of your life a whore." Euna points you out. "If he decides to impart any of his sexual wisdom upon you, you will be a good pupil and do everything he says."
"Yes, Your Highness."
Euna startles. "I hadn't thought of that. You have always been my superior in the art of seduction and debauchery. I figured you would be better suited in helping me train my courtesans and find them johns. After all, you were the one who whored me on our journey." She ponders. "But perhaps it's time for the student to become the master... Yes. You will take on johns for yourself as well." She nods in satisfaction. "Yes. I'm sure of it. I will be your mistress. It's how it was meant to be after all."
"Yes, Your Highness," you say.
She casts you an arched stare. "But don't think this means you're no longer my court jester. My court needs a debauched performer like you more than ever, and I would miss your beautiful dancing." She goes back to thinking. "Who else whould be in my menagerie?"
"Hmm," Euna ponders this. "A good idea. I can't very well demand the boyars delegate their own as prostitutes while showing my own family special treatment. I'll have to make an example out of you, Aileen. I'll sell you more than any of my other women. And I'll make sure you get the dirtiest and most perverted clients. You'll be used for sex day in and day out."
Aileen has gone pale. "Are... are you sure about this, Euna?"
Euna cups Aileen by the chin and smiles down at her. "I'm certain, little sister. From everything I've heard about you, this is what you were born for."
"I..." Aileen is quivering, yet there is no hiding the glimmer in her eyes. "If this is what you want—"
"It's what I command."
"...Then I will."
"Yes," Euna replies. "She is my sister after all. I won't give her out to just anyone."
Aileen relaxes. "Oh. I can do that. I think I'm looking forward to it actually."
"Of course," Euna continues. "This does mean you'll need to be the most comely and desirable of my women. A lady. You'll resume your tutoring. Etiquette, language, proper hosting..."
Aileen whines. "Do I have to?"
"Yes. And academics and arts as well."
"But why?"
"A most noble courtesan is not an uncouth, uneducated wench. You must be everything a man could ever desire—pleasing him with not just your body, but your mind, your wit, your manners. Everything."
"I... Okay. I'll do it." Aileen sits taller, remembering her proper posture. "I will be the best courtesan you could ever imagine."
"Good." Euna returns to standing before her mirrors. While Aileen still looks nervous, she seems quite at peace for someone who's just been condemned to a life of prostitution.
"Oh!" Euna says. "That's an idea. I could pass laws protecting prostitutes. I'll talk about the public service they provide for us. Hmm, but it needs more..."
"Oh!" Aileen says. "You could grant nobility to whores! We'd have them in the court."
"Oh yes!" Euna says. "I like that. A noble house of courtesans. But I'm still not sure it's enough to give them the appreciation they deserve." She turns to you. "What else should I do?"
"Turn the palace into a brothel. You'll be the madame."
"You could institute a tsardom-wide holiday in their honor."
Aileen cuts short. "...What?"
"Of course you will be," Euna says. "It certainly wouldn't be fair to the boyars if our house didn't contribute someone as well. In fact," Euna grins like a cat. "You'll be my prized whore."
"Your... prized whore?" Aileen asks.
"Aileen is still royalty though. She should only serve the highest-paying, most noble johns."
"You should give her to the most lowly and depraved johns too, to show your commitment to this law."
Three days after Euna's return, Reverend Mother Margosha Romanovna arrives at the palace. Euna waits to greet the reverend mother on the grand steps before the palace where both you and Aileen have joined her.
Margosha's carriage and her procession of guards stop on the palace road. Her coaches open the door and bow. Two sisters of Nim emerge first, dressed in fully-covering habits and wimples, they turn and aid the reverend mother in stepping out. She's exactly as you remember: a shriveled prune with fixed frown. Thankfully, her habit is just as concealing, despite it's over elaborate trim. Muttering to her fellow sisters, she strides forward toward the palace while eyeing the royal guards and subjects attending her arrival.
"I don't see why she had to come at all," Aileen whispers to her sister. "You could have sent her a letter."
"I owe her a face to face meeting," Euna replies. "She spent much time looking for me."
"She's only glad to see you back because she and I hated each other. She thought she should be regent in your absence. It took everything I could to fight her."
"Hush, Aileen."
As Reverend Mother Margosha nears, she puts on an ingratiating smile and bows. "Good day, Your Highness. I cannot express how relieved I am to see you home safe and sound." She bows again to Aileen, though her smile is more of a sneer. "And good day to you, Your Highness." When she faces you, she freezes. Her expression cycles through surprise, disgust, confusion, and wariness. "And... you."
"And me," you say.
Reverend Mother suggests retiring to the palace for a more private reunion, so Euna leads everyone to a sitting room within the palace. She bids you to join them.
This does not escape the reverend mother's notice. "I wish to discuss with you privately, Your Highness. Send this man away."
"I wish him to stay," Euna replies.
"A fool girl has no place in the discussion of royal affairs."
"He is no fool." Euna rests a hand on your arm. "He is a now a dvoriane of my court."
"...a dvoriane?"
"Yes. I granted his peerage yesterday, for his bravery in safeguarding my life in my treacherous journey. He is now a servant of this tsardom and my personal advisor."
"Personal advisor?"
Aileen snickers.
Margosha glares at her, then at you. She points an accusing finger. "This foolgirl is an exile—a sodomite and a deviantharlot and sinner! Do you know of his crimes?"
"I know of them all, and I have pardoned him. His service to the throne far outweighs any deviancypromiscuity he's guilty of."
"You don't know what you say, Euna. I had heard dark rumors that you had returned from your trip a changed woman, that you had strayed from your faith. And I see now that it is true. Look at what you are wearing!"
Euna wears a white royal gown intricately embroidered with designs. It's sleeveless, and the bust is made of transparent silk, revealing Euna's cleavage. Though the old Euna would never wear such a revealing thing, it's still conservative by the tsardom's standards. She insists she must transition her wardrobe over time to give the tsardom time to adjust to their coming tsaritsa's new tastes.
"You don't know what you say, Euna. I had heard dark rumors that you had strayed from your faith, and now I see that it is true."
"No," Euna replies, "I've simply learned that there are more important qualities than dogmatic adherence to ancient traditions and modesty."
"This is entirely unbecoming of a sister of Nim!" Margosha continues. "You would never have allowed this... this... fooltramp into your midsts. I cannot fathom what happened to you on your trip, but it is time for you to return to your values. Before you take the throne, you will return with me to the convent, where you will stay until you are a proper daughter of Nim, and repent for whatever sins you've committed. Then maybe—maybe—we can salvage your engagement to Grand Duke Vasilyevich."
"I will not be returning to the convent," Euna says.
"Do not be foolish, girl. You've strayed."
"I have strayed. I've seen the world now. I've encountered cultures and customs that you've sheltered me from so carefully. For the first time, my eyes are truly open, and now I am truly ready to rule this tsardom. Without you."
"What? Are you renouncing your faith?"
"No. I am still a daughter of Nimel, but I will follow his word the way I believe he wants us to follow it."
"I am Nimel's will, girl! You are to obey me!"
"No. I will obey Nimel. And his will is for us to love one another and be free. It is not to show intolerance, and to ostracize those who believe differently, as you have instructed me. He wants us to appreciate the beauty and pleasure of life, not denounce it as a show of faith. We are free spirits, each one of us, and he gave us the ability to experience this world for a reason. We should not feel shame for our experiences."
"You speak like the vile heretics who sully Nimel's word. Is that what you learned on this trip of yours?"
"Those heretics have been worshipping Nim in peace long before you formed your church."
"You can't do this! Grand Duke Vasilyevich—"
"I will not be marrying that man. He is a bigoted monster. I will find a suitor on my own who is worthy of being my consort, someone who will not supersede my authority. I will produce an heir once I am ready."
"I am. I've seen too much of the world to believe in those narrow and close-minded views. From here on, I am my own woman, and I will rule this tsardom as my father has, and as my grandmother before him—without the aid of the church."
"You can't do that! You swore an oath to our Lord Father Nimel. You can't turn your back on him now."
"I am if Nimel's will is that I marry Grand Duke Vasilyevich—a monster of a man who'd bring hate into this tsardom. I am if Nimel's will is that I produce an heir, only to condemn me for my lost virtue."
"If this is about Grand Duke Vasilyevich," Margosha says, "we can find another suitor. There are plenty of men you could marry who—"
"I will not be marrying at all."
"But it is your duty to produce an heir."
"My grandmother produced an heir without marrying, and she was a fine ruler."
"She was a whore and your father was her bastard."
"Watch your tongue, Reverend Mother. You are not above repercussion."
"If that's what my grandmother was, then so be it. I shall be as well—a whore queen who cares more for her people than for some silly God."
Margosha stares in horror.
"In fact," Euna continues, "perhaps this tsardom would be better off if they idolized their whores more than their Gods. A whore takes a man's coin and gives him comfort and release. A God takes our coin and gives us judgement and guilt for the very pleasures they instilled in us." She looks thoughtful. "I think maybe it is time for the age of whores, a tsardom of pleasure. It will serve us far better than the church ever has."
Margosha's face has turned purple with fury. Aileen is trying her best not to giggle.
"This is heresy!" Margosha's wild eyes settle on you. "It's you, isn't it? You've been corrupting her. You poisoned her with your sick, Godless ways. You whispered your lies. Manipulated her!"
Euna's tone sharpens. "That is enough, Reverend Mother Margosha. I no longer require your council. I will have the guards pack your belongings and arrange for your trip back to the convent. You may not return unless I summon you."
"You do not order me, girl. You are not the tsaritsa yet. While you were gallivanting about the world forgetting your morals, I was here holding your father's tsardom together."
"Yes, my sister has told me all about that. She is the heir to the throne in my absence, and yet you repeatedly assumed control of the tsardom's affairs, undercutting her authority. You were locking her out."
"I was doing this tsardom a service. Aileen is a foolish little harlot who has no idea how to rule."
"Hey!" Aileen says.
Euna rests her hand on Aileens arm, staying her. She addresses Margosha. "You are not, nor have you ever been, a consort to my father. You exceeded your station."
"My station?" Margosha is near hysterics.
"Yes, and you will leave this court. You may do so with dignity, or I will have my guards expel you." Euna claps, signaling guards to step into the room.
Margosha seems ready to snap at Euna like an animal, but she is cornered. "This isn't over, girl. I will denounce you. I'll excommunicate you before the people."
"Do as you will, Reverend Mother. Farewell."
One guard grabs her arm, and Margosha yanks away. She storms to the door, but before leaving, she mutters, "I will pray for you, girl."
The door shuts.
Aileen springs from her chair and embraces Euna. "That was brilliant. Did you see her face?"
Euna returns the hug. "Yes, Aileen. I was here."
"I've been wanting to say those things to her for months."
"Then why didn't you?"
"Because... she was just so... I tried, but I couldn't. I'm not a ruler, Euna. I never wanted to rule. I'm so glad you're home. Never leave again."
"I won't, Aileen. I promise."
And so the voyage begins. Euna has a private room next to the captain's quarters while you're bunked below with the crew. But most of your daylight hours are spent with her.You and Euna have a private room near the captain's cabin. The crew, besides Damien, included two dozen brutish men, all dirty and unkempt from hard ship work. Beneath the ship is the leviathan, following like a shadow. The only hint of its presence is the rare tentacle lapping the water's surface. No one forgets it's there.
"Oh, I'm sure," she says. "They told me about how Damien doesn't usually allow women on board his ships. They're not going to miss this opportunity."
Later that day, you find that the men haven't lost all interest. She's squatted down by the stern, sucking a sailor off while playing with her clit.
As you near home, the weather grows colder. You relentShe relents on her rule not to wear clothes, though come dinner, she usually ends up naked, sitting upon a table below deck so she can be the center of attention. The men fondle her just as often as they talk to her. The nights always end with her below deck with the crew. Though nowadays she comes staggering back to your room, bowlegged and stinking.
Then one morning morning, the Ruthgar coast comes into view. Euna returns to your cabin particularly discheveled. Streaks of cum are dried upon her chest. Her eyes are alight.
"Did you see the coast?" she asks.
"I did."
"We're going home today!" She cleans herself and dresses.
"Hmm." She grins. "Damien is particularly rough. Rough is nice."
The next morning, Euna gets dressed and cleaned up. She has a mischievous look about her when she departs your cabin. You can hear her knock on the captain's door down the hall. She speaks with Damien, then the door shuts. Minutes later, you can hear a rhythmic banging, and then her moans. The captain is entertaining her well.
In the morning, she returns to your cabin. She's naked, clutching her clothes to her chest. She sits on the end of the bed and cleans cum leaking from her pussy.
"Enjoy yourself?" you ask.
"That man has an appetite," she says. "Three times through the night he woke me. No words. He just forced me down and took me." She cleans more. "He's ordered me to warm his bed every night now until we arrive.""He's asked me to warm his bed every night until we arrive."
"Every night? I'll hardly get to see you."
"Don't worry. I'm yours during the day. He has to captain a ship after all. Although, he wants me to be available to him whenever he wishes, so I might sneak off occasionally."
"As long as you're okay with this."
"I care nothing for him," She climbs up the bed toward you. "I fuck him only because you want me to, though his cock feels nice. It's almost enough to satisfy me."
"You will. He has to captain the ship, after all. But I will rut with him whenever his lusts stir, which I imagine will be often."
"As you wish," you say.
"Don't worry. I care nothing for him." She climbs up the bed toward you. "It's only his cock I crave. It's almost enough to satisfy me."
"Almost." She pulls the bed covers away, exposing you to her. Her hands explore. "But I always need more..."
Over the coming weeks, Damien makes ample use of Euna. Her cries of pleasure emenate through the walls every night. At dinners, she's on his lap. He'll be groping her while singing shanties with his crew.
On the latter end of the voyage, Euna gets more shameless. For one dinner, she strips in the mess hall and dines with the crew naked.he gets shameless. For one dinner, he has her strip in the mess hall and dine with the crew naked. She sings shanties with her legs splayed over his lap while he fondles her sex. Her quivers and unexpected high notes delight the crew.
On the last week, she's made to climb under the table and suck him off while he eats.
By the last month, she's strutting about the mess hall stark naked, sitting in the laps of crew members and feeding them morsels of their food. Many hands get a feel of her. Damien puts on a good face about it, but when he beckons her to sit with him, his call goes ignored.
Soon, Euna would go missing in the evenings, as would other crew members. After rumors spread, Damien drags her to his cabin and bellows at her. The whole crew heard that fight, just as they heard it devolve into a loud fucking. After that, Euna disappeared with whomever she pleased. Damian would accept it, but then at nights, he'd fuck her particularly roughly.
On the last few nights, after much fondling and groping, Damien would pull Euna onto the table and fuck her before everyone. The crew would cheer him on.
Then one morning, the Ruthgar coast comes into view. Euna returns to your cabin particularly discheveled. Streaks of cum are dried upon her breasts. Her eyes are alight.
"Did you see the coast?" she asks.
"I did."
"We're going home today!" She cleans herself and dresses.
"I hadn't thought about that. What does become of us once we're home? I'm a princess, and you're a Fool.We are two women in love. That didn't matter when we were lost together, but it will back home, won't it?"
"I don't know."
She brightens. "But you're right. If this voyage could possibly be our last time together, then we should be frolicking with every chance we get. We'll hardly leave this cabin!"
"The crew might prefer it," you say. "I think they'd rather we stay out of their way."
"Then we will, day and night. We'll be ghosts to the crew." She moves up your body until her lips are by your ear. Sinking once again upon your member, she whispers, "My moans will haunt the ship."She moves down your body until she's between your legs. Her tongue dabbles upon your slit, and she whispers, "Your moans will haunt the ship."
For days, you and Euna hardly bother dressing, except to come out for meals. The men eye you two knowingly, as everyone has become familiar with the sounds of heryour combined unbridled cries.
At night, you sleep in each other's arms. During days, Euna is your personal mistress. She owns you, and uses you as she please, and what pleases her is to fuck,Euna is your personal sex slave. She pleases you in every way she knows how,you know each other again and again, forcefully, violently, slowly, or lovingly. On the bed. Against the wall. Even the hours you spend simply talking are spent coiled together, your cock nestled deep inside her. Your cabin comes to reek of sex.
One morning, you both awake to the sounds of cheers on deck. Nude, Euna pads to the porthole window.
"Land!" she shouts.
You scamper from bed and look with her. It's very distant, but indeed, a coast is in sight.
"We're going home today!" She cleans herself and dresses.
After three long months of travel, the day finally comes.
You're awoken from slumber by cheers above deck. Glancing out a port hole, you see what everyone else does: land.
You're still dressing when Euna scampers into the hold looking for you.Euna rouses you from your mat beside the bed."Have you seen? We're going home today!"
On deck, you watch together as the coast rolls by.
"I know these lands!" she says. "We're almost home."
The crew continue about their work. Damien comes up from below. Scanning around, he spots you two and approaches. "Welcome home, my lady."ladies."
"Thank you. I think I might actually miss you and your crew."
"I'm know they'll miss you," Damien says. "They've grown quite attached to our ship's lady." He looks over her attire—a silk gown, spread to hide everything below the waist. "I might recommend you dispense with your conservative attire."shameless velvet sash used as a skirt, and a fishnet top which leaves her tits exposed for oggling and groping.skirt, bodice, cloak, and boots. "I might recommend you change into something a little less conservative."
She grins. "As appealing as that might sound, Ruthgar is rather more conservative about their outfits."
"That's rather bold of you to say. We're in Ruthgar, the land of prudes, as you'd say.
"That may be, but you'll have a hell of a time swimming in that."
She startles. "What?"
"Do you think we'll be pulling into port? We're a pirate ship, my lady."
"You're going to kick us off the boat?" She looks at the water, and the sizeable distance from here to the shore.
"Don't worry. We'll get a little closer, but..." He leans in. "You'll be giving me that jewel first, yes?"
"Oh," Euna's hand instinctively rests over her necklace. "Yes. That was our deal."
He bows. "Good. We'll be in sight of a town soon. Be ready." He departs.
Euna turns to you. "We're going to swim?"
"It seems so."
She stares at the water nervously.
"Don't worry," you say. "I'll help you to shore."
"I'm still unsure about all this. I'll be giving this necklace to known pirates."
"We gave our word, Your Highness. Besides, they can't use it until they get back home."
"Why shouldn't it?" she says.
You step closer to her. "Think of all those poor women, taken from their ships, forced into a life of sex." You reach beneath her gownsashskirt and find her snatch.Your hand caresses her sides. Your breath tickles her ear. "Their captors will molest them day and night..."
She writhes with pleasureshudders under your touch. "Enticing as that sounds, I don't think I have the right to decide that fate for others."
She bites her lip. "I suppose I would be remiss to deny those poor women such an awakening experience."
"You certainly would."
She grinds her crotch against your hand.Her hand sneak around and squeeze your shapely butt."Maybe we should have stayed and become pirates. Teaching poor slaves a life of sex sounds enticing."
"You can do that at home, because you'll be the tsaritsa. Are you going to deny these pirates the same fun?"
"I know..." she says.
Grinning, she spreads her legs a little as your fingers slip inside her.She reclines her head back to revel in your kisses upon her neck. "Well, I might not mind a fate such as that. My sexual horizons have broadened, but to condemn others to that?"
"And what of the crew? After all the fun these people has shown you, doesn't it seem cruel to cheat them out of their bargain?"
"I don't know..."
"What?" She looks at you, confused. "You're saying we keep the jewel?"
"Why not?"
"They'll never let us leave without it. The only way we could escape is if we..."
"Use the leviathan against them."
"You mean to kill them all?"
"Would you rather they use it to kill so many others?"
She fondles the glimmering jewel around her neck. "I gave them my word. What kind of princess betrays her own oaths?"
"What kind of princess hands this kind of power over to pirates? If you hadn't threatened them with the leviathan back in the cove, they would have stabbed us in the back and taken the jewel right then. They still might do so the second you hand it over."
"I don't know..." She looks about at the pirates. "Killing all of these people after they've taken us this far. We've spent so much time with them."
"It just feels so dishonorable..." she says.
"It's up to you, Your Highness. Whatever you choose to do, I'll go along."
She's pensive for the rest of the wait. The land grows close. A city is in view. Damien returns. "It is time, my ladyladies. Time to say goodbye."
Euna begins her farewells. Euna hugs each crew member goodbye. Many take this opportunity to slip a hand into her gown and between her legs.openly grope her tits through her fishnets and finger her sex.slide a hand up her skirt. Euna doesn't make a fuss.
Euna begins her farewells. Euna hugs each crew member goodbye. Several pinch her bottom, but her admonishment is good natured.
Euna begins her farewells. She hugs each man and places a kiss upon ther cheeks.
Euna begins her farewells. She gives each man a hug and a warm smile, and she tells each how much she'll miss them.
Finally, the time comes, and you and Euna are by the edge of the deck.
Damien holds out his hand. "And now, my lady. The amulet?"
Euna takes the amulet off and stares at it, half poised to hand it over.
"Now, my lady." Damien isn't as coy as before.
She decides.
Grabbing you, she leaps over the deck. Damien and the others lunge for you, but you both both topple over.
You splash. Water surrounds you. You're unsure which way is up and down. Before you break surface, a powerful, sonorous rumble fills your ears. It seems to come from all around. In the black shadows below, a colossal shadow moves. Terror seizes your heart.
You're nearly surfaced when something grabs you—a tentacle about your waist. You struggle to no avail. From the depths of the ocean's abyss, it emerges, dimensions endless. What had appeared in the cove had only been a small part of it's true body. Beside it, the ship is just a toy.
The tentacle yanks you out of the water. Gasping for breath, you're suspended in the air well above the ship's deck. Tentacles emerge all around. The pirates aboard the ship yell and clamber for weapons. Swords drawn, crossbows loaded, they fight against the limbs slithering over the deck.
Euna emerges from the water. So many tentacles tend to her that she's practically sitting upon a throne of flesh. They writhe about her limbs and snake beneath her soaked clothes.
"Her!" Damien yells from the deck. "Aim for her."
Crossbow bolts stream toward Euna. A wall of flesh block the way, and the bolts stick like mere splinters.
Damien yells at her. "You bitch! Is this what I get for ferrying you across the ocean?"
"I cannot in good conscious hand this power over to criminals," Euna calls back. "I am sorry."
"There's a special place in the hells for backstabbing cunts like you! Kill her!"
Another barrage of bolts. Another deflection, and then the leviathan squeezes its prey. The ship buckles. Splintering wood showers the deck. Tentacles crush the pirates or cast them into the ocean. One snatches Damien about the waist and pulls him off the side of the boat as he beats fruitlessly at it with a sword. As the ship sinks, pirates struggle among a sea of wreckage, but feeling tentacles find them out and pull them under. Within seconds, Damien and his proud crew are no more. The tentacles slither beneath the surface. You and Euna are lowered into the water and left to tread in a sea of broken planks.
Her expression is truly miserable. "That was a horrible thing I did."
"It had to be done. Come." You guide her toward the shore.
She grins and snuggles up next to you. Her oder is truly wretches. Her skin is crusty under your touch. Her breath smells like cock. Yet she's still beautiful to lay eyes upon.
She drapes her arm along your chest. Her leg wraps around you. Your body responds.
Feeling your arousal, she delicately shuffles on top of you. Her snatch is greasy from other men, and you slide in easy.
"Slowly," she whispers. "Make love to me slowly. I haven't made love in weeks."
"No?" you whisper.
"No." She rides you softly. Her breasts press against your chestyours. "I've fucked, but not made love. I wouldn't want those men to make love to me, but I want you. Please."
And so you do. Long and slow, you have tender sex with Euna. You soon fire your seed inside her. Afterward, she relaxes on top of you,rests her face upon your breasts. Your cock is still buried in her, and your face is in her filthy hair. That's how you two sleep.
She nuzzles your neck. Her lips work down to engulf your nipple. Rolling up, you caress your hand along her side.
"Gently," she whispers. "Make love to me gently. I haven't made love in weeks."
"No?" you whisper.
"No." Her sex grinds against your thigh. Her breasts press against your chest. "I've fucked. Men are good for that, but they don't love me the way you do. The way a woman can. Please."
And so you do. Long and slow, you have tender sex with Euna. Your lips and fingers get her quivering in pleasure. Afterward, you hold her from behind, your face in her filthy hair. And that's how you two sleep.
"Ooh! I like that," she says.
"And you may never say no to any sexual advance," you add.
"But it's only fun if you don't say no to any sexual advances," you add.
The following morning, Euna strides from the cabin nude. The men pause their shipwork. They ogle as she leans against the rail and stares out over the ocean. She bends forward, pushing her ass toward the crew. No one is getting any work done.
Damian sidles up to her. "You seem to be rather underdressed today."
"It's pleasant weather. I enjoy the wind on my skin. I hope you don't mind."
"Not at all, but the men have their work to do. Let's get you inside and discuss your attire.
In the captain's cabin, their "discussion" takes a while. When the two reimerge, Euna has cum dribbling down her thigh.
"Men," Damien announces. "We have a charming young lady onboard. If you do good work, and I mean spotless work, she'll be waiting for you down in the crew quarters to give you a reward."
Their work becomes a race. People finish and hurry below deck. You don't see Euna again that day. The next morning when the men are at work, you find her sleeping in the back of the crew quarters upon a bed of blankets. The mess is amazing. She reeks. Her entire body is covered with ropes of dried cum. Her crotch is a raw, plundered mess. Her hair is sticky and matted.
She stirs when you approach. "How are you, my love?"
"I'm doing fine. How are you?"
"Exhausted. My crotch burns. My jaw aches. How long have I been down here?"
"One day."
"That's it? And I have weeks to go."
"Want to quit?"
She shakes her head. "No. That would be disobeying your rules. The men want me to wait here until they came back, but I wouldn't mind if they let me get some sleep." She grabs a nearby rag and begins wiping herself clean. "I'm sure they'll settle down after a few days."
Two men come into the quarters. They beeline to Euna while unfastening their breeches.
"All fours, cunt," one says. "We don't have much time."
Euna obediently rolls over onto her hands and knees. One man hammers her assholecunt while the other fucks her mouth.
"Hello boys," Euna gets onto all fours. "Taking a break from work I see."
Within seconds, one man is hammering her assholecunt while the other fucks her mouth.
The crew does settle down. A week later, Euna even comes up to the deck for fresh air, but never for long, and come dinner, she's always below deck, not to emerge until morning.
Except one night a month later, Euna creeps into your cabin and sits at the foot of the bed. You can smell her already. It's weeks into the trip. Neither Euna or the sailors have had baths.
Using rags, she wipes herself clean.
"Is everything all right?" you ask.
"Hmm? Oh, yes it's fine."
"You're not down with the crew?"
"Oh, they're all tuckered out. I thought I'd come up. I was missing you. That, and I need a real bed for tonight, and some rest. I know how unclean I am, so you may sleep on the floor if you wish. Either way, that bed is mine."May I stay here? I promise I won't climb into bed with you. I know how filthy I am. I'd just pollute your sheets."
"Nonsense. Come here. You're never too filthy for me."
"But think about what they'll do with it," she says. "As pleasant as they've been this trip, they're still pirates, and slavers. They will use this to extend their influence over their seas."
"Of their seas, yes," you say. "They cannot use it here. There are no women on board."
"And if they should ever decide to cross the ocean to conquer?"
"Damien has already said the pirates have no interest in these lands. Too far away and too dreary."
"So he'll never come here, but his kind will still rape and slave."
"Does their rape really bother you?"
"We should honor our agreements."
"Perhaps you're right. Perhaps we should back out of the deal."
As days pass, the boredom of a three month journey sets in. Neither you nor Euna are expected to do any work. Although you break up the monotony by doing a few chores around the ship. She offers as well, but the men insist on sparing her the work.It wouldn't be proper for ladies to do a sailor's work, they say. Euna tries flirting with them. They laugh and let her be.
On the second night, after dinner, you both retire to your room. Behind closed doors, Euna strips naked and practically accosts you with hungry lust.
After a bout of sex, she curls up between your legs and tenderly nurses your cockengorged clit and pussy with soft licks and kisses. "I can't stand it," she says.
"Too bad," you reply. "Don't stop."
After a bout of sex, she gets you hard again and rides you slowly, gently rocking your cock deep inside her pussy. "I can't stand it," she says without pause.
"You're free to stop."
She grins. "Not this. The voyage. It's so dull. At least on my last trip, I had books to read. Here, I can only wait. For three months. And why are the crew ignoring me?"
Afterward, she rests her head upon your breasts.cuddles you from behind. "I can't stand it," she whispers.
"Stand what?"
"This voyage. It's so dull. At least on my last trip, I had books to read. Here, I can only wait. For three months. And why are the crew ignoring me?"
"The leviathan. They're afraid of it. And they're afraid of upsetting it's controller."
"Then I guess you're going to have to entertain me all by yourself."
"I'd have thought with all these sailors on board, I could get up to mischief."
"If this goes on much longer I'm going to scream. I am a slut, and I'm not getting enough cock."
I can't stand it. I love you, but I'm going to scream if I go much longer without any cock.
You think. "Then how about..."
"...we spend this trip enjoying each other as much as we can. This might be the last time."
You give her a pillow. She settles down beside the bed. "When we get home. I'll be as clean as a princess should be. Then I'm going to properly thank you for looking after me this whole time."
Euna takes it off her neck. After final deliberation, she approaches, plants a kiss upon his cheek, and hands him the amulet. "Thank you for taking us home."
You both climb over the ship banister.
"And the secret to using it?" he asks.
Euna grins. "The secret... is that only women can use it." She leaps off the boat. You linger long enough to see Damien chuckling ruefully. He's been played. That amulet is useless to him here. He'll have no choice but to go home.
You strike the water. After surfacing, you help Euna to tread beside you.
"Farewell, my lady!" Damien calls. "In the dark nights I will think of you! Perhaps one day I'll return and steal you away to warm my bed."
Euna waves back. Together, you swim back toward the shore as the boat heads out to sea.
"That, I do." Euna sprawls upon the sheets the moment you're up. She's asleep before you've even made bedding for yourself. She's naked, above the covers, stained in bodily fluids, and dead to the world—this is not the visage a proper Nimic woman would ever show. Yet in her sleep, she's beautiful and angelic.
Though you'll need to wash those sheets tomorrow.
In the morning, Euna is up before you. She's sitting before the mirror naked, looking her body over. In the light, you see she's covered in bite mark and light bruises. Her ass and pussy is still irritated. Its bald lips are red and swollen.Her pubic hair is matted with crusty cum.
"You'd make quite the stir if you march back into the palace like this," you say.
She grins. "I shouldn't be this bad by then. The men are fucking me less each day. I think they're getting tired of me."
"Hmm," you say.
"Don't worry. It won't stop. You'll be servicing these men all month."
Soon, you're stumbling up the sandy shores outside the city docks. Euna staggers up beside you and drops to her knees.
"Home..." she says.
"Yes," you reply. You are finally home.
"For real?" the stableboy asks. "You can't really do that, can you?" he asks her.
She eyes the horse's cock speculatively, eyebrow arches. "We're going to find out, but get me an oil first."
She eyes the horse's cock apprehensively. "I... Maybe with some oil. At least the first time, please?"
Euna kneels beneath and first tongues his massive balls. His wet, slippery cock emerges, and she fastens her mouth upon the end as she works the shaft with her hands. Soon, he's at full mast.
She lies down upon a nearby hay bale, first on her belly, but she changes her mind and flips onto her back. You help out by guiding the massive cock against her crotch. When she rubs the tip up and down her slit, the horse catches on. He steps his forelegs onto the hay bale, each beside Euna's head, and lurches forward. His cock mashes against her pussy. It drags her forward before penetrating, and she has to brace her feet against the side of the bale, but it works. Euna whines, the horse snorts, and the penis forces its way in.
She's now fucking the horse. is humping clumsily while Euna holds herself in place, but she wraps her legs about his torso, as though embracing a lover. It takes several thrusts before 's cock finds its way past her cervix, but you can tell. Suddenly, it penetrates a hand's length deeper, and Euna cries out. With each following thrust, it goes deeper still, the horse hopping forward. More than half his cock is inside her by the time its battering against the end of her womb.The penetration is only getting about a third of the horse's meat in her. thrusts hard to get deeper, but there's no deeper to go. The pain leaves Euna whimpering and biting her lip.
It takes a long time, but soon the horse's cock swells. Euna cries out. Horse cum leaks out along Euna's stretched pussy lips. When the horse pulls away, his cock plops out, and a river of runny cum flows from Euna's distorted hole.
"Oh my," she mutters, out of breath. She runs her hand over her hole, slides four fingers in, and licks a scoop of cum off her fingers.
"Good?" you ask.
She nods.
"Hmm..." Euna eyes both horses as you ride along. "Another of your filthy thoughts."
"Yes," you agree.
She doesn't reply for a long while. You both continue your journey back toward the city. But just before it would come into view, Euna veers her horse off route. You follow wordlessly. It's not more than a few minutes before you arrive at the Glade nestled deep within the jungle.
Euna has dismounted and tethered Savior to the central oak tree by the time you catch up. She's whispering to it while stroking its snout. Lifting its chin, she kisses it on the nose. It laps her face with her tongue, and she giggles.
Once you've tethered your horse, she's worked her way down its body to its flank.
You come up beside her.
Her fingers stroke over the horse's balls. "What exactly was your filthy mind thinking of?"
Your attention turns to your horse, Crusader, whom you tethered to the tree. He watched in silence as Euna was with Savior. The great white horse already has his cock partially emerged. The pink flesh glistens.
Euna saunters over. "Oh, don't worry, Crusader. I haven't forgotten about you. You carried my Fool so admirably today. You deserve a reward." She looks to you. "And what do you think that reward should be?"
"Pleasure this horse.""Pleasure this horse too."
[Agnodine]: "Let's see the horse really fuck you."
"Let's see if you can get this horse to fuck you."
"Let's see you fuck this horse."
"Think you can take this horse up your ass?Take this horse up your ass."
It doesn't take a magician to realize that the "rare ingredient" Lanx uses in his hypnotic powder is none other than this ambrosia, only diluted.
The hypnotic powder has the same stimulating effect and causes the same malleability of the mind, according to the Mother Prefect. However, it doesn't sound as though ambrosia causes memory loss. That property must come from one of Lanx's additions, but perhaps if the hypnotic powder were combined with the substantial dose of ambrosia Euna has already taken, then the suggestions could be more extreme...
It's a theory worth testing. There's a cup of unfinished milk on the bedside table which presumably has ambrosia mixed into it.
"How are you feeling?" you ask her.
"Hmm," she moans. "Delightful."
You take the cup and pour in a dose of the powder. If she noticed, she doesn't remark.
"You look like it." You take the cup, and spin around, turning your back to her momentarily, so you can recline back on the bed with her, "and you haven't even finished the ambrosia they gave you. Let's not waste it."
Euna props up and takes the cup. She finishes the rest in two large gulps. You set the cup aside and lie down with her.
"We can stay here a while," you say. "You should rest."
"Thank you." She snuggles her nude body against yours. "Will you stay with me?"
"I'm right here." You hold her close. Her head nestles in the crook of your shoulder.
Eventually, her breath grows quick and heavy against your neck. You lean back, and she smiles at you, her face lethargic. Her pupils are like vast pits, so wide you hardly see her crystal blue irises.
While Euna relaxes, you slip a dose of the hypno powder into the remains of her ambrosia-laced milk.
"Here." You hand it to her. "Finish this, and then we'll rest a while."
She sits up and gulps the rest. You both lie together. Her nude, and you holding her while she squirms quietly with pent up desires.
After a while, you pull away and look her in the eyes. Her pupils are dilated. Her smile is lazy. After planting a kiss on her lips, you hold her close again, only now, your hand explores.
Her body responds to your touch as though yearning for it. Her breath catches when your fingers find their way between her legs. As her eyes shudder closed, you lean close and begin whispering in her ear about...
You brush your hand along her belly.
"What... what are you doing?" She's half conscious.
Your hand swoops up to cup her breast through her chemise.
"Stop... Don't..." She tries to bat your hand away. She has no strength, but you return to caressing her belly gently.
"It's all right," you say. "Close your eyes and focus on how it feels."
"You're... You're going to ravage me. It wasn't a dream."
"That's right. It wasn't."
"You want to be touched, don't you? You've been asking me for those lurid stories. You're curious."
"I... I don't know..."
"Close your eyes and concentrate on how this feels."
She does close her eyes, and when you squeeze her breast and give her nipple a gentle tweak, she shudders.
"It's feels good, isn't it?" you say.
"It's sinful." Her eyes stay closed.
"Just enjoy it." You caress her body and grope her breasts for minutes. Her eyes remain closed, but her breath is picking up.
When you go to slide the hem of her chemise up, she tenses.
"No. Please. Don't do this..." Her hands fumble to stop you, but it's ineffectual.
"Relax," you say. "This will feel even better."
You get her chemise up about her waist to reveal her snatch. She's damp. You don't touch her there immediately. Instead, you caress her thighs and her belly, working her chemise up higher until her breasts are exposed. Your hands upon her bare tits cause a gentle mewl to escape her lips.
She's wet now, ready to be touched.
This path involves incestual sex. It has two tiers. Euna needs the first tier to be comfortable with other people engaging in incest. She needs the second to be interested in engaging with her own family.
Reaching incest-curious
This is the 1st tier of Incest.
Like most first-level fetish tiers, this one is unlocked by the stories and conversations Euna is exposed to.
At this level, Euna is not repulsed by the idea of incest. While she won't necessarily engage in it herself, she will feel no necessity to hide her sexuality from her own family. She may openly discuss sex with them.
Also, she'll have no qualms with people who do engage in incest, or engaging sexually with them.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- From storytelling
- In The Vixens, talk about Volga and how she got her cock from her father.
- In The Chicken Coop, make Euna admit she wants to hear about her sister's sex life before you agree to tell her the story.
- In The Traveling Widow, talk about how the Prowling Lilins played a prank on the mother and her sons.
To promote
First, Euna must be lewd.
She'll automatically promote one night after musing on the topic.
Next tier: incestuous
Reaching incestuous
This is the 2nd tier of Incest. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be incest-curious.
Euna will knowingly engage in sexual acts with her own family. After unlocking, this tier will have no noticeable effect on the story unless Euna should get back home. It then unlocks extra content in the final scenes.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- From storytelling, In The Vixens, talk about Mira or Bogdana cavorted with their mother.
- There's a random encounter in Cockaigne where a young lad stands outside an alley and invites you to help him punish his sisters.
- Agreeing gives you one experience.
- Finishing the scene by suggesting the lad be the final man gives a second experience.
To promote
First, Euna must be promiscuous.
Once eligible, a campfire story will unlock which automatically leads to Euna's promotion.
She stares down the coast a while. A mirage of heat makes it seem to go on infinitely.
"It can't be just us," she says. "There must be others."
"There may be. And maybe we'll search later, but we need water."
She keeps staring off. "Can't we look for both?"
"How about this?" you say. "We'll continue down the coast. If we find someone, good, but as soon as we find any sign of water, we need to take it."
She sighs. "Fine. Let's go."
Within minutes, you spot the mouth of a river.
"There," you say. "We follow that upstream, we should find fresh water."
Crestfallen, Euna nods. "Very well."
From what you hear, the best a woman can hope for there is to become a concubine to someone powerful. Otherwise, she's likely to become a prostitute, a sex slave, or worse.
Your life would be expendable. They'd slap a cheap sword in your hand and use you as fodder in their endless fights to hold their land. You're no soldier. Chances are you'd be sundered, cursed, or eaten in the first engagement you face. And if you don't fight, you're executed.
It hardly seems fair for the simple crime of sexual deviency. Normally, such a crime would land you a night in the stockade. Besides, it was your job to be crude. You were a court fool. Sensual dances and stripteasesRibald jokes and raunchy proposals were as much a part of your routine as your acrobatics and tall tales.
Not that it matters any more. Something had attacked the boat. From your cell, you'd heard the crew yelling and clambering. A mighty roar reverberated. Everything lurched. The ship stopped swaying. It moved as though something were carrying it. Another colossal roar, and then came a mighty crash. Your cell disintegrated around you, and brine washed you into the black depths of the ocean. You'd swam blindly until breaking the surface.
The night is too dark to see farther than the broken planks nearby, so you clutched a piece of drift wood and struggled among wild ocean waves.
Morning comes. After drifting for hours, the current takes you to the shore of this unknown land. You wade to the beach, only to drop to your knees.
You're exhausted, thirsty, and sunbaked, and you you have no idea where you are, but all that matters is that you're alive... for now.
Carefully, you lift the hem of her skirt. Her chemise is indeed soaked through along its entire length. It molds to her body beautifully and outlines her groin.
Ever so slowly, you raise her gown. The wet silksash. The sodden velvetchemise. The wet fabric peels from her clammy skin. You look underneath, and there it is: her snatch, perfectly smooth and hairless.nestled beneath a thicket of blond hair. You've seen plenty in your life, but never one so dainty as this. It's just two delicate lips creased together to create a slit. No blossomed labia or folds. Even her clit is tucked away out of view. It's self contained and pristine.
It is a prize that suitors around the tsardom have sought through courting, yet no one has ever earned Euna's hand in marriage, or seen this rare flower. At least not yet.
It is a rare flower that no one has seen save for her handmaidens who help her bathe. Perhaps you should have been a handmaiden yourself.
You reach out and feel the smooth lips of her vulva.You reach out and rake your fingers through her coarse pubic hair. It's crusted with salt. Your finger runs up and down the length of her slit, slowly working into the folds of her labia, but you're not able to get farther with her legs laying together as they are.
You carefully nudge her legs wider apart. Not only does it spread her open, but it reveals more further down. Between the globes of her ass, you can just make out the small wrinkled hole of her anus.
The sight reminds you of a parlour game: orchid and the rose. It's a game you've let many men play on you. It's been a while since you've played it for yourself, but there's no chance you could get away with that now. Instead, you return your hand to her snatch, only now you're able to slide your finger farther in.
She's got a tight little snatch, but no hymen blocks the way, thanks to youthanks to your fingers from the last time you felt her. You're able to work your finger deep, and you barely tickle that magic spot behind her belly when she twiches.
You're not up to more than your first knuckle when you feel her hymen. Then her body twitches.
Hastily, you lower her gownsashchemise and back away. She is indeed coming through.
You prod her. "Are you okay, Your Highness?"
Euna blinks her eyes open. She raises her hands to her face. "Where am I?"
"I don't know," you say. "You were on the boat, right? The Harmonia?"
"Eh, yes." Wincing, she sits up. "What happened? How did I get here?"
"I think we were attacked. The boat was destroyed. Do you remember anything?"
"No... There was yelling. Someone told me to get below deck. Then..." She concentrates. "There was a crash. And that roar. What was that?"
"I don't know. I was below deck too."
She finally looks at you. Her eyes narrow. "Oh, it's You. You mean you were in your cell."
You shrug.
She looks around. "Where is everyone else?"
"This is it. It's just you and me."
"What?" Standing, she sways. You move to help her, but she bats your hand. "No. This can't be. There has to be somebody else."
"I haven't found anyone."
"There has to be." Shielding her eyes, she looks up and down the coast. "We can't be the only ones."
"I've been wandering this coast all morning," you say. "I'd just about given up hope of finding anyone until I stumbled upon you."
"No. We have to find the others. There must be more."
"The sun is getting high. We need to take care of ourselves."
"No." She spins on you. "We're going to look for more survivors."
"Fine. Fine."
You both continue along the coast. She marches ahead of you, keeping her distance. The once cool beach begins to swelter. Farther along, the sand turns to rocks and pebbles. A steep bluff appears ahead, impassable on foot. She turns around and marches back the other direction. Once you double back, she starts heading the way you originally came.
"I've been this way, Your Highness. There's nobody there."
"We're going to check again anyway," she snaps.
"This is foolish, Your Highness. We need to find fresh water"
v7.21.2 release
February 17th, 2025
Bug fixes
- Temporarily corrected issue where story could softlock if visiting stables after Marion's horses.
- Other various typos.
v7.21.1 release
February 16th, 2025
Bug fixes
- Minor typo fixes in the beginning of the story.
v7.21 release
February 16th, 2025
Took a break from working toward major goals like Pain-5 to put in something I've had in mind for a while, and should satisfy many of the requests I've gotten lately.
You are now able to rent a place on the cove, in the red-light district, of course.
The posting is in the market. You can look at it, but Euna won't consider it until after she's whorish. Once you're living there, Euna will start seeing clients at night, assuming they show up. You don't have control over this, since the men have to come of their own accord. Her business depends on how much of a reputation she has around the dock, and what kind of reputation she has.
The content is pretty filled out, but obviously there are some blank spots to be filled in later. For instance, not making enough to pay rent has no consequence, you can't spruce the place up like she suggests, and you can't leave after you move in.
Approx Word count: 11,500
v7.20.2 release
January 7th, 2025
Bug fixes
- Forgot to configure the Shaving razor and Geologist pick as items listed in the inventory.
v7.20.1 release
January 7th, 2025
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where Incest recap after Lilins story was tied to the rape flag instead.
- Fixed issue where collecting stomach bile at drunk tank could happen before quest, and was infinitely repeatable.
- Fixed error message that occurred at top of some Lanx conversation pages.
v7.20 release
January 7th, 2025
Several people on the Discord server made various small recommendations and requests regarding the filthy promotion event. For once, I made a release that addressed reader feedback.
- Requested improvements regarding Filth-4 event.
- Finished the stomach bile miasma option. Some people had noticed it was listed in the lewd guide, but wasn't actually achievable. Now it is, and it has a corresponding vignette after you turn in the fortifiers.
- Added an inventory check page at your camp site which lets you see what's in your inventory. This includes listing what body fluid samples you've collected, and what minimum you need.
- It also provides hints for various quests depending on what else you have in your inventory.
- Fixed dialog after turning in samples where Euna would trail off, which misleadingly implied you missed some.
- Also
- Altered "idle chat" at glade so it more explicitly clarifies at what rank Euna is at for any given kink track.
- Altered whoring to track different whoring styles differently. Not much impact from that yet, but hopefully it will soon.
Bug fixes
- When Euna starts practicing her chute-swallowing trick. Practicing with her actually increased how long it took her to master it. Fixed.
v7.19 release
January 2nd, 2025
This release appears small because most of it is changes under the hood to the underlying engine, but it still contains some new content.
This release is a partial implementation of the the Dom side of the Temple ambrosia hypnotism. Euna will ply her own efforts on the nun once you tell her about what Janan has been doing for penance.
It's a single scene, and I get a little lost in the world-building of the hypnotism rather than the erotic nature, but I enjoyed it.
Again, this release was mostly to push engine changes.
Word Count: ~2400 words
- New hypnotism scene for Dom Euna to apply to a nun. Occurs only once for now. Requires spying on "penance" first.
- Changes to the callibrating Lilins story. There is now an Incest lock and a Blood lock introduced to the story.
- Anyone who is already past that part of the story will have both of those unlocked by default.
- Removed the "anal" lock, because it's a lot of trouble to maintain, and I don't think anyone is really bothered if they encounter anal sex in a story as raunchy as this one.
v7.18.2 release
December 16th, 2024
- Trimmed and simplified parts of the Lilin story used to determine what content is and isn't available in the game. Stripped it down to just decisions which impact the game, which should hopefully make it more clear that it's a calibrating story, and not something simply for enjoyment.
v7.18.1 release
December 3rd, 2024
- Added some smooth transition between light and dark mode.
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where the Fool would become gender fluid if "Skip Intro" was used, and male was picked. (Gender wouldn't get set, and flags throughout the game alternate male and female. Bug was the result of some refactors I did.) Those with current readthroughs only need to refresh their page and everything will fix.
v7.18 release
December 3rd, 2024
Back after a break. Technically I'm still supposed to be on break, so not sure if this heralds another sprint of releases. More just a break from my break. This may also be the last release before V8. Many improvements have been standing by.
This continues a slow crawl toward the eventual Pain-5 promotion, but also includes a pretty elaborate encounter with a mother and daughter in the garden district of the city, where you stumble upon a girl who's mother is disappointed with the subpar blowjobs she gives her boyfriend. Themes are blowjobs, incest, sub/dom, orgasm control, and general whorishness. Some possible dips into other kinks near the end, but the focus really is on blowjobs.
Word count for the random event: 11,000
New Content
- Introduced scene in Simori temple after a day at the scaffold where you can speak with Mother Janan in her office after spying on her putting two nuns through "penance".
- This unlocks the ability to combine the hypno powder with the ambrosia at the temple to unlock experience for the highest tier of lewdness and the three main fetishes.
- Since Euna is only ever drugged at the Temple when she's submissive, this is submissive exclusive content, but don't worry. Dom Euna will get her equivalent eventually.
- Introduced an elaborate encounter in the city with the mother and daughter. They can be found in the garden district on every third day, assuming you meet the prerequisites.
- This takes place over four encounters, where the mother gets increasingly carried away with the practices she assigns her daughter. Each has progressively growing requirements for Euna
- adventurous and an introduction to fundamental fellatio. (That sounds like a college course. What I mean is you've taught her the basic tricks)
- lewd and incest-curious
- promiscuous
- whorish
- Six different endings. Because this takes place over multiple encounters, the decisions to pick those endings take place over the four events, so it won't be as easy to see all six in a single readthrough.
- The incest track now requires three experience per tier.
New Features
- Replaced my homebrewed dark/light theme mechanic with one more in line with modern theme standards. FQ will now respect your OS or browser default settings until you tell it otherwise. Also, instead of storing your preference in the URL, it stores it in your browser's local cache, which is more appropriate. If people share FQ links online, each person's instance will retain their own preferences instead of forcing them on others.
- For those concerned, the browser local cache is not a cookie. It provides no information to my server. It's just a local setting that remains until you close your last private browsing tab. Or clear your browser history.
TW-Cyoa engine
- This release coincides with the release of a new version of my engine. Before, if you wanted your own colors, you had to use CSS, which was an unreasonable ask since the whole idea of the engine is you don't have to code. Now there's a palette manager with a few default palettes to choose from, and the ability to customize it with a GUI.
- If this entices at least one person to try my engine, I believe that will increase its usage by infinity%. If you do, please feel free to email me about any obstacles or confusions you encounter. I'm trying to make it user friendly.
v7.17.1 release
July 28th, 2024
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where story soft-locks if you don't immediately head north to Lanx and Fira after being attacked by the monster.
v7.17 release
July 25th, 2024
Enough people requested it. You can now buy more of the hypno powder at the cove. Talk to Lanx for instructions after you run out the first time.
- Approaching Lanx after running out of hypno powder (or having Euna pour it out), will have him point you toward a dealer at the cove market.
- If Euna is insatiable, you can have her "thank" the shady dealer, even if she might not know why (or maybe she does).
- Euna will remember whether you showed her hypno powder when deciding to drug the old man at the beach. It causes somewhat different options down the line.
- Fixed issue where you could use hypnotic powder on the old man at the beach even if you had no rum to spike.
v7.16.1 release
July 20th, 2024
Bug fixes
Using hypno powder on the old man at the beach and not hiding it from Euna would accidentally promote you to the currently-unavailable second tier of submission instead of just providing experience for that coming tier.
v7.16 release
July 18th, 2024
Took a bit of time again because once again I failed to do a small release. This one is a mind-control/hypnotism arc which accomplishes a few things. It takes a big step toward the final Pain-5 arc I have planned. It allows the Fool to be way more of a scoundrel. And it fixes a few long-standing problems with Fool's Quest that people have written in about.
The experience you can get from hypno powder acts as wild-card experience, and it's repeatable, until you run out of powder.
- "Lanx doesn't actually help you even though he says he will."
- No Lanx now makes good on his offer to help you with Euna by offering you a very sleezy tonic.
- "Euna corrupts too quickly."
- This is improved because the very first step—getting Euna to sleep with you—now requires a collection of five experience like all the other lewd arcs, so you can't automatically run to the festival with the lyre like before. Don't worry, it's still pretty easy, especially if you've played the game.
- Also, the three major fetishes (Pain, Filth, Size) now require three experience for each level. It shouldn't add much more difficulty, especially since this hypnotism arc provides a means to get experience for any track/level if you get stuck.
- "I got stuck at the Old Man's cabin."
- This provides another non-lewd way to incapacitate the old man. That section still needs a lot of reworking still, but this will do for now.
Currently, Lanx's hypnotic potion only have five uses, which equates to only five wild card experience points. I have an idea that you could buy more at the cove. It would only take a few vignettes. I may add that later, but for now, if you want more hypno powder, it has a very prominent place in your game's URL query string. You can give yourself more.
Word Count: ~7000
v7.15 release
May 12th, 2024
So I failed to keep my updates small. I got distracted by the story featuring Euna's mother. It was never really complete the way it was. A lot of new content was added, and much of what was there was rewritten.
We'll see if I go back to short releases. Large releases like this remind me why I'm trying to go smaller.
This link will unlock the story so you can encounter it again in your current playthrough.
This story hasn't been encountered yet in the current playthrough. Play on and it eventually will.
Approx Wordcount: 20,000 words
Features in the Mother story
- Swapped out the "countless men" option for a "horses" option. The "countless men" was too generic, and broke the plausibility that rumors of Yelena's promiscuity were only rumors.
- There is now a "duo" vignette for every combination of 2 options out of 4. That makes 6 in total. That means every path through the story gives you one single vignette and one duo vignette guaranteed.
- Each of the duo vignette has a second split which provides two variations (and experiences) related to the options selected to get to that vignette.
- Changed the conditions for when this story appears to just be reaching lewd.
- Yelena's temperament is decided with a little more complexity.
- If Euna is neutral, her mother will be sub or dom depending on which Euna is closer to, to thus encourage Euna farther along that path.
- If Euna is already sub or dom, then her mother is the opposite of Euna. This outcome isn't actually reachable normally, unless you revisit the story using the link above. If I should ever get around to implementing the NG+ some people keep asking for, this will make more sense.
v7.14 release
April 20th, 2024
Another micro release. Not sure if people are enjoying my filling up their feeds with these minor releases, but they're working out for me. Sooner or later, I'll need to write a big addition, and I'm sure I'll disappear for months again.
This release is another market item. The Makeup kit. Once you buy this, Euna will begin using it. Her style depends on her outfit. It results in another bonus point toward all financial earnings.
- The makeup kit in the market
- Performances in the Siren are now affected by some bonuses and penalties, but not all. Outfit, makeup, and cleanliness will affect earnings, but reputation, perfume, and dominance will not.
- Some of Euna's states are reflected in the sex simulator. You'll detect her perfume or sweat level. You'll see whether she has makeup on or not. This needs more work.
- Fixed some issue where chaste Euna saying she'd already bathed really meant she hadn't bathed at all.
- Certain types of lesbian sex make Euna sweaty. (strapon, 69, etc...)
v7.13 release
April 14th, 2024
Here's another small release. The market at the cove finally has something to sell!
Perfume: a deliberately simple item, but this release was more about deciding on and setting up the mechanics for the market. More items will follow.
Perfume is not an addition of erotic content, but rather a game mechanic. Once bought, Euna will apply it every time she bathes at the river. It provides a bonus to any money she accrues that day, until she gets sweaty or covered in someone else's sweat. In other words, it works only for her first trick. This introduces possible future strategies such as saving her freshness until renting her out to an entire crew since the bonus would be greater for the larger sum. (Though currently it's not an effective strategy, unless Euna's tricks are particularly dirty.)
v7.12 release
April 9th, 2024
A smaller release. Let's see if I can keep this up.
This release now factors Euna's general hygiene level into her price when whoring, renting, and mingling. There are nearly twenty points of poor hygiene, and every 4 causes another penalty point against her. If you really work at it, and you have Euna do super depraved stuff, her price can drop to ~%40 of what it'd be if she were bathing regularly.
This now introduces a reason why you might not want to have Euna bathe regularly, which in turn fixes the problem that river-side bathing became an unvisited event after dirty.
- Since there is now a reason why you would want Euna to bathe, bathing now toggles. If you tell her to bathe, she will continue to do so until you tell her to stop.
- Added ability to "appraise" Euna before sending her out whoring to get an idea of what circumstances are affecting her price.
- Added hair filth category. Her hair contributes to her general vagrancy with a full four degrees of severity. Two of those points are determined from how long it's been since her last bath. 3 days, and her hair is oily and unkempt. 10 days and it looks tangled and feral.
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where some Daywither scenes could be enacted after the "dilation" daywither scene.
- Typo fixes pointed out by readers.
- Fixed issue where parts of the feast of Theoris could skip if you did certain feast events beforehand.
- Fixed issue where the Discord link at the end of the story didn't work. Or at least it should be fixed. This was actually corrected in a hot fix last week, but I thought I'd mention it here for all those people who may have tried to join and failed.
v7.11.1 release
April 4th, 2024
Bug fixes
It has just been brought to my attention that the discord link I have at the end of the game expired months ago.
This would explain why the server hasn't really been growing lately. :P
v7.11 release
April 3rd, 2024
Took some time off, but here I am. This is the release of the velvet sash as I mentioned. Once Euna gets it, it's a wearable outfit. Besides their physical appearance, each outfit has specific properties.
- The skirt and bodice are her default outfit.
- The silk gown causes all tricks and rentals Euna does get a money bonus for how classy she looks.
- The new velvet sash and fishnets allow her to whore herself an additional time per day, but at the expense that she looks cheap, and is thus paid less.
- Euna can don the outfit now at camp.
- Each outfit now has its own unique trick scene. (Although the skirt and bodice just use the "couple" trick. It's not very unique.)
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where vomit was listed as a potential miasma fluid. It's not, but it will be some day I hope.
v7.10 release
February 3rd, 2024
This is the more official insatiable promotion event. If Euna works the boardwalk long enough, she'll start to upset the existing pecking order. After forty tricks, you'll start getting shakedowns from the local whores.
It's expensive, but maybe you can work out a deal...
That deal can't be reached unless Euna is either insatiable already, or ready to promote to it. Also, you must have completed the sorceress's quest. I don't know if I'll keep that requirement in the future, but it's there for now.
As is my practice, this is actually only the first part of the promotion event. I intend for the next two releases to include some followup content regarding it. One of those releases will involve that outfit that Euna gets out of the arc.
Approx word count: 12,500 words
New scenes
- The insatiable promotion scene. All new content is in that.
v7.9.2 release
December 30th, 2023
Bug fixes
The cavernous promotion event could be bought and activated multiple times, which made no sense. Fixed.
v7.9.1 release
December 29th, 2023
Bug fixes
- Fixed numerous small inconsistencies and soft locks found by readers. Oddly, none of these had to do with the last release.
v7.9 release
December 26th, 2023
This release features an overhaul of the bathing system. It includes some quality of life features as well as some more content to take place after the dirty promotion is complete.
Word Count: No idea. This one is hard to figure.
Quality of Life
- Euna will now bathe before you get up in most cases when she's still amorous or less, until she's ready to promote. This should help new readers find the adventurous promotion more easily, since this will effectively flag that there's new content to be found from spying on her.
- After the dirty promotion event has begun, you no longer have to tell her day after day not to bathe. She'll stick with the challenge until it's complete.
- After that promotion event has ended, she will continue to not bathe unless she starts hitting higher tiers of filthiness.
- The bathing/filth system is more formalized. Instead of having a handful of random conditions which you could accumulate to force her to bathe, there are a small set of categories. In a category, there is progressive dirtiness.
- For instance, Stench. The lowest is being sweaty, which is enough for the dirty promotion. But after that, sweatiness doesn't bother her, but having the stench and perfumes of other people's sweat on her from sleeping around does. Once she's filthy, not even that bothers her... unless those people were unwashed vagrants. And so on.
- Not all categories have a full four ranks. I didn't want to sink too much more time into this.
- There's a small spattering of scenes, such as watersports in bed, which were added, and have corresponding dirtiness categories and ranks.
v7.8 release
November 19th, 2023
Here is a scene after Euna whores for a while. The kind old man from her first time pulling tricks on the dock returns.
This is a micro-release. This scene is it. I might actually be following through with not making behemoth releases that take months, and where I lose steam part way through.
Bug fixes
This has a bug fix for the underlying game engine which would cause state corruption in some rare cases. In this case, if you encountered any V7 content (The alchemical suite, the watermelon, etc...), it could cause the flags for other V7 content to be considered visited, and fast forward your game state to end-game. Fortunately all the V7 content has been end-game content, so this shouldn't be too crucial.
For anybody who's experimenting with my game engine (i.e. nobody), I pushed out a fix for it along with this release, though it's not crucial. This was a corner-case that would only effect an enormous project like FQ.
v7.7.1 release
November 13th, 2023
- Removed auto-bathing from Glade sex scene and compressed some Glade activities together to reduce the number of clicks necessary to get through. This fix is just a quality-of-life change because I got tired of having to pay attention when clicking through the glade, because Euna would keep bathing by accident and resetting dirty promotion progress.
Bug fixes
- Fixed URI pollution that would occur after visiting stables.
v7.7 release
November 2nd, 2023
If Euna is cavernous, there is now a new scene that unlocks at the city feast. It involves a rude man and an accepted challenge.
Word Count: ~3200
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where Euna's yearning to go even farther with stretching for cavernous would continuously show up until the promotion was done is fixed.
- Fixed issue in encounter where Euna is propositioned for sex the first time. The price paid wasn't the price agreed upon.
v7.6 release
October 17th, 2023
This is all about a new dockside whoring theme: The size-queen. Every whoring event now has a size-queen alternative which unlocks and can be selected once Euna is at cavernous. Hopefully there will be more cavernous content to come, but you all know how I am. I get distracted easily, so we'll see.
v7.5.1 release
October 8th, 2023
Numerous typo fixes concerning the new Size-5 promotion content.
v7.5 release
October 4th, 2023
We can rebuild her; we have the alchemy.This release primarily features the cavernous promotion event, or the fifth and final tier of the Size and Stretching track.
As usual when I write the promotion events, this doesn't actually come with any post-promotion content. That'll come later, but when it comes, it will firmly plant the sex scenes in the realm of the impossible, whereas before we were only skirting it. At least there are alchemical justifications for it all.
Curiously, this promotion has no sex in it. It's all lore, but it is sexy lore, and there's something like a campire story in it, though it's told mostly by Lanx and Fira. It's inspired from a famous Arabian folktale. I'm sure you'll guess which one.
To start, just get enough experience and Euna will start it off one morning. The story guide has more details.
Approx Word Count: 7400
v7.4 release
September 9th, 2023
For once a content update. Not only that, but I decided to break from my routine and actually fulfill a frequently requested feature. Sounding and urethral sex. It's not for everyone, but a lot of people asked for it.
It starts either in the nettle field or the daywither field at particular levels of Pain and Size. So long as you follow through on at least one of those, or you follow the urethral outcome with the Vixen story, urethral content will be unlocked.
Now I'll move on to something entirely different, because after writing the content for this release, urethra no longer sounds like a word to me.
Word Count: ~4,000 words
New scenes
- Nettles scene. It unlocks when Euna is painful and loose. Following through with this unlocks all other urethral content.
- Daywither scene. It unlocks when Euna is rough and stretched. Following through with this unlocks all other urethral content.
- Sex simulator scene: If Euna is painful and stretched, you can fingerbang her piss hole. You must bring out an oil before the option will appear.
- A sex simulator scene: Once Euna is masochistic and gaping, you can escalate the urethral fingerbang scene to have sex with her urethra. The pestle is used if you don't have a dick. A routine urethral sex scene is available after this.
- A river spy scene involving urethral training now exists.
- A whoring event unlocks once Euna has had urethral sex at least once. This comes with all whoring style variants.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a wikitext pragma that appeared in the horse section.
v7.3 release
August 22nd, 2023
This fixes a big issue with the storyline where you would get the quest from Damien to steal the jewel for the sorceress, and to get into the keep, you would... talk to Lanx and he would just tell you what to do, and give you what you needed to do it. It was terrible storytelling, and readers wouldn't always know to go talk to him, since it was required.
Now, Damien tells you about the cave along the coast, and you must find your own way in, which might involve an alchemical razor, or it might involve an artemic philter.
The artemic philter is now the reward for the new animal salt quest, instead of having the open-ended quest of just collecting samples for minuscule amounts of money.
Unfortunately, this release doesn't come with much new content since the focus was to correct a flaw with the main plot, but having corrected this flaw, it'll make it easier to add more main-quest content regarding getting into the keep.
v7.2.2 release
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where the Marion arc would end with a softlock. For everyone. How the hell did it take this long for someone to point this out to me?
v7.2.1 release
Bug fixes
- Fixed softlock that could occur if you used [Agnodine]: with the horses before Euna has ever had sex with them.
v7.2 release
June 11th, 2023
This release features an alternative whoring scenario for Euna. If she is kinky, loose, and rough, then a whoring event will occur where a client will take her anally, which will lead to a conversation. The day after that, you'll have the option to explore anal variants of all the unlocked whoring events.
- Revamped the Militsa story to have many more little variants. This way it provides a single point of experience to a major fetish track regardless of how progressed you are.
v7.1 release
May 29th, 2023
This release produces two improvements to the dock whoring scene.
The first is the introduction of a sequence of initial whoring events. They are unique encounters, each one helps ease her into whoring, as well as establishing how the system works. This also remedies the critiques I've been getting where Euna's first time at whoring tended to be something incredibly extreme.
The second move is a move toward making the whoring system more formulaic, which sounds like it means it'd be worse, but really means that the events are more based on more consistent rules, easier to digest, and better able to be expanded upon. Also, there are 12 scenes now, not 10.
- Changed the money earned for whoring to be adaptive. For instance, if she's wearing her nice silks, she can charge a little more.
- She can whore three people a day while still being whorish.
- The "whore for nothing" option can only occur after whoring is no longer necessary, meaning you have the jewel, or enough money to go home. You also don't have to specify it every time anymore. It toggles.
New scenes
- Removed the vanilla "two men and their barrel" scene and added three new vanilla whoring scenes that encapsulate all the standard variations of whoring while making sure the whoring event pool is always populated enough.
- Removed the "random" old man whoring scene in favor of making it part of the whoring intro events. It only happens once now. He's nice, but I'm sure readers got tired of that old guy.
- Added two whoring scenes to complete a set of "main fetish track" whoring scenes for filth, pain, and size which evolve depending on how far along the respective tracks she is. The new scenes are pain and filth.
v7.0 release
April 30th, 2023
This release took a while. There's a good reason for that which I'll address lower down, but first, what's new?
This release answers two major criticisms.
- Euna corrupts too easily. It's not believable.
- There's no point to the money.
The first change is the introduction of a new way home, where you straight pay a captain an exorbitant rate to take you. This requires a lot of money, and requires a little grinding and some lewd acts to reach, but plot wise, this introduces a reason for Euna to debase herself for money, because paying your way home still seems more feasable than stealing from a powerful, evil sorceress, even if you still decide to go that route.
Secondly, I've increased the amount of experience Euna needs to promote along the lewd track from 3 to 5. There's more experience to find to make sure it's intuitively reachable, but if you find you can't progress without the guide, someone please let me know. I wanted to increase experience for the major fetishes from 2 to 3, but play testing indicated that it's not quite there yet.
Between these two, hopefully her descent feels a little more organic.
Word Count: A lot. I don't know how to tabulate it. I had to make changes over the entire story.
- The primary "Lewd" track now requires five experience points per level.
- There is new content for performing at the Siren's Bounty for money which scales with lewdness and reward the more Euna compromises on her virtues.
- This section is just a framework. More performances will come eventually, but there is some corruption that can happen here at every lewdness tier.
- The new way home. A big pirate will ship you home for a ton of money, but he's not a good person. Even once you pay him, he makes you work, and if Euna had a reputation, he makes her do a particularly sordid kind of work too.
- If you have the rape flag enabled, then you and Euna can't say no once you're out to sea. In fact, that might just make things worse...
- If you're bisexual, you might have some sordid work of your own.
- Speaking of flags, the story about the Lilins has new flags it sets.
- The Fool is optionally bisexual or interested in only women, regardless of the Fool's gender.
- There's a rape flag which isn't used too extensively right now, but does set the tone for some of Euna's interactions in the end.
- The story provides a summary of game settings at its end. (Many people weren't realizing that story was changing the tone of the entire game.)
- The amorous promotion is improved. Less walls of text, and it can occur in the Siren's Bounty if you've made it that far into the story without sleeping with her.
- The lewd promotion is also improved. Less walls of text. And you have a little more control in how you react, even if it doesn't change the outcome.
- The whorish promotion is a little different. Instead of a random man propositioning Euna outside the Siren, it happens after a performance while Euna is collecting tips.
Why this release took so long
Two reasons. One, I originally had something else in mind. Instead of needing to collect funds to buy your way home, you needed to collect a small sum instead, but when you tried to go home, you'd be dragged to Damien as imposters. He would impose a weekly fee for allowing you to go free in the Cove, which would push Euna to debase herself. And the fee would go up as her reputation worsened. Missing payments could result in rape, gangrape, beatings, or even a game over if Euna is too low in lewdness. Damien became an actual villain instead of this guy who played dice and moved the plot along.
However, after having made it, I had some people on the discord server play test it, and they confirmed what I was afraid of. This element detracted from the story. It forced players to spend their days collecting money instead of exploring. And as some of you may know, Fool's Quest can be a little repetitive with some of its events. It became a chore.
Instead, I increased the price for the ticket home so that it still requires some real shaking of Euna's money-makers, but it doesn't add a time constraint. I was able to recycle many elements from the new Damien encounters, but this still increased the development time for this release considerably.
The other reason this one took so long is because it was complicated. It resulted in changes all over the entire story, particularly a rebalancing of all economics (which is less relevant without the time crunch). I effectively had to test the entire story over again.
What's next?
Small stuff. I keep telling myself not to make these big releases, and I keep breaking my own word. Version seven should have a lot of small updates concerning Cove work.
This story covers a wide range of fetishes with increasing extremes the more you pursue any one. More extreme fetishes tend to require deliberate choices to reach them, so accessing them by accident is unlikely.
At a minimum, you can complete the story only encountering the tags: MF, FF, voy
However, choices you make can encounter any of the following:
- anal sex
- bestiality
- bimbofication
- c&b torture
- exhibition
- female domination
- female submission
- fisting
- foot fetish
- homeless
- humiliation
- incest
- lactation
- male on female orgies
- masochism
- prostitution
- rimming
- sadism
- scat
- slavery
- stretching
- tentacle sex
- transgender
- voyeurism
- watersports
There is no sexual content in this story portraying anyone under the age of 18 (nor will there be).
While perverting Euna is optional, most of the story is focused on the corruption of a chaste maiden. She is impressionable, and depending on how and how much you push her, and how, her sexual kinks can be extreme and varied.
All corruption tracks evolve the same way. Euna must first gain experience in a fetish through stories, interactions, and events. After she has enough, she'll be able to promote through unique promotion events.
This guide can walk you through how to find enough experience which is guaranteed to be available, but there is a lot of experiences not documented here which can be found organically. Also, you can hypnotise Euna to help progress if you get stuck.
Euna's lewdness represent her general enjoyment of sex and her comfort with her sexuality. This must rise first, before any other fetish. And all fetish tiers will require her lewdness to be at certain levels before they can be gained.
Fetishes are all specific sex practices that are first introduced to Euna through campfire stories and conversations. Once she becomes curious in them, she can start engaging in this fetish and gaining experience. Her level in a fetish cannot exceed her level of lewdness.
Dominance and Submission
These two minor fetishes are mutually exclusive. Euna will trend towards one or the other depending on your actions. Once she's far enough to one side, she'll take one one of these fetishes, and the other will be unobtainable. Each one will have an impact on sexual choices throughout the story.
You two search onward. You walk long past where you washed ashore. There's more debris from the ship, but no one else. It's noon now. The sun is baking. The sand burns. Both of you are feeling the effects of the elements.
After swaying, Euna stumbles onto her knees. You catch up.
"If we keep going on like this, we're going to collapse. Look." You point ahead. The mouth of a river is feeding into the ocean. "Fresh water."
Pale and dehydrated, she nods. "We'll... we'll search later."
"Come on." You help her up. In her state, she doesn't resist.
When you reach the river, the water is brackish, but further upstream along a coastal plain, it clears. You both wade in and drink frantically. Once your belly is full, you lie back on the bank.
A canopy of palm is above you. You two are just at the edge of the coastal plane, where the tree line begins. What lays further in, you have no idea.
Euna takes longer in the river. She uses the opportunity to wash salt from her hair and face. Once finished, she sits down at the opposite side of the river.
"We should set up camp here," she says.
"Why here?"
"Because I said so, but if you must have a reason, we have fresh water here. That is the most important part of survival. And we can see the ocean."
"We don't know what's on this land," you say. "For all we know there could be a village further in. We should explore around before settling on a place."
"We mustn't go wandering aimlessly. We need a place to return to. Somewhere where we can keep an eye out for rescue boats."
"Rescue boats? We're three months into the middle of the ocean, and another month away from the colonies. That means our ship wasn't due back home for five months. Only then will anyone realize something is wrong. Then it'll take months for them to get out here. Most missing ships are considered lost causes. They wouldn't even bother looking for us if you weren't onboard."
"Oh..." Euna looks down.
It dawns on you. Her strange clothes. Her being on a merchant ship instead of a royal galley.
"...Except no one knows you were on that ship, do they?"
She's silent.
"What were you doing? Running away?"
"It's none of your business," she snaps. "We're still going to stay by the ocean. The Harmonia wasn't the only boat traveling to the colonies. There are others. They might come close enough for us to signal them."
"Doubt it."
"It could happen. We have to be ready."
"Your Highness, we were supposed to be in the middle of the ocean. I've seen merchant maps. There isn't supposed to be anything between our land and the thrice-tenth kingdom, which means we were either wildly off course, or we just happened to wash up an undiscovered island, which means no one ever been here before. No one is coming."
"There could still be ships."
You explore the coast. Shattered wood floats in the surf. The beach goes on endlessly, and the sun is climbing. Just when it seems you're all alone, you spot someone lying on the shore ahead.
You creep closer. Whoever it was must have come from the ship, but they're not dressed like a sailor. In fact, it's anothera woman! She's alive too! Unconscious, but she is breathing.
You know her too. She's princess Euna. Tsar Vislav's eldest daughter and first in line for the throne.
She spent her childhood at a convent of Nim. Upon her return to court, she became the jewel of the palace. She was every part the chaste storybook maiden. Even the maids loved her.
She used to listen to your silly taleswatch your lewd dances with her flushed face hidden behind her hands. Your acts flustered her in the most endearing way, and the way her eyes would follow you after the shows never escaped your notice.
Maybe it's who you are, but the temptation to show her your charms proved too much, or maybe it was the alcohol that night, but you found yourself in her chambers.
Frankly, you were too drunk to remember much about it, except for how naive she was in bed. The next morning, the adoration in her eyes was your first clue that sleeping with the tsarivna might have been a bad ideas. The guards catching you sneaking out the window was another. Getting exiled was the last, but it may had still been worth it. You had sex with the tsardom's famously chaste princess.
She spent her childhood at a convent of Nim. After she returned to court, you quickly learned to avoid her. Unlike her father and sister, she is amazingly prudish. Nimic teachings do that. She turned her nose up at anything she saw as lewd behavior, and bossed the castle staff about as though she owned them.
To her, your evening acts were little more than depraved buffoonery.salacious burlesque shows. Her personal guards had a standing order not to let you near her, and that was before the palace watch caught you spying on her through her bedchamber window.found you putting on a striptease in a seedy tavern using clothes you'd stolen from her wardrobe. You spent two days in the stocks for that, but it had been worth it.
To say Princess Euna is beautiful is hardly doing her justice. She's considered the most lovely woman in all the land. Her skin is unblemished ivory. Her lurid blonde hair is breathtaking. Her blue eyes are shimmering pools as blue as the sea.
Also, her breasts are huge. You had a lot of fun playing with those. Not to mention the treasure between her leg was fitting for a maiden.
Also, her breasts are huge. You got a good look at those before the guards caught you. A shame, you'd been seconds away from seeing the wonders between her legs.They make your own tits seem like mere apples in comparison. You had to stuff the front of her bodice during your strip teases.
Her attire is unusual for traveling. She wears an exquisitely embroidered silk gown which seems more fitting for a royal banquet, though it's incredibly simplistic and unlike conservative attire of Ruthgar. Instead of wrapping about her body, it's little more than a long silk bolt which runs up her front, splits to run over her shoulders, and drapes down the back. A silk cord binds it to her waist. The gown is soaked with salt water, and it clings to her thighs outlining her pubic mound.
The way she's dressed is scandalous. She's got a velvet sash about her which is so narrow it must need to sit right around her hip if it were ever to provide any decency. The knot hold it at her hip has largely unraveled, but by some act of the Gods, the sodden velvet has bunch about her crotch, to cover her sex. For a top, she's wearing this blouse made of a fisherman's fishnet. It's skintight, and soaked as it is, it's practically a second skin. The knitting is so wide it doesn't hide her tits at all. Her stiff nipples poke through. Little chill bumps encircle her aereola.
Here on the beach, her attire is more fitting for a merchant's wife than for the tsardom's tsarivna. Under the cloak, she's wearing a soaked ankle-length skirt and a bodice that laces up the front. Both are soaked through, and the tide has floated the skirt to mid thigh. Underneath, she's wearing a white, silk chemise. Sodden, it's become transparent, forming to her shapely legs.
...Or lift up her gownsashdress. You might not have this opportunity again.
If you have any feedback at all, contact me at (address protected) or /u/MythosOnReddit (I also post releases there if you wish to follow.)
FoolsQuest is still being actively developed. I intend for it to be interactive not only in its story, but also in its development, so please let me know of any arcs or content of which you'd like to see more. Or even if you have any criticisms or bug reports. I want to hear from you.
(For bug reports, it would help me greatly if you could include the full URL under which you encountered the bug.)
FoolsQuest is meant to be more of a story than a game. It is not meant to challenge or confound you. It is meant to be enjoyed. However, it's still in development, and sometimes the story does not always properly telegraph what to do next.
These guides are here only should you decide you need them. Hopefully you don't. There still exists content which these guides do not outline, which must be found through exploration.
After you've met Lanx, he will offer to give you an alchemical powder which can be used to hypnotise Euna, which can give you "wild-card" experience toward any major track you want.
If you say no to him, he will not offer again, and you'll be locked out of hypnotism until much later in the story. But don't worry. There is always enough experience through exploration to progress.
Hypnotism is easy to use. It's available most nights before dinner, and will lead to an opportunity once bedtime comes around. There are a few points to know.
- Lanx only gives you five doses, so use them wisely. If you want more, Lanx will direct you to buy more at the slaver cove, which you can do once you have access to the cove, and funds.
- This hypnotic powder cannot provide any experience toward the final tier of any track. That will require even stronger stuff... which currently isn't in the story yet, but will be soon with an upcoming release.
If you have any feedback at all, contact me at (address protected) or /u/MythosOnReddit (I also post releases there if you wish to follow.)
FoolsQuest is still being actively developed. I intend for it to be interactive not only in its story, but also in its development, so please let me know of any arcs or content of which you'd like to see more. Or even if you have any criticisms or bug reports. I want to hear from you.
(For bug reports, it would help me greatly if you could include the full URL under which you encountered the bug.)
You've reached a missing page.
You may have encountered a bug, or Fool's Quest has been updated, and you've just loaded the game using a link to a page that has since been deleted.
You can try recovering by skipping to the next Dawn.
Or you can start a new game.
This instance of Fool's Quest is in edit mode. You can set or reset certain flags here. In addition, the following hotkeys are enabled:
- Day (
): - Trick # (
): - Fool's gender (
): AlchCisFemaleClitGraftHermMaleTransUndecided - Euna: (increment:
, decrement:alt-ctr-[[letter]]
)- X: Lewd (.)
- F: Filth (.)
- P: Pain (.)
- M: Size (.)
- B: Beasts (.)
- D: Dominance (.)
- S: Submission (.)
- I: Incest (.)
- L: Lactation (.)
- V: Vermin (.)
YesNo: Euna gives decent head.
YesNo: Euna has given up her womb for abuse.
YesNo: Euna has shaven her intimates.
YesNo: Euna knows that you have hypnotic powder
YesNo: Outfit: Sash and fishnets
YesNo: Outfit: Shortened skirt and bodice
YesNo: You have a Bottle of Rum.
YesNo: You have Daywither Slime.
YesNo: You have Lanx's geologist's pick.
Everyone has read tales about adventurers who wash ashore upon mysterious lands after their ship wrecks in a storm. As a sole survivor they'd become experts of the wild, then lash together a raft and sail back to civilization as a seasoned survivor. Usually, these heroes were princes or princesses, or lovesick heroes hunting for their true love. They were important people of destiny.
It makes it all the more peculiar that it happened to you: a court fool.
After a night of drifting through endless ocean, the sun rose, and there was land on the horizon. It shouldn't have been there. There was at least another month left in your journey.
You knew, because you'd been keeping track of days on the wall of your prison cell. You were on transit across the Sapphire Ocean from your home in the tsardom of Ruthgar, to join the exiles in the thrice-tenth kingdom—the vast lands of mystery and danger. Rumor is that such a fate is no better than a death sentence. Everything from ogres, to witches, to civilizations of monstrous creatures live there. It would be all the worse for you, since...
The introduction skip is intended for people who've played through the game before. I highly recommend you don't skip it if this is your first time playing.
To go back, use your browser's back button.
The Vixen Fool becomes available at a later point during the Female Fool's story.
Campfire stories are the tales you can tell Euna at dinner. They are crucial to setting Euna down the path of certain perversion. They unlock after certain circumstances are met, and each can only be told once.
Some are mild. Some are extreme. Each one has many variations, and their own style of decision branching, and multiple opportunities to pervert Euna.
Kseniya the Cheritable
This is a story Euna reads to you from the Simori Holy book. It randomly varies from telling to telling, depending on what fetishes Euna is into.
This story unlocks after you get the holy book from the praying woman in the Simori temple's nave. To get there, Euna must be masochistic.
The Vixens
This story concerns the Warped Ones, and the women within who have male genitals. They are known collectively as the Vixens.
This story unlocks when the following criteria are met.
- You must have mentioned the Warped Ones to Euna when telling the story of The Prowling Lilins
- Then, either of these two must be true:
- Euna must be at least promiscuous
- You are a Vixen yourself. In which case, Euna will prompt you for this story.
If you are Vixen, at the end of the story, Euna will ask you which of the options you fit into. There are five mechanically different options. Each with unlock requirements.
- Trans woman: Talk about Mira
- A woman with grafted genitals: Talk about Volga
- An alchemically created cock: Talk about Bogdana
- This has two variants. One where you always have a cock, and one where you only have one when you're aroused.
- Hermaphrodite: Talk about Bogdana, and mention how she could create children with her tonic
The Chicken Coop
This story is available once Euna is adventurous, and you've told her the story about Aileen's Lady-In-Waiting.
A Sister's Fantasy
This story is a fabrication of a fantasy rather than a recounting of a past event.
It unlocks once Euna is ready to promote to incestuous.
Aileen's Lady-In-Waiting
This story is unlocked after you and Euna have sex.
It's a short story that provides three main branches based on the three main fetish tracks. Each option varies depending on how advanced its respective track is, and it provides experience in the track you choose, regardless of how advanced the track is.
The Tsaritsa
This story addresses Euna's budding submissive or dominant demeanor. The tone of the story is different depending on which.
It unlocks once Euna is lewd, and she is either two points closer toward dominant or submissive than she is to the other.
Selia and the Master
This story unlocks once Euna is lewd. You must also have told her the story of The Prowling Lilins.
Once Euna has become (Lewd-5), Euna can earn money in the cove by becoming a street whore. This event works by pulling from a deck of eligible events.
There are seventeen whoring events which Euna can encounter while working the cove docks. Each event is only available in the pool if its criteria is met.
- Generic: On the ground
- Generic: On the ground
- Generic: Against the Wall
- Generic: Against the Wall
- Generic: On the Crate
- Generic: On the Crate
- Anal
- Anal
- The crowd
- The crowd
- The Dog Walker
- The Dog Walker
- Size
- Size
- Filth
- Filth
- Outfit: Silk gown
- Outfit: Silk gown
- Outfit: Velvet sash and fishnets
- Outfit: Velvet sash and fishnets
- Outfit: Skirt and bodice
- Outfit: Skirt and bodice
- Rimjob
- Rimjob
- Pain
- Pain
- Urethral Sounding
- Urethral Sounding
- Watersports
- Watersports
- The Pirate Crew
- The Pirate Crew
- The Sword Maiden
- The Sword Maiden
This will get you to the end of the story through both the lewd way and the clever way (non-lewd way).
- Collect food and explore for three days.
- Find Lanx and Fira.
- Break into the city.
- Obtain the pirate emblem.
- Find someone who could sail you home.
- Break into the sorceress's keep.
- Trick the sorceress.
- Go home.
The alchemists
- After you've relocated to the altar, travel north to the ravine, north again to the valley, then west. You'll meet Lanx and Fira.
Once Euna is both acquanted with drinking piss and deepthroating cock, she'll get the idea for a new trick the next time you have her drink piss during sex.
She'll start practicing a trick down by the river of allowing urine to flow down her throat without swallowing. It takes her seven days to learn this, but it's accelerated one day each time you...
- Spy on her doing her "cup drinking" practice at the river.
- Or make her drink piss during sex.
After she's ready, she'll make an offer at the start of sex which can be activated by focusing on her face or tits.
The brooch and the pirates
Now that you have the pirate emblem, you can enter the slaver cove. You must attempt to escape the land by chartering passage. This will get you into trouble with the pirate lords.
Clever solution
- Peruse the markets. Euna will find a trinket that must have come from home. Get the merchant to tell you about this. You'll need to bribe him with a bottle of rum from Shirina after entertaining the children again.
- He'll point you toward Damien De Castilla at the Siren't Bounty. He'll take you home, if you steal a jewel from a powerful sorceress.
Lewd solution
This path is the same as the clever, but there's an alternative route.
- Instead of persuing the lead with the trinket, find a captain at the wharf who will take you home for five thousand rubles.
- Earning that much money is very difficult without reducing Euna to a whore. Even then, it takes many days.
- It helps to pursue the main quest once Euna is whorish. Trick her into drinking the lime blossom tonic, and then she can really start earning money.
The old man and the emblem
The old man is located east along the beach far south of the altar. He has an emblem you need to enter the pirate cove.
Clever solution
- First, you must have the lyre. Go to the Fiddler ship at the south end of the city. Enter the shop, ask if the instruments are for sale, then ask if you may have one.
- With the lyre, head to the center of the city (north of the Fiddler). Talk to the woman at the banquet table, ask about her job, then offer to play for her children. She'll give you a bottle of rum.
- Go to the old man on the beach. Offer the rum. Inside ask him questions until you learn about the Pirate Emblem. Leave.
- Now that you know about the emblem, wander about the city. A drunkard will show up in the garden district. (If he doesn't just wait a day and look again. He's very likely to occur). He'll ask you for a sleeping remedy.
- Go to the city church, and ask for a remedy. (It's yours now. If you try to take this remedy back to the drunk, he'll refuse it.)
- Go back to the city and play for the children for a second bottle of rum.
- Return to the old man on the beach. Spike the rum with the remedy and offer it to him, you'll steal the emblem after he passes out.
Lewd solution
- If Euna is lewd, go to the old man's cabin and suggest to Euna that she flash him. By the end of the event, you'll steal the emblem.
Entering the City
After you've met Lanx and Fira, you'll be able to get into the city of Cockaigne.
- Borrow the razor from Lanx.
- Go the to the wall of vines in the valley just south and west of Lanx. Cut through, explore ahead to find the rope.
- Return to Lanx to swap the razor for the geologist's pick.
- Go south from the altar, west at the waterfall, and west at the cliffside to find the wall.
- Use the pick to carve handholds. Use the rope to belay Euna up the wall.
Followup method
Later on, once Euna is adventurous, you can enter the city through the front gate by having her flirt with the guards. You won't need climbing gear in your inventory for this method.
Once you have the Zaratan Jewel, you can return to Damien at any point to begin the closing arc. This arc doesn't require a walkthrough. Do as you wish and enjoy whatever ending variations you've unlocked.
The catacombs and the keep
Breaking into the sorceress's keep can only be done after you have a deal with Damien to take you home.
Clever solution
- Make sure you have Lanx's shaving razor.
- Go to the beach south of the altar and head west until you find the bluff. Swim inside.
- In the cave, head north to the akkoro nest. Apply the jelly and use the razor to cut your way through after the scissors don't work.
- Explore the small catacombs until you find stairs. Head up and you're inside the keep.
Lewd solution
- First, Euna must be beast-curious.
- When you visit Lanx, he should be working on something call an Estrus Mellago. Help him with this. Then help further by collecting samples from the horses in the city stables. Return, and he'll give you the Artemic Philter.
- Go to the beach south of the altar and head west to the bluff. Swim inside.
- In the cave, go north to the akkoro nest. Use the Artemic Philter. Euna will distract them long enough for you to get by.
- Explore the catacombs until you find stairs. Head up and you're inside the keep.
The nezurite is in the sorceress's lab, but first you must know about it. Tara tells you.
- In your talk with Tara, ask why she's in bed, what the sorceress does to her, whether the sorceress shares Kara, and finally ask what Nezurite is.
- Make sure to ask if she'll help you get the jewel. She'll refuse, but you'll learn where the jewel is.
- When you try to leave, the sorceress will appear. You'll sneak out while she's distracted.
- From there, head south twice and climb the tower into the sorceress's lab.
- Ask Euna if there's anything useful in the bottles, then ask about nezurite. She'll find it among the bottles.
The first three days
- The first few days after finding Euna are scripted. Use this time to explore the area and find food. After finding a food source, you'll progress to night time, where you'll interact with Euna.
- At some point, you must explore the waterfall two steps north of the river mouth camp. Climb it and look about. You'll automatically find an altar.
- After three nights (or the night after you've found the altar, whichever comes second), you'll relocate to the altar. This ends the introduction.
Quiet parts of the city are:
- The garden district
- The shops
- Outside the church
- By the palace when it's closed
- By the barracks when no one is being pilloried.
Sword mistress ending
This ending is a scat-focused alternative ending which involves Euna gradually courting a lady pirate lord through a long course of whoring. It's not for the faint of heart.
To begin it, Euna must be depraved, and she must be skilled at deepthroating. Then whore Euna down at the docks. Eventually a dangerous-looking woman will come by who has a particular dirty fetish. After the first encounter, she can appear more often, but never more than once per day.
In total, five more whoring scenes must play out. Two of those five scenes have no requirements and are automatically unlocked. Four more scenes exist which have different requirements to be accessable. Three of which must be unlocked.
- Euna must have experience with smothering/suffocation. For this, she must be painful. Tie her hands one night and sit on her face for longer than she's comfortable with (but not too long).
- Euna must have mastered her piss-drinking trick.
- Euna must be dominant.
- Euna must be insatiable, and you must have rented her out to a crew of pirates at least once.
Once enough scenes have been encountered (six including the introductory one), a seventh scene will eventually occur where the pirate lord sufficiently impressed with Euna to make her an offer.
After that, a new way home can be accessed by visiting this lord's ship up at the cove docks.
If Euna is submissive, there will be an alternative to going home available.
If she's not, going home is the only option, but there will be a new edict which Euna will want your feedback on during the pre-coronation scene.
- This route requires a little bit of repetitive whoring, but not too much. The pirate lord shows up often, but she shows up more reliably if you whore Euna exclusively as a shit-whore
- It also helps if Euna is insatiable, then you can whore her three times a day.
- If the lord isn't showing up, it means you probably haven't unlocked enough scenes yet.
- After the pirate lord has made her proposal, she'll continue to show up during whoring, but not as often, and the scenes will be random.
If you've tricked the sorceress the lewd way, then you'll have the opportunity to trick Euna as well.
After the sorceress drinks the potion and becomes overcome with lust, she'll propose a toast. You can give the remainder of the potion to the sorceress which turns her into a simpering bimbo, or you can slip the rest of the tonic to Euna, which will automatically progress her lewd level regardless of how much experience she has. The maximum level is insatiable.
Alternatively, if she's already insatiable, or she has enough experience to promote, she can be convinced to willingly drink the potion and condemn herself to a life of out-of-control lust.
The sorceress and the flower
Once you're in the keep, you must set about obtaining the jewel. This involves tricking the sorceress in one of three ways. The all start by first finding Tara in the north-east bedroom.
Quick solution
This is the easiest and fastest to accomplish, but it's the least happy and least erotic way.
- Ask Tara for her help. She'll refuse.
- Try to leave. The sorceress will show up. And you'll have to sneak out.
- Go south twice to her lab.
- Ask Euna about the sorceress's current project, and whether she's successful
- Take the failed alchemical potion.
- Leave the keep. Come back another day.
- Return to Tara. Ask for her help in drugging the sorceress. Lie.
Clever solution
- Obtain nezurite
- Leave the keep.
- If you don't already have the lilac flower, go to the church of simori the city, enter, and ask about the flowers.
- Go to Lanx and Fira, ask if they could craft a potion with the nezurite. Offer the lilac when he asks for a flower.
- Return to the keep (on another day then when you left). Return to the master bedroom and ask Kara for her help in drugging the sorceress. She'll do it, and you'll get the jewel at the end of the arc.
Lewd solution
- Euna must be at least adventurous to complete this.
- Obtain nezurite
- Before you leave the keep, make sure to visit Slug, whose one step east after entering the keep.
- Examine the table in the room and take a lime blossom.
- Leave the keep.
- Go to Lanx and Fira, ask if they could craft the potion. Offer the lime blossom when he asks for a flower.
- Return to the keep (on another day then when you left). Return to the master bedroom and ask Kara for her help in drugging the sorceress. She'll do it, and you'll get the jewel at the end of the arc.
"Agreed," she says.
"Okay," Tara says. "Bye then. You should leave before the sorceress finds you."
"We'll be careful," Euna replies.
You're in the black marble hallway.
Here, the hallway turns, going both South and West. At the outer corner is a wide archway where a carpeted staircase leads up to an oak door.
A carpeted staircase leads up to an oak door.
"Because this is where my aunt/stepmother keeps me," Tara replies. "I warm the bed for her."
"Don't you ever leave?" Euna asks. "Are you allowed to?"
"Only if she takes me with her. She only does that if she wants me around. Or if I've behaved myself."
"So she treats you like a pet?"
"I am. She tells me so. I only live to please her."
"No..." Tara replies. "My bloods stains so many of her whips. It's caked on so many of her toys, and rubbed into so many of her ropes. She'd need only a flake to track me down. And she would. There's nowhere in the world I could go that she would not drag me back. She's told me I can't even escape her in death. She will always bring me back to her."
"That's awful," Euna says.
"Why would you even want to free me? I don't know you."
"Because no one deserves what she's doing to you."
"Please don't. Please just leave me alone. You'll just make things worse."
"We won't," Euna replies.
"One last thing." Samirah circles back behind the girl, who's hardly responsive by now. Hooking her arms under Tara's thighs once again, she lift her off of the post. Tara moans as the enormous pulls out of her. The lips of her slit distend outward with the wood. The post pops out of her. The wooden sphere glistens with pussy secretions.secretions and blood. Her pussy gapes even more so than her ass. The sorceress positions Tara's broken asshole over the sphere and lets go. Tara screams as the sphere plunges inside her with a plop. Several inches of the shaft disappear into her instantly. She slides down a few more inches until she stops herself by gripping the post with her thighs and calf. She's taken the post in her ass nearly to the same depth that her pussy had, but her flexed legs have her stopped.
This isn't enough for the sorceress. Grinning viciously, she leaps upon Tara's back and wraps her legs about the girl. Her full weight yanks the girl down upon the post. Six more inches disappear instantly, blowing past the depth her pussy had taken it. Tara screeches in terrible pain. Her legs flop beneath her for purchase. Her ass is at a depth on the post where it is as thick as her legs, leaving her ruined back hole obscenely deformed around the wood. It's caved inward, and the skin is taut white. Her swollen breasts have been pulled so tight that they're under her chin. They're ruined, just like her ass Without alchemy, they'll never recover.The ropes tying her to the ceiling have tightened so much about her wrists that her hands are purple. Her shoulders seem dislocated.
Samirah remains clinging to the girl. Her breasts pressed into Tara's shoulder blades, her soiled cock squished between the two women. For a while, she listens as Tara breaks down into a new bout of sobs. Finally, she gets off. Tara does not rise up any with the loss of weight. Her ass is permanently torn open.
"I feel much better now," the sorceress says. "Thank you, Tara, for helping me let off some stress. It was most gracious." She cups Tara's chin and kisses her. Though dazed, Tara hardly responds. Samirah laps up the filth coating Tara's lips. She pulls it into her own mouth and savors the flavor the way Tara didn't. The sorceress ends with a peck upon Tara's nose and forehead.
Samirah climbs onto the bed and lies upon the silk pillows. "I'm tired now. When I awake, perhaps I will fix you." She's above the covers and nude, apart from her stockings and her leather cock. It's still coated in shit with much of it packed against the base. Much is matted into her pubic hair. Her body is likewise sullied. Much of her got stained during the fucking. Tara's blood streaks her legs and pelvis, and she's stained much of it into the silk. Urine is also soaked into the bed in spots. Yet the sorceress rests her eyes for sleep.
Tara is still suspended from the ceiling by her ruined breasts.chafed wrists. Her body is a befouled mess with filth dripping from her body. The post is still lodged in her ass, and no matter how much she tries to lift herself by her legs, she's too weak to manage more than a few moments a time before sliding back down upon it. The ropes support her weight more than her ass does given how much her ass gapes. Her pussy is equally deformed. The post is still embedded in her pussy. She tries to lift herself by her legs, but she's too weak to manage more than a few moments before sliding back down. Her ass still gapes. She hugs the post with her legs to keep her weight off the ropes. It's a futile effort that she can only manage for moments. As a result, she's left humping the post again. She won't be getting any sleep. Instead, it seems she's left to watch her aunt/stepmother sleep peacefully while she endeavors to keep quiet. She's become a tableau of the sorceress's cruel perversion.
Meanwhile, Euna is playing with herself. Her eyes are fixed on Tara, and her hand works feverishly between her legs. A shuddered breath escapes her lips, almost a mewl, and you slap a hand over her mouth. This calms her down, after a moment. She looks thoroughly abashed.
Euna's has her hands clenched together before her. She's flush, her breath short, but when she finally looks to you, her eyes are troubled.
You signal, and you and Euna creep back down the stairs. At the bottom she whispers to you. "That poor girl! And to think she puts up with that day in and day out."
"Okay," Tara says. "I won't tell her you were here."
"We appreciate that," Euna says. "Good luck. I wish we could do more for you."
You and Euna head back toward the door. Just as you reach the handle, footsteps can be heard on the stairwell beyond. They're coming closer.
The sorceress is coming.
"Quick!" Tara whispers "It's her. Hide!" She points to a wardrobe against the wall.
You and Euna race inside and hide among gowns and leather corsets. Closing the door to just a crack behind you, you both can just see out into the room.
The bedroom door bursts open. The sorceress strides in. She's a towering icon of intense beauty. Her olive-tone skin is flawless. Her coal black hair shimmers like a waterfall. The similarity between her and her nieces is astounding, although she'sShe's far more voluptuous compared to Tara's waif form, and much more imposing.
She strides toward the bed, absently kicking off her slippers. She unfastens her corset and tosses it aside. Her full breasts spill out, her dark nipples prominent. Off comes her flowing skirt next, leaving her nude apart from thigh-high stockings. A loop of a thin silver chain drapes from between her legs. She collapses onto the bed and stares at the ceiling.
Tara is curled up at the foot of the bed, watching her aunt/stepmother.
"Spirit," the sorceress mutters.
Tara snaps up. She scrambles to a decanter by the window. Inside is a dark, blood red drink like wine, but thick like watered honey. Tara pours a sample into a small crystal glass and hurries to offer it to her aunt/stepmother.
For a while, the sorceress ignores the offering, leaving Tara holding it out. The girl's arms soon tremble, but only once the sorceress is good and ready does she accept the glass.
She drinks. "I swear. I might as well throw my ingredients in the fire for all the good I make of them." Another sip. "Yet another boy died today."
"I'm sorry," Tara replies.
"I wouldn't even care so much except for how damn close I am. The transmutation completes entirely. I can even talk to them for a while afterward, but then..." she snaps her fingers. "they're gone. Lifeless as a puppet."
"I know you will succeed. You always do."
Samirah sighs. "...if I don't run out of subjects first. The prison is practically empty. I am most vexed." She drinks again, tilting back and letting the remaining liqueur drain down her throat. "I need to hurt someone." She says simply. "That would lift my mood, I think."
Tara hesitates before giving a measured response. "Please. I beg you to take your stress out on me."
The sorceress arches an eyebrow. "You?"
"Yes, dear aunt/stepmother. Please, torture me if it would make you feel even slightly better."
"Hmm." The sorceress mulls it over as though this idea were new to her, though you get the sense Tara had to make that offer, and she's had to make it many times before.
"I was going to relieve my stress on one of the girls, maybe Slug, but I suppose if you want it." She hands the crystal glass to Tara, who kept her face neutral as she was condemned to her aunt/stepmother's attention. As she replaces the glass by the decanter, the sorceress strides to a door opposite the bed and casts it open. From your vantage point, you can only see partly inside, but beyond the door seems to be an enormous walk-in closet lined with all manner of sexual instruments. There are fearsome cocks, racks lined with ropes, masks, whips, and canes. And that's only what you can see.
As the sorceress is browsing, Tara frantically waves at you to leave. You and Euna scurry from the wardrobe. You escape the room and quietly shut the door before the sorceress returns. At the bottom of the stairs, you both take cover around the corner.
"Did you see the chain dangling from her nethers?" Euna asks.
"I did."
"That's the Zaratan Jewel, but how are we supposed to get it? We can't confront her. We don't know how powerful she is. And we couldn't possibly steal it."
"Perhaps we can trick her somehow," you say.
"Not sure yet..."
The stairwell rises to a landing with a grand oak doorway. Slipping through, you and Euna find yourselves in an lavish bedroom fit for royalty, although the decor is both macabre and erotic. Murals along the walls depict beasts from dragons to horrors, as well as many nude women, often together in acts of forced copulation. The floors and walls are the same dark marble as the rest of the keep, and it's complemented with blood red furnishings, the most prominent being the bed.
It has countless pillows, a mahogany headboard, intricately engraved, and a silk canopy held up by solid posts. Laying atop the bed is a lovely young girl in a silk shawl. Her hair shimmers black, and her skin is like dusk.
She startles the moment you enter. She scampers behind the bed.
Euna exchanges glances with you. "Who was that?" she whispers.
"I don't know. Not the sorceress."
Euna nears the bed. "Hello there."
No reply.
"It's okay. We're not going to hurt you."
The girl peeks above the bed. Her eyes are piercing even as anxious as they are. "Who are you? You're not slaves."
"My name is Euna, and no, we're not."
The girl eyes you two warily.
"Will you tell us your name?" Euna asks.
After a long pause, "Tara."
"That's a lovely name, Tara."
"You must leave," the girl says, "before my aunt/stepmother finds you."
"Your aunt/stepmother?" you say. "Samirah?"
Tara nods.
Euna startles. "The sorceress has a niece/stepdaughter?"
"May we ask you some questions first?" you say.
Cautiously, Tara climbs out from behind the bed.
You and Euna ascend the stairs into the master bedroom. Peeking inside, you determine that the sorceress is not there before you two enter the room.
Tara is there. Startled, she sits up. Despite whatever cruelty she suffered at the hands of her aunt/stepmother before, she seems no worse for wear today.
"You're back." she says. "It's dangerous for you to be here."
"Help me?" Tara frowns. "What do you mean?"
"Do you want to be free?" Euna says.
Tara's eyes widen. "No!"
"Why not?"
"I cannot be freed. My aunt/stepmother owns me."
"We can take you with us."
"No. She has my blood, and she can use it to find me, no matter where I go or how far I run. I have to stay."
"Oh no. No, no," Tara shakes her head violently. "I couldn't possibly. If she found out I helped an outsider against her, she'd... I don't even think being her niece/stepdaughter would save me from her wrath. I'm sorry. I... I won't tell her you were here, but that's it. For that alone, she would do things to me..."
"Thank you," Euna says. She looks at you meaningfully as she speak. "We won't have you do anything that would put you at risk."
"The Zaratan Jewel?" Tara asks.
"If that's what it's called," you reply.
"It is. It's a woman's key to the beast of the deep."
"Woman's?" Euna asks.
"Only a woman's. And only my aunt/stepmother may use it. Why do you want it?"
"We need it to go home," Euna answers. "Please."
"I can't help you. Do you know what she would do to me if she finds out I was even talking to strangers without her permission?"
"Please," Euna says. "All we want to know is where it is. Her beast attacked our ship and killed our people. We're stranded on this land because of her, and we can't go home unless we get that jewel."
"I'm sorry," Tara says. "I really am, but you'll never get the jewel. She keeps it on herself all the time. It never leaves her."
"Even when she bathes?" Euna replies, "or sleeps? Is there no time she takes it off? Even for a moment?"
"You don't get it. She keeps it inside herself." Tara points to her own crotch and hooks her finger, as though to reach inside her slit. "And even when she takes it out, it's attached to a chain pierced to her pearl." Another point to her crotch. Her finger rests on her shawl right about where her clitoris would be.
"...Oh." Euna says.
"Oh. All right then." Tara settles back down.
"Whatever she wants," Tara replies. "She says that's what I'm good for. If I please her, then it's not that bad."
"And if you don't please her?" Euna asks.
Tara hesitates."She gets... inventive. Once she left me tied up by my breasts over a wooden wedge so it was digging into my flower. By morning, I was bleedinghurting pretty badly. My breasts were so swollen and purple, she had to use alchemy to treat them. One time she made me clean all the castle latrines with my tongue. She doesn't even make the cleaning girl do that. It was horrible. Often, she just hooks me up to one of her contraptions. Or does alchemy to me... Sometimes she just shares me with the guards and tells them to do what they want to me. And sometimes they give me to the dogs...They're never nice."
"But this is only if I displease her," Tara explains. "She's nice to me even. Sometimes when she's in a good mood, she even lets me help her with her work sometimes. These days, she doesn't even share me that much because of how much I mean to her."
"She's in her laboratory," Tara says, "but you must leave before she comes back."
"We will," you say. "What's she doing in there?"
"Her projects. I don't know which ones."
"She left the keep for today," Tara says, "but she'll come back soon. You can't be here when she does."
"Will you help us drug the sorceress?"
"Why were you just sitting here in bed?"
"What kind of things does your aunt/stepmother make you do?"
"You said she shares you with others?"
"What if we found all your blood she has? Would you be free of her then?"
"Could you help us get the Zaratan Jewel from between her legs?"
"Where does the sorceress keeps the jewel which controls the leviathan?"
"To have your own aunt do that to you?"
"To have anyone do that to you is horrible," you reply. "You just said you'd do all those things to Tara if she were willing. Suppose she were your niece instead of the sorceress's. If both of you were consenting to what was happening, then can you possibly imagine a closer relationship?"
"I suppose I see your point. If the relationship were something we shared together, but what's happening in there is rape."
"No. To have her do that to you. You just said that you'd take Tara's place, and you know that's not just to spare the girl."
"...maybe not."
"What if instead of having Reverend Mother Margosha Romanovna for an aunt, you had the sorceress?"
"And be bed-bound all day?"
"Forget that, just an aunt who was actually attractive, and who punished you with a rough, kinky ravaging instead of with prayers and chores. Would you make that switch?"
She thinks about it. "I would. I'd have a lot more in common with an aunt like that, but what just happened in that bedroom was not a punishment. It was rape."
"I know," you reply. "It's wrong."
"Perhaps. At least we can be sure she's not in there right now. Not sure what we'll do with whatever we find."
She blushes. "Perhaps the sheer carnal presentation has me bothered, but that doesn't change that the poor girl is suffering."
"You've done things like that before," you say. "You really think you wouldn't do things like that to Tara if you could?"
Euna thinks. "If I were, I wouldn't do a single thing to her that she didn't want, and I wouldn't jest about not healing her."
"But you'd still do those things?"
She shrugs. "If she wanted them, sure. Perhaps I'd go farther... If she wanted."
"Sounds like you'd make a better sorceress than Samirah would."
She considers. "I might trade places with her."
"Tara's place? Sounds like you were more than a little bothered."
"I'd only do so to spare the poor girl the same fate. I think I could handle that sort of treatment in stride, so long as the sorceress healed me eventually."
"Perhaps you should go offer yourself."
"Don't be daft. We need to find a way to stop that madwoman. For her to do that to her own kin... horrible."
"Only that the sorceress is a truly twisted woman," Euna says. "That was the most vile and sadistic behavior I've ever seen."
"Are you suggesting we spike her drink?"
You shrug.
"It might work." She ponders this. "We'd have to return another day, before she returns to her bedroom for her drink. If we knocked her out, we could take the jewel from her easily. Though Tara would need to go along with this, and the sorceress would make her regret it."
"It seems merely putting her to sleep won't work."
Euna's eyes widen. "Are you suggesting we kill her."
"And if it comes to that?"
She gives a helpless shrug. "She is a vile woman."
"Let's spy on her. Maybe she'll reveal something to Tara."
"From the looks, seems like you enjoyed the show."
"Is it really that much worse just because they're related?"
"We could search her lab. Maybe a way will reveal itself there."
"Guess we didn't learn anything from watching that."
But Samirah is only getting started. As her niece/stepdaughter struggles with the post. She lines her leather cock up with Tara's rear end and rams in. Tara shrieks. Clutching the girls hips, Samirah digs deeper into the girl's bowels with several rutting thrusts until her pubis presses against Tara's ass. The sorceress circles her arms about the girl, cradling her, stroking her face and breasts. Her lips tickle Tara's neck even as her hips pound the phallus in and out.
Tara is sobbing. Double penetrated as deeply and thickly as she is, her groin is grossly deformed. Inside her, the cock and the post must be rubbing against each other through the thin membranes of her rectum and vaginal walls. Her thighs hug the post, trying to take as much weight off the post, but her aunt/stepmother's violent thrusts cause her to bounce upon it.
Tara is sobbing. Her thighs hug the post, struggling to support her weight and pull away from her aunt/stepmother's invasion, but each thrust cause her body to jiggle. Her thighs constantly slip.
The sorceress continues to cradle the girl intimately. It'd be tender if not for her savage thrusts. Or the blood running down the post and the sorceress's legs.
Tara loses control of her bladder. Her urethra, flattened by the post embedded in her pussy, sprinkles urine over the bedsheets and the marble floor. More splatters against the post, wetting the wood down its length. Her urine sprays directly against the post she has her legs wrapped around. It runs in a stream down the wood, soaking into the corner of the bed and forming a puddle on the floor.
Seeing this, Samirah reaches down her niece/stepdaughter's belly and cups the stream. Her hand smothers it against Tara's pussy, wetting her bush and massaging it up the girl's belly and thighs. She's completely unconcerned about the mess her niece/stepdaughter is making. Once Tara's stream dies down, the sorceress licks her own fingers clean.
Tara's screams rise in pitch. Sensing this, her aunt/stepmother to pound faster. All tenderness is gone. The sex crescendos into a violent hammering of Tara's asshole as she screams and begs. Tears stream down her face. Samirah reaches between her own legs and strums her clit as she shudders and moans. Afterward, she holds her niece/stepdaughter tightly and buries her head in her hair as she recovers.
Pulling away, the sorceress extracts her leather cock from her niece/stepdaughter's bowels. It's smothered in brown waste with much packed along the base. Tara's asshole gapes like a yawning cavern from its ravaging. It seems she's unable to close it, because ample shit oozes freely from her wrecked hole. After the first few dollops plop onto the marble floor, Samirah cups her hand beneath the girl's ass. Emulsified shit piles onto her palm. Once again she embraces her niece/stepdaughter from behind, hugging her breasts against the girl's back. She slapped the mess against Tara's constricted breasts, coating swollen flesh and rope alike.pert breasts. They had been damp with sweat, but are now lost beneath a coating of shit. The sorceress cradles Tara as she paints the girl's torso.
Her hand streaks Tara's neck, and finally her face. Fingers slip past Tara's lips. The girl is hardly responsive as Samirah scrapes filth off into her mouth, until she gags.
The sorceress slaps her shitty hand over the girl's mouth. "Don't be a bad girl now. Eat what you're served."
Gasping, Tara struggles to suppress her retching. After she's under control, Samirah finishes scraping her fingers clean into the girl's mouth, which Tara mechanically swallows.
The sorceress is not quite done. Her hand returns to Tara's ruined asshole. First, she scrapes the stretched rim for more shit. When it isn't enough, she reaches farther and farther in until she pushes her fist past Tara's sphincter. Wrist deep, she ruts around inside up to her elbow. Tara whimpers and tries to pull away. The sorceress pulls out a handful of wet, sloppy shit.
She cradles the girl's chin with her clean hand and presses the mass into her mouth. "Eat it. Eat your mess. That's it." It's a giant mouthful, and even as Tara swallows again and again, there is still plenty more the sorceress is mashing against her lips.
It becomes too much. Tara gags, convulses, and finally vomits. It pours out her upturned mouth. Some splatters through Samirah's fingers, but most reflects back upon the girl and cascades down her front. Brown vomit mixes with the shit covering her torso. It spills down her legs and the bed post, puddling along with the urine.
Samirah keeps pressing waste into Tara's mouth as though she weren't vomiting at all, but Tara has lost all control. Her stomach contents comes up again and again. For the last of this shit, the sorceress presses it into her mouth and holds it closed, eventually the girl keeps it down.
The sorceress speaks into her ear. "Now look at the mess you've made, you disgusting little girl. You'll be cleaning it all you know. You should be lucky I don't punish you more for rejecting the meal I provided you, but I'm finished for now."
Her hand now empty, Samirah circles around to observe her work. Tara is a vile mess of waste. The stench is so horrid it's even reaching under the door where you and Euna watch.
When Samirah pulls away, her leather cock slides from Tara's ruined hole. She walks around the girl, admiring her work. A sheen of sweat covers Tara from head to toe. She still gasps.
Beside you, Euna is once again focused, so much so that she doesn't notice you this time. She's chewing her lip.
You ascend the stairs to the master bedroom.
Euna catches you. "Wait, what are you doing? The sorceress is still in there."
"Ah. Right," you say.
"I don't think we'll be able to get back in there today, but this does mean she won't be in her lab right now..."
"Right now?" Euna whispers. "You must realize what she's doing in there."
"It's a private moment," you reply. "She may reveal something vital."
"Uh huh." Euna eyes you. "Is that really why you want to peek?"
"Doesn't have to be the only reason, does it? Come on. Aren't you curious?"
She dithers. "Fine, but not long."
You both sneak up the stairwell and peek through the crack under the door. It gives you a clean view of the bedroom.
The sorceress has returned from her closet. She's strapping about her waist an impressive leather cock glistening with oil. It's size is incredible, dangling down nearly to the sorceress's knees. It's girth is as thick as your forearm. Dotting its length were small metal spikes, which would tear up anyone unfortunate enough to suffer this cruel phallus.Up and down its length are ridged bumps which would rub raw any hole that fearsome phallus were used on. Tara is sitting on the bed, watching with a pitiful expression as her aunt/stepmother oils it.
Next, the sorceress uncoils a rope and crawls onto the bed. Her phallus dangles between her legs. She rips off her niece's slip, leaving the girl naked. She's like a younger version of her aunt—smaller breasts, narrower hips. Though she share the same stunning dark complexion and shimmering black hair. Including a dainty nest of black between her legs. She's beautiful in her own delicate way.
Next, the sorceress uncoils a rope and crawls onto the bed. Her phallus dangles between her legs. She rips off the girl's slip, leaving the girl naked. She has a different form of beauty from her stepmother's full bodied sexual attraction. Her complexion is fair and her form waifish, almost delicate—smaller breasts, narrower hips, a demure slitnest of dainty brown fur between her legs.
The sorceress ties her hands behind her back, then wraps another rope about the base of Tara's breasts. Each wind is tighter and tighter. The sorceress ties off the rope. Standing on the bed, she hooks the other end over a steel hook mounted in the rafter above. It's directly over one of the bed's posts. She pulls the rope through, thus yanking Tara up by her breasts. Wailing, Tara staggers into the post. As Tara lifts into the air, she cries in pain. Her purpling breasts stretch from her chest.
The sorceress ties the girl's hands together. Standing on the bed, she loops the rope over over a steel hook mounted in the crossbeams above. It's directly over one of the posts at the foot of the bed. She pulls the rope through. It yanks Tara up by her hands. She staggers into the bed post, yet the sorceress keeps pulling until Tara lifts into the air by her wrists. The girl flails her feet.
The bed post comes up to the base of Tara's breasts. It's a tapering mahogany pole as wide as a tree trunk at its base, narrowing to wrist-thick end topped with a wooden sphere the size of an apple. The shaft is covered in vertical ridges lined with bumps. A nice design, but they'll be unpleasant for what is clearly coming.
The sorceress cradles Tara's thighs and lifts her up, cooing to the girl as she does. "Up, Tara. That's a girl. A little higher. Thaaat's right." Tara's groin crests the wooden orb. The sorceress settles it under the girl's slit.
"And down you go." The sorceress grabs her hips and pulls down. Tara screams as her pussy stretches around the wood. The girl had been dry, and as a result, the post doesn't slide in easily. Her lips deform inward. Her feet struggle for purchase along the pillar's base, trying to resist the sorceress's pull. The orb slips inside her, but the sorceress keeps yanking her down the shaft. More disappears into her, more than a girl her size should ever be able to take. Her lips are distended around the wide post. Finally, the sorceress gets her low enough to her satisfaction. She pulls the slack out of the rope suspending the girl, inciting another yelp. Tara is left with a choice: put her weight on the thick column violating her, push herself up as best she can using her legs on the post, or allow herself to hang by her choked breasts.bound wrists. Tara tries to lift herself with her feet, but they keep slipping, resulting in her jolting down on the pillar again. The pain has her in tears.
She's bumps against the bedpost. In a struggle to keep her weight off her wrists, she clutches the post with her feet, trying to push herself up. It's pitiful. Her feet keep sliding down the wood. Her best attempt comes when she hugs it with her thighs. She still slides down, causing her to shimmy her thighs up the post. As a result, she's humping the post.
Samirah watches with amusement. Up and down. Up and down. Tara's vagina grinds against the ridged wood. A shuddered whimper escapes the girl's lips, as though the sensation might actually be pleasuring Tara.
You glance at Euna. She's watching with rapt attention, lips tight. Her breathing is heavy. When she notices you, she reddens and stops watching so intently.
You're in the black marble hallway.
Leads to a cess pit outside.
Euna scans through an open tome upon a central desk. The ink is new. The pages after the current one are blank. She reads. "Her handwriting is atrocious." Frowning. Page flipping. "It looks like she was working on some way to restore youth."
There's a table in the center of a circular room. Nothing is upon it. Beyond that is a workbench covered in apparatuses and bottles filled with liquids and powders. It doesn't seem like anyone is in the room.
Euna takes a look as well. "Do you think it's safe?"
"Seems safe enough." You try the handle. Unlocked. You peek inside. It's clear.
Against every wall is a workbench cluttered with potions and reagents. Sitting on racks are strange apparatuses with unfathomable purposes. Bookshelves are packed with dusty tomes bound tight with brass buckles. The place is similar to Lanx and Fira's wagon, although more spacious and moderately more organized.
The round table in the center has strange markings all along its surface. Manacles are at four corners for securing someone on top.
"How many people do you suppose have died on this table?" Euna asks.
"I don't think even the sorceress could say anymore," you reply.
Together, you scrounge the lab, although you're not much help. The purpose of these bottles and books are unknowable save for their labels, and reading was never a skill you were taught. Simple words are easy enough, but these words are not simple, and neither are the pages upon pages of text in the open book upon the desk.
Euna, however, having been born into royalty, has no trouble.
"I don't know," Euna replies. "It doesn't say. Maybe she's just greedy." She thinks. "Or maybe her source of ambrosia is running out..."
"If you think so," she says, "but let's be careful."
Euna scans around the lab. After much searching, she finds a jar in a bin underneath a bench. The contents is an oily orange liquid. A red 'X' is smeared over the label. She struggles to read it. "This is it. Are you planning to use this on the sorceress?"
"Maybe," you reply.
"I suppose if there were ever a poison, this is the one. Sudden death in less than a minute." She sighs, staring at the bottle.
"Some, but I suppose if anyone has this coming, it's her. All these centuries of evil. All the centuries more she'd bring..." After a moment lost in thought, she fetches an empty vial, fills it with a small sample of the failed formula, and puts the jar back in its bin. She hands the small vial to you. "This is all we'll need. I'll entrust you with the decision on whether to use it."
Nodding, you tuck away the vial.
Euna scans through them. "Atrament of Alum, Horn Silver, Dry Menstruum set in Mineral Spirit..." Exasperated, she frowns at all the bottles. "I'm not an alchemist. These terms mean nothing to me. They could be poisons or they could be..." She wafts her hand over one and sniffs it. "Alcohol? I just don't know."
It doesn't seem as though anyone is in there, so you creek open the door. Everything is as you last saw it—a mess of bottles, books, and devices.
She reads on. "No, but she thinks she's getting close, she had some patients maintain a youthful age, but they had undesirable side effects. Lately she's been trying more radical variations, but without luck. Her latest batch was fatal, her 'fifth rubedo mixture', whatever that means. About a minute after ingestion, her patients will experience swift and sudden death."
"So all she succeeded in was making poison."
"Sounds like it."
She reads more, flips to the beginning. "She's using the ambrosia in her work. It can restore health and youth, but it's effects are not permanent. Without regular dosage, you will age again. She's trying to create a genuine alchemical transformation to make someone truly ageless."
"What about these open books? What's she working on right now?"
"Do you see any of that nezurite that Tara was talking about?"
"Do you see that batch of failed formula around here?"
"Do you see anything useful in all these bottles?"
"I thought she was already forever young. Her ambrosia."
"Is her ambrosia not good enough for her? Why does she need more?"
Stalking through the keep, you and Euna retreat back the treacherous way you came way you came. By the time you're back outside and in the clear, the sun is close to setting.
"That was more fruitful than I was expecting," Euna says.
"It was," you agree.
"It's late though. We should head back. Tomorrow we'll begin our plan."
"Let me see..." Euna scans through the bottles of reagents and pulls one nestled near the back. "Is this it? Mercury of Nezurite." The stoppered bottle is filled with dark purple powder that glitters like sand.
"I think so."
"I didn't think rocks had mercury." She looks at it. "So this powder can change someone's personality. Is that what you were thinking? That we somehow use this on the sorceress?"
"Well, it won't work in this form, but perhaps..." She crosses to a bookshelf and scans through the titles. Selecting one, she sits on the floor and pages through it. She motions you to sit by her. On her current page is a large inked illustration of a beautiful crystal surrounded by walls of curving text. "Listen to this," she says. Reading: "The mercury of this mineral can bring to surface and make malleable one's spirit. The other two parts, essence of plant and animal, will dictate the end state of transmutation."
"What does that mean?" you ask.
She reads more. "We need two more ingredients. Plant and Animal. Plant, such as a flower whose oils encapsulate the desired change in personality. Roses reflect love and such. I think."
"And the other one?"
"A salt from a human, derived from the desired end state." She notices your blank stare and shrugs. "I don't understand either, but you know who might? Lanx and Fira. We would need them anyway to put this together. I don't recognize many of these words. Calcination. Rectification. Balneum Ignis... The hardest part of this seems to be finding Nezurite at all. It's exceedingly rare apparently."
You palm the Nezurite. "Good thing we have it then."
She shelves the book. "As long as she doesn't realize it's missing..."
"Perhaps we should escape the keep for now," she says. "I don't think we're going to get the jewel today. We'll need to come back once we're ready."
She scans them. Taking one down, she flips through it and frowns. "I'm not sure. All of these are about theory or practice. There isn't a simple recipe book as far as I can see." She sighs. "I guess alchemy isn't as simple as cooking."
You open the door. Inside is a spartan room. Along the side is a table of smithing tools and alchemical jars. In the center of the room is a young man chained spread eagle upon a straw mat. Each chain leads to a corner. He's entirely naked. and from the look of him and the body odor stench in the room, he hasn't been allowed move from the spot for ages. His black hair is tangled and matted. His dusky skin is tinged with dirt.
What stands out about him the most however is what's between his legs. The man's testicles are each the size of apples. And they look painfully swollen and taught. His penis—rock hard and pointed straight up—is an impressive club nearly as thick as his wrists. Clear precum leaks unabated from the tip. It runs down his shaft in rivulets.
He stirs from sleep as you enter. Upon seeing you and Euna, he flinches, though his chains keep him in place.
"It's okay," Euna approaches him. "We're not going to hurt you."
"What?" He says. "Aren't you slaves of the sorceress?"
"No. We've nothing to do with her."
"Tell us? What is your name?"
"My name? I am Slug."
"No," she says. "Of course I'm not going to do that."
"Why not?" Slug asks.
"I'm neither a milk maid nor a prostitute. I'm not going to perform sexual favors for strangers, even if they are in need."
"Of course," Euna kneels between Slug's legs and caresses his swollen testicles. "Is this what you want?"
He nods, as though fearful that if he should speak, this might this end.
She smearing the rivulets of pre-cum along the shaft. His cock twitches in response.
"You're sensitive," she says.
"Yes," he breaths. "Please, just a little more. It won't take much."
"Just a little more?" She plays her finger along the ridge of his crown. "Is that all it would take?" She's clearly enjoying herself.
"Yes, Oh Ohh," He moans. "So close."
Euna runs her tongue along the shaft and inside the ridge of his spongy crown. Her fingers tickle along the underside.
His balls pull tight, and he explodes. In a nearly solid stream, the first shot of thick white cum arcs through the air and lands on his chest. Euna hastily fastens her mouth about his cock's head. She can barely fit the crown.
Euna's mouth floods with cum. She swallows again and again, but it jets from his cock too quickly. Sticky, lumpy cum sprays from between her lips. Some pours from her nose. It runs down Slug's cock and coats his balls. After nearly fifteen seconds, he finishes. She pulls away and gasps. Cum is running down her chin.
"Oh, my Lord," she says.
"I'm sorry," he replies. "But oh, that feels so much better." He lays panting. His cock still flexes rhythmically in echos of his orgasm. Cum oozes with each throb, running down his shaft like lava from a volcano. "You need to clean me now."
"If you leave me like this, then the sorceress will surely know I've cum. You have to clean the evidence. Please!" He sounds desperate enough, but there's a gleam in his eye.
Euna stares at his messy cock dubiously. "I suppose so." She runs her tongue first along his chest, and then along his pole, collecting semen. She licks his balls clean and sucks his cum-soaked pubic hair. Finally she pulls his oversized testicles aside to lick the pool of cum upon the mat. When she finishes, there's still plenty smeared on herself, but no cum is on Slug or the mat as evidence of the misdeed. He's already hard again.
You fasten your lips to his tip just as he erupts, but you still manage to get a splash on your cheek. Jet after jet of salty pungent cum pumps into your mouth. His cock pulses in your hands. You swallow as much as you can, but it never seems to end. It's like gulping water—sticky, stinking water, and your belly grows full.
It finally slows to gentled surges. You pull away and scrape the mess on your cheeks to your mouth.
"How much was that?" Euna asks.
"More than usual," you admit, but you act unimpressed.
You pull away entirely.
"No..." He looks at you with such betrayal as cum erupts from his cock. Without anything aiming it, it's pointed up toward him. His cum fires with such force it splatters against his chest and neck. As ruined as his orgasm is, he still writhes. Cum goes everywhere.
"Why'd you do that?" he asks pitifully.
"You asked us to get you off," you say. "You didn't say how."
He whimpers.
"You're not leaving him like that," Euna says. "The sorceress will know."
"Will she?" you ask curiously.
"Finish your work." From her tone, there is no room for discussion.
You obligingly lower down and begin licking the cum off his chest. There's a lot to drink up, and it's particularly pungent. Euna keeps pointing out places you've missed along his sides, his neck, and of course his cock. By the time he's clean, you've got a belly full of stinking cum.
"We can't leave him like that," Euna says. "The sorceress will know."
"Won't that be a pity," you say. "And there are no rags to clean him with."
"Really?" she says.
"If you want to clean him, I think you know how."
Euna knows what you're driving at, and she looks torn. With a sigh, she kneels down and begins licking the mess off of Slug's chest. There's a lot to drink up, and it takes her minutes. "Lord is it pungent," she mutters. She has to cover his entire chest, his neck, his sides, and of course his dick. By the time she's done, she seems quite full.
"Thank you," he says.
"Do you remember now?" Euna asks.
"I certainly do recall seeing the scepter." He ponders. "Though I'm not quite sure I'm in a state to talk yet. You've showed me so much attention cleaning my cock I already ache again."
"This wasn't our deal," Euna says.
"It's been years since a woman has touched me like that, but longer still since I've felt a woman's sheath upon my sword. I need it."
She just pleasured you!" Euna says. "Now you're telling me it wasn't enough? You want us to have sex with you?"
"I just pleasured you!" Euna says. "I swallowed your seed. Now you're telling me it wasn't enough? You want me to have sex with you?"
"This may be the last opportunity I ever have for intimacy."
"And how do we know you won't demand even more afterward?"
"I promise I won't."
"You promised last time!"
This time, he grins. "Did I? I suppose you won't know until you try."
Exasperated, Euna looks to you.
"Maybe we're being too kind, Euna. Let's make him understand he's in no position to toy with us."
"Why not, Euna? Think you can fit that cock inside you?"
He shakes his head. "No. Normally I'm allowed about the keep to do chores, but she's chained me here for a week as punishment."
"Why is she punishing you?" Euna asks.
"I touched myself to spill my own seed."
"That's it?"
"She forbids me to do so. but it just... I needed it. She's grown my virility so much that if I don't find release, I ache unbearably so. She delights in that, making me go days between release until I feel as though I'm about to burst. She put me here to stop my wandering hands, she says."
His eyes light. "Do you think you could? Is that possible?"
"Let's see." You study his bindings. His chains are thick, and they are bolted to the black marble wall. The shackles about his wrists and ankles are likewise bolted shut. There are no locks along any of them. It seems the bolts binding the shackles were hammered shut.
"Actually, maybe not," you say. "If there were a keyhole for me to pick, maybe, but these? Not without tools."
He wilts. "I thought so. She said it was impossible."
"We're sorry," Euna says.
"There is, actually," Slug says. He looks to Euna.He looks from you to Euna. "I need release..."
"What?" she asks, bemused.
He gestures to his cock. "It wouldn't take much–not much at all."
"You want meus to... pleasure you?" she asks.
"Please, I know it's a strange thing to ask, seeing as how we've only just met, but it's been nearly a week since I've had release. My balls feel as though they might explode. And if you could clean away all the seed afterward so she doesn't find out. Please?"
Bemused, Euna looks to you.
You pluck a cluster of lime blossom and tuck it away.
"What? No," Euna says.
"Why not?" you ask. "He's in need?"
"Do not debase yourself like that... even if it is for a cause."
"It's nothing I haven't done before," you say, "although never quite this large."
"I don't care," Euna is blushing. "When you're around me, you'll behave like a proper gentlemanlady."
You shrug helplessly at Slug.
"Isn't anybody going to help me?" he asks.
You sidle up next to Slug and take his oversized manhood in your hands, and it throbs just from that touch. This won't take long. Precum already oozes down his shaft.
"How does it feel when I do this?" You lick the precum up, letting your tongue work over the ridge of his crown and nuzzle against his pee hole.
"Ohh," he groans.
Euna watches intently. "Is he already close?"
"Oh yes," you say. "I wonder how little I have to do?" you ponder, and then you begin to experiment.
Holding his cock steady and, you blow on the tip. His cock stiffens tight.
You run a trail of kisses up the shaft. He shudders.
You fasten your lips on that sensitive spot on the underside of the crown, and you suckle for only ten seconds. Your hands don't even move along his shaft. He starts tightening up to cum so quickly that before you can even consider teasing him by backing off, he's passed the point of no return. He's about to erupt.
"I agree," Euna approaches Slug.
"Wait," he says. "What are you doing?"
She strolls over to the counter where all the alchemical tonics were stored. From the tools, she takes several metal stirring sticks. Each is six inches in length. With those, she approaches Slug.
"What are you doing with those?" he asks warily. She doesn't answer, but straddles his lap and sit. His balls are so massive that her weight is upon them, causing him to groan. The lips of her pussy kissing against the base of his cock. Holding it firmly with one hand, she puts the tip of a stirring stick against his urethra and jams it in.
Slug screams out and thrashes, trying to throw her off of him, but to no avail. "Stop!" he yells. "I'll talk talk."
"No," Euna says. "I'm not ready to listen. After I've had some fun, perhaps I'll ask you again." She takes another stick and begins working it in along side the other, unlike the first, there isn't quite enough room. She has to waggle the stick back and forth, twisting it so until it slides in next to the other. For both sticks, she pushes them until they're all the way in. There isn't any left outside to pull them out by. Slug is in agony.
A third stick. This one she fits in by prying the other two apart to make room, and she slides it in between them. Slug struggles and moans. She's pushed all three all the way in until there's none left to pull them out by. Rocking back, she takes the last stirring stick and whips Slug's swollen balls. He cries out. "Ah please. It's too much!" His back arches. His butt lifts off the mat.
Suddenly, a dribble of cum spurts from the tip of his cock, around the stirring sticks. But most is trapped. The cum has no where to go, and the pressure builds. One stick fires out of his cock. It flies several feet into the air, propelled by a stream of cum. The remaining sticks dislodge and stick half way out of his urethra. Cum now spurts out from his tip, around the stirring stick.
Euna yanks the sticks out. Cum fountains out. It splatters Euna's face and breasts. Then she fastens her mouth over his cock and swallows down the rest of the deluge. Her hands work his shaft.
Kneeling between his legs, Euna slaps him squarely on the balls.
"Ah, no!" Slug squirms. "Please, stop. I'll talk!"
"But I'm not ready to listen," she says. "After I've had some fun, perhaps I'll ask you again." After several more slaps, she firmly grabs each testicle and squeezes. He screams. His cock jerks. Euna doesn't relent. She digs her nails in. With both testicles firmly in her grasp, the nails bite into his flesh, concaving his testicles slightly.
He thrashes to get away from her, but his jerking only serves to yank his testicles still firmly in her grip. "Ahh! Stop! Please!" His back arches. His butt lifts off the mat.
Quite suddenly, pearly white cum erupts from his cock. It sprays several feet straight up, then splatters down upon Slug's chest, his face, and all over the floor. Rope after rope shoot out, a few splatter Euna. Startled, she backs away at first, but a grin comes over her. With his cock is still erupting, she fastens her mouth of the tip of his cock and swallows the remainder of what comes out. Her hands work his shaft.
Slug groans. Despite his obvious pain, he seems relieved.
Euna runs her finger through a splatter of cum upon her face and licks it clean. "You weren't exaggerating when you said you were sensitive. You enjoyed that more than I expected," she said. "And here I thought your life was torture."
He lies gasping.
"Are you ready to talk now?" she asks. "Or..." She worms her index finger into his urethra.She flicks her hand across his tender balls.
He yelps. "No. I'll talk."
"I was an offering," he says. "I used to live in Cockaigne, but then my name came up in the lottery, and I was forced to come here for the sorceress. She lay with me, yet I did not please her. So she plies her alchemy upon me to increase my manhood to her satisfaction. Yet no matter how much it grows, no matter how much I beg her, she always wants to grow it more. My suffering delights her."
"She tortures you?" Euna asks.
"It's horrible. Some weeks, she'll destroy everything between my legs, leaving nothing but a bleeding pulp. Other times she castrates me. Every time, after she thinks I've suffered enough, she'll use her powers to restore me to my bloated, deformed state. I'm living a hell."
"She tortures it." He looks to his obscene manhood. "Only ever pain. She'll whip and squeeze my balls, or put them in vices. It's a nightmare."
"Like the one she uses to control the leviathan?" he asks.
"Yes, that's the one," Euna asks.
"I think I might," Slug replies.
He hesitates. "I... I'll tell you, but you must do something for me." He looks at Euna.
"What is it?" she asks.
"I need release."
"What?" she asks, bemused.
He gestures to his cock. "It wouldn't take much—not much at all."
"You want me to... pleasure you?" she asks.
"Please, I know it's a strange thing to ask, seeing as how we've only just met, but it's been nearly a week since I've had release. My balls feel as though they might explode. And if you could clean away all the seed afterward so she doesn't find out. Only then will I tell you."
Bemused, Euna looks to you.
"No," he says. "That is the name the sorceress gave me."
"Why did she name you Slug?" Euna asks.
"She named me after what my manhood reminded her of. She said it was a like a tiny, limp slug. It made her sad to look at it."
Euna glances at his enormous, rock hard cock.
"This was before she plied her magics upon me."
"Ah," she replies. "What was your name before?"
"I don't know. She made me forget. With her magics"
"I'm sorry," Euna says. "That's a horrible thing to do to anyone."
"Go on, Euna. Help the poor man.Euna, would you like to do the honors?"
"You should show this man he's not in a position to make demands of us."
Slug deflates a little. "I suppose it was worth a shot."
"You should be ashamed just for asking," Euna says.
You enter the door. Slug is still here, chained to the floor. He stirs as you enter and eyes you both with apprehension.
"You're back," he says.
"Those are the tools she's used to deform me so," Slug says.
You examine the table more closely. There are several long, thin metal stirring sticks, a marble mortar and pestle, and an alembic. You've seen such tools at Lanx's wagon. Other tools seem more sinister, such as a clawed hammer, syringe needles, a steel vice, and a rack of thin skewers. Euna brushes her hand longingly along the tools as though imagining about their sordid history... and what they must feel like.
The rest of the table is alchemical. Stoppered bottles are filled with pungent smelling liquids. You and Euna examine them, but without labels, their purposes are lost on you. One other item on the table is a potted plant with well-cropped shoots, wide leaves, and clusters of tiny white blossoms.
"What flowers are these?" Euna asks.
"Lime blossom," Slug answers. "She grinds the flowers and uses the dust in the tonics she uses on me. I hate them. They harden me and make my head spin. After release, my manhood won't even soften. I'll already need release again. No relief at all."
"I'm sorry," Euna says.
"Hmm. Let's find out," Euna says, "but this is the last favor." Euna straddles him
"Impossible," Euna says.
"Please," Slug begs.
"I won't, but..."
Euna straddles him. She Whisking aside her gown,Tugging the knot of her sash and letting it fall away,Hiking up her skirt, she takes hold of his cock, and runs the tip along her slit to smear his precum.
His breath is already short, but when she starts sinking down, and her pussy flowers to accommodate such an amazing size, he cries out in pleasure. Up and down she ride, taking most of his massive length into her. He thrusts his hips up in time with her as best he can given his constraints. This lasts considerably longer than before, but eventually, as Euna bounces upon him energetically, he groans and fires his seed into her. She rides him through until he finishes, then casually rocks herself back and forth as they both come down.
She dismounts, and a flood of cum is coating his shaft, quite a bit considering he'd just come minutes before. More drips from within Euna. She bends and takes his wilting cock in her mouth to clean him once again. Though she cleans everything on him, though her inner thighs, much like her breasts, are still slick.
Slug thrusts his hips up to penetrate her, but she pulls away and waits until he behaves, then kneeling down, she slides her sex along the underside of the shaft until her knees are on either side of his waist. With one hand on the ground behind her, and the other hugging Slug's shaft against her sex, she gyrates her hips, sliding her pussy up and down his shaft. It's not sex, but at least her pussy is humping his cock.
Getting excited, Slug pumps his own hips. It doesn't take him long. Cum fires into the air. It splatters his chest. Euna runs her hands over his crown, causing the next spurts to drizzle over his shaft. Euna's dry-humping paints it up and down. The amount of cum is enough to leave his entire shaft frosted.
Cleaning time. On all fours, Euna takes Slug's wilting cock into her mouth once it has shriveled enough to fit. Next comes sucking cum out of his pubic hair, and then licking the mess off his chest., and the drippings on the floor. The only mess left is her matted bush and cum-soaked slit, and there's not much she can do about that.
"Now," she says. "Talk."
You shimmy out of your clothes and squat over Slug's erection.
"What are you doing?" Euna asks shrilly. "You're going to have sex with him?"
"It seems I must," you reply as you work the head of his cock along your slitass. "It'll be a tight fit, but I've handled worse."
"He's just doing this to extort sex from us," Euna says.
"Is he?" You sink down and enjoy the exquisite feeling of your lipsrim stretching taut about his member. It's hard and veiny in all the right ways., and his ample precum acts as a perfect lubricant for this tight fit. The head is already pushing against your cervix,already deeper than any other cock has gone, and your ass isn't even close to settling on his balls. You savor the pain of resting your weight down on that shaft, but now it's time for fun. Flexing your legs, you lift up until only the spongy head remains inside you, and then back down. Every clench of your pussyrim causes him to throb.
Eight thrusts. That's all it takes before he's groaning. Your own cockswelling clit hardly had time to reach full mast. Pulses of cum fill you. Your thrusts cause squirts to shoot out, and so you settle your weight down and just let him inflate you. The ache is delectable.
"He's climaxing?" Euna asks, bewildered. "Oh my lord. Look at your belly."
Your belly does have a swell. Curious, she feels it for herself. Her other hand rests on your lower back. It seems the sight of this has her a little bothered.
His cock stop throbbing. You lift up, and the moment his cock flops out, a diluge of cum spills, creating a mess along his balls and thighs.
"Time to clean up." You gesture Euna toward the mess while you step away to fetch your leggings and wipe clean your own dripping sexhole.
"Me?" Euna says.
"One of you has to," Slug says.
"And I've done my part," you say.
"I... uh," Euna stares at his cock, bemused. "All of that? I... I suppose I can."
Getting on all fours, she licks along his shaft, his cock head, and thighs, and finally his balls. It's a copious amount of cum, and she pauses frequently to make faces. It is incredibly potent as cum goes. But after a long while, she's finally tongue bathed his genitals clean.
"Time to clean up!" You get down on all fours before his cock and get to work licking up sticky cum off his shaft.
Euna kneels down beside you. Her hand rests on your ass.
"I... I can help," she says timidly. "If you'd like."
"Move aside, love," she says. "You're not getting all that cum for yourself."
You scoot aside, and Euna gets down on all fours beside you. In tandem, you both tongue clean his genitals. While you're running your tongue along the rim of his crown, she's tonguing the cum from his balls—adjusting them this way and that to get to every crevice. Occasionally, your lips meet as you're passing ways along his dick, and your tongues entertwine to share globs of his sticky, potent cum. Between both of you, the cleaning goes quickly.
"There," she sits back and wipes her face clean. "It's done. Now will you talk?"
"It's the Zaratan Jewel," he replies. "a small sapphire set in silver. The sorceress keeps it on herself at all times. It's connected to her."
"What do you mean?" Euna asks. "Surgically?"
"No. Pierced, to her clit by a long silver chain. And she keeps the jewel itself deep inside her crevice."
"Hmm. Does she ever detach it?"
"I've only seen her take it out once. It was after she heard news of naval ships off the coast. She pulled it out of her slit and held it in her hands while she concentrated. It was never detached."
"That's... unfortunate. I suppose that's all we needed to know," Euna says.
"We should make sure he understands that he shouldn't be making demands of beautiful women."
"Have you been chained here all this time?"
"Is there anything else we could do for you?"
"Do you know where the sorceress keeps a jewel of great power?"
This is the milk fetish path. It only has two tiers. The first represents Euna's willingness to engage in erotic milk play. The second will represent Euna's willingness to lactate herself (this is not implemented yet).
Reaching lactation-curious
This is the 1st tier of Lactation.
Accomplish at least 2 of the following experiences.
- here's a random encounter in Cockaigne where you encounter a woman raining breastmilk on a crowd. Participate.
- At the city feast, accept milk in your cup of boza when Shirina offers.
- In a conversation with Lanx and Fira, discuss Fira's breasts and mention that her lactating is sexy.
To promote
First, Euna must be lewd.
Eat at the banquet in the city. If you've seen the hostess serve boza before, you'll see it again, only she'll struggle. Have Euna "assist".
"Yes, please," Euna says. "Let us help."
"Sure." Lanx hands you gloves. "Put these on. Make sure you don't get any on the bottle's lip."
You both help to bottle the remainder. During which, you all have a pleasant conversation. Once done, Fira sets the bottles in a crate. "Why don't you two stay for dinner?"
"Oh! That would be grand," Euna says.
"Ahh," Lanx winces.
Fira regards him coolly.
"For tonight," he adds. "Sure. For tonight. Just tonight."
"We don't want to impose," Euna says.
"No. No. It's fine. Stay."
"What are you?"
"I was the jester at her father's court."
He grins. "Is that the truth? Amazing. You must be counting your blessings for being stuck on this land with her."
"It's been interesting."
"So," Lanx leans in. "Are you going to... fadoodle her?"
"Fadoodle her?"
"If you say so. Good thing she has you with her. She seems... naive."
"She's trusting, yes."
"So tell me, handmaiden. In your lands, does the lady-in-waiting's duties extend to comforting their mistresses?"
"Why do you ask?" you say.
"If you say so. Good thing she has you with her. She seems... naive."
"She's trusting, yes."
"What are the rules about a royal guard eloping with his princess?"
"Why do you ask?" you say.
"She fancies you. I can tell. What do you think those girls are talking about right now? You. Girls need to talk about a man with other girls before they'll get in the sack. As though they need permission. So?"
"She comes from a conservative religion," you explain. "Sex is a sin. Nudity is wrong."
"Oh, those kinds." He nods knowingly. "They're the best kind once you break em in. They get wild, like they're making up for lost time." He rinses out the cauldron in the brook. "You know, if you want help, I can help you. I've got some experience in bringing out a girl's wild side."
"You do, do you?"
"Take Fira. I met her back at the alchemist academy. Back then, she was a conservative lass herself, no sex before marriage and that lot. You wouldn't believe the kind of things she's into now. You just got to know how to nudge them."
Lanx picks up the crate. "Would either of you like to help me stock these?" His eyes are mostly on Euna.
"I will." Euna says.
"Great!" He leads her into the wagon.
You're left alone with Fira, who begins lugging the cauldron.
"May I recruit you?" she asks.
You help her carry the cauldron to a nearby brook to rinse it out. "So are you actually her lady-in-waiting?" she asks.
"What makes you think I'm not?"
"Don't take it the wrong way, but you don't seem like the demure handmaiden type." She looks your legs over. Your tights don't hide your lithe muscles. "You seem a little too worldly."
"Of course I'm her handmaiden. I was waiting on her aboard our ship when it wrecked."
"What are you?"
"I was the jester at her father's court."
She grins. "A fooless, huh? And what sort of acts did you perform?"
"Dances mostly. I was an acrobat."
She looks you over. "I can see that. What a motley pair you two must make." She returns to cleaning. "A princess brings her fool along on her voyage. Interesting..."
"Why do you say that?"
Fira gives a foxy grin. "I didn't think you were. Somehow I expect you'll be taking her back to her husband a new woman ...if you take her back at all."
"You seem pretty sure of that."
"That's because you haven't seen the eyes she has for you when you're not looking. Lanx sees it too, but promise me that if he starts trying to sell you on some ideas of his own, you'll ignore him."
"Why? What sort of ideas will he have?"
"Scoundrelous ones. You don't need his help."
"You do that. Come talk to me alone if you decide you want some help, but you're a witty sort. I'm sure you'll do just fine without help."
Fira picks up the crate. "Euna, would you like to help me stock these?"
"Okay." Euna follows Fira into the wagon.
You're left alone with Lanx, who begins lugging the cauldron.
"Help me carry this, will you?" he says.
At a nearby brook, he glances to make sure the others are out of earshot, then he sizes you up. "You're not really her guard, right?"
"What makes you think I'm not?"
"You're a little small, wouldn't you say?"
"Of course I'm her guard. She keeps me around for my guile, not my strength."
He sneers. "A love potion? Who wants that? Do you want to marry? Whelp children? I think you'd rather have something that'll put dirty thoughts in her head. Make her horny as the hells. Lower her inhibitions."
"You just described wine."
"You know what I mean. I'm talking about alchemy."
"Do you have something like that?"
"I might, if you're interested. Talk to me later."
"She is who she is. I'm not trying to corrupt her."
"Oh." Your answer leaves him dumbfounded. "Very well then. Maybe you really are her loyal guard."
The corner of Fira's mouth turns up. "No reason. I just couldn't help but notice her reply when I asked about you two."
"She said she's spoken for."
"She did," Fira admits, "to a distant husband a world away. And that's all she's said of it this evening."
"Are you implying her eyes may be elsewhere?"
Fira shrugs.
"She comes from a conservative religion," you say.
"Ah, I did sense something like that," Fira sense. "Then the love of two women I'm sure is frowned upon. I grew up in such a household myself, actually." She leans close. "Didn't stop me."
"You? I wouldn't have thought you the type."
"Oh, I'm not. Not really. Not usually. Though I must say if I found myself marooned in a foreign land with a woman such as Euna, I might not be such a noble a companion as you."
"Then she's lucky to have you," Fira says. "Very few in the world are blessed to have such a loyal companion such as you. Just be sure not to pay Lanx any heed should he talk to you about Euna."
"Why? What will he say?"
"I'm sure he'll have some scoundrelous ideas he'll want to share. Feel free to slap him if he does."
"It's chicken stock," Lanx says.
"...oh," Euna replies. "That's all?"
"What? We eat too."
"Seems unprofessional to use your alchemy tools for cooking."
Fira's eyebrows arch. She looks at Lanx meaningfully, and you sense there's a well-worn argument between them regarding that topic.
After it's cooked, they filter the stock and bottle it. What remains is a pot full of soggy bones and vegetable matter.
"It's a boiler plate Spagyric concoction," Lanx says. He pours a measuring of powder into the mixture. Vapors sting your eyes.
"It smells like alcohol," Euna says.
"It mostly is. We're just putrifying some plant matter to get some more alchemical mercury. Similar to alcohol. It's a reagent for many other tonics we make."
He talks as he works. Most of the conversation is technical, but you do exchange pleasantries as well. After Lanx skims away surface oils, you and Euna help them pour the contents into an old, beat-up brass distiller.
All that's left is the messy cauldron and the instruments.
"It's a SaturnJupiterMarsSunVenusMercuryMoon herb elixir," Lanx says. "It's one of the Seven Basics used for self-enlightenment."
"The idea is you take one basic a day for each day of the week," Fira says. "Over time, it harmonizes your body for spiritual enlightenment."
"Does it work?" Euna asks
Lanx snorts. "The only thing it enlightens is your coin purse."
"It's just boiled herbs," Fira adds, "but it's a myth that none of us alchemists are keen to dispel. They sell well."
"Good to know," Euna says.
After they've finished bottling the concoction, it comes time for cleaning all their instruments, including the cauldron.
"It's a batch of Willow Menstruum," Lanx says, "or rather it will be after it ferments for a month."
Euna perks up. "Oh, the Willow Menstruum? Like what you've been giving me?" she asks Fira.
Fira nods. "It's one of our most popular products."
"Willow Menstruum?" Euna asks.
"It keeps the womb from quickening," Fira replies.
"Everyone wants to fuck," Lanx says. "Nobody wants a child."
After a boiling and a distillation, Fira sets it all in a clay pot and puts it out beside the wagon to sit in the sun. Now comes time to clean the stills and the massive cauldron.
Euna faces Lanx. "Time for you to get cleaning."
Lanx turns to Euna. "Looks like you get to clean again."
"Anyone up for cleaning the cauldron today?" Lanx offers up the scraper and a rag. He glances toward you and Euna, but she looks to you.
"This is the part I hate," Lanx says. "Scrubbing out the inside." He tips the cauldron and tries reaching in, but his girth makes it clumsy. He looks to Euna. "Would you like to help?"
"Sure," she says. "What do I do?"
He hands her a scraper and a rag. "Just climb in there. Scrape the gunk off the bottom."
Euna gets on her knees, but when she crawls forward, her gown drags along the ground, draping away from her ass. She hastily corrects it, but the front has tented away from her chest, and tucking the gown more tightly into her waist cord doesn't fully help.
Lanx has noticed this. He's taken a seat to her side. From where he is, he must be able to see her breasts through the side of her gown.
Euna gets on her knees, though her velvet sash skirt may be the worst outfit she could have worn for this. Her ass and sex are as plainly in view as though she were naked. No amount of tugging on the hem helps.
Lanx hardly has to move at all to get a good view, but he still finds a nice seat right behind Euna.
Euna gets on her knees, but as soon as she bends, her skirt rides up her thigh. She tugs the hemline down, but it doesn't work.
Lanx takes a seat by the river directly behind Euna. From where he is, he'd have a perfect view up her skirt if she were to bend over.
She notices Lanx's rather unfortunate vantage point, and looks to the rest of you. "Perhaps someone else would like to do this instead?"
"Make Lanx do it. It's his cauldron."
"You should do the cleaning. We are in debt to their hospitality after all."
"Yes, Lanx," Fira says. "Don't make our guest climb in there."
"Fine, fine," Lanx replies, "but maybe Euna would at least like to help?"
"Sure," she says. "How?"
"I'll do the scrubbing, and you can inspect."
"I can do that." Euna sits beside Lanx as he crawls into the overturned cauldron and gets to work. Euna's contribution amounts to watching over his shoulder while he scrubs.
Eventually, he backs out and motioned for her to look. "How'd I do?"
Euna leans and looks in. "Well, it doesn't look like you really..." She notices Lanx. He's staring openly down her cleavage. She pulls back. Her hand goes to her chest. Her nostrils flare. "You did a pitiful job. Get back there now and do it properly."
Lanx sobers. "I... oh. Yes." He scurries back inside and labors on. Closer to the river, Fira chuckles to herself.
Now, Euna scrutinizes his work. "Don't forget that spot," she says. "And there. And look, you're missing the entire upper side."
After a while though, her remarks grow less frequent.
After a long stretch, Lanx comes back out. "And now?"
Euna points behind him. "Back up," she says. He does. Euna leans over to look, from where Lanx is, he has no view. She inspects. She rubs her finger along some surfaces. Finally, she backs out and faces Lanx.
"Yes. It is done." She bows her head to him. He has a fleeting chance to glance down her gown's diving necklineogle her tits in her fishnetsglance down her bodice, and he takes it. "Good work," she says.
After all the cleaning is done. Everyone spends some more time together until it starts getting late. You and Euna say your goodbyes and depart.
"So," you say on the way back. "The cauldron cleaning. Was that final bow a reward?"
"I was simply letting him know I bear him no ill will. He's a lecher, but they're our only friends here."
"That's it?"
She walks onward a little. "And maybe it was a reward for his obedience."
"Very well, then." Euna takes the tools and gets down on her knees to clean the inside. As she bends over to reach inside, her gown drapes forward, threatening to reveal her chest. There's no way she can do this without exposing herself, so she decide instead to sit with her legs folded and her waist cord situated just below her breasts. This hides everything except her thighs.velvet sash rides up higher than her hips and gives everyone a show. She tries instead to sit with her legs folded out to the side. This hides her intimates well enough, but of course she's still wearing a skin-tight fishnet top.skirt threatens to reveal between her legs. There is no way she can bend down without exposing herself. She decides instead to sit down with her legs folded to her side as she reaches inside. This hides everything except her thighs.
"No," says Lanx. "You're not getting in there. You really have to climb in."
"I think I'll do it my way," Euna says.
"Suit yourself."
Euna resumes cleaning the cauldron by reaching one hand inside while keeping her butt on the ground. Everyone finishes cleaning. Lanx and Fira gather up the instruments, then he comes by to see how Euna is doing.
"Ah, no. This is no good," he says. "You've hardly cleaned the back. I mean it. You've really got to get in there. Here." He motions to Fira. "Would you show her how it's done?"He motions to you."Why don't you give it a try?"
"I suppose you want me to do it Fira's way."
"Fira gets the job done. Come, Fira, show her."
"Yes. I've seen how you want me to do it."
"Maybe you should try," he says to you. "Come and show her hout it's done."
Fira comes by, takes the scraper and rags from Euna, and gets down on her knees. Before getting to work, she gives Lanx a look letting him know that she knows exactly what he's up to. Then she climbs into the cauldron and cleans. Her skin-tight breeches conform to every curve of her bottom. The outline of her vulva is clear to see. As she scrubs, her bottom waggles.
You take the scraper and rag from Euna and climb into the cauldron. Once you start scrubbing, it's obvious your butt is not only sticking out prominently, but that it's waggling for Lanx and Fira to see. Your skin-tight leggings are probably outlinine your features quite well.
"And you wanted me to do this?" Euna asks.
"Clean? That's what you said you'd do."
"Don't you see what I'm wearing? I'd be completely exposed." She motions to her gownsashskirt.
"Exposed? Oh, I suppose so, but we're all adults here. I'd do it myself but I'm a little too round for the job." He gestures to his sizable belly.
"Mmhmm." Euna eyes him.
By the time cleaning is done, it's gotten late, so after farewells, you and Euna head back toward camp.
"That man is such a pervert," she says. "He just wanted to see up my gownsashfrock, didn't he?"
"Absolutely," you say. "Did it bother you?"
She thinks. "No. It's endearing. I just wish he wasn't so transparent about it."
"Are you going to watch?" Lanx asks.
Euna tips the cauldron on its side and looks at Lanx expectantly. "Maybe. And maybe I'll reward you if you do a good job."
Lanx scurries to work. Euna stands behind him and watches. Once Fira finishes cleaning, she gathers her supplies, but it's a lot to hold.
Euna addresses you. "Help Fira take those to the wagon. And do whatever she needs. I'll handle Lanx."
Fira offloads armload of supplies to you. "Thank you," she says to Euna.
"Take your time," Euna says. "Lanx has much work to do."
"If that would make you happy." Euna takes the cleaning supplies.
"Lanx," you say. "Feel free to make her do whatever you want her to do."
You lean close to peck her on the cheek, and you whisper in her ear. "Make me happy and do whatever Lanx tells you to do."
Lanx eyes her as she bends over to inspect the cauldron's insides. "Go help Fira put away the supplies," he says to you. "I'll let you know when we're done here."
"Yes," Fira dumps an armload of supplies on you. "Come with me. Those two will be fine."
You collect an armload of supplies from her.
Euna is critiquing Lanx's work while Lanx kneels nearby.
"I'm borrowing you manlady," Fira tells her. "I need an extra pair of hands to carry all this back to the wagon."
"Of course." Euna looks to you. "Help however she needs. I'll be fine here."
"As you wish." You follow Fira toward the wagons.
"We shouldn't be too long," Fira says.
"Take your time." Euna says.
You help Fira gather her tools and head off. As Fira passes Euna, she rests her hand on Euna's ass. "We'll be back later."
Euna scoots out and sits on her feet. "Okay then." She gives a small wave.
"What?" Lanx perks up. "You're leaving. Okay. Sure. Go ahead. Take your time. Euna and I will finish up here."
You and Fira leave. Inside the cluttered wagon, she deftly stows the supplies and rushes to the window. You join her.
Lanx has backed out of the cauldron to talk to Euna. Her legs are still spread before him. They exchange words, then Euna bends to peer inside the cauldron. This gives Lanx a perfect view down her gown's necklineopportunity to lookview down her bodice at her hanging breasts. He greedily stares.
Whatever Euna sees pleases her. She and Lanx agree upon something, then she tugs her gown's front down.fishnet top off.bodice down. Her breasts spill out. Lanx takes one in his hand and fondles it. Euna furtively glances toward the wagon, but she doesn't see you in the window.
Lanx has sidled closer to Euna to peer inside. He's resting his hand on the small of her back for support. As he's pointing out more spots for her to clean, his hand inches closer toward her ass until his palm is upon her bare ass cheek.
When his fingers brush her snatch, Euna startles. He idly cups his palm over her bald pussyrakes his fingers through her dense pubic bush. Slowly, Euna gets back to cleaning.
Lanx and Euna have stopped cleaning. They sit by the upturned cauldron and chat. It's too far to hear what they're saying though.
Euna points to the cauldron, to him, then crawls forward to whisper in his ear. He nods vigorously and crawls into the cauldron and cleans without pause. Something has him very anxious.
Meanwhile, Euna begins to undress.
Lanx says something to her. She replies. Whatever she said gets him quite animated. A few more words, and Euna begins doffing all her clothes. When she's finished, she climbs back into the cauldron to clean.
Lanx sits by and plays with his hardening cock while watching.
Lanx is scrubbing the cauldron's inside while Euna reclines back on top of it. With her gown folded aside,Her sash provides no obstactle, andSkirt up, she's idly playing with herself while watching Lanx's rump waggled about.
Lanx backs out to point out his progress. He freezes at the sight of her wet slit.damp snatch. Indignant, Euna chastises him for staring and orders him back into the cauldron. He hurries back to work.
Euna is cleaning the cauldron's outside today. She's bent at the hip and scrubbing hard while Lanx watches. He's also got one hand on her rump.
Casually, he slithers his hand past her gownunder her sashunder her skirt and fingers her wet slit.damp snatch. Euna keeps working as though nothing were amiss.
Lanx is already done. Euna can't find anything else he needs to clean. And from the lewd gestures he makes, it's clear he wants a reward for his hard work. Euna pushes him with her foot until he's lying on his back.
Then sits on his face.
His head disappears beneath her gown.sash.skirt.
Euna is cleaning the cauldron. To clean the underside, she rolls onto her back. Lanx leaps on this opportunity to grope her breasts.
Euna tries to ignore this, even as he slides her gown off her shoulders,squeezes her fishnet-wrapped tits together,tugs her bodice about her waist, but when she needs to clean the cauldron sides, she tries to roll over. Instead, Lanx sits down on her chest. His robe falls open. His bare ass is on her stomach.
The two discuss, and then Lanx climbs into the cauldron to clean. Euna strips off her clothes and staddles the cauldron while Lanx works. Her furred quimbare sex lingers just above his head. She plays with herself idly.
Lanx keeps backing out to speak with her, and when he does, he reaches to touch her. She bats his hand away and orders him back under.
The two discuss, and then Euna strips off her clothes and climbs into the cauldron on all fours to clean. Lanx doesn't concern himself with her work and focuses solely on her wiggling butt and her furred quimbare sex.
While she's stuck working, he worms fingers into her.
Euna straddles the cauldron and observes Lanx's cleaning. Whenever he points out his work, she bends low to look inside. He reaches to fondle her breast, and she slaps his hand away. Something in the cauldron does not meet with her satisfaction.
He reluctantly cleans more before reemerging again. This time, it meets to her satisfaction. She loosens her gownpeels off her fishnet toploosens her bodice. Her breasts spill out, and he gropes them to his delight as she relaxes her head back.
Euna is on her hands and knees cleaning the inside of the cauldron. Lanx is squatted over her pretending to be interested in her work, but he's both hands wrapped around her flank.
She points something out to him. He leans close to look, while simultaneously slipping his hand around to grope her tits. Now, as she works, he blatantly fondles her, even slipping them out of her gown.making her peel off her fishnet top.hefting them out of her bodice.
She finishes, despite his distracting behavior, and backs out to let him take a look, but his attention is on her breasts, which he squeezes and mauls. Euna sits back and resigns herself to this.
Suddenly, he leans forward and takes her nipple in his mouth. Euna startles, but doesn't stop him.
"Let's let them have their fun?" Fira faces you.
"Let's," you say.
"He's certainly got some nerve," Fira says. "How about we give them a few minutes fun and see how far they go?"
"I was thinking the same thing," she replies.
Fira leans in and kisses you. Her hands explore your body. You loosen her chest wrap and free her gargantuan tits. She rubs them sensually as she eyes you. With a devilish grin, she squats and pulls down your trousersleggings. Your hard cock bobs free. She kisses it along the shaft and nibbles at your balls. Once you're fully hard, she hefts her tits apart and sandwiches your cock between them. They're so massive, your dick's head doesn't poke up through the cleavage.
As she slides her globes up and down your shaft, her breath picks up. She might actually get off from this. You take over, grabbing both her breasts, you begin humping her chest. She moans. "Yes," she mutters. "Fuck them. Be rough."
You pick up your pace, squeezing her breasts around your cock. As you fuck them, you steal a glance out the window.
Fira pulls you to her. Your lips meet. Your tongues intertwine. Your hands explore each other's bodies. Leaning back, she peels off her chest wrap, revealing her massive tits, nearly the size of cantaloups. A web of blue veins encircle her areolas. Her nipples are as thick as your thumb. She hefts one up, as though offering it. You lower down and suck on her nipple.
Fira's reaction is astonishing. She clutches your head to her bosom and moans in ecstasy.
"Sensitive breasts?" you ask.
She nods, breathless. "A side-effect of their enlargement." She pulls your mouth back onto her nipple. As you suckle, you sneak your hand down the waistband of her tights and through thick curls of fiery red hair until you find her crotch.
Fira trembles from your attention. Rubbing her own body, she wails, her eyes are out the window to where Lanx and Euna are playing around. When she comes down, she pulls you up and kisses you. Her lips work down your body until she is squatting before you. She tugs down your breechesleggings and caresses your hard cock, showing it tender care. You clutch her curly, red hair and pull her toward it. She obligingly takes your cock down her throat.
As she sucks you off, you glance out the window to the others.
Fira hops onto the table by the window. "You'll help me with something." She peels her breast wrap off overhead and casts it aside. Her tits spill before you. She squeezes both, and a small droplet of white appears on her nipples. A dribble runs down her flesh. "They're swollen today. They ache." She pulls your head toward her chest.
You obligingly latch onto a nipple. Milk pulls into your mouth with the first suckle. Her body shudders. "Oh, Heavens yes," she mutters. "Keep going. Drain them, please."
As you suckle away, she squirms and sighs. Her hands explore down your front and into your breechesleggings. They clasp your erection and milk your cock just as you milk her breasts.
Fira is lost in pleasure. She's rolled her head back and closed her eyes, but you're still able to see out the window.
Fira pulls you in and kisses you long and hard. Your hands explore one another. Her breasts push against you. Frantically, she undoes the laces along the sides of her leather breeches and pulls them down just enough to expose her sex among a trimmed nest of red hair. Your breechesleggings come next. Both your pants are down just enough for you to spear into her.
You both thrust against each other quickly and fiercely, as though this sultry liaison must be concluded as quickly as possible. Her quim squeezes your shaft like a vice.
Suddenly, she pushes you out of her just long enough for her to turn her back to you. Her hands are on the wall, and her rump is pushed toward you. It takes only seconds to navigate the cheeks of her ass and stab back into her sex. The sex is just as quick, but this way, you can both look out the window at what the other two are up to.
You both gather near the window and spy on the other two.
Euna is basking on the cauldron with her gown draped aside.sash untied and draped open.with her skirt up by her waist. Lanx is rubbing his hands along her thighs and over her pussy. He peals her vaginal lips apart, revealing pink flesh inside.pets her ample bush, feeling its softness. When his fingers worm inside her, she startles. They share words, but he keeps on going. Euna glances once again toward the wagon, but when Lanx begins playing with her clit, she gives in and relaxes back once again.
Lanx has given up all pretenses. He's concentrating fully on sawing two fingers in and out of Euna's slit. Euna still tries to work, but she's doing little else but writhing. She's pressing her snatch against Lanx's hand.
They're both oblivious to the world, certainly to the two of you inside the wagon.
Lanx finishes. He scurries out and kneels before Euna. She inspects the inside, nods, and after a brief conversation, she sits down crosslegged, back ridged.
Lanx hurries to his feet. He fumbles with his robe and opens it to expose his hairy cock. Standing over her, he aims his dick at her and fires a stream of urine on her upturned face.
Euna finishes. She backs out and kneels while Lanx inspects her work. He, however, hardly glances before waving the work off as complete. He can't unfasten his robe fast enough. And after bringing out his hairy cock, he waddles over Euna and aims his dick. A stream of urine lands on her upturned face.
Euna opens her mouth and swallows what she can, but his aim is erratic. Much spills down her chin, over her breasts, and between her legs. More soaks her hair.
After it soaks her hair through, she moves so it spills over her breasts, and between her legs.
When the stream dies, he steps forward and presents his dick to her, and she sucks the last remaining drop off the tip.
Lanx is standing aside while she inspects his work. It's satisfactory. Euna reclines back on the cauldron and spreads her legs.
Lanx eagerly opens his robes. His chubby erection pokes out from his dense bush of wiry black hair. He pounces Euna and humps her clumsily. Euna is reclined back as though sunbathing.
Euna is still cleaning, but Lanx leans in and whispers something in her ear. Just like that, she stops her work and bends over the cauldron. Like that, she waits.
Lanx opens his robes. His chubby erection pokes out from a dense bush of wiry black hair. He grabs her hips and stabs into her. His humping is excited and clumsy, but Euna accepts it passively.
From the way Euna grinds her hips, she's mashing her sex against Lanx. He doesn't seem to be fighting his predicament. Euna rises long enough to spin around and sit on his face with his body before her. She pulls open his robes.
While sitting on her chest, Lanx works his robes wide open.
He has an obscenely rotund gut. Course black hair covers his stomach and legs. It's a thick forest at his crotch, from which his cock pokes out.
Euna toys with it. She tugs and strokes, all while grinding against his face. He erupts, and cum splatters along his hairy torso. The last spurts dribble over Euna's fingers.
She pulls her tits free of her gownfishnetsbodice, and leaning over Lanx's body, she presses them to his cum-covered belly.
He scoots so his cock is nestled between her breasts, and squeezing her tits about his member, he rocks back and forth. She's unable to stop him even if she tried. His bear-like form smothers her body.
It seems cleaning is done. Euna is standing before him, akimbo with legs spread, allowing him to work his fingers inside of her.
His bunches them up and starts pushing in his fist. Euna drapes a leg over his shoulder to better open herself up for him, and soon enough, his hand disappears inside of her quim. He pushes up as far as he can go, pulls his fist out, then repeats, again and again. Euna rests a hand on his head for support and lets him have his fun.
He has three in her snatch, another two in her ass, and he pries and pulls in an attempt to widen her further. Euna drapes a leg over his shoulder to give him better access.
Euna is still trying her best to clean the cauldron, but her efforts are impeded by Lanx, who now has all five fingers of one fist inside of her, and is pushing hard. She's spending more effort bracing herself against the cauldron to keep from being pushed inside.
And once his fist slips inside her, he's not done. Lanx pushes in as far as he can, then withdraws completely to do it again. And again. Euna can hardly clean at all.
Euna is still trying her best to clean the cauldron, but her efforts are impeded by Lanx, who's prying at her holes like a curious child. Three fingers explore her snatch. She's clutching the rim of the cauldron as she tolerates this.
Then he starts working fingers into her ass...
Euna is still reclined back. Her breasts are still exposed, but Lanx has moved on. His head is between her legs now. His mouth is fastened to her pussy. Euna holds his head against herself, seemingly lost in pleasure.
You focus back on Fira's breasts. With a final burst, you fire your cum into the recesses of her cleavage. She grabs your ass and pull you closer. Her body shudders, and for a moment it seems she might collapse.
After you both come down, she settles back on her butt and spreads her massive globes. A river of cum is running down onto her belly.
She grabs a nearby rag and wipes it away.
"That almost seemed better for you than it was for me," you say.
Grinning, she bites her lip and nods. "They're extra sensitive. It was a lovely little side-effect when I made them this big." She puts her breast wrap back on. "Let's get back to the others."
Fira's skills are quite good. Her tongue on your shaft and her hands on your balls sends you over the edge, and you flood her mouth with cum. She swallows it down and returns to giving your cock gentle, loving attention.
With a final kiss upon its tip, she fastens your pants and stands. "Ready to head back to the others?" she asks as she dons her chest wrap.
"Let's go."
Fira pulls your head to her other tit, cutting off your view of them. Within a few suckles, the milk from this breast flows as freely as the other. The longer you suck, the more frantic Fira becomes.
She stops tugging at your erection and desperately yanks her own breeches off. Fishing your cock from your pants, she scoots to the edge of the table and spreads her legs.
You stab into her dripping snatch, and she cries out. The sex is quick and frenzied. Your mouth is fastened to one tit while she mauls the other. Milk sprays. It streams down her belly.
At last, she screams out and clutches you to her chest. Her pussy squeezes your cock like a vice, and you fill her with your seed. Afterward, you both need a moment to regain your breath.
To clean up, Fira uses a rag to wipe milk off her belly and breasts, and little off your chin. After she dons her breast wrap, she slides cloth pads over her nipples. "They'll be leaking all night now," she says, "but it's better than when they ache. Thank you for helping me get the milk flowing. Let's go see what the others are up to."
Meanwhile, Fira has yanked down her cloth chest wrap and is now kneading her tits with both hands. She pulls one up to suck upon her own nipple. Each of her breaths comes out as a grunt. Your pelvises continue hammering against each other as you fuck her forcefully.
When you cum, she cries out and clenches both of her nipples just as her pussy clenches your cock. When you take over mauling her breasts, her screams reach a new pitch, which she struggles to keep quiet.
After coming down, she hastily tugs up her breeches and redoes the lacing without concern for the mess now leaking into the gusset from her snatch. In no time at all, both of you are presentable as though nothing had happened at all.
"Let's get back to the others," she says.
"Oh come," he says. "You're not going to do anything?"
"I'm going to make sure you do a good job." Euna tips the cauldron on its side and straddles it. The strips of her gown drape along the sides of the cauldron.Her sash drapes before her spread crotchThe front of her skirt drapes before her spread crotch. It barely maintains her modesty.
"I..." He blanks. "Okay then." He hastily grabs the scraper and a rag and gets down on his hands and knees, ready to climb in the cauldron. Euna leans back and basks in the sun. Doing so causes her gown's front to fold over her thigh,sash to ride up,skirt to ride up, exposing her intimates. Lanx freezes, mesmorized by the sight.
Euna notices him stalling. "Get a move on," she says, making no effort to conceal herself.
"Yes, yes." He scurries into the cauldron and works. Euna kicks her feet up and rests them on his back.
"If that would make you happy." Euna takes the cleaning supplies and climbs into the cauldron.
"Make sure you get all the way in there," Lanx says. "The bottom is where it's worst."
"Oh, don't worry." She gets down on all fours. Her ass is held high in the air. She climbs inside the cauldron, arching her back to curve under the lip. Her gown tents away from her breasts. The silk drape along the back moulds to her ass's curves.Her sash is draped on her waist, and provides no cover for her intimates.Her skirt rides up her thighs. Her hemline comes so close to revealing her intimates.
Lanx stares openly. Fira, working down by the creek, smirks and shakes her head.
Meanwhile, Euna arches her back more to scrub the upper portion of the cauldron. Her ass sways suggestively. Lanx has all but forgotten his work. Even Fira stares.
Pausing, Euna looks over her shoulder at Lanx without correcting her outfit or turning her ass away from him. "I think I'm done. Would you like to take a closer look?"
"I uh..." Lanx trails off. "Oh! Of the cauldron, yes." He lurches over, trying his best to hide an erection. He hunkers down just behind Euna. Her sex is close enough for him to touch, but he pretends to focus on the cauldron. "Looks like you missed a spot. Up there on the left."
"Right here?"
"That's it. Really scrub it hard."
"Like this?" Euna spreads her knees to get leverage, then scours the inside. Her ass wobbles before him.
"Keep that up," he mutters.
"Yes, Lanx," Fira says. "Don't make our guest climb in there."
"They offered to help," he replies, "but fine. Euna, maybe you'd like to at least help."
"Sure," she says. "How?"
"I'll do the scrubbing, and you can inspect."
"I can do that." Euna sits beside Lanx as he gets to work inside the overturned cauldron. Euna's contribution amounts to watching over his shoulder while he scrubs.
Eventually, he backs out and motioned for her to look. "How'd I do?"
Euna leans and looks in. "Well, it doesn't look like you really..." She notices Lanx. He's staring openly down her cleavage. She pulls back. Her hand goes to her chest. Her nostrils flare. "You did a pitiful job. Get back there now and do it properly."
Lanx sobers. "I... oh. Yes." He scurries back inside and labors on.
Afterward, everyone relaxes together, and soon you two say your goodbyes and head off.
"That man is such a lech," she says.
"That, he is," you agree.
"He's lucky they're the only friends we have here. Even so, he may have a swat about the face coming soon."
"Very well, then." Euna gets down and crawls inside. She gets to work scrubbing while her ass waggles about. Lanx oggles blatantly, and is still doing so when Euna glances over her shoulder.
Immediately, she crawls out and shoves the cleaning gear into Lanx's arms. "You can take over from here," she snaps, and he does.
Afterward, the four of you spend time together by the wagon a while before heading back toward camp.
"That man is such a pervert," she says. "As though I didn't realize what he was trying to get me to do."
"Did it bother you?" you ask.
"Yes, but they're the only friends we have. Though he may have a good swat about the face coming soon."
The cleaning goes on a while. Euna relaxes the entire time.
Soon, Lanx scurries out from underneath. "I'm done."
"Are you?" Euna leans over to peer upside down into the cauldron. This gives Lanx an ample view down her gown's necklineopportunity to oggle her titsview down her bodice. Even from your vantage point, you can see the hint of her nipples. "Hmm..." She scrutinizes the inside. " You have neglected the topside of the cauldron, I see. Here." Sitting back up, she plants her feet to either side of cauldron and stands. "Twist it around."
Lanx twists the cauldron between her legs. Euna lifts, but she's careful to cover herself. You catch only a glimmer of her lips,a glimpse tuft of her pubic hair, but Lanx must have seen everything knelt at her feet as he is. And as he turns, he cranes to look up at her nest, something Euna makes no effort to prevent.
Once the cauldron is on its other side, she sits back down, straddling it. "Resume."
Lanx clambers back inside and gets to cleaning while Euna reclines back and enjoys the sun. After Lanx finishes this time, they repeat the process of Euna inspecting the inside while providing a downskirt view.
"It'll do," she says. "I suppose we're done." Sitting up, she swivels until her foot is before Lanx.
He doesn't need explaining on what to do this time. He showers her toes with kisses.
"Your work was satisfactory," she says.
"Thank you, Your Highness."
Afterwards, once all of the supplies are put away, you both say your goodbyes to Lanx and Fira, and soon you're setting off.
"He's certainly taken to direction well," she says.
"Who wouldn't with you as their master," you reply.
She holds her chin high. "Good point. No one."
Euna keeps cleaning, her ass hypnotizing Lanx. He inches closer toward her over time, then catches himself and backs away. He keeps glancing your way, as though remembering you're there.
Shortly after, Euna stops. "Is this good?"
Lanx peers in. "Yep. That'll do."
Euna stands. She doesn't bother to correct her gownsashskirt, putting her crotch eye level with Lanx. Dirt is on her knees. She bends at the hip to brush it off. Her ass is inches from his face. He leans forward, as though going in for a kiss, but she rights herself and corrects her outfit. The show is over.
Lanx comes out of his stupor. They rinse out the cauldron, then everyone heads back to the wagon. After a pleasant conversation, you say your goodbyes, and you and Euna head off.
"I'm being evil teasing Lanx so," she says, " but it's too much fun. It's adorable how enthralled he becomes."
"I'm sure he'd say you're not teasing him enough."
"Then I should be kind and tease him more often." She bites her lip. "Or in other ways..."
"Thank you," Euna gets up off her knees and hands you the rag and scraper.
As you get down before the cauldron, you notice Lanx shaking his head at you. He has a severe look of disappointment which blinks away the moment Euna glances his direction. Euna assists by cleaning the instruments you were working on while you stoop inside the cauldron and scrub.
You climb into the cauldron and get to scrubbing. Your rear waggles from the motion, and many times when you glance back, you catch Lanx stealing glimpses at your toned butt. He's not being nearly as subtle about it as he thinks.
Everyone works industriously, and soon the cleaning is done. You and Euna help carry the clean supplies back to the wagon.
"Thank you both," Fira says.
"It was our pleasure to help," Euna replies.
By now, it's gotten late. The sun is low.
"You may come to regret saying this one day," she says. "You may end up sharing me with a great many people?"
"You think so?"
"Probably not." She walks along. "But then again, I'd have never thought I'd be dallying with a man like Lanx. With you around, who knows what I'll be doing weeks from now. You've been a terrible influence on me."
"Oh? So you do want to own me." She grins coyly.
"It's not whether I want to. You already gave yourself to me. I am your master."
"You just won't be keeping me to yourself?"
"That's right," you say. "I'll be giving you to whoever I want. You're my little harlot, to fuck as I please, and lend out like a piece of property."
"If that pleases you," she replies, "then I will gladly obey."
"Think of it as broadening your horizons."
"And if I do want to be owned, what sort of master would you be?"
"Like I said, I wouldn't keep you for myself," you say. "I'd give you to whoever I wanted."
"Hmm, I'd be your little harlot, to fuck as you please, and to lend out like a piece of property."
"That's right," you say.
"Being owned doesn't sound so bad," she replies.
"That is an excellent point." She pulls you close. Her body entwines with yours. "I am the tsarivna after all. I decide who I will and will not sleep with. You, on the other hand, are but a lowly fooldancer in my father's court. In that respect, I own you."
"So, does this mean you're going to sleep around?"
"Perhaps I will." Her forehead rests against yours. Your breaths mingle. "And perhaps I'll make you watch. You'll stand idly by as I take suitors into myself. Maybe I'll marry, and you'll be just a toy I keep around to slake my thirst when my spouse doesn't satisfy. Though I think any spouse would belong to me as well. All men would be at my disposal. But you will always be a special favorite of mine. Maybe I'll give you to my spouse as well. You are mine after all. I might enjoy watching men rut you at my command. Men are good for a hard rutting, but you will satisfy my need for love and compassion. What do you think of that?"
"I am but a lowly foolcourt dancer, Your Highness. Your wish is my command."
"Yes, it is." Her lips meet yours. Your tongues entwine. Her fingers sneak down your breechesleggings to toy with your cock, but the moment you're hard,toy with your clit, but the moment it grows into a cock,caress your clit, but the moment your body starts to respond, she pulls away and resumes heading toward home. She glances over her shoulder. "Are you coming?"
"He can be such a dirty little man, can't he?" Fira watches with interest. "We really should stop spying."
"We should," you say.
But you both watch a while longer.
"Okay," she says. "Now we should go back out there."
"We could. Or..."
She grins. "No. Come along." She pulls you to the door. You both head back.
Lanx is dressed and rolling the cauldron into storage as though nothing were amiss. Behind him, Euna lies on the grass nude. She's enjoying the sun, and her body glistens with urine.
"We're back," Fira says. "Looks like cleaning was a messy job."
"I told Lanx I would do something special for him if he cleaned everything up without any complaint," Euna says. "I must apologize for the mess. Your partner has awful aim."
"That's her fault," Lanx says. "I let her drink my piss as a reward for her cleaning."
"I'm sorry for any mess," Euna adds. "I swallowed what I could."
"Something tells me he pissed right where he wanted to," Fira replies. "And right where we usually work too..."
"It was her idea!" Lanx replies.
"And it wasn't your idea to do this somewhere other than where we work?"
"It'll wash away next time it rains," Lanx says. "It always does."
By the time you're out there, Lanx is collapsed over Euna in postcoital recovery.
She taps him. "The others are back. Get up."
Exhausted, he pulls himself off. His wet dick flops out of her, and he hastily does up his robe. Euna inspects the cum dribbling from her gash. With a quick swipe with her clothes she clears most of it.
"He behaved well?" Fira asks.
"Quite, and good dogs get treats, isn't that right?" she asks Lanx.
He's too winded to reply.
"What's this?" Fira asks.
"I aroused him too much," Euna replies. "So he needed to use me to dump his seed."
Lanx pulls himself off. His wet dick flops out of Euna, and he hastily does up his robe.
"Am I allowed to get up now?" Euna asks.
"I guess," Lanx replies.
She looks around for something to clean the cum dribbling from her quim and ultimately makes do with using her clothes.
After rinsing the cauldron and putting everything away, the four of you share pleasantries for a while before you and Euna head off.
"That was kind of you," you say on the way back.
"He begs so well," she replies.
"Was it fun?"
"Absolutely. That sweet man has a quick trigger and the grace of a puppy, but rewarding such devoted servitude is what I love about it."
"How did you enjoy being used as a cum receptacle?" you ask.
"He's sloppy and quick to trigger, but it doesn't matter whether I enjoyed it. He's free to use me so long as you wish it."
"Good. Right answer."
Euna is in the throes of passion when you get back. She's mashing her cunt against Lanx while her body presses to his. Her tits smear his spilt cum all about his belly. His body hair has matted down.
And she peaks. Body trembling, she hugs his great mass and mewls. As though on instinct, she laps at his wilted cock.
After she's had her fun, she sits up and stretches. Her breasts glisten. "I suppose I'm not done cleaning up after all."
With that, she finally rises off Lanx's face, and he gasps for breath as though he'd been on the verge of passing out.
When you get back, Lanx has pinned Euna's arms under his legs. He's holding Euna by the back of the head, and tilting it forward so he can fit the end of his cock in her mouth while he rapes her tits. She hardly has any choice but to suck it.
When he sees you two approaching, he picks up the pace and quickly fires off. Some gets in her mouth. Most doesn't. He clambers off.
She seems finally able to breath now that his weight is off of her. Cum decorates her chin and neck. And Lanx's ass sweat covers her breasts and belly.
"Yep. Err... good work," he says. "Go clean yourself up."
"Yes, of course," she gets up.
Fira gives Euna a rag with which to wipe herself off. Lanx just ties his robes closed. And then the affair is forgotten. The four of you put away the remaining supplies, and then you and Euna head off.
"Cleaning seemed like it was fun," you say to her.
"There was nothing to do," she replies. "I hardly think he deserved the treat I gave him."
"You nearly smothered him."
"I didn't hear him complain, did you?"
"I hardly got any cleaning done before he forced himself on me."
"Hmm," you say. "Sounds like you owe him an apology then. You agreed to clean."
"I suppose I do. I'll have to make it up to him next time."
You arrive to find Lanx burying his fists up both Euna's ass and snatch. He's taking great delight in alternately sliding one fist out and pushing it back into her pliable hole while her other is still filled.
You arrive to find Lanx with his fist buried up Euna's asssnatch, and he's taking great delight in sliding his hand in and out of her pliable hole.
You arrive to find Lanx still fingering Euna's holes.
Euna notices you two return. "Oh, finished already?" Then to Lanx. "Time to stop now. Reward time is over."
It's as though he didn't hear her.
She braces against the cauldron and fixes the foot of her lifted leg against his chest. "I said... it's time... to stop." She kicks.
He tumbles away, and his fists popfist popsfingers pop free of her.
Euna stands and collects her clothes. She looks to you. "You helped Fira however she needed, I take it?"
"Oh, yes," Fira replies. "He was very helpful. I hope you two can stay for dinner.
Lanx notices you two return. "Oh, you're back. Don't mind us. The girl is cleaning my pot. I thought I'd return the favor and clean her potspot too."
From inside the cauldron, Euna says, "May I... come out now?" Her breath is heavy.
"You're not done cleaning."
"There's nothing... left... to clean."
"Look again." He redoubles his efforts. Euna has no choice. She can't back out while Lanx is probing her.
"Leave the poor girl alone," Fira says. "It's time for us to get dinner started. I hope you two are staying," she asks you.
"We'd be delighted."
And so you and Euna help them put together a merry feast using the now-clean alchemy supplies, and afterward Euna and Fira enjoy time alone in the wagon, but soon enough the time comes to head home.
Euna links arms with you through the treacherous pass.
"Lanx was quite pushy about fisting you," you say.
"A simple thing to tolerate for such an pleasant evening. I look forward to our return."
"How was cleaning?" you ask.
"Lanx can be so persistent sometimes," she says. "It's fun."
Euna glances over as you both approach. Lanx is still eating her out.
"I hope you don't mind," Euna says to Fira. "He behaved well enough that I decided he needed a reward."
"If you think he's earned it..." Fira steps up behind Euna and drapes her arms over her. Euna leans back against Fira's pillowy tits and rests her head in the crook of Fira's shoulder. Fira's hand find their way to Euna's own breasts and gently caresses.
They watch Lanx together, for a moment, then Euna pushes him away. "Enough."
He stumbles back. His beard is sticky with juices. Euna lingers in Fira's affection for a moment before correcting her outfit.
Lanx is still enjoying Euna's snatch once you return.
"Lanx..." she says. "The others are here. Shouldn't you stop now?"
He doesn't.
Fira kneels behind Euna and wraps her in a hug. "Something you should know about Lanx, is that he will take..." She plays with Euna's breasts. "And take..." She kisses along Euna's neck and nibbles her ear. "And take..." Her hands creep down to Euna's sex. "...until you put your foot down." With that, she shoves Lanx away from Euna.
He stumbles back. His beard is sticky with juices. But now Euna is in Fira's clutches. And Fira does her own exploring. "See what I mean?" Fira says.
Euna basks in Fira's attention. "It's a good thing I have you here."
"A very good thing."
The group rinses out the cauldron and carries the supplies back to the wagon. After goodbyes, you and Euna head off.
"I think I'll have him housebroken soon," Euna says.
"He seems to take to a stern hand well."
"Yes. I think he surprises even himself."
"Lanx and Fira are taking more and more liberties with me," she says.
"Let them," you reply.
"If that is your wish, I will."
"You should be more worried whether I will behave myself," she says. "I seem to have developed a habit of getting carried away."
"I trust you," you say.
"Just be wary about leaving him alone with me. He has interests..."
"I'll keep it in mind."
"...Or maybe I should explore it with whomever you tell me to." She regards you coyly.
"That may be a great many people."
"I should hope it would be."
"Just so long as you get to watch, right?"
But she grows serious again. "But honestly, you're not upset?"
"Why would I be? "
"Not at all. I want you to explore your pleasures. Indulge and be happy."
"Very well. Then perhaps I will. I hope you don't live to regret setting me loose."
"I won't."
"He has a point," Fira addresses Lanx. "You clean your own cauldron. You're perfectly capable."
"Fine," Lanx says. "I just thought they might like to pitch in, but I guess not." Taking the rag and scraper, he shuffles into the cauldron and gets to work.
Fira speaks. "Euna, why don't you make sure he does a proper job."
"Oh, certainly." Euna kneels down beside Lanx and peers in beside him. She points out a few spots he's missing, which he begrudgingly gets to cleaning. The works takes long enough that Euna sits upon the upturned cauldron to wait.
Eventually, Lanx clambers out. "That should do it."
"Hold on." Euna bends to look into the cauldron. "Hmm," she says. "Is that really clean over there?" She points. "And what about there? It's like you weren't even trying. Get back to work."
Lanx, however, isn't listening. The way Euna has bent over has given him a view down her gown. It's tented downward, and he can see the valley of her breasts down to her opportunity to ogle her tits. They drape low despite their fishnet wrapping.a view down her bodice. Her breasts are threatening to spill free. His eyes are boggling.
Euna looks up. "Well? Get in there and don't come out until you're done."
"Yes, of course." Lanx gets back to work.
When he finishes again, Euna bends and inspects. "I suppose this will do, if you're okay with this. I wouldn't be."
Lanx's eyes are on her cleavage. "Oh, it's fine. I'm sure."
Cleaning ends. After rinsing the cauldron out, everyone heads back. By now, it's gotten late, so after farewells, you and Euna head back toward camp.
"Just how obviously was that man ogling me?" Euna asks.
"Very," you reply.
"I realized what he was doing the moment after I bent forward. That man is such a pervert."
"Yet you still did it two more times..."
"I did, didn't I? Perhaps it was a little endearing."
"Very well." Euna sits on her feet and reaches in. She puts her back into it as she cleans the inside the the cauldron, but she's not quite getting toward the bottom.
"Make sure you really get in there," Lanx says.
"I'm trying," Euna reaches deeper.
"No no. You're not going to clean it properly unless you get on your hands and knees." He's still sitting right behind her where he'd get a perfect view up her skirt. "You'd like that, wouldn't you," she says.
"I'd just like it to get clean."
Though Euna eyes him. "Okay, then." She gets back to cleaning. At first, her butt stays stuck to her feet, but little by little, she reaches farther in. As she does so, her butt lifts. Soon, her ass is high in the air, swaying rhythmically as she work. Her gown bunches between her ass,sash requires one hand to hold it down to hide herself, and even then, it'sskirt and chemise ride up, nearly giving a glimpse between her legs. Lanx stoops to try to peek, but each time, she absent-mindedly reaches back and adjusts.
Fira finishes cleaning. She steps up beside Lanx during one of his more shameless attempts get a view. He stops and pretends like he was doing something else. Fira eyes him coolly.
But then Euna reaches particularly far inside the cauldron. Her bald slitpubic fur peeks into view. Lanx can't help but look. Even Fira bends to get a view. Soon enough, Euna corrects her clothes. A while later, she finishes.
"All done," she says.
Lanx looks inside. "Looks good." He helps her rinse out the cauldron, then everyone carries the supplies back to the wagon. By now it's gotten late. After farewells, you and Euna depart.
You're in the valley when Euna turns to you. "Lanx was trying to peek at my intimates, wasn't he?"
"Did he see anything?"
"We all did."
"So that's why you all went so quiet, isn't it? I hope you enjoyed yourselves, you perverts."
"It was much appreciated."
"You should be ashamed of yourself," she says. "It was your plan all along to give them a view."
"My apologies, Your Highness."
"You'll just have to make it up to me tonight," she says.
"He might as well have seen everything."
"So that's why he went so quiet. I hope he enjoyed the show, the pervert."
"If you'd like, I can clean the cauldron from now on," you say. "He can stare at my ass."
"No, no," she says. "It's all right. Pervert he may be, but he's a harmless pervert."
Fira watches with amusement as Euna takes charge of Lanx. Once she finishes cleaning, she gathers her clean supplies, but it's a lot to hold. She motions to you. "I don't suppose you could help me carry these in. Although... I'd understand if you don't want to leave those two alone. They're apt to get carried away..."
By now, Fira has finished her work. Amused, she watches them for a while, then kneels by you. "I could use another pair of hands getting my supplies back to the wagon. That is if you're okay leaving Lanx and Euna alone. Looks like their cleaning is just getting started..."
Lanx spots you approaching and yanks his hand from Euna's crotch. "You're back!" he says.
Euna hastily corrects her clothes. She avoids glancing at you.
"Is he done?" Fira asks.
"Yes," Euna replies. "He's finished."
"Just needs a rinse." Lanx adds.
Fira nods. "Then let's do it and head up."
Euna hastily backs out of the cauldron and corrects her outfit. She avoids glancing at you. "Yes, I'm done cleaning here."
"Yes, yes," Lanx adds. "Looks good. Let's rinse this up."
They rinse it out at the creek. Back at the wagon, everyone has a conversation.
Lanx keeps glancing at you, trying to guage your reaction to what you saw. "You think you two will come by some other time?" he asks.
"Of course," you reply.
"Good then. Anytime. We'd love to have you."
After farewells, you and Euna head back to the valley.
Euna still hasn't looked at you. "I'm sorry," she mutters.
"For what?"
"I let him touch me. I took leave of my senses. I just got so carried away with ordering him around, and then he begged me for a favor, and I just though—"
"I let him touch me. I took leave of my senses. It's just you left me alone with him, and I was so worked up, and he came up behind me. I just thought—"
"Euna. I'm not upset."
"No? I let another man touch me."
"A lot of men have been touching you lately."
"But those were your idea. I did this on my own."
"Why should that bother me?"
"Because it is you I love," she says, "and I hope that you love me too."
"Of course I do."
"Then should I not be faithful to you?"
"So because I love you, you must forbid yourself any pleasure that doesn't involve me? Do you think I would be that jealous?"
She's at a loss for words. "I don't know. Isn't that what love is?"
"I don't want to keep you for myself as Grand Duke Vasilyevich would. Love is wanting the other person to be happy. And it makes you happy to explore your sexuality. I would not take that away from you."
"No? I let a man touch me."
"So? I already knew that you fancied men. And we've both been having our fun with them too, haven't we?"
"Yes, but we did that together. I did this on my own."
"Why should that be different?"
"Because I was unfaithful to you," she says. "I did this of my own desire."
"You've known me a long while, Your Highness. Do I strike you as the kind of woman who cares much about faithfulness?"
"No. You strike me as a godless harlot who cares not one wit about chastity."
"That's right, because faithfulness and chastity are what men want of us, men like Grand Duke Vasilyevich. They would keep us all to themselves so we would be forever plump with their babies. I want none of that. I'll fuck whoever I want, when I want, and I want the same for you. I don't care what they call either of us."
Euna falls silent. You're half way back when she spins you around. You're pulled into a deep, passionate kiss. Her body entwines with yours.
"So you would have me cavort with whomever I want?"
"And I would think nothing of it. Shall we go home?"
"You are my tsarivna. It is not my place to tell you who you may or may not sleep with?"
"Sure," Fira pats some crates stacked beside the cauldron. "Take a seat."
You stack some crates together for you two to sit and join them.
"What would you like to ask us?" Fira says as she stirs. Lanx doesn't look up from his preparing of ingredients.
"You what?" Lanx asks.
"We were sleeping," Euna adds. "It came just at dawn, after a night of heavy rain."
"That would do it. They have a nest around there somewhere. I'm surprised you made it out alive."
"I wouldn't have if not for my brave guard." Euna nods toward you.
"You fought it off?" Fira asks.
You shrug. "More or less."
"He was clever," Euna continues. "He had us escape to the open beach, where there were no trees for it to pull itself along."
"Quick thinking," Lanx says. After he stirs his pot a moment, a curious look comes over him. "I don't suppose it left any slime behind, did it?"
"It got everywhere," Euna says. "The trees, our shelters... everything."
"That's useful stuff, that is. Makes a great lubricant."
"It was rather smelly..."
"Who cares? If you're back down that way, think you could get some for us?"
"It's also been sitting out a while." Euna replies.
"Should be fine. Fira, why don't you get them a bottle."
Nodding, Fira fetches a lidded glass jar from the wagon and hands it to you.
"As much as you can," he says. "That'd be great."
"We'll try to remember," you say.
"I hope so," Lanx replies. "We have all the ingredients we need except for an Alatyr stone, which is incredibly hard to come by. Even the academy had only a couple. Also, we'd need the life-giving essence of a mythical creature."
"There's no harm," Fira says, "so long as I do it."
"Why you?" Euna asks.
"That elixir was designed to only work on males," Lanx answers. "She could drink this and nothing would happen to her. That's why she's not wearing gloves and I am."
"Is that so?" Fira asks.
Lanx chuckles.
"No! It isn't," Euna stammers. "I'm not... Don't say that!"
"So it's not so?"
Euna is quickly turning red. "I mean, yes. It's something I've been trying to hone."
"What is?" Lanx asks.
"What he said." She points to you.
Lanx feigns ignorance. "And what was it he said?"
"Fellatio, if you must. But no. I'm not going around soliciting others about this. So just—" She make a cutting gesture, "forget this conversation."
"Are you sure?" Fira asks, "because I know a thing or two..."
" what." Euna mutters, almost too quiet to hear.
"Oh I'll gladly show you, but there is a price." Fira glances at you, then at Lanx. She leans close and whispers in Euna's ear.
Euna gasps. "No! I'm not doing that."
"What is it?" Lanx asks.
"Forget it. It's not happening. We're dropping the matter."
"Very well," Fira says. "Come back when you're ready. The offer stays open."
"I might be." Euna turns a little red. "Though I certainly wasn't planning to go around soliciting my friends for advice, so never mind him."
"Are you sure?" Fira asks, "because I know a thing or two..."
"Such as?" Euna asks.
"You'll have to take my lesson to find out, but there's a price." Fira glances at you, then at Lanx. She leans close and whispers in Euna's ear.
Euna's eyes go wide. "I don't know about that."
"What is it?" Lanx asks.
"I am, if you've got something to teach me," Euna says.
"I might know a thing or two, but there's a price." FIra glances at you, then at Lanx. She leans close and whispers in Euna's ear.
Euna grins. "Hmm, quite a bold demand."
"What is it?" Lanx asks.
"No!" Euna's cheeks warm. "We're not doing that."
"Why?" Lanx asks. "Is it about Fira's price?" What is it?"
"Nevermind that. We're dropping the matter now."
"Anytime Euna wants," Fira says. "Euna just has to pay the price."
"And what price was this?" Lanx asks.
"She wants to demonstrate on him." Euna points to you. "And then for me me to practice on you."
"Me?" Lanx says.
"That sounds perfectly reasonable," Lanx says. "As a recipient who's familiar with Fira's skills, I could let you know how you fair compared to her."
"She wants me to practice my teachings on you."
"Me?" Lanx says.
"Well that makes sense," Lanx says. "I'm the only man here. Practical application has always been the best way to learn."
"Perfectly logical, I'm sure." Euna turns to you. "What do you think?"Euna straighens up. "Regardless, I must decline."
"Why not? What's a little compromise for the sake of learning?"
"You would have learned a lot..." Lanx sulks.
"A much later time," Euna adds. "If ever."
"The offer stays open," Fira says.
"Very well. Why not?" Euna says.
"Then let's get started." Fira slides off her stool.
Cautiously, Euna does the same.
"I'm really not sure I'm comfortable with this." Euna says.
"It will be fine." Fira slides off her stool. "We're all friends here. There's no reason to be bashful. Come. Come."
With great reluctance, Euna slides off her own stool and joins
Fira shuffles before you. Her hands caress your thighs. "Just settle back and let me do the work."
"What about me?" Lanx asks.
"You'll get your turn. This is for Euna's benefit." She unties the cloth wrap about her chest and frees her mammoth tits. "Come close, Euna. I want you to watch closely."
Fira motions Lanx back. "Move a little. Make room."
"My pleasure." With a grin plastered on his face, Lanx backs his stool up so there's room for Fira and Euna to kneel before him.
Fira looks to you. "You're welcome come join us," she says, "but I'm afraid you'll probably just be watching. My lesson only pertains to us endowed ladies." With that, she unties the cloth wrap about her chest and frees her mammoth tits. "Apple tits like yours just won't work."
"This is for fellatio?" Euna asks.
"Oh yes," Fira says. "Just because you're using your mouth doesn't mean you should overlook your other assets." She pulls your breechesleggings down to your knees and works your hardening memberinflating clit with her hands. As soon as you're decently stiff, she nudges your legs apart, shuffles in close, and engulfs your member in her vast cleavage.She drapes Lanx's robe open to reveal his pudgy little member sticking out from his pudgy, hairy body. It's already stiff and ready to participate. Fira nudges Lanx's legs apart and leans in to engulf his member in her vast cleavage. She kneads her breasts up and down. "After I first transmuted my breasts at the academy, I gained a fair bit more attention from the other students, and I may have indulged them."
"I was one of those students!" Lanx says proudly.
Fira casts him a sidelong glance. "I spent a lot of time on my knees, and I may have earned myself a reputation. My new breasts gave me an advantage. When I used them to please a man along with my mouth, it gave better results. I could actually get them off with my tits alone, though the mouth does help..." And she begins taking yourLanx's member into her mouth every time it peeks out from between her cleavage.
Before long, she stops and pulls way. "Now let's see you do it."
Euna kneels before Lanx and pulls open his robes. Lanx's stiff pudgy member pops out from his hairy pudgy body.Euna shrugs off her gownpulls off her fishnet toptugs off her bodice and scooches to take Fira's place before Lanx. Though her cleavage isn't quite as gargantuan as Fira's, she easily engulges Lanx's excited little cock between her tits.
"Ohh," Lanx groans.
"Do try to hold out a while longer than usual," Fira says. "Euna will need more than two minutes to learn."
"I'll be fine," he snaps. "Just focus on your lesson."
Euna gyrates against him to work his member between her pillowy tits. She's managing, but not nearly as elegantly as Fira. So Fira gives her pointers, ranging from how better to rock her body, how to knead her tits. It's about contact, Fira explains, not only with his pole, but with his jewels as well, and his thighs and hips. The contact helps the man get off better than even he realizes. Soon, Euna is massaging Lanx's manhood with far more grace, and he's squirming with delight.
Fira goes back to you, and the two girls work in tandem to get you and and Lanx off. Without the need to pause for explanation, Fira's skills are quick to bring you to a peak. Her final act is to guzzle down your cock and drink down your seed. As she tugs your breechesleggings back up, she gives you a coy smile which Euna is too busy to see.
Euna finishes soon afterward, and following in Fira's example, she drinks Lanx's cum even as she toys her breasts about his manhood.
Fira whispers her encouragements in Euna's ear right up to the point Lanx starts to cum. At Fira's instruction, Euna squeezes her tits tight and fixes her mouth over the head of his cock. Every drop goes down her throat.
Lanx leans back, content. "Not bad," he says. "You can use some practice, but that was far from the worst tit job I've ever received."
"Thank you," Euna says flatly. She dresses.
Fira wraps her cloth strap about her tits again and recruits your help in tying it off behind her. "I hope this was instructive," she says.
"It was. Thank you," Euna says. "Though I'm still unsure why I we needed to swap partners for this lesson.""Though I can't help but wonder if having me practice on Lanx was entirely for academic reasons."
Fira shrugs and retakes her stool.
"Why would you want to do that?" Lanx asks.
"We need to steal something from her," Euna replies. "An amulet of some kind."
"You're likely to get yourselves killed. Or worse. Much worse. Why could you possibly need it?"
Euna explains to them about the amulet, and the deal made with Damien.
"You two must really want to get home," he says afterward. "I'm not sure it's worth it. This Damien is just as likely to knife you both than he is to take you anywhere."
"I know," Euna replies, "but this is our only way right now. Do you know how we could get in?"
Fira speaks. "Every now and then the sorceress sends one of her men to us to trade supplies. Something they frequently get are the ingredients for placating an akkoro."
"Those slimy, tentacled beasts?" she asks.
"Yes. He mentioned that the sorceress's keep connects to an underground network of water caves beneath the mountains, though for what reason he didn't say, but they need the tonics to keep the beasts peaceful."
"How does this help us?"
"I happen to know of a way into those water caves," Fira says. "When Lanx and I were ingredient hunting down south by the coast, we came upon an inlet beneath a bluff which led right inside. I think that leads into the same cave system that the keep uses."
Euna frowns. "I don't know if I'd want to go wondering around in those caves if the akkoro live there. I've had a close enough encounter with them, thank you. It nearly tore me to shreds."
"Hold on." Fira hurries to the wagon and returns shortly with a jar filled with a transluscent substance like half-melted wax. "This is the marker they use to pacify the akkoro. We have plenty, so take this."
"Are you sure?" Euna directs the question at Lanx.
He's squinting dubiously at Fira's handing out of free merchandise, but he shrugs it off. "Sure. It's it's not like it sells anyway, but don't expect any more from us. That much would last anyone a lifetime."
"Yes," Fira agrees. "It takes very little. Just smear a few fingerfuls of it on your skin."
"And the akkoro will leave us alone?"
"Probably not. This just impels them not to hurt you. If you're walking into their nest, I'm sure they'll be plenty unhelpful, but you'll be safe."
"I see..." Euna takes the jar. "Thank you."
"If you're smart," Lanx says, "you won't go. There's nothing but misery in the sorceress's keep."
"Don't be absurd," Euna says. "Don't tinker with your body over something as vapid as that."
"That's easy for you to say," you point out. "You've got tits you could smother a man with."
"It doesn't matter," Fira says. "I haven't got the ingredients to do it again."
"And if we had, we'd charge," Lanx adds.
"But Euna is right," Fira says. "You have a lovely handful already."
Lanx nods soberly in academic agreement.
'It can be," Fira replies.
"Is there anything you can do about it?" Euna asks.
"Not much, but I don't mind really. It doesn't happen often at all. And when it does, it does. It's a small price I pay for these beautiful, captivating breasts of mine. I'd pay it gladly every day if I had to, but luckily I only pay it a few days a month."
"Oh, heavens, no," Fira replies. "Sure, they're distracting at times, and my back certainly regrets it. But they're so much fun. I love the attention they get."
"It is quite nice, isn't it?" Euna says. "Men can hardly keep their eyes off of my own pair. I can only imagine what it's like for you."
"You don't tire of all the ogling?" Euna asks. "I know I sometimes do."
"Then you're taking your breasts for granted. I remember what it was like to be flat-chested, and I'd rather be ogled by the whole world than go back to that. You have a magnificent pair, Euna. They make men desire you, and women envy you. Tell me, if you had the chance to reduce your chest-size, would you? Because it can be done."
Euna considers. "No, I wouldn't. I just wish men would mind their eyes more often."
"Don't. Embrace it. Revel in the attention, because every time they admire you, it's not because they choose to. It's because they're helpless. You have power over them."
"It's an intriguing way to look at it." Euna compares her own large breasts with Fira's mammoth tits.
"There. See?" Lanx says.
"I never disagreed," Fira replies. "Nearly every man I've slept with has tasted my milk."
"Really?" Euna asks.
"Really, and sure, it's a hassle washing my breast wraps whenever they get leaky, but those are also the times I'm craving a proper fucking. I love riding on top of a man and letting my tits leak over their body. Each squeeze brings a spray that paints them. Almost as though I'm bathing them. It's messy, but oh so much fun."
"Intriguing," Euna says.
"Maybe one day you'll see what I mean," Fira replies.
Euna's cheeks redden. She flickers a smile. "I... maybe. I will one day sire an heir for my tsardom. I'll be nursing then. Perhaps my breasts will leak like yours."
Fira stares right at her. "That wasn't quite what I had in mind."
Euna's blush deepens.
"But yes," Fira continues. "After childbirth, you too will enjoy the pleasures of milky breasts, seeing as how endowed you already are."
"We'll see," Euna replies.
"Nothing intolerable," she says. "I did a reasonably good job, but they are incredibly sensitive now."
"In a good way? Or a bad way?" Euna asks.
"In a good way, mostly. The nipples especially so, but it can be distracting at times. My breasts grow and shrink throughout the month, which is terrible for my wardrobe. Even if I could find something other than this breast wrap to hold them, it would only fit some of the time. My struggle with back-pain is eternal, though that's less of a side-effect and more of a consequence. Oh, and of course my breasts lactate at the drop of hat. But otherwise, my breasts came out quite well. They're supple, yet firm." She gives them a healthy squeeze, "and they're shapely, as much as they can be for their size."
"Why do you think?" Lanx interjects. "Because everyone loves huge tits."
Fira smiles patiently. "When I was a young girl, I was flat-chested. It's something I was always self-conscious about. After I became an apprentice alchemist, I became enamored with enlarging my breasts. As soon as I learned of a means, I attempted the transmutation upon myself."
"Without supervision," Lanx adds, "or consultation. Or even telling anyone."
"Yes, I was quite foolish," she admits. "The transmutation was gradual, taken through a regimen. Every night in my dorm I would apply it to myself. For weeks I thought I'd done something wrong, because nothing was changing, but then my breasts started to grow. And grow. And grow. I underestimated how long it took to take effect."
"And you'd think she would have stopped there."
"I'm telling the story, Lanx, but yes, I continued with the regimen. Fortunately, the grandmasters noticed my sudden development, and they confiscated my supplies. Though my breasts continued to grow for months, until this." She gives her tits a squeeze.
"Still," Lanx adds. "It's a testament to her talent. An apprentice alchemist applying transmutations to themselves without telling anyone? It could have ended disastrously."
"Yes. My breasts are exactly as they should be ...for the most part."
"Everything," Lanx says.
Fira quiets him. "Alchemy is an exact science. Every impurity and mistake can result in alterations to a transmutation's outcome. With breast transmutations, I've seen breasts that are strangely-shaped, stiff, or even oddly colored. Nipples can change sometimes too. They take on strange properties."
"That's why experience is important," Lanx says. "No transmutation is completely devoid of side-effect, but with proper method and practice, they can be so slight as to be unnoticeable."
"I didn't quite succeeded in in that," Fira says. "Though what side-effects I have are minor, considering what they could have been."
Euna chides you. "Don't be rude."
"No, no. It's quite all right," Fira says. "Everyone is always curious."
"That doesn't mean people should talk about them."
"Perhaps not, but if I didn't want people ogling my breasts, I shouldn't have transmuted them in the first place." She rubs her hands over her enormous globes.
"You... transmuted them?" Euna asks. "How?"
"With alchemy, of course. You didn't think they were naturally this big, do you?"
"Could you make my breasts bigger?"
"What side-effects do you have?"
"Not all the time, but sometimes."
"That must be a nuisance," Euna says.
Fira shrugs. "Some days of the month, they soak my breast wrap, but most days: nothing."
Lanx speaks up. "They lactate a lot more when she's turned on."
She rolls her eyes. "Sometimes, yes, but not always."
"She'll be fucking, and her breasts will be dribbling all over the place."
She eyes Lanx. "Only very occasionally. And that is a nuisance when it happens."
"It's not a nuisance. It's sexy as hell!"
"You would think so," Fira replies, "seeing as how you enjoy nursing from them like a babe."
This quiets Lanx.
"What about it?" Lanx asks.
"No, they don't," Fira says. She turns to Lanx. "Maybe we shouldn't keep this batch."
"Ehh," Lanx shrugged. "Guys like that sort of look."
"They do?" Euna asks.
"Some guys. The kind of guys who buy cock enlargement potions do."
"But is it safe?" Fira asks.
"It's probably fine," he replies.
Fira shakes her head and tsks. "I wouldn't trust it," but she goes on bottling them anyway.
"Isn't it a bad idea to apply the tonic with your bare hands like that?"
"All right. What else did you want to talk about?"
"White Lilacs," Fira says. "Yes, the flower of the Simorg. Charity and forgiveness, I think."
"Is that the kind of potion you want to make?" Lanx asks. "A charity potion?"
"It is," you say.
"Then we're only missing one thing."
"The salt of a human," Euna says, "product of the desired state. What does that mean?"
"Simple. We need a liquid shed from someone in a moment of charity or good will. A single tear should suffice."
"From whom?"
"From a charitable person. I would think... you."
Euna startles. "Me?"
"Who else?" Fira asks. "These two?" She points to you and Lanx.
It looks as though Lanx will argue this, but he shrugs. "Fair. No one in this land is particularly rife with charity."
"What about the Simori sisters?" Euna asks.
"Sure. Do you want to explain to them why you're harvesting their tears?"
"I guess not." Euna frowns. "What do I do?"
"Shed a tear of selflessness."
"Acting?" he suggests. "Just dwell on people you care about. Think about what you'd give up for them. Anything, really. It's not as though the tear has to be harvested during a cathartic turning point in your life."
Fira stands. "Come. I'll help you. I've had to do things like this before." She leads leads Euna to the wagon. "We'll be back soon."
You and Lanx chat for a while. He finishes his work. You help him clean up.
Eventually, Fira emerges from the wagon. "She wants to speak with you."
Inside, Euna is sitting crosslegged on a messy bed, staring out a small port window. When you enter, she glances and motions for you to sit by her.
"Having trouble?" you ask.
"Do you know how hard it is to cry on command? I've been sitting here for ages thinking of everyone I'm fighting for. My sister. My tsardom. My father. Even that poor girl, Tara." Sighing, she flaps her hands dismissively. A small glass vial is in her hand. She seems tempted to toss it away. "I came close a while ago, but then I lost it."
"What were you thinking about?"
She shrugs. "Many things, and nothing. I'm don't even remember. What do you do when you want to cry?"
"That doesn't come up often," you admit, "but sometimes when I want to pluck the heartstrings of my audience, I'll pluck a few strings on my lute."
Thoughtful, she glances at her lyre. It's strapped to her pack, which sits beside the bed. "Can you play for me?"
"That thing? No, but you can." You fetch it for her. She begins a simple melody. The tune is lovely, but it's not quite right. With your help, she finds more somber chords, soft and haunting.
"Whenever I've cried on command," you say, "It was because I was convincing some poor man that I was a helpless damsel who needed help, usually so I could rob him." You think. "Oh! I've also would cry a few times because the manwoman fucking me got off on seeing some tears."
"Neither of those surprise me," Euna replies, "and neither are useful."
"Hmm. I sometimes to a beautiful song before. Have you tried playing this?" You fetch her lyre.
"This thing?" She begins a simple melody. The tune is lovely, but it's not quite right. With your help, she finds more somber chords, soft and haunting.
Soon, she doesn't have to concentrate. Her hands play for her.
"This is just the kind of music I might use alongside a tragic tale," you say.
"I never heard you play anything like this," she replies.
"I never played them in your father's court."
"Why not?"
"Wasn't a good audience for that. And it wasn't what your father paid me for. He wanted laughs."
"He wanted ribald jokes, is what you mean."
"This is just the sort of music I might dance one of my ballets to," you say.
"I didn't know you could do ballet," she replies.
"I never did in your father's court."
"Why not?"
"It wasn't a good audience for that. Your father preferred my more ribald dances."
"He wanted a strip tease, is what you mean."
"It worked. For him. The Lilins had come to the palace just after the Velesian army started making their way inland. They'd just taken over the duchy of Estinslaw. Word was that they hadn't bothered holding the land, just put everything to the torch. We'd come into the city along with a thousand refugees. People needed laughsdistractions that year."
"Yes," she says. "I remember hearing about it in the convent."
"The Lilins were nearly turned around. No one wanted to house a burlesque circus, but your father heard of our arrival and had us put on a show in his court. It was very different, much less graphic than we usually did, more tasteful. It was still a tough audience. Everyone had been hearing about all this death and pain coming from out west. People were worried."
"Your father laughed though. You'd have thought he was choking. And it's as though his laughter gave the rest of the court permission, and everyone lightened."But your father loved it. We had performed a burlesque comedy of errors, we'd trimmed out most of crudeness for the court, but we'd left in one moment still had me fellating a pair of thieves who were pretending to be nobles, and oh how your father laughed. Something unspoken passed between the performers, and we put all the raunch back. Everyone was keeling over in laughter. I had the feeling it was the first happy night that palace had seen in months, but none enjoyed the show like your father. A twenty year truce was broken. The soldiers had left home and everyone could only wait for news. He needed to laugh."
"Of course he did," Euna said. "He was losing his kingdom. We were not ready for the Velesians to attack as suddenly as they did, and I know he blamed himself for that. And my mother had passed two years before, and I was far away in a convent getting indoctrinated. He lost so much in those years. My father was not the same man when I came back."
"But he took back the land. We're at peace again. He won."
"I suppose." she sniffs. "He did it alone, and it cost him so much. And now he's alone again, sitting in his bed, wasting away, and I won't be there for him if he dies. Aileen will need to be strong to keep the peace, and run the kingdom, and stand up to my aunt. She's such a wild spirit. This was never something she was meant to do. Never what she wanted to do. But she will, and she'll do it alone just like our father did. All because I couldn't handle my own personal crisis. You and Fira keep telling how selfless I am, but I can't stop think about how selfish I've been all this time."
She plays on. Her fingers strum the chords as though dabbling the surface of water. Lost in her music, she closes her eyes.
A tear squeezes out. Gently, you press the vial to her cheek and collect it. She opens her eyes, startled, as though she'd forgotten why you were both there.
After her melody comes to a close, you both sit in silence.
"I need to get home," she says.
You embrace her. "I know."
In time, you both emerge outside. You pass the vial to Lanx. The tear clings to the wall of the inside.
Lanx grins. "You know what that flower is for?"
"Lust?" you ask.
"Not just lust. It's the flower of unadulterated, dirty sex. So you want to make someone unabashedly horny? A sex-obsessed, simple-minded slut?"
"So it dumbs them down?"
Lanx gives a so-so shrug. "Doesn't affect their wits, but that doesn't matter if all they think about is their next fuck. No room in their head for anything else." He grins. "But hells will they be fun."
Euna looks to you. "Are you sure that's really what we need? How would that help us with... our goal?"
"It sounds like it's exactly what we need," you say.
"Okay then," Euna frowns. "A rather unorthodox solution, but I suppose it's better than the alternative."
Lanx claps his hands in excitement. "Then you've come to the right pair of dirty alchemists. We just need one last ingredient."
"The salt of a human," Euna says, "product of the desired state. Will you finally explain what that means?"
"Simple. For this, I'd say we'd need a drop of nectar from a lusty woman's flower. Wouldn't you say, Fira?"
Fira nods. "I would."
"From whom?" Euna asks.
"From any one of you three girls," Lanx answers."From you, of course," Lanx answers, "or you," he says to Fira. "Whichever of you thinks you is the hornier. Eh? So how about it? Who wants to rub yourself off in the name of alchemy? You'll want to do it here so we can make sure you're doing it right."
"Wait," Euna says. "Why not seed? Why don't one of you volunteer for this?"
Fira answers. "Seed has a different purpose. It's to impregnate. A woman's honey, however, is meant for sex."
"So how about it, girls? Who's the horniest one?"
"I would think," Fira says, "that it should be you, Euna."
"Me? Surely both of you have led more adventurous sex lives than I have."
"I've seen my share of bedrooms," you say, "and bathrooms, and alleys, but you were born for sex. In just the short time we've been here, you've already surpassed me in so many ways. You love sex in a way I never have."
"I agree," Fira says. "I've never met somebody so sexually obsessed as you. If even half of those fantasies you've told me about are—"
"Me? But surely you've led a more adventurous sex life than I have."
"Perhaps so," Fira admits, "but I don't think my desire is nearly as strong as yours. Look at how far you've come since you've arrived. And when we talk, which one of us brings up sex every single time? And those fantasies you've told me abou—"
"Okay! Fine!" Euna cuts her off. "I'll do it, but I can't just do it here. On demand. Before everyone."
Rising, Fira takes Euna's hand and guides her toward the wagon.
"Where are you two going?" Lanx asks.
"To the wagon. For privacy."
"But we need to monitor—"
"I know how to collect a sample, Lanx. The woman wants privacy."
"Fine," Lanx replies, crestfallen. "Make sure she cleans herself first. Fingers too."
Fira flaps her hand overhead. She knows what she's doing. After she and Euna disappear, you and Lanx wait about the cauldron and talk. In short time, Fira returns alone.
"She's still in there?" Lanx asks.
"I showed her what to do," Fira replies. "She'll be out in time."
"Does she know not to climax? And I hope you didn't give her one of your toys. You know that would—"
"It's fine, Lanx." She sits.
The three of you while away the time until Euna finally emerges, flustered and red-faced. "Thank you for the book, Fira. May I... If I were to borrow it..."
"By all means. There are a few good ones you should read."
"Oh, those books," Lanx says. "I see. Do you have the, er, ingredient?"
Euna hands over a small vial with a drop of clear fluid clinging to the side.
"Sounds like it," Euna says.
"You like this idea," you ask her.
"What's not to like? The person we give this to would be too sex-obsessed to care about anything else. It's a rather unorthodox solution to our problem, but I say we do it."
Lanx claps his hands. "Then you've come to the right pair of dirty alchemists. We just need one last ingredient."
"The salt of a human," Euna says, "product of the desired state. Will you finally explain what that means?"
"Simple. For this, I'd say we'd need a drop of nectar from a lusty woman's flower. Wouldn't you say, Fira?"
Fira nods. "I would."
"From whom?" Euna asks.
"From you, I'd think," Fira says to Euna, "If half of the adventures you've told me about since coming here are true, then you're more than lusty enough. Not to mention those fantasies of yours you mentioned."
Lanx speaks. "So how about it, Euna? Ready to rub yourself off in the name of alchemy? You probably want to do it where the rest of us can see so we make sure you're doing it right."
"Hmm. I'm sure that's the reason you want to watch. What do I do?"
"Simple. Arouse yourself until you leak."
"Okay then..." Euna runs her hands along her body. "I think I can manage." Up and down her hands go, squeezing her breasts and rubbing along her thighs. Her gown becomes loosersash's knot grows looserskirt rides higher with each pass.
Lanx is captivated. Fira gathers a small vial and kneels before Euna, ready to collect. Euna spreads her legs and scoots to the edge of her stool, revealing herself to Fira. "You'll be the one to collect?"
"Yes," Fira says, grinning. "Try not to touch yourself. It'll smear your nectar."
"That makes this harder," Euna says.
"Maybe not..." Fira places her hands on either of Euna's thighs and spreads the girl wider. Her lips come down upon the flesh above Euna's mound. Gasping, Euna raises her hips to meet Fira. She kneads her breasts. Fira's lips play along her thighs and belly, coming tantalizingly close to her slit, but never getting quite there.
Euna motions for you. Moving your stool, you sit behind her and embrace her. Your hands take the place of hers in massaging her bared breasts. Her breath is short now. She rests against your shoulder and looks at you yearningly. Your lips meet.
"Do you... need any more help?" Lanx asks. He's sitting across the cauldron with a telling lump in his robes.
Euna wiggles her toeswigles her toes at him. Scurrying over, he embraces her calf and plants wet kisses along its length. He directs her foot against his crotch and rubs. She curls her toes around his bulge, almost gripping him. It's not long before he slips her foot inside the folds of his robes and rubs. You get glimpses inside his robe. Her toes play about his chubby dick.
With three people tending to her body, it doesn't take Euna long before she's writhing and moaning. Fira presses the vial to Euna's now-dripping snatch to collect several viscous drops of her nectar. Finished, she places a kiss directly upon Euna's clit. "All done!"
"Not yet!" Lanx is humping his cock against Euna's foot. Everyone's attention is on him now. Euna slides her other footslides her other footpulls her other foot from her boot and slides it alongside her first. Lanx uses it to sandwich his cock between her soles.
With everyonethree girls watching, it takes him a while, but he soldiers on to the end. He sprays seed over her calves and toes, then falls back on his ass. "Now we're done."
Everyone retakes their places around the cauldron. Fira handed him the vial containing Euna's juices.
"This'll do." He fills the rest of it with water from a narrow beaker. What follows is hours of alchemy. He boils the water down in a stone bowl while Fira grinds the flower into dust. They measure out less than a quarter of the nezurite, combine it with an alcoholic smelling liquid, and then toss in the emulsified flower. They boil the mixture down repeatedly. The substance is clear except for the glittering nezurite crystals, but as they reduce it again and again, the sparkling goes away, and soon the potion is a muddy black.
Then comes Euna's contribution. Fira pours the beaker in as slowly as possible while Lanx stirs. Before your eyes, the potion clears. All that's left is the glitter, like water with specks of light suspended within.
"Absolute perfection," Lanx says. Fira nods in approval.
"It worked?" Euna asks.
"It took. Whether it will give you the exact result you want? I'm not sure, but if it ever could work, this will work. Solomon himself couldn't have brewed this better."
He hands the vial to you. After all that work, it's less than a single gulp.
"Thank you!" Euna says.
"Just don't get yourselves killed with whatever it is you're doing. Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"
"Actually," Euna nods toward the sky. The sun is close to setting. "I think it might be time for us depart."
"We should start turning in ourselves," Fira says. "It was wonderful for you both to stop by."
After more goodbyes, you and Euna head back home. "A busy day today," she says. "Between breaking into the keep and concocting the potion, we got a lot done."
"We did," you agree.
"Sure," Lanx says.
"On who?" Euna asks suspiciously.
You shrug. "I don't know. Me. You. Gaining mythical powers might be useful."
"Incredibly useful," Lanx says. "Just bring me an Alatyr stone and a mythical creature's life-giving essence."
"That's it?" Euna asks. "You'd want nothing in return?"
Fira speaks. "You'd be doing all the work. We'd love to perform our transmutation just for the sake of alchemy. Every time it's done, we learn a little more."
"Probably," Lanx replies. "It sounds like the sorceress was applying a mental transmutation, and she did have it keyed to take affect when Euna climaxed, so it definitely did affect her sexuality."
Fira looks at Euna. "And she did hurt you after making you drink her potion, right?"
"Yes," Euna says.
"So yes," Lanx continues. "The sorceress brought feelings of pain and sex to Euna's mind, then applied a transformation. If it's the alchemical process I'm thinking of, it bound those two emotions together permanently."
"But I don't feel any different," Euna insists.
"Which only goes to show how masterful the sorceress's work was. Mental transmutations are notoriously hard to do. If they're done wrong. They can cause wild side effects: insanity, dementia, split personality... These can happen even if the alchemy is done right. Like any alchemy, the more drastic the change, the more likely it is for side-effects to occur. That's why it's important that alchemy only make moderate, subtle changes. This is especially true for mental transmutations."
"But I don't feel anything."
"You don't feel any side-effects you mean. If mental transmutations are done right, the recipient won't notice because any changes to their behavior will seem natural to them. It can take ages before the changes even start affecting your behavior. This is part of why mental transmutations are so difficult. If the change is applied correctly, nothing seems different. So alchemists will try again and mess everything up. You must wait ages to see how the transmutation manifests."
"So I'm not done changing?"
"Yes, you are." He thinks. "Let me put it this way. You now have a new voice in your head. It's so quiet you don't hear it whispering to you, but it is. It whispers thoughts and ideas Over time, it'll nudge your behavior ever so slightly, but it will nudge for the rest of your life. Ten years from now, you might be an entirely different person than you would have been. Does that make sense?"
"I think so," she says.
"Already?" Lanx says. "We just gave her an enormous jar of the stuff last year."
"Of course we can make more," Fira replies. "We have everything we need, don't we, Lanx?"
"Hmm. Some Curare. Plenty of wasps left. No Valerian though."
"It's in bloom," Fira says. "Why don't you two head down to the river and pick us a bunch while we set up?"
You do so, or rather you watch Euna while she does so, since she's the one who knows what they look like. When you two return with an armload, Lanx and Fira already have the cauldron bubbling. They're taking dead wasps from a jar and extracting venom from each by squeezing their stingers against the side of a small glass vial.
"Let's milk all of them," Lanx says. "Make a huge supply. I don't want to have to do this again for a very long time."
"Very well," Fira replies. After working through each wasp, they hardly have a drop.
"That's it?" Euna asks.
"We just need it to capture a characteristic in our solution," Fira replies. "Just a smidget of venom spirit will allow this salve to sink into flesh and take effect."
"Sounds painful."
"Not at all. We've only preserve the characteristic. The rest of these ingredients are the effect—a relaxant, a stimulator, and a potent dilator."
"And why would Shirina need this to host a dinner party?"
Lanx grins. "If Shirina didn't tell you why, then we won't ruin the surprise."
Two hours of work results in a clear ointment with a pungent odor. To test, Fira pulls out one of her tits and smears a little on her nipple. Droplets of milk swell and dribble onto the grass. Soon she's got a good drip, and even the slightest squeeze causes milk to spray. "Seems to be working," Fira says.
"Take that elsewhere," Lanx snaps. "I don't want this whole place smelling like sour milk."
"Perhaps I'll go fill a jar." Fira hurries off.
"Shirina wants this to help with lactation?" Euna asks.
Lanx chuckles. "Not exactly."
Bottling yields five brimming jars. Fira returns and reserves one for herself, though she doesn't say why. "Four jars should last her a good long while," she says.
"It better," Lanx adds. "I trust you two can deliver these to her."
Fira returns and retakes her seat. "Did you two need anything else?"
"For us to just give to you?" Lanx asks.
Before he can go on, Fira leans and whispers in his ear. They share a quick exchange. "Fine," he mutters to her. "It's cheap enough to make, I guess."
"Come with me," Fira says to Euna. "I might have some in the wagon."
Euna follows. They disappear into the wagon for several minutes, and when they return, Euna is carrying a large bottle of black glass.
"You gave her a lot," Lanx says.
"Enough to last me a while," Euna looks to you. "I've agreed we'd help them clean in exchange for this. So we'll be spending the evening."
"Enough to last her a while," Fira looks to you. "Though in exchange, I expect you both to spend the evening with us and pitch in."
"Sounds fair," you say.
The time is spent helping Lanx and Fira prepare and bottle several concoctions they'll soon be selling. At a lull in the conversation, Euna asks advice from you. "What should I know if I am to train myself to be more acrobatic?"
You launch into a long discussion, where you cover everything from back bends, forward bends, and leg flexibility. For technique, you cover various stretches, how to warm up, how to stretch muscles versus nerve or tendon. These are the routines followed by the contortionists from the Prowling Lilins. Euna listens raptly, but all the while, Lanx and Fira keep exchanging amused glances, as though they know a secret that they're not telling.
Eventually, your debt is paid.
"Thank you both for your help," Fira says. "Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?"
"Then come back when you get one," Lanx says.
"You can hold on to this in the meantime," Fira hands back.
"And remember," Lanx adds. "You don't want some mix-breed wildflower. Bring us something good, something with meaning, or you're just wasting your potion." He resumes stirring. "Anything else?"
"What else would you like to talk about?"
Lanx hisses through his teeth. "It's not cheap. I think ten thousand rubles is more than generous?"
"Ten thousand?" you reply. "You were already paid for this. All you just have to hand it over."
"This is no tonic in a bottle to be handed over. This is a suite of alchemical processes, and it would take all of mine and Fira's expertise to apply. And the reagents are all the highest quality. Unbelievably rare. Some of King Shahryar knights died fetching these."
"Yes," Euna says. "I have no doubt it's fit for royalty. After all, you made it for a king. That is why you will give it to me for free."
"For free?" Lanx blusters. "Absolutely not. You clearly don't understand—"
"I understand well enough." Euna's tone cuts through his words and leaves him silent. "You spent years of your life designing something amazing, and yet so unique. Only for the opportunity to use it to be lost. Your grand project now gather dusts at the bottom of your storage chest."
Euna holds her arms out wide to present herself. "But now you one again have standing before you—the tsarivna of the great tsardom of Ruthgar, and she just happens to have exotic enough tastes that she might actually allow you to ply your untested alchemy upon her. You will give this to me not for payment, because you have already been paid, but because you know you will regret it if don't. Your masterpiece deserves to reach fruition, and I am the last chance it will ever have."
"That sure of yourself, are you?" Lanx says, eyes narrow.
"No one else may ever want it," Euna replies, "and those that do would not be deserving of your masterpiece. Give it to me, so that you can finish what you started."
"But we can't just give it to you for free."
"And yet you're still sitting on this suite of alchemy because no one else has offered to buy it, right?"
"Someone might," Lanx says. "There are those with diverse interests who would love to have this."
"Yeah? Just waiting for the right buyer? How long has it been since you made this suite."
"Over ten years," Fira answers.
"And we could wait a hundred more," Lanx adds.
"So you could wait a hundred more years until someone else like meEuna to come around again, who'd actually want it, or sell it to meus for a price we could afford, like a hundred rubles."
Lanx barks a laugh. "You clearly have no idea what went into making this."
"One thousand," Fira rests a hand on Lanx to quiet him. "That is a fair price. You may be the only ones who want it, but we're the only alchemists who can apply it."
Lanx looks like he's ready to bluster his dispute. He's almost red in the face, but begrudgingly he nods. "No lower."
"Deal," you say.Euna says.
"Let us know when you have the funds," Fira replies. "Meanwhile, we'll brush up on our notes."
"What else would you like to talk about?"
"Oh," Euna says. "I... I suppose not."
Fira takes the bowl over toward the bull. She sets it on the ground and starts unfastening her chest wrap.
"Err, there's no need for that," Lanx says. "Just test it."
Fira looks at him innocently. "Are you sure? You don't want to watch me—"
"Just test the elixir."
"Okay." Fira pets the bull, allowing it to grow comfortable with her. Slowly, her hands work their way lower along its flank and belly to its cock. She gently works the shaft with one hand. The bull snorts and rocks. It's cock emerges from its sheath.
Euna watches with wide eyes. "What is she doing?"
Fira answers. "The tonic works best if the subject's cock is already as large as it can get before applying."
"And you would do this? Willingly?"
"The tonic must be tested. If we brewed it wrong, there could be side-effects."
The bull rocks back and forth. It's cock grows into a foot of hard pink meat. Fira now uses both hands to stroke the shaft.
Meanwhile, Lanx is looking decidedly uncomfortable. "That's large enough. Just get on with it."
Shrugging, Fira scoops out handfuls of the thick green liquid and slathers it over the bull's cock. The bull's cock grows larger, as though it had never finished engorging to begin with. After minutes of gentle stroking, it doubles in length and girth. Massive veins become prominent along its smooth slick surface. Fira massages the formula onto it's balls as well. They too swell up to twice their original dimensions. Fira turns her full attention back to the cock. Leaning forward, she flicks her tongue on the tip, then begins enveloping the head with her mouth.
"Okay. Okay, it works," Lanx says hastily "You can stop now."
"Are you sure?" Fira asks innocently. "It seems mean to get him all excited like this without—"
"Yes! It's enough. Come out from under there."
Fira wipes her hands on the grass, then gives the bull a friendly swat on the rump. It takes off into the field with it's gigantic, hard dong flailing freely. Fira looks at Euna. "Normally, Lanx likes to watch while I—"
"Thank you. Fira. The elixir is fine. Let us bottle it while it's fresh."
"That's right," Euna says. "No thank you."
Shrugging, Fira leads the bull around to the other side of the wagon. This leave you two alone with Lanx, who awkwardly shuffles about.
"What's she doing?" Euna asks.
"Oh, you know..." Lanx replies. "The tonic is just a topical application."
"I see."
From behind the wagon comes a snort and a rustling. Lanx speaks over the sounds. "Obviously, it's not pleasant work, but we can't test it on a person, you see, in the slight case something goes wrong. A bull's just a bull, right?"
Euna nods warily.
A slap resonates. The bull gallops into view and runs off into the pasture. Between its legs flops an enormous dong, comically large.
Fira comes around holding an empty bowl. "It works."
"Great," Lanx says hastily. "Let's move this along then."
He brings out a crate full of empty bottles and dons gloves. They get to work scooping measured amounts into the bottles and stoppering them.
"Sit, why don't you?" Fira says. "This will take a while."
You two sit on a pair of empty crates and watch.
"So," Lanx says, "Shipwrecks. You must have a thousand questions."
"Oh, good," Lanx says. "I hope he was happy."
"He was," Euna replies, "but only after a demonstration. That is something you neglected to mention."
"A demonstration? What are you talking about?"
"He made me prove that the product worked. Are you saying he has never demanded such a demonstration from Fira?"
"I never go," Fira says. "It was always just Lanx."
"Why not?" you ask.
Fira shrugs. "That crew has a bad reputation with women."
"Oh do they?" Euna laughs ruefully. "And it never occurred to either of you to mention this to us?"
"What did they do?" Lanx says.
"I had to perform some rather unseemly acts to satisfy them that your tonics's efficacy, and we'll leave it at that."
She rounds on him. "I'm afraid sorry isn't going to cut it. You were hoping for that demonstration."
He shrinks away. "I had no idea he'd make you do anything."
"Don't lie to me." She taps her chin in thought. "It occurs to me that you took that tonic just the same as I did."
"Yeah? So?"
"You could demonstrate for me."
"If you want a quick demonstration now, I'm sure I can oblige," he says.
"Not now. Forever more."
She turns to you. "What do you think? From now on, he should be my personal pet whenever I'm here? Made to do all the same sort of disgusting things I had to?"
"Let's leave him be. After all, you know you enjoyed giving that demonstration."
"Yes. From now on, Lanx will be your simpering little slave."
"He was," you reply, "but you forgot to mention he'd want a demonstration."
"A demonstration?" Lanx frowns. "What are you talking about?"
"He wouldn't let us leave until Euna demonstrated the tonic for him."
"Preposterous. Bellamy has been taking me at my word for over a decade. He's never demanded a demonstration before. How in the world would even demonstrate something like a fortifier?"
"Yes," Fira says. "Tell us everything they made her do."
"Well," you say, "he made Euna—"
"Drink it," Euna interrupts. "He made me drink it and show it wasn't poisonous."
"That's all?" Lanx waves it off. "You've nothing to worry about. A second dose won't have any effect on you."
"What are you talking about, Euna? They made you do all sorts of degrading acts."
"Well," you say, "he made Euna—"
"—perform some rather unsavory acts," Euna interrupts. "And we will leave it a that."
"Oh come now," Fira says. "You can't tease us."
"Yes, do tell," Lanx adds. "We want details."
"Absolutely not. You should both be ashamed of yourselves for sending us to deliver to those monsters without a single word of warning. I don't see why we should ever do another chore for you, much less reward you with details."
"We're sorry," Fira pulls Euna into her lap. "Will you ever forgive us? Is there anything I can do?"
"I'll be fine."
"Are you sure you don't want me to make it up to you later?" Her arms squeeze around Euna's waist.
Euna tries not to smile. "It won't be easy finding your way back into my good graces."
"I'd like to try. And maybe then you'll share some of the details then?" Her hands move along Euna's belly and thighs. "Maybe just to me?"
Euna mulls it over. "We'll see." She extricates herself from Fira. "No more of this for now."
"Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?" Lanx asks.
"Oh." Fira frowns. "Good to hear. I was worried the slavers might have been a bit precocious, particularly with Euna."
"Well, they weren't," Euna replies. "Thank heavens." She shoots you a grateful glance
The topic drops. The conversation continues on other topics.
"Was there anything else you wanted to discuss?" Fira asks.
"Yes. Fitting." Euna sets one foot on the stool between his legs. She towers over him. "Our little cleaning sessions are about to become a lot more disciplined."
"Well hold on now..."
"You will be brought low, and you will learn to obey, because if you don't then you will never, ever touch my body again in any capacity. Is that understood?"
"I..." He looks around. Everyone is staring at him. "If you say so."
Fira chuckles.
Euna spins on her. "And you."
"Whether I enjoyed it or not is beside the point," Euna says. "It was about the indignity of it all, but..." she appraises Lanx. "I suppose I can't blame you for being the lech that your are."
He smiles uneasily. "What can I say."
"Don't expect to fool us again," Euna says. "If you have any more such jobs, you will tells us all the risks."
"Yeah, yeah," he replies.
"Be happy," Fira says. "She's letting you off easy."
Euna spins on Fira. "But you."
"You knew very well what Lanx was doing when he sent us to deliver that package, but you said nothing."
"Oh come now." Fira pulls Euna onto her lap. Her arms circle Euna's waist. "It couldn't have been that bad."
Euna resists grinning. "You weren't there. It was an unspeakably filthy encounter."
Fira's hand explores under a slit of Euna's gown.down the waistline of Euna's velvet sash.down the hem of Euna's skirt. "Maybe I let you go because of all those filthy fantasies you shared with me. You probably enjoyed every filthy act you had to do."
Euna drapes her arm over Fira's shoulders. She spreads her legs to invite Fira's wandering fingers further. "That's beside the point. It's about the indignity I had to endure."
"But you're not really angry at me?" Fira's working hand invoke a silent gasp from Euna. "Are you?"
"Maybe not, but that's because I'm thinking about all the filthy fantasies I'm going to make you enact."
"Sure. You took a dose of the tonic yourself," Euna says.
"I did..."
"So that means that from now on, the next time I tell you to..." She leans close and whispers in Fira's ear. " will do it, because you will not have your hygiene excuse anymore. Understood?"
"I..." Fira hesitates. "I understand." Her cheeks are red.
Fira lets your cock rub along her face. "Well I am truly... deeply... sorry we put you through that. Now let me make it up to you."
She goes up and down your shaft with expert technique. Periodically, she glances to make sure Euna is watching. Sometimes she stops to cast Euna wicked grins while working you with her hands. A blush on Euna's face grows darker with every relishing moan Fira utters, but she never interferes.
Fira savors every drop of your cum when you climax. She tucks away your cock and looks up at you. "Do you forgive us?"
"I do," you say, "but next time warn me if I may have to share Euna."
"Well I am truly deeply sorry we put you through that, and to have cause Euna to debase herself so completely. It's almost as though she wanted to, but surely no woman would be so shameless." She studies Euna closely. Euna blush grows ever darker.
"Do warn us next time Euna might have to debase herself again."
"Of course. Anything else you wanted to talk about?"
"We delivered the fortifier to the Pincoy..."
"About what you just did to that bull..."
"Could you make a potion for us that transmutes personality?""About that nezurite potion..."
"Fira, Shirina needs more Agnodine."
"Euna wants to know if you have any tonics that help with flexibility."
"I'd like EunaEuna wants to be able to take even bigger insertions"
"It wasn't our fault if that's what you're wondering. The master alchemists didn't want us pursuing our project, so we had to procure our volunteers and ingredients ourselves. We'd had everything we'd needed except for the essence of a mythical creature. We had our eyes set on an Alklha, a dragon which can feed on light and fire. It would have been amazing! Our volunteer would never have to eat again, and no fire would ever hurt him. Unfortunately, the man we paid to steal an Alklha egg from the vault brought us the wrong egg."
"What did he bring you?" Euna asks.
"The egg of a firebird."
"Oh." she says.
Fira chimes in. "I did tell you that the egg didn't look right."
"As though you're the master of eggs. Both Firebird and Alklha eggs are warm to the touch. We couldn't have known."
"What happened?" Euna asks.
"As soon as the transmutation was done, our volunteer caught fire. Mind you, the flames weren't hurting him. He only screamed because he was startled."
"Was he okay?"
"No. He died. The building collapsed on him. If he'd stayed calm—like we told him—he wouldn't have spread the fire everywhere."
"...and set the academy ablaze." Fira says.
Lanx continues, "But none of that would have happened if the masters had just let us proceed with their blessing, but they were afraid. So many of them had staked their reputations on our theory's failure that our success would have made them look like fools."
"Is that much true?" Euna asks Fira.
Fira nods. "More or less. Politics were involved."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Their loss!" Lanx says. "They lost two of their best acolytes and the secrets of our transmutation!"
"...and half their campus," Fira adds.
"What's this now?" Lanx asks.
"I'm interested in being more limber," Euna adds. "And I hear there's simple alchemy for that."
"Back when I was in the circus," you say, "Our alchemists had a tonic which our acrobats used to become more flexible."
"Oh. Yes," Lanx says. "Fira, I think they're talking about a Lissom Roborant."
"Oh of course," Fira replies. "It's been so long since I've heard of anyone using it to become more limber."
Lanx holds his hands out as though spearing them into a hole, and then he pulls his hands apart as though yanking that hole wider.
"...oh," Euna replies.
"We do focus on the sexual aspects of alchemy," Fira explains.
"Why are you asking?" Euna asks. "Didn't you used to take this?"
"The alchemists in the Lilins never explained themselves," you reply. "We just trusted them."
"It's simple, really," Lanx explains. "It makes the flesh more impressionable."
Euna frowns. "I don't understand."
"Do you remember what it was like when we were young?" Fira asks. "Our muscles took to stretching more easily. We recovered from injuries more quickly, and we didn't scar. Our flesh was more elastic. As we grew older, our bodies became more set in its ways."
"Oh I see," Euna says, "and this tonic restores our muscles to act more like they're still young and growing."
"Exactly, so long as you continue taking a regiment of the tonic."
"Of course it's safe," Lanx replies. "Why would it not be?"
"The acrobats in my old troupe had to be careful not to overtrain, or they'd injure more easily."
"Oh, you mean hypermobile?" Euna replies.
"What sort of hucksters do you think we are?" Lanx says. "Maybe a cheap tonic might do that, but we only make quality."
Fira chimes in. "A good Lissom Roborant should help the muscles and ligaments be more supple without losing strength."
Sounds like your troupe had common street-alchemists," Lanx adds.
"They weren't that bad," you say, "but they weren't exactly academy-trained like you two."
"Exactly. Street-alchemists. Amateurs."
"Oh sure," Fira replies. "Many people use it for many reasons. The elderly back in our academy used to take this regularly to maintain their mobility. Some use it to help recover from bad muscle tears."
"Sounds like a good tonic to take regularly regardless of who you are," Euna says.
"Some do, but for whatever purpose you take it, you must be sure to stretch and exercise the muscles, or else it is wasted."
"What?" Euna says, alarmed. "No. We're not doing that. Why would we do that?"
"If all they think about is sex," you say, "they won't worry about other things."
"But changing someone like that is... obscene."
"Better than the alternative."
"I beg to differ," she says. "I will have no part in a plan like that."
Lanx shrugs. "Okay. So the lime blossom is out, so you still want us to make that alchemy, you'll have to find us another flower."
"Yes," Lanx says. "We can get to work on that potion just as soon as you bring us a flower."
"What?" Lanx asks. Fira's eyebrows rise.
Euna speaks. "We were reading about an alchemical recipe that creates such a thing. It uses nezurite, and a flower, and a part of an animal or some such. Have you heard of such a potion?"
"Yes, I have. Won't be making it though. Do you know how rare nezurite is? How expensive?"
"But if we brought some to you," you ask, "you would make it?"
"If you brought us nezurite? Sure, for a cut of it, but you won't find any nezurite around here. That crystal grows far past the kingdoms, thrice times thrice tenth worlds away."
You hold out the vial of nezurite.
His eyes pop. Fira stops stirring and reverently takes the vial. She holds it against the sunlight, and they both study the vibrant powder. It's deep purple glitters in the sun.
"Where in all the realm...?" Fira mutters.
"Is that enough to make a potion for us?" you ask.
"Yes. Yes. It would be." He pulls Fira's hand closer to scrutinize the material. "My Lord. This is pure as snow. No sediment. No anything. Where did you get this?" He holds up his hand. "On second thought. I can guess. Don't say it. I don't want to know. I don't even want to know why you want it."
"So will you make it?" Euna asks.
"Of course we will," Fira answers.
"We'll make one," Lanx shakes the vial, "and we keep the rest as payment."
"We only need one," Euna says. "What about the other ingredients?"
"Those depend on what you want the potion to do. We need a flower which represents the emotion or personality you want to the potion to transmute someone's mind into."
"And the other ingredient?" Euna asks. "The salt from a human."
"Don't worry about that for now. Flower first."
"I'm afraid so," Lanx says. "All alchemy is a transmutation, not an enchantment. Its changes are permanent."
"But you've said yourself that some of your potions wear off."
"Those are tonics," Fira says. "They're not true alchemy. Their effects come from thaumaturgy."
"Maybe what she made me drink was a tonic."
They both shake their head. "She had you on a transmutation table," Lanx says. "Those are only used for alchemy."
Euna sighs. "So whatever she did to me... It will be with me forever?"
"Sorry," Lanx says. "If it's any comfort, good alchemy is always subtle. Any changes she made to you are already done."
"We come from the great alchemist academy," Lanx says, "buried deep within the heart of the Westering mountains, where none can interfere with their pursuit of alchemy. Only the most prestigious are admitted there, and only the best ever graduate."
"Er," Lanx winces. "Pretty much."
"No, we didn't," Fira says. "We were chased out."
"Technically we were expelled. Yes," Lanx agrees, "but it was politics. Our master project was too groundbreaking for some of the grandmasters. It would have debunked some of their standing theories. It stepped on toes, if you will."
"We also caused a wide scale panic," Fira adds.
Lanx glares at her. "Because of sabotage. Because of politics. Our project works. If the masters had simply listened to us, we would have been fine."
"We had to leave in the middle of the night," Fira continues. "They sent the watch to arrest us."
"To detain us. Stop exaggerating."
"The academy alarm bells rang all night. We could hear them echoing through the canyon as we ran. The horizon glowed from the fires."
"Would you stop it!" Lanx faces you two. "We may have danced a little close to the sun, sure, but if not for a few tragic mix-ups, we would have graduated with top honors."
Lanx waves this off. "Oh, never mind that. People from the city believe these woods used to belong to some ancient witch who used to wander this realm. They say her spirit still roams to this day, riding about in her mortar and pestle, corrupting the minds of hapless travelers. Pah! Fools. It keeps the damn squatters out of my hair though."
"Yes?" Lanx says.
"It was groundbreaking," Lanx says. "Through true alchemy, we discovered how to transfer the magical properties of a creature into a human."
"What do you mean?" Euna asks.
"Take the Mogol Bird," he says. "It's a mythical storm bird from the land of the dead. It's said it can come and go from the underworld as it pleases. If I instilled the properties of the bird into a person, that person would forever more be able to travel to and from the underworld."
"That's if the bird can actually do that," Fira adds. "Or if it even exists."
"Sure," Lanx says. "But it can work with more common creatures too, so long as they have mythical properties—like a Leshii, the forest creature that lures people into the woods by mimicking forest sounds, anything from a tiger roar to a snapping branch. If I put the essence of a Leshii into someone, they would inherit the ability to to make any noise at all with their voice."
"Impressive," Euna says.
"I know! And it works! It's a pity the ingredients are so rare."
"Hmm." Lanx considers. "Interesting choice. Yes, I think that would be a good one. They're highly regenerative. And their skin and muscle is highly pliable."
"But wouldn't it make you ooze their slime?" Euna asks.
"Maybe, but I doubt it would cover your entire body like it does them. Our transmutation changes your physiology, not your appearance. Although if you inherited their ability to grow and lose limbs at will, that would certainly change your looks. Though you'd have control over it."
Euna wrinkles her nose. "Who would want to be able to grow tentacles?"
"They're useful tentacles." he says.
"I'm not sure it would necessarily manifest as tentacles on humans," Fira says. "Whatever abilities transfer are tempered by your human nature. So maybe instead of growing eyestalks, you could grow eyes. Instead of feelers, you could grow another arm—"
"Instead of a penile tentacle," Lanx says, "you might grow a cock!"
Humoring him, Fira nods. "Perhaps that too."
"Many cocks!"
"Yes, yes."
"What do you want to know?"
"Do you think you'll ever perform your master project again?"
"If we brought you what you needed, would you perform your transmutation for us?"
"If your project works, what happened at the academy?"
"What was your master project?"
"Would an akkoro be a suitable beast for your transmutation?"
You describe to Lanx and Fira about the table you found Euna on in the sorceress's dungeon, including how Euna came to be on that table in the first place, as well as your escape.
"You two have had an interesting time," Lanx says.
"You could say that," you reply.
"I've always heard the sorceress was a powerful alchemist. I guess this confirms it. The transmutation you're describing is amazingly advanced stuff. I have to admit, that woman may be utterly off her rocker, but her skill must be truly formidable for her to even attempt something like that."
"Or," says Fira, "she had an utter disregard for Euna's wellbeing."
"The witch of the mountains?" Lanx asks. "Sure. What do you want to ask?"
"Ah, no," Fira says, wincing. "It's not an enchantment that can be dispelled. It was a permanent change. That's like asking if you could undo the fire that turned a log into ash. Maybe you could transmute You can only transmute it further."
"Could you transmute her back to the way she was?" you asks.
"And that's like asking if we could transmute the ash back into wood. Maybe, but it wouldn't be the same log. We could try to transmute you back to the way you were—"
"Which by the way would be very expensive," Lanx says.
Fira ignores him. "—but it would just mean you have two transmutations applied to you. We can try it if you like though."
"Would you two know how?" you ask.
"Yes," Lanx says. "With the proper supplies. Though keep in mind, mental transformations are tricky. Fira and I are two of the best alchemists in the land, but even we can't guarantee side-effects for alchemy that advanced, especially since the properties we'd be changing have already been changed. That practically guarantees side effects."
"Then, Don't worry about it," Euna says. "I'm fine."
"Are you sure?" Lanx gives her a curious look. "We can try it."
"I was worried her magics would transform me into some kind of demented pervert, but it hasn't. In fact, I hardly feel different at all. I'd rather just live with whatever it was than risk muddling with my mind trying to undo it."
"That's probably wise," Fira says.
"Her name is Samirah," Lanx says. "She's an alchemist, like us, or so I gather. Once in a blue moon, a guard of hers will come here and buy a thing or two that would only interest a fellow alchemist. I've heard tales about her accomplishments as well."
"What have you heard?" Euna asks.
"That's she's immortal, been alive for hundreds of years. And that she's been keeping the people in Cockaigne young and beautiful too, though I'm not sure what she gets out of that. I've talked to a few people from there, but they're tight lipped about what their connection to her is. I'm dying to know how she does it. Eternal youth, if that's actually what she has, is not an easy feat for an alchemist."
"What do you know about her personally?"
"Personally? Nothing. Never met her. Though I hear she's a real nasty woman. Sadistic beyond imagination. I don't know if that's true, but I do know she has a lot of people in these parts afraid of her. She doesn't bug us though. Not sure she knows about us honestly. I'd like to leave it that way."
"Bigger?" Fira says. "I heard about the performance you had her put on at the Feast of Thoesis. Sounds like you've already loosened her up more than any woman I know."
"It was impressive," you admit, "but I'm bored of only being able to fit two fists in her womb. And so is she? Tell her, Euna. You want to have your holes stretched and abused. Tell her."
She's blushing. "I... I've been using the Lissom Roborant you two gave me, and I'm stretching daily, but I'm not making any more progress."
"Bigger?" Lanx turns to her. "Sounds like you've developed a taste for stuffing your clam."
"Maybe I have," Euna replies, "but I'm not getting results from the Lissom Roborant you gave me."
"Are you sure," Fira says. "Shirina told me about your performance at the feast of Thoesis. Most women would have died doing that you did."
"Well... maybe it's that I'm slowing down. I was making such strides before."
"Give it time," Fira replies. "Practice. Be patient. You should probably slow down really."
"Is that all?" Euna asked. "I'd hoped there was something more you could do for me."
"Well..." Lanx ponders. "...Nah. Nevermind."
"What?" Euna asks.
"You wouldn't be interested."
"I'll be the judge of that. What are you thinking?"
"I don't want to go slow," you say. "I want to push her body past its limits. Surely you've got something you can do to her."
"Well..." Lanx ponders. "...Nah. Nevermind."
"What?" you ask. "Now you've got me curious."
Lanx turns to Fira. "Do you remember the regiment we made for King Shahryar?"
Fira perks up. "Oh! How could I forget." She looks Euna over. "Perhaps the time has come to make use of it after all."
"What is it?" Euna asks.
Lanx explains. "Some foreign king commissioned Fira and I to design a suite of alchemical transformations for his wife. Truly the highest quality alchemy. One of a kind, but we'd be willing to apply it to Euna... for the right price."
"Every kind of large or bizarre insertion you could imagine," Lanx says. "The girl came up with a different act every day. The fisting and the multiple cocks at once only gets you through the first week."
"We never saw the acts ourselves," Fira continues, "but we heard from the guards what she'd have them do to her. And of course there were the exotic guests summoned to the palace."
"Not all exotic. I remember the forty criminals brought up from the dungeons."
"Forty?" Euna asks. "What did they all do?"
"What do you think?" Lanx ponders. "There were also phalluses. All sorts of increasing size and ferocity. Some she'd ride herself. Some guards would wear. Sometimes they'd string her up and lower her down upon them."
"I know the king had contraptions built."
"Oh, the fucking contraptions, yes," Lanx stares off whistfully. "I heard they had a mechanical horse. I'd have loved to see that. Steam powered. Brutal pace at the highest setting. Beautiful ebony finish."
"Then there were the real animals," Fira says. "The king had exotic beasts brought in from around the lands."
"You've never seen animals that large, not to mention their poles."
"And she did all of this?" Euna asks.
"A different act every day," Lanx confirms. "Though I imagine she reused some elements from time to time, but one thing I know for sure. No matter how extreme or arduous the act, it wouldn't end until she'd climaxed."
Euna seems bewildered. "Sounds utterly exhausting."
"A good question. For nearly three years, she spent every night putting on extreme sex acts, and every day preparing for the next. Her life revolved around raunchy sex. That sort of lifestyle changes you."
"Not to mention all the alchemy," Fira adds. "She was coming to us for help from time to time. One of the tonics I routinely gave her was an aphrodisiac to keep her motivitated, but that sort of tonic can have lasting effects."
"So what did happen to her?" Euna asks.
Lanx shrugs. "We had to make a hasty exit ourselves, so all we've heard are rumors. We know that her father, the vizier, was chased out of town for the part he played in shepherding so many women to their deaths. Shahrazad got left behind, and she was one of the few woman left in a town full of men. And probably youngest and most beautiful one at that. I'm sure you can guess what happened."
You consider this. "I would think that after the uprising...
"That's right," Lanx says. "After the vizier was gone, the folk decided that they were due some pleasure of their own. I hear all the men who took part in the uprising got a turn. It took all week."
"That's awful," Euna says.
"Oh my!" Euna says.
"Sure, but after three years of subjecting herself to the king's lusts, she was already broken of mind, even if she was still sound of body. I heard she was quite the obedient rape victimsex slave. Afterward, some oaf became king, and he declared her to be his property... to be shared with the town. Her nights were spent putting on performance just as extreme as the ones she put on for King Shahryar, only this time her audience would number in the hundreds, and the encores would last to dawn."
"So she had to be the sex slave for an entire kingdom of men?" Euna asks.
"Men with pent up frustrations," Fira adds. "Most had no wives and a lot of resentment."
"I can't imagine she lasted long like that."
"Don't be so sure," Lanx replies. "We heard her handlers learned to take good care of her. No insertions too extreme. Give her time to rest. Feed her. That sort of thing."
"Hmm, well..." Euna ponders this. "What a life that must be."
Lanx waggles his eyebrows. "The thought is making you a little wet, isn't it?"
"Not in the slightest. I wouldn't have stood for it."
Euna reddens. "No. Of course not."
"What doesn't it do?" Lanx replies. "It overhauls your body to make it perfectly suited to handle the most extreme insertions."
"Interesting," Euna replies, "but I would like specifics please. What you said was a little nebulous."
"That's quite the sales pitch," you say, "but it's a little vague."
"That's because it doesn't do just one thing," Fira explains. "It's a suite of alchemical transmutations designed to work in harmony with each other."
"Dozens of changes," Lanx says. "Some major, some minor. It took us years to develop it. Shahryar had his knights scour the corners of the world for some of the rarest and and most expensive reagents to exist. The change would be truly astounding. The only limit is how far you're willing to go."
"Sounds just right for Euna," you say. "She'd be the perfect sex object, wouldn't she?"
"She would be a work of art."
"You make it sound like a challenge," Euna says. "I'm intrigued."
"You would be a work of art."
"And you'd be correct," Lanx says. "Sure, they were angry at her father, but the men knew that Shahrazad's willingness to subject herself to King Shahryar's lusts spared the rest of the town's women for nearly three years. Not to mention that during her time in the palace, she'd learned the ways of court. As a result, she became necessary in keeping the kingdom in order."
"She became their ruler?" Euna asks.
"Not quite," Lanx replies. "Women weren't allowed positions of power in their land, but she married the kings. They were little more than puppets bewitched by her sex. After all, she was the most beautiful woman left, and her tastes for the perverse were beyond what any self-respecting woman would do. She continued performing the same acts she did for King Shahryar, only now for a massive audience."
"Did she sleep around?" Euna asks.
"She might as well have been everyone's bride. Any man was privy to her perversity, so long as they agreed with her politics, and so many did."
"And her husbands?"
"Cuckholds," Lanx replies. "If they displeased her, there were a thousand men to take his place.
"She had that entire kingdom wrapped around her little finger," Fira said.
"More like she had them trapped within her quim," Lanx replies. "It could certainly hold a lot."
"Hmm," Euna ponders this. "She ruled the men through sex."
"See yourself ruling that some day?" Lanx asks.
"No. I may rule the tsardom again, but my subjects will rule over me in bed."
"I very well might. Sounds effective."
"Well..." Lanx hesitates. "It's a comprehensive transmutation."
"It's invasive," Fira says simply.
Euna stiffens. "Invasive?"
"It must be," Lanx explains. "It transmutes every single part of your body. It's not just a single piece of alchemy, but many processes, and some ... ehh... surgical steps too."
"Surgical? Is it safe?"
"What do you take us for? Backstreet practitioners? We're masters of our craft. We've considered every interaction. Every complications. And we've tested every step thoroughly."
"...on animals," Fira amends.
"And the animals were fine," Lanx growls.
"This doesn't sound like a good idea," Euna says.
"Don't worry," Fira replies. "I wouldn't even suggest it if it were dangerous."
Euna doesn't look convinced. "Would I change? I wouldn't look like an abomination, would I?"
"Do you think Shahryar wanted his concubine to change?" Lanx asks. ""Of course not. He wanted her to remain as beautiful as the day she came to him, despite whatever obscene acts he subjected her to."
"We would have," Lanx says. "We did finish it, but we were to deliver it only after Shahrazad had successfully performed for one thousand and one nights. That never happened."
"So the extreme sex finally cost her her life?" Euna asks.
"No, it cost King Shahryar his life, in a roundabout sort of way."
Fira elaborates. "It turns out that if you kill off all the daughters and wives in a city by subjecting them to your sexual perversions, you're left with a lot of angry fathers and husbands. They stormed the palace, and they chopped Shahryar and his guards to pieces. We were lucky enough to be in a laboratory across town."
"...and lucky enough to have been paid in advance," Lanx adds.
"But it did become yet another town where we had to leave abruptly in the night." Fira sighs. "It's a bad habit of our own."
"That pompous fool dragged us across the ocean after hearing about our skills in the more erotic avenues of alchemy. He had a bad habit he wanted our help with."
Euna frowns. "A bad habit?"
"The story goes that Shahryar used to have a wife, until he walked in on her while one of his palace slaves was pounding her with his gigantic cock."
"It put his tiny dicklet to shame," Fira replies. "So I've heard."
"Yes, well, he was upset to say the least," Lanx continues. "He decided that if she wanted her cunt filled so much, she would get it. He had his palace guards fist her holespussy until she died. From that day on, he swore he'd never trust women again, for all women were treacherous. Instead, he had his vizier bring him a young girl from town every day for him to marry. And apparently he enjoyed what he did to his first wife, because with every new one, he'd fuck them with his fists or phalluses. Or he'd have them fucked by giant-cocked slaves, or ogres, or or animals, or even giants. Suffice to say, the girls never survived to dawn. That way, she'd never have a chance to shame him."
"Him and his little dick."
"I'm telling the story, Fira. Anyway, the town ran out of maidens, and the vizier was left with only his own daughter to slake the king's lust. Oh... what was her name?"
"Right. I'm sure the vizier planned to escape in the night to save her, but Shahrazad chose to submit herself to the king instead, because she had prepared. Shahrazad had gotten her own Lissom Roborant, and she'd fucked herself with larger poles and trunks every night for a year. And when her night came with King Shahryar, she put on a show, and what a raunchy show it must have been, because at the end, she promised the king that if he let her live, she would put on a different raunchy show the next day. Each night brought a new act, and each dawn brought a promise for another."
"She could handle penetrations that no other girl could," Fira says, "and he started to favor her."
"That's where we come in," Lanx continues. "He proclaimed that if she could put on a new sex act every night for one thousand and one nights, he would break his oath and keep her as his wife... and he would subject her to the greatest alchemy in all the land..." Lanx gestures to himself. " transform her into the perfect size-queen, so he could forevermore subject her to increasingly extreme and debauched acts of penetration."
"And this is what you're offering me?" Euna asks.
"It took us nearly the entire one thousand nights to create," Lanx says proudly. "We used all our expertice, and the rarest reagents. You, I think, might be worthy of this fantastic transformation."
"Why would you think IEuna wouldn't be interested?"
"What did King Shahryar want with it?"
"Why didn't you give this alchemy to King Shahryar?"
"What became of Shahrazad afterward?"
You two carry the cauldron back. Soon after, the girlsLanx and Euna reemerge. Dinner consists of one of their chickens roasted along with some knobbly vegetables from their garden.
Lanx regales you two with tales of his past alchemist years, though he does a fantastic job of avoiding what his past alchemical projects had been about. Euna seems particularly interested in getting to know Fira.
At the end, Euna mentions the struggles you two have been facing working with what little supplies you've found.
"We can help you with that," Fira says.
"Oh, I wasn't asking for anything," Euna replies.
"Don't be silly. We can help them, can't we, Lanx?"
"From the trash heap."
"Oh yes." Lanx relaxes. "From the trash heap. Take whatever you want."
"And take from our wagon."
"Ooh." Lanx is wincing. "The trash heap is plenty, don't you think?"
"It's all trash."
"It's good trash though."
"These people need our help, Lanx. We have so much junk laying around that they could make better use of."
"Fine. They can borrow—borrow—one thing of ours. If they want something else, they need to return the first thing."
"Lanx..." Fira reproaches.
"One thing is fine," Euna says. "More than fine. You're already being so kind. I fear I'm abusing your hospitality."
"Think nothing of it," Fira rises. "Come. I'll take you to the heap." She faces you. "Lanx will show you to our cabin. Won't you, Lanx?"
Lanx begrudgingly does so.
The wagon is filled with the acrid smell of hundreds of alchemical components. Scores of bottles line shelves along the walls. Chests and wardrobes are so filled with clothes and strange objects that they can't close. Two desks are stacked high with reams of parchment. At opposite ends of the wagon, two beds just manage to fit. Both are unkempt messes with twisted sheets. And even they have items piled upon them. With all the junk here, there's hardly room for both of you to stand.
"Pick anything you like," Lanx says. "Just not from over here." He gestured toward one bed. After a pause, he adds, "and not from the walls either. Nothing there would be helpful to you. Actually... why don't you just take something from this desk here." He points one out. A few items are on top.
"I wasn't asking that," Euna replies. "I was... I wanted to know why people do it. And that's not what this is about. This is for husbandry."
Lanx suppresses a chuckle.
"What?" she asks.
"Oh Euna," Fira says. "Have you forgotten what sort of alchemy we specialize in? Our customers are not farmers."
"This is... for people to have sex with animals?"
"Why of course," Lanx replies. "Farmers have piss-all money to spend. I mean, sure, we put animal breeding on the bottle labels, but that's just for discretion. Our clients are the aristocrat perverts across the seas. The ones from exotic cultures with exotic tastes."
"I hope this doesn't offend your sensibilities," Fira says. "This tonic is quite a lucrative product."
"No. As I was saying before, it's that I don't judge people who engage in such behavior."
"No, eh? Then you wouldn't mind helping us," Lanx says.
"Help you with what?"
His eyebrows dance. "This tonic isn't real alchemy. It's just musk with some salts to preserve it. But we can use it to collect the ingredients for something much better. Real alchemy. Interested in helping us with that? We'll let you have some of the results. Valuable stuff."
"Hmm," Fira considers this. "Yes. I think Euna could be of a great help to us, if she can put aside her judgement."
"What would you have us do?" Euna asks.
"You," Fira says. "I'd have you help me collect the animal salts from one of the cattle in the field."
"No, just you," Lanx stands. "You can help me bring in one of the field animals so you and Fira can collect the animal salts."
"Animal salts?"
"Why, cum, of course," Fira explains. "That's half the reason we made the Estrus Mellago."
Euna is stunned.
I don't think Euna wants to collect animal cum, and I don't want to see it."
"I would think a horse would make the most sense," Lanx says, "seeing as how Euna is already so well acquainted with them."
"Just one horse," Fira says. "I'm sure you two can find them around."
"I did, yes, but—"
"It's just one animal," Lanx says.
"It's not about how many."
"Don't worry." Fira says. "It's simple, and it's nothing a stable maiden hasn't done a hundred times. I'll show you how."
"Okay..." She follows Fira into the field.
You're left with Lanx. He stirs the cauldron. "Do you know who refers to animal semen as salt samples?" he murmurs.
"Who?" you ask.
"Okay..." She follows Lanx into the field.
You're left with Fira. She stirs the cauldron and feeds the fire underneath. "You better watch out for Lanx."
"He's a shameless lech first, and an alchemist second."
The others return later with a stumpy animal with large tuffed ears, a prickly mane, and course gray fur that's curled and toussled as though it has full-body case of bed head. It stares obstinately at the ground as Fira guides it along. She uses little more than a hand upon its side.
"An ass?" you say.
"Meet Paskha," Fira replies.
"Fira, shall we get ready?" Lanx says.
The two alchemists move about preparing while Euna let's the animal grow familiar with her. She pets the donkey and speaks softly. "Hello, Paskha. You are quite a well-behaved ass, aren't you? No wonder you don't need a stable."
Paskha gives a honking bray as though in reply. He looks quite content to accept her stroking and quiet whispers.
"Look, Euna. He likes you!" Lanx says.
"Yes, he's certainly friendly, isn't he?" Euna doesn't notice that he was pointing to the black rubbery cock emerging from under the donkey's belly. "He's very tame."
"Yes he is." Fira approaches with supplies. "Paskha came with us when we left the academy, and he's never wandered off since. Isn't that right, Paskha? You'll never leave us, will you? You love us too much."
The donkey's cock is getting harder. It points rigidly at the earth.
"Some of the servants had pack animals," Lanx says. "We could have taken one of the stallions if we'd only taken a few more minutes."
"Oh hush," Fira replies. "We escaped because of Paskha. All those guards' beautiful stallions had such trouble traversing the mountains. Not Paskha here. No. You're our little hiker, aren't you?"
The donkey brays. It's cock only grows harder.
"You make it sound philisophical," Euna says.
"Isn't it? If a common farmer can find pride in work like this, then so can you. Dignity comes from a job well done, regardless of what it is."
"A fair point," she replies.
"Are you serious?" Euna asks.
"Of course he is," Lanx replies. "We just want to see what you mean."
Euna eyes you and Lanx.
Then Fira hefts Paskha's meat up by her mouth. "Did she do it like this?" She places her lips upon Paskha's shaft near the sheath and sensually runs her lips down the shaft gently as though kissing it. Just as she neared the tip, her tongue darted out and traced the meat. She ended at the crown by flicking her tongue along the ridge.
After that, she hoists the cock toward Euna. Her turn now.
Euna scrutinizes all of you. "I see what's going on here. You are all so incorrigible."
"What are you talking about?" Lanx asks.
"All of this. The three of you are just trying to get me to fool around with this ass."
"We just wanted clarification."
"Oh, sure. That's all you want."
"Yes." His face is the picture of innocence.
Fira too is watching Euna expectantly, and still proffering the weighty shaft toward her.
With a roll of her eyes, Euna sighs and leans in. "No. It was more like this." She teases her tongue just along the underside of the horse's slanted crown. Her lips enclose a portion of the ridge and gently pinch in a kiss.
Paskha snorts. His cock lurches.
"Ooh. Paskha likes that," Fira says. "Let's keep that up."
Euna shakes her head. "I think not. My hands are fine."
"Suit yourself," Fira says.
"Don't tell me you've forgotten about all those bottles we lent you."
"Gave you," Fira says. "Those bottles will do fine. They'll keep the reagents nice and fresh."
"Yes," Lanx adds. "We don't want any rancid salts. That's no use to anyone."
"That's not what I remember..." Euna looks to Fira. "Is this true?"
"I don't recall what Lanx said, but I know that what we just collected isn't enough." She stands and offers a hand to Euna. "Would you like to help me find another?"
Euna takes her hand, and Fira helps her step under the horse and come up beside her. They're within breath-mingling distance of each other for a lingering moment. Their bared breasts are nearly touching.
"Okay." Euna nods.
Fira reaches around her and slaps Paskha lightly on the rump. Paskha trots off back to the field. Fira and Euna follow after. Both are still naked from the waist up.
You're left again with Lanx, who scrapes the contents of the bowl into a vial. He snickers. "This is more than enough." He pours a measured amount into the pot. "Might as well get this started now. This will be our little secret."
The girls take longer to return, this time with a chocolate-colored horse. Fira guides him with just a hand. "Halva is being a little shy today." As she gets the horse situated over the stools, she nods toward you. "Do you think you could keep him company while Euna and I work?"
"I don't recall what Lanx said, but I know that what we just collected isn't enough."
Lanx offers her his hand. "Come on. You can pick the next horse this time."
Euna takes his hand so he can help her to her feet. While aiding her, he hooks a helpful hand along her flank just under her arm. His finger seem to accidentally brush her breasts. This same hand steers her toward the field while resting gently on her lower back.
Fira slaps Paskha lightly on the rump, and the horse trots off. She sits at the couldron and reexamines the horse cum. "On second thought," she says. "I think this is more than enough." She scrapes it into the pot. "...but it never hurts to have more."
Lanx and Euna take longer to return, this time with a chocolate-colored horse. Fira moves to help them situate the beast over the stool.
"Halva is being a little shy today," Lanx looks to you. "Do you think you could help keep him calm?"
You approach Halva from an askew angle. He is a little skittish, but soon you're stroking his snout and whispering to him. No one mentions how this was originally Euna's job. It seems understood, even by her, that her place is under the horse.
Euna is already caressing Halva's flank and moving ever closer to his cock, which is just beginning to emerge. Fira gives it a quick wipe down with the rag, and now both girls have their hands upon it. It grows and grows. Its flat-topped head stretches and droops toward the ground. Euna hefts the end in her arms and licks the ridge. Her lips tease the flesh. Halva snorts and begins his rocking.
Fira smiles. "You're doing great, Euna. I'd have thought you were an expert."
"It's like you were saying," Euna replies. "It's just like teasing any other cock."
"Here." Fira has Euna scoot until she's directly in front of the penis. "This is the best position when doing this alone. You can run your hands down both sides of the cock."
"Like this?" Euna's hands slide down the glistening pink flesh to its base. Her arms run parallel on either side of it, and the tip is pointed directly at her breasts.
"Exactly." Fira steps away to fetch the bowl from Lanx. When she returns, instead of taking her place beside the horse, she sets her stool behind Euna and sits so she's reaching around her to massage the cock. Her chin rests on Euna's shoulder. Her bare tits press against her back.
"I was just telling her," Lanx says. "You've got to treat it like any other cock. Here..." He scoots the stool so it's sitting right before the cock and then gestures for Euna to sit. "Sit here?
"Here?" Euna does so. She keeps sliding her hands down the glistening pink flesh to its base. Her arms run parallel on either side of it, and the tip is pointed directly at her bared breasts.
"Yeah. That's where Fira always sits."
Fira nods. "It does make it easier to use both hands.
Euna keeps massaging. "Aren't I uh... standing down the archery range?"
"Don't worry. You'll feel it when it comes." Fira pulls the cock head up before Euna's mouth. Euna obligingly sucks and licks. Her tongue plays in the slit. As they caress the shaft, Fira's hands frequently slide over Euna's. With one pass, Fira's hands travel down Euna's arms rather than the cock. They continue on to Euna's shoulders, down her sides, and around to her breasts. Fira nibbles her neck.
Euna doesn't slow.
Fira kneads Euna's tits. One hand resumes migrating. It goes down Euna's belly and snakes through the slit of Euna's gown.under the waist of Euna's sash.under the waist of Euna's skirt. Whatever it finds under there causes Euna to sigh and melt.
Eyes half closed, Euna works the cock while lost in her own bliss. Her hips grind against Fira's hand. She alternates between tonguing the tip of Halva's erection and resting her head back against Fira's shoulder. She's so lost in the moment that she misses Halva's cue.
Lanx fetches a bowl and a rag. "It'll be fine. Just let me know when he's about to fire, and I'll be ready to catch it."
So Euna goes about stroking the shaft up and down its long length. Occasionally, she hefts it up so she can run her tongue along its spongy ridge and tongue its hole. Lanx is hunched over behind her watching closely. With one hand, he's got the bowl and the rag. His other is under is robes rubbing himself energetically.
A shot of cum splatters Euna's cleavage. She squeals in surprise.
Fira snatches the wooden bowl and whips it before Euna's breasts. The remaining spurts of semen splash into there, followed by a small deluge. The end result is about the same as with Paskha. Fira sets the bowl aside. She comes around Euna and licks the tip of Halva's cock to get the last drop of cum. Turning, she eyes the slash of cum on Euna's collar bone, which is running down her cleavage.
Fira darts low and licks the stain up. Rising again, she shows Euna the pearly cum pooled on her tongue. Their eyes lock. The moment lingers, and Euna pulls Fira to her. Their lips meet in a passionate kiss as though both were trying to devour the other. Cum passes between them. A dribble runs down Euna's chin. Fira laps it up and feeds it to Euna by mouth.
Their hands explore each other. Euna squeezes Fira's mammoth tits while Fira's hand beelines once again down Euna's waistband. Euna whimpers. Her body undulates, and they coil together, limbs and bodies entwined.
Between kisses, Euna is breathless. Her eyes widen as she notices something nearby. You and Fira follow her gaze and become aware of Lanx sitting by the cauldron.
He's masturbating.
With three pairs of eyes upon him, he squirrels away his dick. "All right! Looks like we're done. Good work, ladies."
Lanx startles and drops the bowl.
While he's fumbling for it, spurt after spurt splatters Euna's breasts.
"Lanx!" she yells.
"Coming, coming." He clambers in place and catches the last few spurts in the bowl, but most of the runny horse cum is running down Euna's cleavage.
"Well that's just wonderful," Euna reclines back to keep the cum from running down her bellybodice.
"Sorry, sorry. Let me get that." Lanx presses the rag to Euna's chest and begins wiping.
"I can do that." She tries to bat him away.
He resists all her attempts. "No, no. I've got it. It was my fault."
Sighing, Euna relents and lets him mop the cum from her chest. He does so by mopping the rag along her tits. He's succeeding less at cleaning her and more at spreading the cum all along her tits, from the nape of her neck to every inch of her globes. Euna regards him with a level stare.
He doesn't notice that, but he does notice the cum reaching the gown crumpled at her waist,her velvet sashher skirt's waistline, and he veers to catch that. Cum smears all over her belly.
"You're just spreading it around," Euna says.
"Almost done." Lanx dips his fingers down the waste line, hands searching and wiping. It's between her legs now.
With a gasp, Euna finally starts trying to pull his hand away. "Enough."
"Almost. Almost." His fingers work.
Euna shudders, and momentarily, she stops fighting and just lets him clean. Then, "All right. Enough." She tugs his hand free and examines herself. There is no cum dribbling down her chest, because it's all thinly spread from her neck to between her legs. Her chest glistens. "Good Lord, Lanx. Where did you learn to clean?"
"Just doing you a favor."
"Uh Huh."
The mood is done. Halva is sent on his way. Everyone gathers around the cauldron. Lanx scrapes the semen into the same vial, and he and Fira add more liquids to the pot. Despite all their bottle shuffling, they never add the second batch of semen, and now it seems to be missing. Euna doesn't notice.
"Now it's just a waiting game," Lanx says. "Shouldn't take too long to reduce." He settles back.
"We appreciate your help," Fira adds.
"You're welcome," Euna replies. "It was quite a learning experience."
"Now that you know how," Lanx says, "Maybe you'd like to do it again."
"Right now?"
"No, not now," Lanx says. "In general. We're always short on animal salts. If you two ever bring us any, we can pay you."
"You do realize what you're asking us to do?" Euna asks.
"Yes," Lanx replies. "It's a simple job. You just proved you can do it, and you don't have to worry about impurities either."
"No good," Lanx shakes his head. "Euna has to be the one to err... coax the samples from the animals, or the alchemy won't work."
"Oh come now," Euna says. "Now you're obviously making this up. You're just enjoying making me do this."
"For once, he's being honest," Fira says. "When it comes to alchemy, how a reagent is retrieved can matter greatly. It's why you'll hear of old witch formulaes with ingredients like 'a maiden's tear shed over the loss of her first love', or 'the heart of a warrior who fell in battle'. Our actions can instill properties into things."
"It's why finding the ingredients for true alchemy can be such a headache," Lanx adds, "and why true alchemy is so damn expensive."
"And that's why I let you take over with Paskha," Fira points toward the donkey, who still lingers nearby. "The seed for this recipe must all be collected by the same person."
"And that person is you," Lanx finishes.
"Funny how none of you mentioned this before I agreed to help," Euna says.
"Ha, see!" Euna says. "I knew you were trying to trick me. You just wanted your show."
"No," Lanx says. "Maybe I don't remember what I said, but we do need more."
"Sure," Euna replies. "Something tells me you didn't need any."
"No," Fira says. "We did need at least one horse for tonight. Thank you for helping me." She's still right before Euna—eyes close, chest close.
Euna peers back into her eyes. "You are more than welcome, Fira." She looks at Lanx, and her cool gaze sours. "You, however, are a naughty fool."
Fira captures her attention again. "But we can always use more horses..."
Euna hesitates only briefly before climbing out from under the horse. "I'm sure, but not now." She redresses.
"She's not lying," Lanx adds. "We're always short on animal salts. If you two ever bring us any, we can pay you."
"You do realize what you're asking us to do?" Euna asks.
"Yes," Lanx replies. "It's a simple job. You just proved you can do it, and you don't really have to worry about impurities either."
Eventually, Fira backs away and lets Euna take over entirely. After watching Euna stroke the animal, she situates her stool behind Euna.
"What are you doing?" Euna asks.
"Keep going," Fira says. "You're doing fine." She sits behind Euna with one leg to either side of her. Her hands come around, but they don't rejoin Euna in working the cock. They go straight down Euna's front and slip behind the fold of her gown.slip under the waist of her sash.slip under the waist of her skirt.
Euna gasps inwardly. Her legs spread a little. "Excuse me. What are you doing?"
"I'm helping. Keep going."
"This hardly... ohh... helping."
"I think it is." Fira's lips tickle along Euna's neck. Her working fingers have Euna squirming. One hand creeps along Euna's arm to the cock and guides the meat closer to Euna's mouth. There's no need to say what she wants. Euna's breath is short, and without prompting, her lips are upon the crown again, sucking, nibbling. This time she doesn't stop until Paskha is starting to buck.
"Ah, did you feel that?" Fira says. "Keep at it. Don't let up."
Euna suckles the head and plays with the shaft while Fira holds the bowl before the cock. A stream of milky cum erupts from the tip. It hisses against the wood and splatters. Jet after jet fills the bowl. Fira catches the last few drops with its edge. The result is enough semen to fill a small teacup.
"Very good," Lanx scooches forward to take the bowl. Euna stops, but she's not really done. Fira never slowed her fingers, and Euna falls back into Fira's embrace, and enjoys her minstrations until she too is bucking. She hardly notices when Fira licks an errant strand of donkey semen off her cheek. The act leads to a long and breathless kiss which doesn't end until Euna is spent.
The act is done.
"See, that wasn't so bad," Lanx says. "You're a natural. Bring us the seed of another animal, and we can get started."
Euna stares. "...What?"
"Sure. It can't be a donkey. Some other mammal. We'll give you some of the Estrus Mellago. That should help."
"You didn't tell us this would be a job. Only a favor."
"Yes. A favor," Lanx replies, "but it'll be worth it. Once you bring us another sample and we'll make you some masterful alchemy for you to use."
"Oh that's no problem," Fira says. "Euna can get her saliva into the mixture, so long as it's only her saliva."
"But any bodily fluids are fine," Lanx adds. "Saliva. Sweat. Girl cum... All depends on how you want to collect."
"How about I get none mixed in with any such mixtures?" Euna asks.
He shrugs. "That would work too."
"Maybe I could collect the samples instead."
"How are we supposed to collect it?"
"Oh very well. It seems I've been cornered."
Euna's hands finally find their way to the cock. Like Fira, she runs her hands up and down the shaft. Paskha gives a hee-haw that startles Euna.
Fira chuckles. "Ooh. He likes your touch. See how he's starting to rock back and forth? He's getting excited, but try to be more sensual about it."
"Sensual?" Euna asked.
"Yes. Like this." Fira places her hands over Euna's and guided her to make slower and deeper strokes. "And play with the head a bit. It's sensitive. I know you know how to pleasure a cock."
Euna's cheeks redden. "Not an ass's cock. We're collecting seed. Not engaging in the pleasures of sex."
"Sure we are. All men want intimacy. When you spied your father's stable girl milking his stallions, was she cold and uncaring, or was she intimate?"
"Well, now that I think about it, she was quite intimate."
"What did she do?"
"Nadiya used to use her mouth to pleasure the horse."
"Oh heavens!" Fira said. "That is intimate."
"You mean she actually sucked its cock?" Lanx is grinning.
"She didn't take it down her throat, if that's what you mean. She just... played with it with her mouth and hands."
Euna narrows her eyes at you. "No. She didn't." She continues pleasuring Paskha, but something in her causes her to pause. "Well, sometimes. There was this one time I spied upon Nadiya. She had her dress bunched about her waist such that her chest was bared."
"It was definitely to keep her clothes clean," Lanx says. "You two should do it."
"I don't know why she did," Euna replies archly. "She was already bared when I arrived. Nor my father nor the stablemaster made any remark about it."
"It isn't a bad idea though," Fira says. "I did just wash my clothes." She shrugs the straps of her cloth breast wrap over her shoulders. It falls about her waist. Her gargantuan breasts are bared. Her areolas are each the size of rose petals. "Regardless of what these devious boysdeviants here say, it is a good idea. The stains are horrid to clean."
With a roll of her eyes, Euna shrugs the gown off her shoulders and lets it crumple about the cord at her waist.peels off her fishnet topunfastens her bodice and pulls it overhead. "You three..." Her breasts, though not nearly as large as Fira's, are of ample size and shape, and her skin is like pure milk. Both return to pleasuring the donkey.
"I must have been nine years old," Euna says. "How was I supposed to know? I figured it was part of the process."
"Surely she looked liked she was enjoying herself," Lanx stays.
"Not really. Nadiya was simply doing what my father ordered."
"Wait," Lanx says. "Was your father watching?"
"Yes. Mostly. Like I explained. My father was involved in the breeding, especially with his most prized horses. He would supervise the stable girl as she milked them. He wasn't around for all of them though."
"So not only did she do it while your father watched, but she also did it on her own? When no one was around to make her?"
"My father's orders are law, even when he's not around."
"Or she loved horse cock!" Lanx adds.
Both girls glance at him. They may both be fondling an ass's genitals, but Lanx still comes across as the most perverted person here.
"Of course I realize now that it was sexual," Euna says. "I was young. I didn't know then what I know about my family now."
"Did Nadiya ever take her clothes off to keep them clean?"
"You didn't think that a stable girl using her mouth was unusual?"
Euna finally notices the donkey's erection. "Oh goodness!"
"Yes. Paskha just loves to help." Fira rubs a rag dampened with the Estrus Mellago around Paskha's snout. To Euna, "You clearly know how to handle animals."
Euna nods. "I used to work with the horses in my father's stables. He bred prize horses."
Fira sets the stools on either side of Paskha. She brushes her hands along his flank, and then his belly. "So you're familiar with collecting from a horse?"
"Oh. No. That would have been inappropriate for a delicate princess. My father's stable girl, Nadiya, did that. I wasn't even allowed to watch. Not that it stopped me from sneaking in to spy a few times as a child."
"You spied?" Fira sits beside the donkey. She traces her fingers along the meat of his shaft. Paskha snorts.
"Tell a little girl she's forbidden to see something, and it only makes her want to see it more."
Fira uses the rag to wipe down Paskha's growing cock. "Did you like what you saw?"
"Frankly, I was disgusted." Euna is still petting Paskha's prickly mane. "Those horses were the first time I'd ever seen a male organ, but I did sneak back many times to watch Nadiya. I'd had so many curious questions."
"I'm sure you must have. Come. Sit down here with me. This will be a learning experience for you."
"But who will keep Paskha calm?"
"Sweet Paskha will be just fine. He's the gentlest ass in all the world. Come. I can use a hand."
"I... very well." Euna sits on a stool beside Fira, and now the turgid meat right before her. Its black flesh glistens.
"Rub your hands along his flank, like this." Fira does so. Euna follows suit. "Good. This makes sure he knows where your hands are. Now, very slowly..." Fira's hands transfer to Paskha's cock. She tickles her fingers up and down the shaft. Her tickles turned into strokes. She nodded to Euna.
"You don't, erm... have a breeding mount or anything of the sort?"
"Out here? Of course not. This works just fine. Just follow suit."
Lips pressed, Euna eyes the cock as though trying to make up her mind. "This hardly seems dignified."
"You carry your own dignity, Euna, no matter what you choose to do."
"Ah! I knew you were interested," Lanx says. "Sometimes us men need to take little shortcuts, especially when we have so much ground to cover with a girl as prudish as Euna.even though Euna seems pretty easy already, there's always more ground to cover."
"She said that, huh?" Lanx says. "I must admit, I'm a little surprised she'd suggested you should seek my help. She doesn't approve of my little shortcuts."
"Actually, she was telling me to ignore you if you should make the offer."
He nods knowingly. "That makes more sense, but it sounds like you might be a little more open minded..."
"So how can you help?"
Lanx crawls onto the more unkempt of the two beds and pries open a part of the wagon's inner paneling. Inside is a small wooden box containing a vials of various liquids and powders. He takes out one such vial containing a fine bluish powder. "You can have my last one. Should make about five doses."
"What is it?"
"It's an aid for encouraging certain behavior. Slip a dose of this into someone's food or drink, and they'll soon enter a trance where they'll be most pliable. Any dirty thoughts or suggestions that are whispered to them will subtly bury themselves in their mind. And after sleeping it off, they'll have no memory of the trance at all, as though nothing ever happened, but those thoughts and suggestions will forever linger. You understand, right? Nudges."
"No. The healing component is far too diluted. The other substances I cut this with only maintain its hypnotic effects, and not even quite the same way. There might be a limit to how far you can nudge her with this."
"So it's not as good?"
"No, it's a bargain. You want better, figure out how to get the pure stuff yourself."
"Her? Fira is my partner in life and business. I would never resort to such a thing."
He shrugs. "Well, not since the academy days anyway. I think she takes precautions nowadays. Now I push Fira along the old fashion way—tricks and wit. It helps that she never backs down from a wager."
"Ah, so you already know of it," Lanx says. "Yes. It is. It's amazingly powerful, and they're handing it out to people in that city like festival treats."
"And is this connection of yours Shirina?"
"She sometimes gives us a cut of what the city council supplies her, but you mustn't tell anyone. The townsfolk are not supposed to talk about ambrosia to outsiders, much less give any away."
"Safe enough."
"I have a connection in Cockaigne who supplies me with a rare and powerful alchemical reagent that's quite a remarkable healing tonic, but it also causes an almost euphoric trance. In that trance, someone becomes quite suggestable."
"Sounds expensive."
"It would be... in pure form. This is cut. I've diluted that reagent with various other active ingredients. A little sleepiness. A little forgetfulness. A little dizziness. A little horniness. A little high. Put all them together, and you get a cocktail which maintains the hypnotic effect at a fraction of the price."
"These substitute ingredients," you say, "they wouldn't happen to be the recreational sort, would they?"
He shrugs. "Don't worry about it. It'll get the job done, and it's what I'm offering you. For free, mind you."
"Give it to her with food. It'll take an hour or so to kick in, but once it does, you'll know. Take her to bed and whisper dirty ideas in her ear... or do whatever else. Oh, and make sure she enjoys it. It's about associating those ideas with pleasure."
"What am I supposed to whisper?"
He shrugs. "Whatever you want to fill her mind with."
"No chance it could spoil her brain, could it?"
"Nah, not with five doses. This stuff is subtle. You might not even notice a difference right away."
"Does this have healing properties too?"
"Have you ever used this on Fira?"
"Is this rare reagent the ambrosia?"
"Is there a best way to use this?"
"This little powder hardly seems gentlemanlylike something a proper lady should be using."
"You've used it all up already?" he asks.
"I did," you reply. "It's pretty effective."
"Of course it is. It's strong. You're supposed to be using it sparingly. Let her mind recover a little."
"I have. I've just run out."
"Well I don't have any more. I only keep a vial or two for myself when I make batches for my client." He shrugs. "You might try him. He might sell some to you."
"Where is he?"
"He's down at the market in the slaver's cove. You've been down that way, haven't you?"
"I have. How do I find him?"
"There's a slaver's cove near to here. If you ever find a way to get in there, he'll be at their market."
"How would I find him?"
"Look for the bald man with a face pockmarked to hell. He'll have his medicine chest with him too, big brown thing. And he'll have a knife too, if you come near that chest. But I'd think twice before dealing with him."
"Why? He sounds like such a swell fellow?"
"He's a charmer, but I'm damn sure he's cuts whatever powder I give him even more than I already have, and with whatever gutter trash dust those pirates snort out at sea. Use too much his stuff, and you really might bake Euna's mind."
"I'll bear that in mind," you say.
"See that you do, now come on. You've got to swap out something of mine."
"Suit yourself." Lanx puts it away. "Well, take something from the table. We can't go out there without anything to show for our trip."
"It sure isn't," Lanx agrees. "Do you want it?"
"I'm hurt," he says. "You're speaking to a master alchemist. I know what I'm doing."
"We'll see." You pocket the vial.
"Use it sparingly," he says. "Now pick something else to take. We can't go back to the girlsothers without having something to show for this trip."
"It's Artemic," Lanx replies. "So all creatures of instinct will fall prey to this."
"What does that mean, creatures of instinct," Euna asks.
"Lower creatures live using the instincts they were born with," Fira explains. "Humans, on the other hand, as well as most wildlings, can grow and change their ways. This will not affect them."
"The soft rule is," Lanx replies. "if it speaks a language, it's not a creature of instinct."
"But other than that, anything?"
"Anything," Lanx replies. "Big or small. Magical or mundane." He pauses. "Well, assuming they do breed, after all. Some insects are asexual drones. Hmm. ...If it has a dick. Yes. That's it. All creatures of instinct that have a dick."
"You did?" Lanx notices the jar you've brought out. "Excellent. And this is from a..."
"Horse," Euna says.
"And you..."
"...were the one who retrieved the sample, thank you."
"Excellent. Excellent. Fira?"
"I'll get the supplies."
Fira fetches various bottles from the wagon. Whatever they were working on gets put aside in favor of their new projects. After creating a base, the semen from the horse goes in, as does the sample from Paskha the donkey. But much more goes in, the names of which Lanx mentions as they mix it together with there cauldrons and alembics and retorts. "Spirits of copper, spirit of venus." Powder goes in. "Two drops of blood of Chimera," he mutters. "Some boiled down essence of lust. A little more than that, Fira. Never too much of that."
It's three hours of work, and what they strain from the cauldron fills only a small perfume bottle. He hands it reverently to Euna. "Your reward for your services."
"What is it?" she asks.
"An Artemic Philter. An irrestable lust potion."
"Ohh," Euna takes it just as reverently. "I like the sound of it. How does it work?"
"You need but place a single drop of this upon your tongue, and all animals cannot help but see you as anything but a mate."
"It is an Artemic philter."
Eun sighs, exasperated. "What do I need this for? I was only cavorting with animals to get samples for you. I'm not interested in laying with animals."
"Oh, is that so?" Fira asks. "That's a pity."
"A real shame," Lanx agrees. "You might as well throw it out."
"That seems a waste." Euna offers it back. "Maybe you could sell it. It could have a lot of use for the right pervert."
"No need. It's worthless," Lanx replies. He seems like he doesn't care. "That philter will work only for you."
"We said we were making alchemy for you to use, didn't we? Not for you to give away."
"I wish you'd clarified that before you sent us on our hunt," Euna replies.
"Where would the fun in that be?" Fira asks.
"Yes," Lanx explains. "True alchemy can capture such essences. In this case, it captured Euna's lust for mating with the animals, and it mirrors it onto other beasts, only more distilled."
"But who ever said I enjoyed collecting these samples."
"My two fingers did," Fira replied, "when you were collecting from Paskha."
"I was enjoying what you were doing. It had nothing to do with the donkey."
"No, not even a tremble in your belly at the sight of Paskha's cock?" Fira sighs. "Pity then. You really ought to throw the philter out after all. ...But perhaps not. Maybe you should see for yourself. Try it. If no animal lusts for you upon taking a drop, then you know you speak true. If they do, then you will learn a deeply buried truth about yourself to which even you are blind."
"Because this is a philter of reflected experience," Lanx says. "It only works for the one who collected the reagents."
"The semen, you mean," Euna replies.
"Yes. Most of our clients are willing to sacrifice their coin for good alchemy, but rarely their time."
"Nor do they like to admit why they want it," Fira adds, "and this reagent only works if the collector was aroused by the act of collecting the reagents."
"Yes. That too. All that together, this philter is usually only used by a few mischievous alchemists for their own purposes, or if said alchemists have a friend who they think might enjoy such a thing." He stares pointedly at Euna.
"That was nothing," Lanx replies. "A pheromone tonic. A joke. But this, this is true alchemy. It seizes the mind. When Euna takes a drop of this, she is no longer a threat, or a prey, or a friend or foe. She is a mate. Their minds can think of nothing else."
"This could work in the heat of battle," Fira adds. "It could stop a raging bear in its tracks. The most ferocious creatures will pose you no threat if you use this."
"Hmm. That actually sounds as though it could have practical use," Euna says. "It could get us out of trouble."
"As long as you're fine with being thrust into a different sort of trouble," Fira adds.
"Ah, I see."
"What sort of animals will this work on?"
"How is this any better than that estrus tonic you gave us before."
"Why aren't you selling this to your rich clients?"
"This philter only works if Euna enjoyed collecting the samples?"
You come down out of the mountains and approach the caravan wagon. Ivy has grown along its sides. Its once colorful paint is faded and cracked, and a wheel is missing. All about, brown chickens dart through tall grass.
"It looks abandoned," Euna says.
"No," you say. "The chickens wouldn't stay here if someone wasn't feeding them."
"Then is this safe?"
"I don't know."
"Maybe you should approach first," she says. "I'll come out if it's okay."
"Very well."
Euna hides in the grass. You approach.
Behind the caravan, a bull is tethered to a post. Past it, two people are hunkered down about a cauldron.
One is a middle-aged man with a portly belly and an unkempt beard. He wears a ratty robe which might have belonged to a grand magician in a previous life. His partner is his polar opposite: a young woman with curled red hair. Her breasts immediately draw your attention, not just because they're enormous, but because of how strange they look on a girl with such a small frame. She has a cloth wrap supporting them, which circles her back and neck. Besides that, her only other clothing is a pair of skin-tight leather breeches laced together up the sides, but with a gap revealing a strip of her legs all the way up to her waist. It was rare to see a woman in tights back home, especially ones so revealing.It's unusual to see another woman wearing tights like you do, especially a pair so revealing.
The woman spots you first and nudges the man. They watch your approach.
"Hello," you say.
"Hello, yourself." The man eyes you. "What are you doing here?"
"Exploring. Looking for food."
He mutters something under his breath. "Well turn back! You're in grave danger."
"From what?"
"From the spirits of the jungle! They'll possess your mind and drive you insane!" He waves his hands about menacingly.
"Then why are you here?"
"I am Lanx the Great Alchemist! My assistant and I are protected by magical concoctions. Go back to the city now while you still have your wits about you. Hurry! Run!"
"I'm not from a city," you say. "I got stranded in these lands a few days ago. Been living in the wilderness. I haven't had any trouble with spirits."
"All the same. Be off with you. You'll get no handouts here."
Euna apparently decides they aren't a threat. She comes out and stands beside you. "We're not looking for handouts. We are shipwrecked travelers who are new to this land."
Upon seeing Euna, Lanx's scowl evaporates. "Shipwrecked, you say? Why didn't you say so? Please. Come forward. Sit with us." He beckons with a friendly wave.
His assistant rolls her eyes.
Upon getting a good look at you two, especially Euna, the man's face lights. "Ah, greetings! What brings you lovely ladies to our neck of the woods?"
His assistant rolls her eyes.
You and Euna approach his cauldron."We're shipwrecked travelers," Euna says. "We're new to this land."
"Shipwrecked, you say? Come forward. Sit with us." He beckons with a friendly wave.
You and Euna approach his cauldron.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Euna says.
"The pleasure is all mine." Lanx bows. "My name is Lanx, the great alchemist. This is my assistant, Fira."
"Hello," Fira nods. She keeps stirring the cauldron.
"I am Princess Euna, heir to the throne of Ruthgar."
"A princess?" Lanx studies her. "You certainly have the look of royalty about you." He looks at you. "And are you royalty as well?"
"I'm not," you say. "I'm—"
"He's my royal guard," Euna finishes. "My closest and most loyal subject."
"A royal guard, huh?" Lanx studies you dubiously.
"Yes. He's been by my side for as long as I can remember."
"So you two aren't... together?"
Confused, Euna replies. "Together? He is my closest and most loyal subject. He will be by my side until death."
"So..." Lanx gestures for elaboration.
"He wants to know if you're available," Fira says.
"No!" Lanx says. "That's not what I'm asking! Will you shut up? I'm just making conversation."
"I am spoken for," Euna says.
"She is my lady-in-waiting," Euna finishes. "And my dearest and closest companion."
"A companion?" Lanx studies you. "By companion, you mean..."
"She has been my friend since childhood. As long as I can remember."
"So... childhood friends?"
Confused, Euna replies. "Yes. For as long as I can remember. She has served me faithfully ever since I've come of age."
"Ah. And by that you mean..."
Fira interjects. "He wants to know if you two are lovers."
"No!" Lanx says. "That's not what I'm asking! Will you shut up? I'm just making conversation."
Euna blushes deeply. "I am engaged to marry a prince."
"Ah, well. There you go. I don't even care. Because I wasn't asking. But good for you."
Euna turns her attention to the cauldron. The substance inside is a translucent green liquid as thick as honey. "What are you making?"
"Oh this? It's just a bread and butter brew we make for the locals."
"What does it do?"
Lanx flaps his hand. "A medical tonic. That's all. Treats some problems."
"Like what?"
"It's kind of private actually."
Fira speaks. "It makes a man's tackle bigger."
Euna's eyes widen.
Lanx slumps his shoulders and glares at his assistant reproachfully. To Euna, he says, "Of course, I don't use it myself. We just make it because it sells well. Men. You understand?"
His assistant spoons some mixture into a bowl. "We're just about to test it if you want to watch." Fira nods toward the bull.
"No no!" Lanx says. "The princess doesn'tladies don't want to see this. Just take the bull elsewhere."
The assistant looks at you two questioningly.
"Let's watch. You have no problem with it, right Euna?"
"We've no interested in seeing such a lewd display. Isn't that right, Your Highness?"
"Certainly," says Fira. "Lanx, take him inside. I'll keep Euna company."
With a sigh, Lanx gets up. "Well come on." He leads you to the wagon.
"Remember," he says. "One thing. If you want to borrow something else, you return what you have."
"Right, right."
The wagon is as crowded as usual. Lanx directs your attention to the same shelf as before.
"As a guard?" she says. "Perhaps there are others better suited for that, but you have taught me much about the world. I will keep you by my side as a royal subject, as my fool and storyteller, perhaps even as an advisor."
"As my lady-in-waiting?" she says. "Perhaps as one of them, though that duty is better served by a boyar's daughter. I will certainly keep you in my court, as my fool and entertainer, perhaps even as an advisor."
"And if we don't make it off this land?"
She considers thoughtfully. "I am still your princess, regardless of where we are. Am I not?"
"You are."
"Then I say yes. You are now my royal subjectmy lady-in-waiting. You will always be by my side."
"Is that true for anything?" She studies you. "There are very many things you could do that would make me happy?"
You step closer.
"And you'd do them all?" she asks. "You'd be a slave to my smile? I think I like that."
You're close enough to feel her breath.
She's looking into your eyes. "The things I'd make you do..."
"A reward?" She regards you. "And just what did you have in mind?"
You step closer toward her.
"Perhaps a token of my gratitude?" she says. "My lace handkerchief? A pouch of gold?"
You're now close enough to feel her breath.
She's looking into your eyes. "Maybe a title in my court," she continues. "Sir Fool. It has a ring to it, don't you think?"
"A handmaiden's greatest reward is pleasing her mistress," she says. "What more would you have of me?"
You're close enough to feel her breath.
She's looking into your eyes. "Perhaps a title in my court," she continues. "You need only speak the words."
You embrace. Your lips meet, and time loses meaning. When your tongue teases forward, she stiffens, but her lips part, and soon your tongues entwine. Whatever war is happening inside her, her emotions are winning. Her passion grows by the second until time loses meaning.
When you break away, you're both breathless and exhilarated. This is not the Euna you've known all these years. It's not even the one you greeted this morning. This woman is new. Not even recognizes herself, and a flitter of emotions play across her face. Her guard comes back up.
"Well..." she says.
"Well," you reply.
Her lips press. Her eyes glimmer. She's being coy, but its clear she has much to think about. "I shall be off to bed now."
"Sleep well, Your Highness."
On impulse, she darts in and plants one quick kiss, but this one upon your forehead. "Stay close, my good foolcheek. "Stay close, my good lady, and good night." She retreats to the alcove.
Outside, Lanx leads you into the woods. Out of view from the wagon is a pile of junk taller than the caravan, containing everything from dented cauldrons, broken wagon wheels, to a cracked bathtub. A person could create a cave within the junk and crawl inside.
Euna is rummaging through. She's using a stained bedsheet as a bag, which she's filled with bent silverware, rags, chipped dishes, musty bedding... practically anything she sets her eyes on. The moment she sees you've arrived, she thrusts the bundle into your arms.
"Look at how much there is!" she says. "Look at these forks. They're perfectly good. Why would you throw them out? Hmm? These pillows will need thorough cleaning. *sniff* Perhaps a boiling. Oh, and look at this pot! And this lantern!" Your burden grows. Every time you convince her to stop, she spots just one more thing.
Fira takes pity on you. "You can always come back, Euna. If you two don't leave now, you won't make it home before nightfall."
"Oh, all right." Euna gathers a few more items. "We'll come back and visit."
Fira leads you to the valley. You say your goodbyes.
The hike up the mountain path is torturous carrying so much junk, and you're carrying several times what Euna is holding.
"Couldn't we have stayed overnight with them?" you ask.
"No. We don't want to trouble our new neighbors, now do we?"
"I'm surprised you like them. Maybe you didn't pick up on it, but Lanx's 'alchemy' is entirely sexual. Do you realize what Fira would have done with that bull if we weren't there?"Do you realize what Fira did with that bull behind the wagon?"
Euna nods thoughtfully. "And yet they were friendly people who helped us. Perhaps before I might have condemned them, but I have decided to be more open and accepting of other people's ways. You of all people should be grateful for that, you little pervert. strumpet.
"I am," you say. "You promoted me from a fool to a royal guardyour loyal lady-in-waiting."
She laughs. "You got that for saving my life. You've been doing an admirable job of watching over me."
About that. I don't think you should be telling others that you're a princess.
"Why not? I hardly think we're in danger from Lanx and Fira. They're perfectly harmless."
"They were today," you say, "but Lanx is more unscrupulous than he lets on. Even if he'll never hurt us, he might tell someone."
"They would never do that."
"Maybe not, but we shouldn't take risks. You don't have your guards or your father's law here to protect you if someone were to, say, kidnap you and hold you ransom."
"I have you."
"And I will try to keep you safe, but I can only do so much."
"I trust in you," she says, "but if it makes you feel better, I won't."
When you two reach the altar, the sun has long since set. You're both sweaty and exhausted. She sets down her handful of salvage. You drop armloads and nearly collapse.
"There," she says. "Finally home. Heavens, that took ages." She rubs her legs. "I'm going to be sore tomorrow."
"Hah!" you say. "You're going to be sore?"
She looks at the load you carried and curtsies. "Thank you for carrying my burden. You've been quite a a gentlemanthe lady."
"If it makes you happy, Your Royal Highness, it makes me happy."
You and Euna near Lanx and Fira's wagon just as three strange men are leaving. Spotting them, you pull Euna into the woods to hide.
All three men are scarred and weatherworn. Their gleaming sabers have so many nicks along the blade that they seem sawtoothed.
Once they're past, Euna whispers, "Were those pirates?"
"They do look the part."
"I do hope Lanx and Fira are okay."
"Let's find out."
You find them inside their wagon scanning through cluttered shelves with subtle urgency.
"Here," Fira says to Lanx. "Yellow bile. And black."
"We need more than that, woman." Lanx scrounges through a chest. "Ah, blood! Err, no, this won't do. Damn it."
"We can draw our own if we need be,""We already have blood," says Fira.
"That'd still be a far lot short than what we need. I know the phlegm is around here somewhere."
Euna knocks on the door. "Hello. Is everything all right?"
They notice you two, and a quick gleam passes between them.
"Ah, come in. Come in." Lanx gestures you into the wagon.
"Who were those men outside?" Euna asks.
"Customers, my dear. Customers. They've hired us to brew the most fascinating tonic. A fortifier."
"What's that do?"
"It fortifies of course."
Fira is more helpful. "It helps your body resist disease and infection."
"That sounds useful," Euna says.
"Very useful," Lanx replies. 'Unfortunately, it seems we're shy a few ingredients. But it's exactly the sort of ingredients you would be perfect for collecting."
"Me neither," Euna adds.
"You wouldn't," Lanx replies. "It simply makes you more stout. Why should you notice?"
"Are you sure this isn't just water?"
"Yes, I'm sure," he replies testily. "You're better equipped to resist all ailment."
"...but we're not immune?" Euna asks.
"No. Not immune, just less likely to get sick. And if you do, it will be more mild."
"If we're still getting sick, how can you be sure the potion is having any effect at all?" you ask. "How can we be sure we don't just believe we're more hardy."
"It just... pah! You just don't understand alchemy. It works! Believe me. Will you deliver the crate or not?"
The four of you drink your respective tonics. It's hardly a swallow, and it tastes of nothing except for a slight aftertaste you detect more with your nose than your mouth.
"It tastes like nothing," Euna says. "Are you sure this isn't just water?"
"That's mostly all it is," Fira replies. "Water with the memory of miasma. ...mostly."
"There's one last chore for you," Lanx says, "and that is delivery."
"You never said anything about that," Euna replies.
"It's nothing much. Next time you're at the cove, drop it off to the captain of the Pincoy. Bald fellow. Goes by Bellamy."
"And why should we do this?" Euna asks.
"Because this delivery is already overdue thanks to how long you two took, and Fira and I aren't allowed around the cove anymore."
"Yes..." Euna eyes the remaining liquid in the beaker. "If you'd told us just how many vials you'd be making—"
"Too late!" Lanx says. "We already agreed on your payment."
"They actually are quite valuable," Fira assures you. "And unlike some alchemists I know whose tonics are nothing more than dirty water, this one you can be sure is real. It'll last you for a good many months at least."
"Months? Pah!" Lanx says. "This is the best fortifier we've ever made. Try Decades. This might be one that lasts a lifetime!"
"Months? Try years," Lanx says. "This is a good fortifier. I can feel it."
"Do you?" Lanx says. "Excellent. Bring them here." He examines the bottle. "What did you get?"
"Let's see," Euna thinks back. "There's blood, semen, breast milk, vaginal nectar, saliva, urine, feces, stomach bile, and whatever you two contribute."
"Good, good. That's a healthy list," Lanx says. "Should make a healthy tonic. Fira, go find some other fluids to add in. Let's make this good."
"Really," Lanx says. "That's all?"
"It'll be fine once we add from our own collection," Fira assures him. "It will do."
"I suppose it will have to. Not like the customer will know the difference."
Fira heads to the wagon and returns shortly with a handful of bottles. "Let's see here... yellow bile, black bile." She adds measured samples. "Brain juices. Phlegm. And... that should work. Now let's get started."
What follows is a flurry of alchemical processes. They add the fluids and some nose-stinging chemicals to an alembic and distill the lot down to a sludge, which they discard. The vapors continue to the next process, which involves mixing, burning, and diluting to produce a sizable beaker of clear fluid.
Lanx holds it up. "Ta da!"
"That's it?" Euna asks. "It seems so..."
"Uninteresting?" Fira says. "Don't worry. Everyone thinks that, but it's right."
Thus begins bottling. However, the glassware that Fira brings out aren't jars, but rather small vials whose size could be measured in drops. After Lanx fills them, Fira seals them with wax and deposits them in a small crate.
"Each of those is a dose?" Euna asks.
"Each one," Lanx holds onto the last four vials. "And these four are for us. Drink up."
"Yes..." Euna says. "And why so much?"
"For his crew, I assume," Lanx says. "They travel around the world. Meet people. Fuck whores. It doesn't matter why."
"These tonics aren't as valuable as you led us to believe, are they?"
"What does a ship captain want this for?"
"That's disgusting," Lanx mutters.
"It was. The wound was covered in sticky scabs. The smell turned my stomach."
"Poor baby." Fira nuzzles your balls.
"But Euna dove right in," you continue. "She licked his wound clean like a dog, and then she sucked the man off as though she was thanking him."
"...he made me," Euna says.
"But you would have done it anyway," Fira replies. "Being made to lick up his blood and pus turned you on, didn't it?"
Euna looks down.
"That's what I thought." Fira asks. "What else did they make her do?"
"What kind of pirate?" Lanx asks.
"It was this fat, sweaty pirate covered in body hair."
"His ass must been disgusting," he replies.
"Tell them, Euna," you say. "Was it disgusting?"
"Tell me about it," Lanx says.
She flounders for words. "He was... unwashed. There was accumulation."
"Of shit?"
"Yes. Of shit."
"And what did you do about it?" he asks.
"I licked it all up."
"And it wasn't just him, was it, Euna?" you ask.
"No. Many pirates made me clean the dried er... shit from all their ass."
"It was revolting," you say to Fira. "I'll have to think of that shit every time I put my cock in that mouth."make her tongue my slit."
"I'm so sorry," Fira replies. "Pirates went and defiled your woman. But you can always use my mouth. I'd never do something so disgusting."
"Thank the Lord." You guide Fira back to sucking your cock.
"I'm so sorry," Fira replies. "You can always ride my face. I'd never do something so digusting."
"I might take you up on that," you say. "I guess I can still use her mouth on my own ass."
Fira sneers. "I'm not even sure I'd do that, defiled as she is."
"What else happened?" Lanx asks.
"Oh, don't worry about them," Lanx says. "Just customers. Not sure where they're from."
"They looked like an unsavory lot," Euna says.
"Did they? I don't judge people by their appearances."
"They're from the cove, aren't they?"
"Their coin is good, isn't it?"
Euna's eyes narrow. "Their coins are cut from purses and lifted from corpses."
"I don't judge people by their professions either. It's not like we have an abundance of customers about here."
"Hmm." She eyes him.
"We could, sure," Fira says. "But anyone who contributes to the potion can't benefit from it."
"And what's the point of making alchemy if you can't benefit from it yourself?" Lanx adds.
"That'll all depend on you," Lanx says. "The more fluids we add, the stronger it will be."
"Can it make you immune to disease?" Euna asks.
"No, no. Not immune, just more resilient."
"That doesn't sound nearly as impressive..."
"Oh, but it is. A boosted resilience is the difference between a plague killing you and a plague just costing you a few day's rest."
"It also eases symptoms" Fira adds. "Fevers won't stagger you. Nausea won't be as unpleasant. Infections heal on their own instead of taking your leg. Weaker ailments will hardly bother you at all."
"Does it last forever?" Euna asks.
"No. It fades over time," Lanx says, "but a strong one can last years."
"...but usually months," Fira replies.
Lanx glares at her. "It's still useful. Interested, aren't you?"
"We need miasma of human," Lanx says. "In other words, bodily fluids from which we can extract miasma."
"Like, blood? Or semen?" Euna asks.
"There's blood, urine, spit, semen," Fira ticks them off on her fingers. "milk, excrement, saliva... any you can find. Each one must come from a distinct person, but you don't need much of each."
"But don't go around just asking people for fluids," Lanx says. "When people hear its for alchemy, they tend to get standoffish."
"This sounds like a lot of work," Euna says.
"You don't have to get them all," Fira adds. "If you can get, say... four, Lanx and I have a few fluids in our supplies we can add afterward."
"So what do you say?" Lanx asks.
"Who are these customers of yours?"
"Can't we just get these fluids from ourselves?"
"Oh! Did they now?" Fira pulls free her own breasts and squeezes your cock between them.Fira scrutinizes Euna as though in a new light. "Tell me about it."
"The slave treated her like an infant. Euna suckled in her lap."
"I bet Euna loved it. Didn't you Euna? You suckle like a babe."
Euna presses her lips tight and stares at the ground.
"Tell them," you say.
"Oh come, Euna," you say. "Be honest."
"I enjoyed sucking the slave's breasts."
"Just like you enjoyed sucking Shirina's tits to get the milk for the formula?" you ask.
Fira studies Euna. "Good to know. My tits leak so badly sometimes. Mind if I borrow her from time to time?"
"Go right ahead. What's mine is yours."
"You're most gracious. What else happened?" And she returns to sucking your cock.
"Go right ahead. I'm sure she's wet just thinking about it."
"You're right. I'll be doing her a favor, won't I? So what else happened?"
"Oh, Bonnie?" Lanx says. "I know her. Bossy bitch, isn't she?"
"She treated Euna like a cunt rag," you say. "She even made Euna tongue clean the gussets of her underwear. Isn't that right, Euna?"
"Yes, that's right." Euna chews her lip furtively.
"I'm so sorry you had to see that," Fira says to you. "But now that I know she does it, I think I might like to use Euna to clean my own messes. If that's all right with you."
"That's what she's good for," you say.
"You're so generous." Fira returns to nibbling along your shaft.
"What else?" Lanx asks.
"Did he now?" Lanx asks.
"Yes," you say. "He demanded she do it after I told him how Euna sucked off a complete stranger to get his seed."
"Hmm. She loves doing that, doesn't she?" Fira says. "Just like I'm sucking your cock now." She proceeds to do so.
Euna buries her head in her hands.
"What was it like watching him fuck her mouth?" Fira asks while nibbling along your shaft.
"He treated her like a worthless slut while everyone laughed and pointed. And then he had her suck the cocks of half the crew."
"It sounds like she acted like a worthless slut. What else?"
"Sounds disgusting," Fira says.
"It was. They shot out wads of snot into her mouth too. They treated her like a piece of gutter trash."
Fira looks at Euna. "And you swallowed it all, didn't you?"
Euna nods, eyes low.
Fira turns back to you. "I'm sorry you had to see her behave like that. Maybe if she was a self-respecting woman, she wouldn't have let them do that to her, but she probably enjoyed it. I guess she actually is a piece of gutter trash." She licks the length of your dick.Fira clicks her tongue at Euna "What else did they make her do?"
"And she let them?" Fira asks.
"Actually, she opened her mouth and swallowed what she could," you reply.
"So you enjoyed it?" Fira asks Euna.
"He was holding me by my hair..." Euna says.
"But were they holding your mouth open?" Fira asks, and when Euna doesn't reply. "Hmm. Sounds to me like you got off on it. You're one of a kind, Euna" She turns to you. "What else did she do?"
"Oh how dreadful," Fira eyes Euna, who's face is bright red.
"It was. I had to stand there while some sailor used her like a common piss pot."
"I bet she drank it, didn't she?" Lanx says. He's rubbing himself through his robes.
"She gulped it," you say. "And then she licked the rest off the deck."
"Sounds like she was thirsty for it," Fira looks at Euna. "Did it make you hot to drink a pirate's hot salty piss? Be honest."
Euna can only blush.
"Is that why you let so many of them piss in your mouth?" you ask.
Her face turns a deeper shade of red.
"That's so depraved," Fira says. "Tell me more." She goes back to sucking your cock.
"The captain made her suck his dick."
"She had to lick the blood off somebody's smelly wound."
"They made her drink milk from a slave's tit."
"A pirate woman made Euna clean her discharge."
"All the pirates spit on her."
He frowns. "What a strange idea."
Fira shrugs. "There's no reason it wouldn't work."
"Of course there is. How in the heavens are you supposed to fit a dead body in one of these bottles? Maybe a dead mouse, but you're thinking of a human body, right?"
"Couldn't you just make a larger bottle?" Euna says.
"Or maybe a coffin," you add.
"It'd have to be a glass coffin. And even if you did, what's the point? Whoever they are, they're still dead."
"Maybe she was a beautiful princess," Euna replies, "and her followers wish to preserve her fair beauty for all time."
He wrinkles his nose. "That's just creepy."
"I think it's lovely," she says.
"Every one of them." Lanx holds a bottle up to the evening light. It has an iridescent shimmer as though the inside were smeared with oil. He hands it to you. The inside feels slippery, but your finger comes away clean.
"It's an alchemical preserving coat," he says. "Any ingredients sealed inside won't spoil."
"My," Euna says. "I wish we'd had these back home. They sound remarkable."
"Oh yes," Lanx says. "They're a must for seasoned alchemists like ourselves. And handy for cooking too." He nods toward the jars of foodstuffs. "You see that jar of milk? A hundred years from now, it'll be as fresh as from the teat. No rot. No spoil."
"Amazing," Euna says. "How else do you use them?"
"Just storage. What else could you use them for?"
"Ah, thank you. Thank you." Lanx takes the jar.
"Shirina said you use this for cooking goose," Euna says.
"That's right."
"Goose? So this hard-to-get ingredient was for your dinner?"
"Dinner for four," he adds. "I did say it'd be worth your while. Fira? Do you want to catch dinner for us?"
Fira fetches a curved sword from inside the wagon and sets off toward the river where geese honk and float about. Later, she preps a goose while Lanx turns the cauldron into a makeshift oven. The smell of Fira's red rosemary spice mix livens Euna's spirits.
The goose is nothing but bone once the sun is low. After some drink, Lanx admits that he may have been a little misleading.
"I'll tell you what." He nods toward the crates Fira had been unpacking. "Why don't you take a few bottles."
"Bottles?" Euna asks.
"They're special! They're alchemist bottles."
"That's most generous of you."
"It's not that generous," Fira remarks. "We have far, far more bottles than we need. You're sparing him a trip to the garbage heap."
"They're good bottles. Come come." Lanx leads you all to the crates. Splayed out in the grass before them are all manner of jars and bottles. Each has a different size and shape. Most are empty, but those that aren't contain everything from alchemical powders, sickly body parts, to strange glowing liquids. Most are unlabeled.
Before another crate, bottles contain milks, speckled eggs, meats, and pastries.
"Help yourself to a couple empty ones," Lanx says.
"Or take a dozen," Fira adds.
Lanx winces. "Or half a dozen."
"Just take however many you think you need."
"Wouldn't work," he answers. "Whatever killed her is still there. If she was stabbed, she'd still have a hole in her chest."
Fira chimes in. "Maybe she was poisoned. You could preserve her body to buy yourself time to make the antidote. Or find someone who can."
"This is getting farfetched. You'd have to have a glass coffin laying around, and who would have that?"
"In Ruthgar, coffins are built after one's death," Euna says, "at least that's true for our royals."
"No one could build a glass coffin quickly enough before the body would decay."
"Goblins could," Fira says, "or dwarves."
"Oh I see. So now you have a beautiful maiden who dies, specifically from poison, and dwarves build a glass coffin to preserve her body and leave it for all to see, until some good soul comes by and revives her somehow. I've never heard of such a preposterous story. Now come along, pick out which ones you want."
"What about preserving a dead body?"
"You said these bottles were alchemical?"
"We have this under control," Lanx says. "Don't we Fira?"
Fira kneels up from her rifling. Her arms and face are covered in dust. "We would if you'd take a turn digging through these crates."
"You don't know my system. I've explained this." He indicates to tabulations on his parchment. "I must ledger. So you must take stock."
Her eyes narrow. "Crystalized animus." The bottle she holds contains small, white minerals. "Four crystals."
Lanx scribbles this down. "There is something you can help with," he says to you two. "The whole reason we started this tidying is because we couldn't find our red rosemary, and it hasn't turned up yet."
"And it won't." Fira rummages. "I keep telling you, we're out."
"So it seems we must acquire more."
"Rosemary?" Euna asks. "Like the kitchen spice?"
"It can be used in culinary pursuits, yes. Did you have any luck getting into Cockaigne?"
"We did."
"Ah good. Next time you're there. Find a woman named Shirina and get more red rosemary for us. We have dire need of it."
"You'll see," Lanx says. "It's a special little concoction of mine."
Fira rolls her eyes.
"Oh, I can't tell you that without giving away what I'm up to," he says. "Suffice to say, I think you'll be quite pleased."
"They're a must for seasoned alchemists like myself. And for chefs. Don't think that means you can take more than one, but I'll tell you what. Fill that jar with something interesting and bring it back to us. If it's a good ingredient. I'll make something from it and cut you in on some of the product."
"What makes an ingredient interesting?"
"How should I know? Just use your judgement. Let's go."
"You do?" Lanx perks up. "Already? Very well. Let's do this. Fira, clean up here. I'll get the chest out." He looks around. "Actually. we'll need to do this in the wagon, won't we? Yes, we'll do that. Euna, go scrub clean, and you, help us clear space. Let's go everyone." He heads towards the wagon, and he says something over his shoulder. "You really are getting one hell of a bargain here. One thousand rubles. Pah! This's worth millions." Yet as he walks, there is an anticipatory spring to his step.
Nearly the entire wagon is emptied out to make room for a cot Fira sets up. The amount of bottles and substances they prep are staggering, as are all the instruments, all menacing with their sharp edges and obscure purposes.
Euna returns from the river nude. She looks over their preparations, and she's growing more reluctant by the minute.clearly having second thoughts. "This all looks a lot more involved. What sort of procedure is this?"
"A sophisticated one," Lanx answers. "Now lay down. Let's get started."
Euna lies upon the cot. "I don't know about this..." Lanx spreads her legs, kick up her knees, and ties her ankles to the bed corners such that her groin is fully accessable, but what really alarms Euna is when Fira starts strapping her wrists down to bars along the cot's side.
"Wait. Stop. Why are you restraining me?" Euna sounds close to hyperventalating.
"Relax," Fira starts smearing pungent ointment over her body. From neck to tits to belly.
"What is that for?" Euna asks. "I thought you'd only be working on my vagina."
"Oh, we will be," Lanx slides a speculum into her. It's large, like the custom kind the Warped Ones used. "But we're also making changes all over your body. Your womb, tits, ass, guts, stomach, lungs, mouth, muscles, bones—"
"Bones?" She's tenses against her restraints.
"Relax," Fira strokes her hair. "Drink this. It'll help you sleep." She holds a cup to Euna's lips. Euna almost seems like she'll fight this, but ultimately lets Fira feed her the entire contents. Afterward, she looks fretfully toward you.
"King Shahryar like to bring in ogres and trolls to fuck his wives," Lanx explains. "Broken bones are a common consequence of rough-housing like that."
"You're going to make my bones tougher?" Euna asks.
"Tougher? No." He waggles his head. "Well, in a way. We're going to make them elastic."
"Elastic? You're giving me rubber bones?"
"Rubber bones! Fira, could you imagine? What a disaster that would be."
Fira chuckles as well. She holds up a jar full of pinkish pulp. "We're embuing your bones with the treated marrow of a Caldarian Lynx. They're jungle cats from far away, and they're impossible to capture because no cage will hold them. They're like ooze when they want to be. They could squeeze their bodies through the crack under a door, and yet are still strong enough to tear iron bars to shreds, or rip off your face."
"Not to mention how difficult it is to extract their marrow correctly," Lanx adds. "It makes for a very difficult ingredient to acquire."
"But my bones won't bend?"
"They will be as rigid as always," Lanx promises, "but under enough force, they will bend where other bones would break. This will be especially true of your pelvic bone and ribs."
"And then they return to normal, right?" Euna asks.
"Yes, Euna," Fira promises. "You won't ever know you have such bones in all but the most extreme conditions."
Euna settles a bit. "All right. That doesn't sound too bad. How are you going to enfuse my bones?"
Fira strokes her hair. "It's best you don't know."
"An excellent question," Euna says. "It sounds as though you're replacing my entire digestive system with that serpent's."
"We're not replacing anything," Lanx replies. "We're merely augmenting. You'd be lucky to have the digestion of a lindorm. You ever hear of a fat lindorm? No. Sure, they eat a lot, but they're efficient digesters. They can hybernate for years without eating because of it. They never get sick, despite whatever they eat, and they never have blockages despite swallowing their own hoards of gold."
"Will she be able to swallow a herd of sheep?" you ask.
"Hah! I doubt it, but Euna could handle the gorgings King Shahryar sometimes subjected upon his wives, if she were ever in that position."
Euna answers. "They're horrid serpents infamous for their ferocity and endless appetite. One lindorm can swallow an entire field of cattle... or an entire school of children. They'll even bloat themselves by swallowing their own treasure, but don't let that fool you. They're as quick as a whip, and as fierce as any dragon."
"You know your bestiary well," Lanx says. "There are half a dozen mythical creatures that went into making this suite, but none were utilized as much as the lindorm. It's skin, its glands, its stomach lining, its blood. Much of our work we'll do upon your digestion builds on the lindorm's amazing anatomy."
"But why?" Euna asks. "I don't know if I want to be part lindorm."
He laughs. "You won't. We're merely borrowing it's unique attributes. You talk of how they can swallow a whole herd of sheep. What you leave out is how they're able to eat so much. A full grown lindorm may be as long as a town-house measured end-to-end, but their torso is no thicker than yours. Yet after encountering your herd of cattle, it will slither away with a dozen cow-sized lumps along its body."
"So they're elastic?" you ask.
"They truly epitomize what we're trying to accomplish here. King Shahryar's knights had to search far and wide for an adult one, and many died capturing it so that we could harvest its organs. Let's not let their sacrifice be in vain, hmm?"
"There are some other steps we can take on top of the Lissom Roborant Euna has already been taking," Lanx says. "Flexible holes are fun, but if her body can't contort this way and that, then she'll run into trouble quickly."
"She's already pretty flexible," you say.
"I'm sure, but has she ever had a giant fold her legs straight against her chest to better turn her body into a sleeve that he can yank down on his club of a cock?"
"Hmm. Not yet."
"Exactly. A true size queen can handle that, or at least recover. We'll be injecting her with a specialized concoction to reinforce her muscles and ligaments and cartalidge so they can tolerate extreme stretches better. It'll make her pliable as a willow branch, but the idea is more to prevent injury. And unlike the Lissom Roborant, which is a simple tonic, this will result in a true alchemical transmutation. It's permanent."
"So what you're saying is I could always sell her to the circus as a contortionist if I get bored with her?"
"Sure," Lanx replies. "Provided she stretches regularly, you could probably even pack her into a chest to ship her there."
"You hear that, Euna?" Fira strokes Euna tenderly. "Now we can stow you away once we're done with you."
Euna gives a nervous smile. She's trembling.
Euna has been listening, despite her apprehension. "Does this mean I'll fit in among the contortionists if I should ever decide to run away to the circus?"
"Fit in?" Lanx says. "If you keep up with your regular stretches, you'll stand out, but we could fit you in to a chest to ship you there."
"Well..." She gulps. "All right. That's appealing at least. The flexibility, I mean. Not being crammed in a trunk."
"Of course," Lanx turns his attention to the speculum he slid inside Euna. It's wide enough for him to slip his hand inside her without touching the vaginalwalls, but apparently it's not wide enough. He cranks it a little more. You can see straight through to the puckered bump of her cervix.
"We designed a form of enhanced Lissom Roborant using pomegranate flowers that bloomed during a full moon," he says. "We're going to imbue it into her vaginal muscles, and much of her cervix too, so that it will start naturally producing it on its own. It will be as though she were under a constant high dose of Lissom Roborant for the rest of her life, only better. You can stretch your cunt as much as you want to no limit, and still squeeze it back to tightness assuming you're diligent with your pelvic floor exercises."
"Wait, that's really all I wanted," Euna says. "Maybe... maybe that's all you need to do. I don't need all these other changes."
"No good," Lanx shakes his head obstinantly. "It's all or nothing. You can't be a true size-queen unless your entire body is built towards it."
"We designed these transmutations to work in concert with each other," Fira says. "We can't remove parts of this and expect the other changes to work correctly."
"But just think about the nifty little benefits," Lanx says. "After this, you'll never need to take Lissom Roborant again. In fact, your vaginal nectar will be a more potent version of it."
"...My bodily fluids are going to have alchemical properties?"
"Many mythical creatures are like that," Lanx says, "and you'll practically be mythical after this."
"Oh Lord," Euna rests her head back. "What have I gotten myselfyou all gotten me into?"
"We overhaul her gut. King Shahryar enjoyed shoving things up girls' bottoms more than he did their quims."
"But what exactly do you mean by overhaul?" Euna says. "I don't like the sound of that."
"I mean just that. We'll embue your ass with some potent alchemy. It won't be able to stretch as much as your flower will, but the depth... the depth is where it can excel, because of this." He holds up a jar containing what appears to be a long strip of papery leather. It has the impression of scales.
"It's the shed skin of a lindorm," Lanx continutes. "Fira and I are going cover this over Euna's intestinal track. And then with the proper ointments and stimuli, its properties will absorb into her flesh, and her gut will be as accomodating as the lindorm."
"What?" Euna tries to sit up. "You're going to cut me open?"
"Don't worry. You'll be asleep for it all." He turns to you. "Try stretching it."
You do. It stretches as easily as tree sap, and it remains stretched, only slightly contracting as unsettled dough would. It's unlike any leather you've ever encountered.
"Very pliable," he says, "but very tough. Once Euna's gut is like that, it'll be able to be pumped full like you wouldn't believe."
"Swell..." Euna mutters.
"Blowjobs are a part of extreme sex too, but there are so many pesky little nuisances. The jaw, for instance, doesn't like to open that much, so we're imbuing it with a few properties from the lindorm."
"No!" Euna says. "Please tell me you're not going to change me so my jaw unhinges like a snake."
"Of course not. That would be silly," Lanx replies. "The jaw is just improved. More resilient. A little better designed. Capable of greater oral feats, if you will."
"It all comes as part of our full-body treatment," Fira adds. "We'll be working on your throat as well."
"And breathing," Lanx boasts. "Having massive cocks down your throat has always been a choking hazard, but as long as your nose and throat are unobstructed, you should at least survive, even if you might pass out."
Euna seems nonplussed by this. "You have all clearly put more thought into this than I ever did."
"Of course," Fira replies. "We had years to think about it."
"A great question," Lanx says, "and thank you for reminding me. Fira, we should probably start on those now."
"Right." Fira fetches a pair of leather cords and ties them tightly around the base of each of Euna's tits. "Just keep those there for a moment." Fira rummages through her equipment and prepares two needles attached by hoses to an inverted glass-beaker which Fira situates on a shelf up high. She waits until gravity draws the murky liquid within down the hoses and to the needle tips.
Lanx explains. "King Shahryar had some strange ideas for penetration and stuffing which I'm sure was driven by his constant quest for novelty. He had some particulary unique things he liked to do to his wives' breasts."
"But I strongly doubt it will ever come up for you," Fira says, "so don't worry about it." She slides the two needles into the sides of Euna's breasts, right by the armpit, where the swelling blood revealed the arteries feeding her tit flesh. Both punctures cause Euna to flinch.
"Ow!" Euna says. "If it won't come up, then why are you doing it?"
"This is a wholistic regimen," Fira removes the leather cords. The needles remain embedded. "We can't omit part of it, or other parts might not work correctly."
"What exactly were these strange ideas?" you ask.
"Let's just say they won't come up unless Euna engages in some other strange alchemies, or she starts lactating." Fira stabs two more needles-attached-to-beakers directly into the tips of Euna's nipples.
Once again, "Ow!"
"Substantially," Lanx replies.
"Actually," Fira adds, "we should start the pretreatment now."
"Right. Almost forgot." Lanx inserts a thin metal tube into Euna's splayed vagina and presses to the small puckered hole of her cervix. It pops in with a little effort, and Euna gives a small jolt. He attaches a funnel to the other end and pours in concoctions to drain into her. "King Shahryar loved breaking into his concubine's wombs, so it gets extra attention. The womb will undergo some remarkable changes."
"Will this make her barren?"
"Don't worry," Fira replies. "We're making sure she'll still be able to bear children."
"Could you go farther if you didn't bother? She wantsI want to abuse and stuff her womb so much that it won't be good for anything more than perverted sex."
"Really?" Fira looks at you quizzically, then at Euna.
"If that's what he wants," Euna says, "then do it. My body is his to ruin if he wants to."
"Yes," Euna says. "Really. I've decided my womb should be used only for depravity. I will not fulfill the duties my Lord once demanded of me."
Lanx shrugs. "If that's what you want, your womb is yours to ruin, but it won't be because of our alchemy. We've already designed it, and we're not changing anything now. Actually, you may find your fertility a tenacious thing after this. You'll have to do some extreme things to ruin it."
"We'll do our best," you say.
"Knowing Euna, I'm sure you two will," Fira replies.
"This isn't going to affect my ability to have children, is it?" Euna asks.
"Don't worry," Fira says. "King Shahryar was very clear that he wanted heirs. We took special care to make sure this process doesn't impact fertility. Just pay attention if your cervix ever tightens up and seals over."
"I can do that," Euna replies.
"Actually," Lanx adds, "childbirth will be trivial. Your body will be capable of the most extreme kind of pregnancies you can imagine."
"Extreme pregnancies?" Euna frowns. "Like triplets?"
"...Yes," Lanx is straight faced. "That's what I mean."
"Will her children be affected by what you're doing?" you ask.
"We're pretty sure the answer is yes," Lanx replies. "Many of the properties we're imbuing will express in future generations, but it won't be anything bad. Just a family of offspring more naturally atuned to handle extreme sex."
"They won't come out as freaks, will they?" Euna asks.
"If you're asking if they'll be inhuman somehow, no," Fira replies.
"But I think they may be freaks in bed," Lanx adds. "Or on stage, or in alleys. I would place good money that any children you ever have, Euna, won't grow up to be modest."
"Euna won't get the appetite of a lindorm, will she?"
"Are you really going to transmute her bones?"
"You said you're doing something to all her muscles?"
"You are going to work on her pussy too, right?"
"Did you say you were going to be working on her gut?"
"And you're doing what with her mouth?"
"What could you possibly be changing about her breasts?"
"Luck is for amateurs," Lanx says. "We are masters. Now leave us be. We must get started."
"Wait!" Euna looks to you wildly. "He's leaving?"
"Can't have him getting in our way. This will take all our concentration." He shepherds you toward the door.
"Be a dear and prep one of our chickens for dinner, won't you?" Fira calls. "Lanx and I won't have time to cook."
And with that, the door slams. Euna's wide eyes are the last thing you see.
They didn't make clear how long this would take. You listen at the door sometimes, but mostly you only hear quiet murmers between Lanx and Fira. Sounds like he gets irritated easily when he works.
Prepping a chicken is easy enough once you get their cauldron fire going again. You throw in some onions and cabbage from their crates, and you're quite impressed with the resulting feast, except the others don't come. So you eat alone. Lanx comes out near dusk, but only for a pee break before hurrying back in. The night crickets are churring when the two finally emerge.
"Did everything go all right?" you ask.
Fira nods. "She'll be fine."
Lanx picks at the cold chicken. "Hells. I'm glad we finally got a chance to see our project through, but never again. That was exhausting. Euna will henceforth be one-of-a-kind."
Fira helps herself as well. "She needs to rest. We'll observe her overnight. Thank you for dinner, but you might as well come back tomorrow morning."
They're both too tired to make much conversation, and after their late dinner, they return to the wagon, leaving you alone.
You point them out to Euna, and she follows you to investigate.
The young man indeed has his pants about his knees. He's seated on the steps with his hard dick pointed up. The women are having a serious discussion.
"Now try it again, but this time want it," says one. She seems the more physically mature of the women.
"Mother, stop! I don't want to. I don't need your help," says the younger. The resemblance is clear—same dusky skin, same oval brown eyes, except the girl is a youthful sprite compared to her matronly mother.
"Clearly you do," her mother says. "The very fact that you'd say you don't want to is evidence of that."
"What's going on?" Euna asks.
"Oh, nothing," the mother answers. "I'm trying to show my daughter how to show proper passion for sucking a cock."
"You are teaching your own daughter this?" Euna asks.
"Of course. She's an embarrassment to the women of our family line. My daughter, Inna here, was pleasing her lad here so poorly that he complained to me. Unacceptable."
"But I was doing fine," Inna whines. "I'm already really good at it. Tell them, Nayar." she pokes the young lad.
He shrugs. He's had a dumb grin this whole time.
"Go ahead," the mother says to her daughter. "Show them what your friends taught you."
Inna rolls her eyes and leans to take her boyfriend's softening cock in her mouth. What she proceeds to do is this choreographed effort. While her lips bop on his shaft, she complements her efforts with this two-handed grip where her hands make twisting strokes about the shaft.
It's a good effort, honestly. Many whores you've met wouldn't be skilled enough to do this, and it certainly does help. It maximizes stimulated surface area along the cock and scrotum.
But the boy looks bored, and the mother is already clicking her tongue. "That's just no good."
"It gets him off just fine," Inna snaps.
"I'm sure it does, dear, but you know what else does? His own hand. Nayar, be a good boy and show us."
"Huh?" His grin disappears.
"Play with yourself, like you would if you were alone."
"Uh, all right." The boy grasps his own cock and strokes it with natural casualness.
"See?" the mother says. "One hand. And none of those fancy tricks. He doesn't need them because he knows exactly what he wants to feel. That's why you will never compete with him with skill. There is only one thing you can offer which the men cannot give to themselves."
"My mouth?" Inna asks.
"Passion," the mother answers.
"But isn't the mouth something women can offer that men can't do to themselves?"
Nayar is on the steps as usual, dick out, but instead of Inna sucking him off, her mother is instead while she kneels nearby watching with a yearning expression. She's completely naked, and she's stroking herself feverishly. Between her legs comes a glimmer of silver of her laced up pussy, denying her penetration or direct clit stimulation.
The mother is fellating Nayar with utter abandon. She's hungry for his cock, and from the way he's twitching, it's as though she's sucking his soul out. It doesn't take him long to cum, and the mother suckles his cock lovingly until it's soft.
"Thank you, Nayar" she says. "I treasure every time you let me taste this wonderful cock of yours."
"Yeah, sure thing," he seems half-asleep.
The mother gets off and sits beside him. "Did you see all that, Inna?"
"Yes, mother," she replies quietly.
"Good. You can go to him now."
The daughter steps over and straddles her boyfriends lap. Her pussy presses to his thigh and rubs, but her thin silver lacing bars any true pleasure. She cradles his head and nuzzles against his neck, breath heavy. "Mother, please. May I suck his cock too? I want to so badly. Isn't this what you wanted?"
"Very much so," the mother says. "This deprivation is having the proper effect." She turns to you two. "You should see how happily she sucks off her father every morning. She waits for him to wake up. She adores him now. I think she actually climaxed the other night from only sucking him off."
"So is her training done?" Nayar asks.
"Well, no," the mother says. "I think... I think we should continue. Your father thinks so too."
"What for?"
"Well. Because... she... just isn't done. Right?" The mother looks to you. "Don't you agree? This is having a wonderful effect on my daughter."
"Yes, of course," Euna says. "This training has only just begun. This could take months even."
"Ah, see!" The mother replies, practically relieved.
"Yes," you add. "However..."
""...It's time to step up her training to full body worship. Surely her father can help with that."
"...someone needs to have sex with Nayar in the meantime. He's got needs."
"Of course I am," the mother replies. "I have to be. I'm a married woman, and do you know how hard it is to hold onto a husband in this town?"
"Hard, I can imagine," Euna says.
"Like you wouldn't believe. Harder after a dozen children." She gestures at her plump form. "There are a thousand women more comely than me would be happy to suck my husband's cock. But why does he stay with me? Because I'm not just happy to. I worship his cock. Every night, I show him my appreciation for giving me the great honor of tasting his flesh and drinking his cum."
"Yes," Euna agress. "It was a very strange demonstration to witness, but I see your point. It was certainly much more erotic to watch you work than your daughter."
The mother turns to her girl. "Take the lesson to heart. Whenever you have a chance to suck a cock, make sure it's just you and that cock. No other thoughts. No distractions. Just your passionate adoration."
"Yes, Mother. Thank you. Can we go now?"
"Yes. Run along."
Inna is quick to pull Nayar along and disappear into the house.
The mother sighs. "Seems like only the other day I was nursing her. She was so easy to handle then."
"They do grow up quickly," Euna agrees. "Thank you for letting us observe."
"Of course. I'm proud to show my talent. I only hope she will be too someday."
You and Euna continue along. Down the street, she speaks. "That was an odd encounter. Though it was nice to see a mother taking an interest in her daughter's upbringing."
"It was also quite hot," you reply.
Euna pulls you along. Down the street, she mutters to herself. "Lord, that was strange."
"Strange?" you ask. "I thought it was quite inspiring, a woman passing her wisdom on to her daughter. Also, it was hot."
"And what did you find so hot about it?"
The mother rolls her eyes. "Please... The mouth is not the secret to good fellatio. It is merely a tool we can use. If the mouth was all that made the difference, then men would be jamming their tools down the gullets of fish to pleasure themselves."
"Actually," you say, "back where I grew up—"
"Please," the mother replies.
"Through love," the mother replies. "It's that simple. You love their cock. You love its taste, its smell, the feel of it between your lips. You love the opportunity to connect with your man in such an intimate way. You love every drop of that yummy cum they give you when you please them. You show them this love with every second you have the privilege of sucking their cock. That's all there is to it. Here, dear. Let me show you. Shoo." She ushers her daughter to back up.
"No!" Inna says. "I don't you to suck my boyfriend off."
"I'm sorry, dear, but you have to learn." With that, she takes Nayar's cock down her throat until her lips seal about the base. She proceeds to suck him off with more gusto than the most seasoned and shameless wench would ply. She's desperate for it, and it's firing her up so much she has to keep stopping to catch her breath. When she does, she lets the wet cock rest against her face. She nuzzles it, only to devour it again. She's moaning now. It's not clear who's going to get off first, but the boy is certainly enjoying this more. He's groans and thrusts his hips up as he begins to cum. The mother eagerly sucks down every drop.
One must wonder if perhaps this entire "demonstration" was only an excuse for her to taste Nayar for herself. Or perhaps that's just the sort of gusto she's talking about.
Once he's done, the mother lifts away, breathless. "See?" Her mouth is full of his cum. She's still enjoying it. "He wasn't doing that... with you... was he? Any... questions...?"
"Yes," Inna says. "Can you stop? He's my boyfriend."
"And yet here we are." The mother swallows the cum and address the boy. "Tell me. Who's blowjob did you prefer.
The boy has melted in relaxation. This lesson no longer concerns him, but he gives the predictable answer. "Yours."
"Mother!" Inna crosses her arms. She's grumpy, but she can't argue the serene expression in her boyfriend's face. "Fine. I get it."
"What has your daughter been doing that's wrong?"
"You certainly seem like an expert in this area."
Inna is avidly engaged in blowing her boyfriend, while her mother taps a finger to her lip and scrutinizes her daughter's progress. She smiles when you two approach. "Hello, you two. You're just in time to see how my daughter has been coming along. Watch with me."
You do. To the girl's credit, she's sucking the cock with an attempt at gusto, but it's hardly the show the mother gave last time you two saw them. Eventually, Nayar groans, The daugher is rewarded with a spurt of cum to swallow down. She looks up at her mother expectantly.
"He's not soft yet," the mother says. "You shouldn't let up until you've gotten every drop and left. You shouldn't want to."
With a quiet sigh, the girl does so. Once finished, she faces her mother again. "Happy?"
"Not really, dear. Your enthusiasm, feels forced."
"It's not forced. I'm doing fine."
"Are you?" She turns to you. "What do you two think?"
Euna chews her lip. "Well...."
"See?" the mother says.
"But I'm doing everything you told me to," Inna says. "Nayar liked it."
"Did you, Nayar?"
He's trying not to look amused. "It was alright."
The mother tuts. "See? You still lack passion. This passion comes from pursuit. It comes from drive. The women of our family have a reputation to uphold."
"I don't care about our reputation, Mother. Will you butt out and leave us alone?"
The mother gasps and rises up. "You do not speak to your mother in that way. Certainly not in front of others."
The mother gasps.
Euna frowns. "You dare speak to your mother like that? In front of others no less?"
"Clearly my work is not done here," the mother says. "This teenage attitude of yours must be driven out by any means necessary for the sake of our family's pride."
Inna senses trouble coming. "I'm sorry, Mother. I didn't mean anything."
"Certainly not, but you need more guidance. You'll learn to love cock if it's the last thing I do. But how to teach you..."
You approach the family to once again find Inna busy sucking her boyfriend's cock. Her mother watches on, finger to her lip. She nods to you two. "Hello again. Come watch my daughter. She's coming along. Wouldn't you say?"
Inna is laboring with remarkably more fervor, but what you notice is that she's topless. Her pert, modest tits are plain to see.
"Underdressed, is she?" Euna says.
The mother shrugs. "My daughter has been getting so many stains on her tunic, and I simply don't have time to wash them all. So until her training is done, she is to be topless."
"Ah, so she's been fellating a good many men?" Euna asks.
"Oh goodness yes. She's been busy up and down the street with all the neighbors, not to mention all the house guests we've had lately. It seems all the men want to help with my daughter's training. And it's having an effect. Just last night she came home from a night with her girlfriends, and she had crusty cum in her hair. She'd sucked off some of her friends. And no one made her do that. But then other times, she's less in the mood. This morning, she was practically lackluster when two of our neighbors came to visit."
Inna is laboring with remarkably more fervor, but what you notice is that she's not wearing a skirt. Her sex is on display. It's dainty with a thin sparse bush, and there's a glint of thin silver lines crisscrossing her small labia.
"Oh please, take a closer look," the mother says. "Dear, spread your legs for them."
While sucking, Inna does so, and you and Euna close in for closer scrutiny.
A silver chain as thin as a thread crisscrosses her labia, looping through a dozen rings piercing the lengths of her labia. Her sex is closed neatly into a self-contained slit. And at the very top, it crosshatches four rings about her clitoral hood to hold it closed. Her clit is tucked away.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" the mother says. "I've forbidden my daughter from wearing her dresses so everyone can see Clara's craftsmanship. It's been doing its job wonderfully."
"What do you mean?" Euna asks.
"See for yourself. Touch her. Stroke her. See what happens."
Euna runs her fingers along the girl's labia and circles her hood. The girl's reaction is remarkable. She shudders under Euna's slight touch. Her hips thrust to press herself against Euna.
Euna's finger comes away glistening with arousal.
"See?" the mother says. "She's been so desperate for release. It's put so much need into her blowjobs. She's starting to get it now."
"I like it," Euna says. "It looks so elegant too."
"Doesn't it? Now she just needs more experience..."
Inna is laboring with remarkably more fervor than before. She almost seems hungry for his cock.
"She's better," Euna says.
"You should see her with her father," the mother says. "First few mornings I had to drag her to his room. Now not only does she go willingly, she's been coming in at night to ask if he'd like her to suck him off before bed."
"But is it out of appreciation? Or duty?" Euna asks.
"I'm sure it was obligation at first," the mother replies. "But you should have seen her eyes this morning. There was such love and adoration. And she plays with herself as she does so too. Climaxes with him."
"That's progress, isn't it?" Euna says.
"It certainly is, but does she show such love to all cocks? Or just her father's?"
Nayar shudders. Inna drinks hungrily once he climaxes, and she doesn't stop suckling and licking until he's soft. But then she sits up, calm as a quiet dawn. Her chores is done. "Good enough?" she asks.
"You've come a long way, dear," her mother says.
"Does this mean I'm finally done with my training?"
"No. Not quite yet."
"Please, mother? I've done everything you've told me to. I've blown every man you've brought to me. I haven't cum in days. I'm going to explode. I've treated Father every morning, and most nights too. And I'm happy to. Haven't I been a good daughter?"
"You have, but the very fact that you feel that way tells me we still have ages to go. We must do more for your training, but what to do...?"
Once again, the mother is watching her daughter, Inna, suck someone off, but this time the man on the steps is not Nayar. He's a hairy-chested stranger with a bald head and a thick beard. His bulbous cock is nestled in a thicket of hair, and Inna is sucking it with lustful desperation.
Oddly, Inna is fully naked, and her hands are tied behind her back. Bent over as she is, her pussy is fully displayed, along with the thin silver chain lacing up her labia. Arousal drips.
The mother spots you. "Oh, hello."
"Hello," Euna says. "No Nayar today?"
"Alas, no. That boy broke up with Inna. Seems now that she's known for being that tied-up girl that sucks everyone off at the festival, he doesn't want her anymore. Too dirty. And to think she was doing all this for him."
"I'm so sorry," Euna says. "How is she taking it?"
"She cried the other night, but... "The mother gestures to Inna, who's too busy guzzling this burly man's dick. "I think she has discovered a new love."
"This gentleman?" Euna asks.
The man waves. "Hi. I'm Jalid."
"Hello, Jalid," you say. "Are you Inna's new boyfriend?"
He chuckles. "No. I just saw the line."
The mother explains. "The line of men. She's been at it all morning. I sent the rest away."
"Who tied her up?" Euna asks.
"I did, yesterday. I took her out to the festival for more training and left her her, bound as usual. I thought it might take her mind off of Nayar, but she never came back. Then I find her out here on the stoop this morning. She's been up all night."
The man on the stoop grunts. He grasps Inna's head. After drinking his cum, she gazes up at him. "Thank you. Your cum is delicious."
"Heh. You're welcome." He tucks up and heads out. Inna turns and sits on the steps. That's when you see her front.
She's got dried cum all over her chin, hair, and especially her modest tits. But more noticeably, she has silver ring piercings for each nipple, and a thin silver chain draped between them. It matches well with the chain lacing her quim.
"Oh my!" Euna says.
"Yes. Permanent." the mother says wearily. "While her lacing kept the lusty men from impregnating her, it didn't keep them from defacing her."
"It's not bad," Euna says. "Quite well done, actually."
"Yes. Clara's work. I'm not sure why she agreed to pierce a bound girl. Speaking of..." The mother comes over and undoes her daughter's arm bindings.
After rubbing her raw wrists, Inna wipes fresh cum from her face and licks her fingers clean. Her other hand goes between her legs to rub her her sealed lips. "Thank you, mother. And I said I don't care about Nayar anymore. I'm over him. He wasn't letting me suck him off enough anyway. I'd rather find men who will let me do that as much as I want."
"I'm sure you you do, dear." The mother whispers to you two. "I haven't the slightest idea what I'm to do with her. Ever since she's been spending time at the festival, I've had men coming by here at all hours looking for blowjobs. They harass my other daughters. Honestly, it's easier when Inna stays out all night."
You have the answer. "You should..."
"...just keep the 'training' going forever. It'll keep her out of the house."
" proud of her. Now it's time to train your other daughters."
You approach to find Nayar reclined as usual on the steps, dick out. Inna is hunched over before him devouring his cock with lustful hunger. She's utterly naked, her knelt legs spread wide, with one hand scrubbing at her clit while her arousal drips down her inner thighs. Breath shallow and pace frantic, that girl has no care about her audience. No matter how much she suck, she needs only more.
The mother nods approvingly. "She's finally found the hunger, hasn't she?"
"Good Lord," Euna says. "She's bestial."
"Isn't she? And she has her brothers to thank for it. They so admirable. All seven of them took responsibility for helping their sister's training. Hardly an hour goes by when not one of them summons her to crawl over. And at night, my! Her door stays open, and I hear them coming and going until dawn. She's exhausted by the time she comes crawling in to tend to her father."
"And it worked?"
"She was grumpy at first. All the lost sleep, and the climbing around under the table at dinner, but she came around. Now she clambers to her brothers when they call. Maybe she's gone a little sex mad, honestly."
"And she's naked why?" you ask.
"Oh, my boys stole her clothes. They say they like her better like this. Probably my youngest's idea of a prank."
When Nayar groans, Inna grows frantic. She climaxes right alongside him, and every drop of his cum is like nectar to her. She nuzzles his dick until he's soft, letting it leave trails along her face. He finally pushes her off. She sits beside him and continues playing with herself.
"Very good, Inna," the mother says. "You finally know how to properly treat a cock."
She beams, but her smile flickers. "Does this mean you're done training me?"
"Well, that's a good question," she says. "I'm not sure what more I can teach you."
"Well," you reply, "maybe it's time..."
"...she learn new skills. Does she have any sisters?"
" give her away. It's time she worship Nayar and his family."
"Our Lord Father Nimel frowns on all intimacy that is not meant to produce a child in wedlock," she says, "but such comforting has a way of happening anyway. Often at night, some sisters might creep the halls like mice while the cat is asleep."
"Is Reverend Mother Margosha the cat?"
"She's caught sisters from time to time. Usually, she'd flog both and then send one off to another convent."
"And what would she do if she saw you here now?"
"Oh! She'd flay me alive. Especially if she saw me with you."
"You mean she doesn't like me? Is that why she was always calling me a shameless slut?"
Euna nuzzles. "That may be."
She lifts and looks at you. "You can? I thought men... or, well... women like you, needed long rest between intercourse."
"Did you learn that at the convent?"
"It's not true, then?"
"No. I can go again."
"Then yes, let's do it."
And you do. This time she's passionate from the beginning. Her arms and legs coil about you, and she moans as you thrust into her. This sex lasts significantly longer. By the end she's mewling. Crying out, she bucks and writhes. You shoot your seed deep within her again, and collapse.
She cradles you close. "That," she says, "was more like it."
"Again? Wouldn't you rather just cuddle like this."
"I love to cuddle." You pull her on top of you. Your legs tangle with hers. Your thigh presses against her sex, just as hers finds yours. "We can cuddle all night, just like this," you say. You gently rub. So slow as to be involuntary, her groin rubs back. Her smooth sex glides against your thigh.the brush of fur between her legs scrubs your thigh. Wetness paints your skin. Her face remains nestled in the crook of her neck, and her tickling breath grows irregular. This goes on, slowly building. You try to move slightly, only for her arms to clamp tighter. Her own thigh presses against your sex.
"Just like this," she whispers. "Please."
It continues exactly like this, as though she has found perfect spot. Any change will break this growing bubble. It's both awkward—amateurish in how she explores this sex with utter naivety—but also endearing for the same reason.
The tighter your mutual hug, the stronger her shudders becomes until finally the whimpers return. The grinding picks up, and though she's content to stick with what works for her, you make one simple change: you sneak your hand down her back, over her buttocks, just to simply brush your fingers along her slit.
That sets her off. Euna wails into your shoulder and grinds with fervor. In you, your own bubble pops, and in your ecstasy, you two can't clutch each other hard enough. But the end comes eventually, and you two find yourselves just as you were, thighs to sex, both breathless and exhausted.
"That," she whispers, "was certainly worth it."
Euna's smile lingers as her eyes hold yours. Without warning, she leans and plants a quick kiss upon your lips.
That wasn't enough for either of you, and you pull her in. Soon you're both lost in passion—tongues and bodies intertwine. When she pulls away, you both realize that some audience were still watching. They hoot and pound their tables.had remained. They cheer and whistle. Euna blushes, but at their encouragement, she kisses you again. Her fingers coil through your hair. Your hands slide along her side. Hers rake your back. The crowd loves it.
She finally breaks away, breathless and flushed, and grinning shyly from the attention. Lingering cheers cause her to bury her face in her hands, but she can't stop smiling.
"I may? Then in that case... How did you hide it from me all this time? Your scandalous performances. Your revealing outfits. Your countless dalliances."
"When I would perform, what is the first thing you, as a proper Nimic lady, would do?"
"I'd avert my eyes."
"Exactly. Same with your aunt, that's if she'd show up to the court banquets at all."
"But still, a secret like this..."
"...Is not as much of a secret as you'd think. Most people in the court knew. Some knew intimately. The only people who'd really care were you and your aunt, and it's not like anyone would ever tell you."
"So you never hid it?"
"Oh, I did. In Ruthgar, women like me learn how to be discreet in the ways we dress and the company we keep, but really as long as we avoided certain places, such anywhere Nim's hand looks upon, we were fine."
"How did you come to be?" she asks. "I mean, you weren't born this way, were you? Is that rude to ask?"
"That is a long tale which I will save for another time."
"Of course." She settles back down against you.
She thinks. "I've realized that my whole life has been this story written by my aunt. She decided that I would be a Daughter of Nim. She convinced me to take the vows. She wanted me to marry whom she wanted. And because of it, I've been living this narrow, sequestered life. But it wasn't to protect me. She chose me because of my birthright. If my sister had been born first, maybe you'd be telling her stories about me."
"You mean this?" Her hand strays to lightly touch your cock. "I wouldn't say little, but I understand what you mean." She hesitates. "I suppose I figured it didn't make a difference. You are what you've always been, and when I saw the worry in your eyes, I realized how much you must have been dreading how I'd react because of my upbringing. I was taught to see people like you as an abomination, but you're not. You're a harlot and a pervert, but you're just as much of a human being as I am."
"I'm not sure you would have felt this way when I first washed up on this land."
"No, I wouldn't have, but since I've arrived here, I've realized how sheltered I've become from the way the world really is. I've decided it makes no difference to me what you are." She snuggles closer against you. "I do still have a hundred questions, but I'll restrain myself."
"I think so," she says. "I think I was too tense. I kept expecting Lord Father Nimel to come down from the skies and smite me, but after all this waiting, and hearing so many horrible and wonderful things about it, it was... I guess I expected more."
"The first time is always more of an experiment. As you get used to it, you'll enjoy yourself more."
"I guess we'll see. It's done now. There's no reason to avoid it anymore."
Her cheeks are pink. "I don't know what came over me."
"They loved it."
"I know. So many were watching. It made it... Heavens, that was wild!" She peeks back at the street. Lingerers call for an encore. "Oh, heavens. They want us to do it again!" She face turns a deeper crimson.
"Always leave the audience wanting more," you say.
At camp, Euna bids you to go freshen up at the river. You do so, washing sweat from your body and rinsing your hair. You know very well that she's making preparations of her own, and sure enough, when you return, Euna is reclined upon the alcove bedding, staring at you with contented eyes. She's waiting for you.
You sit beside her and pull her close. With lips locked, your hand explores along the milk skin of her breasts, down the curve of her thighs.
It finds the silk cord of her gown. She regards you as you loosen it and pull it off. For her gown, she lifts her butt off the ground so you can slide it off and overhead.
It finds the knot of her velvet sash. She regards you as you tug the knot free and let her sash fall away. For her fishnet top, she lifts her back enough so you can peel it off over her head.
It finds the laces of her bodice. She regards you as you loosen it and pull it off. For her skirt, she lifts her butt off the ground for you to pull them off. Only in her chemise now, she does not stop you when you lift the hem up her body.
She's left nude and trembling. Her smooth pussy has flowered open.Her pussy is nestled within a mane of blond hair. The lips glisten. Her breasts appear next, perfect unblemished orbs. A ring of bumps circle her areolas.
It's your turn now. You peel off your clothes, tunic first, and then shuffle about to tug off your leggings.
At camp, you both freshen up by the river. Euna watches you closely as you wipe the sweat from your brow and the nape of your neck. On the walk to the cave, her hand finds yours, and once there, she holds that hand tight as she heads to the alcove.
She pulls you down upon her, and you untie the cord of her gown, allowing the silk to slip away.unknot her sash, allowing it to slip away. At first, you suckle her nipples through her fishnet blouse, but finally peel it off over her head.tug down her chemise, revealing her body little by little. Your lips trace the curve of her collar bone. the milk skin of her breasts, the ring of bumps circling her areolas. Her nipples grow stiff to your tongue. Her sides, her arms, her neck, her lips. All are perfect in their own way, and teasing each brings about shudders.
She rolls over onto you, and takes her own chance to get familiar with your body. With her gentle pulls, your tunic peels off. Her lips are upon your tender breasts. Then she tugs at your tights.
Your hardening cock springs free. She stares at it curiously. It's hard to tell what she's thinking. She looks at you, sees your eyes, and the way you're chewing your lip. It's as though she sees all your thoughts, and her posture relaxes. Tentatively, she scoots closer. Her hand cautiously reaches out. "May I?" she asks.
You nod.
She takes your cock in her hand and plays with it curiously. It hardens to her touch, which encourages her. She hefts its weight and traces her fingers along your crown. All the while, you wait, letting her grow familiar this member.
Apprehensive as she is, it seems she's decided it suits her, for she lies back with her legs wide and allows you to climb over her. She hisses inwardly as you enter. Your rhythm is gentle, but as your shared passion grows, so does your pace. Her breathing comes out in gasps.
Faster and faster you go. Her arms and legs wrap about you. It becomes too much and you can no longer contain yourself. Her body quakes. Afterward, you hug her head to your chestbreasts.
She's silent for a long time. A few sniffles escape, but you know no words will help that. You simply hold her until she finally speaks.
"Oh," she says.
"Just, oh."
Exposed to each other, you explore. In time, your fingers creep down her belly and sliver between wet lips. She jolts and clutches you close as those fingers perform their own exploration. Noises escape her. First small whimpers but finally comes one long moan. It's almost lamenting.
Your mutual passion simmers down for a while after that as you both simply hold each other.
She breaks the silence. "My, that was certainly something."
"Just something?"
She snuggles you closer. "It certainly wasn't nothing, was it?"
"No, No. There have been many young men who've captured my eye. I've dreamed of what man I might marry. Not Grand Duke Vasilyevich, but some man. I'd fancy him, and he'd be a gentleman. We would love each other, and I long to feel his love in our bed so that I could bear him many heirs." She pauses. "What about you?"
"Oh, I love the pounding of a good hard cock," you reply.
"My eyes are only for women," you say, "which is why I'll happily watch if you have sex with other women." Then with mock sincerity, "...if you so choose, Your Highness."
"I've no interest in cock," you reply, "but I don't fault you for enjoying a good pounding."
She shakes her head. "Must you always be so crude?"
"I must, Your Highness."
"I suppose you wouldn't be you if you were a dignified lady."
"Then maybe we should try," Euna replies.
"I thought you were more concerned about getting off these lands," you say.
"Perhaps you had the right idea, that we could earn money this way and buy our way home. It might be worth trying."
"I am, but... maybe you're right. It might be good for us to relax for a night. One night."
"Then I'd be delighted. What should we play?"
Euna pulls the lyre off her shoulder. "This, I suppose, but I've never played for an audience before. I think these people might not like my more... subtle style."
"You mean refined?"
"It'll be fine. Your music will set the mood for my act."
"What will you do?"
"You've seen my acts before."
"In Father's court, yes. But all you'd do is tell stories and dirty jokes, or get the crowd to sing those filthy songs of yours."
"There you go. That should work perfectly for a crowd this drunk."
She chews her lip. "I don't know... I'm not sure how I'd help."
"Come. I'll show you." You lead her behind the Siren's Bounty among discarded cratesto a secluded alley where you help her work out several songs with different moods and tones. She practices transitioning between them at your signals. You both make plenty of errors, many comical, and you laugh together at the mistakes, but soon, she's ready. Returning to the tavern, you both take the stage.You two hunt down a bare spot near the festivity's outskirts. She plays, and you spin tales. Festival goers linger. Your antics feed your tales. They're unbelievably raunchy, eliciting gales of laughter. Euna sets the tone perfectly. She transitions right along with the mood of your stories as though you two had worked together all your lives.
After years back home of watching your acts with dull eyes, all the humor has finally caught up to her. She laughs and cheers right along with the audience.
"It will set the mood perfectly for my dance."
"Your dance?"
"You've seen me dance before."
"Those were not refined dances. They were little more than stripteases to titulate the men in my father's court."
"They were artistic," you reply. "And they were slow, and sensual, like your music." And then. "And I never stripped court ...not entirely anyway."
"If you say so." She chews her lip. "So how does this work?"
"Come. I'll show you." You lead her behind the Siren's Bounty among discarded cratesto a secluded alley where you help her work out several songs with different rhythms and tones. She practices transitioning between them at your signals. You both make plenty of errors, many comical, and you laugh together at the mistakes, but soon, she's ready.
Returning to the tavern, you both take the stage.You two hunt down a bare spot near the festivity's outskirts. She plays, and you dance. Festival goers linger. Your dance is a ballet of waves. The turbulences starts in your legs. It undulates through your belly, and crests through your chest and arms. You explore yourself as though celebrating your own body. The pirates leer.The men watch with interest, and the women with admiration.
Euna's music transitions the mood of your dances from sensual to excited, and back again, as though telling story, with it's rhythm, rise, climax, and release. After years back home of watching your acts with a sneer, she seems finally to have noticed the skill of your craft—the flexibility of your limbs, the tone of your acrobatic muscles, the grace of your lithe body. Even when others begin their own dances to her music, it's you she watches.
Eventually, many sailors leave. The crowd thins, and so you bid everyone goodnight. However, some of your audience had tossed coins onto the stage, which you collect before you both return to the table.
The sky darkens. The crowd thins, and so you bid everyone goodnight.
Euna is giddy. "That was delightful!"
Bowing, you kiss her hand.
"Thank you, but you were the star. I never realized how talented you are back home. I only saw your silly clothes."
"My silly clothes?" you say. "Those clothes made me the Fool. Without them, I'd just be a man embarrassing himself before the court."
Euna laughs. "You're always embarrassing yourself, but you're quite good at it."
You bow from your waist so low your hair brushes the planks.cobble.
She blushes. "Thank you, but you were the star. I never realized how talented you are back home. I only saw that scandalous chest wrapleotard."
You gasp in shock. "That wrapleotard was for acrobatics. Was I to perform such dances in street clothes."
"They certainly do call for a wide range of motion," she says. "Such novel ways to put your legs above your head for your captive audience."
"No." She pauses. "I don't know. I just want a chance to live the life my aunt denied me. Maybe there's still room for Nim. Maybe I'll later give penance, and this will just be a chapter in my life." She sighs. "Or maybe I'm just a silly girl who's succumbed to temptation. I don't regret it though, not tonight anyway."
"You'd be surprised," she says. "The convent was full of women, most young. Many aren't there by choice. Many need comfort, so things happen."
"...Things with you?"
"Me? I was a good little nun." Eyes closed, she sighs and smiles. "But even a good little nun might have a story or two."
"Is such comforting smiled upon by Nim?"
"What made you decide to do it?"
"You took my unique little difference well."
"Are your eyes only for your fellow woman?"
"I would never have expected a daughter of Nim to dare lie with another woman."
Size, Stretching, and Large Insertions
This path includes subjects such as fisting or stretching of holes. The farther Euna progresses down this path, the larger objects she'll be able to take, becoming more and more of a size-queen.
Reaching size-curious
This is the 1st tier of Size, Stretching, and Large Insertions.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- From storytelling, In The Prowling Lilins, tell her about the Warped Ones.
To promote
First, Euna must be amorous.
Next tier: loose
Reaching loose
This is the 2nd tier of Size, Stretching, and Large Insertions. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be size-curious.
At this level, Euna is now able to take a fist, and willfully engage in stretching herself, instead of having to be convinced.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- From storytelling, In The Vixens, talk about Bogdana's absurdly large dick.
- During sex, Finger Euna, and keep trying to force more fingers.
- At the daywithers, have Euna demonstrate with a slightly larger mushroom.
- Take Euna to the city feast. Eat and watch. When a group of men encourage Shirina to do her trick with a large sausage, stay and watch.
To promote
First, Euna must be adventurous.
Try and fist her during sex. Start by fingering her, and then work up from that.
Next tier: stretched
Reaching stretched
This is the 3rd tier of Size, Stretching, and Large Insertions. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be loose.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- At the daywithers, encourage Euna to impale herself on one.
- After using the runic pestle in bed atleast once, use it during sex and leave it in. Make sure you have Lanx's ropes.
- Eat at the city feast. A girl will want to have Shirina fit apples inside her. Dare Euna to try the same.
To promote
First, Euna must be lewd.
Once she has the prerequisite experience, acrobats will appear at the city festival. Watch them, then talk with Lanx afterward. Euna will promote the next available morning.
Next tier: gaping
Reaching gaping
This is the 4th tier of Size, Stretching, and Large Insertions. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be stretched.
At this level, Euna is capable of taking insertions deeper, even into her own womb.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- During sex, push two hands into Euna's sex.
- At the daywithers, have Euna impale herself on an even bigger one after the first.
- At the city feast, eat there until Shirina offers apples. Keep handing them to Euna as she eats.
To promote
First, Euna must be promiscuous.
Once Euna has the prerequisite experience, Shirina will ask you to get an alchemical ointment for her from Lanx and Fira. Fetch it and return to Shirina. She will then ask Euna to fill in for her for an upcoming banquet. Euna will promote from this banquet.
This banquet will vary in extremes depending on Euna's progression along Pain and Filth.
Next tier: cavernous
Reaching cavernous
This is the 5th tier of Size, Stretching, and Large Insertions. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be gaping.
This path includes subjects such as fisting or stretching of holes. The farther Euna progresses down this path, the larger objects she'll be able to take, becoming more and more of a size-queen.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- During sex, fist Euna, and then use the Agnodine.
- At the daywithers, try having Euna penetrate herself into her womb. She'll get stuck and need to remove it leaving the mountains.
- At the city feast, accept the challenge that Euna get stuffed with an apple for every person who helps clean.
To promote
First, Euna must be whorish.
Once she has the requisite amount of experience, she will express one morning that she feels as though she's plateauing with her stretches and she'd like to go farther. Go talk with Lanx and Fira. After that, you'll need to gather one thousand rubles and return to them.
Down a dark alley, a group of men have surrounded a young girl who's laying upon her back. She's naked, revealing a dusky lithe body with small plum breasts. Around her dark brown nipples are numerous bite marks and bruises. Her hands are tied above her head with what looks to be her dress. Her mouth is gagged, though you're not sure with what.
One man is laying upon her with his pants at his knees. He's thrusting clumsily between her legs. The others stand around, laughing, leering, and stumbling drunk. They drink from tankards, and some occasionally spit beer onto the girl. She turns her face away, but with a man on top of her, it's all she can do.
"Oh Lord!" Euna says. "They're ravaging her!"
It seems that way. With her mouth gagged, she can make no noise. Her head is turned to the side and her eyes are closed as though she's resigned herself to endure this. Though from the looks it, they're almost done. Cum is splattered in her hair from previous ravagings.
"We should do something!" she says.
"Yes, we should. You should offer yourself to the men instead to spare the girl."
Euna's eyebrow raises. "It seems she is, isn't she?" She steps over near the girls head. "I suppose it is the way of things around here, and she did offer after all."
"She did," you agree.
Euna caresses her hand along the girl's flank. Her fingertips play along the girls puffy nipples. They trail through a string of semen.
"Please!" The girl says suddenly.
Euna yanks her hand away. "Yes?"
The girl hesitates, then says, "Could you... put the gag back in?"
Euna relaxes, then she pauses to consider thoughtfully. "No," she says. "I will not. I want your mouth free for something else." With that, Euna steps one foot on either side the girl's head.
WIth wide eyes, the girl stares up Euna's gownunder Euna's sashunder Euna's skirt as Euna squats down. Her face disappears beneath the hem as Euna presses her snatch against the girl's mouth. Euna hisses in pleasure and arches her back. She rocks back and forth, smearing herself along the girl's face.
Soon, she's twitching with pleasure. She leans over the girl's body till her own face is level with the girl's cum-encrusted snatch. In between her gasps, Euna darts her tongue out to tease the puffy folds of the girl's labia. Then she digs in, licking and sucking up cum. The girl responds with a squeal. She presses her feet into the ground, lifting her butt up. Euna's mouth remains glued to the girl.
After a while, Euna presses the girl's legs wider apart and spreads the girl's pussy. She looks up at you. "Come and enjoy her too."
You kneel between the girl's legs and guide your cock to her spread pussy. Euna's tongue has cleaned away most of the cum left over from the men, yet the girl is still oozing wet. You slide in easily. Grabbing the girl's hips, you begin pumping away. Euna watches contentedly.
Feeling the girl's pussy squeezing your cock, you fire your seed deep inside her. Spent, you pull out. Euna leans forward and takes your cock in her mouth, sucking away cum from both you and the girl and whatever men's seed still remained in her. After you back away, Euna buries her face in the girl's snatch. She sticks her tongue up inside the girl's hole to lap away whatever cum you've deposited.
"Come," she dismounts from the girl's face. "You should enjoy her too."
Removing your leggings, you climb onto the girl's face and her tongue immediately dives into the folds of your sex. She's not bad. You're already twitching every time her tongue darts along your clit. Her lips work their own magic as well.
Euna settles between the girl's legs to once again taste the girl's pussy. However, she dines for her own pleasure, not the girl's. Your toes are curling in climax long before Euna brings the girl anywhere near pleasure. After you sit back, Euna spins about to once again enjoy the girl's mouth upon her sex. This time, there's no concern at all about reciprocating pleasure for the girl.
Euna leans back and props herself on her hand. Within moments, Euna's body trembles. She cries out in orgasm and grinds her pussy against the girl's face. When Euna lifts away, the girl gasps for air. Her face glistens with Euna's cream.
Euna sits above the girl's head, her legs still wide apart, her dripping snatch in clear view. She undoes the girl's bindings.
"You're deranged." Euna undoes the girl's bindings.
"You can't be serious," Euna says.
"Why not?"
"Because..." She flounders. "It's... We'd be taking advantage of her."
"I think that's the idea." You look at the girl. "What do you think?"
"Do whatever you want," she says. "I can't stop you."
It's not quite the answer Euna needed to hear. She makes up her mind and starts undoing the girl's bindings.
"You're not getting half," he says.
"All you have to do is give her ten minutes on the block," you say. "I've done all the work for you."
"You get twenty percent, or you get lost."
Euna puts Marion's robes back over her shoulder.
The girl sighs as though she's been holding her breath. "I'm not being sold then?" It's hard to tell whether she's relieved or disappointed.
"Not here." Together you three start heading off.
"All right, fine," the slaver says. "Fifty percent. But that is the best you'll get."
Both the girl and Euna startle at your words.
"Her bottom?" Euna asks.
"Yes," you reply simply.
"I'm... I'm not sure I'm ready to clean the mess after that."
It could become messy, much more so than anything Euna has cleaned before.
"Very well," you say, "but I will still fuck her flower."
Euna backs up and makes way for you. "Of course," she says. "As you wish."
The girl startles at your words. Even Euna's eyes widen momentarily, but she backs up to make way for you. "Of course," she says. "As you wish."
You situate yourself before the girl. Lowering your breechesTugging off your leggings, you press the girl's legs tight against her chest and penetrate her ass no differently than the men had. Her battered asshole accepts your member begrudgingly. She cries out in pain. Not surprising given how sore her sphincter must be. Deep inside her, you can feel the sludgy mess left behind by her rapists.
You situate yourself between the girl's legs. Lowering your breechesTugging off your leggings, you lie on top of the girl and and penetrate her no differently than the men did. She winces in pain. Not surprising given how sore she must be.
As you fuck the girl, you fondle her breasts and body to your content. This is a tenderless act of getting your own end off. The girl is hardly a piece of meat for this, but from the way she gasps and arches her back, there's no doubt that this, and everything those men did to her, is what she wants, at least at some level.
After emptying your seed into her bowels, you pull off. The state of your crotch is more severe than any mess the girl had. Her bowels had been stirred up from such repeated violations, and a sludge of brown semen coats your cock.
Euna is considerably more hesitant to resume cleaning, but even the girl is watching her, waiting to see what she does. Crawling forward, Euna takes your cock into her mouth and fellates your erection. The scum cleans away. Resting your hand on her head, you force her down on your cock a few times, eliciting a few gags. Her tongue keeps working. Once your shaft is clean, she tongues away filth caked under the crown. She sucks away congealed clumps along the shaft's base.
Next, she turns her attention to the girl's anus, which is once again oozing filth. It still gapes from its most recent intrusion. One long dog lap, and the outside is clean. A pause, and Euna once again Euna fastens her mouth over the girls' anus. Another long, passionate kiss with a tonguing that leaves the girls shuddering. And then, Euna sucks. A moan escapes the girl's lips. When Euna is finished, she sits up and opens her mouth to reveal a pool of greasy brown cum. Sitting upon her tongue is a half-melted lump of shit.greasy cum. She swallows the swill down and beams at you.
After emptying your seed into her, you pull off. Euna is quick to scurry close on her hands and knees. First, she first cleans you off. You force her head down on your cock a few times, eliciting a few gags. She accepts this without reaction. Next, she returns to the girl's assholesnatch and tongues away the new mess you've left for her. This cleaning goes much more quickly.
Euna freezes at first. The girl, however is already lifting her legs somewhat as though she expected Euna to go right at it, so Euna proceeds. With the girl's knees to her chest, her asshole is revealed to be red and puffy from repeated violations. It oozes cum.
Euna hesitates again and looks at you. "Are you sure?"
"I think it would be most kind," you say. "Think of what the girl has been through."
Euna looks back at the messy hole and pauses a long while before finally making up her mind.
Euna nods obediently and pushes the girl's legs up to her chest. Her asshole is red and puffy from repeated violations. It oozes cum.
She lowers her face between the girl's cheeks and gets to work. You get to an angle where you can see. She laps up all the mess. Her tongue then circles about the girl's hole before stabbing in.
After a thorough cleaning, Euna goes one step farther and fastens her lips about the girl's asshole and seems almost to give it a loving kiss. It's hard to tell just how deep her tongue is probing, but the girl shudders sensually from the attention.
Finally, the girl's sphincter is clean, and Euna pulls away.
"As you wish.""I... I suppose it would be a nice gesture." Euna circles around to between the girl's legs. Getting on all fours, she laps her tongue along the ropes of cum strung along the girl's thighs.
"It's okay," the girl says. "I don't really need to be cleaned."
Euna just pushes her legs wider.
"Just let her work," you say. "I think after the ordeal you just endured, you deserve to have some tender treatment."
"Okay..." The girl is bemused by all this. Since you haven't undone her bindings, she has little choice but to play along.
Euna is like a kitten as she cleans away all the cum upon the girl's skin, until she reaches the girl's snatch. Her tongue out to tease the puffy folds of the girl's labia. Then she digs in, licking and sucking up cum. Any apprehension the girl had disappears. She presses her feet into the ground, lifting her butt up as Euna's mouth works its magic upon the girl, but all too soon, the girl's snatch is clean, and Euna can only give so much attention there under the pretense of cleaning the girl.
She turns her attention to the cum ropes upon the girl's belly, and then her breasts, and her legs. The girl is pretty much clean.
"Thank you, Euna. Now she's clean enough for me to fuck."
"Make sure you clean her ass too. That's bound to need a real tonguing."
Euna sits back on her haunches and nods. "It was my pleasure," she says. A glistening mess is still upon her face.
"Now free the girl's hands," you reply.
Euna crawls around to the girl's head and carefully pulls the knot of her bindings.
You motion for Marion to go to him, but she stands still, trembling uncontrollably, ready to bolt. She clutches her robes to her body.
Euna comes up behind Marion and snakes her hands under Marion's arms to cuddle the girl. "This is what you were made for, Marion. Imagine man after man ravaging your helpless body."
"But I'm scared."
One hand worms into the folds of Marion's robes. Euna kisses her neck. "I know you're scared. It's terrifying. You'll be nothing but a sex toy for the rest of your life. Constantly used and molested. But it's what you need." Euna nibbles Marion's ear.
The girl shudders from whatever Euna's fingers are doing under her robe. "Yes... I'll do it."
"Then let's not keep them waiting." Euna steps away.
Euna leans close to her. "It's not too late. You can still say no."
Marion surveys the dangerous audience. She sees the slaves and the sad state they're in. She looks at both of you, and the guard who waits impatiently. She chews her lip as her mind works. Then, "No. I mean, yes. I'll do this. I'm ready. I... I want this."
Marion takes a deep steadying breath, then casts her robes away. Naked, she walks to the oread. He, however, seems to think he's wasted enough time. Despite her willingness, he snatches her arm and drags her toward the block as she struggles to stay on her feet.
"Make sure to sell yourself," you yell.
The slaver puts her on block number four. Compared to the rough and haggared state of the other slaves, she's easily the most desirable one up there, and also the only one who lacks chains binding her to her block. Immediately, bids yell out. One hundred rubles, two hundred. Three hundred. She's become the main bidding piece. All the while, she stands there trembling. Her hands are fixed to her side as though it's taking willpower not to cover herself.
"Five hundred!" This comes from a corpulent, sweaty man near the front. He licks his lips and leers at Marion. She pales.
"Six hundred!" Yelled by a strange, humanoid creature. It's dry leather skin seems stretched over its body as though it were not its own. Glistening red flesh is visible where the skin is stretched away: its fingernails, around it's black beady eyes, and along rents in its skin. It's jaw and gums are on constant grimacing display. Marion blanches.
"Seven!" A muscular man adorned in fine wears calls out his bid professionally. He sports a mighty scimitar, and an equally mighty beard.
Bids go back and forth. Marion's gaze darts to and fro, looking at what fiersome man might be owning her life. Eventually the bidding slows at thirteen hundred to the corpulent man. She remains on the block. If another minute passes, she'll be sold. Marion's gaze catches yours where you stand in the back.
"Sell yourself," you mouth.
After hesitating, she brings a hand up and kneads her plum breasts. The buyers start noticing her again. Encouraged, her other hand caresses her clit. She smiles timidly at the men.
Sixteen hundred. Seventeen. Two thousand.
Marion gets more into her act. Her palm rubs furiously against her snatch. Her other squeezes and pulls her nipples. She's shudders ecstatically. It's as though the men aren't there anymore.
Twenty-two. Twenty-four. Twenty-six. Three thousand.
She squats down, spreading her legs and giving everyone a perfect view of her enflamed, drooling pussy. Her fingers saw in and out of her gash. Her secretions drip onto the block.
Thirty-Two. Thirty-five. Four thousand.
Turning, Marion climbs down onto her hands and knees. Her elbows rest on the block. Her rump faces the audience. Many are able to reach her now. Fingers of half a dozen men play with her slit and asshole while she moans lustily.
Most bidders are out now. Four and a half thousand. Five thousand.
Marion screams as an orgasm rips through her. Her body flexes rhythmically. Her legs turn to jelly. The men relentlessly finger her. Many get close just to dip their fingers in her and taste her flavor.
The bidding stops at six thousand. Slumping over the block, Marion seems ready to pass out from pleasure, yet people keep touching her. She wriggles her hips without looking to see who's molesting her. No more bids come in. She's sold to the adorned man with the scimitar. Marion doesn't even see to whom. It doesn't matter. She's a piece of property now, and she will be for the rest of her life. Her wants and opinions are forever unimportant.
The slavers drag her off the stage. Her legs are like jelly. Her new owner pays for her and discusses with two men dressed like soldiers. They slap shackles on her, which Marion obediently accepts, then they take her off toward the docks.
The oread slavers catch up with you afterward and tosses you a pouch. The coin is remarkably heavy. "Your cut."
He looks you over appraisingly and grunts. It's the grunt of a man who realizes he might have misjudged someone. "You find any more slaves, you bring them here." He glances at Euna."You girls find any more slaves, you bring them here."
"I will," you say. The slaver departs to tend to the auction. You turn to Euna. "So. Shall we leave before we get robbed?"
"I can't believe we just did that," she says. "Will she be okay?"
"It's what she wanted."
"It's what we talked her into. Hold on. I want to talk to the person who bought her." Euna pulls you along to the back where the adorned man is lingering. "Excuse me, Sir?"
He looks heryou two up and down. "Yes? Who are you?"
"My name is Euna. We're the people who put that girl up on the block."
"Ah. It is my pleasure to meet you. I am General Radomir, commander of the line for King Alhazhad's first legion." He bows magnificently.
Euna curtsies. "If I may so inquire, what do you plan to do with the girl?"
"You may inquire. I will answer your question as a courtesy. It is my responsibility to both train and look after the king's soldiers. I provide pleasure women to relieve built up lusts of my men."
Euna takes cover while you run up to the men. "Hey. Stop!"
The thrusting stops. Everyone looks at you. It would be a one-sided fight.
"Who the hell are you?" one asks.
"I'm the man who's going to get the watch if you don't stop this now."
"Who's this little lady?" one asks. "You want some too?"
"Leave this girl alone," you reply, "or maybe I should go find the town watch."
"She likes it," another says. He points to the girl. Gagged, she's watching you with wide-eyes of wonderment. "We do this to her all the time," the man adds.
"Well, you're not doing this today."
The men exchange glances. "Whatever. We've all had a turn already. Let's get back to the festival." The men walk off.
The one who was thrusting into the girl cranes to look about. "Wait. I'm not done."
"We'll find another girl. This prickbitch has ruined the mood."
The thruster staggers up and redoes his trousers. He glares at you with icy death as he passes. Soon, the men are gone.
That went better than expected.
Euna rushes over from where she was hiding and kneels by the girl. She pulls out the girl's gag, revealing them to be a pair of knickers.
Come sunrise, You and Euna don your washed clothes and eat breakfast in a private dining room.
Downstairs, Lord Dalmat is waiting in the grand foyer beside his daughter. She's dressed in conservative habit with a wimple that covers all but her face. From her red eyes, she's been crying.
"Ah, good morning," Dalmat says. "I hope your accommodations were to your liking."
"They were marvelous," Euna replies.
"Good, uh, everything is prepared. There should be hours to spare, but I'd like to get this started. I'm going to leave. Rashid and my staff will come with me. You'll wait here a few minutes, then depart out the side. Take the back alleys to the stables. Marion will know the way if you're unsure. Right, Marion?"
Marion glowers at her father.
"Yes, well," he turns back and hands you a pouch. You recognize its familiar jingle. "Good luck, and be safe."
"Payment is unnecessary," Euna says, but Dalmat shakes his head, and you've already pocketed the money.
"No, please," he replies. "I owe you so much more than this for saving my daughter's life. I don't know if I'll ever have a chance to properly repay you." He remembers something and pulls a mirror and a scroll from his vest. "Oh, I nearly forgot. Use this mirror to signal the boat. And this is a writ to borrow a pair of horses from the stable. A good friend of mine has been generous enough to let us borrow them for the day." After bowing, he turns back to his daughter. "Marion. I hope you'll forgive me some day. I wish for so much for you, but since I won't be there, I can only hope. Take care, my daughter. I love you."
He moves close to hug her. She recoils.
Dalmat accepts this. With a final nod to everyone, he motions to his staff, and they depart. You and Euna are left alone with Marion. Minutes of awkward silence pass before Marion finally speaks.
"I cannot believe this," she says. "He thinks he can ship me away across the world to a nunnery?"
"He's doing what he thinks is best for you," Euna says.
"But I don't want to go. He never asked me. He doesn't care." She sniffles. "He doesn't care that I have a life here, and friends."
"But you'd have to give it up eventually anyway."
"I know, but a nunnery? Why does he think I'd ever want to live in a nunnery?" Under her breath, she mutters. "No one is ever going to ravage a nun."
Euna smiles despite herself. "I understand how you feel... sort of. I grew up in a nunnery myself. I think if I were forced to go back now I'd scream and fight."I doubt I'll ever go back." She leans in, "but do you want to know a secret? There was plenty of sex at the nunnery."
Marion looks up, hopeful. "Really?"
"It was everywhere. Not so much ravaging, but I don't doubt you'll find lads who will want a taste of you. Your sex is only limited by how much you choose to stick to your vows, and if I were a nun today, I wouldn't stick to them at all."and I remember plenty of sisters who never cared one wit about those."
She smiles and wipes her nose. "Are you sure? What if the other nuns are really strict."
"I was the most strict nun you could imagine. And the girls around me were constantly fooling around. They can discourage you all they want, but what's the worst they can do? Flog you?"
Her smile widens. "You think so? They would do that, wouldn't they?" She glances at the window. "We should probably get going now."
Shortly, Marion is leading you two through the back alleys of Cockaigne. You're careful to make sure no one is following. At an outlet into the main avenue, Marion stops to correct her disguise, and Euna takes the lead. From here on, you seem as a noble woman and her two servantshandmaidens.
You arrive at the stables outside the city gates where Euna produces the writ to the stablehand. They fetch two massive stallions with beautiful, shimmering coats and elaborately engraved saddles. You and Marion mount one horse. Euna mounts the other, and you head off.
As you pass by the guards at the gate, Marion hides her face in your back, but there was no risk. The guards' eyes are on Euna, as they always are. They nod and smile, recognizing her as the woman who "bribes" her way in.the beautiful noble maiden.
You guide the horses past the slums and continue down the road. Soon, the city is far behind you.
"And we're out," Euna says. "My heart was hammering as we passed those guards. They were looking right at me."
"You handled yourself well," you reply.
She looks to the ocean far ahead. A massive galley is waiting off the coast. From here it's just a dot. "Shall we head off?"
Marion chimes in. "...What if we didn't go?"
"What do you mean?" Euna asks. "The boat is waiting for you."
"But maybe we don't make it in time. It is going to leave anyway at noon. Maybe instead you just let me go. I know I can never go back to the city, but I could just follow the road and see where it takes me."
"Your father wants you to get on that boat."
"But I'm never going to see him again, am I?"
"Well, he might escape."
"No. Not even he thinks he will, but even if he does, even if he gets back home. He's sending me to a Sevic convent. They'll make me give up my name, and they'll move me around just so my old life doesn't catch up to me. That's the whole reason he's sending me to them."
"Marion," Euna says. "if we just let you go. You'd have nothing. You'd be on your own in this world you know nothing about."
"I know." Her voice is full of glee. "I'll be so helpless. Everyone I come across would take advantage of me. I'd be ravaged, and abused. Maybe somebody will take me in just to use me." Her breasts press against your back. Her hips gyrate against the saddle. "He might force me to become his whore!"
"Hmm," Euna says. "That does sound enticing. You might end up spending the rest of your life servicing men."
"Yesss!" Marion says.
"But there's no reason why you couldn't do that from the nunnery either. You'd be a woman of faith who peddles her body to everyone whenever she leaves the convent grounds, maybe even when she's inside convent." She looks to you. "What do you think?"
"The occasional romp is one thing," Euna says. "but you would become a victim for the rest of your life."
"But this is what I want," Marion pleads. "If you put me on that boat, I'm just going to do this anyway. Please, let me go."
Euna looks to you.
"All right, Marion. You're free. May you be used and abused for the rest of your life."
"Actually, I think we should take you to the sorceress's tower like you were meant to."
"What?" Marion blinks.
"You say you want to live a life of constant abuse. There is no better way to get just that. The cove has a pen just for sex slaves."
"Hmm," Euna says. "Now that's an idea. What do you say, Marion?"
Marion eyes go wide. "I've never even thought about that. I mean I've fantasized about it, but I don't know."
"I've read about the sex slave trades," Euna says. "You'd be bought by the most vicious people you can imagine. They'd ravage you, torment you, maybe even torture you. When they grow bored, they'll sell you to the next sadist who will do it all over again. Sounds perfect for you."
Marion's grinding against the saddle gets a little faster. "But what if they kill me?"
"You'll be the best slave on the block—a willing slave. Nobody is going to buy you just to end your life. You'd be special."
"Okay. Yes! Let's do it. Quickly, before I have second thoughts."
"Then let's go." You turn your horse east toward the woods. Euna follows.
Marion eyes go wide. "I've never even thought about that. I mean I've fantasized about it, but I don't know."
"Are you being serious?" Euna asks. "Those are vicious pirates. She'd be facing a life—a short life—of constant rape and torture."
"Sounds fitting for her," you say.
"I don't think you understand," Euna insists. "I've read about sexual slave trades. Those people are the worst kind in all the land. Being ravaged in a back alley is one thing, but her life would become an absolute nightmare. She'd be bought and sold for the rest of her life, constantly traded to lower and lower bidders, each one passing her along as they grew bored with her, until one of them decides to end her life in some sadistic way. This is not a life anyone would want."
"I'll do it!" Marion shouts.
"I think you just talked her into it," you say.
"No. You don't know what you're saying," Euna replies.
"Yes, I do. I want that. Oh God, yes. Please, let's do it. Yes. Let's go now before I have second thoughts."
"You should have second thoughts. Think about this."
"I have. I want to do it!"
"I think she's decided." You turn your horse east toward the woods.
Euna catches up. "This is madness," she mutters.
The horses have a hard time navigating the woods, and an even harder time getting up the brambled mountain path to the altar. After discussing, you tether them by the river and proceed on foot. About an hour later, the cove is in view.
"Oh," Marion is breathing quickly. "We're really doing this."
"Second thoughts?" Euna asks.
"No, No." She steels herself. "Let's go."
You climb down to the boardwalks, then circle around to the slave pits. It seems an auction is going on right now. Almost a hundred customers are in the audience. Pirates, merchants, elder men dressed in finery, strange human-like races. The crowd is so eclectic that the only thing they have in common is that none of them look like pleasant people. On the stage block, a row of naked women cower. They're bound in shackles. Some may have been attractive once, but now most are either beaten, exhausted, or emaciated. Some cry silently. Others seem resigned and empty. Audience members shoulder close to inspect them like cuts of meat. They yell bids barely audible over the din. It's chaos, yet it functions. Women are sold and dragged away, while others are carted up to take their place.
The Oread seem responsible for running the show. They watch from the sidelines while others move the slaves around. One spots you along the side and approaches.
"You again," he says. "What are you doing here?"
"We'd like to sell a slave." You motion to Marion. She's staring at the procession with terrified, doe eyes.
"Where are her chains?"
"She doesn't need any."
The man raises the rock ridge eyebrow. "Huh?"
"She's going along with this, aren't you, Marion?"
"I..." She's quivering like a leaf. It looks like she might vomit. "I... yes. I'd like to sell myself."
"Ah," you butt in. "I'm selling her. The money will go to me.""We're selling her. The money will go to us." You point to yourself and Euna.
He grunts, amused. "Let's see what you got." He tugs away Marion's head wrap and robe. Her brown hair cascades down. She's wearing a light tunic, which he rips off her body with one swift yank.
Naked now apart from her boots, Marion tries to cover herself. She's terrified now, yet the slaver doesn't care. He pulls her hands away to inspect her body. He manhandles her roughly, turning her about like a doll as he fondles her breasts, feels her pussy, yanks off her boots, and bends her over to inspect her ass. Finally, as he gets his fingers in her mouth to inspect her teeth.
He grunts his approval. "Sure. She'll go up. The cove takes eighty percent of her sale."
"Really? Why?"
"Yes, why?" Euna asks. "Her father sent us on this mission to get her away from the sorceress."
"That's his plan, yes, but I think we should. Marion wants to be ravaged and abused. From what I hear, there's no one better to do that than the sorceress."
"Besides," you add. "It'll give us a chance to investigate the sorceress's tower if we ever plan to steal that jewel for Damien."
"Hmm." The idea intrigues Euna. "It does seem like a perfect fit for our little masochist, but as much as it arouses me thinking about what the sorceress might do to her, her father put his trust in us."
"To get Marion out of her responsibility," you say. "If she doesn't go, someone has to. Seems a little selfish, doesn't it?"
"It is, but still."
"You do remember what Dalmat said about the sorceress," Euna says. "People sent to her are never heard from again. They suffer horrible fates."
"If people have never heard from them again, how do people know? He admitted nobody know's for sure what happens. He also said there are those who consider being given to the sorceress is a great honor."
"Those people are deluded."
"Only from Dalmat's perspective. He's an outsider. Besides, isn't what he's doing rather selfish? He's breaking the city's tradition by smuggling away his own daughter, but that just means someone else will have to go instead."
"But this isn't what he wanted."
"Why don't we see what Marion wants." You crane to look at her. "What do you think? Would you like us to take you to the sorceress, who may sexually abuse in unimaginable ways? Or do you want to get on that boat?"
She looks at you shocked. "I... I'm not sure. Nobody as ever asked me. My father never wanted to discuss it. I told him once I wanted to go just to get it over with, and he yelled."
"He's concerned for you," Euna says.
She motions to you. "But he's right. If I don't go, someone else will. Ever since we first found out about the ritual, I've always fantasized about what would happen to me if I was picked. When my name came up," she blushes, "I was actually kind of excited, but my father wouldn't hear of it."
"Are you sure you're ready to accept whatever torturous fate the sorceress might have for you?"
"I... yes. I am."
"You are quite the masochist, aren't you?" Euna strokes Marion's face.
Marion smiles shyly.
"Then let's deliver you to your fate," Euna says. "I do hope I get to see what happens to you."
"Are you actually considering it?" Euna asks.
"I think so. I... I think I want to do it. Yes."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I think I am. He's right. I should do this. It's my responsibility. And I..." She lowers her voice. "I've always wanted to know."
Troubled, Euna looks at her. "If this is what you really want."
"It is."
She sighs. "Then let's go."
You turn the horses toward the mountains where the sorceress tower looms far above. Through the woods and to the base of the mountain, you guide the horses up a narrow trail that switchbacks up and up. Finally, with the forest and the city of Cockaigne far below, you take a turn, and the base of the tower comes into view.
"My friend will take her back to our homeland. There's a nunnery that will take her in my absence. I've already seen to it that they'll be paid dues to take her. My friend will make sure she gets to them safely.
"You're sending her to a nunnery?" Euna asks. "Is that... best for her?"
"It's the best I can do. I already know she won't like it, but she'll adjust. They'll take care of her, give her an education. She'll be safe."
"They'll also indoctrinate her," Euna says. "She won't have any other future except what they choose for her."
"I know this," he replies, "but she's also a young girl without anyone to look after her or any coin to her name. I wish there was another way."
He sighs. "I already know she won't like this, but it's the best I can do for her. They'll look after her and give her an education. She'll be safe."
"It's not a simple thing," he says. "If you're not invited, you can't come. If you have to ask for an invitation, the answer will be no. I had connections within the city for decades before the council extended an invitation to me."
"A shame," Euna says.
"Don't be so sad," he replies. "I wish I had never taken their offer."
"She...doesn't know. Not the details. The foolish girl is not taking this matter as seriously as she should, and I couldn't risk her telling others. Thrice now she's snuck out of the house for her antics, as though she doesn't realize the elders might take her away to ensure her delivery. Just the other day, she jested about turning herself into the sorceress early just to get it over with. Foolish girl."
He sighs and stokes his smoking pipe. "Ever since we came here, Marion has been infatuated with this city. She's adopted their cultural ways. It's entirely unbecoming of our upbringing."
"Do you mean her promiscuity?" Euna asks.
"Err. Yes. I admit I knew of this city's proclivities when I moved here. I knew they would affect her. At the time I didn't see a problem with it. Now I'm worried she'll be reluctant to return to her old life."
"What if she doesn't go along with the plan?"
"She will. I'll make sure of it. This is for her own good."
"Yes, why?" Euna asks. "It seems like... well, a joyous place to live."
"Oh, of course! You'd have to be fool not to want to live here," he says. "Everyone has heard the rumors. No work, no strife, only pleasure. And no one ever grows old." He flaps his hand. "I always figured half of it was rubbish. Never growing old? Pah. If that were possible, people would have found out how centuries ago. But I had seen the city. I've seen all the young bodies frolic about. I didn't know about youth, but the city has its draw. I thought, 'why not?'
"My wife–Marion's mother–had passed. It was time for a change. Neither of us had anything keeping us to our old home, so we packed up and moved.
"It turns out it's true. Everyone is young here. Once a month, the council gives out an ambrosia to drink. I was young again within weeks. Truly amazing.
"It was only after I had lived here for months that I learned about the price. A sorceress in the mountains supplies the city with the ambrosia, but once every season, the city must select someone to hand over to the sorceress to satisfy her sadistic needs.
"Of course, they wait until I've already long committed myself and my daughter to living here before telling me this. The city keeps this secret guarded so closely that to utter it to an outsider is a death sentence."
"It's by lottery," he explains. "At the start of each season, the city holds a festival before the palace. Everyone in the city writes their name upon a stone and tosses it into a cauldron. At the end of the night, one stone is drawn out by a council elder. Whoever's stone comes out is the one who is selected. They have the rest of the season to tie up their affairs and enjoy the last of their free life, but at season's end, the city delivers them to the sorceress."
"Good, Lord, you haven't heard?" He fidgets. "No, I suppose you wouldn't have. Everyone around here already knows of the sorceress's vile, depraved hunger. She's a sadist and a monster of the worst possible kind. Those sent to her become victims to slake her cravings. Their deaths are long and miserable, if they're lucky enough to die. They say some live for years in sexual agony."
"Sexual agony?" Euna asks.
"Yes. Depraved, isn't it? To think there are some in this town who actually believe it's a privilege to answer her summons. They're blinded by her beauty." He shakes his head. "Those poor souls are driven by their own wants."
"Because I'm out of options. My daughter was selected at the start of this festival. Come season's end, she'll have to hand herself over to this sorceress. I cannot allow this. So I've made arrangements with an old friend of mine to book her passage from here. He's a captain of his own merchant ship, but unfortunately he has a schedule to keep. He's leaving tomorrow at noon whether Marion is with him or not, and there won't be another window for me to get Marion off this land in time.
"I know it's an imposition, but will you smuggle my daughter out of the city tomorrow morning? I will pay you. Gold is worthless in this town, but you are outsiders. I know you have use for it."
"Because I'm being watched." He grimaces. "I mistakenly spoke out against her selection. I made rather pointed remarks about what I think of the lottery system. And now the council have their damn eyes on me at every hour of the day. ...skulking outside my house. ...following me whenever I leave. They won't leave me alone! This of course means I can't even get near the front gates. The guards won't let me leave."
"What about your servants?" Euna asks.
"Pah! They're harassed as much as I am, but you two... You're strangers. No one would bat an eye if they saw you near the gate with a robed servant. If I make a show tomorrow of heading into town, all eyes will be on me. It'll give you an opportunity to get Marion to safety."
"Yes," says Euna. "Won't the city come after you?"
"I expect they will," he says, "but to hell with them. They can do as they wish to me, but they can't have my daughter."
"Why don't you escape too?"
"I may try after Marion is well and gone, but I doubt I'll have the chance. Whether I get away or not, I face a dark path, but so long as my daughter is safe, I accept my fate."
"Yeah, you're right." She looks back at the people gathered outside the house. "Could you come with me?"
"Why?" you ask.
"Just to face my father. Please, just don't tell him what happened."
"Of course," Euna says.
"Thank you." With that, you all walk toward the house together.
Several men rush up. One who steps forward is dressed in simple but well-tailored finery, possibly a house slave or a trusted caretaker. "My Lady, are you all right?"
"I'm fine," Marion replies.
"Go inside now. Your father is worried sick. Who are these peoplewomen?"
"They walked me home. They're all right."
"Are they? Who have you been consorting with, Marion? You don't know who they are."
"They're my friends, Rashid."
"Hmm." Rashid eyes you.
A short man hurries out of the manor. He hugs Marion dearly, then pulls away to glare at her. "Marion. Where the hell have you been?"
"I'm sorry, Father."
"You're disheveled. What happened to you?"
"I'm fine."
"What have you been up to?" He eyes you and Euna. "Did these peoplegirls take advantage of you?"
"No, father. They just came to make sure I got home safely. They didn't do anything to me."
You and Euna exchange glances.
The man scrutinizes both of you closely. "Are you from out of town?"
"Yes," says Euna. "I'm Lady Euna, from the far away land of Ruthgar. This is my companionmanservantlady-in-waiting."
She curtsies. You bow.
You both curtsie.
"Far away, hmm? I am Lord Dalmat. I thank you for looking after my daughter. She likes to act out and play the truant. Please. Come inside. I'd like to thank you properly over a drink." He waves for you to come with him. To his daughter, he says, "You will go upstairs to your room where you will stay. I will have that window of yours boarded up."
"Father, I wasn't—"
"No. Go now. Not another word."
"Yes, Father." Marion scurries into the house.
Dalmat leads you inside to a parlor room filled with warm colors and draperies. It smells of deep-rooted odor from years of pipe smoking. Rashid serves drinks and departs.
Dalmat settles into an oversized chair and lights a smoking pipe. "Thank you again for looking after my daughter. She's become quite a handful these last years."
"It was our pleasure," Euna says. "She's a sweet girl."
"Sweet. Yes. Her affections have gotten the better of her, and now she mingles with our fellow townsfolk and their ways. She thinks I don't know, but I do. It was a mistake for us to ever move to Cockaigne."
"Where are you sending Marion?"
"How does one move into Cockaigne? Could we?"
"What does Marion think of your plan?"
"Why do you regret coming here?"
"How does the city select someone?"
"What happens to those handed over to the sorceress?"
"Why are you telling us all this if it's such a closely guarded secret?"
"It's simple. You'll stay here for the night. Tomorrow morning, you'll walk Marion out the stables. I'll arrange for two horses to be ready and available. Take Marion out the gates and ride south until you reach the beach. There should be a ship waiting off the coast. They'll send a boat to shore once you signal them. That's it. As long as you arrive before noon, everything should be fine. Will you do it?"
Euna replies immediately. "Yes. Of course we'll help."
Dalmat melts with relief. "Excellent. Thank you. Please, stay here for the night, enjoy our hospitality." He rises. "Rashid? Rashid, get in here."
The slave returns.
"See to it that our guests are made comfortable for the night." Dalmat faces you. "I must make arrangements, and... say goodbye to my daughter. I'll see you in the morning." With that, he departs.
Rashid provides you with a suite on the second floor. You and Euna dine privately as members of society: sitting at a table, remembering manners, eating fine foods.
"And so everyone is forever young," she says. "What a strange society this is."
"What I wonder," you say, "is where does this ambrosia come from? Have you heard of such a thing before?"
"Never. It's a fascinating idea though, to forever be young and beautiful."
"Would you take it?"
"Who wouldn't?"
"Even if that meant you might one day be picked to be the sorceress's next victim?"
"Everyone must die. Besides, my inner masochist is curious what this sorceress would do to me."
"I might if it weren't for the price. A lottery to decide sacrifices? It reminds me of idol worshippers in the far kingdoms. Barbaric."
"You seemed quick to spare Marion of this fate. This isn't really our trouble, wouldn't you say?"
"It seems only proper we help the girl," Euna replies. "Especially given how we ravaged her. We owe them."
"I'd hardly say we ravaged Marion."
"No, I suppose we didn't, did we?" Her eyes twinkle, "but I'm sure that's how Marion would describe it. I think it makes it more exciting for her."
After dinner you both retire to an extravagant bedroom with a canopy bed and a bronze washtub. After her time in the grandiose bathing room, Euna emerges dressed in her damp gownsashchemise and wet hair. She writhes upon its silken sheet. "Oh, I miss this," she murmurs, but a realization comes to her. "But we only have one bed."
"This couch will do fine for me." You sit upon a fainting couch at the foot of the bed.
"Are you sure?"
"You're the royalty."
She accepts this. "Thank you. At least take from my sheets and pillows."
After some exchanges, you both settle in for the night.
After dinner you both retire to a large canopy bed with silken sheets and a bronze washtub. After a bath, Euna emerges nude and damp. She sprawls upon the bed. "Oh, I miss this. Come. Enjoy this bed with me."
After extinguishing the lamps, you join her beneath the covers.
After dinner you bathe together in a massive bronze bath and then retire to a large canopy bed with silken sheets. Euna writhes naked upon the bed. Her hands caress over her body. "Oh, I miss this." She holds a hand out to you, and you join her upon the bed.
"You want them to ravage me?" she asks.
"Would it even be a ravaging?" you reply.
After thinking, she grins. "I suppose not." With that, she heads down the alley and addresses the men. "Excuse me. If you men are looking for someone to have your way with, why not me?"
The men look. Leering grins come over their faces. "What's this, boys?" one says. "Another one? These women are just begging for it."
"Get her!" Another says.
They grab her arms and yank her down the alley. She stumbles, falling into the chest of another man. He pushes her back toward the others. Back and forth they toss her. Meanwhile, the man fucking the girl doesn't slow.
Two men grab Euna by either arm and hold her spread out. Another feels her body, running his hands along her breasts and sides. Trembling, she's helpless to stop him. He yanks her gown aside, revealing her tits.He gropes her tits through her fishnet top.He yanks her bodice down, revealing her tits. Her chest heaves, breath heavy. He takes each of her nipples in his mouth in turn, twisting and biting. Another man comes up behind and whisks her gown completely off.yanks away her velvet sash.yanks down her skirt. Freeing his cock, he pressed up behind her and forces himself into Euna's hot, dripping passage.
The man fucking the young girl finishes and rolls off.
"Hey," says someone. "Stack them up."
The man fucking Euna stops momentarily. The ones hold her arms throw her down on top of the girl, face to face. They stare into each other's eyes, as though trying to read one another, but then a man climbs between their spread legs and forcefully fucks Euna. She cries out. Her body rocks on top of the girl. After several thrusts, the man switches and fucks the girl instead. She squeals. He goes back and forth between the two.
"Hey," one yells. "Show each other some love."
Euna hugs the girl tightly. She showers her with kisses along her neck down to her bruised and puffy breasts. The girl moans. She lowers her tied hands over Euna's head to embrace her, and they lock lips long and passionately. When Euna pulls away, she's tugs out the girl's gag using her teeth. They're undergarments, most likely the girl's, and they're soaked with saliva. Dropping them to the side, Euna again loses herself in a long kiss with the girl.
All the while, men take turns fucking the two. Soon, both girl's pussy's are sodden messes. The next man decides to spear Euna's asshole. She moans and pushes back as her anus accepts him. As he sodomizes her, she holds the girl to her chest, letting the girl hungrily suck each of her ample tits.
Soon, each man has had a go. Euna's efforts didn't spare the girl that much after all, but the girl doesn't seem to have minded. The men pull up their breeches, gather themselves and depart.
When you approach, Euna is still caressing the girl. Seeing you, she remembers herself and corrects her bodice.
"I guess that didn't work out the way I hoped," she says.
"You made a good effort though," you reply.
The girl is glancing nervously between you two. Euna pulls her clothes back on, then kneels by the girl's head.
"Wait?" she asks. "Are you sure?"
"I can't fight those men. Besides, look." You point out the cum splattered in the girls hair and upon her chest. "Several of the men have already had their go. It may be the best we can do for the girl."
"Okay..." Euna says.
You and Euna find a hiding spot and watch. When the man fucking the girl finishes, he gets up, revealing the state of her nethers. It's red and enflamed, and awash with cum. Her trimmed triangle of pubic hair is matted. Her asshole looks equally ravaged. Her thighs are slick with smeared cum. Indeed, several have already had a go.
The next man mounts her as though she were a common animal. With one savage thrust, he forces himself inside her. Oddly, the girl raises her hips to meet him. You notice that although the girl's face is messed with dirt cum streaks, she hasn't been crying, nor does she have any cuts or bruises, besides ones on her breasts. She never struggled.
When this man finishes, another takes his turn, and another. It's barbaric to watch, but with each man, it becomes more clear that the girl might not be as forced as Euna suspects. When one man slaps the girl's face repeatedly, she whimpers into her gag.
Finally, no one takes the last man's place. The group depart the alley, leaving the girl tied up and alone.
The moment the men are out of view, Euna darts from the hiding spot and kneels by the girl. She pulls out the girl's gag, revealing them to be a pair of knickers.
"It's okay. It's okay," she says. "You're safe now."
"Are you going to take advantage of me?" the girl asks.
"No. No," Euna reassures her.
The girl chews her lip. She looks furtively from Euna to you. Shyly, she asks, "Are you sure?"
Euna blanks. "What?"
"If you promise to let me go afterward, I'll let you do whatever you want to me."
"No," Euna says. "We'll let you go now." She reaches for the girl's bindings. The girl pulls away.
"Euna," you say. "I think she wants you to."
Baffled, Euna looks from you to her. "Are you.. You're saying that was consensual?"
The girl blushes. She watches you and Euna with nervous enticement.
"Well, Euna? How about it? It seems she's at your mercy."
"Typically, they are sold to the next available town. However, if they do not sell, which is often the case with more worn out pleasure girls, then we hold performances starring those girls where the men are allowed to relieve their pent up frustrations upon her in whatever way the men desire."
"Does she survive?"
"Usually not. If they do, the physicians heal her, and then the performances is repeated until she doesn't. But don't be concerned for your old property. I'm sure she will not be disposed of for decades to come, if ever. Some women spend so long with the soldiers, they grow attached. A few have even adopted different rolls in my army besides a pleasure girl. One was famous for her comforting bedside manner. She's spending her sunset years serving as a bedmaid in an infirmary. Others like her are sometimes purchased by officers who don't wish to see them disposed of. They serve now as maids in our military citadel. Quite an honor."
"And you think my girl will end up like that?" Euna asks.
"Something tells me she will become more than just a common pleasure girl. Few slaves advertise themselves on the block like that."
"That is good to hear."
"She will serve for as long as the men go to her tent. For most girls, that's a few years. Eventually, they wear out, the men lose interest in them, or they become too much trouble than they're worth.
"Most girls resist, and then they resign. That is what wears them down the most. But this girl will last longer. I've bought others like her before. They thrive where others whither.
"I expect she will last decades. Most other girls like her still pleasure my legions to this day. Some are favorites of the men. Some to officers. Though she will still wear down eventually. Pleasuring takes its toll."
"I buy pleasure girls for every five hundred soldiers."
Euna's eyes widen. "They pleasure hundreds a day?"
"No, no," he says. "Many don't use their services. Less popular girls may only service ten or twenty men a day. Her, however, I expect will pleasure many more. Her appearance and attitude will attract them. She may pleasure as many as fifty men a day."
"Oh my," Euna says. "Every day for the rest of her life?"
"Of course, the obvious exceptions are days when we have the girls hold special performances. Or when the men are drunk with victory. They're particularly virile then."
"I couldn't begin to recount all the sorts of performances they've given. Sometimes the girls dance for the men. Or they're made to pleasure each other, or sometimes beasts, or monsters. Sometimes the girls get pregnant despite our physicians efforts, and we'll make a show of the birth, or the abortion. After one such show pregnancy, we gave the girl a litter of puppies to breastfeed in place of her child. Once they became full hounds, we had a show of coupling the hounds with the girl. Recently, we lashed one girl to a tree, and the soldiers took turns with her. Some pissed on her. I recall a few of those shows where the soldiers pelted the girls with shit."
"I see," Euna says. "Thank you for sharing."
"They are treated as necessary. They are provided the same meal provisions as the soldiers. Each day, the girls are guaranteed a minimum of four hours a day to themselves to use for sleep and cleansing."
"She'll be entertaining men for twenty hours a day?" Euna asks.
He nods. "Only at a maximum. Many women work less in a day if no men require pleasure from them, but this girl will not be one of them. I know she will be popular for years."
"And she gets any days off?"
He snorts. "Of course not. Although if she's injured or sick, the physicians may prescribe limitations on her duty, but only if absolutely necessary."
"How rough are the soldiers?"
"They are forbidden from hurting the girls, except when permitted during special performances. However, if she misbehaves, her living conditions can be made worse. Also, she may face flogging, or stockades, or be forced to perform degrading performances to entertain the men. And if she goes twelve or more hours in a day without servicing men, she is punished. This is to encourage her to entice them. If she continues to underperform, then she's disposed of."
"What do you mean when you say you dispose of them?"
"How long will she serve as a pleasure girl?"
"How many soldiers does a pleasure girl service?"
"What kind of special performances are they made to give?"
"How are the pleasure girls treated?"
"Thank you for your time, General. May the girl serve you well."
Four strange creatures guard the gate. They look like two-legged pigs standing eight feet tall. They have massive tusks and bodies covered in thick bristly fur. Their lower bodies are covered in much. Their powerful stench of fetid body oder and shit already reaches even to where you are. The ground around them is littered with trash and rutted mud.
Euna wrinkles her nose. "Strange choice of guards this sorceress has."
"What on earth are those?" Marion asks.
Four cafre stand guard before before a giant stone door. Unlike the other cafre you've seen, these pig monsters are relatively clean... relatively. Their bottom halves are still coated in muck, and flies buzz about them.
"What on earth are those?" Marion asks.
"Those are cafre," Euna says.
"Oh God, they smell awful."
"You should have seen the ones we saw the other day," you say. "These ones are practically bathed compared to them."
Euna nods. "Yes, but still, this sorceress has an Interesting choice of guards."
The horses whinny and fight as you near.
"We should leave the horses here," you say. "I don't think it's wise to let the horses near to them."
Euna nods. "Agreed."
You find a nearby tree sticking out from a crop of rocks and tether the horses down. The cafre watch from a distance. On foot, the three of you approach the main gate. By the time you're within talking distance of the cafre, the stench is unbelievable. All wear uniforms which are nothing more than tattered loin cloths cinched with rope. Their potbellies fold over the waistbands. Though one wears a tunic. He seems like the captain, or at least the highest rank here.
That one steps forward and growls "What do you want, squishies?" He's densely covered in dense bristle fur, which partially covers his marble black eyes. His tufted boar ears flap at the buzzing insects. His tusks stick up from his furry snout.
"We're here to deliver a girl to the sorceress on behalf of the town," You gesture to Marion.
"Huh? Again?"
"Yes, I know you weren't expecting one until season's end. We came early."
"Err. Why early?"
"Are we not allowed?"
This confuses the cafre. They look at each other, exchange a few grunts and snorts. "Where's the normal squishy?"
"He sent us? Does it matter? Can't anyone drop a girl off?"
They confer a while longer. "Fine. Follow."
Turning, he pushes open the massive door as though it were nothing and lumbers into the dark. You follow him through black marble hallways. Another cafre takes the rear. Your footsteps echo in the silence.
"Is this place empty?" Euna whispers. "There's no one here."
"Maybe the sorceress likes her privacy."
"Maybe. This place makes me uneasy."
The Cafre arrives at another large door made, this one made of oak. Inside is a massive room with pillars, and a roof nearly four stories above with a massive domed skylight. At the end, the floor raises, and there is a throne, if it could be called that.
A young, naked girl is laying on her back, blindfolded and gagged. Her legs are pulled up to her chest such that her rump points upward. Her arms are out to either side for support, not that she could move. Numerous ropes around her legs and chest hold her in that position. Several tie to steel rings inset in the marble.
An ornated wooden chair is fastened on top of her, except it lacks and legs. The seat sits upon the back of the girl's thighs. The back is strapped to her calfs. She is the support. The chair, and anyone sitting upon it, will put their full weight upon the girl, crushing her legs into her chest. With it's thickness giving height to the seat, it must weigh quite a lot. Furthermore, a wooden phallus protrude from under the seat and burrows deep into the girls pussy. It's hard to tell how long it is given that most of it is buried, but there's much left to penetrate if given enough weight.
"Oh my..." Euna says.
"Look at that," Marion replies. "Oh God. I... I wish I were her."
"She's here even though the sorceress isn't around. How long do you think she stays like that?"
You shrug. "They must clean her and feed her eventually."
The captain directs you before the throne, then lumbers off behind the pillars to the side, where he pulls a long rope hanging from a gap in the ceiling. A deep bell resonates through the throne room. He returns and stands behind you.
He growls. "Kneel!"
All three of you drop to your knees. The cafres kneel too.
It's there you wait for nearly twenty minutes before the sound of footsteps comes clacking down from a side hallway.
And a woman strides in. You weren't sure what to expect, but you're certain this is the sorceress. After what you've heard of her beauty, it must be. This woman has the most stunning features. Her wavy black hair creates a wild mane that flows down her shoulders. Her dark olive skin hasn't a single blemish.
Her beauty rivals even Euna, though she is far more imposing. In her bare feet, she'd stand a head over both of you, but she wears high heeled slippers, making her tower over. She seems almost a giant with impossibly long legs. Other than her shoes, she wears an embroidered silk robe intricately embroidered. It's nearly transparent, and would show off her body if she'd bothered to cinch it. As it is, it billows behind her as she walks, exposing her full breasts and her dark nipples. Between her legs, a neatly trimmed triangle of black fur points down to her pussy. Whereas Euna has a dainty slit, the sorceress's labia has impressive, thick lips which would hungrily hug a cock. A small silver chain is draping from her pussy, though you don't get a good glance at it.
She sits upon her throne and crosses her legs. The poor girl crushes beneath her. The phallus digs into the girl's snatch. She whimpers through her gag.
The sorceress looks upon each of you in turn. She pays particular attention to Euna. When she looks upon you, she sneers and moves on.
Hurtful, but whatever.
She speaks. "Yes? What is this?"
"They brought a girl, Mistress," the cafre says. "From the town."
The sorceress frowns. "Another? I haven't yet finished enjoying those twins, and you send more. Weeks ahead of my deadline. Why?"
"The girl wanted to come now. The town doesn't know we're here."
"The town wanted to show it's grace by sending her earlier."
Euna nods. She undoes the girl's bindings.
The girl sits up, rubs her wrists, then combs a hand through her tangled black hair. She looks around for her clothes, Euna hands the girl her knickers, and the girl slides them on, despite them being sodden with her own saliva. Then the girl unwrinkles her dress as best she can and puts it on.
"What's your name?" Euna asks.
"Marion. Who are you two? You're not from around here, are you?"
"No," Euna says. "We're visiting nobles. My name is Euna, and this is my royal servantmaid.traveling companionsister in travel."
You bowcurtsy. "A pleasure to meet you."
"Yeah. Thank you for untying me."
"You're quite welcome," Euna says. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Oh, sure. I'm fine. It happens. I uh... I need to be getting back home. It's late." She stands.
Euna gets up too. "Would you like us to walk you?"
This startles Marion. "I... sure."
She leads you through the town, deep into the garden district where the houses are large and far removed from the festivities. She stops down the road from a manor. It seems like something is going on. People are out in front talking with each other. They seem on alert, and some have lanterns. After they talk, a few break off and hurry down streets with lanterns held high.
Marion ducks back behind the street corner. "Great," she says. "They're looking for me."
"Is that where you live?" Euna asks.
"Why are they looking for you? How long ago were they expecting you home?"
"It's not that." Marion sighs. She hesitates before going on. "...I snuck out."
Some of the men pass. Marion hides from them. "I hoped I'd get back before anyone noticed. My father is going to be so mad"
She blushes deeper. "I just... Last year I was walking home, and there was a group of men. They were all drunk and they were throwing steins around. When they saw me, they laughed and told me to come. I didn't. I tried to run, but they caught me. I was so scared, and they did things to me. They kept me for hours before finally letting me go. I was so glad when I finally got back home.
She continues. "But then I couldn't stop thinking about it. I know I should have remembered it with such dread, but I didn't. Every time I'd think about it, I'd get so scared, and so... wet. I'd dream about running into those men again.
"I started taking longer routes when I'd walk home at night. The first couple of times I found a group of rowdy boys, I got scared and ran away. They didn't even notice me.
"Then one time I was walking home late at night after picking things up for my mother. I wasn't even thinking about it when I turned a corner and stumbled right into a group of boys. Before I knew it, they were tearing my clothes off, and oh... the things they did to me. I've never cum so hard in my life.
"Ever since then, I've never had cold feet about it. I'm always wondering around at night. I learned that the gardens are the best place to get caught."
"And that satisfies you?" Euna asks.
"Yeah. Though they're never as rough as they were that first time. I wish they were. But nowadays I hardly get a chance at all. My father keeps me inside all the time."
"I guess so. I like it when the men just do what they want."
"But what if they get too rough with you?" Euna asks. "What if they make you do something you don't want to do? How would you stop them?"
She shrugs. "I couldn't, and sometimes they do, but that's kind of what I like about it."
Euna smirks. "Sounds fun."
Marion looks up, hopeful. "You actually think so?"
"I can see the appeal."
"Hmm," Euna says. "I've learned not to judge others, but you could get seriously hurt."
"I know, I know," The girl looks dejected.
"Oh wow," Marion says. "You two really are from another land. Don't you know about the sorceress?"
"The who?" Euna asks.
"There's a sorceress who lives in the mountains. They say she's been around for centuries, and it's through her blessing that Cockaigne thrives as it does, but in return the town sacrifices people to her. They hold a festival every season where they select someone. I was chosen for this season."
"They're going to kill you?" Euna asks.
"No. Well... I don't know. Nobody knows what happens to those that go to the tower, but they say the sorceress is a sadistic woman with perverted tastes, and that all the sacrifices are to slake her vile cravings. But I don't think my father wants to send me. He keeps talking about sending me away to a nunnery across the ocean. And he keeps me home all the time so that the town elders don't take me away."
"Why would they do that?" Euna asks.
"I think they suspect that my father isn't going to honor the tradition. They've threatened to lock me up until it's my time."
"I was... uh." Marion stares at the ground. "I was just wondering around the gardens."
"What do mean?" Euna asks. "You were just out for a walk?"
"And you got attacked?" Euna says.
The girl's cheeks turn red.
"Were you looking to get attacked?" you ask.
Marion nods.
Euna's eyes widen. "What?"
"Not attacked really. Just... well, maybe. I just know that in the gardens, sometimes the men get drunk and forceful."
"Ever since I was selected, my father hasn't let me leave home for anything. It's like I'm a prisoner now. I'm not allowed to do anything or go anywhere, or see anyone. I've been sneaking out at nights, but nobody had noticed until now."
"How did you even get started walking around at night just to get attacked?
"What do you mean you were selected?"
"Where were you trying to go?"
"Why do you have to sneak out?"
"You might as well go home now, before they waste more time looking for you."
You and Euna search the wharf.
"There it is." Euna points. The Pincoy is a grand galleon with ropes draping off its three masts to form a dense web. Decades of nicks and blemishes season its masterful woodwork. "It's beautiful," she says. "Can't say the same about the crew..."
Two gruff sailors stop you from boarding. They're two homely brutes just as worn and weathered as the ship they guard. The rest of the crew behind them are much the same. "Piss off," one says.
"We're here to drop off a package to Captain Bellamy." You show it.
"I said piss off."
"It's from Lanx."
He scrutinizes you. With a grunt, he motions to the other, who goes below deck. He returns with the men whom you recognize as the ones you saw departing Lanx's wagon. "Delivery boygirls, huh?" the central asks. He's bald to a glimmer, though his beard is thick with wire hair. His face is tarnished like dried fruit.
"Captain Bellamy?"
He waves you aboard. "Let me see it."
You and Euna board. The crew eyes you two, particularly her.The crew leer at both of you. When you give the man the crate, he opens it, and the men inspect the vials. One unseals a vial and sniffs it. "Water," he says. "A trick."
"It's not," Euna says. "We saw it crafted."
"Did you now?" says Bellamy.
"Yes. We even gathered the ingredients ourselves."
He scrutinizes a vial for himself, and then looks her up and down. "So you have complete confidence in the product?"
"Of course, and in Lanx and Fira."
"Then... you wouldn't mind demonstrating for us."
Euna frowns. "What do you mean?"
He offers the vial to Euna. "Drink one, and then we will put your constitution to the test."
"What? Of course not."
"I'm not going to feed a crate o' water to my slaves, then sail halfway across the ocean only to find half of them dead from sick. I want assurances."
"Is that what this is for? Slaves? You're slavers?"
The men laugh.
"What did you think this was for, my dear lady?"
The captain watches her with a wry smile.
Euna regards you with narrowed eyes. "Very well. A demonstration."
"Oh, so I'm doing this? Why not you?"
"Because only one of us has to." You lean close to whisper in her ear. "And I won't enjoy demonstrating nearly as much as you will. Admit it."
She considers this, then shrugs. "Fine. I will demonstrate."
The men chuckle and hoot.
Euna faces the captain. "Bring forth your slaves."
The hooting stops. The captain frowns. "Our slaves?"
"Yes. It is their health the tonic must safeguard, is it not?"
"Then logically, it is their bodies that I should mingle with, not that of yours and your crew. To argue otherwise would show that your demand is nothing more than the crude preposition."
"If you turned me down out of disgust, then I assure you, lady, that you'll be mighty more disgusted with the slaves."
"It is not your bodies that disgusts me, but your occupation, your morals. I will demonstrate with the slaves, or I will not demonstrate at all."
Bellamy lips tighten, but ultimately he shrugs. "As you wish, my lady. We'll have a show of it." He hollers to his men. "Bring up some drudges! And make sure they're the filthiest, grimiest of the lot." He turns a smug smile on Euna. "They'll be the most suitable. Don't you agree? After all, it's not their bodies that disgust you."
Male slaves are brought up from below deck. They walk in file, and in short steps due to the chains about their ankles. They reek of body odor and sweat. The shawls they wear for modesty were white once, but endless wear and no washing has left them stained through.
"Let's begin," Bellamy says.
Euna drinks the tonic and saunters to the first. She kneels before him. His skin is black as coal, and when she pulls down his shawl, it reveals an impressive cock, though the stench causes her to pull away.
The slavers laugh, but she is undeterred.
Euna looks at you, terrified, but she quickly puts a steadfast resolve. "As you wish. I will give a demonstration." She drinks the tonic.
"I'll be the first." The captain unfastens the buttons of his breech.
Trembling like a leaf, Euna steps forward and kneels before him.
"You have your bitch well trained." His cock springs out a dense nest of black pubic hair. "Is she a slave?"
"Of a sort," you say. "No chains necessary."
"Ah, a willing sort. The best kind of slave." He strokes Euna's hair. His cock is inches from her face, which she eyes with mixed disgust and temptation. "Get to mingling, bitch slave."
"You must be out of your mind!" Euna turns to storm past you and off the gangplank.
"Me? Why not you?"
"Because only one of us has to, and I think their eyes are on you."
Euna looks around and sees you're right. "I think we should rather just leave..." She pulls you toward the gangplank.
Several slavers move to bar her way. They draw sabers. Euna backs away, eyes wide.
"We'll be having that demonstration one way or another," Bellamy says.
Euna looks to you. You give her a helpless shrug.
"I see," she murmurs to you. "You were reading the situation better than I was. Lanx will hear of this." She turns to the captain. "Very well. You'll have your demonstration. A quick one, and then we will leave."
"That's all I ask." Bellamy unfastens breeches. His cock springs out from a dense nest of black pubic hair.
Euna drinks the tonic and kneels before him. "A demonstration only," she says.
"Of course." He strokes her hair, "but don't be afraid to enjoy yourself."
"It won't hurt for her to have another," Bellamy says. "I'd like to see her drink one... unless there's some reason why she wouldn't want to."
"Blood, hmm?" He looks at the slaves. "Bring me my knout."
A crew member fetches a coiled rawhide whip. It ends with three long tails tipped with small metal wires. Bellamy shakes it loose and motions the men to bring forward the next slave—a tall, muscular rower with skin as black as coal.
Euna stands in the way. "Just what do you think you're doing?"
"I'm going to whip this slave to ribbons, and you're going to mingle with his blood. Move aside."
"Move aside or you'll feel my knout first."
"Give me the whip. This is my demonstration."
The captain is taken aback. "You'd whip this drudge?"
In answer, Euna marches up and takes the knout from him. He steps aside to give her space as she flicks the knout in preparation. She winds up and slashes. It's a sloppy swing, but it lands a solid strike. With an ear-ringing crack, three long gashes appear on the slave's chest, starting over one pectoral and crossing down to the ribs along his flank. His nostrils flare, but not a sound escapes him.
Euna saunters over. She makes a beautiful visage with a knout in her hand and her tits bared. No doubt she whipped the slave to save him the multiple lashes the captain would have given him, but she still looks hungry at the sight of that blood.
Her tongue catches a running droplet. It glides up his chest, his neck, and his chin to tickle his lip. Her eyes mingle with his. The next time she licks up a trail of blood, he dives to meet her lips. They kiss like two young lovers. She pulls the neckline of her gown openflips her fishnet top upyanks her bodice down and presses her tits against his bloody chest. Her milk white skin clashes against his ebony body, and between them is smeared red.
Keeping lips locked, she pushes him flat on his back upon the deck. Her draped tits smear the blood over him, and her hand sneaks between his legs and down his shawl, and he mauls her red-painted breasts with his shackled hands.
He's close, and when she presses her abdomen against his groin and grinds herself, he hollers out and pumps his hips to completion. Euna then paints her fingers along his chest, smearing cum and blood. She gives him a final kiss and rises.
"Get him out of here," Bellamy growls. The crew drag the slave away. They might later make him regret enjoying what they've only watched, but for now, that slave is all smiles.
"What were the other fluids?" Euna asks you. She's licking her fingers clean of blood and cum.
"Blood, hmm?" He looks around at his crew. "Stubbs, where are you?"
A muscular pirate steps forward. His skin is olive toned, and his wild hair is coal black. Around his hand is a grubby bandage stained through with dried blood. "Here, captain."
"When's the last time you cleaned that sword wound?"
The man grins. "Haven't cleaned it once, boss."
"Let the slutprissy bitch clean it for you."
"My pleasure." He unwraps the cloth bandage. The outer layers crinkles. The inner layer is still wet with blood. It's sticky against his skin. The wound is a long gash running from the base of his thumb to partway up his arm. Thick black scabs cover its length. When the man tosses the bandage your way, its blister stench wafts toward you from paces away.
He offers the hand. Euna runs her tongue along its length. Her audience groans in disgust. She licks up oozing blood and nibbles scabs. Red smears her cheeks. The man frees his cock with his other hand and rubs himself inches from her face.
Once she's nearly licked his wound clean, he steers her head to his cock and rams her mouth down upon it. While she blows him, he pulls the neckline of her gown openflips her fishnet top upyanks her bodice down and gropes her tits with his bleeding hand. Blood coats her globes. He squeezes them viciously as he climaxes, causing her to whimper, but she swallows his load just fine.
The man tucks his dick away and walks off. Euna is left with a bloody face and chest.
"A good demonstration," Bellamy says. "What other fluids were there?"
"Not without proof," Bellamy says.
"If you don't trust Lanx and Fira, then you should take it up with them," Euna replies. You and Euna turn to disembark from the Pincoy. Three slavers move to block your way.
"One way or another," the captain says, "we will have our demonstration."
Euna clutches you.
"You expect to keep doing business with Lanx if you hassle his delivery boy?" you say.
"Why not? He'll still be there. My coin will still be good." He signals his men, and they begin forming a loose circle around you two.
Euna clutches you even tighter. "What are we going to do?" she whispers.
"Don't worry," you reply. "I know what to say to him." You face the captain...
"You will not lay a finger on my ladyher, you brute."
"Of course you can have a demonstration. Euna, do whatever these men want you to do."
"I will not." Euna tries to push her way past the men, only for them to grapple her. You move to help, and someone grabs you from behind. You're both dragged back the captain.
"I'm starting to think these potions might actually be just water," he says.
"You know they're not," Euna snaps.
"I don't like being swindled. I think maybe if I send your heads back to Lanx, he'll learn not to cross me." He draws his saber and approaches. "Hmm. Perhaps just one of your heads. Hmm. Yours?" He points his saber at you.
"Fine." Euna yells. "I'll give you your demonstration."
"I think we're past that," Bellamy says.
"Don't be a stubborn ass," she says. "I'll demonstrate the product, and then we leave. If you don't want that, then you might as well run us both through with that sword, because you'll get nothing further from me."
"We don't need your blessing to have our demonstration from you."
"If you want to rape a girl, take one of your slaves," she snaps. "They'll bite and claw less than I will, but if you want a show, then stop this idiocy and let me perform."
Bellamy appraises her, then bursts out laughing. "You have a bite, woman. I like it." He nods to his men to let you both go. "We have a deal."
Euna drinks the tonic and saunters toward him on her hands and knees. Her butt waggles invitingly. At him, she unfastens his breeches. His cock springs out from a dense nest of black pubic hair.
"It better be a good show," he warns. "Or I'm apt to forget my side of our bargain."
"It will be unforgettable," Euna replies.
She goes pale. The men all cheer.
"I'm so glad you've come around," Bellamy says.
"Of course," you reply. "It was myour misunderstanding." You nudge Euna. "Don't be rude. The men want a demonstration. Make sure they're happy.""Go ahead, Euna. The men want a demonstration. They only need one of us to do it."
Euna stumbles forward at first, then walks mechanically to the captain. She's quivering all over.
The captain hands her the opened vial to drink, and as she does, he unfastens his breeches. His cock springs out a nest of black pubic hair dense over his entire testicles.
When she kneels down before him, he strokes her hair and face. "I was beginning to think you were a stuck up bitch," he says. "You were being very rude before."
"I'm very sorry." Her voice trembles.
"You're going to make it up to me, aren't you?"
"Get to it."
She suckles his hardening member. Her tongue runs along his crown. Then holding the cock aside, she presses her face deep into his crotch to tongue his balls. The dank, unwashed scrotum rubs her cheeks. She tongues their every crevice.Her nose disappears into his dense pubic fur.
The slave has no idea what to make of this. He keeps his shackled hands held away as though he might somehow disturb her. The other slaves along the chain watch in stunned silence while the slavers leer.
Bellamy keeps his hand resting on her head while standing tall. His crew jeers.
"Tell me, little manlass," the captain says to you. "Did I hear her say that you twogirls collected the ingredients yourselves?"
"We did."
"I know a little something about this alchemy. All sorts of awful fluids go into it, from all different people. The more that do, the more potent the tincture. Isn't that right?"
"Must be plenty of fluids, I'm sure, to make it nice and strong."
"Of course."
"Was cum one of those ingredients?"
"Is there now?" He grins evilly.
Euna looks at you pitifully. You suspect she might not have mentioned this herself.
Euna gives you a dry look, making clear that you could have done without mentioning that ingredient.
The captain eyes each of the filthy male slave one after another before settling on one—a large brute, hairy like a bear, skin blotchy and red, and sweat dripping down his body.
Bellamy turns to Euna. "I want to see you bury your tongue up this drudge's ass."
"Very well." Euna kneels behind the slave and shimmies his grimy shawl to his ankles. His ass is a hairy mess. Hair running along the crack is caked with shit. It's as though he'd soiled himself in the hold and was never given a chance to clean up except to dump out his shawl
Euna recoils from the stench.
"The slaves don't get baths," Bellamy says. "They sit in the hold for months, shitting and stewing until, well, you can smell the results. But that won't bother you, will it? not if your tonic is as strong as you say. But if it's too much, just say so. I can think of an easy way you can make it up to me."
The captain eyes his crew until settling on one particular mustached man with meaty limbs and a heavy gut. Sweat stains mark his shirt from armpit to waste.
"You," Bellamy barks. "Get over there and show this bitch your ass."
"Uh, yes boss." The man waddles over while unfastening his breeches. His ass is a flabby moon dank with sweat. Hair runs up and down the crack. When he aims it toward Euna, it reveals clumps of shit stuck to the hairs, and at the very center is particularly unsightly brown crust.
Euna recoils from the stench.
"There aren't many baths for the crew," Bellamy says. "There could be a hundred shits before any cloth or water touches their ass, and, well, you can smell the results. But that won't bother you, will it? Not if your tonic is as strong as you say. So go on, slag. Get your tongue in there."
Euna takes a deep breath and dives in. Her face buries between those hairyflaccid cheeks. The crew hoots and hollers, especially when she pulls away to gag. Her face glistens with his ass sweat, but then she's right back in, gripping the man's ass to spread his cheeks wider.
The slave's cock hardens. Euna only notices because the crew point and jeers. Her hand sneaks between his legs and jerks his member. The crew laughs less.
Euna's tongue runs long laps right up the crack, scooping up the dried shit and swallowing it down. She sucks individual hairs. Finally, she attacks the hole at the center, rimming and kissing. All the while she's jerking the slave off. When the slave's orgasm nears, she focuses on massaging the head of his cock so that his cum spills into her hand.
The captain is not amused to see another slave pleasured. He yanks the slave away from her.
Euna's left sitting on the deck, wiping smears from her cheeks and licking cum from her fingers as though she were a preening cat. "Moving on, I take it?" She glances at you. "Go on. Tell him about another fluid."
The man's cock hardens until it's an iron rod pointing right out. Despite everyone watching, he begins jerking himself off.
Euna's tongue runs long laps right up the crack. She sucks the individual hairs. Finally, she attacks the hole at the center, rimming and kissing.
The fat sailor spins frantically and grips Euna's hair. After a few pumps, his cock spews cum over her face. She opens her mouth to capture what she can and swallows it down.
Finished, he turns around to present his ass again. Only this time when she dives in, he presses her head into his crack and unleashes a loud, rumbling fart directly on her face. The crew burst into laughter. Euna struggles to back away, but he won't let her.
"Get your tongue in there," he says. "That's a girl."
She's tonguing away again, and when the man squeezes out a few more whining farts, they must pass right into her mouth. She doesn't recoil again.
Now finished, he pulls up his breeches and walks off while she calmly wipes cum and brown stains from her cheeks and licks her fingers cleanshe's left licking cum and brown stains off her lips.
"Disgusting..." the captain says. "What other stink did you put in that potion?"
"No? Are you lying to me, ladgirl?"
"No. We never put it in."
"With her eager lips, I'd have thought it'd be the first thing she'd put in it."
Euna is still tonguing every crevice of the slave's dank, unwashed balls.
"You can stop that now, sweet girl," Bellamy says. "No need to be pleasing the slaves."
"I will demonstrate as I please," Euna resumes, except now she's paying more attention to the slave's cock. The slaver crew watches the slave enjoy this beautiful woman's mouth.
Bellamy chuckles. "Suit yourself."
He looks down at Euna, who's got her face buried deep in his pubic fur to lick the crevices of his balls. "Let's give her a taste of it now, shall we?" When she next licks the head of his cock, he forces her head down on her shaft. She grunts in surprise.
Back and forth, he both yanks her down while thrusting. To her credit, Euna doesn't stop him, but begins fellating him in earnest, perhaps realizing that he's not going to get to stop until he fills her mouth.
"That's what I thought," he says. "This thirsty slut probably sucked the cum from a stranger, didn't she?"
"She did."
"That's what I thought," he says. "You thirsty sluts probably sucked the cum from a stranger, didn't you?"
"She did," you say.
"Then seeing as how cum went into the potion, we might say she's been inoculated against cum, might we?" He comes up beside Euna.He strokes the side of Euna's head. "So, girl, don't see why you should be against swallowing as part of your demonstration."
Euna gives him a chilled, sidelong look as she sucks upon the slave's balls, but she does attack the slave's cock with gusto. This is no longer a mere 'tasting'.
Euna looks up at him while her mouth works upon his package. Understanding his meaning, her tonguing becomes a full-fledged blowjob.
After a few initial dives upon his cock, she takes it down her gullet. Her throat chokes and squeezes.She suckles upon his head and takes him far into his mouth. With her hands, she pumps the base of the shaft she can't fit in her mouth. Whenever she pulls off, the cock drips thick saliva onto her tits. The rest she catches with her tongue and dives down upon the cock again. As she sucks, Euna smothers his balls with her cleavage. Whenever she stops to breath, she lets the cock stab between her breasts, leaving saliva trails.
When the slave hollerscaptain cums, she pulls off and tilts up so the cock points over her tongue. She jacks him off with her hand so that everyone can see the cum shoot into her mouth. A few ropes lash her cheek. She makes sure everyone sees the cum cupped on her tongue before swallowing it down.
The slavers cheer.
"An excellent demonstration." Bellamy speaks to address all his men.fastens his breeches. "Now for the next one."
She does her best, bobbing up and down on his shaft inexpertly. It takes her so long that Bellamy grunts with impatience, but eventually she makes headway. When the slavecaptain finally cums, she chokes a little on his seed. Some men laugh.
"That was hardly a demonstration," captain says. "You suck cock like a stuck-up nun with a knife to her throat. Let's see if you do better with the next demonstration."
"The next?" Euna says archly.
Euna shoulders slump. "You mean we're not done?"
"Of course!" he replies. "Surely cum is not the only fluid you put in the formula.""If you didn't put cum into the formula, then you must tell me about the other fluids that you added. There were others, weren't there?"
Euna ponders this. "There were many more. Of course I'll demonstrate each." She looks to you. "Go on. Tell them about the other fluids."
Everyone looks to you.
"Yes, there were many," you say. "Why not a demonstration for each one?"
"A lovely idea," he replies. "So go on. Tell me."
When Euna doesn't volunteer to speak, the captain and all his crew look to you.
"Not much," Bellamy says. "She just needs to show us she has no fear of catching whatever sicknesses we could be carrying. Mingling with me would satisfy."
"And what exactly does mingling entail?" Euna asks.
"I think perhaps your tongue upon my sack will satisfy me that your potion is worth its salt."
His men laugh and lear.
Euna pales. "That won't prove anything."
"Your right. Maybe you should put your tongue upon all my crew. That will prove it to me."
"Save me your crude advances," Euna says. "I'm not doing it."
"Sounds like you're afraid the tonic won't keep you safe."
"Why don't I show you?" Bellamy motions you both to follow him below deck. There's little choice. His crew crowd behind you and follow you down the stairs.
The smell of unwashed bodies and waste strikes you long before your eyes adjust to the dark. There's a sea of men all chained down to benches with thick shackles about chafed ankles. There must be over two hundred, all from different parts of the world, with skin tones from coal to cream. All of them are near naked apart from filthy shawls about their waists. The heat is stifling down here, and all the slaves are sweating.
They sit chest to back like stacked cups. Nearly skin against skin. In the back, women sit equally packed in squaller. All are just as underdressed as the men. Along the sides, male slaves have more room, each having their own bench, but only so each can man the oars when tasked to do so by the whip.
Euna gazed upon them. "Good heavens."
"Tonic helps them make the trip," the captain says. "With it, I'll lose one in ten by the time I reach port. Without it, I could lose three in ten. Or damn near all if a plague catches. I'd have to dump them mid voyage."
"Has it crossed your mind that you might give them better conditions?" Euna snaps.
"Cheaper this way." He leads you both back on the top deck. "So you can see, lass, the tonic must be good. It preserves the cargo. So I will be needing that demonstration."
"We've already drunk fortifiers."
"Why would you give fortifiers to slaves?"
"Just take the potions. You know they're good. We're leaving."
"Right from the tit, eh?" Bellamy ponders. To his men, "Fetch that slave, the one that whelped that pestering babe."
Men hurry below deck and return dragging a shackled woman with olive skin and long black hair. She'd be beautiful under all that grime.
"Her tits are heavy with milk," the captain says to Euna. "You know what I want."
Euna crawls up to the slave woman, who seems to stare through Euna rather than at her.
"Where is your child?" Euna asks softly.
"We sold it," Bellamy says.
Euna shoots him a look of pure venom.stares at him in horror.
"I don't ship babes. They don't survive the trip. Now get on with it."
When Euna turns back to the woman, her gaze softens. Taking her hand, Euna bids her to kneel. She trails her hands over the woman's body, and runs kisses up her belly. Despite her empty gaze, the woman's breath grows shallow.She holds the woman close and whispers in her ear while her hands trail over the woman's body. Something is whispered back.
Euna kneads the woman's breasts. She runs her tongue over one nipple, then the next. With enough massaging, droplets of milk form. She latches on and suckles. The woman's eyes come to life. She looks down at Euna with a soft smile.
Euna becomes more ambitious. She sneaks a hand down the woman's shawl and works her slit. The woman writhes.
But that's not enough for Euna. She pushes the woman to lie down, and then slides a foot between the woman's shackled legs. Sidling together, their crotches are pressed together. Once they move the shawl and gownsashskirt out of the way, their sexes no doubt pressed together, though no pirate sees this. As they grind against each other, Euna pulls the woman's lips to hers and they lose themselves. Their breasts press together. Milk spills.
The slave takes over squeezing her own breasts with shackled hands. Euna leans back as it rains over her. It anoints her forehead, her hair. Some sprays into her mouth. More dribbles down her neck and chest into her cleavage.
The woman is clearly no stranger to sultry performances. She straddles Euna and captures Euna's lips in a long and passionate kiss. Her hanging tits drip milk onto Euna's own. Their hands explore.
The woman lies fully on Euna, and shimmies her shawl off. She grinds her sex against Euna's leg and pulls Euna's mouth once again to her tit. Euna's gown crumples aside.sash rides up.skirt rides up. Her shavenfurry sex is displayed to the crew, who cheer, especially when the woman grinds her clit against Euna's.
Their pace quickens until both reach ecstasy together. The woman mewls in pleasure, and then release, and then in anguish. The two women clutch each other as though no one else were in the world. Euna strokes her hair whispers in her ear while the woman weeps.
"Enough of this!" Bellamy drags the slave off of Euna. He tosses her to his men, who take the woman back below deck. She cries all the way. Her breasts dribble milk over the deck.
Euna is wiping away milk that sprayed on her face and hair. She doesn't give a single hint that the captain's interruption bothered her.
"What's next?" she asks.
Euna is sprinkled with milk, from hair and face to her arms. She watches the slave get taken away with longing. She would have let that woman cry in her arms all day.
"Let's move this along, shall we?" The captain faces you. "What else did you gather?"
Bellamy laughs. He faces Euna. "Did you have fun collecting that? I bet you can't get enough of girl cream, can you?"
"Bring out some slaves and we'll see."
"Men, get the bitch some ladies! Filthiest ones you can find."
Slavers go below deck and return with a three women chained together. All are filthy and harried, and they're nude apart from shawls hiding their groins.
With her feline saunter, Euna crawls to the first—a woman with desert skin and and long straight hair tangled in a mess. She peels the woman's shawl down to reveal thick hanging lips. They're an absolute mess. Gel-like secretions are buried into the folds. Euna spreads them with her fingers and worms her tongue along the folds, collecting clumps and crust and tang into her tongue. The slave stands awkwardly, unsure what to do about this, though Euna's tongue has its effect. She squirms, she trembles, and in minutes she mewls in pleasure.
And Euna is onto the next—a lithe woman with black skin and matted curly black hair. When Euna tugs down her shawl, revealing a thick prickly nest is equally messy. Dried crust clings to the hairs. Euna dives in as though starving. This girl enjoys it more, even swinging a leg over Euna's shoulder and pressing Euna into her snatch. When she cums, she grinds her slit along Euna's face.
Euna comes away with her cheeks and chin glistening with slick. The next girl is a small-framed young one with fair skin and hair. She's hesitant to let Euna pull down her shawl, and it's clear why once Euna does. Euna's performance has turned her on, and she is dripping. Girl-cum strings to the shawl. Her crotch and thighs are soaked. A dribble runs down her leg, which Euna captures with her tongue. She licks its trail until she's buried deep in the girl's sex. The slave's reaction is voltaic. She cries and quivers, and when she climaxes, clear cum sprays from her cunt like a crushed peach. It drips from Euna's chin.
Finished, Euna sits back. She's got cum over her breasts and as high as her forehead.
"How'd those scummy cunts taste?" Bellamy asks. "Feeling sick yet? Maybe you'd like to stop demonstrating and taste a proper cock instead?"
"Their petals are more divine rotten than your stamen would taste freshly bloomed," Euna replies.
"Let me clarify." Euna picks up the desert woman's discarded shawl. The gusset is a sopping mess built up over months, and Euna scrapes up yellowish cream with her teeth. "These filthy cunts taste better than your cock ever will." She takes the black woman's shawl, cream and crust mixed with curly black hairs. Euna licks it up, hairs and all, until only a faint stain remains.
"Enough of this," Bellamy growls. "What else went into that potion?"
"Go on." Euna says. "What else was there?"
"Bonnie!" the captain roars. "Where are you?"
"Up here, captain. Don't have to yell." The voice comes from overhead. A girl is lounging high on the ratlines, from where she's been watching the whole affair unnoticed.
"Get your scrawny ass down here."
Bonnie bounds down the ropes and hops onto the deck. Her skin is like cured leather, much like her tight pants. Her sheer tunic outlines a lithe body borne from the daily acrobatics of rope climbing. Her small size makes her ideal for crows nest duty.She's got the same build as you, lithe and limber, with modest breasts. Between her boots and her belt, she's got four daggers that you see, probably a necessity when living with cutthroat men.
"That girl needs a muff for her demonstration," Bellamy says. "Oblige her."
"My pleasure." Bonnie shimmies out of her leather pants and a thin loin wrap, revealing a pussy stubbled with short pubic hair and encrusted with congealed girl slime. The crew hoots.
"Shut it, all of ya!" she snaps, and they do.
She faces Euna. "Get in there, girl. Get a taste of my ripe cunt."
Euna crawls forward with her feline saunter and a hunger in her eyes. Kneeling before Bonnie, she claps her hands on her Bonnie's ass and pulls her crotch to her face. Bonnie staggers. She would have fallen if Euna wasn't holding her tight.
"Thirsty slut, aren't ye?" Bonnie drapes a leg over Euna's shoulder.
Putting a boot on her chest, she shoves Euna onto her ass and straddles her. Her muff presses to Euna's face.
"Eat it, you pale bitch. Get your tongue up there. Ahh, that's it! Yehh." She grinds against Euna.
Euna keeps at it.
"Like a swamp, ain't it?" Bonnie asks. "No baths at sea. Smells so bad I never take off my drawers. You should see them. Gussets are like a festered bandage." She shudders. "By the hells, cunt. You know how to work that tongue, don't you? Ohh." Bonnie simply enjoys the ride. Within a minute, she's clutching Euna's head against her and crying out.
Afterward, she shoves Euna sprawling. Wet slick covers Euna's face. Bonnie collects her clothes, only to pause when she collects her panties. "Come back here, slut."
Euna reluctantly crawls back.
Bonnie bunches together the gussets of her panties. It's as nasty as she described. The fabric is stained dark with yellowish congealed slime and crust. She wipes the gusset across Euna's face from forehead to chin. "Open that trap," she says. When Euna does, Bonnie jams the gusset in. "Suck it clean for me."
For over a minute, Euna remains on her hands and knees sucking the panties hanging from her mouth like a pacifier. The crew finds this hilarious. Their laughter makes her cheeks burn. When Bonnie removes the panties, the mess has been replaced with soaked saliva. She puts them on all the same, and her leather pants.
Afterward, she shoves Euna away. As she's putting on her pants, she speaks to everyone. "Did I treat the bitch right, captain?"
The crew cheers.
"Come find me anytime, slut," Bonnie says, "and I'll ride your face all night."
Euna blows her a kiss, and BonnieShe blows Euna a kiss and heads back up the ratlines.
"A proper demonstration," Bellamy says. "What's next?"
"Did you now." Bellamy leers at Euna. "How about it, girl. I could take a leak."
"Find me a slave," she says.
"Fine." He faces the slaves. "Which of you slags needs to piss like a horse. Come on. One of you step forward."
One does, a tall slave with large rowing muscles and sunburned skin.
"You better flood the bitch, slave, ye hear?"
Euna saunters to him on all fours. She runs her hands along his belly and legs, then bites his filthy shawl and drags it down with her teeth. His grimy, unwashed cock springs out fully hard.
"Hmm," she says. "You can't relieve yourself like that. Let me help you, you poor thing."
"Did you now. We'll have to test that, won't we?" Bellamy looks to his men. "Which of you boys need to piss."
One pirate steps forward. He's a tall thug with arms thick with tattoos.
"Help the lady to a drink."
The sailor eagerly steps up to Euna and lets her do the work of unfastening his breeches. His cock springs out fully hard.
"Hah!" the captain says. "Can't piss like that, can you, man?"
"No, sir," the man replies with a grin.
Bellamy addresses Euna. "Looks like you'll have to help him out first."
Euna nuzzles the man's crotch just as she had the the other slave's.captain's. After tonguing his balls clean of sweat and stink, she sucks him off. With her skills, it doesn't take long before she's guzzling his cum.It takes her a while, but eventually he cums for her.
As he goes soft, she sits back on her haunches and aims the man's penis for him right at her mouth. His stream is seen clearly by all. She gulps again and again. Some spills over her chin. She hastily scoops out her breasts so the urine dribbles them instead of her gownfishnetsbodice. Her hands massage the piss onto her tits, but more dribbles onto the deck. After he finishes, she licks the final tip off his dick and tugs his shawl back up for him, placing one intimate kiss right on his belly. The slavers watch on enviously.he tugs his breeches up and goes back with his mates, leaving Euna kneeling in a puddle of urine.
"Don't make a mess of my deck, girl." Bellamy points to the urine. "Lick it up."
Euna crouches low and laps at the puddle like a kitten lapping milk. The crew taunts her. Some groan in disgust. Euna's face burns red.
While she's finishing up, he turns to you. "What else went in those potions?"
The captain turns to you. "What else went into those potions?"
"Ah, spit. Yes." Bellamy faces his crew. "You hear that, men? TheyThe girls put spit in the tonic, so let's see if she's afraid of a little spit from strangers."
"Pick out some slaves and we'll see," she says.
"I pick them all. Men. Bring more up."
The men return from below deck with three chains of slaves taken from all over the realms—tall, short, light and dark.
The captain directs them to surround Euna. "Listen up, you wretches. Spit on this girl. Drown her in your slaver."
The slaves look about apprehensively.
"Do it or you'll miss your slop tonight."
But it's not until Euna gives the men a slight nod and upturns her face that they commence.
"...No," Euna replies quietly.
"Not at all," Euna replies cooly.
"Then gather round, men! All of you." The crew crowds around Euna, who kneels in the center of them. "All right. Drown this sorry slut."
Altogether, they begin spitting on her. In seconds, she's splattered with frothed saliva.
"Hmm," Euna rakes her fingers over her face as though savoring this. She opens her mouth and keeps it upturned. The men take the hint.
"Open that mouth, slut," someone yells. She obliges. It becomes their target.
The spitting goes on. Some lean so they can dribble it into her mouth. She swallows it down. The missed spit drip down her neck and soaks her gownfishnet blousebodice. It pools over her eyes.
Then one slavesailor gets creative. He pinches a nostril and snorts. What he spits on her lip is a thick wad of yellow sputum.
The men love this. "Everybody, let's fill her mouth."
"Don't swallow, slut, not until we say."
The slaves are unsure whether they've gone too far.The sailors wait to see her reaction. Then Euna snakes her tongue out and scoops the mucus into her mouth. She moans in delight. "Don't stop now, boys." And she opens her mouth wide for the men.She swallows and opens her mouth right back up.
The slavescrew take turns snorting and clearing their throat. They lean and hock mucus for her mouth. Soon, her upturned mouth fills.
"Swallow it, whore!" one yells.
The act of closing her mouth causes an overflow down her chin and onto her cleavage. She swallowsstruggles to swallow the disgusting swill into her stomach.
Some sailors seem turned off by this. But Euna isn't done.
The men cheer when she shows her empty mouth.
"She actually swallowed it," yells a sailor.
"Make her rub it in!" yells another.
She shrugs off the shoulder strips of her gownpeels off her fishnet topstraps of her bodice and smears the congealed sputum over her tits. Lumpy wads stretch over her flesh. Some slide back together. Her fingers have webs between them, which she licks clean. Euna moves up, coating her shoulder, and then her face. The slime coats unevenly.
This is too much for the slavers. Some sneer. Others moan in disgust. Euna keeps smearing and licking until most of the mess is either gone or dried on her skin.
"Satisfied?" she asks.
Even the captain seems a little off-put. He ushers the slaves aside. "Let's move this along, shall we? What else went in the potion?"
Euna deflates, crestfallen.A look of exasperation comes over her. She'd been asleep when you'd done that and had no choice on the matter, but she knows what she'll have to do now.
Bellamy bellows a laugh. "Are you ready to demonstrate, slut?"
Euna sighs. "If you can find a suitable slave."
He looks over his crew. "Somebody get that one that keeps making the messes. You all know the one."
His crew hurry below deck and return towing a slave who seems doubled over even as he struggles to keep up. A sheen of sweat covers him. His dusky skin bears a greenish tint.
"This damn boy never got his sea legs," Bellamy says. "The moment we dragged him onboard, he started spilling messes." He addresses the slave. "Listen. I told you if you didn't stop vomiting by the time we took sail, I'd throw you overboard, but now I'm changing that order. You're going to make a mess of this slut here for everyone to watch, or I'll tie you to the anchor and throw you off right here at dock." He shoved the young slave forward.
Euna is on her knees, legs wide. She motions the slave closer. "Come here. Don't be afraid." Taking his hands, she pulls him to stand over her and upturns her mouth toward him.
The slave is confused, but he heard the captain. He tries. Once retch. Two. He manages a meager spill of stomach bile. Euna catches most of it in her mouth. And while she struggles momentarily, her mouth opens back up, ready for more.
"Come on, boy," the captain says. "More than that. I know we just fed you wretches."
"It's alright," Euna assures him. "Go ahead."
The slave keeps trying, spewing up more thin streams of nothing. The sailors grow impatient. The captain keeps growling threats to the slave.
So Euna cups the boys head with one hand, and pushes her hand into the slave's mouth. He tries to pull away. She doesn't let him, and he erupts with a fountain of digested gruel. It cascades around Euna's hand. Some trails down her arm. Most splatters over her face.
She pulls her hand out and proffers her mouth. Now that the slave has started, he can't stop. Gushes of sour vomit pour from him. Euna catches what she can with her mouth. Much flows down her front, and she pulls the neckline of her gown openflips her fishnet top upyanks her bodice down so that the mess courses over her bare tits.
The lad manages a few more dry heaves of thin mucus. On impulse, she rises and meets the slave's lips. One kiss of passion, interrupted by a dry-heave, which Euna doesn't dare pull away from.
Euna sighs. "Very well."
Bellamy faces his crew. "Someone go drag my cabin boy out of his berth. We wouldn't want him to miss the fun."
As someone runs below deck, the captain explains with a grin. "The boy has been bedridden all day. Some swill he ate has left him with a tipsy stomach, but I'm sure that won't trouble you, if this fortifier of yours is any good."
The crew returns with a scrawny teen lad in tow. He's clothed only in a pair of breeches that he's still trying to lace up. He doubled over even as he struggles along. "Captain?" He even sounds sick.
"This slut just delivered the fortifiers. She boasted that it's so strong, she won't even get sick if someone vomits in her mouth. You're going to test that boast for us."
The cabin boy looks Euna over. She's kneeling and waiting. Of course she made no such boast, but she looks defiantand does not look thrilled at all about where this is going. The boy gives a queasy smile. "Yes, captain."
Bellamy motions him onward. The cabin boy staggers up to Euna clutching his stomach and stands over her. He's breathing heavy and barely holding on. "I could have used that fortifier a few days ago, slut." He grabs a handful of Euna's hair and pulls her head back.
She hardly has time to open her mouth when a flood of pale vomit erupts from the cabin boy's mouth. Much of it splatters her face. Her mouth overflows instantly. She hastily pulls the neckline of her gown openflips her fishnet top upyanks her bodice down beforeThe vomit cascades over her bared tits. Euna cups what she can to keep it from running down her groin and over her legs, but it's a too much.
"Swallow it," Bellamy barks. Euna tries, only for the cabin boy to erupt once again while she's mid-swallow, and the mess coats her face and runs down her hair. She still catches what she can. Again and again, she's made to face down a spill of sour, half-digested swill. After, he spits out a few lingering wads of bile into her mouth.
Eventually the man's stomach is empty, and he steps away. Euna falls back and struggles to keep control of her own stomach. Her breath is heavy.
Eventually the man's stomach is empty, and he steps away. Euna casually massages her glistening tits. "Satisfied yet?" she asks the captain, undefeated. "Or shall we make more of a mess of your deck?"
The captain faces you. "Well, boy? Was there more?"
You come upon a field of stinging nettles hidden within the forest. They reach waist height.
"Be careful with these," you say. "They're stinging nettles."
"Are they?" She bends close to study one. Tentatively she brushes one with her pinky, then yanks her hand away. "They are! These are much taller than the ones by the convent."
"I did tell you to be careful."
"Oh, it's nothing. We used to collect these for soup. We wore gloves, but you'd still get used to the occasional sting."
"I see."
"We should collect some," she says. "They're very nutritious. You just have to mash them down and boil them first." Kneeling, Euna uses the trailing end of her gown to yank stems from the plants.Euna whips off her velvet sash and uses it as a sleeve to pluck stems from plants.Euna uses the sleeves of her chemise as a cover as she yanking stems from the plants.Euna carefully clips stems from the plants using a sharpened rock.
"Are you just going to watch?" she asks.
Sighing, you get down and help her. Soon, you both have a pile of nettles which you're positive you're going to have to carry.
"There." Euna looks pleased with herself. "Now we have dinner for tonight."
"They're healthy," she insists.
"What do you want me to do?" she asks.
She takes off her clothes. "And now?"
You gesture to the dense field of nettles. "Show me how much you can take."
Grinning, she strolls into the nettles. The plants come up to waist height on her. Leaves brush her thighs and buttocks, and some pass between her legs. The leaves stroke her labia.
"Are you satisfied?" she asks.
"Not at all.""Hardly."
"Good." She sits back and crushes several plants beneath her ass. Grabbing dozens of nearby stalks before her, she hugs them to her chest. Stings pepper her front. She rubs them sensually over her breasts. "And now?"
"Not yet."
She spreads her legs. Grabbing a fresh handful of nettles, she mashes them directly upon her pussy. She shudders as her most sensitive parts are peppered with stings, yet it's not enough. Next, she even folds her legs up to her chest and rubs rubs the plants between the globes of her ass.
Harder and harder she rubs the nettles along her groin, torturing her sex. Her breath is short and ragged; her pain is mounting, yet she only scrubs hard and faster. Her body trembles in her effort to control herself.
But she finally reaches her peak, and she cries out as her body convulses. All in all, it did not take her that long. After she recovers, she rolls onto all fours and stalks toward you through the nettles, like a tiger through the brush. Small red bumps cover her body, from her legs, up to her neck.
"Good enough?"
"I think so," you reply, "for today anyway."
Next, Euna sits down upon the plants and hugs them against her breasts. She squeezes her legs about the bundle, peppering her thighs and pussy with stings.
Her hips gyrate until she's quivering in pain, then with a pitched cry, she grinds the plants against herself in one final bout of ecstasy.
By the time you're both dressed, the skin around her red bumps has turned red and inflamed. She walks tenderly, and yet she acts just fine. "Shall we move along?"
"If that is your wish." Euna dutifully lays down, pulls aside her gown,shimmies out of her sash,hikes up her skirt, and spreads her legs. Her sex is a little damp. Sticking two fingers of either hand into her slit, she spreads herself open. her hands to either side of her lips, she spreads herself open. "Your turn."
"For the best," she says, "but I hope you still intend to abuse my flower."
You pluck a stalk of nettles carefully by its stem. Lining it up with her spread pussy, you push it into her. Euna flexes and twitches, but makes no noise. You press another stalk inside her, then another, and another. Each one bends and folds, but you work it in, using the fabric of her clothes to protect your fingers.
Her pussy is dripping after half a dozen stalks disappear inside her. Her labia is red and puffy, with small red bumps.
She moans, reaching down and pleasuring herself. "More,""Oh, it hurts," she mutters.
You slide in more until you're having to cramp and push. Her lips won't close from all the mass inside her. She never stops strumming her clit, she even keeps the mass pressed into herself whenever your fetching new stems. When she feels you pressing a leaf to her clit, her fingers snatch it up and take over scrubbing her poor button with it. She doesn't stop until she's wailing.
Afterward, she works the mushy mass out of herself. "I can't believe how carried away I got," she says. "Everything burns now. I think there are still some leaves up there."
"I'm sure they'll come out," you say.
She grins. "With how much my nethers burn right now, I'll hardly notice." She stands, winces, and clutches her crotch. "Ooh. You can't ever say I don't have a good tolerance."
You feed stems into her spread pussy one after another. The leaves pepper her sensitive vaginal walls, but even as her labia grows red and puffy, her sex oozes.
She's trying to keep herself from touching her clit. This is a test of her obediencetolerance after all, not for her pleasure, but the experience still turns her into a mewling, trembling mess on the verge of orgasm. You stop right before that point.
She comes down. "Satisfied?"
"Yes. Are you?"
"My pleasure is unimportant."
"You know you stopped too soon."
Afterward, she gets the leaves out of her. Her entire croch is enflamed with bumps and rashes.
She doesn't resist when you spread her legs apart. "You are such a strange mangirl. This hole is meant for urination, not perversion."
"The whole point of perversion is to do things you're not supposed to. Now hold still."
You slide the stem into her. She tenses and catches hold of it with her clenching muscles. You play a little tugging war with her to get it out.
"The stem doesn't sting," she says. "You need to use the leaves."
"Oh, so you want me to do this?"
"No. You want to. I only obey."
"I'm not afraid. Proceed."
You roll a leaf around a stem and slide the stem into her. This time she jolts. Her piss hole clenches the stem, which must have peppered it all the more, because she hisses and pulls away. You pull out the stem. The leaf is gone. It's still inside her.
"Where did the leaf go?" she asks.
"I don't know." You wrap another leaf around the stem.
"Wait," she says.
You don't. The stem goes right inside her and go deep. "Wait,""Enough," She scoots away. "You're getting them stuck inside me."
"Am I?" You withdraw the step. The second leaf is gone. A tip of green peeks out from her now red and puffy urethra. It looks clenched tight.
She clenches your wrist. "You have to get them out. Please."
"Oh very well." You pinch the leaf and pull. It tears. No green is left emerged. "Oops."
"Oops? What do you mean oops? Can you get them out?"
"I'll try." You bend the tip of the stem, spread her urethra open, and slide the stem in. She bucks and pulls away, but you hold her tight. Several inches in, you torque the stem and yank it out.
She yelps. "Oh Lord... It hurts."
"It's working though." Green is showing again. You ram the stem back in and scrape it out, over and over, pulling bits of torn nettle out with it. Euna whines and bucks as you fuck her little pee hole. Her toes are curling. She's clutching your arms, then her legs, then her breasts. She's squirming, even as tears form in her eyes. Her breaths are moans. This is agony, but maybe it's something else for her too. But fortunately you get both leaves out. Well, most of them.
"You're all set," you say. "I'm sure you'll be fine."
She squeezes her legs together and clutches her groin. "Ohhhh." Eyes closed. There's a little chew of her lip, and the way she's undulating.
"Maybe we should test your little hole more often," you say. "Maybe back at camp."
"Maybe..." she says.
"Maybe I might try fitting larger things in that little hole just to see how it makes you feel. Another hole to stretch."
"Maybe you should..." she whispers, "but you will bring out the oils first."
"If that is your wish..." she whispers. "I only ask that you bring out the oils first."
"Ohh. No..."
"Maybe I might try fitting larger things in that little hole of yours."
"Noo..." she moans. "My little hole is not meant to stretch. A few nettle leaves is all that would fit."
"Maybe you'll change your mind some day."
She takes a long time to recover. Her urethra is a puffy mess, but only time will help that. "It will be interesting to pee later on," she says. "Another test of endurance."
"Very well." Glancing around, she shrugs her gown off her shoulders.peels off her fishnet top.she unfastens her bodice and yanks down her chemise. "Conduct your tests."
You tease the stalk along her tits. Euna twitches as minuscule barbs sting into her. Only when you brush her nipple does she make even the slightest facial expression. It seems her tolerance is indeed quite high.
Growing bold, you rub the full length of the stalk against her breasts instead of just end, and you don't stop until your sure you've covered every inch of her globes. Red bumps are appearing, yet she remains undaunted. Euna even pulls her bodice wide open, exposing her neck and belly, and you explore her body with the stem. By the time you're done, her torso is red, covered in countless little bumps. There isn't anywhere left to sting.
"Satisfied?" she asks.
"I guess you pass," you say. "How do you feel?"
She squeezes her breasts. "It burns. Deliciously so. I'll have my mind on it all day." She fastens her bodice back up. "Shall we continue on our way?"
You tease a stalk along her breasts. She winces, but keeps her chest jutted forward. You brush her nipples, causing her to gasp. When you slap the nettles against her, she cries out. "Ohh. Ooh. Okay. I think that's as much as I can take." She massages her breasts. They're red with small bumps.
"That wasn't much," you reply.
"Maybe I should do it to you so you know how it feels."
"How does it feel?"
"It burns. Ooh." She rubs her breasts. "Now it's really starting to burn." She scrutinizes a few red bumps which are starting to form. "They're going to burn for hours."
"Hmm." She idly twists her own nipples. "No. It's a good kind of burn. They're so sensitive now. I'm going to be thinking about them the whole time." She tucks away her breasts. "It'll make today interesting. Shall we continue on our way?"
"Very tolerant," she says.
"Really?" You wave a stalk of nettles before her. She watches you expectantly. Gently, you brush the leaves along her collar bone. No reaction. Lowering the sprig, you stroke it along her exposed cleavage. Her flinches are hardly detectable.
"Interesting," you say, "but that doesn't really prove anything."
"What would convince you?" she asks.
"Show me your breasts."
"Here?" She glances about.
"There's no one around."
She scoops both of her breasts out of the neckline of her gown and hefts them toward you.
She peels off her fishnet top and hefts her tits toward you.
She looses her bodice and slides it off. Next, she pulls down the neckline of her chemise and fishes out both of her breasts.Hefting her tits, she proffers them to you.
"Quickly now," she whispers.
You tease the leaves along her nipples. She winces but says nothing. You slap the branch across her breasts. She bites her lip.
"It burns," she says.
"Too much?"
She seems about to concede, but then hefts her breasts closer. They're already red and enflamed.
You flick the branch against her again and again, sometimes right across her nipples. She only winces, but her breath grows heavy.
You go to flog her once more, and she pulls away. Her hands rub over her sensitive breasts.
"Had enough?" you ask.
Euna grabs you by the breechesleggings and pulls them down and you towards her. As you fall forward, she falls back until you're on top of her. Her legs wrap about you. Sweeping her gown aside,Her velvet sash has already ridden up to her waist. It doesn't get in the way whenHiking her skirt about her waist, she frees your cock and directs it into her.
She's dripping wet. You slide in easily. She kneads her tender breasts. Her fingers brush the red, little bumps. In less than a minute, she's crying out in climax.
Afterward, you lay together. You play your hand along her body. She shudders whenever your finger brushes her stings.
Euna pulls you to the ground with her. She can't get your clothes off quickly enough, and immediately her lips explore your chest, and your neck.
She's dripping wet. Your fingers slide into her easily. Your lips fix upon her breasts. You explore each other with such frantic desperation that within minutes she's already shuddering in climax.
Afterward, you tow lay cuddled together. Her hands explore your body. Her sex slowly grinds against you, with each little touch causing her to shiver.
"I don't know what came over me," she said. "I've never felt like that from nettles before. Their stings have always been a nuisance."
"You've never used them in sex before," you reply.
"That's true, but it seems like a perversion to do so."
Your tongue plays over her nipples. "So what if it is?"
Smiling, she sighs. "That seems like your answer for everything. I'll never think of nettles again without thinking of this. If I stay with you long enough, everything in the world will warm my loins."
She sighs. "No, I suppose I never have. And now I'll never think of nettles again without thinking of sex. If I stay with you long enough, everything in the world will warm my loins."
"That sounds nice."
"It does, doesn't it?" she says. "We should get moving. The day is wasting."
"You don't want to savor this?"
"I'll be savoring it for hours, you foolmy love. It will be late tonight before my breasts stop burning, but it's such a warming burn. All those years picking nettles for the other sisters... I never would have thought I'd savor it."
You and Euna dress, but not before she examines her tender breasts.The countless red bumps have only gotten more pronounced.
She glances about. "Very well."
As you collect some nettle stems, Euna shrugs out of her gown.peels off her fishnet top.unfastens her bodice. She cups both her breasts and holds them out to you. Again and again you bring the stems down on her flesh. She flinches and moans. Her globes turn bright red, bumps break out over them.
Gasping, Euna sneaks one hand down to play with herself.
Abruptly, she rolls onto her back. Her legs open to you, and her fingers stab rapidly into her pussy.
You whip her thighs. Startled, she yelps. For a moment, it seems she's almost upset that you would whip her so close to her pussy, but a devilish look comes over her, and she spreads her legs wider. Her hands lay upon either thigh, leaving her snatch exposed. When you look at her, she gives you the slightest nod.
You tease the branch along her labia. She twitches at each little sting.
"More," she mutters.
You lash the stem between her legs. She cries out in pain. Her legs threaten to snap shut, but she resists. Even as tears form in her eyes, she holds herself open. "More."
You whip her again and again directly upon her slit. She cries openly. "Oh. Stop. Stop. I can't. Oh Lord. I'm cumming."
She thrashes and moans. You continue whipping her sex, and each time causes her to convulse, and you don't stop until she goes limp. She's hardly any strength left to react to your torture.
Afterward, she redresses. Her breasts and thighs are puffy with stings, but she couldn't be happier.
"I think nettles have become my new favorite plant," she says. "If I ever get home, I'm going to plant them in the palace garden."
"You're not in pain right now?"
"Oh, I burn all over." She rubs her hands over her body. "but it's only turning me on. We should probably continue on before we get distracted again."
She spreads herself open so that you bring the stem down upon her pussy. Each lashing, causes her to convulse. "Harder," she breathes. Her hands move out of the way.
From repeated lashing, her body trembles more and more until it seems to take her over. Her hand shoots to her clit, and she rubs furiously as her body undulates. She moans long and hard.
And then, limp.
"Have we reached your limit?" you ask.
"For today, yes." Writhing, she feels between her legs and winces. An aftershock of pleasure courses through her. "I'll do better another day."
"Always striving for greatness," you reply.
"Of course."
Minutes later, she's up and dressed. Her cleavage shows numerous red bumps. "Let's get going." She walks tenderly as you two depart.
"Lay down and spread yourself open."
"Open your bodice. Let's see how you handle a little teasing."
You show her your arms. They're covered in tiny red bumps which tingle and burn.
"Toughen up," she says. "My sisters and I would have stings all up and down our arms. They'll go away in a few hours."
Euna bends close and plants kisses upon your arms. "Does that make it any better?"
"A little."
"Don't worry. They'll go away in a few hours. I've had to deal with much worse than that in my time."
"Bad," she says. "Sometimes for punishments, the Mother Superior made us pluck the nettles alone. Not only did she not let us use gloves, she would make us strip down to our chemise."
"Interesting," you say.
"That's how I got so adept and plucking these without getting stung, but those first few times," she shivers. "I got stung everywhere. All along my arms, my neck, my legs, even a few on my bosom. Oh, how my skin burned that night, but I've gotten quite tolerant of nettle stings since then."
"Your bosom?"
She smirks. "Of course you focus on that detail."
She moans and bites her lip.
She shakes her head. "More." She pulls herself wider.
You stuff more inside her, until it becomes so packed that no more fit. Her labia doesn't close around the packed green inside her, but you're not done. Pushing her legs up to her chest, you expose her asshole. She already understands and pulls her ass cheeks wide. You first tease leaves around her delicate puckered hole, causing slight twitches. Then without warning, you violently jam a stem inside. She cries out, but that doesn't stop you. Stem after stem is forced inside her dry hole, scratching the flesh and lining it with stings. Tears are pouring down her face as she whines.
She yanks away from you. "Oh, Lord," she says, frantically rubbing her puffy clit. Despite her tears, it doesn't take her more than a few seconds before she's thrashing wildly. She cries out, and her entire body flexes.
Collapsing, she gasps for breath. Spasms still run through her.
"Good?" you ask.
She nods, panting. After she regains herself, she bears down, and the mush of nettles in her cunt and ass ooze out of her. With most of it evacuated, she inspects herself. Her cunt is raw. Her ass is covered in small scratches. Red bumps cover all her skin.
Euna touches herself tenderly and winces. "You were not kind."
"You didn't need kind."
She grins. "No, I didn't." Reaching inside herself, she pulls out the worst of the remaining nettles. She snatches her underwear from you and dons it. Standing takes her a while. She winces many times, but eventually makes it. She's clearly still in a lot of pain.
"Shall we go?" you ask.
"Let's," she replies, composing herself.
"Let's not," she says.
"A decent idea," Euna says. "We were running low."
Together, you and Euna gather a bundle of nettles.
"I'm sure." She bears down, pushing out a mush of nettles from her ass and pussy. Sitting up, she inspects herself. Her pee hole is bleeding badly. Her cunt and ass are red and tender. Red bumps cover all the skin between her legs. She digs her fingers in her holes to hook out any remaining nettles. Cleaned out, she rubs her cunt, closing her eyes at the pain. She focuses especially on her ruined urethra. "You went easy on me."
"We have places to be."
"I suppose I don't have time to get off then."
"...and after all that delicious pain." Euna snatches her panties and pulls them on. Blood soaks the cloth. She delicately stands up, her legs quivering, but soon enough she composes herself. "Let's get going then."
Gasping for breath. she stares at you in astonishment. She was clearly ready to quit, but hearing your words brings a second wind into her. She spreads her legs, braces herself, and looks you in the eye. "Then do so. You did make this mess inside me after all. Don't you dare stop until you've cleaned me out.""My holes are yours to use. Do whatever you wish."
"That's my plan." You toss the twig aside and find another branch as thick as your thumb. It's covered in rough bark and sharp buds where smaller twigs broke off. Euna's eyes widen, but she merely spreads herself wider as you point the jagged tip at her cunt. You dig at the mushy mass of nettles inside her, only occasionally scraping her delicate walls. She twitches each time. But soon most of the mass is gone, and her lips have closed. Each time you stab in, you're scraping open her lips. Blood drips as you rake the stick along her vaginal walls, pulling out mashed nettles and stems. You're merciless as you force it farther inside her, scraping out more and more.
She's crying and screaming all over again, but soon enough you're done... only to start on her ass. This goes much worse for her as you force the stick through her small hole and try to scrape something out. Hardly anything is getting out.
You resort to holding her asshole open with a few fingers while ramming the stick in. Her sphincter tears up. The delicate walls of her rectum bleed. Little by little, you get some of the nettles out, usually by getting a part of a stem to poke out her ruined hole, and then you'd yank it out. Euna is convulsing in pain, shrieking each time your stick tears at her flesh. Shit, blood, and mashed leaves pile up beneath her bum.
Though much of the nettles end up getting pushed far up inside her, beyond her reach.
"I think that's the best I'm going to get," you say. "You can probably pass the rest in time."
Euna isn't responsive for a while. "Okay..." She curls up and clutches her damaged holes. She cries and sniffles for many minutes.
Eventually she calms down. She sits up and inspects herself. The fact that the nettles stung her is hardly a concern compared to the damage you did with your sticks. Her ass, cunt, and urethra are bloody messes. She gingerly pulls her holes one after another to look at the damage. It's bad.
"Feeling better?" you ask.
She nods. Sniffles. "That was intense, but thank you for not stopping."
You nod.
On wobbly legs, she gets up, fetches her panties, and pulls them on over her bleeding holes. Still exhausted, she grins. "I'll need a lot Fira's ointment tonight."
She's barely able to conceal her pain as she takes a few steps. "Where to now?"
You jam the twig farther up. Feeling it tip against the leaf, you torque it and scrape outward, trying to drag the leaf out with it. It fails, scraping her urethra badly. Euna screams in pain. You try again, stabbing it inside and trying to scrape the leaf out. No luck, but more blood wells from her urethra.
You stab again and again, scraping and raking. You might actually be getting it farther in there. Euna is sobbing open and begging. "Oh please. Ohhh. I don't think... I can take it. Please." She struggles with herself not to intervene. Her hands claw at her own legs for something to clutch, leaving marks.
"It's really stuck up there," you say.
She shakes her head. "No... Don't give up... Just ignore me..."
"I was planning to." You keep jamming the stick into her, raping her piss hole, hardly even concerned about the leaf anymore, though you do make sure to scrape the side as you pull out. With one final stab, you go particularly deep. She shrieks. When you pull the twig, the leaf pops out, bloody and pulped.
"Got it!" you say.
Covered in sweat, she smiles. Her eyes are tired. "Are you finished?"
"No. I'm going to help you get //all// the nettles out of you."
You press the tip to the little hole beneath her clit.
She yanks away. Her legs close "Wrong hole."
"I know what I'm doing?"
"And what exactly are you doing?"
"Testing your tolerance."
"Is that hole sexual to you? Can one even derive pleasure from playing with it?"
"Who do ye think they are, boy? Slavers. Pirates."
"Yes, but what kind of slavers? Where do they come from? Who do they sell slaves to? Where do they get there slaves?"
"Those are a lot of questions."
"Fine. I guess my question is: Tell me about the slavers."
"That's not a question, boy. That's more of uh... an inquiry."
"Okay. That's my inquiry."
"Fine. They're slavers. The cove makes a good meetin place for tradin away trinkets and slaves, and the mountains hide it. I don't know how it started. The cove was already runnin when I first pulled into port. You'll never see a more mixed company in all the lands: humans, goblins, wilds, anyone wantin to trade. The only like you won't see are the lawful type."
"Goblins?" Euna asks. "Those little, savage folk."
"Aye. No one trades slaves like the goblins. They fancy slave girls, for no one has a lust like they do."
She shudders. "And the cove allows this?"
"They encourage it, girl. Ever thought about fucking goblins? Quick as rabbits, but they come in groups."
"No, thank you."
The man laughs. "Suit yourself."
Euna bites back a reply.
"Of course not, boy. You'd think I'd give something like that away? I earned it."
"Can you help us get one of our own?" you ask.
"No. I told you, boy. You'll never get one. You're not a pirate. You're not a slaver. And you're not a whore. The cove ain't got need for much else."
Grunting, he reaches across to the vanity. From within one of its drawers, he takes out a small wooden box. Inside is an ornate gold coin bearing a depiction of a demon. The detail is exquisite.
"It's pretty." Euna reaches.
The man yanks it away. "No touching, girl. I think you've seen enough of it." He snaps the box closed and puts it in the vanity.
"Same way all pirates do. I earned my way in. Back then, I'd been raidin with a man who fancied himself captain of a ship the navy had so generously lent him. We were raidin up and down the Western straights. He always preferred to sell our gains to nomads, but we came into the cove whenever the ship took a beating. He had been accepted there, so as long as we came with him as his crew, we were welcome too.
"He and I had a... falling out if you will. I had a chance to captain my own vessel, and he didn't so much appreciate that, seeing as how the vessel was his to start, and he didn't so much agree to give it to me. By then though, I already had my own emblem. I didn't need him anymore."
"Aye, emblem. It's the coin they give you to show them that you're part of the cove. Don't be getting your hopes up. They'll never give one to a little mangirl like you. You need to know people there. You need to have a reputation. Now, enough of this question."
The man chuckles. "I'm doing just fine." He looks to Euna expectantly. "Your turn, girly."
"Hey!" Euna says to you. "We're supposed to be getting information. Why are you wasting our questions?"
"We don't want to be rude, now do we?" you say.
She looks from you to him and sees both of you waiting on her. "Fine," she says to you. "I hope you're enjoying yourself, Deviant."
"Ye walk there," the old man said. "There's a pass through the mountains."
"And we can just walk in?"
"Sure. Ye'll get thrown in a slave pit as soon as someone sees ye though. If yer not a member of the slaver's guild, yer a slave."
"So how do we join the slaver's guild?"
"You? You don't. Yer not a pirate or a slaver."
"All we want is to charter passage on a boat," Euna says.
"Easy enough," he replies. "Walk into the cove. They'll throw ye in the pits. Then when someone buys you, they'll take ye on their boat." He looks Euna over. "It'd be easy for you. Maybe some Saracen general will buy you. Ye'd get to tour the world in their boats, although you might not see much of it seeing as you'd be in the lower deck servicing his men. You..." He looks you over. "Yer a weak, tiny boy. Go for cheap. You might find yerself in the salt mines of Kolyma until your lungs shrivel."He leers at both of you. "It'd be easy for a pair of girlies like you. Maybe some Saracen general will by you together. Ye'd to tour the world in their boats, although you might not see much of it seeing as you'd both be in the lower decks servicing his men."
"But if we had money," Euna asks, "could we buy passage?"
"If you had money, they'd take it off ye before throwing ye in the pits. Yer wasting yer questions."
"Oh yes," he says, "for three long decades. That was the life, wasn't it? Ride the open seas, find a coastal village of some savage tribal folk, take what you want, rape the girls, sell the rest at the cove."
"That's horrible!" Euna says.
"Are you judging me, girl?"
"No, I... well, yes! You made a living ravaging and pillaging."
"Everyone ravages and pillages, girl. Some people are just more direct about it."
"My lands never did."
"Oh, they do. They might dress it up, but they always do. No one gets rich or powerful except on the backs of others."
"That's simply not true," Euna says.
"It is, girl. I spent the first half of my life working for nobles like yerself. I was the one who did the ravaging and pillaging on their behalf. The only difference was I wore a uniform then. The people I hurt were just as innocent as the like I preyed on later. The best was when I'd catch a ship of nobles such as yourself.yourselves. That was justice. I'd teach the prim and proper ladies how the world really works. They weren't so naive after I was done with them. How about you let me show you what I mean. I'll open your eyes, girl."
Sharp words are begging to escape Euna's lips, yet she holds back.
The man chuckles. "I worked at the cove just north of here for most of my pirating years. I could sell what I took, enjoy a nice girl or two with my coin, then head back out to sea with an empty loin and a hull full of drink, but enough about me."
He pours himself his first shot, if it could be called a shot. It fills the cup over half way. That amount of alcohol would be enough to leave you dancing. Yet he gulps it down as though it were water.
"Next question," he mumbles.
He finishes off his cup and goes to pour himself another. His hand lingers on the bottle of rum. His eyes flutter. His head nods forward before he catches himself.
Shaking from the stupor, he pours his drink and gulps most of it immediately. "Not much more now, boy. I'm plenty drunk already. I just..." He spaces out momentarily. "I won't be listening to much more."
"Who are the people running the slaver's cove?"
"Will you give us your emblem?"
"How did you get involved with the cove?"
He pours himself another ample helping of rum. This one he doesn't finish all in a single gulp, but it won't take him long.
"It doesn't take as long for me to get drunk these days," he says, "so get to asking."
He finishes off his cup and pours himself another. His head sways slightly. He does not, however, ask you for another question. In fact, he doesn't do much of anything except to stare ahead. His eyes are dilated.
He finishes off his cup and pours himself another. His head sways slightly.
"Not much more now, boy. The drunker I get, the less patient I'll be." He throws back the drink.
Grabbing the bottle, he takes a swig. He's done using the cup as an inbetween, and now the bottle is nearly half empty. He reclines back and stares at the cabin's ceiling.
"I'm about done with this," he mutters. "One more question, and then off with ye."
He takes another swig of the bottle and leans foward, hunched over it as though protective. "I'm done with this," he says. "Go."
"Very well," Euna says. "We appreciate your giving us your—"
"Go!" The man lurches to his feet, stumbles back, catches himself. "Enough of this prattling. Get out of here."
You and Euna scramble up. When the old man grabs his rapier, you're both out the door. The man does not give chase. Not long after you're out, the old man begins hollering. You quicken your pace until realizing that the man is trying to sing again. It seems you're both out of his mind.
A far distance from the cabin, Euna turns to you. "Well, that was interesting."
"Quite the drinker," you say.
"Do you think there's any way we could get him to part with that emblem? If we could get into the cove, we might find someone who could take us home."
"I can't think of a way he'd willingly give it up," you say, "but there may be something we can do."
"Well, I think we should be careful. I don't think he'll want us back unless we have another bribe."
"We could get another bottle of rum," you say.
"Indeed," she replies, "but unless we have a plan, there's no reason to return. It's late. Let's head back before the sun sets."
The man watches Euna. "Your turn..."
The man looks at you two. "Your turns..."
Euna unties the waist cord of her gown and sets it aside, but she's careful to ensure that her gown remains crumpled about her waist.
Euna peels off her fishnet top. It doesn't make her particularly more naked, but now her tits bounce free.
Bending over, Euna removes one of her boots.
"Boots come in pairs," the man says. "Take them both off."
"You never specified," she replies in a matter-of-fact tone. "Besides, I started by taking off my bodice.We started by taking off our tops. It's only fair that we get an answer for that." She sits straight and stares at the man, daring him to refute her claim. She seems to have lost all self-consciousness about having her breasts on full display.
In turn, you remove one of your boots.
"Fine." The old man turns to you. "What's yer next question?"
It's Euna's turn. She lifts off the stool enough to pull the back of her gown out from under her, she lifts it over her head, and crumples the entire pile of silk in her lap, careful never to expose herself between the legs.
"Now put it on the table," the old man says. "Can't keep covering yourself after you take it off."
"I can and I will," Euna says. "You never said the clothes had to be set aside."
"It's not the idea of the game..."
"The idea of the game is to remove clothes one by one," she says, "which entails having more than one article of clothing to remove. I came in here wearing my gown, my waist cord to cinch it, and nothing else, not even boots. Give us another question and I'm sure I'll move the gown."
"Fine." He looks to you. "You don't have that excuse."
"I don't," you agree, but you only remove your other boot.
It's Euna's turn. She tugs free the knot on the side of the velvet sash hanging about her hips. With a little adjustment, it's now draped in her lap like a napkin.
"Now put it on the table," the old man says. "Can't keep covering yourself after you take it off."
"I can and I will," Euna says. "You never said the clothes had to be set aside."
"It's not the idea of the game..."
"The idea of the game is to remove clothes one by one," she says, "which entails having more than one article of clothing to remove. I came in here wearing a skimpy fishnet blouse and a sash which was never even meant to be a skirt. I had nothing else, not even boots. Give us another question and I'm sure I'll move the sash."
"Fine." He looks to you. "You don't have that excuse."
"I don't," you agree, but you only remove your other boot.
It's Euna's turn. She bends and pulls off her other boot. All she wears now is the skirt about her waist, but she sits proudly before the man.
It's your turn. You pry off your other boot. Euna unlaces and removes hers too. She only has her skirt about her waist, and you your tights.
He looks at herboth of you, licking his lips in anticipation. "All right, next question, boygirls."
The old man grins. "Now, show me skin, girl."
The old man grins. "Now, show me skin, girls."
You go first by peeling your tights off and tossing them on the pile. You're entirely nude now, and your cock is revealed. The old man goggles at it, scrutinizes you, and then finally grunts. His gaze turns to Euna.and after he gets an eyeful, he turns to Euna.
She takes a deep breath and sets her gown on the table, she keepsbefore setting her sash on the table, she keepsbefore standing up. Hooking her thumbs at the waist of her skirt, she shimmies it down her body, keeping her legs pressed together. The man leers at the smooth skin of her pubic mound.mound of fur between her legs.
Euna perches on the stool with the posture of a proper lady, despite being entirely naked in a stinking shack. She crosses her legs to keep the man from seeing any more.
The old man chuckled. "You're out of clothes, girlgirls. Looks like you're done asking questions... unless ye got something more to offer."
"What are you saying?" you ask.
"How about for the next question, the lady stops being so mannered, and sit like a proper wench, hmm?"
Euna looks at you nervously. Her eyes are wide, but there is a hint of thrill there.
The man is facing Euna "Now, let's see ye relax."
Euna reclines on her stool until her back rests against the wall. She then spreads her legs, exposing her pussy to the old man. It glistens. Her thighs are damp, and a small puddle has pooled on the stool.
The man grins. "You're drooling, girl. You're enjoying this game, aren't you?"
Euna reddens. "Never you mind that. I've upheld my end. We get to ask another question."
"Aye, you may. But if I answer it, then I think you should start enjoying yourself more, hmm? What's your next question, boy?"you two should start enjoying each other, hmm? What's your next question, girls?"
The man leans back. "Time for ye to start enjoying yerself."
Euna lifts a leg onto the table. With one hand, she massages her breast, with the other, she strokes up and down her pussy gently. Her fingers come away slick.
"Get into it, girly," the man says.
"You're so impatient," Euna says. Her stroking becomes more vigorous. Soon, she's sawing her middle and ring finger into her snatch. The sounds of her squelching pussy fill the silence. She's breathing heavily. Her body spasms occasionally.
The man watches with rapt attention. His own hands have wandered to his stained pants to rub a prominent bulge at his crotch. Euna's watches him through slit eyes. Her rhythm picks up.
"All right," you say.
The man doesn't hear you.
"Hey, next question."
"What? Eh, yes. Ask, boy." His eyes are glued to Euna. "But it'll cost ya. I'll be getting my feel."
Euna's eyes widen. She looks to you, but doesn't miss a beat in her self pleasuring. There's a questioning look of fear in her eyes, and excitement.
"Okay, but just her breasts," you say.
"Fine. Ask yer question, boy."
The man leans back. "Time for ye to start enjoying yerselves."
You step beside Euna and bend to meet her lips. In the midst of your kiss, your hands come down to cup her breasts. Her fingers trace along the backs of your thigh.
"Friendlier than that, girlies," the man says.
Euna breaks the kiss. "You're so impatient." Her fingers find their way between your legs. Your body presses against her, and her lips latch onto your nipple as you cradle her head close. You let few shuddered breaths escape, mostly for show, but Euna's lips and fingers are having an electric effect. Her hand slowly pumps your cock.There comes the quiet squelch of her fingers inside your snatch.
"All right," you say.
The man doesn't hear you.
"Hey, next question."
"What? Eh, yes. Ask, girl." His eyes are glued to the show. "But it'll cost ya. I'll be getting my feel."
Euna's breaks away from your nipple, but her fingers don't slow. There's a fearful look in her eyes.
"Okay, but just our tits," you say.
"Fine. Ask yer question."
He licks his lips. "Now, come here." Leaning from of his chair, he grabs Euna's breasts. Their ample size make them more than a handful. His wrinkled and leathered hands contrast sharply to Euna's flawless, cream skin.
Euna does not shy away, even when he digs his cracked and yellowed nails into her skin.Actually, she seems to be enjoying herself, and from the way her body quivers, she's on the verge of an orgasm.However, her pleasuring of you stalls. And you find yourself standing uselessly off to the side.
The old man meanwhile has his other hand down his filthy pants, stroking his hard cock. He squeezes Euna's nipple sharply, causing her to jerk and moan. It only excites him further.
"Next question," you say.
The man is completely mesmerized by her tits. He's hunched over now, furiously stroking himself while fondling Euna. Even she is lost in the moment.
Neither respond.
It seems the interview is over.
You find someone in the crowd offering a cat-o-nine tails riding whip. First, you work the crowd by playing the clueless fool. Rubbing your chin ponderously, you study the whip as though trying to decide what it is. The crowd roars for you to use it.
"This?" you say, holding it up.
They cheer.
"On who?" you ask. They point, and you pretend to notice Euna. "On her?"
The crowd roars. They're ready.
Someone in the crowd offers a cat-o-nine tails riding whip. You demurely stalk around Euna while feeling its length. Like a true dominatrix, you tease her at first by caressing the tails along her back, and using it to prod her breasts and ass.
"Shall we punish this whore?" you ask the crowd.
They roar in reply. They're ready.
Of course, you first take your time to feel up her luscious ass, even knocking them around a little so they jiggle. Then comes your first underhanded swing. The swat makes her jump. More swings, just to tease, as though you're flicking flies from a horse.
But the next swat would bring that horse to a trot—a sharp sting. Then the next, and the next, and another to make the horse gallop. She's certainly trying to hop forward to avoid your swings, but fixed as she is. That doesn't stop you from whipping harder and harder, until her ass glows, and angry welts cover her cheeks and thighs.
Setting aside the cat-o-nine tails, you take out the cane. It's old and worn, but the air still hisses whip it about. You bring it down upon her back. Euna screams and jolts. The welts left by the lash are nothing compared to the bleeding gash now slashed across her back.
Again and again, you cane her until her back becomes scored and scored. Her screams and hollers are above what she was doing before. She cringes from each blow. This torture is too much for some in the crowd, and many leave, but those that remain grow more thirsty for her punishment. You've certainly set a precedent for how cruel this pillory time will be.
You kick her legs wider apart. The crowd cheers you on.
With an underhand swing, you bring the whip up between her legs. The leather bites her labia. A sharp cry escapes Euna's lips much to the audience's delight. Again and again, you bring the whip down on her sensitive lips. Red welts criss-cross over her slit. Euna's legs are nearly buckling. She cries openly.
You trot around to her side. Her heavy breasts hang low like udders. First, you make a show of cupping them in your hands, sizing them up. They're so large, they practically spill over your hands.
Your swing is underhanded. The whip's tails strike her tit flesh from beneath. They jiggle delightfully, both from the strike, and from her flinch. Each blows comes from just a quick flip of the wrist. Sometimes the tails lash her nipples. Sometimes they reach far enough to leave marks on her ribs along her flank.
Soon her, tits are good and glowing. You give them a good squeeze to watch how much more she squirms now.
You gently pull Euna off your cock.
She looks at you. "Is something wrong?"
"No. Nothing is wrong."
"Am I not doing it very well?" she asks. "It seemed like you were going a little soft."
She seems bothered, but she obliges.
Rubbing her jaw just under her ear, she smiles at you earnestly.
You relax your anus. Euna is worming her tongue past your ring, but when she feels the mass moving out, she withdraws her tongue and fixes her lips over your ring.
Your log of feces slides down and quickly fills her mouth until her cheeks are puffed and a small mound sits upon her lips. Euna is huffing breath through her nose. She's squirming about, rubbing her thighs together.
You begin coiling it about her ample tits. They're meaty enough that you need to lift the tit flesh to run the rope along the underside.
"What are you doing?" she asks coyly.
"I'm choking these beautiful breasts of yours."
"Have they misbehaved?"
"No, but maybe you have."
"Oh! Then don't hold back."
"I see. Then do your worst."
"Tighter," she says. "Much tighter."
When you aim next at her face, she props herself up. Eyes closed, she basks in it, letting it soak her face and hair. And finally, she catches the last of your dwindling stream in her mouth and swallows it down. With the last drop spilled, she settles back and eyes you.
"You should be ashamed of yourself," she says. "Do you know what would happen to you back home if you were caught urinating in your tsarivna's mouth?"
Euna pulls her head away from the stream when you try this, though the last trickle splashes her chin.
She licks away the droplets on her lips. "Naughty fool..." she mutters.
You take out your climbing ropes.
"No," she says. "How about you put those away before you get any bright ideas."
You put the climbing rope away.
You introduce more fingers into Euna's slit. Three, then four.
Euna squeezes your hand in place with her thighs. "As interested as I am to try this, I don't think we should proceed without some sort of oil. You did say that an oil would help with this, right?"
You easily slip two fingers into her wet gash. Three fingers are tight. Four meets resistance. Though she's wet, her vaginal walls don't slide easily down your fingers.
The moment you tuck your thumb and push, Euna winces and squeezes your hand with her thighs.
"Does it hurt?"
"You're trying to fit your entire fist into me. Of course it hurts."
"Think you can do it?"
She considers. "No. Not like this. It feels like something might tear."
"Then I'll stop."
"Well, no no," she says. "I'm not saying we need to stop, but..."
"Maybe... Is it true some people use oils for intercourse?"
"They do."
"Do you think that might work?"
"We don't have any oils, but we do have something that might do the trick."
"And what is that?"
You reach for your pack to get...
"It would, but we don't have any oils," you say.
She sighs. "No, and I'm not sure where we're supposed to get any. But nonetheless."
"Lots of women take fists without oils though..."
"And I'm not one of them," she replies.
You enter the Siren's Bounty to find a large single room crowded with sailors at tables drinking, singing, or gambling at dice games. It smells as though the bar has been pickled in sweat and leftover beer, and the baseboards of the original ship are barely visible beneath layers of dirt and grime. At the aft section of the ship is a raised stage, though no one uses it.
The men are heavily-built. A few hold women in their laps who watch the others play games. Their boyfriends pull them in for good luck kisses, or to squeeze their breasts, or rest their hands on their thigh.
Only one woman is not fixed to a man, and that's the wench serving drinks. She navigates the tables while holding impressive numbers of steins. Hands surreptitiously dart out to pinch or slap her bottom, which she ignores. When she stops to take orders, some slip their hand up her knee-length skirt and fondle her, which she doesn't stop.
"A raucous bunch, aren't they?" Euna says. Many men eye her. She clutches close. "Let's sit in the corner. Out of the way."
You sit at a table. The wench is passing out drinks at another. One bold man behind her lifts her skirt and strokes her through her underwear. She must first serve the drinks before she can bat his hand away, but then she merely rolls her eyes and keeps working.
At another table, she bends to collect steins from an unruly bunch. One man reaches his hand down her low cut bodice while she cleans the table. Her breast pops out, and with her hands full, she must walk all the way back to the bar before slipping her tit back into her bodice. The tavern hoots and hollers. She smiles as though boys will be boys and continues on her endless work.
"I wonder how she puts up with it?" Euna asks.
"Different world," you reply.
Eventually, the wench comes to you. She rests her elbows on the table and bends low to converse with both of you. Her tits are nearly spilling from her bodice. "Haven't seen your lotyou girls before. Ales and beers are a coin each. The cook has a roast on the spit and mash in the pot, two rubles gets a plate for the both of you. Or twenty for a whitecapped plate. So what're you having?"
You enter the Siren's Bounty to find it busy as usual. You two sit at a table, and a moment later, two enormous men approach and loom over you two.
"Damian wants to see you," one says.
"What for?" Euna asks.
"Doesn't matter. If he wants to see you, he gets to see you."
Across the tavern, Damien is seated at his usual corner table talking and laughing with his fellow pirates.
"All he has to do is look in this direction," you say.
They're not amused. The men drag you two across the tavern, and you find yourselves standing before Damien. Their table goes quiet, but Damien still takes his time noticing you.
"Well look at you two," he says. "You've been making yourselves quite at home in my little cove, haven't you?"
"We've been working," Euna replies.
"So you have, pulling tricks, I hear. Funny, because I thought I remember give you two another job."
"We're working on it," you say.
"Work faster. Your little visits here come at my expense. I got a visit from someone I don't particularly care to see. The crocodile came looking for you two."
"The old man at the beach?" Euna asks.
"He spoke of a nasty little pairtwo trickster women who stole his medallion. Wanted to know if you two had showed your faces around here. He'd like very much to take it back from you two."
You enter the Siren's Bounty to find it just as busy as before. Pirates drink and dice. Busty wenches sit upon laps like trophies.
The same woman is serving the tables. The men cop feels under her skirt as she waits tables.
You find a seat.
The wench comes by. "You know what we've got. Wave me down if you two sweetheartsladies are having anything."
"Very well then." You both climb onto stage. Euna plucks gentle music on her lyre while you launch into ribald stories, complimented with silly dances and acrobatics. At first, the pirates just play their games, but some give you their passing attention.
"Very well then." You both climb onto stage. Euna plucks gentle music on her lyre while you begin at first with some gentle swaying. Her music picks up. Your hips gyrate, and then your dance begins.
A story occurs to you.
"Look upon the beauty who plays her lyre for us tonight. Not long ago, she was the pious and virtuous daughter of a great Lord, and every day she sat in her tower alone, and not once in her life had she ever smiled." You circle about Euna. Playing on, she gives you a quizzical look.
"Her father became so distraught," you continue, "that he sent word across the land that whoever could make his daughter smile, could have her hand in marriage, and her heart to hold. Legions came. They stood below her tower and sang her sonnets, told her tales, regailed her with ribaldry. None succeeded. ...not until I wandered along." Behind Euna, you trace a finger along her shoulders. She plays and listens.
"I climbed right up her tower and into her window," you say, "for I knew that the place to make her smile was not beneath her tower, but between her legs." Euna spins her head to look at you. "I made her moan," you say, "and cry, and tremble, and beg, and pray. But most of all, I made her smile."
Euna's cheeks burn red.
"Her father, the lord, was not so pleased. We ran away together, and I never did get her hand in marriage, and maybe not her heart to hold. But I do get her cunt to taste."
The crowd, already laughing, erupts at this. They stamp and clatter and cheer. Euna fixes her eyes firmly on her lyre, face crimson.
"And now that our dear lady, once so virtuous, has learned to smile, anyone can make her smile, so long as they stand in the right place."
Euna misses a note on her lyre, but no one notices. The hoots and roars are far too loud. Coins rain on the stage.
You undulate your hips about with the grace of a snake. Your feet glide in a sensual balet. Some eyes turn from their game to watch.
Your dance takes you right behind Euna. She can't turn to see, but the audience does when you peel off your top. The appreciative murmurs clue Euna in that you're doing something new. She turns her head to glance, but you dart to her other side, out of view.
Many laugh. This only makes her crane more, but you're right behind her now, with your hands on her shoulders, and you match every turn she makes.
With her head turned, you suckle her ear. She spins toward you, only now you're on the other side, nibbling her neck. Another spin, but your gone. This time she spins again, only to find your face right by hers. You plant a kiss upon her lips. It lingers. You tilt her head back to better lock your lips, but her eyes never closed, and she can see your exposed breasts.
She startles, flails, lurches away. Face crimson, she turns her focus exclusively to her lyre, but no one can hear it over the gails of laughter. Coins rain onto the stage.
Later, you both count those coins at a table in the back.
"I would prefer if you didn't include me in your stories like that," she says.
"Really? Why?"
"Why? You made everyone here believe I'm a common strumpet."
"Not common at all. You're a virtuous maiden who succumbed to sinful ways. Crowds love that sort of story. It gets their imaginations running."
"Yes, about me. Why can't you just tell a story about a fictional maiden?"
"Because they can see you. You're beautiful, and you make the story real to them. They can believe that you really are that wanton maiden. Just look at how much we got for this."
She looks at the piled coins. "I suppose there's no harm. No one here really knows who I am." She sighs. Very well. Slander my name as you see fit. Though try not to paint me as an utter harlot."Still. I'd appreciate it if you'd leave me out of your stories."
"That was a nasty little trick you pulled," she says.
"What trick?"
"What trick? You involved me your little striptease."
"It wasn't a trick. It was an act, and you played your part perfectly."
"What part? The fool?"
"The virtuous maiden, and I was the saucy trickster."
"And the part where you exposed your breasts?"
"I can't really play a temptress if I'm not scandalously dressed," you say. "A seduction story is always a favorite with crowds. And stripteases bring in the money."
She looks at the stacks of coin. "I suppose I see the artistry in the act." She sighs. Very well. I will participate in your acts. So long as they remain civilized."Still. I'd appreciate it if you didn't include me in your erotic titilations."
"As you wish, Your Highness."
One story in particular comes to mind.
Three sisters bicker over a handsome man. Their father knows not what to do, but their uncle does. He takes them before the village to judge, and says that the one to marry the handsome man is the one who best answers this riddle. "Who was born first, you or your cunt?"
The oldest answers first. "By all the saints, I swear my cunt is older than I. It has a beard, and I do not."
The second answers. "I am older, by far, than my cunt. For I have teeth both sharp and long, and my cunt has not."
However, the youngest answers, "My cunt is younger and I'll tell you why. While I have weaned from the breast, my cunt gapes from thirst, and it needs to suck."
The village judge this this to be the best answer, and so the youngest marries the handsome man.
A beautiful maiden has come of age, yet her parents, a noble couple, are prude beyond compare. Never once do they tell the girl of what hangs between a man's legs. Every time she asks, they chide her to never speak of it again, and so she remains as innocent as a doe.
One day when the nobles are away, a con man happens by who has heard of her parents' chiding. Poking out between his legs is a rod stiff and ready.
"What is that?" the girl asks.
"It is my squirrel," he replies. "You may pet him if you wish."
"I've never seen such an animal. He is warm to the touch."
"Because he has just come free from his niche in search for nuts to eat."
"A shame that is," the girl replies. "For I've only just eaten a bowl of nuts yesterday. And I would see him nibbling them from my fingertips."
"Fear not, fair lady, for he can still get at those nuts. Through your cunt and into your tummy, if you may."
"I would not starve such a beast." And so the man lays her on the back, gives her a kiss, and sends the squirrel to find its nuts. Deep it ruts and scurries about. The maiden finds this quite to her liking, "Oh my. Search deep little friend. Deeper and harder, you have my blessing to eat your fill."
And eat its fill it does. So bloated its belly becomes that it vomits its meal, leaves a mess trickling down her thighs.
That is the nobles' folly. For in guarding their daughter's mind from sin, they raised a virtuous maiden who feeds every dear rodent she can.
A trickster has a magic ring which when worn makes one's manhood swell. He happens to lose this ring one day by the river, where perchance a count should find it for himself. He places the ring upon his finger and got back upon his horse.
Though as he rides, he grows quite concerned. His member had swollen quite large, until the seams of his breeches burst. It grows and grows, much to his shame, until it drags on the floor even as he walks. He sends out messengers to every corner of the land for one who might bring his cock back to size. The trickster hears of this, and knows this to be the work of his lost ring. He comes and promises a cure for the count. His price is only those two rings upon the counts finger, and a thousand rubles.
The count gladly agrees, and no sooner are the rings off his fingers does he find himself disencumbered. Both men walk away gleeful at what a profitable exchange that was.
A bear ventures from the woods and sees a peasant woman working her field. "I've never fought a woman before," he thinks. "I wonder if they're stronger than a man." And so he approaches and challenges her to a fight.
"But what if you rend me open," the woman asks.
"If I should, I'll give you all my honey."
She agrees, and the fight begins. The bear grabs her and tosses her. When she falls on her back, she spreads her legs wide and lifts her frock. "Look, bear, you've split me open."
The bear sees the slit between her legs. "By the lords. What have I done?" He takes hold of the woman's vulva and tries as he might to work her lips back together. All his fussing has an effect on the woman. In the heights of her pleasure, she lets out a fart. The bear startles and sees that he has torn yet another small rent just below the first. In a panic, he retreats into the woods, never to fight a woman again.
You've learned many dances traveling the tsardom. All of them have their own grace, their own rhythms and patterns. Every one of them adds to the story you tell with your body. Your feet seem hardly to graze the floor. Your hips, your thighs, your belly, your chest—all undulate with such sensuality that even an uncouth crowd like this turn from their drinks to this show of grace and talent, but their eyes linger because of what your dance stirs. Your breasts sway. Your legs stretch effortlessly above your head. Your ass hypnotises with how it drifts about.
"That was delightful," Euna says afterward. "I think I'd be perfectly happy being your minstrel for the rest of my days."
"That was a beautiful dance," Euna says afterward. "Your talent belongs in a royal court."
"You didn't think so back in Ruthgar," you reply.
"I was a different woman back then. The provocative nature of your dances would upset me." She leans close. "To be honest, they still leaves me quite bothered. You have a talent at making art naughty."
Together, you count the coins that had been tossed onstage. Euna frowns. "As enjoyable as it was, I see why this is a pauper's life."
"Maybe next time we could spice up the act," you say. "Do something racier."
She wrinkles her nose. "I'd rather not."
"You would prefer to keep our act tame?"
"I suppose we must do something," she says. "Or we'll be here for years earning coin at this rate."
Afterward, you two reconvene at at table and count your coin.
She sighs. "This is even less than we were making to begin with."
"Maybe it's time you join me in the racy bits again."
"Maybe it's time for something new."
"I must agree," she says.
"I'd still rather we not demean myself," but she says this with hardly any conviction.
Behind her again, you kiss along her neck, and nibble her ear. Finally, you tilt her head back so she's looking up at you, you place a long and passionate kiss upon her lips. Your tongue entwine, and finally, her song trails off.
This finale is met with a few halfhearted cheers.
Back at the table, you count your coin.
Euna grumps. "Hardly any more than before. I thought people liked that act."
"Perhaps they were expecting a greater finish," you say.
"What else is there to do? You distracted me with a kiss. That's good enough, I think."
"And as a climax, I expect you'll want to be exposing my breasts again?"
"If you're comfortable with it."
She looks over the crowd. "Very well. I'll do my best job acting the modest maiden."
She sighs and looks over the crowd. "Very well. I can't believe I'm agreeing to this, but I will play along as the modest maiden."
"I see. Another performance where I play the innocent maiden."
"And I suppose you're the fool, distracting me with your puerile antics.temptress, distracting me with your lusty wiles."
"What else?"
"Very well. Let's try it."
Onstage, you adress the audience. "Gentlemen,"Hello boys, allow me to introduce to you a fair sister of faith who hails from a land across the seas known for it's austere beauty and grace, matched only by it's insufferable prudishness. A land of nuns and wives, and it's utter lack of fun. But listen now to our sister's most beautiful melody. It is said she has such talent and focus that nothing in the world can distract her when she's lost in music."
Euna sits on a stool center stage and begins a gentle composition quite unfitting for a pirate tavern. Attentions turn back to their table games.
But then you come creeping up behind Euna. Reaching around her, you pluck a lyre string—an ugly blotch in her woven music. She bats you away, and some people are watching again.
You poke at her ear. She waves you off like a gnat. You cover her eyes. She plays just fine. You suck her toes. She giggles and squirms, but never stops.
Each of your antics garners laughs from the audience. Coins rain on the stage.
But then you creep up behind Euna. You run your tongue along her neck and nibble her ear. Some pirates are paying attention again.
You lift your tunic overhead, exposing your breasts. In only your tights, you glide around Euna sensually, but Euna keeps playing. Cradling her head, you caress your tit across her cheek. It might as well have been the breeze to her.
You even slither up under her arms so that you're sitting in her lap. She plays around you. Your tits press to her face, your lips press to her forehead. No avail. You even slide a hand down your tights and play with yourself, only for her to shove you off without ever missing a beat.
The erotic nature of your act certainly has its watchers. Coins rain on the stage.
Behind her again, you kiss along her neck, and nibble her ear. When you tilt her head back to give her a kiss, you yank her gown aside to expose her tits.yank her fishnet top up so her tits bounce out.yank her bodice down to her waist. Her tits spill out.
Euna cries out and scrambles to correct herself. While her feigned reaction is humorous, she doesn't capture the timeless floundering she did the first time. Some laugh. Some give wolf whistles. A few coins land on the stage.
Back at the table, you both count your coin.
Euna frowns. "Our turns are diminishing with each night."
"Our act is getting stale," you say.
"I suppose I must work on my acting skills."
"Or maybe if you showed more..."
"I'll work on my acting," she replies.
Behind her again, you mime an conspiratorial a finger to your lips and give a sly wink. You're up to something, and the audience knows it.
You place a kiss upon Euna's neck. She tilts her head to bask in your affection, and when you lift her face by her chin, she looks up so that you can give her an intimate kiss from above.
Her hands never pause playing. Your hands, however, creep around her body, and you yank her silk gown aside. Her breasts are fully bared.her fishnet top up about her neck. Her breasts spring out.her bodice down to her belly. Her breasts spring out.
Yelping, Euna flails to cover herself with her arms, only to lose her grip on her Lyre, which starts to fall from her lap. Reflexively, she lunges to catch it, and of course exposes herself again. She slips off her stool and pratfalls, but manages to protect the instrument. As a result though, not only are her breasts exposed, but many likely got an ample glimpse around her gown atup her velvet sashup her skirt at her smooth flowernest.
The crowd erupts in laughter. Many hoot. Many applaud. Euna scrabbles to correct her clothes. She storms off the stage to... the audience, because there is no backstage. She has to scurry past all the guffawing pirate to her table, where she sits, still in view, face crimson and mood sullen.
Needless to say, she's not in a good mood after you've collected the shower of coins and joined her at the table.
"I suppose you found that funny, did you?"
"I said I was going to distract you."
"You didn't say you were going to expose me to a crowd of cuttroat pirates."
"It's what the performance needed. The chaste and beautiful maiden loses her poise. That's what a crowd like this pays to see." You lay the coins out on the table.
Her eyes linger on the coins. "The money is not worth the price of my dignity. I don't care how badly we need it."
"Then I'm sorry," you say. "You have my solemn word I won't do it again. Will you please forgive me?"
She glares. "I hardly have a choice. I'm stuck with you on these lands."
"Nonsense. I'm sure one of the men here would love to let you tag along with them."
She gives a dry laugh. "Sure. I'd fair much better with one of them. Like it or not, you're still my noble protector."
"Then I'll strive to be more noble."
"Then I forgive you."
"I'm sorry," you say. "From now on, the only breasts I'll bare for our acts are my own. I don't put my dignitiy above getting the money we need."
"Don't do that."
"Bare myself?"
"Play those games with me. As though I'm being too proud and it's all your burden. I already know you've been sacrificing your own modesty to earn our money. You needn't remind me."
"It's not a sacrifice. I don't put my dignity above anything."
"That much is certainly true." She pauses. "But I do forgive you."
The serving wench comes by. She sets two steins of ale on the table. "Lovely performance today. I hope we see more." She winks at Euna.
"Oh, right. Yes," Euna says. "Perhaps."
The rest of the crowd goes back to their game. As some sailors leave, they drop coins on the table and give Euna a leering grin. She blushes and tries to smile back, which only makes them laugh. You've both nearly finished your complimentary ales when she starts counting through the coins herself.
"This is a lot more than usual, isn't it?"
"So it is," you say.
She chews her lip.
"You're thinking about it, aren't you."
"Don't surprise me," she replies.
"Your surpise is what made today's act so timeless. My greatest comedy couldn't stand up to that perfect reaction.My most erotic striptease wouldn't hold a candle to that bare-breasted fluster you did today.
"Regardless. No surprises."
"...But exposing yourself?"
She sighs and contemplates the coins. "I'll think about it."
After you and Euna recollect at a table, you count your coins.
"Not terrible," she says. "All I had to do was utterly forsake my modesty for coin." She sighs. "Though I do wish my modesty were worth a little more than this."
"Very well," she replies.
"I suppose it's inevitable," she says. "Might as well, "but you will safeguard me, yes?""but you will do this with me, yes?"
"I wouldn't let you do it otherwise," you reply.
You announce Euna. "Gentlemen, I give you the innocent beauty who has strayed from her convent, the Shamed Sister!" and she begins to play a jovial tune. The audience knows this act now, so the coins come early. It's not long before she's let you bare her breasts for all to see. Of course, more coins come, and someone in the back yells, "Take it off."
Euna begins by playing a jovial tune while you prowl about her in a sinuous four-legged dance like a cat in heat. Half your time is spend on your back with her legs coiling about. The audience knows this act, so the coins come quickly. It's not long before both you and Euna have your breasts bared for all to see. This time, when more coins come, and someone in the back yells, "Take it off," you shimmy out of your leggings and caress your semi-hard cock before the appreciative—and some confused—gazes of the menand spread yourself to show off to the men.
Kneeling before Euna, you have her lie back long enough for you to whisk her gown away.whisk her sash away.shimmy her skirt to her ankles. Nude, she sits back upon her folded legs and keeps playing among a din of wolf whistles and cheers.
Euna sits with elegant poise, heavy breasts for all to see and a smooth bald pubic mounda nest of dainty fur hidden by her clasped legs. When more coins come in, you encourage her to part her legs, which illicits many cheers. Her gentle blush and furtive smile only make it that much more alluring, but the influx of coins slows down. You and Euna haveEuna has nothing else to take off.
As her current song comes to a close, you address the audience. "Gentlemen, now the Shamed Sister will strum her other instrument for your pleasure."
Unsure, Euna glances at you. You nudge her toward the edge of the stage and waggle your hands at your crotch to convey your meaning.
Wary, she slowly begins to play with the folds of her pussy while glancing about. People watch quietly. It's weird.
For lack of anything better to do with her free hand, she begins plucking a simple tune on her lyre. Men laugh. She stops playing with herself and goes back to playing the lyre. Her face is full crimson. The experiment is done.
Many turn back to their games. Interest is fading.
You encourage her again, and with a huff of determination, she spreads her legs wide, scoots forward, and presses her sexmuff against the wood of her lyre.
She strums a healthy chord. This draws eyes, because she also grinds her hips at the same time, dragging her sex across the lyre's soundbox.
Thus begins her song. Her fingers strum a traveling lilting tune. Her hips gyrate her sex. All slowly at first, but the pace picks up in tempo, so do her hips. The song becomes frantic. Her moans join in chorus. Everyone is watching now. She's on her back, lyre between her spread legs. Her hands pull it against her sex while strumming chords faster and faster. Her hips buck. It's rough and dirty sex. The crescendo is coming. Her cries come in harmony with the crashing climax. With a brilliant chord, her scream fills the tavern. And then it passes. Her body relaxes. A trickling tune plays a way to a sleepy close.
The audience roars their approval. Some stand. Coins rain on the stage, but Euna has no audience as far as she's concerned. It's just her and her wooden lover between her legs, whose strings she gently caresses.
Euna spreads her legs and scoots close to her Lyre. Her next song is lilting. All the while, she grinds herself against the soundbox of the lyre. This performance draws many eyes, and the tavern watches as Euna humps herself to ecstacy while playing out a song of climax. Her moans sing in harmony. When she goes limp, the crowd hoots and cheers.
You come around behind Euna and slither your hands around her flank to coddle her breasts. Your lips trace along her shoulder, her neck, her ear. It's having its effect on her, but she plays right to the end. When she finishes, you tilt her head back to devour her with a kiss. The lyre gets moved aside.
Her eyes keep looking from you to the audience, as though trying to remind you that they're there. You simply swing one leg over and sit in her lap, your hard cock aiming up at her, and your kisses stray down her body while you push her to lie down. Men hoot and whistle as you hungrily suckle her breasts. They cheer when your fingers between her legs brings out a moan. With every coin that comes on the stage, you venture farther. And Euna becomes too far aroused to care that you two are not alone.
When her next song ends, you're there, pulling her lips to yours. Soon the lyre is forgotten, and to the raucous pleasure of all the men present, you and Euna have sex before all of them.
This performance has many acts. In one, Euna sits in your lap and rides your cock while you bury your face in her cleavage. you and Euna entwine legs and grind your sexes together. Euna's moans bring in many coins.
In another. She folds over you,You fold over her, The men love watching you two writhe about in each other's pleasure, mouths between legs.
Each performance brings a trickling of coins for you to lay upon your bodies.
After the show, you're counting your coins together at a corner table when the wench drops two ales on the table for you both.
"Now that was a show," she says. "You can play on that stage any time."
"Thank you," Euna says. After the wench is gone. "I'm still a little shocked that Iwe did that, in front of all those people."
"It was incredible," you say. "I've never seen a performance quite like that before. I don't think any of these men have either. You might have your own act."
"But I can tell from the way you fucked," you say, "that you loved performing for your audience, didn't you?"
She shimmies in her seat. "I thought I would be afraid of the audience, but now I can't stop thinking what lewd act I might perform next for them."
"Me? Topless? As in for the entire time?"
"I think it might make a good show," you say. "A pleasant background while the men play."
She looks out over the men. "But you would have me performing all alone?"
"I can introduce you," you say. "And I'll stay near the stage in case any of the men get handsy. Would you like that?"
"I can be up topless up there with you. I'll collect the coins be sensual while you play. Would you like that?"
"Yes. Very much so."
You both gather on stage. Euna sits upon her folded legs and rests the lyre in her lap. With trembling hands, she begins sliding her gown off her shoulders.peeling her fishnet off overhead.untying the laces of her bodice.
You stop her. "Let them give us some coin, and only when you're ready."
She breathes out with relief. "Right. Of course."
You begin. "Gentlemen. Tonight as a rare treat, I present to you the Shamed Sister from across the seas. She was raised in a convent, where nary a naughty thought could be found, but she is far from home. Now she comes here to share her heart-moving melodies because she more broke than pig-faced whore, and she must perform for your pleasure. Take it away, my Lady!"
Euna begins with a cheerful tune that bounces along the musical scale. It's a lovely song, and nobody seems to mind, but no is paying attention either.
"She is desperate for coin, lads," you say. "She's learned much about pleasing men with her music. She need only coin to so she'll take off her... austere attitude."
This gets a couple coins tossed on stage. You come up behind her and slide her gown a little off her shoulder.tease the fishnet top up. You have to go pretty quickly. It's not like they can't already see her breasts.untie the lace of her bodice.
You sit beside her and rest your head on her shoulder as she plays. She begins with a cheerful tune that bounces along the musical scale. It's a lovely song, and nobody minds, but none are paying attention either.
One man at a table beside the stage is watching, and you hold his attention with eye contact. He holds up a coin and motions you closer. You crawl like a cat toward him and you peel off your tunic to reveal your tits. Leaning over the stage toward him, you present them so that he can wedge a coin right in your cleavage. This prompts many catcalls. Now that you're catching eyes, you blow the man a kiss and return to Euna's side.
People get it now. More coins follow, and forevery few, you tug the shoulders of her gown off her shoulders until it crumples about her waist.peel her fishnet top up over her breasts until it's crumpled under her armpits.Tease the laces of Euna's bodice, until finally sliding it off over her head.
The crowd hoot and whistle at the sight of her ample breasts. She smiles demurely and goes right on playing. More coins come throughout the night, and she's always got a few men leering at her from when it's not their turn to play. A few yell, "take it off!" and "show us yer cunt!". Euna ignores their requests.
You, however, oblige by stripping naked for the men and revealing your cock for all to see, which leads to many astonished murmurs, but plenty more toss up more coins.flower for all to see, which causes many appreciative whistles and a few more coins.
The performance eventually ends.
"Not bad," you say.
"I suppose," she replies, "but we made more just by baring my breasts for an instant with the maiden act. Do suppose we should go back to that?""but I would have hoped for more from demeaning myself. Do you suppose it wasn't worth it?"
"Maybe," you say. "Or maybe youwe just need to show more."
"More? I just bared my breasts for hours."
"And was it that bad?"
She consider this. "No. I grew accustom to it fairly quickly. I guess Iwe'll show more next time. Full nudity." She sighs and looks at all your earned wealth. "The things I'm having to do for money..."
Later, as you're gathering the coins off the stage and Euna is fetching her clothes, a sailor from a nearby table whistles out. He holds up a few coins.
Euna looks at him, and then looks at you with a confused expression.
"Sit down at a table and wait for me," you say.
"Hmm." Euna looks over the crowd of rowdy pirates, and she shivers. "For the money, of course, right?"
"Of course."
"Very well, but I'll find the crew. If all goes well, I'll see you tonight. Don't get in too much trouble without me."
"I'll just be here gambling and buying some drink and whores with the money you're making."
"You're such a knave." She gives you a quick kiss. "Take care."
"Very well, but I'll find the crew. If all goes well, I'll see you tonight. Maybe you should pull a trick of your own while I'm gone."
"Why should I, when you're earning so much money for the both of us?"
"You're right," she gives you a quick kiss. "You could never keep up with me. Take care."
You drink at the bar and watch Euna circle the tavern. A group of sailors call for her to join them at their dice game. She doesn't play, but she does sit between two and chat. The man beside her soon rests a hand on her thigh. To her other side, a man is slipping a hand past the neckline of her gowngroping her tits through her fishnet toptugging at the lace of her bodice. They got no complaint from her. So soon she's got their fingers up her quim and a tit scooped out for all to see. She's too busy kissing the man beside her to protest. Her hands are down both of their breeches tugging away.
The table decides it's time to take it elsewhere. They pay and all leave with Euna between them. None notice the grin she casts you.
"You do it," she says. "I don't have the nerve. Whoever you sell me to I'll go along with it and do whatever they want."
"Fine then. Find a table and I'll find a crewentice some fine men for you."
Euna sits at an empty table in the tavern's corner. You scan for a crew who might be interested and settle on a rowdy table where men are playing dice.
"Evening lad," you say. "Mind if I join in for a game."
They grunt. "Fine, if you've got coin."
You play a quick hand with them, but afterward you get to the point.
"Do you guys see that woman sitting over there?" You point to Euna. The men peer over. She waves shyly.
You continue. "How would you all like to take her back to your ship for a private party? You can do anything you want to her until sunset."
"Hello, boys," you say. "Mind if I join you?"
The men look you over. "Sure, honey. Sit right here by me," one says.
They make room for you, but not much, and they soon get handsy. Some are more interested in you than in the game.
"You looking to have a fun time, honey?" they ask.
"Actually. I'm looking for a group of strapping young boys for my friend over there." You point to Euna. The men peer over. She waves shyly.
You continue. "Would any of you boys be interested in taking her back to your ship for a private party? You can all do whatever you want to her until sunset."
The men keep eyeing her. "Sure. She looks like a nice piece of meat," one sailor says.
"Then let's talk price, and you can keep her until sunset."
"And you can have her for free. She's just looking for a good time."
"I'll pass." Her lip curls, "But go right ahead, if you must. Just don't expect me to share."
"One whitecap dinner," the wench says. "It'll be my pleasure."
She leaves and returns minutes later with a plate of food. Like before, she shimmies out of her underwear and sets one knee on the table. Also like before, the entire tavern has gathered to watch.
Her quim is already worked up. It glistens with wetness, and its lips are flowered outward, as though she got herself ready in the back.
"You want the whitecap supper?" The wench asks louder than necessary. The tavern quiets. "For the both of you?"
"Yes," you reply.
"Good choice. it is a romantic dish."
"All right. Haven't had women order it in a long time. This'll be my pleasure."
Many surrounding people chuckle. You and Euna exchange glances.
Minutes later, the wench brings a plate of food and sets it on the tables edge between both of you. It's just sliced meat and mash, yet a crowd of pirates close in to watch. Their expressions range from lustful hunger to child-like wonder.
She reaches under her frock, pulls her underwear down to her ankles, and steps one foot out of them.
"...Wait," Euna says.
The wench hikes her dress up about her waist and sets a knee upon the table. Her bared pussy hovers above your plate of food. She's already damp. Her lips are flowered.
"Stop!" Euna yells.
"What are doing?" Euna asks.
The wench begins to frig herself as frantically as possible. The pirates cheer and yell.
"Beat that cunt, girl!"
"Drown it!"
"Open the floodgates!"
"Stop this immediately!"
That last voice is Euna, though no one notices her. She gives up and covers her face in her hands.
The men's cheering builds right alongside the wench's impending orgasm. A thin, creamy liquid begins dripping onto your food. A few drops at first, but then comes her climax. She quakes and moans, and ejaculate sprays from her quim. The flow grows until a prodigious amount of the milky liquid douses your food, and the plate, and the table, and her thighs. Her strumming fingers cause her to spray like a breaking wave. The cheering in the tavern is at a pitch.
And she comes down. Her fingers slow, and the spraying becomes a drip. She sucks her fingers clean and slides the plate before you two. "Enjoy your dinner."
This causes one final cheer from everyone. Pirates return to their seats. The wench pulls her underwear back and departs.
"That's quite a talent she has," you say.
"Oh my Lord..." Euna's face is burning red.
"Quite a shocking thing to do to food," Euna replies.
You're at the slum before the mighty city. Vagrants waste about, filthy and unkempt as ever. Travelers wait in line to get into the city. Like before, a wagon is pulled to the side of the road, and a woman in a white habit unloads crates to a crowd of vagrants.
Men leer at Euna. Several catcall. Sheyou two. Several catcall. Euna smiles demurely at them. lingers close to you for protection. hurries you along.
You arrive at a clearing before a giant marble wall which encompasses a splendorous city. Ahead is the gate to within. It's closed, and muscular, well-armed guards stand at post.
And between you and the gate are hundreds of vagabonds living in shanties. All are unkempt, unshaven, and filthy. Many are crippled, blind, decrepit, or in some other way disabled. Even the able-bodied ones are missing teeth, or have vicious scars. Their hair and beards are no doubt rife with lice. Some have mangy mongrels with them. Never have you seen such a large collection of homeless, certainly not in Ruthgar.
"Oh, heavens." Euna scrunches her nose. "That smell. What are all these people doing here?"
"No idea."
"Do you think they're safe?"
"They look harmless enough."
"Are you sure?" she eyes them dubiously. "I don't see many women."
She's right. What few women you do notice are either withered and old, or in some way disfigured. Euna stands out.Both you and Euna stand out.
"You might be right," you say, "but if anything happens, I'll come to your aid."
"Would you really?"
"I would, Your Highness. I'd get those guards over here as fast as I could."
"That would be most kind," Blind fumbles for his pot.
You flash Euna the thimble in your palm. Her eyes alight with understanding.
She takes the pot from Blind. "We'll empty this. Don't you worry."
"Oh wait," Bearded crawls into his own shanty. "I was holdin' one in, but if yer going to the latrines anyway..." He brings a filthy little box, the kind the nuns use to hand out food. Clutching his cane, he hunkers over it and fumbles with his grubby trousers.
"As you wish," Euna replies.
"As a matter of fact, I do." Euna shuts the door, closing you in together. Only the sunlight through the shack's crooked slats provides any light in this dark room.
"Will I now?" Euna asks.
"Yes, you will."
"Again with these orders..."
She shimmies out of her clothes and tosses them to you to hold. "You will stand guard."
"Yes, your highness." You hang her cloths on a nail hammered into the side of the shack.
She shimmies out of her clothes and hangs them from a nail hammered into the side of the shack.
Each seat is splattered with droplets of piss. Euna seems reluctant to sit on any of them.Euna sneers as she studies each of them.
"Are you serious?" she asks. "Why on earth would I ever do something like that?"
"Because I'm ordering you to," you say. "And that is reason enough."
"Because you know you want to," you say. "Look at that bench. What kind of filthy degenerate would ever want that mess in their belly?"
She eyes the bench. Her eyes gleam. "Very well. Lord, there's something wrong with me."
"As you command," she says.
"Are you giving me an order?" she says.
"No. I'm challenging you to."
Euna kneels on the earth before the bench and examines the speckling of dried, concentrated urine along the rim. Draping her hair out of the way, she runs her tongue through the mess of droplets and stray pubic hairs. Again and again she goes, lapping like a kitten. As she gets the the far end of the rim, her breasts now drag along the messy rim of the front. Between her tits and her tongue, one seat is now devoid of any noticeable sprinkling.
She sits upon her newly cleaned seat. "There. Perfectly clean for me. As they say. If you want something done right, do it yourself.""There. Perfectly clean."
"As you wish." Euna"They're disgusting though," Euna says. But resigned, she picks the seat on the edge and sits her ass down. Her skin contacts the damp wood and the wet wood.
Instead of sitting, she squats over the hole.
She turns and plots her ass down upon one hole as though it had been perfectly clean.
She decides to squat over one so that her pussy hovers over the hole without her legs touching it.
You snatch her gown from off the hook and wipe it along the rim of the seat. The silksash from off the hook and wipe it along the rim of the seat. The velvetskirt from off the hook and wipe it along the rim of the seat. The fabric soaks up piss. After one pass over, you use it to polish the seat off.
Euna watches you do this with arched eyebrows.
When you back away, Euna looks mortified.
"It's all clean for you." You hang her clothes back up.
"Thank you..." She sits her ass directly on the seat.
With that, she begins to pee. The stream shoots down the hole and against the swamp of fecal soup below.
"Wider," you say.
She spreads her legs wider so you have a perfect view of her pissing cunt. Her cheeks turn crimson.
"You better be watching." She spreads her legs wider so you have a better view of her pissing cunt.
The stream trickles to an end. The last drop glistens on her slit.hangs off her pubic hair.
"I think I've told you all of them," Euna says, "but I can tell you a story again. I know you suspected me of embellishing before."
"Would you like to hear another story?" you ask.
She nods and hugs close to you. "I would like that. Tell me another story about my sister."
"Yes. Surely you have more."
"I do. But they're only raunchy stories."
"Is that so?" she says. "Very well. It's still my obligation as her big sister to know what she's been up to. I'll hear the worst if I must."
"But Aileen didn't kneel," you say. "She squatted down and spread her legs wide. Completely nude, she was an incredible sight. Welts covered her breasts and pussy, yet she"She squatted and hiked her petticoat up to her waist, exposing herself for the boys. She fondled herself as they lined up their cocks before her."
"What for?" Euna asks.
"Yes. They were called the Vixens."
"And these Vixens. Were they common among the Lilins?"
"Certainly. I knew many, and they were hard to miss."
"So, here's a story I remembered today," you say. "I was—"
"Actually," Euna cuts you off. "Would you tell me about my mother?"
"Oh. Sure." you reply. "Yelena helped run the tsardom in many ways, but surely you must know more than I do."
"Don't play coy. I want the lewd stories."
"Ah. And what makes you think I have lewd tales about your mother?"
"Because you said you did. Remember? After the festival at the city?"
"Did I?"
She sidles close and plays her fingers through your hair. "Even I have heard rumors about my mother, and if I've heard anything, then you must know plenty. So you will tell me these stories, or perhaps you'd like to make your own dinner." She snatches away your plate and sets it down farther away.
"Are you really sure you want to hear about your mother's sex life?"
"I wouldn't ask if I didn't."
"Very well," you say.
Keeping her own plate, Euna sits herself in your lap, back straight, legs crossed, proper manners adhered to. Your plate sits far away. "Proceed."
She sets aside her food and sidles closer. "I know there must be stories. Even I've heard rumors about my mother. So please. Tell me about her debauchery. Corrupt my memories of her."
"Well when you put it that way, I think the stories are coming to me. If only I could remember..."
She slides down to sit by your feet. Cuddling against your legs, she peers up at you. "Please?"
"In fact, I have heard rumors about your mother. In fact, I've heard rumors about you and your mother."
"I'm sure there are, but what do you know anything from before my time?"
"But are those rumors true? That you were a part of your parents' private ways?"
Euna shrugs. "Maybe. Tell me what you know, and maybe I'll share my tales too."
"All right. First story I heard of your mother is about how she and your father first met."
"So if you've heard rumors about Yelena, then must have heard about how she used to philander about the keep."
"I know she did, but I didn't know how much other people knew of it."
"What do you mean by that?" you ask. "Do you know something?"
"Nevermind that. I'm asking you what you know about my mother's lusting ways."
"I've heard many things. Starting back to when they first met."
"So if you've heard rumors about Yelena, then must have heard about how she used to philander about the keep."
"No. I've heard rumor that she was a lusty woman long before she met my father, but that she was loyal after marrying"
"That's not what I've heard," you say. "It was because she was lusting about that she met your father."
"Go on."
"Many highborn women came before Tsar Vislav for him to consider marrying. All were proper, devout women—shy and reserved. This parade went on for years. None interested him. Then one night, your father grew bored of another court party filled with prospective wives. He slipped away down the servants quarters. That's where he saw the most beautiful maiden he'd ever laid eyes upon."
"My mother?"
You nod.
"Sounds romantic," she says.
You continue. "She was..."
...on her knees while a line of palace guards took turns fucking her mouth."
...pressed face-first against a wall while a line of palace guards took turns drilling her ass."
"She was on her knees while a line of palace guards took turns fucking her mouth."
"For your parents, the dirtier sex was, the better. Your mother loved getting filthy. Sometimes she'd do things so raunchy that not even your father would touch her, Your father loved defiling your mother. Sometimes he'd make her do things that would leave her so polluted that he wouldn't even have the stomach to touch her, but he loved the show."
"By filthy, you are you speaking of unwashed bodies? Revelling in sexual fluids?"
"That's right," you say.
"She let herself right in?" Euna says. "That was bold of her."
"As though walking through the halls naked wasn't already bold. He followed her in like a child following a piper. The guards heard them all night long."
"Even as he hollered at her, he had a mighty pole in his pants. He kept yelling about how badly he was going to punish her, and sure enough her cries were heard by many. He punished her quite passionately all night long."
"Seems they consummated their marriage early. Many times, perhaps."
"She didn't sleep with him that night?"
"She didn't let him lay a hand on her until he married her. Until then, her cunt remained untouched, but your father had to watch her traffic her ass topleasure nearly every guard in the palace, and countless other men in the months before their marriage. This was your mother's way of gaining the throne."
"Apparently it worked."
"He didn't take her that night?"
"No. He summoned more guards, and he punished her by making her take them all up her ass the entire night.pleasure every one of them. For months he made her the plaything of others. All the while, her cunt not only remained untouched, she wasn't allowed to cum. This was his way of testing her."
"Apparently she passed."
"The idea of having such a wanton slut for a wife aroused your father like he'd never had before. Her infidelity never stopped after they married. In fact, it was a cornerstone of their sexual antics."
"Hmm," Euna wraps her arm over your shoulder. "Go on. Tell me about theses antics." With her free hand, she picks at her food.
"Will you tell me about it." Euna folds her arms in your lap and rests her head, like a child listening to their grandfather's story. "Please?"
"Yelena became a force of nature—the palace mistress. She took any lover she pleased. All these hapless men believed they were cuckolding their own tsar, but the truth was your father wouldn't have changed your mother's philandering ways even if he could. He knew she took men to her chambers all the time. She'd come to him afterward, dirty and dripping, and bragging of the raunchy things she'd just done."
You continue. "After their marriage, your mother was an subserviant wife. She sought to appease Vislav however he desired, and what he desired more often than not was to humiliate and degrade her, especially by offering her to other men. He sent men to her chambers without ever consulting her. It didn't matter who came or what Vislav promised she'd do, Yelena always obeyed."
"Oh, I'm well aware of this," Euna says. "Do you know of any stories from her time before that?"
"...Hold on. How were you aware? Tell me about these lewd rumors about you and your parents."
"Yes, she used to entertain many men in her chambers when I was a child," Euna says, "But do you have any stories from her time before that?"
"...Hold on. How did you already know about your mother's affairs?"
"My father is a voyeur, it seems."
"How about another story?" you ask.
She nods. "I want to hear more about your time in the caravan. You must have met many strange individuals in a group like that."
"Certainly. Especially on the road. People would travel together for safety, and sometimes people traveled with us."
"Any interesting people?"
"Of course, but more often than not, they were just ordinary folk you would never look twice at. But the thing about traveling with the Prowling Lilins is that we... rub off onto people. Their lives could change from being on the road with us."
"For the more depraved, I imagine."
"Oh, yes. One time, a mother and her five sons agreed to travel with us through the southern pass. That woman had tragic luck. Her husband had died the year before, and now she'd lost their farm to a brush fire. She and her sons were traveling to the city to start again while wearing nothing more than the clothes on their back.
"I remember the woman was wary of us. I don't know if she'd heard about our reputation, or if she was generally wary of circus folk, but she hardly spoke. It was her sons who convinced her to band with us for safety. On that first night, the troupe relaxed and had fun like we do many nights."
"You mean you had an orgy," Euna corrects.
"Yes, and you could tell that woman had no idea what she'd gotten herself into. She'd sat rigid at her campfire like a lamb in a lion's den while gymnasts and work hands alike played around. The boys enjoyed the show though. But the second night, the woman set up camp far from our own, nearly out of sight.
"But once the woman retired, her boys snuck out of their tents and came back, and they had their fun. They stumbled upon Helda and Vecta's cage, and they convinced Vecta to come to the edge where they grabbed her. They made her press her rump to the bars so the boys could take turns fucking her. Of course with Vecta, they hardly needed to hold her. Being used like that is what she lives for.
"Once all boys had left her dripping with their cum, Helda pulled her sister away and pressed her own rump to the bars. She got her own turn, and made Vecta lick her clean afterward. A fun first night for the boys, I say.
"But here is the interesting part. What the boys didn't know, is that minutes after they snuck away, their mother crept out of her tent and came to our encampment to look for some action too. She thought her boys were all asleep in their tents."
"But I thought she didn't like you." Euna says.
"Maybe she was just acting proper around her sons, or perhaps the poor widow had gone too long without getting her itch scratched. The gymnasts described how shy she was about approaching them, as though ashamed of her needs. She was blushing when she politely offered herself to someone. They of course took her up on the offer, but one man wasn't enough.
She offered herself to another. This man agreed, though he wanted to take her anally. She had never tried the ass before, but he convinced her. They took it gently, but then she really got into it. By the time the man came, she was begging him to take her harder. It's like something inside her came alive.
For the next man, she presented her asshole, just as she did with the next, and the next. Each cock only made her hungry for more. By the time she went crawling back, long after her sons were asleep, her ass was a raw mess that belched cum.
"And that was the second night. The third was much the same. The boys snuck out to molest the Suffering Sisters, and the woman returned to us, shy as ever, to kindly ask if someone would like to ride her, and again, she transformed into an insatiable slut whose ass needed filling."
"Again her ass?"
"Always her ass. It wasn't just her favorite hole. It was her only hole now. Only on that first night did anyone fuck her pussy.
"Anyway, after she'd had her fill, she'd crawl back to her tent. All of us in the troupe could see what was going on. The boys and the mother were independently sneaking off to have their fun. Both thought the other asleep. So as a group, we realized...
there was an opportunity here. We decided to play a prank on them."
we needed to keep them separate if we wanted to them to keep traveling with us."
"Anyway, after she'd had her fill, she'd crawl back to her tent. All of us in the troupe could see what was going on. The boys and the mother were independently sneaking off to have their fun. We realized we need to perform a juggling act."
"How so?" Euna asks.
"These bones are months old, if not years."
"But creatures such as mountain cats are territorial. It will hunt in the same area."
"But the animal likely only ate this man because he was already dying. It wouldn't attack two able-bodied humans."
"...Unless it were starved, or we came too close to its den."
"We're fine, but I think it would be wise to proceed with caution."
"I don't know..."
"Please?" Shirina says. "I don't know of anyone else who I could possibly do this."
"It sounds most unnatural."
"It's certainly unusual, but I've been doing it for decades. And frankly, I think you'd enjoy it."
"I would?"
"I certainly do," Shirina says. "That feeling of pushing so much up inside you, packing yourself tighter, swelling your belly, it's so... hmm..." Her eyes flutter. Her hips squirm. "You just have to try it for yourself. It'll open up a whole new means of pleasure for you."
"It'll open something up." Euna chews her lip. "Oh very well. I'm only agreeing to this because you're in a difficult bind."
"...I will?" Euna asks.
"Yes, you will," you reply.
"I'm not sure about this."
"Doesn't your body belongs to me?"
"It does."
"Then that means your womb belongs to me too, and I'm the one who decides what gets trafficked into it, and I'm saying you're going to do this."
"...Then I will."
"Oh thank you." Shirina clasps her hands. "I know you won't regret this, but come, there is much to do before the banquet."
You spend the afternoon helping to collect, organize, and shuttle supplies up to the palace at the peak of the city. Pillars flank its grand front entrance. Guests are already arriving in horse-drawn wagons.
But that's not where you enter. Instead, Shirina leads you around back to a servants entrance leading into a crowded kitchen of amazing smells where chefs buzz about preparing courses.
Shirina ushers you two down narrow halls and to a curtain divider. Behind is a simple bathing quarters with a massive brass tub filled with steaming water. Two young women are here, both fully nude. They have skin like cinnamon, and hair as black as coal both upon their heads and between their legs.
"I'd like you to meet my daughters," Shirina says, "Salma and Rasima." She usher's Euna forward, "This lovely young woman has agreed to take my place today."
"Hello, I'm Euna."
Both women's eyes light. "Oh, hello," says Salma. She's the taller of the two with a lithe form and her hair done up in a neat bun.
Rasima, the shorter and younger, has the more voluptuous curves and breasts. "You're quite lovely. I see my sister and I won't be the center of attention tonight."
"Enough chatter," Shirina says. "The banquet is soon."
"Come," Salma pulls Euna toward the tub by the wrist. "We just finished preparing the bath." The girls help her out of her clothes.
"Oh look, Salma." Rasima is staring at the smooth skin of Euna's mound. "We'll need to shave too, or we won't match."
"Oh, so we will."
"I love your hair," Rasima says. "It's lovely."
"Thank you," Euna rakes her fingers through her flowing blond hair, and only then notices that Rasima's eyes are upon the nest between her legs.
The girls pull her into the tub with them.
"Let's let them clean," Shirina pulls you along. " There is still much work to do."
You fetch two sconces from the wall. The man extracts the long candles from within. One for her, one for him.
As the woman grinds herself against Euna's mouth, she tilts the candle over Euna's breasts. Drops of wax cause little jolts, especially the ones landing on her nipples.
"Lovely," Galid is getting hard again. He buries himself in Euna's snatch and tilts his own candle. Hot wax speckle her pubic mound. Somebush, sealing hairs together. Som drops dribble close to her labia before hardening. These particularly make her squirm. After they've had their fun, splattered wax covers most of Euna's torso. The mess extends along her neck and down her thighs.
Sofiya admires their work. "Look, Galid, we've created a work of art."
"Oh, this artpiece isn't finished yet." Galid pulls out and dribbles hot wax on Euna's clit. This gets a muffled yelp from under Sofiya's muff. "Sensitive, isn't she?" he says. "How burned do you suppose she is on the inside?"
They fold Euna up onto her shoulders so her crotch points up between them. Sofiya pushes her fist into Euna to open her up, and they peer inside. It's awash with semen. Much has pooled around her dilated cervix.
"Look at all those beautiful blisters. Her cervix is puffing up."Look at how red and angry her flesh is. Her cervix is burned." Sofiya says. "All that sex must have been excrutiating."
Galid drips wax on her cervical ring. Euna thrashes, but they hold her tight. Together, they drop a shallow pool of wax inside Euna. Some dribbles into her womb. Once the cervical ring is coated, Galid jams his candle's base into the hole. It hardens in place, and Sofiya relights it. The candles sticks up through her stretched vaginal canal, but doesn't quite clear her lips.
"Look," he says. "We've made a lantern."
"I hope our lantern can keep still." Sofiya climbs off of Euna. "Stay just like that."
Euna does so quite admirably. Even when Sofiya starts dripping wax from her candle onto the inflating blisters inside Euna's vaginal canal.
"Seems like she can take more." Galid looks at the hearth beyond the head of the table. The fire is dead, but the charcoal pile still has a red glow in its heart.
"Coals?" Sofiya asks. "That might a bit much for this poor girl."
Euna is still tonguing away at Sofiya's snatch while keeping her lanterned pussy pointed upward. Whatever her reaction is to this conversation, it hasn't caused her to lose stride.
"She can handle a few. I'm sure." He turns to you. "Boy, fetch me a shovel for those coals."
"Shirina said that she doesn't want any girls getting seriously hurt."
Euna does her best, but she wobbles and spills wax constantly. The two drink and chat until the candle tips and extinguishes against Euna's vaginal walls, causing one final yelp.
The moment they're off of her, Euna inspects the wax coating over her skin. She starts peeling some away to reveal sunburn red skin.
Sofiya catches her hand. "Oh don't ruin our art. Promise me you'll keep your lovely coating for the rest of the night."
Euna leaves the wax alone. "As you wish.""Very well."
"Good girl." Sofiya catches Euna's chin and gives her a long, loving kiss.
Euna sinks down upon the pillar. She fucks herself for minutes. Hardly any juice dribbles out, and her legs are tiring.
"Harder," the elderwoman says. "You really aren't any good at this."
"Sofiya," calls another councilman. "I'd help the girl out if I were you, or it'll be morning before you have your drink."
"If I must." Sofiya takes hold of Euna's legs. "Just relax, girl." She gently pulls them out from under Euna and splays them out. Euna's full weight is upon the pillar now, and she tensing. Next, the elder hugs Euna tightly. "Just relax, girl."
Not that Euna has a choice with her hands bound.Euna returns the hug, holding onto the elder to keep her weight off the pillar. Abruptly, Sofiya yanks Euna down hard, and Euna lets out a sharp cry. The pillar rams inches deeper than it had, and juice finally flows. Sofiya twists and grinds Euna about.
Euna struggles to get her legs beneath her, but every time she nearly does, Sofiya lifts Euna up and drops her down again. The flow of juice slows, but she does succeed in filling her cup.
"Lovely." She sips it, "but I think I may want another cup."
Breathless, Euna shakes her head. "But I have... no more juice to flow."
"Nonsense," Sofiya replies. "I'll just have to get more hands on about juicing you." She sets her cup aside and lifts Euan up, but rather than yanking her back down, she pushes the pillar out of the way and lowers Euna down to sit on the table, legs wide.
Euna frowns. "What...?"
The elder hushes her. "Just relax. I'm going to do all the work." Sofiya presses her hand into Euna's loose gash and fishes around.
Euna yelps out and yanks her legs together. "Stop. What are you doing?"
"Relax. Just a touch of sorcery, girl. I'm drawing your uterus out."
"You're what?"
"Don't worry, I'm not removing it, but how else am I supposed to squeeze it?"
"My lady," you say. "Euna has never done anything like that before."
"Enough.""No more." Euna shoves the elder off and gets her legs under her again.
"If you want to juice properly," Sofiya says. "You need to learn to commit. Embrace little pain."
"I will try.""I get it. I'll take it from here." After catching her breath, Euna rises on the pillar. This time, she drops her full weight upon it. With pained grunts, she swivels, grinding the pillar's grooves inside her. Juice flows. Eventually, the cup fills.
"There you go," Sofiya says. "That wasn't hard, was it?"
Euna's breath is short. "I will remember your lesson.""Thank you for teaching me."
"Good. I won't torment you anymore, but I will insist, that you at least do me the pleasure of keeping me company tonight."
"As you wish," Euna replies.
"Very well," Euna replies.
"It would," Shirina says, "but that broth has been sitting on the coals. It's piping hot. That will scald her."
"But suppose if we gave her ambrosia afterward," you say. "Would she recover?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Ambrosia is good with burns, but it would be torture. I tried it that hot once decades ago, and I couldn't finish filling myself."
"We'll make sure to finish this time," you reply.
"Are you sure?" Shirina looks to Euna, whose chewing her lip and staring at you with eyes wide.
"Yes," you say. "So long as you're certain she'll make a full recovery, then let's not cheat the guests. Euna will obey, won't you Euna?"
Hesitantly, she nods.
"See? Just be sure to ignore her if she begs you to stop."
"Let's see if we can this time," Euna says.
"Are you sure?" Shirina asks.
"Yes. So long as you're certain I'll make a full recovery, then I will not resort to a half measure. I will serve this broth has hot as it's intented to be. Just promise me that you will not relent if I tell you to stop. Even if I beg."
"If you say so..." Shirina fetches a fresh pot of steaming broth from the cauldron. She hovers the first ladle over the funnel. "Hold her tight, girls."
The broth goes in.
Euna shrieks and nearly bucks the sisters off of her. They pile on to hold her still. From the dining hall comes a chorus of cheers.
Shirina spoons in another helping. Euna is already sobbing. Every muscle in her body thrashes to avoid the pain, but it flows into the most intimate part of her body nonetheless. "Please," she begs. "Tears stream. Stop. Oh God. Stop!"
All three girls glance to one another, and then to you.
"Which is why we are not doing that," Euna says, "I do have limits." She turns to Shirina. "Proceed with the broth you have."
"No, no, no." Euna clamps her thighs together. "That would scar my womb."
"I can treat scars," Shirina says, "but I believe the pain would be intense for you. Let's stick with the broth I set aside."
Hassan explains. "Galid is dilating our Lady Euna's milk ducts, and those enchanted little knobs will allow the device to channel into them as easily as sucking milk through a straw. We'll never know why this enchanted little device was built the way it was, but as easily as it can draw milk from a breast, it can also push liquid back into it."
Galid opens the tube device and pours in the bowl of broth, along with a few drops of Agnodine. "Enjoy the show." He fixes the end of the tube onto the nut and depresses the plunger.
Euna screams and quakes as piping hot broth swells her tits. It scalds her tender flesh from the inside.Euna cries out and squirms as hot broth slowly fills her tit.Euna's breath picks up to a hyperventalating height, as though dunked in cold water. She keeps her tit hefted though, and watches as it slowly swells.
With half the plunger depressed, she pulls away. "Enough," she says."No more," she cries.
"I do enjoy that lopsided look," he indicates her breasts. One tit is swollen. "But perhaps we should even you out?" He holds up a second nut.
Defiantly,Hesitantly, Euna juts out her chest. He fixes another nut to her other nipple and injects the remaining broth. More squirming and groaning. The moment he's fully depressed the plunger, Euna yanks away. Her tits are both a cup size larger. Their flesh is already blushing from the heat.
Several elders applaud.
"Perhaps someone else might want seconds." He turns to you. "Fetch a second bowl."
"She's squirming too much, sir..."
" maybe you should stop."
"...You'll need to fasten her down more securely if she's to hold a second bowl."
Euna clutches her swollen tits defensively. "One bowl was enough.""No, sir. I cannot take anymore."
"The drops are important," he says. "They apply their alchemy all the way down, even to your little milk nodes, and they'll loosen up just as a pregnant woman's would. Otherwise there would be no room to grow."
He locks the device. "Euna should be thanking me for this treatment. I knew a woman once who'd come to me every other day so I could pump up her tits to bursting. Over time, her bust grew several sizes. She was grateful. She'd thank me every time with all manner of sexual favors. So Euna," He fixes the tube to the end of a nipple nut. "Would you like me to help you?"
Euna stares him down. "Enough talking. Torture my tits already. If they should grow as a result, that would only be a silver lining."
Trembling, Euna stares warily at the tube, and then to him. "Thank you, sir. I'm glad to know torturing my tits will make me more beautiful to you."
"God. I want to keep you." And he presses. More scalding-hot broth fills her tit, cooking her flesh. She shrieks out again and bucks against her binds. Food plates knock over. A goblet of wine spills.More hot broth fills her. She moans and fights. Her tied legs thrash about the table, knocking plates. Her tit stretches to the point that veins are visible. Every squirm she makes causes it to jiggle, which clearly causes more pain. The tit's flesh is taut. Hassan has to readjust his grip to squeeze the plunger enough.
The struggle leaves her drained, but she finds energy for a whole new torturous struggle when he injects her other tit. There's now a full bowl of broth in each. Her bust's size has jumped from ample handfuls to a two-handed heft for each which seems unfitting for her form.
Hassan feels both tits and seems pleased. "Hmm. Maybe one more?"
Euna tenses.
"Enough." This comes from a councilwoman across the table. "We tire of her screams."
Hassan looks around. This display has everyone's attention.
You chime in again. "She'll only scream more if you go on..." you say.
Clearly no one is having any more, and Salma is too busy to serve anyone. The elder woman fisting her enjoys bringing her to the edge of orgasm again and again, just to see how frustrated she can make her.
There is plenty of gingerbread, biscuits, and sweetcake left, but Kalin has a tough time fitting them into Euna. They're too dry and crumbly. He has to soak them in the pools of fruit juice on the table to create a soggy mass which he's able to pack down Euna's vaginal canal and into her womb.
You fetch the remains of the roast duck from the table's center. The carcass's ribcage has scraps of greasy meat on it and handful of truffle stuffing inside. Kalin folds it up and presses it deep into Euna's gash, working it around to line it up with her cervix. The pillar's ramming is punctuated by the crunch of snapping ribs and Euna's urgent mewls. She's humps back until it's inside.
For the wing, thigh, and leg bones, Kalin stabs them past her cervix by hand before using the pillar to pack them into the mass of garbage. The duck has been unbirthed.
"Oh my, you're right." He examines Euna's gown. "It has juice and grease stains all over it."
"Then dispose of it." Euna slips her gown's shoulder strip overhead and hands it back. "Push it deep."
"Then it's obviously garbage," another elder says.
"Give it to me," Kalin says to Euna.
"Yes, my Lord." Euna slips the shoulder strip overhead and passes it back.
Setting aside the cord belt, Kalin wads up the silk and presses it into Euna. He has and easier time pressing it past her cervix by hand than with the pillar. "Does anyone else have any dirty clothes?"
"Err... my gloves?" This comes from a female merchant across the table. She has coffee black skin and curled black hair like coal. Her embroidered white gloves bear grease stains.
Kalin presses them deep into Euna's packed womb.
"Perhaps, my lady," says the elder sitting next to the merchant, "you are ready to part with your entire essemble?"
"What?" The woman looks down at her conservative frilled dress. "Put it... put it in her?"
"You have seen what sort of people we are. Do away with the proper lady within you, and walk naked. Your stay in our city will only get better."
After hesitating, she nods. "Yes. Do it! Take my dress." After the elder undoes the back laces, she shimmies out and stands naked. The guests applaud, and she smiles shyly and sits back down. The elder passes her gown across the table.
The dress has thick fabric. Kalin scrunches it down into as tight of a wad he can, but it's still larger than his head, and doesn't pack into Euna well, not until after he's soaked it in the pools of fruit juice on the table. The wet wad slides into her more easily, though it still takes patience to cram the whole thing past her cervix.
"Go check," Kalin says.
You hurry through the palace halls to the stables. There are three lovely horses and a parked wagon. They're asleep, and no stable boy is around. Their feed is the usual fodder: oats, barley, and beans. There's not too much left in the trough, and what's there has clearly been sitting out all day. They reek like a barn. Some of it is damp or partially chewed. The stablehands will obviously be tossing what's left in the morning.
The remains fill a third of a bucket. You scrape the trough bottom to collect the slime and sodden oats, and race back to the main hall. Kalin smells the earthy grains. "This absolutely needs to be thrown out." And so fistful after fistful go into Euna until the bucket is empty, and all of it is rammed deep.
People had been cracking nuts and snacking a while before dinner had started, and there's a good-sized bowl of walnut, almond, and hazelnut shells.
Kalin packs them deep into Euna's pussy by the handful. "Not sure how easily I'll get these in there, but we'll give it a try."
Euna cries out when he rams the pillar into her. All those little shell pieces scrape against her delicate flesh, and only a few get into her womb at a time. Kalin keeps having to reach in to push the mass of them back toward Euna's cervical entrance, and he'd start again.Euna grimaces through all of it, but eventually the bowl of nut shells are mostly in her womb with the rest of the refuse.
You collect them from around the table and set them by Kalin. He gets to work. Meats and cheeses glom into a mass that takes extra pounding to push past Euna's cervix. The crackers crunch and crumble. Euna winces from all the scraping crumbs. There's a tray of olives that hardly anyone touched. He presses them in by the handful and pumps them deep. A dish of salted fish mashes together and squeezes into her with an oily squelch.
Euna's belly has bloated a little more. She caresses it effectionately,
"Is that all?" she asks.
"What else?" he asks.
"There's more room in there yet," Kalin says. "What else is there?"
Her belly is all the more swollen, as though nine months pregnant. The pillar's thrusts are causing her to wince.
"Any more?" shehe asks.
Her belly is all the more swollen, as though nine months pregnant. The pillar's thrusts are causing her to wince, and when he pulls it out, mush oozes from her. "I cannot fit any more," she says. Though it seems like she's bearing down a little.
"Seems we have reached your limit," Kalin says.
Her womb is so bloated now that her cervix is visible just beyond her vaginal opening. It's being pushed down her canal.
"I wager there's a little more room," he says.
"Then don't stop," Euna says breathlessly.
"Then please, use my body," Euna says breathlessly.
Her belly distends lower than her breasts now, and though she's breathing short pained breaths, her body trembles. However, mush is oozing out of her whenever Kalin removes the pillar. "It seems," he says, "that you have finally run out of room, my lady."
"Very well," she says, though her breath is still heavy. Pained as she was, she's still caressing her belly.
"Yes, my Lord,""Is that all?" she replies, but you hear the relief in her voice.
"Are you sure?" Shirina asks.
"Yes, he's right," Euna says. "Tie my hands. Hold me down. I refuse to let you compromise the meal on my behalf."
"Yes," you say. "Don't compromise the meal for Euna's benefit. Tie her hands and hold her down."
Shirina looks to Euna.
As petrified as she looks, she nods obediently.
She nods. "Do it."
"Very well," Shirina says.
You volunteer your ropes and fix Euna's arms behind her back. Rasima and Salma hold her down.
"Actually, wouldn't the broth in the cauldron be at the proper serving temperature?"
"No, no," Euna wags her head. "I can't. I just can't. Please, no ropes."
"No, he's not sure," Euna says. "We are not tying me down."
You follow the girls back to the staging room. Shirina has the bench moved to the center. "Euna, You're up first. Girls, if you'd get her in position?"
Rasima and Salma guide Euna to lie on the bench. They pull aside her gown so she's naked from the breasts down. Meanwhile, Shirina has pulled out several contraptions from her crate that look like a series of pumps, tubes, and plugs, all with valves and switches.
"What are you going to do?" Euna asks.
Shirina takes a ridged silver cone larger than her fist. It's dotted with valves, and rubber hoses dangle from it. She shoves it deep into Euna's loose pussy. "I'm going to fit this plug into your cervix, and then I'm going to fill you with broth through these tubes."
"How hot is it?" Euna eyes the nearby cauldron. It has a pan of red coals glowing beneath it.
"Don't worry," Shirina adds. "I set a pot of it aside a while ago. It's..." She tests it. "It's still rather hot, but it's not scalding." Shirina attaches a funnel to a tube, into which she ladles some broth. It flows through the tube and into Euna's pussy.
She bolts up. "Ow! Hot. Hot."
"It won't scald you, I promise," Shirina says, "but if it's too much then I can cool it more."
"But this broth is supposed to be served hot," Salma says.
"Well, I'd take it this warm if I could," Euna replies. "I just don't think I could sit still."
"I'm sorry," Euna replies, "It was just too much. I don't think I could sit still."
You chime in. "If she can't sit still..."
"You want me to try what?" she asks.
"You know. Draw his eyes. It might get us in the door too."
"And your plan is to.. what? Have me distract him while you steal the emblem?"Distract him while the other steal the emblem?"
"If anything could distract a man, it would be the sight of a pair of heavenly breasts like your own."
"You'd have me expose myself, just like that?"
"Might work."
She chews her lip. "But it... what if it doesn't work?"
"Then we run, like last time."
"And what if it does work, but he gets the wrong idea? And he thinks he can take certain liberties with me. What if he puts his hands on me?"
"He won't," you say. "Men understand that flashing isn't an invitation for more."
She eyes you shrewdly. "You're just saying that, aren't you?"
You grin. "I guess there's always a chance. That's what makes it a risk. How about it?"
"Nothing captivates man's eye like a pair of topless women. I should know. I captivate them all the time."
"You do, I'm sure, but you'd have me expose myself too?"
"Let's be honest, you have the more captivating pair between us."
She chews her lip. "But what if it doesn't work? Or what if it does, but he gets the wrong idea? And he thinks he can take certain liberties with us. You might not mind, but I don't want him putting his hands on me."
"There's always a risk about it," you say. "If it gets too bad, we'll smash him over the head with the bottle and run. I've done that too."
After hesitating, her eyes light. "Okay! I'll do it. Lord, my heart is hammering already."
"Then lets go."
"But how is that supposed to get us the emblem?"
"I'm not sure yet. Perhaps it'll be the distraction Iwe need to swipe it. You might get us in the door that way too."It should at least get us in the door."
"Hmm, how indecent would that be," she says. "To bewitch a man with the arresting sight of my breasts. I'll do it!"our breasts. Let's do it!"
"Just be ready to run," you say.
You both approach the cabin. Euna lingers close to you. The moment you step on the floorboards of the porch, the old man's singing stops. He bursts out the cabin door, rapier in hand.
"Here to die, boygirls?" The old man steps forward, rapier poised. "I told ye I'd kill ye if—"
Euna yanks down the neckline of her gown.up her fishnets to expose her tits... which were already exposed, because they were fishnets, but now doubly so. It's the act of it that makes it arresting.down the front of her bodice. Her breasts, pale as milk, spill out.
The old man stops short. His sword lowers.
Euna kneads her ample globes and tweaks her nipples.
"We'd just like to talk," you say. "A few questions, that's all."
His eyes are still on Euna's breasts. "Talk, huh?"
"Yes, sir." Euna curtsies, boobs dangling. "All we want is to talk with you to learn what you know of this land."
"Is that so?" His gaze travels slowly down her body. He grins and licks his lips.
You yank up your top to reveal your tits. Euna follows suit. Her breasts, pale as milk, spill out.
The old man stops short. His sword lowers.
You gently tweak your nipples. "We'd just like to talk, kind sir," you say. "A few questions. That's all."
"Talk, huh?" His eyes travel from one pair of breasts to the other.
"Yes, sir." Euna curtsies, boobs dangling. "All we want is to learn what you know of this land."
"Is that so?" His gaze travels slowly down her body. He grins and licks his lips.
She tucks her breasts away. "That's right, sir."
"Fine then. Come on. You start any trouble, I'll kill ya." He turns back to his tiny shack.
"He does seem like he appreciates a drink," Euna says. "Let's try it."
You approach the cabin. Euna keeps behind you, using you as a shield. Like before, the moment you step on the squeaky planks of the cabin's porch, the singing stops immediately. The front door bursts open, and the old man emerges wielding the same tarnished rapier.
"Ye want to die, boy?lassies? I told ye to scat or I'd run ye through. I've got nothing to do with ye."
"Even if we brought rum." You hold out the bottle.
The man stops short. "What's this, eh?"
"This is yours," you say. "A gift. All we wish in exchange is to talk, over drink. Our treat."
He leans to examine the bottle. "Talk, huh?"
"Yes, sir." Euna curtsies. "Like I was saying before. We were shipwrecked here. All we want is to talk with you to learn what you know of this land."
"Is that so, huh?" He snatches the bottle, examines it, grunts. Next, he looks at Euna. His gaze travels down her body.body, and then yours.
He grins and licks his lips. "Shipwrecks, right?"
She nods. "That's right, sir." She's either oblivious or uncaring of his stares.
"Fine then. Come on. You start any trouble, I'll kill ya." He enters his tiny shack and beckons both of you to follow.
Euna enters first. Immediately, she turns to you with her face scrunched in disgust. It becomes obvious why when you enter. The stench of the place is a mixture of dead fish, whiskey, and unwashed body odor that's had years to sink in. The shack itself is hardly anything to look at. There's a cot at the far end with a tarp sail for a sheet. Unmentionable stains cover it, and it's yellowed from years of sweat. At the other end is a small vanity crowded with knickknacks ranging from shells to dusty, cracked porcelain figurines which seem at odds with their surroundings.
The man collapses onto a chair. He kicks a stool toward Euna. She sits as though the man had pulled it out for her like a proper gentleman. There is no other place to sit apart from the bed, which you opt against. Instead, you lean against the wall.
The man is still looking Euna's body over. She's sitting as though at a royal banquet, back straight and hands in her lap. "Thank you for letting us in." she said. "It's a pleasure. My name is Euna. What may I call you?"
You both follow him into the cabin. The place still reeks of body odor, alcohol, and salt. The heat makes it so much worse.
The old man takes his chair at the table again, and Euna sits across from him, arms folded in her lap, and back straight. "We appreciate you're letting us talk with you again," she says. "We've only a few more questions."
"Yer not going to be here long enough to be sharing names." He clamps the bottle's cork with his teeth and wiggles it out. Leaning, he snags from his vanity a tin cup with so many dings that its surface is like uncrumpled paper. "Ask yer questions. This bottle has earned ye a few minutes, but that's all. Ye've got till I'm good and drunk."
Euna looks to you.
The old man's shack is up ahead. From here, it doesn't sound like anyone is singing inside. He may be out and about instead.
Euna catches your arm. "Is it wise for us to approach? We stole from him last time. And he said he'd kill us if we simply annoyed him. He'll surely kill us now if he sees us."
"Hmm," you say. "You may be right. Let's turn around."
You wave your hand before his face. He looks at you glumly. "Huh? What, boy?"
"Are you tired?"
He pauses, thinks, nods. "Yes. I... I'm drunk."
"You should go to bed," you say. "You'll feel better."
"...You lot need to leave."
"And we will, but let us help you to bed first." You signal to Euna. The both of you take hold of the pirate and pull him from his chair. Though he tries half-heartedly to shake you off, you soon have him sprawled out on his bed. "You must feel very sleepy," you say. "Rest, and you'll feel better in the morning."
His dulls eyes study you. "Leave..."
"And we will. Your eyes are heavy though. Why don't you close them?"
And his eyes close.
You count several seconds before moving to his decrepit vanity and pilfering the golden medallion from its box hidden within a nest of yellowed undergarments
You turn to find Euna sitting on the bed with the old man. She's whispering to him.
" peace and tranquility," she's saying. "Everyone is deserving of happiness, even you, and every morning when you wake, I hope you'll feel grateful for all that this world has to give you, and—"
"What are you doing?"
"Oh. I just thought..." She shuffles and stands, her face turning red. "Nevermind."
"No, what was that?"
"You said that tonic makes one susceptable to suggestion. He's a criminal, but still, we're taking advantage of him. I just thought maybe I could help him become a better person, or be happier. It might make for some recompense."
"The tonic is not meant for those kind of suggestions." You gesture to the old man's pants. He has a stiff pole in his pants.
You turn to find Euna fending off the old man. It seems he wasn't quite asleep, and in his grogginess, he's trying to pull Euna into bed with him.
"C'mere, wench," he mutters.
"Thank you," she says, "I'm flattered, but please stop. I said stop." She bats his hand off her tit. "Sleep. Be at peace, and know that we're truly sorry for what we've done for you."
His hand finds her tit again.
Euna grapples his hands away and practically holds him down until he settles. "I thought you said this would put him to sleep."
"Eventually," you reply.
It's then she notices that his breeches have a stiff pole tenting them up. "What sort of tonic is that?"
"Nothing terribly strong. I guess he was just horny too. I would be with a woman like you dragging me to bed."
"Oh. Right. I see." She sees the medallion in your hands. "You have it. Very good. Let's go."
You ask your question. The old man eyes you. He clutches the rum bottle as though for support. Suddenly, he leans forward and rests his forehead on the table with such weight it rattles his cup.
There is utter silence for several seconds.
"Sir?" Euna says.
Then comes gentle snoring.
You prod the man carefully. He is mere dead weight.
"Well, that was effective," Euna remarks.
You shimmy around the man to his decrepit vanity and pilfer the golden medallion from its box hidden within a nest of yellowed long johns.
Euna has unhooked the old man's hand from the bottle and is trying to lift him from his seat.
"What are you doing?" you ask.
"I just..." She strains under his weight. "I'm trying to move him to his bed."
"Why? I'm sure he's used to passing out drunk all over the place. The floor. The beach..."
"I'd just like to," she says. "It seems only fair seeing as how we did this to him. Will you help me?"
With your assistance, she lays him sprawled out on his bed. Facing up, the man's snoring becomes a cacophonous roar. Euna starts removing his boots.
"That too?" you ask.
"Maybe if he thinks he went to bed instead of passing out, he'll be less likely to realize he was drugged." She gets one boot off. The man's socks are gray and threadbare. His exposed toes are callused with chipped, yellow nails. Euna recoils. "Lord, he reeks. Don't pirates bathe?"
"I'm sure we can just leave," you say.
"Almost." She tugs off the other boot. Another unpleasant sight. She arranges him into a more natural position and pulls the stained blanket over him. "We are sorry," she says. "You are a criminal, but that doesn't excuse our actions. What we've done is low." She takes the rum bottle and faces you. "Let's go."
You and Euna travel far from the cabin.
"Hopefully he won't come looking for us." She pours the bottle out on the sand.
"Even if he does," you say, "he doesn't know where we're staying."
"Speaking of," Euna looks out at the setting sun. "We should be heading back."
You again near the shack on the horizon. Inside the man still sings to himself absently.
A shack appears on the horizon, sitting on the edge of a tidal plain. Its ramshackle walls lean against each other, as though a strong wind could bring the structure down. Yet it stands there, surrounded by piles of garbage half buried in the sand.
As you near, there's a distinct rotten fish smell. Euna sniffs. She eyes the discarded bottles and debris.
"So there is someone on the beach," Euna says.
"Seems so."
"I doubt they had anything to do with our vessel." She eyes the garbage. "They've been here a while."
Somebody inside is singing in a deep, weathered voice. It's a joyful tune. They pause at times, as though only half paying attention to their own singing.
She straightens. "He did what?"
"In case I ever wanted to put you into a hypnotic state and whisper dirty thoughts to you."
"But... wha... why... Would you ever do that?"
"Yes. You're my property—mind and body—so I get to decide how horny and perverted you are."
She considers this and nods. "Yes, of course. My mind is yours to pollute for your pleasure, just like my body. Have you ever done so?"
"It would dirty your thoughts and make you a more suitable slave for me."
"I don't know how I feel about that," she says.
"You're body is my property, or so you say. So it's not really up to you, is it?"
"But... But I've already sworn to do whatever you ask of me."
"Then you'd agree to take this tonic if I told you to, so I don't see the problem. Are you telling me you won't actually obey me?"
"I..." She fidgets. "I don't know. Yes. I think." Then more sure of herself. "If that's really want you want, then I won't stop you. Have you... used it before?"
You shrug. "Maybe, but today I'll use it for this pirate." You unstopper the rum and pour in a dose. It dissolves nearly instantly.
Questionable Hypno Powder used ( remaining)"It's fine. I never used it."
"And you've just been carrying this around? Without telling me?"
"If I'd meant to use it, I wouldn't tell you about it."
"Then why didn't you tell me about it before?"
"I didn't want to hurt your opinion of Lanx," you say. "He and Fira are the only friends we have."
"What in the Lord's name was he thinking? To what end? What did he expect you to do to me?"
"We already know Lanx is a pervert. Please, don't go yelling at him. He's helpful to us, and he was trusting me when he gave me this."
She huffs. "Fine, but I don't know if I'm going to trust anything he ever serves me now."
"That's fine. Are we going to drug this pirate or not?"
"Very well. Go ahead."
You pull the cork and pour in a dose.
"Might as well pour it all in," Euna says. "It's not like you have any other use for it."
"We don't want to give him too much," you reply.
"Very well." Euna snatches the vial from you and dumps the rest out. "Then we'll just dispose of the remainder."
"Let's just hope we never need to do this again..." You replace the cork.
You bring out the small vial of white powder. "If he consumes this, then he'll enter a trance. He may even pass out. We can take the emblem then, and he won't remember what happened."
Euna frowns at the vial, eyes narrowed. "...And when exactly did Lanx give you have this? And why?"
You approach. Euna is right behind you. You step onto wooden planks outside the misshapen door. They squeak. The singing inside cuts.
An old man bursts out, wielding a rapier with worrying dexterity. His sinewy muscles are tough as oak. His skin is leathered from decades of working under the sun. With him comes a reek of liquor. "I told ye all to stay away. I said I gut ye and I meant it."
You and Euna stumble back. "We mean no harm," you say. "We only came upon—"
"I don't care. Piss off."
Euna tries. "Sir, please. We are shipwreck—"
He yells like a feral animal and charges.
Run away like a goddamn coward.Scamper away like scared little cat.
"Wait," Euna says. "I'm not a prude. Not anymore. I swear."
"Yeh?" the man says. "Prove it."
"I... What do you want me..." She pauses. "Fine. You want me to prove it? I'll prove it."
"What's in it?" she asks.
"I'm not sure. Alchemy of some kind."
"And you're taking that to sleep? That seems excessive."
You shrug. "I have real trouble sleeping. I need it."
Her eyes remain narrowed. "I'd hardly think you do. You sleep like a hybernating bear."
"Right." You hold up the vial. "because of this."
"Why haven't you told me about this?"
"Because..." You look down. "Because I'm embarrassed. Maybe it was those odd hours I kept in the circus, but ever since, I've always had trouble sleeping."
She rests a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I wish you would have told me. It's nothing to be ashamed about."
"Well, now you know."
"And I'm glad you told me. I'd like to help you if I can. Sleeping troubles were common at the convent. I know many ways to help you sleep—teas, mindful practices, breathing exercises. They're much better for you, because I don't think you should be taking... well... whatever this is." She winces at her own words. "I mean, if you need it, then I understand. But please ask me if you want help. I'm happy to."
"Can we just use it now?"
"Yes. Of course. We'll try this. I won't bother you about it again."
You pull the cork off the rum bottle and pour in a single dose of the hypnotic powder. It flows in like silt and dissolves before reaching the bottom. Replacing the cork, you swirl the bottle.
Questionable Hypno Powder used ( remaining)Eyes wide, Euna spins toward you. She opens her mouth, but no words come. Her face grows red, and she glances toward the old man. He looks equally startled, but he waits to see what she does.
"I..." she says, then steeling herself, "Very well then."
Euna considers it. "That might just work, but what if he realizes he's getting tired instead of drunk?"
"The sisters said it's fast acting. I guess we'll just have to make sure he drinks quickly."
"I don't think we'll have to do much manipulation there."
You pull the cork off the rum bottle. The alcohol transmuter is a sizeable gulp, so you dump some rum onto the sand to make room. Replacing the cork, you give the bottle a swirl.
"I feel bad that we have to steal from him," she says.
"He's a pirate," you reply, "It's part of the lifestyle."
"I suppose. Shall we?"
Together, you approach the cabin. The moment you're on the steps, the old man hears you and charges out once again with his rapier.
"How many times—"
You hold up the bottle of rum.
He pauses. He raises the rapier and holds the point to your chest. "How many times ye going to come around here. You're not wanted, neither of ye."
"We've just a few more questions," you say. "Surely you can put up with us a while longer in exchange for more rum."
The man glares at you and the bottle. He seems to be considering whether to take you up on the offer, or just run you through here. "Fine." He snatches the bottle and wanders back into his shack. "But make it quick."
You both follow inside. The stench of the cabin hits once again at full force upon crossing the threshold. And with the door closed, the heat in there builds.
The man sits again at his table and fetches his dented cup. He speaks as he works the bottle's cork loose with his teeth. "Ask yer questions, boy. I'm even shorter tempered today."
The man frowns at her words. "Yer not a prude, are you?"
"Pardon me?"
"Ye just bared yer tits, girl. And now yer talking like one of those noble, church-loving types. All prim and proper."
"I... am not."
"Of course you are. Yer sitting like you've got a spoon jammed up yer ass right now. Next thing I know ye'll start fixin my manners and disapprovin of my ways, trying to get me to be more Godly."
Euna adopts a more relaxed pose. "I will refrain from doing that, if you'd like."
"Gods, woman. Listen to yeh. I will refrain. I've put up with too many of your types in my youth. Horrid women, them. Judgemental bitches."
Euna's eyes flare. In her expression, you see an echo of the nun who once was. Her Nimic sensibilities are resurfacing. "I will not have you speaking to me in that way. I am a guest. We merely wish to ask you a few questions."
"And I want to see yer tits. It's why I let you in here. Pull em back out or leave!"
Euna is speechless. You step in.
"Euna. Show him you're not a prudewe're not prudes. Take off your bodice."
She shrugs away the shoulders of her gown. It crumples down to the waist cord.points out her fishnet top, which leaves her breasts plain to see, but now she makes no effort to cover herself.undoes the lacing on her bodice. Grasping the bottom, she pulls it overhead. Her flawless breasts are fully bared.
The man grins lewdly.
"There," Euna says. "Am I a stuck up noble woman now?"
"No, Missy. I guess you're not. You might actually be some fun."
"May we stay?"
He holds out his hands in welcome. "You are my honored guests. How can I be of service?"
"You may." But then he looks at you meaningfully.
Without pause, you pull your tunic off over head and set it on Euna's bodice. Both of you are topless. Though Euna's godly breasts are front and center for him.
"Good girls," he says. "Now how can I be of service?"
Euna starts. "We were wondering—"
"Hold it, girl." The man draws his eyes from her breasts. "I never said I'd answer yer questions."
"But that's why we're here."
"Sure, but if ye want yer answers, it's going to cost."
"We don't have any money," she replies.
"Oh, innocent girl. It's not money I want."
"Then what?" Euna asks. You already understand exactly what he means.
"I'm not asking much. How's this? For every answer ye all want, the girl takesyou both take something else off."
You glance at Euna. She nods.
"Okay," she says.
Euna glances at you.
"Okay," you say.
"Who are the people running the slaver's cove?"
"Will you give us your emblem?"
"How did you get involved with the cove?"
The old man's shack appears farther up on the beach. As you near, the same smell of garbage and rot wafts over you. From within the cabin, the old man is once again singing shanties.
"Wait." Euna catches your arm. "Last time we approach, the man nearly killed us. I don't think we should go near again."
"Maybe we could do something to appease him," you say.
"If you have an idea, I'll hear it," she replies, "but otherwise we should leave."
As they continue, you sidle around the old man. He's oblivious, but Euna is casting you quick glances while the man fondles her breasts. At the vanity, you pry open the small box.
The man starts turning to look at you. Euna snatches his head and pulls his face down to her breasts. He needs no further encouragement to put his mouth all over her breasts. His tongue leaves slimy trails over her flesh. His teeth squeeze her nipples. Euna tenses in pain, yet she holds his head close. His hand is still buried in his pants.
You slip the emblem out and close the box. For lack of anywhere to hide it, you slide the coin into your quim and squeeze tight to hold it in.
Euna arches her back until her butt lifts from the stool. She's rubbing her clit with abandon. Maybe she's climaxing, but her cries are perfectly timed to hide the snap of the box.
The old man slaps his hand onto her pussy and pushes three fingers inside of her. Euna cries out in pleasure. To reciprocate she darts her other hand down his pants and takes over his own fisting of his cock. With a free hand, he clutches her side and nearly pulls her into his lap. Straddling his thigh, she grinds her sex against his invading fingers And pumps his cock with abandon.
And then old man slaps his hand onto her pussy and pushes three fingers inside of her. Euna's eyes shoot open, but she goes along with it by humping her crotch against the old man's hand while she rubs her clit. She even slaps her hand over his, pressing him into her.
The man shivers. Undoubtedly, he's made a mess within his pants. The very moment you're back where you were standing, Euna comes down from her throes and pulls away from him.
Her legs snap closed. Only her damp bush is visible. The man is hunched over, suddenly aware that his pants are full of semen, and he still has guests in the house.
"I think we've asked enough questions," you say.
"I think so, boy." He glares at you as though it's your fault there was cum in his pants, but when he glances at Euna, his face lights with a smile. "But you can come back whenever you like. Maybe I'll show you how a seasoned sailor treats a proper lady."He looks you both over. "Either of ye are welcome back, but next time I'm going to show you how a pirate treats a lady proper."
"Perhaps," Euna rises. From her tone, she's done too, and she can't put her clothes on quickly enough. Once dressed, she curtsies. "Good day, sir."
"Good day, girlgirls." He grins, showing off his crooked teeth.
Outside, you and Euna walk calmly from the shack. You hold your bundled clothes in your arms. At about thirty feet, you mutter, "Let's go. Let's go," and you both hurry. Once the shack is just a dot, you sprint. For minutes you race across the beach until arriving at the estuary. Only here do you finally stop.
Euna catches up, and though she's struggling to catch her breath, she's laughing joyously.
"Oh, heavens!" She wipes away sweat. "I can't believe we did that. It was such a thrill!"
"You weren't... bothered?"
"Oh, it was disgusting. He's such a filthy, old man. Oh, but how we played him."
"I'm amazed you let it go that far."
"We had to get that thing somehow, and you certainly weren't going to distract him."it wasn't your breasts he latched onto."
"Well, you played your part well."
"Of course I did," she said. "It was all part of the job."
"Just a job?" You grin. "I think, perhaps, you might actually have enjoyed yourself."
"Maybe I let myself get a little carried away."
"A little? You were screaming."
She reddens. "Okay. So I got quite carried away. It was just so... dirty. I loved it. There must be something wrong with me?"
"How so?"
"I'm a high born woman. An heir. And I'm here giving pleasure to a dirty old man. I let him finger me.And I'm here pleasuring myself for a dirty old man. I let him touch me. I've never been so enflamed! I'm behaving like a harlot."
"Then perhaps you are one." You pull her close.
"I'm a harlot, am I?"
"A beautiful, sultry harlot, and I wouldn't want you any other way." You squeeze her close and kiss her. "But we should get home before he comes after us."
"A harlot just like me." You pull her close.
"We're a pair, aren't we?" Her fingers are between your legs again. "Two women using their wiles to survive." Her fingers find the emblem inside you. "I was wondering where that went." She gives the slimy coin a quick kiss and tucks it into her cleavage.
"We should get moving," you say, "before he comes looking for us."
"Agreed," she says. "Let's go home."
The old man's shack appears up ahead.
Euna stops you. "Are we here to get the emblem?"
"If we don't have a strategy to get it, I'm not sure there's any point to being here."
"Maybe youwe should try flashing him."
[Bottle of Rum] [Questionable Hypno Powder]: "We could slip this drug Lanx gave me into his rum."
You're on the slopes overlooking the pirate cove.
You head east along the mountain ridge toward the flagpole. Several times, the path dead ends against rock walls or sheer drops, and you double back. Eventually you find a path through.
A cove comes into view. Wood buildings circle about it on layered terraces. A harbor stretches along its rim. Boats of all different builds are docked, and hundreds of people walk about, loading and unloading supplies from vessels.
The flagpole you saw from a distance is not a flagpole, but the mast of a massive galley beached upon the highest terrace of the cove. It's unclear how it got up there, but scaffolding is built around it, and windows and doors have been installed right into its hull. From the raucous laughter and music coming from within, it's now a tavern.
This cove seems like somewhere you might find passage off these lands.
...but then you spot the slave ring. It's nearly front and center in the cove. Cell pits hold huddled masses of people. And large, bald men patrol its perimeter. Their skin looks odd from here, almost gray.
Many people coming and going from the boats are bound in chains.
"Slavers?" Euna asks.
You nod. "Looks like they've got a good place here." You point out the mountain ridge shielding the cove from the sea. "I bet you can't see any of this from the ocean."
"Hmm." She frowns. "Of course the only boats we find on this land belong to them."
You walk through the twisting mountain paths and return to the slaver's cove. It's bustling with activity like before.
"What do you think?" Euna asks.
"We have this emblem," you say. "We should be able to get in."
"I'm still not sure it's safe."
"Nah. We'll be fine. Just let me do the talking."
"I think we should turn around," she replies, "but if you want to go. I'll follow."
"We might be able to sneak in," you say.
"They'd just throw us in the pits."
"Maybe not. If we get down there, we might be able to blend in."
"I think it would be exceedingly idiotic, but I'll follow you."
Pain and Torture
This includes sadism and masochism. At low tiers this includes whipping, hair pulling, throat fucking and such. This will be expanded later to include gore, torture, and such. This fetish differs the most depending on whether Euna is Dominant or Submissive. Dominant Euna will enjoy inflicting pain, but she'll still savor pain as well.
Reaching pain-curious
This is the 1st tier of Pain and Torture.
Like most first-level fetish tiers, this one is unlocked by the stories and conversations Euna is exposed to.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- From storytelling
- In The Vixens, mention how Mira liked to play with her urethra
- In The Chicken Coop, mention how the boys brought out a horse whip.
- In The Prowling Lilins, tell her about the Suffering Sisters.
- During sex, once Euna is adventurous, fuck her vaginally or anally. Then pound her harder. If female, you'll need the rope and pestle.
To promote
First, Euna must be amorous.
She'll automatically promote one night after musing on the topic.
Next tier: rough
Reaching rough
This is the 2nd tier of Pain and Torture. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be pain-curious.
Euna will enjoy light bondage in her sex at this level. Until she's ready to promote, she will only participate in only a single form of bondage each session, and no bondage can be repeated in subsequent sessions.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- From storytelling, In The Vixens, tell how the other would torture Mira or Bogdana
- During sex
- Grip her hair while she's giving you (good) head.
- Slap her ass during vaginal or anal.
- Tie Euna's hands up with the ropes from Lanx's climbing kit.
- Collect nettles with Euna, complain about your stings, ask about her experiences, then dare her to see if she's as tolerant to them as she claims.
- When climbing the wall into the city, run the rope between her legs.
To promote
First, Euna must be adventurous.
Have sex with her. Engage in two or more form of light BDSM (rope binding, hair pulling, nipple twisting, spanking, ...). Afterward, she'll admit that she wants more.
Next tier: painful
Reaching painful
This is the 3rd tier of Pain and Torture. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be rough.
Euna will enjoy light pain and BDSM in her sex at this level.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- From storytelling, In Selia and the Master, suggest that Selia was punished and fucked.
- During sex
- Control a blowjob or anal sex by yanking her hair.
- Experimentally punch Euna's stomach. You must first find the kids doing this in the city and ask if she's curious. If you said you don't get the appeal, stomach punching locks becomes unavailable for your playthrough.
- Play roughly with her tits.
- get deep-throating lessons from the whore down by the docks.
- After collecting nettles, whip her with them.
- When wall climbing, after establishing a routine of tying the rope between her legs, rush her up the wall.
To promote
First, Euna must be lewd.
She will express interest in playing with ropes after dinner. If you have the climbing kit (or after you get it), it'll engage a scene which will end with her promotion.
Next tier: masochistic
Reaching masochistic
This is the 4th tier of Pain and Torture. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be painful.
Currently locked.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- During sex
- Punch Euna's stomach extra hard. You must have seen people in town punching each other and then expressed interest.
- Bind Euna's breasts.
- Throat fuck her. Female fools must strap on the pestle for this. This also requires her to have learned how to deep throat you first. See previous tier for details.
- After collecting Nettles, have Euna test herself.
To promote
First, Euna must be promiscuous.
Offer to take the nun's place when she gets arrested by the guard. Before this is available, you need to have witnessed the nun enter the city, and then later that day find her at the barracks being punished, or you must ask her what happens to her when she's arrested.The results of taking the nun's place vary widely depending on whether Euna is dom or sub. If she's neither, then this event will make her one or the other, depending on which one she's closer to.
Reaching something else
This is the 5th tier of Pain and Torture. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be masochistic.
Currently locked.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
- During sex, Bind Euna's breasts even tighter.
- Use ambrosia on the old men in the slums to get the cane. Use the cane at the pillory. Experience comes when leaving the church.
To promote
First, Euna must be whorish.
When Euna reaches the front, the guards arrest her, just as expected. Then they escort her and the wagon inside. When you and the nun reach the front, the nun shows a signet ring and explains that you're her guest, and they let you in.
The guards take Euna east to the barracks. Hardly anyone is there yet apart from a few guards, but a few cityfolk start to gather. When you and the nun catch up, Euna is leaning in and whispering to the guard who's unfastening the pillory. Whatever she says makes him grin. Euna point you out to him, and he nods in agreement, grinning like a fool. It seems you'll have no trouble getting onto the pillory if Euna needs you, but there's no way of knowing what she just promised the guard.
He mutters something to her, and she turns her back to him. He pulls off her habit and her wimple, then tugs Euna's drawers down to her ankles. She obligingly steps out of them. Euna is now naked before the growing crowd. They begin yelling and jeering, yet she makes no effort to cover herself.
"She's not shy, is she?" the nun says.
"No, she's not," you reply.
Euna places her hands and head into the pillory, leaving her bent over with her ass facing the crowd behind her. It almost looks like she waggles it. The guard locks the pillory in place, hands her robes to another, who departs. It's only him and Euna on the central platform now.
It begins, first with the pelting. Men and women through squishy fruits and handfuls of mud at her.
"Whore!" a woman yells.
"You bringing filth to our city walls!" a man says. His tomato strikes the pillory board, splattering Euna.
"Cunt! I hope those savages rape you!" A pile of mud strikes Euna's flank. It drips down onto her hanging breasts.
Euna hardly seems phased.
The first man comes onto the pillory platform. He's wielding a wooden paddle, which he shows the audience, and holds teasingly before Euna's face. She looks at it, and at the man's cruel grin. Finally, it seems, fear finds her, though she sets her face and gets ready. The man dances around behind her, cops a feel of her bare ass, as though sizing up what he's about to punish, then strikes without warning.
Euna yelps. The crowd goes wild. The man rapidly strikes alternating cheeks of her ass. Each strike swift and vicious. Euna is biting her lip to keep from crying out.
"I hope she's okay," the nun says. "This is only getting started."
The guard makes the paddler get down. Euna's ass glows red. Most don't have any tools for punishment, but they have their fun spanking Euna, or pulling her hair, or slapping her face, or reaching under her and twisting her nipples until she cries out. Many fondle her pussy, but the guard always puts a stop to that. Over an hour of this goes on. Euna keeps her face set. Her eyes are closed, resisting the urge to cry out.
Another man comes up with a many-tailed switch. He gets right into whipping her back while yelling about what a useless cunt she is. The crack of the blows sound out as he strikes her back. Red welts stripe her flesh. She tries hard not to cry out, but it becomes too much. She starts first with grunts, then moans, until finally screaming out in pain, much to the crowd's delight.
Yet she doesn't say please.
The man starts whipping her harder, but the guard catches his hand and mutters something to him. The guy looks disappointed, but only for a moment before switching to lashing her reddened bottom.
"The guard is making them go easy on her," the nun says. "He doesn't usually do that. She's lucky."
"What do the crowd usually do?"
"It depends on the crowd," she explains. "This can get much more painful, and much more dirty. It also depends on the guard watching us, and this one is being kind to Euna. I don't know why, but I am glad."
You're pretty sure you know why.
The man whipping Euna covers her ass in welts, and he keeps going. The guard stops him. The crowd boos. Apparently this is too tame for them. Reluctantly, the guard lets him resume. He strikes her a few hard times.
It's Euna.
The guard stops the man again. This time, the crowd openly show their displeasure, booing and tossing refuse both at Euna and a few at the guard. He's in a bad situation.
You hurry to the front. Spotting you, the guard send the man down and pulls you onto the stage.
"Girl says you can do whatever you want," he mutters as he hands you the switch. "But you better keep this crowd entertained."
"Right," you say. You're nothing if not an entertainer.
You circle around Euna. You couldn't tell from the back, but up close, you see her pussy is sopping wet. Her juices are running down her thighs. Grabbing her hair, you pull her head up and lean close.
"Doing okay?" you ask.
She winces and smiles.
"If you want me to stay up here, I can't go easy on you. We're losing this crowd."
"Oh I know," she says. "Why do you think I called you up? You are an entertainer, my love." She blows you a kiss.
Dropping her head, you back up and appraise the situation. It's time to win this crowd.
"Then I will put that nun in her place," Euna says. "Lord knows these nuns secretly crave it."
"Hmm, yes!" Euna says. "I think that's exactly the mood I'm in."
"Excited, are we?" you say.
"Oh don't mistake me. I'm doing this for her," she replies. "After this, I'm going to comfort that girl and shower her with my love and compassion. But first, I'm going to make that nun scream."
With that, Euna hurries forward and climbs onto the stage with the nun. WIth the crowd watching, she begins her performance.
"Agreed. I must be the first at the pillory if I am to be any help at all."
You rush to the barracks just as the guards are lowering the nun's head and hands into place. They've stripped her of her habit, but they've left her wimple. Once she's locked in, the guards depart, leaving her to mercy of this fast-growing crowd.
First comes pelting.
"Whore!" A woman throws a piece of fruit.
"Beggar fucker!" Another tosses a handful of mud.
"You bringing filth to our city walls!" Another man tosses a tomato. It strikes the pillory board, splattering Euna.
"Cunt! I hope those savages rape you!" A pile of mud strikes Euna's flank. It drips down her breasts.
No one has been brave enough to step onto the platform yet.
"It's my time," Euna says. "Let me know if you like what you see." Marching up, she climbs onto the platform. Her performance begins.
Euna stops and moves onto another act.
Euna once again changes tactics. The crowd is large and impatient now. Whatever she does next will need to be the last thing she does.
Euna takes it, tests its pliability in her hands, whips it a few times in practice, and then brings it down upon the nun's ass. The suddenness evokes a quick shriek.
Each following time Euna strikes a cheek with a resounding crack, the nun cries out. Thin cuts appear. Euna moves on. The cane strikes her back. It strikes her thighs.
"Please..." The nun's voice is thick. "In heaven's name..."
"Pathetic," Euna mutters. "Only three strikes... You insist on feeding the scum, but now that it's time to pay the price, you whimper and grovel." She walks around to the nun's front and holds the cane before her. "Watch closely, my dear." Euna reverses her grip on the cane, holds it out far, and then flicks her wrist so it cracks against her own ass. Euna doesn't flinch. "It's called dignity. Watch, and maybe you'll learn. You!" She points out a young lad from the crowd. "Up here."
He scrambles onto the platform. After Euna hands him the cane, she drapes herself over the nun, breasts to back, crotch to ass. "Three here, young man." She pats her own ass.
The lad is happy to comply. Three angry welts form on Euna's ass. Blood trickles. Only the slightest spasm crosses her face. "Next," she yells. "How many before I make a sound, hmm?"
Man after man comes up, and a few women. Each gets three canings on Euna's ass. Her face spasms more with each strike, but she doesn't yell, even as her ass turns to a bloodybruised pulp. For the next man, she spin and presents her front. "My bottom is such a used canvas," she says. "Maybe you'd like to punish these?"
He would, and he does. Euna writhes as men slash her boobs to ribbons. She has people change targets a few more times—her belly, her thighs. Her face is set despite her trembling. For a grand finale, Euna drapes on leg over the nun, and a man gets one good wallop right on her pussy. A short shriek escapes her, and the audience cheers in triumph.
Euna addresses the nun. She's near breathless. "That... is how one takes a punishment." Euna tosses the bloody cane back to you.
The crowd turns their attention back on the nun, and though they hurt and humiliate her plenty, there's hardly enough time left. Meanwhile, Euna sits gingerly on the stage. Her back is straight and proper, it's clear she's struggling to keep her composure. Blood drippings cover her from the chest down, and she's pale.
When the guards return to free the nun, she's slow to get to her feet.
"I think not," Euna says, "but I've been thinking about it, and there may still be a way to help the poor nun."
"And what's that?"
"You'll see." Euna leads you through the crowd to the nun. "Excuse me."
The nun smiles.
"Please allow my manservantfriend to help you hand out crates," Euna says.
"Certainly. Come up here."
You do so. The nun shows you the crates in the wagon. "Just make sure to give one to each person. Don't worry if someone comes back for a second. Only they know whether they need it or not."
You help hand out crates while Euna sits on the carriage and watches.
"Was this your whole idea?" you mutter.
"You'll see. Don't stop helping."
Soon the supply runs out.
"I'm afraid that's it," the nun says to the crowd. As people disperse, she turns to you two. "Thank you so much. I must return to the city now."
"...where you will be arrested, correct?" Euna says. "The guards will take you to the pillory, and the city will torment you for your charity."
"I'm afraid so, yes."
"Then I have a proposal for you. We will follow you into the city, and I will be the one to punish you."
"What? Why?"
"Because I will be the most compassionate abuser you'll get."
"That's... a most peculiar offer, but it wouldn't work. The crowd will want their own turn, especially if you're not really tormenting me."
"Oh, don't misunderstand me. I will torment you, but I will abide by any limitations you set, and maybe with a little bit of showmanship, I can draw some attention onto myself."
"I... I can't see the harm," the nun replies, unsure.
"Good. Come with me a moment." Euna guides the nun into her own carriage. When they reemerge, the nun's face is flushed as she takes her horse's reigns. With a grateful nod to Euna, she rides on ahead.
Euna hops off and beckons you to join her in line behind the nun's carriage.
"First, we enter the city," she says. You both wait in line until the Simori sister is up. The guards arrest her as usual. Next comes you and Euna.
One guard is left in attendance while his partner drives the nun's carriage in. "Signets," he says lazily.
"Of course. Let me show you." Euna takes his hand and guides it under her gown.under her sash.under her skirt. The guard's eyes go wide. "Do you feel my signet?"
A lecherous grin comes over him. "Yes... I think I do."
"And... do you feel his?hers?" she asks. "Feel deeper." Euna presses close. Her head rests on the guard's shoulder. "Feel as deep as you like. Make sure."
She's trembling by the time he brings his hand out. She cradles it, and with her eyes locked on his, she sucks his fingers clean in one long lollipop stroke. "Satisfied?"
He grins. "Go on in."
You two are soon on your way to the barracks.
Inside the city, you turn to her. "When it comes to bribing guards with your sexual wiles, I would have expected more from you.""That was incredibly forward of you."
"And I would have gladly done more were we not in such a rush," she replies.
"Absolutely not," though Euna leans close. "I'll just say this. For such a sweet young sister of the cloth, her boundaries are far greater than you'd expect. And oh how she blushed as she told me."
"Maybe the years of accepting these punishments have improved the sisters' tolerance over the years."
"Maybe so. I can only say I'm jealous."
Euna nods. "If the daughters of Nim were made to suffer such sexual punishments at the hands of strangers, I might have found my true calling while I was still in the convent."
"Maybe if you ever get back home, such things can change."
Her eyes alight. "Now there's an idea..."
"We simply established boundaries," Euna says, "such as what acts she'd rather I avoid ...and perhaps those she'd like me to explore."
"And what acts are those?" you ask.
"Wouldn't you like to know, but she spoke to me in confidence. You'll just have to watch the performance."
Euna grows even more violent with her penetration. She punches her fist hardstabs her four fingers repeatedly into the poor sister, causing her shoulders to bang against the pillory. A pummeling like this would leave bruises on bare flesh, and she's enduring it against her cervix, not to mention what Euna's sharp nails must be doing to her delicate vaginal flesh.The viciousness of Euna's pummeling is sure to be tearing and scraping delicate vaginal flesh. It's no wonder the nun whimpers and weeps.
Others want a turn. As a man climbs up, Euna stands aside and spreads the nun's pussy lips to give him a clear target. "Punish her," she demands.
His fist is a tighter fit, but he too tenderizes the nun's cervix,fingers are a tighter fit. They tear up her tender lips, as does the next man, and the next. Soon enough, the nun's pussy is a gaping hole with blood oozing from fissures.of angry red flesh.
For a final act, Euna yanks off the nun's habit and crams it into her sex. The next abuser punches it up against her cervix where it stays. Behind that, other's cram vegetables originally meant for pelting the nun. She's soon packed with squishy tomatoes and crumpled cabbage.
The torture grows more commonplace then. People who brought their own instruments enjoy flogging the nun's ass and back until it's a mess of bloody welts. But other's have switched to Euna. She's braced against the pillory and sticking her rear out so that men can fist her and fill her with mushy produce. They don't fit nearly as much into her, but this does distract from the haggard nun. fondler her sex. It doesn't draw much attention, but it does distract from the haggard nun somewhat.
When the guards return, Euna is on all fours, tonguing the bloodjuices and juices from the nun's hole while men fondle hers. She quickly squeezes her own mess out of her holeshoos the men away as the guards disperse the crowd.
Euna gets more into it by swinging one leg over the pillory to better grind against the nun. This lasts for minutes until a man with a whip climbs up and lays into the nun's ass.
Abruptly, Euna brushes away her gown.whisks away her sash skirt and peels off her fishnet top.peels off her top and unfastens her skirt. She rides the nun's face without a shred of clothing. Eyes are back on her, even the whipper is distracted.
She gestured for the whip. The man gladly hands it over, and thus begins the true show. Euna fucks the girl's face while casting the whip down over her back, leaving long, lengthwise welts. Each strike causes the nun to jolt, which travels through her and into Euna as a shiver of pleasure. Euna squeezes and sucks her own tits. Her moans illicit roars of approval. Her sexual peek brings a cheer.
It's other people's turns now, but Euna has set a trend. Woman after woman hitch their snatches into the nun's face and grind. Euna manages to borrow the tools of many others who climb up. She paddles the nun's ass and beats her with a switch. Between strikes, she caresses the nun and grinds against the nun's rump. She makes plenty of welts and draws blood,welts, but she's so sexual about it that no one cares that she strikes so infrequently.
When the guards arrive, Euna is eating the nun out while grinding her sex against the rough wooden platform. They let her finish, even as they shoo the other tormenters away.
Her lashing becomes more severe. The whip bites the nun's back and ass first, then come a few underhanded swings on her small breasts. Her skin glows red. Welts form. Each lash causes a gasp from the sister, though Euna's breath picks up too. This is having an effect on her too.
One lash opens a cut along her ass. A dribble of blood runs down the cheek. Euna can't help herself and kneels to lap the blood. Her tongue traces the curves of the sister's ass.
The audience loves this, but they've grown too excited. Men climb on the platform to take over. Euna has no choice to allow this, but she never leaves. Instead, she behaves like a showgirl. With each man who takes the lash, she entices them to lay its bite upon the nun's flesh. The men happily oblige by strike tit, ass, or back—wherever Euna beckons—just as they oblige Euna as she caresses the fresh welts and runs her tongue along the sister's bleeding body. It's a perverted show that all enjoy. They don't seem to care that the sister is getting whipped at less than half the pace as usual.
The time wears on. For the last few men, Euna becomes so overcome that she can't help herself but to kneel before the whippers and suck their cocks as though for her own satisfaction. Of course they allow this, even if it means they're not able to whip the nun as hard as they otherwise would, and they certainly pause when Euna is sucking down their cum.
The guards come to unlock the nun. While the crowd disperses, Euna finishes sucking down cum from the last man to hold the lash.
Euna thrashes the girl's ass for a good minute before pausing to fondle the girl's genitals.
"What is this?" Euna holds her hand up to her audience. Her fingers are webbed with the girl's juices. "It looks like our innocent little nun enjoys being punished." The crowd laughs. The nun's face turns a deep shade of red.
Euna squeezes the girl's hanging tits, twisting the girl's nipples painfully. The nun's squirms and whimpers.
"You are enjoying this." Euna spanks her again. "You get off on this." Another spank. "You feed those vagrants so we'll all discipline you." Spank.
"N–No!" The nun stammers.
"Don't bother denying it. I'll prove it to you. Everyone!" She address the crowd. "Let's show this slut how much she wants this. We'll make her cum from torture!"
The crowd cheers. She points. "You! With the paddle. Get up here."
While the crowd member enthusiastically paddles the nun's ass, Euna scours the nun's sex. Later, while another flogs her back, Euna has her mouth fastened over the nun's assholeclit and her fingers buried the nun's vaginal depths.
Despite the punishment, the nun eventually succumbs and wails out in ecstasy. Everyone cheers. But Euna doesn't stop. She pleasures the girl well past her orgasm, until she's overly sensitive and squirming away, until again forced into another orgasm. This goes on and on.
Euna lays into the girl now, delivering kick after kick, but once the girl is wailing, Euna leans in again to lick the girl's tenderized privates from bow to stern. The moment the girl starts settling down, another swift kick, causing a resounding thwack.
Other people want a turn. A man climbs up, and after Euna makes sure to spread the girl's legs wide for him, he delivers a kick so hard it knocks the girl's lower half into the air by an inch. The nun sobs openly.
The next person comes up for their own kick, and the next, and the next. The girl's knees keep buckling, only for Euna to straighten her back up. She squirms away from each participant, but between each person, Euna holds her tight and buries her tongue into the girl's bruised folds.
She keeps pressing her ass to the nun's face, rubbing it up and down, and shivering in pleasure. All the while, she touches herself for the audience's pleasure, and finally screams out in a well-performed orgasm.
Other people come up then. Each man, young and old, fit or fat, wants to press their asses to the nun's face. It doesn't matter whether they're hairy or sweaty, she's forced to worm her tongue into all of their assholes to their satisfaction. The stimulation causes some men fire cum toward the crowd, much to some's embarrassment.
Oddly, Euna is knelt right by the nun, letting men and women use her face in just the same way, thus reducing the focus on the sister by half. Interestingly, any unsavory men, either sweaty or hairy or corpulent, Euna directs them to herself rather than the nun. She buries her face in their unwashed cracks and worms her tongue deep. As revolting as it is, she licks her lips and beckons for the next one every time.
Eventually, the crowd reverts to their usual tactics. People who brought their own toys take turns flogging the nun, or beating her with sticks, or spanking her with paddles. The nun becomes a mess of bloody welts over her back and ass, though her pussy gets left alone, seeing as how Euna has taken up permanent residence between her legs in order to tongue her holes.folds.
Despite her tear-stained torment, the nun is trembling in her pillory by the time the guards show up. Even after shooing away the crowd, they give Euna a minute to see if she can bring the nun to a toe-curling orgasm. She succeeds.
First, she fondles the nun's slit. "Tell me, sister. How often do you let vagrant filth rut you like a bitch?" She slips three fingers into her. "You're as loose as a coin purse. You probably give them food so they'll fill you with their filthy cocks, don't you? How big are their staffs, sister? Are they this big?" Euna slides four fingers in and saws them about. "Or are they this big?" Curling her thumb, she rams her fist into the the sister's snatch, eliciting a cry of pain.
Euna glances at you while working her hand about.
She strokes the nun's chin with sinister flair. "Tell me, sister. Have you ever tasted of another woman?"
The nun looks up at her timidly.
Euna whisks aside the front of her gown,hikes her sash up to her waisthikes up her skirt, much to the delight of the crowd. She hovers her bald pussy right before the nun.
"Can you smell it, sister? Do you want to taste it?" She slaps the nun's face. "Stop gawking and feast, you simple whore!" She snags the nun's hair through her wimple and crams her snatch against her face. The nun licks, and Euna grinds.
As she does so, she glances at you.
"I was thinking the same thing," Euna replies.
Together, you file through the crowd to the nun.
Her face lights up. "Oh! It's you two. My sisters have told me so much about you. It's wonderful to finally meet you."
"Likewise," Euna replies. "I would like to help you just as I helped your sisters."
"You mean to influence my time in the pillory?"
"Yes. Assuming you'd be amenable to that."
The nun considers. "Yes, I think I would be."
Euna makes you help hand out crates. Afterward, once the nun is arrested, Euna whispers quick words to the guard while her hand is down his breeches. Her haste gets you two to the pillory just as the guards are stripping the nun of all but her wimple.
"What do you think?" Euna asks. "What sort of mood am I in today? Do I want to hurt her? Or humiliate her?"
Several people in the crowd are offering up items for Euna to take. She selects a lash with many tails. The first crack against the nun's back is a test, as though were considering the quality of her lash.
Euna teases the nun with more experimental licks of the lash. The nun jolts and cringes, but Euna really hasn't laid in. Not yet, anyway. She glances toward you.
Coming around behind the nun, she enjoys fondling and squeezing the nun's pussy.
"Do you like that?" Euna licks the girl's entire sex starting from her clit and continuing over her asshole until finishing right at her tailbone.
Just as the nun starts to relax, Euna delivers the first spank. The girl jolts.
"Then stop," Euna snaps. "This is a punishment. A punishment for vagrant-fucking harlots like you."
She spanks the girl again and again. She repositions so she's slapping from the side as though punishing a disobedient child over her knee.
She spanks the girl again and again. When her hand gets tired, she nudges the nun's legs wide, winds up, and delivers a swift kick right on the nun's sex, resulting in a howl of pain.
And she glances at you.
Euna comes around the nun's front and hooks aside her gown.slips aside her sash.lifts her skirt. People hoot and holler.
"Perhaps you've been spending so much time with the filth at the city gate that you've grown a taste for it, hmm? Perhaps you'd like a taste now?" She presses her ass to the nun's face.
She glances sideways to you.
You two arrive just as the guards are hauling Euna onto the pillory platform. They yank away her habit. She wears a strip of cloth about her crotch as a loincloth. It's held in place by a thin cord. It must be a standard piece of the Simori garb. Either way, the guard yanks them down and has her step out of them.
Euna stands before her growing crowd wearing nothing but her wimple. They begin yelling and jeering, yet she makes no effort to cover herself.
"She's not shy, is she?" the nun murmurs.
The guards bend her over and fix her hands and head into the pillory. Her ass sticks out behind her. After locking the top bar in place, the guards depart, leaving her to mercy of this fast-growing crowd.
First comes pelting.
"Whore!" A woman throws a piece of fruit.
"Beggar fucker!" Another tosses a handful of mud.
"You bringing filth to our city walls!" Another man tosses a tomato. It strikes the pillory board, splattering Euna.
"Cunt! I hope those savages rape you!" A pile of mud strikes Euna's flank. It drips down her breasts.
"If you're going to get up there," the nun whispers, "you'd best go now while the crowd is thin."
You hurry forward and climb onto the platform. It's time to perform.
"As you wish," Euna replies.
Together, you file through the crowd to the nun.
Her face lights up. "Oh! You're the two who helped my fellow sisters. It's wonderful to meet you."
"Sure," you reply. "I'd like Euna to take your place in the pillory today."
"For me?" She looks to Euna. "Are you certain you want to do this?"
"Yes, she's sure," you reply.
When the nun still looks unsure, Euna nods.
"Absolutely," she says. "I want to take your place. Please allow me to."
"Then of course," the nun says. "I am eternally grateful that you would sacrifice for me."
Euna helps the nun hand out crates, then after donning a spare habit, Euna takes the wagon to the gate to get arrested.
To get you into the city, the nun lets the guard fondle her breasts, but soon you two are arriving at the pillories just as the guards are stripping Euna naked of all but her wimple. They lock her in place and depart.
The crowd is growing quickly. People are already jeering. Tomatoes pelt the pillory board.
The nun whispers to you. "You should get up there quick if you plan to make a difference."
You hurry over and climb on the stage with Euna. The audience is watching.
"But then I'd be the one in the pillory," she says. "I'd be beaten and humiliated by an angry mob."
You pull her close so her body presses to yours. Your hand sneaks down to squeeze her ass.You slide your arms over her shoulders. Your noses nuzzle. Your breasts press to one another. "You'd be sparing the nun that very torment."
Euna watches the nun hand out food. She's breathing heavily, already nervous and excited. "But... I don't know."
"How about if I'm the first one to get on the platform. I'll get on the platform first, and I'll go easy on you."
"But you can't stay the whole time," she breaths. "Others will want turns, and they'll be just as vicious as ever."
"Maybe." Your fingers caress over her body. "If you won't do it for the nun. Then do it for me. I want to watch."
"Oh Lord! You want me to subject myself to corporal punishment. For your enjoyment." She shivers. "I just know I'm going to regret this the moment I see that pillory, but I'll do it. Please offer my body up. Let me suffer for the nun. Quick, before I lose my nerve."
You lead her through the crowd to the nun. "Excuse me."
The nun smiles.
"My dear lady Euna would like to help you."
"To hand out crates? Sure. Step up here."
Euna does so. The nun shows her the crates in the wagon. "Just make sure to give one to each person. Don't worry if someone comes back for a second. Only they know whether they need it or not."
After the crates are gone, the nun addresses the crowd. "I'm afraid that's it." She turns to Euna. "Thank you so much. I must return to the city now, but I hope to see you again."
"Actually," you say. "We'd like to help more."
"Euna can take your place when you enter the city. The guards will arrest her, and she'll serve your sentence."
"What?" The nun looks at Euna. "But why?"
"It's not fair that you should suffer for your charity," Euna replies. "Please? I want to do this for you."
"I... I guess if you're set on accepting sacrifice on behalf of others, then of course. But thank you. I have never met anyone who has wanted to ease the sisterhood's burden. You must tell the guard that we donated ninety crates today."
"So," you say. "Do you two need to switch clothes?"
"No need. I have a spare habit," the nun says. She and Euna disappear into the wagon. They murmur, though you can't hear about what. When they emerge, Euna is dressed just as the nun, complete with wimple covering her hair and a cloth belt cinched about her waist.
The nun hops down, and Euna takes the horse's reins, though she doesn't immediately ride along. "You said you'd take it easy on me," she says.
"And I will," you reply.
She chews her lip and weighs her next words. Finally, "Don't." With that, she spurs the horse and rides into line.
You and the nun stand together in line behind her.
And so she is. As expected, the guards arrest Euna and confiscate the wagon. One guard is left manning the gate when your turn comes up.
He looks the nun over. "Letting another suffer for you today, huh?"
"That kind woman graciously volunteered," the nun replies.
The guard nods toward you. "You're not allowed to bring the filth in with you, sister."
"He's not one of the souls from this camp. He's a traveler from far away. Surely he should be allowed to enter."
The guard scrutinizes you. He clearly recognizes you from before, but he feigns ignorance. "I don't know, sister. I think he's gutter trash."
"I give you my word he's not. He's here to help the Simori Sisterhood."
"Help, huh? How badly do you want his help?"
The nun understands his implication. Resigned, she steps closer to the guard. "We would really appreciate it."
He takes it upon himself to worm his hand into her robes. He's clearly groping her pussy. "Appreciate it, huh?" His grin is lecherous and condescending.
"Yes, sir. I would... hmmf!" She flinches. From the way the guard's arm tenses, he squeezed or pinched something, roughly. "I would be very grateful."
"Grateful enough to suck my cock?" With his other hand, he cups her chin.
"I would do so gladly," she says, flinching again. He twisted something under her habit. "...but I must keep up with the kind woman who's shouldered my burden. So I will be at your service another day."
After getting another wince out of her, he withdraws his hand and holds his fingers up to her mouth. "I'm going to remember, sister. You'll pay me back. With interest."
"I will." The sister reluctantly sucks his fingers clean. "Thank you." She corrects her robe and bows gratefully.
You two head through the city toward the pillory.
"I don't," she says, "but don't worry yourself. I will get you in."
"It is indeed forbidden for a sister of Simori to ever tell a lie," the nun says, "but I have not lied. I told the guard you are here to help us, and you are. And for that, I'm forever grateful.""but this is not a lie. Only one nun need serve the sentence. When us sisters come out here together, one of us will always volunteer to serve the time for all the crates. Since Euna did help donate the crates, it is her right to volunteer."
"She wanted to know what the crowds do to me and my sisters when we're pilloried."
"And what did you say?" you ask.
"The truth," the sister replies. "I told her of the whippings, the canings, the jeers, the molestation. Sometimes the crowds get particularly creative. Or cruel..." She shudders. "But I promised her that no matter what they do to her, we would help her recover. We always do for our fellow sisters."
Her eyes go wide. "Why do you think that?"
"Because you said you would," you say, "and didn't you just say it'sisn't it against the Simori way to lie? Be true to your word."
She reflects on this. With a sigh, she nods in both resolution and resignation. "You're right. Thank you. I will go to the barrack dormitory tonight and... and seek him out."
She waves it off. "Oh, worry not. It's rare that I ever get through that gate unmolested, but I am most grateful for your sympathy."
"They make threats like that all the time," the nun replies, "but I won't be passing through the gate again for days. He'll probably have long forgotten by then."
"And if he hasn't?"
"Then I will pay his price," the nun replies. "I've had to do so before."
"Do you have an extra habit that I should wear?"
"Is it against your code to deceive the guards like this?"
"What were you two talking about inside the wagon?"
"I think you should seek that guard out and make good on your promise."
"I'm sorry you had to put up with that on my behalf."
"Do you actually plan to make good on your promise to that guard?"
The audience is sizable by now, and others are impatient to get on stage. You acquiesce.
The first man up has his own paddle. Each strike against Euna's ass creates a thunderous clap of wood on flesh, and soon both her cheeks glow angry red. It only gets worse.
Another man whips Euna's back and tender ass with a multi-tailed lash. Thin streaks of blood run down her sides. Everyone takes a turn feeling her pussy. They laugh when she cringes away.
Others grope her breasts and twist her nipples. A woman spits in her face, and a child dumps mud on top of her head. People pelt her with vegetables. The tomatoes leave messes. The potatoes leave deep bruises in her ribs.
Then more whipping. A lash, a riding whip, another paddle. All focus on her ass and back. Euna is sobbing openly, which only make the audience jeer harder. All in all, it doesn't seem like your initial bout had much affect on the audience.
"They're more vicious today than usual," the nun says.
"I guess my initial performance didn't get them to go easier on her," you reply.
Finally, once blood is down to her ankles, the guards show up.
With a satisfied sigh, you dismount and kneel down next to Euna. Her face glistens with your juices. You make a show of licking some of it off her cheek. "I think perhaps she'd like some meat to go with her fish," you say. "Who wants to feed her first?"
Men clamber up. One is already fishing out his cock, which he's quick to ram down Euna's throat. He fucks her face shamelessly. Her drool spills onto the platform. You're right there to see it all, and you can tell when he pumps cum down her throat a minute later. When he pulls away, you're the one who catches the dripping strands of mucosy spit with your tongue, and your the one who sucks away the last few drops of cum.
You only get to spectate for the next couple blowjobs before an impatient man dangles his cock before your face. From then on, you and Euna both have your mouths full with man after man, though they're fucking her face while you get to suck cocks your own way. Although several men do take the liberty of gripping your head and setting their own pace, which you can only tolerate.
Euna gets it worse though. Several men and women enjoy spanking and paddling her ass while she suffers. Her yelps are muffled by the cocks down her throat. Not only that, but once your jaw starts aching, you get to take breaks. She never does.
By the time the guards return, you two have worked through nearly every man in the audience—twenty perhaps. She had most for herself and she looks worse for it. Her face is a mess of cum, spit, and tears. It drips from her chin in long strands, just as blood drips from her flank and trickles down her legs.pooling on the platform. You lick the mess away and share in a kiss before she's unshackled.
You force your cock down her throat without warning. Startled, she chokes. A coughing fit would come on if she could. Her throat squeezes trying to expel you. With her nose buried against your crotch and your dick down her throat, she's soon running out of air.
Soon comes squirming, then thrashing. When you pull out, she coughs and sputters. Thick globs of her saliva dribble onto the platform. The crowd laughs. You do this again, and again. Finally you hold deep and fire seed directly to her belly. When you pull away, she has a coughing fit. Thick strands of saliva drip off her chin onto the platform.
The crowd wants a turn now. You're soon shunted off the stage as another man climbs on, excited to choke Euna on his cock just like you. He too fixes his dick down Euna's throat until she's thrashing and kicking. Her nose is locked against his pubic bush. It doesn't help that a woman is spanking her ass with deafening strikes of a large wooden panel. The man gives her a few seconds to gasp and sputter, he's right back down her throat until he too fills her belly with his load.
You press your sex against her nose and mouth, and you grind. She's hardly able to open her mouth like this, but she still tries to tongue you, until she begins running out of air.
First comes squirming, then thrashing. She can't back her head up; it's already pressed against the pillory board. When you pull away, she coughs and gasps. The crowd laughs. You do this again and again, hardly giving her a chance inbetween to catch her breath, until you're shuddering in climax.
The crowd wants a turn now. Other women clamber up, and you're shunted off. First, it's a large rotund woman who buries Euna's face in the folds of her fleshy sex. She moans obscenely when she finally cums against Euna's mouth. More women follow. Some pretty, some ugly. Some with bald, pretty slits, and others with furry muffs hiding wet, dripping pussies. Her face becomes a mess of their juices.
Eventually most women have had their turn, and the men step up to have their dicks sucked. And soon Euna is thrashing for air with cocks down her throat while the women thrash her ass with paddles.
Another man takes her place before she's even finished coughing. A line forms. By the fifth man, Euna's face is a dark shade of red. Tears stream down her face. Sometimes they suffocate her until she goes limp. Those blowjobs always end with desperate, dizzy gasping.
Your dick "slips out" from between her lips. You try to reinsert—and she steers her mouth to help you—but you end up slapping her in the face with your dick instead. You try again, another face slap. Again, you poke her in the eye with your dick. Each time elicits laughs.
When you finally fuck her mouth again, you do so comically, with exaggerated thrusting. The audience roars with laughter, especially when you pantomime a horseback rider holding invisible reins while your humping of Euna's face imitates the horse's trot.
After a hammed-up orgasm filled with much spasming and silly faces, you "dismount" her by swinging your leg as though getting off a horse. Cum drips from her lips.
The audience has grown large by now, and other men climb on the stage. You're shunted off. The next man up also makes a show of fucking her mouth. After dipping down her throat a few times, he grasps his dick by its base and beats it against Euna's face. The next man humps her face like a dog. He even howls and barks.
Women join in too. One well-girthed lady hefts a leg over the pillory bar and grinds her pussy against Euna's face, smearing cum, saliva, and girl juices all about.
However dicks provide more comical value. One man jerks off and shoots his cum in her eyes. Another delights in poking his dick against the inside of her cheek to bulge them out. Another rests his balls on her nose. Another farts in her face.Another fucks a fistful of her hair. The audience finds it all hilarious.
Has the sentence goes on, men grow more interested in simply getting their dick sucked. Nearly half a dozen more men rape her face. Others wrap her restrained hands around their cocks and fuck her fist. Meanwhile, those who brought their paddles and whips and lashes take their turns scoring Euna's hindside until her ass and back are a maze of angry welts.
"I'm thankful for her," the nun beside you says. "I don't think I could have tolerated this?"
"Aren't they whipping her less than usual?"
"Yes," the nun replies, "but I don't think I could have stood having them rape my mouth like that. It must be dreadful."
By the time the guards return, Euna's face is a mess of cum, spit, and tears. It drips from her chin in long strands, just as blood drips from her flank and trickles down her legs.
Other people clamber onto the platform. It seems you're out of time, but the crowd isn't done with whipping Euna.
The next man focuses on her welt-crossed ass. Your strikes might have gotten a horse to gallop, but this man is trying to beat the horse to death. Welts become cuts. A few become gashes. Blood runs rivulets down her thighs. The next man who comes up has a paddle. Ordinarily, swats wouldn't be too bad, but over her bleeding gashes, each resounding smack leaves her convulsing.
The next person revisits her already abused pussy with underhand swings more vicious than yours. Euna tries to pull her legs together, only for two people in the audience to reach over the platform and snag each of her ankles. Countless thin red welts soon score her quim. Some bleed. His swings a splatter her blood along her legs.
The next person zeroes in on her tits so fiercely, it's as though he's trying to outdo do everyone else. Each underhand lash makes her boobs shake and waggle. Dark angry welts turn to strips of blood, which the lash splatter-paints along her tits and flank. Though tears run down Euna's face, the man doesn't stop until blood drips from her nipples.
A young man behind you snatches your cane from out of your hand. He shoulders past you and onto the platform before you can protest. The man is anxious to hurt her.
He focuses on her already-tortured ass like those before him. One strike and Euna shrieks. A fresh line of blood runs down her cheeks. Another strike, and another. For each, Euna jolts as though electrocuted. She sobs openly.
Another strike. Blood fans over the crowd when the cane whips.The crack nearly makes your ears ring.
Another strike. Rivulets of blood are down to her calfs now.She convulses.
Another strike. The gashes on her ass are so deep it's as though someone had run a knife over them.The welts on her ass are nearly purple, as though her skin were transparent.
And a seventh, final strike. Euna legs collapse. Her weight hangs awkwardly on her neck and wrists, and she's hysterical, shaking uncontrollably.
He focuses on her tenderized pussy like those before him. The people holding her ankles pull her legs into a wider V. With the first crack, Euna shrieks out loudly enough to be heard from streets away. She squirms fiercely against those holding her wide, but it doesn't avoid the next strike. It causes a resounding wet crack. Blood streams along the inside of her thighs.
By the third caning, Euna's pleas are incoherent. Her slit is hardly distinguishable from the other gashes between her legs. It's just one pulpy mess.
He focuses on her poor, pulverized tits. The first strike comes as a quick flick of the wrist that strikes upward onto her hanging tits. She yelps. For the next, the man puts all his strength into it. She sees it coming but screams out anyway. It leaves a deep gash across both her boobs which drips blood.
The next strike, and Euna is babbling. She squirms to cover her mutilated breasts.
The next strike, and blood arcs into the air from the canes tip. It sprinkles the's hard to distinguish her areola from the bruising.
The final, fifth strike and her tears are dripping onto the platform almost as much as her blood is. The gashes are so deep on her tits that flaps of flesh hang open. One crosses right over her nipple.unabated. Euna is a sobbing, convulsing mess.
Eventually her time is up, but not before a dozen or so people have their usual fun of mud-smearing, fingering, ass-slapping, tit-groping, hair-yanking, and face-spitting. The guards finally shoo people away.
You prance comically around to her front, entertaining the audience with your antics. Grabbing your breeches, you tug them down so that your member pops out directly in front of Euna's face.
You saunter around to Euna's front, enticing the audience with your sinuous writhing. You slither out of your tights to reveal your cockclit-dicksex for all to see.
Grasping her wimpled head, you press your tip to her lips, and she opens obligingly. Your dick slides down her throat. She's not able to perform as she usually does, but no matter. You're able to hump her face to the audience's pleasure. What they don't realize is how lovingly her lips suckle your member, or how her tongue cradles your shaft.
Grasping her wimpled head, you hike one leg over the pillory board and mash your sex against her face. You're grinding against her face for the audience's pleasure, as though Euna's face were just a rag. They don't see how she's doing how she's doing her best to lick at your folds.
Even in her predicament, Euna seeks to please you.
Choke her with your cock.Smother her with your sex
The first man comes onto the pillory platform. He's wielding a wooden paddle, which he shows the audience, and holds teasingly before Euna's face. She merely braces herself. He dances around behind her, cops a feel of her bare ass, as though sizing up what he's about to punish, then strikes without warning.
Euna yelps. The man rapidly strikes alternating cheeks of her ass. Each strike swift and vicious. Euna is biting her lip to keep from crying out.
But minutes go on, and the spanking doesn't end. Her stoicism becomes stifled moans, which become whimpers, until finally she cries out. The crowd goes wild, and the man rewards Euna by whipping her twice as fast. She cries openly.
He only stops because he tuckers himself out. Her ass is cherry red with deep welts and bleeding scrapes. It'll be a mess of black and purple in a few hours.
The man dances back around to Euna's front, presses his ass to her face, and farts. Many laugh. He's done now, and begins climbing off the stage.
Kneeling beside the bush, you pull aside bramble and carefully reach in. Your hand comes out holding the large, wooden pestle you first discovered by the altar site.
"That thing?" Euna says. "I must have thrown it farther than I thought. What are the odds that it would turn up again?"
"Maybe we're meant to have it."
Her eyes narrow. "You know my thoughts on this relic."
"It is just a pestle. For cooking, or spices."
"One that has an incredibly phallic theme to it," she adds.
"It does, but so what? Tell me, is it you who doesn't want this? Or is it remnants of Margosha Romanovna's teachings that's telling you to throw away a perfectly good, and rather artful, instrument?"
"Useful?" she asks. "We haven't the mortar to go with it. What could you possibly want to use it for?"
You start to reply, but it dawns on her. "Oh. Nevermind," she says. "I know how your filthy mind works." But then she takes it from you, feels its weight, runs her hands along the length, feeling the "ribbed" veins and ridges and it's sizeable girth. If it's a phallus, it's a little on the large side.
Next, she grips the handle. She inspects the tarnished bronze band at its end, and the wooden ring on the pommel.
Ultimately, she shrugs. "Fine. We'll keep it. I suppose it is just a piece of wood after all. These runes are almost certainly just a good luck charm. But you get to carry it."
She hands it back to you, and stow it away. It's surprisingly heavy.
You arrive at the river upstream of the delta and near the base of the waterfall. It winds its way through the jungle flowing from north to south.
You're at the river.
A glimmer catches your eye from under a nearby bush.
You search around for the silk cord of her gown.for the velvet sash she's been using as a skirtuntil finding an old piece of silk left over from when Euna shortened her chemise. It's perfect.
"What is that for?" Euna asks as you approach.
Wordlessly, you fit it around her eyes and tie it behind her head. Secure, but not too tight.
You retire to the bed, but Euna doesn't come immediately. She's rummaging through your pack and brings the rope over by the bed. "I want to use these tonight. I want you to string me up and... well... punish me, I suppose."
"Punish you? Sure. For what?"
"I don't know. I'm new to this. I don't know what it's called, but you've told me so many stories about girls who get spanked or whipped, and how much they love it. And I... I'm interested to know what it's like."
"A strong tsarivna such as yourself would let me hurt her?"
"I'm curious," she says. "So yes. I would have expected you to jump at this, but if that's not the case, then I'm ordering you to punish me. I want to know."
"Then let's do it. What shall we use as a safe word?"
"Safe word?"
"Beg and plead all you want, and I'll ignore you, because you need punishing, but if you so much as mutter your safe word, I stop. Role-play is over."
"I suppose that's a good idea, isn't it? What should it be?"
"That's up to you," you say. "You're the one who needs to remember. Just make sure it's unique, something you'd never say during sex otherwise."
She thinks while you fashion together a quick wrist bind. "It should be Nimel," she says. "I'm certainly not thinking of our Lord Father when I engage in these acts."
"I like it, but no. Do you know how often you scream for your Lord when you're at the peak of pleasure?"
She laughs. "Oh, right. I guess there'll always be a nun somewhere inside me. Fine then. How about Margosha? I certainly never think of her these days."
"The perfect name for killing the mood," you say. "And fitting. She's the woman who used to discipline you. Now, if we're going to string you up, I need something to hang you from..."
The obvious choice are the beams supporting the building. There are struts lining the underside of the loft which would be perfect.
Euna watches you toss the rope over them and set it up next to a supporting pillar. "How many prostitutes do you think have been tied up in exactly the same place?" she asks.
"As old as this building is, and as sadistic as pirates can be, more than you'd think."
She circles the pillar and traces her finger along the wood. "I wonder how many of them chose to be tied up, and how many were ravaged?"
You search around for a place you might hammer in pitons, when you notice Euna investigating the obelisk. There are small stone loops chiseled into the stone along the top, which by good fortune, would work perfectly.
Euna watches you thread the rope through the loops. "Something tells me I won't be the first maiden tied to this godless obelisk."
"Those idol worshippers and their devious ways," you say.
"I wonder how many of them were tied up voluntarilly like me." She circles the obelisk, feeling the stone. "I wonder how many of them lost their lives..."
You finish readying the ropes. "Now. It's time for you to strip."
Euna removes every scrap of cloth, and holds her hands out before you.Glancing about, Euna removes all her clothes. She covers herself until it's time to hold her hands out before you. You slip the wrist bind over her hands and tighten it. After running the hanging rope through the bindings, you pull out the slack. Her arms lift overhead. You don't stop until she's on the balls of her feet. That's when you secure the rope.
She now stands tied up in this dark warehouse, helpless and naked, with no one else to watch. The sight does conjure thoughts of a poor captive hostage, a woman taken by pirates to be ransomed, but not before they're done with her.
She now stands against the obelisk, helpless and naked, with the dark mountains as her audience. The sight does conjure thoughts of maiden sacrifices. She's ready to be offered.
Reaching submissive
This is the 1st tier of Submission.
At this level of submissiveness, she will find pleasure in taking orders during sexual hijinks, and can be made to do things she's not used to, which can make perverting her easier. However, she doesn't extend this submission outside of sex very much, and she'll still refuse to do certain things that she's not okay with.
Accomplish at least 3 more submissive experiences than dominant experiences. There are many occasions to do so throughout the game which you'll encounter naturally.
- get Euna to take her clothes off for a while.
To promote
First, Euna must be lewd.
Tell her the campfire story about her mother (which unlocks once she's near to having enough experience), she'll promote during an automatic morning event.
She will also promote one way or another during the masochistic promotion if she hasn't already.
Reaching obedient
This is the 2nd tier of Submission. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be submissive.
Accomplish at least 3 of the following experiences.
To promote
The gentle spice of her perfume envelopes you. The scent is both faint, yet stirring, and makes you breathe deep and feel how it stirs your inner hunger.
She stinks of the body odor of all the unwashed wretches she lets pilfer her. They've sullied her with their grime and reek.
She smells of sweat and grime, and you can detect the stale colognes and perfumes of other people.
The scent of her sweat and odor envelope you. It's faint, but it's intoxicating in its own way.
"If you have a cock we can use," she says, "then I will humor you."
"I haven't got such a cock right now, but I'll find one."
"You will, will you?" she asks. "And where exactly does a woman find a cock?"
"Maybe I'll find one laying about."
"Maybe you'll find one growing on a tree," she replies dryly. "In the meantime, why don't we resume as we were, hmm?"
You line your cockthe pestle up with Euna's asshole. The moment you touch her ring, she flinches away.
You shouldn't. Not today," she says.
"Why not?"
She chews her lip. "Let's just say it's apt to..."
"Get messy?" you say.
"So? There's always a little mess."
"Not this time. I... I did not have time to relieve myself earlier."
"Oh, you mean you mean your bowels are full."
Her cheeks redden. "Yes."
She startles. "Then just hold on. I'll go down to the river for a minute and—"
"No, no," you say. "You're fine as you are." You reposition yourself.
As you start to push in, she tries to pull away again, but you're holding her in place. "It's going to get really messy," she says.
"Then you'll have a lot to clean up afterward."
"Me?" She gasps as you penetrate her.
"Of course," you say. "I'm not going to clean your messes."
"You're the one who wants to sodomize me."
"Because your ass is mine to sodomize," you reply. "Is it not?"
She snaps her back into subservience. "Yes, of course. Use me as you will. Think nothing of the mess. I'll clean everything." She flips over onto all fours and clutches the rope tethering her wrists.fours.
"I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into," she replies.
"I think I do," but you pause at the entrance of her ass and wait for her to make the final decision.
Chewing her lip, she stares back at your cock with apprehension. Her eyes narrow. "You just want messy, don't you?"
You shrug.
A sly smiles comes over her. She flips over onto all fours. "Very well, you depraved Foolgirl, I'll let you have your mess, but know that you'll be cleaning up everything afterward. I won't be lifting a finger."let's see how messy we get."
"Very well," and you push forward.
She's tighter than usual not only because of the pestle in her snatch, but because of what her rectum is holding onto inside. She relaxes enough for you to slip in. Your dick is hardly past her sphincter when itThe pestle is hardly past her sphincter when you sense it presses into a soft mass, which deforms around its head as you push deeper inside.
She's wincing in pain. "Oh, Lord."
"Relax," you say. "Push."
"You really want a mess. Don't you?"
"You know you need to push, or it will only be painful."
"I'll try."
You make more slow thrusts. With each withdrawal, the mass inside of her follows your cockthe pestle out, but with each thrust in, you ram it back inside her, pulverizing it into a wet slop. Brown streaks appear along your shaft.its length. Then thick smears cake it.
Euna glances back and sees the mess. "Oh Lord." She buries her face in her hands, an embarrassed smile on her lips.
Wet ribbons of filth ooze out whenever you withdraw. Clumps accumulate along its base.the handle near the rope. A pungent smell fills the air. Yet sensing your lack of concern, Euna lets herself enjoy this. She humps back against you. The first few dollops drop to the ground. She's too lost in pleasure to notice.
Stabbing to the hilt, you fire cum into the packed mess inside her.Her trembles turn to spasms of ecstasy. Her ring clenches you rhythmically.
After, Euna collapses onto her elbows and gasps. You pull out to find your cockthe pestle, your pubic mound, and her ass matted in her waste. A drop of mushed shit escapes her gaping hole before she can tighten herself up, and she squeaks in alarm.
Looking down, she finally notices the tiny pile between her legs. "Oh Lord..." She covers her face with her hands. A blush comes over her. Reaching down, she pulls the pestle from her snatch. "I can't believe I just had an accident in front of you."
"For the best," Euna settles down. "Don't worry. I endeavor to keep myself ready for such acts as this."
"How are you going to do that?"
"There were certain hygiene practices I learned at the convent."
"The convent?"
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness," she says. "It was a form of punishment, certainly not meant for what we're doing. But if I plan to enjoy this behavior, I should think it's expected."
"Sounds like a lot of work."
She shrugs. "As a tsarivna, I should be expected to maintain a certain level of decorum and cleanliness, even with regards to sodomy. But never mind all that. If you'd please get back to ravagingmaking love to me."
"It's a sin," she says, as though reminding you.
You grin. "I know."
"Isn't this good enough for you?" She brushes a finger along the lips of her vagina.
"Sometimes it's nice to try something different. Or to broaden your horizons. You may find you enjoy it."
"I've heard it's painful. It's just something men like to do."
"I've met many women who enjoy it. Some even prefer it. "Not just men." You waggle your cock at her. "The trick is to take it slow and easy until you're used to it. And of course, it's better to try it with someone you trust. Do you trust me?"
"Fira told me that I should only do it if I'm certain that I want to try it"
"Fira said that, did she?"
"She did, and I'm not certain, so how about for now we just indulge in something we know we both enjoy?" She moves your hand down until your fingers are upon her slit.
You pull your cock from her asshole. It gapes a little as though yearning to swallow your cock once again.
Your cock is messy with brown smears.
"If you're interested," Euna says, "I've been practicing a trick that I'm ready to show off." She bites her lip. "Do you need to urinate?"
"I might."
"Then perhaps you might like toto..." She blushes a little. "well, urinate in my mouth."
"Is that a request?"
"It's an offer. Up to you."
Your palm strikes her cheek.
A deafening silence follows.
"Did you really just do that?" she says. The mood is done.
"I uh... I got caught up in the moment."
"Did I do something to make you think that would be appropriate?"
"Well, you know. Sometimes women enjoy that."
"Well I am not one of those women."
"I'm sorry."
"I think I'm done now." She pushes you away from her. Pulling the sheets over herself, she rolls over to go to sleep. "That really hurt," she mutters.
Eract and unsatisfied, you've nothing to do except go to sleep too. You lay down beside her, making sure to give her plenty of space.
You subtly direct her toward your erection. She weighs the idea momentarily before kneeling before you. Tentatively, she takes you into her mouth and gets to work.
It's not great. She's got the sense to bob her mouth up and down upon your shaft, but that's about it. She has no skill. You find yourself relying upon the sight of her body to maintain your excitement. This beautiful maiden is on her hands and knees with your cock in her mouth. Even if it's not a great job, this is still an amazing thing. And she does seem to be enjoying herself, despite her sensibilities. She seems intent on finishing.
"You can be honest with me," she says. "If I wasn't doing that well, I'd want to know."
"Really, it was fine," you say. "I'd just like to do something else."
Though she's a little bothered, she does drop the matter.
"Well, I was doing my best," Euna says with a huff.
"I know. You're just new at it. It takes some practice."
"Well, how am I supposed to get better if..." She decides to drop the matter. "Very well. It's a silly act anyway. There are better ways to enjoy each other."
You present Euna your cock. She pulls away and eyes the tinges along your shaft and wrinkles her nose.
"Do you not recall where you've just been sticking that thing?"
"I do," you say.
"Your cock reeks of my dirt. I will not put it in my mouth."
Stroking her face, you guide her head toward your manhood.
She pulls away. "No."
"A woman's mouth is not a receptacle. It is a sin for a man... well, for anyone to lay seed anywhere but upon the womb."
"I don't have to lay my seed there."
"It's still a sin."
"So is everything fun."
"I don't want to," she says emphatically.
You back away.
"All right," you say. "So what do I do?"
She rolls around so she's straddling the rope binding her. Kneeling, she has her hands bound before her and the rope trailing between her legs.She gets up to a kneel. "Please relieve yourself, masterRelieve yourself." She tilts her head back and opens her mouth.
You position the tip of your cock on her lower lip and release.Stepping close, you position your sex right over her mouth and release. After initial spurt, you stop to let her swallow, but she doesn't even close her mouth. The piss just drained away. You release more, and then more until you're not holding back. The urine flows straight down her throat. There's no spill or struggle, and when you step away, she grins.
"I taught myself to open my throat and let the liquid pour in," she says. "It's the same idea as deepthroating."
"And you've been teaching yourself this?"
"A woman should always be learning. At the convent, I read books and I practiced the gusli. Out here, I practice perverted sex tricks."
"Now you really can be pisspot."
"All the better to serve you, my master. There isn't another pisspot in the world who could serve you better."
"If I choose to, yes. Either way, I have a neat little skill that no one else has."
"Don't be so sure," you say. "I know of people who could still put you to shame."
"Hmm." She lies back on the bed. "Then I suppose I'll need to keep learning. But for now, aren't you going to enjoy your pisspot?play is over. Come and use me."
You start first by kissing Euna. You guide her so her kisses migrate down your chin, to your neck, and your breasts. She's content to enjoy those, but she resists going below your navel.
"No?" you ask.
"It's unclean."
"I keep myself very clean, thank you," you say.
"No. The practice. Mouths were meant for kissing.
"This is a kiss," you say. "A special kiss."
She bats you. "Very cute. I'm just... I'm not sure I'm ready to do that."
You nod in understanding. Euna's kisses trail back up your belly.
You sit down fully on her face, burying her nose and mouth in the crack of your ass. Your weight keeps her tongue from doing any meaningful work.
She grunts. Once. Twice. And pushes. After a good ten seconds of shoving, you lift. She gasps desperately for air.
"Why didn't you lift off?" she asks.
You look between your legs at her. "Because I want your tongue up my ass. Why did you stop me?"
"Because I couldn't breath."
"You're my slave, aren't you?"
Biting her lower lip, she nods.
"Then thrash a little for me."
You sit back on her face. Her tongue obediently worms into your ass.
Her chest is soon convulsing. She tries to push you up. When you don't budge, she ceases. Instead, her hands fret over her belly trying to resist interfering. One finds its way to her clit.
"What in the world was that for?" she demands. "I could have passed out."
You look between your legs at her. "I'm sorry. I thought you could handle getting a little rough. But I'll go easier on you if you—"
Euna grabs both of your thighs and pulls you down onto her face. You obligingly settle your weight on her while her tongue worms into your ass.
Her chest is soon convulsing. Her hands stop holding you down. In time, they try to push you up. When you don't budge, she ceases. Instead, her hands fret over her belly trying to resist interfering. One finds its way to her clit.
She's squirming now. Tonguing stops. Her finger strums. She's pushing on your thigh, but you hold out until she's thrashing. Then you lift.
She spends ages gasping before she's able to speak. "Do you know... what I would do... to anyone else who'd dare smother me with their bottom?"
"What's that?"
"I'd sentence them... to death."
She spends ages gasping before she's able to speak. "Do you know... what my father would do... if he knew you were smothering his eldest daughter... with your bottom?"
"Make me marry you?"
"He'd sentence you... to death."
"Is that so?" You sit back down on her face. Her tongue goes to work. Her finger scours her clit until she's curling beneath you in air-deprived pleasure, but over time, every drop of that orgasm turns into an instinct to survive.Over time, her enthusiasm diminishes as her instinct to survive emerges.
You sit down fully on her face, burying her nose and mouth in the crack of your ass. She endeavors toobediently tongues you.
The need for air slowly begins to consume her. It starts with her chest heaving, and then comes the squirming.
She still holds on. Her tongue still worms. At this point, it's a test of endurance.
You keep your seat. At first, she struggles against herself to keep from fighting, but enough is enough. She shoves you up and gasps hard for air.
"Sorry," she says. "I can't take any more."
"I'm not done."
"Sorry," she replies. "I'm too light-headed. No more tonight. Please?"
"Of course."
"Enough," she says. "No more of that for now."
"Are you sure?"
"I can hardly see straight. Yes. I'm sure." She rests back. "But don't take that to mean you're done ravaging me."
"Of course not, Your Highness."
"That wasn't very long," you say.
"I know." She looks a little shamefaced. "It's hard to keep it up when I can stop you. I don't think there's much point in doing this if I'm not tied up." She regards you. "But that can always be remedied, can't it?"
Now her limit is reached, and yet here you are. Her tongue has stalled, and she bucking and kicking, but your weight is too much.
Her bucking stills. She's resigning herself to the realization that this ends when you decide it ends. Thrashing does nothing but waste energy. She's gained control over herself, but she's strung like a piano wire. It seems her limit is farther than she thought.
Her tongue starts to waggle against your hole once again...
By now, her lungs are screaming. Others would be thrashing by now. She's merely tense, and her tongue keeps working.
She has to be desperate now, but she knows well enough that you're not going to lift up until you decide to, and not a moment sooner.
Her tongue is hard at work, as though she wasn't out of breath at all. She knows now there's no point in thrashing. There isn't much life to it. Maybe this is to distract herself. Maybe it's out of obedience.
Her chest keeps clenching, a little at first, but more and more. She can't help it anymore.
She's losing control now, and the panic truly sets in. What she's doing beneath you now is akin to a seizure. Her thrashing seems involuntary. Her tongue has stopped.
More thrashing. But now it's starting to dull, like a fish flopping less and less on the deck of a boat.
She's going still now. No tongue action. Hardly any chest clenching.
And now she's completely limp.
She's still limp
She's definitely not faking this.
It's been minutes since she stopped moving.
It's really quiet.
This may be too long.
You may be killing the mood.
It's possible this is a bad idea.
You aren't waiting for her to say her safety word, are you?
What good could possibly come of this?
It's probably safe to say you're doing this on purpose.
You know what the outcome will be.
And yet still you sit?
Why not? It's not like it's going to make a difference anymore.
But your legs are getting tired.
You shift a little. Her face isn't terribly comfortable.
Crickets chirr.
A though occurs to you. Is this weird?
It's getting chilly.
She's getting chilly.
You fold your arms and huddle up. Brisk weather isn't going to stop you.
Your mind wanders.
Five years ago, is this where you saw yourself in five years?
Do you think you'll ever tell anyone about this?
Like at a tavern one day?
Unless it's a very specific kind of tavern, this'll probably kill the mood there too.
You yawn.
Could you sleep sitting on her like this? Like some strange vigil?
Did something just rustle in the bushes over there?
Was that a wolf howling just now? It was pretty far off.
What other creatures lurk in these lands?
Could any of them be watching you right now?
Would they be wondering what the hell you're doing?
Or would they just be impressed by your commitment?
Maybe you should try meditating. It seems like a good a time as any.
And where better than on the face of a princess?
You try.
You fail. Your mind keeps drifting.
And now you feel a little silly.
Your eyes are getting heavy now.
Thanks to the chill, your nipples are still hard, but that's all the excitement you're feeling right now. Your dick went limp a while ago.Your dick reverted into a clit a while ago
That's fine.
Because let's be fair. You're not sitting on her face anymore because it's erotic. You're doing it just for the sake of doing it.
Though why are you still doing it is a good question. It's not like anything new is going to come of this.
It's not like you're setting a record for sitting on a woman's face. There isn't anyone around to witness it.
Unless someone really is spying on you right now.
Maybe you'll walk into town tomorrow and everyone will point. "There he is," they'll say, "the facesitter."
Maybe they'll slow clap.
Probably not.
You'll probably have to skip town. So many people will be asking you where your friend is.
The truth would only confuse them.
It's definitely getting late now. Maybe it's time to round this up.
Maybe we should just pretend you only sat on her face for a few minutes, especially since your browser probably doesn't remember far enough to get you back.
Are you sure? Because I'm running out of things to say.
Well, all right then.
You're free to sit on your little throne as long as you want.
It's not like anyone is going to stop you.
But it may get a little repetitive.
You doze off for a bit.
You ponder your life choices. How exactly did you end up here?
You're legs are cramping again. You fidget, but of course you're careful not to lift off of your seat.
You play with yourself a little, though not with any real conviction.
You grope Euna's boobs. They are right there after all.
You snort and clear your throat.
You consider your options. What are you going to do tomorrow?
You watch a nearby insect crawling along. Eventually it goes on its way.
You reconsider the offer to pretend none of this has been happening.
She begins working her jaw. Chewing this large mass proves difficult, but little by little, she start swallowing the dung. Her chest locks once in a heave, but she controls herself and keeps going. After a minute of sick, wet chewing, she's got it to a manageable amount. Only for you to unload more of your waste into her mouth. That too she eats. Eventually, all that remains are the smears on her lips and a pool of fetid slop in her mouth, which she shows to you before sending that to her stomach as well.
"Thank you, master, for feeding me your waste. It was delicious, and I savored every bite." A lowly shit-whore like me is hardly worthy of it." I hope I proved to be an adequate toilet for you." Please continue abusing me however you wish." My sewer stomach is meant to be bloated with shit."
"Satisfied?" she asks.
"Are you?"
She nods. "I'll eat anyone's shit, but I'll always savor yours."
You carry on this oral violation, leaving her on the brink of desperation. Sometimes you bury the phallus deep until she's thrashing.
By now, you've hammered most of the shit down her throat. Eventually, she's getting rather dazed, and though she thrashes, her mouth doesn't open as attentively for you as it was before. Spittle soaks much of her beet-red face, and her eyes are red and streaming tears.
But when you give her a satisfied not, she returns an exhausted smile.
But when you look down in her eyes, she grins and licks her lips.
As you continue to do stuff, you reach between her legs and massage her clit. This sends jolts of electricity through her. Groaning with pleasure, she bucks each time your thumb circles her nub.
While you do stuff, you deliver a powerful slap across her face. Startled, she gasps, but when she looks back, her eyes are begging for more. You slap her again, and again, until her cheeks glow red.
Euna is still out of breath. "Thank you, master, but please don't stop until you're done using my body however you want." She watches to see what you might do to her next. "I hope you're not done," she says. "My body is for your pleasure, not mine." "How else would you like to use me, master?" She's so sensitive after that orgasm that she twitches against your touch, yet her eyes invite you in anyway.
After several tight loops around each tit which squeezes them along the base, you tie off the rope in the middle with a nice bow. Her breasts are already turning red. Euna squeezes each for herself and gasps inwardly at how sensitive they're already becoming. She looks at you coyly.
"And now what will you do with me?" she asks.
Euna's breasts are already turning a dark shade of red, but then you yank the ropes tight. They bite into her flesh. Euna cries out.
"Augh. Lord. Oh Lord. Oh that hurts. Don't stop."
"Augh. Lord! It's too tight!"
"You'll survive," you reply.
You put muscle into your last few loops and tie off the rope. Both of her tits are pinched so tightly at the base that they're deformed. They balloon outward from the coils to make two angry purple orbs.
Euna writhes. With hissing breaths, she struggles to control herself until she can finally lies still. With watering eyes, she watches to see what you do next.
She watches in confusion as you kneel beside her and aim your cock.straddle her and spread the lips of your pussy. The moment the first splash of urine escapes, she yells out, "Stop! Are you mad?"
You cut the stream. "What? We've done this before."
"Not over our bedding." Euna hastily rubs the splash of urine into her breasts before it can drip onto sheets. A few drops escape her. "This is where we sleep."
"I've slept in worse."
"Well, I haven't, and I'd appreciate it if you'd not relieve yourself here."
You kneel beside her and aim your cock at her body.You straddle her and spread the lips of your pussy. When your golden liquid splashes upon her breasts, she arches her back and rubs the liquid onto her skin.
Her hands move along her body. They race down between her legs and mass urine against her labia. She cups her breasts together to pool your urine between them, and then she shoots her hand up between her globes to douse her neck. Beneath her, the sleeping mat soaks through as a fresh layer of piss saturates it.
You move your stream down her belly. She widens her legs and spreads herself open, inviting you, so you baste your urine against her pussy. She rubs it in fervently.
When you aim at her face, she closes her eyes and revels beneath the shower. Her hair soaks through. Her face drenches. She takes a few mouthfuls. Some she swallows. Most she lets spill from her lips and down her neck.
Your stream is dying down. Leaning up, she licks the last remaining drops from the tip of your cockfolds of your pussy. Euna then lies back onto the piss-wet matground and rubs the wetness all over–her arms, her legs, and again her pussy.
It takes some twisting and grinding, but the pestle slips inside her. Her hips rise to push against the invading tool. Once it bottoms out, you hammer it in and out of her as she moans in pleasure. Soon, she's bucking and groaning.
You first slather the pestle with slick daywither slime, pungent akkoro slime,
Through your constant pushing and Euna's relaxing, her ass caves and accepts the bulbous end of the pestle. When you push, it slides deep until only the handle remains.
Euna gasps, and her ass squeezes the tool. Reaching down, she gives the pestle a few pumps for good measure as she eyes you. She's waiting to see what you do next.
"Ropes?" she asks. "What do you expect to do with those?"
"Hold out your hands."
She obeys.
She mulls over whether to obey or not, but ultimately she does.
You bind her wrists together and secure the rope's end to one of the thick, gnarled roots jutting from the stone. to a support post at the head of the bed. by looping it about the great oak tree. to something.
She is nibbles her lip in trepidation. "You will go gently, won't you? If I ask, you'll untie me?"
"Now where's the fun in that?" you whisper. She rests back, eyes alert but inviting.
"Very well," she says, "but if I say so, you undo these ropes immediately, understood?"
"Who do you think is in charge right now?" you ask.
"Don't let the ropes fool you." She rests back and waits to see what you do.
She rests back and eyes you. "We'll see where this goes," she says, "but don't push your luck."
She relaxes back. Then after some trepidation. "If you want," she says. "You can be a little rougher today."
She reclines back and waits to see what you do next.
With quick work, you wrap the rope about your waist and thighs, knotting it together to create a focus just above your pubic mount. There the rope both passes through the pommel's ring as well as holding it secure by looping about the pestle many times. Soon, the pestle dangles from you like a cock. The handle lies across your sex.
"Very handy," Euna says. "And where did you learn to do that?"
"Us acrobats are handy with rope. Didn't you know?"
"Quite," she replies. "And what exactly are you planning to me with that thing now?"
Before you can act, she speaks up. "Do you want to..."
She blushes. "I was thinking maybe tonight you'd like to try..." She holds up her fist.
"Try fisting you?"
Blushing deeper, she nods. "I don't know if you will. It's just, I think I'd like to try. And we do have lubricant. But only if you're interested. If not, that's fine."
Before you can act, she speaks up. "Do you want to try fisting me today?"
"I think I'm ready, and we do have lubricant. But only if you're interested. I'll leave it up to you."
"Then perhaps tonight you will feel my fist within you."
"But not straight away," she adds. "I'd want to warm up first."
"Of course," you say.
Getting down between her legs, you move to taste of her when she scurries away suddenly.
"Not that. Not tonight," she says.
"Why not?"
"I've not had a chance to freshen myself since we last mingled, and it's still awash with your seed. My nest is no shape to have your head anywhere near it, much less taste it."
"I don't mind."
"But I do," she replies. "We'll not do that tonight."
"As you wish, Your Highness."
You line your cockthe pestle up with her pussy. The moment its tip touches her, she pulls away.
"Don't do that," she says.
"Why not?"
"You're cockThat thing has just been in my bottom. It's filthy."
"It's not that filthy."
"Don't do it. It's unsanitary. I could get an infection."
"Okay, Your Highness."
Lifting up, you crawl around so you're hovering over Euna's face. She leans up to kiss you when the first dribble land in her mouth. She recoils. A devilish smile comes over her, and her mouth opens to accept your gift. She opens her mouth to accept your offering.
The potent mixture dribbles into her mouth and on her lips. With the wad resting on her tongue, she closes up, swallows, and licks her lips for the remainder of your gift.
"And here I thought you were about to kiss me," she said.
Focus on her face.Have her suck your cock.Have her go down on you.
Focus on her breaststits.Fuck her breasts.
You fetch the cloth blindfold.
"Interesting," Euna says. "Very well. Let's try this again."
She obliges as you drape the cloth over her eyes and tie it snuggly around her head. You take a moment to make sure it's not too tight.
"Can you see anything?" you ask.
She shakes her head. "No."
"What's that for?" she asks.
"To cover your eyes." You move to put it on.
She shies away. "Why?"
"It'll make you more aware of your other senses."
Worried, she shakes her head. "I think I'd rather have my sight, thank you."
"Very well, Your Highness."
You gather a wad of cloth and press it to her lips.
"What is it?" she asks.
"It's a gag."
"You want to gag me too?"
She hesitates a long while. "No, I'm sorry. The blindfold is enough... for tonight. Maybe another night."
"Understood." You put it away.
"Open your mouth," you say.
"And if I should want you to stop?" she asks.
"You'll just have to trust me."
She gives you a narrowed look, but ultimately opens her mouth. You wad the cloth into her mouth. It fits in there tightly.
She does so obediently, and you stuff the cloth into her mouth. It fits in there tightly.
To keep her from pushing it out, you tie a length of rope around her head such that she's biting down on it like a horse bit. She tests to see if she can eject it from her mouth. She can't.
You nod. "Good."
"What's that for?" she asks.
"I'm going to gag you."
She gets spooked. "But my hands are bound. What am I supposed to do if I want you to stop?"
"That's the idea, isn't it?" you joke. But you add seriously, "Don't worry. I'm sure you can get your point across."
Concerned, she studies the wadded cloth, then shakes her head. "No. I don't feel comfortable with it."
"Very well." You put it away.
Scampering over to your pack, you bring out the wooden pestle.
Euna is perched up on her elbows, watching. "That thing?" she asks. "And what are you planning to do with that?"
You settle between her spread legs and rub the tip of the pestle along her slit. "What do you think?"
Enticed, she's biting her lip, despite her reproving gaze. "Very well. I'm yours to do as you wish." She spreads her legs wider."Very well, you fool. Play with your new toy. But you will stop if I tell you to stop."
"That maybe he shouldn't have a medallion if the likes of you two could take it from him so easily."
"And that didn't anger him?" Euna asks.
The men at the table chuckle.
"My lady, he arrived angry. I've never known that man not to be angry. You should have heard the things he said he'd do to you two. You especially, young lady."
Euna pales. "Oh..."
"Then I'd rather you didn't antagonize him," Euna says.
"No. I sent the man home. You should be thanking me. He was ready to offer a reward for you two."
"Well, thank you," Euna says.
"Nonetheless. If he comes around this way again, I will point him in your direction. So yu'd best give that medallion back to him."
"And apologize," Damien adds.
"You can't be serious."
"Whatever my opinion of him, he is a lord of this cove. A slight against us cannot go ignored."
Damien is in the crowd today. You march up to him. He and his fellow mates look up.
"You gave us your word that you would send us back home if we got you that jewel, right?" you say.
He smiles patiently. "As I said, yes. I would make another trip to that dreary little land you call home."
"No tricks?" Euna says. "You'll take us? You'll let us off the boat once we get there."
"I give you my word, Lady Euna. If you actually got me that jewel, it would be my honor to take you twoladies home."
"Right over there," the wench says. "Be careful now," and she leaves you two.
You find Damien and his crew are mid dice game, but when you approach, he looks up and smiles. The other pirates eye Eunayou both lecherously.
"And the Lady and the Mouselovely ladies return," he says. "Have you decided to try your luck?"
The wench nods behind you. "Damien? In the corner."
You glance. Three men are sitting at the indicated table with bone dice before them. The wench didn't indicate which was Damien, but it's obvious. He's the one seated with his back to the wall, so he can watch over the tavern. While most people here are dressed in simple sailor's breeches, he wears a rich, silk tunic as though he belonged in it.
"He's different than I would have expected," Euna says.
"What did you expect?" you ask
"I expected someone rougher, more savage, more cutthroat. He looks... well, like a noble."
"He dresses like a noble," you correct. "Don't expect him to be any less cutthroat. Are you ready?"
"I'm nervous, but yes. I think I'll let you do the talking."
The pirates' conversation lulls when you approach. The men look you and Euna over.
"What do you want?" one asks.
"My lady and I would like to join you."
The other men could not look more inhospitable as they scrutinize you, but the man who is most likely Damien has his eyes on Euna.
"Your lady? Well of course I'd lend a chair to a lady. Sit. Join us."
You fetch chairs.
"We'd like to join you," you say.
All the men, including the one who is most likely Damian, look both of you up and down. The leaders eyes linger particularly on Euna's curves.
"Well, of course I'll lend chairs to a pair of lovely ladies. Sit. Join us."
Two men fetch you chairs.
"My name is Damien, and whom am I so fortunate to lay my eyes upon."
"My name is Lady Euna," she says.
"And what brings you to my table, Lady Euna?"
You speak. "She and I were in the market recently when we saw the most exquisite piece of jewelry, and we simply had to know where it was from. So we asked around, and we heard that it passed through your hands."
"Is that so? What piece was this?"
"You might remember it. It's a small silver hand about this big with a sapphire in the middle."
"As chance would have it, I do recall such a piece."
"Do you remember where you got it from?" Euna asks.
He winces in pretend concentration. "I believe I might. Though why does it matter? It's such an ordinary piece, wouldn't you say? You could have such greater treasure with which to adorn yourselfyourselves."
"I knew someone once who had something like it," Euna says. "I thought maybe if I knew where it came from, I might track her down some day. I mean, it's not hers, but it would have come from the same place, and—"
You silence her by squeezing her hand. "There's no need to bore the man with details." To him. "Do you remember?"
"Yes, I do." He appraises both of you before speaking again. "But you've come to my table uninvited, you interrupt my game, and now you're both lying to my face. I think I should have my men take you out back, teach you some manners, and then throw you both in the slave pits."
Damien's men grin. Euna blanches.
He smiles. "But what kind of monster would I be to break the heart of such a sweet, young lady?hearts of such sweet, young ladies? I'm torn, so why don't we leave it to chance?" He gestures to the dice. "We throw a hand. If you win, I'll tell you exactly where that broach came from. If I win, you both go to the pits."
"I can't say I'm fond of those stakes," you say.
"Tis the game. Care to play?"
He watches you with a cool smile. The men leer. Euna is petrified.
"We'll take the deal. If I lose, we go to the pits."
"If you win, my sweet ladyfriend with show you how sweet she is."
"Will she now?" He looks to her.
Euna hesitates for only a moment before nodding. "I shall."
The other men chuckle lewdly. Damien silences them with a gesture. "Perhaps you are not quite a lady after all," he replies. "Or perhaps you are just the kind of lady I prefer." He considers. "I think I would like to know just how sweet a lady you are. I'll accept the offer."
The game is a variation of Dragon's Raffle—a game you used to play back home. It relies on skill and deft hands, and you quite neatly made a living playing it as a young boywaif. You'd developed a knack of making sure the dice landed the way you wanted. Most would call it cheating... and it is, but you've never been caught yet. If you play your best, this game is easily yours.
...If you play your best.
"The only captain I know who's ever seen that land is myself."
"Could you take us?" Euna asked.
"You will have find a way," he says. "I've already told you about the caves in the bluff south of here. You'll have to swim a little, but you seem resourceful enough. Watch out for the monsters though."
"Monsters?" Euna asks.
"I'm sure you'll find a way past them."
"But this cove is our best chance of ever getting home. If we leave, we might as well give up on any hope."
"There might be another city," you suggest, "with other ships, and sailors who aren't criminals."
"I have the foreboding sense that we would have to travel for many years to find such a place. This cove may be all we have."
"But we worked so hard for that money the first time. Now we have to do it again, and again. And what will we have to do to earn money quickly enough? I worry about what we'll have to resort to."
"Maybe if we're lucky, we'll steal the jewel before we ever have to make a single payment."
She snorts ruefully. "I doubt that."
"A shame," Damien says. "It would have been most interesting. If you're not going to entertain, then it's time for you to leave. Scurry off."
You and Euna hastily depart.
Back by the bar, Euna faces you. "It's infuriating how no one will simply tell us anything."
"Maybe we should play his game."
"With so much to risk?" she asks. "It would be safer just to buy our way home with Barsum"
"It'd take a lot longer though."
She sighs. "I know..."
"With so much to risk?" she asks. "Is it worth it?"
"If we want to get home, it is," you reply.
"I wish there was another way..."
He ponders this. "I have been considering traveling out there again. It's such a dreary land, filled with prudes, but some of my best pillaging happened there. Those seas are so free of competition. It makes the prey unsuspecting and innocent, and so rich with bounty." He smiles in reminiscence. "You know, I am overdue to see those lands again."
"So you will go?" Euna's eyes light. It doesn't occur to her how easy this was.
"Of course I will."
"Thank you, sir Damien." She's so relieved she looks on the verge of laughter.
"Oh. You misunderstand. I won't be taking you."
She freezes, and the men laugh. "But we had a deal. We won."
"Yes, you did win, and I told you where I got that brooch, as promised. And now that I have, you will both go to the slave pits."
"What? But, sir..." Euna stammers.
"Did you think you two could waltz into this cove uninvited and expect to get away with it? Did you think you could talk to me, a lord of the cove, and not expect me to see you two as impostors?"
"But we are not." Your voice is calm. "Foreigners we may be, but I have earned my keep here just like everyone else."
"Have you now? I would remember admitting a mouse such as yourself into our ranks, yet I've never even seen you before. Are you such a mouse that you've escaped my notice until this day?"
"I am incredibly sneaky," you admit.
"Have you now? I think I'd remember admitting a stuck-up high-born and her little pet into our ranks, yet I've never even seen you before. How is it that you have escaped my notice until today?"
"We haven't been here in a while," you say. "We are travelers at heart."
"You must be. Though you no doubt can prove your membership."
You take the emblem out from around your the emblem out from your cleavage. He chuckles and holds out his hand. "Of course you can. Let me see that."
You hand it over.
"So." He turns it over in his hands. "Who did you steal this from?"
"No one," you say.
In a flash, Damien is on his feet. His sword is out and pointed at your chest. His men move around you, daggers in hand. Euna cowers close.
"You will not lie to me again, mouselittle cat. This is an elder emblem. You not old, strong, or fierce enough to have it, which means you have plundered it from a man far greater than you.harpies swindled it from a good man. You will tell me who that is."
"I swear that I earned it. Just from different lord than you."
"We took it from an old man living on a beach not far from here."
The game takes five rounds, normally with betting between each round, but you and Damien simply go back and forth rolling the dice. Everyone watches intently as you each win two rounds.
The final round plays. You both roll.
And you win.
The tension breaks. Damien's men rock back in their chairs, groaning and chuckling. Euna releases her held breath.
Damien doesn't seem the least bit perturbed. "A good game. Alas, my ladyladies. It seems we are not fated to meet tonight."
"What a shame," Euna replies.
Damien doesn't seem the least bit perturbed. "A good game. You have remarkable luck, little mousecat."
"But we did win," Euna says. "We had a deal."
"Yes. So you want to know where I got that broach." he says. "I was in the oceans of a distant and dull land known as Ruthgar, when I took it from a sister of faith. Oh, but it was a strange religion. I can't quite recall what the name of it was. Nevin. Or Niver. It started with an 'N'."
"Nim?" Euna says.
"Why yes. I believe that was it. How curious that you should know that."
Euna quiets.
Damien laughs. "Don't fret, my lady. You did not reveal anything I didn't already know. I have never seen two peoplewomen in the Siren's Bounty who so clearly did not belong. And no one else may place your accents, but I can. You're two lost souls looking for a way back home."
"No," he says. "Seeing as how I will be the one ferrying you across the ocean to your home, I will keep it as a payment."
"I thought the amulet would be the payment."
"That too, and between the two it pays for your lies to my men, and your theft from a fellow lord. Bring me the amulet, and I'll take you home without any further demands."
"We could just leave the cove. Never come back."
"If you actually bring me that amulet, yes. You have my word as a gentleman and as a lord of this cove."
"That easy? All we have to do is steal from a sorceress."
"She is more vile than any who has ever lived," Damien says, "but that should be no worry for someone who stole from the Crocodile."
Damien and his men exchange looks. "What old man is this?"
"He lives in a shack on the beach. Drinks like a fish. Smells like one too. He answers the door with his rapier."
He stares a long while, then bursts out laughing. "You stole this emblem from Fransisco the Crocodile? You have more mettle than I thought. A little mousecat like you must have taken it when he was away."
"No. He was there. We distracted him."
"You stole from under his nose? You have no idea how close to misery you danced, Mouselittle cat. Fransisco is the cruelest pirate I've ever known, and I know that old reptile hasn't lost his bite. He could dice an onion before it hit the ground. If he had caught you..."
"It was a calculated risk."
"Indeed it was." Damien stows his sword and motions to the others to take their seats. Euna still clutches to you.
"A pity you did not kill him," Damien adds. "You might have done me a favor." He taps the emblem in his hands. "I have a proposal for you, Mouselittle cat," he says. "Let's see how stealthy you really are. There's a sorceress not far from here. She lives in a keep on top of a mountain. Perhaps you've seen it.
"I may have."
"Her name is Samirah. She has an amulet which I have always found fascinating. It controls a fearsome leviathan which lives about these shores. The cove has an agreement with her, and so she prevents the beast from bothering our ships, and in exchange she gets certain tributes from us, but I have never been fond of this agreement. It has always been on her terms."
He looks at you. "If you're such a quiet little mouseconniving little cat, then you could creep into her home and take the amulet. There is a passage way into her keep that you can reach from a bluff along the beach south of the mountains. Travel through there, break into her keep, and return. If you bring that amulet to me, then I will take you and your ladyladies with me on a trip to the dreary shores of Ruthgar."
"I am not your errand boy. This is your mess, and I have already seen enough of that old man already."
After exchanging glances with you, Euna shows him the jewel.
Befuddled, he blinks, then he bursts out laughing. "My my! That's a nice looking treasure you have there." He holds out his hand.
"No," you say. "You can have it once we see the shores of Ruthgar."
"Ah, I see. Then tell me, little mangirl. If you don't let me see it, how can I be sure it's real?"
"And if we give it to you, how can I be sure you won't just throw us in the slave pits?" you reply.
"Don't you trust me?"
"I've known too many pirates."
"Then let me put it this way," Damien signals. Several people from nearby tables stand as one. "Everyone in this tavern will do as I say. One way or another, you will hand that jewel over to me. If you don't play nice, I don't see why I should even consider holding up my end of the bargain."
The men gather close.
"Oh! Enough of this!" Euna concentrates on the jewel. There comes a distant rumble.
The men back away.
Damien stands. "What have you done?"
"I'm proving to you that it's the real thing," she says. "The leviathan will be in the cove soon. Why don't you come out and see?"
Damien signals again. A dozen hands grab you both. Someone wrenches the jewel away. It finds its way to Damien's hand. Wild eyed, he clutches it, concentrating hard. From somewhere outside, a roar sounds. "Damn it, you bitch! That thing will destroy us all."
"Yes, it will," Euna replies. "I've told it to do just that unless I tell it otherwise. And it's not far. So, unless you think you can figure out how to work the jewel in a scant few minutes, I suggest you hand it back to me."
Damien glares at her. He focuses hard on the jewel to exert his will, though as a man, he will not make any progress.
Outside, people yell. Another sonorous roar, closer this time. The ground rumbles. Men draw their weapons as if that might somehow help them.
Quite suddenly, Damien's expression lightens. He bursts out laughing. Waving to his men, he has them let you both go, and he tosses the jewel back to Euna. "Well played, dear lady. You have made your point. Tomorrow morning we will set sail. Now if you'll kindly call it off."
After focusing, Euna nods, but outside, people keep yelling.
"Is it gone?" he asks.
"Come see for yourself." Euna takes your hand and heads toward the tavern door. All follow.
Outside, the cove is in disarray. People down by the docks race toward higher ground. Those on the upper terrace have stopped to gawk at the mouth of the cove. There, half-surfaced, is the leviathan. It's gigantic, torpedo-shaped body floats sideways, blocking the mouth. Translucent tentacles float freely on the water surface inside the cove, reaching nearly to the docks. Occasionally, one will lash out, arc dozens of feet in the air, and splash mightily back in the water. The beast would have no trouble reaching even the highest tiers of the pirate cove.
The beast rotates about, surfacing one gigantic eye in its flank. It seems to look across the cove to where Euna stands outside the Siren's Bounty.
"It is not gone," Euna says to Damien. "And it will accompany us on our trip back to Ruthgar. I will tolerate no more foul play, is that understood?"
"Perfectly, my Lady."
After the cove settles down, you and Euna return to the Siren's Bounty, where you both sit with Damien. Today, you two are the center of attention for all the pirates and merchants there. The drinks run free for you and Euna. Damien insists on hearing about the heist, and so you and Euna tell the story together. Everyone hinges on the details, especially the lurid ones.
Afterward, it's a party. Euna sits upon the bar with her lyre. Men surround her. She sings along with their shanties. Many throw their arms around her as they sing. Some have their hands upon her thighs. She hardly notices. You find yourself in the laps of many pirates. Their arms circle your waist. For tonight, you two are the guests of honor, and you both fit right in as though you've always belonged with the pirates.
Though it does get late. Though this party will go on all night, Euna does catch up to you eventually.
"I would like to go to sleep." Her words slur. "I am quite drunk."
Despite pressure from all the pirates for her to stay, you both say your goodbyes and head out. Together, you stagger from the cove and head back through the mountains toward the altar.
You reach beneath the wench's frock and give her bare ass a good squeeze.
Euna whaps you. Hard. "You will stop that this instant, you lechhussy."
The surrounding pirates burst into gales of laughter. Even the wench chuckles. After she's gone, Euna has you fixed with a seething glare. But as you two eat, she settles down.
"You are a foolwoman without shame," Her tone is hard, but not icy.
"Not true," you reply. "I'm a gentlemanlady. The guards used to put me in stockades back home so the public could see an example of proper breeding."
She huffs. "You're hopeless."
Euna glares at you. After the woman leaves, she speaks. "Must you manhandle the poor woman?"
"Must? No. But it seems to be part of the service here."
"Doesn't mean you should partake. Control yourself."
The wench casts you a sly smile.
Euna rolls her eyes. After the wench is gone, she speaks. "You know, most women would not tolerate that sort of behavior in their man."
"It's a good thing you're not most women."
Euna rolls her eyes. After the wench is gone, she speaks. "You know, it's bad enough she puts up with that from the men. Now she has to worry about it from you too?"
"Of course," you say. "I appreciate her curves just as much as the men do."
The wench wiggles her butt a little.
Euna sees this, yet she seems utterly undisturbed by it.
"Quite welcome." She leans to set dinnerware for you and Euna.
Euna averts her eyes from the view she has down the woman's cleavage.
Over a peaceful supper, you both clean the plate. The wench comes back around to clean the table. "Anything else you want?"
"Be right up." She hurries off and returns minutes later with a plate bearing slices of roasted meat and a heap of some mashed root vegetable. She bends low to place your plate before you.
Once Euna is dressed, she approachesyou are both dressed, you approach the table.
"Come 'ere, lass." Sun and labor have left this man callused. "Y'put on a good show."
"Thank you, sir." Euna reaches. He holds the coins out of reach, and once she's close enough, he snags her and pulls her into his lap. She yelps and pinwheels.
"A little help for your money troubles." He wedges the coins into her cleavage. The other men find her cringing hilarious.
She looks to you, and you motion to her to relax. She tries, though his arm is around her waist.
Another man across the table holds a coin up for you, and you happily hop onto his lap. His hand snakes around your waist. "You're a skinny thing, aren't you?"
"You should see how well I can fold up." You lean in to present your cleavage, and he rams his coin between your tits. His hand strokes about before departing. Euna tries her best to relax like you, though she's keenly aware of the arm her man has around her waist.
"Have you girls been performing long?" the man asks.
"No. Not long," Euna replies.
"Not these kinds of shows, anyway," you correct.
"That's right," she says. "I'm used to only playing privately for my fellow sisters at the convent."
"You were a nun?"
"I was. In a convent far from here," she repies.
"Hear that, boys? We've got a sister of the cloth with us. Let's be on our best behavior." The men all chuckle. "You've fallen on hard times, sister."
"And I've had to do the most shameful things," she replies.
"The Shamed Sister, huh? I like it. Well how would you like two more coins, sister? To help a lady of the faith." He holds up two more rubles.
Euna leans forward to present her cleavage. He presses the coins deep. His hands scoop, his thumb plays over her nipple. She tries her best to smile sweetly. After a little more talk, you both head towards your table.
A man at another table is waving another few coins at her. Lips pressed tight, she looks at him, then you, him, you. Then she redirects to their table. When she stands next to him, he puts an arm around her, hand firmly on her ass. They talk. Something she says causes everyone to laugh—something naive probably. The man tucks the coins into the waist cord of her gownthe knot of her sashthe waist of her skirt and take the opportunity to squeeze her ass. Euna reacts only by leaning closer.
Afterward, she joins you at your table where the wench has already left two drinks. "An interesting experience, albeit a slimy one. Shall we count our coin?"
You both do so, twice during it, someone hollers to Euna and waves herto you two and waves you over.
Euna only waves back and keeps counting. "Good Lord. More? Is everyone going to want to give meus their coins personally. Imagine if Iwe went from table to table all night."
"Many girls do."
"Oh yes," you say. "The performance is just a way to advertise their assets. Then they spend the evening mingling. That's where they make their most coin."
"...But spend the whole evening being groped and fondled by dangerous men." She pushes the rubles around. "It would be easier money though, wouldn't it?"
"You are here in this cove because you are my guests," he says, "and I said you can be here. That is enough. Not to mention, you've been selling your girl's cunt all up and down this cove. Everyone knows who you two are by now. You hardly need the medallion."
"From what he said to me, he's planning to do so much more than just kill you. That man is the cruelest sadist I've ever know. Though you might die anyway after he's done."
"Our deaths might interfere with our ability to acquire that jewel for you," Euna says.
"Maybe it will, but you will return the medallion anyway. It belongs to him, not to a little mousecat like you."
You pull out the thimble. The crowd murmurs.
"In that?" The wench takes it.
"If you please could," Euna says.
Bemused, the wench takes the thimble. "There's isn't a chance in the world I could get it in this."
"Surely there is some way you can do it," Euna says.
"Then maybe there is some other way we could collect it?" Euna asks. "Please?"
"Just get on with it!" someone yells.
"Yeh! Enough dallying. Open the floodgates!"
The wench glances at the restless crowd. "I'll tell you what." She leans close and whispers in Euna's ear.
Whatever is said intrigues Euna. "That might just work."
The wench climbs up on the table and kneels before Euna. She bunches up her skirt to reveal herself from the waist down to her boots. The whole tavern can see her bare ass and thighs. The crowd perks up.
But they really start to holler when Euna slips off the top of her gown and revealspeels off her fishnet top and freespeels off her bodice and reveals her breasts.
She scoots close and places a quick kiss upon the wench's trimmed mound to signal she's ready, and the wench strums herself as frantically as ever.
The crowd cheers, even if they don't quite know what they're seeing. However, to you, it's obvious. Euna is cupping her tits together just beneath the wench's cunt, and the thimble is sandwiched between them.
The wench drips runny girl-cream onto Euna's cleavage. When she cums, she moans like a whore, her ass flexes, and her pussy sprays Euna's breasts. Copious amounts of ejaculate run rivulets down her cleavage and collect in the thimble.
The wench finishes. The thimble overflows. Euna passes it to you to store.
Work is over. Euna plants a long and sensuous kiss upon the wench's pussy. "Thank you."
"My pleasure, honey." The wench straightens her skirt over her cum-drenched thighs and collects her underwear. She's soon back in the kitchen.
The pirates still linger about Euna. She waves and blows them a kiss. They cheer one last time and disperse. She dons her clothes over her slick breasts.
"Having fun with our chore?" you ask.
"The woman pointed out that the crowd needed a show or they would become unruly. Besides, it worked, didn't it? Now we have a needed bodily fluid."
The two of you eat the food that came with the performance. After dinner and conversation, the wench returns. She drapes an arm over her shoulder. "Enjoyed yourselves? I know I did."
"It was lovely." Euna leans her head against the wench.
"You two want anything else?"
"And be quick about it," Damien adds. "I don't want him having an excuse to bother me again. I like him where he is, on that forgotten little stretch of beach." He motions to the two men behind you, and they give you a shove away from the table. Conversation done.
Back at your own table. Euna growls. "Well isn't that just wonderful?"
"Maybe we can sneak up at night and leave it at his doorstep," you say.
"Damien said we had to apologize."
"Do you really think he's going to check and make sure we did?"
"No," Euna says, "but we should do it anyway. That old man is hunting for us. If we don't make amends with him, he might not stop, even once he has his medallion back." She sighs. "And also... we owe it to him."
"You can't be serious."
"We stole from him. We duped him."
"He's a pirate."
"But we are not thieves."
"Actually, before I fell in with your father, I used to—"
"I know how you used to be," she says. "I am not a thief. I am a tsarivna. And you should aspire to be better. We will return the medallion, and we will apologize."
"And how do we do this without getting run through with that saber of his?"
"We'll have to come with a peace offering."
"I hardly think a bottle of rum is going to cut it."
"No, it won't." She ponders. "What do you get a sadistic pirate lord whose only passions are raping and killing."
"Maybe you should offer yourself," you say.
Her eyebrow arches. "Hmm. And let him do as he wishes to me? Suffer for my sins. He did say he enjoys ravaging nuns in particular..."
"You're hardly a nun anymore."
"No," she agrees, "and I have no interest in subjecting myself to that man either. But you know, there may be some nuns around here who might be of help to us—nuns who have a particular penchant for abuse..."
"That would be asking a lot of them."
"It would," Euna says, "we'll just have to be convincing."
Back at your own table. Euna sighs.
"Don't worry," you say. "This won't be too hard. We'll just return the medallion with a peace offering."
"And what sort of peace offering do you offer a short-tempered pirate hermit?" she asks.
"Not sure," you say. "I don't think a bottle of rum is going to cut it." You ponder. "Maybe if we give him something to play with."
"Like what?"
"You mean: like whom." You stare at Euna meaningfully.
Her eyes go wide. "Me?"
"Pirates like to fuck, and you're my whore."
"But he's a sadist. Damien says he's the most sadistic person alive."
"And you're a masochist, aren't you? We both know a little rough play gets you wet."
"I admit I... I enjoy some abuse, but this man sounds so much worse than a bout upon a pillory."
"Oh well. This is what you get for stealing from him."
"But you stole from him."
"And now you're going to serve penance for me. You are my whore after all. Think of it as just another trick. If he hurts you, we'll heal you with ambrosia."
Euna sighs. "Very well. I'm not sure about this though. He seems dangerous."
"That's why we need to do this," you reply. "Best not keep him as an enemy."
The tavern wench approaches shortly after. "Drinks, you two?"
"Her?" The wench asks.
"Me?" Euna adds. "As in on me?"
"Yes," you reply. "Let this woman spray her honey all over you. We'd all like to see that."
Euna looks around. The pirates are all grins.
The wench eyes appraisingly. "I'll do it," she says. "If she's up for it."
"I... very well," Euna replies. "I will. What do I do?"
"Yes," you reply. "Why not?"
"Hmm." Euna eyes the wench appraisingly, then peers around at the tavern. "Before this audience?" Enticed, she bites her lips. "Very well. Let's do this."
"Why not?" Euna replies. "Let's give the crowd another show, shall we?"
"It'd be my pleasure," the wench replies.
"Again?" Euna glances furtively about at the tavern. "Very well."
"It'd be my pleasure," the wench replies.
The pirates cheer.
"Lie on the table, why don't you?" the wench says. Euna does so. You twist the table so her lower half points toward her captive audience. Euna instinctively straightens her gown, but when you fold the front strip of her gown over one thigh, she relents, giving a good view of her intimates.Euna tries vainly to pull her velvet sash down to cover herself, but it's far too short. Everyone plainly sees her intimates.Euna instinctively clasps her legs together, but when you gently push them apart, she relents, giving the tavern a good view up her skirt. Her audience hoots and hollers. Euna's cheeks burn.After a thought, she spins herself around so her bottom half points toward her captive audience. With her legs parted, she flaps her gownsashskirt at them as though waving hello, thus giving the tavern a wonderful glimpse underneath. They respond with appreciative hoots and hollers.
The wench climbs onto the table and squats over Euna's head. With her frock about her waist, she strums her snatch. The crowd cheers her on.
"Open the gates!"
"Drown her!"
"Give it to her!"
Soon, the wench shudders and gasps. Her sex drips on Euna's face, and that's when Euna cranes and sticks her tongue into the wench's pussy. The audience loves this. So does the wench. She lets Euna take over while she paws her own breasts. It doesn't take long before she reaches orgasm.
Creamy girl cum sprays directly into Euna's open mouth. After several squirts, she lies back and lets the rest deluge her face and cleavage. By the time the wench is done, Euna is drenched.
Soon, the wench shudders and gasps. Her sex drips, and then comes her orgasm. Creamy girl cum sprays all over Euna's face. Euna shuts her eyes. It soaks into her hair and splatters her cleavage. By the time the wench is done, Euna's face is drenched.
The wench climbs off. Euna gets up and wipes her eyes clear. She gives a coy wave to the pirates and licks her fingers clean of cum. The audience goes wild.
Afterward, Euna sits at the table. Her face and cleavage glisten, and her hair is damp. The scent of pussy emanates from her.
She goes to wipe herself clean.
"No," you say.
"Don't wipe away your whitecapping. I paid good money for it."
"As you wish."
"Not going to clean up?" you ask.
"After we just paid to have me whitecapped? I'll let it dry."
"You're really going to leave it?"
"You're the one who wanted this," she replies. "Now you'll just have to deal with the scent of another woman on me. Ah, here comes the food."
The wench returns and sets the plate of food between you two. As usual, she bends over scandalously to place it.
The wench begins strumming her quim frantically. Small quakes rock her body.
"Wring it dry, bitch!" the crowd yells.
"Drown it!"
"Work those fingers!"
The wench moans. Her pussy drips girl cream onto your food. When her climax hits, her snatch explodes with creamy cum. Everyone cheers. A torrent sprays all over and around the food. By the time she's done, it speckles the table and runs rivers down her thighs.
She pulls up her underwear and wipes her fingers on her bodice.
Then, she serves you, making sure to bend low to place the food before you two, thus giving you both a generous view of her cleavage. "Enjoy your dinner," she says with a wink.
"Do you want to eat?"
"Of course not. That was revolting. I'd like it removed from the table."
"Oh very well." You raise the plate. "Anyone want this?"
A dozen pirates clamber for it. It's gone in a second.
"It seems like a popular dish," you say.
"In this place, I'm sure. Frankly, I'm concerned about eating at this tavern at all now. We're certainly not ordering that again."
"No thank you," she says. "But please, by all means, enjoy your dinner drenched in vaginal secretions. I'm sure it must complete the culinary bouquet."
"Thank you. I'm sure it does."
It doesn't.
The secretions add a salty flavor to the dish, which would best be enjoyed in an erotic atmosphere, and sitting across from Euna while she sneers is not such an atmosphere.
"I... I suppose I can try it." She pokes at the food with a fork. "Everyone says you should try new things."
"Of course," you say. "It cultures you. If we should ever return home, and a boyar's wife tells you about the fabulous curried oysters she had in the Nebenor Isles..."
"...I can tell her about the roast I ate which a common trollop ejaculated over." She tries a bite. "Hmm. Odd flavor." She tries another. This time she dips the bite of meat in a puddle of ejaculate before eating it.
"Of course I do," Euna says. "It's the tavern's signature dish. I'd be remiss not to." She takes a piece of meat, dabs it in a puddle of ejaculate, and eats it.
"What do you think?" you ask.
"Salty. Fishy. I'm not sure it adds much to the taste, but then this tavern doesn't have much taste to begin with. One comes here for the raunch, much like why one would enjoy this dish. It's raunchy." She goes in for another bite. Again she dabs the food in a puddle of girl cream. "I think I like it."
Between both of you, you clean the plate.
The wench returns later. She behaves as though nothing untoward had happened at all. "Want anything else?"
"It's our roast plate, but I put in a little something extra."
"And what's that?"
She grins and winks. "Order it and find out."
A sly grin comes over her. "Maybe. That depends on how much of a tip you leave."
Euna glares at you. "You will not tip her anything."
The wench chuckles. She looks Euna over, and seems to like what she sees. "Maybe you're a tipper."
"No. No tips."
"Watch yourself," Euna warns.
The wench looks Euna over. She grins as though coming to some opinion, but says nothing.
"I don't think that's how tips are meant to work," Euna says.
The wench looks Euna over. "They do in this tavern. For you, it wouldn't take much of a tip at all."
Euna's cheeks redden. "I... I'm flattered."
"And what would a generous tip get us?" Euna asks.
The wench looks her up and down. "You'll have to find that out for yourself."
"Where is Damien De Castilla?"
"Could we perform on the stage for money?""We'd like to put on a show."
"What is the whitecapped plate?"
[Jewel of Zaratan]: "We're here for Damien."
[-2 rubles]: "We'll have a plate."
[-20 rubles]: "Let's see what a whitecapped plate is.""Let's share a whitecapped plate."
"Eh?" They look at her in new light. "Well, we can't disappoint the pretty lady, can we, boys? Let's give her a good time."
You and the men have some back and forth negotiation, and you settle on a price that the men hem and haw over.
"Like I said," you remind them, "she'll do anything you want, so just make sure you get your money's worth."
"Fine, we'll take her," says another. "We've got some boys stationed on deck who'd love it if we brought back a good whore."
It's settled. You all approach Euna.
"I've just rented you to these men for the day," you tell her. "Go with them back to their boat and do everything they want until sunset. Got it?"
Euna looks over the leering pirates. Her eyes are wide and anxious, but with a nervous gulp, she nods. "Of course."
Cheering, the men pull her to her feet and inspect her assets, from cupping her ass to scooping out her breasts for a good feel. She's clearly trembling, but they either don't notice or don't care. They steer her from the tavern.
You follow long enough to know which ship they take her to, but then return to the Siren's Bounty to pass the time. A place like this is where a debauched foolharlot like you is most comfortable. After getting another drink, you join a dice game. You lose a tidy sum of money, not to mention what you spend to drink,With a lady like you at the table, they allow the betting of clothes, but you get them down to their skivvies by the time you bare your breasts. Your drink tab overwhelms your tidy winnings, but what does it matter? Euna is making more money for you.
After nightfall, you get down to the docks only to wait. Euna emerges nearly an hour late. The men hold her by the arms and escort her off the boat. She waddles past you, cradling her bloated stomach.
So?" you ask.
She keeps walking. "They all fucked me, ten people, my cunt and ass each. It wasn't that much actually, but then it came time to pay me. Those illiterate oafs could hardly count to ten much less what they owed me, so I had to make a game out of it so we'd all count together, and I could be sure they paid every coin."They decided to make a game out of it. I had to accept every coin."
"What do you mean?"
She waddles into an alley, and with some urgency, she squats down by the wall, pulls aside her gown,pulls her sash up about her waist,hikes up her skirt, and strains. Coins plop out of her anus in rapid succession. She winces and bears down harder. More coins.
"I bent over at the waist and had them shove every coin up my ass one at a time so I could count."
"They had me lie on my back with fold my legs up so they could shove every coin up my ass one at a time."
"The full payment?"
She nods. Her brows is dotted with sweat. "Lowest denomination. When they couldn't fit more, they rammed the coins deeper using a ramrod from their ship's cannon. I felt like I was going to burst open."
She passes another trickling of coins. They're streaked with white cum. By now there's several handfuls beneath her, but if she paid what she was promised, there must be hundreds more.
"I'm not shitting them all out now," she says. "Just enough so I'm not cramped so badly. I'll get the rest out at home."
The next few coins come out with brown streaks. She sees this too and smirks. "Don't worry. I'll suck every last coin clean."
"They're only going to get messier the deeper they come from," you warn.
"Oh, I know," and she takes the first coin and pops it in her mouth.
"Stop shitting them out," you say. "You think I want to carry those after where they've been? Keep them inside you until we get back."
She nods. "As you wish."
"And when we get home," you say. "You're going to suck every last coin clean."
She looks down at the coins below her. Already some are streaked brown, and it'll only get messier the deeper they come from. "As you wish," she says. "I'll clean every last coin." She takes the first coin and pops it in her mouth.
After getting held up with one game, you get to the dock well after dark. The boat she was on is gone. However, there's a crowd of young lads gathered around a dock piling.
Euna is tied to it by rope coiled round and round, starting at her waist, and ending just above her breasts, completely immobilizing her. There's a narrow gap in the rope for her tits to show through, though they're pinched between the coils and swollen purple.
About her is a crowd of lanky, pimple-faced lads, and they're cheering on one of their mates, who's currently holding Euna's legs around his waist and fucking her ass. energetically. She's wincing in pain with each pump, and he keeps forcing his tongue in her mouth with blundering kisses, but she returns them readily enough.
After this young lad has his turn, the next steps up to fuck her. There's nothing she can do about it, and from the cum puddle beneath her, these lads weren't the first.
Eventually the pack have their fill and move on. You approach. Tired as she is, Euna only registers someone nearing, and her legs spread for you.Euna sees you, tired as she is, she spreads her legs wide and grins. "I've become a fixture for public use," she says. "Care to enjoy me?"
"I'll have my own fun at home." You begin uncoiling the rope. "What happened?"
"Oh." She notices it's you. "The ship's crew had their fun with me, but then they to leave port. They decided to truss me up for anyone else to enjoy. By the way, you are quite late."That was hours ago..."
"Sorry. I got held up."
"So many people have used me. Those boys were just the last."
"That's fine. Those young boys kept me company... and a few others earlier."
You remove the last coil of rope, and Euna falls onto all fours upon the deck. She's nude, and her back has blistered red burns from shoulder blades to tailbone where it was rubbing against the wooden piling when people humped her.
"How bad is my back?" she asks.
"You'll be fine. Let's get home."
You remove the last coil of rope, and Euna falls nude upon the deck.
You find her clothes hidden among the coils of rope, and after helping her dress, you make your way back.
You head down to the ship, but end up waiting. Eventually, two men emerge on deck guiding Euna between them. She's naked except for a blindfold. They remove it, shove her bundled clothes into her hand, and steer her down the gangplank. Her hair is a mess of tangles and semen. Her tits have bite marks and hickies all over them, and cat-like scratches cover her from neck to calf. Her slit glistenspubic bush is matted with cum, and it's dripped down her inner thighs to her ankles. In fact, ropes of cum cover her entire body. Otherwise, she seems okay.
"So what happened?" you ask.
"It was very strange," she replies. "First the crew had their fun with me. Twelve or so men, but after they were done, they said they had some friends below deck who would like a turn. I said of course, but they insisted on tying my hands behind my back and blindfolding me, and I had to promise not to remove it. Then they led me into the bowels of their ship. The smell was awful, somewhere between a pig sty and rotten carrion. And then I heard these strange chittering noises. I was worried some monster was about to eat me, but after the men laid me down and left, I felt strange little hands upon me."
"Little hands?"
"It was like a swarm of children had fallen upon me, but these were no children. Their fingers had claws." She points out the scratch marks on her belly and tits. "And they had tiny mouths and long tongues with which to taste me. And then their cocks... small but hard like wood. The things climbed over me, fucking all three of my holes me front and back for hours. Each one lasted only half a minute or so, but it never ended. Their seed tasted bitter, and Lord did they stink."
"Sounds like you were made a whore for gremlins maybe, or goblins?"
"Or something. I told the things if they removed my blindfold and wrist binds, I'd make it worth their while, but they never did.I yearned to get my blindfold off and see, but the men gave me orders."
"You're not bothered that you were gangbanged by a pack of mystery creatures?"
"It doesn't matter what they were. I don't get to decide what I do and don't fuck. That's up to you, or whoever you've given me to."
"I'm not a discriminating whore," she says. "In fact, I rather wish I did learn what they were so I could know what species I can boast about having fucked."
"You truly are a slut," you say.
"The greatest of them all," she replies. "Help me dress. I'd like to get home."
"That's what I like to hear. Get dressed. We're leaving."
After nightfall, you head down to the docks to find that Euna has already been let loose. She's slumped by a piling, nude and exhausted. Her clothes lay crumpled in a heap by her, and it seems whoever dropped her off pissedcame on them. Ropes of cum streak her body. Her hair is matted. Bite marks and hickies cover her tits, neck and shoulders, and she's clutching her poor, abused sex.
"Rough night?" you ask.
"Thirty men," she says. "After they all had a turn. Some of them wanted to see if they could fuck me hard enough to make me cryso I would beg. After they were done, they beat me around a little. they took turns forcing their fists inside of me they fucked me with a mop handle."
"Sounds like a lot."
"At least I earned you your money."
"No," you say. "They didn't pay me anything."
She looks at you, astonished. "What?"
"I gave them to you for free."
"So I... I did all that for nothing?"
"That's right."
She seems in shock.
"Maybe you should thank me," you say. "I got all those men to fuck a desperate slut like you the way you deserve."
Just like that, her fingers are working over her abused sex. "Thank you, my master."
"Thank me for what?"
"Thank you for finding men to abuse me like a slut... ohh... You know better than anyone, even me, how I need how I need to be treated... oh Lord... I will always do everything that you ask, no matter how sick and degrading. Because I'm a worthless... oh ohhh. I'm cumming... I'm such a worthless slut." Even in her weak condition, she wails, bucks about, and goes limp.
You help her up. "Let's get you home."
You head down to the docks to find Euna sitting on a piling. The ship is done with her, and she's the usual mess of bodily fluids. Her clothes sit beside her in a pile, but she hasn't bothered to dress yet. Instead, she cradles her bloated stomach. There's a fecal stench about her, and their are smears of brown around her mouth.
"How'd it go?"
"They gangraped me," she says simply. "Two or three at a time. Then someone decided to piss in my mouth after I blew them, and I swallowed it, which they found amusing. One of them asked if I'd eat their shit, which I said I would. From then on, while someone was fucking me on my back, someone else would squat over my face and shit in my mouth."
"How many?"
"There were twenty men, but several left after the shitting started. Only about half of them relieved themselves in my mouth. Lord, I'm so full. My stomach is absolutely packed with waste."
"Too bad they didn't all take you up on your offer."
"Not sure if I could have handled that, but I know if a whore offered to let me shit in her mouth, I'd make her my toilet all week, but I make the same offer to a bunch of rowdy pirates, half of them grew too queasy to stay. I guess I'm just too much for them."
"I'm glad they got full service out of you," you say. "Now you won't even need any dinner."
She smiles queasily.
It's only after you head back to pick Euna up do you realize how large of a ship she was taken to: a full galley. Euna emerges with some men. She's nude, and looks utterly disheveled with glistening scum covering her face. The men let her gather her clothes from the deck, and she departs.
When she approaches you, the stench of unwashed body odor is truly fetid.
She sees you recoil. "I know. I can only imagine how awful I smell."
"What happened?"
"After the crew had fucked me to their satisfaction, there were still hours left before sunset, so they took me below deck where they had a league of galley slaves chained at the oars. The stench down there was worse than anything you can imagine. Those poor men aren't allowed to bathe or get up. They've only these grimy little loin clothes to wear, and they're forced to wallow down there in the heat and stench and filth."
Euna sighs. "The crew wanted to know how depraved of a whore I could be, so I made a show of tongue-cleaning the slaves. I would"The crew thought it would be funny if I spent the rest of the time tongue-cleaning the slaves. They made me crawl down the aisle to each one, tug down their loin clothes, and lick their genitals clean."
"How many were there?"
"One hundred and fifty. They were packed down there."
"You blew one hundred and fifty men in one evening?"
"I didn't blow them really. I spent less than a minute with each one, just enough to lick up the detritus under their foreskin, tongue their balls, and suck their cock until the worst of the flavor was gone. Then on to the next. Only a few of them came in my mouth."
"Admit it. You enjoyed yourself, didn't you?"
Euna's face turns deep red. "It was absolutely stomach turning. ...but after a while..."
"I started to... well... some of the slaves were worse. I'd peel back their skin and see a mass of accumulated sludge, and..."
"Tell me."
"And I'd relish it," she wails. "God, I got so wet cleaning those men. I was dripping. Everyone saw it. The crew laughed every time I moaned."
"You really are a sick slut, aren't you?"
"God, yes. I was right on the edge of climax for so long. Each filthy cock I'd taste would bring me just a little bit closer. I needed it."
"But you didn't get it, did you? Because you're a good slave, and you were there to service men, not yourself, right?"
She nods. She nods. "The crew made sure of it. When they saw how much I was enjoying myself, they made me push up the legs of the last few and tongue their assholes clean. But Lord, that just pushed me all the closer to the edge. I wanted so badly to scrub my worthless cunt while I tongued their assholes, but I never did."It was awful. I gagged so much. I never got to cum."
"Good. Get dressed. We're going home."
"That sounds revolting."
"Yes. It was truly stomach turning. first. After an hour though, the taste stopped bothering me, and after another hour... well... maybe it's an acquired taste."
"What do you mean?"
"Near the end, I can't deny that I'd get a little delighted when I'd peel back their skin and see a mass of accumulated sludge."
"You enjoyed it?" You chuckle.You roll your eyes. "You really are sick."
"Aren't I though?" She leans close. "Near the end, I even pushed their legs up so I could devour their assholes. Lord, it was so disgusting. I nearly lost all that wonderful scum in my stomach. But I swear I nearly came. I wished I'd done that for all of them."That is a taste I'm still working to acquire." She starts dressing. "Let's head home."
Come sunset, you head down to the dock. It seems they've already finished. You find her not near the ship, but at a piling supporting a higher tier of dock. They've left her nude, and using salt-encrusted ropes, they strung her up with her back against the piling, and her arms wrapped back around and tied on the other side. One rope gags her; her teeth are clamped on the hemp. Others are squeezing her tits purple. She's dangling solely by a rope which passes between her legs and ties to planks above. It digs into her gash, but she can't take her weight off it because her ankles are bound folded to her thighs, leaving her dangling.
Euna is hardly lucid, and doesn't respond to your questions about what happened, but her body tells the story.
Rope blisters mar her wrists, and arms, and legs, and belly, and neck. The ropes between her legs have cut into her gash so much it's bleeding,rubbed her gash raw, but it was already in bad shape. It looks like they whipped her sex into a pulp. Her tits, back, ass, and thighs are likewise scored with countless gashes from either a cane or a knout. Her stomach and tits are covered in purpled, fist-shaped bruises. She smells like a latrine. Her asshole looks like it's been torn by some forceful insertion. And tally marks cut into her skin with a knifedrawn in chalk cover her in places. Twenty-four mark her thighs right by her abused, cum-dripping sex. Nineteen score her ass by her battered asshole. Twenty-seven mark her skin of her tits, right by the runs of cum dripping from her chin.
You get her down and feed her a sip of ambrosia. For most of the way home, you struggle to carry her, but soon the ambrosia kicks in. She becomes lucid. Soon she's able to walk on her own, and then she becomes loopy from the ambrosia's high. She babbles.
"Have I told you," she says, "how much I love you?"
Later, "Are you going to fuck me tonight? I'll be most upset if you don't.It's up to you of course. My body is yours."
Also, "Is it true you gave me to them for free? They kept mocking me about that."
And finally on the topic of what happened. "Those men were brutal," she says with a giggle. "Lord was I regretting picking those boys at the tavern, but now I'm glad I did.I haven't wept that much in ages. You sure know how to find them."
After nightfall, you head down to the the vessel right as the men finish with her. She's teetering down the gangplank on wobbling legs while the men hoot and holler from the deck. She blows them one final kiss andBlushing, she makes her way down the dock and upon seeing you, nearly collapses into your arms. She reeks of sex, and she's trembling.
"What happened?" you ask.
"Eighteen men," she says. "Two or three at a time for hours. Lord, I'm so sore. I can barely stand."
"Did you have fun though?"
"My enjoyment has nothing to do with it. I will fuck whatever you order me to."
"Because you're my cheap slut, right?"
"Every minute of it, and do you know why?"
"Because you're nothing but a depraved slut."
She smiles sleepily. "I love you," she says. "Even if I'm just an object to you.""And I have you to thank for helping me realize that."
"You're welcome to perform," the wench says, "but any pay you get will be through tips. And if you're dreadful, I won't stop the pirates from dragging you off the stage."
"Perform here? For this crowd?" Euna asks.
"Why not?"
She looks around. "They're a bawdy bunch, aren't they?"
"They like entertainment too, don't they? And unlike Cockaigne, these people might tip."
"I suppose we might try it once."
"That's the spirit."
"What should we do?" Euna asks.
"Stage is yours if you want it. I'll bring you drinks if you draw a crowd." The wench departs.
"What should we do?" Euna asks.
"I would love to put on a performance with you.""How about we put on a performance together?"
"I can tell some talesdance while you play the Lyre."
"How about you play your lyre, and I'll make a show of trying to distract you."
"How about you play the lyre topless?"
"YouWe should put on another sex act with your a song while nude."
Afterward, with two complimentary ales, you count your earnings together. "A decent sum," she says, "but already the returns are dwindling." She sighs and looks over the audience. "If we're going to make enough money, I'm afraid Iwe'll have to come up with more lascivious performances."
You didn't have to say a thing.
"Very well," she says. "Another night of debauchery."
You split off. Euna gets flirty with a rowdy group of men while you settle into your usual gamblingflirt with some dice players at a common table.
Today, one lean young sailor proves to be your better at the dice. He earns a decent pile and bows out of the game, but as he gathers his winnings, he says, "Want your coins back?"
"What do you mean?"
He glances across the tavern at Euna, whose flirting about in another man's lap. "Have your woman entertain me upstairs, and you'll get your coin back."
"I've got a room upstairs. You come up and entertain me for a while, you'll get your coin back."
"I'm not for sale," you say...
Partway through the night, Euna finds her way around to your table after several circuits.
"Doing well out there?" you ask.
"No...." She adds her earned coins with yours. Not many. "People want to manhandle me more and pay me less. I could use a moment to breathe."
"Then sit with me and give me luck."
She sits down in your lap, arm over your shoulder and watches you play.
You scoot over, and she shares your seat with you.
One lean young pirate proves the better of you at dice tonight. After winning much of your money, he bows out, but as he gathers his winnings, he looks Euna over.
"Want some of your manfriend's coins back?" he asks her.
"What do you mean?" she replies.
"I've got a room upstairs. Come up with me for a good time. I'll give you back his share."
Euna stiffens. "I am not a prostitute, sir."
Euna clutches your arm. "Oh, no, I'm not... I don't do that."
"She's staying here with me," you say.
"That's right," she adds.
"Sure. You're not a whore." He grins as though humoring her. "If you change your mind, I'll be here a while." He flickers his tongue at her, and heads to the bar.
While you gather your few remaining coins, Euna keeps glancing toward the man.
"Not seriously," she says. "I've grown to accept debasing myself for these men, but if I actually took money for sex, I'd be exactly what he mistook me for."
"Are you sure? We could really use the money."
"I am simply not a prostitute."
"What's wrong with being a whore? I was one once."Why not? You'd be seducing a man and having your way with him, and you'd get paid for it.You'd be letting a man take you however he wants. You know it's hot."
"You'd really have me do it?"
"It's up to you, but I thought you'd decided to put aside your pride until we got home. Is it really that much worse than what youwe're already doing?"
"But sex for money would be crossing a line. It would be a loveless, carnal thing. Adulterated."
"Do it for free then," you say.
She bats you. "Don't be silly. I won't do it at all."
"If you say so."
Eventually Euna returns to working the tables. This time, you watch closely, and even while she flirts with other men, she's glancing toward the bar. She's not earning much.
Then the pirate makes moves as though about to leave, and suddenly Euna is across the tavern and next to him. They get to chatting. The man sidles closer and rests a hand on her ass. He whispers. She refuses something. More back and forth whispering. It's hard to tell what they're discussing.
Finally, Euna comes back to your table and drops coins among yours.
"So that's how much he'd pay for you," you say.
Her hands are trembling. Her eyes are alight with nervous energy. "I'll be back shortly," she whispers, and she heads back to the man. He wraps an arm around her, his hand resting on her ass, and he nudges her up the stairs.
Grinning, he looks back at Euna. "She's nice. Good face. Curvy. I wouldn't mind squeezing those tits either."
Euna notices you two staring and frowns.
"Thirty rubles for a good fucking up in my room," he says.
"Keep it under an hour, and you've got a deal," you reply.
Coins pass hands. You make your way to Euna and motion her to step away from the table she's at.
"Why were you talking to that man?" Euna asks.
"He just paid me some coin," you reply. "In return, you're going to follow him to his room and fuck him."
"What? Is this a joke?"
"No. Get moving."
Euna glances at the man. He's waiting by the stairwell.
"What are you thinking," she said. "I'm not that kind of woman."
"Are you forgetting that I'm your master? I'm in charge, and I've decided it's time you finally pull your first trick. It's easy. So are you going to go fuck him? Or am I going to have to do it myself?"
"You seem to have forgotten that you are my property, to use however I want, and to give to whomever I want, and I need the money."
"But you'd have me be a whore? To an absolute stranger?"
"Yes. You're going to let him use you like a piece of flesh, and afterward, you're going to thank me, because we both know you want this more than anything. This is what you're meant for. Now go be a good slave and earn us some money, because I've already sold you."
Euna looks from him, to you, to him. She half rises. Her hands tremble. "I don't know if I can do this."
"Of course you can. All you have to do is walk to him and follow him upstairs. The rest will come naturally."
Numbly, she heads off. The man scoops and arm around her, and his hand settles on her ass. The touch startles her, but she's easy enough to guide upstairs.
You're left alone. You find a table to wait at.
You swallow your drink quickly and creep up the steps. The "tween deck" has been reconstructed to better suit a lodging pub. It's a long wooden hall with doors lining both sides. It doesn't take long to find the one they're in, and they're visible from the keyhole.
Euna is kneeling naked upon a ratty mat. The man is devouring her body, from squeezing and sucking her tits, running his hands over her body, to sticking his fingers inside of her. She obediently allows him full access.She relishes this attention on her body.
Once he's ready, she pushes him down and swings her leg over to straddle him. With a little guidance of her hand, she settles down and takes him inside her, and she rides, moaning without a care for who might hear.
Once he's ready, he pushes her down and climbs on top of her. With a little fumbling, he's inside her, and thrusting away without love or tenderness. She's a whore to him, nothing more, and she accept this treatment dutifully.
After hardly any time at all, he pulls her close against him and bellows out as he fires off inside her. Euna squeezes him tightly as though making sure every drop of his lust gets in her.
People are coming up the stairs, so you break away and nonchalantly make your way back down to the pub.
Euna comes down later, darting her eyes about as though expecting everyone to be watching. She hurries to your table and sits. You have an ale for her, which she's quick to gulp.
"Well, it's done," she murmers. "I did what you wanted."
"Did you fuck?" you ask.
She blushes. "I can't believe you made me have do that. We could have found another way to earn the money, but you made me whore myself."
"But you did it, didn't you? Just because I ordered you to."
She hides her face in her hands.
"Maybe tomorrow," you continue, "I should take you down to the docks. We'll find more men for you, and you can earn me some more money."
She takes a long swig of her ale, and then turns her eyes down, her blush deepens. "If that is your wish."
"Well, it's done," she murmers. "I just fucked a man for money."
"Did you enjoy it."
"Lord, I did. I can't believe how much it turned me on to have smutty carnal sex with a complete stranger. It was a transaction, nothing more. I didn't even know his name, and I didn't want to. This might be a better way for me to earn us a lot money."
"Hardly," you say.
"You saw him. You decided you fancied him, and only then did you decide to fuck him. If you're going to earn more money this way, then you need to be ready to fuck anyone. That could mean heading down to the docks. Advertise yourself with the other whores, and fucking anyone who has the coin. That would make good coin."
She chews her lip, takes a long swig of her ale. When she lowers it, she's trying not to grin. Finally, "Maybe we should."
"Sure," he says. "If you change your mind, I'm sure you'll see me around."
Later that night, you pool your earnings. Euna seems to deflate a little. "It's less than usual.
"Don't worry," you reply. "Let's go home."
"Of course," Euna says. "I was simply wondering... oh, nevermind. Shall we head back before you lose all of my money."the money I'm earning for you."
She looks over the crowd, chewing her lip. "Very well. I'llLet's do it, but only because we desperately need the money. And just for tonight. To see what it's like." She spins back to you. "But what if they get... untoward?"
"That's the whole idea."
"Right, but I mean forceful. What if they try to ravage me?"
"Here in the tavern? Before everyone?"
"They are pirates."
"I'll keep an eye on you. If they do anything forceful, I'll come to your rescue. but remember," you say. "We need the coin."
"Yes, yes. I fully expect to be groped all night."
Euna splits off and heads to the first table that motions for her. In no time, she's sitting in the lap of a bearded man with an arm over his shoulder. He's tucking rubles into her cleavage. Her smile is a little forced.
Meanwhile, you find a dice game. They're reluctant to let you join until you show the rubles Euna just earned. They're quite happy to let you gamble away your coin.
Meanwhile, you find your own table. A strongman pats his lap. "Come here, love. You look like you've got some muscles under those curves. Let me have a feel."
You straddle his lap. "Only if I get to feel yours."
Soon his face is buried in your cleavage and his coin is down your tights. After an introduction like that, you get a spot at the table's dice game.
Meanwhile, the wench has brought Euna more ale, and she's blowing the bearded man's dice for good luck. You said you'd keep watch of her, but the dice game you're in is getting heated. You're coin pile is growing.but you get caught up flirting and dicing. Later, a chanting from across the tavern makes you look again. Euna is sitting on a table with a woman—presumably one of the sailors' arm-decorations. They're straddled, her in Euna's lap, and the two are making out hungrily while the men cheer them on. It seemed to have been a dice wager that got them to kiss.
After that, you get drawn back into your dice game. You and one old milky-eyed pirate are the last two at a table. You swear he's cheating the dice (but so are you). Finally he quits while you're both even. You have a tidy winnings,You get caught up with a dice game where you wagered your clothes rather than coin. You spent the night topless, but you're coming away with a healthy pile, except now you realize the sun as set, and Euna is no longer in sight.
...because she's at a table hidden in the very back, seated on a booth between two men with a leg slung over each of their laps. She'd be exposed if one man didn't have his hand cupped over her pussy. The front of her gown is bunched between tits, and each man has one globeEach man is playing with her tits through her fishnet top. Each has one globeBetween both, they've each scooped both her tits from her bodice to squeeze and tweak. She's busy exchanging whispered nothings with them, or resting her dizzy head on their necks to revel in their attention. One hand holds ail. The other is down one of their breeches, rubbing absently.
Her head rolls up. "Oh? Hello."
"Ready to go home."
"Oh, is it really time to go already?" Clumsily, she starts climbing over the men, tits and pussy exposed, ale mug sloshing.
One of the men catches her waist. "Why go now? We were having a nice talk."
"Don't worry," you say. "She'll be back."
"Yeah?" The man looks at Euna. "Why don't you give me kiss and promise real nice?"
"Why go now?" one of the men says. "Not enjoying our company?"
"Oh, don't you worry," Euna says. "I'll be back."
"How about a goodnight kiss?"
With her hand upon his cheeks, she gives him a lingering kiss which ends with a suck upon the tongue he delved into her mouth. "I promise I'll be back. We have to finish our conversation."
You get her by the bar. "Seems like you got along."
"Mmhmm. I got the hang of it."
You show your earned rubles. "I made a tidy sum. How about you? Did you get any money?"
"Let's see..." Euna finishes her ale, then upturns her mug into her hand. A heaping handful of silver coins slide out. They drip with dregs. "I made some."
"My! You're better at this than I am."
"The trick," she says, "is to be friendly."
"Friendly, huh?"
"Very friendly." She hiccups. "And always remember that there's nobody here who knows us. So just have fun, and don't worry if they get friendly back."
"They were certainly friendly."
"We are going to do this again, aren't we?" she asks.
"Given the money you just earned, I'll have you working these crowds a lot."
"If you're up for it, yes. You're good at this."
"Very well," she says. "I will do it. I have lost the final shred of my modesty, but I do think I'm going to drink less next time. Take me home now."Can we go home now?"
"As you wish," she says.
"Very well," she says. "So long as it doesn't bother you to see me flirting with all these men."
"Very well," she says. "Another night of debasing ourselves for coin."
Euna approaches a table where a pirate was waving her over. She's soon listening and laughing at all he and his friends have to say. You talk your way into joining the card game and bet with Euna's earnings from the play. Occasionally, you glance to check on Euna.You find your own table where the men welcome you to watch from their laps while they slip rubles down your waistband. Soon, you're playing for money. Occasionally, you glance to check on Euna.
She's sitting on a table in the tavern's center, surrounded by men. The wench has stopped serving ale for the moment, and she and Euna are coiled together, lips locked, while everyone cheers them on. Coins go in their cleavages so that the other can dive in and lick it out.
In the back, Euna has joined a crowd in singing boistrous shanties. She's reclined across three men's laps while doing so. One man massage her feet. The middle has a hand under her gown's frontup her sashup her skirt to finger her. The one closest her head has scooped out a tit to play with her nipple. She's got them well-trained.
Euna is in a back booth with a leg kicked up on two different tables leaving her sex exposed to the tavern. Someone has found her a candle, and she fucking herself with it shamelessly ...until the men stop giving her coins. Then her legs coyly come together until someone pays up.
Euna is in a booth by the back. Apparently she'd removed an article of clothing for each coin they gave her, leaving her naked, only the men have snatched away her clothes and they won't give them back. Now she covers herself while smiling meakly at the men around her. They trace fingers along her thighs. She'll probably fine.
Her barking gets your attention. Euna is kneeling on the floor topless by a few gamblers. She's has her hand before her like a begging dog, and she's barking and yipping. The men shout orders for her, and whenever she does tricks, such as rolling over, sucking her own tit, or play with herself, they reward her for being a "good doggy", and place a coin on her tongue. She beams back.
Euna is dancing in the lap of a muscular pirate. Or that's what it seems. She's grinding her ass against his groin in a sensual and grotesque fashion, while he gropes handfuls of her tits and ass. This dance of hers is popular. Every nearby man with coin wants one of their own.
Euna is laid out in a table topless. She's pouring shots of rum into the concavity of her indent of her navel, and men are taking turns sucking it up. After a few more coin change hand, Euna lets them press their faces between her breasts, and she pours rum down her cleavage into their mouths.
By the end of the night, she's gathered a tidy sum to supplement the performance earnings.
"Enjoyed yourself?" you ask.
She shrugs. "Men will be men, and we need coin. If they'll part with their money, I'm happy to indulge them."
There are two guards—each brutes, and each covered in a heavy leather tunic and helm. They carry pikes and bludgeons.
The people on the wagons are a high class bunch: austere families riding magnificent horses. Many sneer at the surrounding riffraff.
You and Euna get near the front to listen. The next in line are two men on horseback. They show the guards scrolls and signet rings, and the guards wave them through.
The next in line are three well-dressed women. They don't have scrolls to hand over.
The guards do not like this. "If you're not nobles, then get out of line," one barks.
"We're sorry," one girl says.
"We truly are of noble blood," says another. "We're daughters of Csar Kusman."
"But we came all this way before we realized we didn't have our signets or invitations," says the last.
"Could you make an exception?" the first says. "Surely you can see we're not common rabble."
"No proof, no entry," but the guard does not usher them out of line.
The girls look at one another. Grins and nods pass between them.
"Then perhaps we can prove it for you?" says one.
All together, the girls pull down the front of their dresses, exposing their breasts. Between them, one has pert plums, the other sizable apples, and the last enormous melons that practically spill as she opens her front. All of them are a beauty to look at.
"Do these look like the breasts of commoners to you?" says another.
"Perhaps you'd like to feel to make sure?" says the last one with the largest pair.
Grinning, the two guards take turns feeling their breasts, squeezing them and and playing with the nipples. They chuckle and wave the girls through. The girls thank them and bound ahead.
"You would know, wouldn't you? You peeping tom," she says. "Watch your tongue."
"My apologies. I mean it only as a compliment."
"Then keep your compliments to yourself." She turns back to the guards. It looks as though she's actually considering it, but only for a moment. "I don't care how easily I could sway them. It would be absolutely improper for a Nimic lady. We'll find another way."
"If you wish to get us into the city by debasing yourself, I won't stop you, but don't expect me to follow suit."
"I don't think they'll let us in unless we both do it."
"Then we don't get in. I will not resort to exposing myself for entry."
"As you wish. We really could find help in there."
Euna turns back to the guards. It looks as though she's actually considering it, but only for a moment. "I don't care. It would be absolutely improper for a Nimic lady. We'll find another way."
Euna looks longingly at the city beyond the wall. "I hope we do. It looks like a place we might get help."
She stares a while longer, staring at the guards. A look comes over her, and it seems she's actually considering...
She shakes her head as though to toss away such a vile idea. "No. We'll find a way."
"Flirt with them?" she asks archly.
"A nice smile," you say. "A compliment. Act friendly. It might work."
"I think not. You're a silly fool for asking."
"That's what I am. You can't blame me."
"I most certainly can," she says simply. "So then, what now?"
"A nice smile and a compliment," you say, "Flirting has gotten me far."
"I'm not a shameless tramp like you."
"But I am," you say, "and I bet we could convince those guards into letting us in."
"I'm sure you could, but I'm not going to, and you're not leaving me out here with these vagabonds. So then, what now?"
"Flirt with him? I couldn't do that."Both of us?"
"It'll be easy. We might get in the city without all the climbing."
"But... I" Her face goes red. "I wouldn't know what to do."
"Just try your best. If you don't succeed, then it's no big deal."
"Just follow my lead."
"Okay." She takes a nervous breath as her turn comes to face the guards.
"Welcome to Cockaigne," the guard mutters. "Signets, please."
"We don't have any," she replies. "But... maybe you could let us in anyway."
The guard frowned. "Why would I do that?"
"Surely you can see that I'm royalty." She smiles. The effect is ruined by her trembling. "Please? We've traveled so far. I couldn't bear it if we had to turn around."
"You're going to have to do a little better than that," he says.
"Hello, boys." You drape an arm over Euna's shoulder. Your hungry eyes look the guard over. "We don't have our signets, but my friend and I were thinking that maybe you might let us in anyway? Maybe there's someway we could convince you."
They're interested. "And how would you do that?"
"Oh I don't know..." You pull your tunic down and free one tit to fondle. "I'm sure there's something you'd like to see."
"All right. Maybe." The guards grin. One looks to Euna. "And what about you?"
Euna is quivering. "I'm sorry... I..." She turns to you with terrified eyes, shakes her head, and steps out of line. You follow.
"I can't do it!" she says. "I'm sorry."
"It's quite all right," you say. "I'm proud of you for trying. Come on..."
"You don't have a plan?" she says. "Then why are we wasting our time?"
You shrug.
"Then we should leave the line until we do." She steps away.
You hurry after her.
The woman continues to hand out crates until she has no more. "I'm sorry, everyone, but I'm afraid that's it."
There's a grumble through the crowd, and everyone disperses. A few remain behind to thank the nun. Soon the nun excuses herself. Taking the reins, she leads her carriage into line entering the city.
Once the nun reaches the front, she talks with the guards. Instead of letting her in, they pull her down from the wagon and bind her hands with shackles. Guards emerge from a guardhouse in the city wall and escort her past the gate. Others search her carriage, then ride it in after her.
"Did they arrest her?" Euna asks.
"Looks like it."
"Maybe it has something to do with her giving food to the homeless."
"But that was an act of charity," she says. "What do you think will happen to her?"
"I don't know."
She frowns. "This place is very strange."
"They arrested her too," Euna says. "It's ridiculous." She turns to you. "What do you think they'll do to her?"
"No idea."
"Okay," Euna says.
You and she return to a more central part of the slum.
"Thank you." Euna clings close.
The vagrants' eyes light. They eagerly tug their breeches down. Their hard poles bob straight out.
Euna snakes up between the legs of the first man. His cock is as unpresentable as he is, and when she peels back the skin, the head glistens with buildup just as the dog's cock had. She takes it into her mouth all the same. As she bobs up and down on it, her hands coddle his sack.
He soon empties his balls down her throat, but before Euna can even sit back on her haunches, the other vagrant is before her with his cock bobbing about.
Euna peels back the skin, tenderly licks away all mess, and then sinks her mouth down upon his shaft until her nose is pressed against his bush. After that thorough cleaning, she works the shaft with her hands as she scoops his sack with her tongue. She'd go on, but the man is groaning, so she again throats his shaft and swallows down all the cum he can give.
"Ye should fuck her," he points his friend to Euna's upturned ass.
The other sneers "Where the dogs have been?" But his impatience gets the best of him. He waddles around to inspect the state of her holes. It's good enough. He takes hold of her hips and forces his cock in her ass.
The two vagrants double team her. The first climaxes in her mouth. He's got his breeches up soon enough, and Euna must endure the other hammering into her from behind until he too gets his end off.
He pulls out, and his vagrant cock looks worse than when it went in. "A quick suck?"
Wordlessly, Euna swivels and takes him into her mouth—two loving sucks from base to tip.
Both cocks are cleaner for her efforts. Their mess is in her stomach now.
"That was somethin," he says. "Yer a filthy one, aren't you? Want to join us in our game. We can keep ye company all day."
"That's very kind of you," she says. "But we must move along."
He grunts. "Fine then. Have it your way." He tucks up his breeches and joins his friend about the dice game. They act as though she's not there anymore, but both steal glances as she's gathering her clothes.
"Heh? I see," one says. "Mutt is good enough for you, but not us."
"I came here for the dogs," she replies. "You should be happy I let you watch."
"We just have to get moving," you reply.
"Eh, sure ye do." One vagrant says. He's been pumping his fist quickly for seconds now, and all of a sudden, semen fires from his dick. A rope of it lashes Euna's chest before she can react. He laughs.
The other man fires off a moment later. He staggers toward her. His cum scores her cheek and neck. The rest of their spurts fall short.
"Hah! A tip for the show, my lady." The first says. The rest of their cum is falling short. And with a final rude gestured, they both pull up their breeches and return to their game. Euna climbs out from the hovel and gathers her clothes.
A distance away, you and her are alone as she dresses.
Small red dots cover Euna's belly, legs, breasts, and arms.
"Flea bites," she says. "I feel bad for that dog. I could feel the fleas under my fingers. The poor boy was seething with them."
"You've got some in your hair too." You pinch one along her neck line.
"Do I?" She brushes her hair.She rakes fingers through her hair, and then through her pubic bush. Small black dots meander within. "Seems I'm a flea-bag now too..."
"Will you be okay?" you ask.
"They should wash off when I bathe. Humans are no good as hosts, but I'm sure to get quite a share of bites before then."
"I guess that's the price you pay to lay with filthy animals."
"Sometimes it's hard to remember that I am the heir to a glorious kingdom," she says.
"You're a princess."
"Yes. Yet here I am fellatingcopulating with flea-infested hounds in a slum while beggars watch. Do you know what the worst part about it is?"
"What is that?"
"I do this not because I'm being forced, but because you ordered me to.because doing so sets my loins aflame. No other reason. That is the most depraved part of this." She notices the vagrants' semen on her breasts. Without a thought, she hoists her breast up so she can reach lick the cum clean. She then dons her clothes. "Let's move along now, shall we?"
"Quite depraved, aren't I?" she says. "It's awful how much I enjoyed that."
She casts one more glance to the crowd, and then to the blind man's wilting cock. It's unwashed, coated in grime, and shiny with her juices. His balls glisten with greasy sweat, and all of it is nestled in mangy pubic hair.
She stares at it a good while before making up her mind. Finally, she looks to you and nods. "Of course."
Euna coaxes Blind to lie back. Crouching by him, She pulls back the skin of his cock to reveal a thin layer of whitish slime along the head. The sight and stench of it cause her to recoil, but the blind man doesn't see. Working up the nerve, she sinks her mouth upon it. Lips against his sack, she seals tight against his shaft and her tongue gets to work. Blind groans and contorts. Euna slowly pulls up. Clean cock emerges. Her tongue swirls his crown at the end to collect all remaining mess. She only gagged once.
Then come his balls. Holding aside his cock, she tongues and sucks his sack, then pulls them aside to get her tongue underneath along his taint. The taste must be putrid; Euna wretches repeatedly. By the time she's done, he's fully hard, and his genitals are now clean of months of grime and body-odor.
"There, nice and clean," she says.
"Thank you, pretty lady," he mutters. He gets up, finds her hands, and clasps them in thanks. She places a kiss upon his forehead.
"Don't forget me!" Beard pull his grimy pants down and waddles to Euna. He stands before her, his again-stiff cock pointed out. His enormous mound of pubic hair is matted and glistening from the sex he'd just had with her.
Euna gets on her knees before him. She peels back his skin to find him similarly unclean with smegma. Gathering the will, she fellates him. Up and down she goes on his shaft, collecting all residue. Then his balls, which are unbelievably hairy. To reach her tongue underneath them, she has to bury her face in his forest of pubic hair. He grunts and shudders.
Just as Euna's pulling away, the man grasps his rod and gives it a few strokes. Cum erupts from his tip. The first ropes catch in her hair. The rest she catches in her open mouth while he works his shaft.
Afterward, she sits back and regards him coolly. "I do you a kind favor, and you get your seed in my hair?"
"Sorry." he mutters.
Instead of letting her clean him again, he grabs her hair, pulls it close, and wipes the end of his cock. Euna makes no complaint.
Now done, she dresses quickly under the lecherous eyes of dozens of vagrants.
"Take care you two," she says.
"Thank you!" Blind says.
"Yes! Come back any time," Bearded adds.
You and Euna retreat.
"There are no words to describe how utterly revolting their body odor is. And you had me clean their most intimate parts with my tongue! I reek of them. And now I'm walking around with their seed plastered upon my hair for all to see."
"And I love it! I love when you push me to do these things."
"I'm glad, because I'm going to do it a lot more."
"Yessss," she hisses.
"Those two certainly needed their cleaning today," she says.
"They're luck to have you."
"No. They're lucky I have you to make me do all these utterly depraved things," she says. "Where to now?"
"Agreed." She scrambles for her crumpled clothes. As soon as she's decent, you two hurry away. "I didn't realize I had an audience," she murmurs. "I hope they enjoyed the show."
"Did you have fun."
"Oh, God yes. They were so filthy. Their breath... lord."
"But did you have fun?"
"Yes! It was so wrong. I'm such a filthy woman for wanting it so badly, but I did. Lord help me, I did."
"You want me to do what?"
"That's what wallowing is. Embrace them, Euna. I want you to let them defile you so much that you come out just as filthy and disgusting as they are."
She bites her lip. "Very well. This is going to be so depraved. But I will decide who."
"Don't go easy on yourself," you say.
"You know very well I won't. I already know who would be just perfect."
She bites her lip. "Okay. As you wish. Who will I be bedding?"
"You know them better than I do," you say. "Who is the most filthy vagrant here?"
"I don't know who—...Oh." A sneer form on her lips.
"Whoever you just thought of. Him."
"Are you sure?"
"Show me."
She walks along the lanes of the town and stops before an an obese man who has clearly been taking more than his share from the food cart, yet you're unsure how, since he's missing both his legs at mid thigh. He's wearing a sweat-stained shirt and he has a stained, crusty towel draped over his lap in lieu of pants.
"When I did my walk-about in the shanty, he was someone I kept my distance from. I could smell him, and Lord does he reek. He never bathes. The others avoid him too. I think he's slow in the head."
"He is perfect."
"I knew you'd think so." She grins wickedly.
"He's perfect."
She shudders. "I thought you'd think so."
"Hmm," Euna says. "Are you thinking about that fat old cripple?"
"I am," you say.
Together, you track the man down. He's at his usual perch, with the same sweat-stained shirt, and the same grimy towel covering his slug-like cock and disfigured stumps.
"Well then," you say. "Defile yourself already."
Euna scampers to him. She has a quick conversation. He oggles her body and nods enthusiastically, so Euna drops to her knees before the fat cripple and tucks her gown to the side of her waist cordtwists her sash aroundunfastens her skirt to reveal her beautiful flower. The man pulls his towel away to reveal a greasy fat slug of a cock, with large balls and ample foreskin. It gives Euna pause.
She works his cock in hand until it swells to life. Its head barely emerges from its sheath, so she peals it back to reveal a cock head covered with smegma, as though he's never bothered to peel back the skin before in his life. as though Euna had never cleaned it for him before. The whitish yellow is caked under the crown.
Euna slides her finger under the ridge to collect some smegma. She wipes the fingerful onto the top of his cock, then lines it up with her drooling slit. Slowly, she sinks down upon him, taking his fat cock into her until her lips are pressed against his dense bush. When she lifts off, the scrape of smegma is gone, disappeared inside her. She wipes her finger along his ridge again to stick another fingerful on the tip, then again sinks her pussy upon it. She repeats this process until the bulk of his cock's unclean secretions are mixed deep inside her.
She tries to ride him tenderly, but he has other ideas. He unties off her waist cord, and yanks her gown off,yanks off her fishnet top, rips away her sash,pulls off his shirt, yanks her bodice off overhead, then pulls her into a bear hug and fucks her furiously, both pulling her down on his cock while humping up from below. Her body is pressed tight against his sweaty mass. She nuzzles her head into the crook of his neck and hugs him both with arms and legs to increase skin contact as much as possible.
The man grunts like a boar and fires cum inside her. Afterward, he's gasping and wheezing, fresh sweat has broken out over his body. He pulls her back so he can slobber her tits, but when Euna whispers something in his ears, he lets her go.
She's not done though.
Euna bids him to lie down, and she crouches over him. She runs her tongue along his torso, lapping away sweat and grime. She pulls fat folds aside and laps along the crevices. She pulls his arms up and tongue bathes his damp hairy armpits. Euna hasn't forgotten that she's supposed to be sullying herself though. For several fat folds, she pulls them open and stoops to run her own breasts along them and rubs the sweat in sensually. When semen drips from her cunt and onto his chest, she wipes her belly over him to smear the mess upon herself, then licks him clean.
Next, she sits on his chest and swivels to face his lower half. Before focusing on his crotch however, she nuzzles each disfigured stump like a cat, then runs her tongue along his inside thighs to finally address his cock. It glistens with cum and her secretions, and it's already growing hard again.
First, she sucks the shaft clean. Next, she pulls back the skin and licks away all remaining smegma. Then she nuzzles her forehead and cheeks against his sweaty sack. She wipes her hand along the underside to collect smelly sweat and wipes it along her belly and neck.
He decides to have sex again, and pushes Euna down to his crotch. She straddles him, facing away, and aims his cock for her asshole. Dry as it is, insertion is slow and painful.With some juices from her cunt, it sinks in with ease.
Once again, he sets the pace by pulling down on her hips while thrusting. He yanks her hair to pull her back into his embrace.He guides her back into his embrace. She rests her head back against his shoulder while he slobbers her neck and squeezes her breasts. The man climaxes again quickly enough.
After recovering. Euna dismounts, spins, and sucks the man's ass-tainted cock. Now she's done. The man offers her his towel to clean with. It's crusty, with unidentified stains over nearly every inch. She takes it, sniffs it, wrinkles her nose, then uses it to wipe her pussy and ass. After a thought, she rubs the towel over her body, from her breasts, back, arms legs, and butt.
After handing it back, she dresses and hurries over to you.
You stop her before she can hug you. Her body reeks.
"Did I defile myself enough for you?" she asks.
Before you can react, she hugs you. Her body reeks. "Satisfied?" she asks.
"Good. And so you know, that man has promised not to clean himself in anyway from now on. Just for me."
"I don't think he was anyway."
"I don't think so either, but he says his cock will be just as filthy with what he called cock cheese."
"He sounds delightful."
"He was wretched," Euna says. "And I thoroughly defiled myself with him. I'm leaking cum from both holes, and I'm going to stink of his body odor for the rest of my life, I think."
"I'm glad," she says. "It's incredible how disgusting his manhood got is since I last cleaned it. He says it's because of how much he strokes himself. Normally, he'll wipe up with that disgusting towel of his, but lately he doesn't bother cleaning any of his cum. It just builds up under the skin and dries upon his manhood. He says he does just for me, actually."
"Good," you say.
"Now that I'm good and sullied, what now?"
"Ooh. That would work." Euna sprinkles some ambrosia on the crackers inside. "Just a few drops," she says. "Wouldn't want to make too much of a change all at once."
She's the one who presents it to the vagrants. "We got some food from the nun. Would you like some?"
"Very kind of you," Blind gropes for the crate. Euna hastily hands him some fruit and cheese with one of the dosed crackers. She hands the other to Bearded.
Both eat happily. "It's always a struggle for us to get the food," Bearded says. "Neither of us can move very fast. The nun's always run out by the time we get there."
"Then by all means," Euna gestures, "have the rest."
It doesn't take long before all the food is gone. Euna stands up. "We should probably get going now."
"Thank you again." Both hold their hands in grace. "You are so kind to us."
"Think nothing of it." She leads you away.
"Pardon me?" she asks.
"Put some ambrosia in your mouth and dribble it in. It should only take a few drops."
Euna eyes the ragged old men with a cringed nose. "I suppose that might work." After taking a hidden sip of the ambrosia, she sits between them.
"Yer back?" Blind asks.
"We are." Euna has a placid smile. And suddenly, she pulls Bearded close and gives him a long, loving kiss. He doesn't complain.
"What's going on?" Blind asks.
Euna breaks away from Bearded and turns to give Blind the same love. He too makes no complaint. However, Bearded recovers from his stun and crawls over. His hands snake snake into her gownreach around to cup her fishnet-wrapped breastssnake down her bodice.
Euna breaks away. "Hey, now!"
Bearded looks at her confused. "No? Why're you kissing us if you're not looking to get frisky."
"I..." Euna trails off. Her motive must remain hidden, so why indeed was she kissing them? "I guess I am." She kisses Blind once again. Bearded collapses upon her and feel her tits.
Her gown issash isskirt and bodice are soon about her waist. Bearded digs his filthy fingers into her. Blind nudges Euna down toward her crotch. Once his grubby trousers are down, she takes his hairy old cock into her mouth and treats it with all the love she can.
After Blind fires down her throat, Bearded wants his turn too, so she sucks him off as Blind gropes her from behind. Surprisingly, this little tryst doesn't attract attention, and soon Euna is fixing her clothes.
"Don't know what got into you," Bearded says, "but I liked it."
"Well, you know... sometimes I can't help myself," she replies.
"We're always good to get frisky here. Come back if you can't help yourself again."
"We will." Euna leads you away from the men.
"Nice cover," you whisper.
"It just sort of happened," she mutters. "Good lord, I don't think those two have ever bathed in their lives. You have no idea what their manhoods tasted like. Just the smell when their breeches came down." She shudders.
"As though you didn't enjoy it."
She rolls her eyes. "It was for a good cause."
"Do you think you actually cured them?" you ask.
"We'll have to come back tomorrow and find out, and remember." She looks at you. "We must be just as surprised as they are. We can't take credit."
"I know."
"Now. Where to?"
"What?" the blind man asks. "Are you serious?"
The bearded man's eyes are wide.
Both bearded and blind turn toward her.
"Of course," Euna replies.
Euna spins her head to look at you. Her eyes are wide with shock, but then a devilish gleam comes over her.
Euna steels herself and faces the vagrants. "Very well."
"Go ahead," you say. "Get a good feel."
"But I can see..." Blind says.
"Yes? And?" you replies.
"Oh! Well, if you insist." He crawls toward Euna.
The blind man crawls forward, hands feeling.
Euna stops him with her foot. "Hold."
He freezes.
"I will let you see me intimately," she says. "but only after you show proper respect first."
"Of course. What do you mean?"
"First. See my feet. With your lips." Euna lifts her bare footlifts her bare foottugs her foot from her boot and plants it before him. He showers it with slobbery kisses. Her feet are a mess after so much hiking, but the blind man doesn't care. She turns her foot this way and that, making sure he licks her toes and kisses her soles. After enough, Euna pushes him back with her heel.
The blind man is eager, but Euna has something more. "Now, show my body proper respect." She turns, flips up her gownsashskirt, and bends over, bearing her ass. "See my bottom."
The man clambers to do so, but the moment he reaches, she pulls away. "With your lips."
On his hands and knees, he feels forward, face first. Euna guides him with a finger under his chin. He fastens his lips over her anus and digs his tongue. After nearly a minute of wet, slobbering attention,He places kisses upon the globes of her ass, each in turn, until she pushes him away and turns toward the bearded man. She holds out her other foot. "Your turn."
He did not realize he was a part of this.
"Now," she says, and he leaps to it. He grovels like Blind did, sucking toes and kissing her soles.
He's more reluctant to show her ass the same attention, but when she taps her finger, he creeps forward and shows his respect. It takes twice as long until she's satisfied.
Euna turns to face them."Good boys," she says. "Now you may see my intimates as you wish. Hands only."
She lifts up her gownsashskirt to reveal herself. Blind clamps his grubby hand over her snatch. His middle and ring finger inside her.
After, he pulls away and sucks them clean. The bearded man reaches and pinches Euna's clit between two filthy fingers. His fingernails are yellowed and chipped. He too takes a turn penetrating Euna with two digits. "A wonderful cunt, you have, my lady."
"I'd love to have a taste." Blind says.
Euna looks to you.
"Sure," you say. "Euna, let them taste as they please. Spread your legs."
She widens her stance and watches the men warily. Blind gropes out and catches Euna's hips. Securing a hand on each of her ass cheeks, he pulls her forward onto his mouth. A shuddered gasp escapes Euna as his tongue worms inside her.
She's no choice but to tolerate this until he's had his fill. When he releases her, the bearded man beckons her over. He pulls her onto his mouth just as the blind man did. As he tongues her, his finger pushes into her puckered hole. She jumps in surprise, but he holds her tight. He tongues her slit considerably longer than Blind.
Eventually, they're both sated.
"Oy, that was wonderful," Blind says. "Next time you come through. Come 'ere and I'll suck you clean again."
You address Euna. "You should thank the men."
"Thank you," Euna drops her skirt.
You bid the two men farewell. Soon, you two are standing apart from all the other vagrants.
"You certainly took control," you say.
"Because I could," Euna replies. "I know who I am. I could demand anything I wanted from these people, and they'd obey. I could be their tsaritsa, and my body their reward."
"Tsaritsa of the slums." you say.
"How utterly depraved I'd be," she says. "Those those men were filthy, and I let them fondle me in exchange for their subservience." She runs her hands up her body and shivers. "I can't believe how much that aroused me."
"Good," you say. "Because you're not done with these vagrants."
"Lord, those men were filthy," she says, "and I just let them molest me. Simply because you told me to." She runs her hands up her body and shivers. "I can't believe how much that aroused me."
"Good," you say. 'That won't be the last time you pleasure vagrants."
"I can't wait," she says.
"Absolutely not."
"As much as I'd hate to be impolite, I'd rather not." To them, "Please understand your hands are simply not clean enough for that."
"I understand," Blind says.
"All right," the blind one says. "Bye then."
You and Euna head off.
"That is what you'd do, isn't it?" She shakes her head. "At least they could defend me. Come along then. It looks like we could get help in that city."
"That is what you'd do, isn't it?"
"Would you have me leap to your defense instead? I'd end up in the same trouble as you."
Euna shakes her head. "At least the guards could defend me. Come along then. It looks like we could get help in that city."
"With this lot, I think you'd just end up in as much trouble as I'd be in," she says.
"Nonetheless. I'd try."
She regards you, as though weighing how serious you actually are. "Then let's proceed. It looks like we could get help in that city."
"Oh, I wouldn't count on that. Don't you think if these people could get in there, they would? The guards are keeping them out, and they won't see us any differently."
"Perhaps we can convince them."
You and Euna slip in among the vagrants. Many glance your way, particularly at Euna. She lingers closer to you than ever before, almost touching.
The farther in you get, the smell of shit and body odor becomes more horrendous. There is a large shack nearby that is obviously a latrine. Probably little more than a fetid pit inside, and from the look and smell around you, many don't bother using them.
Starting from the gate, a road cuts through the shantytown and leads into the distance. There might be other civilizations out there, but it's anyone's guess how far away they are. More interestingly, a few horse-drawn wagons are waiting in line at the gate which must have come from down that road.
One wagon is set apart from the others. It's pulled to the side of the road, and a woman dressed in a white habit and wimple is passing crates to a throng of vagrants crowding her wagon.
"That's one way we could get in," you muse.
"You can't be serious," Euna replies.
"What? You don't think I can charm the guards with my masculine wiles?"
Try as she might, Euna can't help but grin at your joke. "I know what you really mean, and no. I will not resort to exposing myself for entry."
"Pity. You're far more lovely than those girls. The guards would certainly let you in."
You approach the wagon.
"What do you suppose she's handing out?" Euna asks.
You nod toward a group of vagrants who are seated around an open crate. It's filled with all sorts of food, which the vagrants devour. To your surprise, the food is not a cheap porridge, but a rich collection of fruits, vegetables, meats, and cheeses.
"Oh my," Euna says. "That food looks quite good actually."
"It does." The crates are quite common. Discarded ones are piled together in heaps. Many shanties are constructed out of their dismantled wood. "I think these vagrants depend on these hand outs."
The woman in the habit is young, and quite cute, though her clothing covers all but her face and hands. A wimple covers her hair. Every time she bends over into her wagon to grab more crates, she provides the crowd with an appreciable view of her shapely bottom outlined by her gown.
She brings crates out three at a time and hands them down to vagrants. To each, she beams a smile and shares a word or two. Some vagrants take their crate and scurry off. Others clasp their hands in praise. Every thank you seems to lighten the girl's day.
"I think we could probably take a crate for ourselves," you say.
"Are we allowed?" Euna says. "It looks like the food is meant for the homeless."
"The only difference between these vagrants and us is that we're staying in the wilds."
"Oh." She blinks. "I suppose you're right. We might still get in trouble though. What do you think we should do?"
The woman handing out crates today is quite young and attractive. Her habit tightly conforms to the curves of her body, but it leaves plenty to the imagination.
To every person she hands a crate of food to, she smiles and says a few kind words.
"And blessings be unto you," you say.
She smiles graciously.
She smiles sadly. "The city council tries to discourage my sisters and I from feeding these poor people. They blame us for everyone who has congregated here. Whenever one of us sisters comes out here to give food, the guards arrest us when we try to come back in."
"Every time?"
"Unfortunately. I will be arrested as soon as I've given my supplies."
"Depends on our supplies. Today it is eighty. That is about normal."
You glance at the guards. They're not looking this way. "Do you ever undercount your crates?" you ask.
"Oh no!" The nun replies. "It is against the tenements of Simori for a sister to ever tell a lie."
"So eighty minutes of torment for your charity?"
"As a sister of Simori, it's my duty."
"I will be taken to the square before the barracks, where they'll strip me and put me in the pillory for all the town to witness. I must remain there one minute for every crate I donate."
"I hope the townsfolk don't give you too much trouble."
"Regretfully, they too resent our charity to these people. They'll spend my sentence flogging and pelting me ...among other things."
"They did at first, but when the people out here began to starve, our church decided to refuse the city our services until they allowed us to feed these people. Now they do, but their dictum states that a sister must suffer their penalty for doing so."
"Couldn't you keep refusing services until they stopped that too?" you ask.
"It is not our way to turn away the needful," the sister explains. "Our decision to refuse our services did not come easily, and while we'll did so for the sake of those starving out here, we cannot justify doing so just to spare ourselves an inconvenience."
"An inconvenience?"
She nods. "That is our way. It is an honor to sacrifice ourselves for the greater good."
"The city sees them as blights. I hope one day the people of the city will realize that the people here are no different from them, simply less fortunate. These people only need help."
"As often as we can. These people are not allowed into the city, and the city refuses to lend aid, so they depend upon my sisters and I."
"You're comely enough for my eyes," she says. "Though I doubt the guards would let you in, even if you had a talent. For them, it depends more upon whether they like the looks of you, and you don't have the appearance they prefer."
"What are those?"
"The appearance of an attractive woman."
"Yes. They show unfair bias to outsiders. Most of the people here are men. The women get in more easily. The only women here were deemed too unfitting for the atmosphere."
"I see."
"A comely young woman like yourself?" she says, "Certainly. Have you got a talent?"
"Many, though none I would call enriching, but I am a talented flirt..."
"That might work also. The guards have a habit of looking the other way when a pretty face comes to their door. Though please be careful. They can be predatory."
"I volunteered," she says.
"You did?"
"Yes. Many of us sisters do."
"You don't... want to be flogged, do you?" you ask.
The sister smiles. "No, but I will accept the punishment if it means I spare my sisters from the same fate, and that I get to help the poor and needy. After today, my sisters won't let me volunteer for two weeks. We share the burden."
"The city seeks beauty, art, and pleasure above all else. They welcome those that they believe will enrich the culture there. They abhor anyone they believe detracts from it, even if that person's only crime is that they've never had the chance to learn any artful talent."
"You just need an artful talent then?" you ask.
"Even if one did, the town might also shun them for their appearances. Many of the people here would belong perfectly well within the wall, but because of their physical imperfections, the city does not want them."
"All are welcome to seek aid at our church. Unfortunately, I don't believe you'll be allowed in the city. The guards only allow nobility in, or those whom they believe would belong. They'll take you for one of these poor souls and turn you around."
"I am a sister of the Simori church," she says. "It is in our home that we show praise to the great Simorg of ages. We're dedicated to bringing the great beast's will of charity and peace to the world. One day perhaps, our ways will spread to all, and we will have paradise on earth, but until that day, we must endeavor in the face of violence and selfishness. Though we never lose faith. Nor do we blame or judge others for their way, but forgive them. For only in forgiveness can others find the way."
"Oh." She frowns. "You have a strange look about you. I would have thought you a foreigner."
"I get that a lot," you say.
"Well, blessings upon you."
"Of course," she says. "Everyone is welcome to this food."
"Then no, I'm not from around here."
"It's an honor to meet you. Where are you from?"
"I'm from a faraway place called Ruthgar, and I'm trying to get home. Heard of it?"
The woman shakes her head. "I am sorry. I do hope you find your way."
"I saw the guards arrest one of your fellow sisters the other day. What was that about?"
"How many crates do you donate?"
"What will happen to you after you're arrested?"
"How come the city doesn't stop you from coming out in the first place?"
"Why doesn't the city help the vagrants?"
"Do you think I'm pretty enough to get in?"
"How did you get stuck with this job?"
"What sort of people belong in the city besides nobles?"
"Would I be welcomed at the Simori church?"
"You don't want any food?" the sister asks.
"No thank you. We don't need it. I just wished to talk to you."
"Then, blessings upon you." She bows.
You return to Euna.
"No crate?" she asks.
"I just wanted to talk with her."
You explain everything you discussed with the sister, including how she will be arrested and publicly humiliated for what she's doing here.
This bothers Euna. "What she's doing here is charity. She should not be punished for it. No one should."
She hands you the crate. "Enjoy it, and blessings upon you, stranger. I wish you luck."
"Thank you. Blessings to you too," and you shoulder your way back to Euna.
"Go on then," Euna says.
Of course it's up to you to wade through the crowd of smelly homeless men.
After some work, you get to the front. The woman speaks to the men as she hands out crates.
"Blessing be to you," she says to one. He thanks her and scurries off.
"Remember to be charitable now," she says to another. He ignores her and practically yanks the crate from her grasp. She doesn't let this bother her.
"It's good to see you in better health," she says to a third. This one is an elder man who supports himself on a cane. "The medicine is helping then?"
"Aye," the old man says, taking a crate. "I am much better now. Bless you, Child."
She smiles warmly.
Your turn comes up. She hands you a crate, but pauses. "I've not seen you before. Are you living in this camp?" She gestures to the shanties.
You wade through the crowd to the front. After waiting in turn, the woman hands you a crate.
"Blessings be to you," she says.
You snatch the crate and work your way back toward Euna. The woman does not call after you. After returning, you glance back. She's handing out more crates, unconcerned that you did not answer her question.
"It would be a sacrifice for a noble cause," you say.
She snorts. "Maybe you should do it then if you care so much."
"I would, but I wouldn't be a crowd favorite like you would be."
"No doubt, but the nun will have to shoulder her own burden."
"Oh, I should?" she says. "I think you just want to see me fastened to a pillory."
"Maybe. Will you do it?"
"No. That sort of sexual play would be too much for me even if there wasn't an angry crowd."
"Oh, I should?" she says. "I think you just want to see me fastened to a pillory, being flogged and humiliated by countless people?"
"That's just a silver lining," you say.
"First of all, I'm the sort of queen who holds the whip." She strokes a finger along your chin. "And I prefer to torment my victims in privacy."
"As much as I enjoy it when you strap me down and punish me, I'm not prepared to let anyone else do it."
"Not even for a good cause?"
She nearly replies, stops, and appraises the nun. She bites her lip provocatively.
Ultimately, she dismisses the idea. "No. Tempting, but no."
"Are you sure?"
"Not today. Maybe some day soon, after I'm just a little more comfortable with pain play. Then maybe I can help that nun."
"Shall we?" you ask.
She shakes her head. "No. I'm sorry. I want to but... It's just... I'm not ready. Soon though. Let me think about it more. Maybe after I'm a little more used to punishment. Then I promise I'll do it."
"I'll hold you to it," you say.
"Not today," she replies.
"...but some other day?"
She shrugs. "Who knows what the future holds."
"Let's grab a crate.""Let's talk to the sister again."
"Let's watch and see what happens."
"I think you should offer to take her place when she goes into the city."
"You're going to swap places with the nun again.""Let's help the nun again."
Euna looks around. "Let's get back to camp. I can feel these vagrants' eyes."
The homeless certainly are watching her, but not because of the food she two, but not because of the food you carry. It's probably best to leave.
"Are you still afraid of these people?"
Get in line to enter the city.
Examine the guards and how those wagons are getting into the city.
[Apothecary Thimble]: "I'm sure any of these men would love to give you their seed."
Investigate the woman handing out crates.
Talk with some nearby vagrants.
You locate some vagrants who seem to have nothing better to do. There are plenty. The group you pick out are a pair of old men in a alcove made out of a clustered circle of shanties. Each sit outside their respective homes, inside of which is piled bedding like a rat's nest, some meager possessions, and pots. Scraps of food and junk litter the clearing.
The men themselves wear rags. One has a long, scraggly beard. He sits with a thin wooden cane in his lap. The other sits on the ground staring into nothing. His eyes are clouded and unfocused.
You locate the bearded man and his blind friend, the two vagrants you spoke to before. Both sit at the entrance to their shanties, protecting their disheveled beddings and pots.
The men look up as you approach.
"'ello," says the bearded one.
"Hi," you say.
"Who is it?" says the other. His faded eyes glance about.
"It's the pretty woman and the man,""It's the two pretty women," Bearded replies.
"Oh, ello!" The blind one waves in your direction.
"We saw you wondering about," Bearded says.
"Well, he saw you," Blind adds.
Euna curtsies. "It's a pleasure."
Blind holds out his hands as though to feel Euna's face.out, beckoning for you both to let him feel your faces. They're filthy. The nails are encrusted with dirt. Euna does not step forward.
"Oh, it's you!" Blind looks you and Euna over, particularly Euna. "Good to see you, innit?"
"And good to see you too," she replies.
"What can we do for you?"
This time, both men are leering at Euna. Blind's eyes are not as faded as they were before.
"Oh my!" Euna says. "What's going on here? Can you see me?"
"I can!" Blind says proudly. "Dunno how. And I wouldn't say see. Yer more of a blob, but a damn pretty one at that."
"When did this happen?"
"We just woke up like this."
"That's right." Bearded struggles to his feet and takes two steps. He stands proudly, although not exactly confidently. "No pain!" he says.
"How in the world did this happen?" Euna asks, eyes wide and curious.
"Honest. Don't really know," Blind says. "Miracle. Must be."
"It was celestial." Bearded sits back down. "I was just telling him last night about how the stars were falling last night. Must have been magic filtering down. I reckon a whole lot of people woke this morning without their woes."
"That must be it," you say.
"One thing for sure, I won't be needing this anymore." Bearded hands you his cane. It's old and worn. "Take it a hundred miles from here and toss it away."
"Are you sure?" Euna asks.
"Yeh! Toss it in the ocean. I'll never need it again. I'm sure."
"If you say so..." You take the cane.
"So." Blind looks Euna up and down. His new eyes are clearly enjoying the view. "Sit with us. Talk."
You both do.
The blind man holds out his hands toward Euna.
"He's seen me enough," Euna says.
"No," she says. "Unlike you, I still find it rude when people look at my breasts, whether with their eyes or their hands."
She stands and returns by you, away from the two men.
Euna regards you. She realizes this isn't about being polite. You just want to see if she'll do it.
Euna regards you. She's realizing that your letting him see you that was more about making her follow suit.
"Oh very well," she says. "See me as you will."
His hands are first upon her face, her neck, her sides, her belly, and finally her breasts. He takes a good long feel with both hands while she rolls her eyes.
Suddenly, his grubby hands slip into her gownskirt up to her fishnet topslip down her bodice and cup her breasts, flesh against grimy, sweaty flesh.
"I think you've seen me enough." She pulls his hands away.
"I could see you all day," the blind man says.
"I'm sure you could." Her smile is good-natured.
"What about me?" the bearded man asks. "Can I see you?" He holds up his hands.
Euna glances at you. You nod, so she bares her breasts for the man. "You can see with your eyes," she says.
He ogles as though in a trance. When she covers herself, he's left dumbfounded.
"There, now you've all had your fill." She stands and returns to you.
"I don't mean to be, but this is the sort of crowd that might have no qualms about forcing themselves on meus."
"'This sort of crowd'?"
"Vagabonds," she says. "I know they're probably good people—"
"Probably? These people are just as human as you and me. They've just not had the good fortune that you and I have had."
"I know, but this sort of destitution can make people desperate."
"I honestly think the crowd inside the walls is more likely to force themselves on you."
"I know..."
"And frankly. you've whored yourself to pirates at a dock. Are these people worse than that?"
"No. They're not. I'm just not comfortable around crowds like this."
"What do you mean?" she asks.
"I think you need to stick around here and get to know these people. Maybe once you're familiar with them, you won't be so afraid."
She looks around. "I suppose we can do that."
"Not we. You."
"Me? Alone?"
"You're the one who cringes from these honest people. Not me. So I'm ordering you to stay here alone and talk with every person."
"...Very well."
"Also. Take off your clothes."
"I think if you're around these people at your most vulnerable, you'll see that they're harmless. Or at least that you can easily survive whatever harm they might bring you."
She chews her lip and looks about. "I might get taken advantage of. I might get raped." She shivers.
"Maybe. Now strip."
"Yes. I dare you to talk to everyone here."
"Are you daft?"
"You don't think you can do this?"
"Of course I can. I used to do these sorts of walk-about in the convent. It was easy."
"Easy? Then maybe we should make it harder. Do it naked."
"That should be a hard enough challenge."
"I should say so. You just want to see what sort of sexual mishaps I'll get forced into with these people, but you know what? Fine. I'll do it anyway. Like you said, I'm sure I can handle it."
Euna strips down and hands her bundled clothes to you.
"I will endeaver to converse with everyone here," she says. "Where are you going to go?"
"Into the city, probably. I'll come back tonight."
"Are you sure you don't want to watch over me? In case I get into any real trouble?"
"That would defeat the point," you reply. "I'm sure you can take care of yourself."
"Are you sure you don't want to join me? Two naked ladies might be more interesting than one."
"I've already been naked around my fair share of vagabonds. Today it's all about you."
Vagrants are already taking notice of her. She takes a few steadying breaths and marches toward a group of men huddled around a small fire. "I'll see you when I see you."
You don't hang around. Instead, you take a walk around the city wall close to where your carved handholds are. There, you hide Euna's clothing beneath a bush and climb over the wall into the city.
It's nice to finally be able to prowl about at your own pace. You find your way to the festival and get a few strong drinks. After some dances, you make friends, and with them you have more drinks. At some point the night gets fuzzy. Somebody invites you to come along to somewhere, and you agree. You forget all about Euna.
"I expect I'd live among the homeless here. A nude woman such as myself surely could find a new master she can give her body to in exchange for food and shelter."
"Maybe you'd find many such masters."
"Maybe." She bites her lip. "Maybe I'd become the slut of the slums. I'd let anyone do whatever they wanted to me, just because you told me to stay here and do so."
"I simply have to order you?"
She turns to you. "It's a naughty thought, but you're not actually planning to leave me with the homeless, right?"
"Not sure you could handle that?"
"I like being your slave most of all."
"I would have thrived," she says. "They were quite ready to accept me as their ruler. Honestly, it's amazing how much that little town benefit from just a single night of my leadership and sexual encouragement."
"So you would have been tsaritsa of the vagabonds."
"For a while, until I grew bored. Then I would resume my quest for home."
"Without any clothes or possessions?"
"I know how to use my body to entice men now," she says. "It's my most powerful asset, and the only one I need. Frankly, that sounds like an interesting challenge."
She turns to you. "This is all hypothetical, mind you. You will not be leaving me behind anywhere."
"Not without your permission, Your Highness."
"Good. I'm still rather fond of your company."
"I would be upset of course," she says.
"But then?"
"I supposed I'd make a new home among the homeless. They've already agreed to take me in, but don't do it. I'm still quite fond of you."
You wake up in an unfamiliar bed spooned between two men. Father and son. Vague recollections come to you of being fucked by both of them at once. It was warm pressed between their bodies. a man and a woman. Mother and son.... you think, but they look so similar of age that you're not sure. Vague recollections come to you of sucking the man's semen out of the woman's pussy, and she sucked yours out of his. Or something like that. two women. Mother and daughter. Vague recollections come to you of pushing them together into a sixty nine and the running around enjoying all their holes while they tongued each other. There may have been other people earlier in the night too, but you're not sure.
Either way, you dress and slip away without waking anyone, and with your head hammering, you hurry back to the slums outside the city. A quick scan around locates Euna near the center of the town with a group of vagrants.
She still completely nude, only now she has a general grime about her. She sits reclined upon a chair of old pillows, and the area around her looks very much cleaned up. All around, vagrants are picking up debris. An old woman works at a nearby fire making stew, a bowl of which Euna is currently enjoying. It seems she got the first. Meanwhile, a scruffy looking man is knelt by Euna, giving her feet a massage.
She seems utterly relaxed, but she perks up upon seeing you. "Ah. See?" She says to the old woman. "I told you he would return."
"You've become their queen," you say.
She looks around at the cleaning vagrants. "In exchange for a few favors, I may have convinced some to take better care of their own home. You took your time getting here."
"Drank a bit too much. Woke up in someone else's bed."
"You'll have to tell me about that sometime." She finishes her stew and pushes away her massager with the ball of her foot. "Time for me to head out now."
"Are you sure you don't want to stay?" asks a nearby man.
"No, no. I must go. Time for you all to say your goodbyes." Standing, she starts first with the kneeling foot massager by resting a hand on his head and guiding him to plant a kiss upon her smooth pubic moundpubic mound, just at the start of her bush. Each man comes in turn, kneels, and plants the same kiss. The old woman is last, but instead Euna hugs her to her breasts and plants a kiss on the woman's head. Then it's time to go.
She still completely nude, only now she has a general grime about her. She sits curled up by the legs of a few men sitting around a fire. They're eating bowls of food with forks while she eats from her own bowl with her fingers.
She perks up when you approach. "You're back."
"Oh, so this is him," one of the men says.
"Don't worry," says another. "We took good care of your ladyfriend. We started to think you'd left her with us."
"Hey," the first says to Euna. "Why don't you tell him what you did for our food scraps?"
She blushes. "I let these men fuck me. I wasn't sure when you were coming back."
"I met some people in town," you say. "Went home with them for a fun romp. Ready to go?"
Euna gets up.
The man next to her catches her wrist. "How about a kiss goodbye," he says.
Euna bends and gives him a quick kiss upon the lips, but it's not enough for him. He catches her head and worms his tongue in her mouth. To each man, she goes and does the same. Each enjoys a long wet kiss to their own liking.
You walk with her back toward her hidden clothes. "So. You survived."
"I did. It was a strange night, but I met with every single person in that camp."
"Did you have sex with any of them?"
"Yes." She tabulates on her fingers. "Nine of them."
"Nine? That's it?"
"I'm sure you were hoping for more, but as it turns out, most people are quite gentlemanly toward a naked woman."
"Did you turn down any advances?"
"Yes. Hundreds. If I hadn't, I would have never had a chance to meet all of them, and I'm glad I did. There are some extraordinary people there: soldiers, craftsmen, escaped slaves, mothers. Some are dull. Others are brilliant. And of course a few are criminals who left their lands to avoid the law. Either way, it was quite an experience."
"As much as I'd love to toss away every last scrap of my clothing, I probably shouldn't. Nearly every conversation I had last night was about my nudity. The only people who didn't talk about it were the blind ones, so as liberating as this experience was, I'd like to have other topics of conversation with people I meet."
"So not again?"
"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure with you whispering in my ear, I'll be naked in public plenty. I just won't do it all the time."
"Oh Lord. That would be intense."
"As arousing as that sounds, I don't think I shall agree to that."
"Why not?"
"There were over two hundred people in that shanty town. Nearly half of them courted me in some manner or another. I would be rutting with them nonstop."
"Sounds fun."
"Sounds exhausting."
"But it also sounds like you're interested," you say.
"...I might be."
"So never?"
"I wouldn't say never," she says. "Who knows what the future holds?"
"Yes," she says. "I'm sure you'll be delighted to hear that they raped me."
"I wouldn't say I'm delighted. What happened?"
"There was an unruly lot near the far end of the wall. The others warned me not to visit them, but you gave me orders to talk to everyone,I said I'd talk to everyone, and I intended to, so I went over anyway. They were a rude bunch. Kept leering. I tried to get to know them, and then they made some rude remark about how I was going to give them a lot of pleasure. I told them not to make idle threats,I kept trying to talk to them, but they circled around me, and the next thing I know, they're holding me down and taking turns raping me."
Euna holds out her arms to show you bruises on her wrists. There are more on her neck and breasts.
"How many?" you ask.
"Two of them came inside me before others came and pulled them off. My rescuers were such gentlemen too. They looked after me and made sure I was all right, and not one of them wanted to fuck me, even after I offered myself as a reward."
"Not one?"
"No. They thought I was a crazy woman for going over to the criminals in the first place. I toned down my recklessness after that."
"You don't seem very bothered that you were just raped."
She shrugs. "I walked over to those men naked and alone knowing full well what sort of people they were. I won't say I wanted it, but I did expected it. Frankly, now that it's done, I'm wondering what all the fuss is about. Perhaps being raped is just a state of mind. One feels violated if a stranger breaks the lock of their house and steals their belongings, but one who keeps their doors open, and does not covet their possessions will be little troubled by a theft."
"Ah, so most women treat their bodies as sacred, whereas you now treat yours like a slum?"
"On the contrary, my body is a temple, and like any good temple, I keep my doors open for the poor and the lame."
She chuckles. "I'd feel perfectly safe coming there to sleep and eat and bathe. Those people are my friends now. They'd look after us."
"Certainly, though I don't know if I'd do it. I think we'd have to resign ourselves to being grimy all the time."
"I could live with that."
"I don't know if I could.
"I did quite a lot last night. Let's see..." Euna thinks. "I had conversations with everyone, of course. I talked several men into cleaning up the litter. The place is much cleaner now.I cleaned up several shanties for some of the less abled. I let three men shove their fists inside of me in exchange for dinner,I sucked three men off in exchange for their dinner, but then I had a wonderful meal where they told me stories. And afterward they all had sex with me at once.I entertained them all with some lewd dancing. Afterward they all had sex with me at once. Later, I washed washed linens for many of them down by the river.I taught several of them how to mend their blankets. I helped a man comb the fleas out of his dog's fur. Then I gave a tongue bath to a crippled old man. I was like a mother cat grooming her kitten.gave cloth baths to a few crippled old men who couldn't get to the river to bathe themselves. Come night, I fucked a man so vigorously that his heart nearly failed, and then I cuddled up with him all night.let two men do whatever they wanted to me so long as they let me sleep in their bed."
"And you did all this naked?"
"Every bit, and that's just a some of what I did last night. It was all quite rewarding."
"What would you have done if I'd never come back?"
"Maybe you should go naked more often."
"Maybe you should do it again, but next time you don't say no to sexual advances."
"Did the criminals cause you any problems?"
"Think maybe we should move in?"
You fetch them out from their hiding place.
"Oh good." Euna dresses. "So, now that it's over, I will admit that you were right."
"About what?"
"There is nothing to fear from those people. I've made myself as vulnerable as possible to them, and I'm fine. I've survived the worst that could happen." She hesitates. "Well, I suppose someone could have killed me, but I know everyone there now, and I don't think anyone would wish me harm."
"Not even those criminals?"
She thinks. "Well, maybe them, but all the rest of the vagrants would come to my protection. People are naturally good. I'm glad you helped me see that."
"Yes, they do." Euna looks around. Dogs live among the homeless. Many are gaunt, and all are filthy. "Mangy mutts more like."
"Just like these people."
Her eyes twinkle. "Are you ordering me to give myself to one of these filthy hounds?"
"I am, but I'll be kind and let you pick the beast. This time."
"You really do think of the most depraved things." She looks about. "Fine. I'll do this. But I'll be picking which one."
Euna strolls among the homeless. Their hounds range from snarling wolf-like beasts, to mutts scraping what they can off dry bones.
"That one." Euna points to a mutt lounging with two unkempt men dressed only in breeches. While they play a cheap dice game between their two hovels, their dog crowd watches. It's obvious why Euna has picked this one. Its fur is matted, but it's in good health. More importantly, it pants happily and stares with vacant eyes. No other hounds seem as friendly.
Euna pets the dog. It sniffs her, and she recoils from its breath, particularly when it tries to lick her face in earnest. As she pets the mutt, she inspects its shaggy coat to gauge the dog's condition, and she checks between the legs.
"Oh, the naked lady," one of the men says. He has a long gray beard. "Like em? Friendly boy, in't he?"
The dogs tries to hop up to lick Euna's face.
"Down, Bensu." The other man shouts. His words are sharp as steel. The dog settles.
"I would like to have fun with Bensu," Euna says.
"My lady would like to get to know Bensu better," you say.
"Go ahead," the vagrant says. "He's friendly enough."
"You don't understand," you say...
"Hmm. You liked seeing that, did you? Very well. I will debase myself with a dog again." Though again, Euna picks the dog, and she beelines to Bensu and the same two vagrants.
They grin when they see her. "Yer back," one says. "What do you want?"
"Why else do you think..." you say.
"Oh! Yeh." The other vagrant hurries off and returns with the same flea-ridden mutt from before, towing it by the collar.
"Enjoy yourself, Euna," you say.
"But it's... filthy," she says. "Look at this mongrel."
You fold back back the dog's fur to reveal a sea of little black dots along the skin. The infestation has left the dog mottled with rashes and flaking dander.
"I see it," you say. "And you're going to suck it off."let it fuck you."
She pleads with her eyes, but you don't yield, so despite her fears, she looks back at the dog.
"Well get on," one vagrant says. "The boy needs a bitch to mount." Both have their dicks in hand.
With no other recourse, Euna crawls toward the mongrel.sits back and reveals her rump to the mongrel.
"Is it too much for you?" you ask.
Euna smirks. "A challenge?" She eyes the dog. It stalks toward her, and she scratches behind its ears. Her fingers come away with black crud under the nails. "Do you want some love, you poor old fleabag?"
"Get on with it," one vagrant says. Both are ready with dicks in hand.
Euna glares at them, then crawls toward the mongrel.sits back to reveal her rump to the mongrel. "Come here, fleabag."
"Come here, you poor thing," Euna beckons the dog.
It slinks over. She scratches it's ears and flank, and the dog's drooped tails begins to wag.
"You don't get enough love here, do you? Nobody takes care of you." She kisses its nose. "I'll show you some love."
It's interested in sniffing her crotch, but she manages to get it to roll onto its side. Its emerging rod is caked with slickness, flaked skin, and a few dead fleas. Euna takes it into her mouth and immediately gags. But steeling herself, she tries again.
But if the rancid taste wasn't hard enough. The dog squirms and thrusts, making this more difficult.
"Heh! He's a wiggler," One vagrant says. "You're gonna have to earn it."
Euna resorts to swinging her leg over and sitting on the dog. Beneath her gownsashskirt, the mutt noses her crotch. He still wiggles, so she lies down to pin him beneath her body.
Finally, she's able to suck its scummy red dick properly, though she's hugging it to keep him from squirming. Her breasts are against its flea-ridden belly. Her arms are wrapped about its hind. Her lips are about the base of its cock, with its shaft down her throat while the dog laps at her flower. Meanwhile, she gags constantly from the mutt's disgusting dick, and her nose is buried in flea-infested fur. It's an absurd sixty-nine. When the mutt climaxes, she swallows all the cum down.
It sniffs the cum already leaking from her. This brings out the dog's enthusiasm, as well as a rod glistening with slick mess, flaked skin, and dead fleas. Euna pulls the dog on top of her. It paws at her chest for purchase, and its thrusting finds its mark. The dog violates her while she strokes it.
The vagrants stroke their own cocks. One stoops to see the dog's red cock battering her pussy.
He grins. "Hehh! He's knotting her. Good dog. Good dog."
The mutt thrusts right through its orgasm. Its swelling knot locks him in. Humping stops. Now it squirms to get away. No luck.
Euna assuages the beast with scratches. "What a good dog." She embraces it with arms and legs. The dog tries to scratch itself with its hind leg, an awkward affair while lodged in Euna. It dislodges a shower of fleas onto her. They crawl around.
"Yer a flea-ridden bitch now, aren't ye?" one vagrant says.
Euna smiles weakly at him.
"Answer him," you say. "What are you?"
"I'm a... I'm a flea-ridden bitch," Euna says. "A flea-ridden bitch who cleans dog cocks with her mouth.""A dog's bitch. Good for breeding."
The vagrants chuckle.
Euna eyes him while still cradling the dog. "You will watch your tone."
He sobers. "Er, yes, eh... my lady."
The mutt squirms free from under her. It scampers off. Its knotted cock bounces about. Numerous fleas dot Euna's body. She brushes away those she can find, but misses many.
The mutt pops free and scampers off. She squeezes her legs together to hold in a deluge of watery cum. She brushes away what fleas dot her torso, and they hop away, but there are many more she's missing.
"That was somethin," one vagrant says. "That was the dirtiest thing I've ever seen."
"How about a suck now, ya mutt bitch?" says the other.
They both still stroke their cocks.
"Bensu is always up for fucking a bitch," they say. "But right here though, where we can see."
"Then enjoy the show," you reply. "Euna?"
The vagrant blinks and looks at her. "Wha? Why?"
"My reasons are my own. If you agree, then I will allow you to watch. Do we have an agreement?"
"Uhh, yeh." The man nods. "He's yers."
The vagrant blinks. "Wha?"
"Fuck her," you say. "Mount her. Breed her like a bitch."
Grins come over both men. "A dirty girl, eh? Okay. As long as we get to watch."
Between their hovels and out of view of most, Euna unfastens and shrugs off her gown.peels off her fishnet top and whisks away her sash.peels off her bodice and skirt. She gives the dog rough, playful scratches along his flank and resists cringing when he noses her face. His tail whips. When she lies back, Bensu's tongue laps at her crotch.
His cock unsheathes, and she rolls over onto her hands and knees. The dog leaps upon her. His cock pokes blindly until she reaches between her legs and guides him to her slit.
"Rut her, Bensu," one vagrant yells. "Pump the bitch full." Both clutch their crotches through their breeches.
Bensu wraps his paws about Euna's waist and humps her for all he's worth. She props her forearms on the earth and rests her head. Her breasts drag in the dirt.
The dog is not one for stamina. He tenses as though heartstruck. Euna shudders as Bensu fills her with runny cum, but now he can't hop off. He's fixed to Euna, cock to cunt. Instead, he takes to nosing the back of her neck.
"Heh! He knotted you," one vagrant says.
Eventually, the dog breaks free and runs off. Its red member bounces about. Euna is left lying in the dirt with runny cum spilling from her quim. The abrupt fuck has left her breathless and unsatisfied.
"Yeh, sure. Bensu won't mind," they say. "As long as we get to watch."
"I hope you do," you reply. "Euna?"
The vagrant blinks and looks at her. "Wha? Why?"
"My reasons are my own. If you agree, then I will allow you to watch. Do we have an agreement?"
"Uhh, yeh." The man nods. "He's yers."
The vagrant blinks. "Wha?"
"You know... suck it's cock?" you say. "Take it down her throat. Drink its cum."
Grins come over both men. "A dirty girl, eh? Okay. As long as we get to watch."
Between their hovel and out of view of most, Euna shrugs her gown off her shoulderspeelspeels off her bodice and gives the dog playful scratches along his flank.
His red cock unsheathes. It's covered in slick gunk. She plays with it until it's reaches a proper length, then gets Bensu to roll onto his side. Now, she's able to freely sink her lips upon his cock to its base. The gunk is gone when she comes up.
"What a dirty bitch," one vagrant mutters.
"Suck that cock," says the other. Both clutch their crotches through their breeches.
Euna is on her elbows sucking the dog for all she's worth. Her breasts drag in the dirt.
Bensu humps as best he can while supine. He's not one for stamina. The base of his cock swells, and Euna pauses her bobbing to swallow repeatedly. Finished, she gives his dick a final peck upon its tip.
With that, Bensu takes off. His red member bounces about. Euna sits back on her haunches.
"That was somethin, wasn't it?" One is practically sitting over Euna and leering at her. "If ye'll do that with a hound, ye'll suck a cock, won't ye?" He tugs his breeches down to reveal a grody nest of pubic hair and a cock filthy with sweat and precum.
"Wait a sec." The other vagrant runs off and returns pulling another dog on a leash. Bensu was a groomed purebred compared to this animal. Its fur is caked together, as though it had rolled in wet garbage a month ago and has yet to receive a bath.
"Got another mutt for ya," he says.
"This dog?" Euna sits up and pets the dog, though quickly recoils. "My Lord. This animal has fleas."
"Maybe a few."
The dog is already scratching itself.
"Don't you take care of your animals?" Euna asks.
Both men chuckle. "We can hardly take care of ourselves. Go on now. Ye were hot for one mutt. Suck this one too.Spread yer legs for this one too."
Apprehensive, she looks to you.
"The lady will polish your poles, and then we must go."
"Where's that fleabag dog from before...?""This dog needs love too."
She doesn't move.
"Well go on," you say. "Let him feel you."
"Why don't you let him feel your face?" Euna asks him. "Why just mine?"
"Because he's reaching for you."
"I can hear how beautiful you are," the blind man adds. "My hands are the only way I have to see such beauty. Please?"
"No thank you," Euna says. "We're only here to ask a few questions."
"But it's how I see," the old man says.
"No. You'll just have to use your imagination."
"Oh. All right then," the blind man deflates a little.
She eyes the man. He holds out his grimy hands again.
Crouching, she guides his hands to her face. He feels her features, and strays downward.
He explores her neck, her breasts, even slipping both hands into her gownover her fishnetsdown her bodice and cupping both breasts, but when he trends south of her waist, she pulls away.
"Behave yourself."
He smiles. "It's lovely to see you too, pretty lady. Some day you'll let me see more."
Euna backs away. "Behave yourself."
"It's how I see. How else am I supposed to know what you look like?" he says.
"Make do with seeing my face."
"As you wish."
"Very well."
As usual, the two are camped in front of their shanties. Blind pokes dirt with a stick. Bearded seemed to be dozing, but he raises his head when she nears and murmurs to his friend. She stops before them and pulls her gown aside.lifts her sash.pulls the hem of her skirt up.
"You two are going to fuck me," she says. "Understood?"
Their eyes light.
"Uh, yes, my lady," says Bearded. "God yes."
"Would any of you care to fuck me?"
Bearded quickly speaks up. "Oh God yes. Come over here."
He gets her to lie in his shanty. He maneuvers on top and tugs off his ragged trousers. His knobbly cock is bearded just like him. A giant mat of gray, wiry hair covers his groin from thighs to naval. His balls are furry socks made pendulous by his age. And the smell is overwhelming. He obviously hasn't bathed in months, yet when he enters her, she wraps her legs about him. His thrusts are sad little humps.
After fires his seed inside her and rolls off, Blind stumbles over,feels his way up, cock hard and ready. Euna guides him over her, and his cock into her quim.
After, she holds him close until he's regains his breath. Uncoupled, Euna notices that she's drawn a crowd. Other vagrants from around the camp have circled. They stand about leering.
"How about you offer yourself to some of the vagrants?"
"How about you fuck some of the vagrants?"
Her eyes widen. She looks around at the filthy, grimy vagrants men with mixed excitement and revulsion. "Who would you have me do?"
"Some of these vagrants have dogs..."
"How about our friends, Beard and Blind?"
"How about the most disgusting vagrant around. Make sure you really get their stench on you."
"You don't," says Blind. "The stuck up shites don't want any outsiders."
"We'd ruin the culture, they say." Bearded spits on the ground. "But I've heard what goes on inside those walls. Culture my bollocks. Me?" He holds up his cane. "One look at this and those guards turn me around. I don't walk all dignified."
"I was a craftsman," Blind says. "More useful than all them. I made the finest jewelry you'd ever see before my home town got raided."
"This again..." Bearded mutters.
"Ey! I could do it. I can see again, can't I? Not well, but I can cut a gem. If they gave me a chance, I could make the finest jewelry you'd ever laid eyes on."
"I used to be this. I could give that. ... ladeeda. We all have those stories. I was a soldier once, and I can walk again. They don't care."
"If they'd just let me show them..." Blind mutters.
"Oh, shut up," says Bearded. "You're always going on about this. I haven't seen any damn jewelry."
"And how am I supposed to see the bloody gems!"
"Ye can't go saying you should get in because of your jeweling when you can't even see. Whose ever heard of a blind jeweler."
"I was the best though..." Blind sulks.
"No, they haven't," Blind says. "Long time ago, they wanted to bring a bunch of us lame folk to their church, but the guards wouldn't allow it. Heard it became a whole quarrel with the city council. Friend of mine asked the sisters once if they could just bring some medicine out here, but the nuns got all cagy. Said they weren't allowed. Didn't talk about it much. Dunno why."
"Oh!" Euna realizes what you're asking about, and what the nun's never said. "Could you excuse us a minute?"
Both men shrug, and Euna guides you away. "You think our ambrosia could help them?"
"It might," you reply. "I'm not sure."
"Well, I think it's a wonderful idea. It might not take more than a few drops."
"But the nuns didn't give it to him."
"They couldn't," she replies. "The silly city elders—"
"Right, but even if somebody else starts treating the vagrants with ambrosia..."
Her face falls. "They'll blame the Simori."
"Exactly," you say, "so we can't just give him the ambrosia, but...
You guide Euna away. She follows, confused at first. "Is this about giving him ambrosia?"
You nod. "I was thinking...
"...maybe we could find something to slip it in."
[Box of Food]: "...We could put it in with this food we got from the nun."
"Ohh! That's not a bad idea," Euna says. "But what though?"
You shrug.
She notices the vagrants watching you two, or at least Bearded is. "We should move back."
The two of you break your private conversation and return to the two.
"Ello again," Bearded says.
You step forward into the blind man's reach. He runs his grubby fingers along the contours of your face. They smell like dirt. Damp sweat radiates from his palms, and the exchange does leave you feeling the need to wipe your face, but you resist.
After he's finished with you, he once again reaches his hands out toward Euna. Again she doesn't step forward.
You lean in subtly while his hands are skirting overy our belly. Euna may not even have noticed, but he did. And he understands he's free to explore farther. His hands pat down your thighs, then return to tug the waist of your leggings down.
He first feels the smoothness of your skin down there.the bristle of your hair down there. Of course, his hands find your cock. "Oh, my..." he mutters. "It's been a long time since I've seen another like you."sex. His fingers play over the folds of your labia. "Quite lovely."
He withdraws his hands and nods gratefully.
Euna watched all of that with astonished eyes.
You don't react when he drift lower, which he takes as an invitation. His grubby hands pat over your breasts, getting a good feel for their heft. He lingers, but not all that long before he's exploring your sides and belly. It's almost as though his groping really was just about seeing you.
"Age," Blind says. "Age is a villain to us all."
"It wasn't what got me," Bearded adds. "I was stabbed by a coward. I was a young man then."
"No you weren't," Blind replies.
"I was younger," he snaps, "in a tavern far from here. It was owned by an old friend of mine. Big man, healthy stomach, and a beautiful daughter who tended the customers. One night, a rowdy group of drinkers flirted with the sweet girl, if ye can call it that. She wasn't having any of it, but they wouldn't stop. Then she goes to the tavern shed to fetch another cask, and what do you know? These men follow her. I found them tossing her around. The poor girl was crying. Anyone wit' half a mind knew where this was going, but I broke them up. Had em all goin' home, then one scrawny little bastard came up behind me and yah!" Bearded makes a sharp motion with his hand. "Stabbed me right in the ass. It never healed right. Been on a cane ever since."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Euna says. "It's a shame how the good are punished for their deeds."
He chuckles. "Heh. The drinks were on the house from then on. ...Till I nearly drank that tavern out of coin."
One man approaches you. "Sweet slut ye got there."
"Isn't she, though."
"Hope yer sharin her with all of us."
"Sure. Anyone who wants a turn can go ahead."
"If I did that, we'd be here all day, and we have places to be."
The man grins, showing several missing teeth. He gathers closer to where Euna is fucking. He waits until the vagrant on top of her finishes, then climbs onto her. Euna's eyes widen as she realizes that he is not one of the original men you told her to please, but she doesn't resist as the man drops his sodden trousers and clumsily penetrates her.
(Reduce this scene so it's just one-on-one over and over. It'll be more real.)
Their cheer is thunderous. They surge forward and surround her. Hands explore her body. Within moments, Euna is on the ground, a grubby man climbs on top of her, and the first filthy penis is entering her. Another enters her mouth. She sucks it lovingly. Others crowd around. It's difficult to stay close to her, but you manage. When you do get a glimpse, vagrants are squeezing her hand around their cocks. Another rubs himself with her feet. The mass of people are nearly smothering.
When the man inside her finishes, he pulls out. The group roll her on her side and pull up her leg. A toothless man lays before her and fucks her pussy while he gums her breasts. An ugly man with a missing leg lays behind her and roughly forces his unwashed penis into her asshole. She hardly notices as she sucks the mangy dick of a bearded, old man.
For nearly an hour she's in this position, sucking and fucking man after man. After that, the group seems to reach a consensus. They carry her farther into the shanty town to a denser collection of housing. They lay her in a central clearing, though it quickly fills. You follow, but it's hard to get near her now. There's a throng of people between her and you, and you can't see anything.
So you pass the time wondering about the shanty. You share stories with some people and eat food from the wagon handouts. You're always in view of the gangbang though, even if you can't see here. The vagrants have formed a line. It was about twenty earlier, but it's grown to near forty. There are even some women in there, though all old and ugly. You're unsure what they do to Euna since you can't see, but she's probably fine with it.
The sun passes through the sky and sets. It's not until long after dark that the line finally starts to dwindle. You get in line to see her, and fifteen minutes you're before her. She's an utter mess. Her hair is matted with semen. Her ass and pussy are red and tender. She reeks terribly of other people's body oder, and she's so exhausted that she's drifting off, even as a wrinkled old codger hammers her asshole.
When you approach, her first reaction is to open her mouth for your cock. When she sees who you really are, she smiles weakly. "Ready to go home?"
"Is it time already, my love?"
"Lemme finish," says the man inside her.
Euna, with renewed vigor, wraps her legs about him and helps him fuck her harder. He grunts and fills her. She gives him a sweet kiss, and rolls him aside. You help her stand. Her legs wobble nearly uncontrollably.
"My clothes..."
"I have them. Shall I help you dress."
She looks at herself. Ropes of cum cover her. Her breasts glisten from smears. A fountain of semen runs from her holes.
"No," she says. "I'll just go home like this."
You help her up and walk her along. Many vagrants who were still in line voice their complaint, but most everyone here cheers and wolf whistles.
She's practically falling asleep against your shoulder as you two walk along the mountain side back home. There, you her down in bed. "Hungry?" you ask. "I got some food for you."
She shakes her head. "I've swallowed so much seed, I haven't any room. Please, come to bed with me."
You oblige. She still reeks. Dried, crusty cum covers her. And dirt covers her body from laying on earth all day.
Bearded gets his trousers to his knees. His gnarled, hairy ass hovers over the box. His wrinkled genitals dangle. Thick ropes of shit curl up inside the box. He hands it over before bothering with his trousers. The stench is powerful. "Thank ye kindly."
"Certainly." Euna takes that as well.
"Wha? Why?" Bearded asks. "Yer already taking his."
"He's blind and needs help," Euna replies. "You have perfectly capable eyes and legs."
"Hardly." He waves his walking cane before Euna's face.
"No matter. You can still make the trip yourself."
"Hmm..." Bearded grumbles as he puts away his poop box.
Part way to the latrine, Euna sets down her burden behind a row of shanties out of view from most. "And just like that, we have ingredients for Lanx's potion."
You hand her the thimble. "Get a sample."
You offer her the thimble. "Care to do the honors?"
"Afraid to get your hands dirty, I see."
Kneeling, Euna pours some urine from the pot. It splashes over her hands and dribbles off her fingers, but the thimble fills.
"It's still warm," she says. "Good. Lanx said it should be fresh." She empties the thimble into the fluids jar.
"Now for the waste," she mutters.
"And now for the waste." You point to the box.
"And now for the waste." You point to the box.
"I suppose I'm collecting this too, am I?"
"Of course."
Euna sets the box of poop before her. It's consistency is loose, and it's puddled somewhat. Euna dips the thimble into the muck and uses her finger to pack the shit in like clay. Emptying the thimble into the fluids jar requires her to dig into it with her fingernail. "I hope that's the right amount."
"Should be fine."
After handing back the jar, Euna proffers her brown-stained fingers at you. "And what should I do about this?"
"Suck them clean?"
She snorts. "Perhaps I should wipe them off on your clothes." She grabs a handful of dirt and wipes her fingers clean with that.
Euna cleans her fingers by taking handfuls of earth and wiping the filth clean with that.
"Another walk-about, hmm?" She looks around and shivers. "Maybe today I won't say no to any sexual advances."
"Good idea."
"Another walk-about?"
"Right, and today, don't say no to any sexual-advances."
She looks around and shivers. "As you wish."
Euna strips off her clothes and hands them to you. "When shall I see you?"
"I'll be back after nightfall," you say. "Good luck."
As Euna approaches the nearest group of vagrants, you head from the camp and hide her clothes in the woods. Afterward, you climb over the wall and enjoy another day in the city by yourself. You drink. You dance. You find a few drunk girlssweaty men to rut, and after the minstrels pack it in, you return to the camp and find Euna.
She's in the center of a crowd of men, on her hands and knees, while one vagrant fucks her ass while another makes her suck him off. It looks like these are just the last of a long line of men who've been enjoying her, because she's covered in dirt and cum smears.
She's lying on her side in a shanty with two men sandwiching her with their leggings pulled down. They're both fucking her, ass and cuntboth in her cunt while she sleepily moans. Her leg is wrapped about the man in front of her.
When the man behind fills her, he gets up, and someone else takes his place. Like this, four men fuck her while you watch. She hardly seem lucid.
She's on her back in a shanty with three men by her spread legs. One has a fist up her ass, the other up her cunt. The third is strumming her clit.They're taking turns pushing their fists into her. Euna hardly seems awake, yet she moans. Her hips rise up to meet their assault. It's as though men had simply been jacking off onto her, because her face and chest are covered in semen.
She's in the far edge up against the wall, literally. With face, tits, and hands against the wall, she has a line of men behind her who are taking turns with her. Every single one of them has been fucking her ass, and now it's raw and gaping. Cum pours down her thighs, and yet the men don't stop. It seems like this has been going for hours.
She's kneeling behind some shanties with a group of men around her. One has his rear backed up to her, and she's got her face buried in the crack of his ass tonguing away at his hole. Her hand is reached between his legs, and she's jacking him off while she rims him. As you watch, he fires his cum onto the dirt, and then another man comes up, and she starts all over with a fresh asshole and a fresh handjob. From all the cum on the on the dirt, she's been at this for hours.
"Time to pack it up, fellows," you say.
With a grumble, everyone disperses. After the last few men finish up with her, she's left lying on the floor dazed. Only then does she notice you.
"Oh... Is it nighttime already?"
"It is. How many people did you fuck."
"Oh Lord. Who knows?" Euna gets up on shaky legs. "Dozens. Hundreds? It's all one blur." She falls into your arms, bringing with her the reek of sex and body odor.
"Let's get you home."
"Would you? You're so kind." He gropes back and finds the correct jar which he hands out toward you two. Euna makes no move to take it, so you do. "You're a kind soul, sir."
"I would be most grateful." Blind gropes back for the pot inside his shanty. It's full to the brim with dark yellow piss. "No one else has come by today. I was worried I'd have to take it myself."
Euna hurries forward and takes it. "Don't you worry. We'll take care of this."
"Would you?" Blind feels for the pot inside his shanty.
Euna takes it from him. "We'd be glad to."
"You are so kind," Blind fumbles for his pot and hands it over. It's brimming with pungent piss. Euna takes it.
You take aim at the hole Euna is squatted over.mouth of the pot between her legs. Euna spreads her thighs and lifts her gownsashskirt. She glances around at the vagrants. Your stream arcs between her legs and into the hole.pot's mouth.
Euna uncurls her index fingers to point at her cunt.
You straddle Euna's lap on the bench. Your legs wrap around her.kneel and sidle so close that your breasts press together.
When you grip her ass to better press your mound against her belly, she gets the idea and lifts her gownsashskirt higher. Her eyes skirt about to see who may be watching. Your stream manages to aim between her legs and into the hole.pot's mouth.
Euna pulls you closer. Your sex presses against her mound.You tilt your pelvis so that your pubic mound aims higher.
Your piss now cascades over her bald slit and dribbles into the hole.soaks her pubic bush. Urine dribbles off the curled hairs hanging limp from her labia and into the hole below. The cum staining her lips washes away.
By the time you're done, the pot has overflowed and her entire crotch is damp with piss.
You walk together to the latrine. Euna ducks inside and empties the pot and box. Returning releases her held breath.
"Actually, I must make waterpee as well. Do you suppose we can head into the woods?"
"The latrine is right here."
"I certainly don't want to use that."
"I'd rather somewhere more private. Anyone can walk in there."
"If everyone used the woods, they'd become as nasty as the latrine."
"Surely there can be one exception," Euna says. "That won't sully the woods."
"So why not use the blind man's pot and then empty it out again?"
Euna looks at you curiously. Slowly, she pulls her gown aside againlifts her sash up around her waistraises her skirt back up to expose herself to you, and she begins to piss. Her stream disappears down the hole. It splatters against wet muck.With her pussy an inch from the pot's lip, her stream falls right inside. Tinkling water slowly fills the pot" All the while, she watches you.
Euna seems taken aback. "Every time?"
"Every time. You must ask me for permission to piss, just like a dog. Is that understood?"
She chews her lip. "Yes. I will obey."
"Is that so?" Euna asks. "Every time I must run to you and beg so I may pee before you like a dog?"
"That's right. You'll have no privacy from me anymore."
"That's an intriguing thought," she says.
As usual, the latrine is revolting. When you open the door, hot stench wafts out. You're both already holding your breath. When Euna dumps out the box and pours the urine down the hole. A cloud of fat flies buzz out, which she shoos away.from which she scrambles away.
"You've really taken to this chore."
"I won't let squeamishness keep me from helping people anymore. I'm glad you convinced me to try this."
She returns the empty pot to blind.
"Thank you both so very much," he says.
You tuck away your dick.You pull your leggings back on. Euna rubs her vaginal lips along the pot's rim to clean herself, then straightens up and corrects herself.
You turn around. Soon, there comes the long splattering of water on muck.tinkling of water filling a jar. "Okay. I'm done." When you turn, Euna is standing and already decent.
Eventually, Euna's stream ends, and the last few squirts go into the holepot. Her slit glistens with the last remaining drop. Standing, she fixes her clothes and makes herself decent.
Picking up the pot, she scampers back into the latrine to pour out the pot once again.
Heading back to the slum, Euna makes a quick stop at the latrine to pour out the pot once again.
"You really do enjoy seeing me relieve myself, don't you?" Euna says while returning. "I should make you watch from now on. Perhaps, I'll make you clean up after me." She ponders. "Or maybe I should only let you see as a reward. So many possibilities...""Good to know."
You arrive back before you have a chance to reply.
You soon return to the blind man.
"Oh, thank you so very much," Blind takes the pot back. "I was worried something had happened to you."
"Our apologies," Euna says. "We got delayed."
You lower your breechestights enough to bring out your dick. You lower your leggings to reveal your clit, which is quickly swelling into a cock.You shimmy out of your leggings and kick them aside. Euna watches to see what you do next.
"Oh..." Euna eyes the bottle. "The flies?"
"The flies," you confirm.
Euna looks down into the latrine hole, where dozens of large black flies swarm over muck. Apprehensive, she nods. "Do as you want to me. I am yours."Shivering in disgust, she nods. "Do it. Before I lose my nerve." Situating over one hole, she spreads her legs wide.
You smear a dollop of daywither slime over her slit and work your fingers in and out. After a little warming up, you're soon sliding your hand into her. Flies are already congregating, though the motion scares them away. When you remove your fist, you leave her pussy with a gape.
"Now we wait for the flies to come to the honey," she says.
"Now hold still," you say. "Let them find their way."
It doesn't take long. They fly up from the hole and land on her thighs to meander. She twitches, and they dart off.
"They tickle," she says.
But she controls herself, and when more land. She leans back and tries to relax. Soon, occasional buzzing fly becomes a swarming cloud. They crawl over her labia and dart inside of her.They crawl into her pubic bush and out of view. Others trek over her labia and disappear inside of her.
"They're coming right up from that filth below." She shudders, eyes closed. "They walked all over that muck. And now I'm letting them crawl over me like I'm another piece of human waste."
Opening her eyes, she looks down. Her crotch is seething. Countless flies crawl into her as many others crawl out. A glittering sea of them can be seen inside. "It's so wrong."
The swarm thins. They're losing interest. "I think it's time I close up," she says. With that, Euna flexes her vaginal muscles, clamping her pussy. As you watch, a fly nuzzles its way from between her lips and buzzes off.
She hops up—flies scatter—and dons her clothes.
"There are still a lot of them inside you," you say.
"And I'm sure they'll find their way out. Eventually." She leans close. "But I'm not quite done enjoying their tickle."
Soon, you arrive back to the blind man and return his pot.
"Thank you kindly," he says.
"Of course." Euna replies. She's squeezing her thighs together.
"Why?""Lord, no," she replies. "You're the one who offered."
"Yes, as a courtesy. It might do you good to perform such a humble act of charity."
"No. I am no chambermaid."
"But you are my sex slave, aren't you?"
She bites her lip. "Yes, I am. A slave to serve your beck and call." With that, she takes the pot.
"That's exactly why you should do it," you reply.
"And how do you figure that?"
"All of your life you've had chambermaids to empty your bedroom pot. Never once have you had to put yourself in their position."
"I'll have you know I cleaned my own pot at the convent."
"But have you ever cleaned anyone else's?"
"I have. Most everyone alive has. But your life has been too sheltered. And hasn't this entire adventure shown you that what you've needed most of all is to live as others have lived?"
"Dirty your hands for once. Help an old man just as others have helped you. It's a humble act of charity most nobles would turn their noses up at."
She nods. "You're right. I shall do this." She takes the pot from you. "A tsarivna should not put her own cleanliness above helping people."
You two reach the latrine.
"But you'll come in with me, won't you?" she asks.
"I don't want to get cornered by one of these vagrants in there alone."
"You'll only be in there a second."
She regards you. "I also suspect your true reason for giving this task to me is to avoid going in there yourself. So come."
The smell of the latrine has Euna reconsidering her decision. "Oh good Lord." She's cringing away before you're even at the door. When it opens, sticky heat pours out carrying a fetid reek which causes Euna to gag. "How does anyone stand it in here?"
"Just hold your breath."
The inside has three holes spaced along a wooden bench. Euna quickly pours the pot out into the middle one, which causes a thick cloud of flies to swarm up. She scampers away, coughing and retching.
"That was awful!" she says.
"Yes. How does it feel to be a blind beggar's chambermaid?"
"Humiliating," she says. "And you're going to make me do it again, aren't you?"
"Count on it."
"It was just a bad smell, and now you've helped a blind old man."
"And I've a healthier respect for chambermaids." She looks around. "These people deserve better than a waste hole like this."
"See? You already have greater perspective."
She considers that. "You're right." She straightens up taller. "You're quite right. I think that was good for me."
You two return to Blind. Euna hands him back his piss pot.
"Thank you. You've done an old man a kind service."
"It was my pleasure," Euna's tone is genuine.
You and Euna return to the blind man. "You are most kind to this old man," he says.
"Think nothing of it," Euna replies.
You attack her. Your lips meet. Your hands roam her body. They penetrate between her legs. She hungrily tangles with you.
You press her down face forward along the bench and hammer her from behind. You're on top of her now. Her arms and breasts press upon the filthy bench. Her face is right beside a hole, forcing her breath the fumes emanating from below.
Hand on her head, you press her face against the rim as you rut her from behind.
"Ugh..." she moans. "It so awful..." Yet her hips buck against yours. Her pussy squeezes. Her tongue laps at the stained wood.
However, you can't get your cock into her from this angle, so you push her to lie down along the length of the bench.
"Stop!" she whispers. "Not on the bench!" But it's too late.
Her back presses against wood sprinkled with piss. And now you're on top of her. You're in her, and you hammer away while she braces against the bench. One hole is by her head. She's frantically grappling with her hair to keep it from draping inside. Instead, it lies across the dirty bench. Yet a fetid fumes still waft up, and she's heaving.
But her hips still rise to meet yours. Her pussy squeezes your cock. "Ugh," she moans. "It's so... oh Lord... the stench..." Your humping drags her along the bench. You can feel dampness with your knees. She must feel so much more, along her arms, her legs, her back, and her ass. It's made all the worse by your weight upon her.
When she feels you fire seed deep inside her, she cries out. There's no effort to keep herself from the scum upon the bench, only to feel you inside her.
Once you both come down, her decency returns, and she scrabbles off the bench. Naked, she looks herself over. "Oh my heavens. It's all over me!"
"You don't look that bad," you say.
"What were we thinking? I've no place to clean up."
"I wouldn't let you anyway," you say. "Put your clothes on and let's go."
"Oh. So I am to be like this all day? Polluted with the scum of countless vagrants?" She chews her lip. "Very well."
"Don't bother."
"And walk around like this all day?!"
"I guess you'll have to, won't you?"
She eyes you mischievously. "You love this, don't you? Having me tainted." She sidles close. "Maybe I could be convinced to stay like this, so long as you're not afraid to embrace me."
"Of course I'm not."
She wraps you in a tight hug. Her skin feels clammy against yours. Her leg coils around you. Wetness soaks your clothes. "Then I'll be your polluted maiden."
You dismount, and she's left gasping on the bench like a maiden sacrifice upon an altar. "I feel so sullied..." she says.
Euna dresses quickly. Soon, you arrive back to the blind man and return his pot.
"Thank you so much. You are a kind lady," he says.
"It was my pleasure." Her eyes twinkle.
You go to empty the pot yourself. The smell of the latrine begins long before you reach it. "I'll wait for you here," Euna says.
It only gets worse the closer you get. By the time you've reached the door, the smell is ungodly—the product of heat, feces, and decomposition. Even holding your breath, you struggle not to gag.
The inside is dark. A long bench has three holes spaced apart which lead into a dark pit. Flies buzz. The wet heat is dizzying.
You quickly pour the pot empty into one of the holes and retreat.
Euna wrinkles her nose. "You wafted the stench over here," she says. "I cannot fathom what it's like inside."
You two return to Blind his piss pot.
"Thank you. Thank you," he says. "You've done an old man a kind service."
You hunker down to get your cock level with her crotch, but Euna stops you. "We have an audience," she murmurs. Vagrants have taken notice.
"Let them watch." You move to fuck her again.
And she stops you again, sternly, though she grins at your precociousness.
You step closer and hunker down so your cock is level with her piss-wet slit.snatch. Doing so pushes her back from her squat until her bare ass sits on the edge of the bench. Her hands plant against the shack wall behind her to support herself as you plunge into her.Now you're kneeling right before her. Your bodies press together. The pot is inches below where your cock is sliding into her.
The fucking is quick and animalistic. Euna gasps for breath, despite the noxious air. "This is so disgusting," she grunts. "What are we doing?"and whimpers with each thrust. She arches backward and plants her hands on her ankles, careful to keep the pot between her legs from knocking over. "People are watching us..." Euna grunts. Vagrants have noticed.
You fill her and leave her breathless and rutted. Her cunt drips semen onto the latrine floor. She again squats over the hole to let the mess drip there.into the piss pot. Some dribbles on the lip and down the side.
"Well, fine. If you put it that way, I will use the latrine. but you're coming with me."
"To keep me safe. And so you too must suffer the stench." She pulls you into the shack with her. Both of you struggle against the urge to gag.
"Oh Lord. I can't breath." She gags. "This is so awful."
"You'll get use to the smell."
"I don't know if I want to. I feel like it's staining me just by my being here."
"Then hurry up."
She scrutinizes the three holes and finds the cleanest. Bunching up her gown,Shimmying out of her sash,Dropping her skirt, she squats over it.
She flaps her gownsashskirt down to cover herself. "Why? I don't want you watching me do something so private."
"You want me to keep you safe while you pee. How can I do that if I'm looking away?"
"I'll let you know if I need help," she says.
"No. Pee while I can watch."
"Are you ordering me?" she asks.
She slowly parts her legs to reveal herself to you. Her stream shoots down the hole. Water splatters against wet muck.With her pussy an inch from the pot's lip, her stream falls right inside. Tinkling water fills the pot. A rose color fills her cheeks, but she never hinders your view.
Take out your dick.Take off your leggings.
"I've decided from now on, you need my permission to relieve yourself."
"Here?" She glances around at the shanties and vagrants. "That would be very inappropriate, wouldn't it?" But her hands slowly bunch up her gown,lifts her sash to her waist,hike up her skirt, as though working all on their own. She kneels with her knees wide and balances the piss pot under her slit.
"Oh Lord," she's glancing all around. "Anyone could glance over here."
"I'd like that," she says. "I wouldn't want to run across one of these vagrants alone."
Euna finds a nice spot hidden behind some trees. Kneeling, she bunches up her gown,twists her sash around so the knot is forward, thushikes up her skirt, exposing herself to only you, and carefully positions the piss pot between her legs.
"Will you look away?" she asks.
"Now look away," she says.
"Heh? These?" Blind reaches back into his home. Staring into space, he gropes each of the jars in turn. "These two are water pots. This one..." He bumps a pot. It's full to the brim, and it sloshes a little. "this is my piss pot. Bit full right now."
"And you keep that pot right next to your bed?" Euna asks. "Isn't that a latrine over there?"
"Aye, but with my eyes and my bones, I can hardly leave this home. I can hardly be making that journey every time I need to make water."
"I'm sorry. It must be difficult."
"Thank you, my lady. But this old man gets by. This camp has enough kind souls to help me."
The stench of the latrine is as awful as usual. When you open the door, rippling heat wafts out. The fetid stench turns your stomach. Euna covers her nose as she empties the box and pours out the pot. Fat flies buzz up.
You and Euna walk to the latrine together. You're careful not to slosh the jar.
"I'm surprised at you, Fool, that you'd offer to do such an unsavory chore." Euna says.
"It's a kindness," you reply. "That old man probably has enough trouble as it is."
She's silent to this, but she seems to study you as you two walk.
"It's kind of you to do this," Euna says.
"It's the city of Cockaigne," Bearded replies. "They say it's the best place in the world. Endless party, where everyone lives in relaxation. No one lifts a finger, and every demand is met."
"Sounds nice," Euna says.
"We wouldn't know. They don't let us in."
"Don't see why," says Blind. "if no one works, then we should fit right in, right?"
"It's because they're a bunch of arrogant asses," Bearded says. "That's why. You see them all? Look at them." He points to the line of nobles waiting to get into the city. "Every single one of them has a stick up their ass. They think they're something special. They think we're all lowly pieces of shite. You know what the only difference is between them and us?"
"What?" Euna asks.
"They're inside the wall. We aren't. They say only the beautiful get in the city, but look at that line. Plenty of them are old and ugly."
"Yeh!" says Blind. "...I think" He turns his blind eyes toward the line, "but they're all lords of this and that. You really just got to be rich."
"How do we get into the city?"
[Ambrosia]: "Excuse us one moment.Have you ever had the Simori sisters treat your limp?"
"How did you two become blind and lame?"
"What are those pots you have in your home?"
"What is the city behind those walls?"
"Would you like us to empty your pot for you?"
[Apothecary Thimble]: "Would you like us to empty your pot for you?"
You shift to get a little closer, and your foot knocks a rock. It tumbles a small distance.
Euna's eyes snap open. Her hand snaps away from her crotch as she glances around.
"Would you like to hear another story?" you ask.
She nods and hugs close to you. "I would like that. Tell me another story about my sister."
"Your sister, you say? Hmm." You think for a while on a story that's suitably perverted for her. There are certainly plenty to choose from.
"Did I tell you about the time your sister was abducted?"
"What?" Euna's eyes widened. "Tell me. I've never heard of this."
"That's because the royal family never found out. All they know is that she left for a festival with the sons of Duke Walter. They got separated, but then she came back on her a few days later and said she'd gotten a ride with a friendly farmer."
"What actually happened?"
"What I've heard is an account of one of her abductors. A simple smithy, or so the story goes. At the festival, she went dancing with several other men, and she drank enough for many men as well. She enticed our smithy and his friends, and a few other men too. Eventually, they pulled her away from the festivities to an ox cart the smithy and his friends had traveled to the festival in. It is there that they all knew her.
"So they took advantage of her?"
"Not from what I hear. She was the most enthusiastic of them all according to the story I've heard. The men initially fought over her. They all thought she fancied them and no other. She was the one who ended the fight by saying they could all have her. And have her they did. In that ox cart, they each took turns with her, some at the same time. And she moaned and cheered and egged them on, telling them to fill her with their seed again and again. Only when the men could rise no longer did they break away. The smithy was the last to leave. Apparently, she had said she was going back to the festival because she wasn't done having fun, and so he left her to clean herself up.
"That would have been the last he heard of her. Except for the next morning. He and his traveling companions left the festival. They were miles away when they heard a surprised yelling from their supply wagon."
"Aileen was still in the cart?"
"She'd passed out beneath some furs and only then had come through."
"That isn't so much an abduction," Euna says. "More of a misunderstanding."
"True. It's more what come's after that makes it an abduction. When Aileen realized how far from the festival she was, she was distraught to say the least. She begged and pleaded with them to take her back. But they couldn't, for they were on a schedule. They had been on route to a metal market for rare smithing materials, and had detoured to go to the festival, but they could only afford to be there one night. They had to travel on the next day or they'd miss the trading.
"But they worked out that if the boys got to the market and then traded, they could swing by the festival on the way back and drop her off. She'd be back before it ended. Duke Walter's sons wouldn't really start to miss her until then. So she'd be fine. The problem was, doing this would send the boys far out of their way, so they were reluctant to do this.
"Aileen begged and pleaded with them. She told them she'd do anything if they would take her back. Anything at all."
"So what did they make her do?" Euna asks.
"The boys had her for three whole days," you say. "So they...
offered her anyone they wanted to fuck her for two copper apiece."
made her pleasure their horse for the enjoyment of any watching travelers."
got sadistic. They strung her up under their wagon the ride, and later forced things in her holes."
"What do you mean they tied her under the wagon?" Euna asks.
"Just that, but not before they had some fun. They pulled over the wagon, took her out of sight of the road, and then got rough with her. Surrounding her, they pushed her back and forth while taunting her. They ripped her clothes off a piece at a time. Once she was naked, they took their turns ravaging her."
"Poor Aileen! She had to endure that?"
"She did. I heard she didn't struggle much. Afterward they led her back to the wagons. By then she was covered in dirt and scrapes, and cum ran down her legs. Her clothes were tatters, but her ordeal was only beginning. The boys lashed her to the underside of their carriage."
"But how?"
"With several ropes fastened about her waist and chest, and other ropes tying her arms and legs out spread eagle with her crotch facing the horses."
"Why like that?"
"Once the boys got the wagon moving again, they got the horses trotting at a brisk pace. Not only was Aileen swaying about underneath, but every dirt clod, mud splatter, or pebble that the horses kicked up would hit her. With her snatch facing forward, that meant a constant barrage of sharp pebbles and earth striking her most feminine parts."
"Their ride lasted all day," you say. "When the boys finally got to the metal market, Aileen's entire body was coated in mud, grass, even the odd bits of road manure. Cuts and bruises marred her body, but it was worst between her legs."
"It must have been torture," Euna says.
"The boys weren't done."
"Of course they weren't."
"They retied her to the back of their wagon, this time wrists to ankles, and then those to the wagon spokes. It left her laying on the earth with her legs obscenely spread. They cleaned the skin on her stomach enough so they could write a message in ink for all the other market goers to see."
"What did it say?"
"So what stories are in that Simori Holy book?" you ask. "Something had your interest."
"As it happens, there are a few tantalizing stories," Euna replies, "not something I was expecting in holy scripture."
"Well go on then."
Euna fetches the holy book from the pack and thumbs through the pages. "Let's see here... I suppose we should start with Kseniya the Charitable."
"Sounds good."
"Of course," she says. "Is this to see if I get all the details the same this time?"
"It might be."
"Well, let's see." She opens the holy book and begins.
"Kseniya was a righteous disciple of the Simurgh who lived in a lonely cottage, where she devoted herself to helping all who came to her door. Every day, she meditated upon a brass pendant bearing the symbol to remember the Simori way.
"One day, Kseniya happened upon a starving man. She took him into her home and fed him. After, she bid him to rest in her own bed while she slept upon a mat."
Euna pauses momentarily before continuing.
"The night after he recovered, he forced himself upon her. Come dawn, he declared her to be his slave. Each day, he commanded her to cook and clean for him, and he would take her whenever he stiffened. During his repast, he bid her to crawl under the table and please him with her mouth, and at night, he would tie her to the bed and rape her as she wept for mercy.
"The night after he recovered, he forced himself upon her. Come dawn, he declared her to be his slave. Each day, he dressed her scantily and walked her into town, where he bragged to all about his lusty wife. He invited men to grope her, and ordered her to dance without clothes in seedy taverns. All knew her as a strumpet, but if she ever spoke in her defense, he beat her mercilessly.
"The night after he recovered, he forced himself upon her. Come dawn, he declared her to be his slave. Each day, he would sodomize her whenever the desire took him, and he would wipe himself clean using her hair or clothes.
"The night after he recovered, he forced himself upon her. Come dawn, he declared her to be his slave. He invited men from his village to come, and together they violated her many at a time whenever the urge took them, even after she was limp from exhaustion.
"The night after he recovered, he forced himself upon her. Come dawn, he declared her to be his plaything. Tying her to the floor, he pressed sharp stones into her until he could fit no more. Whereupon he kicked her groin to ram the stones deeper. She bled and wept, but he did not stop until she looked as though with child.
"The night after he recovered, he forced himself upon her. Come dawn, he declared her mouth to be his. He bound her hands behind her back and forced her to serve him with only her mouth, whether it be cleaning the cottage, or cooking, or cleaning the privy, or sucking stains from linens. At night, he would rape her mouth, and then have her clean every crevice of his body with her tongue.
"The night after he recovered, he forced himself upon her. Come dawn, he declared her to be his property. He sold her to slavers for silver. After they enjoyed her virtues for themselves, they auctioned her to a cruel master who hurt her every day.
"On the seventh night, Kseniya escaped with only the clothes on her back. She ran until her home was but a memory, then upon a piece of wood, she carved herself a new symbol and meditated upon it until she once again remembered the Simori way. Thus she built for herself a thatch hut and helped all who came to her door.
"One day, Kseniya happened upon a sick man. She took him in and cared for him. After, she bid him to rest in her own bed while she slept upon straw.
"The night after he recovered, he forced himself upon her. Come dawn, he declared her to be his toy. He pinioned her to the earth so she could not move, and he pressed hot coals into her so that his ravaging of her would hurt all the more. She wept for mercy, yet he gave her none.
"The night after he recovered, he forced himself upon her. Come dawn, he declared her to be his pet. He burned her clothes and forced her to crawl on all fours and bay like a beast. From the town, he used her money to buy a mangy dog, which he forced her to couple with each day.
"The night after he recovered, he forced himself upon her. Come dawn, he declared her to be his possession, and he lashed her to the bed with her feet toward the headboard. Thus at night, he would sleep atop of her with his member buried down her throat. If she thrashed for air, he would strike her without mercy.
"The night after he recovered, he forced himself upon her. Come dawn, he declared her to be his toiletpiss pot, and he leashed her neck to the bottom of a cattle trough. Every day he would void himselfurinate upon her upturned face. As the days passed, she was forced to eat and drink his waste so as not to starvedrink his water to quench her thirst, and to wallow in that which she did not ingest.
"The night after he recovered, he forced himself upon her. Come dawn, he declared that he would be the last man she ever loved. He stripped her and forced her to dig a pit, where he buried her with only a long tube in her mouth providing her air. Twice a day, he would urinatepour water down that tube.
"The next night, he dug her up. Dirt and insect bites covered her, and she was soiled in her own filth. He ravaged her, fed her scraps, and buried her once again. Seven times he did this, each time promising he would not return.
"The night after he recovered, he forced himself upon her. Come dawn, he declared her to be a glutton for pain. He dragged her out to a tree and hammered nails through her nipples into the trunk so that she could do naught but face the tree. For days, he would whip and rape her mercilessly, or drive skewers through the meat of her breasts to further pin her to the tree.
"The night after he recovered, he wrestled her to the bed and tied her down. Come dawn, he declared her to be his canvas, and that he would repay her by turning her body into a work of art.
"He pierced her with countless rings and jewels, from her face, her nipples, to the pedals and nub of her virtue. Then he stabbed her flesh with inked needles to create paintings upon her skin depicting his own depraved sexual fantasies. Not an inch below her neck was spared, and when he looked upon her, he could not help but sate his lust upon her again and again like a frenzied animal.
"On the seventh night, Kseniya escaped without a scrap of cloth. She ran until her home was but a memory, then upon a water-worn stone, she scratched a new symbol and meditated upon it until she once again remembered the Simori ways. Thus she built for herself a hovel of mud and stick and helped all who came to her door.
"One day, Kseniya happened upon an injured man. She took him in and treated him. After, she bid him to rest in her own bed while she slept upon the hard earth.
"The night after he recovered, he came to Kseniya to find her meditating. He bid her to tell him why, and she told him of the Simori way. When she spoke of the men who came before him, he wept for her. Come dawn, he declared her to be his wife, and he swore to help her in the ways he could, which was many, for he was a wealthy boyar who owned vast lands.
"The man gave to her his mansion, and thus it became the first Simori temple, and her the first mother prefect. Men and women came from afar to seek help and to live charitably upon the estate's prosperous fields."
Euna shuts the book. "The end."
"I see," you say. "Kseniya was a patient woman."
"She was. It's a story about how our charity is not always rewarded, yet we must persevere, for it is the only way to better this world."
"The night after he recovered, he came to Kseniya to find her meditating. He bid her to tell him why, and she told him of the Simori way. When she spoke of the men who came before him, he knew that she would tolerate any abuse. Come dawn, he declared her to be his whore, for he was a powerful man who owned many women. He took her to his brothel, where she was locked in a room and made to entertain scores of men every day.
"In time, however, the lock upon her door was not necessary. For she had remembered the Simori way, and realized that sleeping with these men brought happiness to the world, and so it brought happiness to her. She became the man's greatest whore, who took upon all clients, especially the old and lame, or the sick and perverted."
"Why them?" you ask.
"Because sleeping with them truly was an act of charity." Euna shuts the book.
"The night after he recovered, he came to Kseniya to find her meditating. He bid her to tell him why, and she told him of the Simori way. When she spoke of the men who came before him, he wept for her. Come dawn, he declared her to be his wife, and he swore to help her in the ways he could, which was many, for he was a wealthy boyar who owned vast lands.
"The man took her to his home and gave to her his mansion, and thus it became the first Simori temple, and her the first mother prefect. She taught many women to be charitable to all, no matter the risk. And henceforth, men would come to the sisters for help, and frequently they would ravage and abuse them. In any week, most sisters were exploited by strangers a dozen times, but they never complained, for judgement is not their way."
"That sounds a lot like the temple in Cockaigne," you say.
"Maybe it's the very same," Euna suggests. "Maybe Mother Janan is Kseniya."
"Good point. We don't know how old she really is. Do we?"
"We don't." Euna shuts the book.
"The night after he recovered, he came to Kseniya to find her meditating. He bid her to tell him why, and she told him of the Simori way. When she spoke of the men who came before him, and he saw that she was without regret, he realized that she must be insane. Come dawn, he declared her to be his patient, and he committed her to his sanitarium, for he was a well-to-do healer.
"However, deep in the bowels of the sanitarium's dungeons, Kseniya was forgotten by all except the healer's evil apprentices who came to her cell each night to enjoy her body. Whenever she resisted, they would subject her to draconian treatments which befuddled her mind until she passively endured her nightly rapes. Thus, her charity brought happiness to those apprentice healers. And sometimes their friends. And whoever had coin.
"The end." Euna shuts the book.
"The night after he recovered, he came to Kseniya to find her meditating. He bid her to tell him why, and she told him of the Simori way. When she spoke of the men who came before him, and he saw that she was without remorse, he assumed her to be a perverted masochist. Come dawn, he declared her to be a witch and dragged her to the local church.
"After they tortured a confession out of her, they strung her up and lowered her onto a pike so that it impaled through her womanhood. Her own weight pulled her down until the pike emerged out her upturned mouth. And then they built a pyre about her impaled body. In the flames she writhed. They say in her final moments, she convulsed in perverted masochistic pleasure before forever going still. To them, it was proof of her witchery."
"The man must have dragged her to a Nimic church," you say.
"Maybe, if this was in the old inquisition days."
"The night after he recovered, he came to Kseniya to find her meditating. He bid her to tell him why, and she told him of the Simori way. When she spoke of the men who came before him, he conceived an idea. Come dawn, he forced himself upon her, but afterward declared that he had expended his lust, and would henceforth be a virtuous man. Despite her tears, Kseniya rejoiced.
"However, he did not mend his ways. He told men far and wide about her. They would come to her seeking her help, and afterward they would always rape her in ways as creative as they were sadistic. After several nights, they would claim their hearts turned to good and depart, only for another man to arrive.
"And so for years Kseniya helped many souls through her selflessness, but every single act of kindness was met with a merciless savagery. She came to expect it, and in time enjoy it."
"Enjoy it?" you ask.
"She thought she was brightening the world," Euna says. "In a way, she was."
"Months later, after he recovered, he came to Kseniya to find her meditating. Her belly was swollen and he said to her, "Where is your husband?" She explained how she was a maiden, and of the men who came before who had taken her virtue. On the spot, he declared her to be an adulteress and dragged her to the local lords, who used hot irons to brand an 'A' onto her cheek, her rump, and her bosom.
"Thus, all who saw her knew of her lewdness, and drove her from their villages. Homeless, she gave birth to a daughter beneath a bridge, whom she loved and cherished, but their suffering was great. She provided for her daughter by whoring herself to travelers along the highways. When her daughter grew to attract the eyes of hungry men, they compelled Kseniya offer her as well. And lo, the mother and daughter performed all manner of lewd acts together, for they were always in need. But Kseniya never forgot the Simori way. She taught her daughter, and they helped all those they found in need with what spare coin they had. Yet always, their charity was met with heartless abuse, for none would respect an adulteress or her bastard daughter."
"Hardly seems fair," you say.
"Life rarely is," Euna replies. "The Simori way is to accept that." She shuts the book.
"The night after he recovered, he came to Kseniya to find her meditating. He bid her to tell him why, and she told him of the Simori way. When she spoke of the men who came before him, he was impressed by her resolve and told her of girls who he believed would benefit from her teachings. She agreed to help, and together they traveled to the city.
"However, he took her to a cheap brothel. The women were young runaways who had never known compassion, and the man expressed his hope that Kseniya could trick them into engaging in more extreme sexual acts. Kseniya rejected him, but not the girls. She taught those girls love and selflessness. They learned to care for each other, and to care for their johns without judgement. Feral girls became compassionate women and courtesans. And thus started the first temple of Simori. The sisters earned tithes with their loving embraces, took in lost girls, and helped all others in need."
"Oh, and yes," Euna adds. "They did engage in more extreme sexual acts. The temple was the most genteel brothel in all the land, and also the most accommodating."
"Is that a footnote, is it?" you ask.
"It's jotted down right here in the margin." She points.
"I see. They wouldn't want to leave that detail out of their holy text. Anything else?"
"No." Euna closes the book. "That's the end."
"The night after he recovered, he came to Kseniya to find her meditating. He bid her to tell him why, and she told him of the Simori way. After she spoke of the men who came before him, he pushed her down and fell upon her with a tackle three times a man's size, and when he filled her with his discharge, she felt utter bliss despite his force. But with a gust wind, the man was gone. For in truth, he was djinn who had come to trick her, but he was so moved by her selflessness that he decided to leave her a boon.
"Nine months later, she gave birth to a beautiful boy whom she loved and adored. The boy grew faster than a child should. Whenever the strangers Kseniya helped would stay to abuse her, her son would grow three times his size and chase them off. As soon as he was able, the son would crawl into her bed to please her as the djinn once pleased her, with a tackle three times its size.
In this manner, she birthed seven virile sons, each more beautiful than the last. They built her a mansion, and plowed her land, and tended to her every need. They had members like giants, and morning, day, and night, they would fill her with their lust and leave her dripping. Thus, she was happy for the rest of her days."
"It became quite like a fairytale at the end," you say. "Except for the incest."
"That's how you know it's true," Euna says. "A fairytale wouldn't include that."
"Good point," you reply. "Is that all?"
Euna closes the book. "That's all."
Euna gasps in mock indignation. "Are you accusing me of embellishing? You? Who's told me tales about my own family so raunchy and farfetched that even a tavern drunk would raise an eyebrow at them."
"My stories are true," you say. "Any embellishments I make only serve to better capture the spirit of the tale. You, however, are reading from a holy text."
"If you doubt me. you're welcome to check for yourself." Euna holds the book up for you. The pages are covered with line after line of cursive text, yet all you see are the ribbons and curves of the ink. Euna tries not to grin.
"Not all of us grew up with a league of tutors," you say.
"I suppose you'll just have to take my word for it." Euna replies.
"No. All I have to do is remember. I'll have you read the story to me again another night, and if even a single word is different, then I'll know that you've been embellishing."
"I guess we'll see."
"Yes..." Euna frowns at the book. "It does sound as though he wanted to own her just like the other men did."
"Maybe it was just their culture," you say. "A wealthy boyar like that is used to getting what they want, particularly when it comes to women."
"She certainly accepted it easily enough," Euna muses. "Maybe she was just relieved that he was a nicer sort than the other men."
"It does, doesn't it?" Euna says. "Though it would have been a more poignant story if it simply told of three men who took advantage of her."
"It would be more realistic than a wealthy man giving up all his wealth," you reply.
"Maybe, but then the story also wouldn't have demonstrated that our charity can bring good into the world, which I think was the other point of the tale."
"Maybe being married to that man wasn't such a reward after all," you say.
"Oh! Maybe so," Euna says. "Maybe he created a temple for her and brought good into the world, but he ravaged her just like the other men." She considers this. "I think that would have been the best ending."
"If I became a practitioner, then of course I could," Euna replies. "The more I learn of the Simori way, the more I respect their noble cause."
"Even if it meant the people you help might repay you by raping you in sadistic and perverted ways?"
"They'd never have a chance. I'm not some poor maiden living in a lonely cottage. I'm a tsarivna. I'd have guards. Frankly, I think I'd have much more fun being the one who comes to Kseniya's door."
"What do you mean?" you ask.
"I would dress myself like a commoner and come to her for help. She would take me in and care for me, but in the night, I would come and have my way with her. I'd play out every sadistic whim that comes to my mind on her body."
"Yes, but come morning, I'd tell her how sated I am, and I'd using my great wealth to construct a Simori temple and make her the mother prefect. She'd thank me. And best of all, I could come back."
"And she'd welcome you with open arms," you say.
"As would every sister who's heard of my post-coital generosity. The nuns across the tsardom would invite me into their homes so I could sate my urges upon them."
"As the Simori book says, 'tis the risk in charity," Euna says. "However, if a stranger I help ravages me for days, I won't be escaping on the seventh night, but rather sliding a knife across his throat, after I've had some fun with him. Afterward I'd go right back to helping everyone I could."
"But that's half the fun, isn't it?" she says. "In fact, I think a part of me would be disappointed if they didn't take advantage of me. After I'd help those strange men, I'd go to sleep with a warm heart knowing what good I've brought to the world, and with a warm loin thinking about what they'll do to me if they're monsters."
"I don't know... If the sisters can tolerate it, I might learn to as well. I would probably take greater precautions than to just fall asleep before strange men though." Euna bites her lip. "but then there is a thrill to being at their mercy..."
"Did the story really go into all that sexual detail?"
"He just declared her to be his wife?"
"It sounds like she was rewarded after all."
"Is it?" Euna asks innocently. "I think that's the same ending as before."
"I think I remember Kseniya being rewarded for her charity in the end."
Euna frowns. "You must be recalling incorrectly. The Simori gospel is very clear that charity isn't rewarded. If Kseniya was, then the story would be without merit. Kseniya was selfless for its own sake."
"You think she'd do it all over again if she could?" you ask.
"Gladly, I'm sure."
"I don't remember Kseniya's reward being so ambiguous, or lewd."
"I assure you that's what's in the book. Maybe I'll read it to you another day so you can be sure it's not a fabrication."
"That's definitely a different ending than before."
"Another story?" you ask.
She nods. "I've been thinking about the Warped Ones. You mentioned before that some of the women could have manhoods between their legs, and you had a term for it..."
"The Vixens?"
"I was wondering," Euna says, "if it's all right with you, if you could tell me a little about how you came to be."
"My childhood?"
"No. I mean..." She indicates between your legs.
"Ah. You mean how did I come to be one of the Vixens."
"Right. Vixens. That was the word. But how?" Euna asks.
"Depends on the person," you reply.
"Oh? There are various ways?"
"Yes. Many such women were in the troupe who had their own manhoods. We were known as the Vixens, and we each came about in our own way,We knew them as the Vixens, but each came about in their own way, and each way had its own result."
"So what were these ways that these Vixens came to be?" she asks.
"Let's see..." you say.
"How large?" Euna asks.
Thinking, you hold your hand before you as though holding two apples. "About that. And her shaft was a small club."
"How could she walk?"
"Just fine, actually. Beneath her riding skirt, she had a leather thong especially crafted to provide support. It was like a sling for her jewels. Without it, I think her balls would ache simply from hanging by their own weight."
"And this is what she wanted?"
"She loved it. And when she'd cum, it was like a flood. A solid spray of semen would come with each clutch of her orgasm. And she came often. At our fairs, you'd find her behind the tents, ramming her cock in the snatch of a drunk local girl. She'd spill her seed all over the girls chest and smear it around. Some girls would pay her for a drink. They'd rub Mira off while pointing her cock into a beer stein. I swear she could fill it to the brim, and those girls would share it between them, guzzling cum like drunks with beer."
"Interesting," Euna says. "What other nonsense would she get up to?"
"A stallion? As in... she had an entire... between her legs?"
"She had a horse's plums and cock between them, yes. Massive things they were, although she had the horse's sheath to go with it so it was rather self contained when she wasn't aroused, like a bump on her pubic mound, but when she was aroused, it was an impressive sight—a massive pole of glistening piebald meat. Volga hardly needed to bend over to suck its tip."
"But why her horse's manhood?"
"It might seem strange to you, but she came from a nomadic culture who's livelihood depended on their horses. They had the utmost respect for their beasts. And her horse was the most magnificent beast you'd ever seen. It was a gift from her father when she left her tribe. After it was killed in a raid, this was her way of honoring it."
"So it was cultural," Euna says. "So what sort of depravity would she use it for?"
"Knowing your crowds, I imagine that was many," Euna says.
"If you had a chance to have your own member for a night, are you saying you wouldn't take it?"
"I might, but taking alchemy from a traveling charlatan? I think not."
"These girls didn't mind. They'd line up and raise their skirts. Old or young, ugly or pretty, mother or maiden... it didn't matter. Bogdana applied her trade to all. The stage would be crowded with girls touching one another. And then Bogdana would sit on the edge of the stage and invite them to use their newfound tools upon her as any rough-handling man would."
"A gangbang. That's the right term, yes?"
"It would become one, but it would start slow. One girl might fuck her one-on-one, but the others would get antsy. Your average night might end with Bogdana seated upon the cock of a young farmer's daughter lying beneath her, while the girl's sister fucks Bogdana's pussy. An overweight boyar's wife might be forcing Bogdona's mouth down upon her shaft while two traveling missionaries squeeze Bogdana's fists around their own. And elderly grandmother might be seated on Bogdana's chest with her cock squeezed between her tits, and there was often a filly of a girl so excited that she'd be seated on Bogdana's cock instead of enjoying her own."
"Sounds crowded."
"They were a mass of flesh and limb. But it'd stop eventually. Once each girl would cum, their newfound tools would recede. But after the performace, Bogdana would give cocks to girls for a small fee. Some would go have more sex, but sometimes wives would keep their cocks unspent, so they could go home to their husbands and turn the tables."
"Now that does sound intriguing," Euna says. "So what particularly perverted acts would Bogdana get up to outside of performances?"
"Oh, an orgy of women isn't perverted enough for you?"
"No. I just know your Lilins well enough to know there must be more, so go on. Tell me."
"Her father?" Euna says. "Of all the people, why him?"
"Her father was her old tribe's leader. He was their greatest warrior—strongest, toughest, and most well-endowed. In his time, he'd conquered more villages, ravaged more women, and sired more bastards than anyone else in the tribe's history. His manhood had a history."
"But her own father? That's rather incestuous, don't you think?"
"Her father had the right to plow any woman in the tribe. Don't think that just because Volga was his daughter that she was exempt from that rule. From what I've heard, Volga was his favorite, even among her sisters."
"They slept together?"
"Regularly. Volga loved and respected her father, which is why after he died in battle, she had the Lilin alchemists graft his cock to her, so she could inherit her father's virility and continue sowing his seed to the ends of the earth. I can only imagine how many bastards Volga has sown. So many maidens have fallen for her aggressive courting."
"Strange." Euna presses her hand against her belly, just above her pubic mound.
"What are you doing?" you ask.
"I'm just imagining what it would be like if I were to follow in Volga's absurdity."
"...and inherit your own father's staff? It'd be a good choice—a big choice. I've heard tales about your father's prowess. Not to mention it would fit you perfectly, just as Volga's father's fit her. Same skin tone and hair."
"But I'd be wielding the same manhood that sowed my mother, that sired me and my sister."
"What a noble package it is. Fitting for a tsarivna."
"That's one way to look at it. So what depravity did Volga get up to with her father's cock?"
"How large would she make it?" Euna asks.
"For her performances, I've seen her get it as high as eye level when fully erect, and thick as a pole."
"Was it safe?"
"With her adhoc alchemy? Probably not, but Bogdana never cared about that. She never stopped until she had herself a third leg."
"Seems cumbersome."
"It was. She couldn't walk around without holding it in hand. Mostly, she just stayed on the center platform."
"And do what?"
"Issue her challenge. Twenty rubles to any anyone who could take her girth into themselves and ride her long enough to get her off."
"Did anyone ever succeed?"
"A few women over the years, and once one very interesting man. But usually she was left unsatisfied, and since her alchemy wouldn't wear off until she'd cum, she'd lie back and invite the whole audience to try at once. A crowd would gather. No single person could manage that pole, but a dozen of hand working together could. And there were always the jackasses who used her invitation as an excuse to finger her flower and rose."
"And she tolerated it?"
"Tolerated it? She loved it. Can you imagine having a dozen people working together to get you off? She'd be over the moon with pleasure. And for the grand finish, she'd fountain cum into the air and splatter her audience."
"What a curious thing to do to yourself for the sake of performance."
"She didn't do it just for the show. Bogdana loved having a cock. Privately, she'd get up to even more antics."
"Such as what?"
"Alchemical piecings?" Euna asks. "What on earth are those?"
"They're piercings made from specially-treated metals which bestow properties on flesh. Mostly just around where they're piercing."
"That is fascinating."
"It was. Mira had little barbell piercings running up and down her shaft, and one ring right at her piss hole. They felt amazing when she would have sex with."
"Yes, yes," Euna says. "I'm sure her manhood would stroke all the right parts of my womanly cavern, but tell me about these alchemical properties. Those sound amazing. What could they do?"
"All sorts of things. But to understand what piercings the Warped Ones would make for her, you must understand what other perversions she liked to get up to."
"Such as what?"
"Oh my," Euna says. "And this created healthy babies?"
"This did. This was Bogdana's alchemical master project. It took her years to figure out. But the children her seed produced were peculiar."
"What was odd about them?"
"They were either girls, or girls with a particular gift between their legs."
"They had a tackle?"
"A tackle and a flower."
"So they were true hermaphrodites. I've read of those. It's as though her alchemy became permanent in the children. Fascinating." She frowns. "And she couldn't produce a male."
"In all the children Bogdana sired, there was never once a boy. Only a mix of female and hermaphrodites."
"And just how many children did she have?"
"Only the Lord knows. Bogdana would transmute herself a cock before an audience and invite any woman to enjoy a ride. Maidens and mothers alike would spear themselves on her tool, but Bogdana would... eh... neglect to mention her alchemical breakthrough."
"So she sired bastards on unwitting women..."
"On the trip to the capital before I joined your Father, I remember a woman storming into our performers' tents with a young girl in tow and demanding to see Bogdana. You could already see Bogdana's eyes in the young scamp, but when the mother lifted the girl's frock to reveal something unique, there was no doubt."
"What did Bogdana do?"
"Nothing. The woman never found her. All our revisited towns would have scorned women with swollen bellies or with babes sucking at their nipple, all demanding to see Bogdana... or other troupe members. They wouldn't find them though."
"Why not?"
"We're masters of misdirection, Your Highness." You hold up your fork. With a twirl of your hand, the fork is gone. "I'm sorry, my lady, but the woman your looking for is no longer with the troupe."
Euna huffs. "Well, you all were a right bunch of scoundrels."
"Quite so."
"So Bogdana went around the tsardom impregnating poor women for her amusement?"
"It wasn't just for her amusement. It was to spread her alchemy to test her theories her progeny. She believed that if a hermaphrodite impregnates a woman, they sire a girl or another hermaphrodite. But if a hermaphrodite is impregnated by a male, she produces a male or a hermaphrodite."
Euna says. "Was she right?"
"We'll know in time. Bogdana has been spreading her seed for years. Perhaps hermaphrodites will become a common site in the tsardom once again."
"Again?" Euna is thoughtful. "Oh right. The books do speak of them as though they were once common place. I wonder what happened."
"The Nimic inquisition."
"Oh... Right..." Guilt flashes over her. "Tell me more about Bogdana. What other unscrupulous deviancy did she get up to with her magical rod?"
"Why from them?"
"The way she saw it, by defeating them in combat, their manhoods were forfeit to her to do with as she liked. The one she picked came from a raider leader she killed who had skirmished the troupe as we'd traveled a canyon highway. That man had been a brute, and he'd had an impressive cock with hefty jewels that fit her well. Although he had been a foreigner from lands far to the south. His cock was coal black. It clashed with Volga's olive skin."
"She didn't care about that?" Euna asks.
"If anything, she loved showing it off. The riding skirts she wore never covered its length. When she grew hard, she might as well not have a skirt at all. For her, that cock was another spear for her to impale people with."
"And what would she do with this spear?"
"Her urethra?" Euna asked. "If she wanted to be penetrated, I'd have thought she'd indulge in anal sodomy."
"She did that too, but she also loved to slide long rods into her hard cock, and she'd use thicker rods as she warmed up."
"It's a rather tiny hole to stretch," Euna said. "I can't imagine it's an erogenous zone."
"Maybe not to you. She loved it when someone wormed a finger into her cock. When girls would suck her, they'd narrow their tongues and stab them down the slit. But what she really loved to do was to play with her bracelets of beads. Her favorite had beads the size of grapes."
"And those fit?"
"Mira would push them in one after another. She'd have little bulges running down the underside of her shaft. The other girls loved the feel of it when Mira would have sex with them. Very orgasmic, they'd say."
"But what would happen if Mira climaxed?"
"Her groin would tighten, but fluid couldn't escape. All her ecstasy would stay pent up. Until afterward, she'd pull the beads out, and a deluge would follow."
"I can imagine. Did she get up to anything else with this cock of hers?"
"She never cleaned her cock, ever. No matter how disgusting it got."
"She'd have fun with the troupe's horses."
"She would cavort with her mother, who was just like her."
"She did away with her refactory period, and so she could have endless sex."
"The other troupe members loved to torture her and her staff."
"She used her staff to ravage anyone she could get her hands on."
"How?" she asks. "Alchemy?"
You nod.
"Would it produce jewels to match?"
"No. No jewels."
"So no seed?"
"Oh, she could cum."
"How does that work?"
"Her alchemy wasn't just an enlargement. It transmuted her clit into a cock."
She frowns. "That... raises so many physiological questions."
"Doesn't it though?"
"And what of her flower?"
"Right where it should be," you say, "just beneath her cock."
"Hmm. So tell me about her."
"Her name was Bogdana, and she was a great alchemist, and quite an attractive woman too—short blonde hair and nice apple-sized breasts. When she performed, she wore nothing but an elaborate circus vest, a top hat, and stockings. It left her neatly trimmed sex fully displayed for her performances."
"And those performances were to grow her own manhood?"
"Right before the audience's eyes. But that was only the start of her performance."
"What sort of depravity would follow up?"
"She'd give a cock to any women in the crowd who wanted one."
"She would grow her cock to absurd proportions."
"She actually figured out how to impregnate women with her cock."
"But you said her alchemical cocks were temporary. They go away after you climax."
"They normally do," you say, "which is why I kept having to bother her for tonic every time I wanted to romp with some girl. She got fed up and performed some experimental alchemy on me, and now...
Euna wrinkles her nose. "Why?"
"It was part of her culture," you say. "Her people never washed. They took pride in their natural musk. For Volga, the only washing she ever got was if it rained while she was riding her horse. And for all the sex she had, her manhood became especially unclean, moreso even than the cocks of most horses."
"Mira was a pervert through and through. She loved her own stench. If she ever washed her genitals, it was with the mouth of some poor girl."
"Couldn't such poor hygiene cause her piercings to get infected?"
"Constantly, but the alchemical properties of some of her piercings helped keep those infections from becoming anything more than a nuisance. They might be red and leak pus, but they were never dangerous."
Euna wrinkles her nose. "So she used them to make herself even more revolting."
"Not just that. She had other piercings too. One made her sweat more. Another made her cum stickier and more powerful. And another made her musk cause others to swoon with arousal, like mare in estrus."
"Must have been pungent."
"The smell was the first thing you'd notice. It was the stench of all the old sweat, and encrusted cum, and the smegma that built up along her crown. And then there was the caked scum of whatever girl's she'd recently fucked."
Euna says. "So there were women who'd let her touch them with that thing?"
"VolgaMira would make bets with people that they couldn't get her off. The moment they saw her filthy package, they'd pay up. But not everyone backed down. Once, a farmer took her bet. She revealed her massive, grimy horse cock. It was particularly odorous after a long day of travel through a humid swamp."
"The farmer got her off?"
"Of course not. The farmer wanted nothing to do with it, so it was up to his wife to save their money. She first started with her hands, hoping she could get Mira off without having to resort to more intimate methods, but then the enhanced smell of Mira's sweaty equipment started getting to her head. Before she knew it, her skirt was up, and she was rubbing her sex up and down Mira's organ, feeling each of those piercings on her clit. Her sex collect so much the filth and pus and detritus. But when that wasn't enough, down she went, taking all of Mira inside of her. That wife came long before Mira did."
"She sounds like she was entranced."
"She was. Mira almost had her under a spell, she only needed a little more push. So she offered the farmer double or nothing that his wife couldn't get her off using just her mouth. The farmer agreed immediately. The wife knew she should run screaming from that disgusting pole."
"But now she had a bet to win for her greedy husband."
"Exactly. And while she was reluctant at first, having her nosed buried in that sweaty sack took over her mind. She savored the gunk encrusted to Mira's balls, and the pus oozing from her piercings, and the smegma caked under her foreskin. All the while she played with her own defiled pussy."
"Sounds like she broke."
"In a way she did. And when she was rewarded with ropes of gooey, stinking cum over her face, the farmer cheered. He was thinking of the money he'd just won, and not of the wife he'd just lost."
"While he went about the circus spending his winnings on drink and women, his wife would sneak away to pray at the altar of Mira's cock. We left that town. But a year later we came through the region again. You'll never guess who we picked up as a circus girl."
"Maybe for the best," Euna says. "Her husband sounds like a drunken lout. Are there other ways a woman can be endowed?"
"Of course not. The farmer wanted nothing to do with it, so it was up to his wife to save their money. And with the massive tool she faced, she had no choice but to use her mouth. Her attempt was spectacular. She tongued away scum from under the crown, lapped up congealed juices from the balls, and licked every fleck of detritus from the shaft."
"Sounds like she was enjoying herself."
"Maybe, or maybe she knew just how little her husband could afford to lose that money. It took her ages before VolgaMira finally erupted. Her horse cock doused the woman's face and chest thoroughly, and since the wife didn't have a change of clothes, she spent the rest of the trip with her dress crusty with cum.She held the poor woman down on her cock and fired so much thick, stinking cum down her throat that her belly was swollen like that of an expecting mother. VolgaMira says it was the best two-hundred rubles she ever lost."
"I hope the wife got to keep the money."
"Of course not. The husband drank himself into a stupor with that money. She couldn't carry his overweight ass back home, and VolgaMira needed to help her."
"Let me guess," Euna says, "in exchange for—"
"For a long and thorough tongue cleaning from the wife, right on their bed, while the husband snored away."
"Hmm," Euna says. "I'll pretend it was an affair, and VolgaMira wasn't simply taking advantage the poor woman. Are there other ways a woman can be endowed?"
"Of course not. The farmer then wanted nothing to do with it, so it was up to his wife to save their money. She dropped her dress and took VolgaMira's cock into her ass."
"Straight to sodomy?" Euna asks.
"'A filthy hole for a filthy tool', she'd said. The wife soon had a load of cum in her bowels for her efforts. VolgaMira didn't want to pay up, so she offered double or nothing that the wife couldn't get her off vaginally. The man accepted without a thought, and once again the wife needed to cover for her greedy husband. Who knows how much of VolgaMira's cock gunk got lost inside her nethers?"
"And this was right after anal sex," Euna adds.
"That's right. And all that accumulated brown filth got mixed into the woman's juices."
"Afterward, VolgaMira still didn't want to pay up, so double or nothing: could they get her off through oral alone? Again, the husband was blinded by the money. He agreed before the wife could say one word. But you can guess which of them went down on VolgaMira."
"The poor woman."
"She took a hell of a lot of convincing. After all, her own holes werepussy was already dripping with rancid filth, and now she had to take that crud-covered pole in her mouth. But her performance was spectacular. She tongued away scum from under the crown, sucked congealed juices from her balls, and finally took VolgaMira down her throat."
"Sounds like she was enjoying herself."
"Or maybe she realized that VolgaMira had climaxed twice already, and anything short of her best would fail. As it was, it took her ages until VolgaMira finally fired another load of cum down her throat. VolgaMira says it was the best two-hundred rubles she ever lost."
"I hope the wife got to keep the money."
"From what I heard, the husband spent every last coin on gambling and booze before they left the circus."
"Hmm. Awful man," Euna says. "Enough of VolgaMira. Are there other ways a woman can be endowed?"
"You don't mean..."
"I do. I spied her many times with the troupe's horses. Unlike human women, mares could actually take her massive tool inside of themselves. Most of it anyway. She'd be cradling a mare from behind as she worked her cock deep into the horse's pussy. It'd be left dripping with her leavings."
"Was it much seed?" Euna asks.
"Always, and afterward, she'd kneel down and lick clean the cum seeping from the horse's folds."
"I'd expect no less from a Lilin."
"You don't know the half of it. Sometimes, she'd sodomize the horses instead, especially the stallions. And don't think she didn't clean the ass afterward. She'd lick clean every dribble of pearly cum and suck out as much as she could."
So she was a beast-lover as well as an alchemist."
"Oh, I'm not finished. After she had her way with the mares, she'd turn the tables and apply her alchemy to the mare's clit."
"The mare would grow a tackle?"
"A proud horse cock as any stallion would sport."
"And would she do with it?"
"Exactly what you're thinking. She'd get under the horse and take that cock deep within her well-practiced pussy. Her moans were so lovely. Sometimes she knelt under the horses and showed their cocks tenderness between her breasts. She'd bathe in their cum."
"Was it only the mares? No stallions?"
"If she was particularly thirsty for cum, she'd take whatever horse was available, mare or stallion. Their cocks all felt the same to her. And their cum filled her belly just as well."
"So she had a perversion for beasts as well as her strange alchemical ways. I see..."
"This wasn't just about her being a beast lover," you say. "She was, but she did this to impregnate the horses. She was testing her alchemy."
"What on earth would such a union produce?"
"Horses. Apparently there are tried and true alchemical ways to impregnate other species. But she used these tricks to test her own alchemy of impregnating women with her false cock."
"Did it work?"
"It did. The Prowling Lilins are host to an entire stable of horses which are nearly all mares, though half the mares have a cock."
"So her bestial sodomy was all in the name of research."
"Maybe. I'm not sure what Bogdana was researching when she'd lick the seed dripping from the horses' sex."
"Clearly, she has a passion for bodily fluids," Euna says.
"Just like any alchemist would," you reply.
"Sounds tender, considering how you described the woman."
"Volga was a rough woman. When she fucked another, she treated them like a hole for her to dump her seed, nothing more. But she was different with the horses. With mares, she was tender when she fucked them. With stallions, she would lay on her back upon hay and take the their cocks deep within her womanhood. The horses would hump her, and her own cock would drip seed upon her chest. It was still love."
"She must have felt quite natural for the mares, since the staff she wielded was of a horse."
"Not only that, she fathered many of the horses in our troupe?"
"How is that possible?"
"She had a horse's tackle. That's how, and what fine horses they were. Her beloved stallion had been a prize winner. And she was quite proud to spread her horse's progeny as much as possible."
"So she was a mother of horses."
"Quite so. She delivered them, and cared for them as her children."
"I see," Euna says. "How else can a woman have a cock?"
"Just like her?" Euna says. "You mean Mira's mother had a staff and jewels just as Mira did?"
"That's right. Mira's mother was one of the greatest Lilin alchemists, and was the first to transform herself into a woman years ago."
"But doesn't that mean she's actually Mira's father? And that her mother was some other woman?"
"Logically, yes. But she never told us who the real mother was. We always knew her mom as her mom. And she was the alchemist who helped transmute Mira, so in that respect, she rebirthed her daughter."
"You mean Bogdana's mother would grow her own staff like her daughter?"
"She was growing cocks long before giving birth to Bogdana. She was one of the first alchemists to ever travel with the Lilins. Bogdana was her most apt student."
"Did MiraBogdana's mother take part in her acts?"
"It was her act for decades before MiraBogdana took over. But the years caught up with her, and she wasn't as spry as she once was, so she focused on her alchemy. But she'd still partake in her daughter's acts from time to time. She was a beautiful, sultry woman who could captivate an audience with her cock. And the sexual performances she and MiraBogdana would do together were some of the most erotic acts you've ever seen."
"They were having sex together?" Euna asks.
"And what perverted sex they'd have. Mira's mother would indulge her daughter's passion for urethral penetration. During late night dalliances about the campfire, she'd be crouched over her daughter and ramming two fingers down Mira's cock while Mira tongued her ass. If they were particularly drunk, they would line themselves up, and she would force her cock down her daughter's own."
"No," Euna says. "Impossible."
"I saw it myself. Her mother's rod was quite a bit smaller than Mira's, which helped. They probably took different alchemy."
"But still, It wouldn't possibly fit."
"I didn't say it was an easy fit. Mira would squirm and whimper right up until her mother was buried to the hilt. And she'd be in tears while her mother fucked her piss hole. But after her mother pumped her full of seed, they'd collapse together in the sweetest cuddle. Mira would later piss out her mother's cum."
"All the time. And I think Mira's mother drank more of Mira's copious cum than everyone else combined. Day and night, nearly every free moment those two had, Mira's mother would be on her knees sucking another drink from her daughter. In the mornings, Mira would climb onto her mother's cot, kneel over her head, and wake her with a salty breakfast."
"Of course they were. What kind of Lilin family would they be if they weren't."
"Naturally... But what does this have to do with Mira's alchemical piercings?"
"Mira's mother was the one who created them, and she tested her new creations on her daughter."
"What kind of effects were they?"
"All sorts. I remember one month her mother was trying to make a genital piercing that would make orgasms more powerful. She'd pierce her daughter's cock and suck her off. When it wouldn't work, another piercing would go on, and another blowjob. Mira's equipment had hardly a spot of skin to spare once her mother figured it out. But then they spent the entire next week fucking each other. Their cocks and asses were sore beyond reason."
"Hmm. I would quite like a piercing like that, I think."
"She sold them thereafter, just as she sold ones that make your cum taste better or make you cum more, or increase your fertility, or decrease it, or make it so that you could only climax with a particular person."
"Ooh," Euna says. "That one could be useful."
"That one became a mainstay on Mira's cock. Her mother let her fuck whoever she wanted, as much as she wanted, and she'd be within a breath of climax for hours. But the only time she could fire off was inside her sweet mother's ass or mouth."
"That's rather controlling of her."
"But then her mother has the same piercing for herself keyed to Mira. Their cum was only for each other."
"Of course they did. Bogdana's mother was a warped one. She was one of the few who could take her girth after she'd grown her cock to ridiculous size. After Bogdana's show, if the crowd had not succeeded in getting her off, dear sweet mother would help. Bogdana would lie on the earth, and her mother would stand over her enormous tool and sink down. All the way until their muffs pressed together?"
"How?" Euna asks. "Even with the most elastic skin in the world, there's no room. You said Bogdana's cock reached eye level."
"Her mother would have a bulge in her belly that extended up past her breasts."
Euna gauges this with her hands before her own chest. "My. That woman must have godawful stretch marks."
"Many mother's do. She punished her own body to help her daughter."
"Of course. They were as close as family could be."
"Wait," Euna says. "Did her mother give birth to Bogdana, or was Bogdana a product of the alchemy."
"A natural birth. Remember, it was Bogdana who discovered how to make her cum fertile."
"Oh, right."
"But, Bogdana and her mother were the first parents to this new gender. When we first saw Bogdana's swelling belly, we all assumed she'd got knocked up by any of a whole host of candidates, but after a long labor in the healer's tent, Bogdana emerged with a beautiful baby girl suckling at her teat. Her name was Daryna, and between her legs was a tiny surprise. She was Bogdana's proudest creation for many reasons."
"And Bogdana's mother was the father?"
"She was. They were raising that child together."
"Among the Lilins? That hardly seems like an appropriate place to raise a child."
"It most certainly isn't. That special little girl is in for a raunchy life. Daryna was eight when I left. Bogdana and her mother were already teaching her alchemy. I'm sure in a few years, they'll be teaching her other things... if Daryna isn't already learning. Maybe in time, she'll have a performance just like Bogdana's. Or maybe they'll have a three-generation act."
"Oh yes. You could hear the moans from their tent on many nights. While both dallied with many fellow Lilins, those two would find each other on late nights when the drinks flowed. They'd be curled together, hands exploring each other's bodies, lips wrapped about each other's cocks."
"How sweet."
"...and sometimes Bogdana's mother would sit on her face and offer free cocks to all the ladies, so long as they use it to hammer her daughter's holes."
"Even sweeter."
"Isn't it though?"
"Another loving family," Euna says. "I should stop listening to these stories. The incestuous coupling hardly shocks me anymore. Are there any other ways a girl can have her own pole?"
"Refractory period?" Euna asks. "Are you referring to a man's loss of sensation after copulation?"
"A woman's in this case."
"It was a side-effect of the grafting process. Volga wouldn't lose any arousal after climaxing, not that she was complaining."
"It took a few of her piercings to get this. Two piercings increased her sex drive. Another kept her forever hard. And another to keep her balls constantly churning cum. The result was that Mira always had a pole under her skirt. It constantly dribbled precum. It'd run down the shaft and drip, even when she was just going about her day."
"And when she was engaged in sex?"
"Then it was like a fountain. With her enhanced sex drive, She couldn't go more than an hour without wanting release. You'd often find her watching our fellow troupe members perform while she shamelessly pumped her own cock. Spurt after spurt after spurt. It'd flow down her clenched fingers and lake under her balls. Never softening. Never tiring."
"She sounds messy."
"She was. She left pools everywhere, but stroking herself was only something she had no one to fuck."
"Alchemy. As part of her transformation, Mira used many extra tonics to customize herself. She increased the size of her jewels, but as a side-effect, they were constantly churning up more cum. Not only did she have no refractory, but she couldn't go more than a few hours before her prostate ached for release,She increased her sex drive, but as a side-effect, she wouldn't lose any arousal after climaxing, not that she was complaining."
"Of course," Euna replies.
"She was popular with the circus girls. Sex with VolgaMira could last hours. Her cock would be erupting more often than not, and the cum would be running rivers down their legs. They'd be lying in a lake. But the girls would be satisfied."
"And sore."
"Sure. I remember there was a tiny waif of a whore who particularly enjoyed VolgaMira's longevity. You wouldn't think such a small girl could take such an endless pounding, but she did, frequently. When the troupe would travel, that girl would often ride in the saddle with VolgaMira. In front of course, with VolgaMira's cock buried in her asscunt. We'd ride for hours. The whore would be standing in the stirrups, letting the rocking of the horse's gait do all the work. It was a slow long fuck. With Mira's near constant spraying of cum, that whore's belly would be swollen by the trip's end.A sludge of cum would be running down the saddle by the trip's end.
"Messy," Euna says. "Are there any other ways a girl can have a cock?"
"The circus girls in particular would have their fun. They could vent their frustrations after a week of tough johns. And vent they certainly would."
"What would they do?"
"They loved to tie Bogdana up, and then fasten a cord around the base of Bogdana's cock. It'd swell up and turn dark. Any whipping and paddling hurt so much more. But the real reason they'd do that is so she couldn't cum. Because if she were to fire her seed, the alchemy would wear off. Then the real fun might start."
"How so?"
"The girls would steal her alchemy and start applying it to each other so they all had cocks of their own. Then they'd gangbang Bogdana every which way. She'd have all three holes filled, and often a girl riding her cock as well."
"That doesn't sound so torturous."
"It is when you're not able to ejaculate. Climaxes would wash over Bogdana. Each time, her cock would throb, her groin would squeeze, but nothing could come out the end. She'd never get release. She only got chafed and raw. By morning, she was a sticky mess of all the girl's seed, and usually with a worn-down unspent cock. Not the girls though. They got release, sometimes over and over."
"Poor Bogdana."
"They'd take her alchemy and start injecting even more of her tonic into her dick."
"It was injected?"
"Yes. Every one of her cocks involved a needle to her clit. It hurt all the more when her dick was swollen and tender. Each time they'd stab her with her own syringes, her cock would lurch and grow. You'd wince to look at it."
"It'd wear off eventually, right?"
"Once she came, yes. At the end of the night, they'd unfasten the cord. But by then she'd be be passed out. So they'd leave her until morning. Then it'd take all the warped ones working together."
"Hand jobs again?"
"There was one girl who could still take Bogdana's cock inside her, though it took a crew to slide her onto it. She was little more than a sleeve. And the troupe would work together sliding the girl up and down. When Bogdana finally came, her cum could have filled a trough."
"Sounds like an ordeal."
Every girl would straddle poor Bogdana and sink her abused cock into their snatches and ride her as roughly as they wanted. It must have been excruciating. Every orgasm was choked and painful. Afterward, they'd undo the cord from her cock, but they'd leave her tied up. Bruised and denied, she'd have to go the entire night without release."
"I hope her poor, abused button wasn't too damaged."
"The circus girls in particular would have their fun. Mira's massive balls provided ample opportunity for them to vent their frustrations after a week of tough johns. And vent they certainly would."
"What would they do?"
They'd tie Mira wrists and ankles, and pin her to the ground, naked and spread eagle. Her cock would be pointed up. Her enormous balls would be resting in the dirt. Then they'd fasten a cord about the base of her cock and balls so they'd swell up and turn purple. All the abuse hurt so much more then, but the real reason was so she couldn't cum. Each time she would, the cord would dam her seed inside herself."
"Sounds unpleasant."
"Maybe. The girls delighted in watching her squirm though. They'd take turns squating down upon her tool and take Mira for a bouncy ride. Others would amuse themselves in other ways, normally by kicking or stomping on Mira's balls."
"How long would this go on?"
"All night. By morning, her jewels would be a sad sight, all choked and bruised. And then the girls would undo the cord and let her cum. Sometimes Mira was so on edge, it didn't even take any stimulation at all. She'd erupt a fountain of cum straight up. It would rain down upon herself and make an utter mess. I swear I once saw her fire cum clear across the campsite."
"It must have been quite a release," Euna says.
"The circus girls in particular would have their fun. They could vent their frustrations after a week of tough johns. And vent they certainly would."
"What would they do?"
"First, they'd tie her down, spread eagle, with her cock pointed straight up, then they'd take turns seeing what they could force down her urethra. A favorite of the troupe was to push stones down her piss hole."
"You're not talking about smooth round stones, are you?"
"As though they'd be so merciful. They used whatever jagged gravel was laying about the campsite. They'd press pebbles into Mira's hole, and it force them down using the handle of a tin spoon. Mira would thrash with each stone forced into her, but the girls wouldn't stop until there was a line of bumps running down the underside of Mira's dick."
"How would they get them back out? They did, didn't they?"
"The girls would mount Mira and fuck her until she orgasmed. Her pent-fluids would push against the pebbles inside her."
"Surely, that wasn't enough," Euna says.
"It never was. Her orgasms were just painful denials. Eventually, after a night of trying, the girls would get the stones out by squeezing Mira's cock the way one squeezes a funnel of icing."
"That sounds immeasurably painful."
"And what did that have to do with her piercings?"
"The Warped Ones made her get several relevant barbells along her shaft. One promoted healing and recovery. Another transmuted the pain she suffered to her genitals into something... stimulating."
"So she felt pleasure rather than pain?"
"In a way. She still most certainly felt pain, but the pain stimulated the sexual beast within her. It was pleasurable, and she could get off on this transmuted pain, but it was still intense, especially since another piercing made her genitals all the more sensitive."
"Sounds like they were trying to turn her into a masochist.
"Then they succeeded. Nothing was too extreme for Mira. Her manhood saw constant beating, crushing, kicking, or squeezing."
"What was the worst you've seen?"
"Once a smithy allowed us to stay overnight in his field. His workshop was filled with tools, and his daughter was filled with ideas. That night, after everyone got drunk, we told her about Mira. She had us drag the girl in to the workshop, tie her up, and sit her on the anvil. The smithy's daughter used her father's vice to clamp Mira's balls to the anvil's surface. They looked like squeezed grapes, and any move she'd make would pull her sack."
"This daughter sounds like a natural born sadist."
You nod. "Next, she heated an iron rod in the furnace. Once it was near glowing hot, she held it within a hair's width from Mira's hard erection. Mira would flinch away, but the vice would yank her back, and she'd slap her cock against the rod. Again and again they did this. Mira's screams filled the night. And her cum arced across the workshop."
"She got off on the pain alone?"
"She did. And once she hardened again, the daughter had her own fun. She mounted Mira and rode her to climax. Between Mira's clamped balls and striped cock, I can only imagine how painful that spirited ride was."
"I don't see how Mira's manhood could have survived," Euna says.
"Yes, well, she always needed the healers after those nights. So these nights weren't too frequent."
"I should hope not. Are there any other ways a girl can have their own tackle?"
"Her preferred prey were raiders," you say.
"Yes. Usually right on the battlefield. When the troupe was attacked, she'd fight like a lion. It didn't matter who—bandits, raiders, wildlings, even soldiers from opposing kingdoms. All fell. The ones alive at the end became her true prey. She would be feral with adrenaline, her body spattered with the blood and offal. Her cock would be rock hard."
"What would she do?"
"She'd pin them down in the mud, rip off their clothes, and take them right where everyone could see. They'd scream as she pulverized their assholes. Her cock was often lubricated only with her enemies' blood and her own dribbling precum. Sometimes she'd make them fuck her with their cocks. She still had a pussy after all. Other times, she force her cock down their throats until she came straight into their stomachs."
"They wouldn't bite her her?"
"They wouldn't dare. The last people alive were the cravens who held back. Maybe she picked them as a punishment for that, but often they were so concerned with wanting to live that they'd let Volga do whatever she wanted to them."
"This seems cruel."
"Volga had a vicious side, but remember, these raiders were trying to take advantage of us. If they had succeeded, they'd have raped our women just the same."
"Does that make it right?"
"No. But it makes it what happened. Volga was a guardian to all she deemed innocent. Don't threaten those she protects, or she'll consider your body forfeit."
"Did she kill her victims afterward?"
"Sometimes her huge horse cock could tear them so badly, they'd bleed out. But sometimes they could take it. "Often they'd suffocated from her cock or bleed out from other injuries. But sometimes she kept them. They'd then become her pet, and she'd use them as she wished, and eventually set them free once they were properly humbled. Once, one girl from a tribal raiding party became one of Volga's pets. After Volga cut her loose, she'd been with us long enough that she chose to stay as a circus girl."
"She became a prostitute?"
"Volga used to joke that she'd taught the girl her true calling."
"I'd think it'd be awful to live around the woman who'd raped her."
"Maybe she just didn't have anywhere else to go, or maybe she grew to like it."
"Hmm." Euna seems troubled. "I'm not sure what I think about this Volga. Tell me about other ways a girl can be equipped."
"Her usual prey were the circus girls," you say.
"Did she force herself upon them?"
"I wouldn't say that, but there was certainly a forcefulness to her. She was like a predator, especially among the circus girls. If she cornered them, she had them."
"Could they even take such a massive member?"
"Some could, but there were also women among the Warped Ones capable of taking her tool to the hilt."
"And for that, she would have her way with them?"
"They would let her. Lock and key. When you can take a large cock, you tend to seek them out since they're the only thing to properly fill you."
"She doesn't sound particularly nice."
"I think most circus girls let themselves get cornered."
"So it was a game?"
"Like sheeps and wolves. Girls would be prayed upon. They might be seen talking with Bogdana one night. You'd be sure to find that girl passed out in the far field the next morning, clothes tattered, pussy leaking with cum. Like a sheep, they'd been devoured."
"And how many of these devoured sheep grew heavy with child?" she asks.
"The circus girls were on tonics to prevent pregnancy, but if you ever brought a daughter to the circus, keep a close eye on her. If you see her growing frisky with an attractive blonde with a top hat, pull her away, or you're likely to become a grandmother."
"I don't think I'd take any daughter of mine to the Lilins," Euna says.
"No? Then your daughter might sneak out at night and come by herself."
"Hmm. You're right. I guess I would have to take my daughter, to watch over her. Maybe if I saw Bogdana, I'd have to seduce her myself. And suck the seed from her rod before she could ever have a chance to quicken my daughter's womb."
"When Bogdana was on the prowl, she aimed for the quim."
"Then perhaps I'd take her in mine," she replies dryly. "Perhaps my daughter will have a little sister."
"How selfless of you."
"A mother sacrifices for her children. Are there any other ways a girl can be equipped?"
"So long as the girl was playing the game too."
"I can't say for sure that they were."
"Hmm. Are there any other ways a girl can be equipped?"
"One of the Warped Ones could temporarily grow cocks from her clit."
"There was a woman who wasn't woman to begin with."
"Fascinating," she says, "and where exactly did you get it?"
"How's that possible? Surgery?"
"Powerful alchemy. You'd never know from looking at her that she'd once been a man."
"...Except that she had a manhood."
"And quite a manhood she had."
"How was she not just a man who disguised as a woman?"
"In all ways, Mira was a beautiful, busty woman, from her looks to the way she thought. Only difference was she had a cock that could make you faint. And she had her own particularly perverse ways of treating her manhood."
"What was that?"
"She grew her cock and balls to incredible size so she'd have enormous loads of cum."
"Oh, I see," she says. "That explains why don't you don't have a flower. When did you decide to change yourself?"
"I changed as a young child. I had a chance and I took it."
"I didn't have a choice. I was transmuted in the womb, before I was ever born."
"She did what?" Euna asks, astonished.
"You heard. Her name was Volga. Tall woman. Very strong. Very domineering. And a great warrior—one of the best of her old tribe. She ended many bandits who thought they could prey on our troupe."
"With a spear. She was a master with it. When she fought, it was a dance."
"No. I mean how did she graft a cock to herself?"
"Surgery. And alchemy."
"And it would function?"
"Perfectly. Full sensation. Hardening. Strong seed. It was as though she'd been born with it."
"But... where did it come from?"
"What? No," she says. "Why should I?"
"You're trying to get me to tell you about your sister's sex life while pretending like you're not interested. You can't have it both ways."
"Like I've explained, it's my responsibility to know as a big sister. Not only to tease her, but also to know if she's getting into too much trouble. I need to look after her."
"You can't look after her. You're a world away. Just admit that you're interested in your sister's sexuality, and I'll tell you."
"I will not."
"Fine. No story then."
"Very well." Euna returns to eating.
You both eat for a while. She's pretending to have moved on, but you're not fooled. It doesn't take her long.
"Fine," she says with a huff. "I'll admit it. I want to hear the story."
"What story?"
"You know what story. Tell me."
"You need to be more clear, Your Highness. What story do you want to hear?"
She gives you a baleful stare, but she does relent. "I want you to tell me your story about my sister."
"But why? It's so overtly sexual. It's raunchy."
"Because..." Her cheeks are crimson. "Because I'm intrigued."
"Because your sister's naughty adventures fascinate you?"
"Yes. All right? You've got what you wanted. Now tell me."
You think for a while. "One time, while you were away at the convent. I was headed back from a tavern, and I came around to the kennel entrance in order to avoid attention. I was a little tipsy, you see. That's when I spotted Aileen behind the chicken coop. Who do you think was with her? Or rather, how many?"
Euna's eyes widen in intrigue. "Tell me."
You hold up three fingers. "Three of the palace hands."
"Those scrawny lads who tend the lands?"
"Those are the ones. They were all drunk on vodka, and they had her up against the coop wall. All three were feeling her up. One had his hands under her petticoat. Another had pulled down her bodice so he could fondle her breasts. The last was forcing his tongue down Aileen's throat."
"And now you'll tell me it was consensual."
"She was doing her fair share of groping too. Her wandering hands found their ways down the lads' trousers to free their rock hard cocks."
Euna is listening with wide eyes.
"But then," you say...
"One at a time the boys stepped up and she sucked their hard cocks. Each of them used her mouth in their own way.
"The first man was forceful. He grabbed hold of her head to force his cock down her throat. Aileen choked and struggled. When he'd pull out, strands of thick saliva would dribble from her lips. When he came, shoved his cock deep down her gullet and fired his seed straight into her stomach.
"The second man had fun with her. She tried to work his shaft her own way, but he kept hand on the back of her head, and he would force his cock down her throat. His was especially long. It made her gag. He would laugh every time. When he came, he pulled out suddenly and fired his cum upon Aileen's face and breasts. He thought he was being funny, but Aileen rubbed the cum into her skin as frantically as she rubbed her own sex.
"The third man let Aileen do all the work, and that girl had skills. She bobbed back and forth upon his shaft while one hand carressed his balls and her other... well, it was still between her own legs. When he came, she sucked every drop from him, then opened her mouth to show the pearly white pool upon her tongue. She let some of it dribble down her chin and upon her breasts. The rest she swallowed down."
"Goodness," Euna says. "My sister is quite the little strumpet."
"Is that a bad thing?" you ask.
"I don't know... What happened next?"
"Well then...
"She turned, bent at the hip, and placed both her hands on the chicken coop. She told the men to ravage her, and ravage her they did. The men raised her skirt and shift up onto her back to reveal her dripping pussy. One after another, the men took her, each in their own way."
"Did they not care that she'd just coupled with a dog?" Euna asks.
"Clearly not. To them, it probably just meant she was nice and wet. Her thighs were slick with dog cum."
You continue. "The first man was forceful. He stabbed himself into her as he pulled her hips back upon himself. Her body jerked with each thrust. It must have been pure agony. Her snatch had already been beaten raw with a whip. Oh how Aileen wept.Oh how Aileen whimpered. When he came inside of her, he hollered loud enough for all to hear.
"The second man was degrading. As he rammed into her, he yanked her piss-wet hair, pinched her breasts, and slapped her raw ass endlessly as though she were a bucking horse. All the while he laughed as though he himself were a donkey. Aileen's nails raked the coop wall as she endured this treatment. At the end, he pulled out and sprayed his seed over her back.
"The third man took his time, since the others were still recovering. He pressed his body to hers explored her body with his hands while he took her in a slow steady rhythm. Aileen trembled and quaked. The man took the longest, and when he came, He and Aileen cried out in unison.
"Each lad was spent. Her muff was frothed with their seed. It ran down Aileen's inner thighs in rivulets."
"She must have been exhausted," Euna says.
"I imagine she was," you reply. "That's when...
"They urinated on my sister?" Euna asks.
You nod. "The first man aimed at her bared breasts, and she massaged it upon her skin. The urine flowed as river down her naked belly and between her legs. She basted her tortured pussy with his offering. The rest wet the dirt beneath her.It ran between her globes and flowed down her bodice. Soon the stream appeared between her legs. She rubbed it into her own snatch.
"The second man had fun making sure to wet as much of her as possible. He grinned like a fool as he aimed his stream at her hair until it was dripping wet. He sprayed her eyes, making her giggle and flinch. He wetted her arms and her thighs. He even took pains to urinate on her discarded clothes.And he made sure to soak the entirety of the dress she wore hiked about her waist.
"The third man was the most intimate. Standing right before her, he placed the tip of his cock right at her lips. She obediently opened her mouth and swallowed what she could."
"She drank it?"
"As much as she could. Much of it overflowed and ran down her chin."
"And my sister enjoyed all this?"
"She loved it. She was rubbing the piss into her skin even though it stung upon all her fresh welts.and letting it soak her frock until it was translucent and dripping. When the men finally finished, there wasn't a single square inch on your sister that wasn't drenched. And if you're still not convinced that she enjoyed this, do you know what she did next?"
"I'm guessing she didn't come to her senses and rush off to get clean."
"She then leaned back against the coop wall and let loose her own stream upon the dirt. Though she basted most of it back upon her own snatch as she rubbed herself to a trembling climax. For a finale, she licked her fingers clean."
Euna shakes her head. "I can't believe my sister enjoys such behavior. And to swallow it..."
"Some people enjoy that. It's both intimate and raunchy."
"You don't think it is?"
"I suppose in a strange way it is." She thinks about it. "Would you like it if I relieved myself upon you?"
You shrug. "If you wanted to try it, sure. Would you like it?"
She scrunches her nose. "No. I don't think so. But then... My sister clearly gets something from it, so who knows? I doubt it though."
"It's up to you."
"What happened next?" she asks
"Well then...
"One of the hunting hounds?" Euna asks.
"But those hounds were nearly feral. They're massive, slobbering Shepherd Hounds. I was afraid of them in my youth."
"Yet when the boys brought one out, her eyes lit up. And when the dog licked the cum drizzling her breasts, at the urine soaked into her breasts, her breasts, her lust overcame her, for she turned and stuck her rump in the air. The dog needed no further encouragement. It wrapped its forelegs about her waist and stabbed its red cock about. One of the men had to give the poor hound some help.
"The moment the dog struck home though, it buried its cock as deep in your sister as it could. It fucked her with the enthusiasm only a dog can muster. Your sister could hardly keep from toppling.
You pause. "I don't know how much you know about how dogs reproduce..."
"Some," Euna says.
"Then you might know about their knot. Once they cum, their cock swells up at the base to lock themselves into their bitch."
"Do not refer to my sister as a bitch."
"I'm sorry. I'm only explaining how other dogs mate."
"So the dog got stuck to my sister?"
"Exactly. After it filled her, it couldn't get off. The boys found this uproariously funny. It kept tugging away, but all it did was drag your crying sister along."
"I can't believe they'd do that to her."
"Her cries were more moans. She was stroking her clit all the while."
"I see."
"When the dog finally pulled out, Aileen had a river of watery cum pouring from her gash."
"...Wow," Euna says. "So my sister has lain with animals."
"They're energetic."
"Do many people commit such sins?"
"In the right circles, more than you'd think. To some people, a cock is a cock."
"Back home I had a stallion once," Euna says. "The idea of laying with him that way is..."
"Grotesque. I would never even have thought of doing something like that."
"And now?"
She regards you.
"My apologies, Your Highness."
"What happened then? Did the boys continue to torment my sister?"
"Well, after that show...
"They teased Aileen about what a loose girl she was," you say, "how she would spread her legs for anything."
"Rude," Euna replies.
"They weren't gentlemen, but Aileen didn't disagree. She just played with herself and waited to see what the lads would do. So each decided to test this claim.
"The first lad set their vodka bottle on the ground. He told Aileen to treat it as a lover. Jokingly at first, Aileen kissed and nuzzled the neck of the bottle. They all had a good laugh from this, especially when she fellated it like a cock. But this wasn't what the lad meant. So they pushed her onto her back and fucked her with the narrow end. She whimpered and struggled. Her gash was still raw from the whipping. This didn't impress the men, not until the lad pulled the bottle out, turned it around, and worked the thick base into her."
"It fit?"
"They didn't stop until it did. It didn't matter how much Aileen protested. They'd just hold her legs wider. Once it got in though, even she was delighted. Only the neck stuck out.
"The second lad fetched a broom from beside the coop, and while the first was still working the bottle in and out of her, he pressed the tip of the broom handle against her ass. She complained, and the lads had to hold her down, but it went in easy seeing as how so much of her feminine nectar had run down over her rear hole. Good for her too, because that lad did not go easy. He must have forced two feet into her."
"Impossible," Euna says.
"Maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but the length that disappeared into that small girl was impressive. The hands thought so too. They fucked her ass with that and worked the bottle about until Aileen squealed and squirmed.
"The next lad did something special. He disappeared into the coop and returned with a basket of two dozen fresh eggs. He boasted that tramp like Aileen was so loose that they could push all those eggs inside her without any breaking. They took turns pushing eggs into her snatch. Six went in easily. The last four took some pushing and twisting, but they managed. Her pussy swelled outward from all that was stuffed inside.
"Then she had to prove that none had broken. Aileen squeezed the eggs out one at a time. Each was dripping with her juices. The boys laughed and called her a hen, but in the end, a pile of slimy eggs rested beneath her. Not one was broken. Your sister looked quite proud of herself."
"My favorite part," you continue, "is that the boys put the eggs back in the coop to be found by the handmaidens the next day."
Euna's eyes widen.
"Don't worry. You were at the convent during this. You didn't eat any, but your father did the next morning. He mentioned just how superb they were, and your sister had to stifle her laugh."
"Delightful..." she says. "What did the stable hands do next?"
"They yanked off her clothes and took turns. Two hands would hold her. The other would whip her. The first had the others bend her over. He brought the whip down upon her ass until her rump was beaten raw. Her cries only encouraged them to whip her harder."
"Were they forcing her?"
"You might have thought, but not once during her crying did she tell them to stop."
"If you say so."
"The second lad had the others turn her around so he could whip her breasts and belly as viciously as the last man had whipped her ass. He reduced her breasts to a map of welts. Some of the lads were reluctant to continue, but even in her tears, Aileen begged them to continue."
Euna frowns. "Hmm..."
"The third lad did something special. Once the whip was in his hand, he leaned close and whispered in Aileen's ear. She told the hand that if they did not do as he had just threatened, that she would tell her father everything that had transpired."
"What did they do?" Euna asks.
The two other men each hooked an arm under her thighs and lifted her up. Her arms were about each man's shoulder for support. Her legs were spread wide. Her pussy was presented to the third lad. And with his target revealed, he brought the whip down directly onto her sex. Oh how Aileen shrieked. I don't know how the guards didn't hear. After only three strikes, Aileen was thrashing against the lads trying to close her legs, or get away, or anything, but they held her firm. The lad gave her ten lashes, and by the end, her pussy was a tender mass of flesh, and she was a sobbing wreck."
"I have trouble believing that was fully consensual," Euna says.
"It wasn't," you say. "Those men had no choice after the promise she made."
"You know what I mean. How could Aileen enjoy that?"
"Your sister has discovered that the line between pleasure and pain is thin, and that the stimulation of pain upon the mind can cause a release that pleasure alone can't do. I do know that as soon as they put her down, her hand shot between her legs. She rubbed herself to a climax in seconds that had her screaming in ecstasy."
"The idea that one could crave pain," Euna ponders this. "It's... intriguing."
"It intrigues you, does it?"
"Don't get ideas, fool. I'm merely remarking on how odd it is."
"My apologies, Your Highness."
"What happened next?" she asks.
"Aileen became overcome with lust. She demanded that they fuck her."
"One of the lads brought a hound from the kennel."
"They had Aileen kneel down while they circled about her and took out their cocks."
"The boys had fun seeing what items they could fit inside your sister."
"The boys stripped her naked while another brought out a horse whip."
"Another story tonight?" you ask.
"I'd like that," she replies.
"Let's see then..." You think back. "One time, long before I met your father. I was—"
"Actually," she says. "Do you know any more stories about Aileen?"
"Aileen?" You consider. "I can't think of one at the moment."
"Oh, come now. Surely you must have more. Tell me about something naughty my dear Aileen has done."
"Why are you so interested? I could tell you a hundred naughty stories about all manner of strange people, yet you focus on your sister."
"Because I'm a harlot like her now, and I want to know how I fare against her."
"...Or you've grown an interest in her."
"I know what you're implying. Don't be daft."
"I've got an idea," you say. "Why don't you tell me a story about your sister?"
"A lurid story? You know I don't have any."
"I didn't say it has to be real." You lean back. "Tell me about the time you were walking the palace halls late one night, and you stumbled upon your sister having sex."
Euna seems a little bemused. "I... where? With whom?"
"My father?" Euna frowns. "Remind me, how this went?"
"I think you were looking for your sister. There they were in his solar. He had her pinned beneath him, and he was plowing her like a common whore."
Euna regards you. It seems this game has already gone a step too far for her, but then, "Ah yes. How could I forget. My father was cross with me for barging in on him."
"That's right," you say. "What did he do about it."
"I tried to leave, but he ordered me to stay. He decided that if I had no respect for his privacy, then I might as well watch him rut my sister."
"What did Aileen think of this?"
"She could have died with embarrassment. I don't think she wanted me to know about this relationship she had with our father."
"You were a bit of a prude back then."
"I was. And I think my father was trying to work that out of me, especially since after he finished, he ordered me to clean my sister."
"What did you do?"
"I got between her legs and bathed her with my tongue. I sucked what seed I could from her nethers."
"I like it."
"So did my father, for I felt him lifting my frock, and just like that, he took me just as he took Aileen. I kept my tongue working upon my sister until he'd had his way with me."
"I'm surprised you would submit to your father like that. You're one normally to take charge."
"Normally I am, but my father is the tsar. All within Ruthgar is his to do with as he pleases, including his daughters. When I become the tsaritsa, all will belong to me to do with as I please, In the meantime, as tsarivna, it is my duty to obey him."
"As a proper tsarivna should."
"Yes. But he has still been grooming me to take the throne. That's why to make sure I could properly wield authority, he had me do things to my poor sister, though I gladly did them."
"What did you do?"
"How obedient."
"Of course. My father raised two properly behaved daughters. It is our duty to do whatever our father and tsar demands of us."
"As a proper tsarivna should."
"Though he decided to test my obedience. My father told Aileen that she could do whatever nasty things she wanted to me, just so long as he could watch. I gladly submitted myself to my sister's twisted ploys."
"What did she do?"
"You were drawn by the moans and grunts," you add. "You found Aileen bent over a scrubbing table, breasts against the filthy surface. Her skirt about her waist. Men were taking turns rutting her like a sow. Do you remember?"
"Ah. Right." She says. "I do recall. My chamber maid had not prepared my bath, and I'd gone looking for her."
"You were quite vexed," you say. "And what did you do when you found your sister like that?"
"I... I spied on her."
"That's all?"
"No." A devious smile comes over her. "I was in such an angry mood. I decided that if my sister was going to be the palace tramp, she might as well go all the way. I fetched a dozen guards from the barracks. She tried to get away when I ordered them to seize her, and then I told them to ravage her as they will."
"How devious of you."
"Of course, I couldn't help myself. I laid beside my sister and insisted the men fuck me as well. To make it interesting, I told my dear sister that if she didn't pleasure more men than I did come morning, I would punish her. She was the harlot after all. What kind of harlot would she be if she could lose to her prim and proper sister?"
"Who won?"
"I did, of course."
"You are a greater harlot than Aileen?"
"I might have cheated. When I felt greedy, I'd order the men ravaging Aileen to finish in me. They obviously counted toward my tally."
"And what was the final tally?"
"I don't know. In the morning, I just decided that I'd won."
"Ooh. That's downright wicked. How did you punish Aileen?"
"At first." A devious smile comes over her. She's catching on. "But then they spotted me."
"Oh no!"
"I tried to get away, but they overpowered me. They knew I'd tell my father if given the chance. You know how I was."
"Of course. What did they do?"
"They decided the best way to keep me silent was to have me share in my sister's shame. So they dragged me laid me atop Aileen and took turns ravaging us."
"The scoundrels!"
"But then they decided to call more of the staff, so everyone was complicit. And who would believe my claim that the entire staff ravaged me? Everyone would think I was just being my usual prudish self."
"How long did it go on?"
"All night. They made us compete against each other. They'd punish whichever of us pleasured fewer men. Aileen was delighted by the idea. I didn't get a say in the matter, but we both used all our tricks and wiles to win. Neither of us wanted to suffer the torture they promised."
"Who won?"
"She did, of course. Do you think I'm as great a harlot as she is? And they decided she should get to decided what to do with me."
"Which was?"
After you both settle down to eat, Euna starts the conversation. "It occurred to me today that I know practically nothing about you."
"Is that so?"
"It is. In all this time, I've told you so much about myself. And when you do speak, it's to tell me things about my family I never knew, but you never speak of yourself. So I want to hear a story about you."
"What would you like to know?"
"Anything. How did you grow up? Where did you learn to be a foolan acrobat?"
"I learned my trade from the Prowling Lilins. I spent many years with them."
"The Prowling Lilins? You're not referring to that circus, are you? They're barbaric and savage, just as likely to rob a town as they are to perform in it. And their acts... I've heard they're the most debased and godless performances known to man."
"Oh, so you already know about them."
"I shouldn't be surprised," she says. "It sounds like you'd fit right in."
"It's not that bad. You probably heard the troupe through the lens of the daughters of Nim, who probably look down on all troupes."
"I've seen troupes before," she says archly. "I know what they do, and I know that the Prowling Lilins are one of the most infamous troupes in the land."
"Sure. We were raunchy... beyond raunchy. We covered every possible sexual act known to mankind, but it's what we sold, and people knew that. They came to watch us to see all those sordid practices they're too afraid to admit they like. But we were not thieves, no more than any other troupe anyway. Your father actually invited us to perform at his court years ago."
"I heard about that. The church banned them ever returning."
"But on the brighter side, that's how I met your father."
"Yes. Reverend Mother Margosha had fits over you. I didn't know what she was talking about until I returned and saw what you'd turned the royal court into."
"I made it fun."
Euna grins. "That's one way of putting it. Were their performances really that raunchy?"
"Oh yes. Our shows were not for children. Our gymnasts were practically naked. Our plays were always burlesque tales about busty damzels or strapping lads. Our other performers would demonstrate feats or arts that were nothing if not sexual. The people in the Prowling Lilins were the most talented and depraved people I ever knew."
"Tell me about them," she says.
She gapes. "Truly? You were a prostitute?"
"For a time, it was the only way I had to make money."
"For men?"
"...I had no idea."
"I bet your Lord Nimel would have something to say about it."
"He would frown of your behavior, to put it lightly, but I will not judge. I've known you were scoundrel. It shouldn't surprise me that you're a non-discriminating scoundrel as well. Do you still..."
"Once I discovered I had actual talents, I joined the Lilins as a performer, and I haven't had to fall back on tricks since then."
"So you do not bed with men anymore?"
"Oh, I never said that, but it has been a while. I mostly grace women's beds with my talents."
"And I'm sure the females of the world are grateful," she says. "Enough of this. Tell me more about the Lilins."
"For the first few years I was with the Lilins, I was a whore," you say, "but all the while I was training to become an acrobat. I knew from the first time I traveled with the Lilins that I would join them one day."
"What was it like?"
"Being a whore?"
"A prostitute, yes. You slept with unknown men."
"And women," you add. "I slept with anyone who had coin. It was the only way I had to make money."
"Good Lord. Didn't you find it degrading?"
You grin. "With everything you know about me, Your Highness, do you really think I was that bothered pulling tricks?"
"I suppose not. Do you ever still do it?"
"If I fuck strangers these days, it's for the fun of it."
Euna grins ruefully. "You are such a tramp. Of all the women with whom to get stuck on this island."
"Afraid my promiscuous ways will rub off on you?"
"Never. Now tell me more about the Lilins."
"So it was only for show?"
"Oh, no," you say. "Vecta's screams were just as real as Helga's moans. Their sex acts were true acts of masochism. It just had limits."
"How bloody did it get?" she asks.
"Enough that Vecta sometimes blacked out. Their acts included all manner of nasty skewers, and barbed whips, and knives. They left that stage splattered with blood. Sometimes pooled with it."
"Goodness. And crowds enjoyed seeing women torture themselves like this?"
"Like you wouldn't believe. People love to see exotic sex."
"...What?" She stares at you, bewildered. "You... You are..." She glances meaningfully toward your groin.
"For how long?"
"Since yesterday actually," you say.
"No. Of course not. For as long as you've known me."
"How? Did my father know?"
"Yes, he knew."
"...My aunt?"
"No. Not her. If Reverend Mother Margosha had known, she would have had me exiled long ago."
She nods. Her dumbfounded look hardly fades. "I'm really not sure what to make this. I have so many questions. How did you come to be? How did you hide this? Is it... Does it..."
"I'm sure you have a lot of questions," you say. "I'll answer them all another time, but perhaps you should collect your thoughts first."
"Yes," she says. "You're right. I'm prying." More silence. "But you will speak of this more, won't you?"
"Another night, of course."
"Very well. Then tell me more about the Lilins."
"Oh. I suppose you can't believe everything you hear then."
"Particularly about the Lilins. There were a lot of rumors going around about us. Half our audiences were there to see if what they'd heard was true."
"Sounds like rumors suited you. What other acts did the Lilins get up to?"
"So it wasn't a secret?"
"Not at all," you reply. "In the Lilins, the Vixens were accepted. They were proud of who they were, and they hardly hid their little gifts from anyone."
"But how did they come to be? What were they like?"
"They are a story unto their own, a story for another night. If I told you everything about the Warped ones, we'd be here until the sun rises."
"Very well. What other acts did the Lilins have?"
"Sounds messy."
"It was," you admit. "Their names were Duke Geoffrey Van Dinglebush and Duchess Daisy Bandysnatch."
"Silly names," Euna says.
"Silly acts. The idea was people got to let off steam by knocking a pair of royals down a notch. Of course it was all part of the play."
"What actually happened at their performances?"
"It would start with both of them coming out. Geoffrey would be in a fine gentleman's suit. Daisy would wear the frilliest dress you can imagine, a cumbersome bell skirt and all. At first, they'll just stroll around the ring sticking their noses up at all the other burlesque performances. Geoffrey might shield Daisy's eyes. Daisy might say something about proper sensibilities. They would be absolute prudes.
"Then another performer would get 'angry' and tear a piece of Daisy's clothing off, or maybe throw a mudball at them. Geoffrey and Daisy would be absolutely aghast. More would follow. All the performers would ridicule the two until the audience joined in. Everyone would pelt the two with mud, cowpies, food... anything. By the end, their fineries would be in shambles, and they'd be buried beneath a foul mess.
"The two would try to retreat, but they'd make such a mess of it. Geoffrey might face plant into muck. Daisy would always get her skirt torn up. She'd often pratfall on something particularly nasty and always pout and cry."
"And this was entertainment. Did they have other acts?"
"Of course. They had their more risqué acts."
"Their sexual acts, you mean. Did these ever involve bodily fluids? Urine, perhaps?"
"Just urine, then," she says.
"And cum," you add. "And mud, and everything else under the sun."
"Hmm. I suppose I should be glad there's at one line they wouldn't cross. Let's move on. Tell me about another group."
She arches an eyebrow.scrunches her nose. "And they would get as messy with these sex acts as they would with their performances?"
"And this attracted an audience?"
"Geoffrey and Daisy always drew a crowd."
"As much as I'd love to hear more about that, let's move on. Tell me about another group."
"Good," she says. "I wouldn't have been surprised to learn they indulge in such filth."
"Oh, they do," you say. "Just not urine and waste, but their sexual acts still had them wallowing in everything from mud to cum."
"I assume they're still guilty of other dirtysinful acts, such as sodomy."
"Sodomy was practically what they were known for."
"I figured as much. Why such people insist in indulging in such a dirty practice, I will never understand."
"It's simple. The asshole is a delightful little hole to rummage which causes no end of joy."
"If you say so. What other acts did this troupe of yours have?"
"No. You're a scoundral, and I'm not at all surprised to learn you've paid for sex."
"I hardly ever paid."
She frowns. "No? But they were prostitutes."
"Prostitutes have sex for fun too, and I can be a lot of fun."
She's skeptical. "Really?"
"Sure. Sex with johns is a job. You're making them happy. Where's the fun in that?"
She regards you. "And so you are charming and talented enough that they freely gave themselves to you?"
"Every time." You grin. "Unless I wanted them to do something particularly kinky."
She rolls her eyes. "A scoundral, a charmer, and a pervert. Of all the people with whom to be stranded."
"What better partner to gain perspective from," you say.
"I'm sure... Enough of this. Tell me more about the Lilins."
She blinks. "No? You don't sleep with men?"
"No. I was an acrobat for the LIlins from the start."
"So you didn't take part in the debauchery?"
"I never said that," you reply. "I enjoyed myself plenty in that circus. I seduced many of the Circus Girls for myself, just never the men. I have no interest in them."
"With all I've heard of your promiscuity, you can't expect me to believe you've never slept with men before."
"Sure I have, when I was very young, but it didn't take me long to discover that my eyes are only for women." You catch Euna's gaze. "I find them infinitely more beautiful and graceful."
There's a pause.
Euna breaks eye contact. "Yes, well. I suppose I can understand that. I never realized though." She stares into the fire. Her cheeks are turning pink. "Enough of that. Tell me more about the Lilins."
"Pity,""Glad to hear it," she says. "Who were they then?"
"Two girls who ran away from their town together and joined us."
"And what were their performances like?"
"But it's a sin," Euna says.
"Right. It's hot."
"Good Lord. You performers really had no sense of morals at all, did you?"
"I guess our audience didn't either. They always packed around the Sisters' stage. In fact, of all the parts of the Suffering Sisters' act that someone could take issue with, you're the first to be bothered by how they're actually sisters."
"I'm bothered by much of what I'm hearing, actually, but I suppose only a prude like me would take offense to incestuous torture. Were their acts nothing but carnal debauchery?"
"Helda would put on more traditional acts sometimes. Sometimes she'd play a heroine or a villainess, but most of her acts were torturing Vecta in creative ways. For the final act, Helda would tie Vecta down so the crowd could ravage her to their heart's content."
"But Vecta was fine with this, yes?" Euna asks.
"Of course. It wasn't as though she was actually being raped."
"Vecta was as submissive and masochistic as they come," you say. "She lived for it. And even between acts, Vecta was always helping Helda invent new sadistic games to torment her with. The more an act would make Vecta scream or blush, the more excited Vecta would be to try it."
"I'm glad to hear it was consensual."
"Of course it was. As far as the troupe was concerned, sex should never be a rape, even if it's a torture."
"Fascinating philosophy. Tell me about the other acts."
"So it was rape?"
"Helda spent a long time breaking down Vecta's will and training her. Vecta learned not to disobey."
"But they're sisters. Why would Helda do that to her own flesh and blood?"
"Helda was a sadist from the beginning. Growing up, she enjoyed bossing her little sister around. It went from bullying to torment to complete sexual domination."
"And their family didn't stop this?"
"I doubt it was a good household. The two did run away after all. Or at least Helda did, and she took her sister with her, but only because she wanted to keep her property."
"But you said they ran away together."
"They did. When Vecta was young, she was in an arranged marriage, and Helda seduced her. It was just once, but if Vecta's husband and family ever learned of it, they'd have stoned her to death. Helda used that to blackmail Vecta and forced the poor girl into more sex. That just entangled Vecta deeper into Helda's trap. It went from a tryst, to extortion, to complete sexual domination. Eventually people found out anyway. Helda took Vecta away with her."
"And they came to the Lilins?"
"...Where Helda made a lifestyle out of torturing poor Vecta for all the world to see."
"Why doesn't Vecta run away?"
"Because she doesn't know any other life, and in a twisted sort of way, she does love Helda."
"Bizarre," Euna says, "and disturbing. Let's talk about something else. What other acts are there in the Lilins?"
"Sex? Were they actually sisters?"
"So they'd hurt themselves for show?" Euna asks.
"More often, Vecta did most of the suffering. They used everything from hot coals to whips. Whatever the act was, you could count on some truly sadistic, raunchy sex."
"And how badly would they really hurt each other? Were they ever so sadistic as to draw blood?"
"No. Audiences got a little too squeamish at the sight of blood."
"Oh yes. The blood made it real for the crowds, and Helga's cruelty knew no limits."
"They actually mutilated their own bodies?" she asks.
"In ways you couldn't imagine. They were dedicated to it."
"All for their acts? What about their life outside of the their performances?"
"They didn't warp themselves for their acts," you explain. "They warped themselves because that's what they wanted to be. It became their self image. The tattoos and piercings were their own way of decorating themselves, and those who stretched themselves did so often because they loved taking large cocks."
"Oh, that kind of stretching," Euna says.
"And they wouldn't judge, like you just did. They accepted one another, even encouraged one another to push their boundaries. Their acts were just a way of making money from their passion." You pause. "Well, for some they were exhibitionists."
"And none of them ever regretted warping themselves like that?"
"If any did, I never knew about it."
"So odd. What other ways did they change themselves."
"In ways you can't even imagine. They were master alchemists and surgeons. Others were simply born warped."
"Is it true what I've heard," she asks. "There are women among the Prowling Lilins who have tackles like a man?"
"Of course there were prostitutes," Euna says. "I'd be more surprised if you told me there were none at all. Was anything special about them?"
"Not really," you reply. "They didn't even work for us. They merely paid the troupe master for room and board, but they found their own business. Our burlesque performances would excite the crowds, and those crowds would find these Circus girls to relieve their excitement."
"Sounds glamorous," Euna says dryly. "What a life to choose?"
"More often it was only short term. Women would travel with us for safety, and whoring was simply a means for coin. Once we passed through wherever they were traveling to, they'd leave us. We met all sorts of people this way."
"Such as who?"
"We'd meet troubled girls escaping bad homes, or sometimes spoiled girls escaping nobility to live exciting lives. Merchants might whore their wives and daughters to make extra coin. Pilgrim women might sell their bodies to earn coin between temples."
"How devout. Sounds like your troupe was awash with women."
"We had a few men pulling tricks too," you say.
"Circus boys?"
"Troupe Studs, if you must call them something, though normally they just went by their names."
"Ah. And these studs. Did they cater to female clientele? Or..."
"Or men? Yes. Usually men."
"Oh I... I see."
"Am I shattering your sensibilities again?" you ask.
"With every sentence you utter. Though I'm not so naive that I've never heard of men laying together. Though I assume, of course, that you never indulged yourself among those studs."
"Of course. I've no interest in men, but I certainly indulged myself of those circus women."
"It was. The Prowling Lilins are mostly women."
"All catering to their male crowd..."
"Our audiences had many women, and they enjoyed our Circus girls too."
"Ah, so your prostitutes did not discriminate their clientele. Did you ever count yourself among these Circus Girls?"
"...I see. And the waste? Did that factor into their sexual acts too?"
"How about one last story," you say.
"Yes. I'd like that," Euna says. She looks up from the fire. "You said before that you had other stories about my sister, Aileen."
"I do."
"Tell me one."
"You want me to gossip about your sister even more? I think it's hardly fair to her."
"Don't be coy. These aren't secrets she shared with you. You don't have to keep them."
"If we ever get back, you'll never look at her the same."
"She is my family. I will always love her. And as her bigger sister, I have an obligation to know what trouble she's been getting into."
"You're not going to lecture her, are you?"
"No, but I might tease her."
"Then I think it's only fair that you divulge a secret too."
"Why should I?" she says. "It's not like you're revealing anything about yourself."
"No, but I earned my gossip by being in the right place to find out."
"No doubt by peeping."
"Maybe, but if you want to hear the story, you need to trade for it."
"Fine. What do you want to know?"
"What's the farthest you've ever gone with a man?"
"Tell me a naughty secret about the girls at the convent.""No. That's not how this works," she huffs. "I already told you a secret, and now it's your turn."
"All right, all right."
"Start talking."
"By naughty I assume you mean sexual?"
You nod.
"We were sisters of Nimel. We all took a vow of chastity, so I'm not sure what you expect."
"Human's have urges, Your Highness, even if they've put on habits. There must be something."
"I think your perverted fantasies are out of touch with reality."
"Oh, come now. A flock of attractive, young women locked up together? Something must have happened."
"We weren't all attractive. Or young."
"But there must be something," you say.
She thinks. "I can't think of any—" she pauses. "Well..."
You grin. "What it is? What did you just remember."
"It's hardly anything. We used to bathe together. We'd heat buckets of water in the kitchen and carry them to the bathouse where the steam could collect. We'd lounge and talk as we'd scrub ourselves. Nude."
"That's it?"
She's blushing. "Usually. But sometimes we used to... bathe each other. It wasn't out of place for one of us to lay back and relax as our fellow sister would scrub us thoroughly. And sometimes we'd get carried away. I recall one sister. Naina, who was particulary fond of helping the other sisters bathe. She was... talented with a sponge. If a sister had a bad day, Naina would have them lie back and she would go to work."
"Doing what?"
"Bathing them, of course."
"But when you say talented with a sponge, what do you mean?"
Euna hesitates. "I've heard, from the other sisters, that she'd pay particular attention between their legs." Her face is growing red. "That it could leave you weak at the knees. But it was to relieve tension."
"I bet it did."
She flusters. "None of us saw it as sexual."
"Did you ever enjoy one of these massages?"
"No." Her response was too quick. She notices you eyeing her. "Fine! Yes, but it was never sexual. It's only through your perverted lens that it seems wrong. It was one sister helping another fellow sister after a tough day."
"Did the reverend mother know about these massages?"
"No. We... It never came up. She bathed separately."
"Would you have told her if it did come up?"
Euna fidgets. Her blush is deep red. "Enough of this. I've told you about my sisters. It clearly amused you. Now tell me about my sister."
"You're right. Fair is fair. As it so happens, your sister was no stranger to bathing pleasures either."
"What do you mean?"
"That's hardly an appropriate thing to ask," she admonishes.
"Of course it's not," you say. "It's tantalizing gossip. It's not supposed to be appropriate. So come on."
"The farthest I've gone with a man is to sleep with him," she says, "and that was you."
"Another man," you reply.
"Fine." She mulls it over. "I'll tell you, but you must understand this this was during the year before I went to the convent. I'm a different woman now."
"Sure, sure."
"There was a young lad who used to pester me to favor him with kisses. I never took a liking to him, but I enjoyed the attention. We would sneak off to the staff dining closet off the dining hall. We kissed and fondled enough, but one day he asked if he could taste of... my petals, and I agreed. I sat on a silverware cupboard and he climbed under my petticoat and... you know know what happened."
"Impressive, Your Highness. I would never have guessed you'd dabble in those pleasures."
She was blushing. "...I'm not done. We did this a few times. It made him so happy, and the experience was not altogether unpleasant, but one time his tongue... slipped, or so he later claimed."
"No! He tongued your ass?"
"If you would watch your language! ... but, yes." Her face and neck are a deep red.
"What'd you do?"
"I stopped him... eventually."
Your grin is from ear to ear. "Eventually? As in a few seconds, or after you had your fun?"
"After seconds," she stammered. "It was an unclean act."
"Sounds like you had fun."
"That's beside the point. This was a long time ago. I was young and foolish, and I've since sought penance. Now tell me about my sister. I think I've earned it. So tell me."
"Over her chest?"
"Over every inch of her body," you say. "And if there wasn't enough to spread around, Militsa had the maids shit on her too. She had to stay like that until they bathed her the next morning."
"That sounds delightfully depraved," Euna says. "I think I'd be too enflamed to sleep like that."
"She went to sleep like that? In the bed? With sheets?"
You chuckle. "I don't think they did any sleeping that night."
"She had your sister tongue every pit, crevice, and fold of her body," you add. "As I understand it, while Militsa may have bathed your sister in a tub, she never bathed herself. Ever. So she would get particularly sweaty and nasty over time. Aileen had her work cut out for her. Not to mention all the other maids Militsa made her tongue bathe."
"Lord, I'm getting wet thinking about how nasty that is," Euna says.
"Something tells me you and you future maids won't ever touch a bath again."
"Why would Aileen do that? Why in the world would Militsa want that?"
"Because why not? Your sister was Militsa's personal slave."
"What do you mean? For how long?"
"For the rest of the trip. She spent her time in the duke's court wallowing in her stink and clamminess. Each night, it got worse, because they'd tease her until she was all sweaty and her flower was frothing."
"But Militsa's job was to bathe Aileen."
"Apparently it was also her job to decide when to bathe Aileen, for she only would after weeks, once your sister reeked of sex and odor. And even then, only if Aileen begged her nicely."
"She's sodomize my sister?"
"I love those dirty words you use."
"My sister put up with this?"
"From what I hear, your sister would be trembling mess by the end, begging for more."
"If you've never played with your bottom—"
"I haven't."
"—then you might not understand, but it can be a source of all sorts of fun."
"Intriguing idea. Aileen enjoyed such a carnal scent when she sleeped?"
"What for?" Euna asks, nose scrunched.
"For fun?"
"But that's filthy."
"And people can enjoy this?"
"You sister seemed to. The serving girl described how your sister would beg Militsa and the girls to smear themselves on her face each night so she may bear a fresh mark. And while they'd oblige, her own pussy drooled."
"Sounds like my sister knows about the joys of wallowing as well."
"You two are very much alike that way."
"So strange. I can only imagine how disgusting it must have been. And my sister enjoyed this sort of filth?"
"There's a lot about your sister you don't know."
You think back. "Let's see... Do you remember your sister's lady-in-waiting, Militsa?"
"She was the large woman. Stout. Comely though."
"That's her. From what I've heard, she helps your sister in more than just dressing and bathing."
"Is that so?"
"When your father traveled to Estinslaw years ago to meet with the Duke, your sister and Militsa came along. The Duke sent one of his personal serving girls to help attend to Aileen. That servant told a friend of mine your sister and Militsa had a rather intimate relationship behind closed doors, and they didn't mind one bit that the Duke's servant was there."
"Militsa would have Aileen caress her womanhood with her tongue."
Euna blanks. "What?"
"At baths, while your sister reclined her head on the tub's lip, Militsa squatted over her face and held her head in place. Once, she simply made your sister sit upon the floor while she draped a thigh over Aileens shoulder and held Aileen's face against her."
"Militsa was forcing herself upon my little sister?"
"According to the serving girl, this was their relationship. No forcing involved. The things Militsa did to Aileen were secretly why Aileen kept her around. Militsa even made sure Aileen's other handmaidens treated Aileen the same way. She made the serving girl to sit upon your sister's face and enjoy her tongue for herself."
"Interesting. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Go on."
"And this was okay with the girl?"
"That girl said your sister was her most favorite guest she ever served."
Euna thinks on this, then shakes her head. "So unnatural."
"I guess the convent is against two women loving each other?"
"'It is a sin to lie with another without cause to create a child'" Euna recites. "My aunt would see it as an abomination, but then again, she saw everything as that. I guess it's no worse than laying with a man without cause, but still. Strange."
Euna thinks on this, then shakes her head. "Unbelievable."
"I guess the church is against two women loving each other?"
"I'm hardly one to throw a stone," Eune says, "but my aunt tought us both that it as an abomination. To think of my sister engaging in such ways. It's strange."
"Shall I stop telling the story?"
"There's more?" Her curiosity alights. "What is it?"
"The Duke's serving girl recalled one encounter in particular. Aileen had been in bed, and both Militsa and the serving girl had taken turns sitting upon her face. Afterward, Militsa...
"...shat on your sister and made the maids rub it in."
"...made your sister bathe her with her tongue."
"...refused to let your sister bathe."
"...worked her fingers up your sister's ass."
"...made your sister sleep with their smears upon her face."
"Goodness," Euna says. "What did she do to Aileen?"
"Everything you can imagine. She ran skewers through Aileens tits. She burned her pussy with hot irons. Aileen's shrieks would have woken the keep if she weren't being choked. After she'd pass out, the girls would treat her wounds and clean up the blood."
"Hmm," Euna says. "I'm getting wet thinking about it."
"I figured you'd understand."
"How is my sister not a mess of scars?"
"Under her dresses, her body probably has all sorts of marks."
"How did she get away with that? Surely someone would have noticed the abuse."
"Would they? Militsa caned her breasts, her belly, her thighs and feet, her ass—"
"All places that her dresses would cover."
"Exactly. Militsa not only enjoyed torturing your sister until she was begging for mercy, but she delighted in knowing that Aileen would be attending the duke's court while silently suffering with every move. Aileen would be smiling demurely, all while being constantly reminded of her beating."
"I bet she was dripping wet the whole while."
"You're not wrong."
"Militsa had brought rope and a riding crop on their trip. She showed the serving girl what to do, and in no time at all, they had your sister spread eagle upon the bed, arms and legs to each bedpost."
"Sounds like Militsa had done this before."
"Doesn't it?" you say. "Especially when Militsa sat upon your sister's face and whipped her breasts with the crop."
"Like a horse?" Euna asks.
"More like a dog. She'd make Aileen bark. And beg. And lick."
"That sounds incredibly degrading, and a little painful."
"I imagine it was humiliating beyond compare. Militsa would laugh and jeer until Aileen was crying from embarrassment."
"What would they call her?" Euna asks.
"Every name you can imagine. A lowly slut. A simpering whore. A desperate trollop. Most of all, she call Aileen her personal property to use and abuse as she wanted. If Aileen didn't admit to it, Militsa might give her a sharp slap across the face."
"The maid would strike my sister?"
"Oh yes."
"I would never have taken my sister for a masochist," Euna says. "Though it explains so much about her. There is so much I could teach her."
"Or that she could teach you..."
"And my sister wanted this?"
"Some people enjoy pain during sex. It can mix so well with pleasure. And when it's inflicted upon you by someone you trust, you can simply allow it to engulf you without fear."
"You're describing masochism," Euna says.
"Oh, so you know the term."
"And you're saying my sister is one? A masochist?"
"It sounds like it."
"I'm sure they stopped her from bracing herself," Euna says.
"They tied her hands behind her back, and her calf to her thighs like a trussed chicken. Her full weight was on that bedpost, and it was as thick as her leg."
"How far into her did it penetrate?"
"Straight through to her womb, though that took some yanking from the maids. Come morning, you could see a bulge protruding from Aileens stomach that came up halfway between her tits. Her pussy was a cavernous wreck."
"Impressive," Euna says. "She doesn't have the advantages I have, yet she fills herself anyway."
"Not all women are as privileged as you."
"That sounds her womb was probably a wreck too. Maybe permanently."
"Maybe, but some women don't care. They see their wombs as something to stuff and fill for sexual pleasure."
"What? How?"
"With force."
"And Aileen enjoyed this?"
"From what the maid said, she screamed out in ecstasy the moment Militsa's fist pushed through."
"I didn't even know such a thing was possible."
"There are many women out there who enjoy the pleasure of such a deep penetration."
"An entire wine bottle? Into her vagina?"
"Bottom of the bottle first," you add.
"How long did Militsa make her keep it in?"
"The entire trip. No one knew that under Aileen's fancy dress were a bunch of ropes about her waist holding a wine bottle up her snatch. I'm sure she was walking funny, if anyone had noticed."
"I'd be worried that such a stuffing would stretch me out permanently."
"Some women do just for that reason."
Euna frowns. "Would her fist even fit?"
"If your sister is experienced in such a thing, yes.
"But why?"
"Some women enjoy the sensation of being filled. A fist makes an excellent, and larger, substitute for a cock."
"Why not? Each of those long-stemmed candles would stretch her out a little more, and once Aileen was at her limit, Militsa thrust them about until your sister was trembling with pleasure."
"The idea was to stretch her out. Women enjoy this?"
"They do."
"I'm glad to know my sister enjoys abusing her own body as much as I do. Though I hope she'll be able to produce children some day."
"She's probably fine."
"And do you enjoy this practice?"
"And have you met such women?"
"I've taken a fist once or twice, but some women do much more.Oh yes. In my time, I've seen women who love nothing more than to fill their holes as much as they can. I've seen girls sink down on phalluses as thick as your leg."
"And you're telling me my sister was one of these such enthusiasts."
"I don't think she'd tolerate Militsa doing those things to her if she didn't."
"And what of her relationship with Militsa?" Euna asks. "You mean to tell me that my sister secretly wants her own lady-in-waiting to take advantage of her?"
"It seems so."
"Why? Why would my sister want Militsa?"
"Your sister loves to relinquish control during sex. It can be comforting, and a true act of trust."
Widow takes her husband's money and lives in a manor. Encounters orphans suffering with hardship. Gives up her money to help them.
Pivot points:
- What she does once out of money.
- Her service to her husband was done.
- She sells everything. Gets a cheap hut. Becomes a whore. Gives every penny to the orphans.
- How does she end up?
- As a saint by those around her. She did tricks until she was too old to perform.
- Marries another rich man. He abuses her, in exchange she gives his money to children.
- Sells herself into slavery.
- People threaten to hurt the children if she doesn't do extreme stuff./She likes it, sells herself.
- Sells herself as a snuff show, tortured endlessly until dying screaming.
- Gets told the children will take her place.
- What happens to the children
- They grow up to become good men and women, and always remember the Modest one well.
- They take her example and become prostitutes as well.
- All the money gets stolen, and the children end up becoming vagrants anyway.
- The woman becomes infamous. Children don't know her. They get sold into slavery by the very elements she brought in.
"Not at all," Euna says. "It was only the start. I came to his chambers regularly after that. My father made it clear that, as I was his heir and would one day take his place as tsaritsa, I was the only woman worthy for him to make love to."
"And your mother? Did he still sleep with her?"
"He would fuck her, or use her, or give her to others, but she never slept in my father's bed again, except maybe at the foot of it. Now that her wifely duties of providing an heir were over, he saw her only as an object for sex and amusement."
"Not at all," Euna says. "From that day on, I was expected to see to my father's sexual needs whenever he desired, until such time as I married another."
"And your mother? He never had sex with her again?"
"Of course he did. He still loved her, but he'd have me do things such as ready him for my mother with my mouth. Sometimes she would bid me lay against her in bed while she held me from behind. They would make love. He would be kissing her and staring into her eyes, but it would be me between them that he was penetrating. Though he certainly preferred me. My mother was getting older by then, and I was younger and more nubile."
"And your mother was fine with this arrangement?"
"Most of the time when I came to my father's chambers, it was because my mother ordered me to do so. If my father wasn't in the mood, I was to get him in the mood.
"I think she always understood the day would come. She knew her place."
"Private things, as we all do, but she was so sensual about it. When she'd defecate, she'd strip naked first. Then she'd set a dinner bowl on the bed and squat over it, with such striking poise. The way she'd touch herself while she pooed was as though the act itself was pushing her to the brink of orgasm.When she'd pee, she'd always strip naked. Then she'd place a bowl onto the center of the bed and kneel over it with such poise. I didn't understand why. It caused a splatter over the sheets, especially when she'd play with herself while peeing, which she did often.When my mother used to masturbate, she'd do so over the covers, fully nude, legs wide and back arching. Often she'd work her fingers in her rear, and she wouldn't touch her sex, but it always oozed. It was like she was putting on a show for the world, but now I know it was likely for my father."
"Nearly every man in the palace has a story about their time with Yelena. Even many of the women had their turn. Nothing aroused your mother more than a train of men all ready to pump her full of seed. She fucked everyone from nobles to dirty peasants. Nothing aroused your father more than a train of men ready to pump his wife full of their seed. And she would accept these men dutifully. No one was too low."
"You're suggesting she would lay with the horses?"
"No. The horses never laid down."
Euna rolls her eyes. "You know that's what I meant."
"I know, but details matter. Most of the time, your mother was on her feet too, or her knees, or bent over a hay bale. She'd do whatever it took to get that horse cock inside her. She was shameless." Your father didn't care how. He only cared that she fuck the horses at he commanded her to."
"What sort of perversity did she get up to?"
"I'm sure you've heard how much your mother aided your father in politics," you say. "Dignitaries might come to negotiate with your father, and your mother would be there at your father's elbow, quiet and demure. She'd be dressed in a scanty, low-cut gown which the men couldn't keep their eyes off of."
"I've seen that before," Euna says. "She loved gowns, especially gaussy ones, but go on."
"Come the evening, they would all dine together, and then it was your mother's turn. She would seduce these men at dinner and lure them to her chambers. There, her sadistic side would come out, and she'd become the negotiator."
"Vislav would offer your mother as a perk for more agreeable terms. No limits on what they could do to her, and some of those men were arrogant and cruel. They'd hurt and rape her until she wept for mercy."
"Do you know any stories worth telling?"
Euna's eyebrows rise.
"That's right," you say. "During the day, she would be the matronly tsaritsa in her palace—bound by the inconveniences of maternity. She'd waddle among dignitaries. Back aching. Tits leaking. Yet when night came, she'd become a sexual beast. Her most sultry exploits happened when she was heavy with child."
"Tell me of these exploits."
"Do you mean... fecal?"
You nod.
"My mother used to wallow in human waste?"
"Wallow in it? I understand she reveled in it. Your mother was a true shit queen."
Euna gives you a narrowed stare.
"Her words," you say.
"My father used to subject my mother to human waste?"
"In every way you can imagine."
"What sort of things would he do to her?"
"Everything. He treated Yelena his own personal toilet. They got up to all sorts of games."
"What sorts of raunchy things would my mother get up to?" she asks.
"As a matter of fact, yes I do," Euna says. "I was well aware of her pregnancy fetish. She talked endlessly about getting me pregnant. The idea that my father might impregnate me especially intrigued her. We'd nurse the baby together."
"As a matter of fact, yes I do," Euna says. "I was well aware of her pregnancy fetish. If a pregnant woman was in the palace, she'd turn up in my mother's room at night without a doubt. My mother would be entranced by her belly. If there were newborn children about, my mother would insist on nursing the child. To ease the mother's burden, she'd say."
"Her nurse? I would have figured her nursing days were behind her."
"They never ended. She never stopped milking herself, and so she never stopped lactating. If you didn't know that, then you don't know about her apparatus."
"Her... what?"
"It was one of her secret toys. It's this bizarre brass contraption. I think it's actually dwarven made, the way it churns and rattles. It has two hoses, and they attach to nipples and suckle, and a giant tank fills with milk. I'm sure it was meant for cows and the like, but my mother found it to her liking."
"She probably did," Euna says. "I can't imagine any wife tolerating those sorts of requests demands from their husband unless they shared the interest. But enough about that. Tell me more about my mother."
"Oh yes," Euna says. "After that day, my father encouraged me to avail myself of her however I wanted. She was to serve me just as she served my father. I think my father's idea was that by enjoying my mother, I might learn from her sexual prowess."
"Did you?"
"More than you can imagine. She was a submissive woman, but she taught me many things."
"Oh, yes," Euna says. "Moreso than with my father. After that day, she took over for my sexual training."
"...Sexual training?"
"Yes. Nearly every night she had me come to her chambers for lessons, and she taught me everything she could about how to please and obey. As you'd expect, she had a long history of experience to pass down to me."
"Did it come as a shock how sexual of a being your mother was?"
"Not at all. I'd long been aware of my mother's sexual exploits."
"There was one boyar named Dannic, and his wife, Rushka. They used to visit often."
"I know them," Euna says. "A sweet couple. Lovely children. Many fine cavelry come from his lands. He was a loyal supporter of my father."
"They were loyal to their mistress, because their mistress demanded it of both of them."
You nod. "They'd visit whenever Tsar Vislav would summon them. They'd sing their praises and pay their dues, because they'd have to answer for their behavior come nighttime. I don't know too much about what happened in your mother's chambers, but a maid once entered in the morning to find Dannic bound and gagged to a chair. Rushka was on her knees before him, hands tied behind her back, with her face fastened to her husband's crotch such that his cock and balls were forced down her throat. Neither could move a muscle, and both were covered in welts. Meanswhile, your mother was downstairs enjoying breakfast. She left them there. If you've ever been stuck with a cock stuck down your throat—"
"I haven't."
"...then you don't know how unpleasant it is. She chokes. Her knees and jaw hurt. And as her jaw aches, her teeth weigh down around her husband's sack."
"Ah, and this is treatment they craved?"
"I doubt it. This bout came after Dannic had tried to renegotiate his land holdings with your father. The next day he withdrew his demands. Their following night in Yelena's chambers was likely more pleasant for them."
"It probably helped that they would always get the privilege of molesting your mother whenever they visited. Your father gave them your mother's chambers, but didn't move your mother out. In fact, she would be trapped in there for most of their visit."
"What did they do to her?"
"I don't know exactly, but the chamber maid entered one morning and found your mother strung up by her wrists, gagged and blindfolded. She had bleeding cutswelts all over her back and tits. Her tits were bound so tightly they were swollen purple, and both her nipples and her clit were freshly pierced, with heavy weights hanging from them all to slowly stretch her out."
"So that sweet couple were abusing my mother every time they visited."
"From what I hear, it was Rushka who did most of the abusing. That woman was a fiend, and she loved having the opportunity to torture a woman, especially to punish Yelena for sleeping with her husband."
"But It sounds like my mother didn't have a choice. If she had sex with Dannic, it's probably because he raped hershe was made to."
"A distinction missed by Rushka."
"I'm surprised I never knew about Dannic and Rushka," Euna says. "What other sort of escapades did my mother get up to?"
"Wait. Now you go. Tell me something I don't know about your mother."
"Something tells me Dannic and Rushka probably looked forward to their visits every time," Euna says. "What other sort of escapades did my mother get up to?"
You think. "Did you know that you and your sister aren't the only children your mother had?"
Euna startles. "What? What are you talking about?"
"It was to Duke Nicholai Mikailovich."
"The man who rules land along the south Veles border?" Euna says. "He swore fielty to my father decades ago, turning his loyalty from the Velesians."
"You have your mother to thank for that. Getting his fealty was a challenge. He once visited the capital as part of a diplomatic convoy. Your father negotiated with him for weeks, but he had fertile land, defensible terrain, and the Velesians had been a loyal ally to him."
"Then how did my father sway him?"
"He didn't. It was Yelena who discovered the one thing he didn't have: an heir. His wife was barren, so your mother seduced him. Every night, she snuck away to the guest suite, but it was hardly a secret. The man had bruises come day, and a wide smile. She'd become his mistress, but once her womb had quickened, Nicholai left, only for her to summon him back eight months later when she was heavy with his child. Sleeping with him wasn't necessary then, but your mother still had him stay in her chambers. No attempt at discretion. In fact, I hear she had him tied to her bed within ten minutes of arriving. You see, Nicholai was her pet slave now, for that visit, and many to follow."
"I remember he visited frequently," Euna says, "and my father's thoughts on this?"
"He could hardly be angry, seeing as how she secured the fealty of crucial land during a war. She birthed Nicholai a healthy baby boy, which cemented Mikailovich's union with Ruthgar."
"He learned the one thing Nicholai didn't have: an heir. His wife was barren. He and Nicholai came to an agreement. Yelena would bear him heir."
"And she was okay with this?"
"Your mother knew to obey. And she loved to be pregnant. She would have done it even if it wasn't going to strengthen the tsardom. Nicholai stayed in her room night after night and had his way with her. She remained upon her bed to keep his seed within her until the nursemaids were sure her womb had quickened. Nicholai left. Months passed. Your mother's belly swelled. Then eight months later, Nicholai returned to be present for the birth. It wasn't necessary then, but Vislav ordered Yelena to warm his bed until the birth. She submitted to him every night until one night when she went into labor mid-coitus. He didn't stop fucking her until he'd finished, but afterward, she birthed Nicholai a healthy baby boy, and as you know, Nicholai's lands are still loyal to the tsardom to this day."
"Are you saying that Alexi, Nicholai's son, is my brother?"
"Oh yes, and of course you must know your mother father was planning to marry you to him."
"Yes. Once she spotted us while she riding this girl's face. She winked. Aileen and I scurried off after that and didn't return for a week, but when we did, our mother never spotted us again."
"Yes. One night, a man had her gagged and tied to the bed post. While he was taking her from behind, she saw us. There wasn't anything she could do about it, so we just kept watching while she stared back. But she never brought it up later, and it was far from the last night we spied on her."
"It sounds like she wanted you girls to spy on her."
"It sounds like she didn't mind."
"I'm sure of it. She never shy about being nude around us, and she always wore those gauzy gowns. I've seen men grope her, sometimes publicly. And my mother was never shy about talking to us about sex."
"You know the fresh milk that was always laid out in the dining hall in the mornings?"
You startle. "I always thought that was goat's milk."
"So did everyone. It was quite popular, especially among the guards. What's incredible is how my mother's breasts were so productive that she was able to produce enough for all the staff within the palace every morning."
"She did have huge tits."
"And they only grew larger as she got older. Probably from constant use."
Did you ever drink the milk?"
"Sometimes. Aileen and I always felt so naughty doing so."
"Yes. I took over the job of hooking her up to it at nights, but I was always cruel about it. I'd tie her up so she couldn't stop it, and I'd tease her by fucking her with her phalluses until she was right on the edge. I'd drive my own mother to tears this way, but she loved it."
"Yes. She had me take over the job of hooking her up to the machine. Those would be long nights. She'd have me stay and pleasure her to exhaustion, but my Lord did that machine make her horny. Climax after climax. She'd keep me up until morning."
"Not for my breasts. I was never lactating. ...But Aileen and I once attached the machine to our clits. We saw who could put up with it the longest."
"Who won?"
"She did. The winner got to drink the syrup of arousal that had collected in the tank."
"Not for my breasts. I was never lactating. ...But after my mother passed, I tried it on my clit alone one night. That was intense, and the noises I made. I was always glad no one witnessed me do it, but then I suppose my father might have, now that I know."
"Yes. That's how we learned about it. Aileen and I would sneak in and find her naked upon her bed with this machine churning away. She'd be working one of her phalluses in her flower. And she had stamina. We'd sneak back in the morning, and that tank would be full, and her breasts sucked dry, but she's still be at it, letting the machine run. Her quilt always had this spreading stain of her arousal." Aileen and I would sneak in to find her tied up by the mantle. She'd be on her knees naked, with her arms overhead. The machine would be churning away, sucking out her milk. She'd be squirming and whining, but she couldn't stop it, and no one else was there. We'd sneak back in the morning and find her still there waiting for someont to free her. The tank would be full. Her tender breasts were sucked dry, and yet the machine kept suckling. She'd look miserable, but we saw the puddle she'd dripped between her legs."
"Did you ever use that machine on yourself?"
"Did you and Aileen ever spy on her using this?"
"What happened to all the milk?"
"Did your sex life with your mother ever involve that apparatus?"
"When your mother was pregnant, she made an exception to her filthy games."
"How so?" Euna asks.
"Before, she would ordinarily make others feast of her own dung, but when pregnant, a hunger came over her. She developed a craving for your father's shitOrdinarily she would make others drink her own water, but when pregnant, a thirst came over her. She developed a taste for your father's pissUsualy, she loved to have her body covered in cum, but when pregnant, a hunger came over her. She'd suck down as much cum as she could."
"When your mother was pregnant, your father's lust for filth games increased several fold. He had your mother consume his shit all through her termHe had your mother drink every drop of urine he pissed all through her termHe put your mother on an endless diet of cum."
"You're saying my mother used to consume wastedrink urinedrink men's seed when she was pregnant? With me?"
"The chambermaid said at the time that she never needed to clean your father's chamberpot. He'd use it to relieve himself. Then at your mother's behest, he'd bring it to her so she may dine upon it's contents like a hungry dog. Sometimes, she'd drop her gown and squeeze her tit milk onto the mess first. She'd eat the mess with relish. Then he'd order your mother to kneel like a dog and eat every last drop and dollop. Her pregnant belly would be hanging low beneath her. When her tits would leak milk, she'd have to lap that up too."
"The chambermaid at the time said your father's piss pot was never once touched. In your father's private dinine hall, your mother would serve your father a warm glass of milk, squeezed right from her tits. In turn, she'd serve herself a glass of his piss from a crystal decanter as though it were fine wine. In the bedroom, you'd find her on her knees, caressing her pregnant belly, while guzzling his piss straight from his cock. In turn, he'd make your mother get under the table and take his cock in her mouth so he could give a drink worthy for her. In the bedroom, she knew to make her mouth available when he awoke for his morning piss.
"She tried her best to make cum the only food she ate, which was a challenge for a woman eating for two. Your father's alone wasn't enough. She'd have her chambermaid's milk the guards for her. They'd bring her back jars filled with tepid, stale cum, yet she'd guzzle them down and send for more. Your father ordered her chambermaid's to milk the guards for her. They'd bring Yelena jars filled with tepid, stale cum which she was ordered to drink. Then the maids would milk her their mistress's heavy tits, and she'd need to drink all of her own milk. It would preserve her sustenance until she had a child to feed.
"But why?" Euna asks. "Why when she was pregnant? It was polluting my birth."
"Maybe it was a way for your father to contribute more to your growth than just a single shot of his own seed, but more likely..."
"It was my honor," Euna says. "I adore my father, and I won't deny that I had been rather infaturated with him for years. So much so that I was somewhat envious of my mother."
"Yes. It was quite satisfying to finally consummate my love for my father, and to do so while my mother was made to kneel naked by the bed. My father hardly glanced at her, but I did. I made sure she was watching, because we both knew I was replacing her. It was the best birthday I'd ever had."
"Beforehand, I was terrifiednervous," Euna says. "My mother had been telling me that day would come for ages, that I should be honored by this attention, and that it would be my duty to please my father."
"How was it during?"
"It was amazing. From the moment he was inside, it all felt so right. I had never felt closer to my father."
"I'll admit, I cried a little. It was just so much to take in."
She half smiles at your joke. "Afterward, my mother took me into the other room and scolded me. She told me I should not be bothering my father with my emotions, and she ushered me back in. The second time I was better."
"I trembled like a fawn, but my father was so gentle. By the end, I felt so close to him that I even cried a little. My mother scolded me for that, but he was touched."
"I really shouldn't talk about it," Euna says.
"Too bad. I don't see why I should share gossip about your mother if you won't talk about the gossip about you and her."
"What have you heard?"
"That you and your parents have lain together."
Euna considers, and finally relents. "Yes. It's true."
"Surely it's not that much of surprise. You already know that Aileen and I were intimate."
"Yes, but lusty sisters are one thing. A daughter with her parents is quite another. Tell me everything."
"When I came of marrying age, my father claimed the tsar's right of Prima Nocta."
"On you?"
"Yes. On my birthday. After a day of celebration, I returned with him to his chambers so that he could deflower me."
"And your mother?"
"My mother is the one who prepared me. She bathed me, scented me, and dressed me. She told me how it was both my privilege and my place to serve in his bed."
"She was made to watch. The whole night she was kneeling by the foot of the bed without a scrap of clothing."
"No. It was tradition."
"It dates back for several generations of tsars. My grandmother claimed the same right of my father."
"She did?"
"Yes. She made a man of my father. Our tsars and tsaritsas have always claimed Prima Nocta upon their heirs, or bid their wives to do so."
"Does this mean you plan to continue the tradition if you ever have children?"
"If I do, of course. It will be my responsibility to make sure any son of mine knows how to please a woman."
"And if your heir is a daughter?"
"I will strap a phallus to myself and take her as a man would take her, and she will learn to please me as she will one day her male lovers."just as my mother did for me."
"He did, when her time came. I wasn't there for it."
"Did she take to it well?"
"I think she adores our father as much as I do, which is good, because after our mother was gone, and I left for the convent, she was the only woman for him. She told me about how it became her duty to come to his chambers every night, and every morning. Our father is a very virile man. Very demanding. I imagine she's still tending to him now, even in his state."
"Did you two ever tend to him... together?"
"Oh yes. Many times. He especially liked to watch us together. Many nights we were to wait naked for him by his bed until he gave us orders. He especially liked to see us together, but sometimes he'd choose only one of us."
"Did he prefer one of you over the other?"
"Yes. Me. Aileen spent much time lapping up his leavings from my flower. He'd tell her that after he crowns me tsaritsa, he'll send her to a brothel to be forgotten."
"Oh yes. Many times. Though he treats her differently. He'd snuggle with me, but he'd make her sleep on the floor. He'd talk to me about what a great ruler I'll be. Then he'd tell me in front of her that my first act as tsaritsa should be to send Aileen to a brothel."
I am the heir apparent. She is the second child. He didn't really think of her as less. It was only our family humor. We all know Aileen would much prefer to be sent to a brothel than fuss around in court all day."
"What do you think?" Euna asks.
"I think you had already been kicked out of the convent for deviancy by then, and you've already told me you and Aileen were sharing men for years just as readily as you shared your washroom."
She nods. "I told my parents I broke my maidenhead horseback riding. It can happen."
"So who was your first? And how young were you?"
"I..." She fidgets. "I don't remember exactly."
"You don't remember?"
"There were many men. My tutors. My honor guards. The chapel priests. And others who came to my chambers at night whom I didn't know. For a long time, I never understood why, until I learned my guards were taking coin to allow entrance. I must have been popular."
"Your guards were pimping you out?"
"I have always been condemned to be a slut. I didn't always know that, but the men in my life did. They taught me."
"I took my own. I was putting things inside myself before anyone had ever taught me what sex is, but once I learned, I knew I was destined to be a slut. It seems the men in my life knew this too."
"What men?"
"My tutors. My honor guards. The chapel priests. All their friends they introduced me to. I was a young impressionable girl surrounded by all these adult men. In hindsight, I suppose they were taking advantage of me, but at the time, I loved the attention."
"I had no idea."
"And neither did my parents. When my father took me, he remarked at how much of a natural I was. Truthfully, I was already addicted."
"My parents believed so. My maidenhead was not intact for him, but as I told my mother then, that could have been from horseback riding."
"And in truth?"
"Do remember that my sister and I had been sharing a room long before that."
"Ah. And you were sharing men then too?"
"If we were, it was with boys our age, not grown men like my father. Of course, after my father, I knew no limits. I didn't care who I had sex with, and then—as you know—my times in the brothel."
"Did your parents break you?"
"No. They awakened me. Of course, they knew nothing of this. My father thought he was the only man in my life."
"Yes. It was on my birthday upon reaching marriageable age. He was meant to be my first. Of course he wasn't my last man. My sister and I used to share men, remember?"
"I remember."
"Of course my parents knew nothing about that. As far as they knew, my father remained my only love."
"Was your coming-of-age your only time with your father?"
"Did you ever have sex with your mother too?"
"How did you feel about your father claiming you like that?"
"You don't think it's strange that your father would claim Prima Nocta on you?"
"Did he claim Prima Nocta on Aileen too?"
"How did you come to know about your mother's sex life beforehand?"
"Was your father really your first time?"
"Maybe I should be asking you for stories about your mother."
"Of course. I knew what kind of woman my mother was. She was as domineering of a woman anyone could ask for. My father knew better than to disagree with her, and as for Aileen and I, we learned obedience above all else."
"So she instilled in you your submissive streak?"
"More than you realize, but please go on. What did my mother do then?"
"Sounds less romantic," Euna amends.
"She was a rebel within her own family. She wanted no part of their decorum or decency."
"Can you blame her?" Euna says. "Just look at my aunt."
You continue. "Your father charged forward and confronted Yelena. The guards told tales of how much he raged. 'What sort of prospective tsaritsa are you?' he yelled. 'A whore? A harlot? You should be in the grand hall right now, currying for my favor, yet here you are like a backstreet trollop. You're royalty. Why would you let these common men sodomize you like this?'rape your mouth like this?' Her response was to turn to him,sit back on her ass, spread her legs and say, 'because my cunt is for only you, Your Majesty.'"
"That sounds like her. My mother was so obedient, of course she considered her flower to be my father's possession. How did he react?"
"Of course she'd make own flower off limits to all but the tsar of the land. That sounds like her. No one was above her. What did she do then?"
"Then you already knew your mother was a dominant woman in bed?"
"What did she do then?"
"That was a naughty way to reply. How did my father react?"
"Of course. She was obedient a wife as anyone could ever want. She was even obedient to me and Aileen. My father saw to that."
"Sounds like this might be where you got your bossy streak."
"I am the heir apparent. My mother was only a consort. It was only natural. Now continue with your story. What did my father do?"
"I might," Euna says. "My mother did promise to take me down to the stables a few times. She acted as though it was this filthy idea of hers she'd just come up with, but I always suspected she'd been getting naughty with horses long before that. Aileen and I used to catch her sneaking down to the stables when I was young, and of course I knew about my mother and the hounds."
"I might," Euna says. "She and my father used to go down to the stables late at night. Aileen and I could never see inside because they'd lock the door, but we did hear enough to draw our own conclusions. We knew she sought pleasure with animals, because we'd also spied on her with the hounds."
"The hounds? I don't know about this. Do tell."
"These were those two giant Shepherding hounds that the hunters kept in the kennels outside. The first time came when we spotted our mother leading one of them up to her chambers. Everyone else was asleep. She'd been wearing one of her gausy robes. When we snuck in, she had her robe draped open, and she was leaning back against the bed so the dog could lap between her legs. I didn't understand why she let it. I remember thinking from the way she was tensed that she must be disgusted. When she shrugged off her robe and turned to crawl away over the bed, I though she was trying to escape, but then the hound hopped on the bed after her and mounted her without a single pause. It must have lasted for five minutes."
"You watched it all?"
She nods. "Aileen and I were so confused by all of it at the time. We didn't know why she didn't fight back. Or why they stayed stuck together for so long afterward. The whole thing seemed so undignified."
"That's putting it lightly."
"Yes, and Aileen and I saw her do this half a dozen times over the years."
"I already had," Euna says. "I slept with him earlier that day down by the palace dairy farm. Aileen was there too. He took her after me."I think he might have slept with Aileen too, but not that night."
"You really did take a liking to him."
"When I like someone, I don't waste time. Curiously, I don't think any of our parents ever knew about it actually."
"But what about after you saw their parents?"
"No, though my mother did encourage me to flirt with him. I don't think he was ever truly a suitor for marriage. He was only a duke's son, and I was the tsarivna. But offering to let him sleep with me was a prize that help secure more favorable tributes."
"Frequently. Many boyars got the pleasure of watching my mother and me together in bed. Sometimes she and I would play with each other in the council room, on the table, while my father negotiated. Frequently I would be summoned when she was with men. Usually they were not nearly as fierce with her as they should be. I would help teach him how my mother is supposed to be treated in the bedroom.She loved having me strip down and suggesting how the men should use me. I was the tsarivna, but in my mother's bedroom, I was a plaything for men. My mother saw to that."
"Always in the bedroom?"
"I remember one dinner when a whole retinue visited. We were at the table, and after drinks, to go around in turn and sit in each man's lap, or rather on their cocks. I was called to sit in the laps of half of them. My mother and I served the drippings to each other in cups afterward.She collected all the drippings from herself into a cup which she gave to me at the end."
"How was it?"
"Oh, I hardly drank any of it. I made a show of smearing it over my breasts."
Euna scoffs. "I didn't have the nerve to drink it. Aileen did though."
"Aileen and I used to spy on her when we were younger," Euna says. "We'd slip out of bed and creep down to her chambers together, and we'd watch from behind those statues by the door. Seemed like every night she had someone with her."
"What was it like?"
"She was never anything but proud. Even nude. It didn't matter if she having sex with many men, or if she had a couple kneeling at her feet, or if she was using her toys. She commanded the room always. Aileen and I were so naive. We thought for the longest time that she was actually punishing all those people."
"It was strange watching all those men use her. The men were always rough with her, or calling her names, or ravaging her with her own toys. I remember once watching three men talk amongst themselves while taking turns with her like she was an object to pass around. Aileen and I were so naive, we thought for the longest time that these men were raping her."
"She had a hidden compartment full of them built into her armoire," Euna says. "They were all sexual in nature."
"I didn't think she had children's toys. What kind did she have?"
"Phalluses mostly. She particularly enjoyed strapping a cock to herself which she'd force down the throats of her chambermaids. She would say it was their punishment for misbehaving. Sometimes when she was alone, she'd pleasure herself with them. One had a base, so she could ride it as though astride a man. She had such presence, it was as though she was putting on a show for a crowd, even when alone."
"Ropes and phalluses mostly. So often Aileen and I would find her tied up while someone was taking advantage of her. I remember a few times we snuck in to find her alone and asleep, but blindfolded and tied upon her own bed, one limb to each post. One of her phalluses was strapped inside her quim. Her chambermaids must have done it. We had no idea why, but one time, a man came into the room after us. He would have seen us if it weren't dark. He took advantage of our mother's helpless state and left without ever uttering a word."
"She knew how to put her toys to good use."
"She did," Euna says. "Curiously, after she passed and I was given her room, all those toys were still there."
"All of the time," Euna says. "I cherish those toys. The phalluses in particular still have her taste upon them. I've spent many nights using those toys on others while imagining it was her I was ravaging.I've spent many nights using those toys on myself, and I'd imagine it was her using them on me.
"No." Euna's lips press tight. "Well... possibly. I should have disposed of them, but I could never bring myself to throw out something of my mother's. But there have been nights when I'm feeling passionate... and I remember they're there." She glances away. "I know. It's perverted."
"I think it's hotsweet."
"I'm sure you do."
"Your mother would be honored. Maybe those toys were left there for you on purpose."
"By whom? My father? I doubt it. I simply got the room as it was. All her clothes and toiletries were still there as well. I don't think he even knows about that compartment."
"She did. Or she always acted like she did. They were stinky animals after all. They spent all day running around the fields with the sheep, and no one ever bathed them. You could smell their kennel from thirty paces away, and they slobbered endlessly. I avoid them too as a child."
"I guess your mother only pretended to hate them."
"She always acted like she was too good for anything. The groundskeepers had handle the animals, but they weren't allowed to go near her. It's just like her to put on this show of arrogant sensibility like that, but secretly she craved those filthy animals in the most degenerate way possible."
"No, she hated them. I'm sure of it. She cringed whenever they came near her. But now that I know that my father was always spying on her, it makes perfect sense. It sounds like he clearly enjoyed humiliating her, and making her rut with dogs certainly did that. She was quite the obedient wife do it for him anyway."
"Goodness no. I was afraid of those dogs. Though after seeing my mother with them, I could never look at any dog again without imagining what it would look like mounting my mother."
"I thought about it. Once or twice when I was alone with those dogs, I touched them. Their cocks came out, but I was never brave enough to do much else than that. They were big and very smelly."
"Did Aileen ever experiment on her own?"
"She took those dogs to her room once or twice. I don't think she wanted me to know about it."
"Did she go all the way?"
"You'll have to ask her. From all the yelling and fussing I heard, it sounded like she had trouble getting the dog to cooperate more than anything else."
"I experimented once with Aileen. She and I brought a hound to her room once. I wasn't brave enough to do more than let it lick my flower, but Aileen went much farther. We got it to mount her while she was on all fours, and we tried to get the dog to mount her. It took so much coaxing, and then suddenly it did it all at once. Aileen was nearly startled flat. It drooled on her so much. She kept yelling for me to get it off, but I was laughing too hard. The whole thing was funny, though Aileen was such a pout about how scratched up her back got."
"I experimented once. I brough a hound to my room. I was never brave enough to let it mount me, but I did let it lick my flower until my toes curled. It was such a messy animal though. My flower smelled awful for days."
"Did Aileen ever experiment on her own?"
"She took those dogs to her room once or twice. I don't think she wanted me to know about it."
"Did she go all the way?"
"You'll have to ask her. From all the yelling and fussing I heard, it sounded like she had trouble getting the dog to cooperate more than anything else."
"It seems so, so tell me something else instead. What else did she get up to?"
"Sometimes. She always played with herself when alone, but occasionally she'd get messier. She'd take her own defecation out of the bowl and scrub it into herself until she climaxed. Sometimes she'd lick her own mess from her fingers.Sometimes when she played with herself, she'd lie on her back and pull her knees to her chest. When she'd pee, she'd be trembling so much it was like a sprinkling rain over her whole bodyShe'd scoop up the ooze dripping from her sex and smear it over her breasts. Sometimes she got herself off by grinding against her pillow. It'd leave a stain. I suppose if the maid wasn't allowed to change the sheets, those pillows were crusty too. Aileen and I were always so repulsed. We hardly understood sex back then, much less dirty perversions such as that."
"In a way. As a child, I always behaved as elegantly as I could, no matter what private thing I was doing. I'd keep my back straight and hold myself." She chuckles. "See, I always though my mother carried such poise in private because it was a highborn expectation, like how a tsarivna should always look dignified."
"What about Aileen?"
"Watching our mother like that led us to play very strange games together in the privacy of our chambers. We started the strange habit of watching each other defecate. We'd use the same chamberpot and see who's was bigger or smellier. Sometimes we even licked each other clean as a dare.We started peeing together. And it evolved. I remember sometimes we'd use the same pisspot, at once. We'd be kneeling face to face with our mounds pressed together.We played with each others rears to see if we would enjoy it as much as our mother seemed to, and to see who would ooze more arousal. It was silliness that girls get up to."
"I don't think most girls do that."
"Well, we did. I don't think we even saw it as sexual, just sisters egging each other on. It's only in hindsight that I see how strange it was."
"I don't know how she interpreted what our mother did, but I think we both know Aileen ended up becoming a very dirty strumpet."
"My mother was certainly not quiet about her filthy habits. Though it's nice to finally know that she was doing it for my father. When Aileen and I used to spy on her. We'd see her do things like eat her lovers' shit like a fine caviar.drink her lovers' piss like nectar.coat her body with her lovers' cum. It was like she wanted that the most, as though she only let these men have sex in exchange for it. She would beg them for it every time. She'd whine if they didn't. We thought there was something wrong with her."
"There probably was."
"Sure, maybe. But knowing that my father was insisting on it puts it into context." She thinks. "Knowing about the mirror explains all those times we saw her alone too."
"Oh yes. She begged me to soil her too, you know. All the time she was encouraging me to defecate on her. I grew to enjoy using her mouth for my bowel movements. Every morning, her face was my personal throne. She was such a dutiful mother."I never did take her up on that offer. It was too much for me."
"Oh yes. She thought it was my responsibility to be ready to get as kinky as a man desired. She used my body as a chamberpot every night for months until I learned to savor her brown gifts. My face became her favorite throne."I never did let her involve me in her fecal games however. That would have been too much for me.""
"What about with your father?"
"It was my great honor when he finally decided my mouth would serve for his dung. He always produced such a voluminous load, worthy of a tsar. It was such a struggle to eat it all, but I was a loyal daughter. I always made him happy."
"Oh yes. She begged me to soil her too, you know. All the time she was encouraging me to urinate on her. My mother practically became my own pisspot, and of course, she got me into the perversion as well. Aileen and I had our own fun in our bathtub.I never did take her up on her offer."
"Oh yes. She thought it was my responsibility to be ready to get as kinky as a man desired. There was a good month where she urinated on me every night so I'd grow accustomed to the kink. Now I miss the taste of her urine."She was always threatening to teach me to drink urine like her, but I was always reluctant."
"What about with your father?"
"It was my great honor when he finally decided my mouth would serve. From that day on, every morning, I came to his chambers and fixed my mouth to his cock so he could relieve himself of his morning piss."
"Oh yes. She begged me to soil her too, you know. I used to sodomize her with her phalluses, sometimes after I sodomized myself with the same one, and my mother's face became my primary means of masturbating. Like my father, I forbid her from ever bathing herself. So she stank always."But unlike my father, I usually had her bathe. She stank too much."
"Oh yes. She taught me everything I know about anal sex, from how to prepare for it to how to relax and accept something into myself. There was a time when I had to report to her bedroom every night for 'anal practice'. If that wasn't enough, she also forbid me from bathing. We wore each other's stenches so I'd grow to love it."And she never bathed, so her flower always tasted so potent. It took getting used to."
"What about with your father?"
"Of course. It was my mouth that tongued his genitals clean. It was my ass he wanted to plunder every morning. And it was my honor. I was a loyal daughter."
"What would your mother do alone?"
"She never did anything more than play with herself when she was alone?"
"Did you ever do private things like she did?"
"Did you ever do filthy things with your mother?"
"I bet your mother enjoyed her filthy play for her own sake too."
"She'd wear these silk gowns which showed off the outline of her lovely belly. Low cut, so her swollen breasts were on the verge of spilling out. The problem was that her tits leaked all the time."
"How did she deal with it?"
"Your mother would summon the stable girl, Nadiya, to her private chambers in order to milk her, but things would get heated. Her breasts were sensitive, right? Having someone show them attention like that would warm her loins. She started making Nadiya suckle from her with her mouth. Soon, she made Nadiya suckle the nub between her legs too. Every milking session ended like that."
"And my father watched from his secret chambers, presumably?" Euna asks.
"Probably, except once your mother summoned Nadiya to her solar. The girl arrived to find your mother mid-coitus with your father. Yelena made the girl suckle her tits while she fucked. Then she straddled her pregnant body over Nadiya's face and made her suck her clit, while Vislav plundered her pussy."reamed her asshole."
"Your father would send the stable girl, Nadiya, to your mother's chambers, where she'd find your mother naked and on all fours so that her tits hung like udders. Nadiya had to milk your mother as she would a cow."
"And my father would watch from behind the mirror?" Euna asks
"Probably not every time. He forbid Yelena from ever milking herself, she was forced to summon Nadiya to her room many times."
"That must have been humiliating."
"And yet I hear it never failed to make your mother's loins froth, especially when your father made Nadiya suckle your mother with her mouth. Once, Yelena's tits leaked while Vislav was fucking her. He summoned Nadiya and had her suckle your mother mid-coitus. Afterward, the girl had to suckle Yelena's clit while Vislav plundered her pussy."reamed her asshole."
"Whose?" Euna asks. "My mother's? Or Nadiya's?"
"From what I heard, both."
"That sounds like my father. What other exploits did my mother get up to?"
"No. It's your turn. Do you know something about your mother's pregnancy fetish that I don't?"
"Fascinating," Euna says. "A tryst with the stable girl. I would never have thought that sweet young woman had any part of my parents' sex life."
"You'd be surprised how many people you knew growing up have."
"Besides her pregnancies, what other exploits did my mother get up to?"
"No. This is your story time," Euna says, "but if you tell me something I don't know, then I might tell you a little something that you don't know. Do you know anything I don't?"
"I might."
"All right. Like what?"
"I really shouldn't share anymore."
"That's not how this works," you say. "I'll tell you what I know about your mother, but only if you tell me what you know as well."
"Very well, I agree. What secrets do you have?"
"Did you know your father had a secret passage installed in his chambers which led to a hidden room behind the walls of your mother's bedroom?"
Euna stops eating.Euna lifts her head from your lap."He had what? I know of no such room."
"Of course you don't. It was hidden."
"What wall was it behind?"
"You know the mirror behind your mother's headboard? The room was behind that."
Euna straightens. "Oh my Lord. He... I... Those chambers was mine after my mother passed."
"I know."
"I brought so many men to that room. A parade of them. I did so many obscene things, especially when I thought I was alone. And then Aileen and I... Oh lord. My father knew, and he never said a thing to me."
"The things I did in that bedroom. How often I was naked. The times I experimented with myself."
"You mean diddled yourself?"
"I did much more than just touch myself. And you. I brought you to that room. You didn't think to tell me? And my father saw it all."
"But I've disrobed in my chambers. I've bathed there."
"I know. I've seen. Remember?"
"Did my father see too?"
"Not surprising."
"Do you think my father ever spied on me?"
"I'm sure he left the room alone after you took your mother's chambers. He wouldn't invade his own daughter's privacy like that."
"Do you really believe that?" Euna asks.
"Oh my lord..." She stares off. "I always thought those chambers were haunted. I imagined it to be the spirit of my mother. The eerie sense of being watched. The strange bumps in the night. The coughs."
"You thought your mother's ghost was coughing?"
"I didn't know there was a spy room behind the headboard."
"Now you know better."
"And how do you know about this? Have you been in this room?"
"I'm telling you, if you'll let me.""Be patient, and I'll tell you." you say. "I know of that chamber because I fucked one of the masons who'd worked on it. I doubt he was supposed to tell anyone, but I have a little thing I can do with my tongue that makes men quite talkative,I seduced the maid who cleans in there. I don't think she was supposed to tell me, but I did make her ever so happy with my tongue, and while I never had the wonderful opportunity to spy on your mother, I've heard many sordid tales of what she used to do in her chambers. I've heard...
"I knew something of her bedroom politicking," Euna says. "When Aileen and I used to sneak into her chambers, we would see her with embassadors and royals all the time, but one time when we were teenagers, we saw something quite unsettling."
"What was it?"
"There was visiting duke and his wife. I don't remember their names, only that he smelled of camphor and smoke, and his wife was always sweaty. But their son was a sweet young man named Mikula. He wasn't much older than me. While our parents were in talks, he would walk with me through the grounds, or into town. He was such a flirt, and I took a liking to him. One night while they were still visiting, Aileen and I heard noises from my mother's chambers and went to spy."
"I think I see where this is going."
"Well I had no idea. My mother was in her chambers, dressed in her nightrobe and sitting by the fire reading, but she wasn't sitting in a chair. She was sitting on Mikula's mother and father. They were tied naked together with so many ropes. My mother's throne was the back the wife's thighs, while the husband was beneath, taking the brunt of all their weight. And they squirmed, they could hardly move. My mother read as though nothing were amiss. Then we saw that Mikula came out from my mother's washroom."
"He was there?"
"And he was naked, and petrified. I remember my mother putting her book aside, and she said. 'Ah, you're finally ready. Come,' and when he did, she said, 'Your parents believe that you deserve the right to wed my eldest daughter, that no other woman is worthy of you. What do you think?' He sputtered in reply. I didn't blame him. She was studying him, and his parents were right there, trying to speak through their gags. Then my mother opened her robes to expose herself, and she said, 'No man is too good for me.'"
"I bet his eyes popped out of his skull."
"They nearly did. My mother crooked a finger for him to come closer. She said, 'I'm going to make a man of you,' and when he stepped to her, she enveloped him with her limbs. It was an embrace like a spider clutching a fly. My mother and Mikula—the boy I'd fancied, the boy only a couple years older than me—had sex on top of his parents."
"Well I was surprised by what we saw. My mother was naked, and she was hanging by a noose around her neck. Her toes were touching the ground just enough to keep from choking, but it wasn't easy. Her hands were tied behind her back, and she struggled so."
"My," you say. "I thought she'd be with Mikula's parents."
"She was. They were both there. His mother was on her knees sucking her husband off, but it was only to get him ready. Once he was hard, he stepped to Yelena and pulled her legs up by her thighs so he could thrust into her. He rapedrutted my mother like that while she tried to keep her weight off her neck. It was a losing battle, by the time he finished, her eyes were rolling back in her head. They were so bloodshot, and her face was bloated and purple. I thought she was dead, but when he dropped her legs, she gasped. She'd only gone unconscious."
"That is a hell of a thing to see."
"I'm not done," Euna says. "After he was done, he said, 'Mikula, it's your turn.' The boy had been sitting in a chair facing away from us the whole time."
"And he fucked Yelena too?"
"He was all too happy to. And he didn't last very long either. Good thing, because I think he cared even less about supporting my mother's weight. She passed out on him as well, but while he was rutting her, I'll always remember what his father said to him. 'Just think. In a few years you'll get to do this to her daughters too.'"
"That is unsettling."
"I'll never forget it. This is the sort of politicking my mother did all through my childhood."
"Yes. She faced more pressure than I did actually. My parents traded her out for sex much more liberally than they did me."My parents actually did have her sleep with men. No such limits were afforded her."
"I may have my body as my asset, but for Aileen, her body is her only asset, and once I'm the tsaritsa, she will be my asset as well."
"And she's okay with this?"
"It's what she can do for her tsardom, and I think she's accepted it. Ever since she came of age, her chambers had men coming and going all time. I mean, moreso than before. Where as I would join my father at the negotiating table, she was a pretty face at dinner. She never got to know why or who or what for, but those are questions she rarely asked even of the men she seduced on her own."
"Yes. My mother taught me that my body would be a great asset once I was ruler, but until I was, it would be my father's asset."
"Who'd they pimp you out to?"
"I wasn't pimped out. I was happy to help my father. After I came of age, he had me join him when he'd negotiate, and my mother taught me how to dress provocatively and use my wiles to seduce me. I helped my father secure several deals by taking men back to my chambers after parlay."
"I rarely knew the specifics of who or why, only that my mother would summon me, and I'd arrive so that men could examine me. Then I'd leave, and later that night, my mother might tell me that some men would be coming to my chambers, and that I was to entertain them however they wanted."
"Sounds like whoring to me."
"In that respect, yes. It was political prostitution, and I slept with many people I wouldn't have wanted to otherwise. Old, fat, ugly. Men, women. One cripple once. But that's politics. That's how my family has always stayed ahead."
"No, but my mother did teach me that my body would be a great asset once I was ruler. She and my father were always pushing me towards men as potential marriage partners, and my mother was always encouraging me to everything short of bedding them."
"No sex though?"
"No. I wasn't a whore thenfor my father, but that's not to say I never dressed provocatively, or never let a man grope me. Politics is politics."
"Did you ever sleep with Mikula?"
"Did your parents ever make you do any bedroom politics?"
"Did Aileen ever have to do bedroom politics for the family?"
"Did you ever join your mother's bedroom politics?"
"I see you have more insight into your mother's politics than I do."
"Do you know of Lord Kalin?" you ask.
"Yes, he's the knyaz who rules the udel to west of Ruthgar, past the tundras."
"And you know of that highway that connects Ruthgar to his lands?"
"Of course. My father has a longstanding deal with them that they maintain and patrol that highway. A very fortunate deal for us."
"It is. Your father and Kalin argued for years over who would be responsible for policing the highway pass between their lands. Your father didn't want to, because he already policed all the other highways in the tsardom. Kalin figured your father should, since the tsardom profited more on the iron trade between their lands. Neither could agree."
"How did they come to a resolution?"
"Eventually, they decided it'd need to be settled with a wager," you continue. "They would race their best horses through the highway, and the loser would be responsible for it."
"Sounds like a typical solution men would come up with."
"...and they would each have a woman strapped under their mount, impaled upon its cock."
"That... is less typical," Euna says. "How did they settle on this wager?"
"I don't know the details. All I know is that they spent the whole night drinking vodka and arguing, and this is what they had come up with by sunrise."
"I assume my mother was to be the woman beneath my father's horse. Did she agree to this?"
"It might have even been her idea. She was drinking with them that night too. Maybe come morning she had some regrets about her suggestion, but you know how your mother was."
"She would never back down after issuing a challenge."
"Though I assume Kalin must have volunteered his wife for her?"
"I don't think she so much agreed as she obeyed. She first heard about it in the morning, after Vislav and Kalin had already shaken hands on the wager."
"I can't imagine she thought much of this wager."
"You'd be surprised," you reply.
"Perhaps so. I assume Kalin volunteered his wife too?"
"His daughter, actually."
"His wife was an elderly lady who wouldn't have had the stamina, and it was his daughter who was able to take a horse cock."
"And how did Kalin know this?"
"No idea, but she could. When they all convened at the tundra's border days later, it was your mother and his daughter under those horses getting them hard. They had each woman lay on their backs upon benches. The horses were made to mount them. Once their arms and legs were lashed to the saddle so that they were hugging their horses, Vislav and Kalin then mounted the horses, the proper way. With that, the race began."
"How did it go?"
"They raced at a near gallop. Those women were nearly battered to death."
"Perhaps you will, but come now. I've said my part. What other antics did my mother get up to?"
"I think so. Once while the dog was rutting her, I thought she spotted us behind the statue. We ducked out of view, and when we looked back, she wasn't looking our way anymore. I thought maybe she hadn't seen us, but then she started behaving differently. She moaned louder, and she started talking to the dog."
"What would she say?"
"Crude things. Like, 'this doggy cock feels so good,' or 'fill me with your dog cum,' or 'fuck me like a bitch.' She kept going on. I know now that she was putting on a show for our father, but there were other clues that she didn't mind us watching either."
"Like what?"
"Like how we always knew when she was with the dogs because she'd lead them past our bedrooms on the way from the kennel, even though that was a longer route."
"Once while she was coupled with the hound, she caught sight of us hidden behind the statue. She honestly looked like she could have died from embarassment. She buried her face her her arms, and her face turned so red."
"But she didn't stop fucking the dog?"
"No. I suppose my father had ordered her to do this, and he was watching too. She had to follow through. I don't know if she actually enjoyed it. She always looked so humiliated."
"But she did it again on later nights."
Euna nods. "Yes. My father must have ordered her to."
"Probably. It's harder to hide frollicking with the horses since it meant going down to the stables. Anyway. I've told my part. What else did my mother get up to?"
"When your mother was pregnant with you, her lust became so great that not even your father's notorious libido was enough for her. She'd go to the stables to quench her hunger with those enormous equine cocks. She got to where she was spending nights sleeping in the stables. Well... not sleeping, not until she'd pass out. Your father, however, was not left unsatisfied. Yelena would send Nadiya to his bed."
"Once your mother was pregnant with you, her role as a recipient for your father's cum was fulfilled. Thus your father amused himself by ordering Yelena to spend her nights in the stables, where she was to service his prized horses instead. In turn, he took Nadiya to his bed in her place."
"And this occurred regularly?" Euna asks.
"Nadiya warm your father's bed enough times that it led to a predictable outcome..."
"...She became pregnant?"
You nod.
"But who—" She thinks. "You don't mean Ilya, do you?"
"She's the same age as you, isn't she? Slightly younger. No known father. She doesn't share the glimmering golden hair you and your sister have, but then you got that from your mother, didn't you?"
"She's my sister?" Euna looks nonplussed. "All this time living in the stables? But that's so— It's— But she's so meek. In all years I've known her, she's hardly said ten words to me. I was once scolded for playing with her as a child. My father told me I shouldn't mingle with such lowborn. Why would they discourage me from mingling with my own sister?"
"Why do you think? A bastard living in the palace? Your mother agreed to allow Nadiya to give birth, but the child was never to pose a threat to her own children's claim to power. She decreed that not only that the child never learn her heritage, but that her place was beneath the horses. Literally."
"Why do you think? Your father enjoyed rutting Nadiya and sowing her with his seed, but she was too lowborn for any child of hers to be a contender to the throne. He had her carry the child to term, but then he decreed that the child would must never learn her heritage, and that her place in life was beneath the horses. Literally."
"Nadiya trained Ilya to tend to the palace horses since she was a child, but once she came of age, she also taught Ilya that she existed for the horse's pleasure too, stallions and mares alike, using her tongue, or quim, or fists, or whatever. She even sleeps on hay beds beneath them. Sometimes your mother father would come down to the stables at night, wake Ilya up, and make her demonstrate on several horses that she understood her lot in life: a lowly breeding mare.
"All so the poor girl could never pose a threat to the throne?" Euna frowns. "Ilya is probably still there now wallowing in drudgery. Do you suppose I should do something about it if I should ever get back?"
"Yes. You should be in those stables taking those horse cocks instead."
"Your mother had a long standing affair with Nadiya, the stable girl. Obviously she was privy to Yelena's hedonistic ways with the horses. Your mother made her help."
"Your father frequently took Yelena down to the stables to debase your mother with the horses. Obviously, Nadiya, the stable girl was privy to these late night session. Your father would enlist her help."
"Help? How?"
"Bring the horses. Get them hard. Guide their cocks into your mother's waiting quim. Bring the next horse. You know, the usual servant stuff."
"...I see. And my father?"
"He watched, of course. Though not from his secret compartment. It's not like they could bring the horses up to the bedroom. The whole palace would know then. Though he probably would watch whenever Nadiya would come up to your mother's chambers every morning with a mug of freshly milked cum straight from the stallions."
"Why was she doing that?"
"Because your mother demanded it. She said it kept her strong and beautiful, but it must also have done much for her libido, for she routinely had her way with sweet young girl after quaffing the swill. Poor Nadiya. After a morning coaxing cum from horses, she get pinned between Yelena's thighs, coaxing orgasms from your mother."
"Your father insisted on it. Some boyar mentioned once it could keep a woman's libido strong, and her skin shining. He took it to heart, because he instructed Nadiya not to leave until Yelena had guzzled every drop, and Nadiya became quite strict when she thought she was alone with your mother. Maybe she was resentful for having to spend every morning coaxing cum from stallions, but she'd lord over your mother all morning molesting her however she please, thinking no one would ever find out."
"...all while my father watched on from his secret chamber."
"The poor girl was a pawn to your parent's antics."
"Apparently so. What other antics did my mother get up to?"
You think. "I'm sure you've heard about how much your mother's ancestors loved horses."
"Yes, but it's not what you're thinking," Euna says. "Horses were important to their culture because they used to be nomads before coming down from the north to settle. How one handled their horse determined one's worth. Even our most prosperous would still tend to their own horses. It was a matter of pride. Once they'd settled, it was tradition."
"It certainly was for your mother. Before your parents' marriage, she mentioned to your father a part of her history that I never knew about. A maiden was expected to ride into the mountains during the summer with nothing at all but her cherished horse. She had to survive on her own, thus proving to the tribe she was worthy of marriage."
"I've never heard of this," Euna says. "What would they eat?"
"That's the thing. The horse provided for all. It's why it was important that the horse was a stallion..."
"No. My mother's ancestors never did this."
"Not since their nomadic days anyway, but you remember how proud your mother was. She had always planned on proving herself a true tribeswoman ever since hearing about this lost bit of lore as a child. Your father was reluctant that she take such a risk, but she was determined.
"Not since their nomadic days anyway, but after your mother told your father about this, he demanded she perform the ritual to prove her worthiness. Obviously, she couldn't say no to her future husband, the tsar.
"Vislav gave her his most prized stallion—a giant beast—and come summer, they traveled deep into the mountains, where she stripped naked, climbed onto the horse bareback, and rode off with nothing. No food. No water. No tinder. No hunting weapons."
"How did she survive?"
"She kept the horse safe and tended to its needs. Since there was no food but poisonous berries, and no water but stagnant puddles, that meant that several times a day, she would need to coax out a broth of semen from the stallion's massive cock for sustenance."
"How long did she survive?"
"Four weeks. In that time, she subsisted not only on its cum, but also on the horse's manure and piss.
"She ate its waste?"
"She had to. Cum alone would not sustain her for that long, so she used an even lesser known survival trick of her ancestors. Yelena could not digest the grass and leaves... unless her horse digested it first. Over the trip, she developed a perverse routine to eat her fill from everything that came from that horse."
"Two weeks. In that time, she subsisted entirely on her horse's cum, and it's piss."
"It's urine?"
"Yes. Cum alone wasn't enough water for two weeks. She developed a perverse routine with her horse to drink everything that came from its cock."
"One whole week, subsisted entirely on her horse's cum. She became so intimate with her horse, that by the end she was addicted."
"Wait, you must be making this up," Euna says. "If she was alone, how could you possibly know how she was treating her horse?"
"Because she was spotted by many hunters during her trial, who frequently had fun with her."
"Because she needed to explain why she came back from that trip with a wrecked asshole."
"Do you know of Tsar Jaroslav?"
"Of course," Euna says. "He's the ruler of the lands to the far east across the mountain pass. We've had a strong alliance with him ever since I was a child."
"And you have your mother to thank for that."
"Back before the alliance, he came to visit to negotiate with your father over some trade agreement or something."
"Do you mean the Lukomorye border dispute?"
"Sure, but during his stay, he became entranced by Yelena. He'd heard the rumors of her perversity before arriving, but what he saw was a dignified wife and a mother of two children. Everyone worshipped and respected her, and within a couple dinners, so too did Tsar Jaroslav.
"It came as a surpise when she later invited him to her chambers for sex, and then allowed him the great honor of shitting on her tits.but first commanded him to douse her with his piss to awaken her passion.but then inisted he fire his cum upon her body. It was a potent aphrodisiac for her.
"Sure, but during his stay, he became transfixed by Yelena. He'd heard nasty rumors from other men who'd had the pleasure of sullying her, and had assumed your father was a cuckhold. Yet here she was, the mother of his two children, and she was every bit his loving and obedient wife.
"So he was quite surprised when your father offered to send Yelena to his chambers, and even more shocked when your otherwise-decent mother implored him to fuck her however he pleased, and then to treat her body no better than a cheap pollute her with his let her drink his delicious cum.
"On the last night over drinks with your father, he expressed his envy, for his own wife, Lidiya, was a pious prude he'd had to marry for politics. She only engaged in sex out of duty. Otherwise, she saw it as filthy, and she bathed obsessively."
"What did my father do?" Euna asks.
"He called in Yelena and told her everything. She proposed an interesting solution...."
"He proposed an interesting solution..."
"Jaroslav would give his wife an alchemical elixer which would grow a hunger in her."
"I thought your mother hated those hounds."
"Did she know you'd spied on her with the dogs?"
"Did you and Aileen ever imitate your mother after seeing her with those dogs?"
"Did your mother ever enjoy the dogs with you after you and she started having sex?"
"I don't know how I didn't know about the hounds. She must have been more private with them."
"She loved to wallow when she was alone in her chambers. She was putting on shows for your father, just in case he was behind the mirror, though not that it probably mattered to her."
"Your father would make Yelena wallow in her own filth. This was a standing order, so she had to do it whenever she was alone in her room, just in case he was behind the mirror, though many times he wasn't."
"What sort of things would she do?"
"I don't know. I wasnt there, but her old chambermaid once told me about the messes she had to clean up in your mother's chambers from these times. She'd come in to find the sheets stained with shit, and your mother would be sleeping soundly on top, smeared from head to toe. Helping her bathe was an ordeal, especially when Yelena had shit inside her own flower.The bed was so soaked in urine, and your mother Yelena was sleeping in a warm stagnant pool upon the mattress. Sometimes her pisspot reeked as though it had been used, but there was no piss. Yelena admitted to having drank it.Yelena asleep on the bed, and crusty with cum. The stench only got worse, because not once was the maid ever allowed to change Yelena's sheets, nor did your mother ever bathe. Those sheets were her own sty."
"The poor maid," Euna says.
"Sometimes Yelena involved others. Everyone craved your mother, both highborn and low, but as a rule, your mother only let them touch her body if they would indulge her filthy games. She would crouch over those depraved fools as she unloaded her bowels upon them. Sometimes upon their chest. Sometimes in their mouth. Only if they showed proper appreciation for her brown gift would she allow them to ravage her. They'd both become a mess of shit.Those people would find themselves on their knees before Yelena she would baptize them in her royal urine. Only if they were appreciative enough would Yelena let them ravage her. Their piss-wet bodies would sully her own.Men could splatter her body with their cum, or fill her snatch. Women could drizzle her with their leavings, or grind themselves against her body. Remember. She never bathed, so everyone could smell her stench. Especially her unwashed pussy."
"This was her rule?"
"A hard rule. Filth was something your father loved to see, and your mother always aimed to please him."
"Your mother got filthy with other people, some highborn and low. One of Vislav's standing orders was that after she fucked anyone for any reason, she had to beg them to shit upon her, either so she may eat it or smear it over her body.urinate upon her, so she may bathe and drink of them.cum upon her, so that she may wear their stain and stink even worse of sex. The best part about it was Vislav forbid her from telling them that it was his order. So she had to beg everyone, letting them think she wanted it for her own sake. It did horrible things for her reputation within the palace."
"I know a little something about that," Euna says. "What other sort of perversions did my mother get up to?"
"I can only imagine how many people indulged my mother this way." Euna says. "What other sort of perversions did my mother get up to?"
"Your mother was sometimes seen in the stables with the horses."
"Your mother's most promiscuous times were when she was pregnant and nursing."
"How about another story?" you ask.
"I would like that. I would like in particular if you told me about your childhood. You mentioned before that your father was the grand duke of Volkhov, and you never knew your mother, so who raised you?"
"I would like that. I would like in particular if you told me about your childhood. It occurred to me today that I don't know anything about your parents."
"Neither do I," you reply.
Her eyes widen. "You were an orphan?"
"No. Orphans live in orphanages. I was a street urchin, for a time anyway. I was lucky though."
"How so?"
"A wonderful woman named Selia took me in. She was the head housemaid for a noble named Marko and his two daughters. She took good care of me, although I don't think I ever saw her as a mother, more as a big sister. Either way, I'll never forget her. I owe her my life for taking pity on a poor street boy."
"So you grew up in a manor house?"
"I lived in the servant quarters, but yes. Lord Marko tolerated me under his household so long as I served my dues. They had me working from dawn till dusk every day. It was tough, but it was better than living on the street."
"What did they have you do?"
"All sorts: milk cows, clean the roof, churn butter, herd in the venison deer. Fortunately for me, Lord Marko did not appreciate the sight of a scrawny youth, so all of my chores put me far away from them."
"Why is that fortunate?"
"All sorts: clean laundry, scrub bathrooms, help cook, tend the garden. Selia always made sure I had chores which kept me out of sight of Lord Marko."
"Why is that?"
"Because out of sight is out of mind. He was a man with cruel tastes, particularly toward women. The only servants he let work inside the house were female, and he'd force them to dress in alluring maid uniforms. You know the kind... short skirts that hardly covered the buttocks, tight corsets that hoisted up cleavage, and silk drawers which were little more than tiny rags about their crotches. The worst was the high-heeled shoes. I don't know if you've ever had to spend an entire day working on your feet, Your Highness, but—"
"No, no," Euna stops you. "I know very well how uncomfortable those are. I can only imagine what that did to their feet."
"Blisters and sores. OnI was spared this torment since an invisible little girl like me didn't have to dress up, but on many nights, I helped Selia and the girls by massaging the cramps out of their calfs. I became quite adept at that."
"Oh?" Euna says, intrigued. She slides her boots off and swivels to place her feet in your lap. "With all the miles we walk, I wish you would have told me this sooner."
You get the hint. Taking her legs, you begin expertly kneading her calf. She moans. "Hmm, yes. Oh heavens I needed this." Closing her eyes, she enjoys the massage for a minute. "You may continue with your story."
"Somehow, I'm sure you didn't mind that chore," Euna says.
"Putting my hands all over the women's legs?For a naughty little girl like me? Of course not. It was a perk."
"I figured as much. Go on."
You keep working at her calfs. "So all these girls were working about the house dressed up like this, with their hair done and their faces touched up as though going to a ball, and Lord Marko treated them all like his personal property. He'd order them about, and molest them, and belittle them. I remember once looking in the window while I was tending the pasturegarden and seeing him behind a maid while she was cleaning the fireplace. He had pulled the gusset of her drawers aside and was sliding his fingers in and out of her snatch. She wasn't allowed to get up until she finished."
"And the girls put up with this?"
"They had nowhere else to go. Putting up with this humiliation was still better than living on the streets. Besides, for many of them it wasn't so bad. He'd only harass them occasionally. Selia though, she got it the worst. As the head housemaid, she was his favorite."
"Poor girl," Euna says.
You nod. "But what really set his treatment of her apart was when he started..."
"...making her clean his piss pot."
"...punishing and fucking her in the most degrading ways he could."
"Selia was responsible for cleaning the pots for Lord Marko and his two daughters. Every day when Marko would retire, he would make her stand by while he inspected his own. She was very thorough however, and there was never a mess.
"But one time, she was too busy to clean it, so she delegated it to another girl. That girl was not thorough enough, and Selia found out when Marko yelled at her to get in his bedroom and see. Inside was a pool stale urine.
"'Clean it,' he'd said. Selia picked up the bedpan to take it to the river, but Marko stopped her. 'No,' he'd said. 'You will clean it now. You do not leave this room until you drink every drop. Maybe then you'll learn'" And so Selia had no choice but to place the pot to her lips and drink away the contents.
"More and more often, the pot would end up unclean. He'd call her into his room to reveal larger pools of his piss that she'd somehow missed. She would be forced to drink the swill down and lick the bowl clean.
"How horrible," Euna says. "The woman who raised you had to put up with this every day?"
"Ah, but you see," you say...
"Selia was a strong woman. She got revenge."
"Selia loved the abuse. It aroused her to submit to his humiliating demands."
"It started when Selia was tending to his bedroom one evening. Lord Marko had been meeting with debtors from town, and he was in a dark mood. He stormed to his bedroom to find her changing the bed linens, and he went berserk.
"He screamed at her about how this work was supposed to be done already, how he shouldn't have to see her tending to the rooms. She should be discreet. Selia tried to excuse herself, saying she would return later when he was gone, but that wasn't good enough for him. She needed to be punished.
"He order her to kneel by the bed and lay her torso upon the mattress. She did, and he lifted the back of her maid skirt, yanked her knickers to her knees, and he spanked her, again and again. Selia didn't utter a single gasp, which only angered him. He struck hard until his face was red and his brow damp with sweat.
"Selia's ass glowed, but she made no noise. It drove Marko to madness. He yanked down his breeches, bent over her, and took her from behind as though she were a bitch in heat. She tried to turn, but he grabbed her hair and held her in place.
"When he finished, he simply rolled off and ordered her to leave. She did. After she cleaned herself up in her quarters, she had to go right back to work."
"That was the first time he took her, but not the last. After that, he quite regularly ravaged her if he caught her alone. It was often. After all, she was the head-maid. She was responsible for tending to his room."
"How horrible," Euna says. "The woman who raised you had to put up with this every day?"
"She did," you say, "but you see...
"Selia was a strong woman. She got revenge."
"Selia loved the abuse. It aroused her to submit to his humiliating demands."
"What did you do?" Euna asks.
"We got out toys. I borrowed a fierce dildo from Helda and Vecta. It had dull spikes spiraling along the shaft. The woman took one look at that, thrust her ass back, and demanded I jam it into her.
Oh, how she screamed and writhed. She kept yelling at me to go harder. I guess I wasn't good enough, because one of my friends took over, and he punched that thing in and out like he was trying to beat her to death. She tried to crawl away, but he just held her down. I though he was being too rough with her, but then she cried out in orgasm. When we escorted her back to her tent, her ass was burning red.
"The next night, she returned for the same treatment, only she furtively asked us if we could be even rougher with her. So we tied her down and got out a fiercer dildo than before. Many people took a turn ravaging her with it. She was bleedingweeping by the time we walked her back, but she thanked us so kindly.
"The next night, after we tied her down, we got a spoke from one of our wagon wheels and showed it to her. It was rough and covered with splinters. Her eyes widened when she saw it, but she nodded. So we forced it in her. Her screams were ear splitting. We had to gag her for for our own sakes. Tears streamed down her face, but every time we stopped and pulled out the gag, she'd beg us to keep punishing her.
"So we kept it going. As our arms tired, we'd switch places, pausing long enough to pluck the worst of the splinters from her rectum and anal ring. That night, we had to carry her back to her tent.
"What did you do?" Euna asks.
"First we doubled her up. We put her on her back, and two gymnasts lay on either side of her. With some pushing and patience, they got both their cocks into her asshole. Oh how she loved that. You could see it in her eyes as she lay with one leg draped over each man. As each gymnast finished, another would take his place.
"That sated her that night. The next, we asked if she wanted three cocks inside her. She couldn't be more thrilled. Same position: her on her back with a man on either side, only now another man lay on top of her. She whimpered as they worked their cocks inside her, but once in, she was back to moaning like a whore. That entire night she took men three at a time.
"Then even that was too little for her. That's when the Warped Ones to step in. There are some men among them who've used alchemy and drugs to enlarge their manhoods. One of them came to the woman. The moment she saw his monstrously enlarged cock, she had to have it inside her, though none of us imagined it would fit. She could wrap both her hands about his tool and her fingers would only barely overlap. The only women who could take him were his fellow Warped Ones, but this woman needed it.
"The man bent her over and forced himself into her. Her poor anal ring yielded. She wailed in pain. Yet even as she wept, she begged him for more. So he pounded his tool into her deeper and deeper until finally unloading his voluminous load deep inside her.
"The woman could hardly stand afterward. We had to walk her back as cum spilled down her legs, but she was so proud of herself.
"The boys found honest work as they'd planned," you explain. "Cobblers, builders, roofers, and so on. But their mother became a working woman of a different sort. The anal whore within her had awoken and there was no putting that genie back in the bottle. During the day, she'd invite suitors into her home to bugger her ass. All day she'd be on her hands and knees servicing customers.
"In the evenings, she would clean up the house and start dinner. Her sons would came home sweaty and exhausted after a long day's work. She would feed them hot meals paid for with her earned money, and afterwords they would take turns ravaging her. She would hug their sweaty bodies while they filled her bowels with cum. Despite all her clients, she still treasured every time her sons sodomized her.
"And they also knew how she liked to be treated, rough and mercilessly. At nights, they'd gag her and take turns holding her down while another raped her asshole. They'd leave her crying in bed by the time they were done with her. On some nights, they'd would violate her with a rough object, like a splintery tool handle, or a tree branch. They wouldn't stop until their arms were tired and her ass was bleedingraw. It certainly made it painful for her when her clients came to use her the next day."
"And they also knew how she liked to be treated. At night, when they were too tired of fucking her, they would force their arms into her rectum. Sometimes they'd force two fists, or maybe three. She would moan and cum again and again until passing out."
"Heartwarming," Euna says. "Did she get up to anything else?"
"The week carried on like that. During the day, she'd transform back into a worried widow looking after her children. She'd be dressed as her usual conservative self, and hardly acknowledge the troupe at all. At night, she'd sneak back to us and we'd abusestretch her asshole all over again. And each night we pushed her farther. Eventually she was so worn out by morning that she could hardly sit in a saddle. She convinced her sons that it was just travel exhaustion, but we all knew the truth. Her ass was too sore. We let her lay in one of our wagons and sleep.
"The sons were so grateful, and they thought they were being naughty sneaking off to Helda and Vecta. They had no idea that we had transformed their mother into such a wanton slut."
"So you and and your fellow troupees corrupted her," Euna says. "You took a hard working mother and turned her into a debased whore."
"You say it like it's a bad thing. The way I see it. We helped a poor widow explore her sexuality. She had nothing in her life except her five sons. As much as she loved them, looking after them after so much tragedy was breaking her down. To look at her, you'd think she'd forgotten how to smile. She was exhausted.
"But with us, she was finally enjoyed something for herself. We awoke a passion with in her and let her indulge it to her heart's content. By the end of our trip, she positively glowed." You shrug. "Although admittedly, she was still pretty damn tired."
Euna ponders this. "Then I'm glad. If sex helped her find happiness, then who are we to say she shouldn't indulge as she pleases, even if it is oscene. What became of her?"
Euna ponders this. "It's hard for me to imagine someone finding peace through obsene sexual practices like that. But this whole sexual world is new to me, so I suppose that's to be expected. What became of her?"
"We reached the city. That's where she and her sons were headed to start new lives. Then..."
after making sure her sons would be all right. She crept off and joined the Prowling Lilins."
"I'd more likely see myself being the woman who enjoys being ravaged. Can you tell me more about her?"
"I think I'd be her best customer. I'd probably come to own her somehow. I can't imagine I'd often find prey who will so willingly accept my abuse."
"You'd hurt her?"
"If she truly loved it, I'd be merciless. Tell me more about what she'd get up to."
"I think I would. The idea of molesting someone mercilessly, and knowing she loves it, it leaves me intrigued. Tell me more about her."
"You're referring to horses?" Euna asks. "Knowing how your stories go, I suppose it was inevitable that she would gravitate toward laying with beasts."
"Ah, but it wasn't her idea to begin with," you say. "The rest of us performers came up with it. The woman prepared for what she thought was another performance with her sons as a naive mother. She came to the center ring dressed in her usual stuffy skirt and bodice, but where stage props should have been was instead one of the troupe's stallions.another performance of taking a post up her bum. She came out into the circus rings dressed in her usual garter and stockings, but where her post was supposed to be was one of the troupe's stallions. The ringleader announced her performance, which was to take this horse as her lover.
"She could have run away, but the audience was expecting action. And the moment she saw the manhood of that horse, she accepted our challenge.
"Ah, but it wasn't her idea to begin with," you say. "One day, one of her richer clients rode in on a horse. He paid her, then brought her outside and pointed to his mount. 'There is your client for today, whore. Show him the pleasures of your ass'. As degrading as it was, the moment she saw the horse's meat, her mind was made.
"Backing under that horse, she rubbed its rubbery cock up and down the crack of her ass until it grew stiff, and in it went. It was hardly a challenge for her, really. Her ass was practically trained for horse cock. And her ass nearly took it to the base too.
"And so she fucked it. The horse humped into her with great spirit. She cried in ecstasy when it filled her with its cum. The widow made sure to bend forward at the hip so all that cum flowed deep into her bowels rather than spill to the floor.
"After that, the line was crossed. That woman became a horse lover. Many times she held performances where she would fuck a horse or a donkey before an audience, but sometimes she just did it for fun."
"After that, the line was crossed. That woman never hesitated again when men paid her to pleasure horses for their amusement. One of her clients often rode his horse to her place and ordered her to let it sodomize her. He wouldn't even bother dismounting. For him, and many clients, it was about watching her debase herself with animals, but she wasn't too prideful to say no. Besides, she often enjoyed horses for her own sake."
"I see," Euna says, "and how did her sons feel sharing their mother with animals?"
"They encouraged it. Sometimes her sons would track down several horses and hold their mother down while each one took a turn mounting her like a mare. One night, they made a performance out of it. She didn't know what they had planned, and once they tied her down on stage,One night, they invited several of their mother's clients over and told them to bring their horses. She didn't know what they had planned, and once they had her tied her down in a back alley, they brought out the horses, two at a time. They put the animals side by side and guided both cocks to her worn asshole. It took some forcing, but both horse cocks slipped in. Her begging was real, but her sons didn't stop until six pairs of horses had their way with her. She thanked them afterward."
"Why?" Euna asks.
"Because horses were the only ones with cocks large enough to pleasure her any more. At camp, the Lilins kept the traveling horses safe in their own tent.There was a stable in the gutter district. Some nights when she got drunk, she'd sneak in there and have free reign until dawn. She'd bend over under every horse in that stable feed the horse's mighty cocks into her ass. When that wasn't enough, they tried two horses at a time, side by side. It took some effort, but they succeeded."
"Both up her bottom?" Euna asks.
"Her bottom was one of a kind," you say.
"Amazing," Euna says. "And unbelievably depraved. What else did she get up to?"
"In one of their shows," you say. "Helda and Vecta trussed the woman up. Then they brought out quite a bushel of the poisonous leaves. The widow's eyes popped at the sight of them."
"She didn't know?" Euna asks.
"No. And she wasn't keen on the idea either, but they already had her tied. Helda filled her ass with poison ivy while Vecta fucked her with a strap on to pack the leaves in. Then they alternated raping her asshole with the many vicious toys they owned. Afterward, they stoppered her ass with a large cork plug and made her keep the leaves in her all night."
"Several of her clients got drunk together," you say. "She came up in conversation, and they all decided to try something new. They went to her house. After they paid her, she agreed to be stripped and trussed. It was only then that they brought out a bushel of ivy leaves."
"She didn't know?" Euna asks.
"No. And she wasn't keen on the idea either, but she was already tied. They filled her ass with poison ivy leaves and used one of her own dildos to pack the leaves in. Then each man had a turn raping her asshole with whatever household items the woman owned. Afterward, they ordered her to keep the leaves in her all night."
"And her sons let this happen to her?"
"From what I heard, it was they who collected the bushel. In the coming week, after their mother's bowels became an itchy, blistered mess, they violated her mercilessly with all manner of toys. It was a week of constant agony. But she dutifully offered her raw and worn ass each time her boys decided to punish her more."
"What happened to her?"
"Her bowels became an itchy, blistered mess for days. No man would fuck her in that time, so she had to fuck herself with all manner of toys to scratch the itch in her raw bowels. It was a week of constant agony."
"I see..." Euna says. "Anything more to the story?"
"Really?" Euna asks. "After only a week with the troupe, they decide to spend the rest of their lives with you?"
"What can I say? We changed them. I mentioned the idea of their joining our show as a 'mother and her loving sons' act as a joke, but when they started casting furtive glances to one another, I knew they actually wanted to. So we let them in.
"In the very city they intended to start new lives in, they put on a show. Their act was that the boys were misbehaving, and the mother would come out to discipline them. Anyone could see plain as day that they were truly related. The boys would keep disobeying, and the mother would grow flustered. They'd tease her and strip her clothes. Once she was naked, they would push her over and roughly sodomize her one after another. By the end, the mother would be begging them to misbehave more."
"Doesn't sound very original," Euna said.
"You don't need compelling stories when you're playing to a crowd's lust. And it was only their first performance. Later on, I helped them weave more intricate shows. They had a play where five sons fall in love with their mother. Each one would independently seduce and fuck her without knowing she'd already fucked his brothers. It was actually a humorous comedy of errors. My favorite part was when the middle son would trip and fall over his mother so that his cock slips into her ass. He'd apologize, but every time he tried to rise, he'd slip and thrust back into her, and she be moaning. After they get caught, no one believes him that it was an accident. Of course, by the end of the play, it always devolved into a incestual gang bang."
"A true masterpiece," she says dryly.
"You would have loved it."
"I'm sure. What other depravity did they get up to?"
"That must have been embarrassing for her," Euna says.
"She took it in stride. The woman wore tight undergarments which collected any mess, and since her broken anus could hold nothing, it got messy often. Her drawers would fill, and she'd casually hike up her dress, squat in a ditch, and pull her drawers aside. She'd shake the worst of it out and go about her day."
"Sounds like it would make sex with her messy."
"Oh yes, but she made also performances out of it. She frequently held acts with with Duchess Daisy Bandysnatch, the faux-pas noble. After Daisy would condescend to her, the widow would force Daisy to the ground and kneel over her face. Her ruined hole would bloom outward and belch brown slop over Daisy's face, and then she'd make the noble lick her prolapsed rectum clean of any sludge.
"Oh yes. Her distended, broken asshole would belch brown slop whenever someone sodomized her, but the kind of unsavory clients that she had enjoyed that quirk of hers. They might reach their hands inside her and scoop out handfuls of poop, which they'd slap upon her breasts. Or sometimes they made her suck clean their defiled manhoods after they dumped their seed in her.
"Quite revolting," Euna says, though she doesn't seem off put. "What else did she get up to?"
"Even with the healer's help," you say, "her anal ring had torn too many times and her insides shredded too much. Her asshole became a gaping, ruined hole covered in hemorrhoids and scars."her anal ring had been stretched far beyond what it could recover from. Her asshole became looser than a leather satchel. Now, not only could she not close her hole, but when she relaxed, her rectum would distend out. She had to wear tight undergarments to look normal."
"The poor woman," Euna says. "So her lust ruined her."
"No. She embraced it. She wanted to ruin it more. By then, she didn't really fit in with the Suffering Sisters anymore. People wanted to torture pristine girls, not used ones with disgusting, worn out holes, but by then her asshole was such a novelty that she was an attraction all on her own."
"No. She embraced it. It was a warped ass which made her fit right in with the Warped Ones. It was her novelty, and it attracted its own kind of audience."
"No. She embraced it. She loved everything about her ruined hole, and she wanted to ruin it more. Of course, it repulsed many of her possible johns, but also attracted another sort of clientele—a seedier sort, the kind who found her ruined hole erotic, and wanted to ruin it more."
Euna frowns. "They don't sound pleasant."
"Oh, they weren't."
"Anything else to add?" she asks.
"How did she do that?"
"The Warped Ones helped with this. They put five piercings into each of her labia and fixed them with steel eyelets."
"Like lace holes in a leather boot?"
"Exactly like that actually, though a bit smaller holes. And just like a boot, she laced a wire through the holes and closed up her snatch. Now no man could violate any hole except for the one she craved."
"Did she ever undo the wire?"
Not her, no. She couldn't. The wire fed into a small lock just below her clit. It could not be undone without a key. And she gave that key to her sons."
"Why them?"
"She was gifting them her womb. They would decide if she would ever carry another child."
"Their child? One of incest?"
"Their mother would gladly have sired their children, but she made clear it wasn't up to her. Her sons could impregnate her, or lend her womb to a friend, or even auction it off to strangers. They decide."
"With a needle and thread of course. The Warped Ones helped her with this. They sewed her gash up like a suture using a metal wire. Now everyone knew that she was exclusively a backdoor girl. No man could violate any hole except the one she craved."
"Did she ever undo it?"
"No. It was permanent. The Warped Ones soldered the wire together. Only with a pair of bolt cutters could someone open her slit, and I'm sure no one ever will. That woman will be buried with that suture still in place.
"That's dedication," Euna says. "Anything else?"
"She abandoned her sons?" Euna asks.
"She realized that if she stayed, she'd only become a burden. Sure, she could clean and cook for them, but even within that first week, her boys were already courting other girls. Soon they would have wives of their own to take care of them, and she would just be in the way. More importantly, there was no ignoring her new cravings. So one night, she left a note bidding them farewell and she was gone.
"We let her join as one of our circus girls. Those are a brothel of prostitutes who travel with us and pleasure customers who come to our performances. This woman, of course, only sold her asshole. For weeks, you could see her down in the audience pits during our performances. She'd be bent over at the hip with some commoner plowing her ass. After the shows, her bowels would be full of cum, and her purse full of rubles."
"What a life," Euna says.
"But she wasn't getting the rough treatment she needed, no matter how much she encouraged her customers. Eventually, Helda and Vecta adopted her as a fellow sister. They did some Suffering acts together. Unlike the sisters, who enjoyed having people punish their entire bodies, the woman was only interested in abusing her asshole. But in that regard, she put Helda and Vecta to shame.
"In one of their shows, a tormenter would have dildos covered in little spikes which he would force the sisters to put on. Then he'd whip them mercelessly and force them to sodomize the poor woman.
"But she also had her solo acts too. For one, we would strap her down in a leather body suit so she couldn't move. All that was exposed was her bare ass. Then we'd leave all sorts of toys around and put a sign up inviting anyone to do as they please. She'd have a stream of customers for hours. And I saw all sorts of punishment. They'd fuck her, of course, but some people would punch their fists into her ass. Or sodomize her with spiked dildos or rough branches. Once I saw a woman lower her to the ground so she could kick on her foot up the widow's rectum. Another man once wrapped a tree branch in thorns and wriggled it around inside her. She'd need the troupe healers badly after those acts.
"And she wanted this?" Euna asks.
"She'd scream and thrash and cry during her acts, but she'd always come back to do it again. A few times people tried to rescue her. They were sure confused when she got angry at them. They didn't realize she was exactly where she wanted to be."
Euna shrugs. "I guess if she was happy, but it still seems unfathomable to me."
"She only did that for a few weeks," you reply. "Then she joined the Warped Ones. With her love for fitting things into her anus, it was an obvious match."
"The Warped Ones?" she asks. "To join them, wouldn't that mean she had to—"
"Warp herself? She did. She had intricate tattoos done on her rump to draw attention to her asshole. She had an octopus riding above her tailbone with its tentacles snaking down and disappearing into her hole.
"And with the help of the Warped Ones' salves and tonics, and their stretching practices, that woman grew to take unimaginably large objects up her ass. Fists, feet... I even saw her ass swallow someone's head once.
"One of her acts was to come out on stage dressed in nothing but stockings and a garter belt. There'd be a wooden post on stage, tall and thick enough for someone to comfortably sit upon. And she would. She'd daintily sit up on that post like a proper lady—back straight, legs crossed—and she'd clean her nails or something. Then you'd realize she was slowly sinking down on the post. She wouldn't stop until she was squatted down. The post must have been up to her lungs, but she would hardly even grimace. Then she would lift off, turn, and show the audience her anus. It would gape like a yawning monster. After that, she was much less lady like. She'd ride that post up and down like a passionate lover. She'd pull all the way up until her gaping hole was above it, then her ass would gobble it back down to the base. Her breasts jiggled in the most lovely way as she did this."
"She must have had strong legs," Euna says.
"That's what you take away from this?"
"Well, didn't she? Those are a lot of squats she's doing."
"Yes. She had very strong and shapely legs. And quite an amazing ass. Even if her anus gaped at times."
"That sounds intriguing," she says, "I'm not sure I'd ever wish to see that, but it's fascinating to hear about these tales. What else did she get up to?"
"You see, the anal whore within her had awoken and there was no putting that genie back in the bottle. After her boys would leave for their jobs she would creep off to the seedier parts of town to sell her body, or more specifically, that lovely ass of hers. Sailors and soldiers would take her into back alleys and sodomize her. Sometimes it would be one, sometimes it would be a group, but it was always in her ass.
"The boys thought she had a job cleaning manor houses. But seeing as how she'd come home each night reeking of sex, she knew they'd figure it out eventually, so she made up a story about a reclusive noble couple who wanted her to be their house maid. Her sons thought she went off to live in a manor, but in reality, she moved into a cheap apartment in the gutter district. There, she could really pursue her cravings.
"She took on rougher clients. For more money, they could be as vicious with her ass as they wanted. Whether she took them in her home, or in a dark alley, they always left her asshole bleedingraw. They treated her like a worthless, dirty whore, and she loved it. And while she did allow men access to her mouth and pussy, she charged more for those. She'd rather they dump their cum in her asshole.
"She took on more and more perverted clients. For one, she provided discounts for people who fucked her ass at the same time, thus she became an expert of taking multiple cocks up the rump at once. On top of that, she let her clients put anything they wanted in her ass, so long as it fit: fists, feet, wine bottles... anything. Sailors would bring items into into port with bets on whether or not it would fit inside her. Her ass became famous.
"Her boys never found out, but she sent them a lot of money over the years. In all her perverted whoring, she never kept any more rubles than she needed to survive. All the rest she gave to them. It's funny. Her sons already made good livings, and with her funds, they got great homes, ate well, dressed well, and attracted beautiful wives, all on her dime. Meanwhile, their mother is living in a ramshackle hole in the wall, eating cheap food and lapping up the cum that dripped from her ass."
"And she was happy with this?"
"Elated. One of my troupe friends visited her years later. She bragged about how her middle son had become a successful merchant and how her youngest was marrying into nobility.
"And she told them this while strapped to a filthy, straw mattress. They were jamming a stick covered in rough bark up her asshole, but between her cries and wails, she'd talk about her sons.
"Elated. One of my troupe friends visited her years later. She bragged about how her middle son had become a successful merchant and how her youngest was marrying into nobility. And she told them this as he and two of his mates each forced a fist up her ass."
"At the same time?" Euna asks.
"Yes. Three fists. At once. Her asshole was obscene. It stretched around their forearms as they took turns pushing in up to their elbow. Meanwhile, she talked to them like they were old friends visiting for tea.
"In her mind, she was living the dream. Her boys were prospering, and her life was devoted to indulging her fantasies.
"Heartwarming," Euna says. "Anything else I should know?"
"Of course I wouldn't. I'd be far more interested in finding this widow and having a turn for myself. Tell me more about what she got up to."
"You mean if I were a prostitute?" she asks. "Of course. I live to serve. I'd especially do it if you ever told me to. I would be your prostitute."
"Right answer. You are my property."
"Actually," she adds. "I would be quite disappointed if you didn't."
"I'll remember that."
"What else did she get up to?"
"I must admit, there's something rather erotic about being a public piece of property like that. What else did she get up to?"
"No?" Euna asks.
"Well, one son actually fell in love with a city girl and left, but the rest married other troupe girls. And those girls were well aware of the relationship their husband's had with their mother."
"I should think so," Euna said. "They sodomize their mother on stage."
"Exactly. And everyone in the troupe was open-minded. Those girls not only accepted their husband's maternal philandering, but became a part of it. It's not like they hadn't already fucked their husband's mother and brothers many times before during our late night parties.
"It did at first. When a son would marry, he moved out to shield his new wife from his family's sordid ways. But their mother was not content to let her sons leave the nest. While her son was at work, she would visit the wife daily. They'd grow close, and in time, the mother would seduce her daughter-in-law and slowly pervert the girl. Every visit became a sexual affair, until one day the son would catch them, or the wife confessed, or the mother tied her up and brought in the son. It was different for each boy.
"It may have been tense at first, but it always ended as a three way. They'd all fucked each other after all. Things would smooth over, and the wife would truly be brought into the family fold. The couple would move back home, and the wife would spend her days with her prostitute mother-in-law, growing more accustom to her depravity."
"They became one large family. At night, the sons would bugger their mother together. And after they fucked her so roughly she bledsenseless, it was their wives who might lap up the blood and cum."And while they were recovering their strength, their wives would be plunging their arms elbow deep into their mother-in-law's cum-filled ass."
"Whatever keeps the family together, I suppose," Euna says. "Anything else?"
"She once had her asshole tortured with poison ivy."
"She resorted to equine lovers for cocks large enough to satisfy her."
"She had the lips of her pussy sealed so only her ass was available."
"The woman loved being forced into sex against her will."
"Her sons took on wives, but that didn't stop anything."
"Over time, her asshole became a permanent wreck."
Euna's eyes widen. "I think I know where this is headed."
You nod. "Possibly. The prank was practically staring us in the face. The next night, the boys sneaked off to Helda and Vecta while their mother crept back to us. Soon enough, she was on her back while our gymnasts fucked her ass. Once her lustful fire was blazing, we put our plan into action. We had everyone gather in the tent with the widow, and we asked her if she wanted to be the centerpiece for our celebration of the sow. We explained that everybody dresses up in masks and skimpy costumes and we have a lot of sex, and everybody had to fuck the centerpiece at least once. It was a silly ritual we'd invented the night before, but she agreed, as long as everyone only fucked her ass.
"So we all put on masquerade masks, but for her, we gave her this leather pig mask. It was actually rather ornate, nice leather, shiny brass frame. However, you could hardly see while wearing it, and it covered your whole face."
"And that's when you got her boys, isn't it?" Euna said.
"And that's when we got her boys. Helda and Vecta had been teasing them all this while. Instead of fucking the boys through the bars, they'd kept their distance and instead given them a show by riding each other's faces. Then I came over and invited the boys to join us in our festival. I told them all about it, how they could have sex with any of the women there once they've taken their turn with the centerpiece. Of course they agreed, so I gave them masks and off we went.
"The celebration was in full swing when the boys arrived. Men on women. Men on men. Women on Women. And everyone wore masks. In the center, on her back, was the centerpiece. Her asshole was already oozing cum, but Daisy kindly sucked it all out. Then each boy fucked their mother's ass while she wrapped them in her legs.
"The last son to fuck her was the youngest. Once he was near to completion, we pulled off her mask.
And there she was, for the boys to see. They all froze, even the ones now sexing other women. Their mother was laying there moaning, her eyes close, and her hand rubbing her clit. And then she yelled, practically begged the person fucking her, 'Don't stop. I'm so close. Fuck me. Violate me.'"
"That's awful," Euna says.
"Maybe it was, but you know what the boy did?"
"What any good boy would. He obeyed his mother. He was slow at first, but he soon recovered from his shock. Soon he was hammering away at her as hard as ever. The other boys got back to plowing whatever woman they were currently in. But we all kept our eyes on that woman, waiting for her to notice. Just as she reached climax, her eyes opened, and she recognized her own son immediately. You could see the conflict in her eyes, but her orgasm was upon her, and it was as though something inside her changed. She wrapped her legs around her youngest son and pulled him into her. Pressing his head against her bare breasts, she cried in pleasure as her son filled her bowels with his cum.
"The night didn't end there. Whenever the mother was finished with whoever was fucking her, she sought out her boys. They'd make eye contact through the throng. An understanding would pass between them, and the boys would make their way to her.
"That woman fucked her sons as roughly as anyone else, but with them she was also tender. She'd cradle them as they fucked her ass like jackrabbits. It was as though she had just found her sons again after years apart.
"After the party died down, the sons helped walk their wobbly-legged mother back to their camp. The next day when we traveled, they didn't speak much with us or each other, as though the realization of what they'd done had sunk in. When night came, none returned to our encampment. We were worried we'd gone too far.
"After talking it over, we felt like we'd owed them an apology, so some of us headed to their camp, but what did we see when we peeked in their tent? That woman was astride one of her sons with his cock buried deep in her rectum, and she was riding him as though he were an angry stallion. Each son took a turn with her. When each would finish, they'd stand over her and have her suck their cocks clean while she rode another son.
"Even after all five had a turn with her, they weren't done. They pushed their mother onto her back and...
took turns stretching her out by forcing their fists up her ass."
tied her down. Then they raped her ass with a splintery wagon spoke."
"You mean rape?" Euna asks. "How does one love that?" Euna asks. "I mean, the word means to take against one's will."
"For her, it was about lack of consent. Her sons learned early on that they could use their mother's body for their own sexual needs any time they wanted. They didn't even have to bother treating her well. And without consulting her, they encouraged her clients to treat her as a piece of flesh just like they did. The only rule was they could only abuse her ass.
"For her, it was about lack of consent. Clients who knew her knew that they could just let themselves into her house whenever they wanted, day or night. They could bring their friends, wake her up, tie her down... Anything, so long as they paid. Oh, and that they only abused her asshole.
"But abuse it they did. They'd hold her down and wouldn't let up until that woman's ass was a bleeding wreck. They'd whip her rim, or dump burning spices in her, or rape her with rough wood. She'd be crying her eyes out, and they'd just drop money in her battered asshole and leave. Sometimes they forgot to untie her, so the next day, a client might find her in that state. He would be just as likely to continue the abuse."
"And abuse it they did. They wouldn't leave until they'd filled her ass with everything from their cum, her clothes, her toys, her dinnerware, to even a whole bushel of apples once. The last thing to go in her ass would be rubles as payment, and they'd leave her like that, with her bowels so full her belly was distended. Sometimes they forgot to untie her. Her next client might find her in that state. They were more likely to fit even more in her than to help her."
"Goodness," Euna says. "To let yourself be taken advantage of every day. Sounds intriguing, but incredibly reckless."
"Admit it. You'd let clients abuse you too."
"But tell me you wouldn't want a chance to rape her for yourself?"
"That's horrible," Euna says. "Why would they do that?"
"Because their mother needed it. When they showed her the wheel spoke, she ordered them to tie her down first, so she couldn't escape when they showed her ass no mercy.
"Two boys pulled her legs back over her head while a third jammed the spoke in her ass. Oh, how she screamed. Tears streamed down her face as the boy churned her guts like butter. In between her hollering, she would yell at her boys to punish their wicked mother. They took turns as their arms got tired. The next boy would pause only long enough to pluck the worst of the splinters from his mothers anal ring, then he'd stab into her again and punish her rectum.
"Did their fists even fit?" Euna asks.
"They made them fit. Their mother grunted and grimaced as she pushed back against their invading hands, but soon enough, her asshole swallowed their fists up to their wrists. Each boy punched into her ass until their arm tired, then another would take over. She kept grabbing their wrists and pulling them deeper into herself.
"The troupe decided to leave them in peace. It was clearly a very tender moment for them."
"Oh sure," Euna says. "It sounds like it."
"The next night, the woman and her boys came over together. There was no shyness anymore. They joined in as though they were one of us, but when that woman first bent over and exposed her rump for the first man to mount her, her ass was already gaping open and oozing cum. drooling cum and blood. red and enflamed, and drooling cum. She and her boys had had their private fun before heading over. And at the end of the night, after the boys had their share of the troupe girls, and the mother had countless loads of cum injected into her rectum, she and her boys had one final time together before all of us.
"And that's how it went every night. She'd start and end with her own sons. The boys were certainly virile lads, but that woman was a true-born anal slut. No matter how raw and cum-drenched her asshole became, she always needed more."
"So you and your fellow troupees corrupted her," Euna says. "You dragged an honest, hard-working woman and her family down into your depravity."
"I prefer to see it as helping a poor widow to finally enjoy her sexual needs, and bringing family closer together than they'd ever been before. They may be perverted now, but I really believe they were much happier afterward. Would you say that was wrong?"
"It seems like it should be. Incest is a sin."
"In some societies maybe. Your church certainly sees it that way, but then again, they see nudity as a sin too, and some types of clothing. I've met some very forward thinking civilizations where incest was not only acceptable, but encouraged. It fosters family unity."
"But incest can produce abominations."
"They're not abominations, but they might have weak blood if you don't prepare with the right alchemy, but it's also easy enough to avoid quickening a woman's womb. Take that mother. She was an anal girl through and through. Even if she did let some men take her vaginally, she never let her sons. So what's the harm?"
Euna puzzles this. "I don't know. It still seems wrong, but maybe that's just my upbringing. I must dwell on this. What became of that woman and her sons?"
"They left us once they reached the city, but their family was forever different."
"If the boys saw their mother, or if their mother saw her boys, it might turn each other off."
"It makes sense," Euna says.
"Helda and Vecta agreed to keep the boys busy each night. It wasn't exactly a chore for them. They got five young lads all to themselves who'd treated them roughly, just like they preferred. They convinced the boys that the troupe doesn't actually like entertaining outsiders. So the boys never ventured past the Suffering Sisters' cage.
"Meanwhile, their mother would creep into the main tent with us. There, she would get the buggery she craved. Night after night, countless men would ream her asshole and she'd go stumbling back to her tent hours later.
"You think it would have been enough to sate her, but every night she came back even hungrier for cock. She would ride stage hands and lie beneath countless gymnasts. All were satisfying her aching hole. She still needed something more, we finally gave it to her when one night she begged us to...
The cluster of girls soon forget about you and go back to tittering about something else.
"Oh, be that way," the girl says, and you step away from the girls.
It's clear that they're not actually going to leave the sleeping girl alone, but you're no longer in their huddle and unable to hear them.
The nuns squeal of delight. The ringleader silences them and motions everyone to sneak in. They kneel around Sabah. Another waits by her head with a readied bedsheet, and the ringleader gets next to her crotch and motions for you.
You kneel before Sabah, who still twitches, and you lower your breeches. Your semi-hard cock spring free. All the nun's eye it mischievously. The ringleaders grasps it and pumps it to full mast. Once you're rock hard, it's showtime.
The ringleader poises to grab Sabah's loincloth right at her crotch and uses her other hand to count down from three.
It all happens at once. Nuns grab hold of Sabah's limbs. The sister by her head covers her face with the bedsheet. The ringleader yanks the loincloth away, baring Sabah's drooling, flowered pussy. And you fall onto the girl and stab inside her to the hilt.
Jolting away, Sabah thrashes about, but the sisters hold her tight. The bedsheet over her face muffles muffled her urgent cries. Her pussy squeezes.
You fuck her as quickly as you can. It proves difficult with so many crowded around. And Sabah keeps trying to buck you off of her, or bring her knees between you. The giggling girls only double down on pinning her limbs.
The moment you climax, the ringleader signals the other girls, and they all scatter behind cloth curtains.
Sabah yanks the sheet off her head. There's only you, hunched over her with your spent cock still dripping, and your cum dripping from her snatch. Bewildered, she gapes at you. "Why?" she asks innocently. "Why did you do that?"
She looks genuinely hurt, and you grapple for something to say, but just as you open your mouth, a snicker comes from behind a curtain divider. Sabah's eyes narrow and a sly smile comes over her. She darts out from under you and swipes aside the curtain. There's the ringleader, stifling a laugh.
"You!" Sabah says. "I knew you were behind this. Come here!" She lunges for the ringleader, who dances out of the way, but not quick enough. Sabah snags the tail of her loin cloth. The flax cloth rips over the ringleader's groin and comes free, leaving only the cloth cord about her waist.
"Yow!" she clutches her friction-burned pussy.
Sabah towel flicks her bare ass. The ringleader yelps and skips away. A chase ensues, with the nude pair flicking one another with the other's loincloths all through the dormitory. The other nun's scamper out of hiding and follow the two out the door, giggling all the way.
You're left alone with your wilting dick hanging out. Nothing left to do but put it away and move on.
You enter into a long, narrow room partitioned by draped curtains. In each, sleeping mats are set up on the floorboards. The colors here are warm, like the air, and with it comes the hush of a library.
It's the dormitory. Most mats are empty, but a few nuns are asleep behind fabric partitions. They lie with only a thin sheet covering their state of undress. Beside each sleeping woman's mat are their piled possessions, which mostly include their folded habit and their own holy book. A few rare piles might include spectacles, or sandals, or pen and parchment. It seems the Simori shed themselves of all the earthly possessions they can. They don't even have a chest to hold their belongings.
You're in the dormitory. A few sisters are sleeping within cloth partitions, but most beds are empty.
There are half a dozen. None are wearing their habit. Instead, they're clad only in a simple loin cloth which amounts to a long rectangle of white, flaxen fabric wrapped over their groins and then tucked over a thin cloth cord about their waists. The excess fabric drapes down as a flap in both the front and the back to mid thigh. It is the most humble and spartan undergarment you've ever seen that still manages to be indecent.
Apart from that, the girls are naked before you, save for two still wearing their wimple. Their breasts and bodies are bared, and for some, their short cropped hair, almost tom-boyish.
This doesn't seem to concern them when you approach. In fact, a girl in the clique's center lights up and excitedly waves you to join them while pressing a finger to her lips. The other girls stifle giggles.
The one who motioned to you guides you into the center of their huddle and has you peek through a cloth divider to where a lone nun sleeps upon a mat. Something's wrong though. She's been tossing and turning. Now her bedsheet lies crumpled beside her, revealing her body to all.
She too wears only a loincloth, bearing her modest breasts with prominent dark nipples. And her boyishly short brown hair is tousled.
However, her restlessness has caused the flap of her loincloth to fold up onto her belly, revealing her crotch. The narrow strip of flax cloth has bunched up between the clefts of her ass. Where it narrowly covers her snatch, it's soaked through with secretions.
Now you understand. She's not just tossing and turning. Her chest is heaving too. Her limbs twitch.
She's having an erotic dream.
The nun showing you this closes the curtain. "It seems our dear Sabah is having another one of her dreams!" The other nun's titter.
"She has them all the time!" another whispers.
"It's so embarrassing!"
"Look at her squirm!"
The first nun shushes the others and turns to you. "We were just trying to decide what to do about her when you came along. How would you like to help us pull a little prank?"
"What would that be?" you ask.
"We're going to make her dreams a little more real. We'll sneak up on her, then all at once we sisters will hold her down, and then you will rut her as fast as you can!" The other girls gasp excitedly. She goes on. "Think about it! She's probably having some dream about men right now. Then suddenly she'll wake up to find a man plundering her in real life!"
A gaggle of scantily clad nun's are gathered at one end. They're giggling and peeking into one partition.
The temple's front door is sealed, but ensconced torches light a way around the building's side, and stumbling drunks are heading that way. At a side door, a lovely young nun dressed in a stark white habit is inspecting each man as they arrive.
"Yes, come in," she says to one man who nearly topples into her.
To a pair of sweaty drunks holding each other up with shoulders over arms, "You two again? Of course. Please, try to be respectful today."
The next is a man dragging another who can hardly stand. "Just dropping him off."
The nun has to stop her triaging to help this drunk inside after the sober man shoves him into her arms.
You are the last to come up.
"You two aren't one of my regulars," the sister says.
"I hvvn't drunk ale bfore," Euna mutters. "I'm sorry."
"It's quite all right. In you two."
The door leads into a large wing of the temple. It's dark and enclosed, except the outer walls are made of a reticulated window pattern, which allows the warm night air to breeze through. Dozens of inebriated folk are laid out on mats spread along the large floor space. Along the side near the outer wall, drunks sit hunched with their heads perched over clay pots. The occasional sounds of their retching echo through the hall, quite loudly. Some of them seem passed out with their foreheads on the rim.
The sister guides you with her hand lantern to a pair of empty mats in the rooms middle. Euna plops down on one.
The sister hands you two vials of clear liquid. "Here. Drink your tonics. We're closing our doors soon. Have you any questions before I leave you?"
She glances once at Euna and motions you both in. "Come along." With her lantern, she leads you through the dark hall to a pair of mats in the center. Euna plops down.
The sister hands you two vials of clear liquid. "I must go close the doors now, so take care." She departs.
"So..." Euna rolls over to look at you. "What's going to happen to me after I take this tonic?"
"That'll be up to me. You don't get to know."
"As you wish."
"Wouldn't you like to know?"
"Hmm," she thinks. "No, I wouldn't, actually, but tell me everything in the morning."
Euna gulps down the tonic and lies down to sleep, oblivious to the three men nearby. Some are familiar faces, and they seem keen to when Euna finally nods off.
The nuns shut the door to the temple. You and Euna are here alone, and once again, she is the only female who isn't tucked away in a corner. They all have someone watching over them. Euna has two are the only women who aren't tucked away in a corner with someone watching over them. If the men around you are given a chance, they're sure to get up to mischief.
She notices your bleery eyes, and then the tonic tucked into the strap of your pack. "Oh no. You didn't take it? Why not?"
"Once we're settled in for the night, we lock those doors." The sister nods toward the larger doors leading into the temple. A pair of ensconced lanterns highlight it in the dark ward. "We keep this ward separate from the sick ward, and from the rest of the temple. We won't be coming out here again until morning."
"Why is that?" you ask.
"We've our own sleep to get," she says, "and if we don't close the doors, the folk here have been known to wander into the temple in the dead of night and get up to mischief."
She seems startled by your question. "Oh! Have you two never been here before. It's your remedy. It's a small tonic that will dispel your inebriation."
"...Huh?" This comes from Euna. "That'll sober me? W'could walk home then?"
The sister smiles. "I'm afraid not. It will bring on sleep as strong as the drink it's dispelling. You will be out like a light, but worry not. You'll feel much better in the morning for having done so."
"Huh? What'd you mean?"
You pull Euna's mouth open. "A neat little target, don't you think?"
The men chuckle. "All right. Let's give the bitch a drink, lads."
The first man tugs his breeches off, yanks Euna's gownfishnet topbodice down about her belly, and straddles her chest. He squeezes her tits about his hard member and humps back and forth. The next man drops his leggings and kneels with one knee to either side of her head. He pumps his cock while his balls drape on her forehead. The third crouches to the side and fists his own cock while watching the other two.
The one fucking her tits scoots to rest his cock head against her lip and fires ropes of cum into her mouth. After, you hold it closed and coax her throat. She swallows and gives a small moan. The men snicker.
The next man is the one over her head. Just as he climaxes, he frantically jams his dick in her mouth. As he pumps cum, his balls smother her nose. When he lifts away, Euna chokes a little and stirs, but with coaxing, she swallows this load too. Some cum stains her lips.
The third man clambers close and rams his cock in her mouth deep enough that she jerks in her sleep. He then fucks her cum-filled mouth until firing off. You get her to swallow once again.
"Your turn," one man says to you. So it is. You kneel over her chest and lift her head up so you can pump your cock right against her lips. But her lips seek outward and fix about the head of our cock. Asleep, she suckles.
"Heh," one man says. "It's like she knows your dick from ours."
She never stops suckling the entire time, and when you wash her tongue with your cum, she swallows of her own volition. After you lay her head back down, she nuzzles her pillow.
The men are all done. They slink back to their own mats. What few people who are still awake in the dark ward didn't notice or didn't care. The perverts have had their fun and have taken their tonics. It's time for you to do the same.
You gulp the tonic and settle down on your mat and hug yourself against Euna.
The men's eyes go wide.
"Won't she notice that in the morning?"
You wave it off. "She'll just assume she doesn't remember."
You shrug. "She'll just think she and I had sex."
They grin stupidly. "Heh. Yeah. Sure then. Let's fuck this bitch."
The men are no longer shy about their molestation. They tug off the rest of her clothes, leaving her nude and limp.
Spreading her legs, the first man rolls on top of her. Pulling his tunic up, he stabs into her and humps away. Euna's breathing picks up despite her slumber. His mouth engulfs her tit, licking and sucking and biting. As though curious, he licks her from chin to cheek as though to see if there's an reaction. With a shudder, he pumps her full of cum and rolls off.
The next man clambers on and hammers her without any passion, until he starts squeezing her tits ferociously. His fists find their way around her throat, and he alternately squeezes and releases while he hammers her with brutal thrusts. Her mauled breasts jiggle with each thrust. Sometimes he delivers resounding slaps against her tits, or her face. It's as though he's trying to punish her.
The next man takes time to rub his cock along her soiled sex, gathering up the others' cum to push back inside her. Once he stabs inside, he presses his body against her and studies her face for any sign of her stirring. There isn't any. All the while, he strokes her face and smells her hair. His hands caress. When he climaxes, he squeezes her tight and nuzzles her neck as though they were lovers, and he's slow to release.
Her sex is left dripping with their leavings. The four of you work together to get her clothes back on and to settle her on her mat. The men crawl back to their own after giving you a final conspiratorial smile, and then it's done. What few people who are still awake in the dark ward didn't notice or didn't care. The perverts have had their fun and have taken their tonics. It's time for you to do the same.
You beckon to the man who had groped her before. He seems at a loss at first, but eventually he tentatively crawls closer. "Heh? What do you want?"
"You were trying to grope her," you whisper.
"What? I wasn't doin' no such thing. Piss off."Shut up, wench."
"No, no. It's fine," you say. "Go ahead."
"DoYou boys do what you like to her."
You motion to Euna's exposed tit, and so cautiously, he gives it a few testing squeezes. Next the other tit comes out, and he's using both hands. Euna snores quietly.
The other two men crawl over. "What's going on?"
"He doesn't care," the first says. "We can go ahead."
"Really?" one asks you. "You're fine with us having a feel of your girl?"
"She's letting us go ahead," the first says.
"Really?" one asks to you. "You'd let us have a feel of your friend?"
"Just make sure you don't wake her up," you say.
"No chance of that." The third slaps Euna across the face. The sound rings out, but Euna barely stirs. "She's dead to the world."
You beckon the nearest man closer. He crawls closer. "Heh?"
"She's out," you say. "Wanna grope her?"
"I see you waiting over there," you say coyly. "Go ahead. Have a feel."
The man grins. "Why not?" He scoops her tits out and plays with them.
The other two men scurry over. "Having some fun, heh?" one ask, and without waiting for an answer, he reaches into her gownunder her sashunder her skirt to fondle her sex. The other man fights the first to grope her tits.
The men step up their fun antics. One man nibbles and licks Euna's breasts. Another suckles her toes. The last folds aside the front skirt of her gown aside.tugs her sash down her legs.unfastens her her skirt and tugs it down. He slips his fingers into her gash and sucks his fingers clean. "Heh! She's wet." His fingers go back in.
The men swap around. The toe sucker now sucks her other nipples. The one at her breasts is now prodding her slit. And the man at her feet now crouches by her head. He's rubbing the tip of his cock along her lips and cheek. These perverts are clearly practiced in this late night groping routine, and no other sleepers nearby seem to care or notice.
"All right,""All right, boys," you say...
After covering Euna with her blanket, you crawl toward the men, sauntering your ass with feline grace.sitting up next to them. "Looking to have a little fun before you turn in, are you?" you say.
"Yeah." He pulls you close and slides a hand down your front. His fingers tweak your nipple. "Starting to wonder if I was going to have to come over there."
They glance about to see who's listening. "Leave us alone," one says. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"I'll tell you what," you say. "We have some fun of our own, and we let my lady"You boys and I have our own fun, and we let my friend sleep in peace. Hmm?"
"...What? You serious?"
In response, you you pull off your tunic to reveal your trim body.scoop one of your tits out of your tunic and give it a provocative squeeze. "Why don't you find out?"
After giving you an appraising stair, his response is to reach out and grope your tit. He grins when you don't cringe. "Sure then. Let's have some fun."
The other two crawl over. With all their hands exploring you, they yank your clothes off. Hands grope. Fingers penetrate you. One man forces his tongue in your mouth while the third plays with your cocktits. The first man pulls you on top of him and works his breeches down enough to penetrate your sex.gets you on your knees so he force his way into your ass.
"Hey, why do you get to go first?" says another. He shuffles around behind you. His cock forces into your ass. The third man is done kissing you. Kneeling up, he puts his cock in your face, and you obligingly suck him off.
The group fucking is rough and impersonal. They steer your body so much that you might as well be asleep, something they'd probably be accustom to. The only difference is the things they mutter to you.
"You're a good friend," says the one holding your head secure while he fucks your mouth.
"Does your friend know what a manwhoreslut you are?" says the one stirring your bowels.
"Does your friend know you're fooling around behind her back?" asks another.
There's no epilogue to this fucking. As each man finishes, they crawl back to their mats and take their tonics. You're left used, discarded, and sullied. No one seems to care or notice you anymore, not the men nor anyone else in the hall. Euna will be safe now, so drunk and breathless, you gather your clothes and crawl back to her. She slept serenely through your molestation, and continues sleeping when you drink you tonic and pull her closenuzzle up to her.
The nun gives a helpless shrug. "They'll get it out of their system soon. As long as they settle their stomachs enough to keep the tonic down, they'll be fine."
"Thts why y'shnlt drink," Euna mutters.
"Do you need me to take you to the pots?" the nun asks her.
"Hmm, no."
"Are you sure? I can bring one over here. We'd all be happier if you purge into a pot if you have to purge at all."
"No..." Euna spaces out for a moment, then, "no..."
Euna adjusts her clothes while humming. "And how did you fare last night? I hope it wasn't too much of a bother looking after me."
She smiles patiently. "A kind offer, but I tend to the sick ward at night. This ward must make do with its own company."
"What did you mean by close the doors?"
"Are we going to be hearing those men throwing up all night?"
"Yess," Euna slurs. "Thank you kindly." She fumbles for a tonic. Propped on one elbow, she fusses with the cork until the sister helps her. "The world spins," she moans. "Stop it, world."
"Here you go." The nun helps Euna to gulp it down. "You'll feel better."
Euna flops back on the bed. A toss, a turn, and she casts the blanket aside. "It'so hot," she mumbles. "I want more pillows."
The sister chuckles. "Certainly. I'll—"
Raucous singing sounds out. Another pair of drunks have come in off the street.
"I must tend to them." The sister points you toward the doors into the temple. "In the sick ward are the blankets and pillows. We have a few spares, but please be quick."
The sick ward is built into the church rather than as a wing attached to it. The air is cool and still, and patients here have actual beds. However, only a few wall lanterns light the ward, and drunk as you are, you meander a while before locating a shelf of linens. Armed with pillows, you return to the outer wing just as the sister is ready to lock up. "Sleep well," she whispers, and shuts the door behind you. A bolt slides into place.
You peer into the dark to find Euna, and there she is, passed out on her mat. ...and a man is crouched over her. He's got a hand in her gown.on her fishnet-clad tit.down her bodice. Seeing you, he scurries back to his nearby mat.
Euna's tit hangs out, but she is dead to the world and snoozing peacefully. Her limbs are splayed every which way. The man who just groped her is only pretending to sleep, and now that you look around, two other men near you aren't sleeping either. That's when you notice that of the several dozen men here, only four are women besides Eunayou two, and they're tucked away by the walls while others keep a watchful eye out for them.
It seems women who take the tonic are apt to get molested if they don't have someone to guard them, and only you stand in the way of these men lying wait around Euna.the nearby men have had their eyes on the both of you since you arrived.
It doesn't take much searching. Over by the reticulated windows, men sit hunched over pots waiting for their stomachs to settle. The sounds of their retching fill the hall occasionally.
Euna is completely passed out, so it seems you'll have to handle this one. It's not much trouble. You tiptoe past sleeping forms to the sick men and nudge one passed out gentleman over. He slumps onto his side. It's easy enough to collect a small sample of the acrid bile into the thimble and store it.
When you return, men around Euna hastily retreat. Euna of course hasn't moved at all. She is dead to the world, but the men are waiting.
Invite the men to come have their fun with Euna.
Offer yourself to the men so they'll leave Euna alone.
[Apothecary] [thimble]: Look for any drunks who are vomiting.
"Huh? You serious?"
In response, you squirm about and pull your clothes off. Naked from the waist down, you straddle Euna's head so your dick is danglingsex is above her face, and you're on all fours facing the rest of her body. "Who wants to make it rain on her?"
The men can't move fast enough. The first to get behind you grabs your hips and sinks his cock into your damp his cock into your ass after some fussing and lubricating. While he's fucks you like a jackrabbit, he presses you down over Euna's body so your face is buried between her legs. You obligingly tongue her sex until you feel his cock pulse, and his warm cum fills you. When he pulls out, it dribbles down your hard dick and upon Euna's face.
After the second man is inside you, he pulls you to kneel up so he can embrace you from behind. His thrusts are slow. His hands explore your chest and caress your pole.breasts. His lips suckle along your neck. After he fills you, he lets his cock soften inside you until it plops out smears against Euna's face. "Push it out," he mutters. And you bear down. Strings of thick gooey cum drizzle Euna's cheeks nose and mouth. When some gets in her mouth, and she reflexively licks her lips.
Then the third man is upon you. He shoves you back down over her and yanks you back onto his shaft so forcefully that you're both left grunting asa gasp escapes your throat. "Shut up, slut," he mutters. With a gripful of your hair, he yanks you back against his pole. The slap of your ass against his thighs beats at a rythm just above Euna's head. It's almost more like you two are wrestling the way you both grapple each other.His other hand yanks and twists at your nipples with no concern for the shoots of pain it causes you. All in all, the hammering is without mercy, and of the three men, it's with him that you climax. Your dick drizzles cum upon Euna.he got you the closest to orgasm.
After, his load dribble upon Euna too. Strings of cum mar her face and stain her hair. "We can't leave her like this," one man says. So you scrape the cum and feed it to her. She suckles reflexively. You feed her all fourthree loads this way, but the last of the cum you have to lick off her face yourself, especially the strands in her hair, but soon she's clean.
"It's been fun," one guy says.
"A nice romplittle fuck," another adds.
The men crawl back to their mats. What few people who are still awake in the dark ward didn't notice or didn't care. The perverts have had their fun and have taken their tonics. After donning your clothes, you take your own tonic and cradle Euna against your chest.nuzzle close to Euna.
Tucking your tonic into your pack, you pull your mat next to Euna's and fix her gownsashbodice to restore her dignity. Lying close, you rest, but you do not sleep, at least never more than a light doze.
The leering men close to you realize this, and after a while they seem to give up. They take their tonics one by one and pass out, but there are still men moving about in the dark, perhaps to use the chamber pots, or perhaps something else. You never let up your guard.
"Of course. My door is always open."
"Except when it's not," you say.
She smiles. "Yes. In those cases, please do not pry. But whenever I am not disposed, I'm always happy to speak with you."
You depart from her office.
The sisters return to waiting with heads bowed.
In the center of the room are two woman. Two are nude, hair devoutly short and bodies lithe. One of them is standing on the tips of her toes because a rope bound tightly around the base of her tits suspends her from the ceiling. Her chest bears nearly her full weight, and her breasts are choked purple. There's nothing she can do with her forearms tied together behind her back.
The other woman is hogtied such that she's knelt beneath the first with her head in the woman's crotch. Both are blindfolded.
Mother Prefect Janan appears in view, fully dressed. She strolls around the nuns. With white cloth gloves, she brushes her fingers along the hanging girl's body. Her regard seems gentle—a shepherdess with her flock.
From a cupboard drawer, she takes out an old wooden paddle and whispers something in the ear of the hanging girl, it's too quiet to hear, but then the girl repeats it.
"My joy is the joy of others," she says. "I live to give love. I smile to suffer for a stranger."
Janan swats the girl upon the bottom, causing her to jolt and wobble. Her toes struggle for purchase.
"And again," Janan says kindly.
"My joy is the joy of others. I live to give love. I smile to suffer for a stranger."
Another swat. "Good. I'm proud of you, sister. Keep going."
Each mantra is rewarded with a swat.
Meanwhile, the kneeling girl has busied her mouth upon the slit of the sister tied above her. No one asked her to do this, but Janan strokes the girl's hair encouragingly. "Why don't you take her burden upon yourself," she says.
The kneeling sister eagerly complies by shuffling forward so her face plants more firmly against the other's crotch. The other, feeling a reprieve from the weight on her tits, swings her legs over the girl's shoulders and rests her weight fully on her fellow sister's face. It's a painful struggle for the lower girl's neck and shoulders, but she dutifully continues tonguing her fellow sister.
Footfalls approach from behind you, and you step away from the keyhole.
"Thank you," the sister replies. "I was planning to." She finishes wiping him clean while he glares at you balefully.
Soon she scurries off to the water basin to get clean supplies for the next patient, but she flashes you a beautiful smile as she passes.
"What are you talking about?" the sister says. "He'll be fine."
"Not so," you say, most authoritatively. "Pent up excitement can have a detrimental effect on the body's humors. It is of the utmost importance that any arousal be dealt with immediately."
"Mmhmm, it's true." The man nods soberly.
"Then stroke yourself," the sister says. "You've got two hands, don't you?"
"Ah." You hold up a finger. "One must sate pent up frustrations using the source of their arousal. To do otherwise simply alleviates the symptoms, but the unspent energies accumulate in the humors."
"He obviously just wants me to suck his pole," the sister says. "And he's sick."
"It is a sickness of the lungs, no?" you say. "Not of the groin. You'd be fine."
"But still..."
"In the academies where I studied, it's well known that unspent arousal is bad for one's fortitude."
"...Really?" She's so certain you must be making this up, but there is a sliver of doubt in her voice.
"Oh, really. Yeah!" the man says.
You dismiss his words with a wave. "This man is lech, no doubt, but I would never lie to a fellow healer about the medicinal arts."
Frowning, she looks at his rubbery cock, glances around, sits on the edge of the bed, and begins pumping his cock with one hand while finishing up the cloth bath with the other. She's distracted. It doesn't look very affectionate.
"Naw, not like that. You're doing it wrong," the man says. "Use your mouth." Other patients are noticing.
"A hand is fine," she mutters.
"It's going to take forever like this. You wanted to move along, didn't you?"
With a sigh, she stoops and takes his hardening cock into her mouth. She doesn't notice that nearly the entire infirmary wing is watching. Up and down she bobs using her hand to help, while the man rests his hands behind his head.
Soon enough, he groans in delight. She stays fastened to his cock long enough to collect his cum, but then immediately spits it into the water bowl. After a quick cloth wipe down of his manhood, she's up. "There. Happy?"
All around, patients cheer. She glances around and blushes deeply. Snatching the bowl, she scurries off without any eye contact. Unfortunately for her, there are many patients left to bathe, and they all know what she just did.
The man gives you an appreciative nod and settles back to sleep.
"...What?" The man gapes at you.
"I think that's a lovely idea," the sister replies.
"No." All traces of the man's humor is gone. "I want it from her. Not from you."
"Don't you worry, sir," you say. "I am both efficient and professional. Just let me limber up." You massage the sides of your jaw and stretch your facial muscles. "Mee Moo Aaah. Brown cow. Brown cow." Your face is good and limber.
"No! Stay out of this." He rolls his front away from you. "Touch me and I'll break your face."
"Shouldn't make a difference who it is," the sister says, "as long as you get your relief. I'm done. He's all yours," and she carries her supplies off to the water basin by the door.
"Sir, just lie back and relax." You sit on the bed and clear your throat. "I am... ready."
"I'm fine. Piss off!" He yanks his bedsheet over himself.
"...Huh?" The man looks you over. "Huh. Well, if you think that's best."
"There you go," the sister replies. "You can stop complaining now." She finishes bathing the man and carries her supplies off to the water basin by the door.
You kneel down beside the man. "Just relax," you say. "I'm a professional."
"Sure. Whatever." He lies back.
You take him into your mouth and work all the skills you have, from massaging his balls to tickling his crown, to taking him deep down your throat. It's not long before he groans. His hips buck, and your mouth floods with salty cum. Afterward, you help him straighten out his tunic.
"Bless your soul, good mangirl," he mutters. "Where'd you learn to be such a good healer?"
"It is my calling," you say soberly. "Like it was my mother and father before me, and their parents before them.mother before me, and her mother before her. We always been driven to help those in need."
There's not much more to say with him. You wander back toward the sister. She empties the water bowl, fetches fresh water, collects a clean linen, and then turns and plants a sweet kiss right on your cheek. You hardly have time to react before she's scurrying off to help the next patient.
The moment the guards free the nun, Euna rushes to her aid,despite her own predicament. The audience is already gone.
Soon, you two are helping the nun through the doors. Other sisters swarm and help her and Euna through to the private ward to clean and treat themthrough to the private ward to clean and treat her . Once again, Mother Janan fetches the ambrosia from the locked cabinet and then escorts you to the nave.
As soon as the guards free Euna, they drop her habit beside her and depart, as does the audience. You and the nun rush to her aid.
Soon, you two arrive at the church. Other sisters swarm and help Euna through to the private ward to clean and treat her. Once again, Mother Janan unlocks the cabinet to the ambrosia and then escorts you to the nave.
"Thank you so much for helping us again," Janan says to you. "I will have a sister come find you as soon as she's better. Please, consider our church your home in the meantime." And she returns to the ward, leaving you alone.
As soon as the guards free the nun, she collapses. They drop her habit in a pile beside her and promptly leave. Euna rushes to her aid.
"Good Heavens! That was dreadful," Euna says. "How are you feeling? Will you be all right?"
"My church..." the nun mumbles.
"Of course. Absolutely." Euna motions for your help.
As soon as the guards have freed Euna, they drop her habit in a pile beside her and promptly leave. The nun runs forward and helps Euna from the platform.
"Help me. We must take her to the church."
The moment you arrive at the Church of Simori, a gaggle of nuns swarm you three. They guide you deep into the church, past the antechamber, a nave, an infirmary hall, and finally to a private ward in the back. Here, nun's flurry about so franticly yet efficiently that it seems choreographed.
They move the tortured sister onto a bed. Some fetch bowls of water and clean cloths while others examine her wounds. Euna clutches the poor girl's hand and comforts her.
A short bespectacled nun uses a key from around her neck to unlock a cabinet. She takes out a vial of shimmering white liquid, which she hands to another nun. Then she approaches you two. "Thank you for bringing her to us. We can take it from here."
"I am not leaving this girl's side," Euna says. "I will help."
"Please. Give my sisters room to work."
"No." Euna's tone brooks no argument. "I am responsible for her condition. And I will not leave her. Tell me how to help."
The bespectacled nun hesitates.
"Please," Euna's tone still commands. "I am— I was a sister of faith. I've worked in sick wards before."
"Very well," the nun replies, "but you?"
"I've... been in sick wards before," you reply.
"I've treated men in beds before," you reply, "but not in the way you're thinking."
The nun smiles and guides you away. Euna nods to you, signifying that she'll be fine, and she joins the nuns in tending to the girl. The last glimpse you have before leaving is of a nun feeding the nun spoonfuls of the shimmering white liquid.
In the hall, the bespectacled nun turns to you. "I will come find you as soon as we're done. In the meantime, please, feel free to explore our church. You are our welcomed guest." She clutches your hand and bows to touch her forehead to it. With a final warm smile, she departs, leaving you alone in the nave.
Nun's help Euna onto bed. Some fetch bowls of water and clean cloths while others examine her wounds. You notice a short bespectacled nun who uses a key to unlock a cabinet. She takes out a vial of shimmering white liquid, which she hands to another nun. Then, noticing you, she gently guides you from the room. The last you see, the nuns are feeding a spoonful of the liquid to Euna.
The bespectacled nun walks with you through the infirmary. "The sisters mentioned what you and your lady did for us. Thank you kindly. I am humbled by your charity."
"Is she going to be okay?"
"She will be just fine. I promise you. Give my sisters time to work their healing in peace. In the meantime, you are our welcomed guest. Feel free to explore our church. I will come find you as soon as she's recovered. Please excuse me." She clutches your hand and bows to touch her forehead to it. With a final warm smile, she departs, leaving you alone in the nave.
You're in the temple's vestibule. There's a door leading out to the city, but it wouldn't be a good idea to leave without Euna.
The office is spartan in its furnishings. There's a simple table and chairs for talking, a cupboards and stocked bookshelves, all of the simplest design, and a desk. It seem to be an innocent office, except for iron ringlets installed into the wooden beams above. No sign of any ropes.
You're in Janan's office.
Janan works here now at her desk, head down and so busy at a ledger that she doesn't notice you at the door.
"No. Why would it do that?"
"I've heard of another such substance which also make people pliable, but it wipes their memory of that time."
"The ambrosia does no such thing," she says, but then she fidgets. "Well, not usually."
"It happens sometimes?"
"Through prayer and repetition, I can guide sisters under the sway to fall into trances, and in those trances, the sisters' minds are particularly pliable." She's careful with her next words. "I find it useful in helping the sisters work through trauma, but I've also learned that I could suggest the sisters never to think back on penance, or to consider the appropriateness of what occurred." She hastens to add, "I do not use the ambrosia in this way. Such abuse would be antithetical to the Simori way. Though the ambrosia may cause them to see their penance through a rose-tinted lens, and that cannot be helped."
"Penance? Why do you ask?"
"The other day, there were sisters waiting outside your office for you to return."
"Oh, yes. Some of the sisters come to me so that I can better steer them along the Simori way. I read passages of the book to them after they've taken the ambrosia. It helps them to take the lessons to heart."
"You give them ambrosia? I thought that was for healing."
"It is, but when one is under the sway of ambrosia, it brings a bliss to them, and their minds become receptive to all thoughts and ideas they hear, deeper even than their own awareness. It makes ambrosia very effective for breaking bad habits and forming good ones. I use this with my sisters to help better ourselves."
Janan's face remains fixed. "And how would you know of this?"
"One of the girls mentioned it."
She regards you. "No. They didn't. You spied on me." She glances toward the door. "Damn that keyhole. The sisters think I can't hear them skittering away every time I move toward my door. I tolerate their antics, but you have been a guest here. I would have expected better from you."
"I'm sorry," you say. "I heard noises and my curiosity got the best of me, but why do you tie them up? That's unlike any penance I've ever heard of."
"It..." She considers her words. "It helps. The ambrosia brings out one's sexuality, and it helps to indulge that sexuality while steering the sisters to improve. It connects their teachings with pleasure. And thus it becomes a pleasure for the girls to practice their teachings."
"And the paddling?"
"It's important they understand it's not a mutual act of intimacy. I must reinforce authority over them, and discipline. It is unorthodox, I know, and I would appreciate if you kept our temple's practices to yourself."
"I won't let this secret get out. You have my word."
"Thank you."
"Does this ambrosia make the sisters forget their penance?"
"Does penance always involve tying sisters up naked and spanking them?"
She looks up, pushes her spectacles higher on her nose, and smiles kindly. "Oh, good evening. How can I help you?"
You're in corridors leading behind the nave. Doors line the halls. Though the decor and masonry is in the same simple design as the rest of the temple, these halls seem older. The stone is rougher hewn. This part of the temple existed long before the rest. There are less windows here, and glass oil lamps sit in sconces that were originally designed to hold simple torches.
You're in the old corridors of the temple. Sparse oil lamps hardly light these dark halls.
"Excuse me, Sisters," you say. "What are you waiting for?"
"We're waiting for the mother prefect to return."
"What for?"
"For penance. We have not lived up to the expectations of the great Simurgh, and thus we seek her wisdom."
"And guidance," says the other.
Two sisters kneel on the floor outside an office. Their hands are clasped before them, and their heads are bowed.
"They were acts of selfishness," one says defensively. "Even small transgressions are steps away from the Simori way."
"Couldn't you just make amends?"
"I... I haven't seen the man I saw before. I can't."
"And sister Harika already finished her book."
"So we must seek penance." The first is hasty to explain herself. "And Mother Janan allows us sisters to seek penance with her."
"We're not," says one.
"This is something we choose to do," the other adds. "We ask the mother prefect to do penance upon us to help us to become better people."
"Many sisters do. It's not just us," says the first. She's blushing slightly.
"Yesterday I was passing by the poor souls outside the city," the first says, "and I saw one who had no shoes. His feet were blistered, and they were clearly causing him great pain. I thought of offering him my own shoes, but I didn't. I like the pair I have, and I didn't want to walk back in my bare feet. It was selfish of me."
"To not give your own shoes to a stranger?"
"He needed them more than I did."
The second speaks. "Sister Harika asked me to help her transcribe a new holy book for her. I told her I had already committed to helping with the cooking, but I hadn't. I just didn't want to help her, even though she's helped me many times before."
One sister nearly replies, but she glances at the other. The other gives a subtle head shake, and then both look at you helplessly. The first shrugs.
Apparently whatever it entails is a secret.
The door to Mother Janan's office is open.
The door to Mother Janan's office is closed.
The door to Mother Janan is closed. There are voices coming from within.
Breeches down.Skirt up. Dick out. You press the nun's legs farther apart and push into her. Her pussy is wet and inviting, even if she's unresponsive. Euna gives you a nasty glare, and you stare back innocently as you start humping away.
Sighing, she rolls her eyes and turns her attention back to the girl.
You lick the girl's sex from base to tip to taste all her flavor. Then you focus in with rapid tongue scrubbing along her labia and clit. For good measure, you start to finger bang the nun too. Hard. The girl's whole body jiggles on the bed, tits wobbling, but it doesn't seem to wake her.
Aghast, Euna glares at you. She huffs a breath, but goes on anyway.
"From books, of course."
"Of course..."
"There were the journals of King Solomon. He claimed to have had a thousand slave girls, and ten thousand labor slaves, and not a single shackle among them. His comparative collection of hypnotic techniques was probably the most informative source I found."
"I see."
"But then there was the memoir of Iubdan. He was a gentleman outlaw who was said to be able to hypnotize with only a glance. His book revealed that much of it was misdirection, but his knowledge for hypnotism was still impressive. He was a strong proponent for the left-right mantras."
"Uh huh."
"And there was the tsar of Belovodye. He was an alchemist who experimented with hypnotism in combination with mind-influencing tonics. I followed some of his technique in there, seeing as how the ambrosia causes similar effects."
"There's also magician of—"
Right, I get it. Why did the convent have books like these?"
"The convent was part of the monastery of Kasrilevka, which has one of the greatest libraries in the tsardom. Reverend Mother Margosha would have certainly saw most of its books as heretical if she'd bothered to look, but she only read from the holy book of Nimel. I was free to read what I wanted as part of my royal studies."
"And you read books on hypnotism?"
"One can't read about heraldry all day, can they?"
"Now stick out your tongue," Euna spreads her knees wider, lowering her groin. "And with the tip, touch the petals of my flower. Just like that, yes. Focus on that tip. M it to the left and touch one petal, and now to the right and touch the other. That's it. Back and forth. Left and right. Touch, and touch, and touch. Good. Like a pendulum. As it moves, still your mind. Focus only on that tip. It's all that exists. Left and right, tasting my petals."
Euna let's this go on a long while. It's too slow and monotonous for her own gratification, and and she never finishes.
"Now, bring your tongue back into your mouth," she says. "Your mind is still now. Let it sink into a deep dark room. Nothing is around. Only my voice. You have entered a dark and comforting place inside your mind. Now, in this place, you will have a dream. Visualize this dark room that you're in. It's a dungeon cell. See the stone, and feel the cold and damp. You don't know why you're here, only that you're a prisoner. After such a long wait, someone enters. It's your kidnapper. He drags you from your cell and down a hall lined with doors from inside people weep and moan. He says he's going to rape you, and hurt you, and maybe kill you. In a torture chamber, he strips you naked and ties you by your wrists to a rope hanging from the ceiling. You've never known such terror. It's made a knot of fear inside your belly. Concentrate on that knot."
A nun arrives, and spotting you, she hurries over.
"Our sister has recovered now." She beckons you to follow her back to the private ward. "She's resting in the private ward. Lady Euna is keeping her company. You're free to join them." She leaves you at the door and scurries off.
"Lady Euna has recovered." She beckons you to follow her back to the private ward. "You're free to join her now. She's free to rest here as long as she wishes." The nun leaves you at the door and scurries off.
You slip into the private ward to find several sisters crowded around the bed where the recovered nun lies. Each is showing attention to a different part of her.
One sister is sucking the girl's toes. She runs her tongue between each one.
A second is knelt over the girl's sex, teasing her clit with the tip of her tongue.
A third and fourth are suckling their fellow sister's modest tits.
And at the girl's head is Euna. She's knelt over the girl's face with a knee on either side of her head. Her gown is draped aside,sash is about her waist,skirt is off, and the sister licks and sucks Euna's bald sexfurry quim as though starved.
"Oh hello," Euna says to you.
Like a flock of startled birds, the other sisters take flight. Nuns dart past you. Wimples flutter. Just like that, it's just you, Euna, and the ambrosia-drunk nun attacking her sex.
"Shy, aren't they?" Euna says.
"What was going on?" you ask.
"I encouraged the sisters to make this girl's recovery a little more relaxing." Euna lifts off the girls face and sits on the pillow. "I guess they're not supposed to."
The girl still waggles her tongue as though still pleasuring Euna, and she writhes as though the other nuns' mouths were still upon her.
You slip into the private ward to find Euna alone with the nun, except they're not resting like you were just told.
Euna is knelt on the bed, bracing herself against the headboard, and grinding her sex on the nun's face while the nun clutches Euna's hips. Chest heaving, she's either close to orgasm, or just finishing one, but seeing you, she slows, straightens, and orients around to face you, although she keeps her crotch in the nun's face, who has yet to realize someone else is in the room.
Euna motions for you to approach. "The girl and I were just getting to know each other while we waited for you. Perhaps you'd like to join us."
You slip into the private ward to find Euna alone with the resting nun, who is laid out naked upon the bed. Euna is likewise nude, and she's sitting on the pillow with her bare ass, and she has the nun's head cradled between her thighs. She strokes the girl's cheek affectionately.
"Hello." Euna speaks in a hushed tone. "She's feeling better, as you can see. And she was asking about you..."
"That nun must be good at using her mouth."
"Look at how wet and ready the sister's sex is."
"That nun's sex looks inviting."
"I think that won't be a problem," Euna says. "I know a few things about how the mind works. There are ways to compartmentalize our memories."
"Is this from one of your books?"
She huffs. "Just give it here."
You hand her the cup.
Euna tuts and flaps her hand at that suggestion. "Of course you have more of that. That brain-rot drug is for rapists and cowards. I do not need any to mold this girl's mind."
"If you say so." You hand the cup to her.
Euna gently wakes the girl and holds the cup to her lips. "Here, a little more for you. Drink."
The girl obliges. Euna keeps tipping the glass more. "All of it now. That's a good girl." She hands the empty cup back to you and slips out from under the girl's head to let her rest. "Now, I want you to close your eyes, spread your legs, and relax. Will you do that for me?"
The girl obliges. She spreads her legs so her body forms a "Y", one leg to each corner. It's unclear what that has to do with relaxing, but it's already done.
"Now take a deep breath," Euna says, "and let it out slowly. Very good." Gently, she swings one leg over the girl's head to straddle her face. Holding the headboard to steady herself, she's stares down at the girl's closed eyes. Her bare sexmuff is before the girl's mouth. Euna's voice is soft and melodic. "Now breathe in again. You can smell my arousal now, can't you? Let it fill your lungs and spread through your body. When you breath out, let your legs go limp. Totally relaxed. Good. Again, and now relax your fingers. And again... your belly. And your shoulders. Let your body melt into the bed."
Euna continues to walk the girl into deeper and deeper relaxation. Every breath. Every muscle. It's even making you sleepy.
You space out for a while. Euna drones on. You snap back when she waves at you for your attention.
Euna gestures for you to get between the nun's legs. You climb onto the bed and get between her legs, but Euna signals you to hold on.
"Now imagine yourself tied up by your wrists. Your naked body is fully exposed, and your tormentor uses this opportunity to grope your breasts and finger your sex. He molests you, and it's humiliating. Feel that humiliation in your gut. Feel how it tightens that knot of anxiety. But now you breath in deep, just like before. Feel it expand inside you. It fills you, and when you breath out, it sinks low into your gut, and into your sex."
Euna gestures at you with her tongue. She wants you to go down on the nun now. She mouths the word gently and slowly.
At that time, the bespectacled nun from before approaches. She has a matronly air about her—a stern expression, but a body of matronly curves beneath her habit. Spotting you, she motions you to come with her.
"She's recovered?" you asks.
"She's going to be just fine. Your ladycompanion is waiting for you." She guides you back toward the private ward off of the nave, speaking along the way. "I didn't have a chance to introduce myself before," she says. "I am Janan, the mother prefect of this church, and I wish to thank you on behalf of all the sisters here. You have shown us great compassion."
"Euna did all the work."
Janan nods. "I have heard what she did. It was a most unorthodox form of mercy."She has sacrificed for us. Not many in this city would do something like that."
You reenter the ward behind Janan to find an unexpected scene.
The nun is on the bed as before. She's clean and nude. Every bruise and cut that marred her has faded as though it had healed for months.
However, Euna is also on the bed. She's seated at the head with her gown flipped asidesash about her waistskirt hiked up and her bare ass on the pillow. The nun is on her belly with her mouth pressed to Euna's bald slit.face buried in Euna's furred snatch.
Euna smiles and motions you to approach. "Come look at this." She pushes the nun's face away from her crotch. The sister's eyes are contentedly drooped. She worms here tongue about as though she hasn't registered yet that Euna's pussy is no longer before her.
Euna stifles a grin, even Janan chuckles, and the nun smiles in return. No one seems to care that a sex act had been going on.
Euna swings her leg over and sits on the bed beside the mother prefect. "She seems to be doing better."
"Very much so." Janan sits beside Euna and strokes the nun's hair. "Thank you both so much for everything you've done to ease her burden."
Euna is on the bed as before. She's clean and naked. Every bruise and cut that marred her is faded as though it had healed for months.
But more interestingly, the nun who's place Euna took is sitting at the head of the bed. Her robe is open, and she sits with her bare ass on the pillow and her loincloth pulled aside. Euna lies on her belly along the bed with her face buried in the nun's snatch.
Janan shoos the nun, and the nun pushes Euna away and corrects her robe. She scurries off the bed and stands off to the side in deference, cheeks flushed.
Mother Prefect Janan pays her no more attention. She takes up a half-finished glass of milk and sits on the bedside with Euna. Euna rolls over like a stretching kitten, her thighs squeezing together.
"Feeling better?" Janan asks.
Euna gives a big lazy smile. Her tongue still hangs out.
"I'm glad." Janan offers her the rest of the glass. "Drink. It will help."
Euna obediently gulps the rest of milk like a thirsty child while Janan strokes her hair.
Hunkering between the sister's spread legs, you first breathe in her musky scent. Gently, you run the tip of your tongue up her labia on one side, circle her clit, and come down the other. It's so gentle it hardly gets more than a single tremble, but Euna nods her approval.
"Your tormentor brings out a whip," she continues, "It's not like the one the guards use at the pillory, but a nasty one with sharp barbs. You beg him not to. You plead, but it only pleases him. The terror of what's going to happen makes the knot inside you squeeze so tight. It's such a powerful feeling."
The nun is breathing shallow.
"But then you breathe in... and you feel that knot burn and warm, like air upon embers. And when you breathe out, the burn flows into your sex once again. The flame of arousal now burns inside of you. It becomes a craving you must feed with sex.
"And then the man strikes you across your breasts. And it rips open your skin. The pain is searing. Again, the whip bites you. This isn't like the pillory. Your sisters won't rescue you afterward. He's ruining your breasts. Maybe he'll kill you. The pain is excruciating. You need so badly for it to stop, but you're helpless. The pain collects in your gut. It makes the knot grow tighter still, but when you breathe, that tightness flows into your sex, and your craving for sexual release grows."
The girl is twitching, but so rarely. She seems more asleep, despite what you're doing to her.
"That knot and your desire are tied together now," Euna says. "You can feel it, and it cannot be undone. Every time your heart pounds with fear, your pussy will grow wet. Every humiliation that makes you feel worthless will settle in your sex. Every lance of pain, every throbbing ache, every searing burn, will all feed your desire. It becomes so much that when that tormentor tosses his whip aside, presses his body to yours, and forces himself into you, the ecstasy it brings is so absolutely intense that you can already feel your climax coming. You need it. So let it take you. Climax for me."
Your gentle tonguing of her quim seemed to have little effect. She's hardly twitching, but then you notice her belly. Her muscles clench rhythmically. She actually is climaxing, though subtly in the midst of her meditative state. She telegraphs so little, it's hard to tell when it ends, but Euna seems to have a good sense of it.
Taking that as your own cue, you pick up speed and work toward your own climax. Though the girl is as limp as the dead, her vaginal walls clench your cock rhythmically. She actually is climaxing, despite her catatonic state. It's enough for you to reach your own gentle peak and fill the helpless girl's quim. Euna regards you coolly through all this, but doesn't resume until you're done.
You've been tongue fucking and finger banging this girl so hard it's concerning that she hasn't awoken from her trance, because her body has certainly been responding. Among her twitching, her belly clenches rhythmically. Her vaginal walls squeeze your fingers. The girl actually is climaxing, and it's so abrupt, it's seemed to have come more because of Euna's order rather than from your enthusiastic play. You keep at it until the girl settles down. Euna rolls her eyes and continues.
"After he finishes with you, he takes you back to your cell. In the dark. You're alone, and now let the dream fade away. There is no cell. No tormentor. No more pain, and since it is tied to your sexual need, that too will fade. Leave this dungeon behind. Leave it here in the dark where your mind will not see it. Come back into your body, and remember your tongue. Stick your tongue out for me and taste my flower once again. My left petal, and my right..."
Euna walks the girl through much the same process as before, except in reverse. While having the girl tongue her, she makes the girl come aware of her body one breath at a time. Eventually, she has the girl open her eyes.
"How do you feel?" Euna stares down at the girl between her legs.
"Hmm." The nun is still loopy.
"Tell me your name."
"Hmm. Tabitha."
"Thank you, Tabitha. Sleep now."
And her eyes close. Euna turns to you and mouths the words. Let us leave.
After dressing quietly, the two of you depart from the temple.
"I'm sure her way works too, judging from how much these nuns enjoy the pillory. Her approach is more straight forward."
"Tell the nun's what to think? Make them repeat it until they believe it."
"Exactly," she replies. "My approach was to create an association that intrinsically ties two states of mind together. In this case, the knot. I associated her anxiety and suffering to sexual arousal."
"And all that stuff you said beforehand? Left and Right. Relax your body."
"That was a fairly straightforward trance induction."
"You had her going down on you."
"Well... straight forward with a twist of my own."
"I don't know," Euna replies. "Maybe. Or maybe I had no idea what I was doing. Frankly, those nuns are such gluttons for abuse already, I'm not sure if we'd even tell the difference."
"I don't know," Euna replies. "Maybe I did. Your sophomoric antics certainly didn't help. Hypnotism is a subtle art, and you were not subtle."
"She stayed under your spell," you say.
"Which was frankly amazing," Euna replies. "Either that ambrosia is stronger than I imagined, or I've got a natural talent. Next time, however, please follow my directions better."
"And where did you learn hypnotism like that?"
"That wasn't at all like how Janan did it."
You slip into the private ward to find Euna sleeping. She's nude and above the covers. The nun who's place she took sits nearby. She rises upon seeing you. "Euna will be just fine," she says, "but I must return to my duties now. Please pass along my thanks to Euna once again. I owe her a debt of gratitude."
"She was happy to do so," you say.
She bows. "Please be careful with her. She'll be in the throes of the ambrosia's bliss, but it will pass as long as she relaxes." With that, she leaves.
Euna twitches in her sleep. Her breath is shallow. Her pussy is engorged, and it's oozing juices onto the sheet. Her dreams must be pleasant.
With a soft gasp, her eyes open. She still writhes as though on the verge of climax. Her eyes light upon seeing you.
You slip into the private ward to find many more sisters tending to Euna than just one. She lies naked upon the bed, and each nun shows attention to a different part of her.
One is cradling Euna's head. She and Euna are lost in a deep kiss.
A second and third are sucking upon Euna's tits.
A fourth kneels over Euna's sex. She's got two fingers buried in Euna while teasing Euna's clit with her tongue.
A fifth is sucking upon Euna's toes.
It's the fifth one who spots you. She gasps, and like a flock of startled birds, the sisters take flight. Nuns dart past you, wimples tailing. Just like that, they're gone. Euna is left gasping from all their collective attention. She whines in frustration, until she notices you. Her body writhes from the ambrosia's sexual high, and her eyes beckon you.
You slip into the private ward to find Euna nude. She's not resting, but rather lying sideways along the bed so her head hangs off the side. The sister who's supposedly watching over her has her habit hiked up about her waist and is straddling Euna's upturned face. Euna is hungrily dining on her quim.
The moment the nun sees you, she jumps off. Euna is left dreamily waggling her tongue at nothing.
"I'm sorry," the nun tugs down her habit. "That was... I must leave. Thank you both again." And face flushed, she departs before you can get a word in.
Euna lies on the bed before you, writhing in ambrosia lust. Her legs spread. Her sex is drenched. She bites her lip and looks at you invitingly.
[Questionable Hypno Powder]: Try hypnotising her now, while she's affected by ambrosia.
Euna bats your arm. "You should know better than to ask a woman's age." To Janan. "You are a lovely woman whose age has done nothing to weather your beauty."
"I'm touched," Janan says. "But it's all right. How old would you guess I am?"
"It doesn't matter," Euna says, still warm with euphoria. "You're beautiful. I would happily warm your bed."
"That is a most generous offer," Janan says, "but I don't mind discussing it. Tell me, how old do you think I am?"
Euna's guess is about the same as yours. "You seem like a lovely woman who's seen perhaps a few more than forty summers," she says.
"And if you visit me next season, I'll be a decade older."
"Truly?" Euna asks.
Janan nods. "Truly, unless I have cause to heal myself before then, but one day, the small doses I take will not be enough to offset my long-withheld age. As it should be."
"It's only the ambrosia," Janan says. "We gave her several spoonfuls. It has miraculous healing properties, but it makes one quite blissful... among other effects." She strokes the nun'sEuna's back, who in turn squirms pleasurably. "Don't worry. It'll wear off once she's walking about."
"Oh!" Janan says. "I nearly forgot to say. Please be careful about revealing this ambrosia to anyone. There are those who covet this ambrosia for its youth restoring properties. They would cause you harm even for this small amount."
"Besides bliss?" Janan glances at the nunEuna. "It stirs a fire within the loins, if you couldn't tell. I advise you to resist the temptation."
"When one is under the sway of the ambrosia, they may find themselves less inhibited, more pliable."
"Ah, so it's liquor."
"It's like it, yes, but it does not inebriate. ...well, not in a clumsy sense, though ambrosia certainly makes you giddy."
Her lips press tight. "There are certainly those that are trying, but I have learned that the older one gets, the more often one must dose with ambrosia to maintain their youth."
"...Thus, they waste more and more ambrosia," you add.
"Unfortunately so."
"I seems so," Euna looks to mother prefect Janan. "Thank you kindly for your hospitality, and you..." She hugs the dazed nun's head to her lap. "I'll miss you most of all."
"Of course." Euna tries to crawl off the bed but loses the will half way, like someone sleeping in on a lazy morning. Biting her lip enticingly, she runs her hands up her body and over her breasts. "Hmmm," she moans. "But do we have to?"
Janan addresses the deferential nun standing by. "Please help Lady Euna dress."
"Of course mother." The nun fetches Euna's neatly folded clothes and helps Euna off the bed. Then she starts dressing her. Unfortunately, Euna seems more interested in getting under the nun's clothes than putting her own on. It's like a mother trying to dress a fidgeting child.
"Before you go..." Janan crosses to the locked cabinet again and uses the key around her neck to retrieve another bottle of shimmering liquid. "Please take this as a token of our gratitude. It's the ambrosia we use to heal ourselves of our injuries. I hope you will find a noble use for it."
"Not all wounds, no," Janan replies. "It won't regrow limbs or set a broken bone. It only accelerates the body's own healing, but it does so quite miraculously. We healed a man last week who had a torn leg. He should have limped the rest of his life, yet he walked out of here. And last month, one of our sisters was attacked by ruffians. She should have been disfigured, yet by morning she was back to her chores with nothing but faded scars."
"A small spill at a time is all someone as young as you really needs. We gave her a large dose today." Janan indicates an empty cup on the bedside table. "We mix it with milk for our guests, but you can take it undiluted."
"It fills me with joy to hear you say that," Janan says, "but please understand that I give you this bottle without condition. If you do decide to use it to renew your life, then I sincerely hope those extra years are filled with wonder and prosperity."
"Thank you."
"However, I don't suggest you use it as such for many more years to come. Drinking all of that ambrosia while you're still so young would put it to waste."
"That is not a worry. Look here." Janan points out discolored scars on the nun'sEuna's body. "In a few weeks, her skin will be as pristine as fallen snow."
"What about more serious wounds?" you ask.
"Some serious marks may not completely disappear, but even those..." Janan hesitates. Abruptly, she turns her back to you and shrugs her habit off her shoulders to her waist, exposing her back to you.
It's covered in scars crisscrossing her entire back. All are faded as though decades old, but they were deep, and caused by instruments far more sinister than the whips and switches used at the pillory.
"Oh my," Euna runs her fingers along Janan's back, tracing scars.
"Ohhh," Euna gasps. She steps away from the nun struggling to dress her to get a closer look, and she runs her fingers along the mother prefect's back.
"Ohhh," Euna gasps. She squirms onto all fours and reaches to run her fingers along the mother prefect's back.
"These wounds are as faded as they'll ever get, I believe," Janan says. "Though perhaps it's simply my dosing. I allow myself far smaller doses of ambrosia than I allow for my Simori children. Perhaps if I drank more, even those too would fade."
"I would never have been so cruel as this if you'd been under my whip," Euna traces the scars delicately.
"This look painful." Euna bites her lip suggestively. The mother prefect doesn't see this.
"They're already hardly noticeable," you add.
"You are very kind." Janan pulls her habit back over her shoulders. She's awkward about it, and that's how you realize that she had been clutching the front of her habit against her front, hiding her breasts from view. Only once she's fully covered does she turn around. Janan may have concealed them because she is incredibly well endowed, even for a voluptuous woman like her. The impressions left in the fabric by her nipples are not simple bumps, but something more elaborate. It's unclear what exactly.
"I'm afraid I can't share that." Janan smiles apologetically. "Please don't take this as a sign of distrust. I would tell you if I could."
"Yes. It does rejuvenate the body. Unfortunately, that is the reason most desire it."
"I think so. That bottle you hold will restore one's youth by nearly twenty years. But that same bottle can heal a hundred patients from the brink of death."
"You think it should be used for healing only?"
"I understand the allure of youth, and I confess that my sisters and I have benefited from its rejuvenation because of the many times we've had to heal ourselves. But yes, I believe the ambrosia's primary use should always be to heal the injured first. There's only so much of it."
"What other effects does the ambrosia have?"
"Does this ambrosia heal all wounds?"
"If the healing leaves scars, wouldn't you'd eventually become a mess of them?"
"Where does ambrosia come from?"
"I'm sorry. Did you say youth restoring properties?"
"I promise we'll try to only use this for healing."
"Could one live forever with enough ambrosia?"
"Thank you again. Euna? Shall we go?"
You enter a hall built along the church's side. Rows of oval-shaped windows provide natural sunlight, making this the brightest and warmest room you've seen in the church so far.
People lie upon cordoned mats. They seem to be from the city, and this must be the temple's infirmary wing. Some lie shivering under covers. Some have bandaged limbs. Occasionally people give sickly coughs or moans. Two Simori sisters scurry from one patient to the next. One provides meals. Another is bathing patients with a cloth and a bowl of water.
You're in the church's medical wing. Natural sunlilght warms the air. Two sisters tend to the patients. All is quiet except for the occasional cough and stir.
"Come. It'll only take a minute. Or two," says a gruff, bearded man lying on a mat. His sheets are pulled aside, and his tunic is pulled up to reveal an unimpressive midsection of flabby girth and body hair. His manhood is stiff as rubber.
The sister is trying to wipe down his legs and chest. "I'm sure you'll be just fine."
"You're the one who did this." He points to his member. "It's only right you put it back down. If you don't, I'll be hard all night. I won't get to sleep, and I still need my sleep." To emphasize his point, he coughs.
With a grunt, the sister pushes him on his side so she can clean his buttocks and thighs. "You can handle it yourself if you get my meaning. I've got other patients to tend to."
"I'm no good at it on my own." The man sees you. "Hey, you agree, right? She toweled me off all tender-like, and she got me eh... peeking up. She should bring it down, shouldn't she? A quick suck won't hurt her." He gives you a quick conspiratorial grin that she can't see.
You face the nun.
"I am a master healer, and this man is right. You must take care of his arousal."
"I am a master healer, and this man is right, so I will volunteer to suck him off."
It looks like the patient whom the sister is bathing is giving her a hard time.
The passage up the mountains becomes a winding trail. At points, it's sandwiched between sheer rock walls, at other times, the trail is inching along a mountain face with a deadly precipice to one side.
Soon you come to a clearing. Here, a human skeleton lies in the open. The clothes have been torn to ribbons, and the bones are scattered. Nearby is a pile of climbing rope.
"Oh Lord," Euna kneels by the body. "What a grisly end. My sympathies, poor soul."
The clearing leads east back to the altar, but also south.
"What do you think happened to him?"You're in a clearing within the winding trails of the mountains. The scattered skeleton is here. The rope remains piled up nearby.
The clearing leads east back to the altar, but also south.
"Many books, actually. Good books, like the investigative journals of the renowned Captain Mikailovich. Or The Trail of Heresy by the Archbishop Vratislav."
"The archbishop investigated a lot of mountain lion attacks, did he?"
"Do you challenge with my theory?" She regards you pointedly. "I thought not."
She studies the scene momentarily and points out the rib cage. "Look here." The bone and clinging flesh are chewed. Several ribs are broken, as is one arm. She points out next deep gashes cut into the face of the skull. "Something ate him. A mountain cat I would think, from these teeth marks, and these are claw marks on the skull, but look at how both his legs are practically shattered." Her scrutiny traveled from the skeleton, to the nearby rock face where pitons were pinned into the mountain at intervels going up, but the rope was piled up at the base. "I think he was a climber, and a fall either killed him or left him defenseless to a predator."
"You're quite the investigator."
"It's simply a matter of scrutinizing the scene for details. Then with a catalogue of facts, you see which theories provide a plausible explanation for them all, with the simplest being the most likely."
You coil up the rope. It's worn hemp, but its condition is good. The fibers are supple, and they'd hold a good knot.
"What is that for?" Euna asks.
"You never know when you'll need rope," you reply.
"A good point, and I suppose it's not like he needs it anymore."
"You got all this from a book, didn't you?"
"Does your theory tell you anything about whether we're in danger? That would be helpful."
She strikes up a conversation with a man who comes by. They haggle and eventually retreat into the alley.
You peek in to find he's got her faced up against the wall. He's got her gown tucked asidesash raised upskirt bunched up about her belly and one of her legs hitched over his arm, so he's got easy clearance to fuck her in the ass. The man isn't going easy, and she's wincing in discomfort.
You slip away and return after he's gone. Euna correcting her clothing.
"You let him fuck you in the ass?"
"He... he insisted. He said he should be allowed to rut me in any whole he pleased."
"He's right," you reply. "You should be making your asshole just as available as your cunt to these men. They like to take a woman in the ass. It's dirtier. It's tighter. It's degrading. And it hurts a little bit, doesn't it?"
She's turning red. "Yes..."
"That's why a decent girl doesn't let a man do that to her, but you're a whore. So you're going to let men... what's that way you always put it?"
"Sodomize me?"
"Yes. Let them sodomize you."
"Very well."
"He asked if he could, so of course I said yes. I might have made a convert out of him. It was the first time any woman ever let him do that to her."
"Of course. Decent girls don't let men do that to them. It's dirty."
"Not to mention extra tight," she said, "and a little painful."
"...And those are all the reasons why you love it, isn't it?"
Her eyes twinkle. "I think it's my favorite hole to play with... but of course it's up to the client who's paying me how he takes me."
She sobers and nods. "Yes, of course."
"And make sure you pretend to enjoy it more for the customer. They like that."
"I'll try. I'll fuck whoever you want me to. It does not matter if it makes me feel dirty and used."
"Good, because you'll need to fuck a lot more people before we're done."
She nods and swallows. "Yes, my master."
"Yes, my master." She pauses. "But I hope it's all right if I actually did enjoy it."
"Of course you did. You are, after all, a street whore."
"I'm your street whore." She reddens saying this, like a child saying a naughty word.
"I know. It's a transaction, isn't it? He paid me to do what he wanted."
"Sounds like you're starting to get this."
"Oh yes," she says. "I'm fucking men for money, not pleasure. It's dirty, and loveless, and debased. I'm becoming a street whore, and it really shouldn't be turning me this much."
"Another day to sell my body." Euna steps to the mouth of her alley and tries her best to pose.
Many people pass by—some she talks to, some she doesn't. So much time passes that you're about to approach and ask her why she's delaying when she finally convinces a passing man to enter the alley with her.
When you glance in, he's yanked Euna's clothes off, and now he's fucking her like a dog on all fours while groping her tits from behind. It's dirty. It's obsene. It's over in a couple minutes. After the man leaves, and you come in.
You come around to find he has Euna laid out naked on a crate while he fucks away. Her legs are coiled about him, and he's sucking her tits, one after another. After he cums inside her, he enjoys sticking his fingers into her snatch and making her suck them clean, but eventually he grows bored and leaves. You come in later.
Euna is sitting against the wall wiping herself clean. "You'll be proud of me. He didn't give one whit about my pleasure, but I fucked him anyway to make you money, because I'm you're obedient little whore.for the money. Frankly, this is quite easy. I'm truly mastering the art of being a whore.
"Here?" She stops and looks about. Other women are along this stretch of the cove. Many are clearly whores. They call out to passing men. "This does seem to be the right place, doesn't it?" Her breathing picks up until she's practically gasping. "Oh Lord. We're really doing this. I'm going to seduce solicit passing men, and then I'm going to fuck the first one who says yes."
"Here?" She stops and looks about. Other women are along this stretch of the cove. Many are clearly whores. They call out to passing men.
"You're really going to make me do this?" she asks.
"We need the money, and you are my sex slave, aren't you?"
"Yes, but—"
"And you've already had sex with strangers before. So it's not like you'll be spoiling yourself anymore. So do it."
"I don't know if I can actually do this."
"We really need the money."
"I know, but... whoring myself?"
"You already did at the tavern, and admit it. You enjoyed it."
"I... I might have found a thrill."
"Then let's do it again. You might find you like it."
"You'd really have me me offer myself to every man who walks by, and the first one who says yes I must let fuck me, no matter who they are..."
She preens. "That's right. I am. These men are lucky I deign to sleep with them. Why shouldn't I be charging more?"
"As long as they're getting their money's worth," you say.
"Of course they are. They're getting to sleep with me after all. I plan to squeeze these poor desperate men for every coin they have."
"Sounds like you're going to bully them."
"I might, but they'll like it. Perhaps making myself more desirable somehow."
"Of course. I'll do whatever they ask. Perhaps I might make myself even more desirable somehow."
"Maybe doing kinkier things," you suggest.
She smiles. "Or that. Maybe I might get more from these dreadful lovers."
"I suppose I am."
"Oh Lord..."
"How do you feel about it?"
"I've now resorted to prostituting myself to a stranger on a dock. I can never change that. Even should I ever return home and become tsaritsa of our tsardom, I will still know deep down what I did."
"We need the money," you say. "This might be our only way home."
"I know," she replies. "I have put aside my dignity. Maybe one day I'll take it back, but today I am a whore."
"Not just today," you add. "We need a lot of money. Are you ready to be my whore for as long as I need you to be?"
She nods and swallows.
You catch her chin and give her a long kiss. "You're a good girl, Euna."
Despite how shaken she is, her smile truly shines. "I love you, master." She hesitates. "Though I do hope not all johns are as dull as he was."
"How do you feel about that?"
She smiles. "Naughty. It's like a secret of mine. No matter how austere I should become, or how noble I appear, I will always know the truth that deep down, I was a whore once. I did it because I wanted to.for money. If I should become tsaritsa, Only you, I, and the Lord will know."
"And all of your johns."
"Yes, perhaps one day, someone might recognize me, a noble tsaritsa, as a dockside whore they once solicited. If they should accuse me, not a soul would believe him. That tickles me so.
"Let's hope they never recognize me. At least no one will ever believe them."
"This assumes of course that you will be a chaste and virtuous tsaritsa."
"A fair observation." She leans close. "We both know that won't be true. Though I hope my other johns might prove a little more skilled, or at least adventurous."
She wrings her hands. "But what do I even charge? I suppose the woman back there was charging thirty, but I'm more attractive than her, right?" She eyes the other women on the dock. The whores here are either too young, too old, or too worn out. Many are gaunt, missing teeth, unwashed, and perhaps drug-addled. Some are arguably attractive, but none compare to Euna.
"How about you try thirty too," you say. "You're attractive, but you're also inexperienced."
"Thirty then. Yes. I'll do it. I'll earn that for you. Thirty." She's fidgeting.
"I think I'm worth at least that, right? That seems like a good starting point," she figures. "Yes. I certainly don't see why I should subject to whoring myself for less. Yes. I'll do it. For thirty." She's getting fidgety.
"Right. Yes. Before I lose my nerve." She hesitates. "But what do I actually do?"
"Just choose a corner and entice men."
"Then what? Take them into an alley?"
"It's that simple."
"You'll stay close. Won't you?"
"Of course," you say. "How else will I see?"
"All right then." She doesn't move.
"Right! I'm going." Euna walks to the mouth of the alley and tries to pose seductively, but she couldn't possibly look more out of place. Several men pass, and she almost calls out to them, but her nerves get the better of her. Finally, she opens her mouth for one passing dockhand. He's not a bad looking man.
Euna is stuttering. Her cheeks are red. She's like a gawky teenager asking their sweetheart to dance, and it's adorable. The man laughs, but he does agree. They go into the alley together.
You peek around after a while. It's not so cute anymore. He's got her pinned against the alley wall, and he's fucking her dispassionately, hands pawing, hips pumping, ass clenching. It seems like he's sniffing or licking her neck and jaw line. For her part, she's hold him tight to accept his lust while staring off. It's a job to her, but even so. Her shudder of pleasure is plain as day when the man pumps her full of his seed.
He fixes his tights and leaves without a word while she's left with a mess between her legs. She seems dazed when when you come in.
"Well, you did it," you say.
"I was just a piece of flesh to him," she replies distantly. "I didn't even come close to climaxing." She hands over the rubles. There's more than thirty.
"He offered more. At first. Then I decided to haggle, and I ran circles around him.and it worked. He paid more for me than the other prostitutes on the dock."
"Of course you did," you say. "That's because...'re so much more beautiful than some common whore."'re clearly new to whoring. You're not used goods yet."
"They enjoy plundering my innocence?"
"Exactly. Men enjoy a woman who's new and unused, so that they can spoil her for themselves. I'm sure eventually they'll pay less and less for you, and you'll have to do more, so get as much money as you can while it lasts."
"Perhaps," she says, "but I will always sell myself at a premium. I plan to haggle as much money out of these men as I can. Perhaps there's even more I can do to increase my price."
"I will try," she says. "I think I can do more to increase my price."
"Like doing more degrading acts?"
"Well, maybe... but I was thinking dressing better or making myself prettier somehow. This sex is already degrading enough."
"Yes. Very well. I'll go see if I can convince someone."
Euna steps to the mouth of an alley and tries her best to pose seductively.
After many pass, an old man with a cane comes by. He's an old sea dog with skin like leather, a frail gnarled body, and a mouth of missing teeth. He and Euna seem to have a kindly conversation before he follows her into the alley.
You peek around. Euna has the man leaned against the building. His pants are about his ankles. His pendulous, oversized scrotum dangles from a thicket of gray hair. His cock is like a shriveled worm with hardly any life, and Euna is on her knees, patiently loving his genitals. She cradles his scrotum and cock, sucking it lovingly and tonguing his balls.
Eventually, his cock stiffens to rubber, but no more. Euna hooks one leg around the man and works his old cock into herself. It takes several tries. She begins a slow grinding fuck. It's as though the old man grows young again. He thrusts with vigor, and when she bares her breasts, he suckles each nipple in his toothless maw while Euna cradles his head.
The man quivers in orgasm. Euna cradles him to her bosom while he catches his breath. Eventually, his flaccid cock falls out. They talk for a while. After he limps away, Euna emerges later.
"Well, that was sweet. He told me I was far too lovely and cultured to be doing this. Then he paid me extra."
"He was trying to talk me out of prostituting myself. He said it will use me up and ruin me."
"Didn't stop him from paying for your services, did it?"
"No, it didn't, but he was affectionate. I think he really does care. He actually offered to take me in and take care of me so I wouldn't have to."
"Too bad we need you to do this for money."
"Then I'll keep doing it. I love you, not him, as sweet as he was."
"Will you?"
"No. We do need the money, and as sweet as he was, I think the real reason he doesn't like my sleeping with other men is because he desires me for himself."
"He was," she agrees, "but he was the kindest old man. So grateful, and so self-conscious. It took a lot to coax him into coming with me in the first place."
"All right. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this." Euna steps to the mouth of the same alley as before and tries her best to pose.
Several pass by. Then a man and a woman arrive, arms about each other's shoulders. The man is a young and fit sailor. The woman is dressed gaudily. Her dress is frilled. Her bodice pushes her breasts up until they're nearly spilling out, and makeup has left her face pale.
The man is interested. He whispers in his girl's ear. She takes convincing, but soon the couple follow Euna into the alley.
When you peek around, Euna is naked, and lying on her back along the boardwalk planks using her gownsashskirt as a blanket. Squatting over her is the woman, wearing only stockings and a garter belt. She's pressing her brown-furred snatch to Euna for her to lick, which makes her squirm and whimper. The man watches with his breeches around his ankles. He's pumping his hard manhood.
He mutters something to the woman, and she leans forward to bury her own tongue within Euna's bald slitblond bush.
They remained locked together in sixty-nine until the woman cries out. The man fires pearls of gooey semen across the woman's modest breasts, which Euna later licks off. Then the couple dress and leave.
You enter to find Euna still upon her gownvelvet sashskirt, playing idly with herself and licking her fingers clean of cum.
A older dockworker idles by. Euna gets his attention, and they talk. Eventually, they disappear down her alley.
You approach. The man has his breeches down. He's squatting over Euna with his ass on her face, enjoying her tongue up his ass while he both strokes himself and plays with her bared tits.
He says something. Beneath him, Euna shakes her head. He says it again, and again a head-shake. The rimming continues, until suddenly she forces him off her face.
Just like that, they're arguing. After some time, he pulls up his breeches and leaves in disgust.
You come in as Euna is correcting her clothes.
"I'm sorry," she says. "He didn't pay."
"What happened?"
"He wanted me to do something I just couldn't do."
"And that was?"
Her cheeks grow crimson. "He wanted to defecate in my mouth. I just couldn't do it. I'm sorry. I know I'm to do whatever you wish, but that was too much."
"What happened?" you ask.
"He wanted to defecate in my mouth," Euna says, "and then I believe he expected me to swallow the results. I said no."
"I agree. That would be too disgusting."
"I'm disappointed in you.""I didn't think anything was too much for you."
This time, however, Luciena doesn't immediately relieve herself. She enjoys Euna's tongue upon her hole before she begins to strain. There's no telling what consistency of shit she's passing into Euna's mouth, since Euna keeps her lips sealed about her anus. There's only a slight bulging of Euna's throat, and after that, the tonguing continues until the woman is mewling.
Her legs are weak. She drops to her hands and knees. Euna's lips never break from her ass, but this rim job has become much more intimate. The woman enjoys Euna's mouth for so long that you get bored and wander away a bit, only for the two women to later emerge from the alley together.
"Hello there, little mousecat," the pirate says. "That is who you are, isn't it?"
"That is what Damian calls me," you say.
"I'm taking your lady with me back to my boat."
"You are, are you?"
"Yes," Euna says. "Luciena has extended me an invitation to her bed, and I've accepted, but don't worry. I'll be back before sundown." She puts an arm over Luciena's shoulder. "Lead the way."
"My pleasure." The two head off together.
"Yes. That alley is hardly suitable for all the things I want to do to your lady. Isn't that right?" She strokes Euna's cheek.
Meekly, Euna nods.
"Don't worry," the woman tells you. "I promise to return her by sundown, and in one piece."
You've no a chance to reply before the woman marches off with Euna in tow. Euna casts a bewildered glance back at you before disappearing around the corner.
The cove is an easy place for an unscrupulous man like yourself to pass the time. Some drinks and dice games at the tavern lead to flirting with a few strapping piratesbusty women, which leads to a little fun around back. The sun has set before you know it, and though you arrive at the alley late, Euna arrives even later.
"What happened?" you asked.
"I spent the whole day with her in her cabin on her ship. And for almost all of it, I had my tongue upon her ass. She's insatiable."
"Is that all?"
"No. She sent me to her first mate's cabin. And she used my mouth as a toilet too, and then rode my face. Then she gave me to the next in command, and the next. Four women used me like that. They all asked me questions, like was I really a noble who moonlighted as a shit-whore because she got off on it. And they tested to see how obedient I really was. All of them were quite pleased."
"Sounds like they were testing you out."
"That's exactly what they were doing."
"What do you mean?"
"Luciena and her crew are going to leave port soon. They offered to take us with them. One day, they'll eventually sail close to Ruthgar, but in the meantime, you'd be a member of her crew, and I'll become... well..."
"The ship's head?"
"Only for the captain. She'll use my mouth to relieve herself whenever she wants, but she will expect me to let the rest of the crew ravage and molest me to their heart's content."
"All this in the hopes that one day they'll eventually come close enough to Ruthgar to drop us off. What do you think? Want to do it?"
Euna bites her lip. "What I want is irrelevant. You are my master. If you decide that the way for us to get home is to make me a toilet for a pirate captain and a slut for her crew, then I will obey. We'd find her ship down by the dock. She won't leave port for many days."
"Yes," she says. "We made love for hours."
"I'd hardly call tonguing a woman's asshole making love. That's a rim-job. That's fucking."
"Not this. This was love. It was beautiful, and elegant, and intimate. She had her tongue all over me too..."
"Should I be jealous?"
Her eyes are full of mirth. "Yes, but don't worry. My love for you has not diminished."
"But I'm not your only love anymore, am I?"
"Perhaps. She and I cuddled for hours. She told me about how she was borne a bastard to a philandering king. As a child, she was sent to a distant academy where she became a master in the Atajiri art of the sword. It turns out she's quite an educated woman. That school disciplines its students in academics as well. She became perhaps the finest swordswomen in all of her kingdom, and she became her father's bodyguard, only for poison to claim his life. An opposing house launched a coup, and she was branded as a traitor."
"And thus she escaped in exile and became a pirate lord?"
"She and many of her fellow swordswomen. They're her crew. I'm really starting to like this woman. She has integrity, which is why I told her my story too."
"About how you're the heir to Ruthgar?"
"That's right. I told her everything. About you. About home. About how we're lost."
"You told a pirate the truth? That was reckless."
"And why exactly? Because she might abduct me? Use me? Ransom me back home? Well, luckly for us, that's exactly what she's offered to do. She will take us both home to Ruthgar in exchange for two things. One: I give her land and title upon our safe return."
"And two?"
"Henceforth, she may have me swallow her sword any night she wishes."
"Sounds tempting," you say.
"Yes," Euna agrees. "I don't know whether it's wise to take her offer, so I leave the decision to you. Her ship is in port if we should one day take her up on her offer. Today, however, let's head home."
The gnarled old man with the cane comes hobbling by—Euna's very first trick from when she first started to be dockside whore. Euna catches his attention and starts using all her wiles and come-hither looks to entice him to pay for her again.
The old sea dog is not smiling kindly like before, but rather looks her over with a wrinkled nose. The longer Euna talks, the more pinched his expression becomes until he the face of hostility.
Yet still he follows her into the alley. You peek in to find Euna has under his scrutiny and tosses her clothes aside. He fumbles with his trousers to reveal his old cock in its nest of scruffy gray and his pendulous scrotum.
He is as hard as stone.
He barks and order. She turns around and puts her hands on the wall. He accosts her from behind and gives her a remarkably aggressive sodomizing for a man his age.
He barks and order. She bends over and presents her rear. He rams his cane up her pussy. The fact that he can bury over half its length before she winces and pulls away seems to anger him all the more. He peppers her with obscenities when he fucks her afterward.
He barks and order. She gets on her back, and he squats over her and releases a deluge of soft shit into her waiting mouth. While she chews and swallows lustfully, he scowls at her with obvious disgust. Yet he still fucks her afterward.
He barks and order. She gets onto her hands and knees, and he fucks her brutally from behind. It's an impressive show of vigor given his age.
When Euna reaches for her clothes, he stabs them in place with his cane. She rears up primly to regard him. "Excuse me," she says. They exchange a few words. He sounds angry, and she sounds curt, but oddly, they agree on something. Naked, Euna stands and struts from the alley with him keeping pace behind her.
When Euna reaches for her clothes, he strikes her back with his cane. While she sucks her knuckles, he mutters some angry words at her, then bats her again. "I said get." He whips her like a mule to get her moving along.
You gather her clothes and tail them. He nudges her down the boardwalk stairs toward the crowded markets. People gape at ner nudity. At a wharf post near the heart of the bustling center, the man begins "selling" her.
"Does everyone see this cheap whore?" he yells. "She was a lady once, but now she's just a slut who's probably fucked half the men in this cove for money." He turns to her. "Show them what a slut you are. What you made yourself. Advertise yourself like you did for me."
Euna's cheeks are burning red. She tries to cover herself, but the man knocks away her hands. Timidly, she lifts her chins and spreads her arms so everyone can see her assets.
Euna proffers herself before the crowds. She reaches between her legs and spreads her lips while blowing a kiss to a passerby.
This only angers him more. "Come on, men. This whore is paid for. Everyone is free to use her."
No one approaches at first.
"Look," he shoves Euna onto her stomach with her rump up. He rams his cane into her twat. It disappears as deep as before. "This slut told me she can take fists in her womb. She's forsaken her own womanhood for money."
Now people approach. One mane kneels behind her and shoves his fist in. Right up to the elbow. The crowd is impressed. The man keeps going, pushing farther. A second comes up and works his own fist in beside the others. This is becoming a spectacle, with much hooting and hollering. And Euna doesn't make a single move to stop the men. She's moaning like the whore, and doesn't care who sees her violated like this.
Some people approach, but then the old man explains what those browns stains on her chin are. "That's the shit this slut eats for money."
Then no one wants to touch her, at least not publicly, but they're more than happy to shame her. People jeer. One teenaged lad actually drops his breeches and pushes out a log of shit on the boardwalk.
"Go on. Eat it," the old man orders.
So she gets on her hands and knees and does so. Sounds of disgust come from the crowd, but she doesn't stop. After half is consumed, she begins smearing what's left around her face, and tits, and belly. People are leaving. Euna is licking her lips.
Some people approach. One man unfastens his breeches. Euna doesn't hesitate. She dutifully turns and braces on her elbows and knees. Before the entire crowd, the man sodomizes her like a piece of meat.rides her like an animal. And when he's done, then comes the next, and the next. People leer and hoot. Others laugh and point. The old man seems pleased with this, except so does Euna. By the third man, she's even moaning. She might as well be alone for all the audience bothers her.
With a disgusted grunt, the old man flutters his hand and heads off. Euna entertains for a few minutes longer before finding a chance to get away. You help her along to a private spot on the dock where she cleans herself up and dresses.
"Well that was an ordeal," she says. "And I didn't get paid nearly as as much as usual either."
"Sorry that took so long," she says, "and he didn't pay me as much. I hope that's all right."
"He wanted to shame me publicly and show everyone what I whore I am," Euna replies. "He said that since he'd paid my price, that I should have to do whatever he wanted."
"And you did?"
"You said I should do whatever the men want. I hope I did what you wanted."
"You did. You are a whore after all."
"Yes, but it was still humiliating."
"Of course. Am I to shy away simply because he wanted to parade me in front of others. He wanted me to be ashamed."
"He did seem to leave frustrated."
"Of course," she says. "Little did he know I've done away with any shame. In fact, I think I've come to enjoy having an audience."
"Last time he saw me, It was when I'd first started pulling tricks to get the money we need. He tried to convince me that I was too good for it, and that he would take me in so he could take care of me."
"And now he's jealous that you chose strangers over him."
"Exactly I may have started whoring out of desperation, but let's face it. I'm whoring myself now because I want to be. I choose this. I have no interest in being doted upon by an old lech who'd see me as his possession."
"Last time he saw me, you'd just started having me pull tricks. I didn't know what I was doing. He said I was a beautiful and desirable maiden who deserved better, and he tried to convince me to go with him so I could escape this life before this life changed me."
"But now you're a maiden no longer?"
"He said I'm ruined now. I'm no different than any other used-up cheap whore on the dock. And he was angry that I would do this to myself when he'd offered me a way out." She shrugs. "Maybe I should have taken him up on his offer, but I didn't. I belong to you, for better or for worse, even if that means I must be your whore."I'm a whore now, for better or worse. I'll never be that maiden again."
"He said that since I'm just a common whore now, there's no reason I should be paid more than any other whore on this dock."
"And you agreed?"
"It was that or I pass him up.She blushes. "What if he's right? Honestly, it's been getting harder and harder to convince people to pay the rate I've been charging. People around here are starting to recognize me. I'm not new anymore."
"And now that old man just paraded you around the market telling everyone how you've fucked half the pirates in the cove."
"Now everyone knows I'm a well-trafficked whore." She sighs. "I suppose I'll have to lower my price."
She buries her face. "I know."
"I guess if everyone knows you're a well-trafficked whore, you'll have to sell yourself for less from now on."
She sighs. "I guess I'll have to."
Insects, Rodents, and Vermin
Euna will indulge including ants (and in theory roaches, rats, fleas, sandfleas, ticks, botflies, and lice) as part of her sexual antics. Many of these rodents require other fetishes to work.
Reaching infested
This is the 1st tier of Insects, Rodents, and Vermin.
This is Vermin's ony tier at the moment. Once reached, it results in a full unlocking of the fetish.
Accomplish at least 2 of the following experiences.
To promote
First, Euna must be lewd.
Go to the glade and use Daywither slime to fist her, or have anal sex with her. Ants will notice the slime and move to collect it. Encourage this until she promotes.
You pass by the opened wall of vines. Many tendrils remain, but the path is still clear.
You and Euna hike west into the mountains, climbing higher and growing ever more winded. The terrain crowd close. Soon you find yourselves through a narrow cleft without even space to walk side by side. At times, you both sidle by to avoid the thorny vines and bramble growing along the rock face.
And then it dead-ends. A dense wall of vines blocks the path.
"Goodness," Euna says. "How in the world do you suppose this formed?"
"Deliberately," you reply.
"You really think so? Why would someone do this?"
"To keep people like us from wandering into the mountains. Do you think we can get through?"
"Maybe if someone's trying to keep people out," Euna says, "we should heed that warning."
"Where's your sense of adventure, Your Highness."
"I'm using my common sense," she says. "I can't imagine what's beyond there that will help us, but I'll follow your lead."
You climb your way along the narrow mountain cleft and return to the wall of vines.
To pass, you'd need to cut your way through, except they regrow too quickly. You'd need a means of shaving them away such that they won't grow back.
"Let me try something." You take out Lanx's razor and kneel by the vines.
"I don't think he'd want you using his razor that way," Euna says.
"Then we won't tell him." Taking careful hold of a vine, you sever it with the razor. It hardly took any strength. After untangling the vine, you both stop to see what the severed stump will do.
It does nothing.
"Hmm," Euna says. "You can be quite a clever fool sometimes, you know?"
"Let's shave this mountain's bush, shall we?" And you get to work cutting and pulling. Euna's help is little more than a token effort of pulling already-disentangled vines out of your way, but it doesn't matter. You eventually manage to trim away enough to clear a path. You dart through nimbly. Euna manages to snag her gownfishnet topskirt on the remaining vines and requires your help to get through. By the time you're done cutting, the path is practically bald.
"That was quite a fuss," she says, "but here we are."
The path west is now open.
Looking around, you find a sharp-edged rock, and with it, you carefully pull some vines taught and begin sawing through near its base. It's slow work, and the thorns already cut at your hands.
"That'll take a while," Euna mutters.
"You could help."
"Or we could come back with a better tool."
"There aren't that many vines. Just a few long ones we can pull away. Almost through... There."
You sever the first vine and tug it from the wall, but no sooner have you finished untangling the vine, Euna is shaking your shoulder and pointing. "Look!"
The severed stump of the vine is regrowing before your eyes. With creaking groans, it winds its way through the wall, once against blocking up any progress you made. Soon, it's as though you had made no cut at all.
"Well, nevermind then," you say.
"The vines can't possibly be like that on their own," Euna replies. "It's either alchemy or sorcery. It says something about whoever wants to keep travelers out of the mountains."
"Somehow it makes me all the more curious to see what's on the other side," you reply.
"That's because you get off on breaking laws. Regardless, I don't see how we're getting through, not if the plants will keep regrowing like that. Let's turn back, shall we?"
You arrive at a point where the woods end. Before you is a great marble wall running perpendicular to the mountain. It's in impeccable condition, as though built yesterday, and it glimmers brightly enough to hurt your eyes. The sounds of a city come from beyond it.
Its marble is perfectly smooth, you can't climb it, not without tools or handholds anyway.
You return to the wall. It's as large and impressive as ever. Your secret handholds remain, and while you could climb it easily without any rope or harness, Euna is a different story. You have rope, but you don't see how it would help you climb a wall as featureless as this. You'd need handholds for your first ascent. It's marble face is smooth and featureless.
The wall extends south, and to the east is the jungle.
Hefting the pick, you walk around the wall looking for a secluded spot. Euna watches curiously.
Finding a spot, you kneel and strike the pick into the marble, only to find it punches in surprisingly deep. It turns out, digging marble chunks out with the pick feels the same as digging out wet clay. Yet when you touch the warped marble with your fingers, it's just as hard as any rock should be.
Creating a practical foothold takes only seconds, and you're on to the next higher up, and the next, climbing as you go. Your handholds make this as simple as climbing a ladder, and soon you're swinging a leg over the top of the wall. Beyond is an expansive city of white marble. There are mansions as far as you can see, and towering buildings throughout.
"Wait," Euna calls from below. "Don't leave me."
"Then come on up."
"You expect me to climb? What if I fall?"
"They're very easy handholds."
"But... Well, fine." After fidgeting, she grabs the first hold. However, with each step, she hugs against the wall, and her progress slows until she's clutched. "No. I can't do this." She reverse course.
"Are you afraid of heights?" you asks.
"There's no rope or harness. What if I slip and hurt myself?" She reaches the bottom. "Are you... are you going to go on without me?" She's chewing her lip. "Please, come back down."
You dart down the wall.
"I'm sorry," she says. "I'm not an acrobat like you. I know you want to get into the city, but I'm just afraid if we split up, something might—"
"It's all right, Your Highness. I won't leave you behind."
"Thank you." She embraces you.
"Belay me?"
"This way I can get you into the city too. Trust me, you'll be perfectly safe. Just let me tie the rope about you. Hike up your gownsashskirt."
"Excuse me?"
"I need to tie the rope about your legs and waist. I can't do that unless I can reach them."
"I'll be indecent."
"And I'll be above you. So I won't see."
"But you'll certainly get an eyeful if you weave ropes between my legs."
"So? There are no men about."
"That's beside the point. A lady shouldn't be indecent."
"I can just tie the rope about your waist, but you might slip out. Or, maybe you'd like to tie the rope. Shall I teach you how to knot a harness?"
Huffing, she hikes her gown and tucks the end into her waist cord."It's already short enough, so just do it already," she says.Huffing, she hikes her skirt, bringing the hem just short of revealing her ass."Behave yourself."
"Of course, Your Highness." You weave the rope around her bare thighs and waist. The view is pleasing, but you don't linger. You tighten the harness, which causes the ropes to bunch up her skirt even more.raise up the sash anyway.pull her skirt even higher. You catche a glimpse of a vaginal clefther blond bush before she yanks the silk over the rope.velvet sash down to cover the rope.hem down. The harness is done, though it's awkward overtop her clothes.
You tie the other end of the rope to your waist and fly up the wall. At the top, you tie the rope to a strut and brace yourself to belay Euna. "Are you ready?"
It takes Euna a while to get her feet onto the first footholds, and when she does, she clings on for dear life, even though she's only a step off the ground.
You pull the slack out of the rope. "Let go."
"Let go. See what happen."
Tentatively, she releases the wall. Instead of falling, she dangles as you support her weight. "You're perfectly safe. Just go slow, and I'll pull up the slack."
"Okay..." She climbs.
Her progress is glacial. Several times she slips, screams, and dangles, but with your coaching and encouraging, she finally reaches the top.
"My heavens," she says breathlessly. "You made that look so easy."
"Shall I lower you down the other side?"
She glances down at the featureless wall. "Yes."
You do so. She clutches the rope all the way. Once she's grounded, you belay yourself down, run the rope through the top loop, and coil it back up.
"There!" you say. "We're in. Shall we explore?"
"What do we do if anyone stops us?"
"Tell them you're a visiting noble, and you left your signet with your sister."
"And what about you?" She points out your worn-out tunictunic and leggings. "What are you supposed to be?"
"I'm just your loyal manservant.I'm your lady-in-waiting."
"I'm the devilish trampsultry vixen who stole your heart. We eloped."
You arrive at a waterfall which flows down from the mountains and feeds the river. The water roars as it crashes into the rocks at the bottom.
Steep rock walls close in to block the west and east.
You're at the waterfall.
You can follow the wall west, or climb north up the cliffside to the top of the waterfall. It looks tricky, but not impossible.
You can go south, or follow the mountain trail north up the waterfall.
"You do?"
Euna brings out a jar of it.
"Oh thank heavens," Shirina says. "That's more than enough"
Euna brings out the other three jars.
"Oh! Now that's certainly more than enough. That will last me for decades."
"We're glad to have helped," Euna replies.
"Well, about that," Shirina says. "I'm afraid I must ask you for another favor. I'm in another bind."
"You need only ask," Euna says.
"Let's hear what the favor is first," you add.
Euna shoots you a look. "I'm certain we can help."
"I'm glad to hear that," Shirina replies. "I have to host a banquet for the elders of the city. Ordinarly, two of my daughters and I would manage this ourselves, but unfortunately, I've just discovered that I am pregnant yet again."
"Congratulations!" Euna says.
"Oh. Thank you. Unfortunately, this prevents me from hosting. Three women are needed. I'd ask one of my other daughters, but they're not able. You might though. I hate putting this imposition on you on such short notice, but the dinner is tonight, and I simply don't have any more time to find someone."
Plates get pushed back. The after dinner party now begins. Rasima and Salma make their rounds. One elder still enjoys ramming her fists into Salma holes. Rasima has been busy under the table sucking off an elder. With him done, she moves to the next man, only for him to turn her around so he could have a pussy to stick his dick into while she struggled not to bump her head under the table.
Euna has been trying to pull pulverized bits of fruit from inside her, but it's too far up there. Instead she uses the clamp in her hair to once seal her labia shut.
Euna returns to the hall. She looks worn out from earlier, and her hands are still bound behind her back, but she's smiling and ready to fulfill the final act you agreed she'd do.make herself available.
She struts to the bearded merchant and sits on the edge of the table before him. After chatting, she whispers in his ear. He nods bashfully, and Euna uses the ball of her foot to push him and his chair back from the table. "Take out your cock," she orders. When he does, she presses her foot to his chest again. "Now don't move."
She kneels on the floor beside the bearded merchant. They chat, and she asks him something quietly. He pushes his chair away from the table, brings his hard cock out of his breeches, and bids her to get to work.
Euna straddles him and rides his cock hard and quick. With her pussy burned as it is from the both, the fucking is clearly difficult for her, but she never slows. With her pussy still clamped and her belly swollen, she's had to take him into her ass.
However, her pussy as slack as it is from its recent birth. "I can hardly feel a touch a friction," he says.
"And now?" Euna's abdomen flexes.
"That's more like it."
Euna is clenching her vaginal muscles, and she's forced to do so throughout the entire fuck.
After he fills her with his cum, she plants a gentle kiss on his lips.
Euna gets on her knees before him, and takes him into her mouth. It does not take her long to suck down his cumWith her inexpert skills, it takes time, but eventually she's spitting out his cum.
An elder beckons, and she comes over and tries to talk him up, only for him to manhandle her around and bends her over the table. Just like that, he's fucking her from behind. Not that Euna minds. For her, cutting away the small talk just means more time for fucking.If Euna was never told that after-dinner availability meant having sex, she's figuring it out now. From the way she's silently accepting this forced copulationthe roll of her eyes, she's realizing she might as well play along. The moment he's done, another elder takes his place, and another. Every male elder has a turn.
Once they're done, she flips around on her back. Her eyes search for the next man.
"You're in heat, aren't you?" one of the elders say. "You're desperate for cock."
"So I am," she says. "Don't tell me you boys are done already."
"I live to be fucked," she says. "Please, don't stop using me."
The men are still recovering, but one has an idea. He addresses the servants. "Lads, we have another service for you to perform. This slut has a fire that needs quenching."
By your count, there were four young men waiting the table tonight. After they're done, five more men are upstairs, and two were tending the stables. Every man in the house staff ruts Euna until a river flows between her legs, and every single cock causes her blinding agony in her scalded pussy. Tears stream down her cheeks.burning pain in her toasted pussy. She whimpers through it all. and she takes them all in her overused asshole. She's clutching her bloated, aching belly by the third boy, but her legs remain spread. but her pussy is so loose that most of the boys end up jacking themselves off into her slack hole. However, the elders make sure every man punches their fist into Euna's womb until she's on the edge of orgasm, screaming at thembegging for release.
Euna is less enthusiastic to make herself available by the end, but she's still trying to be a good sport, even though all three cocks caused blinding agony in her scaldedburning pain in her toasted pussy. even though she had to take all their cocks up her ass, and her bloated belly is clearly aching. even though the men have such trouble getting friction that afterward they decide to push their fists into her womb until she's on the edge of orgasm, yelling at thembegging for release.
The men are done with her. Two women saunter over—a comely elderwoman with dusky skin, and the lady who'd sat beside her who wears a low-cut gown and an ornate jeweled necklace.
"Look at this mess they left her in." The elder pulls Euna's knees to her chest so she can scoop her fingers along Euna's asshole and smear the cum onto her own cleavage.
"Ugh, Zehra," says the lady.
"Haven't you figured it out by now," Zehra replies. "When you live in Cockaigne, you grow to enjoy a mess."
"I'm not nearly drunk enough."
"That's easy enough to fix." Zehra sits her crotch on Euna's face and picks through the liqueurs the servents brought out. She settles on a bottle of clear spirits. "Let's get in the mood, huh?" She takes a swig and passes the bottle to the lady, who drinks, only to break out coughing.
"I don't think you're suppose to gulp this..."
"Really? I gulp all of my drinks." Zehra gulps again. Most of the bottle remains, and she appraises Euna. She presses the bottle to Euna's asshole and upturns it. The contents glug and slosh and drain into Euna's gut. "Maybe it's time for you to get in the mood too." With that, she gets to grinding herself against Euna's face.
That came from behind you. Shirina is waving you toward the staging room. "Did they just pour an entire bottle of grain spirit into Euna?"
"Most of it."
She slaps a vial into your hand. "This is an alcohol remedy. She needs to drink this. That much spirit could kill her."
She shoves you back out there. Now both women are sitting on Euna. The lady has her gown hiked up with her sex on Euna's lips. Zehra sits on Euna's belly, still swollen from a womb full of fruit waste and a gut full of alcohol.
The women make out on top of Euna. Zehra scoops the lady's heavy tits out of the neckline of her gown and suckles each nipples. The woman revels in the women's mouths upon her body, until realizing how wet with spit Zehra is being, and she's massaging into the lady's tits.
"Oh, sick," she mutters, and she giggles. The spirits are catching up with her. "You're such a messy girl."
Zehra gets both of the woman's tits glistening. "It's the way sex is supposed to be."
On a whim, the lady spits on Zehra's face. The elder licks it in. With a smile, she pulls open her robe to reveal her own pert breasts, and the lady suckles them. Soon enough, her tits glisten with saliva too.
"Want to get really nasty?" Zehra says.
"What do you have in mind?" the lady asks.
The elder whispers in her ear.
The lady gapes. "Urinate on her?"
Zehra starts pissing. Her stream soaks Euna's gown. She aims it around, covering Euna's crotch, her tits, her neck, and her chin. The stream comes close to where Euna is tonguing the lady's snatch.
"You're urinating on me," the lady complains. The stream douses her labia. Euna keeps right on tonguing the woman's snatch.
"She doesn't mind," Zehra says. "Maybe she wants more..."
Euna cringes away and seals her lips.
"You're urinating on me." The lady pulls her sex away until the elder lowers the stream. "Thank you." She settles back upon Euna's mouth. "I'd thank you to keep your urine confined to her."
The lady studies Euna curiously as Euna tongues her. "Maybe she does..." After a pause, she releases her own stream of piss right onto Euna's face.
Euna gulps the piss down without missing a stride. Or she tries, piss gets all over her face and hair, but most goes into her belly.
"Amazing," the lady says.
"That's training," Zehra says. "This girl has done this before."
Much of it gets into Euna's mouth. She coughs it up and keeps right on trying to pleasure the lady. Piss gets over her face and in her hair, but she presses on as though the pussy she was licking wasn't gushing urine. "She doesn't let it deter her, does she?"
As Euna tongues the lady's folds. She moans. Her own saliva trickles down her chin, and she's looking pale.
"The spirits are getting to her," Zehra says. "This sex is about to get very messy?"
"What do you mean?" the lady asks.
Abruptly, Euna vomits. Bile and mush and piss surge onto the lady's pussy and cascades over Euna's face, pouring over her neck and hair.
"Ugh!" The lady scrambles off. She tries to wipe vomit off her crotch. "Disgusting."
Zehra scoots onto Euna's lap and pulls Euna to sit up. "Are the spirits making your tummy rumbly?" She wipes at vomit on Euna's face, but just ends up smearing it around.
Euna looks sickly. She's swaying in place, yet she watches the elder with lidded eyes.
"Go on," Zehra whispers. "Let it all out."
Euna struggles to disentagle from the elder. She crawls away, only to vomit on the table. She's not having fun.
Euna erupts again. Vomit splatters against Zehra face. It cascades down her breasts. She shrieks with pleasure and grinds her body against Euna. The two women's fronts are an acrid mess. Their clothes are soaked.
"Revolting..." the lady kneels nearby idly teasing her own vomit-covered clit.
"You've haven't seen anything yet." Zehra slides her hand into her mouth and reaches deep. Euna tilts back her head and opens her mouth.Zehra tilts Euna's head up. "Open your mouth, girl." She slides her hand into her own mouth and reaches deep.
Zehra gags once, twice, and then a fountain of vomit gushes from her gullet. It spills over Euna's upturned face and fills her mouth. Euna tries to swallow, only to erupt again. The vomit cascades down her front. Zehra's stomach was far from empty though. Another gush crashes against Euna's head, coating her hair. Both girls vomit their stomachs completely empty. The elder massages it into Euna's tits and her own. The mess pools between their legs.
"This is revolting..." The lady is kneeling right by them, covering her nose. "I'm going to be sick."
Zehra hugs herself against Euna. Both girls turn their mouths up like two baby birds—Zehra, because she's crazed with lust, but Euna might not realize why. She's clearly wasted.
The lady gags, but can't quite vomit. Eventually, she gives in and sticks a finger down her own throat. Her entire dinner showers over the two women. They swallow hungrily. Just as Euna vomits up again, the elder pulls the lady close. The mess spills over her cleavage and down her expensive gown.
But she's beyond caring. The three girls are lost together now, bathing each other with their mess. "This is so sick..." The lady keeps muttering. The elder's fingers between her legs has destroyed any thought of resisting. "It tingles..." she whispers.
"Doesn't it though?"
Euna is as drunk as a dog. She laps at Zehra's tits for vomit.
"You want more?" the elder asks. Euna keeps licking. "Then maybe it's time we really defile you." She pushes Euna to lie back and she straddles Euna's belly once again. This time, she's squatting.
"Oh no." The lady wrinkles her nose. "I don't think I'm drunk enough for this." Yet she kneels her pussy over Euna's mouth once again. Euna licks away, too drunk to realize what's coming.
Euna is as drunk as a dog. She pants against Zehra's chest. The smells are getting to her, and she won't stop dry heaving.
"Then have another drink and watch." Zehra squeezes out a messy coil of shit onto Euna's vomit-covered belly. Right on her soaked gown.
Euna never stops tonguing the lady's snatch.
"She likes it," Zehra says.
The lady wrinkles her nose against the stench. "She's not as repulsed as she should be. What are you going to do to her now?"
Euna stops tonguing the lady and wails in disgust. She's too drunk to do anything except wriggle away as though to escape it.
"I think maybe it's time to leave the girl alone," the lady says.
"I'm going to defile her." Zehra rubs the messy pile over Euna's swollen belly and tits.
"Oh good heavens, the smell." The lady covers her nose. "This poor girl." She vomits again. The bile gets mixed in with the shit.
"She likes it," the elder says. "Look at how she keeps licking. Maybe she's tonguing you because she's desperate for something from you..."
The lady situates her asshole over Euna's mouth. "I can't believe I'm letting you talk me into this."
Euna must have thought the lady just wanted a rimming, because her tongue kept right at work, but then her mouth is filling with the woman's shit. It piles up on her face.
"Oh my." The woman studies Euna. "Is she eating it?"
Euna is drunkenly chewing the mess. It's a battle against her rebelling stomach whether she can swallow it though.
"Oh, I like this girl." Zehra grinds herself against Euna's bloated belly. Caked shit is getting on her sex. "Let's smother this girl."
Euna's stomach immediately turns. She turns her head and vomits the shit out, making a mess of the lady's inner thigh.
The lady backs away. "I think we've struck her limit." She gags. "I think we struck mine."
Zehra slaps her shitty hands onto the pile upon Euna's face and paints it around. She massages it into her hair. Euna keeps right on chewing and swallowing.
"Oh..." The lady watches.
The elder paints low again, covering Euna's arms, her thighs, especially her crotch, making sure to remove the labia clamp so she can massage it into Euna intimates. Euna is dripping wet, and every touch of shit to her sex is electric. "Oh. Look at how close this girl is. She's right on the cusp."
"So am I," the lady says. "I must be twisted or far too drunk, because I cannot believe how much this is stirring my passion."
"Ride her face to oblivion," Zehra says.
"I can't," the lady replies. "I'd make a mess of my nethers."
The elder indicates her own shitty pussy.
"Well, yes," the lady says, "but I don't know if—"
Zehra slaps her shitty hand over the lady's sex. The woman shrieks and recoils, but it's too late. Shit is on her precious pussy
"Now you can enjoy yourself."
Horror-struck, the lady gapes at her own messy pussy, but what's done is done. She scoots forward and presents her sex once again to Euna, who stops chewing the mouthful of shit she keeps regurgitating back up and gets back to tonguing. It doesn't take long before the lady is panting and twitching. "Oh heaven save me. This is so wrong. I might actually... Oh..."
"Are you ready for a grand finale?" The elder asks.
"Whatever it is, make me do it."
"Hey." Zehra gets Euna's attention. "You've got a whole bottle of liquor in you. You have to shit, yes?"
Euna nods without pausing.
Zehra pushes Euna's knees to her chest and holds a soup bowl beneath her ass. "Push it all out, girl."
A torrent of mushy shit pours from her ass. The stench is putrid, and it reaks of alcohol. Gush after gush comes until the bowl is nearly full. The elder climbs back onto Euna's belly.
"Oh, that is so putrid." The lady is so close to climax.
Zehra scoots forward and hugs the the lady tight so that their vomit-slick tits press together. "Isn't it though?" she says, and she upturns the entire bowl between their cleavage. The lady shrieks and tries to pull away, but Zehra holds her tight. "It's already done," she coos. "Ride it."
Sludge oozes between the women. It covers the lady's bejeweled necklace, and runs under her gown onto Euna's face. The lady grinds away. Her wails are building up. Zehra grabs a handful of of the sludge, reaches back, and slaps the mess onto Euna's crotch. She stabs four finger into Euna and works her pussy hard, but Euna hit the point of no return the moment the sludge struck her pussy. Bucking, she licks desperately at the lady's sex, lapping up the sick shit dripping down the woman's pubic mound. It sets the lady off, and there in the great hall, before all the servants, the two women share in this depraved moment of pure ecstacy. It goes on so long that Zehra is able to frig herself to her own cries of passion. One climax leads into another, and the girls go on and on. It almost timeless. People from around the palace come to investigate the noise. They peek in, take one smell of the dining hall, and they leave.
When the lady finally collapses back, ready to pass out. She comes to her senses. "Oh God. What just happened?"
"Something awoke in you." Zehra is licking her fingers clean. "You're like me now. You're like this filth slut here."
"I... I lost control. This was wrong."
Zehra saunters over on all fours. "Did that orgasm feel wrong?" She kisses the lady. After their lips part. "Come with me. Back to my room. We'll leave this passed-out slut here, and it'll just be the two of us."
"We should clean up first."
"No. I want you on my bed exactly like this."
"...Very well."
Another kiss. "This is going to be the best trip of your life."
The two leave together, dripping mess as they go.
Euna is unresponsive. Her body twitches from the echos of her thunderous orgasm. You administer the remedy to her, and her breathing normals out. She's unconcious now, though the twitches remain.
Everyone else has left. Rasima and Salma departed to escape the smell. They reluctantly come back in with Shirina, who examines Euna's condition without concern for the mess she's getting on herself. "Oh goodness gracious. Look at what they've done to this poor girl." She beckons her reluctant daughters to help her carry Euna away.
"Excuse me, ladies," you say. "I think Lady Euna has reached her limit.""Excuse me," you say. "I need to help my Lady Euna."
"Oh very well." Zehra disentangles herself from Euna.
You pour the remedy down her throat. She's barely lucid enough to swallow.
"What was that?" the lady asks.
"It's the end of messy times with my new favorite serving girl." The elder hops off the table and ties up her robes. "Come with me to the festival. We'll find some boys to fuck together."
The lady gestures to herself. "But I'm a mess."
"We'll rinse up first. Come."
"I am going to regret so much of this tomorrow," the lady mutters. And they leave together.
Euna is unresponsive, but snoring peacefully. Rasima and Salma spend a while yet fucking the remaining guests or sucking cocks. When the guests leave, Shirina comes out and examines Euna. "You poor girl. I'll clean you up. Girls, help me." With her daughters' help, she gets Euna off the table and off toward the staging room.
Throughout the evening, the elders make ample use of the two sisters. They use them, then pass them along and rest, only to use them again afterward.
Meanwhile, Euna remains reclined on the table, a picture of a heavily pregnant woman, except for how bloated and mishappen her baby bump is. She shifts positions often, either on her back, or bloated belly, or sitting up. Her belly is clearly causing her considerable distress.
That doesn't stop her from playing with herself as she watches the sex acts around her. Multiple times throughout the evening, guests would hear her cries, and look over to see her tremblding on her back in a pool of juice, scrubbing her clit while her corpulent belly wobbles. All in all, Euna makes an amazing centerpiece—proud, beautiful, and obscene.
That doesn't save her from sucking cocks whenever people wish. Multiple times throughout the evening, guests would look over to find Euna on her knees sucking off a merchant or an elder, or on her back as a woman scrubs herself on Euna's face. Euna would be obey, all the while cradling her corpulent belly. All in all, she makes an amazing addition to the orgy. She's amusing, obedient, and available for public use.
Sofiya remains coiled about Euna, kissing and snuggling, and grinding clit to clit. Occasionally, they build once again to another mutual bout of ecstasy. Sometimes Sofiya will bounce and squeeze out more dregs to share with Euna. Every time, Euna cries out, but she's quick to sip the results, and share the mess between locked lips with the elder. It's one long private moment they're having which lasts the rest of the evening, as though love is kindling.
Euna remains sitting before Sofiya on the table. They chat while the elder idly toys between Euna's legs. Later on, Sofiya has her fist buried inside Euna's gash. Whatever she's doing up there drives Euna wild. She fights herself between clamping her legs to stop the elder and keeping her legs spread for more. Fruit juices gush from her sex, so it seems she didn't quite evade another juicing.
Euna remains dangling limply from her torqued arms and sobbing to herself. Duck grease drips from her distended lips. Occasionally she thrashes from the constant blinding agony of her swollen, burned-out tits and her blistered womb, but doing so only jiggles her tits and causes more pain. A few times, she quivers as though the echoes of her orgasm remain. Many try to help her, but each time someone starts climbing on the table, one of the elders stops them.
Euna ramains dangling limply from her torqued arms. Duck grease drips from her distended lips. The throbbing of her tits and scalded womb leaves her in constant pain, but she tries not to thrash and moan. That only jiggles her tits. Many cast her worried glances, but no one comes to help her.
Euna tries her best to fill the roll as a centerpiece by relaxing in seductive poses. It's difficult with her tits as swollen as they are, but throughout the evening, she never complains.
Meanwhile, Euna retreats to the staging room, and Shirina whisks her away for cleaning and care.
Eventually the guests head off to find other debauchery to entertain themselves. Some escort the drunk merchants, promising them special times in town, and later in their beds.
The three maidens are left spent and discarded. Shirina comes out, and her attention is on Euna alone. "Good heavens. What have they done to you?" she says. "Girls, help me."
Her daughters compose themselves, and together they get Euna off the table.
The two sisters are left spent and discarded. Shirina comes out and clicks her tongue at the sight of her two daughters, sullied and discarded. "Had fun, I hope."
"It was a good banquet," Salma says.
"Come along, you two. Let's clean you up." They head off.
"Where's Euna?" you ask.
"I'm taking care of her. She'll be fine in the morning."
"You know I would," Euna says, "but oh Lord, if it could be a little less intense."
"Oh Lord," Euna mutters. "Next time Shirina asks me to take her place in another Cockaigne celebration, remind me to politely decline."
"Oh come. Last night was tough, but you enjoyed yourself. Why else did you go along?"
"I went along because you ordered me to, and I am an obedient slave,I had committed to seeing it through, and I do not quit, but I was literally torturedabused and defiled. In front of an eager audience no less. That was far more extreme than I ever imagined."
"Which is exactly why you'd do it again. Last night pushed you to new limits, and I know you love being pushed. Think back on everything you did. Torturing your intimates with that broth. Forcing that duck inside of you. Wallowing in all that mess. Being fucked by all those people. It makes you wet thinking back on it, doesn't it?"
"Hmm. Perhaps it does. If you ordered me to, I would of course put myself through every bit of it again.I was the center of attention in that depraved celebration. Everyone desired me. I would do it again tonight." She shakes her head. "Lord, I am burning my life away with this depravity."Though I am perfectly fine knowing the next celebration won't be until next season."
Euna nods dutifully.
"Bathe?" Rasima asks. "What do you mean?"
"Euna is my slave," you explain, "and you're free to use her however you girls want."
"Oh!" The girls turn new eyes to the beautiful woman sitting across from them in the tub.
Shirina pulls you away and guides you back to the kitchens. "I'm afraid you've just thrown Euna to the wolves. My daughters are no maidens behind closed doors."
You help out around the servant quarters by carrying out food, stoking fires, and fetching bottles from the wine cellar. Occasionally, you stop by and peek through the curtain.
The first few times are innocent enough. The girls have Euna scrubbing their backs, or washing their hair, but the next time, Rasima is sitting on the lip of the tub with Euna dining between her legs. Salma is caressing Euna from behind. Another time, the rolls are switched. Salma is bent over the rim of the tub, enjoying Euna's tongue up her ass.gets the pleasure of Euna's tongue between her legs. When the girls get around to shaving their nests, it's onto Euna's tongue that they deposit the hair on their blades. Euna struggles to swallow all the soapy's with Euna's hair that they wipe their bald pubic mounds clean of any remaining cream.
Then they really enjoy themselves. The girls have Euna sandwiched between them. Their three glistening bodies are pressed together. Rasima guides Euna to suckle at her tits. No washing is going on.
Euna's eyes pop. She looks at you agast. She tries to stand up. The men push her back down.
"A good point," the elder says. "What do you think, men? I think we have a duty."
Many of the serving boys are ready again. Euna spreads her cheeks, and one after another, they fuck her ass, contributing more to the river of cum dripping off the table.
Another elder is already taking position. He smears cum from her sex onto her asshole and presses right in, fucking her quickly and lovelessly, as does the elder after him, and the elder after him.
Euna is exhausted, and her hole is red and raw. She seems ready to pass out. That's when one elder works his fingers into her asshole. Euna's ass is accustom to fisting, and given how loose and drenched it is, he soon has his fist inside her.Euna has never been anally fisted before, so despite how loose and cum-drenched her hole is, it's a real struggle from both of them before his hand pops in.
"Lovely." He works his fist about. "Who's next?"
Enough boys volunteer that Euna has a steady traffic of men taking turns pushing their fists into her asshole.
Each elder tries pushing their fist into Euna's ass and pistoning it about.
Utterly exhausted as she is, her breath is quick, and partway through the last man. Her anal ring clenches down. She cries out, grabs the man's wrist, and fucks herself against his hand with a sloppy spasmic rhythm.
And then she goes limp.
"Now she's sated," the elder says.
"Took long enough. Shall we go?"
Everyone leaves. Euna is left limp and exhausted.
Eventually Shirina comes and finds Euna still twitching. "Poor girl. Come with me. I'll clean you." Euna groggily goes along.
"A good point." He looks to the the elder fisting Salma. "Does any remain in the girl?"
"Oh sure," the elder replies. "There's plenty more in here." Together, the elder dives her arm into Salma's uterus and comes out with handfuls of chunky brown date pudding. The lady beside her helps to collect it all in a pile nearly overfilling a plate.
Kalin loads it all into the syringe. It almost fills the canister. He presses it into the plug's valve, and starts injecting Euna's overfilled womb with a sticky mess of syrup and dates.
"Well, go get them," Kalin says. "It's only right that us guests clean up after our animals too."
Of the merchants' three horses, two have defecated. One pile is fresh. It steams. The other has cooled. Flies buzz. You scoop it all into your chamberpot with a nearby shovel, which fills it nearly to the top with dung. For good measure, you also scoop in some of the short-cut straw bedding beneath the horses. It's soaked in horse piss.
"Whoof." Kalin waves away the smell once you bring it back. Several guests are holding their noses. "What are we feeding our horses? We certainly have an obligation to dispose of this slop."
Once again, you have to load the syringe. Some horse shit flows like goop. The rest you have to scrape it in with the spoon, along with the saturated straw clippings and pooled horse piss. Euna watches every bit go in.
"And now, my Lady. To put this mess somewhere where the rest of us never have to deal with it again." Kalin fits the plunger in, works the syringe into her cunt and begins injecting the straw-packed mess of horseshit into her womb.
"I did," Kalin "It's only right that we clean up after ourselves. Go bring the pots."
The latrine is a couple rooms away. Instead of a bench toilet, they have a row of ornate pots. However, no one has cleaned them today. Five pots have loads of sticky shit dissolving in pools of urine. You pour all the pots into one.
"My," Kalin recoils from the stench. "It reeks, doesn't it?" He's not comfortable holding the pot, and most guests don't seem comfortable being in the same room with it.
"If you keep that pot in here," says one comely elder, "I am going to vomit."
"We have a duty." Kalin has you pour the mess into the funnel. The syringe fills part way with brown-tinged urine. For the shit, you have to use a spoon to scrape lumpy, day-old mush of half dissolved shit into the funnel and cram it down. It fills to the brim. Euna looks back as your working and swoons. Her eyes gleamboggle. "Oh Lord..."
"Don't worry, my Lady. "Kalin fits in the plunger. "This will all be in you in a moment." He presses the syringe into her, attaches it to the plug's valve, and begins pumping the combined fecal waste of the entire palace into the most intimate part of her body.
You and Kalin turn to the elder who spoke before as you carted chamberpots through the room. She has a lithe figure and beautiful dusky skin.
"Well, Zehra?" Kalin asks. "You often do. Now would be the best time."
With a wicked grin, the elder gets up. "It would be opportune."
Kalin holds the funnel into the syringe before her. She breathes the fecal fumes emenating up, gags once, then upturns her entire dinner—wine, duck, peppers, meats, and cheeses—all chewed into an acrid slop of red lumpy mess. Again and again, she vomits, until she's left burping up clear bile.
Kalin begins removing the funnel when Zehra stops him. "It's only half full," she says.
"Your stomach is empty."
"Mine is." She takes the funnel and syringe over to the lady who sat beside her. She's a lovely woman in a deep diving gown and a beautiful jeweled necklace. "Now it's your turn."
The merchant recoils. "I don't know about that."
"Come on. You and I are going to the festival after this. Empty your stomach now so we can enjoy the second feast too."
"It's so disgusting."
"I know." Zehra waves the funnel toward her. The stench of vomit and shit waftes. The woman retches, and whether because she decided to play along, or because her stomach was turning anyway, she vomits loudly into the funnel. A torrent of half-digested food and wine floods into the syringe.
"This is so twisted," she mutters, and again she upturns her stomach until she too is left spitting bile. Zehra plants a quick kiss on her lips and hands the brimming syringe to Kalin.
He fixes the plunger in place, works the syringe into Euna's gash, and pumps the half-digested mess of sour vomit into Euna's belly.
"Why not?" he says. "I know I'm done drinking. Euna can enjoy the dregs." With the funnel, he pours wine into the syringe. Between your partial bottle of wine and his unfinished goblet. It fills half-way.
"Is anyone else done drinking?" he asks.
People pass their wine goblets down. They've moved onto after-dinner liqueurs anyway. Between it all, the syringe holds nearly a full bottle of wine.
He reaches into her and presses the syringe's tip to the plug's valve, then comes one long push on the plunger. Euna hisses. The wine seeps into the mess inside her. The alcohol must burn.
As the substance is pumped into her, Euna whimpers. Her belly grows just a little more.
"More?" Kalin asks her.
"Why not?" she replies with a strained voice.
"He looks around for something else."
"You're doing fine, Lady Euna," he says, "but I'd like to dispose of more."
"As you desire," she replies with a strained voice.
Euna's womb swells more. The skin on her belly is starting to look taut, and Kalin has to put some force into the plunger to empty it. She groans and clutches her bloated abdomen. Her breaths are shallow. You know her well enough to see how close she is to cumming.
"Would you like more, my lady?"
"Don't worry, my lady. I'll put in only a little more."
Breathless, she nods.
Kalin struggles to pump the syringe into her. The little bit left takes all the strength he can muster. His muscles tremble. Euna wails and clutches her belly. It bloats so much that her taut skin glistens.
"There," he extracts the syringe and wipes his brow. "I'm certain she can't take a single extra drop. But look at this." He reaches around her hips and feels her belly. There's hardly space for his hand between the table and her taut flesh. "Pregnant with garbage." He gives her belly a squeeze, inciting a yelp. "Doesn't it turn you on?"
Gasping, Euna looks back at him. "Fuck me," she says. "I need it."
"As though I could resist."
Gasping, Euna looks back at him and tries to smile.
"But now I must put one more thing from you," he says.
Kalin parts his tunic to reveal his hard cock. He plunges it into her cramped cunt to get it wet, and then spears into her ass. His fuck is hard and brutal, as though trying to make her swollen belly jiggle, though he clutches it as though it were a handle. Her moans seem only to invigorate him, and when he grunts and fills her with his cum, she screams out a long desperate wail. Her legs give out and she falls onto her blaoted belly. The crush only sends her all the higher. When he finishes and slumps his weight on her, it crushes her belly against the table, and it seems only to cause her orgasm to restart. He watches with amusement at how long she takes to finally come down.
As she's recovering, he leans to whisper in her ear. "I would trade away all of my daughters for you, you magnificiently depraved slut."
"Oh, very well," Sofiya says. "It's been a while since I've smothered a woman's screams with my lips."
You fetch the charcoal pan from beneath the broth cauldron and return to the hall. You shovel some charcoal in and deliver it to Galid. "Now..." He wets his fingers and plucks a coal with a slight glow in its edges. It's still too hot. He bounces it from hand to hand. "Let's see how well she stays still now." He drops it into Euna's gaping pussy. The reaction is immediate. Euna jolts. The candle inside her flops and goes out. She thrashes to shake the coal about. Her flailing legs nearly clock the elders, and they tighten their hold. Struggle as she might, she can't move, and it burns. Euna shrieks into Sofiya's pussy.
This renews the elder's lusts, and she grinds harder against Euna's face. "Another," she says.
Galid drops another coal in. More violent thrashes. More screams. Euna is sobbing into Sofiya's muff, and the elder is getting close.
"One more," Sofiya points. "Right here."
Galid finds a coal with a little more glow. He places it right on Euna's clit. Her bucking nearly throws the elder off, but it doesn't dislodge the coal. It's seered onto her flesh.
Euna finally manages to get it off. She's weeping openly, and her bound wrists bleed, yet her cries are rising in pitch.
"Ohh..." Sofiya is scrubbing herself against Euna's face. She tickles Euna's scorched clit and sees the way she bucks. "I can't believe it," the elder breathes. "This woman... is as close as I am."
"How about a grand finale then?" Galid says.
"Ohhh... oh... I'm cumming. Do it. Send us off." She spreads Euna's sex open.
Galid upturns the charcoal pan into Euna's vaginal canal. A cloud of cinders puffs up, and Sofiya snaps her pussy closed.
People in the festival down in town may have heard Euna's screams. Her thrashing shoves Galid sprawling away. Her back bangs the table, and she flops about like a suffocating fish. Her roasting pussy expels coals over the table.
The torture Euna is in must be melting her mind. No rational thoughts. No awareness. Just pain, but there's no doubt that as much as she sobs and shrieks, as much as she's flexing every muscle she can to eject those coals, her body is contorting from a shattering climax brought on by this agony. It's a climax that threatens never to end, just like the pain. This is all she knows now. Maybe Shirina's alchemy will fix her body later, but mentally, she will never fully recover from this orgasm. And with her all the way is Sofiya, screaming her own ecstasy and scrubbing herself raw.
Euna is too hoarse to scream anymore. She's weak, only mindless tears and convulsions now. Whether she's experiencing—pain or ecstasy, living or dying—it goes on.
Despite them holding her down, Euna manages to shoves them both away and clamp her legs together enough to dislodge the coal. Curled up, she weeps. Her bound wrists bleed from the struggling.
"Let's leave the girl alone now," Sofiya toys with her own clit. "She's had enough."
"Did she now?" he says. "That woman is such a nagging bitch sometimes."
"That woman practically keeps this city operating," Sofiya replies. "We will respect her wishes."
He grumbles.
"And I agree," Sofiya says. "As much as I'd love to hear some proper shrieks, I've no wish to smell burning flesh tonight."
Galid sighs. "Oh very well. Shall we leave our lantern be then?"
"Let's." The two enjoy another after dinner drink together. The entire time Euna tries not to move. The candle has burns down and forms a solid base of wax covering her cervix.
Eventually, the elders head out together. "To the festival," Sofiya says. "I have a thirst in me now which can only be quenched with a multitude of hard cocks. Coming?" She and Galid leave together, completely forgetting about the lantern they've left behind.
The party winds down. Shirina comes out and helps Euna get up. "Good heavens. I'm so sorry, sweety."
Euna is too dazed to reply.
She calls out to her haggered and exhausted daughters. "Rasima, Salma, help me with her." Together, they carry Euna off.
"And she'll be fine with having sex with them?"
"Nothing she hasn't handled before," you reply.
"She will once dinner is over. No need to tell her about that detail right now."
"What should I tell her then?"
"That she should mingle after dinner."
"It's never hurt mine," Shirina says. "I've been hosting this festival for decades, and every time I turn around, I'm pregnant again."
"And you're sure of this?" Euna asks. "I may have to produce a child some day, and I won't do anything that might jeopardize that."
"Frankly think it's made childbirth easier. Long before this celebration, labor used to take me all day. Now that my womb has grown accustom to opening for this banquet, I could hold my breath between the time my water breaks to when my child enters this world. Same is true for my two daughters. Since I've trained them in this art, they have a much easier time whelping children than their sisters." She frowns. "In fact, I wonder if it makes you more fertile. I keep ending up with child despite Fira's tonics."
"Well, more fertile hardly seems like a problem to me," Euna says.
"Are you absolutely sure Euna can handle this?" Shirina asks. "It is incredibly painful."
"Euna enjoys a bit of pain."
"I guess we'll find out."
"But it's not just that. I did hot broth once decades ago, and I never will again, because the elder council saw it as an open invitation to inflict any suffering they wanted upon me, and they have only grown worse since then. Their viciousness is matched only by their creativity."
"Nontheless," you say. "Euna will do it."
"Good," Shirina says. "I hope that will be a safe choice for her."
Behind her, a servant brings out a platter. Upon it is a roasted duck with crispy skin and a stuffing of truffles. It's an armload, nearly twice the size of a roast chicken.
"Is that it?" you ask. "It's quite large."
Shirina frowns. "Hmm. That is larger than I expected. Even I'd struggle with this. Perhaps I'll peek in the kitchen and see if the chefs have prepared a smaller fowl."
"No need. I'm sure Euna can handle this one."
"I don't think she should," Shirina says.
"Why not? Euna can handle a bit of mess."
"It's not just that. That digestive is the last course served, and once eating is done, the elders are often in a mood to sully one of the girls, and their worst debauchery tends to fall on the last girl. The juice will be the least of Euna's concern."
"Sounds perfect for her."
"Very well," Shirina says. "That will be quite an ordeal for Euna, so I think it would be best for her to only serve one course. Instead of a second, Euna might like to make herself available to the guests after the feast."
"You mean let them fuck her?"
She nods. "The elders develop quite an appetite from watching the dinner performance. I was planning on letting them relieve their pent up energy on my daughters, but if Euna is all right with it, she can join them. It will probably be easier on her... assuming the elders don't get into their moods."
"Very well. Euna will make herself available to the guests after."
"As long as you're sure Euna is up for serving two courses. That would be a lot, even for me."
"I'm only sharing what I know Euna would want."
"Then I'll make the preparations. Make sure those girls finish soon." She hurries off.
Later, all three girls emerge, nude and wet. The difference between Euna's milk skin and the dark caramel of Shirina's daughters couldn't be more stark. Although all three girls now have smooth pubic mounds.
Shirina returns. "I thought you three would never finish. Come, come. The guests are already being served." She ushers everyone into a staging room. In here, chefs are setting plates of bread and cheeses, and servants cart them off into the dining hall in the next room. Other foods include a cauldron of savory broth, plates of fruit and vegetables, and many bottles of wine. More keeps coming.
Shirina hands her daughters a jar of Agnodine. "Get yourselves ready quickly, and help Euna. She's never done this before."
"What is it we're doing?" Euna asks.
"You have to get your wombs ready. My daughters are going to push their fists inside you."
"They're going to what? Right now."
"Yes. Right now. Now go." She claps her hands and points the girls toward a bench in the room's corner. The daughters drag Euna along.
Shirina spins on you and shoves some clothes into your arms. "And you. Change into these and go serve wine. Don't let any of the guests see the bottoms of their goblets."
"I thought I wasn't going to be—"
"Just do it." She hurries off to handle a dozen other last-minutes problems.
The clothes are simple light-blue robes, though nicer than the travel-worn clothes you've been wearing. No one seems to complain when you strip down right there next to the food, especially withYou strip down right there next to the food, and while you get a few appreciative glances, most eyes are on the three beautiful naked women in the corner. The sisters have laid Euna on the bench. Rasima smears ointment along Euna's baldfurred pussy lips while Salma holds Euna down. The look of apprehension on Euna's face is priceless, but you have wine to serve.
Grabbing a wine bottle, you enter the main hall. Countless lanterns and candles line the walls of this long room, and a fire crackles in the fireplace at the end. A long solid wood table fills the room. It's lined with a plethera of snacking foods from meats, cheeses, olives, to nuts. Ten guests are taking seats. It's easy to tell who the five elders are. They wear robes similar to the ones in town, and all appear young. Alternating places with them are foreign merchants—old, weathered, and dressed in conservative attire.
Other servants dressed in robes like yours scurry about placing food and drink. You're just one of the crowd, and none of the guests notice you.
"Yes," Euna agrees. "The cervix is not intended to be penetrated."
"And yet we women push new life through it all the time," Shirina says.
"That is childbirth. It's different."
"Ordinarily yes, but that's what the Agnodine is for. It's alchemy puts our bodies in a birthing mood, and then... well, you've seen how large a babe's head is."
"Oh my." She pokes the inflated sacks covering Euna's cervix. "You're quite right." Hunkering low, she licks along the blisters again, testing their tension with her tongue. Then, she digs in and nibbles one. Clear pus seeps out, which she laps up. "Delectable," she says, "and there must be so many on the inside too."
Hooking her thumbs into Euna's cervix, she pulls wide and while levering in from the sides with her fingers, inverting her it like a hat. She doesn't quite flip Euna's uterus inside out, but it does cause Euna to convulse and struggle to keep still. The inside is packed with crushed fruit matter: cherry pits, mashed peaches and plums, fruit skins. Along the uterus's inner lining is all manner of bloated blisters.
"Hmmm." Sofiya starts nibbling them all, growing more fervent and heated with each. Some she tears with her teeth. Pus oozes into the pulverized fruit matter. Some, as her breath shallows, she rubs along her cheeks. When she's done, she un-inverts Euna's uterus.
"Exactly." Euna presses the spong into Rasima's hand and steers her toward her sister. "Now it's your turn to take care of her."
"Oh!" Rasima startles. "I... Are you sure?" She's looking more at her sister than to Euna. "We don't normally do this. Not like that anyway."
"All we're doing is helping each other clean. Now go on..." Euna guides Rasima to straddle Salma. The sisters eye each other and giggle nervously. For minutes, Rasima bathes her older sister: neck, back, and breasts. It's easy to tell whenever the sponge makes contact between Salma's legs from her electrified gasp.
This "bathing" takes much longer than it did for Euna or Rasima because the two aren't rushing. They're they actually cleaning each other, and exploring, and when Salma comes to a shuddering climax, she pulls her sister close, and their tongues entwine. After, their faces linger as to feel each other's breath on their lips.
"Now you both have someone to tend to your needs." Euna settles back on her side of the tub. "Because from now on, you two will bathe together, won't you? And you'll always tend to one another. Never bathe yourselves again. Understood?"
Both girls nod without breaking eye contact with each other.
"Are you joking? It caused a lot of damage, especially after what Elder Sofiya did to it after, but I'm fine now. Shirina was impressed with how well I recovered. The few times she's ever had her womb prolapsed, it took a long while before everything was right again down there."
"Maybe your womb is meant to be pulled out an abused," you say.
"Shirina said the same thing."
"Exactly," she says, "and one day I may have to fulfill my duty to my tsardom, but if Shirina's progeny are any indication, I think I can get away with a lot more antics without risking my fertility."
"Are you thinking you may do something like this again?"
"I don't expect I'll do anything as intense as last night again for a while, but Shirina was right. The womb is just a more intimate sex organ, and I hope you'll take advantage of that fact from time to time.and I fully intend to indulge with it again when I so choose."
"I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities."
"Knowing my life these days, I expect so."
"I don't think the celebration would be as popular as it is here."
"I'm sure once the dukes and boyars see you push their dinner out of your womb, they'll come around to it."
"You'd have me serve? I'd be the tsaritsa."
"I don't care. You'll still be a born slut like me. We'll serve together at first, so I can make sure you're abused and defiled right.Your body exists for the sexual enjoyment of other. And I will be one of the dining guests to properly abuse and defile you. That way, the nobles will know how you and the other starring girls are supposed to be treated."
"If that is your wish, I will of course obey," Euna replies.
"I considered that myself. I'd hosts these feasts in the palace for all the dukes and boyars."
"You'd serve the guests yourself?"
"As though I'd turn down an opportunity to showcase my sexuality," Euna says. "Besides, I'd have to do it myself the first several times before other women see how erotic it is. Then I would gladly enjoy the banquet from the wombs of young girls. Of course, I would make sure those girls knew exactly what they were getting into. I would not spring surprises on them like I suffered last night."
"Sounds like it would be much more tame."
"You're right. It would be. I guess I'll need to be the star every year, and I'll have you serve right along beside me. That way you're there tothere, since I can trust you to spring some surprises and push me to me to my absolute limit. The nobles and other girls will soon learn how extreme and depraved this celebration is supposed to be."
"You can count on me."
"I know I can."
"Fine, now." Euna lifts one of her boobs from the water and pinches her nipple. A bead of white liquid appears.
"Shirina gave me something that made me lactate. She spent half of last night milking me to flush out all of the broth."
"What was that like?"
"Having that lovely woman kneeding my breasts with love and care? I wouldn't mind doing it again."
She opens her eyes. "A pity?"
"The sight of your swollen belly last night was the sexiest thing I've ever seen. It was even better knowing that it was not from the miracle of birth, but from some of the most degenerate sex acts you've ever done."
"It was a turn-on, wasn't it?" she says. "I was surprised at how hot it made me."
"That's because your body was made for degenerate sex. You're my sex slave, and you won't really fulfill your role unless you commit your womb to me for my pleasure. It's a slut's womb. It's not meant for giving birth to life. All it's good for is be abused and packed full in acts of sexual degeneracy. And I will defile your womb until it's a mangled, stretched, good-for-nothing husk only good for more abuse and depravity.
"And would you whore my womb to others?"
"Your womb belongs to me. I will let any depraved stranger abuse your womb however they wanted if it earns me a single coin. I will advertise you as a slut so desperate for sex that you'll let menanyone treat your most intimate organ as a piece of trash just for a sexual high, and you will thank me for doing so, because we both know it's true.
"That's because you live for degenerate sex now. And you won't really be committed to that until you choose to ruin your womb."
"Ruin it? I have an heir to produce one day."
"Because that's what a good, obedient tsarivna does, right? Forget that. Let Aileen produce the next heir. You are a queen of sex."
"So I would delight in abusing my own womb, stuffing it, torturing it, defiling it, without a thought about my fertility?"
"I would treat it as another sex organ that I whore out to depraved strangers, because I am a committed whore whose given her entire being over to depraved sex."
"You can't a true whore unless you do."
"What an affront to the Lord that would be, to take my precious womb, which he gave me to produce life, and abuse it in the most perverse and twisted ways imaginable until that's all it's good for. All for my own sexual gratification. Hmm."
"Now you understand."
"How far have I fallen that your suggestion does not appall me? In fact..." She bites her lip in contemplation. "No. I will commit to nothing right now,I'm not ready to commit to it yet, but Lord, does the idea have me stirred."
"That was the simplest part of the night for me," she says. "And also the most dull."
"Lord, I know. I hardly had a choice in the matter, but I swear, after the last man was done, a part of me was disappointed there wasn't more."
"Even though your pussy was extra tender from all that broth?"
"Ugh. It hurt so much. Every man I took was torture. And Lord, what they did to me after..." She shivers.
"But you were still disappointed?"
"Even though every man was pushing their fist into your womb?"
"Even though you were forced to take all of them anally?"
"Don't get me wrong," she says. "I enjoyed it. I'd still be on my back now taking men, but I'm a depraved slut. The sort of things the elders did to me are what I need."
"Don't get me wrong. That was far more people I ever intended to have sex with when Shirina asked me to be available. I was happy to be done.
"Hmm. It was a turn-on, wasn't it? I quite liked the look of my belly too."
"It makes me think maybe your body was meant for breeding. I should fillfind people to fill your womb with children. As soon as you've pushed one out. I'll put another in there."
"Would they be your children?" she asks.
"Maybe, or maybe they'll be whoever I decide to breed you with."
"You'd treat me like a breeding sow?"
"I already sell your body to whomever I please," you say. "You'll be a breeding slut. Instead of producing heirs, I'll traffic your womb until it's used up and exhausted."
"It makes me think you shouldn't be reserving your womb for producing heirs. That's what your aunt would want. Instead, you should get yourself pregnant because it turns you on."
"And if I wanted you to put your child inside me?"
"Then I would do so, but your womb is yours. Fill your belly with whoever's seed you want."
"So I would take my sacred gift to produce life, and instead use it instead for the sexual gratification of trafficking my precious womb."
"It's yours to pervert."
"Imagine that. I could whore my womb out to strangers to fertilize. I could take in the seed of any man I fancy to swell my belly. Or maybe I'll just stop taking Fira's tonics and just let what happens happens."
"I don't care why," you say. "As long as that belly of yours is swollen."
"Hmm," she moans. "That idea turns me on. It's unfortunate that having a child out here is the last thing we need. Either way, if I wish to keep my womb fertile, I'll need to avoid misusing it like I did last night."
"Are you sure about that?" you ask. "Tell me you didn't enjoy packing the most intimate part of your body full."
"Oh, it was an amazing turn on, and I fully expect I'll be stretching my holeshole like never before now, but I think I can either use my womb for degenerate stuffing or degenerate pregnancy. Not both." She rests back. "But I'm sure that won't be the last time."
"Rasima and Salma? After they helped their mother take care of me, they went right to bed. Those two had quite a tiring night last night too."
"Not like you did."
"Yes, but tiring nonetheless. They've already headed back to town, but they were bathing with me earlier.
Euna nods. "You'll be happy to hear that they took me up on my invitation to tend to them both personally."
"How did that go?"
"They had me scrub their bodies clean with my sponge, and then scrub their flowers with my tongue. Both to their complete satisfaction. And afterward they had their own fun with me. That didn't help me get clean, but no matter. I was there for their service, not for mine."
"Good girllittle slave," you reply.
Euna nods. "You'll be happy to hear that they've committed to tending to each other like I ordered. They scrubbed each other's bodies with their sponges, and then each other's flowers with their tongues. Those two will never bathe again without each other."
"All thanks to you."
"I merely helped bring two sisters closer together," she replies. "Though I did make them show their appreciation by tending to me the same as they did each other. Rasima has the more talented tongue."
Euna nods. "You'll be happy to hear that they now fulfill the role as my personal chamber maids when we bathe together."
"How'd that go?"
"They're certainly skilled with their sponges, but Rasima has the more talented tongue."
"Very much so," Euna replies. "She told me after the fact that she never could have fit that duck inside herself, much less her daughters."
"You managed."
"Yes, and then to have Elder Galid pumped all that broth into my breasts. Shirina told me she would have flat out refused, and she apologized for neglecting to mention that I could have done the same."
"Would you have if you'd known?"
"Of course not. Unlike her, I'm a sex slave. I don't get to decide what menpeople do to my body."
"I'm glad you know your place."
"And I'm just glad I have such a wonderful master to teach it to me."
"I might have, but I'm glad I didn't. As torturous as it was, it was one of the most unique and erotic experiences I've had so far. Just thinking about having my breasts swollen and aching like that again makes me wet."
"That's because Shirina is only a master host, whereas you are a master slut," you say.
"Of course I am. It is my purpose in life."
"And that wasn't the largest thing you had put inside you that night."
"Oh Lord no. They filled me with all those horrible things. Shirina was worried my insides would rupture. I should have been thinking about that too."
"What were you thinking about?" you ask.
"I didn't have rational thoughts in my head. I just needed to cum so badly."
"And then you had all of those people push their fists into you."
"Lord, that brought me so close to climax every time. I'm worried no lesser fisting will ever satisfy me anymore."
"But still. This was your first time, and yet you're already stretching yourself more than Shirina."
"And recovering faster too without a single stretch mark." Euna rubs her belly. "I think it's the Lissom Roborant. Shirina doesn't take anything like that."
"But you still are?"
"Religiously, and maybe it's Lanx and Fira's skills, but I've been growing limber far faster than you implied I would. It makes me ponder how much my womb could take once I've had practice."
She sighs. "Oh Lord. I don't know. Elder Hassan pumped my breasts so full they felt like they would pop. It was agony. I was sure my breasts would be permanently ruined. Elder Galid seered my flesh with those coals. I wanted to die to escape that pain. Elder Sofiya yanked out my womb, and then she did such horrible things to it. All I could think about was how she was ruining my body. I was tortured for the erotic pleasure of others. ...And yet..."
"I can't deny what an effect it had on me." She shakes her head. "I'm becoming a growing mess of trauma, aren't I? Maybe one day I won't even be able to get off unless I'm suffering."
"You mean Elder Hassan? He whispered something quite troubling."
"Was it something dirty he wanted to do to you?"
"If only it was, but no. He said, 'Thank you for the broth, Your Highness.'"
"He knows who you are?"
"It would seem so."
"Perhaps he was only guessing," you suggest. "You still do look quite royal, even on your knees."
Euna shakes her head. "He knew. I asked Shirina about him. He's a collector. He scours the world for magic artifacts, and he has a harem of exotics. They're people that either have rare qualities or rare talents that interest him."
"You're the harlot princess from an orthodox tsardom. That's rare. Do you think he wants to collected you?"
"He may, but I already have a master.I am not one to be collected.
"Ready to do this again next celebration?"
"If we get back home, you should start hosting our own Feast of Thoeris."
"Did having your womb pulled out like that cause any damage?"
"How are your breasts after having them inflated?"
"You fucked a lot of people last night."
"What happened to Shirina's daughters?"
"Was Shirina impressed with how much your womb was able to stretch?"
"How are you coping with all the abuse you suffered?"
"What did that elder whisper to you when you served him broth?"
"I just gave birth to a duck," Euna replies. "I'm tired, stretched, and sore like you wouldn't believe. But I think I can handle the next course."
"Of course you can," Shirina says. "Sweety, you have so much room, I can't believe how much I'm fitting in here."
"Well, yes." Euna rubs her growing belly. "This feels downright pleasant. I wish I had more time to catch my breath, but I'll be fine for my next course."
Euna is squirming as Shirina crams more fruit in her, but her hands are still bound behind her back. "This is torture," she wails. "It feels like she's cramming me full of hot coals."
"The fruit is hot?"
"It's the broth," she wails. "It seered my insides."
"She's starting to blister," Shirina says. "and this acidic fruit isn't helping. I think I may need to give her some ambrosia now."
"No," you say. "Ambrosia will just make her act drunk. Euna will learn to handle the pain, won't you Euna?"
"If that is..." she hisses from another insertion. "...your wish. I will obey."
"No," Euna says. "It will make me drunk and loopy. I'll handle the pain."
"Are you sure?" Shirina says. "You know what you have to do out there."
"As long as I know that ambrosia is waiting for me afterward, I will put on a smile and..." she hisses from another insertion. "...and perform. I brought this on myself."
Euna winces as Shirina crams more fruit in her. She works her bound hands. "I hurt. That broth has left my insides feeling like one giant burn."
"You know deep down you enjoyed yourself," you say.
"Maybe, but this fruit..." Another hiss as more fruit is shoved inside. "Every touch is seering."
"Better, now that I've cooled down. This fuit is nice and soothing after that hot soup. I'm actually looking forward to this act."
"Nervous, but ready. This stuffing is certainly peculiar, but I was watching Rasima and Salma, and this doesn't seem that hard."
"You should see what they're doing to Salma right now."
"What?" Euna perks up. "Why hasn't she returned?"
"She'll be staying out there the rest of the evening," Shirina says. "And I'll be sending Rasima out with you to work under the tables. Hopefully between my two, the guests won't have much energy left for you."
"Don't worry, Euna," Rasima says. "I'll tire them right out."
"Don't have all the fun," Euna says. "I'm looking forward to making myself available to them."
"You don't have to do this on my account," Euna says. "I did say I was all right with playing around a little afterward."
"I'm glad to hear it," Shirina rams a few plums into Euna's gash.
Euna nods. "They are. Go find Shirina and lend her help. We'll be a while yet."
The sisters are too busy to acknowledge your departure.
You find Shirina in a frantic state of preparation, from staging dishes of food to setting the great hall.
She packs a few handfuls of pomegranate seeds into Euna. "That should be enough to start. Still plenty of room to add." She takes a large brass clip from her hair and clamps Euna's labia together.
"Ow," Euna says.
"Don't want the fruit falling out as you walk."
Euna stands relatively easily despite her bound hands and her slight baby bump. Shirina corrects Euna's gown. "If they get carried away out there," she says to you. "Tell them I want Euna back here.""Good luck," she says. She passes baskets of fruit to you and Rasima, and she motions you all to head to the main hall.
Euna climbs onto the table and stands before the guests. "For a final course, I'm honored to juice fresh fruits for your pleasure. I currently have a belly of pomegranate, plum, and cherry, but I am happy to make any juice you'd like." She nods toward the baskets of fruit you've set around her feet. Other servants are placing fresh cups before each guests while others bring out assorted bottles of sweet liqueurs.
Euna nods for you to place the juicing pillar before the bearded merchant,You place the juicing pillar first before the bearded merchant, and he puts his cup beneath the spigot. She curls back to remove her labia clip with her bound hands.removes her labia clip and pins it in her hair. Then comes the awkward mounting of the pillar, which involves squatting to get the tip to slip into her before too many pomegranate seeds fall out. Then on her knees, she sinks down, and up, and down, riding the pillar. With each thrust, there comes a muffled squish, and trickles of red juice come trickling out.
It is unquestionably the least effective means of juicing fruit you've ever seen. Euna has to ram herself down on that pillar hard enough to squish the fruit. Pomegranate seeds keep slipping out, and the pillar's grooves only mostly succeed at channeling the juice into the cup. For all the fruit Shirina crammed inside her, she barely succeeds at filling the man's cup after a minute of energetic fucking.
Euna thanks the man for allowing her to serve him, andThe man thanks Euna for the juice, and she moves onto the next guest—a broad-shouldered councilman.
Of course, he must reload her. "Peaches." He presses some into her gash. "Plums. Grapes. Blueberries." He rams his fist in her to pack them in. "Now juice for me."
Euna sinks upon the pillar and fucks herself, pounding the fruit past her cervix and into her womb. All the while, her face remains composed, despite the pain the fucking must cause against her burned and blistered flesh. Eventually his cup fills.
Each guest selects their own concoction. For some, Euna makes recommendations. A mess of pooled juice collects along the table. By the end, Euna's thighs are sticky from groin to ankle, and her belly grows with each reload, as none of the crushed fruits' flesh or pits are removed.
Her last guest is a broad-shouldered elder sitting at the end of a row. By the time she reaches him, she's somewhat bloated. He feels her belly. "You can fit more in there, can't you?" he says. "We've seen it."
"Yes, sir," Euna spreads her legs. "I can take more. Enjoy as much juice as you wish."
"Plenty more," Euna gestures to the stocked baskets and spreads her legs. "and I have plenty more fruit. Enjoy as much as you wish."
"I think I will." He picks fruit from the baskets and presses it into Euna's gash far more than the others. Her labia won't quite close around the last of it. "Juice that."
Euna sinks upon the pillar. The entire column of peaches, cherries, and grapes filling her vaginal canal packs deep into her womb, and juice overflows his cup. After she lifts off, he packs her again, filling her entire vaginal canal. "Juice that," and again, Euna fucks the pillar, packing fruit mass past her cervix. He empties each basket after another. Juice pools on the table, and mounting the pillar is becoming cumbersome. Euna's belly is almost as large as it was when the duck was in there.
"Perfect," he says.
"A full bodied one," Shirina replies. "I'm mostly filling her with pomegranate, plums, and cherries right now which is a good mixture. But once she's out there, she'll start taking requests." She looks to Euna. "Do you remember all the concoctions?"
"I memorized them." Euna winces as another handful of pomegranate seeds goes in, "but I still don't see why it matters. You told me not to bother taking rinds and pits out. Won't it all start blending together?"
"Fruit is fruit. It all mixes together, besides, the guests are more interested in the lovely feminine bouquet you'll be adding. This dinner feeds their lusts."
"Oh goodness, yes." Shirina counts off on her fingers. "I've had twenty-two children I think. No, twenty-three. And twelve of them were daughters."
"Twenty-three children?" Euna says, "And none but two are willing to help their mother?"
"Most of them aren't around anymore. Many of my children left the city ages ago for love or wanderlust. I lost four to Cockaigne's seasonal lottery. I have six daughters left that I know of. One is too young..." She nods toward the young chefs working industriously about the banquet table. "Of the other five, only two of them have inherited my particular talents necessary to host this event."
"My lord you have a lot of children," Euna says. "How in the world did you get so many?"
"They add up. Living in this city leads to new young ones every few years despite my every effort."
"Who are their fathers?"
Shirina gives a helpless shrug.
"It's the Spring gathering in celebration of Thoeris."
"I've read of the gathering of Thoeris," Euna says. "I believe it's a pagan ritual about bounty and fertility, but if I recall, the food is served from the womb of a roasted ewe, not a living woman."
"That's how others celebrate. Cockaigne has their own way."
"Of course it does," Euna says. "Leave it to this depraved city to find a way to pervert an ancient tradition."
"Well, this year is particularly important. The elders have opened it back up to some of the city's most affluent importers. They want an specially grand celebration."
"Oh, I hope you do. There will be plenty of work to do, but I need aonly one more woman for serving the main banquet in the traditional manner, and the moment I knew I couldn't do it myself, I thought of Euna." Shirina looks to her. "I think you would be just perfect for this role."
"Why me?"
"Because the banquet is to be served by three fair maidens, and you, my dear, are the most radiant maiden I've ever seen. You deserve to be the center of this amazing celebration."
"Well, thank you."
"Wait on the elders."
"That seems simple enough," Euna says.
"But it's an unusual banquet," Shirina replies. "The three maidens would wait upon the guests by serving a feast from their wombs."
"From their— I'm sorry. I didn't catch that."
"From their wombs," Shirina repeats. "That's what the Agnodine is for. It dialates the cervix so that we can store the banquet inside ourselves and then serve it to the guests."
"...I see."
"So you can see why I can't do it now that I'm pregnant. Please understand I wouldn't ask this of you if I had any other choice, but I know you've been working on stretching yourself, and I think you could take my place and serve alongside my daughters."
"So I would serve from my womb?"
"Yes. I should also ask, how well are you able to endure pain and mess?"
"This celebration can get a bit wild. The more pain and mess you're able to tolerate, the more suited you'll be for it, but if not, all that's really important is that you can take a good stretch."
"They are the council of five who founded Cockaigne. They live in the palace to the north and manage all of the city's affairs."
"Doesn't seem like there's much to manage," Euna says. "This town just seems to exist."
"It's a simple job, I'm sure. I think their greatest chores are keeping the town watch content so they keep outsiders away, and carrying out the seasonal festivals, and managing the rationing of... well, medicine. But in return, they live the finest of all in this town of fortune."
"They sound like royals," Euna says. "Are they fair rulers?"
"That depends on who you ask. Most would tell you they're the most entitled and perverted people in the entire city."
"Oh my," Euna replies. "In this city? That's saying something."
"Don't you have any other daughters?"
"What would you need us to do?"
"How exactly did this tradition come to be?"
"I'm pretty sure what you're describing is biologically impossible."
"Could this hurt Euna's chances of having children?"
"That is a good point," he says. "She is a slut, quite a desperate one too."She is being quite demanding thatwe get her off. Let's leave her wanting to teach her a lesson about what sluts deserve."
"Agreed, but first. Let's tie her down, so we can be sure she doesn't touch herself after we leave."
Using the silk cord about Euna's waist, they bind her wrists to a table leg, leaving her stretched across the table on her back. With her gown, they bind her thighs together.
"No one is to touch this slut," they announce. "Except her mouth. That's open to anyone." And they leave.
Euna is left squirming. "You had to say that..." she says to you, but there's a hint of a smile there.She tries to rub her thighs together, but it only serves to keep her on the edge.
The servants however, are still collected—over a dozen boys who's young libidos have left them ready for more.
It's a couple of serving boys left to take up this offer. They've been watching all evening and are quite happy to finally have some fun now that the guests are gone.
They take turns climbing onto Euna in a sixty-nine and fucking her mouth as though fucking a girl in missionary. Euna does her best to tolerate this face rape.climbing on the table and pushing their cocks down Euna's throat. She does her best to pleasure each and every man.
Afterward, they scour through the house looking for every girl on the staff they can find. Not all agree, but they do recruit three chambermaids from upstairs, two older laundrymaids, and a couple girls who you think may be daughters of the elders.the boys egg on a couple serving girls to having their fun too. Each climbs on the table, squats over Euna's face, and has her tongue them to a screaming climax.
Eventually Shirina comes in and chases them off. Euna is left writhing and whimpering. She'd been on the edge of climax the entire time, but it never came.
"Poor girl," Shirina unties her. "Come with me. I'll clean you." Shirina starts carrying her off.
"That would make a robust drink, wouldn't it? Fetch me a pot of dirt from the gardens. Extra pebbles."
Other servants show you to an indoor garden beneath a glass roof. The dirt here is a rich black, and it's filled with flecks of plant matter and many sharp pebbles.
Sofiya digs her hands through what you bring back. "This is perfect." She begins scrubbing it onto the outside of Euna's prolapsed uterus. Another handful coats underneath. Then she stretches Euna's cervix open, and handful after handful get packed in with all the fruit matter still in there. Soon, the bucket is empty, and Euna's dirt-caked uterus has swelled to nearly twice it's already-bloated size.
You locate a wooden stirring spoon and present it to Euna. For one lucid moment, she bites down on it.
"Keep going," you say.
Shirina resumes. The next ladle-full has Euna convulsing. Her back arches against the weight of the girls.
Rasima frets. "How much of this does she need to take?"
"That's quite all right." Shirina fetches a brass pipe from her crate. "The elders aren't here for the food anyway."
Servants fetch ice from the kitchens, and Shirina reconfigures the setup so the broth will flow through the tube before entering Euna, and the tube is submerged in ice. This time, when she pours broth into the funnel, Euna squirms and clutches her fists, but she doesn't jolt like before.
"It's still so warm..." Sweat beads on her forehead. "It feels like I'm cooking from the inside. How much are you putting in there?"
"I very much agree." Shirina sets the piping hot broth aside and fetches the original pot. The sisters breath a sigh.
Once again, Shirina ladles soup into the funnel. Euna cries out and jerks, but all her restraints keep her in place.
"Oh, Lord! It's too much." Euna struggles. "It burns. I can't take this. How much more?"
"Enough for everyone." Shirina ladles more broth into the funnel. She raises it to let gravity overcome the pressure building inside Euna's growing belly. "This will take a while," she says to you. "Get out there and serve wine."
You make rounds filling goblets. Conversations keep cutting from piercing screams originating from the staging room. Several elders cheer and bang the table. The merchants seem to be looking for the closest exits.Occasionally, agonized moans echo out from the staging room. The elders look to each other with anticipation. The merchants are quiet. Minutes later, Euna emerges escorted by Rasima and Salma. Her gown is back in place, only now her belly is swollen as though she was many months pregnant. Her makeup had been corrected, but she'd still clearly been sobbing. Her face is red. Sweat has soaked her robes, and she sways with every step. It doesn't help that her hands are still bound.Her hands are still tied behind her back, and she's dripping sweat. The sisters help her onto the table.
She kneels before a sinister-looking elder with defined features. "Would you care for some broth?" Euna asks."Sir," Euna says. "May I offer you some broth?"
With a smile, the man slides his bowl forward. Euna fusses to get her gown out of the way, but soon she's straddling over the man's bowl. A tube dangles from her labia, which disappears along the cleft of her ass to a hand pump clenched in her bound hands.fastened to her silk waist cord. She squeezes it, and broth gushes from between her vaginal lips. She hisses in pain. This is the first time the hot broth is contacting the sensitive walls of her vagina without an insulating tube.
Broth fills the bowl, splatters the table, and dribbles down her thighs. The moment she cuts off the flow, he tries a spoonful of the broth.
"How hot is it?" asks another elder.
The man trying the broth has to stop and blow on it.
"Really?" The woman's eyebrows arch. "It's really that hot?"
He smiles. "Nice and hot."
"Perfect," the woman says.
"A little cool," he admits.
"Oh?" She shrugs. "Very well."
Before she moves on, the elder leans and whispers something to her. Whatever it is causes her to stiffen, and he smiles at her reaction.
Euna shuffles over to a husband-and-wife pair of merchants. They decline, but everyone else has a bowl. As she serves an elder with sinister eyes, he brushes her gown aside to feel her bare swollen belly. It's red and hot to the touch, like a fever, and he savors the heat.Her skin looks clammy, and he seems to savor its warmth. When she finishes, he swipes up the droplets hanging from her labiathe hairs of her labia and lick his finger clean.
"Still hot," he says. "Must have hurt badly. Are you a little pain slut?"
"My suffering is unimportant, sir," Euna replies. "Only that you enjoy yourself."
"Pain can be its own reward," Euna replies. "I learned that during my childhood in a convent."
"Is that so?" he says. "You're a rare one, aren't you?"
"Delicious bouquet," he says. "Pity it wasn't hotter, but I like you nontheless."
By the time Euna reaches the last guest, the broth is just a trickle, and her belly has deflated. She descends the table steps and retreats from view with a look of palpable relief.
That same elder motions to a nearby servant. "Go inform Shirina that we would like Lady Euna's hands to remain tied for the rest of the evening."
Unsure, the servant looks from him to the female elder at the table's head. She nods, and the servant hurries to the staging room.
"Allow me to share." Hassan addresses the table. "In a faraway land, there was a once fairy princess with the most delicate and pristine body. Her beauty was perfect, but to even squeeze her arm would bruise her. Once, she had a child. The birth nearly killed her, but what came after was a predicament. The child could not nurse without hurting her perfect breasts, so the fairies conscripted the gnomes to build a device which would milk their fair princess without leaving so much as a bruise."
"And this is that device?" asks a merchant.
"It's one of my most amusing acquisitions. I gave it to Elder Galid because he can be so imaginative with it."
Galid finishes assembly. "Present your tits."
Tired as she is, Euna pushes herself up to her knees and straddles Galid's plate. Her hands are still tied, so she must allow the elder to scoopShe scoops both her tits out of her gown. "My body is here for your pleasure, sir. Do as you wish.""You have me curious," she says. "Show me what this device of yours does."
"I wasn't asking permission." Galid smears a dab Agnodine onto both of Euna's nipples and screws an intricate silver knob over one of them.
In the staging room, Euna is laid out on the bench with her legs wide, feet planted, and her gown about her neck. Shirina has two fists buried deep inside her.
Euna calls out to you. "Look at what they want to put inside me." She points to the roast duck. "That thing is enormous."
"It'll fit," Shirina says. "We just have to get you as dilated as possible." She scoops another fingerful of Agnodine and rubs it about deep inside. "That'll have to do. Rinse her." She hurries to a crate of devices while Salma pours water into Euna from a ewer. Rasima is toweling Euna dry when Shirina returns with an impressive brass speculum. It fits in past Euna's cervix easily, but cranks wider and wider, stretching her blistering flesh until she's thrashing against her binds. stretching her tender scalded pussy. Her hands work against their ropes.until Euna is squirming.
Now comes the duck. Shirina turns it this way and that, deciding on orientation, and settles on legs-first.
"It's going in whole?" Euna wails.
"If we can..." Shirina shoves. It hardly gets in, and Euna slides along the bench. The sisters pin her down, and Shirina starts thrusting and wiggling. No luck. She grabs the duck with both hands leans in to get some real leverage, but first she glances at you. "Go serve wine. This'll take a minute."
You head back out. Guests chit-chat while from one room away come the grunts and cries of three women trying to fit a duck inside a fourth. It sounds a lot like four women trying to pull an overstocked wagon out of a muddy ravine. Then comes silence.
Finally, Euna appears, ruffled, sweaty, and trying her best to smile. Her gown is back in place, only now the silk cord is tied just beneath her breasts rather than about her waist, because below that cord, her belly balloons out past her breasts as though she were heavily pregnant with twins.
The guests cheer her on as she waddles up the table steps. Her hands are still bound behind her back, making her top-heavy steps awkward.Her hands brace against the small of her back, and she's leaned back to counterbalance her belly's weight. "For your pleasure, I will now give birth to tonight's main course."
More cheers and table banging. She drops into an ungainly squat, gets her gown out of the way, and props back on her bound arms into a low crab pose with her sex hovering just over a large brass serving platter. She starts with a few flexing grunts, but nothing moves.
"Push!" the elders yells. Euna tries, giving long sustained groans. Sweat breaks out on her brow. "Push! Push! Push!" Other join in the chant. Euna bears down with every inch of strength she has, screaming out, face red. Maybe there was movement, but if there was, it receded. No one is coming to help her, so she must keep on trying. For minutes, there is only Euna's screaming struggle like a woman in labor. Inch by inch, push by push, the grotesque bulge of her belly shifts. It takes her half an hour of sustained, torturous labor before she finally begins to crown. Guests who'd tuned out regain interest, and the chanting begins again. Her pussy flowers to absurd proportion, and the roasted fowl appears. From there, it's only another minute of sustained willpower for it to slide out all at once and plop onto the platter.
Everyone cheers. Euna goes limp. Dinner is served, although the duck is no longer as pleasing to the eye as it was in the staging room. It's mangled and deformed as though someone had sat on it, and it's missing all the crispy skin, which comes oozing out of Euna's slack, greasy hole moments later like an afterbirth. Nonetheless, when a servant carves it up, everyone is eager to have a serving.
...Almost everyone. The merchants poke at their portions as though it were some kind of specimen.
Also, the elder who felt Euna's belly before is more interested in her than the duck. He beckons her to come to him, and after she drags herself over, and he's scooped one of Euna's tits out of her gown to grope and squeeze. She's too exhausted to resist.
"So you can handle a bit of heat," he says, "And you enjoy a good filling. Hmm." He tweaks her nipple. "Lady Euna, I think you should offer the others a second helping of broth, only this time with your marvelous breasts."
Euna tenses. "How do you mean?"
"You'll see." He turns to the nearest servant: you. "Fetch me some of Shirina's Agnodine. I'm sure you know what that is. Also, a fresh bowl of hot broth."
He glances about. "You may be right, young mangirl. We've had enough fun with her."
Shirina brightens. "Oh, hello, you two! I'm glad you came by."
"Why's that?" Euna asks.
"I seem to have run out of a particular bit of alchemy I need. Do you think I could burden you to pass a message along to Fira. Tell her I need more Agnodine."
As you leave, he gives orders to another servant. "Run to my room. Fetch the engraved wooden box in the case near the end of the hall. Do not drop it. It is worth more than your life."
In the staging room, Shirina is too busy cranking Salma's pussy open with a speculum to notice you snag the Agnodine or the broth from the simmering cauldroncooling pot. When you return, the elder is sorting through contraptions from an intricately carved box. It contains clamps and nuts, but the prominent piece is long silver tube like a scroll case. It's covered in so many delicate etchings that by crafting alone it's a masterpiece, but it has a clear use.
"Elder Galid," says an elder down the table. He's the one who whispered in Euna's ear earlier. "You must tell people the story behind that device."
But Galid is too busy assembling it. "You're the collecter, Hassan, not me. I'd rather show them what it does."
"Listen to her cries," one elder says to another. "She's not yet sated."
"No. She's not, but what are we to do? Her she has a ruined slut hole where a maiden would have a beautiful flower."
"Hmm. What shall we do with her?"
She's here for your pleasure, sirs, not hers. Don't bother making her cum."
Rasima strides out looking very pregnant. After climbing the stairs onto the table, she throws her hands up in a flash of showmanship. "Stuffed glazed peppers," she announces. "Who would like some?"
The first taker is a female elder—a lovely woman with dark skin. Rasima swishes her gown aside, squats, and props back on her arms so she can steer her slit over the woman's plate. She bears down, and two gooey stuffed peppers plop out onto the plate in a mess of glaze and feminine juices.
She serves others like this. Until coming to an elder with a stocky build. She births a pepper for him. "I don't want that pepper," he says. "I want a different one."
Rasima spreads her squatted legs wider. "Feel free to choose another."
He thrusts his hand into her sticky gash. Elbow deep, he feels around as Rasima tries not to tremble. He comes out with two peppers in his glistening fist.
"Thank you for letting my womb serve you." Rasima moves to a husband and wife pair of merchants. "Would either of you like to pick your own pepper?"
The wife stares in horror. When Rasima shifts her pussy toward him, the man stares as though looking into the maw of a lion. He knows full well that to help himself might spell the end of his marriage. Everyone else takes a helping though. One particular woman in a stuffy dress reached for seconds. She's glancing around as she tugs her white glove back on.
By the end, Rasima's belly is mostly flat, and her sex and thighs are sticky with goo. With a bow, she returns to the staging room.
Next course: Euna's main course
Next course: Salma's dessertAfter the main course, Salma comes out and climbs the table carrying a basket of dessert breads. "For desert, it is my honor to offer you date pudding..." She caresses her swollen belly. "...served over gingerbread, sweetcakes, and biscuits." After cheers, she offers bread to a visiting merchant with a grand beard. "Whatever you wish, sir."
"Gingerbread, please."
She serves a slice. "And pudding?"
He glances about and nods.
Salma sweeps the front of her gown aside, squats over his gingerbread, and bears down. Eventually, her labia parts to expel a thick, chunky brown pudding filled with walnuts, dates, and soft chunks of bread, all gooed together with a molasses sugar syrup. It plops unceremoniously on top of the bread. Across the table, the wife of the married couple groans in disgust.
Once he has a nice pile, the bearded man motions for her to stop. "Thank you. Thank you."
Salma blows him a kiss and moves to the next. She squeezes pudding onto bread for each guest until reaching a stocky elder by the head of the table. He stops her after she squats her sex over his sweetcake. "Don't strain. I would like to serve myself."
"By all means."
He leans to hook one arm around her hip to brace against the small of her back, and he rams his other hand against her swollen belly. A dollop oozes out, but not much, so he pushes, and shoves, and kneeds. Tender moans escape her lips, and pudding haphazardly plops over his sweetcake, and plate, and the table, but he gets enough. Every elder thereafter serve themselves. The last guest is a broad-shouldered elder. She's empty enough that he resorts to delivering sharp punches to Salma's belly, causing gasping whimpers and a splattering of pudding.
By the time he's served, he has a rock hard erection poking up from his tunic. He yanks Salma toward him, dropping her ass on his desert, and stabs into her sticky, oozingmatted cunt while others eat. His grunts are animalistic, and with a growl, he buries into her and holds as she trembles.
Then he sits as though nothing were amiss. "If anyone wants seconds, it will come with a serving of cream," he says.
"We'll split it," says a lithe elder down the table. She indicates herself and the lady merchant beside her wearing a revealing gown and a jeweled necklace.
"We will?" the woman asks.
"Yes, we will," the elder replies.
As they do, the husband-and-wife merchants excuse themselves. "I'm afraid we're not feeling well."
After they're gone, the head elder shrugs. "I'm surprised they lasted that long."
End dinnerOne elder along the table's length is a broad shouldered man with impecibly greased black hair and self-confident smile. As you fill his wine, he speaks with an aging husband and wife pair beside him. Both are dressed formally. Gold rings line the husband's fingers, and the woman wears an elaborate hat unlike any attire around these parts.
"Kalin, isn't it?" the merchant asks the elder.
"That's right," the elder says. "You must be the new merchants I've heard of. So now that you've recieved your vial of ambrosia, which of you plan to take it?"
The husband replies. "We heard that we could split it between ourselves. Is that true?"
The elder nods. "It is, though you'll both only get half the restoration."
"Seems suitable to us. In a decade or so, when I can afford to, I'll trade with the city again."
"If you already plan to earn a second vial, why not give your wife the entire dose this time."
"Because when I look upon your wife, I see voluptious beauty despite her age. Why not have her be fully young again, a delectable fresh maiden fresh to devour for years to come, and with a healthy womb to fill."
The husband nods warily. "Well. I suppose I could do that."
The elder appraises the wife. "You should do so before you leave. I'd love to have her for myself one night. In exchange, I have three beautiful nubile daughters who are very obedient. You could have your pick of them while I enjoy your wife."
The wife clutches her husband's arm. In turn, he clutches her hand. "We'll consider that."
"We could make the trade final. Your wife seems like she'd be fun to break in, and my daughters would leave you quite sated. They do everything."
The husband gives him a strained smile.
You pour wine between two women. One is a city elder. She's comely with rich desert skin and a lithe figure. The other woman is dressed in a gown diving deep in the front. She too is lovely to behold, though the lines around her eyes mark her as older than the elders.
"That's a beautiful piece of jewelry," the elder says. "It draws the eyes to some of your most lovely features."
The lady fondles the gem-encrusted necklace between her cleavage. "Thank you. My lands have a most fortunate few years. I'm glad to finally be here again."
"Oh? Have you attended our Feast of Thoeris before?"
"Not this feast, no, but I came to Cockaigne twelve years ago, and I remember it fondly. This time I'm more prepared. I brought only my most scandalous gowns, I've taken my Willow Menstruum, and I'm ready to enjoy as many of those strapping young men in your streets as I can."
"Hmm. I like you," the elder says. "Might a woman might slip in among all those men?"
"They never have before."
"Perhaps once you have your ambrosia and a few drinks in your blood, you might be inclined to indulge."
The lady looks the elder over. "Maybe. This is the city of new experiences after all."
"How about after this feast, you and I go down to the street festival. We'll find men together, and we'll eat and drink the night away."
"Even more eating? Goodness. I don't know how you're able to keep your lovely form with all this indulgence."
"Oh, but there's the simplest trick." The elder leans close to whisper in the lady's ear, and to rest her hand on the lady's thigh. Whatever she says makes the woman's eyes go wide.
"Surely it would be preferable to simply curb your eating."
"It just takes some getting used to. In fact, I'll share a little secret with you. It's something I've come to enjoy doing."
The merchant startles. "That seems..."
"Twisted and depraved? Welcome back to Cockaigne. Let me be your guide."
A male elder sits beside the head of the table. He's a heavyset man with a paunch but enough muscle and definition to mask it as a stocky build. Beside him is a striking older woman, with coffee black skin and curled black hair like coal. She wears a frilled dress of high dignity, but in this hall, it stands out. She's clutching her wine goblet with embroidered white gloves and skirting her gaze around the table.
"That's a lovely dress," the elder says.
"Oh, why thank you." The merchant flashes him a shy smile.
"You'll wish you weren't wearing it."
"Come again?"
"Your dress is clearly exquisite tailoring, but this banquet is going to get messy."
"Do you not know how we celebrate the Feast of Thoeris?"
"The man who showed me to my quarters told me it's a dinner served by three lovely maidens."
"Served from three lovely maidens. They will be serving from their wombs to symbolize fertility. We may even be reaching in to get it. At least I plan to."
"...Are you being serious?"
"Completely, and unless you take off that dress, it's going to get ruined."
She straightens up. "Are you suggesting I strip?"
"No one here will mind. Besides, that dress will only get in the way of the fun, like when the maidens come around to pleasure you under the table. They won't reach your quim with that on."
The woman seems ready to slap the man, but seeing how unphased he is, she glances about the room at the other elders. "My God. It's all true, isn't it? Every rumor I've heard about this godless town."
"And yet you came here anyway." He leans in. "If I may give you one more piece of advice, my lady. Gulp your wine tonight. Drink your ambrosia. Let go of every thought of what a proper lady should or shouldn't do. Do this, and you will reach heights of ecstasy you never knew existed. Come tomorrow morning, you will be young again, and you'll have a whole new outlook for your renewed life." With that, he turns to talk with the woman on his other side.
For a long time, the merchant gazes about the room until her eyes find the goblet in her hand. With a determined huff, she gulps her wine. As you refill it for her, she swallows something from a tiny clay vial.
An elder with sharp features and narrow eyes scrutinizes a portly bearded merchant sitting beside him. "This is your first time in Cockaigne, isn't it?"
"It is, and what a grand city this is. I must say I would come here more often even if not for the ambrosia."
"Have you seen any nuns yet? They'll be about the town, dressed in their white robes and preaching about their silly bird."
"I haven't."
"You should find one. They're an absolute pain in our ass, but they can be so much fun once you corner one. You can do whatever you want to them."
"To... I'm sorry. To do what?"
"They resist, but they don't fight back. It's part of their religion. No matter what you do to them, they will never raise a hand against you."
"Oh... I see."
"In fact. I have one in my basement for two weeks now. Every morning and every night I bring her to tears. Funny thing is she's allowed to leave whenever she wants, just as soon as she picks another sister to take her place and suffer for her. I give her two more nights before she finally breaks."
The merchant tugs at his beard. "Surely you're jesting with me. You're not actually so cruel to them. Are you?"
"They may struggle and beg, but don't let that fool you. Deep down they want it, or else they wouldn't listen to that garbage religion of theirs that convinces them to accept it. I just have to have the patience to show this to them. I've broken some girls so much that they would beg me for more torment."
"I see..." The merchant is leaning away.
"Galid," calls a female elder from across the table. "Stop talking about your twisted hobbies. These travelers don't want to hear about it."
"I'm only saying that he should indulge in what our city has to offer," Galid says.
There's a female elder at the head of the table with hair as feiry as the hearth fire behind her, and fair skin covered with stark freckles. She's been quiet, unlike the others, and sharp eyes scrutinize the guests. Only now has she finished her first goblet of wine. As you refill it, an adjacent elder addresses her.
"Sofiya," he says. "How was the last visit with our benefactor?"
"Quite splendid actually," Sofiya replies. "I dropped off our tribute, and she delivered our next batch."
"Nothing else?"
"We shared some ideas on what to do with our sweet Hana. All of her ideas were rather unsavory, something to do with replenishing her Cafre population or what not, but I suggested that she transform the girl in some way first, perhaps make her orgasms as long and powerful as can be. Then we'll see if the pleasure breaks her mind after she's set to breeding or whatever."
"You just suggested that because you wanted back into her lab again, didn't you?"
"How else am I to entice her into teaching me her ways?"
"Any luck?"
Sofiya slides her fork between them. She swirls her hand over it, and the fork lifts and twirls about inches off the table.
"True sorcery!" The man glances to see if any merchants are looking their way. He never thinks to glance at the servants.
"It's a parlor trick," Sofiya says, "but it's a start. I'm learning that what we all think of as sorcery is all about appearances. The power comes from the knowledge, the alchemy, the crafting..." She taps a silver ring upon her index finger.
"You'll be as powerful as her one day."
"Maybe. Please thank your sources for me. They have brought me tomes that not even she knows of."
"Do you think she'll tolerate an equal when she learns how much of her ways you've gleaned?"
"Maybe not. Perhaps one day there will come a time for a succession, but let's not discuss such plans at the table. I've heard that you've recently added another exotic pet to your collection."
"I'm still training him, but yes, and he's quite a treat. He's part fay, so his semen envigors your body delightfully."
"He must be a treat if you're taking in a man, but remember our rule. We share."
"Your keys will work on his belt and collar as expected. Just be sure you use a firm hand."
"I always do."
A hush comes over the room. The servants have stopped scurrying and have collected along the sides of the hall.
"Ah." Sofiya looks about. "It seems we are beginning."
You pour drinks quickly and get back to the staging room.
Salma is hunched between Euna's legs, and already has a hand inside of Euna half way to the elbow. She feels around while Euna winces and jolts.
"Stop moving," Salma says.
"I can feel you poking your fingers into my cervix. How can I possibly stay still?"
Rasima sits on Euna's chest. "There. Now carry on, Salma."
Salma pulls her fist out, takes another dollop of Agnodine, and slides her fist back in.
Euna squirms. "Ow ow ow! Too many fingers. Stop."
"You're doing just fine. You're really opening up now."
Servants enter with appetizers for the table, and with them comes Shirina. When she sees you lingering by the door, she shoots you devil eyes. You snatch a bottle of wine and head back into the dining hall.
As soon as you've served out your bottle of wine, you hurry back to the staging room.
Salma has her fist buried in Euna up to her elbow. Euna has her legs spread in a split, and she's clutching onto Rasima for support. Sweat has beaded on her forehead.
"You're doing great," Rasima coos. "The first time is always the hardest."
Salma pulls her fist out. Euna's pussy is a yawning hole with swollen folds. Salma can reach back in as easily as reaching into a coin pouch. She puts both her hands together to make a spear point, and she pushes both fists in.
"Oh, no," Euna moans. "Oh Lord. Please tell me you're not putting both your fists into my womb."
"You can take it." Salma pushes forward. Euna cries out and jerks away, but Rasima holds her fast. Salma is now up to her elbows. "See? I pushed right in. You're a natural."
Shirina hurries in, so you hastily grab another wine bottle and head back out to the hall.
You meander back into the staging room.
All three girls are on the ground beside the bench. They're lying in a triangle around the bottle of Agnodine. Each is on their side so that they're heads are between the legs of another, and they're loosening each other up. Salma is alternately sliding her fists into Rasima's pussy to work her open. Rasima, in turn, is working both her arms into Euna's snatch, and Euna is working her arm into Salma, or she's supposed to. With one hand buried, she keeps losing herself to quakes and shivers from Rasima's pistoning arms.
"Stop stopping!" Salma says. "We don't have time to take it slow."
"I'm sorry." Euna resumes her loosening. "This is all... oh... this is all new to me."
"Oh?" Rasima says. "You're new to stuff like this?" She pushes deep into Euna. From the indentations on Euna's belly, Rasima must be spreading her fingers wide.
"Ohhh." Euna curls up in a spasm. She's once again distracted.
Salma punches her fist hard into her sister.
"Stop joking around," Salma snaps. "We've got to be out there in a minute. Now work!"
The girls keep stretching, so you snatch another bottle and head back into the hall.
You return to find that the girls are done stretching. The sisters stand around Euna, who is laid out on the bench, only scooted down so her butt hangs off the edge. Her legs are pulled to her chest and out wide, and Salma is pouring steaming water from a ewer into Euna's upturned gaping gash. It overflows and spills into a wooden tub beneath Euna.
"And again," Salma says.
Euna straightens her legs, setting them flat on the floor, and she flexes her abdomen. A torrent of water floods out of her and into the bucket.
"All clean now," Salma chirps. "You can go towel off. Rasima, it's your turn."
But Euna needs Rasima's help to get off the bench, and once she's standing, her legs wobble. She staggers to the towels and leans heavily against the wall while mopping up water between her legs. Her labia droops like loose jowls.
"I don't know how you do it," she mutters. "All of that was so exhausting, and the night hasn't even begun."
Rasima has her knees to her chest. "Maybe we should have a little pick-me-up before the show. What do you think, Salma?"
Salma pours warm water into her sister. "I think that would be grand."
After the girls finish flushing themselves out, Salma strides across to a rack of elaborate bottles and fetches one along with three small brass goblets. She pours out three servings of thick, clear liquid and passes them around. "To an unforgettable evening," she says, and the girls toast, each naked and dripping from their slack pussiesnests.
Euna gulps her drink and breaks out coughing. "My Lord. What was that?"
Rasima giggles, but Salma is already pouring her another gulp. "It will give you vigor to last the night. Another toast. What should this one be to?"
"How about to trying new things?" Euna says. "Even if it's against your better judgement."
"I like it." Rasima pours more for her and her sister. You're not around to see their toast, because Shirina comes in carrying a crate, and upon seeing you, her nostrils flare. You scurry off with another bottle of wine.
When you sneak back in, Shirina is already there, but she has her back to you, and she's sorting through a crate of strange looking tools and clothes.
The girls are still nude, but they're in a rush. Rasima is rifling through a box of tins containing oils and colored powders. She's hastily applying these makeups to her face, and then to her sister's and Euna's in turn.
Meanwhile, Salma passes around the clothes they're going to wear—long sky-blue gowns which are nothing more than strips of fine silk with a split in the middle, but the material is heavily embroidered along every inch. Euna follows the others' lead on how to put them on. The split fits over their heads so that the gown drapes both down the front and the back.
"Do I have this right?" Euna asks. "This seems more like an oversized bib than a dress." It does hang loose. Two long flaps on her front and back reach her calfs. It doesn't cover her sides, so she's able to trace a finger from her armpit to her knee while brushing skin all the way.
"That's because you haven't cinched it, silly." Rasima reaches around Euna and ties a matching silk cord about her waist. It hugs the cloth against her body, and after some straightening, it actually looks like a gown, albeit a risque one. Her breasts are amply displayed both from the neckline that dives down to her navel, and from along the sides, which still shows her flank from armpit to waist. The backside also dives low to the small of her back, showing shoulder-blade. However, her legs are hidden behind the curtain of silk, except when she takes any steps, then the splits along the sides reveal themselves.
"I should have known I'd have to wear a dress like this," Euna says, "Though I must say this truly is gorgeous, and look at this embroidery."
"Oh yes." Rasima is fixing her own dress. "Our mother has a master tailor make these special for this occasion. This celebration means a lot to her." She applies the final makeup touches to Euna's face. "Mother, we're ready."
Shirina gasps upon seeing them. "Oh my goodness. Look at you all. And you, Euna. You look absolutely gorgeous."
"Why thank you." Euna twirls. The gown fans out, revealing leg, then she sways her hips while caressing her hands from her thighs to her barely-modest breasts. Her cheeks seem a little red.
Shirina fusses with Euna's hair, then stands back to admire her. "That dress was destined for you. I'm worried you may draw too much attention tonight."
"I hardly think that's a problem."
"With this crowd? It can be. But come." She claps her hand and addresses the staging room. "To the great hall, everyone. It's time for announcements."
Servants file into the hall and take place along the sides.
"Quite," Euna replies. "I would hate if the antics I've gotten up to in these lands interfered with my ability to produce an heir."
"That is important. You are the tsarivna."
"I was more thinking about how sexy you looked with your belly swollen like that."
"Yes, actually." Shirina crams scored cherries into Euna's gash. "Look through that crate over there. Somewhere is a wooden pillar with a flat bottom and rounded top."
You dig through the crate she indicated. It contains all manner of devices, some sexual, some sinister, some cullinary. Only one device fits her description. Set upright, it would reach your knees, and its girth is such that you can just barely wrap your hands around it. It's clearly a wooden cock, but it has peculiar features. The end is rounded, but the tip of that rounding dimples back out to create a nub the width of an apricot, and deep grooves are carved into the pillar's side from the tip down, creating a vertically ribbed texture. Farther down its length, these grooves become spiralling chutes which converge at a small open spiggot. The base beneath has an embedded handle which makes it simple to carry back.
"That's the one," Shirina says. "Once Euna is ready, take that out and stay with her. You need to set it before each guest she needs to serve. Clear?"
"I think so," you say. "She's going to need to for juicing."
"Exactly." Shirina crams cherries into Euna.
"It doesn't sound like she's having much fun," she says, but she returns to prepping her daughters for the next course.
You fetch the bowl and get back out.
Hassan has gagged Euna by stuffing a pair of white embroidered gloves in her mouth and tying them in place with Euna's silk cord. He quickly fills the tube with another helping of broth. "Don't start until I start," he tells the woman. "And don't you dare stop until I'm finished. Together, we'll show this slut that there is no line between pleasure and pain."
When he begins pumping more piping-hot broth into her Euna's already tortured tit, the woman starts scrubbing Euna's clit. Euna hits a crescendo like never before. Even through her gag, her screams must be heard throughout the entire palace. It's like she's being electrocuted. Her tit swells more and more, but she's delirious now, hardly aware, even as Hassan uses all his arm strength to force the plunger down. She convulses right through as he switches to her other tit.
As he pumps, and the lady pleasures, he speaks. "About that woman who used to thank me for pumping her tits to bursting? There's more to that story. I did make her tits grow bigger, but they grew deformed and mishappen. I turned her into a broken, used-up slut who sells her cunt on the streets, and yet she is grateful to me. Every time I see her, she begs me to hurt her again. That's going to be you one day. I see it. You'll be a worn-out pain slut so desperate for any man to fuck you that you let them mutilate you however they want. And you too will be grateful to me for showing you what you are."
With a final bout of strength, he squeezes the last bit into her and pulls away. Euna's convulsing, screaming orgasm hits a final peak, and continues for a while yet, even though no one is touching her. Finally, she goes limp. Her eyes no longer focus. Her tits looks like inflated balloon, the skin is taut and hot to the touch, and veins are indented against the surface from the pressure.
"Will she be okay?" the lady asks.
"She has broken," he replies. "Maybe she'll recover this time. But do this again and again, and eventually pain will be all she craves."
"But enough for now," says the elder at the table's head.
"They're What?" Shirina storms into the great hall and sees Euna. "Oh my goodness. What is going on here?"
"Just some innocent fun," Galid replies.
"Fun? I told you not to bring that wretched toy of yours to any more of my dinners. I'm taking Euna back right now."
"Our agreement is that your girls stay out here until we're good and done with them," the man growls. "Are you reneging on us?"
Shirina hesitates. "Fine. Euna will stay, but this jar is mine." She snatches the Agnodine. "And stop tormenting her. We talked about this." She marches back to the staging room.
"You should best listen," says the elder female at the head of the table.
"Very well," he sits back in his seat.
The female merchant beside him has been deathly quiet until now. "...Shouldn't you let her serve the others now? Relieve the pressure?"
He shrugs. "No. I forgot I'd need to mix Agnodine into the broth. No one would want to drink it. So Euna, but you're going to stay right here and keep that broth in your tits until the evening is over. Understood?"
She doesn't even look up. Her eyes are glazed. Tears drip. Her body still trembles, but it's as though no one is there.
Euna sits back and reclines along the table, hissing with each movement of her swollen breasts. "As you wish," she says. "I will be your ornament.""So I am to be a perverse centerpiece," she says. "Very well."
She relaxes as best she can.
"...As you wish..." she says.
"...So I am to be... a centerpiece... " she says. "...Very well..."
As some of the elders entertain themselves by fisting Salma, you slink back to the staging room.
Euna is lying on the bench, legs wide and feet planted. A speculum has her pussy spread wide enough that Shirina is able to fit her hand inside Euna without touching her vaginal walls, and she's pushing plums past Euna's dilated cervix. Each time, Euna convulses. She's not crying, but accasionally tears stream along her temple. Her scalded vaginal walls are still causing her great pain.Each time, she tenses. Her vaginal walls are still tender from the broth.Euna seems positively relaxed compared to how she was for the broth.
The baskets around Shirina include everything from berries, cherries, figs, grapes, pomegranates, plums, and peaches. Rasima is preparing it all for easy juicing, from scoring the skin of the fruit to scraping pomegranate seeds out. Euna's belly is slightly swelled from a medley of fruit.
"It's my own design," Shirina says. "The nub on the tip is sized just right to help the pillar slip past the cervix. Then all the grooves along the side let the juice pour down and out the spigot."
"You do a lot of juicing, do you?"
"It took me years of experimentation to get the design just right."
Kalin shoves the pillar into Euna as deep as he can. He works the silk cord of her gown through the handle on the pillar's base, and then about her hips. It's awkward with her belly so bloated, but he manages to plug her tight.
"Good girl," he says to Euna. "Your body was a receptacle for our waste. You know what it's good for."
"Thank you," Euna says breathlessly, "for making use of my lowly slut body. It was my honor."
"After the show," he says. "we can throw you out with the rest of the garbage and be done with cleaning, but until then, do not leave this table, and don't dare release our garbage."
"Yes, sir," Euna says. "I will stay here until I am disposed of."
"Thank you," he says to Euna, "for allowing us to use your body as a receptactle for our waste."
"It was my pleasure." Euna says breathlessly. She strokes her distended belly.
"We've been blessed to have this most magnificent, beautiful woman with us tonight. She fed us from her womb, and into her womb she took our refuse. It is the epitome of motherly sacrifice. I hope, my lady, that you'll stay with us as we enjoy our evening. Your belly is a magnificent work of art."
Euna smiles over her shoulder. "I will be your centerpiece. Enjoy yourselves now."
"I suppose I'll have to," Sofiya uses the silk cord from Euna's gown to tie Euna's ankle to one table leg. She pulls Euna's other foot toward the other table leg and ties it down using the cord from her own robes. They drape open, revealing a pale freckled body with healthy curves and teardop breasts. Between her legs, among a trimmed nest of fiery fur, a prominent clit juts out.
Sofiya admires how Euna's legs are in a split. "Flexible girl, aren't you? Now let's try this again." She reaches inside of Euna and feels around. Euna jerks. Her body tenses.
"Relax," the elder coos. "And push. Push for me." Euna bears down, and Sofiya pulls. Bit by bit, the elder's hand emerges holding nothing, but pulling as though yanking puppet strings. Euna's pussy lips flower outward, and a lump of glistening red flesh bulges out. It distended enough to plop onto the elder's dinner plate. The veiny flesh is angry red, and bubbling blisters cover it's surface from the scalding broth,The veiny flesh is a tender angry red from the hot broth,It's mass of veins cover the blood red flesh, The crushed fruit inside it has left it bloated such that it's nearly as thick and round as Euna's thighs. Pomegranate seeds drip from the lax cervical hole on the end.
"Oh, that is lovely." Sofiya runs her tongue along the flesh. It's starts to retract. "No, no." She pulls her invisible puppet strings, and it stretches back out.
"Can you keep it out for me?" she asks.
"I'll try," Euna bears down. "Do whatever it is you're going to do. I'm waiting."
"Now keep it out," she says. "Or I'll have to tie a cord about it's base."
"Yes, my lady," Euna replies.
"Then let's begin." Sofiya holds her emptied wine goblet at the tables' edge, beneath Euna's distended cervical hole. She props her other hand on top of the flesh bag and leans down. Euna's squirms and whimpers, and juice pours out of Euna's cervix, as do a few squished cherries and pomegranate seeds. Sofiya puts her shoulder into it, and really pumps the uterus until the cup fills.
Sofiya sips. "Delicious, but it needs something more, don't you think?" She presses her lips to Euna's and spits it into her mouth.
Euna is hardly cogent enough to drink.
"Perhaps the girl has had enough," says the comely elder sitting beside them. "She hardly seems awake."
"Oh very well. No more juicing." She presses Euna's uterus back into her, then she sits back down, legs crossed and robe open. "But you will keep me company?" she asks sweetly.
"Yes, my lady," Euna whispers.
Euna nods.
"Good." Sofiya sits back down.
Euna drinks and returns the kiss, as tired as she is. Their tongues entwine. When they break away, Euna licks a dribble off of Sofiya's chin. "Then do more."
Euna tries to swallow. She's hardly cogent, but she does speak. "Then please don't stop."
"Oh! With an offer like that, then I need to do something particularly nasty, but what...?" Sofiya taps her chin.
"Did she really?" Sofiya eyes you. "Very well. I will not push Shirina's good graces." To Euna, "I will insist however, that you at least do me the pleasure of keeping me company tonight."
Though tired, Euna nods.
"Bring them here," Sofiya says.
You fetch the tray of walnuts and almost. She picks through for ones that are still in their shells. "These will do perfectly." One by one, she pushes a dozen nuts through Euna's cervix and buries them deep inside the mass of fruit waste inside her prolapsed womb. "And now to crack them."
The bowl of nuts has a small hammer for just that purpose. She rubs the head along the surface of Euna's uterus until finding a hard lump, and then, crack.
Euna shrieks and falls back. She struggles to crawl away, but her hands and legs are tied tight. Sofiya just finds the next lump, and again, the hammer smashes against her tender uterine flesh. There comes another crunch of a nut. Angry red is bleeding out underneath Euna's flesh. Bruises are forming. Blisters are popping. Blood is seeping.
Euna begs. She thrashes. She sobs. She shrieks so loud that others cover their ears. It makes no difference. One by one, Sofiya locates and smashes each and every nut. A few take several swings. By the end, Euna's womb is a bruised, bloody mess.
Sofiya fishes through Euna's cervix and eats part of a bloody, soaked walnut. "Delicious. This will add a perfect nutty flavor to the drink."
"Indeed there are," she says. "Perfect ones. Tell the kitchen to bring the imported peppers from the last festival."
You do so. The box the chefs give you contains small red peppers whose very smell makes your eyes water.
"These are the ones." Sofiya breaks one open and squeezes a drop of its juice onto Euna's exposed uterus. She smears it about. "Now wait for it."
It takes a minute. Euna begins with a whimper. She squirms, and then thrashes. She's moaning out now. "Oh Lord..."
"Good to see they haven't lost potency." Sofiya takes a small handful, snaps them open, and rams them up Euna's cervix into the mash of fruit matter.
She gapes at you. "And who let this dirty little boy into the hall?"
"I'm sorry, my lady."
She appraises you. "You're not sorry, but you may be. She reclines back, drapes her robes open, and hikes both legs over the arms of her chair. "If you're such a little filth rat, then come here and collect my mess."
You hold a plate beneath her ass. Her abdomen flexes, and a log of creamy shit emerges from her ass and coils up. "That should be enough. Now fill her."
Her poo is soft. You have to pry Euna's cervix open with one hand and mash the log into the mess of pulverized fruit. It's a messy process. You fist deep. Your hands get filthy. Euna watches wordlessly with shallow breath.
"I will have to remember you, filth rat. It's so hard to find someone who will actually handle my shit."
"There must be indeed, but I'll need more weight." Sofiya climbs onto the table and presses one foot onto Euna's prolapsed uterus. Euna screams. She tries not to wiggle away, but the most delicate part of her body is under foot of a vicious woman, who wishes only that Euna suffers more, because she steps, and stomps, and grinds. For every shriek Euna gives, her eyes gleam more.
Sofiya tastes some of the mess dripping from Euna. "It needs a little more though..."
Sofiya slips off her robe. "And now. Let us make juice together." She sits on the table and cradles Euna in her arms. She wraps her legs around Euna's waist, hooks her ankles together, and scoots forward to sit her ass down upon Euna's uterus. Euna wails, especially when Sofiya gyrating her hips, grinding her ass. All the sharp pieces of broken nut shells roll and crunch inside. Stones gnash together. Sharp rocks scrape and dirt scrubs. Shit squelches. Some muddy sewagejuice flecked with shell leaks out of her cervix, which the elder reaches back to collect. Tears stream down Euna's cheeks, and the elder's breath grows shallow.
Because Sofiya's gyrating is also grinding her sex right against Euna's mound. Their clits must be touching. Harder and faster the elder goes, both of their breaths becoming quick gasps. Euna's cries grow longer and higher. The course dirt only serves to increase friction and scraping as it gets into every crevice of the women's organs. Euna's womb is clearly on fire. Already burned, the peppers have ignited torture on a whole new level. Thrashing takes over, and just as she's going over the edge into an agonizing climax, Sofiya gyrating picks up until she's bouncing her ass on Euna's flattened uterus. Euna gives in to convulsions. Juices gush from her uterus. Sofiya loses herself to her own screaming ecstasy, but she doesn't stop bouncing until both girls come down from their peek. The cup is full.
Sofiya is breathless, but Euna squirms. The spicy burn in her uterus will be there for hours. Tears pour down her cheeks.
Both are breathless. Euna seems half unconscious. Involuntary twitches spasm through her.
"Enjoy the fruits of our labor." Sofiya puts the cup to Euna's lips.
Euna gulps the mess of fecal sludge and juice mixed with her own pus and arousal. She chokes on mud and sand. Sofiya tries a little for herself.Sofiya actually has to stop her in order to get a sip for herself. "Oh my," she says. "That is the perfect after-dinner drink." She makes Euna to drink the rest. which she does willingly, though much spills down Euna's cleavage.
"Oh my," Sofiya says. "You enjoyed that. Ohh, you are truly a filth slut." The elder begins grinding with renewed vigor. She whispers in Euna's ear. "So am I..." She bears down, and brown smears appear on Euna's uterus. Sofiya is shitting again, and with no where to go, the new log worms up between the women, sliding along the elder's pussy and sending her over the edge again. By the time she's done climaxing, shit is caked onto Euna's uterus, and smeared along both of their bellies.matted into both of their pubic bushes.
"Wasn't it delicious?" Sofiya asks.
Euna manages a weak smile. "Make as much as you wish."
"Oh, I will."
You ask around and learn of a palace gardener whose room in the servant quarters has a spare bed.
He's a good looking guycute boy with a nice body, and a dumb grin once he gets a good look at you. The lad happily offers you a place to stay, and after the lights go out, he's quite receptive when you come crawling into his bed. though his courtesy came with a price that you only discovered after the lights go out. You're suddenly awakened with in your bed holding you down. "Don't scream," he whispers earnestly with his hand fixed over your mouth.though as you suspected, after the lights go out, he comes crawling into your bed. He knew when he saw you that he'd be feeling the girth of your cock that night. He was right. Your cock comes as a surprise to him, but he savors its taste soon enough, and the feel of your pussyass squeezing his own cock suits him just fine.His libido surprises. He may leave you dripping with his mess, but at least he gets your toes to curl.
He's a virile one too. Every time you start to nod off, he stirs and climbs on you again. Needless to say, you don't get much sleep that night.
You ask around and learn of a shy little scullery maid who's room in the servant quarters has a spare bed. After much convincing, she reluctantly agrees to let you borrow the bed for the night, but after the lights are out, she takes less convincing and after the lights are out, she puts up a struggleand after the lights are out, she takes a lot more convincing when you crawl into her bed and leave her dripping with your gratitude. show her how a Vixen's cock can make a woman feel.coax moans from her that no modest woman should make.
Needless to say, you don't end up needing the spare bed.
"That is a good point. There's so much space between all that refuse, but I'll need a better tool." He turns to you. "Fetch me Shirina's filling gear."
Shirina knows exactly what he means. She's been watching from behind the door. "When are they going to leave that poor girl alone?"
"Don't worry," you say. "She doesn't need rescuing yet."
"Well, here you go. This is what he wants."
It's a ridged silver cone larger than a fist, and it's covered with valves. With it, she gives you a funnel and a large brass syringe as thick as your wrist and as long as your forearm.
Kalin accepts the gear. "Perfect." He pulls the pillar from Euna and rams the cone into her. "Just need to fix this to her cervical opening before too much escapes... aaaaand there." It's fixed in place. The tip is just beyond her labia. He grabs the syringe and the funnel. "I see I'll have to pump everything into her one syringe at a time, but it's a small duty in the name of cleanup, but what to start with...?"
"I don't think anyone is going to eat anymore date pudding."
"I remember some of the horses left mudpies in their stalls."
"Did any guests use the latrine?"
"My lady, do you still have to vomit?"
Offer up the remainder of the bottle of wine you've been carrying.
"This is true." Euna is gingerly sinks into the hot water. "He is my manservant.She is my handmaiden. I'd like him to remain."
"Oh, very well. Do try to be quick. We're short on time." Shirina leaves.
"Come," Euna says to you. She's now reclined in the bath and holding up a sponge. "Start with my back."
You get to work. While the sisters scour their own bodies with rough sponges, you caress Euna's body, from her neck, breasts, arms, and legs. When the other girls wash their hair, you massage Euna's scalp with frothing soap and hot water.
"I miss this," Euna is reclined with eyes closed. "There was a time when I was waited upon by a flock of women for my every bath."
"Was it always this sensual?" Salma asks.
"It should have been."
Rasima has been watching. "Make sure he cleans between your legs. We must be especially clean there for the banquet."
Eyes closed, Euna scoots up higher on the tub's rim and spreads her legs. "You heard her."
Reaching from around her shoulders, you stroke the sponge along her slit. Soft shivers quake through Euna. A good several minutes of this treatment, and soon she's panting, until finally she leans her head against you and loses herself to mewling trembles.
"That will do," she whispers.
Both girls have their gazes fixed and their sponges clutched.
"Must be nice," Rasima says, "having a servantlady to tend to your needs like that."
"I can only imagine," Salma adds.
"Poor girls. Something should be done about that." Euna takes the sponge from you and sidles toward Rasima.
"...What?" Rasima replies.
"Just relax." Euna straddles the girl's lap. For minutes, Euna scrubs the girl clean, until the sponge disappears beneath the water's surface, and Rasima gasps. Euna tickles her lips along the girl's neck and take each of the girl's nipples into her mouth. All the while, her hand works under the water to until Rasima mewls and trembles just as you had made Euna do. "See how easy that was?" she says.
In the morning, you have the scullery maid one more time before letting her depart for her awake to find the gardener has already left. You dress, clean, eat, and wonder around for Euna, but for once she's sleeping later than you, or so you're told. It's nearly noon by the time someone tells you that she's asking for you.
She's in the bathing room from before, except only she's in the enormous tub today. The water steams, and she's resting.
"Good morning," you say.
"Good morning to you as well"
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm sore and wrung out, but all things considered, I feel better than I should. Shirina was up half the night taking care of me. She says it will still take a few weeks before my uterus fully recovers, but she promises that my ability to have children will be just fine."
Her last guest is the elder woman at the head of the table, and by then, her belly is bloated.
"Care for some juice?" Euna asks.
"I would," the elder replies. Her complexion is as fair as Euna's, though her skin bears countless freckles. Her hair falls around her face in fire red curls, and her eyes are a striking green.
"What fruit would you like to add?" Euna asks.
"I see how pregnant you are with fruit. There's plenty of juice in there. Just fuck the juicer harder. Hurt yourself if you must."
For the next while, you help out around the palace servant quarters by carrying out food, helping to set up in the main hall, and helping to open the wine casks.
"Good heavens," Shirina says. "Are they still bathing?"
"I'm sure they'll be out soon."
"I should hope so. I need to figure out now which girl is serving which course, and I never asked Euna what she'd prefer to do. Perhaps I'll just step in there a moment." She approaches the curtain.
You intercept her before she can peek inside. "Perhaps you can ask me instead. I decide such matters for Euna anyway.I have a good idea what Euna likes to do."
"Are you sure? Some of these courses can be quite an ordeal."
"I'm sure," you say. "Euna likes to be pushed. I'll push her.""Whatever it is, I'm sure Euna will survive."
"Very well. There are three courses which my daughters aren't serving." She counts off on her fingers. "There's the broth served before the main courses. It's served hot. Euna should only do it if she doesn't mind a fair bit of pain."
"She has never really experimented with real pain," you say.
"Then we'll skip that one."
Second finger. "For the main course, we're serving a large roasted duck. I really think this is the best choice for Euna."
Third finger. "Then there's the final course, an after-desert digestive. Euna would fill herself with various fruits, and then she'd juice them to serve fresh drinks. She should only do this if she doesn't mind a very sticky mess."
"Euna has never even done anal," you say.
"Oh. Nevermind then. It would be too much mess for her."
The man grunts. "Did she now? That is a dreadful shame." He leans over and plants a cordial kiss right upon Euna's nipple. "Another time, my lady. You should call upon me. I will do the most horrible things to your body."
Euna gives him a tired smile. "I may hold you to your promise, councilman.""Yes, sir."
Other servants help her off of the table. They practically drag her to the staging room.
"It's only fair." Euna reclines back against her end of the tub. She motions to Rasima. "Come here."
"...but you're already clean."
"I've decided I'm not clean enough. Now come."
Furtively, Rasima wades to Euna. She works her sponge along Euna's body, arms and belly, and of course her prominent breasts. The second the sponge is upon Euna's slit, Euna pulls the girl down so her lips are also upon her nipple. Rasima suckles obediently.
Eyes closed, Euna beckons Salma.
"But you didn't even do anything for me," Salma replies.
Euna doesn't stop beckoning, so the girl wades over. Soon, she has both girls suckling at her nipples while their hands explore her body.
He looks at the plate, unsure why you're offering it to him. Then his eyes light. "Do you still have room up there?" he asks Euna.
"You'll have to find out."
"Not much."
"Then let's begin.""Nonsense." He directs her to roll over onto her hands and knees with her rump pointed toward him. Her tits and belly hang low.
The plate contains all the food the guests didn't touch: stuffed peppers, duck slices, gingerbread, biscuits, date pudding, cheeses, and meats. He shoves all of it into Euna, and grasping the pillar by the handle in its base, he rams it deep. Euna braces to keep from budging along the table, and also humps against the pillar. Its ribbed surface rubs her in all the right ways, it seems.
"What are you doing, Kalin?" asks another elder.
"Dinner is over. Is it not?" Kalin replies. "We should be good guests and help our hosts clean up. I have found the perfect garbage receptacle." Kalin pulls the pillar out. "Everyone pass your table scraps down."
Everyone piles up their food remains and passes plates along. Duck bones, half-eaten sausage, biscuits, fruit bits that earlier fell from Euna. Kalin presses it all into Euna's greasy gaping pussy and hammers it hard until Euna is gasping and trembling.
"What about me?" you ask.
"I'm sure someone can lend you a bed for the night." And they're gone.
The night is over.
Find a cute serving boy with a spare bed where you can stay.
Retrieve the basket of dessert breads.
"Looks like you just got duck grease all over her clothes."
"Didn't the merchants ride in on horses? Did they finish all their feed?"
Fetch the bowl of discarded nut shells.
You find a place along the wall. The room stills, and Shirina emerges carrying a lantern, and behind her come two servants with a set of wooden steps. They set them up at the head of the table while Shirina addresses the room.
"Welcome, everyone, to our Feast of Thoeris. It is our celebration of fertility, both of our fields, of our lives, and of our women. Please allow me to intruduce them." She gestures toward the staging room.
They emerge in order—Rasima, Euna, and then Salma—each dressed in revealing blue silk gowns, each holding a candle before them. Astonished gasps fill the room from both merchants and elders alike. Shirina's daughters are absolutely stunning, but its Euna for whom the audience applauds. Her flowing blonde hair frames her face. Coal black outlines her eyes, and her lips are red with rouge. The beautiful women flanking her serve only to outline her radiance. Their cinnamon skin contrasts with her milk complexion. Euna sees you, and she flashes a smile one could never forget.
"Tonight, I give you my daughters, Rasima and Salma. And taking my place this year is the lovely Euna, a woman visiting from a far away land. These ladies are delighted for the opportunity to birth for you a feast in the most intimate and feminine way they can. Now please enjoy yourselves while these three women prepare.
The girls retreat to the staging room. Servants bring out plates of fruits, meats, cheeses, and nuts for the guests to pick at as a first few courses.
Next course: Rasima's starter"Fantastic idea." He tilts Euna's head up by the chin. "Ready to serve three second helpings of broth?"
She's stills her sobbing and breathes, then, "...I am here... to serve you." Her voice is hoarse and ragged.
"I don't think she can take it," says the comely merchant beside him. She wears a frilly dress, and her skin is like coal.
"You think she can't take this? Look." Hassan yanks away the silk cord binding Euna's thighs and nudges her legs open. A stream of arousal has been running down Euna's inner thighs onto Hassan's plate. He wipes some and shows the table. "What we have here is a budding pain slut. As much as she screams, know that she has been right on the edge of cumming this entire time." He touches Euna's clit, and she jolts. He turns back to the woman. "Normally, I never let my prey climax, but for you I will allow it. If you want to lessen her suffering, then get her off."
Swallowing, she speaks with a ragged, worn voice. "If you can find... three people at this feast... who want helpings... then I will serve three bowls..."
"Well, I want one." He looks around. "Who would like a bowl of broth?"
The female elder at the table's head calmly raises her hand.
"Another for Sofiya. Do we have a third?"
For a long moment, no one else volunteers. Everyone else looks too horrified, annoyed, or disgusted.
Then, one timid hand in a white-glove raises. It's a comely merchant in the frilly dress with skin like coal. She's been watching from her seat beside Galid this entire time.
Euna sees her. "...Very well," she says to her. "...for you my lady... one more bowl... but I will make one demand..."
"You're hardly in a position to negotiate," Hassan says.
"Unbind my thighs..."
Amused, he does so. Euna spreads her legs, revealing her stretched, fleshy cunt. It's been dripping a fountain of duck-greased arousal down her thighs. She twists to look at the woman. "You..."
The woman raises a hand to her chest as though to say, who me?
"I have been... on the edge... for so long." she breathes. "Send me over."
Hesitantly, the woman nods.
Hassan turns to you. "A third bowl. With haste."
Shirina and her daughters are still preparing in the staging room, but they've heard the screams. "What's going on out there?"
"Euna is just having some fun with the guests. Don't worry."
Euna casts you a wide-eyed stare.
"An excellent idea," he says. "Fetch me another bowl right away."
You fetch another bowl from the staging room and find him standing on the table using ropes of his own to fasten Euna's bound arms to a ceiling beam. He pulls out slack, wrenching Euna's arms up and back. Her shoulders are torqued, and she's stooped forward on her knees with her swollen tits dangling. As one other measure, he uses the silk cord of her gown to tie her thighs together.
Back in his chair, he loading broth into the tube again along with more drops of Agnodine.
"There must be more juice in there. It just needs more mashing."
"Would dirt and gravel be nasty enough?"
"Maybe you could use her womb to crack open some nuts."
Her suffering does not escape the elders' notice. "Just how badly burned were you by that broth?" asks one sinister looking elder. "Sofiya, come look."
The female elder sitting at the head crawls onto the table. She slinks around plates and goblets to Euna. "More pertinently, how much more can she take?" Sofiya straddle Euna's face and lets her robe drape open. Her skin nearly matches Euna's in complexion, although hers has numerous freckles, especially along her cheeks and cleavage. Her hair is a vibrant fiery red, both on her head and between her legs. "Shall we play with her?"
"I think so." He faces you. "Boy, bring me those wall sconces."
"Euna is a visitor. Shirina requested that the guests be kind."
General Promiscuity
This track represents Euna's general promiscuity. It does include the fetishes of exhibitionism, multiple sex partners, and general adventurousness. Each level has more details.
Reaching amorous
This is the 1st tier of General Promiscuity.
This tier represents Euna's first venture into exploring her sexuality. She has had sex, and now that it's done, she might as well start exploring more.
Accomplish at least 5 of the following experiences.
- From storytelling, In The Prowling Lilins, tell her about the circus girls.
- Get the lyre from the shop in the city. You'll have a moment with Euna.
- After getting the lyre, entertain the children in the city.
- Linger at the Glade and kiss her afterward. She must have already warmed up you somewhat.
- Visit the alchemists to the north after you can pass the waterfall. The experience will bring you and Euna closer. This even is guaranteed to happen.
To promote
Follow the story until Euna gets the Lyre, then once you have the required amount of experience, go to the city festival. Euna will suggest putting on a performance. She will sleep with you that night. That will unlock this tier.
Next tier: adventurous
Reaching adventurous
This is the 2nd tier of General Promiscuity. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be amorous.
Accomplish at least 5 of the following experiences.
- From storytelling
- In The Prowling Lilins, tell her about the circus girls.
- In Aileen's Lady-In-Waiting, Euna will have to divulge a sexy secret of her own.
- During sex
- If you've gone down on Euna before, have her go down on you.
- Go down on Euna.
- At the daywithers, after Euna shows how they grow in the dark, ask her what happens if she sits on one.
- At the Siren's Bounty, put on a performance. Then another including Euna. more money.
- Grope Euna at the city festival.
- get Euna to take her clothes off for a while.
- Visit Lanx, offer to stick around, then let either Lanx or Fira clean the cauldron.
- If Euna tosses away the item found at the altar site, you'll find it five days later at the cliffside. Experience is gained when Euna relents and decides to keep such a sordid item.
- Climb the wall outside the city, and insist Euna remove her skirt for safety.
To promote
Spy on her when she goes to bathe. Admit to it that night.
Next tier: lewd
Reaching lewd
This is the 3rd tier of General Promiscuity. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be adventurous.
Accomplish at least 5 of the following experiences.
- At the Siren's Bounty, put on a play where you distract her lyre playing, then expose her breasts.
- At the slums, flirt your way through the city gates.
- Instruct Euna on how to give good head. She'll ask after learning she's not good, either from you or sucking someone else off, like the guards at the gate.
- Visit Lanx. offer to stick around, then let either Lanx or Fira clean the cauldron.
- When you climb the wall into the city, insist Euna strip.
To promote
Dance at the city festival. You'll have an encounter at the end which will cause Euna to promote.
Next tier: promiscuous
Reaching promiscuous
This is the 4th tier of General Promiscuity. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be lewd.
Accomplish at least 5 of the following experiences.
- At the Siren's Bounty
- Have the wench whitecap Euna. Euna must be lewd.
- Have Euna "go farther" after a full monty performance. She may have to put on a topless performance first.
- At the slums
- When flirting your way into the city, the guards will raise the stakes. Next time either suck them off together or put Euna on display. This option won't show up until after a couple passes. You'll be able to do at least one of those depending on who you are as a Fool.
- Let the blind man feel Euna's face, and then tell Euna to let him feel even more.
- Go dancing at the festival and pass her off to other dance partners.
- Ask Fira to give Euna instructions on blow jobs.
- Visit Lanx. Offer to stick around.
To promote
When helping Lanx with cleaning, go with Fira and leave him alone with her. OR attend the festival. Euna will meet a man she's fancies. Encourage her to hook up.
Alternatively, you can trick Euna like you trick the sorceress.
Next tier: whorish
Reaching whorish
This is the 5th tier of General Promiscuity. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be promiscuous.
Accomplish at least 5 of the following experiences.
- At the Siren's Bounty
- After a lewd performance, a man will offer coins if Euna comes over. Accept.
- After you've accepted coins from that man, perform another day, and have Euna focus on "working the crowd".
- Euna must bribe someone with a sexual favor (not just a grope or a flash). This could be with the guards at the city gate, the merchant at the docks, or other people.
- At the city feast, ask Shirina about how much of a bother it is humoring the people, then offer Euna to take her place.
To promote
Peform and work the crowd. Someone will offer to pay Euna for sex. Accept. Later, whore Euna at the docks. (If you said no to that man, keep returning. He'll show up again every five days.)
Once Euna has the requisite experience, a man will be outside the Siren's Bounty who prepositions to hire her as a prostitute. Respond to him. The rest is straight forward.
Alternatively, you can trick Euna like you trick the sorceress.
Next tier: insatiable
Reaching insatiable
This is the 6th tier of General Promiscuity. Before you can start unlocking this, Euna must first be whorish.
Accomplish at least 5 of the following experiences.
- At the slums, criticize Euna for still being wary of the vagrants, than encourage her to break her habit.
- After having her drink at the festival, have men molest her in her sleep at the temple, and then tell her about it in the morning.
- Whore Euna out at least five times. This will start a discussion about how she shouldn't be picky.
- Whore Euna out 20 times. An event will occur.
To promote
If you whore Euna for long enough (40 times), eventually local prostitutes will take issue with you stealing their johns, and they'll shake you down for money.
After you have completed the quest line with the sorceress, and you have the requisite experience, you can have Euna challenge the prostitutes. This arc will lead to her promotion.
Alternatively, you can trick Euna like you trick the sorceress. Or maybe even convince her if she has enough experience.